Well      04/08/2019

Mineral fertilizers: classification, particular types, which, when and for what is better? Mineral fertilizers: types, properties, application

Large agricultural firms and summer residents dream of getting a rich harvest on their plots. For the former, there is no question whether chemical fertilizers are needed, and amateur gardeners often prefer to do without them. Is it correct? Is it necessary to carry out mineral supplements? Is there any harm to fertilizers (fertilizers)? It's good to know the answers to these questions.

What are mineral fertilizers

Summer residents, fearing chemistry, prefer to feed plants with organic fertilizers, without thinking that they contain a small amount of useful components. Vegetables, berries, shrubs for proper growth and yield should receive a lot of different elements. Often nutrition is not enough due to the characteristics of the soil:

  • clay - iron, manganese;
  • peat bogs - copper;
  • sour, swampy - zinc;
  • sandstones have a lack of magnesium, potassium, nitrogen.

Plants signal their problems by changing the color of the leaves, the size and shape of the fruit. The task of a person is to make timely feeding. Mineral fertilizers These are chemical compounds of inorganic origin. They have one main component or several. Useful substances, being in the form of mineral salts, help:

  • increase in yield;
  • plant strengthening;
  • pest protection;
  • stimulation of growth and nutrition;
  • improving the quality of fruits;
  • soil restoration;
  • weed protection;
  • strengthening plant immunity.

Types of mineral fertilizers

Fertilizer mixture is used for intensive farming in reputable firms, summer cottages. What is mineral fertilizers? It is important to know the characteristics of the different categories. There are different types of fertilizers and their classification:

  • Simple or one-sided, containing a single substance. These include phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen fertilizers.
  • Complex mineral - include several active substances that simultaneously affect the soil and plants.
  • Microfertilizers with complex composition trace elements - molybdenum, calcium, iodine, manganese.


The use of mineral fertilizers with high content nitrogen helps the development of the stem and leaves of the plant, which is necessary in spring period. Good solubility allows for their liquid, solid use. Nitrogen mineral fertilizers are classified:

  • Nitrate - calcium, sodium nitrate, suitable for acidic soil, recommended for plants with a short ripening period - radish, lettuce. In excess, it is harmful - it accumulates in fruits.
  • Ammonium - ammonium sulfate - requires autumn application. Onions, tomatoes, cucumbers respond well to it.

The following types of fertilizers are used by large manufacturers and private traders:

  • Amide - urea - has the highest concentration of nitrogen, promotes big harvest. It requires application to the ground, it is useful for tomatoes when setting, growing.
  • Ammonium nitrate - ammonium nitrate - when combined with potassium, phosphorus, the yield of grain crops, beets, and potatoes increases.


To increase disease resistance, improve taste, and increase the keeping quality of fruits, potassium cannot be dispensed with. Popular types of potash fertilizers:

  • Potassium chloride is a natural raw material extracted from ore. Contains chlorine, which is harmful to some plants. To avoid bad influence, fertilization should be carried out in the fall. It works well on beets, barley, potatoes, buckwheat.

Together with trace elements, phosphorus and nitrogen, potassium increases plant productivity. Distribution received fertilizers:

  • Potassium salt - has a high concentration of potassium, is applied in the fall. Promotes the growth of potatoes, grain crops.
  • Potassium nitrate - contains nitrogen, is useful in setting and ripening fruits.
  • Potassium sulphate is used for fertilizing all crops, applied to the soil when growing root crops.


Phosphorus is needed to nourish berry bushes and trees. Its use accelerates fruit set, increases resistance to frost in winter. Effective top dressing with phosphorus fertilizers:

  • Simple superphosphate - fall asleep in the ground, apply during the flowering period. Ideal fertilizer for flowers.
  • Phosphorite flour - requires acidic soil for action. Suitable for cereals and vegetables. It can provide the plant with phosphorus for many years.
  • Double superphosphate used for berry bushes, brought in autumn under flowers for better wintering.


In the classification of mineral fertilizers for plant nutrition, there is a group with microelements. Molybdenum, copper or manganese are often absent in the soil. You can make up for the deficiency of iron or zinc by treating the seed material with mineral microfertilizers, while observing the norm. When using them, the root system actively develops, protection against diseases increases, and growth accelerates.

Types of microfertilizers are classified according to the active substance:

  • complex - contain several elements - increase productivity, fight pests - "Master", "Sizam", "Oracle";
  • copper - for wetlands - blue vitriol, pyrite;
  • boric - tend to activate the growth of young plants - borax, boric acid;
  • molybdenum - for forest soils - ammonium molybdic acid.

Complex mineral fertilizers

This group of mineral fats includes multilateral preparations that contain several active ingredients. Complex mineral fertilizer solves various problems - increases yield, counteracts weeds, pests, improves the quality of flowers. This group includes:

  • Ammophos is a nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer. Suitable for vegetable, berry crops, especially good for flowers - they begin to grow violently, lush bloom.
  • Diammofoska - contains the main substances - potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and trace elements. Fertilizer helps control pests, is used for all plants.

Large agricultural firms apply to the soil complex fertilizers using a fertilizer seeder, as in the photo. Summer residents scatter them in spring or autumn, depending on the type of soil. Popular mineral complexes:

  • Nitroammophoska. Suitable for any plants and soils - they are applied to clay soils in the fall, to sandy soils - in the spring, before plowing.
  • Nitrophoska. Excellent for tomatoes, improving their taste, increasing their size. Apply in spring and during the growing season. Cucumbers are not affected by diseases.

Application of mineral fertilizers

An experienced gardener will determine by the appearance of the plant what substances it lacks. What mineral fertilizers are needed and their use on the site:

  • with a nitrogen deficiency, growth is slowed down, the lower leaves die off, dry up;
  • lack of phosphorus is manifested by their reddish, grayish color;
  • lack of potassium reduces the germination of seeds, increases susceptibility to diseases, the lower leaves at the edges begin to turn yellow, turn brown, die off;
  • in the absence of zinc, a small rosette forms in apple trees;
  • Magnesium deficiency is marked by pale green.

Nutrient fats are used by introducing into the soil when digging, by watering dissolved preparations. When using mineral compounds, fertilizer groups must not be mixed:

  • urea with lime, simple superphosphate, manure, ammonium nitrate;
  • ammonium sulfate with dolomite, chalk;
  • simple superphosphate with lime, ammonium nitrate, urea;
  • potassium salt with dolomite, chalk.

Before you start feeding plants and soil, you need to understand the rules for using fertilizers. There are ways to apply mineral fertilizers, depending on the composition:

  • Nitrogen is embedded in the soil in the spring, when digging, it has the ability to evaporate. When used in autumn useful material washed away with the rain.
  • Ammonium nitrate is scattered over the snow, which the granules melt, making their way to the soil.

Other active mineral components have their own characteristics when making:

  • Potassium is buried in the ground in spring and autumn. Potassium chloride is preferable to apply at the end of summer, so that the chlorine disappears.
  • Phosphorus can be applied at any time. It should be borne in mind that it is poorly soluble in water, it can reach the roots after 2 months. It is preferable to fertilize in late summer to strengthen the plants for the winter season.

Dose calculation

Specialists of large agricultural firms calculate the doses of fertilizers depending on the type of soil separately for each crop. At the same time, the standard for the use of mineral fertilizers per hectare of land is taken into account. It is important to know the content of the active substance in the composition. Summer residents can use the application rates of mineral fertilizers in grams per square meter:

  • ammonium nitrate - 15-25;
  • superphosphate - 40-60;
  • potassium chloride - 15-20;
  • nitroammophoska - 70-80.

Choice of fertilizers

Winter is the time to prepare for the new season. Any specialized store can offer a variety of plant preparations. In order to choose the right mineral fertilizers, it is necessary to take into account the tasks to be solved with their help, to provide for a number of factors:

  • desired impact;
  • seasonality of application;
  • release form and volume;
  • manufacturer's firm.


According to their influence, fertilizers are divided as follows:

  • Soil restoration. "Kemira Lux" - promotes growth in climate change. Plus - excellent quality, minus - strong deoxidation of the soil.
  • Pest protection. "GUMATEM" - increases the yield due to their absence. Plus - the neutralization of the action of pesticides. The disadvantage is the need for strict adherence to the dose.

According to the effect, the following fertilizers are distinguished:

  • Growth stimulation. "Emiks" - increases productivity, immunity. Plus - high concentration, you need a small amount. The disadvantage is that it takes time to cook.
  • Weed protection. Etisso - gives an excellent effect for lawn grass. Plus - affects plants through leaves and roots. Minus - valid for the next year.
  • Immunity boost. Nitroammophoska - suitable for all cultures. Plus - easy dissolution in water. The disadvantage is a short shelf life.


When choosing mineral fertilizers, you need to pay attention to seasonality:

  • Spring is the time for nitrogen fertilizers. Urea - promotes the growth of stems, leaves. Plus - well absorbed by plants. Minus - in case of an overdose, small fruits, a set of green mass.
  • Summer requires phosphate fertilizers. Superphosphate - contributes to the formation of fruits. Plus - meets the need for a particular substance. Minus - the lack of trace elements.

Focusing on seasonality, you need to consider:

  • In winter, plants do not feed, autumn fertilizers are used to prepare them for the cold season. Potassium sulphate - has a strengthening effect, helps to endure frosts. Plus - well absorbed, disadvantage - not suitable for all soils.
  • All-weather fertilizers. Fertika is a complex preparation. Plus - contains many useful active ingredients. Minus - additional trace elements are needed.

Release form

In appearance, mineral fertilizers are divided into 3 groups:

  • Granules. Superphosphate - applied to the soil during digging, used in dissolved form. Plus - ease of use. Minus - it takes a long time to dissolve.
  • Liquid. Carbide-ammonia mixture - used for irrigation. Plus - high concentration, minus - it is necessary to comply with the norms when feeding.
  • Powder. Magnesium lime - is introduced into the soil when digging. Plus, it absorbs quickly. The disadvantage is that it is poorly stored, caked.

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Modern agriculture actively uses all the developments of the chemical industry to achieve good harvests. Fertilizers (litter, ash) were used by the first tillers of the land, and today there are various formulations fertilizers for fields, orchards and orchards of different soils and all kinds of climatic conditions.

IN agriculture allocate simple and complex fertilizers. Simple ones contain 1 active element, and multi-component additives are called complex.

Complex additives are divided into:

  1. By composition - double (nitrogen-potassium, nitrogen-phosphorus), triple (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium).
  2. According to the mixing method - complex, mixed and combined (complex mixed).

Complex fertilizers are liquid and solid fertilizers, including a mineral complex. The main properties of complex fertilizers are distinguished:

  • a chemical compound includes 2 or 3 elements;
  • consists of identical granules and molecules;
  • produced by processing the primary component or less complex fertilizers;
  • have low or high hygroscopicity;
  • well or poorly soluble in water.

Such fertilizers are, in fact, salts, in which the proportion of the content of elements depends on the needs of a particular plant and is regulated by mixing with simple fertilizers.

If potassium nitrate consists of 46% potassium, 13% nitrogen, then nitrogen or any phosphorus must be added to their composition.

The dose that must be applied to the soil for top dressing depends on the concentration of the main component. The more it is, the less it needs to be applied. When complex fertilizers are applied, the components are evenly distributed in the soil and reduce costs by 15%.

Types of complex fertilizers and their composition

Compound fertilizer usually includes 4 main components in different combinations: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium. And they differ in the ratio and type of bonds on which hygroscopicity and water solubility depend. Why is it necessary to use these components in the soil?

Nitrogen. This substance is important for absorption sunlight and energy through photosynthesis. Nitrogen is part of the chlorophyll involved in this process, as well as nitrogen is a constituent of lipoids, alkaloids and other substances important for plants. Nitrogen - for rapid growth.

Phosphorus. One of the 3 most needed by plants components. Phosphorus controls metabolic processes inside plants, is a source of energy for cells. This element is included in the structure of RNA and DNA, which are responsible for the transfer of genetic information. Thanks to phosphorus, the proper development of the plant, growth, fruiting occurs. The lack of phosphorus leads to the cessation of growth and development of the seed chambers - the plant does not bear fruit, changes color, shape, leaves begin to die. An acute shortage can even lead to the death of the roots, including those of trees, until they fall.

Potassium. The organic composition of the soil does not contain potassium, although it is necessary for the yield and endurance of plants, which is why it is used as a fertilizer. Increased resistance of plants to drought, low temperatures. Potassium affects the growth and formation of fruits. A lack of potassium leads to darkening of the leaves, lethargy and weakness of the buds and inflorescences. More than others, sunflower, buckwheat, beets, potatoes, wheat and other grains need fertilizers rich in potassium.

Magnesium. This element, like nitrogen, is included in the structure of chlorophyll and carries out the main organic processes of the plant. Magnesium also facilitates the absorption of phosphorus. Magnesium carries out carbohydrate metabolism in tubers, roots, seeds, fruits. With a lack of magnesium, wilting and dying off of unripe fruits can be observed.

The combination and use of the main components for soil in fertilizers:

  • Ammophos. It consists of nitrogen with phosphorus, which are highly soluble in water, such are its properties. It is applied when sowing all types of crops and as top dressing for vegetable, field and other crops.
  • Diammophos. Also contains nitrogen and phosphorus. It is used as ammophos, and in animal husbandry as a feed additive.
  • Diammofoska. In addition to nitrogen and phosphorus, potassium is also present. Shows good properties on all types of soils and crops.
  • Magnesium ammonium phosphate. Magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus. The drug is poorly soluble in water. Applicable to all cultures, large doses are possible, harmless. Effective in sandy lands, for potatoes, root crops with abundant watering.
  • Nitrofos or nitrophoska. Nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. Slightly soluble in water. Ineffective as an ordinary top dressing.
  • Nitroammophos. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. It dissolves quite well. Valuable general purpose supplement.
  • Sulfoammophos. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. The additive is actively used.
  • Potassium nitrate. A popular nitrogen and potassium fertilizer. Gives effective nourishment to plants. Found in natural form. It is applicable in vegetable growing and in cultivation of the cultures sensitive to the content of chlorine.
  • ammonium metaphosphate. Also includes phosphorus, nitrogen. It is introduced as the main effective fertilizer for acidic soil.
  • Carboamophos and carboamophoska. High saturation with nitrogen and phosphorus. Due to the gaseous combination of nitrogen, nitrogen loss is possible, therefore a quick turning into the soil is necessary.
  • Superfoska. The combination of phosphorus and potassium. Can be a basic fertilizer.
  • potassium metaphosphate. Phosphorus, potassium in it are highly soluble in the soil. Good physical characteristics and application.

For high yields and proper development, plants require air, light, heat, water, as well as nutrients. The creation of these conditions in the field or garden guarantees success in growing crops and high yield. The soil that accepts the seed of a plant cannot provide it with all the necessary substances in the right amount, so the use of fertilizers is necessary.

Complex fertilizers solve the problem of mutual digestibility of various elements, increase the useful properties of the components, reduce consumption and labor costs for tillage.

The centuries-old practice of using fertilizers has proven their beneficial effect on the soil, improving palatability harvest and restoration in the soil of an environment favorable for plant growth. Many centuries ago, the only fertilizer was manure, which is still successfully used in the agricultural sector today. But technology has stepped forward and now different kinds available in assortment. Consider the classification of fertilizers, recommendations for their use.

All fertilizers, according to differences in their origin, are divided into the following groups:

  • mineral;
  • organic.

Organic and mineral groups of fertilizers each have their own subgroups and are divided according to the composition of active substances.

All fertilizers can be divided into 2 groups - organic and mineral

Classification of mineral fertilizers, their application

Mineral fertilizers are products industrial production. Such fertilizers do not contain a carbon base and are chemical components of an inorganic nature. Fertilizers of this type contain mineral compounds: salts, acids, oxides and others.

Mineral fertilizers as a type are divided into:

  • phosphoric;
  • nitrogen;
  • potassium;
  • microfertilizers;
  • complex fertilizers.

They assist in the assimilation of carbon dioxide by plants and in the movement of hydrocarbons, increase the resistance of crops to frost and drought. Common potash fertilizers are potassium chloride and potassium sulfate, potassium salt. Potassium sulphate does not contain magnesium, sodium, chlorine harmful to plants. Potassium chloride is added to the soil in the fall during digging. Potassium sulfate is ideal for fertilizing cucumbers. Potassium salt is an excellent top dressing for all varieties of berry crops; it is added to the soil before autumn plowing.

Potash fertilizers improve the quality and taste characteristics of horticultural crops

They are offered by the manufacturer in three subspecies: ammonia (in the form of ammonium sulfate), amide (), nitrate (ammonium nitrate). Nitrogen fertilizers are endowed excellent property- quickly dissolve in liquids. Distinctive feature ammonium nitrate was its ability to favorably affect the soil that was not yet sufficiently warmed by the sun. Nitrogen fertilizers are able to quickly release the necessary amount of nitrogen for further crop germination and at the same time retain beneficial properties due to interaction with oxygen in the air. Therefore, such fertilizers are applied to the soil at the end of winter or in early spring.

Nitrogen fertilizers increase crop yields

Attention! With an increase in air temperature, amide nitrogen very quickly turns into ammonia.

Often used because of their favorable effect on the resistance of crops to drought and frost. Due to the low mobility of phosphorus, fertilizers are applied deep enough into the soil. Fertilizers of this group are divided into the following subgroups: water-soluble (simple and double superphosphate - for soils with a pronounced phosphorus deficiency), semi-soluble (precipitate), sparingly soluble (phosphate rock - for the resistance of plants on acidic soils to negative changes). Semi-soluble and sparingly soluble phosphate fertilizers are practically insoluble in water, but can dissolve in weak acids. Related to this is their main use for the enrichment of acidic soils. Water-soluble phosphorus fertilizers can be applied to soils of any kind.

Phosphate fertilizers have a positive effect on the development and fruiting of plants

Advice. Water-soluble phosphate fertilizers do not need to be planted deep into the soil, and sometimes it is even harmful, as it can lead to a decrease in the absorption of fertilizer by plants.

Microfertilizers- This is a type of mineral fertilizer in which there are necessary trace elements. Boron, cobalt, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, copper, and fertilizers containing iodine are widely used. The use of phosphorus, potash and nitrogen fertilizers, unfortunately, does not always give the desired result due to the lack of chemical elements in soils that are contained in living organisms in low concentrations and are necessary for life support. Therefore, it is so important to replenish the reserves of microelements in the soil.

Complex fertilizers maintain soil fertility and strengthen plant immunity

Mineral complex fertilizers contain a list of useful components that maintain soil fertility and strengthen plant immunity. To increase fertility and improve palatability, the use of fertilizers of only one type is not enough. To do this, manufacturers offer to choose the optimal composition that will work as safely and efficiently as possible on a particular soil and for a particular type of plant. Complex mineral fertilizers are (equal parts of nitrogen and phosphorus), nitrophoska (sodium, phosphorus, potassium), ammophos (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus), diammophos (potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, additional elements to feed the flora).

Classification of organic fertilizers, their application

organic fertilizers- These are fertilizers that are obtained in the process of natural natural processing of organic matter. This type of fertilizer contains a huge concentration of nutrients.

- the most affordable and popular fertilizer of organic origin. Efficiency tested for centuries. Solid and liquid excretions of livestock normalize the water regime of the soil and restore the lost soil fertility. Manure is diluted with water and fertilized plants during the growing season.

Compost is a source of beneficial trace elements for plants

- the result of the decomposition of organic debris (leaves, husks, fish bones, meat, etc.)

Advice. Prefabricated compost can be prepared at home using vegetable and potato tops, fallen leaves, weeds, weeded or mowed before the seeds ripen, and household organic garbage.

Humus is a decomposition product of manure. It has the highest concentration of organic substances useful for the soil and has the highest fertilizing properties and performance. humus is universal remedy and is used to fertilize all crops.

Poultry manure can be purchased in granules, it has a positive effect on crop yields

- bird waste. Suitable for any type of soil and has a colossal concentration of substances necessary for good yields. This type of fertilizer is more endowed useful properties than animal manure. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce it into the soil in smaller quantities.

Peat- compressed and rotted remains of animals and plants, maximally saturated with nitrogen. Used for soil enrichment and plant fertilization. Peat is often used to make compotes or loosening material. Peat is introduced into the soil during spring digging.

Peat is best used in combination with other fertilizers, it enhances their effect on plants.

With a lack of one or another element in the soil, plants begin to develop worse, suffer from diseases and pest attacks. For crops growing in poor soils, as well as plants that do not have a growing climate, top dressing is especially necessary. Without additional efforts of the gardener, the flowers lose their decorative effect, the harvest turns out to be frail and tasteless. Organic and mineral fertilizers in this case will only benefit summer residents.

Starting the feeding procedure, the gardener involuntarily thinks: what is the difference between organic and mineral fertilizers, which one is the most effective. In order not to harm the plants, you need to know what elements are required for planting during the season. Horticultural crops need:

Plants need to be fed wisely. Each type requires a strictly defined dosage and type of application (under the root or by spraying). Both deficiency and excess lead to disastrous results: crops stretch out, bear fruit worse, or wither away. Incorrectly selected composition of top dressing affects the quality and taste of the crop.

Organics: types, pros and cons of application

The waste products of some living organisms mixed with plant residues are organic fertilizers. Their types and characteristics must be studied before use, as there is an erroneous opinion that natural fertilizer cannot harm plantings. It is worth noting right away that improper use of organic matter can harm no worse than mineral preparations.

Significant advantage of organic:

  • works for a long time;
  • is always a complex remedy, contains more nutrients than mineral mixtures;
  • improves and restores soil composition.

The disadvantages include slow action, the need to apply large volumes and the inability to fertilize. separate elements. There is also no exact dosage, unlike mineral complexes.

Types of organic fertilizers that summer residents use most often:

  • manure,
  • liquid mullein,
  • peat,
  • sawdust and ash,
  • bird droppings,
  • green manure.

Manure in competition with mullein

The most popular organic remedy is manure. It is the feces of livestock. The use of manure is possible in several forms: fresh, semi-rotted and rotted. The final stage of processing is called humus. The higher the stage of processing, the less the volume of manure, but the better the absorption of nutrients. The properties of top dressing depend on the source material.

Cow dung is more suitable for light soils, goat, sheep and horse dung are more suitable for heavy soils.

Fresh manure is applied only in autumn, then the soil is plowed up. Humus is added to landing pits in spring, up to 10 kg per tree. If the site has acidic soils, then it is not recommended to get involved in the introduction of cow manure, as it will aggravate the situation. It is changed to horse (5 kg per 1 m²) or added in limited quantities along with lime. For example, horse is better suited for, when using a chicken solution, it is diluted with more water.

Liquid organic substance - mullein. It is made from cow dung and water. A bucket of water is required for 1 liter of mullein. Mullein, unlike slurry, is a fermented mass with bubbles on the surface. Infuse the mass in a closed container for 2 weeks, stirring daily. After 7 days, it brightens, and large particles sink to the bottom. Before use, the composition is diluted with water 1:10. To enrich the solution with phosphorus and potassium, add:

  • 100 g of superphosphate;
  • 0.5 kg of ash, insist an hour.

Crops that abundantly consume nutrients from the soil react positively to mullein. These include tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, bulbs, cucumbers, etc. For example, for onions, mullein will be effective in May, June, when foliage is growing. For 1 m² of beds, 2-3 liters are enough. Cabbage is more voracious, 0.5-1 l is required per bush.

Feed with organic solution fruit trees and shrubs should be in the spring, as at this time they are actively growing. Mullein is bred in a ratio of 1:5. For an adult tree, 2-3 buckets are required, for a young one - 1 bucket. Sharing or interleaving is recommended, which can be found in previous articles.

Wood chips and ash

Wood sawdust is used in most cases to loosen the soil. Due to the increased acidity, they are mixed with lime, complex or nitrogen fertilizers. Fresh sawdust cannot be used, since when decomposed, numerous colonies of microorganisms and bacteria appear in their grains, taking away useful elements from plants for their life activity.

It is more reasonable to use fresh sawdust for mulching until the first decade of July, when moisture intensively evaporates from the soil surface. Then by autumn, due to the activity of worms and loosening, it will be significantly crushed. Wood residues are ideal for compost pits. They rot in a year, enriching the compost with nutrients.

Wood ash is used by summer residents everywhere. It contains in its composition more than 30 elements, and nitrogen is not among them. Apply it in the form of liquid top dressing and dry:

  1. A solution for feeding flower beds, shrubs, beds is prepared at the height of the season from a bucket of water and 2 cups of a powdered product.
  2. Dry top dressing is usually applied to planting pits and holes. For most crops, ¾ cup per 1 m² is required. Moreover, during the rainy season, it makes no sense to add powder to the sandy soil, it will all be washed out with water.

For best performance, you need to use wood ash in company with humus and peat. It is impossible to add fresh bird droppings and manure, as nitrogen will turn into ammonia and burn the root system.

Peat in the company of green manure

IN different types peat content of trace elements is different. Low-lying peat, high-moor and transitional peat stand out. The lowland species is more nutritious. Peat is mainly used as mulch to improve soil properties. If it is decided to take it as the main organic additive, then the prepared mass will have to be patched up on the bayonet of a shovel. An essential feature of this type of organic matter is the tendency to change the acidity of the soil, therefore lime is additionally used, dolomite flour or ash (1 kg per 10 kg of peat).

Green manures are beneficial for improving soil composition in large areas. With the help of such crops, summer residents reduce the number of weeds, attract worms. auspicious time cuttings of grown crops are recognized as the period before the formation of buds.

Popular with experienced gardeners and nettle infusion:

  1. The collected raw materials are poured with water and infused for several days.
  2. For irrigation use a solution at a concentration of 1:10.

If there is no time for frills, then it is worth purchasing complex organic preparations, for example, Biohumus. Such products are designed for both plant nutrition and soil improvement. They are easy to use as they come with instructions.

Benefits and rules for applying mineral fertilizers

Such fertilizers are specially mined or obtained chemically. They are based on metals and their salts, oxides and acids. Significant advantages include:

  • act faster;
  • all mineral salts are contained in the form in which they are consumed by plants;
  • are sold in convenient packages and dosages;
  • affordable price;
  • are concentrated (with inept use, this property can become a disadvantage);
  • you can choose compositions with special parameters for each culture.

Video about the use of different dressings on the site.

The disadvantage of mineral preparations is that they are dangerous in case of overdose. Too concentrated liquid can burn the root system. Oversalted soil will block the flow of new nutrients.

The rules for fertilizing with mineral fertilizers are written on the packages. Some gardeners prefer to reduce the concentration by 2 times in order to minimize the risk of overdose.

Solid and liquid mineral fertilizers are popular:

  1. Ammonium nitrate contains nitrogen (up to 34.5%), chalk, phosphate rock, gypsum and ground limestone. Saltpeter is especially effective for potatoes. Its introduction increases productivity by 40-60%. Pre-sowing application rate - 10-20 g / m 2. For foliar liquid fertilizer a solution is prepared from 50 g of saltpeter per 100 liters of water. The amount of the finished mixture is calculated per 100 m 2.
  2. Urea is a concentrated nitrogen fertilizer. The drug is applied to the soil to the depth of root germination. Urea is suitable for most garden plantings. Application rate for vegetables: up to 12 g / m 2 with direct application, for the preparation of a solution - 50-60 g per 10 liters.
  3. Potassium sulfate, or potassium sulfate, contains up to 46% of this element. Especially useful for gourds. In the spring, when digging, it is applied in the amount of 30 g / m 2, 10 g / m 2 is enough for top dressing at the root.
  4. Superphosphate is a phosphate fertilizer. Useful for flowering plants applied during growth. Affects the duration and beauty of flowering. For 1 ha, the norm is 50 kg.
  5. Nitroammophoska - phosphorus-nitrogen composition, successfully used for vegetable crops. Indispensable for clay soils, added to sandy soils in spring.

Organic or mineral: how to choose?

Based on the data presented, it can be concluded that the differences between the two types of fertilizers are significant. The main advantage of organics is its long and complex action, which can last up to several years. Mineral complexes give a more tangible result, but the effect does not always last long. Organic matter improves the composition of the soil, makes it loose and moist, which also has a positive effect on crop growth. The advantage of mineral complexes is their availability and ease of use.

It cannot be said that a certain type of feeding can replace others. For an excellent result, gardeners are not limited to one type of fertilizer, but alternate organics with mineral compounds.