Mixer      24.02.2019

Development and examination of the declaration of industrial safety of a hazardous facility. Declaration of industrial safety

Declaration industrial safety

Among the organizational and economic mechanisms for reducing the risks of man-made emergencies in the system of state regulation in the field of industrial safety, a certain place is occupied by the procedure for declaring safety. industrial facilities. Safety declarations as a form of presenting information about the state of safety at economic facilities arose in developed countries. In the European Union, the need for the submission of such declarations by the owners of hazardous industrial facilities is enshrined in law.

The meaning of declaring safety in these countries is to force the enterprise (dangerous industrial facility) to assess the hazards and inform the competent authorities about these hazards. At the same time, the European declaration includes:
- information about the facility and processes on it in order to determine the nature and extent of use hazardous substances;
- a list of measures aimed at the safe operation of the facility and control over deviations from normal operation;
- identification of the type of possible accident, assessment of its probability and possible consequences;
instructions in case of an emergency at the facility.

A similar large-scale measure of an organizational and economic nature is being carried out in Russian Federation in accordance with federal laws "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous production facilities" and "On the safety of hydraulic structures." The specific procedure for this event is determined by the "Regulations on the declaration of safety industrial facility Russian Federation", which was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 1, 1995 No. 675.

Declaration of safety is carried out in order to regulate and control the safety of industrial facilities, assess the sufficiency and effectiveness of measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies at them, as well as improve the safety of the population, personnel and reduce the risk of industrial accidents.

Declaration is especially relevant for hazardous production facilities, the very activity of which is associated with hazardous processes and substances. Declaration contributes to the implementation of an effective system for predicting emergency situations and trouble-free operation of the facility.
The declaration system is of particular importance in connection with the transition to new business conditions, changes in ownership, weakening of state regulation of the market economy, priorities given to economic indicators of economic activity over safety indicators.

In general terms, declaration is an expression of a responsible attitude to ensuring the safety of industrial facilities in the form of an officially issued statement.

The list of objects subject to safety declaration is determined by the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor) and the Russian Emergencies Ministry. This list includes industrial facilities that include hazardous industries, as well as hydraulic structures, tailings and sludge reservoirs, where hydrodynamic accidents are possible. The Federal Law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" defines the maximum quantities of hazardous substances, the presence of which at the facility is the basis for the mandatory development of an industrial safety declaration.
The list of information contained in the declaration and the procedure for its execution are determined by the federal executive body specially authorized in the field of industrial safety.

The safety declaration of a hazardous production facility is a document that presents the results of:
- a comprehensive assessment of the possibility of an accident and the associated threat to personnel and the population of adjacent territories;
- analysis of the sufficiency of the measures taken to prevent accidents and to ensure the readiness of the organization for the operation of a hazardous production facility in accordance with the requirements of the norms and rules of industrial safety, as well as for the localization and elimination of the consequences of an accident at the facility;
- measures aimed at reducing possible negative consequences in the event of an accident at the facility.

In accordance with the mentioned Law "On Industrial Safety" and the Government Decree, regulatory documents have been developed that define the requirements for submitting an industrial safety declaration, the terms for developing an industrial safety declaration, as well as the regulation on the procedure for its execution and the list of information contained in it, the rules for the examination of the declaration industrial safety and the procedure for approving the conclusion of the industrial safety expertise. The procedure for the development of the declaration is determined by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia together with Rostekhnadzor in agreement with other interested ministries and departments of the Russian Federation.
The list of information contained in the declaration is determined by the federal executive body specially authorized in the field of industrial safety.

The declaration must include:
- information about the object (purpose, functional tasks, hazardous technologies and production, location, size and boundaries, presence and boundaries of prohibited and sanitary protection zones, etc.);
a list of hazardous industries and a description of the main technologies;
- safety analysis of the facility, including analysis of hazards, conditions and possible scenarios for the occurrence and development of accidents, assessment of the probability of their occurrence;
- a description of the system of appropriate and sufficient measures and actions to ensure the readiness of an industrial facility for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations, including issues of warning about dangers, protection of the population and medical support;
- information about the reserves of financial and material resources to ensure security;
the procedure for informing the population and local authorities about emergency situations that are predicted and that have arisen at an industrial facility.

The declaration of industrial safety is developed as part of the design documentation for the construction, expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of a hazardous production facility. The declaration is developed or specified in case of applying for a license to operate the facility, changing the information contained in the declaration, or in case of changing industrial safety requirements. The revision of the declaration in order to take into account changes in the regulatory legal framework and conditions for ensuring the safety of an industrial facility is provided for at least once every 5 years.

The declaration is developed by the organization that has hazardous production itself, or by an organization that has a license to conduct a safety review industrial productions, but is approved by the customer of the industrial facility project or the head of the organization that owns the existing industrial facility. The head is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in the declaration. The declaration is undergoing an industrial safety review.
The approved declaration, together with an expert opinion, is submitted to the relevant ministry, the main department (department) of the Civil Defense and Emergency Ministry, the regional body of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, the service itself, the EMERCOM of Russia and the local government on whose territory the declared industrial facility is located. Control over the timeliness of the submission of industrial safety declarations by organizations is entrusted to the aforementioned Federal Service.

The industrial safety declaration is specified or developed in case of applying for a license to operate a hazardous production facility, changing the information contained in the industrial safety declaration, or in case of changing industrial safety requirements.

The circumstances that have developed in recent years have required new information to be reflected in the declaration, including the implementation of specific measures to reduce the degree of danger of emergencies, prevent outside interference in the operation of a hazardous production facility, as well as to counter possible terrorist acts. Based on the calculations, reasonable requirements for the volume of reserves of financial and material resources at an industrial facility are formulated. The requirements for assessing the probability (or frequency) of emergencies and their sources, the implementation of which is associated with the release of hazardous substances that can create zones of destruction outside the territory of the facility with harm to life, human health and the environment, have also been determined, calculations have been made to assess the probability of damage population with the determination of the maximum possible number of victims.
In modern declarations, it is required to clearly and specifically define the requirements that characterize the readiness of an object for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations. A special section of the declaration is devoted to this, in which answers should be given to questions characterizing:
- validity decisions taken on the concentration of large volumes of explosive and toxic substances on production areas, the placement of hazardous facilities relative to settlements and other places of concentration of people;
- ongoing measures to reduce the main energy parameters of hazardous processes in order to reduce the volume of possible emissions of hazardous substances;
- technical solutions for the possible replacement of hazardous substances with less hazardous ones;
- measures taken to reduce the use of hazardous substances in production processes;
- technical solutions for the operational localization of emissions into the atmosphere of explosive and flammable products and the prevention of the development of an accident, the release of technological systems from hazardous substances in emergency situations;
- availability of systems for detecting leaks of hazardous products and alerting personnel and the public;
availability, location and reliability of backup sources of electricity, heat, gas and water supply, as well as communication systems;
- readiness of forces and means for localization and liquidation of possible emergencies, possible measures in case of evacuation of personnel.

It has already been mentioned that declarations may be subject to examination. The rules for the examination of an industrial safety declaration prescribe the approval of the conclusion of an industrial safety declaration. This procedure is carried out by the apparatus of Rostekhnadzor, taking into account the conclusion of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for cases where the ratio of the amount of a hazardous substance at the declared facility to the maximum allowable amount of this substance is more than 10. If the ratio is less than 10 from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the conclusion is given by the authority for civil defense and emergency situations of the subject Russian Federation, on whose territory the industrial facility is located.

Declaration of industrial safety is constantly being improved. In addition to those noted above, criteria have been developed for the mandatory declaration of objects with quantities of hazardous products that are less than threshold values, but that pose a threat to the population and territory.

The procedure for declaring safety becomes a mechanism for predicting the socio-economic consequences of emergencies, an important lever of influence on the safe development of the economy, and helps to ensure an objective justification of the amount of the budget allocated to finance measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies. Currently, one of the most important tasks of declaring industrial safety is also the transition to an acceptable risk system, the creation of an operating economic mechanism that forms the regulatory basis for financial support for man-made and natural risk management measures. The declaration of industrial safety, along with the legal and organizational mechanism for its regulation, is also an economic lever for ensuring safe production. The picture of the state of security of an economic object created by the declaration is the source material for planning security measures and the costs of these measures. In addition, the probability of accidents estimated in the declaration and, as a result, the amount of damage from them, although indirect, are still pressure factors on owners that encourage them to take measures to prevent accidents and damages.

Preliminary determination of the necessary measures to ensure the technogenic safety of a particular object of the economy makes it possible to estimate in advance the expected cost of these measures, to identify sources of obtaining material and financial resources. And, of course, the declared information is an incentive for owners and the basis for concluding insurance contracts.
A very important value of industrial safety declaration is the fact that it serves as a prerequisite for obtaining a license to carry out activities related to increased production safety.

Declaration of industrial safety- a mandatory document for hazardous production facilities I and II hazard classes containing a comprehensive assessment of the risk of accidents and related threats, an analysis of the adequacy of the measures taken to prevent accidents, to ensure that the organization is ready to operate a hazardous production facility in accordance with industrial safety requirements, as well as to localize and eliminate the consequences of an accident at a hazardous production facility, as well as the development of measures aimed at reducing the scale of the consequences of accidents and the amount of damage.

Development of the declaration: from 14 days

Declaration Approval: up to 20 days

The need to develop an industrial safety declaration

  1. Facilities for the storage, destruction of chemical weapons and special chemistry facilities - I hazard class;
  2. Drilling and production facilities for oil, gas and gas condensate dangerous in terms of emissions of products containing hydrogen sulfide over 6 percent of the volume of such products - hazard class II;
  3. Gas distribution stations, gas distribution networks and gas consumption networks intended for the transportation of natural gas under pressure over 1.2 megapascals or liquefied hydrocarbon gas under pressure over 1.6 megapascals - hazard class II.

IMPORTANT: Industrial safety declarations may be subject to enterprises falling under hazard class III ( according to Appendix No. 2 FZ-116), but located on the lands of specially protected natural areas, the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, in internal sea waters, in the territorial sea or the adjacent zone of the Russian Federation, on an artificial land plot created on a federally owned water body, since it establishes more than high class danger.

Development of industrial safety declaration

The development of an industrial safety declaration is carried out by specialized organizations that have experience in developing industrial safety declarations and have licenses from Rostekhnadzor for the relevant type of activity. During the construction of new facilities and the reconstruction of old facilities, the declaration is developed by the design organization as part of projects for the construction and reconstruction of a hazardous production facility, if the amount of hazardous substances falls under the declaration.

The industrial safety declaration of an operating facility is developed in the following cases:

  1. every 10 years from the date of registration of the last declaration;
  2. change technological processes;
  3. more than 20% increase in the amount of hazardous substances that are or may be at the facility;
  4. changing industrial safety requirements;
  5. order of Rostekhnadzor in case of discrepancy between the information contained in the industrial safety declaration and the information obtained during the inspection.

In the process of developing a declaration, experts develop measures aimed at localizing and eliminating the consequences of an alleged accident at a hazardous production facility. They are aimed at reducing the scale of the consequences of the accident and reducing the amount of possible damage. The final version of the industrial safety declaration is approved by the head of the organization operating the hazardous production facility.

IMPORTANT: The head of an organization operating a hazardous production facility is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in the industrial safety declaration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Examination of the declaration of industrial safety

Structure of the industrial safety declaration

In accordance with The procedure for issuing the declaration of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities and the list of information included in it (RD 03-14-2005), the industrial safety declaration must include the following structural elements:

1. title page;
2. data on the organization - the developer of the declaration;
3. table of contents;
4. section 1" General information";
5. section 2 "Results of the safety analysis";
6. section 3 "Ensuring industrial safety requirements";
7. section 4 "Conclusions";
8. section 5 "Situational plans";
9. appendix No. 1 "Settlement and explanatory note";
10. Appendix No. 2 "Information sheet".

Our specialists will develop an industrial safety declaration in a short time in Moscow and the Moscowareas

Industrial safety review of the industrial safety declaration(EPB declaration) - the process of assessing the compliance of the declaration of industrial safety with the requirements of industrial safety.

The need for an examination of the industrial safety declaration

Federal Law-116 "On the industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" establishes the obligation to conduct an examination of declarations developed as part of the documentation for the technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities that are subject to declaration. In cases where the declaration is developed as part of the design documentation for the construction, reconstruction of a hazardous production facility, the examination is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on urban planning.

IMPORTANT: Declaration of industrial safety, without a registered conclusion of the examination of the declaration of industrial safety to it, has no legal force.

Conducting an examination of the declaration of industrial safety

The object of the examination is the declaration of industrial safety together with the annexes (settlement and explanatory note, information sheet) and is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the examination of the declaration of industrial safety.

The examination of the industrial safety of the declaration is carried out in order to establish:

  • compliance of the completeness and reliability of the information presented in the declaration with the requirements of industrial safety;
  • the validity of the results of the analysis of the risk of accidents at a hazardous production facility, set out in the declaration;
  • sufficiency of developed and/or implemented measures to ensure industrial safety requirements.

The examination of the industrial safety declaration is carried out by an organization licensed by Rostekhnadzor to conduct an examination of the industrial safety declaration. Based on the results of the examination of the declaration, the conclusion of the examination of the industrial safety declaration is issued.

IMPORTANT: Examination of the industrial safety declaration cannot be carried out by the organization that developed this declaration.

Approval of the examination of the declaration of industrial safety

The expert opinion on the declaration of industrial safety is registered, reviewed and approved by the Central Office of Rostekhnadzor. When approving the examination of the industrial safety declaration, the following package of documents is prepared:

  1. Declaration of industrial safety;
  2. Settlement and explanatory note to the declaration of industrial safety;
  3. Information sheet to the declaration of industrial safety;
  4. Conclusion of the expertise for the declaration of industrial safety;
  5. Conclusion of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia;
  6. Organization statement.

If the materials are not presented in full or have obvious flaws in the design, the sectoral department (department) within a period of not more than 5 days and without registration returns them to the organization that approved the declaration, indicating the reason for the return. The term for approval of the conclusion of the expert examination of the declaration of industrial safety should not exceed 30 days from the date of receipt of the conclusion of the examination. If necessary, this period may be extended by no more than 30 days. The subject of registration is the declaration itself, the conclusion of the examination on it, as well as the cover letter with which the declaration was received by Rostekhnadzor.

IMPORTANT: A letter on approval of the conclusion of the examination of the declaration of industrial safety or on refusal to approve the conclusion of the examination is sent to the organization that submitted the conclusion of the examination, a copy of the letter is sent to the expert organization.

Industrial safety expertise is a set of measures to check the object of expertise for compliance with the industrial safety requirements applicable to it. According to the results of the examination, an appropriate conclusion is drawn up.

1. The following objects are subject to industrial safety expertise:

Project documentation for the creation or transformation of a hazardous production facility (HPO), such as expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, etc.;

Technical devices operated at HIFs;

Buildings and structures at HIFs;

Declaration of industrial safety, drawn up in the event of liquidation, conservation, technical re-equipment or expansion of HIFs, as well as other documents related to the operation of this facility.

2. Industrial safety expertise is carried out by organizations that have a license to conduct the said expertise, at the expense of the organization that intends to operate a hazardous production facility or operates it.

3. The result of the industrial safety expertise is a conclusion.

4. The conclusion of the industrial safety expertise submitted to the federal executive body in the field of industrial safety, or to its territorial body, is considered and approved by them in the prescribed manner.

5. The procedure for carrying out an industrial safety review and the requirements for drawing up an industrial safety review report shall be established by the federal executive body in charge of industrial safety.

6. Industrial safety expertise may be carried out simultaneously with the implementation of other expertise in the prescribed manner.

22. Declaration of industrial safety

The industrial safety declaration is a document reflecting the nature and extent of the danger at an industrial facility, as well as the developed measures to ensure safety and preparedness for action in man-made emergencies.

The basis for the development of the Declaration of Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities is Article 14 of the Federal Law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" dated July 27, 1999 No. 116-FZ.

According to this article, the development of the Industrial Safety Declaration is strictly mandatory for all enterprises that store, receive, use, process, form, transport or destroy flammable gases, combustible liquids, toxic and highly toxic substances, oxidizing substances, explosives and other substances, posing a danger to environment and violating fire safety regulations.

Limit quantities of hazardous substances, the presence of which at a hazardous production facility is the basis for the mandatory development of an industrial safety declaration, are set out in Appendix 2 to the Federal Law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities".

The declaration of industrial safety is developed as part of the design documentation for the construction, expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of a hazardous production facility. The industrial safety declaration must be updated or developed anew in case of applying for a license to operate a hazardous production facility or changing the information contained in the safety declaration, or in case of changes in industrial safety requirements.

According to the procedure for issuing an industrial safety declaration for hazardous production facilities, when developing a declaration for an existing hazardous production facility, it is necessary to include information on both ongoing and planned measures in the safety act, which represents the composition of information to ensure industrial safety requirements. When developing a declaration, the project documentation provides information on the measures presented in the project documentation.

Compiled and approved by the head of the organization operating a hazardous production facility, the Declaration is submitted for industrial safety expertise (hereinafter referred to as expertise) to an expert organization.

Then Safety Declaration with the conclusion of the examination, it is sent for consideration to the department of the central office of the Service, which exercises control and supervision over compliance with industrial safety requirements at the declared hazardous production facility. The term for consideration of the declaration of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities should not exceed 2 months.

After that, it is necessary to send a copy of the safety declaration, the information sheet and the conclusion of the examination to the interested state authorities, local governments, public associations and citizens.

The declaration of industrial safety is approved by the Central Office of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.

Among the existing organizational and economic mechanisms for reducing the risks of man-made emergencies, declaring the safety of industrial facilities is of particular importance. This procedure is fixed at the legislative level in many countries. Let us further consider what constitutes a declaration of industrial safety of HIFs.

General information

To ensure the accounting of the state of enterprises, a register of industrial safety declarations has been introduced. State regulation is aimed at obliging subjects to assess existing threats and inform the competent authorities about them. The industrial safety declaration includes:

  1. Information about the enterprise and the processes taking place on it. This is necessary to determine the extent and nature of the use of harmful and hazardous substances.
  2. List of measures aimed at ensuring normal conditions for the operation of the enterprise and control of deviations from the usual regime.
  3. Identification of the type of probable accident, assessment of its occurrence and possible consequences.
  4. Disaster instructions.

Normative base

The Russian Federation is implementing a large-scale organizational and economic program in the field of industrial safety. Normatively, its implementation is regulated by the relevant Federal Law. In particular, the basics of regulation are laid down in the Law "On Industrial Safety of HIFs" and "On the Safety of Hydraulic Structures". The specific procedure for assessing the state of an enterprise is established in the Regulation approved by government decree No. 675 of July 1, 1995.

Relevance of the issue

Declaration is carried out to regulate safety control at industrial facilities. Competent authorities check the sufficiency and effectiveness of measures aimed at preventing and eliminating disasters at enterprises. The development of an industrial safety declaration is necessary to reduce threats to the population, employees, and prevent accidents. It is especially relevant for enterprises whose activities are directly related to harmful substances and processes. Examination of the declaration of industrial safety contributes to the implementation of an effective system for predicting disasters and accident-free operation. The events acquire special significance in connection with the transition to new economic conditions, changes in forms of ownership, and a decrease in state regulation in a market economy.


The declaration acts as an expression of a responsible attitude to ensuring safety at industrial facilities. It is documented as an official document. The list of objects that are subject to declaration is established by the Federal Service for Atomic, Technological and Environmental Supervision together with the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This list includes hydraulic structures, enterprises, reservoirs, storage facilities, where there is a possibility of accidents. The Federal Law regulating industrial safety at hazardous facilities defines the maximum allowable amounts of substances, the presence of which acts as a basis for drawing up a declaration. Information, the procedure for issuing a document are established by a specially authorized executive body.

Declaration of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities

The document contains the results:

  1. A comprehensive and objective assessment of the probability of an accident and the threat associated with it for personnel and citizens located in the adjacent territory.
  2. Analysis of the sufficiency of the measures taken to prevent emergencies and ensure the readiness of the enterprise for operation dangerous object in accordance with the provisions of the rules and regulations, as well as to the localization and elimination of the consequences of disasters.
  3. Measures aimed at reducing the likely negative consequences of an accident.

According to the above Federal Law, as well as a government decree, regulatory documents have been created that define the requirements in accordance with which a declaration of safety of a hazardous industrial facility is provided. These acts also establish the terms for its creation, the rules for registration, the list of information subject to mandatory inclusion. Regulatory acts define the rules by which the examination of the safety declaration of an industrial facility is carried out.

Basic provisions

The safety declaration of an industrial facility must include:


The declaration of industrial safety is drawn up as an annex to the design documents for the construction, reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment, liquidation or conservation of the enterprise. It is also required when applying for an operating license. Clarification of the declaration is carried out when changing the information contained in it, or security requirements. Revision of the document to take into account adjustments and additions to the regulatory framework and conditions for ensuring the protection of the enterprise is provided for at least once every five years.

Important point

The declaration of industrial safety can be formed independently by the enterprise itself. The document is approved by the head. The formation of the declaration can also be carried out by an organization that has a license to carry out an examination of the safety of industrial-type objects. The head of the enterprise is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in the document.

Control authorities

After approval, the industrial safety declaration, together with the conclusion obtained as a result of the inspection, is sent to the relevant ministry, the GU GOChS, the Federal Service for Nuclear, Technical and Environmental Supervision and its regional division, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as the authority of the Ministry of Defense, on whose territory the enterprise is located. Control over the timeliness of sending documentation is assigned to the above supervisory authority.


In accordance with the circumstances that develop during recent years, the declaration of industrial safety has undergone a number of changes. There was a need to reflect new information in the document. They, in particular, relate to the implementation of measures aimed at reducing the level of danger of emergency situations at facilities, preventing outside interference in their functioning. Based on the calculations, requirements were formulated for the volume of available reserves of material and financial resources at enterprises. In addition, requirements were defined for assessing the frequency/probability of occurrence of emergencies, their sources, the operation of which is associated with the release of hazardous substances that can create a damage zone outside the territory of the facility with damage to the health/life of the population, the environment. Also, specialists performed calculations to analyze the probability of poisoning the population with the establishment of the maximum possible number of victims.

Key questions

The declaration of industrial safety today should specifically and clearly define the requirements that characterize the readiness of an enterprise to prevent and eliminate emergency situations. There is a special section in the document for this. It should provide answers to questions that characterize:

Document verification

As mentioned above, the regulations provide for an examination of the generated declaration. In accordance with the current rules, the approval of the conclusion is prescribed. This procedure is carried out by the apparatus of Rostekhnadzor. At the same time, the conclusion of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is taken into account. It is necessary in cases where the ratio of the volume of a hazardous compound at the facility for which the declaration is being drawn up to the maximum permissible level of this substance is more than 10. company.


Declaration of safety today acts as a mechanism for predicting the socio-economic consequences of emerging emergencies. This process is the most important lever of influence on the stable development of the economic system. Declaration of safety helps to ensure objectivity in the justification of budgetary volumes directed to finance measures to prevent and eliminate disasters. Another task of the procedure is the transition to a system of acceptable risk, the formation of an effective economic mechanism. It is the normative basis for the financial support of the developed measures for the management of natural and man-made threats.