Mixer      06/16/2019

How is the height of the steps of the stairs determined: snip and gost. SNP requirements for step dimensions Minimum tread width

There are stairs in almost all residential and industrial buildings. Even in one-story small private houses, in most cases there are porches. And of course, any staircase should be not only beautiful, but also safe and convenient for people to move around. When installing such structures, the norms of SNiP and the requirements of GOST must be taken into account without fail. The height of the steps of the stairs, like any other of its parameters, must be calculated correctly.

State standard

When designing any staircase, one should be guided primarily by the standards provided for by GOST 98-18-2015. This document was adopted by the International Council for Standardization on May 29, 2015. In addition to Russia, it was signed by representatives of such countries as Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.

In addition to GOST 98-18-2015, in the manufacture of stairs, the standards stipulated by GOST must also be observed:

    23120-78 - requirements for marching products;

    23258-88 - means of scaffolding;

    25772-83 - fencing of stair structures;

    8556-72 - transfer of fire structures.

When assembling ladders should be guided, among other things, by the requirements of the document R53254-2009 ( specifications for outdoor products).

Types of stairs

About what should be the height of the steps of the stairs according to GOST, we'll talk a little later. To begin with, let's figure out what these structures actually are. Stairs can be classified according to different criteria. For example, intra-house are divided into:



The main staircases are capital structures and are actually designed to move to the upper floors. Auxiliaries include:

    basement stairs;

    loft structures.

Structurally stairs can be:

    marching straight lines, G, T or U-shaped;


    on the pains.

Flight stairs are the most common option. They can be made on stringers or bowstrings. The structures are in most cases quite massive and capital. Spiral staircases have the advantage that they take up little space in the house. They are small in size and less convenient for movement than marching structures.

Stairs on the bolts are not used very often in houses. In fact, these are the same mid-flight stairs. However, their steps are mounted directly on the wall.

By location, ordinary stairs are classified into indoor and outdoor. The latter are simply called porches.

Evacuation ladders: types and requirements

Separately, fire escapes can also be distinguished. They, like ordinary ones, are in turn divided into:



Internal fire escapes are most often part of the design of the building itself. According to the regulations, such structures always have platforms. Outdoor stairs can be installed at any time during the operation of the building. In some cases, sites are provided for in them, in others they are not.

What are the steps

In the design of the stairs, this element, of course, is the main one. Steps can be made from different materials. But most often it is wood or metal. The shape of the steps can be rectangular, semicircular, trapezoidal. In any case, the height of the stairs according to GOST should be such that it would be convenient and safe to move along the march.

Step design

The steps consist of the following elements:

    Tread. It is on this element that the leg of a person moving up the stairs rests.

    Risers. This element is located vertically and connects the treads. In some cases, risers in stairs are not mounted. However, it is believed that with this element the march looks more reliable and solid.

    Safety and convenience

    According to the standards, the width of the flight of stairs should not be less than 70-80 cm. But usually the steps of such structures are longer - 1-1.5 m. Such stairs are considered more convenient when moving. After all, if necessary, people descending and ascending up can easily disperse on them.

    The width of the march has, of course, certain value in terms of traffic safety. But the most important indicators in this case are the angle of inclination and the height of the steps. GOST, or rather the standards prescribed by it, must be observed when calculating these parameters.

    Determining the height of steps

    Thus, they are guided primarily when choosing such an indicator as the dimensions of the stairs, GOST. Determining the height of the steps, as a concept, is very simple. This is the name of the distance between the lower and upper riser in the march. According to the regulations, this indicator should be the same along the entire length of the stairs. That is, all steps must have the same height. The only exception is the first one. This step is allowed to be made a little higher than the rest.

    Maximum height and minimum width of steps according to GOST

    These indicators are calculated taking into account, among other things, the type of stairs. But in any case, according to the standards, the depth of the step must in a certain way correspond to its height. Wherein:

    • the height of the steps of an ordinary staircase should not go beyond150-200 mm.

      evacuation ladder - 220 mm.

    The minimum step width of a conventional staircase is 250 mm. The same requirements apply to evacuation structures.

    If we talk about fire escapes, GOST regulates the height of the steps clearly. In this design, this figure should be exactly 220 mm. In the marches of ordinary stairs, the height of the steps may vary. But in any case, when designing such structures should be taken into account.

    "Convenience Formula"

    Indicators such as the number and height of stairs, depend primarily on the angle of the march. When calculating, the norms for designing stairs according to SNiP are also taken into account. So, the number of steps in one span should not exceed 18 pcs. Also, according to the regulations, there should be at least three of them in the march.

    The calculation of the height of the step is made using the "convenience formula". As already mentioned, this indicator should be related to the depth of the riser so that it is safe to move up the stairs. Actually, the convenience formula itself looks like this:

      2h+b=S(63±3 cm).

    Here h is the height of the step, b is the width of the tread, S is the length of the step of a person. The last parameter can vary between 60-66 cm. When calculating the height of the stairs and the width of the tread, GOST prescribes to take into account the average optimal indicator of 63 cm.

    With an increase in the height of a step by 1 mm, according to the “convenience formula”, its depth should be reduced by 2 mm.

    Another formula

    You can calculate the stairs using a slightly different method. The convenience formula might look like this:

      b-h=12 cm.

    This formula was developed by specialists from the Institute of Labor Psychology named after M. Planck. It is very easy to perform calculations using it. However, it, unfortunately, does not take into account the different lengths of human steps.

    Safety Formula

    So, how to determine the height of the step, we found out. But when designing stairs, be sure to correctly calculate its width. The dimensions of the stairs according to GOST and other standards should be calculated taking into account the so-called safety formula. It looks like this:

      b + h = (46±1) cm.

    If the width of the tread is too small, there is a possibility that the person's foot will slip when moving up the stairs. And this, of course, is fraught with injuries. Of course, it is not necessary to adhere to the calculations exactly. However, using the above formula, you can calculate the optimal performance.

    Porch steps

    In this case, the number of these elements will depend, among other things, on such an indicator as the height of the basement of the house. Step Requirements outdoor stairs are not too strict. However, the porch, of course, must also be safe for people to move around.

    Step Heightstairs, according to SNiP and other standards, located on the street at the door of the house,can vary between 12-20 cm. But the optimal range is considered to be 14-17 cm. The width of the porch step, like an ordinary staircase, should be such that a person’s leg fits completely on it. Usually it is 28-30 cm. But in any case, the width of the step of the porch,according to SNiP,should not be less than 25 cm.

    What other requirements exist

    Of course, when designing a staircase, it is imperative to take into account the requirements for the width of its march, the depth and height of the steps. However, there are other standards of GOST and SNiP, which must also be taken into account. So, for example:

      The permissible angle of inclination of the house stairs is 20-60 degrees. The optimal indicator is considered in this case 45 gr.

      The ladder can be angled up to 75 degrees.

    Of course, when building such structures, the height of the railing must also be correctly selected. It is believed that it will be safe to move up the stairs only with a minimum of 90 cm. Balusters in the railing, according to the standards, should be located in increments of no more than 15 cm. In this case, for example, a child will not be able to stick his head between them.

    An example of the calculation of stairs

    For clarity, we will make a calculation for a structure mounted in a room with a height of 275 cm. Let's say the desired height of the stairs is 17 cm. First, we determine their number:


    We round the resulting figure and get 16lifts. The number of steps is always 1 less. That is, 1 must be subtracted from 16. After all, the floor of the second floor is already a step in itself.

    The exact height in this case can be calculated as follows:

      275/16=17.2 cm.

    The width of the step will be equal to:


    This figure can be rounded up to 29.

    In order to be able to most rationally plan the room, the calculation should also determine the projection of the stairs to the floor. To do this, multiply the number of steps by their width:

      15x29=435 cm.

    What can determine the height of the steps

    Thus, this indicator is calculated taking into account, first of all, the safety and convenience of people moving up the stairs. The height of the step of the evacuation ladder according to GOST is strictly 220 mm. For ordinary people, this indicator may be different. In a private house, stairs are often made taking into account the height and width of the step of the people living in it. However, when choosing the height of the steps in this case, it is usually necessary to take into account, among other things, the features of the material from which it is supposed to mount the structure.

    Steps of a concrete ladder can have any comfortable height. When calculating, for example, a ladder made of wood if it has risers, it is worth considering the standard width of the lumber. This indicator in most cases is 15 or 20 cm. This is usually the height of the stairs with a riser. After all, sawing boards to the desired width is impractical due to the complexity of this procedure.

    The same applies to brick stairs. When choosing an indicator for the height of their steps, you also have to take into account the dimensions of this building material.

Stair construction, its appearance, convenience and safety are of the utmost importance for any home. A well-designed staircase increases the overall comfort level of the people who will use it in the future, and also affects the level of ergonomics of the room. Given the importance and significance of the structure, almost all of its elements are subject to regulation at the legislative level: the width and length of the span, the size of the fences, the number and height of stairs (GOST and SNiP).

Importance of Timely Calculation of Parameters

Basic structures are calculated at the stage of developing a house project. Width and height allow builders to calculate the most important parameters of the future building.

Often, when developing a staircase project, they are guided by current standards and the wishes of the building owner. Compliance with administrative documents governing construction and repair work is mandatory. After all, drawing a beautiful, amazing staircase is half the battle. The design must be functional, reliable, convenient and safe.

Stairs in destinations or in educational institutions require especially close attention.

How exactly is the construction of stairs regulated?

Documents that contain standards, norms and rules, in accordance with which all stairs must be erected, are GOST and SNiP.

For stairs made of concrete and reinforced concrete, there are GOST 8717.1-84 and 8717.0-84. The latter document also applies to stairs made of metal structures.

Their individual points describe how high the marches should be, how many steps should be placed in them and how high they should be made. It also specifies the angle at which the flight of stairs is placed, the width of the site and the type of fences.

Some sizes are given with specific values, others are a range within which master builders can choose the numbers that suit them.

What does "optimal slope of the stairs" mean?

The angle at which the staircase structure will be located in a private house, a multi-storey apartment or a public building is the recommended values. Minimum Angle is 20 degrees, the maximum is 50 degrees.

A smaller angle indicates that the staircase is low, that is, it is gentle. Of course, it is quite easy to climb such steps and the risk of falling is reduced, but such a design turns out to be many times longer and takes up much more space. Often, designers urge owners to save living space by reducing the length of the stairs. GOST sets the maximum allowable angle of inclination at 50 degrees, since steeper steps are unsafe for a climbing person.

True, there are exceptions, such as the installation of stairs to attics and basements. Steep stairs may be allowed here due to their infrequent use and limited space.

Optimal (for a private house) is a flight of stairs inclined at an angle of 30-35 degrees. This range of indicators corresponds to the natural rhythms of human movement.

What data is taken into account in the process of developing a project

The most important parameters affecting the ladder structure are:

  1. The height of each floor.
  2. The total area of ​​the interior.
  3. Layout of windows, doors and open openings.
  4. The shape and features of the walls of the rooms (niches, ledges).

These data, which are determined from construction drawings, affect what the height of the steps of the stairs will be, GOST is also necessarily taken into account. In addition, the figures obtained allow you to see what will be the total height of the stairs, the length of the marches, the number and size of the turntables.

The existence of set parameters does not mean at all that the ladder structure does not need to be calculated. Individual projects are necessary, since many factors influence the final dimensions (material for the manufacture of stairs and railings, the type of their finish, the materials used in interior design).

How are stairs calculated (GOST)?

The angle of inclination of the structure depends on how many steps there will be, on their height, and also on the distance between them.

Standards define administrative documents - GOST and SNiP. The height of the steps of the stairs can be from 12 cm to 22 cm. The choice of a specific size is influenced by the location of the structure and its purpose. For those stairs that are intensively and often used, it is recommended to choose a value of about 14.5-17.5 cm.

Speaking about the depth of the tread (the horizontal plane that a person steps on), its optimal indicator should be indicated: the allowed range is from 25 cm to 40 cm. However, steps with a width of 30-37 cm are recognized as the most convenient.

The justification for these values ​​is the size of the foot of the average person, as well as the width of his step. If for some reason it cannot be applied optimal parameters or the planned slope of the stairs prevents the placement of steps of this size, the project developers reduce the depth to 14.5 cm. At the same time, they provide a ledge that increases the depth by two or three centimeters (step overhang).

What is a riser and what should be its height

The height of the steps of any staircase directly depends on the size of the riser and the thickness of the step itself. A riser is a vertical element located between two treads.

As already noted, standard height the steps of the stairs are 14.5-17.5 cm. At the same time, the process of calculating the parameters provides for a mandatory check for convenience and safety. To do this, add the width of the tread and the height of the riser (according to the drawing). If the amount is between 44 cm and 48 cm, then the ladder can be considered safe.

Number of steps

A standard flight of stairs contains on average 12-15 steps. This amount allows most people to safely climb from the beginning to the end of the structure or to the landing.

To determine how many steps the staircase being erected will have, the craftsmen use the following method:

  1. Calculate or measure the total length of the stairs (the distance from the first step to the floor of the second floor).
  2. Divide the resulting length by the approximate height of the riser.
  3. The resulting size is rounded up to an integer and recalculated taking into account the new data.

This algorithm is rather simplified, since many other factors are taken into account in the process of real calculations (thickness floor covering on the first and second floors, the type of the staircase itself, the finishing of the steps).

Features of concrete stairs

Today, the choice of staircase design for many homeowners is facilitated by the existence of ready-made modules made of high-quality concrete (grade not lower than B15).

They are manufactured by certified manufacturers, so all the requirements of GOST and SNiP are met (the height of the stairs, their depth and width, as well as the angle of inclination).

The use of such structures greatly facilitates, speeds up and reduces the cost of building stairs. Reinforced concrete stairs are very durable and can be decorated with various materials and techniques, so they are installed both in residential buildings as well as in public buildings.

Separate aspects of the design of stairs

The height of the steps of the stairs (GOST provides for this) must be the same for all elements of the stairs. This mandatory requirement, which is designed to ensure the balance of a person moving between floors.

In addition, experts say that it is more comfortable for people to complete the ascent or descent with the same foot with which they started moving up the stairs. Therefore, many constructions contain an odd number of degrees.

If the platform between the marches consists of several levels, the difference in their height should be equal to the height of the step.

Spiral staircases and their steps

When designing spiral or spiral staircases, designers have to deal with winders. The requirements regarding their height remain the same as for straight, swivel or combined structures.

However, due to the specific shape of the steps, the depth of the tread and the width of the staircase itself are subject to strict regulation.

This is due to the fact that moving screw structures not as convenient and safe as traditional ones. For this reason, designers are not advised to build such a staircase as the main one.

Often, spiral staircases serve to climb to the attic or as an auxiliary means of transportation. True, many modern designs screw type have very Beautiful design and become the main decoration of the room. To increase the comfort of future residents, their width and height between the steps of the stairs should be as close as possible to the optimal parameters.

Spiral staircases are completely unsuitable for installation in public buildings and educational institutions. They should also be avoided if a person with limited mobility. True, if the owner still really wants to see just such a staircase structure in his house, he should place all significant objects and rooms (bedroom, kitchen, living room) on the ground floor.

To ensure maximum ease of use of the stairs and its safety, it is necessary to take into account such parameters as the dimensions of all elements, steps, their total number. The number of steps is influenced not so much by the form flight of stairs how much is the level of its slope, the width and length of the riser, the height of the floor. Each of these indicators must be taken into account, otherwise the design will not differ in reliability and safety.

  • height and length of the structure;
  • its slope in relation to the floor level;
  • construction material;
  • step dimensions;
  • the shape of the stairs.

There are also reference data that are compiled for a typical staircase.

Types of steps and their features

According to SNiP, for one flight of stairs, the number of steps should be a maximum of 18, the steps themselves for the flight have various purpose. Among them it is necessary to note:

  • frieze lower ones are located immediately from the floor. They can rise from the level of the floor itself to the height of one riser;
  • ordinary, which are located along the length of the entire structure. They must have the same dimensions, the direction of their movement is set by the design (for a straight staircase they go in one straight line, for a spiral staircase - in a circle, for a rotary one - at an angle);
  • the upper frieze ones go under the uppermost platform, they are intended for getting off. The top step should be flush with the floor.

The width dimensions for one march are regulated by the rules, the minimum accepted values ​​​​are as follows:

  • outdoor stairs - 80 cm;
  • fire escape - 80 cm;
  • basement stairs - 80 cm;
  • attic - 60 cm;
  • internal straight and spiral - 80 cm.

These are established regulations that have been used in construction for several years. Your indicators may differ slightly, but they should not be less than the established ones.

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Minimum and maximum dimensions

In order for the flight of stairs to be as convenient as possible, it is necessary to use special formulas correctly.

This length is taken as 60 cm.

A fairly simple formula is used for design: 2h + b \u003d S, that is, 60-66 cm. This is the so-called Blondel formula, which was developed back in the 17th century. But when designing, the following formulas are also used:

  • b - h = 12, or "convenience formula". It means the ratio of the riser to its height;
  • b + h = 46, or "safety formula".

SNiP in this case declare the maximum and minimum values ​​​​for such indicators:

  • step height - 150-200 mm;
  • tread width - from 250 mm;
  • tread width for basements, attic stairs— from 200 mm;
  • for winder steps - from 250 mm.

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A prerequisite for the calculation of steps in the march

When calculating, it is necessary to take into account a wide variety of circumstances, including the size of the height of the riser and the width of the step. Why is this rule required? The fact is that the same parameters are provided by a normal, familiar rhythm of walking. When you go down stairs at night, you automatically put your foot at a certain height, and if it is higher, what will this lead to? Then the rhythm gets lost, you can even fall. The uneven rhythm of ascent or descent provokes fatigue; it will be difficult to use such a design every day.

In addition, attention should be paid to the width of the tread, which should be comfortable. Usually it is 300-320 mm, which is quite enough for the leg to clearly stand on the surface. Optimal indicator for the riser is 150 mm. Thus, the leg can be easily raised or lowered, which means that nothing threatens your safety.

But the values ​​largely depend on the type of steps, their location. For example, for running shoes, you need to make a width of 100 mm, and the size of the overhang over the lower tread should be 50 mm or more. For stairs made of wood, the overhang is 30 mm, for metal stairs - from 50 mm. Experts advise when calculating the parameters, do not save the number of steps, do not cut out extra millimeters, since in this case the design may be unsafe for use, and the so-called "duck step" will make operation difficult.

Standards, norms and rules currently exist in order to ensure the convenience and safety of people's lives. To a large extent, this principle applies to the construction of various buildings and structures that people use either for housing or for work.

Stairs are essential constructive element buildings, and the peculiarity of their use requires especially careful development.

Therefore, in the design process, civil engineers consider the following factors:

  • march width;
  • the width of the steps;
  • the angle at which the steps are inclined;
  • step height.

The adopted standards are set out in regulatory documents that are mandatory for compliance with construction work for the construction of stairs. So, GOST on steps for reinforced concrete stairs is in the document 8717.1-84 (there are descriptions of the rules related to the design and dimensions) and in 8717.0-84 , where the technical conditions for the development and manufacture of stairs are collected.

GOST on stair steps, made of metal structures, is in document 8717.0-84. In addition to state standards, there are approved "Building Norms and Rules", which lists the calculation methods and key factors that must be taken into account in self-calculation and design.

Builders have accumulated sufficient experience, which allows them to successfully design and build solid and beautiful stairs. The main rule that allows you to build a staircase that will be comfortable and safe to move around is the relationship between the distance of movement forward and the height of the ascent / descent.

This ratio is calculated using two parameters:

  • distance in centimeters between the surfaces of adjacent steps (x);
  • distance in centimeters between the edges of adjacent steps (y).

In the 17th century, the French engineer Blondel developed a formula that relates these two quantities:

  • 2x+y=60.

From this formula (it is called "ideal staircase formula") the following two were derived:

  • safe ladder formula - x+y=45;
  • and the formula of a comfortable ladder y-x=12.

Today's building science has advanced further and modern GOST takes into account much more different parameters for the dimensions of the stairs. Therefore, there are much more different norms and rules. Modern standards pay much more attention to the safe operation of buildings and stairs as well.

Therefore, the mentioned "Building Codes and Rules" regulate in sufficient detail the design and construction of reinforced concrete and any other stairs, and also put forward clear requirements that must be observed. Violation of these rules and requirements may result in administrative liability.

Compliance the following rules design will help to avoid this:

  • A building or structure with more than two floors must have one large flight of stairs;
  • Mobile ladders can only be used for attic or basement spaces;
  • A flight of stairs for the passage of one person must have a width of at least 0.8 - 1.2 m (the width must remain constant along the entire length of the flight);
  • One march span can have an odd number of steps (from 3 to 17);
  • The angle of elevation of the flight of stairs should be in the range of 26 - 45 degrees;

Reinforced concrete stairs - a beautiful and practical architectural element
  • GOST for the height of the stairs prescribes to adhere to dimensions in the range of 150 - 200 mm;
  • The height of the steps within one flight of stairs should not differ by more than 5 mm;
  • The width of the step in the building must be at least 250 mm (200 mm is allowed for basements and attics);
  • The distance of the step protrusion should be no more than 30 mm;
  • The distance from the door to the step must be at least 1 m (if the door opens outward - not less than the width of the door leaf);
  • The landing, to which two spans adjoin, must have at least 1.3 m;
  • The railing of the stairs must have a height of at least 900 mm (the distance between the balusters in it must not be less than 100-150 mm).

Design rules

When developing a project and determining the type of stairs, many factors are taken into account, the main of which are the requirements put forward by the customer.

The following conditions are taken into account:

  • the nature of the movement of people on the stairs;
  • planned loads on the structure;
  • manufacturing technologies;
  • design solutions;
  • the presence of space for the structure and additional supports.

When designing, the fact that the staircase is a high-risk area must be taken into account. Therefore, safety issues during the construction and operation of stairs are important. One of the main requirements in this regard is to comply with GOST for the height of the stairs.

The designer must choose the appropriate height according to the standards specified in the documentation. As practice shows, most injuries on the stairs are associated precisely with non-compliance with these standards.

The design of handrails for stairs and railings must take into account the design load with a margin. The instruction indicates that the handrails and railings can withstand at least 100 kg, which allows an adult to lean on for the most part the weight of your body.

One of the important design parameters is the distance between the ceiling and the steps, which should be at least 1.95-2.00 m. The critical height of this design also applies to the stairwell.

Advice! When designing ladder structures, it is necessary to take into account the material from which they are made. It is best when the design provides for additional coverage on smooth and slippery surfaces. For example, for a home staircase, this can be carpet, which will not only ensure safe operation, but also perform soundproofing and aesthetic functions.

Ergonomic calculation criteria

When calculating the width of the tread, the need for an adult to be able to lean on the step with a full foot should be taken into account. That is, the width of the tread should be within 20 - 32 cm.

It is optimally considered that the riser should be about 15 cm, and the width of the tread should be twice as large - 30 cm. If the width of the tread is greater, then the person walking up the stairs will go astray, and a significant decrease in the width of the tread will make the descent much more difficult.

Designing winder steps, it is necessary to take into account the minimum width of steps from the narrow end of 10 cm, and the overhang distance of the tread must be less 50 mm.

Norms allow stairs to be installed at angles of 26-45 degrees, but angles greater than 37 degrees are considered “uncomfortable”. It is advisable to replace stairs with an inclination angle of less than 23 degrees with ramps (smooth inclined platforms). Stairs with an angle of inclination greater than 45 degrees must be either attached or folding. For spiral staircases, the optimal angle of inclination is 25-35 degrees.

Measurement procedure and design tools

If the staircase is being built during finishing work, then the following tools will be needed for measurements:

  • roulette;
  • level;
  • long straight rail;
  • an extra pair of hands.

The order of measurements is carried out in the following sequence:

  • The perpendicularity of the walls is checked by a square;
  • The height of the ceiling and the thickness of the ceiling are measured;
  • A plan is being made on graph paper with a section of the room (on the plan, it is necessary to take into account the measurement data not only of the floor and openings, but also of doors, windows, etc.);

Advice! You can save on the construction of stairs using standard prefabricated elements. In Russia, various manufacturers of these elements adhere to certain standards, so when developing, you need to familiarize yourself with the standard sizes.

Evacuation through the stairwells

The main goal of developing and complying with standards, norms and rules for stair structures is related to the provision of norms fire safety, which are aimed at ensuring, if necessary, the competent and quick evacuation of people who are in the building. With regard to evacuation and the role of stairs, the following should be noted.

In no case should the evacuation ladder be less than the width of the doorway. The slope must be observed in a ratio of 1: 1, and the height and width of the steps according to GOST is determined at 220 and 250 mm, respectively.

It is not allowed to place on stairwells gas pipelines, built-in cabinets (except electrical and switching), install equipment that will protrude above the steps of the stairs at a distance greater than 220 cm. On stairwell you can have elevator cabins (but not more than two).


Do-it-yourself staircase design is quite a feasible task, subject to certain rules, standards and norms. If in this work we tie together constructive, aesthetic and architectural solutions for the whole building, the result will be good, and the staircase will be durable, practical, aesthetic, and its price will be acceptable.

In the presented video in this article, you will find additional information on this topic (learn also about the advantages of dielectric stairs).

Used to make stairs various materials, create non-standard designs that emphasize the individuality of the room, satisfying the taste of the owner. However, all models, without exception, are united by the main purpose: ensuring the convenience of descent and ascent.

Building houses, redevelopment with your own hands is a common phenomenon. abundance modern materials allows you to easily create the most complex structures. Stairs are no exception.

The design must meet the established standards according to the following criteria:

  • height;
  • width;
  • riser height.

Before proceeding with the direct execution of work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the most common mistakes that accompany the installation of stairs on your own.

Wrong step height

According to the standards, the maximum height of steps cannot exceed 190 mm. In practice, the inconvenience of structures with violation of the recommended dimensions has been proven. Too high steps are especially inconvenient for the elderly and young children.

The maximum allowable indicators:

  • for residential premises - 190 mm;
  • for non-residential - 170 mm.

Attention! If the planning features do not allow to comply with the standard, correction with an increase of up to 200 mm is allowed.

Not the same size

Different height may cause an accident. The normal rhythm of walking and different steps are incompatible concepts, you should not experiment.


Construction and Finishing work regardless of the purpose of the building, they are carried out in accordance with certain norms and rules that apply to stairs. In compliance established rules users are primarily interested, since security directly depends on this.

This is a rather complex architectural structure.

It should be noted that the established requirements can be adjusted depending on specific features layouts.

  • One of the most significant standards is the angle of inclination, which ranges from 27 to 45 degrees. The result of exceeding the standards will be too steep a climb.
  • The height of the steps of the stairs is regulated by the second standard.
  • The width of the step should correspond to the size of the foot, the optimal width is 280-320 mm. An increase can cause a difficult step. If it is reduced, it will be inconvenient to descend.
  • Another standard concerns the width of the flight of stairs, 600 - 700 mm is the best option for the unhindered movement of one person, and this figure is considered the minimum. The most common value is considered to be a gap from 900 to 1000 mm, a comfortable design will satisfy people with different body weights and body features.

Rising, a person, regardless of build, spends twice as much energy as when walking normally. flat surface. As a result of a series of experiments, qualified specialists came to the conclusion: to create an ideal design, it is necessary to double the size of the riser - add the width of the step, since this calculation corresponds to the average step.


The use of several calculation formulas is practiced. Professionals recommend not to experiment, but to use trusted sizes that exclude unpleasant consequences.

It is much easier to develop a project using generally accepted formulas. For a person who has decided to independently carry out the installation of the structure, it is better to choose the simplest option that will help avoid confusion and mistakes. As you know, the price of correcting errors is always much higher than the cost of careful preliminary study.

So, the most common formula for calculating the width and height of ordinary steps: a + b = 450 ± 20 mm, where:

  • b - step width (tread),
  • a - the height of the step (riser).

Remembering it is extremely simple, the end result will satisfy your requirements regarding the improvement of the premises.

The width of the tread should allow you to confidently rest your full foot on the surface. The quantity is calculated exclusively on an individual basis for each room and, above all, depends on the ratio of slope and height of the floor.

Ideally, the initial graphic image of the proposed design is taken and then transferred to paper. The graphic image greatly facilitates the use of formulas. Traditionally, drawings are made on graph paper or a sheet of paper in a cage.

wooden stairs

The most common option, which attracts with ease of installation and the ability to freely carry out work independently without special skills, is a wooden structure.

There are two types of wooden stairs:

  • marching;
  • screw.

Screw ones are quite rare, as a rule, they are a way out for a limited space, they are also used to create original interiors. These designs limit many possibilities. For example, it is almost impossible to bring in massive furniture.

To create a wooden spiral staircase it is necessary to carry out the most complex calculations, the slightest mistake can lead to disappointing consequences. If you chose this option, it is recommended to contact a professional to develop a project.

Marching are a relatively simple design that allows you to take the initiative as much as possible.

The main element of any project are steps that need to be given special attention. They consist of riser (vertical) and tread (horizontal) planes. They step on the tread with their feet, the riser - a vertical beam located under the step, performs the function of support.

It is practiced to create structures without a riser, however, these options are characterized by low strength and reliability, and are subject to deformation.

There are various types steps for stairs:

  • radius;
  • rotary;
  • rectangular.

Number of steps and their width

First of all, you need to decide on the number of steps and the height of the riser. These indicators are the basis, interconnected. To measure the height of the structure, it is necessary to determine the distance from the finished floor of the lower floor to the floor of the next floor.

Attention! wooden stairs installed exclusively on the finished floor.

As an example, let's take specific values, so it is much easier to explain the calculation rules.

So, the instructions for the calculation:

  • distance to the ceiling - 250 cm;
  • interfloor overlap in combination with the floor - 35 cm = 285 cm;
  • riser height - 17 cm.

We start the calculation using the riser indicator ( standard sizes from 15.2 to 19.7 cm).

The calculation of the number of steps is carried out according to the following formula:

  • divide the height of the stairs by the height of the riser;
  • in our case 16.76 = 285/17, we round the result to 17 pieces.

There are two options for further actions that compensate for the rounding of the result of the formula.

  1. the winder (first step) will be much smaller than the others (17 cm).
  2. to carry out an accurate calculation and use the appropriate indicator, which is much more problematic.

Riser height

The height of the riser of the stairs is determined depending on the scope of the structure:

Design formula: (2R + G) = 2 risers + tread where:

  • 2R - twice the height of the riser;
  • G - tread depth.

The result, regardless of the category, should be within 550 mm-700 mm.

For rooms with a non-standard layout (ceilings), in order to level the steps, it is possible to slightly lower the floor level of the upper platform. It is not recommended to make a threshold, ideal option considered to be a slightly sloping floor, in the form of a ramp.

Considering that millimeters are sacrificed to round the results of the formula, the slope will not be striking, will not cause inconvenience in movement.

For the manufacture of steps and risers, wooden boards are used:

  • for risers, the most common thickness is 3 cm;
  • for steps - 4 cm.

Wood is easy to process, so you can easily adjust the dimensions using special tools. To create a reliable, durable structure, steps and risers are recommended to be fixed with self-tapping screws and glue.

Even as a result of the most accurate calculations, it becomes necessary to adjust individual elements, while the main thing is not to rush, since it is much more problematic to compensate for the lack.


The standard height of the stairs used will save you from unpleasant consequences, maximum savings are possible with an accurate calculation of the necessary materials.

Use formulas, take into account the recommendations of professionals, and the result will please you with functionality and perfect appearance over a long period without requiring additional intervention. In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic.