Mixer      03/30/2019

A brief overview of the best humidifiers for children's health. Which humidifier is suitable for a child's room

IN Lately Humidifiers have become very popular. People buy them to put in the bedroom, office, any other room where dry air prevails. However, for quite some time now there has been talk about whether to put a humidifier in the children's room. And if so, which humidifier is best for a child? This is what will be discussed in this article. Here you will find out if your child needs this device, what exactly it can give, what options there are in general and why they are better or worse than others. Accordingly, after reading the article, you will already be able to form your own opinion on the topic of which air humidifier is best for a child in your specific conditions.

What it is?

Before you can figure out which humidifier is best for your child, you should clarify what exactly this device does. So, a humidifier is a special device that converts water into steam to increase the humidity in a dry room. This transformation can take place different ways, and the result can also be very different. That is why it is better for you to know what humidifiers are in general and how they differ from each other. Only then can you consciously decide which humidifier is best for your child. But first of all, you need to understand whether you really need it or will it be an extra waste, since your child’s nursery already has enough humidified air?


So, you should understand that a humidifier is very useful device, but it is not necessary for absolutely every child. It all depends on what kind of air is in the room, where it conducts most time, and most importantly - sleeping. So do you need a humidifier for kids? Which is better? Komarovsky is a well-known specialist who helps people form an opinion about various diseases problems and means of dealing with them. He also noted that this device is very useful in a room where a child sleeps and spends a lot of time.

But at the same time, you need to first answer a few questions in order to understand whether the need for a humidifier is high. Does your child often sleep poorly? Is there peeling of the skin? Does your child often get colds? Does he suffer from excessive fatigue? Is he naughty? If you can confidently answer “yes” to at least one of the above questions, then you should definitely consider purchasing this device. Moreover, the more positive answers to the questions you have, the sooner you need to purchase a humidifier for children.

Which is better? Komarovsky talks about this aspect of the issue in his broadcast, however, it is better for you to familiarize yourself with the data presented in this article, as all the necessary information will be offered here that will allow you to make the right choice.

How does a humidifier work?

Many parents may wonder, is dry air really that bad? And will humid air be good for the body? In fact, the optimal level of air humidity for a person is from 40 to 60%. It is to this level that this device returns the humidity indicator in the room, and in this case - in the child's room. How does a humidifier work and which humidifier is best for a child? The description of this process is quite simple.

When the air in the room becomes dry (in winter, due to the operation of various heating devices, the humidity can even drop to 20%), moisture begins to be drawn out of the human body.

At the same time, everyone is well aware that moisture is essential for people to be healthy and fully function. Accordingly, the air humidifier returns moisture to the air, protecting the human body from excessive fluid loss. As you can see, this is a very useful device, so it's time to figure out what it can be, which air humidifier is best for a child, which one is better to choose, and also what people who have been using this device for a long time think about this.

With cold steam

The cold steam humidifier is the ultimate climate humidifier for kids. Which one is better - this one or the others? Now we need to try to deal with this issue. The principle of operation of this device is quite simple: inside it there is a fan that drives cold air through a humidified filter. As a result, the air leaving the humidifier is cold, moist, and also clean. The fact is that all pollution, such as dust, small particles debris and so on, remain on the filter.

In fact, this is the simplest and a budget option, which does not require you to spend even on electricity. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that this device not only humidifies the air, but also reduces the air temperature in the room. Moreover, this cleaning method is the most inefficient among all that are used today. So it is worth thinking about getting a better quality humidifier-purifier for children. Which is better? It's time to consider other options.

with hot steam

So, so far you have considered only one option, so the question is still relevant. What is the best humidifier for a child? Which is better to choose? To answer these questions, you need to consider all existing options. The one that will be discussed now is practically no different from the previous one - it is an improved version. Many parents believe that such a device is ideal for a nursery. The fact is that there is a heating device that turns cold steam into hot. The price of such a device in the basic configuration is not much higher than the previous ones, but at the same time it works with one filter that can be cleaned, thereby saving on the purchase of replacement ones, it very quickly humidifies the air, and also makes the steam sterile, which allows you to deal with germs if your child has a cold.

Naturally, there are also disadvantages: for example, the jet of air coming out of the device is hot, so your child may be burned. Also, hot steam increases the temperature in the room, which in the conditions of the heating season may be superfluous. And of course, do not forget that such a device can re-moisten the air, which is no better than if it were dry. To do this, you should consider options with control of the level of humidity in the room. Such a device will cost more, but it will turn itself off when a certain level of humidity is reached.


The next option is an ultrasonic humidifier for kids. Which one is better to choose: this one or one of the previous ones? To understand this, you need to understand the principle of its work and learn about its advantages and disadvantages. It should be said right away that now it has gained immense popularity - it is humidifiers of this type that are sold most of all around the world. It works by ultrasonic vibrations, which break water into tiny particles, thereby turning it into steam, which then humidifies the air. Such a humidifier works virtually silently, humidifies the room very quickly, and also most often has additional options, which are controlled by a functional LCD screen, as well as using a remote control.

But with the use of such a humidifier, certain difficulties are associated. For example, for it you need to use exclusively purified water - otherwise there will be a white precipitate everywhere in the room. You also need to constantly purchase expensive replacement filters, and the device itself is not cheap. As for recommendations for use, this method of generating wet steam is not recommended for those children who have not yet reached the age of four. This is due to the negative impact on the lungs of the baby.

With ionizer

This type of humidifier is separately taken out only conditionally - it can be both ultrasonic and standard, both with cold and hot steam. The only difference is that the device will also be equipped with an ionizer. With its help, the air will not only be humidified, but also ionized. It has been proven more than once that air ionization is an incredibly beneficial process for humans. People who live in the mountains have the longest life expectancy - and this has been scientifically linked to the kind of air they breathe. This air is saturated with ions - and this is exactly what a device with an ionizer will help you achieve. Accordingly, this addition will be more than useful for every room, and especially for the children's room.

"Air Wash"

"Air washer" is a very unusual device that will allow you to achieve impressive results in humidifying and purifying the air. Its device is similar to how the most basic humidifiers are arranged, but at the same time the device itself has much more impressive dimensions, and at the same time more impressive functionality. So, the air from the room is drawn into the "sink" with the help of a fan, where it passes through a block of disk cartridges, which are partially submerged in water. As a result, all the pollutants contained in the air remain on the disks, the air is humidified and also ionized, since the “air washer”, unlike the previous versions, is always equipped with an ionizer.

As a result, the efficiency of such humidification is many times higher than that of a standard basic cold vapor humidifier. Naturally, along with this, the cost also increases dramatically. However, it is worth thinking about allocating a large amount, since it is the “air wash” that has the highest rates of air purification - only it is able to cope with severe pollution.

Climate complex

Well, the last thing worth mentioning is the climate complex. This is one of the latest developments, which is actually an ideal device for multifunctional air humidification. Simply put, this device combines all the useful features of each of the humidifiers described above, while multiplied several times. Moreover, numerous more options have been added to them, which allow you to expand the functionality of the station to the maximum. It would seem that such a device should be complex and noisy - however, on the contrary, it is extremely quiet and incredibly easy to use.

The only problem similar device- this is its impressive price, which not everyone will be willing to pay. Otherwise, this device is ideal, and it is recommended to put it in the child's room, especially if he suffers from any respiratory diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, allergies, and so on. You can be sure that the money you pay for a humidifier will be well spent - the investment will quickly pay off, because you will soon be able to appreciate the amazing difference in air quality.

Well, now you know about all the forms that a humidifier for kids can take. Which is better? Feedback from users who already have experience using such devices in a children's room will help you decide if you have not yet decided which of these devices suits you best.

Many are familiar with the feeling of dryness and discomfort in the house. Moreover, the sensation may appear in the hot season or winter. The reason for this is the dry air in the room. After all, we save ourselves from the heat with the help of air conditioners, and in winter it warms us central heating. As a result, the air becomes dry. In addition, it contains various allergens - these are pollen, dust, microorganisms. This situation accompanies the emergence of all kinds of diseases. Moreover, adults can still get used to such conditions, but for children, low humidity and polluted air dangerous. The reason is that the lungs of fancy children are not fully formed, and it is difficult for them to breathe dry air. Of course, you can do wet cleaning in the nursery, often ventilate, but these methods are ineffective.

That is why it is worth buying a good humidifier for a newborn. Similar Appliances has small dimensions, consumes a small amount of electricity, works silently, and the result is immediately noticeable. Are you still in doubt? Then pay your attention to the Internet, humidifiers for newborns have the most positive reviews.

Useful purchase

Many people talk about the benefits of humidifying a room today. However, young mothers first wonder if a newborn needs a humidifier. But after its acquisition, all doubts disappear. After all, such a household appliance helps kids breathe freely and sleep soundly at night. Reduces the risk of various diseases, ranging from all kinds of allergies and ending with SARS. The only question that remains is which is the best humidifier for your home.

Cold steam humidifier type

This option appeared one of the first to combat climatic conditions in the room. The essence of his work is to pass room air through a wet mesh. Subsequently, bacteria, dust and other microorganisms remain on it.


The main advantage of such a humidifier is its low cost. In addition, replacing the filter later will not be so expensive. It consumes very little electricity, and it is also possible to choose the operating mode on your own - this is low, medium, high. Moreover, such a humidifier in the room of a newborn may well be used, since it has no age restrictions.


Of course, there are some disadvantages in using it, for example, the difficulty arises when regulating humidity. In addition, the room temperature drops by a couple of degrees due to cold steam. Also, the efficiency of cleaning the room is low, although this is fixable if you use a model with antibacterial impregnation.

Hot steam humidifier type

This review is very positive. The principle of its operation is to heat water, which turns into hot steam.


To begin with, the cost of such a humidifier is small, and there is no need to constantly change the filter. As a result, there will be no extra costs. During operation, hot steam is generated, which quickly humidifies the air.


Despite its cost-effectiveness, you still have to spend money, because this version of the humidifier consumes a lot of electricity. In addition, there is a need to control the process of work so as not to overmoisten the room. It is also worth noting that a jet of hot steam can burn you. Therefore, the question arises as to whether a newborn of this type needs a humidifier. Although, if you follow the rules for its use, it will be a great helper in the fight for favorable climatic conditions in the room. When buying a hot steam humidifier, it is best to choose one with a built-in hygrometer and hygrostat. Otherwise, you will have to buy these devices separately to control the humidity. It is important to note that this option will have an excellent effect on children who often suffer from respiratory diseases. All thanks to the possibility of adding aromatic oils, which can make the air in the house useful. The main thing is to find a special place for him, so as not to attract the attention of the child and avoid unwanted burns.

Choosing an Ultrasonic Humidifier

Air has gained immense popularity today. It is undesirable to use it for newborn children, because their lungs have a special structure. The principle of operation is ultrasonic vibrations that turn a drop into a mist. The presence of additional filters helps to purify the water.


Such a device is silent, quickly creates the desired humidity in the room, maintains a given level. In addition, there are many different functions - this is the regulation of the intensity of steam, a sensor showing the time to change the filter, automatic shutdown, and there is also a remote control.


The cost of replacement filters is very high, which spoils the impression of this device. Also, if untreated water is used, then a white coating may remain on the furniture.

Humidifier with ionizer

Many people know that ionized air is very useful, so such humidifiers for newborns have the most enthusiastic reviews. After all, it falls asleep so well when the effect is created in the room, like after rain. For young children, restful sleep is very important. In addition, they are practically not prone to allergies, do not catch colds, and SARS do not give complications. Therefore, such children grow up strong, healthy and learn everything quickly.

Air purification

Today, humidifiers for newborns are on sale, reviews of which are diverse. Some may like a device with cold steam, others prefer hot air. However, the baby's health problems can be serious, such as asthma or severe allergies. This complicates the life of parents, interferes with the child. Therefore, among the huge number of humidifiers, there is a certain category that simply cleans the air in the room. Such a humidifier for a newborn review is more of a recommendation. Indeed, in addition to its ionization and moistening, disinfection also occurs due to ultraviolet radiation. As a result, all viruses, bacteria are simply destroyed. Of course, there are some nuances in the acquisition of such a device, because its dimensions are not small, and the cost is quite high. Nevertheless, the work of such household appliances is many times more efficient.

What to Consider When Choosing a Humidifier

When purchasing household appliances to humidify a child's room, it is worth considering a few points.

1. The area of ​​​​the child's room and the air that needs to be humidified in it.

2. It is required to immediately decide whether enhanced cleaning of the premises is needed.

3. Should there be additional functions such as night light, barometer.

4. The water tank should be chosen convenient for washing.

5. It is worth clarifying the availability of replaceable filters, and how often they need to be changed.

For those who wish to improve their lives, there are also decorative options. They are sold in the form of lamps, fountains. Such humidifiers for newborns have the best reviews.

Too dry air negatively affects the respiratory system, harmful microbes multiply faster in it. Low humidity makes the skin dry, accelerating the aging process. IN residential buildings very often the balance of the microclimate is disturbed, especially in the cold season, when the heating season begins. Children are the most sensitive to the environment and are more influenced by it. Is a humidifier really necessary for newborns and older children? How useful and effective is this device? Here, our experts will answer questions and tell you what humidifiers are available and how to choose the right quality, safe, reliable instrument.

In the city, the atmosphere itself is unfavorable. The situation is aggravated by heating devices, without which, unfortunately, one cannot do in winter. According to the norm, the level of air humidity in residential apartments and houses should be at least 40% and not more than 65%. In the children's room, the recommended humidity level is 50-70%. But often in apartments this figure barely reaches 30-35% or even less. Even an adult in such an environment can hardly breathe, not to mention babies. Animals and plants also suffer from dry air.

The negative impact of dry air on children:

  1. The liquid secret that protects the mucous membranes thickens. It disrupts the balance of microflora, weakens the protective barrier, increases susceptibility to infections.
  2. In dry air, many pathogenic viruses and bacteria multiply faster. The risk of infection with harmful microorganisms increases several times.
  3. Children's immunity suffers greatly from a dry microclimate.
  4. Resistance to respiratory diseases decreases, children often begin to get sick with colds.
  5. Dry air accumulates more dust, which increases the risk of allergic reactions.
  6. The mucous membranes of the eyes suffer from a lack of moisture. Children and adults develop conjunctivitis, there is always redness in the eyes, a feeling of sand, fatigue.
  7. In an overdried microclimate, the general well-being of the child worsens, lethargy, drowsiness, fatigue appear, and sleep worsens.

Scientists have proven that air humidity directly affects the speed of assimilation of information, new knowledge and skills in children and adults. This relationship is due to an amazing phenomenon that physicists have discovered, but still have not been able to unravel - the ability of water to store and transmit information. Thus, along with water molecules in our body, the brain gets a certain amount of information from the outside world.

Definitely, a newborn needs a humidifier if the environment in the house does not meet the above standards. But there are a lot of devices, and they differ not only externally, but also according to the principles of their work. How to choose the right one? This will be discussed below.

Types of humidifiers

There are several types of humidifiers that differ in the mechanism of operation. Learn more about the design and functions of each type of device.

Traditional (cold type humidifier)

This type of air humidifier was the first to be developed. The principle of its operation is simple: a cartridge with a filter is installed inside, into which water is poured, and a fan drives air through it. When blowing out, the air that has passed through the water filter becomes humidified. Distributed throughout the room, moisture changes the microclimate, making it more favorable.

The filter retains particles of dust, microbes and other contaminants from the air masses. Thus, the "cold" humidifier performs not only its main task, but also purifies the air.

From time to time (depending on the frequency of use), cartridges need to be changed.

  • inexpensive;
  • easy to use;
  • you can fill in ordinary tap water;
  • consumes little energy;
  • further cleans the air.
  • noisy during operation (due to the fan);
  • low efficiency (to humidify the air in the entire apartment, you must keep the device on all day);
  • requires filter replacement.


A heating element is installed inside the device. The water poured into the container is heated, and hot steam is thrown out. Microbes die in hot steam, and the air also becomes cleaner and sterile. Majority modern devices have settings through which you can set the intensity of steam emission, frequency of operation and other parameters.

  • affordable price;
  • high moisture rate;
  • can be used as an inhaler;
  • does not have filters that require replacement;
  • turns off automatically when water runs out.
  • from the release of hot steam, the temperature in the room rises, this is good for winter, but bad for summer;
  • consumes a lot of energy (more expensive models are equipped with an energy-saving system);
  • scale builds up on the heating element over time, which needs to be cleaned.


More modern look humidifier based on the principle of ultrasound. Water is collected in a special reservoir. When activated, the device starts generating ultrasonic waves. They break water into tiny particles, the fan blows them out and carries them through the air. Also in the tank there is a filter that traps contaminants present in the water. Often, an ultrasonic humidifier is equipped with an ionizer.

  • silent operation;
  • does not heat the air;
  • safety (the device turns off if the water runs out);
  • has a built-in humidistat;
  • economical in energy consumption.
  • it is recommended to use distilled water;
  • Filters need to be changed periodically.

Air wash

The main task of such devices is the effective cleaning of air from microbes and dust. Moisturizing comes as an additional feature. In the "sinks" more powerful filters are installed that clean the space from bacteria, viruses, fungi, dust mites and other small particles that adversely affect our health. This is a very useful device for those whose children often get sick, especially infectious diseases, as well as for allergy sufferers, asthmatics.

  • economy in energy consumption;
  • almost silent operation;
  • performs two functions at once: cleans the air and moisturizes;
  • has many settings, safe;
  • there are no strict requirements for the quality of the poured water.

  • high price;
  • large sizes;
  • requires periodic maintenance.

Climate complexes

The climate station can do a lot: humidify the air, purify it, cool, heat, ionize, aromatize. In addition, the devices can be equipped with various sensors that analyze the microclimate. Thanks to them, the device will independently choose a program to maintain the ideal atmosphere. Perfect solution for those who want to create an eco-climate in the children's room.

  • multifunctionality;
  • ease of use;
  • there are no special requirements for water;
  • there is a security system.
  • high price;
  • large dimensions;
  • requires replacement of filters and other components.

How to choose

There are many factors to consider when choosing the right humidifier for newborns. After all, besides the fact that babies are very sensitive to environment, they still need to create complete security.

Choice according to purpose

If the air quality in the apartment is quite favorable, and the child grows up healthy, then a regular humidifier without a cleaning function and other options will be enough.

For families living in the centers of large cities, where exhaust gases and other toxic fumes are constantly present in the air, humidifiers with an air purification function are suitable. The same type of device is recommended for those whose children often get sick, especially with colds.

When choosing a household humidifier, the following criteria must be considered:

  1. Safety. In this regard, only one type of device turns out to be in the red - a steam humidifier. The baby can be burned by the outgoing hot steam, so it is better not to buy such a device in the nursery. The rest are the safest.
  2. Power and performance. Humidifiers on average have a power of 10 to 50 watts. The lower this indicator, the less energy the device consumes. Another important criterion is performance. The optimal indicator is considered to be a performance level of 0.3-0.5 kg / h for a room of 25-35 square meters. m.
  3. Noise. Humidifiers themselves are not particularly noisy. But still it is worth checking the device for this indicator before buying. Especially if you plan to install it in the nursery. In each specific model noise level may vary.
  4. Functionality. The presence of a timer, hygrometer, programming, ionization and other additional options only adds convenience and comfort to the process of using the device.
  5. Dimensions. This criterion is especially important for those who have limited space in the house. Air washers and climatic stations are quite large in size, and a place must be determined for them in advance. If there is no free space in the room, then you can buy an ultrasonic or traditional humidifier. small size for desktop placement.

When purchasing a model with removable filters, you need to ask in advance how easy it will be to find them on sale. Devices differ in design, but here it is already a matter of personal tastes and preferences. Children's humidifiers are usually made in the appropriate design in the form of toys.

Rating of the best humidifiers for newborns

The Mickey Mouse Ultrasonic Baby Humidifier has a 3L tank and is designed for a 20 sqm room. It can be put on a table, cabinet, shelf, it does not take up much space. There is a demineralizing filter inside, so tap water will do. Evaporation intensity adjustment is manually adjusted. The water evaporation indicator will let you know when you need to refill the tank. The average price of the model is 4800-5000 rubles.

This is not just a humidifier, but an air washer. The device is suitable for both infants and older children. The tank is designed for 9 liters of water. With a power of 11W, the unit cleans 150 cubic meters per hour and humidifies a room of 28 square meters in an hour. m.

The model does not require replaceable filters. It includes an ionization option, and special settings allow you to automatically maintain the level of humidity in the room. The presence of a timer, a hygrometer, several settings modes, touch controls allow you to comfortably use the device. Special night mode eliminates noise. The estimated cost of the model is 11,000 rubles.

The compact ultrasonic device with a 2.5 l reservoir effectively humidifies the air in big room. It can be placed on the floor or on a table. It works silently, consumes very little energy, does not require any special maintenance. The rate of moisture supply is adjustable. The price of the device is 3300-3500 rubles.

Another ultrasonic model with additional options. In addition to the standard settings, the device has a timer, an ionization function, a fragrance, a hygrostat. All this is controlled through an electronic panel with a display. Tank capacity - 3.5 liters. The device is designed for 25 hours of continuous operation. When the water level is low, the indicator lights up. With all the advantages, the model has quite affordable price- 2500-2800 r.

The ultrasonic humidifier is ready to serve a room up to 40 square meters in a short time. m, improving the microclimate in it. It is oriented towards floor installation. Humidification speed controller allows you to set the optimal settings. Can be added to the water container aroma oils. The indicator will inform you about the low water level in the tank. The price of the model is 2000 rubles.

The unit is made in stylish design. It is large, designed for floor installation and a large planting area (up to 55 sq. m). The device not only humidifies the air, but also cleans it. A HEPA filter is installed inside, which will have to be changed over time. The special NANOE purification technology will make the microclimate in the house the most favorable for health. The device has a timer, speed controllers, water indicator. The approximate cost is 33,000-36,000 rubles.

The model works on the principle of ultrasound. The humidifier is suitable for large rooms, for an hour it is able to serve up to 60 square meters. m. It has a moisture supply rate regulator, night and day modes, a water level indicator, and body lighting. Tank volume - 7 l. The average price is 2100 rubles.

This is a climate station, it cleans and humidifies the air. The model uses a unique "ion rain" system, a hygrometer, additional sensors analyze the state of the air in the room and automatically select the operating mode. Deep air purification occurs thanks to two filters: HEPA and ULPA. The recommended area for operation is up to 26 sq. m. Touch control includes a timer, night mode, there are also indicators on the case. The device is installed on the floor, on the bottom panel it has built-in wheels. You can buy a model for 18000-19000 rubles.

The device is made specifically for children's rooms. The ultrasonic humidification system generates moisture quickly and silently. Served area - 20 sq. m. This is a device simple in its functions, but perfectly coping with its task. The moisture supply can be adjusted. The model also has a case backlight and a water indicator. Price - 3300-3600 r.

Humidifier and purifier combined in one device. This is a model that works on the principle of traditional cold humidification. The coverage area is 40 sq. m. The device is equipped with two modes, flavoring option, power regulator. Interesting design in the form of a ball looks very stylish. You can buy a device for 5500-6000 rubles.

Now you know how important the optimal level of humidity in the children's room is and how to choose the right air conditioner. Even the simplest humidifier will significantly improve the microclimate in your home.

humidifier typeultrasonictraditionalultrasonicultrasonicultrasonictraditionaltraditionaltraditionalultrasonictraditional
Controlmechanicalelectronicmechanicalelectronic, display, timermechanicalelectronic, timermechanicalelectronic, display, timermechanicalmechanical
Served area20 sq.m30 sq.m15 sq.m40 sq.m40 sq.m52 sq.m60 sq.m26 sq.m20 sq.m40 sq.m
Water tank capacity3 l7 l2.5 l3.5 l3.6 l4 l7 l2.5 l1.5 l4.5 l
Water consumption200 ml/h450 ml/h260 ml/h350 ml/h350 ml/h700 ml/h400 ml/h440 ml/h180 ml/h270 ml/h
Pricefrom 4740 rub.from 13890 rub.from 3450 rub.from 3499 rub.from 2020 rub.from 37200 rub.from 3290 rub.from 18320 rub.from 3500 rub.from 5990 rub.
Where can I buy

This article discusses in detail the features of choosing such a type of climate technology as a humidifier for children: what is the best type of design for a nursery, general classification humidifiers, advantages and disadvantages, consumer reviews, as well as prices for the most popular models. Here you can find reviews of the best humidifiers designed for children's rooms.

Young children have very delicate and sensitive skin, which is extremely susceptible to negative external influences. With excessive dryness of the air, the skin of babies is prone to drying out, peeling and inflammation appear. Often, such climatic conditions lead to nasal congestion, as a result, the child does not sleep well. There are other serious problems as well.

What are humidifiers for kids?

The main purpose of this device is to maintain the humidity of the room at the required level. In some modifications, the functions of cooling or heating the air space are provided, although they are not the main ones.

The air humidifier with cleaning function works as follows:

  1. Due to the built-in fan, air is sucked from the room and then it is passed through the filter system, after which the already purified air enters the room.
  2. The pre-filter retains large dust particles.
  3. Due electrostatic filter the air is cleaned from microparticles and fine dust. In the course of this, the process of electrification is applied.
  4. When the air passes through the carbon filter, all unpleasant odors are removed, as well as gases harmful to humans.

Note! In some models, the function of aromatization of purified air is provided. Such designs use special oils.

Maximum allowable temperature in is 22°C. To achieve optimal indicator for a child, it is better to keep it within 18-19 ° C. For an adult to feel good, humidity in the range of 50-70% is required, for a child 50% will be enough.

The problem of the lack of a humidifier is especially relevant during the heating season, because radiators dry the air by about 10-20%. And the higher the temperature in the room, the more dry the air and the worse the child's well-being. There is a drying of the nasal cavity and mouth, problems with the lungs, which can lead to frequent respiratory diseases. For this reason, it is worth buying a humidifier to form the necessary humidity.

Why humidifiers are useful for children: the benefits of using

Useful for children for many reasons:

  1. Newborns especially need hydration, because their body is not yet able to cope with dirty and dry air in city apartments. As a result, dehydration occurs, which can easily be prevented by a humidifier.
  2. The amount of air pollution and microbes is reduced, which helps to strengthen and improve the child's body, as well as prevent nasal congestion and the occurrence of diseases associated with the respiratory tract.
  3. Rated humidity will prevent drying out skin and the occurrence of diseases affecting them.
  4. The immune system of the child is strengthened, and the likelihood of colds is also reduced.
  5. The child's sleep is normalized.
  6. The overall development of the baby improves, his ability to assimilate new information.
  7. No additional means will be able to fully adjust the humidity in the way that a humidifier does. Such means include wet towels on radiators, wet cleaning or spraying water in the room.
  8. In addition to humidification, these designs allow you to clean the air from germs and dust. Devices can also affect the temperature in the room.

Humidifier for children: which type of humidifier is better to buy

There are several types of humidifiers:

  • steam;
  • traditional;
  • ultrasonic;
  • "air washers"
  • climate systems.

Note! Each type of construction has its own advantages and disadvantages, technical characteristics and capabilities. Therefore, it is worth paying careful attention to all the nuances when choosing a humidifier: the level of humidity in the room and its other climatic conditions, the needs of residents and their health status, the presence of animals in the house, etc.

Humidifiers for a child: how to choose the best option

All of these types of structures are more or less suitable for. First of all, the choice is due to the accompanying conditions and personal preferences:

  1. In the absence of budgetary funds, models of traditional or steam structures are suitable. These types of humidifiers for children are inexpensive.
  2. If there is a need to purchase a compact device, it is better to pay attention to steam and ultrasonic models.
  3. The high quality of humidification and air purification is provided by climatic complexes and "air washers".
  4. If buying replacement filters for a humidifier is not embarrassing, then you should buy an ultrasonic device.
  5. If a child’s sleep is easily disturbed by excessive noise, it is recommended to think about buying an ultrasonic device or a climate complex. These design options are silent. They are also suitable for processing large areas.
  6. If the tap water is very hard, and the price of cartridges and softening filters is too high for the family budget, the best option will become an "air wash", traditional or steam.

The most high-quality humidification is provided by climatic complexes. Doctors recommend using them in rooms where asthmatics and people prone to allergies live. This type of humidifier will be useful to everyone who lives near factories, highways or in the central part of metropolitan cities.

Note! The cost of climatic complexes is the highest in comparison with other types of humidifiers, therefore, if the conditions of the room do not require it, you can limit yourself to buying a simpler device that will successfully cope with the humidification function.

Requirements for air humidifiers for a nursery: how to choose a safe design

All appliances and pieces of furniture standing in must be completely safe for kids. For this reason, special safety requirements are put forward for humidifiers:

  • it is better if the device not only humidifies, but also purifies the air from harmful components;
  • the device must be equipped with an automatic shutdown function when the water in the tank runs out. This will avoid short circuit and fire;
  • it is worth paying attention to inconspicuous structures with simple design. Too bright humidifiers can cause excessive interest in the baby;

  • for a nursery, it is recommended to purchase humidifiers with an air aromatization function. If you spray around the room natural oil fir or lemon, the child will be protected from colds. These types of oils have antiseptic properties. Lavender oil has a positive effect on sleep, helps strengthen the nervous system;
  • so that the child is not distracted during games and sleep, the device must be silent;
  • when buying, you need to pay attention to the design features, its structure. The case of the device should not have small elements that can be unscrewed. The weight of the humidifier is also important: the product must be either very light or very large so that the child cannot tip the structure over and injure himself;
  • it is undesirable to use steam humidifiers in hot air in the children's room.

Helpful advice! On sale you can find humidifiers equipped with a "child" mode of operation.

Some models of humidifiers have a special "children's" mode of operation.

Features of the use of ultrasonic humidifiers for a children's room

Models of ultrasonic humidifiers are highly efficient in comparison with others. Their work is based on the principle of liquid evaporation due to the oscillatory movements of the membrane installed inside. It is immersed in a container of water, which subsequently turns into mist. Moreover, the temperature of this dust cannot exceed the air temperature in the room. Even if a child approaches the device out of curiosity, they will not be able to get burned from the cold steam.

The negative impact of ultrasound on humans and animals is also in question. The frequency of ultrasound in the humidifier is completely safe. The presence of monitors and television screens in the nursery, the operation of which is accompanied by electrostatic radiation, inspires more concern. This type of radiation is harmful to babies, so you should get rid of such devices. On the other hand, the humidifier can partially compensate for the influence of electromagnetic radiation.

It is worth choosing in advance a place to place the device and it is better if it stands higher, for example, on a shelf or bedside table. Thanks to this, mist will spread much more efficiently.

In terms of care, ultrasonic humidifiers are quite demanding. They do not respond well to hard water, spraying everywhere because of this white coating. For this reason, every 3-4 months you need to buy special cartridges for softening water or pour purified distilled water into the device's container.

Helpful advice! For refueling ultrasonic models, a liquid purified by drinking water filters is suitable.

Ultrasonic humidifiers for children: what benefits they can bring

An ultrasonic humidifier will be useful if:

  • the air in the room is too dry or there is no way to regulate excessively hot radiators during the heating season. Thanks to the powerful device, the child will feel comfortable in such conditions.
  • the baby does not sleep well, wakes up at the slightest sound. Ultrasonic type models operate almost silently, so they are optimal for moisturizing at night;

Related article:

Humidifiers for an apartment: characteristics and types of designs, tips for choosing a device, performance and reviews.

  • the children's room has a large area. The power of the device with an ultrasonic membrane will be sufficient for effective humidification of large volumes of air;
  • the need for moisture occurs very often;
  • from time to time it becomes necessary to transfer the device to different rooms Houses;
  • buying special cartridges for softening or purified water is not difficult.

Advantages of ultrasonic humidifiers:

  • silent operation;
  • built-in hydrostat that allows you to control the level of humidity;
  • many models, due to the presence of a display, make it possible to see the level of humidity in the room at any time;

Note! Ultrasonic humidifiers are highly efficient, thanks to which the moisture level can be raised by 70-80%.

The disadvantages of this equipment include only increased requirements for the quality and composition of water.

Ultrasonic humidifiers for a child: which is better to buy a device for a nursery

According to the reviews, the Timberk air humidifier receives 7 positive comments out of 10 in the rating of the best, ahead of it are the Polaris PUH 2650 and Electrolux EHU 1010 models with a rating of 8/10 and 9/10 respectively.

Comparative characteristics of popular models of ultrasonic humidifiers:

CharacteristicElectrolux EHU 1010Timberk THU UL 11Polaris PUH 2650
Room area, m²30 25 24
Power, W25 110 30
Capacity, l4,5 4 5
Liquid consumption, ml/h300 250 400
Direction adjustment functionEatNoNo
Power on indicationNoNoEat
Liquid level indicationEatNoEat

Characteristics of the humidifier Electrolux EHU 1010

The Electrolux EHU 1010 model has many advantages:

  1. Laconic design, compact and stable body, light weight.
  2. Built-in night light of blue color. The light level is very weak, so the device will not interfere with night sleep. There is an option to turn off the backlight.
  3. When the tank runs out of liquid, the device automatically turns off.
  4. There is a formation white plaque, but in this model it is reduced to a minimum. During the operation of the device, puddles do not form around it.
  5. The water tank has a rectangular shape that is easy to pour.
  6. High build quality and materials. Plastic does not emit unpleasant odors.
  7. The effectiveness of the device can be assessed after 2 hours.
  8. Thanks to the regulator, you can control the intensity of air saturation.

Note! The design includes a special filter, including an ion-exchange resin.

Disadvantages of the device:

  1. The appliance requires the use of exclusively softened and pure water. It is best if it is distilled. This entails additional complexity and costs.
  2. The process of filling the container with water is quite convenient, however, this requires removing the filter and turning the structure over to drain the residue.
  3. In rare cases, a gurgling sound occurs in the container, as in.
  4. The water tank has an uncomfortable handle.
  5. The regulator does not allow you to control the height of the jet.

In general, the design is practical and convenient, has sufficient functionality and simplified mechanical control. Sounds during operation do not create serious noise and are not capable of waking up the baby. The only limiting factor may be the cost of treated water.

Characteristics of the humidifier Polaris PUH 2650

Advantages of the PUH 2650 humidifier:

  1. Capacity for liquid of impressive size, 5 liters of water is enough for 16 hours of continuous operation.
  2. Automatic shutdown function in case the water in the tank is over.
  3. Low consumption of electrical energy.
  4. Simple control system - just a few important buttons and two modes of operation.
  5. Stable housing, so there is no danger to children and animals.
  6. The indication looks like two small bulbs, so at night during sleep it does not create inconvenience.
  7. Despite the fact that China is the manufacturer, the quality of the device is good.

Note! A hydrostat must be purchased for this device, since without it it is impossible to control the level of moisture within the normal range.

Weaknesses of the design:

  1. The water level in the tank is visible only in 2/3 of the tank placed on top. You can't see what's happening at the bottom.
  2. There is no hydrostat.
  3. The sensor button has a tight pressure.
  4. Filling the container with water is complicated by the fact that the structure must be turned over.
  5. The power cord is too short, so for comfortable operation you will need to purchase an extension cord, which reduces the safety of the device for the children's room.
  6. Do not use ordinary tap water for filling.
  7. During the operation of the device, the surface of the furniture is covered with a white coating. How better quality water, the smaller this layer.
  8. The steam flow is directed upward at one angle (30°) and cannot be adjusted.
  9. Every 30 min. The device makes a gurgling sound.

Characteristics of the Timberk THU UL 11 humidifier

Strengths of the Timberk THU UL 11 humidifier:

  1. The optimal ratio of quality and cost.
  2. Decorative plastic case, high build quality.
  3. Easy control system, user-friendly panel.
  4. During operation, the device makes almost no noise.
  5. Saturation of air with moisture occurs quickly, the humidifier allows you to adjust the direction of the steam jet.
  6. The device has a function, it is equipped with additional filters that must be immersed in a container with liquid.
  7. The humidifier with a tank volume of 4 liters is able to work continuously for 8 hours.
  8. The display can be easily turned off so that the light does not interfere with rest at night.
  9. Due to additional filtration, there is no white plaque on the furniture.
  10. Thanks to the built-in timer, you can adjust the on / off time.

Helpful advice! This humidifier model allows you to aromatize the air during humidification. To do this, just add essential oil (just a few drops).

Design flaws:

  1. Weak fixation of the handle, due to which this part may fall off while moving the humidifier from one place to another. To avoid this, it is necessary to maintain the design.
  2. The opening for filling the container with water is too narrow. This nuance not only complicates the filling of the tank with water, but also the process of cleaning it. It doesn't hurt to get a bottle brush.
  3. Makes a loud sound when the container runs out of liquid. It is especially inconvenient if it happens at night. In other models, the notification function is performed by a light indication, which is less irritating, but also less effective.
  4. The hygrometer often overestimates the performance.
  5. Be sure to use clean water.

Features of traditional humidifiers for a child's room: how to choose the right one

The operation of traditional structures is based on the principle of saturating the air with water in a natural mode. This type of equipment is much slower than ultrasonic type devices. This is especially true when the air is excessively dry.

Note! The slowness of structures that moisten the air in a natural way is quite understandable, because the released moisture is first absorbed by the overdried finish of the walls and floor, and other objects in the room. For this reason, the rise in humidity levels during the first days of operation will be negligible.

Traditional type humidifiers have a simplified structure:

  1. The filter is lowered into the liquid container. Air flows through it, driven by a fan.
  2. Passing through the filter, the air is saturated with moisture and cleaned of large dust particles. Since dust accumulates in the filter, this element must be washed every week and replaced with a new one once a year.
  3. Often, the fan is located on top of such structures, which causes noise during operation. The noise level may vary depending on the model. This is affected by the power of the device, its manufacturer, build quality.

Why you should buy traditional type humidifiers for children

Traditional models of humidifiers will be useful if:

  1. The tap water has many impurities, there is no filter for drinking water in the house, and the budget does not allow spending money on clean water and replacement parts.
  2. There are no plans to purchase an air purifier as an addition to a humidifier.
  3. The temperature indicator of the air in the nursery is too high.
  4. Children are overly curious and show an increased interest in unusual things.
  5. Traditional humidifiers have a modest design that is unlikely to attract the attention of a child.

Device advantages:

  • the use of tap water is allowed;
  • low cost;
  • moisture is distributed evenly;
  • in the process of humidification, air is cleaned;
  • simple service.

There are not many disadvantages high level noise is the most significant of them.

Note! To maintain a normalized level of humidity in the room, a traditional humidifier must operate continuously.

Traditional humidifiers for children: rating of the best models

In the ranking of the best humidifiers for children, customer reviews from the forums contained the most positive comments about models such as STADLER FORM OSKAR O-020 (9 out of 10 positive reviews) and BONECO AIR-O-SWISS E2441A (8 out of 10- These reviews are positive).

Comparative characteristics of popular models of traditional humidifiers:

Room area, m²40 40
Power, W18 20
Capacity, l3,5 3,8
Liquid consumption, ml/h300 200
Noise level, dB26 25
Liquid level indicationEatNo
Aroma functionEatNo

The models listed in the table are far from the only traditional type humidifiers that meet the needs of consumers and can be used in a children's room.

Review of the best humidifier for children of the traditional type - Stadler Form Oskar O-020

Design advantages:

  1. Stylish design and compact size, the case has a cubic shape.
  2. Humidification is carried out at a fairly effective level.
  3. There are no serious water quality requirements.
  4. There is a scale that reflects the filling level of the water tank, as well as a hydrostat, which greatly facilitates operation.
  5. The fragrance function enhances comfort.
  6. The humidifier has a night mode.
  7. Low consumption of electricity and water.
  8. Pallet has flat surface so it is easy to wash.
  9. The device can react to the level of humidity in the room and automatically turn on or off accordingly.

Note! The level of noise exposure is low, the sounds are quite quiet and have a calming effect on a person.

Disadvantages of the humidifier Stadler Form Oskar O-020:

  1. Filters should be changed every 3 months according to the manufacturer's instructions. These parts are hard to come by and expensive.
  2. It is inconvenient to pour liquid into the tank. To do this, you will need to use a 1.5 liter bottle with a narrow neck.
  3. Getting on the upper grille, dust clogs it, and the process of cleaning this element is very complicated.
  4. Low performance. Despite the parameters declared by the manufacturer, the device is able to effectively process only 15 m².

Why is it profitable to buy a Boneco Air-O-Swiss E2441A humidifier for children's rooms

This model is easy to use. The advantages of Boneco Air-O-Swiss E2441A are obvious:

  • Beautiful design designs in a futuristic style;
  • acceptable cost;
  • compact dimensions of the device in comparison with other devices of the traditional type;
  • simple system of operation: it is enough to fill the tank with 3 liters of liquid and set the required operating mode (day or night) using the switch. Moreover, in the night mode, the humidifier behaves extremely quietly;

  • easy care and cleaning. This model is a plastic tank with a fan and a filter inside, so it's easy to figure out the design;
  • since the fan is installed at the bottom of the humidifier, the operation of the device is not accompanied by increased vibration and rattling sounds, as in “air washers”;
  • convenient system filling the container with water.

Note! Due to natural evaporation, a layer of white plaque does not form on the surfaces of furniture and other objects in the room.

Disadvantages of the model:

  1. Low efficiency when working in night mode. For 1 hour, the device evaporates only 60 ml of water.
  2. The device is able to cope with the humidification of only small rooms. If the room size is 30 m² or more, the unit will not be able to effectively humidify the air.
  3. There is a rapid contamination of the cleaning filter with salts that are part of the water. This affects the performance of the device, and also entails additional costs for the purchase of these elements, which are not so easy to find. Moreover, such a replacement must be done every 2 months.
  4. Air purification from dust is carried out at a minimum level. The filter keeps only large dust particles inside the appliance.

Humidifier with air purification function Boneco Air-O-Swiss E2441A

"Air washers" for children: what are the best humidifiers to buy for a nursery

"Air washers" are similar to traditional models, since they use the same principle of operation - natural evaporation. However, they do not have an evaporative filter that must be replaced.

Humidification is carried out due to the rotational movements of plastic discs, which are immersed in a container of water. The fan directs the airflow to these discs. The surface area of ​​these elements is large, so the process of saturating the air with moisture is accelerated when compared with traditional humidifiers.

Note! "Air washers" well remove allergenic particles and dust from the room. This type of device will be the best humidifier for a child's room, where kids with allergies to pollen live.

"Air Wash" does an excellent job of cleaning the microclimate from allergens and dust

What are good "air washers" for a children's room

Understanding the question of which humidifiers are better to buy for a child, it is worth identifying for yourself the conditions for future operation.

"Air wash" will be useful for the home if:

  1. It is planned to operate the device without supervision day and night.
  2. No way to spend cash for the purchase of purified water.
  3. No option to buy Consumables for humidifier.
  4. Not intended to be purchased as an addition to a humidifier.
  5. The child sleeps anxiously, sensitively reacts to the slightest noise.

Design advantages:

  1. Low consumption of electrical energy;
  2. No disk replacement required.
  3. The operating device makes few sounds.
  4. There is no need to fill the tank with purified water.
  5. This type of equipment not only humidifies, but also “washes” the air.

The list of shortcomings can only include big sizes body and high cost.

"Sinks" as a humidifier for a child: which model is better to buy

Comparative characteristics of popular models of "air washers":

CharacteristicAIC S031CELECTROLUX EHAW-6515/6525VENTA LW15
Room area, m²25 50 20
Capacity, l3,1 7 5
Power, W24 15 4
Ionization functionEatNoNo
Liquid consumption, ml/h200 500 n/a
Aroma functionNoNoNo
Noise level, dB50 25 32
Liquid level indicationEatEatEat

Advantages and disadvantages of "air washing" AIC S031C

Strengths of the humidifier AIC S031C:

  1. Thanks to the auto-off function, the device can be left unattended on for a long time.
  2. Extensive functionality, including 4 operating modes.
  3. Digital display and timer improve user comfort.
  4. There is a function of automatic shutdown when the optimum indicator of humidity in the room is reached.
  5. Built-in liquid level sensor allows you to control the amount of water in the tank.
  6. Compact dimensions.
  7. Efficiency, air ionization function.
  8. Component parts are of low cost.

Note! The functionality of the device includes a useful option "Health Care".

Disadvantages of this model:

  1. During operation, the device emits a buzz that resonates in a plastic casing.
  2. Limited fluid reservoir capacity. The tank holds only 3 liters of water. This is enough for 12 hours of work.
  3. It is inconvenient to remove the filter in order to clean it. To do this, spin the drum.
  4. The process of humidifying the air is not intensive enough, although the moisture is distributed evenly throughout the room.
  5. For comfortable movement of the device from one place to another, the design provides a special recess designed for the hand. However, it is only available on one side. If the instrument is moved while it is in operation, liquid may leak.

Characteristic humidifier Electrolux EHAW-6515/6525

The Electrolux EHAW-6515/6525 model has many advantages in its arsenal:

  1. High external decorative effect.
  2. Effective air humidification.
  3. There are no strict requirements regarding water quality.
  4. In the process of moisturizing, white plaque does not settle on the furniture.
  5. The design does not include bright LED bulbs that can interfere with a night's sleep.
  6. There is no need to change filters.
  7. The process of filling the container with water is very convenient. Due to the fact that the walls of the tank are transparent, you can visually control the liquid level. The device is equipped with a valve cover, which is easy to use, but at the same time reliable.
  8. When night mode is activated, the device is quiet.
  9. The water in the tank does not rot even after 3 weeks.
  10. Discs are easy to clean. To wash them under water, there is no need to disassemble the drum.

Helpful advice! The drum can be washed in the dishwasher.

Cons of this model:

  1. There are no legs, so there is a risk of damage to the parquet flooring when moving the appliance.
  2. Small water tank capacity. Despite the 7 liters declared by the manufacturer, in fact, the container holds only 4 liters. The volume indicated in the documentation includes the volume of not only the tank, but also the pallet. In the heating season, this is enough for 12 hours of work.
  3. High price.
  4. Large dimensions of the structure.
  5. The device is made of fragile plastic.
  6. The unit needs to clean the discs and pan every 4 days. Otherwise, there will be a smell of dust.
  7. A working device regularly makes a gurgling sound of sufficient volume.
  8. If you set the device to the maximum mode, you can feel a draft coming from the structure. It is not recommended to install this humidifier near a baby cot.
  9. The device refuses to work if the base is wobbly or uneven.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Venta LW15 humidifier

Advantages of "air wash" Venta LW15:

  1. The design is extremely simple and highly reliable, since little can fail in the device.
  2. The energy consumption level is low.
  3. High quality German assembly, convenient service system. The device is made of beautiful plastic with high strength properties.
  4. Compact dimensions do not create problems with finding a place to install the device.
  5. Large capacity water tank, this volume is enough for at least 2 days.

Note! The warranty period is 10 years, which is quite a lot for equipment of this type.

Weaknesses of this design:

  1. Buttons are overly bright LED backlight of blue color. Many users place a strip of cardboard over the area or cover the area with black duct tape to relieve discomfort.
  2. High cost, even in comparison with ultrasonic models.
  3. Before filling the reservoir, the liquid should be defended, since fresh tap water gives off the smell of bleach, which is transmitted to the air when moistened.
  4. The design does not have a hydrostat.

Features of the use of climatic complexes for a children's room

Climatic complexes for children's rooms are a multi-stage filtration system and an option for air humidification. The device has filters for different purposes. This category of devices belongs to the category of high-quality and solid climate technology.

If you do not go into details, climate complexes are in many ways similar to traditional models that work due to natural cold evaporation. However, they provide additional system filtration, including evaporative type filters or aerodynamic structures that replace the entire arsenal.

Such a complex design allows you to eliminate even the smallest particles of dust, smoke, chemical substances, unpleasant odors, smog and various allergens.

The devices operate silently, have a large number of modes, but are very easy to maintain.

Note! The climatic complexes contain the most innovative technologies air purification. This explains their high price.

The climate complex will be useful if:

  1. The child has poor health, a tendency to develop allergic reactions, heart disease or asthma.
  2. The apartment is located in the industrial area of ​​the city, where the air has a high content harmful substances and exhaust gases.
  3. The child has a light or poor sleep.
  4. The water in the tap is of poor quality.
  5. There is a need to purchase a humidifier of the highest quality.

How to choose a humidifier for a child: which climate complex is better

Comparative characteristics of popular models of climatic complexes:

Room area, m²60 40 30
Pre-filter (water)NoEatNo
Capacity, l9 2,7 3,5
Power, W11 65 22
Ionization functionEatEatNo
Liquid consumption, ml/h400 500 250
Air purity control functionNoEatNo
Noise level, dB22 54 50
Liquid level indicationNoNoEat
Filter contamination indicationEatNoNo

Characteristics of the climatic complex Winia AWM-40

Benefits and strengths this model:

  1. Water tank with large capacity 9 l volume is enough for efficient and uninterrupted work throughout the day. Automatic mode allows you to operate the device for 48-60 hours.
  2. Simple design and easy to use menu.
  3. The drum, if necessary, can be easily disassembled. A special key is provided for this purpose in the configuration of the device.
  4. Noiselessness.
  5. High quality Korean assembly and plastic.
  6. Convenient process of filling the tank with water.
  7. The device can effectively humidify the air in large rooms. The device under such conditions is able to raise the humidity indicator to 55%.
  8. Built-in hygrometer with accurate readings.
  9. Efficient air ionization function.
  10. Sight glass in the liquid container to control the water level.
  11. It is possible to adjust the direction of air flow.

Note! The device does an excellent job of humidifying the air on the area declared by the manufacturer - 60 m².

Disadvantages of the Winia AWM-40 humidifier:

  1. The screen backlight is too bright.
  2. The air ionization function is not turned off, as is the backlight of the display.
  3. Limited warranty periods, service problems due to a small number of service centers.

Features of the climatic complex Panasonic F-VXD50R

Advantages and benefits of the device:

  1. Efficient and fast air humidification, a large selection of modes, including automatic.
  2. Sensitive touch sensors that react to the appearance of odors.
  3. Due to natural evaporation in the process of humidifying the air, a layer of white plaque does not form on the furniture.
  4. In night mode, the device is very quiet.
  5. Optimal design of the structure, in which air is taken from the side, and its discharge is from above.
  6. Thanks to the damper, the user can control the direction of air flow.
  7. Small consumption of electrical energy.
  8. Stylish construction design.
  9. High build quality, easy maintenance. The manufacturer's instructions are written in Russian.
  10. There are 3 filters included in the package.

Users note the high efficiency of this device in comparison with other models.

Disadvantages of the Panasonic F-VXD50R humidifier:

  1. The design does not have a control panel, convenient wheels for comfortable movement.
  2. There is no child lock.
  3. The capacity of the liquid tank is small.
  4. The bright LED light makes it difficult to sleep at night.
  5. Expensive consumables and the high cost of the device itself.

Note! The service life of the filters is very high - from 7 to 10 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of the climate complex AIC S135

List of advantages of humidifier AIC S135:

  1. Affordable cost, the design has a simple structure and a beautiful vase-like design.
  2. No need to spend money on the purchase of emollients and replacement filters.
  3. Evaporation of moisture in a natural mode eliminates white marks on the surface of the furniture.
  4. The device is able to significantly raise the level of humidity in the room.
  5. Neat and quality build.
  6. The device does not require careful maintenance. It is enough to clean and wash the container in a timely manner, as well as fill it with water.
  7. The possibility of fire is eliminated, since the design provides for an automatic shutdown function if the liquid in the tank is over.

Like any other device, the AIC S135 climate complex also has disadvantages:

  1. Large dimensions.
  2. Crackling sounds occur during operation.
  3. Just one circular filter that needs frequent rinsing (every 3 days) otherwise the part will get mouldy.
  4. In night mode, the device is less efficient and is able to process 3 times less area than stated in the documentation.
  5. The legs are not insulated, so vibrational movements are transmitted to the floor.
  6. There is no humidity control sensor, which complicates operation.

Note! If this appliance is used intensively for a long time, a puddle of water may form around it.

Which air humidifiers to choose for a child: reviews and prices of popular models

All listed models of humidifiers, based on customer comments, are recognized as the best in their category. First of all, the technical indicators and operational characteristics of the devices are considered, but we must not forget about the price of the devices.

Which air humidifiers are better for children: prices for appliances:

Construction typeModelprice, rub.
UltrasonicElectrolux EHU 10104178
Timberk THU UL 113573
Polaris PUH 26502750
Ballu UHB-240 Disney3400
TraditionalSTADLER FORM OSKAR O-0208437
"Air Washers"AIC S031C7890
ELECTROLUX EHAW-6515/652514990
VENTA LW1512940
Climate complexesWINIA AWM-4013950
AIC S1356890

According to most of the reviews, Ballu UHB-240 Disney is the most practical, efficient and convenient device, so it can also be included in the list. best models for the children's room.

Advantages and disadvantages of the ultrasonic humidifier Ballu UHB-240 Disney

The main advantages of the design:

  1. A unique design based on the images of cartoon characters loved by many children.
  2. The device combines the function of a night light and a humidifier.
  3. The device allows you to adjust the rate of saturation of the air with moisture.
  4. The user can set the direction of air flow thanks to the rotary jet type atomizer.
  5. When the critical liquid level is reached, the device automatically turns off.
  6. Thanks to the rubberized coating of the legs, the device does not slip on the surface.
  7. The yellow unobtrusive indication is pleasing to the eye.

Note! The device has a wide range of applications. This model is suitable for humidifying the air in the country house, in a city apartment or townhouse, in country house and even in the winter garden.

Disadvantages of a humidifier:

  1. Short power cord.
  2. There is no ionization function.
  3. Small capacity.
  4. There is no built-in hygrometer.

The device works quietly and efficiently, has all the necessary functionality, so the absence of some details is not critical.

Which air humidifiers are better for children: customer reviews

To finally determine the choice of a humidifier, you should read the reviews of customers who have already tried the devices in operation:

“I picked up a humidifier for a child, but there is such a large selection in stores that my eyes run wide. A friend advised me to buy the Ballu UHB-240 Disney and I was not mistaken in buying this device. I really like the design, especially the child, it moisturizes well, and most importantly, it works silently. He would have had a longer power cord, otherwise everything is fine.

Ekaterina Smirnova, Yekaterinburg

“We used a Polaris humidifier for a while, but it quickly clogged and eventually burned out. We decided to switch to better technology. The store liked the model ELECTROLUX EHAW-6515/6525. On the Internet, this air washer received good reviews, and the consultant in the store painted it well. I've been using for a month now. The quality is excellent, as is the result of moisturizing.

Natalia Morzh, St. Petersburg

Modern stores have a wide range of climate control equipment. To choose a quality device, you need to consider everything: from technical parameters, ending with the cost of components, reviews and climatic conditions in the house.

Dry and warm air in an apartment can cause frequent colds and contribute to the manifestation of various allergic reactions, especially in childhood. A humidifier will help to cope with this problem by creating a comfortable microclimate in the room, which is extremely important for the life of the child.

The need to humidify the airspace

It is believed that relative humidity in the nursery should be at least 50%. With this indicator, the baby feels comfortable, which means that his body is fully functioning. What is really happening? At an outdoor air temperature of 4°C, air humidity averages 78%, while in an apartment it is only 38%. And when the heating season begins, indoors it drops to 20%.

Our grandmothers and mothers also placed in the room where the child is, a large number of flowers, put buckets of water, hung wet towels. All this made the air moisturized, and therefore softer for our skin. But today everything has become easier, and you can provide the necessary level of humidity with the help of a humidifier for the children's room.

Dry air "draws" moisture from all objects in the room: furniture, flowers, and, of course, from our skin. Hence - flaky cheeks, sniffing in a dream, headache, allergies, dizziness and diseases of the respiratory system.

In addition, despite the amount of wet cleaning, airing, the air in the house contains dust, tobacco smoke, exhaust gases from the street, dust mites and other not very pleasant substances. In addition to the main function of saturating the air with moisture, a humidifier for a nursery can also saturate oxygen with ions. The device purifies the air, freeing it from dust and other microparticles, and neutralizes unpleasant odors.

By placing a humidifier in the nursery, you will immediately notice positive changes in the behavior of the baby:

  • the child will sleep better at night;
  • his activity and performance will increase;
  • it will hurt less.

Most importantly, remember that even the best and modern appliance does not cancel the ventilation procedures.

Having understood the need for a humidifier for children, we choose the appropriate option.

Types of humidifiers

All devices differ in humidification methods, the presence of filters, additional functions and price. Judging by the reviews, it is unequivocally impossible to say that one or another type is better than another. This household appliance is not a decor or a toy, so when considering options, consider all the pros and cons of the device's functionality.

With cold steam

Humidification occurs thanks to a fan that drives dry air through a wet mesh. Particles of dust and dirt remain on it, which creates the effect of wet cleaning in the room. If you do not follow the change of cassettes, then the accumulated pathogens can be harmful to health, as they will enter the room with the air that is given out, and then into the lungs.

Pros of this humidifier for a child:

  • low noise level, which allows you to leave it on even at night;
  • economical energy consumption;
  • affordable price.

Such qualities allow it to be considered as a humidifier for newborns. Ease of use and affordability are clear advantages of this instrument. But keep in mind that cold steam, although slightly, can lower the temperature in the nursery. And for the baby, compliance with the optimal in the room is mandatory.

with hot steam

The principle of operation of this device is to heat water and release hot steam, due to which humidification occurs. In parallel, it kills germs in the room. There are also models of humidifiers that can be supplemented with aromatic oils. Together with steam, they are sprayed in the nursery, which makes the air healthier for the child.

Features of this humidifier:

  • lack of replaceable blocks and cassettes;
  • quick humidification of the air in the room;
  • can be used as an inhaler.

A significant drawback of the product is that a hot jet of steam or water can burn a child, so place the device in a place where it will be safe. In addition, harm can be done if the humidity in the room is not controlled, the increased rate of which contributes to the reproduction of pathogens. Therefore, it is best to choose models with a hydrostat or hydrometer that measure the level of humidity and, if necessary, can turn the device on and off.

ultrasonic humidifier

Thanks to ultrasonic vibrations, water droplets split into a mist and are carried around the room by a fan. The device works almost silently, which is very important for children with sensitive sleep.

It can be equipped automatic control(on, off), evaporation intensity regulator, filter change sensor, LCD screen.

Using ordinary tap water for such a device, you can encounter plaque that will settle on furniture, window sills, toys, appliances, and also in the respiratory tract. This is not useful for the lungs, since it contains all the substances that were dissolved in water, most often these are salts, but there may also be harmful impurities. Therefore, pay attention to the quality, and fill the device only with purified water.

The ultrasonic humidifier is allowed to be placed in the room of children from 4 years old, therefore it cannot be used for newborns.

If the selected model does not have such additional functions as a hydrometer and hydrostat, they can be purchased separately. Do not doubt their necessity, because they are created for convenience. The hydrostat can be set to any level of humidity, and it will turn on the device, constantly maintaining the set value.

Any humidifier - with cold, hot steam or ultrasonic, can be equipped with an ionizer. Thanks to the ions in the room, an effect is created, like after rain, in addition, they have a positive effect on human health.

"Air Wash"

This humidifier not only fulfills its intended purpose, but also purifies the air in a way that no other wet cleaning can handle. It fights the most microscopic dust particles and disinfects. The ionization device kills unpleasant odors and purifies the water.

Two parts of the device (moisturizing, cleansing) can work independently of each other. It is important that this type of device requires frequent filter and water changes, so be prepared for this, including financially. The only disadvantages of the Air Wash are its high price and large dimensions.

Climate complex

This is an improved version of the Moyka. Three-stage air purification, antibacterial impregnation, carbon filter. The complex easily copes with the function of purifying the air from any allergens, unpleasant odors and substances, and the space around will be filled with such aromas as you want.

It combines all the advantages of the above types. Simplicity, versatility, quiet operation. The price is high, even in comparison with the ultrasonic humidifier and the Moyka. But if the child has asthma or allergies, or you live in an area with a very polluted environment, such a humidifier for the nursery will come in handy.

Instrument selection criteria

When choosing a baby humidifier, consider the following indicators:

  • room volume. Those models that are able to process twice the amount of air flow in the room in an hour are suitable;
  • volume and flow of water. High performance implies a larger reservoir. If at night it runs out of water, the squeak emitted by the device may interfere restful sleep child. On average, 4-5 liters of water are enough for the device to work all night, and about 8-12 liters are consumed per day. You can choose more economical models, because it is better to fill it with purified liquid;
  • noise level. If the child is a light sleeper, pay attention to the presence of the sleep function, at this time the device should work more quietly.

The humidifier will help to establish a comfortable microclimate, and as many users note in the reviews, the child's well-being improves, and it really becomes easier to breathe in the children's room.

photo: depositphotos.com/eskaylim, Nomadsoul1