Mixer      24.04.2019

Can acrylic paint be thinned with water? How to thin dry acrylic paint

Finishing work is never complete without the use of paints. To date, the most popular is acrylic paint, which belongs to the water-dispersion type. It contains water, a coloring pigment and binders based on a polymer - acrylic.

Since the paint contains water, it evaporates rather quickly, which leads to rapid drying of the painted surface. At the same time, the layer, drying, forms a strong film that cannot be washed off with water. Acrylic has frost-resistant properties, it does not crack and does not crumble, does not exfoliate. Therefore, it is customary to use such paint not only for interior finishing works but also for outdoor.

If the purchased volume of paint is not used at once, but is stored for some time in an already opened package or the paint is too thick, there is a need to use an acrylic paint thinner or ... solvent. In fact, these two fluids have slightly different tasks. Let's tell you more.

What is a solvent and diluent - the main differences

Many mistakenly believe that acrylic thinner is no different from acrylic thinner. In fact, these concepts are slightly different. If you use both options incorrectly, you will not be able to achieve the desired effect.

In what cases do you need a solvent and diluent:

Attention! In everyday life, thinners are also called solvents, so you need to carefully read the instructions before buying a product!

How to dilute acrylic paint

Thickened acrylic paint can be thinned in several ways:

  1. Since this coloring matter contains water, it can be dissolved with the same liquid. But keep in mind that the water must be exceptionally clean and of high quality, without chemical impurities. To do this, the dried paint on water based must be diluted with water with a construction mixer in a separate container. If you intend to use the entire mixture, dilute directly in the jar. Water should be added little by little so as not to make the paint too thin. If you have a rich base, then after diluting with water, the color will fade a little, so you will have to add a coloring pigment.
  2. Special thinners-solvents for acrylic paint. They are produced in large quantities. The main advantage is improved coating properties and faster surface drying. In addition, solvents can impart haze or gloss. The thinner is a clear liquid with a specific odor that quickly evaporates as the mixture dries.

Features of the use of water

Before diluting acrylic paint with water, make sure the water liquid is clean. It must also be cold. Be sure to prepare a container for the experiment, in what ratio you need to dilute the paint.

The ratios can be as follows:

  1. Option 1:1 applies to the base layer. The paint turns out not too thick, lays down evenly, paints over as well as possible.
  2. Option 1:2 suggests a structure that does not spread and easily impregnates a brush or roller. The layer is thin and smooth.
  3. Option 1:5 has a liquid structure, in which the color is practically not preserved. In this case, you need to add a coloring pigment. Such a mixture is most often intended for painting curly and small products. It dries quickly, but you will have to apply many layers.
  4. Option 1:15 is more like plain water with a slight tint. Used to create a smooth color transition - a gradient effect.

Features of the use of thinners

Solvents intended for acrylic differ in the degree of drying:

  • Fast speed is used in cold weather conditions. As you know, low temperature does not allow the paint to quickly adhere to the surface. With the help of a diluent, this becomes possible.
  • Average speed is considered universal. Used mainly for internal works with normal temperature.
  • Low speed is used at elevated temperatures. If the water evaporates too quickly, then the paint will begin to lose its properties, which should not be allowed. A low velocity solvent will reduce the rate of evaporation.

The effect of diluted paint directly depends on the proportions of the combination of the coloring matter with the thinner. So, you can get a transparent surface, a thin layer or a thick one.

Follow the instructions for storage. Be sure to close the lid tightly and place the solvent container vertically. The room temperature should be cool.

The basis of thinners based on the composition of the paint

Thinners for acrylic paints are different based on the main active ingredient:

  1. Solvent, gasoline and the like. Disappears quickly.
  2. White Spirit. Evaporation rate is high.
  3. Kerosene has average speed volatility.
  4. Turpentine evaporates slowly.

What to do if acrylic paint is dry?

What to do if your acrylic paints? Indeed, quite often after painting there is a little mixture left, and it is a pity to throw it away. Over time, it begins to thicken a lot. But this is not a reason to be upset, since it is acrylic, unlike other types of paints, that can be restored. Here are some helpful and actionable tips:

  1. Initially, you need to determine the extent to which the paint has dried. After all, with a slight drying, it is much easier to restore it.
  2. If the mixture has not thickened much, but clots are already present, simply dilute it with water or a special thinner. In this case, you can add a little alcohol to the water.
  3. If the paint has dried out excessively, up to hardening, do not be discouraged! The situation is fixable. So, you need to take a sharp tool and try to split the hardened areas. Then grind them to a powder state. Next, heat the water to a boil and pour it into a jar of crumbs. After holding for 20-30 seconds, drain the boiling water and pour in a new portion of water. Do this 3-4 times. In the last filling, leave the water in the jar and mix with the powdered mass. Such diluted paint has reduced characteristics, but if there is no other way out, then you can use it. In order to improve the performance and properties, you can pour a very small amount of boiling water, and after mixing, add the factory diluent.
  4. If acrylic paint has thickened and turned into one solid lump, then it is better to throw it away, because it has practically not retained its properties. However, there are situations when paint is simply necessary. For example, for painting a bench on the street, a table in the country, and so on. In this case, you can revive it in the same way as the previous one. But with the difference that the last time you need to dissolve the crumbled paint is not just boiling water, but with the addition of alcohol.

How to prevent paint from drying out

It is very important to understand why the paint has dried. The fact is that acrylic is based on water, which evaporates a little even with the lid closed. This in turn leads to polymerization. You need to know that when drying, the properties of the mixture also disappear. In order not to bring the stock to this state, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to dilute the paint or add coloring pigments in a common bank. After all, you do not know whether all the material will be used up. It is better to pour the required amount into a separate container and dilute in it.
  2. Remember, acrylic water evaporates quickly, so close the lid on the tube or jar as firmly as possible. This will slow down the drying process.
  3. Quite often, the lid is glued to the base of the jar. To prevent this, after work, immediately clean the edges of the container from the remnants of the coloring matter and only then close the lid.
  4. Do not store paint products high temperatures. This contributes to the neutralization of moisture and properties.

How to clean acrylic paint

If you need to get rid of dried acrylic paint, you can use a special solvent. This will allow you to spend a minimum of time and do the job better.

Remember, the fresher the stain, the easier it is to get rid of. For example, stains can be removed immediately after painting with plain water. In principle, both brushes and containers are washed simply with warm water.

But if the paint is completely dry, then it acquires moisture-resistant properties, since the water evaporates and a waterproof film forms. Many people use sandpaper, sharp objects for cleaning the painted surface. No need to do this, because there are special solvents that are applied to the surface. Next, you need to leave the solvent for a few minutes and then easily get rid of the paint!

Car paint thinner is one of the most important and indispensable components in painting work. There are a lot of them and only certain ones are needed for the correct dilution of the paint. So, in order not to be mistaken, how to dilute paint, acrylic or any other, we will consider the main types of solvents and their use.

In principle, diluent and solvent are the same substance. Both serve to bring the material to the required viscosity (paint, primer, liquid putty, base enamel, etc.)
The manufacturer always indicates which solvent is best used for painting cars. Each paint system has its own required hardener and thinner. Be sure to read the instructions before using reverse side containers. It will indicate what type of thinner to use, at what temperature and for what material.

It’s worth saying right away which solvents should not be used in order to dilute acrylic paint - these are organic 646, 647, 650, etc. When diluting paint or varnish with them, difficulties in painting can also arise. Use them only for washing or other tools. The price for them is not great for cleaning the most it.

Types of solvents and thinners, which one to choose?

If you have a question, how to dilute acrylic paint? There is only one answer, use any branded acrylic thinner. Even if it is of a different company than the diluted paint, varnish, primer, etc. Just don't use the ones mentioned above! Branded acrylic thinner is an order of magnitude more expensive than conventional thinners, but for quality repair it is recommended to use them.

If branded acrylic is over or you want to save money, then you can use a domestic manufacturer of materials thinner P12 universal solvent. It has been successfully tested on almost all acrylic materials (lacquers, acrylics, primers, epoxies). There were no problems or defects. It can be safely considered as a universal solvent. P12 is "normal.

And so, the main criterion for choosing a thinner for diluting paint is the ambient temperature. temperature needs to be determined environment before painting and as a result it is to choose the right one. Temperature affects the drying time of the material. In hot weather, the solvent evaporates faster and the paint does not have time to spread. Defects appear, large shagreen, overspray. IN cold weather evaporation will be too slow, and there will be more debris.

There are three groups of acrylic thinners:

  1. Slow
  2. Normal
  3. Fast

Therefore, for high-quality work, always choose a material for a certain air temperature.
If it is cold, then use a "fast" thinner at a temperature of 5 to 15 degrees. At normal temperature 15 to 25 apply "normal". And in hot weather from 25 degrees, a slow one is needed. All numbers are indicative, see the manufacturer's instructions for exact definition. In the photo below, a series of thinners from Body 740 741 742.

It should be noted that there is no special thinner for varnish or for primer, acrylic. For their dilution, a universal acrylic thinner is used. But for the base enamel there is a solvent for the base. Although many use the usual universal.

Solvents for transition

In addition to universal ones, there is also a solvent for the transition. They are not designed to dilute varnishes and enamels. Their purpose is to make an inconspicuous transition boundary between the old and new paint or varnish. To do this, the transition thinner is applied from the paint sprayer or aerosol can on dry "dust" in the transition zone of varnish or acrylic paint.

It is extremely important to note that the solvent for transitioning over varnish or acrylic paint is "acrylic" and for transitioning through the base, it is also called "Binder" are completely different products. The binder for painting is something like a transparent base. It is used so that the metallic grain does not stick out like a "hedgehog" in the transition zone, but correctly "subsides", which will provide a high-quality invisible transition.

How to mix colors correctly.

For quality painting paint material must be of a certain viscosity and in order to mix it correctly there is a special tool:

Each has its own advantages and what to use is purely everyone's choice. The measuring ruler is reusable, it will last a very long time, unlike a measuring cup. Measuring rulers are double-sided (each side has a different mixing ratio). Basically like this: 2:1 and 4:1 and another option 3:1 and 5:1.
How to use a measuring ruler and a glass in the photo below, there is nothing complicated about it.
Be sure to read the instructions on the package before mixing paints, in what ratio to dilute the material. Below I will tell you in what proportions to mix various coatings.

Mixing acrylic paint "acrylic":

For Vika paint, this is a 4:1 ratio with a hardener and 20% -30% thinner. And for Mobihel 2:1 with hardener and 10%-20% thinner.

Base mixing:
The base paint is generally mixed 2:1. That is, the base itself and half of it is a solvent. It can also be mixed 1:1.

Varnish mixing:
With varnishes, almost the same story as with acrylics. Varnish is diluted 2:1 with hardener and thinner from 0% to 20%. Depending on what viscosity you need it.
All the above mentioned figures are approximate, they can change for certain needs and the type of work, and application technique. In general, see the instructions before use and there will be no problems.

To accurately determine the viscosity of paint, there is a special tool called a viscometer. The work of the viscometer: the viscometer is immersed in paint, taken out and noted for how long it takes to empty. As soon as the jet begins to drip, the stopwatch is stopped.
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Paint thinners are used to obtain paint composition need viscosity. It should be noted that almost every substance under certain conditions can become a solvent for another. As for those materials that are used with paints, there are some conditions.

The key feature is that paint thinners must have active solvent power. Also, they must be completely neutral with respect to the paint itself, in other words, they must not react with it. You should also pay attention to the fact that these substances are inexpensive, accessible and safe. The main requirement for the solvent is its evaporation from the paint composition under normal environmental conditions. IN simple form any solvent is considered to be a mobile liquid with a pungent, unpleasant odor.

But before starting any work, you need to know which solvent to choose. If we take solvent 646, for which paints it is used, everyone knows. We can say that it is universal and suitable for dissolving not only paints, but also primers, enamels and fillers. But this situation is not with all solvents, so let's figure out what solvents to dilute the most popular types of paints.

acrylic solvent.

This composition is often used to dissolve two-component acrylic paints, polyurethane resins and primers. Of course, acrylic paint can be thinned with ordinary water, but the use of such a solvent will significantly speed up the drying process of the coating. In addition, its use will allow you to achieve the most smooth and even surface to be painted, without the presence of any streaks and plaque.

Solvent for acrylic paints has the form of a clear liquid with a sharp specific odor. It is produced in several versions, each of which has a different drying time (fast, medium and slow). And also depending on the applied conditions - on temperature and humidity. For example, in the cold season, it is best to use a composition with the highest possible evaporation rate. And on a hot day, on the contrary, it is recommended to use a solvent with the most low level evaporation. Therefore, if you did not know what solvent to dilute acrylic paint, then this information has become very useful for you.

It is best to store such a solvent in a well-ventilated, dark and cool room (without access sun rays to packages). It is very important that the basic standards and norms apply in this room. fire safety. The packaging itself must be tightly closed and be strictly in an upright position.

Solvent for oil paints.

For high-quality dilution of paint on oil based the following types of solvents are often used: gasoline, white spirit, turpentine and acetone. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

White spirit is obtained during the distillation of oil. Used to dissolve bituminous, alkyd, oil paints, as well as drying oils, rubbers, epoxy esters, polybutyl methacrylate. You can also use nefras 150/180 instead.

Turpentine is produced industrially during processing pine wood. The following types of turpentine are distinguished: steam, dry distillation, extraction and sulfate. The best is the one that has maximum amount pinene. Turpentine is used to dilute glyphthalic, oil, pentaphthalic paints.

Acetone is a solvent derived from cumene hydroperoxide. It is an excellent solvent for paints and varnishes based on vinyl polymers. It is also used to dilute epoxy resins, polyacrylates, chlorinated rubber and vinyl chloride copolymers.

Acrylic paint is a popular product that is suitable for painting wood and metal surfaces, interior decoration rooms and large spaces. It is sold in a consistency that must be diluted before use. That's why, a reasonable question arises: Can acrylic paint be thinned with water? The answer is yes(Yes, you can dilute), but as always, there are pitfalls.

Nuances of dilution with water?

When diluted with water, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions so as not to spoil the properties that acrylic paint has. Also, no water will work here. First of all, it should be clean, without additives and impurities. Secondly, chilled water is needed.

What proportions to keep?

The classic version of painting works offers four main types of proportions for diluting acrylic paint with water:

  1. Proportions 1:1. By adding the same volume of water to the volume of paint, you get a diluted paint that is suitable for applying the base coat. The paint will be thick, but will not stick to the brush or roller. This consistency will evenly fall on the surface.
  2. Proportions 1:2. By adding a double portion of water to the volume of paint, you get a light, fluid mixture that falls on a brush or roller in a thin layer. This consistency is used when you need to make a lighter shade on a smooth wall.
  3. Proportions 1:5. Exceeding the volume of acrylic paint with water five times, we get a completely liquid composition. The liquid penetrates between the bristles of the brush and, when applied, forms an inconspicuous layer. This consistency is well suited for painting textured products.
  4. Proportions 1:15. With this dilution, water with a small admixture of dye is obtained. This ratio is practiced by painters to reproduce smooth transitions from one shade to another.

Important! During the dilution of acrylic paint, pour water in small portions and mix constantly.

Use measuring instruments so as not to miscalculate with the right amount of water for breeding. Among such tools, one can distinguish a measuring cup or a syringe.

Acrylic dyes, popular among the people, have a thick consistency. To achieve a uniform coating and the desired tone, you need to know how and with what to dilute acrylic paint.

Not all means are suitable for this purpose, since the material has a unique composition with specific properties.

In contact with

What are acrylic paints and their types

Water-dispersed paints based on polyacrylate are called acrylic. After drying, they become resistant to moisture.

To choose the right thinner for acrylic paints, you need to know what components are included in its composition. These are polymers.

  • methyl-;
  • ethyl-;
  • butyl acrylates.

Their copolymers are used as film formers.

Important! The water in the composition evaporates quickly. This leads to rapid drying and the appearance of a protective coating.

The film formed after drying does not exfoliate or crumble.

The separation of the material is carried out according to several indicators:

  • By area of ​​use (construction, fine arts, modeling);
  • the state of the surface obtained after drying (matte, glossy);
  • ability to withstand external influences.

The initial mixture has a dense consistency. The end result will depend on how you dilute the paint if it is thick. The emulsion is easily applied to glass, plaster and foam.


Positive qualities of acrylic compositions:

  • dry quickly;
  • create a strong film;
  • do not crack after drying;
  • glitter;
  • do not require fixing;
  • can be used in liquid and paste form;
  • after drying, resistant to water;
  • used on any fat-free basis (glass, wood, canvas, metal);
  • fresh paint is easily removed with water;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • allow the coating to "breathe";
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • have the original color reproduction, inaccessible to other formulations.

Important! When working with acrylic, you need to know that after drying, the color becomes darker.

Scope of application

Due to the peculiar qualities, the composition is actively used in construction for outdoor and indoor work, as well as in painting. In its pure form, it is rarely used. More often, acrylic is used in a mixture with gels, putties, pastes, adhesives.

On the basis of acrylic were created unique means for interior decoration. The dried composition becomes a thermal film for the building. It keeps out low temperatures in winter and high temperatures in summer. Easy to clean with water and detergents.

Important! The mixture has the same properties as a 5 cm thick foam sheet.

In painting, acrylic can imitate oil or watercolor. The result depends on the density of the mixture. Thick consistency is similar to oil, more liquid with watercolor. At the same time, a color scheme is created that cannot be achieved using other materials.

In construction, acrylic enamel is often used. Its scope is heating pipes, bathtubs, slate, cars. It is available in the form of aerosols, special pencils, emulsions.

Often this material is ready for use, and the question: “What is the best way to dilute acrylic enamel?” disappears. If there is a need to dilute the building enamel, then use the same substances as for paint.

Advice. The mixture dries quickly, so the brushes should be washed immediately after the work is done. Otherwise, they will become unsuitable for further use.

Nuances of dilution

Knowing how you can dilute the source, you will not spoil the paint and bring it to the desired consistency.

Important! To obtain the optimal composition, a test sample should be made and checked to see if it corresponds to the desired result.

The water used for dilution must be clean and cold. Sometimes it becomes necessary to use a mixture of water and alcohol as a solvent.

The industry produces special solvents for acrylic formulations. These are chemical compounds that change the structure of the mixture. As a result, a new composition with different properties is obtained. The result of this dilution will be a glossy or matte surface.

We breed with water

Question: “Can dry acrylic paint be thinned with water?” removed, since the basis of the material is water. It is also considered the main thinner. There are no hard and fast rules in breeding. The ratio is chosen as needed.

Important! The result depends on the proportion of the liquid. A diluted composition can become both a basic base and a transitional tone between the main shades.

Water is what can be used to dilute acrylic paint for painting or construction use.

In what ratios to breed:

  • In construction, a ratio of 1: 1 is in demand. This is a dense composition, the base base for other layers. It applies well, does not spread, does not have clots.
  • The 1:2 ratio has a more fluid consistency. After application, an even layer of smaller thickness is formed, it is easy to pick up on a brush, it does not form clots.
  • When diluted 1:5, the resulting mixture becomes very liquid. When applied to a transparent layer with a slight shade of the selected tone is formed.
  • A ratio of 1:15 makes tinted water out of paint. This mixture helps to make beautiful, smooth transitions between different tones.

Water with alcohol

The mixture is used in cases where it is difficult to dilute with water. For example, if it turns out that acrylic paints have dried. What to do in such a situation? Use the same proportions as when diluted with water to achieve the required density of the liquid.

Important! Mixtures obtained as a result of dilution with water or water with alcohol are applied only with brushes and rollers. Paint sprayers are not used for such compositions.

Industrial solvents

These are special mixtures that give the final product certain properties. They make a matte or glossy shade. The result is achieved subject to the technology and proportions specified in the instructions. Such mixtures are poured into spray guns. Chemical solvents speed up drying.

What to do if the paint is dry

It is not always possible to use the product immediately after purchase, because it turned out to be dry. It is possible to revive. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Thoroughly grind the contents of the jar.
  2. Pour boiling water over the resulting mass.
  3. Give it time to warm up.
  4. After cooling, pour out the water.
  5. Stir the contents and pour boiling water again.
  6. Drain the cooled water and mix the resulting liquid thoroughly.

Reanimated paint is ready.

Important! Before restoring dried paint, you should be aware that after the procedure it loses its original qualities.

Dilute for painting on the walls

For this application, the mixture is produced in special small containers. They are suitable for decoration and artistic painting.

Beforethan to dilute the material,you should be aware that the rules for adding liquid in this case are different from the rules for large volumes.

Dilution is done using a pipette, palette, special caps. The proportion depends on the desired result.

Important! The lighter the expected shade, the more it is necessary to dilute the mixture. For a bright, saturated color, a 1: 1 ratio is maintained.

The specific properties have made the paint popular in modeling. The composition dries quickly, has a large colors. Moisture resistant. For modeling, the paint is produced in small packages, but its composition does not differ from the traditional one. Therefore, to the question: “How to dilute the material for models?”, The answer is unambiguous: “Water!”.

What to consider when breeding

A large scope of application requires compliance with certain rules:

  1. During restoration old furniture it is necessary to dilute the composition in a ratio of 1: 1. This will cover the surface well. In this case, the mixture will not repeat the structure of the brush or sponge used in the work.
  2. When working with acrylic, you should follow the instructions, otherwise the result will be disappointing.
  3. In case of contact with a surface not to be painted, the emulsion is quickly wiped with a damp cloth.
  4. For dilution with water, a settled liquid is used. In this case, there is more guarantee that various impurities have evaporated.
  5. Usage construction mixer allows you to quickly and efficiently mix the components.

Advice. Combine the paint with a chemical solvent should be gradual. A small amount of diluent is introduced into the mixture, mixed. Then the chemical is added in small portions, achieving the desired result.

If necessary, change the color, use toners. The final result is determined on the surface. Before you make acrylic paint of a certain shade, work with a probe. After applying a small amount, check how the tone corresponds to the desired result. If the final color is not achieved, add toner until the desired shade is obtained.

Features of work

For application, diluted with water or a mixture of water and alcohol, rollers and brushes are used. The composition evenly paints the surface without forming lumps. Since the mixture does not flow, there are no special problems.

Knowing how to dilute acrylic paint, you can achieve the desired result:

  • matte or glossy surface;
  • the desired shade when painting the walls;
  • furniture restoration;
  • creating a protective layer on the surface of the building.

Acrylic that has been thinned with industrial solvents can be applied with a spray gun. It evenly distributes the mixture on the surface. Respirators are not required for work. The composition does not have a sharp specific smell inherent in other paints.

Useful video

Knowing what acrylic paints are for and how to use them can make your life much easier. A popular dye allows you to create any shades.