Toilet      06/12/2019

Structural plaster for interior work: types, application technology, description and reviews. Classification of structural plaster. Making a solution with your own hands

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 7 minutes

Structural plaster is classified as inexpensive and original facing materials. It is characterized by excellent performance, good adhesion to surfaces, a variety of textures, richness color palette, aesthetic appearance. This material is a heterogeneous mixture consisting of many components and is used to create a decorative wall covering living rooms, in the kitchen, bathroom, toilet, on the balcony.

Material Advantages

An important feature of structural decorative plaster can be called excellent grip with any surface

  • concrete;
  • brick;
  • cement;
  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • drywall;
  • OSB and chipboard.

Structural mixture properties

In addition to highly artistic qualities, such decorative coatings differ in features such as:

  • strength;
  • the ability to mask minor surface flaws;
  • no pungent odor;
  • immunity to ultraviolet radiation;
  • ability to pass air;
  • water resistance;
  • wear resistance;
  • plastic;
  • non-susceptibility to the formation of mold fungus and any varieties of microorganisms;
  • vapor permeability;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • ease of care;
  • suitability for the use of aggressive detergents;
  • long service life.

Depending on the type of structural mixture, the surfaces retain their characteristics and impeccable visual qualities from 10 to 25 years.

Structure plaster composition

The material consumption is directly related to the size of the fractions, which varies from 1 to 3 kg per 1 sq. m.

Variety of textures

Depending on the filler of the plaster and the method of application, the surface may look like:

  • sand wall or dunes;
  • orange peel;
  • elite dressed or cracked leather;
  • fish scales;
  • various reliefs;
  • reptile skin;
  • smooth or fleecy fabric;
  • antique;
  • cracked stone surface;
  • valuable rocks.

A special sophistication of the interior is provided, which can be applied to a dried plastered surface.

Material types

The following options for structural plastering are available for internal works, on the composition of which the price depends:

  • Mineral, which is a dry substance white color based on lime and cement - the most budgetary type of coating. Immediately before application, it is diluted with water in the proportion indicated in the instructions for use, and stirred with a construction mixer or a drill with a whisk nozzle. At the same time, color should be introduced or the surface should be painted in the desired color after the layer has dried.

Mineral plaster is environmentally friendly, fireproof, resistant to mold and microorganisms, but not elastic and may crack over time.

  • Synthetic mixture for walls based on acrylic resin differs in elasticity, durability, environmental friendliness. Sold in ready-to-use form.
  • Silicone, made on the basis of polymer compounds. It has excellent performance characteristics, such as water resistance, plasticity, strength, durability, vapor permeability, UV resistance, wear resistance, ease of application and maintenance.

Silicone compound is sold as a tinted, ready-to-use mixture and is more expensive than other types of finishing materials. However, the high price pays off with a long service life (more than 20 years) and impeccable visual qualities.

How to apply

Most mixtures are highly plastic, which greatly simplifies the work.


Before proceeding with the decoration, you need to check the presence necessary fixtures. Missing ones should be bought. You will need:

  • construction plumb;
  • level;
  • rule;
  • scoop for plaster;
  • trowel for finishing work;
  • spatulas - narrow and wide;
  • construction hammer;
  • pigments or acrylic dyes;
  • hard brushes with bristles of different lengths to create texture;
  • textured roller;
  • roller with a pattern;
  • foam and rubber sponge;
  • spray gun or texture plaster gun if large areas are processed.

Surface preparation

Preparation for applying the structural mixture for interior wall decoration does not take much time. Enough:

  • remove the old coating, having beaten off especially strong fragments with a hammer;
  • using putty and a file, remove noticeable defects - cracks, bulges, bumps;
  • thoroughly clean the surfaces with a damp cloth (possibly using detergents) from dirt, dust. Grease spots removed with acetone and degreasing compounds;
  • apply a coat of primer to the walls.

Note! It does not make sense to achieve a perfectly flat surface, since a decorative layer of plaster will mask minor imperfections.

Sequence of work

Before you start plastering, you need to introduce pigment into the mixture and mix thoroughly or use a white composition.

Colored silicone plaster has the advantage of a faster and more efficient finish.

  • Ready-to-use tinted mixture should be applied from above, along the ceiling line or slightly below. The plaster is sprayed or thrown onto the walls with a shovel and spread with a trowel or spatula from top to bottom.
  • Corners and cornices are made with a narrow spatula.
  • Leveling the base layer should be carried out with smooth movements from top to bottom, without pressure.
  • After applying the first layer, it is necessary to stop working for some time - from several hours to two days - until the mixture sets.
  • The second layer is applied to the dried surface and leveled with a textured or patterned roller. You can create a texture with arbitrary movements - wavy, broken beveled lines, circular and intermittent.

Figured influxes and streaks, patterns, abstract drawings look spectacular. The surface with small or large fractions of marble chips or perlite looks original. To create additional effects, brushes with hard bristles are used, with which you can draw furrows, a foam rubber sponge for scuffs. A few more ways are shown in the next photo.

  • Plaster niches and recesses in the walls.

Extremely popular are all kinds of drawings created with the help of structural material - real and fantastic colors, hieroglyphs, placers of stars. For such images, it is necessary to cut out the necessary figures on a piece of rubber and attach it to the roller.

Modern structural plaster is characterized by a huge variety of types, allowing you to give the room a stylish and exclusive look. This type of finish is able to perfectly imitate marble, luxurious fabrics, mahogany, and other expensive materials. The bas-relief on decorative plaster will look great. Decorative plaster will perfectly fit into any style and will go well with any design, if you choose the right material for the interior. It looks great, for example, in the art deco style.

Designers today are given an extensive choice among the abundance different types plasters, in which it is easy for an ignorant person to get confused.
Therefore, you should know that embossed plaster is divided into structural, textured and textured plaster (not quite correct, but taking place, division).
In turn, smooth plaster is divided into the so-called "Venetian plaster" and "silk" plaster. All of them have a lot of positive properties, they are easy to maintain, durable and strong. In addition, structural wall plaster does not fade, successfully hides various defects walls, elastic and vapor-permeable. And the variety of textures, colors and textures opens up endless possibilities for experimenting with style.

Decorative plaster is able to perfectly imitate the texture of "snake skin", "cut wood", "torn stone", "tree bark" and many similar textures.

In appearance, it looks like a thick snow-white mass with viscosity and plasticity. It is applied to the walls in a thin layer with a spatula or sprayer, and then processed with special tools to create the desired pattern. With all the variety in the modern market of various decorative materials finishes, it is plasters that represent the most comfortable and convenient form for decorative finishes walls.
Structural plaster has environmental friendliness, durability, resistance to temperature extremes, as well as elasticity, which allows embodying the most creative and original design fantasies in interior design. Due to the porous structure of decorative plasters, they are able to easily pass moisture and, as they say, "breathe", while they are not afraid of water, they are simple and unpretentious in care, easy to wash and clean.
Modern plasters are able to imitate almost all materials without exception, from cracked tree bark to traditional material"Saman", which allows you to create the effect of rustic walls. All these properties will give housing comfort, novelty and originality. All this allows you to embody structural plaster, a photo of the texture can be seen below:

Photo of structural plaster, one of the options for wall decoration

Structural plaster "Bark beetle" in the interior of the house (top view)

Structural plaster is a granular inhomogeneous plaster mass with the addition of any granules to it, such as small pebbles, wood fiber, pieces of mica or quartz, etc.

Structural plasters are made, as a rule, on a cement-lime (mineral) base, on the basis of potassium silicate, or synthetic latexes. The base itself can be made on solvents or on water based.

It should be emphasized that it is advisable to use water-based plaster for interior decoration, since it is odorless and will not require total evacuation of the owners from the apartment during the repair process.

As already mentioned, as such, structural plaster is a heterogeneous mass with the addition of various granules. It is on the size of such "blotches" that its relief and structure entirely depend. Initially, all plasters have a snow-white color, but you can choose any desired color for them. To achieve the desired shade will help the addition of a special pigment of any desired color. The basis on which the structural plaster is made (polymer, silicate or latex) will largely depend on both the cost of the material and the quality of the plastered surface. Therefore, each type of plaster should be selected based on a specific task.

Mineral plasters are distinguished by high profitability (low consumption). Made from natural, environmentally friendly raw materials, they are the best suited for thermal insulation of facades.

Application of structural plaster - basic principles

Although lime is present in the composition of mineral plasters, surfaces covered with decorative plaster can be cleaned and washed. This is explained simply: the substances that make up the plaster do not allow the lime to “melt”.

Plasters based on artificial latex are also absolutely not afraid of such manipulations. Plus, silicate plasters do not swell and do not get dirty. But it should be remembered that they can only be applied to a specially prepared surface - a coating that contains sand (quartz). For such a coating, plaster made on a mineral basis will do. It is impossible to apply silicate plaster on a dispersion or water-based primer. The plaster will have poor adhesion to the application surface, or will immediately fall off.

We repeat that all structural plasters are initially white. However, by adding a pigment of the desired color to the plaster mass, any shade can be achieved. This can be done in two ways: on your own, by purchasing the desired pigment in a store, or order the desired tinting from a catalog in a store or a company that sells decorative plaster.

Since the composition of the plaster mass includes fractions different sizes, structural plasters, respectively, can be both fine-grained and coarse-grained. A different pattern on the plastered surface depends on the method of application and on the size of the “grain”. So, structural plaster with a fine “grain” looks almost even, and coarse-grained plaster forms a beautiful pattern of round or transverse grooves. Much also depends on the tool with which it is applied: with a roller or spatula.

Advantages of structural plaster

  • Can be applied to any interior and outer surface: cement, concrete, brick, wood, drywall, etc.
  • Perfectly masks the defects of the coated surface: any swelling, old paint, microcracks.
  • It has good resistance to scratches, impacts, etc.
  • After drying, the surface can be cleaned and washed with detergents that do not contain solvents.
  • Able to withstand temperatures from -35 to +75 °C. (in some cases even from -50°С)
  • The high plasticity of the plaster mass allows you to create a variety of reliefs.
  • Due to the microporous surface, it allows the walls to “breathe”.
  • Sufficiently durable coating.
  • Acceptable ratio of price and quality among decorative coatings.

Features and scope of structural plaster

Option for applying structural plaster in the bathroom

A distinctive feature of structural plasters, as already mentioned, is good plasticity and "obedience" under any tool. Such mixtures do not need to be diluted or mixed with anything: they can be purchased already in ready-made in metal buckets of 15-25 kg.
Structural plaster can be applied to almost any surface, both external and internal, such as: cement, concrete, brick, wood, drywall and many others. But most often this type of plaster is used in the decoration of halls, bathrooms (there is a feature associated with the heat and moisture regime, for more details, see the materials about decorative plaster in the bathroom and the features of plaster for the bathroom) and bathrooms.

Structural plasters can be used for decoration as interior spaces, and facades. When choosing, you should consider which component is dominant in their composition. So for finishing inside a dwelling, it is advisable to choose a water-based plaster that does not have a smell.

Structural plaster - the material is quite plastic and pliable. It should be applied to the walls with tools such as a spatula or roller. The indisputable advantage of this material is its undemanding to the surface on which it is applied, whether it be concrete, brick, alloy, drywall, wood or cement, as well as its excellent ability to mask defects.

wide popularity in Lately acquired decorative structural plaster "Bark beetle". It owes its name to a certain similarity of the texture, the surface processed by it, with the pattern remaining on tree species, bark beetle. The bark beetle mixture is successfully used as an external decorative plaster for the final, final processing exterior facades, as well as an extremely original and impressive look in interior decoration interiors (photo can be seen above). The final desired appearance of the plastered surface varies depending on the grain size of the crumb filling it, the color scheme and the method of application.

The ability to give the plaster any desired color, as well as apply over the finished surface water-based paint significantly expands the options for the use of this type of plaster. Structural plaster "Bark beetle" is absolutely not capricious, it can be applied to concrete surface, drywall, and even chipboard. The main and obligatory condition when working with the "bark beetle" is the requirement for the continuity of the application process, to ensure the uniformity of the pattern. After a few minutes, you need to process the surface with a grater to obtain the desired texture.

Structural plaster "Bark beetle" is characterized by the highest operational properties: wear resistance, strength, aesthetics.

Do-it-yourself structural plaster - application process

So, consider the application of structural plaster on the wall in stages.

First stage. Wall surface preparation
The surface of the wall must first be freed from wallpaper and a layer of old paint. It is not necessary to achieve perfect smoothness - the applied structural plaster will level the wall and smooth out other irregularities. The main thing is that there are no obvious bumps and depressions on the surface.

Second phase. Primer
In the process of application, the primer, penetrating into microcracks, strengthens the surface of the wall. And, in addition, it protects it from dampness, swelling and mold.

Third stage. Applying the plaster
After the primer dries, you can let your imagination run wild. To give the walls an effect corroded by grooves, it is better to purchase fine-grained plaster with the addition of granules. natural stone or simply with large grains, as well as a textured roller. And if you want to imagine yourself on the ocean in a mysterious limestone grotto, apply coarse-grained plaster in a circular motion with a spatula. There can be a lot of options, and they are limited only by the imagination of the master, and below you can watch a video on this topic:

Structural plaster, video - the process of applying decorative plaster.

Structural plaster for interior work has been known for a very long time. As a material for wall decoration, it was used several centuries ago. The classification of this type of coating is quite diverse. Such and ceilings are used indoors.

When considering the question of what structural plaster is, you must also consider the possible need to use finishing by type of wallpapering or staining. Different ones may have independent decorative value and do not require final finishing.

Classification of structural plaster by composition

On the market today, structural plaster is presented in a wide variety. The most popular are 4 classes, among them:

  • silicone;
  • mineral;
  • silicate;
  • polymeric.

Mineral is also called lime-sand, and polymer - acrylic. Cement acts as the main substance in mineral plaster, this mixture has a high vapor permeability, as well as good water absorption. The mixture, after drying, is subject to moderate contamination. Inorganic substances are used as a pigment.

Mineral-based plaster has low elasticity, but is resistant to ultraviolet rays. It has medium microbiological resistance and low abrasion resistance. Considering the benefits, you can consider that mineral structural plaster is resistant to atmospheric precipitation.

Description of acrylic, silicate and silicone plaster

Structural plaster for interior work can be acrylic, silicate and silicone. In the first variety, it acts as the main substance in the second and third - liquid glass and silicone resin, respectively. As for the vapor transmission capacity, acrylic plaster does not pass steam well, but the other two varieties are excellent.

Water absorption is low, silicate - medium, silicone - low. If you do not want to see pollution on the walls, then you should choose silicone plaster, it has a low susceptibility to pollution, like silicate. But acrylic has a high one. Pigments in the latter version can be inorganic and organic, as in the silicone version. As for silicate plaster, the pigment will be inorganic. Acrylic or silicone plaster has a high degree of elasticity, medium elasticity - in the silicate variety of this decorative material.

Reviews about lime-sand plaster

Lime-sand structural plaster for interior work is often prepared with the addition of gypsum. This variety, according to buyers, is the most environmentally friendly. In terms of wear resistance, the layer will be inferior to competitors.

Buyers choose mineral plaster for finishing walls and ceilings in the bathroom, because such a surface is not afraid of moisture after drying. Consumers also like the democratic cost, because the components at the base have a low price. That is why lime-sand plaster is the most common.

Reviews of polymer and silicone plaster

Polymer structural plaster for interior work has a high plasticity, which is very popular with customers. It is resistant to moisture and aggressive environments, durable and strong. But many consumers do not like that polymer blends have limited vapor permeability. As an alternative solution, you can choose a silicone compound that can be applied over old coatings.

Customers report that they like this finish due to its resistance to sunlight. Among other things, the walls and ceiling will not attract dust and will show self-cleaning qualities. This is explained by the fact that water and dirt are collected in drops, and then flow down from a non-wetted surface, which is important for rooms with high pollution. Attracts silicone plaster consumers also long term operation. It is produced in the form of convenient ready-made mixtures, due to this, the application does not involve efforts on the part of the master. However, silicone compounds are quite expensive, which sometimes limits their distribution.

Feedback on silicate structural plasters

Looking at the review of structural plaster for interior work, you can understand that the silicate variety is resistant to mold fungi and putrefactive formations. Consumers like that the dried layer exhibits water-repellent characteristics.

Among the advantages it is worth highlighting fire safety and a wide variety of shades and tones. Consumers emphasize that silicate mixtures are phenomenal in terms of service life, because durability sometimes reaches 60 years. However, in terms of cost, this type of plaster is one of the most expensive.

Varieties of structural plasters for decorative qualities

Structural plaster for interior work, the types of which were described above in terms of composition, are also classified according to decorative properties. For example, on sale you can find mixtures interspersed with large particles. When applied with a trowel, the elements leave an uneven mark. The most common type of such a surface is the "bark beetle", which imitates wood damaged by insects.

Recreates a surface that mimics natural stone. The surface is uneven, which is very much in demand by designers. The most popular type of such coatings is "Graffito" or thin-layer. As a result, it is possible to obtain a surface that conveys the appearance:

  • moire silk fabric;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • velvet;
  • wood;
  • natural leather.

With the help of textured plaster, you can hide the defects of the wall, before applying it is not required to carry out preparatory work. The main difference is that such structural decorative plaster can be applied to any surface, namely: plastic, wood, brick and concrete.

Description of flock plaster and composition based on marble chips

Structural plaster in interior decoration is used quite often today. This should include flock plaster, which contains natural cellulose, mineral dyes and fillers, as well as silk fibers. In addition to the ability to create a highly artistic effect, the master will have the opportunity to form a breathable layer that perfectly soundproofs the room and allows you to keep it warm.

You can achieve a very durable structural coating if you apply plaster based on marble chips. The composition may be marble or granite granulate. The dimensions of the elements can be different, depending on which it changes appearance. In the role of additional additives, quartz particles or additives are sometimes used to obtain the effect of golden shimmer. This coating is frost-resistant, not afraid sun rays, does not fade, perfectly resists mechanical damage.

This plaster in the interior allows you to replace ordinary wallpaper which is especially true for owners who have pets in their homes. Before application, the surface is primed, otherwise the base will shine through.

Application technology: preparation

Such finishing material, like structural plaster, application (you should study the description of all stages of the process before starting work) requires preparation. The walls should be leveled, made smooth, and then covered with a primer. It is better to use a mixture of deep penetration, but it is necessary to dry the wall well. Experts recommend using an acrylic primer. To give maximum strength to the base, it is necessary to strengthen it using special compounds.

Work methodology

Structural plaster can be applied in several layers. A small portion of the mixture is collected on a spatula and evenly distributed over the trowel. After the tool is attached to the wall to apply the composition at an angle of 30 °. You can use a traditional one for leveling. Instead, an ordinary sponge is sometimes used. Finally, they pass over the surface with a spatula, thanks to which it is possible to smooth out sharp corners.

Structural plaster for interior work, reviews of which you could read above, can take almost any form. For this, it is recommended to use different instruments. Among them should be highlighted:

  • notched trowel;
  • embossed roller;
  • brush;
  • simple spatula.

If you use a regular roller, then you will transfer the finished pattern to the surface. You can find a roller with an applied ornament that will make the job easier. This will minimize the cost of finishing material.


Structural plaster for interior work, the price of which can be very different, was described above. When choosing plaster of the Shagreen brand, you will have to pay 49 rubles. per kilogram. Consumption this material per 1 m 2 will be approximately 2.5 kg. Decorative plaster "Bark beetle" is somewhat more expensive - 59 rubles. per kilogram, and the consumption will be 3.8 kg / m 2.

Structural plaster is a special mixture for wall decoration and the process of plastering them using a special technology. Homeowners use two methods for obtaining embossed decorative plaster: buying a ready-made composition or a special method for applying ordinary plaster.

Plaster as it is

Structural plaster in the interior is a material that is fertile for work, which easily imitates various surfaces: stone, marble, wood. This material consists of several components:

  • filler (quartz or river sand);
  • mineral or synthetic color (pigment);
  • modeling particles that give texture (granules, balls, fibers, threads);
  • binder (lime paste, silicate, caustic composition - magnesium oxide, mixed with magnesium chloride).

Do-it-yourself structural plaster is made by mixing the following components:

  • three parts of the filler;
  • one part binder;
  • 2-13% pigment (its amount is determined by the results of coloring);
  • modeling particles.

Relief on fresh plaster can be applied with anything from crumpled polyethylene to a bare hand

There are the following types of textured plaster:

  • structural;
  • Venetian;
  • flock (flake, chips).

Trial coloring

After making structural plaster with your own hands, the resulting the mixture must be tested with a test color: this is done to check the adhesion of the material to the surface and correct selection colors and textures. Vykras is made on a sheet of plywood up to half a square meter in size. and 1-2 cm thick.

Need to take plain plywood birch or coniferous tree on casein glue, without impregnation. Suitable only new leaf, not exfoliated, not smeared with dirt, grease, dust, so all these contaminants reduce the adhesive ability of the base. Plywood cannot be replaced with another similar tile material or drywall due to the similar properties of wall and plywood.

Vykras is done as follows: textural plaster is applied to the plywood sheet as it will be done on the wall, and it is waited for to dry completely. Then the plywood is turned over with the painted side to the floor or placed on edge, after which it is tapped with a hammer, a roller handle or a spatula along reverse side. If the coating withstands, this means that the proportions have been observed correctly, and the finished mixture can be used to plaster the walls.

Preparing walls for plastering

The preparation stage includes several stages:

  • collection of the necessary tool;
  • removal of the old coating from the walls;
  • sealing cracks;
  • puttying.

Next, the wall is primed with a deep penetration compound on putty or stone. The exception is Venetian plaster, under which you need to make a sand substrate.

Venetian plaster underlay

In the manufacture of homemade Venetian plaster, marble dust is replaced with sand, which somewhat reduces the adhesion of the composition, so the substrate is definitely needed. In addition, Venetian plaster performs best if a mother-of-pearl base is applied under it.

There are two ways to apply a substrate to a wall:

  • painting the wall with zinc or lead white mixed with linseed oil mixed with pearl dust and crushed quartz sand;
  • staining base surface acrylic pearl paint with 10% sand.

Preliminary priming of the walls is the key to the durability of future textured plaster

To assess the correctness of how to apply structural plaster, on a dried paint make a test with a fingernail: with proper application, a light spot without grains of sand will remain on the nail.

Main stage of work

A base layer of plaster is applied to the walls, after which it dries, they will begin to apply textured plaster. In order for the base layer of plaster to level the walls, a system of beacon rails is mounted on them. If the irregularities of the wall are insignificant, you can level it with a level and a rule. smooth and flat surface the base layer is left to dry, after which they begin to decorate the walls with volumetric plaster with their own hands.

The base layer is primed again, covered with plaster and relief is applied using various tools. Rollers for textured plaster, trowels, stencils, stamps, sponges, graters are used. The tool can be purchased at the store, or you can make a relief roller for plaster with your own hands by wrapping fabric, leatherette, polyethylene and other materials around this painting tool.

An interesting structural bark beetle plaster is applied in a special way: a grater is placed on a flat, slightly dried plaster with a granular filler, after which it is rolled, forming winding lines on the surface, resembling the eaten paths of woody insects.

Another way to apply structural plaster can be applied to a cement coating: 5-10% hydrochloric acid is applied to an even layer of cement, after which the wall is washed with water. As a result of this, an interesting relief will appear on the surface.

After drying, textured decorative plaster is painted with special acrylic paints. To make the relief more visible, use the base and surface color.: after the base has dried, the plaster is covered with a surface one, slightly erasing it on the protruding parts of the relief. The resulting coating can be coated with wax, which will not only protect it, but also give a matte shine or another shade.

The cost of structural plasters

The price of Italian-made structural Venetian plaster is from 1000 rubles per package, Russian - from 400 rubles. Plaster with various fillers will cost 500 rubles if it is made in Russia; foreign plasters, on average, cost from 500 rubles per pack.

How do-it-yourself structural plastering is done can be seen in the video:

Structural plaster is decorative and is widely used in wall decoration to improve their appearance. It is a plaster mass containing additives in the form of various granules - small pebbles, pieces of quartz, wood, mica, etc.

By applying this kind of coating, it is possible to imitate granite, marble, structural fabrics, ornamental wood, snakeskin, torn stone and other materials.

The plaster mass can be fine-grained and coarse-grained. And if the plane covered with fine-grained plaster looks even, then the same surface, when using large granules, acquires a pronounced texture. Therefore, a coarse-grained mixture is more often used for decorative facades, and a fine-grained mixture is used for interior spaces.

But it should be noted that in many respects the appearance of the treated plane also depends on what tools (rollers, spatulas, sprayers) are used to apply decorative plaster. Depends on the appearance of the layer and on the method of its application. As a result, you can achieve a result that can perfectly fit into the interior, decorated in any style, combined with any design.

Structural plaster - a coating that can imitate granite, marble, fabrics, rare woods, snakeskin, torn stone and other materials. With minimal skills, anyone can apply such a coating to the walls and achieve the desired effect.

Why structural plaster?

We will try to help those who decide the question - is it worth using structural plaster for finishing. First of all, it should be noted that its undoubted advantages are enviable plasticity and ductility when processed with any tools. It is also important that this kind of mixture does not have to be diluted - you can buy them ready-made and packaged in containers of 15-25 liters.

On this list of advantages of this building material is not exhausted. Let's continue this list:

  • structural plaster can be used for any finish - both external and internal;
  • it can be applied to virtually any surface, perfectly masking defects;
  • it is a strong, durable, impact and scratch resistant, waterproof coating that is easy to clean;
  • microporous surface allows the walls to breathe;
  • the plasticity of such decorative plaster allows you to create any desired relief on the surface;
  • it can withstand large temperature fluctuations;
  • during cosmetic repairs plaster can be easily repainted;
  • if you use stencils and rollers, then you can get any pattern on a plastered wall.

It should be mentioned that decorative plaster also has disadvantages:

  • the coating is quite heavy - 1 m2 requires from 2.5 to 4.5 kg of solution;
  • the coating after application is a monolith, therefore, before applying a new coating, old surface will need to be properly balanced.

Application of the working layer

Do-it-yourself structural plaster on the wall is most often applied in stages. These steps are discussed in more detail below.

Stage one - preparation of the treated surface

First of all, you should clean the walls by removing old paint and wallpaper from them. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to achieve impeccable smoothness - the applied layer will level the wall and smooth out the defects present on it. It is only required to ensure that there are no clearly pronounced pits and bumps, and the prepared surface is strong, visually even and dry.

Significant defects should be leveled, and deep cracks and holes should be puttied. Thanks to this, later, not only the process of applying decorative plaster to the walls will be facilitated, but also its consumption will be significantly reduced. Before proceeding to the next step, the applied leveling layer should be dried well.

Stage two - applying a primer

After the leveling layer is completely dry, a layer of liquid primer is applied to it. For its application is usually used paint rollers or brushes. Penetrating into microscopic cracks, the applied primer will reliably protect the wall from swelling, moisture and fungus, which will later provide more reliable adhesion of the plaster to the base.

It is better to use a deep penetration primer, which especially improves this adhesion. For wood, a special mineral primer is required, for all other surfaces, an ordinary primer can be used. For safety net, after complete drying of the primer, it is desirable to apply an additional primer layer. If rollers are used, the joints between the base sheets made of chipboard, drywall, etc. will be significantly strengthened.

It is desirable that the primer and structural plaster be from the same manufacturer. For complete drying of the applied primer, you need at least a day. After it dries, you can begin the process of applying plaster.

Stage three - applying structural plaster

If not a ready-made solution is purchased, but a dry mixture, then it should be mixed with water in the indicated proportion and mixed thoroughly. It is better to use a drill with a nozzle or construction mixer. The plaster should ripen for about ten minutes, after which it should be mixed again.

Due to the plasticity of the solution, it can be applied using various tools- rollers, spatulas, brushes, combs, stamps. Fine-grained plaster is conveniently applied with a sprayer. It is better to start from the top of the walls.

The first layer of the solution is applied to the prepared surface by spraying. The layer is leveled, corners and cornices are straightened. A covering layer is applied to the set spray, which, after leveling, must be allowed to set, but not completely.

A final layer of decorative plaster is applied on top of the covering. To obtain a special pattern, structural rollers, brushes, notched trowels, and sponges are used. Rollers are especially convenient as they provide a great variety and repeatability of applied patterns. After the coating has completely cured, sand the combs, remove dust and dirt with a damp sponge, and then dry thoroughly.