Well      08.03.2020

New furniture from the old wall with your own hands. How to remake old furniture with your own hands, illustrative examples before and after. Alteration of old furniture through varnishing

In modern life, nothing stands still. Tastes, preferences, home interiors are changing. Therefore, often after the repair is completed, the main question becomes what to do with old furniture, especially cabinets.

You can, of course, purchase a new model of a chic wardrobe that would harmoniously fit into the new design of the room, but if the previous version of the design is made of quality material or natural wood don't be in a hurry to throw it away. It is quite possible to give such furniture a chance for a new life, for this you just need to be patient and learn how to update old wardrobe with decorations.

Today, there are many ways to upgrade items. It can be painting, painting, decoupage or a sticker of a film that imitates various materials. Each of the restoration methods will not require large material costs.

Thanks to such modern technologies finishes, wardrobe will acquire original look, and decorating with an ornament or pattern will allow you to install the design in any room. It should be noted that everyone can try himself as an independent designer, choosing the type of design and color scheme to his taste.

Benefits of manual design

New furniture is always fashionable, beautiful and prestigious. It can be purchased as ready-made and make to order. But in Lately most of the owners of the house prefer to pick up paints, brushes and start creating individual masterpieces from old furniture models. And for good reason, as there are many reasons not to throw outdated cabinets in the landfill.

Self-restoration has many advantages, these are:

  • Stylish. The main reason for replacing furniture is its inconsistency with the new style. So, for example, if the room is decorated in the direction of country or Provence, then even a new purchased cabinet will have to be “customized” to fit general form premises. Therefore, thanks to the hand-made style, the cabinet in use will not yield to an expensive novelty from the store.

  • Fashionable. Recently, it has become popular not only to be the owner of restored furniture, but also to be able to transform old items with your own hands. Using your creative imagination, you can make a real work of art out of unnecessary "junk".
  • Exclusively. As a rule, all models of cabinets are mass-produced, so there are often hundreds of similar analogues in stores. But if the structure is restored independently, then it will be in one copy. In addition, cabinets can be decorated with an original technique in the form of a palette fusion. After styling the furniture in suitable color, the interior of the room is either bright or neutral, it all depends on personal tastes.
  • economically. You can't buy a new cabinet for free. As for the updated type of design, it will be affordable and economical. For example, to purchase a can of paint, a roll of sandpaper and accessories, you need some money. In addition, restoration is considered a great way to relax.

How and what to decorate

Over time, all cabinets lose their original appearance and become irrelevant for housing design. But don't throw them away right away. It is quite possible to give such outdated models aesthetics and originality. In order to decorate furniture at home, it is enough to be patient and purchase the necessary materials.

In modern decoration, the following types of restoration are distinguished:

  • Painting. This is the most efficient and simple solution. It is possible to update the cabinet by painting different ways, using for this not only a chic palette, but also many options for applying paint. In order for the cabinet to be transformed, it is enough to completely cover it with one color or to update only certain parts: sides, doors, drawers, handles. Ombre-colored designs look unusual when dull shades of colors smoothly turn into a rich tone.

For this type of finish, as a rule, acrylic solutions are used, they do not leave a smell, they are easily mixed and washed off.

  • Stickers and stencils. Thanks to a simple set of items, you can create a beautiful decor yourself, without having the ability of an artist. complex flower arrangements, geometric figures quickly transfer to the surface of the furniture and help it fit into the modern design of the house. Decor elements are applied both to a simply prepared surface and to a pre-painted background. The lines on the cabinets are created with adhesive tape.

  • Wallpaper restoration. At the end of the repair in the house, there is no need to rush to throw away the remnants of wallpaper, as they will be an excellent material for restoring an old cabinet, hiding its many shortcomings. Paper clippings are applied to the painted surface. They can be placed both on the outer parts of the structure and inside on the shelves.

To appearance furniture remained unchanged for a long time, ready product It is recommended to additionally cover with a transparent varnish.

  • Decoupage. Represents unusual view design, in which the pattern on the cabinet smoothly merges with its surface, the decoupage of doors with napkins looks especially beautiful. For decoration, the simplest napkins with a pattern are suitable. In this case, the composition can turn out to be contrasting, clear or with gaps. This method of decoration is often chosen for a chiffonier and furniture wall, if the room has an outdated model wardrobe, then it can be updated.

During the application of napkins, it is important to ensure that wrinkles and bubbles do not form, and upon completion of work, the furniture is covered with a protective layer of varnish.

  • Textile. To give a second "breath" to the closet, fabric is also often used in the finishing process. For lovers of everything stylish and fashionable, designers advise choosing lace decoration. It is worth noting that each type of matter will correspond to a certain design style. For example, silk is used for a more sophisticated interior, and linen is useful for Provence. The fabric is glued to the surface of the cabinet with PVA glue.

  • Mosaic. This type of decor looks aesthetically pleasing and bright, suitable for art deco style. Broken multi-colored glass, ceramics are used as the main material for restoration, sometimes the cabinet is decorated with a mirror. Particles for the future drawing are glued to the cabinet with ordinary glue.

  • Gilding. The furniture is covered with "golden" foil and fixed with varnish.

  • Aging. If the room looks in Provence style, then the furniture should be quite “old”. In design, this is considered a special art direction, in which the cabinet gets an antique vintage look. Wooden structures look especially special, painted with a facade, using a dry brush. If you want to create more noticeable reliefs on the surface of the cabinet, you can first cover it with acrylic, and then “walk” with a regular sponge moistened with glaze.

  • Photo restoration. Application of a film with a photo print.

How to repaint the product

The unpresentable appearance of an old cabinet can be really fixed by repainting. At the same time, the furniture will not only become “fresh”, but also original. It is this type of restoration that is considered the most popular, as it opens up many ideas that make dreams come true. In order for the update process to proceed correctly, you must complete the following steps:

  • Preparation. Surface wooden cabinet should be well leveled and sanded. This also applies to structures made of chipboard. To do this, a thin layer of putty and primer is applied. Thus, on the tree it will be possible to hide all visible defects in the form of chips and cracks. After that, the furniture is carefully polished.

  • Coloring. Selected color and brushes. Often, a special spray tool is also used to apply paint. It evenly distributes the color tone under pressure and makes the work neat. It is worth noting that the paint should be applied evenly in several layers, so the cabinet will get a rich tone and the result of the restoration will last long time. After the paint is completely dry, it can be additionally opened with a glossy or shiny varnish.

If you want to get an antique cabinet model, you can use color tinting for wood. Before wooden structure carefully cleaned, puttied and opened with a colored solution.

DIY glass decor at home

In many houses you can find a wardrobe with glass doors. It is considered an excellent item for home design, as glass is a decorative element that is easy to work with.

To date, there are two popular ways to finish it:

  • painting technique liquid glass;
  • decoration without the use of paints.

In addition, masters often use a combination of glass and metal, polymer clay, plasticine and other materials. In order to make the glass look unusual, you will need to prepare sea salt, unground coffee beans, glue, acrylic paints. Coffee beans, as a rule, are glued either in a specifically chosen order or randomly. It is preferable to apply the composition to the bottom and top of the glass.

Cabinet doors will also look stylish if they are decorated with sea salt. To do this, the outer part of the glass is covered with glue, and then salt is applied and waited for complete drying.

So that during operation such a decoration does not lose its attractiveness, it is fixed with liquid glass or transparent varnish.

No less original decorate glass with plasticine. Before starting the design, you will need to draw pattern templates, choose its color. Then from different shades plasticine formed picture. Such a decoration will fit well into the interior of children's rooms, it will help to unusually complement the marine theme, where sea ​​salt turn into drops of water, plasticine into fish and algae, and shells will serve as the seabed.

As for the finishing with broken glass, it is considered a real masterpiece and will decorate the doors of any cabinet. Broken fragments of the material are glued with a special glue.

Before applying patterns, you will need to prepare glue, broken glass and acrylic paints, while the order of applying decoration elements is thought out in advance. First of all work surface cover with a thin layer of glue, fix the decor particles and wait for complete drying. Then the resulting ornament can be painted with acrylics and varnished.

Furniture decor is creativity that does not like fuss. You have been thinking about how to update an old wardrobe for a long time, but were afraid to spoil an out-of-fashion or familiar piece of furniture. let's consider different variants, ideas and techniques and we will choose something for ourselves. At simple cabinets and wardrobes, the decor may be similar, but as for a simple, lost its former gloss, old wardrobe: you can make a unique work out of it.

Decor options

DIY cabinet decor can be done using interesting ideas and all kinds of techniques. Some of them, such as photo printing or color film, do not require special skills. And such as matting or stenciling, not everyone can do it, certain skills are needed. Let's figure out what will help us decorate the wardrobe and wardrobe:

  • Photo printing or wallpaper.
  • Color stained glass film and vinyl stickers.
  • Glass or mirror matting.
  • Vinyl or plain wallpaper.
  • Decorative plaster (stenciling).
  • Restoration and painting.

Photo printing or photo wallpaper

This technique is most often used to decorate wardrobe doors. Large-format printing has long been used in interior design. A special printer prints a pattern on paper or any other surface. The inconvenience is that this is an expensive service and you need to look for a special photo printing workshop. Photo printing on glass is called skinal.

There are more a budget option- This is a wallpaper. Sold in construction or online stores. The cost is 300 rubles. and above, depending on the size. The theme of photo wallpapers is the most diverse, from landscapes, flowers, animals, to fairy-tale characters for children's wardrobe. Use starch-based glue when sticking, so you can later remove the old pattern and change it to another one.

The video shows how to properly place photo printing on glass:

Stained glass film and vinyl stickers

This is something that you can quickly, without special skills, stick with your own hands on the surface or glass of a cabinet and wardrobe. Add a touch of class to your closet. Stained glass films are at the peak of fashion today. They can be bought both in online stores and in specialized repair hypermarkets.

Except beautiful decor, the film protects the wardrobe and just the wardrobe from damage. Stickers and film are removed very easily.

No one will distinguish your imitation from a real stained glass window.

The cost of stickers depends on the size, this is an inexpensive decor. Self-adhesive base stained glass film for glasses allows you to often change the surroundings with your own hands.

Glass or mirror matting

It is used for glass and mirror facades of cabinets. More suitable for closet. Industrial matting involves removing the top layer of a mirror or glass. It turns out several levels and a three-dimensional image.

Do-it-yourself matting of glasses or mirrors can be done with a special paste. To work, you will need a stencil and a rubber spatula. We put the stencil on the surface, apply the paste on it with a spatula. Leave for a while, according to the instructions. When using a paste with an abrasive, it is necessary to rub along the lines with glass for about an hour. Wash off the rest of the paste with water.

On the video master class on matting:

Vinyl or plain wallpaper

You can update your wardrobe with your own hands using wallpaper. This cabinet decor is suitable exclusively for old wooden or "Soviet" furniture. But this is solid, solid furniture, it can still serve and please us. Simple paper wallpapers are more suitable for decoration, as they are easier to coat with glue and stick. And for the price, simple wallpapers are cheaper and lighter than vinyl ones. At simple wallpaper there are two disadvantages: they are not durable and the pattern is usually not interesting.

Vinyl wallpapers come in paper or non-woven backing. They are heavier than simple, vinyl with paper base it is better to glue with starch-based glue, and with non-woven fabric - with Methylan Vinyl glue.

Before sticking wallpaper, be sure to degrease the surface. This can be done with alcohol, gasoline, or acetone.

Do not forget to press more tightly with a dry rag or sponge and straighten the wallpaper so that the paper does not go in waves.

Decorative plaster master class

This technique, with which we will decorate the cabinet, is called stencilling. With help decorative plaster and a stencil, we get voluminous decorative elements. They can be subsequently painted in any color, gilded or tinted to your taste.

For work you will need:

  1. Stencil made of plastic or vinyl, can be made of cardboard.
  2. Decorative plaster.
  3. Flat spatula.
  4. Scotch tape.
  5. Old closet.
  6. acrylic paint.
  7. Sandpaper.

If the product that we will decorate is covered with old paint, it is necessary to process the entire surface sandpaper. We process until the wooden base becomes visible. If your old cabinet is not painted, then everything is easier: remove with sandpaper upper layer remove dirt and old fat. If you see cracks in the wood, it is advisable to cover them with putty. We take our ready-made or made of cardboard stencil and attach it to the surface of the cabinet door with masking tape.

Then we let the plaster dry, go through the sandpaper and cover the entire cabinet with acrylic paint in several layers. Acrylic will not only decorate the cabinet, but also save it from destruction. Between painting, give the cabinet time to dry. At the end of the work, the surface is varnished on top.

On the video work with decorative plaster:

Cabinet decor master class

In our master class, we are updating an old Soviet-era wall. See how the wardrobe will change after such a decor.

For work you will need:

  1. Old closet.
  2. Acrylic enamel paint.
  3. Acrylic varnish.
  4. PVA glue
  5. Paint brush and roller.
  6. Sandpaper large and small.
  7. Paper wallpapers.
  8. Gold paint.
  9. New fittings.

We dismantle the old cabinet, pull out the drawers. We take grinder or sandpaper and process the surface of the parts. If you process with sandpaper, then do it first with a large emery, and at the end go through with a fine one.

We apply acrylic paint first in the corners with a brush or sponge, and then over the entire surface with a roller. You need to paint 3-4 times until it disappears dark color. Next, decorate the boxes: paint the front sides of the boxes with a brush and white acrylic. We are waiting for it to dry. Next, glue masking tape to finish the decorative element with gold paint.

We paint the decorative element with gold paint. We paint over all the boxes with white acrylic paint, dry it. We take off the tape. Next, we move on to wallpapering. Wallpaper is the most simple, paper. Cut into strips, spread with PVA glue and carefully glue. Make sure that the wallpaper sticks tightly, press them with a sponge.

Very often we throw away an old wardrobe, but before throwing away an old wardrobe, you need to think carefully, because it can be given a second life.

For example, an old wardrobe can be restored, for this they use varnish, paint, film, then it can be beautifully decorated or painted, varnished and put in the living room, kitchen, corridor or nursery. It all depends on which room needs additional lockers, as well as on the interior.

If you do not want to return life to a simple closet, then you can remake it, for example, you can make a table out of it for a child. Great option would do for the kitchen beautiful shelves to place the dishes.

If the cabinet is large, it can be divided into parts, and small cabinets can be made for different rooms. From an old wardrobe you can make a beautiful chest of drawers or coffee table, you can make a TV cabinet.

If there is no workplace, then the cabinet can easily turn into a computer desk.

The cabinet can be taken to the pantry and equip it. The cabinet will serve as shelves for various cereals. You can make shelves for shoes from a closet, or make a greenhouse for flowers.

There are many options for creating something new and interesting from the closet, most importantly, figure out what you want to make out of it.

What do we do when we think of a change of scenery? We start leafing through fashion magazines in search of photos of ultra-modern furniture and ask our friends, trying to find an interesting creative idea. And we completely forget that convenient, completely free and stylish furniture you already have, you just have to put a little imagination and your own efforts - to restore it. We will try to figure out how to update an old wardrobe with our own hands: photos of restored wardrobes, wardrobes and cabinets will serve as an excellent incentive for creativity.

modern furniture from leading manufacturers, of course, comfortable and attractive. You go to your friend's living room - and she has a new set of famous Italian company. beautiful facade made of natural oak, gilded fittings, softly gleaming frosted glass with sandblasted pattern. However, what can magnificent expensive cabinets say about a person, besides the fact that he lives in abundance? Perhaps one can also draw conclusions about its good taste.

A great alternative to a modern hall or hallway set

And the old, but updated piece of furniture is a completely different level. It's a whole story interesting events and secrets. This is a greeting from the past, and possibly from the century before last, when our ancestors did not even know about the existence of convenient drawers on rollers, but they also appreciated the naturalness of the material and the creative approach to design. Things inherited were valued much more than a remake, and antique shops were always full of visitors.

Modern design with elements of ancient painting

To breathe into an old chiffonier or bookshelf a new life, there are many ways to decorate furniture with your own hands: from simple sanding followed by varnishing to the use of complex patination techniques. The choice of method depends on the taste of the owner of rare furniture and the ability to apply the rules of decorative technique in practice.

Pasting with bright wallpaper - effective method placement of accents

Several jars of acrylic paint, half a roll of inexpensive paper wallpaper, a tube of wood glue, a set of brushes - and instead of an inconspicuous double cabinet, you get a unique masterpiece own production.

Old furniture as an element of a stylish interior

It is a mistake to assume that the old wardrobe "does not fit" into the framework of a certain style. By choosing the right color and decoration technique, you can create a model that fully meets the overall design concept. If desired, you can remove or replace some elements in order to give the piece of furniture a certain shape - more strict or concise.

Truly feminine decor of a linen closet

Let's return to the "grandmother's" cabinets. The current generation of grandparents are witnesses to the heyday of the Soviet era, when there was no such variety of furniture sets, and walls from abroad were considered the highest reward for patience. The style of both domestic and imported (Polish and Czech) furniture is simple, uncomplicated and concise.

But for master decorators, Soviet-era furniture is a real treasure. Just look at the photo of the old wardrobe after restoration with your own hands: you don’t even need a master class to sand and paint all the details in White color.

An amazing transformation of the "Soviet" buffet

And who doesn't remember polished brown and reddish-cherry facades from our childhood? They are very easy to update with the same sandpaper and paint. Pay attention to the decorative elements - light gilding or bronze on a white background looks just fine.

Photo comparison of the wardrobe before and after the update

Incredibly lucky those who inherited the Soviet wall. It can be divided into separate modules and create a first-class modern set for a children's room or summer house. There is only one thing left - to decide on the color and choose the appropriate decoration technique!

Why do I choose restoration?

It's easy to see why so many choose new furniture- it is prestigious, beautiful and fashionable. I chose a model, placed an order, and a maximum of a month later the bedroom is decorated with black glossy splendor. Or an airy snow-white set - this is what you like. Let's try to figure out what makes some people pick up brushes and paints. Moreover - sometimes stroll through the nearby landfills.


What guides people who are slightly aging even new thing? Style! If Provence or 100% ecological country style reigns in your kitchen, then it is customary to stylize even new furniture a little. And not just rub the protruding places with sandpaper, but elegantly and skillfully apply a special technique, otherwise the desired effect will not work. The photo shows an example of how to paint an old cabinet with your own hands antique.

Delicate charm of Provence

Manufacturers paintwork materials compete in the production of special decorative products that, after application, steal from your furniture for at least a hundred years.


Curious is the fact that not only the possession of restored furniture is becoming fashionable, but also the ability to personally transform old things, skillfully turn unnecessary junk into works of art. If you are not yet familiar with the creative work of the designer and decorator Marat Ka, we recommend that you turn to her - you will learn a lot about restoration and modern decoration techniques.

Do-it-yourself painting as a way to update old headsets

Surprisingly, the fashion for restoring worn-out interior items has been going on for centuries. Moreover, along with new technologies for manufacturing furniture, super-fashionable techniques for decorating and aging appear.


If you buy a wardrobe in a store, it is immediately clear that the factory model has more than one hundred twin brothers. The modules ordered in furniture stores also do not differ in originality, since the same materials are used for the manufacture of facades. But a piece of furniture updated with your own hands is a 100% exclusive. Not only is the design "ancient", but also the design will be special, because as decorative elements use paint, wallpaper and fabric.

An original technique in which furniture and walls "merge"

It is convenient that for styling you can choose a color that fully matches the interior palette: neutral, bright or matched according to the principle of contrast.


Owning a new stylish thing is completely free or almost free - highest level practical approach and economy. Calculate how much a roll of sandpaper, a can of paint and a set of accessories cost, and then compare with the prices of the most ordinary classic chiffonier. The cost difference is enormous. An example of how to decorate an old wardrobe with your own hands is in the next photo.

A unique interior that looks more like an expensive design masterpiece than a budget project

Do not forget that decorating is a pleasant process and, in fact, a form of relaxation, therefore, additional savings.

Master class: how to decorate an old wardrobe

As an example, we will tell you in detail how to update old polished furniture with your own hands, namely, an old wardrobe that has long settled in the country.

Three-leaf wardrobe with drawers and a mirror

Throwing away a strong, conscientiously assembled piece of furniture does not make sense, besides, there are many techniques with which it is easy to restore its beauty and youth. The idea belongs to Maria Talmacheva.

Finding the right model

For craftsmen and craftswomen who are the happy owners of old furniture, the easiest way is - they already have the main object for implementation creative ideas. What about those who live surrounded by new cabinets and cupboards that they don't want to say goodbye to? There are several options:

  • ask if friends and acquaintances have a wardrobe “to throw away” and, with a positive answer, help them get rid of junk;
  • buy old unnecessary furniture on one of the many sites (for example, on Avito) at a symbolic price;
  • still take a chance and redo the current model, which is not very old, but has already served for 10-15 years.

And do not forget to think about where the new "resident" of your apartment or house will be installed.

Choosing a decoration method

To make the design look fresh and extraordinary, you should choose one of the popular techniques, in this case, decoupage to update the facade of the cabinet. You will need thin napkins with an original pattern or ornament. Perhaps it will be pink peonies or birds of paradise, in any case, the facade will become unrecognizable after finishing. We will show you how to restore an old wardrobe with your own hands using paper napkins with a beautiful pattern, which is dominated by a strict Blue colour.

Napkins are matched to the tone of the handles

Tip for beginners: wipes can be purchased at a hardware store or a special department of a supermarket that sells hand-made products.

We remember the nuances of technology

To refresh your skills, you can practice in the design inner sides cabinet or drawers. The exercises are especially useful for those who first encountered the decoupage technique. The main thing is to observe all the stages of work and their sequence.

For interior decoration, the choice fell on a bright finish.

For training, you can choose other interior elements, for example, an old stool or chair. Suitable for decorative wall decorations made of wood or plastic.

We prepare tools and materials

The advantage of decoupage is that it does not require expensive or hard-to-find materials. Some of the items you will find at home, the rest you can buy in the supermarket at a low price. The most expensive purchase is the purchase of paintwork, but for the design of a small cabinet, you can use the remnants of paint from a previous repair. A small photo gallery of necessary things:

Paper napkins with a beautiful pattern

Kit paint brushes- wide and narrow

Paint roller with tray for squeezing excess paint

PVA glue for paper or construction works

Acrylic paints in your favorite colors

In addition to the listed items and materials, you will need:

  • transparent fixing varnish;
  • paraffin (an ordinary white candle will do);
  • sandpaper (with a minimum grit);
  • primer for preparing the base for pasting and painting;
  • spray bottle filled with clean water;
  • painting paper tape or tape.

If you want to decoupage furniture with your own hands using fabric or wallpaper, use appropriate materials instead of napkins.

We clean the surface and prime the base

Cleaning should be done with a grinder or by hand using fine-grained sandpaper. Gently grind all outer surfaces. To remove polishing, it is better to use a power tool, otherwise the process will be delayed. When you achieve perfect smoothness and uniformity of the surface, you need to apply a primer layer. If you follow the instructions and know exactly the moment of drying, then you can allocate your free time to good use.

Try to remember all the stages of work, because the skills of decorating old furniture with your own hands can come in handy in the future.

We apply 1 coat of paint and cover with paraffin

As soon as the primer is completely dry, proceed to painting the facade and walls. First, choose a background shade and apply it. In the future, it is possible to add stripes, figures, borders of a different color. Places that are not subject to staining are covered with masking tape. In the photo - a cabinet painted in 1 layer:

Main color - lilac of moderate intensity

Acrylic paint dries quickly, so after 20-25 minutes we start rubbing the surfaces with paraffin. We affect only those surfaces that we plan to age.

A candle is a great tool for creating a layer of paraffin

Areas covered with paraffin are easy to style, make them more colorful. The next layer of paint comes off them perfectly, as a result of which the worn places seem aged. In our case, a lilac background or woody texture will be visible on the treated areas.

Apply 2 coats of paint

Having waxed some places, we proceed to re-staining. Mandatory condition: the second coat of paint should be lighter by 1-2 tones.

To maintain clear boundaries of the painted areas, do not forget to use masking tape

For painting small details, use a narrow brush

The transverse elements and the middle of the doors can be painted in a different color - blue, gray or turquoise.

A few bright touches won't hurt

Having made the last smear, we wait for complete drying.

We decorate using decoupage technique

We use decoupage to decorate the end parts and the front side of the boxes. The process of fixing the napkin on a vertical surface is very simple. First, we apply a piece of a napkin (or all) to the end of the cabinet, evenly moisten it with water from a spray bottle, then take a brush and carefully smooth the napkin, trying not to damage the edges.

Leveling the napkin is one of the important stages of decoupage.

Wetting helps the paper piece align

Having achieved perfect smoothness, we apply a layer of PVA glue on top of the napkin, it dries in about 20-30 minutes. Places covered with masking tape, paint in a different color.

Aging and varnishing

It remains to age the pre-selected places, in this case, these are the corners and cross rails. We take a fine sandpaper and lightly remove the top layer of paint. Under it, the bottom layer, painted in a brighter color, should appear.

The photo clearly shows the aged places

Inner part cabinets painted in one color

The finishing touch is the application of varnish. For strength, we recommend applying protection 2-3 times, each time waiting for complete drying.

Installing new hardware

The chiffonier is ready, it remains to install the fittings - the design of the castle part and decorative handles. If the store did not find fittings suitable in style or color, ordinary silver or gold details will do.

The handle is decorated in the style of finishing

Don't forget drawer handles

After spending just a few hours, instead of an old boring wardrobe, we got a new piece of furniture, stylish and unique.

Elegant chiffonier for country interior

Video instructions for decorating old furniture

How to quickly paint an old wardrobe:

How to withdraw old paint and carefully apply a new one:

Video: do-it-yourself master class on restoring old furniture:

You got acquainted with just one episode of a successful furniture renovation. As you can see, updating an old wardrobe with your own hands is not difficult at all: it is enough to purchase material for decoration and arm yourself with a brush. There are more complex ways to decorate, but coloring and decoupage are simple and effective methods that are accessible even to amateur designers.

Did your grandmother leave you antique Soviet furniture from the 1930s? Did your parents reward you with an old closet from the 60s? Do not rush to get rid of them! In this article, you will learn how do-it-yourself Soviet furniture restoration is carried out, or rather, how to update old furniture so that it becomes pleasing to your eye again. Photos of successful experiments are attached. So…

Stage 1: replacement of furniture fittings

Most of all, in old furniture, poorly closing doors are annoying. If you are going to take on such a thing as reworking Soviet furniture with your own hands, then first you will have to buy new fittings, find material for sealing loose holes (you can use putty, dowels or corks), get a screwdriver and a screwdriver, and then work hard on fixing doors.

We advise you to also take a closer look at the rest of the fittings. Sometimes simply replacing old-fashioned handles can be enough to make a big difference in furniture. As for the staggering legs of chairs and tables, they can be put in order in any workshop.

Stage 2: furniture cleaning

Before proceeding to the alteration of Soviet furniture, it should be thoroughly cleaned. Do-it-yourself restoration of Soviet furniture begins with the removal of dirt and soot, which is recommended to be done using an ordinary sponge, soap made on the basis of any vegetable oil, And warm water. To clean the most problematic places - corners and cracks - use a soft toothbrush, for narrow gaps - a wooden dowel, pointed at one end.

Stage 3: Renovation of old furniture

Worn and upholstered surfaces of Soviet furniture must be put in order. For grinding, use sandpaper or a special grinding tool (whoever has what). Any cracks can be carefully repaired with putty, after which this place has dried, this place will need to be sanded again.

Advice: before puttying and painting, the surface should be treated with a primer - then the adhesion will be better, and the applied paint or putty will lie more evenly.

Stage 4: decorating furniture with your own hands

The fourth stage of the restoration of Soviet furniture with your own hands is decorative trim. Coloring, varnishing, painting, decoupage of furniture, decoration with stickers - here you will have to dream up and choose the most suitable option. You may be inspired by the ideas in this article.

How to update old furniture - furniture painting

Let's start with the most popular and easy way update old furniture. Here you will learn how to paint Soviet-era furniture.

Painting furniture should only be done if it is made of cheap wood (pine, etc.). If your Soviet furniture is made, for example, of oak, then painting it is highly discouraged, as this will permanently reduce its value.

Do-it-yourself restoration of Soviet furniture is usually done with oil paint. How to paint furniture correctly:

  1. Apply paint light movements in a thin layer along the wood fibers.
  2. Let dry for about 12 hours.
  3. Clean the surface with sandpaper, wipe off dust and apply a second coat.

If you are restoring Soviet furniture of the 50s-70s, which was made in minimalist style, then black is perfect for painting it, as well as pastel bright hues. With this finish, it will be a great accessory for a modern interior.

If you want to be more creative in painting furniture, but you don’t own hand-painted, then use templates. They are sold in stores, they can also be printed from the Internet and cut out on thick paper. Before applying the pattern to the furniture, the stencil must be fixed with adhesive tape.

Painting furniture - photos of old furniture before and after:

Do-it-yourself chest of drawers restoration:

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It has become very fashionable to paint furniture with thin lace. Just fix the lace fabric on the surface of the Soviet furniture, then apply the paint. The result is amazing!

Alteration of old furniture through varnishing

If Soviet furniture is made of precious woods, then, as we said above, it is better to cover it with a fresh layer of varnish than paint over it. How to update old furniture through varnishing?

Firstly, when reworking or restoring Soviet furniture with your own hands, it is best to use oil varnishes. They are suitable for all types of wood and form very durable, shiny and moisture resistant coatings. The only negative is the long drying period (up to 12 hours). For comparison: shellac varnish dries in 1-2 hours, and nitro-varnishes in 30-40 minutes.

General rules for reworking old furniture:

  1. Varnish can be applied with a brush or piece thick fabric lint-free, folded 2-3 times;
  2. The varnish is applied in 3-5 layers, and after applying each new layer, the drying time should be increased;
  3. Excess varnish should be squeezed out on the edges of the jar, the brush can sometimes be washed in an alcohol solution.

How to update old furniture with craquelure varnish

We also want to give you an example of a special varnishing method, which is performed using a special varnish - craquelure.

To remake old furniture today, there are many varieties of craquelure varnish: with the effect of patina, gilding, etc. The most common one is applied in a thick layer on top of the main layer of paint, after which it is covered with a different color to highlight cracks. Also, craquelure varnish can consist of two components: the first is applied to age the treated surface, the second to create decorative cracks.

Restoration of Soviet furniture with the help of craquelure is perfect for lovers of antiquity and country style. As, however, our next method is decoupage.

Mastering the decoupage technique will help you turn old Soviet furniture into a real design masterpiece. Decoupage of old furniture is performed using the following tools:

  • Sandpaper fine grit;
  • Alcohol;
  • Primer;
  • Brush and glue for decoupage;
  • Roller or sponge;
  • Decoupage material - newspaper clippings, old postcards, letters, drawings, book pages, etc.

In search of inspirational ideas and materials for decoupage, the Internet will help you. For example, we especially like these 2 examples of how to update an old chest of drawers with the decoupage method:

  1. Surface preparation with sandpaper;
  2. Cleaning with a cloth soaked in alcohol;
  3. After the surface dries - applying a primer (3-4 layers);
  4. If decoupage materials will be used only in places, then the furniture must first be painted to make the background;
  5. If the furniture will be glued completely (for example, with newspapers), then immediately after the primer dries, you can start applying glue;
  6. Thin paper can be immediately applied to the glue, while thicker paper should first be thinned with sandpaper and soaked in water;
  7. Wet paper is blotted with a towel on both sides and applied to the glue;
  8. After gluing all materials, you should walk on the surface with a roller or sponge to remove glue residue;
  9. The last step is to apply varnish to the dried surface.

Original furniture in Provence or vintage styles is ready!

Photos of old furniture before and after decoupage:

How to update an old wall

Those who are interested in reworking furniture with their own hands - here are ideas for you on how to update an old Soviet wall with decoupage and new paint:

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Do-it-yourself Soviet furniture restoration updated: October 27, 2015 by: Margarita Glushko