Mixer      04/23/2019

Review of the best varieties of cucumbers for pickling and canning with photos and descriptions. The best varieties of cucumbers for canning, including Dutch selection

Almost everyone, without exception, loves salted or pickled ones. But not all varieties of this crop are suitable for canning. Good result can only be obtained from suitable varieties.

All varieties of cucumbers can be divided into 3 types according to their intended purpose:

  • Universal
  • Salad
  • Pickling or canning
  • Universal

This group of varieties is characterized by medium-density skin and pulp, combined with a regular oblong shape. The size of such cucumbers is 8-11 cm.

The fruits of these varieties can be used to make salads or. But you shouldn't expect a great crispy taste from them.

The main advantages of this group of varieties are:

  • Very high resistance to adverse weather
  • Intensive growth
  • Friendly fruiting
  • No bitter fruits

The following varieties of universal cucumbers are popular among vegetable growers:

  • Annushka F1
  • Minion F1
  • Trump card F1
  • Fontana F1
  • Real Colonel F1
  • Parisian gherkin F1
  • Boy with Thumb F1
  • Salad

Most varieties of this group are early cucumbers of an elongated shape, with thin skin, with soft and juicy pulp. They are grown mainly under film or in greenhouses in order to obtain an early harvest.

They are very good in salads, but they are not suitable for canning. When processed, they have a soft texture and a bland taste. They will also make good lightly salted cucumbers.

The following varieties are popular among this group:

  • May
  • April
  • Zozulya
  • Emerald Stream
  • Mustafa

Cucumbers of this group have thin skin, dense and elastic flesh, which, under the influence of a saline solution or marinade, become crispy and acquire a rich taste.

The following canned varieties are popular:

  • Nezhinsky
  • Vyaznikovsky
  • Muromsky
  • Moscow Nights
  • Courage
  • Hermann
  • Egoza

Canned varieties of cucumbers produce medium-sized fruits. They are also characterized by very rapid yellowing of the fruits, so they need to be collected as often as possible.

The main differences between canned cucumbers and regular ones

You can distinguish canned cucumbers from ordinary ones by external signs. Fruits intended for pickling are short in length, with thin skin and large tubercles. It is very important to pay attention to the color of the thorns.

There are two types of cucumbers: white-thorn and black-thorn. The former are not used for preservation; they have a thick and rough skin through which the saline solution passes very poorly. But black-thorned fruits, on the contrary, have a thin skin with large pores, through which salt passes very well.

There is also another feature of canned cucumbers. If you take a closer look internal structure their pulp, you can see special bundles of vessels that give the fruit pulp the desired elasticity.

How to properly care for seedlings of canned varieties

In order for cucumbers to delight you with a bountiful harvest of tasty and crispy fruits, you need to properly care for them.


The most important thing when growing this crop is timely and abundant watering. Even a single overdrying can have the most detrimental effect on them. The number of fruits will sharply decrease, and those that set will be bitter, empty and severely deformed. To water cucumbers, you should use only warm water; cold water will negatively affect their growth and development or even lead to the formation of rot.

To prevent cucumber beds from drying out, you can use mulching. For these purposes, you can use grass, straw or peat. Mulch perfectly retains soil moisture and prevents weed growth.

The root system of cucumbers is very sensitive to lack of oxygen. Very frequent watering leads to the formation of a soil crust, which interferes with normal air exchange. To avoid this, the soil around the roots must be carefully loosened after watering.

Pinching and pinching

In order for cucumbers to produce a bountiful harvest, they need to be pinched and the tops pinched.

Usually all stepsons located below the 4th leaf are removed. This agrotechnical technique allows plants to form a healthy and powerful root system.

When cultivating varietal cucumbers, for example, such as Nezhinsky, it is necessary to pinch the central shoot after it forms the 5th leaf. The thing is that only male flowers are formed on the main shoot, and female flowers from the ovary are located on the side ones.

In hybrid varieties, pinching is usually not carried out, but there are exceptions. For example, for some reason the formation of side shoots is delayed, and then, in order to speed up their regrowth, you need to pinch the top of the main shoot.

Modern hybrid varieties have the ability to form only female flowers, and the bulk of their cucumbers are located on the central shoot. Therefore, pinching them will only harm them. Most seed manufacturers leave the mark “Requires formation into one stem” on the packaging of such cucumbers.

Top dressing

For successful plant development, several feedings will be required during the growing season. organic fertilizers. For these purposes, you can use fermented mullein infusion, which must be diluted before watering at the rate of 1 part fertilizer to 10 parts water. Fertilizing with nettle infusion also has a good effect.

Fertilizer should never be given during cold or rainy weather. The root system of cucumbers at this moment cannot absorb nutrients. When watering with fertilizers, you need to make sure that their solution does not get on the leaves. Otherwise it will cause burns.

Abundant fruiting of cucumbers is also facilitated by regular harvesting of fruits, which stimulates the formation of new ovaries, slows down the aging process in the plant and increases productivity. It is recommended to collect gherkin-type cucumbers daily, and long-fruited varieties every 2 to 3 days.

Features of growing canned varieties in a greenhouse

Pickling cucumbers is a simple matter

Growing greenhouse cucumbers not much different from growing them in open ground. But there are still some differences:

Before planting, preventive treatment of the soil and the entire greenhouse should be carried out. In the future, this will help to avoid outbreaks of fungal diseases, which occur 2 times more often in greenhouse conditions.

The greenhouse must have a ventilation system. Under no circumstances should drafts be allowed; cucumbers react very sharply to them.

To improve the formation of female flowers, it is advisable to fertilize with carbon dioxide. For this purpose, you can install a barrel with mullein in the greenhouse, which will serve as a source of carbon dioxide during fermentation.

The formation of cucumbers in a greenhouse is somewhat different from their formation in open ground.

When growing in greenhouses, cucumbers are grown in a trellis culture. To reduce damage to plants, it is advisable to tie them up using a double sliding knot.

The optimal indicator of humidity in a greenhouse is considered to be within 80-90% in the air and 50-60% in the soil.

Which varieties to choose for growing in a greenhouse

When choosing varieties of canned cucumbers for greenhouse cultivation, preference should be given to self-pollinating and parthenocarpic varieties, that is, those that can set fruit in the absence of pollinating insects. The difference between them is that the former have a stamen and pistil in one flower and are able to pollinate themselves, while the latter generally set fruit without any pollination.

Also when grown in early dates you should choose varieties that are resistant to deficiency, which, unlike light-loving ones, will not stop growing, but will actively grow and develop.

Greenhouse hybrids of cucumbers have one interesting feature, when they are pollinated by bees, ugly fruits are formed. It is also worth noting that when high temperature ambient air, the pollen of self-pollinating varieties becomes more sticky, which complicates the process of setting. To prevent this, the trellis with cucumbers must be shaken periodically.

Among the variety of varieties, the following varieties are particularly noteworthy: Courage, Marinda and the like. They are characterized by bouquet formation of ovaries, small size of fruits and the absence of the need for their formation. In addition, they are highly resistant to diseases.

While watching the video, you will learn about the varieties of cucumbers that are suitable for pickling.

The final choice of canned variety depends on the grower. With proper care, almost all of them will be able to produce a rich harvest of delicious cucumbers.

Attention, super FLIGHT!

The best varieties cucumbers for pickling and canning

Among the existing varieties of cucumbers, it is difficult to choose ones suitable for pickling. Even experienced gardeners this may not be possible. It is necessary to be able to correctly select seeds for sowing and suitable soil, as well as externally distinguish the fruits that are best suited for canning.

How to choose the right varieties of cucumbers for pickling

Before choosing varieties of cucumbers for pickling and preparing for the winter, you should carefully analyze many factors, ranging from the quality of planting material to suitable climatic conditions.

The assortment is very large, and it is quite difficult to sort through it. New varieties appear very quickly thanks to breeders and it is almost impossible to guarantee their characteristics. That is why most housewives recommend not experimenting, but using only experienced varieties for canning.

External differences between varieties

It doesn’t matter whether you are going to grow greens yourself or buy ready-made products, you need to be able to externally determine the quality and characteristics of the fruit.

The following groups of cucumbers are divided:

  • For salads - they have large, long fruits and a beautiful presentation, their surface is smooth and light, and their shelf life is quite short; during canning, such cucumbers lose their taste and color, and the jars most often explode due to air gaps in the pulp;
  • For pickling - medium-sized fruits or small gherkins. More often they give preference to those that have thin skin and dense flesh; The color of cucumbers is dark, and the surface is lumpy, often with spines;
  • Universal - combines the qualities of the two previous groups; The fruits are medium in size and suitable for both raw consumption and pickling. They are distinguished by white spines and an unusual shape.

When choosing cucumbers at the market or store counter, it is necessary to externally assess their belonging to one group or another.

Greens suitable for preservation must meet the following parameters:

  • the size of the fruit does not exceed 12-15 cm in length;
  • the peel of the cucumbers is not damaged, dark green in color;
  • the surface is pimply with spikes;
  • smooth cylindrical shape, slight bending possible;
  • the fruits are firm and elastic to the touch;
  • when cutting a vegetable, there are no internal voids;
  • the number of seeds is small, and the flesh is dense and crispy;
  • The taste of cucumber is sweet without bitterness.

How to choose seeds

When choosing seeds for planting cucumbers, the necessary parameters should be indicated on the package. On its front side there must be a photo of ripe fruits.

If this is what you need, check the integrity of the packaging and the expiration date. The envelope with seeds may be damp, in which case it is not recommended to purchase it. Best buy planting material in specialized stores.

The best varieties of cucumbers for pickling and canning

To determine which variety of cucumbers is best for pickling, there are basic characteristics common to all:

  • resistance to bad weather conditions;
  • absence of bitter taste of the peel and pulp due to lack of moisture;
  • relatively rapid growth of both bushes and fruits;
  • massive yield (almost all cucumbers ripen at the same time).

The varieties of cucumbers that are most suitable for canning were selected by leading Russian experts and tested by many preparations, including production batches.

Hybrid Zozulya

Early fruiting variety. The period from sprouting to the first harvest is no more than 50 days. Does not require pollination and has high yield. The fruits are slightly elongated and are perfect for canning, have a pleasant taste, and have an excellent crunch. The average weight of a cucumber is 170-250 g.


It belongs to the mid-late variety, the fruiting period begins on the 50-55th day. Cucumbers are small, weighing no more than 100 g, have excellent taste qualities.


This early subspecies is intended only for open areas, as it is unable to self-pollinate. The fruiting period is 45-50 days, high yield. Cucumbers are dark and lumpy, up to 10 cm long, average weight is 100-130 g. Retains quality during conservation and can be stored for a long time.

Mid-season (ripening period from the appearance of the first ovaries - 55 days), grown in open ground in beds. Cucumbers are small, up to 15 cm in length, perfect for pickling.


Parthenocarpic variety (does not require pollination), grown in greenhouses and greenhouses. The fruits reach 13 cm, very lumpy. Gardeners often use it for winter preparations.

There are many other varieties suitable for pickling. Among them: Buran, Legend F1, Opal F1, Dachny F1, Tournament F1. It is impossible to list them all, but you need to choose those that are most suitable for planting in your area.

Universal varieties of cucumbers

There are also many universal varieties cucumbers, which are suitable for both canning and eating raw. They are intended for cultivation in open ground, as well as in greenhouses.

Zakuson F1

Early ripening, does not require pollination. It ripens already on the 40th day after germination, and the fruits are small, up to 7-8 cm. The surface is almost flat with a slight bumpiness. Cucumbers do not outgrow, and they can be used even at the gherkin stage. They have excellent taste, both fresh and canned.

Ira F1

Early ripening, with a fruiting period of 45 days from the appearance of the first ovaries. Cucumbers are medium-sized up to 15 cm, weighing 60-80 g, dark in color with a slight white coating. This variety is resistant to many diseases and is valued by gardeners for its abundant yield.

It is preferable to grow in open ground. Ultra- early variety(40-43 days after the end of the growing season), the fruits reach 10 cm in length. The pulp is dense without bitterness. Picked cucumbers retain their commercial qualities for quite a long time.

In each region, there may be different popular varieties for pickling and canning, suitable specifically for this area and climatic conditions. The experience of experienced gardeners is the best hint when choosing seeds for planting.

Every housewife knows that to get tasty, crispy and aromatic canned cucumbers, it’s not enough to just good recipe. The choice of variety is of great importance, since not all cucumbers are suitable for pickling and canning. Only when using special types green fruits can be obtained with a pronounced aroma and taste, absence of bitterness and voids, crispy dense pulp.

How to choose the right variety - external differences between cucumbers

Vegetables vary in size, shape, color and are divided into the following groups:

Pickling-type cucumbers are strong to the touch and are distinguished by their green or dark even color, cylindrical shape, black spines and lumpy, pimply surface. They are small in size and have crisp, dense flesh that contains few seeds. There are no internal voids in them.

The best pickling varieties - names, descriptions


The high-yielding plant is distinguished by its high medium height and resistance to many diseases, including olive spot, bacteriosis, anthractosis, and powdery mildew. The variety does not require pollination, so it is grown in greenhouses and greenhouses.

Features of the fruit:

  • pleasant to the taste, highly lumpy;
  • dark green with light stripes;
  • technical maturation after 60 days;
  • do not have emptiness and bitterness;
  • When salted, they are evenly soaked in brine and turn out crispy.

Delicious small greens grow up to 10 cm in length and have an average weight of 80 grams. They differ:

The variety is grown in film shelters and open ground. Fruits well in dry and dry conditions cold weather. Resistant to cladosporiosis, various spots, powdery mildew and immune to mosaic virus.


One of the best pickling varieties, which can be grown both in greenhouses and in open ground. Belongs to the middle-late and has:

  • resistance to drought;
  • high productivity;
  • fruit ripening in middle lane Russia on days 50–55;
  • black spikes;
  • coarsely lumpy skin of intense green color;
  • weighing 70–130 grams;
  • low keeping quality of fresh fruits.

It is recommended to grow on a trellis, since the plant has long loops. The planting density per square meter is three plants. Resistant to bacteriosis and olive spot. Salted fruits have crunchy properties, dense pulp and excellent taste.


Long dark green cucumbers about 11 cm can be collected on days 40–46 after landing. Large tuberculate fruits have:

  • cylindrical elongated shape;
  • weighing 100–125 grams;
  • strong aroma;
  • tender pulp;
  • do not become bitter even when grown in dry areas;
  • crunchy when salted.

The plant has a mixed type of flowering. The bush is medium-sized, medium-branched and long-climbing. Not affected by downy mildew.


Densely leafy medium-sized productive plant tolerates short periods of cold and drought well. The fruits ripen one and a half months after germination and differ:

  • weighing 100 grams;
  • lumpy green skin with yellowish lines;
  • weak ribbing;
  • leveled shape.

Canned cucumbers have a pleasant taste, pronounced aroma, crispy and dense flesh.


The mid-early pickling variety has high yield and excellent taste. Cucumbers ripen in 40–50 days and have:

  • cylindrical shape;
  • rich green color;
  • coarsely tuberous skin;
  • length up to 12 cm;
  • weight up to 120 grams;
  • lack of bitterness.

IN favorable conditions from one square meter area you can collect up to 3.5 kg of fruit. The plant requires nutritious soil, moisture and heat, has a bunched ovary and is resistant to powdery mildew. The variety is intended for pickling, canning and use in salads.


The mid-season bee-pollinated variety is valued for its long-lasting presentation and ease of transportation. Designed for canning and pickling; Droplet cucumbers are very tasty in salads. Features of the fruit:

  • length no more than 11 cm;
  • weight up to 130 grams;
  • elongated ovoid shape;
  • coarsely tuberous surface;
  • tender, crispy flesh with a strong aroma without bitterness.

Even when grown in arid areas, the fruits of Kapelka cucumbers will not taste bitter.

The bush of medium climbing has a bunched ovary, female type of flowering, resistance to diseases and short-term cold snaps.

Hybrids for pickling and canning

On some packages of cucumber seeds you can see the marking F 1. This means that the seeds were obtained from the first generation, and the hybrid variety was created by crossing. At the same time, the breeding of the variety was carried out manually and strictly in accordance with all necessary agricultural technology. Such seeds are quite expensive, but their costs are more than covered by excellent high yields.

Zozulya F 1. A high-yielding hybrid that has the largest yield in the first month of fruiting. The fruits are intended for canning, pickling, and preparing salads and differ in:

  • cylindrical shape;
  • practically smooth surface;
  • up to 20 cm long;
  • weighing up to 200 grams;
  • pulp without bitterness;
  • excellent taste;
  • ripening by 45 days after germination.

The plant has a medium climbing habit, a tufted ovary and a high yield. Demanding on soils, which must be well-drained, neutral and fertile. Resistant to root rot, olive spot and other viral diseases of cucumbers.

Fontanelle F 1. Bee-pollinated, high-yielding hybrid with cucumbers of high commercial quality. Can be grown in open ground and greenhouses. Fruiting occurs one and a half months after the appearance of the first seedlings. The fruits are different:

The plant is resistant to anthracnose, olive spot and bacteriosis.

Buran F 1. The cold-resistant and shade-tolerant hybrid is suitable for growing on a windowsill. IN good conditions per meter of area produces up to 10 kg of fruit. The variety is different:

  • ripening period of 45 days;
  • fruits without bitterness;
  • cucumbers about 11 cm long;
  • fruit weight can reach 100 grams;
  • excellent taste without bitterness when canned;
  • cylindrical shape;
  • coarsely tuberous surface.

The medium-climbing, medium-sized bush is resistant to short-term cold snaps and many diseases. The fruits are intended for pickling and fresh use.

Murashka F 1. An early ripening bee-pollinated hybrid always produces a stable and high yield. Suitable for canning, pickling, and preparing salads. The fruits have high commercial and taste qualities. Their features include:

  • length about 13 cm;
  • the weight of each fruit is up to 100 grams;
  • cylindrical shape;
  • coarsely tuberous surface;
  • crispy flesh without bitterness with a pleasant aroma and taste;
  • dark green color.

Fruiting of the bushes begins approximately 45 days after germination. For good harvest Regular watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is necessary.

Snack F 1. New high-yielding hybrid of early maturing. It begins to bear fruit 40 days after the shoots appear. The plant is distinguished by a group ovary, in which up to four fruits can form simultaneously. Features of the fruit include:

  • length up to 9 cm;
  • cylindrical shape;
  • black spines and fine tuberculation;
  • dense, without bitterness pulp.

Vigorous bushes of medium climbing are grown in open and closed ground. Resistant to anthracnose, olive blight and bacteriosis.

Universal varieties of cucumbers

Bush universal varieties are becoming increasingly popular, the fruits of which are as tasty as salad varieties, they do not overgrow in the garden, are stored fresh for a long time and can be used for canning. The best universal varieties include:

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What varieties of cucumbers to pickle

​goosebumps, walset, pirouette

​In my opinion, this is the best variety of cucumbers for pickling, or rather a hybrid that has an unsurpassed taste, both fresh and processed. The parthenocarpic hybrid always pleases with a high yield of up to 6 kg per bush, because it does not depend on pollination by bees , and this is important in a rainy, cold summer. Shows good disease resistance. Fruiting occurs by day 55, and the harvest period is quite long. They are grown both through seedlings and by direct planting in the ground. Zelentsy are large-tubercular, medium-sized, up to 10 cm long. Excellent in canned form.​


​If you don’t want to fool around with vegetables all spring, then you should choose the most resistant varieties and hybrids of cucumbers. They are practically not affected by insect pests, as well as fungal diseases, such as powdery mildew, anthracosis, brown spot, etc. You practically don’t need to care for them; it will be enough to just water the bed several times in 1 season - you are guaranteed a good harvest.​

​consumer tasting rating 9.8 out of 10 points​


The yield from one bush can reach 15 kg or 32 kg per square meter

​When you fill cucumbers in jars, barrels or pans with brine, it must be cold. Warm or hot brine increases the rate of fermentation. This leads to the formation of emptiness in the pickles, in addition, they can shrink. Sometimes there is mucus in the brine due to the development of mucus-forming bacteria. The optimal concentration of table salt is 5-6%.​

​Cucumbers grown with regular, even watering have much higher fruit quality. It is very important to maintain air and soil humidity within 80%. In hot weather, refreshing watering is useful. Try not to pour water under the root. Firstly, with such watering, the roots are exposed, and secondly, the plants can get root rot.​

​I would like to say separately about the new variety Garland F1. This is a unique hybrid on which from 30 to 40 fruits are simultaneously set and ripened. During greatest strength He is like a Christmas tree hung with cucumbers.​

​Many varieties of cucumbers were specially bred by breeders as pickling varieties. When purchasing seeds, be sure to pay attention to the marks on the seed bags: for canning and pickling. But even if you use such varieties for winter preparations, no one can guarantee you the wonderful taste of a strong, crispy pickled cucumber if you do not follow some rules of agricultural cultivation and pickling technology. So how to grow cucumbers for pickling?​

​I pour cucumbers cold water and put it straight into the refrigerator. Or we take it to the basement. Or...pour water over the cucumbers and let them sit for three days. Appears at the bottom like milk.. just a little)) I drain the boiling brine and pour the cucumbers again and wrap them carefully. This is a vinegar-free recipe

​Small cucumbers, up to 10 centimeters in size, are ideal for canning and eating fresh, they perfectly decorate the table, have a good taste, are always crispy and sweet. In addition to the above-described advantages, they are resistant to many diseases, they are not affected by insect pests, fungi, and the skin on the leaves is thick enough to repel the attacks of “ill-wishers.” The weight of one fruit is up to 75 grams, the yield per hectare is 150-200 centners, with greenhouse cultivation you can get up to 5 kg from one bush or up to 12 kg from one square meter.​

Agricultural technology for growing cucumbers for pickling


​. With a yield of only 12 kilograms per square meter, it is susceptible to many fungal diseases. Recommended for greenhouses, however, grows well in open ground. A garter on a trellis is required, as the plant produces a lot of lateral roots. If you are looking for new varieties of cucumbers for salad, fresh consumption or pickling -​

​can compete with the best European hybrids. The yield per square meter reaches 32 kilograms, provided the soil is saturated necessary fertilizers. It is necessary to water every 4-5 days so that there is no bitterness and a lot of fruits are produced. Weight – 90-100 grams, length up to 22-25 centimeters, sweet, shelf life up to technical ripeness– 50 days from the date of disembarkation. Suitable for twisting, eating raw, pickling.​

​subject to greenhouse cultivation, as well as good soil aeration. That is why many summer residents have chosen for themselves

​Of course, the water quality is very important factor. It is better to use hard water, such as spring water. It contains calcium salts. If you use tap water, you need to at least let it sit to reduce the chlorine content. Soft water is also not suitable for salting. You should not use iodized or fluoridated salt for salting.​

​Cucumbers do not like cold water. Warm water(not lower than 20-22 degrees) from a barrel standing in the sun - what is needed for this heat-loving vegetable.​

How to prepare cucumbers for pickling

​Barrel pickling hybrid - intended for barrel pickling without preservatives (vinegar).​

The fruits of pickling varieties and hybrids differ in morphology and cell structure. Puberty of the ovary is one of the most important varietal characteristics of pickling cucumbers. Thorns and spines (they look like hairs on the ovaries) are white, black or brown, simple or complex. Basically, they serve as organs for plants that regulate the release of moisture, performing an evaporative function. At the same time, holes in the epidermis of fruits facilitate faster penetration of brine when pickling or canning them.​

​I make salted ones without vinegar, salt them for 3 days, then boil and close. There are also sterilized ones, fresh with spices in a jar, poured with cold water and into a saucepan for sterilization. Only there a spoonful of vodka or alcohol is added. Non-female ones are good for pickling, but so are many others.​

​Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse​

Water for pickling cucumbers

As a rule, resistant varieties are late-ripening varieties of cucumbers, since these plants themselves already have good immunity to many diseases. If you want to enjoy early vegetables at the end of May or June, you will have to deal with pests. You also need to take into account that you will have to sacrifice taste - the fruits are an order of magnitude worse than those described in the first two sections. They have less sugar ascorbic acid, water, however, they are tasty, suitable for salads, nooks.​

  • ​A large harvest does not always mean good taste of vegetables. As a rule, there are no such coincidences that cucumbers have absolutely no bitterness, are juicy, hard, and at the same time yield up to 30 kg per square meter. From several advantages, you will need to choose only one, therefore, by planting the varieties of vegetables described above, you will only get big harvest. If you want great taste, give preference to the following options.​


We choose together the best varieties of cucumbers for pickling, eating raw, and salads

Selecting early cucumbers with the highest yield


  1. ​Soft water can be improved artificially. Experiences from the Ukrainian Research Institute of Vegetable and Melon Growing have proven that adding calcium chloride to water (it is sold in ampoules in pharmacies) improves the quality of pickling products. Calcium chloride is added to the brine - 5-7 drops per three-liter jar.​ The cucumber crop has a peculiarity: the more often you pick them, the higher the harvest. When collecting, try not to turn over the cucumber vines - they are very fragile, can easily break, and infection gets into the wounds and cracks. The Liliput F1 hybrid has the smallest fruits measuring 6-8 cm. This hybrid is suitable for summer residents who rarely come to their plots. Cucumbers grow slowly; even during a week-long absence from the dacha, their length will not increase. Well, perhaps they will become a little thicker, but even the rate of thickening of the fruits of this hybrid is minimal. The quality of pickling cucumbers is closely related to the thorns, their size and color. Fruits with large tubercles and black thorns have high pickling qualities. The blackening of the spines (black spine) occurs due to the fact that moisture evaporates through them, along with which the pigment, flovone, appears on the surface of the tubercle. Its accumulation occurs gradually. The liquid, colored with pigment, dries out, first becomes brown, then black. As a result of this process, we see black spikes on the tops of the tubercles.​ ​Valya, I agree with the girls - one addition, when I salt cucumbers, I do not regret the seasoning in the form of grated horseradish. Cucumbers will be strong and crispy for a very long time. I tried pickles at a friend’s place once - I was stunned by the taste and crunch, so she shared the secret with me, now I do it too, they turn out delicious.​​If medium-fruited cucumbers are perfect for pickling, especially in barrels, then for preserving small crispy cucumbers it is better to use gherkin cucumbers. I especially like the mini gherkins (pickles). These cucumbers look very attractive in jars and have a wonderful taste and crunch. If cucumbers standard sizes It is optimal to harvest when they grow to medium size, then early collection of mini-gherkins stimulates a greater formation of greens.​
  2. ​Pickling and pickling of cucumbers begins long before harvest by studying which varieties of cucumbers are the most productive, and then selecting among them the best varieties for pickling. Having been growing and preserving crispy cucumbers on my plot for many years, I came to the conclusion that several proven varieties and one or two new ones should be planted. Often new varieties have best characteristics and yield than time-tested ones. Below are the varieties that I can call the best varieties of cucumbers for canning.​​A hybrid selected by the Krasnodar seed-growing station, has excellent resistance to many diseases, is recommended for industrial cultivation in fields, as well as for greenhouse maintenance. The growing technology is very simple, they do not require special care, they grow in greenhouses and open ground, and do not require much water. Cucumbers have a length of up to 15-18 centimeters with a fruit weight of up to 120 grams. They are quite sweet, but can be a little bitter, especially when they lack moisture.​
  3. ​will be a strong competitor for foreign varieties and hybrids.​​If you are not focused on making a profit with summer cottage, then this category of vegetables will suit you best. Record harvests should not be expected from the green varieties described below, but they have excellent taste, which is appreciated by gardeners and farmers in Russia. The fruits are not bitter, juicy, crispy, ideal for eating raw or packing into jars. Let's take a closer look at the most popular representatives of this category.​ ​cucumber, 3-4 bushes of which can provide a twist for the whole winter​​Useful:​

​It is better to pick cucumbers in the morning before they warm up. And with frequent watering and feeding it is necessary more often. The root system of cucumbers is characterized by low removal of nutrients from the soil, but high intensity of their consumption.​

The most delicious varieties for planting in the country

Hybrids Avance F1, Khazbulat F1, Cappuccino F1 were specially created for the canning industry. Grown in a country house or personal plot, great for pickling. Feature - cucumbers do not outgrow and have slow growth.​

  1. ​In some pickling varieties, such as, for example, Vyaznikovsky 37, the pubescence may consist of densely located simple (sitting directly on the surface) and complex spines, which are smaller in size and more sparsely located.​​Without vinegar or citric acid will not be stored. If you want without these preservatives, then only the type in barrels in a cold cellar. And in principle, any cucumbers, just not salad cucumbers, that is, not finely tuberous white-thorned ones.
  2. ​The Son of Polk hybrid is one of the best for preserving crispy cucumbers. Gives high yields, up to 10 kg/m2. Can be planted in open ground and in greenhouses. I usually start collecting greens with 2-day-old ovaries, which taste great both in salads and when pickled. Disease resistant. The plant is medium-sized, bee-pollinated. Fruiting begins on day 40-45. The greens are large-tubercular, green with light stripes at the ends.​​Contents of the article​ ​Matrix​​Mother-in-law​ ​Bidretta​​Parisian gherkin.​
  3. ​Feeding cucumbers in a greenhouse or open ground with fertilizers - mineral and organic​ ​Cucumber plants cannot withstand high concentrations of soil solution, and they should be fed in small doses every 10-12 days. Pickling varieties, as well as salad varieties, also respond well to organic fertilizers: mullein solution (1:5), chicken manure (1:10). It would not be amiss to add an ash solution to these solutions - 1 glass of ash (100-150 g) per bucket.​ Currently, hybrid varieties have been created with excellent pickling qualities, which, when grown, tolerate shading well. It's hard to find a better one for these purposes than the F1 Athlete. This is the most shade-tolerant hybrid. It can also be safely recommended to grow it in winter on a windowsill or balcony.​

The crunch of the pulp of pickled cucumbers depends on the special structure of the cells and the space between them. The fact is that cells stop dividing already at the ovary stage. A cucumber grows not by increasing the number of cells, but by stretching them.​

The most disease-resistant green varieties

​try this method. Usually per liter of water 2 tbsp. spoons of coarse salt, and then 5, let them sour for several days. Then drain, rinse under running water and pour boiling water over it. There is no need to add anything anymore.​

  1. The greens of this hybrid should be collected daily, avoiding overgrowth, which reduces the yield, which can be up to 9 kg/m2. Cucumbers are dense, crispy, show excellent taste in fresh salads and during marinating. The plants are resistant to diseases and have a fairly long fruiting period, starting at 50 days. Zelentsy are low-gloss, medium-lumpy, with white stripes at the ends. You can collect 2-3 day old ovaries for pickling.​ ​The Philippok hybrid is ideal for pickling. Productivity up to 10 kg/m2 and excellent taste make it one of the best varieties for harvesting. Disease-resistant, highly branched bush produces a lot of cylindrical greens by the 55th day, which become marketable at a size of 3-5 cm.​​suitable for pickling, canning, and fresh consumption.​ ​F1.​​. Best hybrid on the territory of Russia, its taste was appreciated by absolutely everyone who grew it. It is very sweet, genetically does not contain bitterness, so it remains tasty in any growing conditions. The weight of one fruit is 90-110 grams, the length reaches 25-27 centimeters, and has a smooth, crispy skin. Snack cucumber, ideal for salads, consumed mainly raw. It is poorly stored, it can wither in 3-4 days, so if you want to preserve it, you need to do this within 1-2 days after harvesting, otherwise the taste will not please you particularly.​
  2. An early ripening variety, which is intended only for open ground, is pollinated by bees. If you need a pickling cucumber, which gives incredible big harvests- it will suit you perfectly. Gives up to 30 kg per square meter, provided proper care, the fruits are small, 90 grams on average, but a lot of them are formed on the stem. The period until technical maturity from the moment of planting in the soil is 50-60 days. The duration of fruiting is 3-4 weeks; with abundant watering and normal fertilizer, it can bear fruit for more than a month. It is advisable to grow through seedlings, as it has poor germination - the vegetative capacity of the plant is too low. After rooting, the seedlings produce many side shoots; it is recommended for growing on a trellis.​​If your priority indicator of the quality of a variety is the number of vegetables collected, then the representatives of this group described below will suit you as best as possible. They make it possible to collect up to 32 kg of greens per square meter, and if grown in the field, up to 300 centners per hectare. Thus, provided you sell it on time at a normal price, you can earn a lot. They don't require special care, are resistant to many diseases, quickly gain vegetative mass and are easily pollinated. Let's look at the highest-yielding varieties that are currently popular in Russia.​
  3. ​In addition to agricultural technology, the quality of pickled cucumbers depends on the correct preparation for pickling.​​Hybrids have good shade tolerance - Berendey F1, Kurazh F1, Razgulay F1, Valdai F1.​

So, gherkins and pickles have practically no space between the cells. The cells adhere tightly to each other. This is why gherkins and pickles never have voids when salted. All their varieties are pickling.​


The best varieties of cucumbers for pickling

I've been salting cucumbers for many years according to my mother-in-law's recipe: I soak them in water for 6-8 hours. cold water, put it in a 3-liter jar, put spices on the bottom and on top: dill, horseradish leaves, tarragon, garlic, currant leaves. I fill it with hot salted water (3 tablespoons of salt). That's all. I close it tightly with a nylon lid and put it in the basement. They crunch, almost like garden beds.​

​I do it like Neonila. I put cucumbers in a jar + 3 tbsp. l. coarse salt and fill with plain water. They have been standing in the apartment for 3 days, turning sour. Then I pour the brine into a saucepan (if after draining there is a white sediment left at the bottom of the jar, then I pour a little cold boiled water into it, shake it and pour it, as if washing cucumbers), boil it, pour in the cucumbers, wait 15 minutes. Then I drain it again, add a little citric acid, boil it, pour in the cucumbers, seal and wrap them like regular pickled ones. They fit perfectly in the apartment. I take different varieties, large-tuberculous, in Lately I like "Satina".​

Cucumber variety Philippok F1

​Time-tested variety gives excellent harvests in open ground about 4.5 kg/m2. Cucumbers of this variety are crispy and tasty. Bitter ones are very rare. The variety is quite resistant to diseases. When obtaining early cucumbers in greenhouses, it should be taken into account that this is a bee-pollinated variety. Typically, fruiting occurs by day 45. The greens are medium-tubercular with black spines, 8-11 cm long, weighing about 95 g, green in color with lighter stripes on 1/3-1/2 of the greens.​

Variety of cucumbers Monastyrskie

​White night.​

Barrel pickling cucumber variety

​The hybrid is early ripening, recommended for open ground and greenhouses, preferably through seedlings. Zelentsy grow up to 15 centimeters in length, weigh up to 120 grams, have a very dense skin with spikes, and are excellent for eating raw and canning. They have an extremely sweet taste and crispy flesh. The yield is low, only 11 kg per square meter. Resistance to anthracosis and fusarium wilt is low; 1-2 treatments with fungicides are recommended throughout the growing season.​

Cucumber variety Salted ears



  • ​Zozulya.​

​Firstly, the day before picking fruits for pickling, it is recommended to water them well. Secondly, it is better to collect them early in the morning, before they get hot in the sun. In this case, the cucumbers can be pickled or salted immediately. If it doesn’t work out right away, then they need to be kept in cold water for 2-3 hours. The fruits will be refreshed, become firm, and will not wrinkle when pickled. Then sort them by size: large, medium, small. It is better to pour each batch separately.​

Cucumber variety Son of the Regiment F1

​Courage F1 is generally a unique hybrid with high pickling qualities and a classic cucumber strong aroma. It is good for gardeners because it requires minimal attention when growing. I must say, this is a very “tenacious” hybrid. I read that one of the farms mistakenly treated it with a weed killer, Roundup, but it not only survived, but produced an excellent harvest.​


To make a jar of pickles delight you with an unsurpassed taste, choose the best varieties of cucumbers for pickling. Not all varieties are suitable for canning. Many are used exclusively for preparing salads, and some are used for pickling. Then how to choose? Do you really need to remember the names? This is not at all necessary, the main thing is to learn to distinguish them by external indicators, and then your choice will always be the right one.

All varieties of cucumbers can be divided into 3 types: for pickling, salad and universal. The first type is medium in size or very small, presented in the form of gherkins. These are cucumbers with thin skin, dense pulp, dark color and lumpy structure. Salad cucumbers are the complete opposite. They are quite long, with a smooth and light surface, with a minimum shelf life. Therefore, they are absolutely not suitable for canning; they significantly lose their taste and color, and due to large quantity Air gaps in the pulp and thick peel tend to explode.

Pickled cucumbers in jars

The third variety of cucumbers is universal. It combines the qualities of the other 2 types. These cucumbers are medium in size; they are suitable both for eating in salads and for pickling for the winter. However, this information will not be enough. Next, we will consider several important criteria that will help you not make mistakes.

Optimal size. If you choose cucumbers for pickling, then the best option vegetables will become 9-12 cm in size. It is into these thin-crusted cucumbers that the marinade penetrates gradually, which provides them with that same crunch. For preservation, choose slightly smaller vegetables - up to 9 cm. When making lightly salted cucumbers, it is best to buy gherkins 4-5 cm long. They pickle quickly, which means they have a good crunch. When it comes to salads, you can use absolutely any variety of cucumber. However, it is best to choose a specially bred variety for these purposes. Salad. Vegetables are long, over 13 cm, smooth to the touch.

Cucumber color. A criterion indicating the degree of maturity, and therefore its juiciness. That is why experts advise choosing dark green varieties for pickling. However, the same fruits are also suitable for pickling. However, even more a good option cucumbers will become with light tips and stripes on the ribs. As for salads, the main thing is that there are no yellow spots on the cucumbers. This sign indicates incorrect agricultural practices and overripeness. In a salad, such cucumbers will taste bitter, and when preserved they can completely ruin the entire preparation.

Peel thickness. If for a salad the crunch of cucumbers is not of such fundamental importance, then for pickling and preservation this is perhaps one of the main indicators. Thin peel is the key to good salting. Your fingernail will help you determine the thickness of the peel; if it peels off easily, it means the vegetable has a thin skin, and vice versa.

cucumber thorns. Here the emphasis is on black and white spikes or pimples. Varieties with black thorns indicate that they were grown in the ground. These spikes are sharper to the touch. Practice shows that pickles with such vegetables almost never explode. But cucumbers with white thorns are not suitable for canning. They were grown in a greenhouse or greenhouses. The vegetables feel less ribbed. When pickled, they are not as elastic and crispy, and due to the lack of holes in the white spines, the cucumbers can begin to ferment and explode.

Cucumber shirt. A professional term that determines the identity of one or another by the characteristic pattern of spikes on the peel. There are three main types in total. The first is Slavic, cucumbers have rare thorns arranged in a chaotic manner. Such vegetables are most suitable for pickling, due to the slow penetration of the marinade inside, resulting in them being elastic and crispy. German-type cucumbers have spikes densely located on the surface of the peel, allowing the brine to better penetrate the vegetables during a long period of preservation. Asian-style cucumbers have virtually no thorns. They are smooth, have a thick skin and are aromatic, which has a beneficial effect on the taste of the salad.

So, should you choose clean, well-washed cucumbers or freshly picked vegetables with the remains of soil? Of course, only the second option. Vegetables that have been washed before sale and stored in a closed container will quickly turn sour inside, and good preservation cannot be expected from them. Remember, every washing of vegetables is a lot of stress for them, so you need to wash them immediately before eating.

Prepared cucumbers for canning

If you have chosen slightly wilted cucumbers, do not rush to throw them away; the vegetables can be revived. To do this, soak them in cool water, changing it every 2 hours. In addition to providing firmness, you are also guaranteed to get rid of 15% of nitrates. It is not recommended to soak cucumbers for longer than 10 hours. Otherwise, a reverse reaction may occur and they will begin to deteriorate. The stop signal will be the appearance of circles on the water that look more like soap circles. In this case, the cucumbers need to immediately stop soaking and rinse thoroughly.

Another trick that housewives often use to reduce the amount of nitrates is trimming the tails before putting them in jars. This is partly correct solution, because it is in this part of the vegetable that the most nitrates are concentrated, which is why it is so bitter. Many people use more in a simple way, pricking the cucumbers with a fork before pickling.

The selection of the highest quality varieties for preservation is based on the following criteria: increased resistance to any weather conditions, absence of bitter taste in the pulp and peel, fairly rapid growth, and mass ripening of the crop. Here is the most striking representative of this species -. The ripening of the first harvest occurs 50 days after the appearance of the first shoots. High resistance to pests and diseases allows you not to use chemicals for its pollination. The fruits have a slightly elongated shape, are pleasant to the taste and quite crispy.

Zozulya cucumbers

Mid-season variety, the first fruits of which can be seen after 50-60 days - Voronezh. These are fairly small cucumbers, weighing no more than 100 g, distinguished by excellent harvest quality. However, like the variety Kustovaya, which is an early ripening vegetable (45-50 days), grown exclusively in open ground. The structure of the cucumber is lumpy, with a dark green peel, up to 10 cm long. It does not lose its quality when salted and is stored for a long time. If you want to pickle small cucumbers like gherkins, then the variety Lilliputian F1. They have a cylindrical shape, with frequent tubercles and 7-10 ovaries in the leaf axil. It can be grown both in open and closed ground.

Varieties Ruffnut and Trickster F1 Perfect for growing in the shade at relatively low air temperatures. They are quite resistant to rain and wind. These vegetables are classified as early ripening. Bully ripens in about 40 days, and Zadavaka– in 43 days. The tubercles on cucumbers are quite rare, but large, the average length of the fruit is 8-10 cm, they are absolutely not bitter. Fruiting can continue until the first frost, due to increased resistance to temperature fluctuations. Another early ripening variety, with an average ripening period of 1.5 months - Elegant. Seeds are grown in open ground. This variety tolerates variability of weather conditions quite well, especially cold. The average weight of the fruit is 90 g, the thorns are small, and it has an average yield.

The following variety can be attributed to modern selection that does not require pollination. We are talking about the Vyuga F1 variety, where small shoot growth is combined with high yield. Of all the varieties presented, this type of cucumber is one of the earliest ripening. The first harvest can begin to be harvested after 37-38 days. The cucumber has a regular cylindrical shape, with many spines on the peel and is about 8-9 cm long, which makes it ideal for preservation. The variety is resistant to fungal diseases, in particular downy and powdery mildew.

A hybrid variety of cucumbers that requires minimal care - Novgorodets F1. Feels comfortable both in open ground and in a greenhouse. Resistant to sudden precipitation and cold, has an average ripening period (43-46 days). Fruiting can last until the first frost. Cucumbers are medium in size, up to 9 cm in length and 2.6-2.7 cm in width. A relatively small number of tubercles are concentrated on the surface of the peel; there are elongated light stripes; the taste of the cucumber is not bitter. For lovers of unusual varieties for canning, experts recommend White angel F1. It has an average ripening period of 54-55 days, is white in appearance, and small size- up to 8 cm. However, these vegetables need to be collected only when they begin to change their color.

I would also like to note several universal varieties of cucumbers, which are used both for raw consumption and canning. Among the very first of them are With early ripening variety Snack F1, which does not require pollination. The fruits are medium, not particularly large (7-8 cm), which is very good for pickling. You can start picking cucumbers already at the gherkin stage. The surface is slightly lumpy, but this does not prevent them from remaining crispy after preservation.

Cucumber variety Zakuson F1

The variety also has similar properties. Ira F1, p Fruiting occurs already 45 days after the appearance of the first ovaries. Sometimes vegetables can reach a fairly large size, up to 15 cm, with a weight of 60-80 g. The color of the cucumber is dark green, sometimes with slight light stripes. This variety gives high yield and increased resistance to fungal diseases. And finally, this list is completed by the variety Droplet. This is a fairly early variety, the first fruits of which ripen within 40-43 days. The resulting cucumbers are of medium size (up to 10 cm), dense pulp without a bitter taste, and retain their original presentation for a long time.