Toilet      06/13/2019

Features of growing Indian onions. Indian onion: features of cultivation in open and closed ground

This unusual perennial plant is popular with many flower lovers. It can be found both in a city apartment and in a private house, because the Indian onion grows both indoors and outdoors. People who are not indifferent to floriculture know this plant under a different name - tailed birdman. Traditional medicine has long appreciated this perennial for its healing and beneficial properties.

The poultry farmer is an unpretentious and very hardy plant. This is confirmed by the fact that it can be found in the countries of South Africa, where the climate is very hot. This resistant bulbous plant is very similar to the gladiolus in the way it is grown. Its leafy part is different active growth with minimal care, and bright and very attractive flowering lasts for a long time.

The caudate birder didn’t get this in vain interesting name. Its thin and long leaves grow quickly and form unusual shapes. The root is a tuber, the upper part of which is on the surface of the soil. This makes it possible to observe how a small tuber turns into a large ball during the season. At first, the plant surprises with the unique composition of its leaves, but very soon a flower arrow appears among this green bouquet. Its rapid growth strikes not only almost a meter high, but also captivates with beautiful flowering.

Novice gardeners and inexperienced flower growers may confuse Indian onion with a flower. They do have similarities in external data, but there are also significant differences.

Cultivation and care

Tailed poultry is a plant of the bulbous family that does not require complex care. He feels great in open ground on any free area and you can also call it a houseplant. All he needs is timely and properly moisturize and feed. At the end of flowering, old bulbs and young bulbs must be carefully dug up and stored in a cool room or refrigerator in winter.

The soil. Indoor birdman will grow well in a small flower pot. Before planting, you need to take care of the soil. It should be a mixture of one part leaf and one part soddy land, as well as two parts river sand. At the bottom of the pot you need to pour a small layer of drainage, and then the prepared mixture. Only the lower part of the bulb should remain in the ground.

Watering. The plant does not like waterlogging, with strong moisture it can even die. Therefore, it is better to water Indian onions when upper layer the soil is completely dry. This bulbous plant loves water procedures in the form of a spray. This method of humidifying the air near the plant helps to resist dangerous diseases. With insufficient air humidity, the leaves of the plant will turn yellow and curl.

Lighting. The normal growth and development of a poultry farmer depends on proper lighting. deficit sunlight will be reflected in the external unhealthy appearance of the plant. Flower pots should be on the south or east side. If it is not possible to constantly keep the plant in such lighting, then you can rearrange it at least once a month for about a week in a favorable place. Solar procedures will make up for the lack of light.

Top dressing. IN room conditions poultry farmer needs food complex fertilizers with various minerals or liquid organic fertilizers(for example, a weak manganese solution). Once a month will be enough.

Transfer. When transplanting, it should be borne in mind that a new container for a plant will need a little more than the previous one. After transplantation, the Indian onion quickly takes root in a new place and acquires new strength and beauty. It is a must to replant it.

Temperature. The tailed bird keeper is a heat-loving plant. He is fine at room temperature. But in winter time it must be protected from hypothermia. At temperatures below twelve degrees Celsius, the plant can get sick and die.

Reproduction. This bulbous plant reproduces in three ways:

  • Bulbs - children
  • seeds
  • dividing the bulb

One of the simplest and most common methods is considered to be reproduction by bulbous babies. At the end of the flowering season of such small bulbs, the tuber grows a large number of. They need to be carefully separated and can be planted immediately, without roots, in moist soil. It will take only two weeks and each young bulb will take root and will be able to grow and develop on its own.

Useful properties and contraindications

The tailed bird keeper has long been known and popular in folk medicine. It is believed that this plant can provide ambulance with many diseases. Its main property is pain relief. Healing juice is used in the form of rubbing and compresses for various types of pain - headache, articular, after bruises and sprains. The juice of this plant accelerates wound healing and fights viruses.

For treatment, only freshly squeezed juice from old leaves is used. They rub it on a sore spot and wrap it woolen cloth for ten to fifteen minutes. In such a short time, sharp pain. To combat viruses and the first signs of a cold, the nose and temples, lymph nodes and the back of the head are rubbed with juice.

Indian onions can be put on a par with indoor medicinal plants such as aloe, kalanchoe. They should be in every home as a first aid kit. This plant will always come to the aid of all family members.

But this perennial plant also has contraindications. It is a strong allergen that can cause allergic manifestations. One must be very careful with Indian onion juice. It is very dangerous for the juice to get on the mucous membranes. If the body does not perceive this plant, then rashes, burning and itching, even redness and swelling will appear on the skin.

Do not self-medicate. Get advice from a specialist before using the juice of the caudate bird. Each medicinal plant can not only cure, but also harm. It is necessary to take into account individual characteristics each specific organism.

With numerous useful healing properties, one should not forget about its unusual decorative qualities. This perennial bulbous plant not only attracts with its beauty, but also arouses great interest among true connoisseurs of flower art. Many flower growers consider the tailed birdman to be their pride.

The home "green pharmacy" can be replenished even with those indoor plants that are not very decorative. Their main advantage is healing properties. Grow and propagate these undemanding plants incredibly simple.

Indian onion (tailed bird)

Indian bow, or tailed birdman ( Ornithogalum caudatum), belongs to the Liliaceae family. It is known as "Indian Bow", "Mongolian Bow", "Chinese Bow" and "Hell Root". It would be more logical to call this plant "South American onion", given the region of its origin. The caudate bird has straight leaves 70–100 cm long. And since they are narrow, only 3–5 cm wide, they break and hang over time. Their ends often dry out. Large green bulbs have a thick neck and numerous thin scales. Children are hiding under the “husk”, an incredible number of which cannot be counted. Powerful roots quickly fill the entire volume flower pot. Indian onion during flowering gives a fleshy arrow with a racemose inflorescence of numerous light flowers. At home, other types of this plant are also grown - pyramidal and umbrella birds. They are also medicinal.

The caudate bird has an incredibly burning juice. All parts of this plant contain a lot of mucus. It is curative and is considered a panacea for a number of diseases. I know people who are really treated by this plant. The drivers appreciated it too. One taxi driver told me that he daily lubricates his lower back with the juice of an Indian onion, which he takes from an incised leaf. Without this tool, a taxi driver cannot endure long hours of driving. The village milkmaid also showed me her hard-working hands. In the evening, they whine with her so much that without an Indian onion, she cannot even dream of sleep.

The juice of the plant is used to treat "bone ache", rheumatism, arthritis, sciatica, bruises and bruises. Pieces of leaves (previously mashed) are applied to various seals, with its help, they are saved from colds, herpes and even headaches. Indian onion relieves swelling that occurs from bee and wasp stings. For treatment, the sore spot is lubricated (do not rub!) with burning juice or a piece of leaf is applied to it. Under the influence of juice, blood flow instantly increases. Bruises, bruises and salt deposits are treated with compresses with alcohol tincture. For its preparation, crushed leaves are insisted on alcohol or vodka for two weeks (in a dark place), after which they are filtered. Store the solution in the refrigerator.

The tailed bird is one of those plants that must be used very carefully. You should not take its burning juice inside and instill it into your eyes without consulting a doctor, although such methods of treatment appear on the pages of print publications and on the Internet. If any allergic reactions occur, burns and blisters appear on the skin, then the affected skin is lubricated with sea buckthorn oil or rosehip oil. I can honestly say that I have not been able to experience for myself therapeutic effect Indian bow. Even transplanted it with gloves. The juice of my "onion", which was more than ten years old, was too hot. It caused severe skin irritation and a feeling of ... scalding with boiling water. It all ended with the fact that this wonderful birdman was begged from me to present a surprise gift " good friend on the First of April.

When planting an Indian onion, you can not bury its green bulb, covered with thin pale scales. Only the bottom and bottom of the bulb should be in the ground. There are no problems with reproduction, since numerous daughter bulbs are ready to germinate even under the scales. They can be stored for a long time until they fall on the soil, where they immediately wake up. Propagated by poultry and seeds. Adult plants are planted in pots with a diameter of 5 cm larger diameter bulbs. This indoor plant-long-liver, it can live in the house for more than a dozen years. The main thing is to provide it with light and nutrition, and periodically clean the bulb from numerous children.

Golden mustache (callisia fragrant)

Golden mustache, or fragrant callisia ( Callisia fragrans), has quite motivated popular names: "corn", "venus hair" and "room ginseng". Two variants of the name can be found in the determinants: "callisia" and "callisia". This treatment plant considered universal. Its juicy green leaves (about 20 - 30 cm long) alternately cover an upright stem, which really resembles a growing corn stalk. Articulated shoots (whiskers) grow up to 1 meter long. At the end they have a rosette of green leaves. If you break a fleshy leaf, then threads will stretch, resembling thin strong silk.

Mature plants with long brownish-pink whiskers, in which at least 12 knees, are suitable for medicinal purposes. This is a common opinion, but it is sometimes refuted. People who are treated with fragrant callisia successfully use shorter mustaches. They believe that it is more important to take into account the time of collection of medicinal raw materials. The best season, in their opinion, is autumn. The opinion is also contradictory about whether it is worth putting the “joints” in the refrigerator beforehand. Callisia is considered a biogenic stimulant that enhances immunity and destroys pathogenic microflora. The juice contains quercetin (P-vitamin activity, antioxidant, antispasmodic, diuretic) and kaempferol (strengthening blood vessels, diuretic, anti-inflammatory qualities). Callisia contains phytosterols that have antitumor and antibacterial effects. The result of treatment with a golden mustache is the normalization of the acid-base balance and the cleansing of the body from toxins. This plant perfectly treats chronic pancreatitis. The wound-healing properties of golden mustache juice are well known. They treat burns, ulcers and lichen. Many of my friends eat (or chew) one leaf of golden mustache every day. In my opinion, such self-medication is not always harmless, since it is difficult to determine the acceptable dosage. At home, it is safer to use this plant or an alcohol extract from it only for rubbing. However, there are several medicinal tinctures which are often used internally. They are very common, so it is impossible not to mention them. First: take 0.5 kg of crushed plant, 0.5 g of honey and 0.5 l of Cahors. Insist 20 days. Take three times a day for a teaspoon 40 minutes before meals. It is said that this medicine even helps with leukemia. The second recipe: 20 crushed joints insist in a dark place in 0.75 liters of vodka, be sure to shake it daily. Take three times a day for a dessert spoon 30 minutes before meals. This tincture improves immunity, it is recommended for oncology. According to some healers, for the treatment of cancer, it is necessary to use not a pure alcohol tincture, but an emulsion obtained by combining oil (unrefined sunflower or linseed) and alcohol.

In some clinics, the golden mustache is called not the fragrant callisia, but the bouquet-flowered dichorisandra, which also belongs to the same Commeline family. IN flower shops and in nurseries they prefer to remain silent, indicating the name "Golden Mustache" on the price tags. Therefore, when buying, pay attention not only to the “written”, but also to general form plants. It should have horizontal cranked side shoots.

Propagating a golden mustache is incredibly simple. To do this, any part of this plant is cut at any time of the year. The cuttings take root well both in water (after 1 - 1.5 weeks roots appear) and in the ground. It is easy to propagate by layering. This hardy plant can suffer from the burning sun, improper watering and hypothermia. It is advisable to add clay and sand to the soil. The lower leaves begin to dry out even with a temporary cessation of watering. The stem of the fragrant collision has to be tied to some kind of support and tying too long shoots into bunches. Otherwise, the overgrown plant will fill the entire space.

Stevia, or "Paraguayan grass"

Stevia rebaudiana) in our country has become popular relatively recently. And the whole of Europe for a long time did not know anything about this amazing perennial plant- The Indians were able to keep secret the method of sweetening mate. Later, stevia was given the name "Paraguayan grass". IN Lately one of the species, Stevia rebaudiana, began to be bred in many countries of Europe, America and Asia. This is a low (up to 70 cm) loose bush, which many grow in the house as a houseplant. It is bred not because of its special decorative effect, but for the ability to collect sweet and medicinal leaves. In summer, perennials can be put outside or transplanted into open ground until autumn.

Doctors say stevia unique plant which helps to cope with metabolic diseases. She had no contraindications, although heated debate continued for some time about its effects on the human body. Here is just a small list of diseases for which it is recommended: weakening of the immune system, metabolic disorders, hypertension, diabetes, oncology, gastrointestinal diseases, etc. Stevia leaves can be added to all dishes. They say that if pancreatitis has worsened, then you need to chew a leaf of stevia, it will help soon. A sheet applied to the wound quickly heals it. Daily use of stevia slows down the aging of the body. This plant is a natural sugar substitute, which is very important for diabetics. Stevia extract is many times sweeter than sucrose. The World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed the pharmacological effect of stevia extract in people suffering from hypertension and type 2 diabetes.

Stevia is usually propagated by seeds (not all seeds germinate) and cuttings (leaf rosettes). The bush is grown in a shallow wide flower pot on a light windowsill.

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Flowering bulbous plants have been known for a long time, but earlier they were grown, mainly in open ground. Modern indoor floriculture has a huge selection of bulbous plants for growing in apartments. The Amaryllis family alone gives us many gorgeous flowering houseplants, such as hippeastrum, hymenocallis or clivia.

From the history of amaryllis

Each of these bulbous house flowers has long, narrow leaves and in its own way beautiful flowers. If you provide amaryllis with proper care, their flowering will replace each other, allowing you to enjoy the beauty all year round. In the spring, unusual krinum inflorescences are released, in September the nerine picks up the baton, followed by the pancratium blooms, and in the winter the hippeastrum reveals spectacular large flowers.

The homeland of amaryllis plants is South Africa and South America, from where these beautiful plants were once brought by sailors and botanists. The first representatives of Amaryllis were called lilies because of the similarity of flowering, and in 1737 the genus Amaryllis was established.

Consider the catalog of the most common indoor plants from this family in more detail.

  1. has a large spherical fleshy bulb, inside which several inflorescences develop simultaneously. Usually one inflorescence falls on four leaves of this indoor bulbous plant, which means that by the number of leaves you can already guess how many flower arrows there will be in this season. Therefore, it is very important to take care of indoor hippeastrum during its growth, it is necessary to provide the flower with such conditions that as many leaves as possible appear.

Hippeastrum flowers have a wide variety of colors - white, yellow, red, orange. There are specimens with stripes, strokes and a border on the petals. As you can see in the photo, there are simple and terry varieties of this plant.

2. Name " Euharis" in Greek means "beautiful". The flower of this plant is really beautiful - on a peduncle up to 60 cm long there are from 3 to 6 white flowers with a long tube. The photo shows that the blooming indoor eucharis resembles a narcissus.

Eucharis prefers partial shade and frequent spraying, the temperature of the content should not be lower than 16 ° C. Daughter bulbs should not be separated from mother plant, since in the presence of children the plant blooms more readily.

3. Clivia orange has become widespread in indoor floriculture, although there are forms with yellow and red flowers. At good conditions content bulbous clivia lives for several decades. Old specimens in large flowerpots can give up to 40 flower stalks, they are not transplanted, but fed with fertilizers.

4. Gimenokallis - it is a perennial with an underground bulbous stem, which reaches 10 cm in diameter. The flowers of a bizarre shape are collected in inflorescences of 7-10 pieces. The color of the petals is white, the aroma is pleasant. Children hymenocallis are reluctant to form, so this flower is propagated by dividing the bulb.

5. Zephyranthes large-flowered has a small rounded bulb, up to 5 cm in diameter. When planting, the bulb is buried completely in the ground. Flowers solitary on peduncle of medium length. Have a bulbous plant in a bright sunny place. In home floriculture, white and white zephyranthes are usually found. Pink colour as in the photo.

6. and tortuous nerine are representatives of the amaryllis family, which are also grown in apartments. These are indoor perennials. herbaceous plants with a bulb covered with brown scales and small leaves. The flowers are collected on an arrow that reaches 50 cm in height. Often there are flowers of various shades of red, but there are specimens of white and even blue color. This plant grows well on northeastern windows, likes spraying with settled water.

7. Weltheimia rarely grown at home due to what to create for it comfortable conditions quite difficult, a cool greenhouse is more suitable for this or winter Garden. At the end of August, bulbs are planted, deepening by half, and during the growth of leaves, the temperature is maintained at about +20 ° C. However, then it is necessary to lower the temperature to +12 ° C in order to subsequently bloom.

It is better to water the plant in a pan so as not to provoke fungal diseases the ingress of water on the bulb. Continue watering until all leaves are dry. During the dormant period, the bulb is removed to a dark place and taken out already with the beginning of a new growth. At proper care in winter, weltheimia blooms, releasing unusual inflorescences that resemble the inflorescences of knifofia, as can be seen in the photo. For such flowering, veltheimia is called a winter torch.

8. Gemanthus is an evergreen perennial from the Amaryllis family. For short, wide, rough leaves, it is called "elephant's tongue." In apartments, two types are most often grown: Katarina's hemanthus and white-flowered. The flowering of these plants is very peculiar. In white-flowered hemanthus, instead of flowers, reduced perianths are formed. The photo shows that they are a cluster of white stamens with yellow anthers. Hemanthus Katarina has an inflorescence with red bracts.

These plants are not capricious, during the dormant period they require rare watering, while the leaves remain green all year round. In one period of growth, hemanthus produces no more than two leaves, unlike other amaryllis.

9. Krin m is very easy to grow, as it is a drought-resistant bulbous plant. From spring to autumn, the plant blooms and grows, and spends the winter in a dry, dark place without watering. The pot for krinum should be spacious, not picky about the soil, it grows in almost any earthen mixture. Krinum propagates by seeds and baby bulbs.

10. Lashenalia aloes- a rare indoor culture. For good flowering, she needs to provide winter illumination and cool content (from 8 to 12 degrees). Fleshy peduncles bearing racemose inflorescences (as in the photo) appear in December. During the growing season, regular watering is important - overdrying or overflowing is unacceptable. Lachenalia grows only one pair of long, narrow leaves. In the spring, a dormant period begins and a natural yellowing of the leaves occurs.

11. pancratium usually blooms in autumn, with each subsequent year giving more and more flowers. The plant is responsive to feeding and does not like drafts. For beautiful flowering (see photo), the pancrate is called the Nile lily.

Catalog of indoor bulbous plants of the Amaryllis family

Indian onion plant(in Latin Ornithogalum caudatum, other Russian names are tailed birdman, Chinese bow, sea bow, Mongolian bow, false sea bow, hellish root, and also brandushka) - is a perennial of the Lilein family, growing for the most part V South Africa, moreover, in India, China, in the central and southeastern parts of the European continent, in particular, in the Mediterranean region.

Did you know? The Latin name of the Indian onion literally reflects the Russian version of "poultry farmer". It comes from the Greek "ornis" meaning "bird" and "gala" meaning "milk". In our understanding bird's milk” is associated with something unreal, existing only in fantasy (like “chimera”, but with a positive connotation). Perhaps the Indian bow got its name because amazing beauty flowers predominantly white color. So, for example, in German the plant is called "milchsterne", that is, "milk stars", English version- "stars of Bethlehem", ("Stars of Bethlehem"). However, it is possible that the matter is also in the milk juice, which is secreted by the leaves of the Indian onion, because, say, in Hebrew the name of the plant sounds like “nez-halav aravi”, that is, “hawk milk”.

On the territory of the USSR, the poultry plant began to be bred mainly as a greenhouse plant from the second half of the last century.

Outwardly, the plant looks like a familiar to everyone onion, but the bulb itself is not white, but green color, and the husk covering the bulb is not golden, but light brown, almost white. Such a bulb lives much longer than its onion counterpart - up to three decades. The leaves look rather inconspicuous, do not stand straight, curl up and dry out at the ends, which, however, does not prevent them from continuing to grow, sometimes reaching a meter in length and 5 cm in width.

But if you see what an Indian onion looks like during flowering, you will definitely want to have such a decoration on your own windowsill. Lush inflorescences, a bit reminiscent of a hyacinth in shape, consisting of numerous white or green with a white border of small delicate flowers in the form of stars, gradually opening up from the bottom up, look truly fabulous and turn a rather dull-looking plant into a real feast of the soul!

And if we take into account that such a treasure also has numerous useful properties(Indian onions have long been successfully used in traditional medicine), then you will want to grow it at home even more.

Features of growing Indian onions at home

Indian onions are not demanding in care, and their cultivation does not present any particular difficulties if you know and follow certain rules.

The soil

Growing Indian onions as a houseplant is best in a substrate consisting of sand, sheet soil and humus (the first two components are mixed in equal parts, after which the same amount of humus is added to the resulting mixture). You can replace the humus with soddy soil, but in this case you need to take a little more sand.

In order for the birdman to grow better and delight you with its flowering, in addition to right soil, it is also important not to make a mistake with the choice of a pot. Like most bulbous houseplants, it is best to plant Indian onions one bulb at a time in a small pot, as the extra space will slow down the growth of the birdman.

Preference should be given to earthenware, it has a number of advantages over plastic, and with regard to Indian onions, this is quite important. Not to mention the fact that such a pot looks much more solid, it will not turn over as the leaves of the plant are pulled out and will not crack if the bulb grows too much.

Clay does not delay excess moisture and tends to clean the soil from salts and other deposits that enter it along with irrigation (if you paid attention to the peculiar white coating, formed over time along the edges of clay flower pots, then it’s just “extended” from the ground harmful substances, which in plastic pots simply accumulate in the soil).

Before planting, drainage should be laid out on the bottom of the pot (for example, fine expanded clay), then pour the prepared soil mixture and carefully deepen the bulb into it so that its upper part remains outside.

Important! Never screw the bulb into the ground, as this will damage the root primordia and may kill the plant!

As mentioned above, Indian onions are a real long-liver. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that the bulb you planted will grow, and in the end, the originally selected pot will become cramped for it. It is the size of the bulb that determines the moment of transplanting the Indian onion, but this procedure is best done in the fall.

In order for the Indian onion to grow better, the soil in the pot should not be allowed to turn into a monolithic stone. The root system of the plant needs air, so the top layer of the earth must be loosened regularly.


Indian onion is a sun-loving plant, for normal development it needs bright lighting, therefore, in a city apartment, it is better to choose southern, western or eastern windows for a flower pot. In darker places (on the north side or away from the windowsill), Indian onions grow worse.

Therefore, if you do not have free space on a well-lit window (or there are no such windows at all), you will have to try to fill the plant's need for light by organizing it " sunbathing". At least a week during the month, the Indian onion should be in a sunny area, and if for this you need to take the flower to the neighbors for “overexposure”, it might be worth doing.

In the summer, it is quite acceptable to take out an Indian bow on outdoor balcony or planted in the country, but care must be taken that the scorching July sun does not fall on the plant, otherwise it may get burned.


Indian onion grows well with room temperature. Having African roots, this plant tolerates heat much better than cold. If in winter the temperature in the room drops below 12 degrees Celsius, this can be critical for the poultry farmer.


Indian onions will forgive you if you forget to water them, but the plant reacts very badly to excess moisture in the soil. Therefore, you need to focus on the condition of the soil in the pot: do not water the plant until the earth has dried.

If you water the plant with water from the tap, be sure to first let it settle well in an open vessel: firstly, this procedure will allow chlorine harmful to flowers to evaporate; secondly, it is better for the plant that the water is not too cold - ideally the same temperature as the soil in the pot.

But the poultry farmer is very picky about the humidity of the air. If the room is dry, the leaves of the Indian onion begin to turn yellow, in addition, the plant becomes very vulnerable to various diseases.

Because important point in the care of the poultry farmer is spraying, it is especially important to do this in summer, when it is hot, and also in winter, if the room is very heated.

Important! You can not spray the plant on a sunny day, it is better to carry out shower procedures in the early morning. Drops of water should not remain on the leaves at the moment when the sun's rays are directed at them!

No less than water, the Indian onion needs oxygen. To access air to the roots, as was said, you need to regularly loosen the ground, and dust must be removed from the leaves of the plant, so proper gas exchange will be ensured, and the photosynthesis process will be faster.

top dressing

Even the soil that is properly selected for Indian onions loses the nutrients necessary for the plant and becomes depleted after a couple of months, so flower care, especially at home, when the bulb is in a cramped pot with a limited amount of land, includes mandatory fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers.

For these purposes, complex preparations can be purchased at a specialized store and used in accordance with the instructions. But if such a drug is not at hand, it can help to fill the plant's need for the nutrients it needs. weak solution of potassium permanganate.

The second option is good mineral fertilizer prepared "from improvised means" - ordinary wood ash infused in water. It is undesirable to use the ashes obtained from the burning of trees (branches, twigs) that grew in heavily polluted industrial areas. You should also give preference to young deciduous trees, in such ashes there is more potassium necessary for indoor plants.

Important! Feeding the poultry, you should always remember that its development has certain natural phases. For normal growth, the Indian onion, like any other plant, needs a dormant period when it cannot be fertilized and actively watered. Top dressing should be done only when the Indian onion is growing or flowering.

Methods for propagating Indian onions

There are three ways to propagate Indian onions: seed, bulbous babies and the division of the bulb itself.

As with any bulbous plant, for the Indian onion, the simplest is reproduction by bulbous children. On one bulb, after flowering, several (sometimes even up to two dozen) small bulbs are formed at once. Gradually, they grow up and eventually separate themselves from the mother tuber, tearing its skin.

You can carefully separate them and plant them in moist soil, where they will take root rather quickly, or you can wait until each "cub" takes root in the mother's pot, and only then carefully remove it and transplant it into a separate pot.

seed method of reproduction is also quite common (by the way, Indian onions were first brought to the Soviet Union in the form of seeds). But there is a caveat here: seeds can only be formed from a pollinated plant, and when grown indoors, it will not pollinate by itself.

If you do not grow Indian onions in the open field and do not take them out on the balcony in the summer, where insects can access them, you can carry out the pollination procedure yourself by gently touching all the flowers of the plant older than one year with a small brush.

After the seed box has completely dried, you can collect the seeds and sow them in fertile soil. In this way, many more small onions can be obtained than with the first method of propagation, besides, Indian onion seeds germinate perfectly. After they grow up a little, we plant each in a separate pot - and the new generation is ready.

If it was not possible to obtain seeds, and young bulbs do not form in the plant, you can simply cut an adult bulb in half thus obtaining two independent plants.

Features of growing Indian onions in open ground

Indian onions can be planted in your country house, but growing this plant in the open field has its own characteristics.

As mentioned above, the birdman does not survive in freezing temperatures, but even if the temperature in winter in your area does not drop below 10 degrees, the plant may still not survive such a cold.

Therefore, there can be only one option here: planted in the spring, moved to a warm place in the fall. The Indian onion transfers transplant quite easily, so there will be no special problems.

It is best to plant Indian onions in late spring, when night frosts on the soil are completely excluded.
We determine the place for the plant based on its lighting requirements (however, in the open field, Indian onions can be planted in the shade of trees or other perennials). The land does not have to be very fertile, but the plant does not like too acidic soil and certainly will not grow in a wetland. Further - moderate watering and, in fact, that's all.

In autumn, we dig up the plant, transplant it into a pot and bring it into the room. There are two options here: grow it in winter as an ordinary houseplant (the rules for care are set out above) or organize wintering for it in the dormant phase.

With the first option put the flower pot on the windowsill and water it as described above.

In the second case we place the plant away from direct light and do not water at all (only occasionally you need to spray the earth in a pot). We resume watering after a new landing in open ground, while the first watering of the Indian onion will be perceived as a command to wake up and resume active growth.

Transplanting Indian onions in open ground for the summer has several advantages.

Firstly At the same time, the plant can be fed much less: having a sufficiently powerful and deep root system, the poultry farmer will take everything he needs from the ground (however, the plant will be very grateful if you feed it with mullein once a month).

Secondly, the plant gets the opportunity to pollinate in a natural way, as a result of which it reproduces much better. Indian onions also grow very quickly in the open field, they form much more children (they say that their number reaches almost a thousand, although this is hardly true), flowering is also longer and more abundant.

The only precaution to keep in mind: replanting Indian onions in the fall should be done very carefully so as not to damage the root system, which in open ground can go into the soil up to a meter deep.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

As already mentioned, Indian onions have numerous medicinal properties.

This plant has the property relieve pain, heal wounds, improve blood flow, kill pathogenic bacteria. The benefits of Indian onions have long been noticed by Siberian healers who treated osteochondrosis and colds with this plant.

Did you know? There is a belief that the Indian onion remembers the pain that its flowers caused, so every time before picking such a flower, you must definitely ask for forgiveness from him. Otherwise, the plant is considered very positive in terms of energy, its presence in the house promises career growth, activity, good mood and financial well-being. The bird-man is especially good for the mood of children.

Perhaps one can doubt about positive energy, but what exactly Indian onions are useful for is their phytoncidal properties. The plant is able to largely cleanse the room from pathogenic bacteria in it. Indian onion has even found use in pharmacology, in particular, it is used to produce medicines for respiratory diseases of the throat and respiratory tract. Such drugs are highly effective primarily due to their very rapid action.

However, the Indian onion is used much more widely in folk medicine. From the juice squeezed from fresh leaves, water or alcohol tinctures used to heal wounds and bruises, as well as joint pain, headaches and many other diseases. Just like aloe juice, Indian onion juice is used for rubbing and compresses: it is rubbed or applied to a sore spot (temples, bridge of the nose, back of the head, lymph nodes - depending on the disease). The effect occurs within a quarter of an hour.

Important! Indian onions should not be taken internally! The plant is poisonous and very dangerous if it comes into contact with mucous membranes. If the juice of the Indian onion gets into the eyes, they should be immediately rinsed with plenty of water, dripped with two drops of Taufon, closed and not opened for ten minutes.

Like any potent medicinal plant, Indian onion has a number of other contraindications. So, individual intolerance and a strong allergic reaction to Indian onion juice are possible. As a rule, it manifests itself in the form of skin rashes, redness, burning or itching, and swelling.

To avoid burns, work with an Indian bow with protective gloves. IN medicinal purposes juice should be applied only to well-cleansed skin.

With hemophilia, Indian onions cannot be used.

So, the Indian onion is very beautiful (in bloom) and unusually useful plant. Growing it is easy enough. However, before using it in your home first aid kit, you must first consult your doctor and conduct a test reaction for the presence of an allergy.

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There are a lot of indoor plants, but those that bloom beautifully are especially loved. These include lush-flowering ones that grow well at home. Many are used to the fact that bulbous plants can only be seen in the garden. But at home for them, you can also organize the right care and the right atmosphere. As a result, the flowers will delight with their tall arrows and beautiful, fragrant flowers.

Bulbous primroses at home

blooming in early spring in the garden, daffodils, freesias and hyacinths can be grown at home.


On his big peduncle no leaves, but a huge number of small flowers bloom. They can be white, pink, blue, greenish, scarlet and purple. Flowers sitting very tightly form an incredibly beautiful hat. Each bulb produces only one stem, which blooms for two or three weeks.


Freesia reaches a length of 30-45 cm. On its one side there are delicate funnel-shaped flowers of orange, red, yellow, pink, burgundy or white. All varieties are very fragrant.


Plants up to 20 cm tall with squat linear leaves and leafless stems. On one inflorescence, from two to ten flowers of various sizes and colors can form. The perianths consist of six recurved lobes and cylindrical tubes. Daffodils come in many varieties, including:

Tall houseplants

Kanna hybrid is colorful, catchy, pretty big plant up to one meter in height. Each stem produces large flowers , which can be purple, red, yellow, cream, orange, or pink. The oblong canna leaves can be light green, dark green, bronze red, brown with purple tint or striped. With age, three or four arrows may appear from one corm.

Hippeastrum has a rather large bulb, the diameter of which can reach 11 cm. one to six large funnel-shaped flowers. Most often, flowering occurs in spring and winter, but sometimes it can bloom in summer. The most common types of hipperastrum include:

Amaryllis is very similar to the hippeatrum, but has an incomplete peduncle, blooms only once a year in autumn and regularly forms daughter bulbs. Amaryllis grows up to 50-70 cm in height. Each stem produces 8-12 large pink-red flowers. Three or four plants can be planted in one pot at once. With proper care, the flower can exist for many years.

Vallota belongs to the Amaryllis family. Has reddish at the base dark green leaves of a linear shape. The length of each sheet reaches 65 cm, and the width is 3.5 cm. An umbrella is formed on a long stem with salmon, white or bright red flowers. After it blooms, you do not need to immediately cut off the flowers. You should wait until the flower stalks dry, and then cut them off.

Euharis (see photo) can also be attributed to high flowers. The second name is the Amazonian lily. This beautiful plant has a resemblance to a narcissist. Its snow-white, fragrant, flowers collected in an umbrella appear in October and bloom until winter. Then in March, the eucharis has a dormant period, and in the spring it blooms again. On one long stem of eucharis 50 cm tall, three flowers are formed at once.

In adult plants, two flower stalks are formed at once, which develop within 10–14 days. By removing faded flowers, you can prolong the flowering of eucharis. In summer, it can be grown in the garden, planting in March or April to a depth of 25–30 cm.

Fancy bulbous

Almost everyone is accustomed to amaryllis, hippeastrums, hyacinths. But there are still different kinds with unusual names for some flower growers and unusual flowers:

Growing bulbous plants at room conditions is no more difficult than in the country or in the garden. At correct location and care these spectacularly blooming and beautiful flowers will delight their lush bloom even in winter of the year.