Mixer      04/05/2019

Growing rosemary in open ground and at home rosemary from seed photo species. Mediterranean scents all year round: growing rosemary in the apartment and its use

Rosemary (translated from Latin "freshness of the sea" or, more precisely, "sea dew") - fragrant spice And medicinal plant. This Mediterranean guest has the appearance of a shrub with small and sharp leaves, like coniferous needles. Flowers small, blue, white or Pink colour. Rosemary will become a real decoration of the home greenhouse, not only beautiful, but also useful. It is especially pleasant that you can grow it even in a small apartment.

Rosemary in the medicine cabinet and in the kitchen

Many people know rosemary primarily as a spice that is used in cooking. It is indispensable in the preparation of dishes from meat, fish, vegetables. Housewives also add it to pastries. This seasoning is used to flavor alcoholic beverages, vinegar. Its spicy, slightly bitter taste goes well with many foods. But the main thing, perhaps, is the aroma.

It has notes of lemon, pine, camphor and eucalyptus. This is a great sedative and relaxing remedy. It has a positive effect on pregnant women, people with loose nervous system. Rosemary essential oil contains phytoncides, which help with insomnia, and are also used as part of the complex therapy for diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes and others.

Rosemary essential oil should be in every first aid kit

Rosemary - source useful substances contains vitamins, antioxidants, essential oils.

It is useful to keep such a plant at home, as its aroma can act soothingly, relieve accumulated fatigue and irritability.

Seeds or cuttings: the choice is yours (instructions with photos)

Those who decide to grow rosemary on the windowsill should immediately attend to the choice of a suitable container. It is better to take a terracotta or clay pot, wide enough, because the plant has an extensive root system. It is important to pour drainage at the bottom of the vessel.

The soil is suitable neutral or slightly alkaline, it is good to add peat or sand to it. The plant needs to be fed about once every two weeks, in winter once a month will be enough.

The easiest way to grow rosemary is to root a cutting. The upper stiff shoot of an adult plant is cut off, freed from the lower leaves and placed in water or placed in a sand-peat mixture.

Be sure to spray regularly. After two weeks, you can transplant into a permanent pot.

For the most patient, the method of growing rosemary from seeds is suitable.

This is quite difficult, here it is important to take into account many nuances:

If after the indicated time shoots have not appeared, try sowing rosemary again.

Video: growing rosemary from seeds in an apartment

Sun, air and some water: how to grow a spice at home

Rosemary is generally easy to care for. He loves light and fresh air. In summer, it feels great on the balcony, and even better - right in the garden.

Rosemary grows best in a well-lit, south-facing window.

In winter, it should be kept in a well-ventilated area. Adequate lighting will increase the production of essential oils, the plant will have strong and healthy leaves. There should be no sudden changes in temperature, stagnation of water in the pot. The soil should be loosened regularly.

strong mature plant at least 15 cm high must be cut. In the spring, after flowering, they form a beautiful rounded bush.

Great home decoration - green rosemary

The top shoots can be used to prepare various dishes.

Beginning gardeners should be more careful: Not proper care lead to pests and diseases. The lack of fresh air is one of the reasons for the defeat of downy mildew, the plant may suffer from spider mites. An insecticide will help get rid of it, but then the leaves will be unsuitable for human consumption.

Rosemary is a spice whose aroma combines the smells of lemon, eucalyptus and pine, and also retains notes of fresh sea breeze. Today we will tell you how to grow rosemary in open ground in the country or at home in a small pot on the windowsill.

In natural conditions, rosemary grows in the open field all year round. The average height of a bush covered with thin, needle-like leaves reaches 2 m. The culture blooms small flowers soft bluish tint. There are not so many varieties of culture known - only about five, but it is customary for us to grow two types: medicinal or ordinary rosemary.

It is noteworthy that the spice is valued not only for its exceptional aroma in cooking, but also is part of many healing tinctures and medicinal preparations.

Necessary conditions for growing

Growing rosemary in our latitudes requires certain conditions to be met. Remember: seedlings of culture do not withstand frost, do not like drafts and shading, they prefer light, loose and nutritious soil.

In the open field

Rosemary is a heat-loving crop, so it is better to wait with its landing on the garden bed until warm spring weather sets in. The optimal time is the end of May, then the bush will probably take root well. The landing site should be sunny, sheltered from strong winds. It is important to observe the correct watering regime: the soil should be kept constantly moist, but not wet.

In apartment conditions

The decision to plant rosemary in a pot in an apartment requires compliance with almost the same rules as growing rosemary in the open field. You will have to maintain a constant temperature within +20 ° C, place the culture container on the southern windowsill, and monitor the level of soil moisture.

Landing Rules

To grow a beautiful, powerful rosemary bush, it is important to take into account not only the requirements of the culture, but also comply with all the mandatory planting conditions.

In open ground

So, when the place for planting on the site is selected, it's time to take care of the composition of the soil. It is not difficult to prepare the optimal soil mixture, it is enough to mix 2 handfuls of ordinary lime, 2 kg of coarse sand, 2 kg of humus, about 5 kg of leafy soil and a few handfuls of sawdust.

Observe the distance between the holes: the more powerful rosemary bushes you want to breed, the less often they should be planted. On average, the distance between plants should be 50 cm. Remember that you can plant rosemary only after the night frosts, even slight ones, have completely passed.

Culture can be planted or sown. If you have the opportunity to get a few well-formed layers of an adult bush, planting rosemary directly in open ground is not difficult. In addition, crop seeds can be sown on seedlings, waiting until they sprout in room conditions, or even root the cuttings by cutting off the upper shoots of the bushes.

In apartment conditions

Growing fragrant rosemary in an apartment begins with sowing seeds. They are planted in light, well-moistened soil at the end of winter. The container is covered with glass or a transparent film, and sent for several weeks to a cool room with a temperature of about + 5–6 ° C. Then the pot is moved to a warm place, where shoots will appear (after about 1 month).

When the plants grow up a little, and already look like small bushes, they dive into separate boxes, and after a while they are planted in a permanent place.

Features of care

It is not difficult to take care of the culture, while the features of the process differ little from whether you grow rosemary in a garden bed or in a pot on a loggia.

In the open field

Caring for rosemary outdoors is quite simple. It is important to keep the soil in your rosemary bed slightly moist, especially during hot summers. Culture and regular feeding are needed throughout the entire period. active growth. For this, it is customary to use complex nutrient mixtures. You will also have to perform the entire set of standard garden procedures: loosening, removing weeds.

Overwintering outdoors is possible, but only if you choose frost-resistant variety. But before leaving the bush until spring, you need to securely cover the rosemary for the winter so that the spice does not die.

In apartment conditions

If you're growing rosemary on your home balcony, you'll need to follow a similar set of steps, with the exception of preparing for the winter. With the advent of cold weather, rosemary pots are brought into a room where the temperature will not rise above +11 ° C, occasionally watered and maintained with artificial lighting for at least 7 hours a day. At home cultivation it is also important to ensure that excess water does not linger in the pans - this can lead to yellowing of the leaves.

Breeding rules

As already mentioned, the culture can be propagated in several ways: grown from seeds, sowing on seedlings, rooting a cutting taken from an adult plant, or planting cuttings obtained by dividing and planting overgrown bushes. The last two ways allow you to get a large plant much faster than waiting for a bush to grow from a seed.

Disease and pest control

You may be surprised, but you are unlikely to be able to see what a pest-affected rosemary bush looks like on open garden. The reason is the sharp aroma of the spice, which repels most insects. The same applies to diseases - rosemary is extremely unpretentious and resistant to adversity. True, if you keep a bush in room conditions, be prepared to deal with whitefly or white powdery mildew.

The spice can be dried, frozen, stored in the refrigerator - as you like. The main thing is that it will always give you a breath of fresh air with the indescribable aroma of the Mediterranean coast.

Video "What are the benefits of rosemary"

In this video, Elena Malysheva and experts will tell you why rosemary should be consumed by all people.

Even our ancestors grew rosemary in a pot in houses or on household plots. It refers to evergreens. Previously, it was used as a spice and for the treatment of many diseases.
Nowadays, rosemary is not as popular as it used to be. It is rare for anyone to find this plant at home. Perhaps because it is not as beautiful as other indoor flowers, or because it is difficult to grow it. Therefore, the purpose of this essay is to solve the question, how to grow rosemary yourself?

homemade rosemary

Only 1 species of this plant reproduces at home, which is called fragrant rosemary. But even in this case, it will take time and some effort to grow it.

If you have enough willpower and desire, then you should get down to business. This is a very spoiled flower, it requires constant attention and careful care. If you deviate even a little from the rules, then the plant will disappear, or its branches will stretch ugly. Professional gardeners advise growing rosemary in conditions winter gardens. But if you really want to grow it at home, then you can proceed.

Growing Features

Start by studying the characteristics of this culture. Thus, it will be easier to find out what has a beneficial effect on the plant, and what can harm it. Homemade rosemary develops quickly, as does its root system. Therefore, when planting a small plant, take a large pot. In this case, the soil is either updated or completely replaced. A new drainage is laid out at the bottom of the pot.

The next step is to establish correct mode temperature. You may have to constantly move the rosemary pot from one place to another. For example, in winter, the culture is best moved to a cool place, for example, to a balcony, where there is no central heating. In this case, rosemary will need additional artificial light.

In summer, the plant is also better to keep on the balcony. It is there that the flower will receive a sufficient amount sun rays and air currents. It is recommended, if possible, to take rosemary to country cottage area.

At home, the plant must be systematically watered. In winter, soil moisture is carried out only when necessary.

Take care of the neighbors of rosemary, remove from its environment those that do not tolerate a strong smell.
Rosemary itself can get along with any indoor flower. Tomatoes planted nearby, sage and even any greens will be an excellent addition to it. Caring for rosemary is a painstaking task.

Planting rosemary in a pot

At home, rosemary can be propagated by cuttings or seeds. Doing so better in spring, in April or May. In winter, the likelihood that the plant will take root is extremely small. It is worth considering each method of planting rosemary.

Growing rosemary at home from seeds.

This process is laborious, but you can try, the more joy there will be when the plant takes root. You can buy seeds in specialized stores. Due to their small size, you must first prepare them for planting:

  1. 3-4 days before planting the seeds, lay them out in wet gauze, which you fold several times beforehand. Moisten the gauze daily with a spray bottle.
  2. The seeds are then sown in the ground for uniform distance. A thin layer of earth is sprinkled on top.
  3. Watering is not desirable, so as not to wash off upper layer soil. Use the same sprayer. After that, the soil is covered with a film in which small holes have been previously made for air ventilation.
  4. Pots are placed in warm room, where the temperature is +16-20°C. The soil is moistened moderately daily.
  5. After a month, you will notice sprouts, now you can remove the film and rearrange the pots to a lighted place.

After the sprouts get stronger, transplant them into separate pots. Do not plant more than 2 seedlings in 1 pot, otherwise, as the rosemary grows, they will suffocate each other with their root system.

Growing a crop with seeds is a very laborious task and does not always give a positive result. Sometimes there are too few shoots. This happens for several reasons:

  • due to poor soil;
  • due to excessive watering or, conversely, lack of moisture;
  • at room temperature air above +20ºС;
  • if poor quality seeds.

Do not worry about this, you have several attempts to grow rosemary. Otherwise, you can use another method of plant propagation.

Rosemary: propagation by cuttings.

They are also purchased at the store, or harvested independently. Propagation of rosemary cuttings is carried out as follows:

  1. To do this, stiff branches are cut from an adult plant, up to 10 cm in size.
  2. Landing is carried out in the spring, and in a warm climate, you can do this in the fall.
  3. Remove the leaves from the cutting and place it in soil that has been previously moistened.

This method of planting has a major drawback: the cutting may die before roots appear in it. Most often this happens if you overdo it with watering.

The advantage of this method is that several cuttings can be planted at a time and, perhaps, at least 1 of them will take root.

Diseases and pests

Usually the plant is almost not exposed to diseases and pests. This is due to the fact that rosemary can germinate both indoors and outdoors. But in unprotected soil, the culture may die. The exception is warm countries where rosemary can grow without any additional conditions.

If a thin cobweb is found on the leaves of a plant, it is worth knowing that it has been attacked by a spider mite. In this case, all the leaves of the plant are washed soapy water and then dried. For severe infections, apply chemicals.

If the plant is attacked powdery mildew, then at first glance it is not so easy to detect it, this is due to the fact that rosemary leaves are covered with small hairs. For this reason, culture often dies. look around indoor plant if you notice darkened or dried leaves, then powdery mildew is most likely the cause.

Thus, rosemary can be both a house flower and it is suitable for planting in open areas. Despite the cost and effort spent, you will eventually be able to enjoy the sight of this plant. In addition, rosemary is used as a spice, and in some cases it will help to cope with a number of diseases. But remember that in order for the plant to serve you for a long time, you need to constantly care for rosemary.

Rosemary officinalis (Latin name Rosmarínus officinalis) is a herbaceous evergreen shrub that grows mainly in the southern regions, it can be found in the wild nature of the Crimea and the Mediterranean. Thin dark green leaves resemble needles both in appearance and smell - it is fresh, tart, camphor. Rosemary is known to many housewives as a fragrant spice that can be purchased at the store or local market.

Blooming rosemary in the wild.

Rosemary is used to prepare meat and fish dishes, soups, snacks, even desserts. In fact, it is more of a medicinal plant than a spice. Rosemary has unique medicinal properties, it can be planted both in the garden and in a pot on the windowsill. It is worth learning more about the properties, features of growing and caring for this valuable crop.

Rosemary blooms with small blue flowers, they densely cover its branches - for this plant, the people called it "bride's color" or "bride's dress". Indeed, in ancient times there was a custom to give bouquets of rosemary to the couple or to weave branches into the bride's wreath. The plant is considered a symbol of well-being and prosperity, therefore in the old days it was kept in the kitchen as a talisman in a wreath or in a pot. It will not be superfluous to observe this tradition even today - such a plant will be useful in the household both as a fragrant seasoning and as a medicine.


Germinated cuttings of rosemary, ready for planting.

This plant can be grown outdoors in a garden or garden, and at home - in a pot or container. But if you plan to grow it on a garden or garden bed, you have to take care of creating necessary conditions for him. Rosemary is a heat-loving plant, in the northern regions it will be uncomfortable for him.

It's a rather capricious culture. In summer, she needs a lot of sun and heat, but in winter - moderate coolness. At temperatures below ten degrees below zero, the plant dies. It is necessary to monitor the looseness and moisture of the soil. Then rosemary will grow and bloom well.

Much easier and easier to grow it in a pot in the kitchen. You can buy a pot of seedlings in the supermarket or flower shop. Or you can plant rosemary from seeds. All home-grown rosemary needs is enough sunlight. The plant needs to be pinched, then it will bush well.

Propagation of rosemary in a pot from a cutting is the most convenient way. It is necessary to plant no later than mid-March, then an excellent bush will grow up by the summer.

Growing rosemary from seeds is somewhat more difficult - planting is carried out as early as February. But you need to prepare for the fact that even with the right care will rise only a third of the seeds sown.

Rosemary grown from seeds.

Soil preparation

To get a strong and viable plant, you need to prepare a good substrate for it. Experienced gardeners recommend this mixture:

  • two parts of leafy land;
  • two parts of turf without roots;
  • one part of humus, fine river sand, peat.

The soil should be moist, but do not get carried away with watering - it is better to use a sprayer to moisten the ground. You need to constantly monitor the level of soil acidity. In an acidic environment, the plant quickly dies.

Soil for transplanting and primary planting of rosemary.

In order to grow a full-fledged plant at home, you need a pot with a pallet with a diameter of 15-17 centimeters.


During the period of active growth, the temperature in the room should not exceed 20 degrees Celsius or fall below 15. In winter, it can be 5-7 degrees lower, but frost will destroy the plant.

A mature plant perfectly withstands temperatures up to 25 degrees above zero, but if it drops below 7 degrees, it will become uncomfortable. Sudden changes in temperature should also be avoided - you should not open a window or window on the windowsill in winter, on which there is a pot of rosemary.


In order for rosemary to grow well and quickly, it must be constantly turned towards the light. It is better to immediately make room for the pot on the windowsill on the south side of the apartment. The plant does not need illumination in spring, summer and autumn, but in winter it is worth turning on the phytolamp once a day.


Rosemary will not die without frequent watering, dry air will not kill it either, but the plant will be weak and undersized. If the temperature in the room where rosemary is grown is above 25 degrees Celsius, the plant is watered daily. At lower temperatures, it is sufficient to moisten the soil once every three days. Spraying is only necessary if the room is very dry air.

Rosemary is planted as it grows, when it becomes crowded in a pot.

Possible problems

Powdery mildew is the most common plant disease. It manifests itself as white spots covering the leaves and stems. The cause of the disease becomes too high level humidity in the room or flower pot. To get rid of it, you should rearrange the pot on a well-lit windowsill and reduce watering to a minimum.

With extensive lesions, the plant is treated with fungicides, but in this case it cannot be eaten, as well as for the preparation of medicines.

With excessive moisture, rosemary can suffer from powdery mildew.

If the air is too dry, rosemary bushes may appear spider mite. In this case, the plant is treated with an insecticidal agent, and then sprayed daily and generously with ordinary clean water. For preventive purposes, you need to completely change the soil in a pot every year, not forgetting to feed it with potash fertilizers.

Medical uses of rosemary

The medicinal properties of this plant have been known since Ancient Rome, Egypt and Greece. Carefully examining the ancient frescoes, you can see rosemary wreaths on the heads of the Gods. It was believed that he was able to prolong life and protect against numerous ailments.

Rosemary contains phytoncides and essential oils, it is used in medicine and cosmetology due to the following properties:

  • choleretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • tonic;
  • wound healing;
  • immunomodulatory.

If you combine sprigs of rosemary with sea ​​salt, then you get an excellent cure for joint diseases - sciatica, rheumatism, arthritis. The tincture of this plant is recommended for women with hormonal imbalance, during menopause, frequent depression.

Rosemary oil is indispensable in folk medicine and cosmetology.

Rosemary contains substances that stimulate blood circulation, so the shrub extract is included in the composition of anti-cellulite body lotions, products that restore skin elasticity and velvety. If there is a problem excess weight Rosemary can help too.

Dull, lifeless hair, prone to rapid pollution and loss, is quickly restored, gaining shine, density and splendor, if rosemary juice is rubbed into the roots. It can be combined with egg yolk, clay, burdock oil and prepare wonderful masks for problematic scalp and hair.

Also, rosemary oil and extract can be used to care for problem skin. Such funds will help relieve inflammation, narrow pores, eliminate greasy shine.

Uses of rosemary in cooking

In the kitchen, you can use dried rosemary or fresh rosemary. It is added to meat and fish hot dishes, and is also used for cooking:

  • soups and sauces;
  • vegetable casseroles and stews;
  • marinades;
  • tea and tinctures;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • pastries and desserts.

Dried rosemary is an essential ingredient in the famous herbes de Provence blend. If you want to refine the taste of ordinary chicken meat or pork, it is enough to rub it with rosemary - and the roast will acquire a piquant aroma and taste of game.

Rosemary is used in the preparation of alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails.

But if soup or sauce is being prepared, rosemary, like Bay leaf, should not be kept in the dish for too long. Twigs and leaves must be removed, otherwise the food will become bitter. But on the other hand, flowers can be safely used for an original and exquisite decoration of mousse, cream, ice cream or fruit salad.

When Rosemary Can Be Harmful

Sometimes it is worth refusing to use this fragrant herb. It is not recommended to use it:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • small children;
  • hypertensive patients;
  • epileptics and people with a predisposition to seizures.

Essential oil has a vasodilating effect, so its use can be dangerous in some human conditions and diseases. In concentrated form, it can burn sensitive skin and cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, people prone to allergies should dilute rosemary oil with water or ordinary vegetable oil.

Seasoning, natural air freshener, antidepressant and simply handsome, especially during the flowering period. Do you know what plant we are talking about? This is rosemary - a favorite of culinary experts and aesthetes, an amazing Mediterranean guest who has taken root with us. And now we are not talking about a purchased twig or dried leaves packaged in bags - growing rosemary in an apartment is a topic of interest to many fans of this plant, who have noticed that it is quite difficult to find rosemary even in nurseries.

Where to get planting material and how to grow a quality bush from it?

To begin with, only one type of rosemary lends itself to reproduction at home - medicinal (fragrant). And then - in a few years to get a self-sufficient plant, you have to work hard.

Growing rosemary in an apartment is an activity for those who are not used to giving up and know how to translate theory into practice as correctly as possible. Rosemary is a rather spoiled “guy”, he loves attention and proper (!) care. A step to the left, a step to the right of the rules leads to the degeneration of the plant or to an ugly extension of the branches.

Professional gardeners consider winter garden conditions to be ideal for rosemary, but if you try, then the plant will feel very comfortable on the windowsill at home.

What is comfort?

Since rosemary is an alien from the Mediterranean coast, the main criteria for comfort for it are light, moisture and warmth.


In the summer, keep a pot of rosemary in the places most exposed to the sun: a window sill is also suitable for this purpose, but dislocation of the plant on the balcony will be more correct, and in open space even more correct.

It is absolutely not necessary to pull rosemary out of the pot and transplant it to the garden - it is enough to place it, along with the container, somewhere in the garden, on the veranda, on the patio, near the flower bed, so that it receives the necessary portion of light.

Gardeners with experience say that the more sun that gets on rosemary, the more fragrant it becomes.

In winter, place rosemary in the room closer to the window - it cannot live without light.


Rosemary thrives in dry calcareous soils, the most suitable soil for it is permeable. Although the climate of the marine subtropics suggests high air humidity, rosemary can normally endure a certain period of drought and it will be much more preferable for the plant than an excess of moisture and stagnant water in a pot.

Growing conditions for rosemary will be close to ideal in case of strict adherence to the irrigation regime. Like most southern plants, rosemary is very “respectful” of balance - there should not be much moisture, but it should be enough.

Pay special attention to the moisture received by rosemary in a too dry hot period. If the plant is deficient in moisture, it will definitely notify you of this by yellowing the leaves.

In the case when moisture is in excess, rosemary can shed its leaves.

In winter, rosemary should be removed away from radiators, prevent overdrying of the soil, reduce watering, but make sure that it is not too scarce - this can lead to drying out of the root system and death of the plant.


If you follow the usual logic, then this southern plant can be attributed to strange representatives of the flora: when growing rosemary from seeds, the containers must be kept in a cool room for the first few days after sowing. Some flower growers manage to shove the boxes into the refrigerator - to ensure stratification. And after three weeks of keeping in the cold, rosemary is placed in warmth and light, choosing a well-heated, sun-drenched room.

If the “embryos” of rosemary feel great at a temperature of 5-6 degrees Celsius, then an adult plant can hardly tolerate + 10.

The warmer the climate, the more luxurious the rosemary bush.

Reproduction methods: which is more effective?

You can grow rosemary at home on the windowsill in two ways: growing from seeds and cuttings. The second one is more popular among flower growers because of its simplicity.

Successful cuttings

For the successful implementation of the cutting method, it is necessary to provide yourself with planting material since autumn, in October-November, cutting off a young shoot about 5 cm long from a developed bush.

Having eliminated the lower tier of leaves, the shoot is placed in a special solution that stimulates growth and at the same time disinfects the cut site.

After this simple procedure, the shoot must be stuck in a sand-peat mixture for rooting. Those gardeners who have a “light hand” claim that the rosemary stalk takes root without problems, being in ordinary water. But this does not happen to everyone and not always, so it is more correct to follow the standard instructions.

During the rooting period, it is better to keep rosemary away from direct sunlight - at this time, the light can be aggressive and destructive for the plant.

You will notice young roots in 2.5-3 weeks, then transplant rosemary into “real” soil.

Seeds. Preparatory stage

The vast majority of flower growers do not like to propagate rosemary by sowing seeds, since they do not have high germination. In order to raise it at least by some percentage, it is necessary to resort to a number of manipulations during preparation for sowing:

If the growing conditions for rosemary are maintained correctly, the plant will sprout within 2-4 weeks. It often happens that seedlings do not appear even with maximum attention and care. Then, as they say, our song is good, start over. True, not many have the patience and desire to repeat.

seed propagation

Start growing rosemary from seeds in the first weeks of spring - March is ideal, April is allowed.

The process of growing rosemary from seeds can seem a bit lengthy due to its "invisibility". The stratification period (almost a month!) greatly affects the growing time. But as a result, you get a bush or bushes of the same quality as when cutting.

Here the difficulty is, rather, not in the laboriousness of growing, but in anticipation of the result.

The pot matters

The capacity for rosemary must be spacious, since the plant has a very branched root system, which is difficult to develop in cramped conditions. Requiring a lot of room to grow, rosemary root is also used to "breathe". Therefore, the right flowerpot for the plant will be environmentally friendly with a porous surface - clay or terracotta.

Flowering in the "cold" mode

As mentioned above, rosemary is a paradoxical plant. He is characterized by the shock of climate change, and he turns this shock to his advantage - it activates growth and flowering.