Shower      04/11/2019

Delphinium planting and care in the open field watering reproduction. Delphinium perennial - planting and care all year round, the secrets of propagation by seeds

Perennial which is well suited to a variety of ornamental plantings- delphinium. The cultivation of hybrid forms is quite common in floriculture, although there are beautiful wild species. The delphinium has powerful bushes about two meters high. The leaves are palpable, large. Flowers of various colors (white, purple, etc.), reach a diameter of 5 cm. The flowers are collected in an inflorescence - a brush. It is the beauty of the delphinium. The brushes are long, thick, lush. Their length can reach 60-120 cm. Flowers bloom from the bottom up. If faded shoots are removed in a timely manner, then in some forms, with favorable conditions new inflorescences develop and decorative effect is preserved until the beginning of September. After flowering, the decorative effect is lost.

Growing delphinium from seeds

So that the delphinium seeds do not lose their germination, it is recommended to keep them in the refrigerator at a temperature of plus five degrees in or in a glass sealed container. Since seedlings are susceptible to various diseases, before sowing, the substrate must be disinfected with a 3-5% formalin solution, and the seeds should be treated with a fungicide or 0.1 percent (placed in gauze bags for ten minutes in the solution). Sowing seeds is done in different conditions. They are sown before winter in the furrow, when persistent frosts set in. The soil is prepared in advance. From above, the seeds are covered with humus, which is stored in a dark room until sowing. Sometimes seeds are sown in spring directly into the ground (April, May). Thick shoots are thinned out (10 by 10) when the seedlings have a few true leaves. Excess plants are transferred to the ridges, protecting them at first from the sun with shields. But guaranteed seedlings can be achieved when working in a greenhouse, room, greenhouse. The best time for sowing seeds is March. In this case, the delphinium blooms in August.


Humus: sand: sod land (2/1/1);

Leaf (peat land): river sand: (2/1/1).

How to grow a delphinium from seeds

It turned out that amateur crops often turn out unsuccessful. Indeed, sowing and growing delphinium from seeds requires observance of mandatory details. Below is a detailed technique that will ensure the high-quality cultivation of delphinium from seeds and the production of seedlings, developed by N. I. Malyutin, a specialist in delphinium culture. The prepared substrate must be sieved. The earth in boxes, especially at the side walls, is well compacted and watered abundantly. Dry earth is poured on top, after which the surface must be carefully leveled with a ruler. Otherwise, water will drain into the recesses, which can lead to uneven and even rotting of seedlings. Sown randomly, at the rate of 1-2 seeds per 1 cm². When planting, seeds should be lightly pressed into the ground with a rammer. Then carefully pour and cover with earth with a layer of about 3 mm, sifting it through a fine sieve. Sowing failures are associated with deep seed placement. In the case of a slight exposure of seeds after watering, they can be lightly sprinkled with earth. To protect the substrate from drying out, the boxes are covered with paper. After germination (about 10 days at a temperature of 15 - 16 ° C), the paper is removed and the boxes are placed closer to the light. It is necessary to ensure uniform moistening of the earth. The lack of moisture manifests itself in the form of a dark green color of the leaves and cotyledons, which are usually light. If during watering the water does not penetrate to the bottom of the boxes, they must be placed briefly in iron pans filled with water. Then the moisture will go to the roots, leaving the surface of the earth dry, and the seedlings will not suffer from the "black leg". If the cultivation of delphinium from seeds occurs according to the above method, the first leaves appear 4-6 weeks. Seedlings dive into the nursery at a distance of about 4 cm. It is important to consider that delphinium seeds with a dark color of flowers germinate longer than with light ones. Therefore, it is not necessary to postpone picking when sowing varieties with light flowers. When picking seedlings, care must be taken not to cover the growing point with earth. Deep landing is undesirable. Seedlings should be watered after transplanting. warm water and put in a shaded place for 5-6 days, and then give full light. Plants are ready for planting in the main soil by May.

Delphinium is a flower culture that requires a little more attention compared to other perennials. At the same time, growing a perennial delphinium from seeds is not difficult if you follow the basic agricultural practices. Knowing the rules of planting and care, you can grow a perennial delphinium from seeds, even in the conditions of the Moscow region. Its chic flower stalks the height of a human will become a stunning decoration of the garden, will delight and delight you and your guests.

Planting a perennial delphinium

Delphinium perennial is grown through seedlings. When choosing varieties, attention should be paid to quality. planting material and do not mistakenly purchase annual delphinium seeds. Seeds are sown in the spring, having previously prepared them. Seedlings are illuminated, grown and planted in the ground on permanent place. When growing seedlings, protect them from blackleg and water carefully.

Delphinium planting dates

In the suburbs, the perennial delphinium is sown for seedlings in mid-March. With such sowing dates, seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place after two months. If seedlings are planted in the ground at a later time, they will not have time to take root well, which means they will not overwinter.

Scarification of delphinium seeds before planting

Delphinium seeds are covered with a hard shell and need scarification - a mechanical violation of the shell. Therefore, in order to facilitate germination and increase the germination of seeds, I advise you to “walk” on them before sowing. sandpaper small fraction.

Planting delphinium seeds for seedlings

When choosing delphinium seeds, you need to be especially careful and not fall for the tricks of sellers - it happens that some give out an annual delphinium for a long-term one. A year after sowing such a delphinium, not a trace remains of the plants. As a rule, flowers of a simple form are characteristic of an annual delphinium, they are two-tone, red or orange, blue or white.

Soil for seedlings delphinium

To get healthy seedlings of the delphinium, care must be taken to protect future seedlings from such a disease as the "black leg". To do this, you need to carefully prepare a special land mixture. It is better to take as a basis, soak them and shake the contents into a flat container. Add to this 1 part of river sand and a pinch of sifted ash, mix thoroughly. Spill the containers themselves with a solution of phytosporin or potassium permanganate.

Delphinium seeding scheme

Delphinium seedling care

After 1.5-2 weeks, when sprouts appear, place containers with them under a fluorescent lamp (LED), turn on the light for 10-12 hours a day. Water the seedlings carefully, along the edge of the container, trying not to get on the plants themselves. Since the main part of the soil mixture is peat, the earth dries out quickly enough. For the first weeks, water containers with seedlings once every 2 days, and after a month, twice a day.

In mid-May, seedlings can be planted in the ground.

For more information on how to grow delphinium seedlings, read the article:

How to plant a perennial delphinium

The main scourge when growing a delphinium is the dampness characteristic of the main territory of the Moscow region. In the garden, I prefer to plant the delphinium in one place, it's easier to prepare the desired soil composition and take care of the plants.

Soil for planting a delphinium

It must be remembered that the delphinium does not tolerate the presence of peat in the soil. This leads to the death of the bush in the second year. Therefore, for future plantings of the delphinium, I prepare a special mixture, I try to completely change my native peatlands, because they are not suitable for the delphinium.

When planting, I take out the soil on the bayonet of a shovel, put drainage in the form of crushed stone, sand or expanded clay with a layer of 20 cm - this will protect planting in the spring from ground water. I prepare such a land mixture based on 1 square. m: a bucket of rotted compost, two glasses of ash, a glass of bone meal, 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and ordinary earth. I try to end up with a finished flower bed 20 cm above the soil level in the garden.

The scheme of planting a delphinium in the ground

I water the planting site with a phytosporin solution and plant delphinium seedlings at a distance of 30 cm from each other. It is important that the root neck is at the level of the soil; it cannot be deepened. I stick low arcs over the landings and cover with a thin nonwoven fabric from the sun, I leave the ends on the north side open.

Caring for a perennial delphinium

The key to longevity for the delphinium is timely pruning. As soon as the petals begin to crumble from the peduncles, I immediately cut them off at the base and close the “stumps” with caps. The fact is that the delphinium has hollow stems, when cut, moisture gets inside, and the bush begins to rot. I close such stems with caps from lipstick and other cosmetics. Plants with caps overwinter.

Also for the winter I cover the plantings with a double layer of non-woven fabric over the ground. I noticed that such a simple shelter provides 100% plant survival during a snowy winter.

Caring for a delphinium during flowering

When caring for a delphinium, you need to carefully monitor the flowering periods. Perennial delphinium blooms in the second year after sowing, throwing out gorgeous flower stalks.

  1. In the first year, I do not allow the perennial delphinium to bloom, I pluck the buds at the base. This technique contributes to the growth of a powerful root system, while flowering weakens the plant, and before winter it leaves weakened, as a result of which it may not survive it.
  2. When advancing flower stalks, it is important to immediately tie the stems of the delphinium in several places to strong supports.
  3. Under the conditions of the Moscow region, the delphinium gives two waves of flowering, but I do not allow the secondary formation of peduncles in early September, so as not to weaken the bush.

Feeding perennial delphinium

Before starting any top dressing, I pre-water the delphinium with plain water so as not to burn the roots.

  • At the beginning of the second year, in mid-May, I feed with green fertilizer (grass infusion).
  • At the end of June, I add an ash extract to the infusion of grass, one part per 10 liters of water.
  • In the middle or at the end of August, I water the plantings with infusion of ash.

Perennial delphinium diseases

In the conditions of the Moscow region, due to dampness, the delphinium is susceptible to fungal diseases. powdery mildew - a constant companion of delphinium landings. The disease attacks plants in mid-July and affects flower stalks. By this time, the delphinium is already fading, so there are no special problems powdery mildew does not deliver. I burn cut flower stalks with signs of the disease, the newly growing shoots are not susceptible to the disease, so I do not carry out powdery mildew treatments.

Likes to eat young shoots aphid . I try to collect it manually, with a large accumulation I treat it with Aktellik or Karbofos.

Reproduction of perennial delphinium

The long-term Delphinium needs timely division, I carry out such work every two years, in mid-August.

Propagating delphinium seeds is a great way to get the right amount of planting material or become the owner of the desired variety. At the same time, it must be remembered that often a delphinium grown from seeds rarely repeats varietal characteristics and corresponds to the description. When sowing own seeds, as a rule, a delphinium grows with blue or pale lilac peduncles.

Delphinium or spur is a great addition to your garden. Gardeners just love it. Candle-like inflorescences rise above the rest of the species, give the garden nobility and sophistication.

Delphinium flowers perfectly tolerate both drought and frost. Terry buds interesting shapes and shades will never bore your garden.

Delphinium strikes with a variety of varieties and species, about 400 excellent representatives. The color scheme of the color of this plant is impossibly diverse, but are most valued in landscape design blue shades, for which the spur is certainly rich. The delphinium blooms 2 times a year, which makes it possible to double enjoy its beauty.

What the delphinium loves, the choice of location and soil

Delphinium is a plant that does not require too much effort to plant and care for. For successful growth and care of the delphinium, it is necessary to choose right place. This plant loves the sun, but is afraid of windy spaces. Therefore, we choose a suitable place for him.

Important! When planting a delphinium, make sure that it is in the sun until lunchtime, and after that it is covered in partial shade.

As soon as you plant the delphinium, make sure the soil is well-drained with compost or manure to ensure abundant and rich flowering.

Delphinium perfectly endures the cold season. It can withstand low temperatures down to -40°C. When planting a delphinium, you need, first of all, to choose the right place. Dig up the earth and sprinkle with fertilizers, compost or humus. But all this must be done in moderation, since, although unpretentious, he does not respect acidic soil.

Did you know? The acidity of the soil affects the color saturation of the delphinium.

How to plant a delphinium

Delphinium is grown in different ways. Someone immediately plants the seeds (it is fraught with late flowering and death of the seeds), while someone first grows a young sprout in trays, and then plants the future handsome man in specially prepared soil.

Holes for planting spurs should be 4-5 cm deep. The distance between flowers must be determined independently, it all depends on the size of the future plant (20-30 cm). The soil that you took out of the pits prepared for young plants can be mixed with peat or rotted humus 1: 2, fill the bottom of the pits with it, and then plant the plants.

Important! When transplanting young plants, it is not necessary to cover the root neck with earth deeper than the soil level.

How to water and feed an unusual flower

Caring for a delphinium is simple and pleasant. Pleased with his unpretentiousness in almost all aspects of care.

Such a plant needs watering, weeding, fertilizers, pruning, installation of supports. The flower survives the winter well, so it does not need shelter or transplanting into tubs. Delphinium begins to bloom in June.

The spur needs watering during periods of drought, but we should not forget that he does not like stagnant water, so do not overfill it. You need to water under the root, otherwise, if water gets on the leaves, the plant will get burned.

At proper care delphinium blooms up to 50 days. It is necessary to cut off the stems that have faded each time. With regular watering and pruning, you can also admire the blooming delphinium in the fall.

The plant is also periodically subject to various diseases and pests - rotten root neck, powdery mildew, wilting, viral diseases, spider mite, delphinium fly, etc.

The optimal period for the growth of the delphinium is 3 years. You should not leave it longer, as the central stem of the bush rots, and the plant loses its floweriness.

Important!After the flowering season, it is necessary to cut off dead flowers, and then the delphinium will delight you with its beautiful view for the next season.

Rules for pruning and garter delphinium

Pruning delphinium is divided into 2 stages:

  • In the first stage, when the shoots reach 20-25 cm, you need to break out the weaker and thinner shoots, and leave the strongest ones (up to 5 pieces). This is done so that the plant does not spray its resources on all shoots, because there will be no beautiful flowers either on large or small ones. This is all that in this case requires the care of the delphinium in the spring and early summer.
  • The second stage is the post-flowering stage. It depends on whether you want to leave seeds or not. You can simply cut the flower and put it in a vase, or you can leave the shoot until the fall so that the fruits are ripe for planting next year.

Important!After flowering, the decorative beauty of flowers and aesthetics are lost. This affects the look of your garden.

Delphinium also needs a garter. After you have thinned out the shoots and left the strongest, after 1.5-2 weeks, when the growth of the shoots will be close to 0.5 meters, you need to do their garter.

Prepare long stakes in advance and place them around the spur bush. Then tie a plant shoot to each peg. Garters should be made of fabric, as the twine can damage thin stems.

In autumn, when the leaves of the plant have already died, the shoots should not be cut. They are tubular - and water can get in there, leaving you with a rotten plant for spring.

Important!When installing the stakes, be careful that they do not damage the rhizome of the plant.

How to propagate delphinium

The type of delphiniums is very large and diverse. There are perennial, annual and crossed species. The most optimal and common is the crossed or cultural spur. Delphinium is propagated in the traditional and, as you know, most affordable way - to plant a delphinium from seeds, as well as by dividing the root itself. Delphinium needs to be cut half-blown, then it will stay in your vase for up to 12 days.

Division of the rhizome

At any age, the spurr does not like this type of reproduction. Even if you separate young seedlings and not mature plant some of them are likely to die. When dividing the root, you need to approach work with the utmost delicacy. When dividing the rhizome, do not use a shovel and simply divide the root in half. The plant will definitely die.

To split the root in early spring or in autumn, dig it up and carefully, without damaging the kidneys, separate it with your hands or cut it with a sharp knife. And those places where the plant was harmed must be treated with ash.

Interesting fact! Light varieties (pink and white) are most sensitive to such reproduction.

Planting seeds

Delphinium - very interesting plant, its cultivation can begin not only with the division of the rhizome, but also from seeds. Propagation by seeds is the most affordable way. If you want to plant delphinium seeds, then this must be done in March. The most optimum temperature, at which you can plant and germinate delphinium - + 12- + 15. In boxes and pots, seeds should be sown rarely, at a comfortable distance, as he does not like crowding. There are no special care for such seedlings, as usual, you just need frequent watering.

Plants should be transplanted in June, but you can speed up this process a little and transplant them into "nurseries" in May, where you can keep them until the next season, and in the spring strong healthy individuals can be transplanted to comfortable permanent places.

In the first year, with seed propagation, plants bloom poorly. At this time, they increase the rhizome and greenery. In the second year, the delphinium will delight you with its color 2 times - in July and August (it all depends on the variety). If you decide not to bother with seedlings and plant seeds directly into the soil, then you should be prepared for this. First of all, you need to prepare the place where you will plant the seeds. Fertilizer should be applied to this area, it is possible with wood ash, and dig 30 cm deep.

Such sowing is done in the so-called seed beds, grooves. They need to be watered thoroughly before planting. In these grooves, spur seeds should rarely be planted, while gently tamping with your hands. To speed up the germination process, these ridges need to be covered with non-woven material or film. Then, after 20-25 days, with moisture every 2-3 days, the first sprouts of the delphinium will appear. After that, you can remove the cover.

Delphinium is a representative of the Buttercup family. poisonous flower It happens one-, two- and perennial. It tolerates low temperatures well and grows up to 2 m in height. Blue, pink and pale white delphiniums adorn gardens and use them to decorate walls and fences vertically. Ready seedling exotic flowers will cost a decent amount. It is more profitable to purchase seeds and grow a delphinium with your own hands.

Where to buy seed

Only employees of reputable nurseries and breeders know how to properly store seed. Exotic flower seeds lose viability when room temperature. The workpiece is kept in the refrigerator or special cells, where it is always dry, and the thermometer does not show more than zero.

Delphinium, sold in the markets or in supermarkets, does not germinate in 60-80%. It's not the gardener who used the wrong substrate or fertilizer, but the seed itself. Market traders can't create right conditions for exotic flowers. The seeds are packaged in paper bags and kept warm along with the rest of the plants. The result is no seedlings and wasted money.

You can ask for delphinium seeds from neighbors who grow bright bushes. Several brown boxes are cut from healthy and well-developed plants. Saturated color indicates that the flowers are ripe. Some pluck specimens that are only covered with brown spots and store in a cool room until the blanks change shade.

Seeds are carefully sprinkled on Blank sheet, dried and placed in glass jars. The containers are placed in the refrigerator or freezer, take out to the balcony or veranda. At sub-zero temperature seed material is stored up to 15 years. To "wake up" the delphinium, it is enough to stratify and plant the seeds in the ground.

Plant preparation

The seed is first disinfected:

  1. Prepare a rich pink solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide. They recommend "Fitosporin" or "Maxim", which is diluted with water according to the instructions.
  2. Delphinium seeds put in a cloth bag and immersed in a disinfectant for 20 minutes.
  3. Remove the workpiece and wash off the remaining solution running water and then put on a saucer and soak.

There should be little liquid, a few drops of "Epin" or "Zircon" are added to it. Means stimulate growth and increase the percentage of seedlings. What to do after soaking?

  1. After a day, drain the top dressing, and lay the seeds in a thin layer on wet gauze or a piece of cotton fabric.
  2. Roll the rag into a not too tight roll and place in a plastic container.
  3. Put the seed container in the refrigerator and regularly add 10-20 ml of water so that it covers only the bottom of the gauze roll.
  4. When there is too much liquid, the seeds do not breathe and begin to rot.
  5. An alternative to water is wet moss, which is used to transfer fabric rolls with delphinium.

Keep the seed in the refrigerator for about a week. When small white dots hatch, the workpiece is moved to the windowsill and kept under phytolamps or fluorescent lamps for several days. Germinated and heated seeds are planted in open ground or boxes with a special substrate.

Some gardeners soak the seed in early spring, wrap it in gauze and put it in plastic bags. The workpiece is buried in the ground and left for 1-2 weeks. They do this in April, when the snow begins to melt and the temperature ranges from -5-10 to +3-6 degrees.

Outdoor cultivation

  • peat and humus - 2 kg each;
  • wood ash - 100–150 g;
  • nitrophoska - 20–30 ml.

Coarse-grained sand must be added to heavy soil. On square meter about a bucket and a half, so that the soil becomes more loose and moisture permeable. 20-30 g of lime is added to the soil with high acidity, otherwise the delphinium will be weak and dull.

The components are thoroughly mixed, poured onto the beds and dug up the soil to a depth of 25–30 cm. The area intended for growing exotic flowers is carefully leveled, breaking up lumps and removing weed residues. The site is lightly tamped and covered with shallow grooves.

The beds are filled with filtered water and sown with germinated seeds. Cover future bushes with a centimeter layer of sifted earth. Protect from frost and rain with a dense film or tarpaulin. The soil is regularly ventilated and moistened, and on the 20-25th day after the emergence of seedlings, it is completely opened.

How to care for delphinium seedlings

  1. Make sure the earth does not dry out.
  2. Periodically apply fertilizers: first nitrogenous, after flowering feed with phosphorus, and in late August and early September, feed with potassium.
  3. Loosen the soil and clear weeds.

This is enough for the plant to develop normally, form buds in a timely manner and throw out buds.

From fridge to drawer

cultivation perennial delphiniums hard work, but interesting. Seeds are disinfected and stratified, and then planted not in open ground, but in wooden or plastic boxes 10–20 cm deep.

While the seed swells and germinates, prepare the substrate. Mix:

  • sheet or sod land;
  • sand;
  • humus.

Take the components by eye to get a light, loose soil that allows air to pass through and does not retain excess moisture. It is advisable not to add peat. It will make the substrate too acidic, and the delphiniums will turn out pale.

Replace peat with wood ash: 100 g of additive per bucket of finished substrate. An alternative to organic nutrition is a mineral complex. A tablespoon of fertilizer per 10-12 liters of land.

Fill 2/3 of the box with the prepared substrate, not forgetting the drainage layer. Distribute germinated seeds. For 1 sq. see account for 1-2 pcs. The seed is small, so it is recommended to use a wooden toothpick:

  • Soak the sharp tip in water.
  • Grab the seed carefully.
  • Put it in a box, slightly pressing it into the ground.

Sprinkle future seedlings with a thin layer of substrate, tamp with a sheet of paper or glass. Cover the box with burlap or a piece of cardboard so that the seeds do not get light, and send the delphinium to a cool room. Maintain the temperature in the room no higher than +15, otherwise the flower will not sprout. Periodically moisten the soil with a spray bottle or a small watering can with a strainer on the spout.

Delphinium is contraindicated in abundant watering, otherwise rot or a black leg appears on the plant, and the seedlings die. It is impossible for the temperature to fall below +12.

The first shoots will hatch in 8-10 days, maximum - 3 weeks. Usually only 60-70% of the seeds germinate, even if the seed was of good quality and the grower carefully prepared it. Weak seedlings need the sun, so the seedling box is moved to the windowsill. Increase the temperature gradually to +20 so that the delphinium feels comfortable.

If the seeds were planted in late February or early March, when the daylight hours are not long enough, thin seedlings are illuminated with fitolamps so that they do not stretch and weaken.

Dive is carried out after the formation of the third full-fledged leaf.

seedlings exotic flower planted in peat pots. Ordinary plastic ones filled with a nutrient substrate with the addition of mineral fertilizers are also suitable. Peat tablets it is recommended to soak in a fungicide solution to protect the delphinium from the black leg.

Seedlings in a box are poured with water before picking to soften the ground. With a spatula or hands, a young seedling is separated from the rest, trying not to injure the root system. They are taken out of the box along with a lump of soil. Do not clean off the earth, but immediately transfer the flower to a new pot. Leave the cotyledon on the surface of the soil.

The transplanted delphinium is watered after 2-3 days. The plant will take time to adapt and take root. 3 weeks after picking, seedlings are fed with mineral fertilizers intended for roses, or organic solutions. For example, from wood ash or cow.

A healthy delphinium has rich green leaves. If the top is faded, the flower needs more sun or top dressing.

Preparing for the natural environment

In open ground exotic plant transferred in early or mid-May. The main thing is that at night the air temperature does not fall below +10. Light frosts will not harm young bushes, and severe frosts can kill seedlings.

In order for the delphinium to quickly take root in the garden, it is hardened. During the day, they put it on a lighted windowsill and open the windows. Seedlings will get used to ultraviolet light and cool air. Flowers can be hardened on the balcony, but be sure to bring them into the house at night.

So that seedlings grown with such difficulty do not die after transplantation, you need to choose the right site:

  1. One of the main conditions is a lot of morning sun. After lunch, a shadow should fall on the plants.
  2. It is impossible for melt or rain water to stagnate in the area with delphiniums.
  3. Plant flowers at a decent distance from shrubs and trees. Their root system will dominate and draw all the useful substances from the soil, depriving the delphinium of food.
  4. Tall exotic bushes can break from strong gusts of wind, so they are recommended to be planted next to a house or a fence that will protect the plant.

A distance of 40–60 cm is observed between flowers. A mixture of humus, lime, wood ash and mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen is added to the pits. The root collar and buds are left on the surface of the earth.

The perennial delphinium is fed in the same way as the annual:

  • nitrogenous fertilizer is applied in the spring;
  • when the flowers wither, phosphorus composition;
  • in early August fertilize with potassium.

Important: If at the end of May - beginning of June the delphinium flower stalks fell, you do not need to apply an additional portion of fertilizer. Symptoms point to a yellow heartworm that lays its eggs at the root of the plant. To prevent insect infestation, delphinium bushes are sprayed with insecticides in spring and summer.

After flowering, withered branches are cut off, and the hole is covered with plasticine so that water does not accumulate inside the stem. Moisture contributes to the decay of the plant. Every 4–6 years, the bush is transplanted to a new place, because the flower gradually depletes the earth.

Perennial delphinium will decorate the garden. It is necessary to take great care of two-meter bushes only in the first year of life, then it is enough to water and loosen the ground in a timely manner, periodically clear the area of ​​weeds and carry out preventive spraying with insecticides.

Video: the secret to the success of the seed delphinium

Delphinium - beautifully blooming herbaceous plant with a thin tall stem, which is dotted with many charming flowers, the petals of which can be pink, blue, purple or blue. The plant belongs to the Ranunculaceae family and has about 400 varieties, which are widespread in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres of the planet. Among the delphiniums there are perennial and annual species. Delphinium gardeners are attracted by their bright appearance and large sizes. Delphiniums grow rapidly, their abundant flowering begins at the end of June and lasts for a month.

annual delphinium- herbaceous fast growing plant, with a stem height of 40 cm to 2 meters, on which flowers are located unusual shape collected in inflorescences. What seems to us to be petals, in fact, are sepals, painted in various colors, there are 5 of them. Four sepals have an oval-elongated shape, and the fifth, upper one, is long, curved, similar to a spur. For such an interesting structure of the flower, the delphinium is often called larkspur, spur, "lark's legs." The length of the spur can be from 5 mm to 4 cm, inside it there are nectaries that attract insects, bumblebees and butterflies with their aroma. Pollinators of some delphinium species that grow in the southern regions of America are the smallest hummingbirds in the world. In addition to the nectary, in the center of the flower are two very small petals that form an eye, called staminodes. Most often they are painted in white, black or grey colour. Spur inflorescences are different in size and density, they do not bloom at the same time, starting from the bottom and gradually reaching the top. No less decorative in the delphinium are the leaves of a dissected shape and a light edge, retaining their decorative effect from spring until autumn.

What is the difference between annuals and perennials

Among the annual delphiniums, there are about 40 species. Annuals are considered less capricious to grow than perennials. They also differ in appearance, having a similar palette colors, annual flowers are much smaller, and the height of the plant does not reach more than a meter, unlike perennials, which can grow up to 3 meters. Caring for an annual species of delphinium does not differ from perennials. The annual delphinium, which is grown from seeds, blooms earlier than perennial varieties.

Types of annual delphiniums

Field- refers to high varieties, its height can reach up to 1.5 meters. Inflorescences are pink, blue, white and lilac shades different textures terry or regular. Flowering field delphinium begins in summer and lasts until September. The plant is considered poisonous and is used as a diuretic and antihelminthic.

Known varieties:

  • Frosted Sky with spectacular blue flowers with a white center
  • Qis Rose with pale pink inflorescences;
  • Qis Dark Blue with dark blue buds.

Delphinium field blooms in early summer and blooms until autumn.

Delphinium Ajax- a beautiful decorative low plant, whose height is from 30 cm to a meter. Mostly pink-lilac colors are common, less often you can find a species with red and purple inflorescences. They bloom in the year of sowing and continue to bloom from July until frost. On the basis of the Alaska delphinium, beautiful and spectacular varieties have been bred:

  • Race Kelsey - a high variety with elongated inflorescences of a dense texture, pink, lilac, white and purple colors are found.
  • Koenigs-Rittersporn is a variety that reaches a height of up to 1 meter, inflorescences can be white, pink, both light and bright saturated shades, red, blue and blue flowers.
  • Hyacinth mixture - compact low plants, their height reaches 50 cm. It blooms with double flowers that bloom simultaneously along the entire length of the dense inflorescence. Delphinium annual hyacinth has many colors. The plant is used for planting along the site, fence, to create spectacular group plantings in the garden. The variety is grown for cutting and looks great in bouquets. Cut inflorescences retain their attractiveness for a long time and can stand in a vase for up to 10 days.

Delphinium annual, growing from seeds

Annual delphinium species are propagated by seeds. It is worth noting that plant seeds cannot be stored in a warm room. For planting, use only fresh seeds or those that were stored at low temperatures in the refrigerator. An annual delphinium from seeds is planted early, as seedlings develop very slowly, the optimal sowing time is February. Before planting, seeds must be prepared and processed to improve the germination of young seedlings and protect them from possible diseases. Seedlings of delphiniums are very tender and fragile.

How seeds are processed (disinfection)

To process the seed, it must be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate, the color of which should be saturated raspberry, but not black. Seed soaking time is 20 minutes. As a solution, you can use a fungicide solution, which is diluted according to the instructions. To make it more convenient to lower the seeds into the solution, they should be placed in a cloth bag. After 20 minutes, without removing from the bag, the seeds must be washed under running water. To accelerate growth and increase germination seed it is recommended to soak the seeds for a day in a solution of Epine growth biostimulator (you need to add a few drops of 100 ml of water). After carrying out the manipulations, the seeds must be dried and then ensured that they do not stick together.

Soil preparation for planting

To create a nutrient medium for seeds for rapid growth, the soil must be prepared and enriched in advance. beneficial substances. Peat, humus and half a portion of clean washed sand are added to the garden soil in equal proportions. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed, sieved and add two perlite to it (0.5 cups per 5 liters of soil). To destroy pests, fungal spores, weed seeds, the soil should be disinfected by heating it in a water bath for one hour. Now the soil is ready for planting the delphinium, it should fill the containers and compact the surface a little.

Sowing delphinium seeds

Seeds are distributed over the surface of the soil in a container and sprinkled on top with a small layer of soil, about 3 mm. Seeds need to be pressed a little so that they do not rise to the surface of the earth when watering. After sowing, the seeds must be watered by spraying with cool boiled water. Planted seeds are covered with a film and placed in a dark, cool place with a room temperature of no more than 15 degrees.

The peculiarity of growing delphinium seeds is that for successful germination they need darkness and require stratification, that is, hardening. To darken the crops, you can use a black thick film and take the containers to the balcony, where the air temperature does not fall below 5 degrees below zero or a refrigerator. The stratification procedure is carried out for 14 days, then the containers are returned to the windowsill. In a week, the first seedlings should appear, as soon as they appear, the film must be removed and sprayed periodically, preventing the soil from drying out. When the first leaves appear on strong squat sprouts, the seedlings need to be picked into cups or separate containers, carefully watered and kept at a temperature of about 20 degrees. Delphinium does not tolerate an excess of moisture, as the plant is prone to the "black leg" disease, which can kill seedlings.

Seedling Care

When the seedlings grow up, in early May they can be taken out of the room or left on open windowsill accustoming to the new temperature. During this period, the seedlings need to be fertilized with mineral fertilizers, the Agricolka or Mortar solution is used (1-2 times before planting in open ground. Fertilizer should be carefully applied so that they do not burn the delicate leaves of the plant. When the roots completely braid the container with the ground , seedlings are ready for planting in the ground, an earthen ball with a root is easily removed from the container.

Delphinium annual, planting in the ground

  • When the soil warms up enough, you can plant seedlings in the ground, choosing a sunny, ventilated place for it on the site. It is worth avoiding places where there are drafts, the delphinium is a fragile plant and can break from a gust of strong wind.
  • The landing pit for planting a young plant should be large enough, 0.5 buckets of humus, a few tablespoons of mineral fertilizer and ash are added to it.
  • The components must be mixed well, the mixture should not get on the plant.
  • Seedlings are planted in landing pit, compacting the ground well, the plant needs to be well watered.
  • For a seedling, it is necessary to create a certain microclimate so that it takes root well. To do this, use half of a cut plastic transparent bottle. This design will also protect the young plant from the invasion of slugs that adore delphinium seedlings.
  • Raise the bottle periodically to ventilate the plant and eliminate excess moisture, which can cause the shoot to rot.
  • After the shoots grow up, they need a garter.

Autumn planting of an annual delphinium

Unlike perennials, annual spurs can be sown directly into open ground in autumn. During the winter period, the seeds will undergo stratification in natural conditions. In the spring, when the first mass shoots appear, it is necessary to thin them out and leave the strongest shoots, at the rate of no more than 10 bushes per square meter.

Delphinium Care

So that the annual delphinium flowers admire the lush abundant flowering The plant needs special care.


Delphinium prefers moderate watering, without waterlogging the soil, which can be detrimental to him. The plant must be watered under the root, especially during the dry season. Every week it is necessary to pour 2-3 buckets of water under the bush. After drying, the soil needs to be loosened.

top dressing

The most important and responsible stage in flower care. In total, three dressings are produced. The first top dressing is carried out when the young plant reaches a height of 15 cm, the second - during budding, and the third - when flowering is completed. As a top dressing use complex mineral fertilizers containing potassium chloride, nitrate, superphosphates, which must be distributed under the bush, slightly deepening into the soil. For the rapid growth of the plant, top dressing is possible organic fertilizer at the rate of a bucket of manure for 10 buckets of water.

Pruning and garter

To get beautiful and large inflorescences, the plant needs pruning and thinning of the bush. It is produced when the stems of the delphinium grow to a height of 20-30 cm, weak stems are removed, 3-5 of the strongest and strongest stems should remain on the bush, which will give large inflorescences. Inflorescences and buds that have faded should be removed.

When the stem reaches a height of up to 50 cm, the plant must be tied up so that they are not damaged in strong winds. As a support, slats, rods, pegs are used, to which strips of fabric are tied, the next garter is made when the plant grows to 1 meter.

Diseases and pests of the delphinium

Delphinium is subject to many diseases that can be divided into 4 categories:

Fungal diseases:

  • powdery mildew is a disease that looks like white coating on the leaves. Over time, the plaque acquires a brown tint and the leaf fades;
  • root neck rot - when a plant is affected by this fungal disease, yellowing of leaves, flowers occurs, rot can be seen on the root neck. During not taken measures lead to the death of the ground part of the plant. At the first detection of the disease, it is necessary to treat the stems and leaves with foundationazole or Topaz.

Bacterial diseases of the delphinium:

  • bacterial wilt - with this disease, the lower leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow, the root collar becomes soft and acquires a brownish tint, over time the spots grow;
  • black leaf spot - black spots appear on the leaves of the plant, which gradually cover its entire surface, passing to the stem. To combat the disease, spraying with a solution of tetracycline (1 tablet per 1 liter of water) is used, the fight is effective only at the initial stage.

Viral diseases also affect the delphinium:

  • aster jaundice - yellowing of the leaves is observed, plant growth slows down;
  • ring spot and mosaic - a viral disease that cannot be treated, the affected bush must be removed. It looks like a pattern in the form of a ring on the leaves, which increase in diameter over time. It is necessary to fight the carrier of the virus - aphids, for prevention, spraying the delphinium with karbofos or actellik is required.

Delphinium pests:

  • delphinium fly - a pest, laying eggs in buds, harms the plant. The larvae of the fly devour the buds and the flowers do not produce seeds. Insecticides are used to kill the fly and larvae;
  • slugs - feed on young shoots, they can be scared off by bleach, the smell of which they cannot stand. It is enough to place jars of bleach between the bushes.

What difficulties may arise when growing a delphinium

  1. In the wrong place for planting, the plant will not fully develop and grow. The plant needs sunlight in the morning, the site must be well ventilated and at the same time protected from gusts of wind.
  2. Excess moisture, insufficient drainage in the soil can lead to root rot. It is not recommended to plant plants in the vicinity of groundwater.
  3. Drought is highly undesirable for the plant; the delphinium needs regular watering.
  4. With the untimely tying of the bushes to the support, the stems of the plant break under their own weight and from gusts of wind.
  5. Preventive measures taken to combat diseases and pests will protect the plant from many problems.
  6. Delphinium needs regular mulching of the soil so that its roots do not become exposed and do not dry out.

Delphinium in landscape design

Delphinium is a wonderful cut flower. Due to its beauty, the ability to keep fresh for a long time, it is often used to make bouquets and flower arrangements. Delphinium harmoniously looks like a bouquet in a tall narrow vase, which emphasizes its elegance and sophistication.

On garden plots delphiniums can be seen planted in groups, so the flower looks much more attractive and brighter, especially when a variety of colors of inflorescences are used for planting. Tall varieties are planted in the background, and low varieties are planted in front of the composition. Landscape designers use the plant for backgrounds in mixborders. Delphinium perfectly coexists with rose bushes, luxurious dahlias, delicate lilies and amazing phlox. Often delphiniums can be seen along fences, fences, the facade of the house.

Delphinium annual - very beautiful plant to decorate the garden, flower beds and cottages. Its long stems with colorful dense inflorescences will not leave anyone indifferent. Despite the laborious process of growing a plant from seeds and some difficulties in care, the delphinium occupies a worthy place in modern plots and gardens, many gardeners and summer residents love and grow it. Observing all the rules of planting and caring for the plant, you will soon admire the result of your efforts and enjoy its incredible beauty.

Delphinium annual, photo