Well      06/12/2019

Growing homemade roses. Caring for a room (miniature) rose. Growing and caring for a rose in a pot

The home queen of flowers rightfully occupies one of the leading positions in indoor floriculture: a unique aroma, bright flowers various colors against a backdrop of lacy foliage lend an authentic charm to this plant.

Miniature roses are considered capricious plants: it may seem to inexperienced flower growers that indoor roses make truly royal demands when grown at home.

However, not everything is so sad - just caring for them is somewhat different from the agricultural technology of garden roses.

Subject to certain rules, roses in pots will delight with their flowering and fragrance.

Indoor rose: types and varieties suitable for growing at home

In residential areas, roses are planted as potted crops. miniature(varieties Hi - Ho, Lavender Jewel, Amulett, Apricot, Sunblaze, Green Ice, Mandarin, Stars'n'Stripes, Spice Drop);

Hybrid Tea(Apricot Silk, Gloria Dei, Peer Gynt, Prima Ballerina, Pascali, Nostalgie, Monika, Deep Secret);


Bengal(Ophelia, Pink Grotendors);

ground covers(The Fairy, Alba, Meillandecor, Magic).

For tub growing can be used polyanthus roses (Angel wings, Gloria Mundi, Betty Prior) and floribunda(Tchaikovski, Edelweiss, Pomponella, Happy Child, Cream Abundance).

If you plan to cultivate in room conditions dwarf varieties garden roses, then you need to take own-rooted bushes: the plants grafted onto the wild rose will not grow at home.

Indoor rose: home care - reproduction, transplantation


Indoor roses are propagated vegetatively. To do this, you can use the remaining branches after trimming. They are cut into pieces about 15 cm long with 3-4 buds. Root cuttings in water or in a peat-sand mixture. An activated charcoal tablet is added to the water. You can soak the cuttings in a solution of Kornevin or Heteroauxin. As a natural root formation stimulator, you can use an infusion willow branches. To do this, yellow or green shoots are cut into small pieces 5-6 cm long and poured hot water. The infusion will be ready in a day. Roots appear in 2-3 weeks. After that, the seedlings are planted in separate pots.

Rooting cuttings of indoor roses in water

When rooting cuttings in the substrate, they are covered with jars or placed in a greenhouse. The appearance of new leaves is a signal of the appearance of roots. Young plants should be accustomed to room conditions gradually.


Transplanting indoor roses in early spring or at the end of August. A potted rose bought in a store before transplanting should be given time to adapt to the new living conditions. Two or three weeks will be enough for this. After the end of the adaptation period, the plant can be transplanted into a new pot. Its dimensions should not be much larger than the parameters of the previous vessel: 5 cm in height and 2-3 cm in diameter. Too much capacity will contribute to acidification of the soil and rotting of the root system. If another plant used to grow in this vessel, then it must be disinfected. A rose bush in a transport pot is watered to make it easier to take it out and not damage the roots.

At the bottom of the pot, a layer of drainage is poured, on top of it is a small layer of fresh soil.

After transshipment, the plant is kept in partial shade, the soil is moderately moistened. After a couple of days, you can rearrange the plant on permanent place.

Root or foliar feeding of roses begins a month after transplantation.

Roses in pots: home care - soil, lighting, temperature and humidity

Temperature and humidity

In residential areas, the air is usually dry, so indoor roses during the growing season should be sprayed twice a day with settled water. To increase the humidity in the zone of the rose crown, it is placed in a tray with wet fractional filler (the bottom of the pot should not come into contact with water). If the weather is cloudy, then you can not spray. Since the beginning of the period active growth(from February) the temperature in the room where the home rose grows is gradually increased from + 14ºС to + 25ºС. In summer, you can put a pot of roses outdoors. During the dormant period (October-February), the rose is kept at + 5-8ºС.

The soil

For home rose loose fertile soil is required. It can be made independently by mixing equal parts of humus, garden or soddy soil, sand, peat. In stores, you can buy a ready-made substrate for roses (the line of soils Garden of Miracles, Gera, Agricola, Biopit, Ponon).


Indoor roses are photophilous. The best for their location will be the southeast and southwest window sills. On the southern windows in the summer with intense sunlight, flowering will take place in an accelerated mode, and the plant quickly loses its decorative effect. Therefore, if it is not possible to rearrange the rose pot in appropriate place, then it is better to shade it. With a short daylight hours (in the northern regions), additional lighting will not be superfluous. For supplementary illumination, LED and fluorescent phytolamps with a red-blue spectrum are used (such household lamps give less suitable spectral components of light, therefore they are less suitable for this purpose).

Additional illumination of plants with phytolamps with a red-blue spectrum

For the uniform development of the crown of the rose bush, the pot must be turned a little daily.

Rose: home care - feeding and watering


Indoor roses are very sensitive to watering. The amount and volume of watering depends on the type of roses and the growing season. Roses are watered abundantly in summer, gradually reducing the amount of watering in autumn and winter. Excess water is removed from the pan.

Important! At any time during the life of a room rose, it is not recommended to overmoisten or overdry an earthen lump in a pot. You can't water the roses cold water.

top dressing

In spring and summer, indoor roses are fed every 2 weeks immediately after watering. Best effect for abundant flowering obtained by alternating organic and mineral fertilizers specially created for roses, which are commercially available a large number of(for example, series Joy, Pokon, Bona forte, Agricola, Realsil, Garden of Miracles, Fertik, etc.). From the end of summer, the number of dressings is reduced, because. the rose is preparing for a dormant period.


Indoor roses are pruned in September, when they begin to prepare them for "rest". 5 buds are left on the shoots, the rest is cut off. The leaves are left. Weak, dried and thin branches are cut out on the bush. If pruning is not carried out, then the shoots are stretched, the duration and quality of flowering is reduced.

rose pruning

rest period

To bookmark flower buds for the next season, the indoor rose needs a rest period. To do this, after flowering plants at the end of summer, stop feeding and reduce the amount of watering. A pot with a rose is placed in a cool room (+ 4-6ºС). If this is not possible, then the plant is kept on the windowsill at a temperature of + 10-14ºС. In February, to "awaken" roses, they begin to gradually increase watering and move the plant to a warmer place (+ 15-18ºС).

The main problems when caring for home roses

The most common problem when growing indoor roses are spider mites. "Heavy activity" they breed on the weakened improper care plants. The leaves of the rose grow dull, in places where they are bitten by ticks, characteristic yellowish dots appear on them. The fight against these pests must be systemic, otherwise new generations of insects become resistant to the drugs used (Fitoverm, Aktellik, Vermitek), it becomes even more difficult to eliminate them. Ticks multiply intensively at elevated temperatures and low humidity. Therefore, for the prevention of rose bushes, it is often necessary to spray with settled water, arrange for them warm shower.

Another frequent "guests" of roses are whitefly And aphid. For their destruction, insecticides are used (Fitoverm, Aktara).

With the wrong watering regime, roses are affected by fungal diseases. powdery mildew progresses in cold and damp stagnant air. A whitish powdery coating appears on the leaves, they dry out and fall off. In this case, the plant must be treated with a solution of fungicide, colloidal sulfur or blue vitriol, and remove the affected parts.

Signs of another fungal disease of roses - rust - is the appearance of reddish-brown spots on the leaves of the rose. Sick bushes do not develop well. They are treated with copper chloride, iron vitriol or Bordeaux mixture or other fungicides.

If brown, almost black, merging spots form on the leaves of a room rose, this indicates a damage to the rose. black spot (marsonine).

Black spotted leaves of a room rose

This disease appears when there is a lack of nutrients in the soil and its waterlogging. At the same time, the leaves of the rose dry up and fall off, the plant weakens, stops growing and blooming. To combat spotting, the damaged parts of the bush are removed, the plant is sprayed with copper-containing preparations, and watering is reduced.

Often flower growers are faced with the fact that indoor roses turn yellow and fall leaves. It may be by the following reasons:



natural aging;

Nutrient deficiencies, especially during flowering, which deplete the plant. So, a lack of potassium causes the appearance of yellow spots on the leaf blade. Yellowness between the green veins (chlorosis) occurs with a lack of iron. In this case, the rose will be “brought back to life” by spraying with iron chelate. If there is no nitrogen, then the leaves first turn pale, and then turn yellow and fall off;

An overabundance of fertilizers;


A sharp change in the microclimate of the room (for example, when a purchased plant was carried home from a store or an apartment move). During the period of adaptation to a new place of residence, roses must be organized for her optimal conditions content;

Low air humidity;

Overdrying or waterlogging of the soil;

Too bright sunlight.

Another common undesirable phenomenon in the behavior of indoor roses is scanty or complete lack of flowering and dropping buds. This happens for the following reasons:


Untimely pruning or its complete absence;

Dry air in the room;

Errors in irrigation mode: use of cold water, overdrying of the substrate or excessive moisture;

Insufficient lighting;

Premature transplant: during budding or flowering, the rose should not be transplanted, it is better to do this after flowering;

Lack of lighting;

Lack of top dressing or their incorrect dosage;

Insufficient humidity and air temperature in the room;

No dormant period.

Tell me, how to properly care for a rose bought in a pot? They gave me a dwarf rose for my birthday, but I don't do flowers much. I'm afraid that this beauty would disappear with my meager experience in floriculture.

IN Lately the queen of garden flowers is expanding her domain, and today you will surprise no one blooming roses on the windowsills. Small compact bushes, strewn with charming delicate roses, feel quite comfortable in apartment conditions if you give them a little attention.

What is the correct care for a purchased rose in a pot? After acquiring a beauty, you need to pay attention to such points:

  • conduct a thorough inspection of the bush and assess its general condition;
  • transplant the rose into nutrient soil, changing the pot if necessary.

Preparing a rose for "home living"

When you bring a flower home from the store, you should inspect it well for pests so as not to put other pets at risk of infection. In addition, remove all dry leaves and faded buds. If the flowering has already ended completely, it will not be superfluous to immediately cut the bush, leaving up to 5 buds on each shoot.

For prevention and protection against harmful insects, treat the rose with Fitoverm and Previkur.

After inspection and processing, the bush must be left alone for two weeks - during this time it adapts to the home climate.

We transplant a flower

At the end of the adaptation period, you can begin to transplant the purchased one. Most often, in flower shops, plants are in temporary pots with transport soil, plus they are still fed with fertilizer all the time to continue flowering. A flower brought home must be transplanted into fresh nutrient soil.

Ready-made soil mixture can be bought in the store immediately when buying a rose, or you can make it yourself by mixing:

  • in equal parts humus and sod;
  • adding 0.5 parts of sand.

It is better to choose a flowerpot for a rose in the form of a cone, expanded upwards. You should not take too large dishes - it is enough if there is a distance of 3 cm between the walls of the pot and the bush (in a large pot, the earth will dry out and turn sour for a long time).

Carefully remove the bush, free it from old earth, smooth the twisted roots and place for 10 minutes in a growth stimulator solution. Plant the treated rose in a new flowerpot, falling asleep with fresh soil.

In order for the bush to better tolerate the transplant, cover it with a cap for a week. Ventilate periodically.

Further care of the rose

After a week, the cap can be removed and the rose taken care of as usual, namely:

  • water after the topsoil dries out:
  • once every two weeks, feed with a mineral complex (the first fertilization can be done no earlier than a month after transplanting the purchased flower);
  • regularly remove dry flowers, shorten shoots every spring to stimulate branching and flowering.

Video on how to care for a room rose after purchase

Room rose in flower pot- the dream of many lovers of indoor plants. The delicate aroma of flowers and the grace of twigs will not leave anyone indifferent. But it is believed that it is very difficult to grow this flower.

How hard is it to take care of room rose at home? It is not at all more difficult than caring for a regular, garden one, if you provide it with the same conditions. rose not tropical plant and not a desert flower, it needs a temperate climate, cool wintering.

Potted roses are compact bushes up to 35-45 cm. The flowers are small, very decorative, they are fragrant or odorless, of various colors.

Care varies by season. As in natural conditions, she needs cold wintering. Too much heat summer is also harmful. In the warm season, these plants are recommended to be taken out into the open air.

Indoor flowers react differently to plants in the neighborhood. Indoor rose is the most "friendly" - it feels great next to any plant.

Home rose after purchase

What to do with a room rose after purchase? This question immediately arises before everyone who bought or received a pot with this wonderful flower as a gift. What is better, immediately transplant it into a larger pot or let the rose get used to the new conditions, and only then do the transplant? I must say that flower growers do not have a common opinion, transplant flowering plants store bought or not.

If the purchased home rose grows in a pot of earth and looks quite healthy and fresh, then let it stand for a week somewhere in the shade (not on the windowsill). Give the plant time to acclimatize to home conditions, and then plant it in a container. bigger size, with fertile land.

But often plants in greenhouses are planted in peat and stuffed with all kinds of chemicals. Flower growers complain that such flowers sometimes die 3-4 weeks after purchase. In order for indoor roses to feel good, they must be transplanted from peat to more fertile soil.

Transplanting a room rose after purchase

For planting, it is best to use a soil mixture, and not peat from a package called "Rose". The composition of the soil for transplantation: turf, leaf soil, humus, sand (2: 1: 1: 0.5). those. 2.5-3 cm more than the previous one. Be sure to make drainage holes in the pot to drain water and breathe the roots.

Before transplanting, water the roses, carefully remove from the pot, remove all large clods of old soil. Then lower the earthen ball into the basin with warm water, gently washing off the soil, while trying not to damage the roots of plants. Small roots can be washed under the shower. Next, carefully inspect the roots and remove rotten and dried. As a preventive measure against fungi and root rot, you can lower the roots for half an hour in a fungicide solution.

At the bottom of the pot, you need to put a little expanded clay, then pour a small layer of soil. After that, holding the plant with your hand, place it in the middle of the pot, straightening the roots. Next, start adding the prepared soil to the pot with a spoon or scoop, lightly tamping it down.

Preparing the soil for planting seedlings.

When planting, it is necessary to ensure that the roots of the plants are not exposed and that the trunk of the plants is not excessively buried - it is necessary to navigate along the root collar. If your roses have well developed and healthy roots, you can water them immediately after transplanting. And if there were few roots or they were damaged by rot, then it is better to postpone watering and do it only after a few days. In the meantime, just spray the leaves of the plants with water.

It is better not to feed newly transplanted home roses, and postpone this procedure for two months.

Growing and caring for potted roses

After you have transplanted the purchased beauty, she needs to provide proper care in pots.

Caring for home roses is as follows: watering, fertilizing, pruning, annual transplanting into a larger pot, prevention and treatment of diseases of indoor roses.

How to water. Indoor roses need to be watered only when the earth in their pots dries up. Roses do not tolerate too cold or hot water, therefore, they need to be watered only with settled water with a temperature of 20-25 degrees. Another favorite process of these beauties is spraying the leaves. You need to perform this procedure with cold water in the evenings, but not every day.

During the dormant period (autumn and winter), home roses are watered less often, the earth in a pot is left dry for two to three days. Water for irrigation should be a little colder room temperature.

Top dressing. Domestic roses need fertilizer more than other plants. It can only be replaced frequent transplants which roses do not like. The quantity and size of flowers, the frequency of flowering depends on the quality of the fertilizer. Beginning flower growers can recommend ready-made complex fertilizers or special fertilizers for indoor roses. The basic rule is to fertilize plants during the period of growth and flowering, and reduce top dressing during the dormant period.

The first top dressing is carried out a month after transplantation, and then before the appearance of new shoots - once every 2 weeks. With the advent of shoots and buds, homemade roses begin to require increased attention and care, they should now be fed once a week. It is best to use liquid concentrated fertilizers (Effect, Rainbow, Pocon), slow-acting fertilizers, such as Kemira Universal (1 teaspoon per bush every 15 days) or a little pure vermicompost to fertilize roses.

How often should you repot. The list of measures for the care of domestic roses includes a mandatory, annual plant transplant. The root system is growing all the time and every year it needs an increasing amount of soil. Planting a home rose immediately in a large pot is not very a good option, yearly transplant is much better.

Domestic roses need an annual transplant.

It is best to buy a glazed ceramic pot, it should be larger than the old one by 2-3 cm in diameter and 5-7 cm in height. Be sure to take care of drainage. If the pot has a hole, the layer must be at least 1 cm.

You can transplant at any time of the year, but best of all - in early spring or late summer, then they will bloom more abundantly. When transplanting, do not disturb the earthen ball, just add new land along the edges and on the bottom of the pot. After transplanting, spray the plant 2 times a day. For such attention and careful care, roses will surely thank you for a long and abundant flowering.

Pruning house roses

Pruning rules. For all groups and varieties of roses, including indoor ones, there are general rules pruning: Pruning is done only with sharp secateurs or a knife, since a torn cut formed from blunt tools can lead to the death of the entire shoot. The shoots are cut above the bud, which is located on the outside (does not look inside the bush). Cut off the shoot as close to the kidney as possible.

Cut completely all weak, thin and twisted branches. Completely remove the shoots of the “plug”, which lack the upper central bud. If two stems intersect, then one of them is removed. When, after trimming the stem of a home rose, 2 or 3 shoots grow from one bud, you need to remove the extra ones as soon as possible.

Before planting, the largest stems are selected from roses and shortened to 10–15 cm, leaving 3–5 buds each. All weak and thin twigs

Growing roses at home.

cut off completely.

Rose bushes of the Miniature group are shaped into a ball, ellipse, cone. Roses of the Bengal and Floribunda groups can be given any geometric shape. In addition, their stems can be directed along a trellis, ladder, arcs, placing them in space in one plane or in volume.

When grown at home on a narrow windowsill, it is very convenient to place the shoots on a trellis or arcs in the same plane: fan-shaped, in the form of a circle, ring, etc. When the plants are on stands and there is enough space, you can arrange the shoots along the arcs in the form of a ball, vase , baskets - as your fantasy tells.

Seasonal rose care

IN different time home roses do not require the same care.

Autumn. In autumn, when the night temperature drops to 15-12 degrees, flower pots are transferred from the balcony to the room and placed on the windowsill of the south window. When the rose stops blooming and forming buds, it is prepared for wintering: watered less often (leaving the ground dry for a day or two before watering) and stop feeding.

Winter. Caring for home roses in winter consists in rare watering and spraying the plant, especially in a room where there is additional heating and the air keeps drying up. A home rose does not grow or bloom in winter, it looks very painful, constantly shedding leaves. During this period, try to prevent the air from drying out in the space of the plant - put the pot on a tray with wet pebbles, water it every 2-3 days.

Spring. In the spring, all living things wake up and you have to take care of the flowers more often. Since this is the time when the roses begin to release new leaves, they require a lot of nutrients, which means that it is time to feed.

As soon as the nights outside become warm, you can take this beauty out to the balcony or to garden plot. In order not to injure this delicate plant, accustomed to home conditions, a sharp drop sunlight, the first two weeks she will need to stay in a shady area, and then you can get closer to the sun.

Summer. Summer care consists in watering, spraying, fertilizing, removing wilted flowers (with a pruner or a sharp knife, cut the peduncle to the first formed leaf bud). It is necessary to monitor the condition of the plant (so that the rose does not overheat; in time to notice signs of diseases and pests that have appeared).

If the indoor rose grows very quickly, and the selected pot has become cramped, wait for the moon growth phase and transfer the plant to a new, more spacious pot. In order not to get a one-sided bush, the rose pot must be rotated from time to time to ensure uniform lighting.

Diseases of a room rose

Spider mite.

Many indoor plant lovers prefer to have a rose among their pets. This does not interfere with the whimsicalness of the plant, susceptibility to pests, difficulties in care. In addition to the beautiful flowering of the "queen of flowers", rose bushes create a unique style for the botanical corner.

Even a single indoor rose can elegantly decorate a window. Propagation of this plant by cuttings retains all the characteristics of the original species and enjoys an advantage over other methods.

What roses are bred and grown in a room

Home indoor roses are distinguished by a variety of colors. Miniature varieties usually have very slender bushes, exactly repeating the most beautiful tea and hybrid tea species.

There are a lot of varieties and types of roses. For indoor cultivation take compact plants, because the root system of a rose requires quite a lot of soil, does not like constraint.

Potted crops can be the following types of home or indoor roses.

  • Rose Kordana (Rosa Kordana) - small size, lush, odorless.
  • miniature roses.
  • Climbing roses - have elongated stems.
  • Shrub.

These are just some of the varieties that can be cut and grown at home. Hybrid tea garden roses should not be forced to grow in the room. They are almost not amenable to cutting in room conditions. How to propagate roses?

Reproduction methods

The following methods of reproduction of these flowers are known:

  • seeds, which is very laborious and almost never practiced;
  • cuttings of roses - the most common and popular way;
  • layering, if the stems are long, climbing.

Also, a rose is grafted onto a wild rose, getting a copy of the desired variety. But this is no longer reproduction. And also the vaccine is used exclusively in horticulture.

How to propagate roses from cuttings? Many species are propagated by cuttings, but this is not always an easy task. Rosa Cordana, for example, difficult to reproduce. A miniature varieties, intended for rooms, interiors, cuttings are easier.

How to grow roots in water

This method is most suitable for miniature and dwarf roses. Roses are most often propagated by green cuttings. These are annual shoots that gave buds. For the formation of roots in water, it is recommended to follow the following rules.

Features of the method of growing roots

According to one of the opinions, when the roots appear, the rose is placed in the ground. This increases the chances of survival, and the plant itself is not weakened.

Other flower growers believe that miniature roses wait up to three weeks for roots to appear and grow them up to a centimeter. They must branch out. Planted in containers of 200 ml with holes for draining water.

Some take into account the phases of the moon and believe that landing should be done on the growing moon. But in order to take this factor into account, you need the moon to shine through the window, giving the plant additional lighting.

That is, the windows should be south, on the north side it does not matter. In addition, waiting for the “correct” moon, you can miss the time for good landing, weaken the plant.

Very often, the first flowering of a rooted rose does not have to wait long, the bud appears soon. But it depends on the variety and other conditions.

Rooting cuttings

Propagation material-cuttings are obtained in the process of pruning indoor roses. If the rose grew on the street, but has a small size suitable for indoor cultivation, branches can be taken from it.

But not every variety of garden rose will take root in indoor pot. climbing rose considered suitable for rooting. And here is the tea garden rose almost does not give good results, except for a small percentage.

The most suitable shoots for rooting - received in spring and summer, with ripe buds or blooming. Long runs are fine too. A prerequisite is the presence of kidneys. The length of the handle is up to 12 cm.

Knife or scissors for cutting preferably disinfect alcohol or potassium permanganate. We make a cut under the kidney below and above the kidney at a distance of up to 1 cm from above. The existing leaves are cut in half.

Method of rooting in the ground

Cuttings immediately after the cut are planted in the ground. There are drugs that promote rooting. In the drug "Kornevin" you need to dip the lower cut of the cutting. And from the means of "Epin" they make a solution in which sections are kept for up to half a day.

cutting immersed in the ground 1/3 and tamp the soil. Naturally, before harvesting cuttings, containers with soil must be prepared. Each container is covered with a jar or a common greenhouse is made under the film.

The moisture in the greenhouse evaporates slowly. Therefore, it is not necessary to water every day. Favorable soil temperature - up to 25 degrees Celsius.

Roses are a must required good lighting . If you can not put them on the windowsill, we make the backlight (light day - 15 hours). Rooting period - up to 5 weeks. When the leaves begin to grow, then air can be supplied to the greenhouse, and then the film (jar) can be completely removed.

If rooting was done in a common container, over time, roses seated one at a time. The distance between roses should be about 5 cm. Being in the light, roses should not fall under the scorching sun.

When the root system grows, they are transshipped with a clod of earth into a large container. In a 500 ml container, the rose can live until next spring without a transplant. Normal care: watering, temperature.

In autumn, they can stand on the veranda, in cool conditions. In winter, you also need to keep them away from the heat of the battery. As the winter day begins to lengthen, the plants will respond by growing. In the first year, you should not expect abundant flowering, as it occurs later with thorough rooting.

Rooting by air layering

If a culture of compact (room) size has long stems associated with a variety - climbing, then it can be propagated by layering. This is a more reliable way, not dangerous to the life of the rooted branch.

Air layering can be rooted on any plant. And this is exactly what they do for reliability, if there are not enough cuttings. When propagating by layering, it is advisable to take a flowering branch.

Leaves are removed from the bottom and make longitudinal cuts a sharp cutting object (razor or knife) on the bark. Then put a sandbag over the incision site. This rooting soil needs to be moistened regularly.

Three weeks later, or earlier, root buds will begin to develop on the incised stem. With the darkening of the stem at the site of the cut and the absence of roots, they conclude: rooting by layering did not work. It is necessary to cut this shoot above the damaged place and plant it in the form of a cutting.

You can learn about successful rooting by the growth of new shoots. Need to regularly moisten the soil avoiding excess moisture. Drying out is also unacceptable. The size of the pot is also important.

Soil and fertilizer. for sale ready ground in a package for roses, having all the necessary components. You can also make soil from a mixture of sand and peat.

Sand with turf - good composition soil for the further development of the plant. The substrate is prepared by taking light soil, adding to it twice as much turf, the same amount of peat and a little bit of sand.

A good fertilizer for roses is humus. When new leaves appear on a rooted rose, you can make mineral fertilizers and organic.

Container size and greenhouse conditions

Florists' opinions differ. Some insist on matching the pot to the size of the plant and believe that the cutting needs a small capacity, no more than 200 ml.

Others say: the rose loves a large amount of soil and you can immediately take a bigger pot. One way or another, the container must have a good drainage, drain holes.

After the roots have taken up all the space in a small pot, the rose must be transplanted directly with a clod of earth into a larger container. If the pot is excessively large, there is a danger of uneven moisture, moisture stagnation, and the appearance of pests that spoil the roots.

When rooting a single rose in a balcony box, other plants that are similar in climatic preferences can be planted there. It is quite possible to plant several rose cuttings in one box.

It must be taken into account that wind and draft are also harmful to the culture when rooting. For protection from the wind, as well as for long-term preservation of moisture and creating the necessary climate use greenhouses. This is a plastic film covering the container, or a jar for each bush.

Dangers and pests

Spider mite - perhaps the most common cause plant disease. Signs of infection - yellowing leaves, stunted. Sometimes home flower cannot be saved. Requires regular inspection of the foliage of the plant with reverse side, as well as tops.

Although a healthy appearance houseplant speaks for itself, to combat spider mite when it is detected, drugs are used, for example, Fitoverm, potassium soap for spraying.

Mini roses are resistant to diseases, but sometimes they are struck by a gray coating on the foliage. The result of the disease yellow leaves. Aphids are also a pest that can infect a tender plant.

And this happens in a weakened state, caused by waterlogging of the soil, excess fertilizer. In order to avoid the tick, it is recommended from time to time spray bushes.

The mold that has appeared must be washed off the plant, and the entire window sill must be cleaned and allowed to dry. Against mold, good air circulation and ventilation are needed.

A home rose garden does more than just decorate a room and its window. With the help of this beautiful and harmoniously created plant, you can achieve a chic floral design for the illuminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe interior.

If there are skills, new plantings are made, rooting even roses from bouquets. Having to start with one indoor rose, over time you can get a whole plantation. Moreover, there are compact varieties of beautiful indoor roses.

Rose care includes seasonal pruning shoots on which you can try rooting methods. If the cutting methods are different, then it is always necessary to divide the batch of cuttings into two and look for suitable rooting conditions using both methods. After all, the conditions for adaptation vary depending on the variety and other factors.

author Olga Sumak, photo of the author

Remontant, hybrid tea, Pernetian and polyanthus roses are usually grown in rooms. There are few external differences between them. All groups of roses have leaves of five large leaflets, enough large flowers(with full dissolution up to 4 cm in diameter) of various colors, with a pleasant smell. In rooms it is better to keep roses growing on their own roots, that is, grown from cuttings, since it is difficult to keep roses grafted on wild roses in room conditions.
The described care allows you to save the decorativeness of the purchased room rose bush for six years (at least), and also propagate this plant in such quantity that you have to look for someone to give the cuttings to.

Roses love:
- southern and southeastern windows and balconies;
- nutrient soil;
- fresh air in the warm season;
- abundant watering during the active growing season (as the soil dries);
- top dressing once a week during growth and flowering;
- transshipment from a cramped pot to a larger one (if necessary).

Roses do not like:
- cold irrigation water;
- overheating in the heat;
- leaving wilted flowers on the plant;
- injury to the roots, if the destruction of the earthen coma occurred during transplantation;
- occurrence of pests and diseases;
- warm winter.

As soon as you bought liked a rose bush and brought it home, do not rush to replant it. Place the plant in an east or southeast window, let it get used to the new microclimate.
Roses watered as often as the soil dries out. Watering is carried out with settled (at least a day) ordinary tap water room temperature.

Roses respond well to leaf spraying. spraying roses are carried out in the evenings with cold boiled water or a solution of special fertilizers (such as "Cascade") in cold boiled water. The underside of rose leaves is sprayed with a mist sprayer. But daily spraying of roses is not worth it, even in summer.

As soon as the moon enters its growth phase, there comes a good period for transshipment plants. Transplanting roses from a container into a pot should be carried out carefully - without destroying the coma of the earth, without disturbing the roots. Rose roots often have white or gray granules. complex fertilizer They do not need to be removed or washed off. Before transplanting, a small amount of old earth is removed from the top of the earthy coma, gently loosening and removing it without damaging the roots.

roses for good growth need nutrient land: a mixture of 4 parts of sod, 4 parts of humus earth and 1 part of sand. In such soil, when planting, it is necessary to add granules of complex fertilizer. If you do not have the opportunity to prepare the necessary components for the soil mixture, then roses can be planted in ready-made purchased soil (specialized "Rose" or universal for indoor plants).

A new rose pot should be larger than the container in which the plant was sold, at least 2-4 cm in diameter and 5-7 cm in height. Too big a pot is also not worth taking; the aerial part of the plant should be related to the volume of the pot as 1:1. If the pot is ceramic and completely new (nothing has grown there yet), then before planting the roses, it is pre-soaked in warm water for 2 hours (this is especially necessary if the pot is unglazed). If something has already been grown in a pot, it is well washed with a stiff brush in warm water, but WITHOUT SOAP.

A layer of drainage is laid on the bottom of the pot prepared for transplanting roses ( better than expanded clay) about 1 cm thick. If the pot is without a drain hole (and it is impossible to make this hole), then the drainage layer should be at least 3 cm. Ground mixed with fertilizer granules is poured onto the drainage layer, then sprinkled with a layer of earth without fertilizer.

Before transplanting, the rose in the container is well watered, the water is allowed to soak (20 minutes). Then turn the container over, holding the plant with one hand, and gently shake the pot. A lump of earth intertwined with roots should easily come out; it is installed in a pot and sprinkled on all sides with new earth. As the earth is poured into the pot, it is well compacted; earth is sprinkled on top (so that there is a space of 2-3 cm from the surface of the soil to the edge of the pot). The plant does not need to be watered after transshipment; you can sprinkle the leaves and put the rose in the shade or on the north window.

A day after transshipment, the rose is placed in the chosen place - a sunny window sill or a southeast balcony. Take care that the rose does not overheat in the heat: a pot of roses can be dug into the soil of a balcony box; you can put his box and fill it around with expanded clay; you can put a rose pot on a stand in a deep pan with water and make sure that there is always water in the pan (this method is especially effective for ceramic pots). It is necessary to water the rose with settled water as the soil dries; on hot days, watering is often carried out twice a day (morning and evening). It is necessary to water under the root, and not on the leaves of the rose, and it is better not in the hottest hours of the day.

A month after transplantation, if there is a period of active vegetation, the rose begins feed. Usually, roses are fed every two weeks by watering with a solution of a complete mineral fertilizer or a solution of mullein (root dressing), or spraying the leaves with weak solutions of special fertilizers (foliar dressing). DO NOT feed newly transplanted or diseased plants. Roses are fed in the evening after watering; but in the cold rainy weather Feeding roses is not recommended.

In summer caring for a rose consists in watering, spraying, fertilizing, removing wilted flowers (with a secateurs or a sharp knife, cut the peduncle to the first formed leaf bud). It is necessary to monitor the condition of the plant (so that the rose does not overheat; in time to notice signs of diseases and pests that have appeared). If the rose grows very quickly and the selected pot has become too small for it, wait for the moon growth phase and transfer the plant to a new, more spacious pot. If a rose stands on a window and is illuminated from one side, it, of course, reaches for the sun. In order not to get a one-sided bush, the rose pot must be rotated from time to time to ensure uniform illumination of the bush.

autumn when the night temperature drops to 15-12 degrees, the rose from the balcony is transferred to the room and placed on the windowsill of the south window. When the rose stops blooming and forming buds, it is prepared for wintering: watered less often (leaving the ground dry for a day or two before watering) and stop feeding. If possible, put a rose on the windowsill for wintering cold room with a window (in winter, the air temperature in it should not be higher than 15-17 degrees). In an ordinary apartment with central heating, options are possible: a rose is placed between the frames for the winter; or not glued autumn window on which the rose winters; or fenced off from the rest of the room plastic wrap the part of the window where the rose hibernates. In any case, next to the wintering rose there should not be electrical and heating appliances (computer, TV, heating battery, etc.).

Before setting a rose for the winter, it is usually pruned, leaving 5 live buds on each branch; leaves are not removed. Pruning is done when the moon is in its growth phase. If pruning is not carried out in autumn, then next summer the rose will bloom much later, flowering will be less plentiful, the bush will not look very neat. If you did not prune your rose before wintering, pruning can be done in the spring.

Cut rose branches can be used for breeding. Of these, cuttings about 15 cm long with 3-4 living buds are cut with a pruner or a sharp knife. Leave 3-4 leaves on the cuttings and put them on rooting in water at room temperature. Usually the roots of the cuttings appear in a couple of weeks, but it is better to plant the cuttings in the ground when the roots are well branched. In the phase of the growing moon, cuttings are planted in small containers (no more than 200 ml in volume). Autumn cuttings will grow up and bloom next spring.

in winter the rose will not grow and bloom, but will drop the remaining leaves and look very sad; at this time, plant care consists in rare watering (after the soil has dried, it is watered after 2-3 days) and spraying. When wintering roses in a room with central heating it is recommended to put the plant pot on a pallet with wet pebbles or gravel and make sure that the stones are always wet - this will protect the rose from excessive dryness of the air.

spring The rose has new leaves and twigs. At this time, they begin to water it more abundantly, the dried-up earth remains dry for no more than one day until the next watering. At the beginning of growth, the rose must be fed with a full mineral fertilizer, or a solution of mullein or bird droppings.
Mullein solution: 1/3 mullein and 2/3 water are placed in a container, closed and left for 3-4 days, stirring occasionally. After the fermentation stops, when the solution becomes lighter, it is ready (the fermentation time depends on the temperature, sometimes it takes 1.5 weeks). The prepared solution of mullein is diluted with settled tap water in a ratio of 1:15 (one part of the solution to 15 parts of water) - top dressing is ready.
bird dropping solution: one part of bird droppings is poured with 200 parts of hot water and insisted for two days. The finished solution is diluted with settled water in a ratio of 1:25 (1 part of the solution to 25 parts of water) and used for top dressing.

The rose is fed after regular watering. For the formation of large flowers, as soon as the buds are tied, the rose must be fed once a week. During the growth period, during the formation of buds, the rose should not lack moisture or light. The plant is exposed to the brightest window, watered as the soil dries out with settled water, in the evenings it is sometimes sprayed with cold boiled water from a thin spray bottle. As soon as the plant has outgrown the pot, it must be transferred, without disturbing the roots, into a larger pot. It does not matter what season of the year the rose is transplanted; you can transplant if necessary even in winter, but the moon must be in the growth phase.

When the spring frosts pass and the warm night temperature sets in, it's time to take the rose out to the balcony or garden. In the first weeks, the rose should be gradually accustomed to the bright sun. To do this, the plant is first exposed to a shady corner of a balcony or garden, and only after about two weeks is transferred to a sunny place. If there is no shady corner, use a "sliding shadow" from the sheet thick paper with stripes cut in a checkerboard pattern 8x2cm. Cover the rose with this leaf for 2-3 weeks.

If you have determined that the rose is affected powdery mildew, not all is lost - a rose can be cured. The affected plant should be washed with a solution of soda (two teaspoons of soda without a "slide" per 1 liter of water) or pollinated with ground sulfur. If you started treating the rose with soda, then you should continue this treatment. Before treatment with a solution of soda, a rose pot is tied with polyethylene so that the surface of the earth is covered. The leaves of a large plant are thoroughly washed with a solution of soda, and a small bush is rinsed, completely immersing the crown in a container with a soda solution (with two hands they hold the earth in an overturned pot). The treatment of a diseased plant is carried out several times (with an interval between treatments of two weeks) until the plaque disappears. If the leaves begin to turn yellow and crumble on a rose after treatment with a soda solution, this is a common occurrence; leaves completely "eaten" by powdery mildew should just fall off. But in the axils of the leaves of the rose, living buds remain, from which new leaves will then appear.

Good results against powdery mildew gives pollination of roses with sulfur, but processing must be carried out at a temperature of +18 degrees. Sick plants are placed in a small greenhouse with glass frames, the soil in pots and the space between the pots are covered with wet rags, the plants are well watered and sprayed. clean water. The plants themselves are powdered with ground sulfur, sprinkled with rags and the inside of the greenhouse frames. After 10 days, pollination with sulfur is repeated; usually two treatments are sufficient.

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