Well      03/27/2019

How to plant and grow in the open field the queen of the beds - asparagus? Features of growing delicious homemade asparagus

The plant genus Asparagus or Asparagus belongs to the asparagus family and has more than 300 species. In the wild, Asparagus can be found in the European part of Russia and the Caucasus, most often in arid regions. The plant is cultivated in Western Europe, Japan, India, USA, China. There was a time when asparagus belonged to the lily family, but now it has its own asparagus family.

Asparagus is a perennial plant. Outwardly, it is branched grasses and shrubs, and sometimes lianas. Asparagus has a very developed root system.


Asparagus has highly branched stems that can grow up to one and a half meters high. Most plants lack green leaves, and the species that do have them tend to grow underdeveloped and very small.

At their base, the leaves form hard spurs. There are very small flowers, which are usually concentrated in the axils of the leaves. Flowers grow in thyroid or racemose inflorescences.

Asparagus flowers can be either unisexual or bisexual. The flowers have six petals arranged in two rows.

IN room conditions most common Asparagus vulgaris. They are also planted in vegetable gardens in the form of a vegetable, and are also often used in making bouquets of flowers. This species was discovered more than 2000 years ago.

At times ancient egypt asparagus was grown as a vegetable, used for medicinal purposes, or as a simple ornamental plant. Roots of Asparagus vulgaris rich in nutrients including vitamin C.

Now let's take a closer look at how to grow Asparagus at home and in open ground.

Growing Asparagus: How to Grow Asparagus from Seed, Planting and Care

by the most the easy way landing Asparagus - landing seeds. Such seeds can be purchased at any specialized store. Asparagus seeds are quite large, and their sowing will not cause any difficulties.

Asparagus is planted in early spring. Seeds are sown in light moist soil. The substrate should consist of equal parts of fertile earth and sand. Seeds are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. Then the container is covered from above with glass or a transparent film. The container with sown Asparagus is removed into the room with room temperature and sufficient light. If excess condensation appears on the glass, the glass must be removed for a short time. The first shoots of Asparagus will be visible in a month.

Location and lighting in the home

Asparagus - very light-loving plant, so he prefers a fairly well-lit place. However, direct sunlight should be avoided. In particular, this applies to the summer period, when the day is especially long.

A pot with Asparagus will feel good on the east and west sides. If the plant is placed on the south side, then it necessary shade and create diffused lighting to avoid direct sunlight. In the summer, Asparagus can be taken out on open air, also placing in partial shade.

pot size

Asparagus pot size directly depends on the type of plant. If the plant was purchased in a store, then it is better to immediately transplant it into a new pot. But so that it does not differ much in size from the previous one, so you should not pick up a pot for Asparagus with a margin.

Otherwise, it can lead to acidification of the soil and the death of the plant. The shape of the pot also does not play any role. This most often depends on where Asparagus will be placed or on decorative preferences. Some types of Asparagus look very attractive in:

  • hanging planters;
  • miniature pots on the windowsills;
  • large pots on the floor.

Soil for growing

asparagus very unpretentious in terms of soil. Part of the land can be taken from the garden or garden, add some deciduous soil, which can be taken in the forest or park. A little coarse sand can be added to the mixture, which will crush the substrate.

This soil mixture provides Asparagus with all necessary nutrients, and promotes moisture and air to circulate freely. It will be very good if you put a thin layer of pieces on the bottom of the pot charcoal. This will prevent the process of decay in the soil and the development of fungal diseases. Thus, compliance with the composition of the soil will significantly affect the health of the plant.

Transplantation and care after it

Before transplanting, necessary prepare a new pot and soil in advance. Then Asparagus is carefully removed from the container without damaging the root system. You can knock on the walls of the pot, turn it over and carefully remove the earthen ball.

If after such a procedure, the plant is still difficult to remove, then it is necessary to water the soil so that it is very wet. A small stone or expanded clay is poured into the bottom of the new pot as drainage, which will allow the water to drain freely in the water and not stagnate in the pot.

Next, a layer of substrate is poured into the pot. At Asparagus attentively the root system is inspected, the damaged roots are removed. The old soil is shaken off the roots. Then the plant is placed in a new pot, carefully straightening the root system. The soil is gradually poured from above. You can’t crush the soil, but you shouldn’t leave air voids either. final stage transplantation will become watering Asparagus warm infused water. After transplanting, the plant must be placed in a shaded place for a couple of days.

Fertilizers and top dressing - the key to successful cultivation

Care and cultivation of asparagus also requires regular feeding. During the intensive growth of Asparagus, concentrated fertilizers must be added during irrigation in water. The frequency with which it is worth feeding the plant depends on the time of year and the condition of Asparagus itself.

Plants usually start feed in early spring, and finish feeding late autumn. In winter, when the dormant period for Asparagus sets in, it is not recommended to feed the plant, and the watering itself should be reduced. In the summer, when Asparagus is outside, you can feed it organic fertilizers. Good for chicken manure.

It is also worth remembering that the first two months after transplantation, Asparagus should not be fed. During feeding strictly observe the concentration, following the instructions on the package, otherwise you can burn the root system of the plant.

The first sign of presence spider mite will change the color of Asparagus leaves. They will become yellow color and start to dry out a bit. Between the leaves you can see a small cobweb. Small white cotton specks also appear on the leaves of the plant.

When attacked by a pest, Asparagus leaves must be wiped soapy water . If this method no longer helps, then you can turn to insecticides for help. But it is worth remembering that Asparagus does not tolerate processing well. chemicals so it is best to avoid infecting the plant spider mite subject to temperature conditions.

Growing asparagus outdoors

But how to plant and grow Asparagus in the open field?


Whatever the care and maintenance, at home is very difficult achieve flowering of Asparagus, even if all the necessary conditions will be respected. But if it is possible to achieve a flowering plant, then the flowers look rather inconspicuous.

Outwardly, they are very small. flowers white color , which are formed on the upper segment of the shoots. After some time, after artificial pollination, the flowers form into small red fruits, reminiscent of an orange in aroma. It is worth avoiding getting these berries into the hands of young children, because Asparagus fruits are poisonous.


There are three main ways to propagate asparagus:

rest period

The dormant period for Asparagus is from November to early March. At this time, the plant must be provided with sufficient air humidity, as well as watering should be reduced. Feed the plant during dormancy No need.

Plant toxicity / beneficial properties

Asparagus berries are poisonous, so the plant should be placed further or higher so that its fruits are not accessible to young children.

Asparagus, or asparagus (asparagus), is a crop that is quite demanding on the soil and conditions in which it is grown. In this regard, it is very important to observe agricultural technology and provide the plant with proper care when cultivating it.

Agrotechnics of asparagus

The asparagus plant is especially well grown in conditions of loose sandy loamy soil saturated with nutrients. If the soil is not fertile enough, there is a very high risk that the shoots, upon ripening, will turn out to be too fibrous. Practice shows that asparagus generally does not accept acidic soil and close-lying ground water. At the same time, a good asparagus crop can be obtained only if the crop is sufficiently moistened.

Answering the question of how to grow asparagus without problems, one cannot but note the love of culture for light. Accordingly, the site for landing should be sunny. It is advisable to plant asparagus after potatoes or cereals.

Important! If the asparagus bed is next to the fence, protect the seedlings from negative influences weeds from the street can be done by digging a slate sheet into the soil.

Despite the fact that for a plant like asparagus, growing and caring for outdoors requires a certain amount of effort, in last years demand for culture is on the rise.



Regarding the question of asparagus, how to plant and grow this plant, one cannot fail to mention the methods of reproduction. Most often, the culture is propagated in two ways:

  • dividing the bush;
  • seeds.

If asparagus is propagated by dividing the bush, then the plants should be transplanted as soon as spring comes, and fresh shoots begin to appear. Autumn, in principle, is also suitable, but the autumn division of the bush is practiced less often. To obtain seedlings, selected healthy and strong plants are completely dug out of the soil, cut into several parts, leaving 2-3 shoots each, and sent to grow in a pre-selected and prepared place. Seedlings are planted in fairly large pits so that the roots are located freely. A small amount of superphosphate, potassium chloride and humus should be placed at the bottom of the hole. A crop such as asparagus should be grown in such a way that the distance between plantings is at least half a meter.

Important! autumn breeding should be done after the asparagus has withered, but at least a couple of weeks before the start of frost. If winter is early, fresh seedlings will not have time to take root and will inevitably die.

In search of an answer to the question of how to properly grow asparagus from seeds, one cannot fail to mention that this particular method is used especially often. Before starting the process, it is important not to forget about pre-soaking the asparagus seeds. The seed is wrapped in a wet cloth, placed in plastic bag and sent to a warm place for a couple of days. This procedure speeds up the process of spitting seeds.

Planting seeds

If the soil has warmed up to +10 degrees, it is allowed to plant asparagus on seedlings from seeds directly in open ground. This is done at intervals of 30 to 40 cm to a depth of no more than 4 cm. If there is even the slightest threat of frost, the seedlings should be covered with a film. It will be necessary to open the bed immediately after the first shoots appear.

If you start sowing seeds when the soil has not yet warmed up well enough, it will be better if the planting does not leave the house and heat for the first time. For this, sowing is carried out in separate cups. It can be transplanted into the garden later, when there is no threat of frost.

Planting seedlings

In the conditions of such regions as Siberia, the Leningrad region, the Moscow region and the Moscow region, seeds for seedlings are planted in the spring first at home and only at the beginning of summer they move to open ground.

Before planting, special holes are prepared on the site, the depth of which is at least 30 cm and the width is 40 cm. The distance between the holes should be slightly less than a meter. Loose soil is poured into the hole and a seedling is placed in it, which has managed to grow from seeds. First, its root must be slightly shortened, up to about 3 cm. The hole is covered with soil, slightly compacted and watered. After all the water is absorbed into the ground, it is recommended to additionally mulch the landing site - this will greatly simplify the care of the plant. The plant will not need more transplants - with proper care, asparagus grows in the same place for many years.

Create optimal condition even the most inexperienced agricultural technician or gardener will be able to grow asparagus - it is enough to periodically weed, loosen the plants and water moderately. A couple of weeks after planting, the plant requires top dressing.

Asparagus Care

The answer to the question of how to grow asparagus starts with finding the right way to plant asparagus and ends with organizing the proper care of the crop. In general, caring for the culture is quite simple - the plant is unpretentious.


It is enough to loosen to a depth of just over 5 cm. At the same time, it is important to make every effort so as not to harm the root system. Proper Care involves loosening at intervals of 2-3 weeks throughout the growing season.

Advice. the first two years of the life of the crop, it is recommended to plant certain green crops between the rows.


In the first two weeks after planting, asparagus is recommended to be watered very abundantly. Over time, both the number of irrigations and the volume of water are significantly reduced. Optimally, the soil should be constantly slightly moist. If you water the plant rarely, this will affect the taste of asparagus - it will become more bitter.


top dressing

As for feeding asparagus, it must be done without fail. A solution of slurry should be applied to the soil in a ratio of 1:6 already a couple of weeks after the first weeding. After another couple of weeks, it will not be superfluous to feed the culture with a solution of bird droppings in a ratio of 1:10. The last fertilizer is applied just before the start of frost. In this case, we are talking about complex mineral compositions.

Important! If the site was fertilized before planting asparagus in open ground, top dressing should begin from the second year of crop growth.

Disease and pest control


This is about fungal disease, which leads to a slowdown in the development of the plant. Typically, the disease affects crops that begin to be grown in areas with soil that does not pass moisture well or close to groundwater.

Note. Frequent rains also contribute to the development of rust.

root rot

Another disease that asparagus suffers from is root rot. It can occur when creating the same conditions for the plant as in the case of rust - when high humidity soil.

asparagus leaf beetle

Of the pests, the culture is most often attacked by the asparagus leaf beetle. This is a dark blue beetle that feeds on the leaves, flowers and fruits of the plant. The insect appears in the spring, the peak of its invasion usually occurs in the middle of summer. If the culture was struck by this pest, you can forget about the royal harvest.

asparagus fly

Another problem faced by asparagus growers is the asparagus fly. This insect pest is a brown-colored insect with yellow limbs that feeds on the shoots of the plant and makes moves in the stem. As a result, the plant begins to bend, wither and eventually die.

Advice. Protect asparagus from diseases and harvest at the end of the season good harvest preventive spraying of plants will help Bordeaux mixture or any other fungicide. Karbofos will help fight insects. In addition, it is strongly recommended to carefully inspect all the beds and, if clutches of eggs are found on them, destroy them.

Collection and storage of asparagus

Having figured out what asparagus is, how to grow this crop in the country, it remains only to figure out how to collect the plant and its subsequent storage. You can collect shoots starting from the third year of growing a crop. The first two years will be spent on ensuring that the root system is sufficiently strengthened. Edible shoots are subject to cutting. This should be done in May, until the opening of the heads. From them it is necessary to rake the earth in the place where a crack has formed in the soil. Hemp should be left 1 or 2 cm high. It is not strongly recommended to remove more than five shoots from one bush in the very first year of growing asparagus. This approach can significantly weaken the plant. When the culture becomes more mature, at least thirty shoots can be removed from the bush every year.


Store homemade asparagus in the refrigerator, wrapped in a slightly damp cloth. Depending on the variety, the plant will live quietly from two weeks to a month. In no case should you store foods that have a pungent odor next to asparagus. The plant will absorb it. You need to lay the shoots vertically. Otherwise, they will deform.

To date, the business of growing asparagus in our country is still underdeveloped, if the culture is planted, then only for personal use. But there is every reason to believe that the situation may change in the foreseeable future.

Asparagus - in demand vegetable crop, often referred to as royal. And she got such a name for a reason. The most famous representative of the Asparagus family has a unique composition. It contains ascorbic acid, carotene, magnesium, iron, calcium, selenium and many vital substances for humans. Have you been dreaming of planting asparagus in your garden for a long time? This article will help you!

Asparagus is a perennial vegetable plant that is valued for its unpretentiousness and frost resistance. It reaches a height of 1.5 m. It can grow in one place up to 25 years, forming more than 60 shoots during this time.

The stems of asparagus are highly branched, the roots are well developed, powerful. The flowers are small, collected in racemose inflorescences. The fruit is a berry with seeds hidden in a thick skin.

Young shoots that have just emerged from the ground are suitable for food. If buds appear on them, then the branches become hard and unsuitable for consumption. The crop yield is modest (up to 12 shoots for the whole season). This circumstance explains the high price of asparagus. But the cost fully justifies the content.

A few sprigs of asparagus (the second name of asparagus) is a source of valuable substances that have a beneficial effect on the work of all internal organs.

When can you plant?

Asparagus is planted in spring or autumn. In the spring - until the buds germinate. Before planting, the soil is fertilized with humus (10 kg per 1 m2). Dig a trench 30 cm, carefully straighten the roots, cover with soil and water abundantly. The optimal distance between the holes is 60 cm.

If you are planting in the fall, then carefully dig the soil and add to each square meter superphosphate (60 gr.), potassium sulfate (30 gr.), ammonium sulfate (20 gr.). The distance between trenches is the same as for spring planting.

Pay attention to one important point. When planting in spring, plant so that the plant is in a recess, which will help maintain the desired humidity. In autumn, on the contrary, form a small mound - this will protect the roots from frost.

How to plant?

There are several methods of planting asparagus. Let's take a closer look at them and decide which one is the best.

asparagus from seeds

Many gardeners consider this method the most time consuming due to poor germination. Actually it is not. When technology is followed, problems rarely arise.

Work begins at the end of April. First, the seeds are soaked in water for 2 days, then for 2 hours in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Prepare a soil mixture consisting of garden soil, sand, manure, peat in a ratio of 2:1:1:1 and spread the seeds on the surface. Lightly sprinkle with the substrate, spray with a spray bottle and wait for germination, remembering to constantly moisten the soil. You can cover the landing with glass, creating a greenhouse effect.

The temperature should be kept at +26 degrees. Seeds germinate for a long time - 6 weeks. So be patient. On permanent place residence asparagus can be transferred in mid-summer.

Root Asparagus

Root growing asparagus is the fastest and therefore the most common option. In this case, the probability of rooting is 99%. Experts advise planting asparagus before winter. The soil should be prepared: remove weeds, dig, fertilize. If you decide to grow asparagus in the spring, then the soil is flavored with compost (10 kg per 1 m2).

The rhizome is bought a day before planting. Choose strong-looking, brown-grey roots.

Soak them in warm water for 30 minutes. Dig trenches 30x30 cm. When planting in several rows, the interval between them is 0.5 m.

Pour a nutrient substrate into the center of the pit, lay the roots there at a distance of 30 cm from each other, sprinkle with earth and water. As the asparagus grows, the soil will settle - be sure to add new soil. When the trench is filled to the top, sprinkle dry foliage, sawdust, or tree bark on top.

Asparagus by dividing the bush

Asparagus can be grown by dividing the bush. This method is acceptable for any time of the year. It is better to divide the bush during transplantation. So, young asparagus is transplanted annually, adult - 1 time in 10 years. One shoot is planted in the prepared holes with an interval of 50 cm.

The roots should be 10 cm below the ground. If you decide to plant plants in one line, then all perennials located nearby will have to be eliminated.

The nuances of forcing asparagus

How to get asparagus in winter or early spring? For this, the rhizomes of plants at the age of 5-6 years are dug up in the fall and cleaned in the basement until winter. The temperature should be kept at +2 degrees.

In early December, they are planted in a greenhouse. Planting density is high. At least 20 pieces per square meter. Seedlings fall asleep with humus and cover with polyethylene. For the first week, keep the temperature at around +10 degrees. After the rhizomes begin to grow, the temperature is raised to +18 degrees. Temperature regime kept throughout the harvest.

How to care?

You need to water often, but in minimal portions. Asparagus can't stand standing water - watch out for that. It is better to loosen the soil immediately after irrigation. 30 days after planting, an aqueous infusion of mullein is introduced into the soil. At the end of June, the earth is fertilized with superphosphate, urea and potassium salt (30 g of each item per 1 m2).
During flowering sprayed with insecticides. In July (when the shoots begin to grow again), plants can be pampered with minerals or organics. The fourth time they are fed until frost (in October), using complex fertilizers.

In autumn, the old stems are cut off, the lower ones are spudded and sprinkled with peat or compost. The bottom part should be well covered, at least 5 cm high. This will help the plants survive the winter. On the 2nd and 3rd year of life, in the spring, asparagus is fertilized with complex mineral supplements (30 g per 1 m2).

A little about harvesting

Shoots that are eaten appear in the 4th year of life. Harvested in May, if the winter was warm, then in April. You can break out the asparagus when it begins to lift the crust of the soil. Did you see cracks in the ground? Carefully dig the soil and, when you see a seedling, cut it off. Do not hurt young shoots and roots. Fill the holes that appear after cutting with soil.

In the first year, try to harvest a month in advance - a long harvest will weaken the young plants. From old bushes can be collected until the end of June. The higher the thermometer, the faster the asparagus develops. However, after the shoots hatch from the ground, they change color and begin to crumble.

In order not to lose the harvest, harvest asparagus twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. After harvesting, the trenches are leveled, the soil is fertilized with ammonium nitrate or slurry.

That's all you need to know in order to be able to grow healthy asparagus. Put the acquired knowledge into practice, and the queen of the beds will always be favorable to you - you will be provided with valuable vitamins and microelements!

Video review of the asparagus harvest

Asparagus - perennial herbaceous plant asparagus family. Since ancient times, the culture has been grown as a medicinal plant, and a little later, tender sprouts began to be eaten. This delicacy vegetable was intended for the nobility for a long time, its taste is so gentle and pleasant. It is possible that this is why asparagus was dubbed royal.

Description of asparagus

The value of asparagus lies not only in the content a large number vitamins and useful macro- and microelements, but also in the fact that it is an early vegetable crop. Young asparagus sprouts are the first to appear in our gardens, and this usually happens as early as April. Shoots of milky ripeness taste like green pea. Boiled, baked, steamed, or added to salads, asparagus is good in any form.
In early spring, asparagus sprouts are the first to appear on the beds.

In addition to practical benefits, asparagus is also an ornamental plant. Tall bushes with heavily dissected leaves resemble Christmas trees and are sometimes planted by gardeners not in special beds, but in flower beds. Florists use beautiful panicles of asparagus when composing bouquets - openwork greenery goes well with flowers and retains a fresh look for a long time.

Planted in a flower bed among flowers, asparagus enlivens the composition

On sale there are sprouts of asparagus in green, white and burgundy colors. It's not about varieties, as it might seem, but about the timing of collection and methods of cultivation. If asparagus grows in a regular garden, we get green sprouts. To grow white or purple shoots, asparagus is spudded, depriving it of the sun's rays, but in the first case they do it immediately, and in the second - when the sprouts are slightly stretched and turn green.
Applying various ways cultivation, you can get asparagus sprouts of different colors

Growing methods

Asparagus is usually grown from seeds - in this case, the first harvest can be obtained in the third year. When planting ready-made seedlings or layering of roots, the time is significantly reduced, and the first shoots will appear as early as next spring.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Before sowing, asparagus seeds are soaked for two days in a solution of Epin or another biostimulant. Given the hardness of seeds, this measure will not be superfluous. You can start sowing at the end of March or in April. The soil for asparagus should be light and breathable. You can use store-bought seedling soil by adding sand and vermiculite to it in a ratio of 5:1:1. Instead of vermiculite, coconut substrate is often used.

Sowing seeds in a container:

  1. Fill the planting container with prepared soil and lightly compact.
  2. Spread the seeds on the surface at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other.
  3. Sprinkle the seeds with a layer of soil no more than 1 cm and lightly press.
  4. Moisten the soil with a spray bottle.
  5. Cover the container with foil and place in a bright, warm place.

The main conditions for germination are heat and humidity. Condensation will accumulate on the film, so the seed container must be ventilated every day. At an air temperature of at least 25 ° C, seedlings will appear in about a month and a half.
Six weeks after sowing, openwork seedlings of asparagus appear

Planting seedlings in open ground

For asparagus choose a sunny, unflooded place with fertile light soils. Compost or manure is preliminarily applied to poor soils (one bucket is enough for 1 m 2) and complex mineral fertilizers. If the soil on the site is heavy, clayey, sand is added for digging. All these activities are desirable to carry out in the fall.

If it is planned to plant seedlings of asparagus in the fall, then instead of complex mineral fertilizers, phosphorus-potassium or nutrient mixtures marked "autumn" are applied. The fact is that the nitrogen contained in complex fertilizers, stimulates the growth of shoots, and in the fall it is undesirable. At this time, the shoots should ripen, and the root system should be strengthened, so phosphorus and potassium are what you need.

You can plant seedlings in open ground from the second half of June. By this time, the soil has time to warm up, and the possibility of return frosts is unlikely. The fertilized deoxidized area is well dug up, removing clods of earth and roots of weeds.
Grown asparagus bushes ready for planting in open ground

It is more convenient to plant seedlings in trenches with a depth of at least 30 cm. Asparagus grows in one place for about 20 years, while growing both in height and in width. Therefore, if in the future it is not supposed to transplant grown plants, then the seedlings are located 35–40 cm apart. The distance between the rows is 1 m or more.

Landing rules:

  1. In a dug trench, mounds of fertile land are poured.
  2. The roots of the seedling are straightened along the mound so that they are directed downwards, without bends. Long roots are shortened, leaving 4-5 cm.
  3. Sprinkle the roots with soil and lightly compress.
  4. The trench is shed with water and the planting is mulched with peat or rotted sawdust.

Sowing seeds in open ground in spring

Asparagus can also be grown by direct seeding outdoors. The bed is filled in the same way as for planting seedlings, but instead of trenches, grooves are made 4–5 cm deep. At the end of May, the seeds are soaked for a day in a biostimulator for quick and reliable germination. Sowing is carried out in a prepared bed, laying out the seeds in the grooves. If there are a lot of seeds, it is advisable to sow them thicker, since not all of them will sprout, and the extra ones can later be cut with scissors. Sprinkle the grooves with a small layer of soil, compact and water. After the water is absorbed, mulch the bed. Asparagus seeds germinate for a long time, so it is advisable to cover the bed with agrofiber - this will prevent moisture loss and accelerate the emergence of seedlings.

Video: sowing asparagus for seedlings

Reproduction by dividing the bush

The easiest way to propagate asparagus is by dividing the bush. This procedure can be carried out in spring, and in autumn, and even in summer, if there is no strong heat. The excavated bush is divided into parts so that each division has one sprout. This is usually done by hand or, if it does not work, use a sharp knife. Separated plants are planted in trenches in the same way as seedlings obtained from seeds - at the same time and according to the same scheme.
The preferred way to propagate asparagus is by dividing the bush

According to the same principle, asparagus is propagated by dividing the rhizome. This is usually done in the spring, before the growth of new shoots. The root is dug up and divided into parts so that each has a kidney. Delenki are planted in the described way - in trenches on mounds. Parts of asparagus rhizomes are planted on a hill

Parts of asparagus rhizomes are planted on a hill

Caring for asparagus outdoors

Planted plants need to be kept moist, especially at first. When the seedlings take root and get stronger, watering can be reduced, but the land should not be allowed to dry out. Mulch will help keep the soil moist. In addition, the mulched area does not need loosening, and weeding is purely symbolic - to remove individual blades of grass that have come out.

In the first year, until autumn, it is undesirable to cut off the shoots of asparagus, so as not to interfere with the full development of the bush. The first edible sprouts will appear in small numbers next spring, and in the third year you can harvest.
If the asparagus shoots are not cut off in the year of planting, then by the next summer they will be adult beautiful bushes.

Top dressing

If the bed was well fertilized when planting asparagus, then in the first year, feeding is not needed. Young plants begin to feed from the second year. In early spring, dry nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium mixtures are scattered between plants in a dry form and the soil is well loosened. Then, until mid-summer, once every two weeks they are fed with green fertilizer or mullein infusion. At the end of summer fertilize with autumn mineral fertilizer, which can be applied dry or prepared in an aqueous solution according to the instructions.

Preparing the plant for winter

To protect the asparagus from freezing, the garden bed must be properly prepared for the winter. In autumn, all the stems of the plant are cut short and this must be done before frost. Then the plants spud - than harsher than winter, the higher the hill should be. Top the comb with peat or compost.

I planted my first asparagus about 20 years ago. We didn’t have the Internet then, and I, as a beginner gardener, didn’t know anything about this plant. I saw seeds for sale of something new and bought them. The information on the bag is at least - I only found out that edible sprouts will appear in the second third year. The seeds were sown immediately in the garden, without any special tricks - one row, and that's it. For a long time no shoots appeared, and I managed to safely forget that I had such seeds. Toward the middle of summer, I saw a row of slender fir trees of a pale green color and began to think what it could be - I had not seen asparagus shoots before. I remembered when the bushes grew up, at the same time it became clear with what greenery grandmothers make simple bouquets from their gladioli. By autumn, the bushes had grown and were already about a meter high, shoots of 5-6 each. In the autumn I cut off all the greens and my asparagus went into the winter without any hilling and warming. No frosts affected my plants, and in the spring we plucked the first sprouts. The first time I tried this plant from my own garden, before that I didn’t even know the taste. Pleasant, delicate greens - we did not cook any dishes, we just ate fresh, slightly sweet, green pea-like sprouts. Since then, asparagus has not been translated in our garden and this is the very first plant that we collect in the spring.

Growing asparagus does not require special knowledge, and does not cause difficulties even for beginners. The only problem is waiting for the harvest. It is more common for us to plant seeds in the spring and get our vegetables in the summer. Asparagus takes three years to grow, but it doesn't need to be planted every year. With minimal care, the plant will delight the eye and enrich the owner's menu for many years. This is the advantage of a perennial culture.

Asparagus, or asparagus, is a cold-resistant crop grown on household plots soil rich in minerals. The height of the asparagus stems reaches 1.5 meters. Cultivation of asparagus is most favorable on sandy loamy lands. The plant, being in the ground, is able to endure the most severe frosts - up to -30 0 C, but may not withstand frosts on the soil surface in early spring. In this case, the asparagus root system can die even at -5 0 C. The plant, being in the ground, activates its growth in the spring, when the air temperature is +10 0 C. By mid-June, asparagus stems and leaves straighten out, fruits appear. Planting asparagus is possible in spring and before winter.

Features of growing asparagus from seeds

Preparation planting material to landing in spring soil held in the last weeks of April. To prevent seedlings from diseases and damage by garden pests in the open field, this kind of care will be required: the seeds are soaked for 2 hours in a solution of manganese (also known as potassium permanganate), after which they are spread on wet sawdust for germination. In the spring, peat capsules are also suitable for growing crops.

Tip: Germinating asparagus seeds before planting in the ground is not recommended in gauze due to the possibility of tangling and damaging weak shoots.

Propagation of asparagus after planting with seeds should include:

  1. Moderate humidity, plenty of light, an average temperature of +25 0 C during the week.
  2. Sowing seeds with sprouts in spring in peat boxes or plastic cups 100-200 ml in size. The soil is taken from the site, sand and manure are added to it.

Seeds are covered with a soil layer of several millimeters. A week after planting, asparagus stalks will appear from the ground. In summer, asparagus seedlings are planted in the garden. For the next season, the strengthened asparagus rhizomes will be suitable for transplanting to a permanent area in the open field.

Root planting and propagation method

Growing asparagus in the ground with roots is the easiest way, as the plant is more likely to take root. It is better to plant asparagus before winter.

For planting in the soil, it is required to carry out preparatory work: remove weeds, roots from last year's harvest, loosen the ground and apply mineral fertilizers. After deep digging of the site, the soil should be fertilized with the following agricultural components: 15 g of ammonium sulfur, 30 g of potassium phosphate and 60 g of magnesulfate.

If growing asparagus in the soil is planned in the spring, compost is applied to the soil. It is poured into the furrow in the amount of 10 kg per 1 m 3. It should be noted that it is impossible to make other top dressing before planting a crop on O open ground.

Tip: Self-selected mineral fertilizers can burn asparagus rhizomes and destroy the future crop.

If the planting of asparagus is carried out in the spring, then the roots of the plant are laid in the ground in the garden and are covered with earth. This must be done so that the level of the hole is 5 cm below its edge. This is necessary for the correct irrigation procedure.

Before the process of planting asparagus in the fall before winter, special care will be required. It is necessary to form a mound of medium height above the rhizomes introduced into the ground. This method will protect plants from winter frosts on open ground.

artisanal way

Growing asparagus on your site is possible with the help of artisanal propagation. The right choice planting material are thick, well-grown roots. In the spring they are divided into parts, but with one shoot intact. After a month, the rhizome will grow in the soil, the beds are loosened without affecting the rhizomes.

One healthy plant is planted in the prepared pits, retreating 50 cm from each other. The rhizomes of asparagus seedlings require proper fit and care in the first week. Rhizomes should be straightened in the ground and located 10 cm below ground level. Next to the seedlings, pegs are driven in, for which, as the plants grow, their tops are tied. If the plot area is small for growing and planting one plant at a time, asparagus is planted in several rows 1.2 meters wide.

Tip: When planting a crop in one line, remove all perennials located nearby.

After planting the asparagus, the bed is watered and covered with earth with a layer of 8 cm. In the first years of life, asparagus requires care, the holes are leveled. In the process of asparagus vegetation and the amount of mineral fertilizer applied, a roller will form, where bleached asparagus shoots will develop. In order to extend the period for growing asparagus in the same area, it needs constant care: it is watered and fertilized strictly according to the instructions with special agricultural components.

In the fall, after pruning, care is needed for the bed: the land mound is raked to ensure the flow of oxygen to the rhizomes. To get bleached shoots, in the spring the asparagus bed is covered with agrofiber or dense polyethylene, preferably dark.

Tip: To protect asparagus stalks from natural elements, you can cover them plastic bottles without a bottom, and estimate with sawdust on top.

If necessary, the stems are raked, and the shoots are cut at the base, without affecting neighboring bushes. After pruning, the rhizomes are thrown back into the ground.

Care rules

Enough asparagus unpretentious plant. Main care for growing a crop consists in timely irrigation, loosening and top dressing. Irrigate the asparagus bed should be constantly, but in small quantities. The main requirement for growing asparagus is not to overdo it with watering, but also not to let the stems dry out.

Growing asparagus requires loosening the earth. It is better to do this after watering, when the water is well absorbed into the root system. Weed grass is a pest, it should be removed from the beds and between rows, so that it does not grow and does not pull useful minerals from the ground.

An excellent top dressing for asparagus is mullein. It is brought into the ground, after insisting in water in a ratio of 1:5. Top dressing of the soil is carried out 20 days after planting asparagus in the garden. After counting the same amount of time after feeding with mullein, diluted bird droppings with a calculation of 1:10.

Tip: The last phase of fertilizing asparagus beds is carried out using a complex mineral fertilizer, as a rule, before the first frost.

In the second year of life, asparagus will release shoots, but cutting them off is not recommended due to the spring weakness of the plant. Growing asparagus in the process of ripening requires care, which consists of the same actions as in the first year of development and growth of asparagus.

Diseases and pests

Asparagus is a plant that is resistant to diseases and pests, but the fungus Helicobasidium purpureum has a serious effect. In the process of growth and development, plants need careful care. Infection with spores of the fungus occurs in a few days and can destroy the entire bed of asparagus.

You can determine the defeat of the fungus by weakened plants. In this case, the root system dies off, after which the leaves and shoots fall off. You can eliminate the disease of asparagus by treating plants with Fundazol. The preparation contains a small percentage of chemical elements, but it is recommended to use it strictly according to the instructions, and in extreme cases. Additional insecticides for the treatment of asparagus are Aktellik, Fitoverm, Fufanon.

So, in the first year after planting asparagus, you won’t be able to enjoy its shoots, since the crop will appear only in the second year of the crop’s life. But given the ease of growing and caring for the plant, as well as the extraordinary taste of asparagus, it’s still worth waiting for a year or two.