Toilet      06/12/2019

Back pillow size. Choosing a sleep accessory. What is an orthopedic pillow and how does it differ from a regular pillow?

Healthy sleep A person needs no less than good nutrition. Most residents of modern cities do not have the opportunity to relieve muscle tension during the working day. If the body does not effectively relax during night sleep, then negative phenomena accumulate. Over time, spinal diseases may develop for this reason.

An accessible way out of the situation is to sleep on an orthopedic pillow. During such rest, effective support of the upper spine is provided. Blood circulation and tissue nutrition improve, metabolism is restored in full. In the morning a person feels rested and full of energy.

If the decision to purchase bedding with an orthopedic effect has been made, then you should decide on the quality of the filler. Among the products in this group, two classes stand out: with natural and synthetic filling.

TO first class relate:

  • bamboo fiber, wool, cotton,
  • buckwheat husk,
  • latex is the frozen juice of the Hevea plant.

Second class products are:

  • polyester fiber,
  • polyurethane foam,
  • gel fillers.

All of the materials listed have features, familiarity with which will help you make right choice.

Synthetic fillers are used in a wide range of orthopedic products. Among them there are innovative, expensive materials patented under trademarks world famous companies. There are also polyester fiber systems that are high quality and affordable.

  • Polyester fibers treated with silicone and twisted into microscopic spirals are optimal for filling bedding. Widely known materials of this composition are holofiber and comforter. The pillows made from them are both soft and elastic. The airy, elastic mass reliably supports the head, does not cause allergies and does not provide shelter for dust mites. Polyester is not harmed by washing; products made from it are durable and economical. A pillowcase made of high-quality cotton makes the pillow even more pleasant and comfortable.
  • Polyurethane foam is commonly known as foam rubber. In its usual form, it is not very good for pillows, since it is easily deformed and is not hygienic. New generation foam materials have been created based on polyurethane. Shape memory foam - Memory Foam - was invented in the USA to protect astronauts from overloads. Memory Foam filler began to be used in orthopedics because, under the influence of body heat, it creates a surface with a high degree of comfort. The pillow does not provide counter-resistance, perfectly evenly distributing pressure from above. Perfect shock absorption creates a weightless effect that promotes complete relaxation and deep sleep.
  • Pillow filling gel is the latest word in the production of orthopedic sleep accessories. The material is used as an insert into the top of a polyurethane foam pillow and improves heat transfer in the skin of a sleeping person.

The price of a pillow cannot serve as the main selection criterion, nor can the naturalness of its filling. Synthetic materials have a healing effect no less than natural ones. A high price may be a consequence of the use of new production technologies, but this does not mean that you only need to choose expensive products. The decision should be made taking into account your own preferences and objective data. Recommendations from people who already have experience using orthopedic pillows can help.

Alexandra Ivanovna, pensioner, Nizhny Novgorod:

“Neck pain has prevented me from sleeping for a long time. On the advice of my local doctor, I bought a pillow with a ball filler and a thickened edge. It became easier to fall asleep, and continuous sleep now lasts for several hours in a row, although before I woke up almost every hour. I advise everyone I know to buy these pillows.”

Nikolay, taxi driver, Krasnodar:

“My job puts stress on my arms and neck. It was not possible to completely relax the muscles even during sleep. My wife gave me a memory foam pillow. At first it was unusual to sleep on it; the filler seemed hard. But I quickly noticed that I now rest much better and feel more energetic in the morning. I want to give the same gift to my brother. He is a driver, like me. Let him get enough sleep and become healthier.”

Natalya Valentinovna, mother of two daughters, Samara:

“My girls are 12 and 14 years old. A year ago, the doctor said they were at risk of scoliosis. I bought them their branded orthopedic latex pillows. The purchase was expensive, but I did not regret it. The results of therapeutic sleep are now visible. My daughters’ posture has become straighter, they sleep more peacefully and wake up easier. I hope that my daughters will grow up slim and healthy.”

The modern orthopedic pillow has evolved from a simple sleeping accessory into a kind of exercise machine for the neck and upper back. Fillers support and relax muscles and also provide a massaging effect through the skin. Such prevention is preferable to treating diseases. Those wishing to buy health pillows can be given some advice.

  • The softness of the filling cannot serve as a basis for choosing one or another sample. The degree of hardness is a treatment factor that you can ask your doctor about.
  • No orthopedic product has the same effect for everyone. You need to choose what suits a particular person. Therefore, consulting a specialist before purchasing will be useful.
  • Adequate sleep is important at any age - both in childhood and in old age. Therapeutic recreational supplies are useful for absolutely everyone.

Responsible selection of goods in the store and a little patience to develop the habit of new conditions of night sleep is all that is needed to prevent serious diseases of the spine. Good health deserves such easy expenses!

Orthopedic pillows under the head not only provide correct position head, but repeat its entire physiology. Sleeping on them is not only useful, but also comfortable. Which orthopedic pillow is best? We'll talk about this in our article.

The main objective:

  • complete relaxation of the spine
  • correct posture
  • natural body contours
  • relieving muscle and neck tension
  • prevention and additional treatment of diseases of the head, musculoskeletal system, nervous system
  • comfort while sleeping
  • resistance and durability
  • aesthetics

Division by filler:

  • Orthopedic latex pillows. They do not have the characteristic of bending much, but quite naturally follow the contours of the human body, are elastic, and quickly straighten out. Latex orthopedic pillows are environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic, allow air to pass through well and retain heat. The big advantage is that latex does not harbor insects.
  • Made from polyurethane foam. This material is called artificial latex. PU pillows are popular because of their softness and elasticity. They have antibacterial properties.
  • Made from polyester, which has the shape of small balls that disperse when pressed. These pillows do not straighten out on their own; they need to be lightly shaken to get their normal size. They serve from 8 to 10 years.
  • From buckwheat husks. Due to its natural nature, the filler is highly pure, light and springy, which indicates good anatomical properties. At first there may be a slight smell of buckwheat, but this is more of a plus than a minus. The aroma indicates the correct production of the product.
  • . Memorix is ​​a special foam that remembers all the contours of the human body. Thus, the vessels are not compressed, and the blood supply is correctly distributed throughout the body. This type is very suitable for patients with heart, lung and neck problems.

By position during sleep:

  • Universal
  • On the back
  • On the side
  • On the stomach

By purpose:

  • For sleep
  • For legs
  • For the whole body

For whom:

  • For newborns
  • For children
  • For pregnant and lactating women
  • Universal

How to choose the shape and size of a sleeping pillow?


  • Height. It depends on individual preferences: up to 14 cm for those who like to sleep on their back, and from 14 cm on their side. If your shoulders are wide, then the rise should be higher.
  • The width of the mattress should not be larger than the pillow.
  • Compound. We are interested in elasticity, heat transfer and ventilation.
  • Rigidity. Hard pillows are suitable for those who prefer to lie on their side.


  • Square
  • Rectangular
  • Round
  • Oval

How do you sleep:

  • On the side With a roller
  • On the back With a roller
  • On the stomach Oblong


Quite popular Russian manufacturer in Eastern Europe. It produces not only anatomical pillows, but also mattresses of all shapes and sizes. Askona has been awarded certificates more than once for quality products and understanding towards customers. Great option for sitting workers suffering from migraines and osteochondrosis.


  • hypoallergenic material (often 100% latex)
  • delicate orthopedic properties
  • availability of massage
  • textured or soft surface
  • with and without roller


The Russian-Swedish company specializes in sales for all age-old categories described above. Special technique, as well as individual approach correct position helps to “sleep” problems musculoskeletal system. The product is recommended for vertebral displacement, back pain, neck pain, chest and spine.


  • as a rule, the filler is 100% polyurethane
  • purified product
  • memory effect
  • relieve stress and muscle spasms
  • relaxes the body and spine


This is a manufacturer of medical devices in Russia. Produces pillows for home, office, travel, as well as for different parts bodies. There is a separate choice for those suffering from diseases of the spine, bones and muscles. All products of this campaign are developed by experienced surgeons, traumatologists, neurologists, rehabilitation specialists and other specialists.


  • highly elastic polyurethane foam
  • fix the head and neck
  • pelvic trauma therapy
  • relieve fatigue in the lower back
  • memory effect
  • massage effect
  • headache prevention

Memory Pillow

Country of origin: China, importer: Russia. Such anatomical pillows can accurately replicate body defects. They also have different sizes and shapes, but there are also universal designs. Very good price.


  • foamed polyester
  • 2-level neck support
  • adapt to the body
  • sleep in any position
  • suitable for asthmatics
  • react to heat

Orthopedic pillow by Dr. Khoroshev

The famous doctor Vladimir Stepanovich Khoroshev, based on diseases of the spine, neck and head, developed his own version of an orthopedic pillow. The special shape and special roller easily follow the curves of the neck. For many people, this model has become a salvation “in a dream”, especially when chronic diseases and stages of remission.


  • heat sensitive filler
  • antibacterial ions
  • bioactive nanoparticles
  • protection against toxins
  • fighting insomnia
  • ultra-action "anti-snoring"
  • ensuring healthy circulation


A high-quality brand that produces bedroom products operates in the markets of Europe, America and Asia. Most of buyers are people who need support and proper fixation while sleeping. For those who like a “frozen position,” ergonomic pillows with elastic material and a “sinking” effect are suitable.


  • special recess for the head
  • slight curve support
  • ventilation
  • universal options
  • care for your neck

Ormatek Aqua Soft

Manufacturer of household goods in Russia, which has 15 years of market sales experience. Orthopedic pillows not only improve sleep, but are also a wonderful piece of furniture. Made from different materials and additional fabrics with special properties. Forms real posture and correct position during sleep.


  • material 100% polyester, orma-gel, climatgel
  • memory effect
  • cooling character
  • automatic search for ideal position
  • does not deform
  • factory smell


For those suffering from excessive sweating, this is very suitable option. Such pillows regulate moisture, heat and air, and have healing properties.


  • memory foam, ionic fiber, airmesh
  • anatomical adaptation
  • reaction to temperature change
  • antistatic property
  • air circulation
  • interaction with the ridge

Any orthopedic pillow has its pros and cons. You need to select them based on your own height, weight, personal preferences, as well as the desired effect. Don't forget about the warranty card, instructions and case, which must be issued by the seller.
In general, the brands mentioned do a good job of fulfilling their responsibilities and comply with sanitary and hygienic standards.

Watch also the video on how to choose an orthopedic pillow:

They are reading now.

Orthopedic pillows will help maintain the health of the spine and ensure the creation of comfortable and safe conditions for sleep. They support the neck and head, relieve stress on muscles and even eliminate snoring. How to choose an orthopedic pillow for sleeping and what to look for when purchasing?
Our detailed review will tell you about this.

We will also look at:

  • Types of orthopedic pillows;
  • Main types of fillers;
  • Size ranges of orthopedic pillows.

After reading our review, you can make the right choice and purchase a good pillow.

Orthopedic pillows provide comfortable sleep and correct position of the spine when lying down. They are made from materials that quickly restore their shape and have a certain amount of elasticity. Some models are made on the basis of memory effect materials - they do not exert back pressure, as many other fillers do.

What are the benefits of orthopedic pillows?

  • They support the anatomically correct position of the spine in any position - the absence of curvature makes it possible to improve its health;
  • Pillows create conditions for a comfortable sleep - thanks to original form and neck support, they help improve sleep quality and relieve stress on muscle tissue;
  • There is a positive effect on the lymphatic and circulatory systems - normal blood flow promotes proper operation brain and proper nutrition of all local tissues and organs;
  • Pillows correct posture - this effect is achieved by ensuring the correct position of the spine;
  • Contribute to comfortable rest– orthopedic pillows allow a person to sleep in the most comfortable position.

There is also a decrease in neck pain.

What types of orthopedic sleeping pillows are there?

  • Classic shape;
  • With rollers;
  • With a massage effect;
  • With a cooling effect.

Which pillow is best for an adult to sleep on? If we choose the simplest ball pillow, it will not be able to truly provide good conditions for sleep. Despite the orthopedic effect, such a pillow will be too soft. In addition, shoulders can also rest on it. There is no neck support here either, so it would be a stretch to call it orthopedic.

However, pillows with ball filling are significantly superior to down or cotton wool models - they keep their shape well, are well ventilated, and do not retain heat or excess moisture.

The best orthopedic pillows are pillows with a bolster. They provide excellent support for the head and neck, promoting the anatomically correct position of the spine. The height of the rollers varies from 8 to 16 cm, this indicator is selected based on many factors. When a person sleeps, the cushion is under his neck, and his head lies on the lower part of the pillow. The result is complete cervical support and muscle relaxation.

Many pillows are equipped with not one, but two bolsters - the height of one of them is greater than the height of the other. The high bolster is designed to provide comfort in the “side-lying” position, while the lower bolster will provide comfort in the “back” position.

Orthopedic pillows with a massage effect are aimed at those who do not like to lie in the same position. Flat pillows do not promote normal blood circulation and often force you to change your body position. As for massage orthopedic sleep pillows, they have a ribbed surface, which achieves the micromassage effect. Sleeping on such pillows is much more comfortable.

As for pillows with a cooling effect, they are presented in two versions:

  • With standard filler;
  • With gel filler.

Models from the first category are made on the basis of conventional foam fillers. To ensure a cooling effect, these pillows are permeated through holes. Head movements cause air movement, which achieves active ventilation of the pillow and rapid heat removal.

Gel-filled pillows are filled with a special gel. It effectively removes and distributes heat, helping to maintain a low surface temperature of the pillow. The disadvantage of the gel filler is its high cost. But this disadvantage is more than compensated by the feeling of comfort for those who do not like to sleep on warm surfaces.

Which filler do you prefer?

When choosing an orthopedic pillow, you should start by familiarizing yourself with the fillers:

  • Natural latex is a natural foam material that has the ability to almost instantly restore its shape. It is hypoallergenic and has no contraindications for use. The main disadvantage of the filler is its high cost;
  • Polyurethane foam – artificial material, which has an affordable price. He has pronounced orthopedic properties, therefore, based on it, we are developing a large number of pillows;
  • Buckwheat husk – quite expensive natural material, on the basis of which hard orthopedic pillows are created;
  • MemoryFoam is another artificial material that remembers its shape when heated by the human body. It does not give a repulsive effect, helping to create ideal conditions for sleep and relaxation. Despite a number of advantages, not everyone likes pillows made of this material.

The most optimal option in terms of price and quality is orthopedic latex pillows. They dissipate heat well, remove excess moisture and help support the spine.

How to choose the height of an orthopedic pillow

Many readers are interested in how to choose the right orthopedic pillow? We've already talked about popular fillers, so it's time to talk about choosing a pillow height. The main thing you need to focus on when purchasing is comfort. If the pillow seems uncomfortable to you, then you can forget about normal sleep. As for the theoretical data, they are as follows:

  • The optimal height of the pillow in the “on your back” position is from 10 to 14 cm;
  • The optimal height of the pillow in the “sideways” position is from 12 to 16 cm.

Also, there is some dependence on the height and build of a person. If a person is tall and dense, he should look at taller pillows. A similar recommendation can be given to owners of soft mattresses - higher pillows will be required here. As for short people, lower pillows are suitable for them. But you need to remember that the recommended numbers should not affect comfort.

When choosing an orthopedic pillow, pay attention to the recommendations indicated on the tags or in the passports - normal manufacturers always give recommendations on the use of their products.

Since childhood, we have all been accustomed to brushing our teeth, eating with a spoon, sleeping on the bed, putting a pillow under our heads and covering ourselves with a blanket. Do you think it's just a habit?

Sleeping on a pillow is essential for proper body position while sleeping. In other words, sleeping without a pillow at all is harmful, because the spine takes an unnatural position.

Have you ever wondered whether your pillow is comfortable for you? Is it right for you?
For example, if you often toss and turn in your sleep or even wake up to fluff your pillow, this is a sure sign that it is not suitable for you.

Most of us have been accustomed since childhood to sleeping on a square-shaped down or feather pillow: the main thing is that there is something to put under our heads - this is how we usually think.

However, orthopedists and sleep specialists do not agree that all pillows are equally useful.
Most medical specialists and sleep experts recommend choosing anatomical pillow.

How to distinguish an anatomical pillow from a regular one

Now let's figure out how to recognize an anatomical pillow among ordinary ones. Imagine: you walk into a large store, and in front of you are shelves with large and small, square and rectangular, flat and convex, soft and hard - in short, a wide variety of pillows. Even an expert can get confused here!

To immediately determine where the anatomical and where the traditional pillow is, you need to pay attention to 2 points:

  • what is the pillow made of?
  • what shape is it?

Traditional pillows are down/feather, holofiber, padding polyester, foam rubber - that is, natural and synthetic materials that do not have support. The shape of such a pillow is usually classic - square or rectangular.

However, be careful: sometimes unscrupulous manufacturers try to disguise ordinary pillows as anatomical ones, giving them a bizarre shape. Don't fall for this trick! Inside the anatomical pillow there must be a unique material that has an anatomical effect. And the cost of anatomical pillows usually exceeds the cost of traditional ones. So remember, the miser pays twice!

What material should be inside an anatomical pillow

We list the most common fillers of anatomical pillows: anatomical foam with a “shape memory” effect, latex, viscolatex, pillows based on independent mini-springs, with a specially shaped roller insert, with a unique cooling gel, latex mini-springs. The most common filler for anatomical pillows is material with a “shape memory” effect. This is when you apply light pressure to the pillow, after which it gradually regains its shape. When touched, this material even somewhat resembles plasticine, because it is able to remember the shape of your body.

What parameters to focus on when choosing an anatomical pillow

Now that you can easily distinguish an anatomical pillow from a regular one, you have to understand what shape/height/width your sleep companion should be. The most important thing here is to lie down on several different models, in the position in which you usually fall asleep, and feel the difference.

Follow your feelings, and also listen to the consultant’s recommendations - and your chances of finding the perfect pillow are 99 out of 100!

When choosing a pillow, you need to remember that a good pillow supports your head and cervical region spine, helps the entire upper body relax. In the store, make sure that your head lies level with your body so that the natural curves of the spine are maintained.

Pay attention to the width of your shoulders, your favorite sleeping position, the softness of the mattress and the material from which the pillow is made.

The wider your shoulders, the higher the pillow you need for a good night's sleep.

If a person sleeps on his back, then he needs a lower pillow than when sleeping on his side.
If the mattress is soft, then the pillow should be lower than when sleeping on a harder surface.
The filling and material of a pillow is the most important parameter that you should pay attention to when choosing it. The supporting ability of the pillow, as well as the ability to ensure the correct position of your spine during sleep, fully depends on their properties.

Pay attention to the shape of the pillow last. If you sleep on your side, a pillow with bolsters of different heights will suit you; if you sleep on your back, a classic shape will suit you. The square pillow is a thing of the past. Orthopedic specialists unanimously say that the pillow should not fall under the shoulders. It should support the head and cervical region.

A little more about the filler...


In addition to the material with the “shape memory” effect (options for the name of this material are anatomical foam with the “memory” effect, viscolatex, “memoryfoam”), there are other fillers for anatomical pillows. For example, latex. Latex pillows are quite elastic, they seem to “spring”. They will appeal to back sleepers and those who prefer high pillows.

Latex mini springs

Another variation of latex pillows is pillows with latex mini springs. They are also quite elastic and hold their shape well, they are hypoallergenic and breathable. From the collection of anatomical pillows from the Ascona factory, this is the Mediflex Revolution pillow.

Independent mini springs

Among elastic models, pillows based on independent mini-springs have a good anatomical effect. For clarity, pay attention to the Mediflex Spring Pillow. It contains mini-springs that are unusually sensitive to load, while perfectly restoring shape. They respond to your movements, providing excellent support. These pillows are recommended when sleeping in any position.

Gel is an innovative material

Another unique material that is gaining increasing popularity is gel with a cooling effect. It distributes the load, has a micro-massage and cooling effect thanks to a special 3D liquid deformation technology. In the Askona collection of anatomical pillows, these are Technogel pillows. Among them there are models classic shape, suitable for back sleepers, as well as specially shaped pillows ideal for side and stomach sleepers. Not everyone immediately likes gel-based pillows: some people get used to them within a few weeks. But after this, they will not exchange their favorite anatomical pillow for anything!

Pillows with adjustable filling

Another interesting option pillows were offered by the company Protect-A-Bed: a pillow with a protective pillowcase made of eucalyptus fibers. Its peculiarity is that you can adjust the filler level yourself! Great, right? This pillow is very elastic and “breathable”: you seem to float when you lie on it. So say the happy owners of the Protect-A-Bed pillow.
As you can see, today the market can offer you a huge variety of anatomical pillows.

Our parting words

We are confident that now you are well savvy and can choose the perfect night companion for you. But still, do not neglect the recommendations of specialists. And don’t be afraid that you will have to get used to the pillow at first: this is a normal phenomenon, because everything is unusual and useful organism At first, he may take it with hostility. But then your joy will know no bounds: you will wake up with ease and good mood, and fly out of bed and fly towards a new day!

We wish you to find that very, your only, most correct anatomical pillow. Sweet dreams and a cheerful awakening to you!

Probably many people know that we spend almost 1/3 of our lives sleeping. Sleep gives a person vital rest, allows organs and systems to recover, and also regulates many internal processes.

Certain factors influence how well we will rest during sleep and how we will feel afterwards. These include the degree of fatigue, the person’s age, his rhythm of life, etc. important point like the quality of sleep. It is only at first glance that it seems that falling asleep and getting enough sleep is very simple. In fact, in order for the body to receive proper rest, sleep must occur in comfortable conditions.

To ensure that sleep brings only health to a person, various high-tech devices have been developed. These include orthopedic pillows of the most various types. Seeing such variety, a person immediately asks the question: “How to choose an orthopedic pillow?” We will try to answer this and many other questions that concern quality choice orthopedic pillows for comfortable sleep.

Choosing a sleep accessory

So, how to choose the right orthopedic pillow? Before purchasing a pillow, you need to decide on its size. It is important to remember that only the head and neck should be on it while sleeping. The choice of pillow size is also influenced by the person’s build. For example, take a large man. A comfortable sleeping accessory for him should have a size of 50 x 70 cm, and maybe more. If a person has an average build, then most likely a comfortable pillow size will be 60 x 40 cm.

Children need completely different sizes, which range from 20 x 30 and 50 x 40. How to choose an orthopedic pillow for a child? Here you also need to be guided by his age, height and build.

When choosing a pillow, you should take into account not only the person’s build, but also what position he most often takes during sleep, as well as how soft his mattress is. The value of this criterion should be equal to the distance between the sleeper’s neck and the bed.

Those who like to sleep on their back should consider pillows with a height of only 6-10 cm. For those who prefer to sleep on their side, it is better to choose accessories with a height of 12 cm or more. Here the size depends on how wide a person’s shoulders are.

If the mattress is soft, then the sleeping pillow should be low. In order to maintain the natural curves of the spine during rest, it is very important to lay your head at body level.

Types of orthopedic pillows

There are many manufacturers of orthopedic pillows today. They offer their customers a huge selection of these sleep accessories. And again the question arises: “How to choose an orthopedic pillow?”

Pillows can be square, rectangular, oval and even fancy shapes. It's important to know that unusual look allowed only for orthopedic pillows that have a “memory effect,” i.e., which have the ability to repeat the contours of the human body again and again. If you observe this point, then the shape of the pillow does not matter much, as long as its owner likes it and is comfortable.

The most popular models of orthopedic pillows

  • Classic rectangular pillows.
  • Pillows with a special recess for the shoulder.
  • Anatomical pillows of the “wave” type.

Brief characteristics of the types of orthopedic pillows

The classic type of sleep accessories attracts buyers with their ergonomics, simplicity and versatility. These pillows are suitable for absolutely everyone.

Pillows with a shoulder notch are ideal for side sleepers. They are also indicated for people of full complexion.

Pillows of the “wave” type, or as they are also called, anatomical, consist of two different sizes rollers. One cushion is needed for sleeping on your back, and the second for sleeping on your side. This design allows you to understand how to correctly place an orthopedic pillow and easily choose a comfortable position while resting.

Pillows with fixed shapes, that is, with cartridges or bolsters inserted inside, must be purchased very carefully. The fact is that manufacturers of such accessories, wanting to make pillows more “orthopedic”, do not try to take into account individual characteristics of people. The cushion you buy may not suit the length of your neck at all. If you have problems with osteochondrosis, all symptoms may worsen.

Fillers for orthopedic pillows

To know how to choose the right orthopedic pillow, it is important to familiarize yourself with information about the fillers used by manufacturers. Typically, such pillows are made of synthetics or various combined materials. All fillers must meet the established requirements: keep their shape well, not crumble into small pieces, have elastic properties and, of course, be durable. Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of the materials from which orthopedic pillows are most often made.

If the pillow is made of polyurethane foam, then it will have “memory”, can be made in any shape, and have different degrees of hardness and density. The polyurethane foam accessory harmoniously distributes the load on the spine, or more precisely, on its cervical region. Such a pillow can last up to seven years, it all depends on the raw materials that go into its production.

Artificial rubber - latex. Pillows made from this material are great for people who usually sleep on their back or prefer tall sleep products.

The latex pillow is distinguished by good elasticity, since at the slightest pressure it seems to spring back. If you are wondering how to choose an orthopedic pillow that is high-quality, comfortable and will last for many years, then this is your option. This accessory will last about ten years.

Polyester filler is a fiber material that is actively used in the clothing and textile industries. It is often used to fill pillows and mattresses. The material is treated with silicone and rolled into balls small size, with which the product is filled. The pillows are soft, light and cheap due to the use of inexpensive “filling”. The disadvantage of polyester pillows is their short service life - up to three years.

Polystyrene is a foamed polymer that is made from granules heated to a certain temperature. This type of filler is not used very often in pillows. If you are thinking about which orthopedic pillow to choose for a comfortable sleep, you should know that polystyrene products are intended, rather, not for full rest, but for short-term rest. Polystyrene, as a semi-rigid material, is quite resistant to external influences. The body weight pressing on the balls causes them to be evenly distributed in the pillow, which helps the neck to be fixed in the correct and comfortable position. Polystyrene pillows can last about 7 years.

Orthopedic pillows made from buckwheat husks are similar to polystyrene ones in that the husks are also evenly distributed under body pressure and reliably support the cervical spine. But, unlike polystyrene, buckwheat is great for long-term sleep, while providing a massage effect on the neck. Husk is able to normalize blood pressure and has a “memory”, thanks to which the head and neck will always be in a comfortable position. This filler is characterized by comfortable rigidity and environmental friendliness. A buckwheat hull pillow will last for about three years.

Gel is a completely new filler for orthopedic pillows that has a cooling effect. Buyers are increasingly choosing it, since such pillows evenly distribute the load on the neck, and micro-massage of tissue occurs during sleep. But you should know that you need to get used to the gel accessory. Adapting to the pillow may take more than one week, but then you will never want to part with it. The service life of gel products is up to ten years.

Secrets of choosing a pillow

How to choose an orthopedic pillow so that it is truly useful, comfortable and loved? You need to start by reading various kinds information about such products. Orthopedic pillows should not be purchased at the market, by hand, etc. They should be purchased in specialized stores that sell health products.

When choosing a pillow, do not ask friends and acquaintances for advice. This purchase is completely individual, as it suits different people different models pillows, starting from their shape and ending with fillers.

Your body will tell you how to choose the right orthopedic pillow; only it can indicate exactly “its” sleep accessory.

Almost all stores offering orthopedic pillows allow customers to “try on” the products. After all, only after lying on the pillow for some time will you be able to understand whether this option is comfortable for your head, neck and shoulders.

When buying an orthopedic pillow, you should remember that the first few times you use it, you may feel some discomfort, which will most likely be caused by stiffness. But soon you will understand all the benefits of comfortable sleep and, if the question is: “How to choose an orthopedic pillow?” - you can give a comprehensive answer, this will mean that you have joined the ranks of those who like to sleep with quality and pleasure.

Caring for an orthopedic pillow

Like any thing, an orthopedic pillow requires some care. These accessories can be taken to dry cleaning or you can take care of them yourself. Many people wonder whether it is possible to wash an orthopedic pillow? Yes, you can wash it, provided that the wash is gentle, there is a lot of water, the rinse is fast, and mechanical processing is minimal.

There are a lot of tips on the Internet on how to wash an orthopedic pillow. The following can be considered the main ones: the water temperature when washing such a product should not be higher than 40 degrees, pillows should not be dried or wrung out. washing machines, ironing orthopedic products is also strictly prohibited.

So that the “sleepy” accessory does not lose its beneficial features, you need to know how to use an orthopedic pillow correctly.

The product must be ventilated in the fresh air at least once a week. After you wake up, you should not immediately cover the orthopedic pillow with a blanket or blanket, as the ventilation of the product is disrupted and it may begin to smell unpleasant.

You should handle the orthopedic pillow with care - do not jump on it, do not fall sharply and do not throw it under your feet. These tips primarily apply to children, who are known to enjoy pillow fights.

If you are wondering how to choose an orthopedic pillow, customer reviews can help you navigate and pay attention to some important nuances, but you should make the right choice and make a purchase only based on your individual needs.

Each orthopedic pillow should come with instructions that indicate how to clean and wash the product. There should also be a mark indicating that the product is hypoallergenic.

If you are not going to use the pillow for some time, then it should be placed in a cover made of natural fabric so that it can “breathe”. Plastic bags should not be used to store orthopedic pillows.

In order for orthopedic pillows to serve for a long time, the humidity in the room should be no more than 65%, otherwise molding of the fillers may occur.

DIY orthopedic pillow

Of course, such an accessory can be quite expensive and not everyone can afford it. It’s good that there is a way out of every situation, so we will tell you how to sew an orthopedic pillow.

Before you start making an orthopedic pillow, you need to prepare following materials: sewing supplies, fabric, buttons or zipper and filling. Then you need to choose the style of the product. Orthopedic pillows are often made in the form of bolsters of different sizes.

The main advantage of your pillow over its industrial counterparts will be that it will be ideally adjusted to your body and to the position that you most often occupy in your sleep.

In order not to worry too much about sizes, you can go to a specialized health goods store and try on the accessory you like, and then simply make it yourself.

The process of sewing a pillow

If everything is clear with the size, style and shape of the pillow, then you can get down to business. Make a roller pattern and transfer it to the fabric. Be sure to leave seam allowances: 1-1.5 cm on each edge.

Make a pattern of two identical parts, put them together with the outside in, and sew on three sides. Leave one side without a seam, as the filler will pass through it.

You can sew a zipper into the unsewn side or sew buttons along the edges, then it will be easy to replace the old filling with a new one if necessary.

Pillows are stuffed with polyester, latex and gel in the industry, but at home you can fill your pillow with buckwheat hulls.

After the pillow is completely stuffed, you should sew a pillowcase, which will make the accessory beautiful and practical. The pillowcase can be decorated with embroidery or appliqué - here everything depends on your imagination.