Toilet      03/30/2019

Wallpaper for the hall - choose beautiful and practical samples. What wallpaper to choose for the hall and how to combine them correctly

Wallpaper, the most affordable and easy-to-use material, is most often used to decorate the walls of a living room. But regardless of taste and advantages, you should adhere to several rules for choosing wallpaper so that the end result pleases and does not disappoint you. With our help, you will be able to navigate through a huge assortment of wallpapers, choose the most suitable ones in all respects, and avoid the mistakes that are most often repeated when gluing them.

Types of wallpaper for the hall

  • paper. The most popular in the last century. However, then they were the only ones. Now they are in demand only due to their low cost and huge selection. Can be glued in rooms with low humidity.
  • vinyl. Due to their qualities, they are most often used in the hallway and kitchen. They are rarely used in hall design due to the small assortment and poor breathability. A variety is silk-screen wallpaper, in which silk thread is added to the top vinyl layer.
  • non-woven. Most Popular modern wallpaper. Used as independent wallpaper and as a base for painting. An ideal combination of price and quality. Read more about!
  • acrylic. An alternative to paper in price. And at the same time stronger and more moisture resistant.
  • textile. Double layer wallpaper. Natural fabric is placed on top of a paper or non-woven base: linen, cotton, silk. Today there are two types of textile wallpaper - thread and solid fabric. There are several types of textile wallpaper: jute; silk; linen; velor; felt
  • photo wallpaper. The ideal option to make any room individual and inimitable. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, many design problems are solved in the visual editing of space imperfections.
  • metallized. Appeared as protection against electromagnetic radiation. Reliably shield radiation from television and radio devices, cell phones behind the wall, neutralize the radiation from power lines. They consist of two layers - the lower one is paper and the upper one is made of aluminum foil.
  • liquid. Wallpaper of the future. Initially they have a powdery or liquid appearance. Getting divorced water-based paint and are applied to the walls with a spray gun or roller. Created on the basis of cotton, cellulose, textiles.

Below is a table of the advantages and disadvantages of each type of wallpaper

Types of wallpaperAdvantagesFlaws
PaperCheap, easy to install, large selection, hides small imperfections in the wallThey wear out quickly, cannot be washed, and fade in the sun.
VinylDurable, embossed, moisture resistant, have very interesting decorative qualitiesExpensive, difficult to glue, airtight, have a specific smell that can be felt for several days after gluing.
Reasonable price, environmentally friendly, breathable, easy to clean, can be painted, hides cracks in the wallSmall assortment, transparent, average sound and thermal insulation
AcrylicEnvironmentally friendly, breathable, practical, washableSmall assortment, afraid of moisture
TextileNatural, good sound and heat insulation, antiseptics, very beautiful, no jointsVery expensive, require professional gluing, dust collectors, strongly absorb odors, dry clean only
Photo wallpaperLarge assortment of images, original, universal. Acceptable priceRequires professional gluing and does not hide wall imperfections
MetallizedHigh level of sound and heat insulation, protection from electromagnetic radiation of television and radio devices, easy to clean, resistant to water and detergentsVery expensive, do not “breathe”, do not tolerate mechanical damage well
Environmentally friendly, high sound insulation, do not fade; no seams or jointsDears, small selection, cannot be washed

Choosing wallpaper based on furniture design

If the furniture is light

The choice of wallpaper in this situation depends on your imagination. You can play with color and texture. Focus on contrasts. Wallpaper with large patterns looks very impressive and original.

The photo above is an example of a room with light furniture.

If the furniture is dark

Wallpaper should be lighter and not flashy. The choice of wallpaper with a large pattern is undesirable. You can add an accent element that matches the color of the furniture.

The photo above shows an example of a hall with dark furniture.

If the color of the furniture is very rich and bright

The wallpaper should tone it down a bit. If you are a supporter bright contrasts– use wallpaper that complements the color of the furniture. Then they will strengthen each other.

If the furniture is two-tone

Furniture makers often use two colors in their designs. Such furniture will be matched with a neutral wallpaper color, lighter or matched to the color of the facades. The contrasting color of the furniture body will create an interesting effect, showing only the contours in the merging color of the facades and walls.

If the furniture has more than two colors

In this case the most best option neutral grey colour wallpaper, since the emphasis in the room is supposed to be on the furniture itself. It is desirable that the drawing be small and discreet or completely absent.

Choosing wallpaper based on interior styles


The area of ​​the hall does not always allow you to create a classic interior in its textbook sense. And in this case, they come to the rescue, which will become accentuated in the decor and will not make you doubt that we are in the classics. After all, they are distinguished by their bright colors and unusual patterns: monograms, damask, royal lilies and floral patterns.


Warm, pastel shades of wallpaper in the Art Nouveau style fascinate with the plasticity and grace of the lines of their ornaments. The most common themes: plants, waves, swans, wind.


The French style, named after the province, is distinguished by its simplicity and modesty. Wallpaper in Provence style in light, warm shades with a floral pattern reminiscent of antique chintz. Along with the simple composition of all kinds of bouquets and flowers, there is naturalness and similarity to the original. They are characterized by abundance sunlight and cheerfulness.


Translated from English, this style means attic. The task of wallpaper in this style is to create the atmosphere of old walls, contrasting with modern furniture. The presence of an unplastered part of the wall or its successful imitation in wallpaper is mandatory in the room. The wallpaper itself imitates natural plaster.


Style of simplicity and nostalgia for simple village life. And they are not distinguished by the pretentiousness and complexity of the design. Light pastel colors in checks, stripes, discreet geometric patterns or modest flowers.

Japanese style

Location for everything natural in Japanese style determined the material from which the wallpaper is made. This is rice paper, silk. The depicted drawings are always traditional, characteristic only of Japanese culture: fire breathing dragons, cherry blossoms, cranes or hieroglyphs. The color scheme, like life itself, is calm, peaceful, conducive to peace.

Selecting wallpaper color

The choice of wallpaper colors for the living room should be given Special attention. After all, each color has its own influence on perception and, if chosen incorrectly, it can visually change the space or make staying in the room not very comfortable.

Therefore, before deciding on the color of the wallpaper, please familiarize yourself with each of its meanings:

White is an active, life-affirming color, a symbol of purity and chastity. Invokes peace and tranquility. It is rarely used in its pure form. It has all sorts of shades, warm and cold. In the interior it is used as a neutral color when the emphasis is on furniture.

Black is a complex color, a symbol of power. Infinity symbol. Too much black in a room causes drowsiness. More appropriate in the bedroom than in the living room. It is allowed to combine black with another color for a bold solution and breakdown of space.

Gray is a neutral, universal color, consonant and harmonious with any other. It can be very interesting if you make a mix of several of its shades or textures. Of all the flowers it has, perhaps, greatest number shades. Can be a link between several incompatible colors.

Red is the color of energy, impulse. It quickly tires and causes anxiety, palpitations, and increased blood pressure. A very hot color, considered a symbol of passion. The interior is a sign of wealth and luxury. It is recommended to use red and all its spectral shades fragmentarily, as the strongest accent.

Orange is the most dynamic and cheerful. The effect is the same as from red. More suitable for young people.

Purple color is depressive, evokes melancholy, has a depressing effect on nervous system. Pure purple is considered the color of loneliness. But this does not mean that you should abandon it in interior design. Shades of purple are wonderfully combined in bold solutions with other colors that are more balanced and life-affirming.

  • yellow – cheerful, optimistic, stimulates vision and the nervous system. Good medicine with a predisposition to phobias and low self-esteem.
  • green – calms, relaxes, suggests rest. The most neutral color, most pleasing to the eye. When yellow is added it becomes joyful and life-affirming;
  • blue is a cool, phlegmatic color. Relieves tension and blood pressure levels. The color of peace and tranquility.

The combination of several colors also has its meaning. Combinations that are poorly perceived by the eyes:

  • Blue with white
  • Black with yellow;
  • Black with red;
  • Red with yellow;
  • Orange and white.

Dependence of wallpaper color on the cardinal direction:

  • In rooms oriented to the north, preference is given to warm colors. Warm colors will not only create a feeling of warmth and comfort in the room, but will also visually make the room larger. Cover your living room with yellow, golden, coffee or orange wallpaper, and you will immediately feel that the room has become 5-7 degrees warmer.
  • In southern rooms, where there is already a lot of warmth, it is worth diluting it with cool shades of the color palette. These are all shades of blue and cyan, gray. This rule should be followed in rooms facing east, southeast and southwest. It is also important in such rooms to have non-fading wallpaper.

Visual perception is very important for humans. Sometimes he is guided only by it in order to make an impression, lift his spirits, or improve his performance. People have long noticed that in a room with warm and light walls, even in very cold weather it seems warmer, but summer heat It’s more pleasant to hide in a room with cool colors. The temperature is the same, but the eyes are cooler.

Each color, like a person, has its own psychotype. There are extrovert colors: yellow, orange. They give their energy. And then there are introverts. Blue and green are a source of potential energy. Only with the right wallpaper color will you feel comfortable in the room.

Sometimes a color that matches the psychotype of the owner of the room enhances its dominant qualities. In a yellow room, a sanguine or choleric person may become more emotional and have trouble concentrating. A melancholic or phlegmatic person in a blue or green room will plunge into depression and despondency. Therefore, sometimes it is worth applying the law of physics that opposite charges attract, and compensate for emotionality with blue calmness, and the tendency to daydreaming with yellow love of life.

Combined wallpaper for the hall

Some interior styles require the mandatory use of combined wallpaper. In the Victorian style, for example, the walls are covered with horizontal stripes of two consonant types of wallpaper, separating them with a border strip.

Combining several types of wallpaper today is a wonderful option to show your individuality and show off your taste. IN modern design you can see combinations of not only different colors, but also textures and patterns.

The most successful of them, according to professional designers, are presented in the table:

Sometimes wallpaper is combined to make one wall or part of it an accent wall. And the rest are covered with neutral-colored wallpaper. There are two options here:

  • Accent wallpaper differs from the rest in its rich pattern. The base color is the same;
  • Accent wallpaper contrasts with the rest. In this case, to achieve more strong effect you need to take complementary colors. The table below shows pairs of complementary base colors, but derivatives can also be considered complementary:

When using complementary colors, you should be careful, otherwise you can end up with a very saturated interior that quickly tires the eyes. Designers are more likely to use derivatives of primary colors.

The most popular types of wallpaper combinations
Plain wallpaper of the same color, but in different shadesThey add zest to the interior for those who like plain walls and a lack of decor.
Plain wallpaper with patternedUsed if you want to decorate a room with a large panel or if there is a large pattern on the wallpaper. What is unacceptable in small spaces
With various patternsThe most complex type of combination. Usually, two types of wallpaper are taken with different patterns, but the same background color. Most often they use geometry in combination with abstraction, floral patterns with stripes
Wallpapers of different colorsThe main rule is that one color should be neutral.
Horizontal division

The bottom is striped wallpaper, the top is a small pattern;

Bottom – plain or with a small pattern, top – stripes, large pattern;

Bottom – large pattern, top – plain

What wallpaper to choose in Khrushchev

The hall in the Khrushchev-era building serves at least two roles - a guest room and a gathering place for the whole family to spend time together. And therefore it should be as comfortable as possible for household members, and have an appropriate appearance for receiving guests. First of all, so that the room does not seem cramped when there are several people in it, you should choose the right wallpaper for its decoration. There are several rules with which you can visually enlarge a room, add air and space to it:

  • light shades of wallpaper;
  • cold color;
  • small drawing;
  • horizontal stripes expand the room, vertical stripes raise the ceilings;
  • combining several types of wallpaper with accents that break up the space.

Don't be upset that small rooms Khrushchev buildings largely limit the flight of your imagination in terms of their design. As they say - small is the spool, but expensive, from a small hall you can make an ultra-modern room, cozy for the residents of the house and pleasant for guests.

Fashionable wallpaper for the living room in 2017

Let's consider several aspects by which wallpaper fashion is determined:

Color. Usually the emphasis is color scheme a certain year is based on color eastern calendar. This year is the year of the blue horse, and therefore Blue colour should be present to a greater or lesser extent in the wallpaper. It doesn't have to be pure blue. After all, there are colors created on the basis of blue. Green, for example.

Drawing. Drawings with floral patterns are more fashionable than ever.

Texture. A voluminous pattern protruding above the wallpaper canvas. Smooth surfaces are long gone.

Wallpaper with thematic images, photo wallpaper. Besides ready-made wallpaper, with the theme proposed by the manufacturer, you can purchase original ones from companies that apply custom designs. Nowadays wallpaper with portraits has become fashionable. These can be famous personalities, just beautiful faces, or an image of one of the successful photographs of family members.

Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpapers quickly won the favor of people. This is thanks to their huge range. In addition, they are relatively inexpensive and easy to glue. All it takes is a little effort and accuracy for a panel with all kinds of images to appear on the wall. In addition, photo wallpapers do a good job of visually expanding the space and correcting it. Today you can order photo wallpapers based on an individual sketch, or photographs.

In addition to the already familiar paper ones, whose life expectancy is not as long as we would like, and the quality of the joints leaves much to be desired, there are non-woven and vinyl photo wallpapers on sale. They are printed on dense material with all kinds of textures: sand, stone, plaster, canvas. To continue the life of photo wallpapers and to avoid rubbing and staining, a special varnish or laminating film is applied to their surface. It is better to leave the film application to a professional. It's pretty hard work and requires certain skills.

How to hang wallpaper correctly to avoid defects

If your choice fell on paper or non-woven wallpaper, you can hang it yourself by watching the video course.

If you purchased metal or textile wallpaper, it is better to contact a specialist. Gluing them will require certain skills and abilities.

Choosing wallpaper for the living room is always very exciting and interesting process. You just have to remember that in a roll and on the wall they can look completely different. And therefore, if possible, try to unfold at least two rolls side by side in the store to understand how harmonious the design looks on the canvas, and not on a narrow strip a little more than half a meter wide. If the wallpaper you like seems a little overloaded with patterns, it doesn’t matter. You can always combine them with others that are similar in texture or color. This is even better - no one will have a hall with such a wall design.

0 559 03/08/2019 7 min.

Choosing wallpaper for the hall is the first step in creating the design of this room, which will subsequently determine how stylish, and most importantly, practical from the point of view of maintenance the entire interior will be. You can choose them correctly, taking into account all the operating features of the room, based on the recommendations given in this material. We will try to help you understand the variety of textures and colors of coating and make the right choice.

Hall decoration

The hall is precisely the room that demonstrates to guests the status of the owner, which is why great attention is often paid to its design. When creating it, take into account:

  • Room area;
  • It has additional functions (dining room, bedroom);
  • Financial opportunities;
  • The general style of the apartment (the living room should not stand out from it).

Currently, there are room design options in all styles, including country. And almost everywhere you have the opportunity to use wallpaper as an affordable and beautiful type of finishing material. The choice of their color and design options should be given special attention.

Selection of colors: features

Since the hall is exactly the room in which people prefer to relax, the selection of wallpaper should be made taking this feature into account. The most winning solutions will be:

  • Shades of beige and brown;
  • Pastel peach and yellow;
  • Delicate green and blue;
  • Shades of gold.
  • Preference should be given to light colors with a discreet pattern.

Neon colors are strictly contraindicated in the hall; red is undesirable. But if you can’t imagine your apartment without them, use them as accents, choosing something calmer as the main color.



These wallpapers have recently appeared on the market, but due to their environmental friendliness, high aesthetics (no seams), durability and good sound insulation, they are already very popular.

However, this wallpaper is not worth buying if you have a limited budget, exotic colors or textures are chosen for this task (for liquid wallpaper usually small the lineup), and there is also a need to constantly clean the room (there are animals or children in the house who can stain the wallpaper). In such cases, it is better to abandon liquid wallpaper in favor of something more practical, because there are currently a lot of options.


Flizerin is a classic choice for the hall. Such wallpaper helps smooth out uneven walls, provides them with a reliable natural coating, and is not harmful to health. They are easy to use for a variety of design tasks - non-woven samples are taken for painting, finishing materials and, of course, used in various techniques. This option has one more advantage - it will always be easy for you to update such a coating - just remove the top layer and glue a new one - the task will only take a couple of hours. For most families, it has virtually no downsides.

Non-woven wallpaper - no the best choice for those houses where animals are kept. Claw marks, dirt and stains - all this will “decorate” your living room permanently if you choose such material.


This is the cheapest and easiest to install option, which is also suitable for those apartments where there is a living room for one of the family members or guests, as well as for housing in which there are allergy sufferers or small children. The choice of paper wallpaper will allow the property owner to save on repairs and quickly install the coating, and a wide palette design options such products will make it possible to use them in any design.

Despite the huge number of advantages, this option will still have a number of disadvantages, including the fragility of the wallpaper, its short service life, as well as the loss of its original qualities during operation - burnout of the coating.


This option is most suitable in cases where the hall is not used as living room for one of the family members. Choosing vinyl wallpaper for the living room thanks to a wide range of samples is not a difficult task. By choosing this option, the homeowner provides himself with many advantages:

  1. Easy installation of samples;
  2. Long-term preservation of the original properties of the coating - vinyl does not fade or deform;
  3. Low cost of repairs;
  4. Easy to clean - these wallpapers can be washed, they are not at all afraid of moisture and can be easily cleaned from dirt and various non-greasy stains.

Vinyl has practically no contraindications for installation in the hall.

When purchasing such coverage, be sure to pay attention to the compliance of the wallpaper with international standards. Remember, only high-quality vinyl will be safe for health and will not cause allergies. In this case, it is better to refuse dubious, albeit profitable offers.


Like paper ones, they are environmentally friendly, easy to install, but very unstable to negative influences. environment. You should choose them if you like to change the interior and can provide the room with good care. Otherwise, this option will not work.

Glass wallpaper

This perfect option for those apartments in which the owners are concerned about their own health and stable aesthetic appearance rooms. Samples from of this material durable, very practical, not afraid of moisture, dust, easy to clean and practically not damaged even if they are subjected to significant mechanical impact. The glass wallpaper in the hall will never have claw marks or other unpleasant marks left by pets. Their service life can be more than one decade.

Glass wallpaper has practically no disadvantages, with the exception of the price and the small range of products presented. But if you have the opportunity to order samples of glass wallpaper of the desired color in a large hardware store or bring them from other countries, consider this option as the most acceptable.


Such wallpaper looks very beautiful in the interior of the room, especially if the owners decided to decorate it in classic style. Today they are also applicable, as well as some types of Art Nouveau. Such wallpaper, however, will be difficult to maintain and, like its non-woven counterparts, will retain traces of pets and can collect dirt. If you are ready to care for them, this option can also be considered, especially since it guarantees comfortable living for allergy sufferers, and also ensures normal ventilation of the walls, which will protect you from the appearance of fungus in the house.

Wallpaper selection algorithm

As you can see, there are currently many wallpaper options for the living room. The choice of wallpaper is very important, since you will have to live with it for many years. Therefore, it is worth turning your attention to the network of construction hypermarkets Castorama. There are over 35 thousand varieties. In order to simplify your task of choosing them, you should use the following algorithm: you indicate all the coverage options that are acceptable to you and then weed out the unnecessary ones based on the following indicators:

  1. Price;
  2. Possibility of allergies;
  3. Practicality in care;
  4. Availability of samples;
  5. Easy to install.

After you have selected the coating according to these criteria, you can proceed to selecting the brand, as well as the specific finish. Here you will need to be guided by the rules of color combinations, and also based on which specific lines are available to you. As practice shows, after screening you have a maximum of two options that need to be further compared by volume preparatory work, as well as the service life of the copies.

When choosing samples, always be guided primarily by the practicality of the models. You can repaint the coating, accent the room with accessories, changing the color scheme, but you are unlikely to change the characteristics of breathability or moisture resistance.

Nuances of choice

Let's assume you picked necessary options wallpaper It's time to take a closer look at them and check whether this is really such a good buy. In this matter, you need to follow these tips:

  1. Pay attention to the color of the samples. It is quite possible that it will be slightly different from the one stated on the company’s website, or be heterogeneous in different rolls of the company. If you notice such a defect, refuse to purchase.
  2. When choosing wallpaper outdoors, remember that indoors under artificial light they will look different. You may end up not getting what you expected.
  3. We carefully study the brand and reviews on it, especially if the price of the samples seemed too low to you. It is quite possible that in practice they will not meet the declared characteristics, but you can initially understand this only by the composition of the samples, as well as the reviews of those who have already used them.
  4. We request certification from sellers. Currently, there are many counterfeits on the market for models from popular manufacturers, which also often do not correspond to the declared data. Only a certificate can confirm the “authorship” of the material. If the seller does not have it, you should look for wallpaper elsewhere.
  5. When buying wallpaper, inquire about the availability of materials for its installation - glue and other things. It is quite possible that difficulties will arise with its purchase. In this case, it is better to refuse to choose a specific type of coating.
  6. If the batch offered to you does not contain the required volume of material, do not count on prompt delivery. For many manufacturers, the tonality may differ between releases, which means that a couple of additional rolls purchased may not match the shade of what you already have.

Combined wallpaper

IN modern interior often combine two or more types of wallpaper. However, many apartment owners, fascinated by the effect of such a move, forget that making it beautiful in their home is not so easy, although it is possible. To avoid getting into trouble, we recommend that you follow these rules:

  • Avoid high contrast when choosing wallpaper. Remember, the closer the shades are to each other, the easier they are to combine and give more space for choosing decor.
  • Before selecting samples and installing them, first divide the room into zones - this will make it easier for you to understand what shades you need and.
  • The design of the fights should be of the same type.
  • It is advisable to choose models of the same brand and type - it will be easier to design the joints.
  • Use one strong color if necessary. Remember - the hall cannot be overloaded with contrasting neon shades.

If you cannot choose a combined wallpaper yourself, use ready-made templates, opting for more neutral samples. You can then make the room unique by decorative elements, but fixing a tasteless cladding will be much more difficult.

Choosing wallpaper: video


As you can see, residential property owners currently have an endless variety of selection options. A little imagination, studying classic as well as trendy design options for this room, and you can not only develop, but also implement the most. And if all the rules for choosing wallpaper for the hall are taken into account, it will be in no way inferior to professional design.

And all because the proposed diversity makes it difficult, not easier, to solve the problem. Several rules help simplify the process. It is important to understand what wallpaper is best to choose for decorating a living room, what nuances to consider when choosing a color palette. This article will be a review that will help solve the problem posed.

Types of wallpaper

There are several types of wallpaper; studying the advantages and disadvantages of each type will help you understand which ones are best for your living room.

  • Paper wallpaper is the least suitable for the living room. Yes, they are very affordable, gluing them is as easy as shelling pears, manufacturers offer a large assortment, there are rolls of any color, any pattern. But their front layer wears off very quickly, paper wallpaper fades in the sun, and walls covered with such canvases cannot be washed. Paper wallpaper is a thing of the past; today, other more practical options. Let's talk about them.

  • Vinyl sheets They are rarely chosen for wallpapering a living room. They have quite interesting decorative properties, But vinyl wallpapers airtight, the canvases have a specific smell that haunts the apartment owners for several days after pasting. This option is well suited for decorating kitchens and hallways.

  • Non-woven fabrics(they are shown in the photo) - two-layer rolls with a paper base and a front layer with protective film. This structure allows you to maintain breathability properties. Non-woven rolls are presented in a wide range; they are quite affordable for the general population. In the production of non-woven wallpaper, no toxic substances are used, therefore the described canvases are considered environmentally friendly. Non-woven fabric is applied to the surface of the base with different properties. The properties of rolled materials depend on the use of this or that technology. They have one thing in common - they belong to the group of washable wallpapers. This is where the advantages of this choice end. The disadvantages include ease of execution. If you need to create a luxurious living room in your own apartment, it is better to use other types of wallpaper.

  • Textile wallpaper- an expensive rolled material that can boast of high decorative characteristics. They are created using natural ingredients, using textile wallpaper to decorate the room; it is easy to improve its warmth and sound insulation. Upper layer textile wallpaper is treated with special antiseptic impregnations. Rolled ones have a non-standard width; this circumstance helps to create a seamless finish. When choosing textile fabrics for finishing a room, it is important to take into account that they are quite expensive; it is better to entrust their gluing to professional painters. The textile base absorbs odors well, it quickly gathers dust, and only dry cleaning is suitable for cleaning.

  • Photo wallpapers (such as those shown in the photo) are actively used when decorating the living room. There is a huge assortment of images on sale; if you wish, it is easy to choose a panel to reproduce any stylistic interior. Affordable price and the ability, with the help of a correctly selected image, to correct the design flaws of the living room, make photo wallpaper a sought-after finishing material. Gluing them yourself without professional skills is quite difficult. For gluing, the base must be carefully prepared. This must be taken into account when choosing wallpaper for the hall.

  • Liquid wallpaper is a new know-how in the world of wallpaper. Today they are actively used to decorate halls. They are environmentally friendly, and with their help it is easy to soundproof the living room. The compositions do not fade in the sun; liquid wallpaper is applied to the walls of the living room in the same way as decorative plaster. That is why there will be no joints and seams on the wall surfaces. The disadvantages of liquid wallpaper include the high price, small color choice and the inability to wash the walls after peeling.

Summarizing the information presented, it should be noted: for decorating a room, paper wallpaper should be chosen only if it is necessary to carry out cosmetic repairs (before selling an apartment, for example). For budget renovation non-woven fabrics are ideal. To reproduce a luxurious interior, it is better to use textile rolls (they are shown in fragments in the photo). Knowing what wallpaper to choose for the living room, taking into account the type of paintings, you can significantly narrow down the search for the right wallpaper.

Other selection criteria

There are several other factors that need to be taken into account when you want to renovate your living room. Let's list the most basic ones.

  1. Furniture color.
  2. Interior style.
  3. Color spectrum.

Furniture color

You can choose the right wallpaper if you want to make renovations in the room, you can, paying attention to the color of the furniture. If it is light, you can choose wallpaper of different colors and textures. Look at the photo how wonderful the choice of dark wallpaper with a large pattern looks in the presence of a white slide standing in the living room.

When dark furniture is used to fill the room, it would be correct to choose light-colored canvases with or without small patterns for wall decoration. Experienced designers they add accent elements to the walls, the color of which matches the color of the furniture in the living room, then the room turns out to be especially cozy. Look at the photo, the color of the painting matches the texture of the facades of the modern slide. The technique is simple but very effective.

If furniture of a rich bright color is used to decorate the interior of the hall, the wallpaper should tone down the flashy color. In order not to make a mistake in choosing a color scheme, experts recommend choosing complementary shades. For example, fuchsia-colored furniture will look very harmonious against a pink background. An example of such a combination is shown in the photo.

Many manufacturers use two colors when creating furniture. How to choose the right wallpaper for such a decision? To avoid mistakes, it is better to give preference to canvases of neutral colors. Interiors in which the walls are decorated with wallpaper, the color of which echoes one of the colors of the furniture, look good.

Note! If the furniture in the hall has more than three colors, then the walls should be neutral, for example, gray.

Interior styles

When answering the question of what wallpaper to choose for the hall, how to make the living room play beautifully, experts advise that you be sure to take into account the stylistic concept. Any renovation begins with a design plan. If you choose an old classic, you should purchase canvases with bright colors and an unusual pattern. Monograms, lilies, damask, and floral patterns are well suited as ornaments. good in classic interior looks gold. Look at the photo to see how luxurious classic-themed wallpaper can be.

Many people, when starting a renovation, prefer to choose the Art Nouveau style. He fascinates with his plasticity and grace. To recreate it, choose the right canvases in warm pastel shades, which depict waves or plants, wind or swans. The photo shows how beautiful such a renovation can look.

Provence style is chosen by lovers of French antiquity. It is distinguished by simplicity and modesty, it is characterized by pastel halftones, prints with floral patterns, which look like cheap chintz. The photo shows how cheerful living rooms made in Provence style are.

Loft is the style chosen by young people. Translated from English name stands for the word "attic". To decorate loft-style living rooms today, wallpaper is used that imitates natural plaster or brickwork. If everything is done correctly, the repair will be perceived quite comfortably. The photo shows an example of such a solution. The interior looks nice.

Color selection

It is already becoming clear what rolled materials must be used to decorate the living room; the color of the canvas helps to choose the right wallpaper. He has a certain psychological impact. Choosing the right color (photo is once again proves), it is not difficult to visually eliminate the imperfections in the geometry of the living room.

When choosing a color, it is important to consider where the windows of the room you are describing face.

  • If to the north, the color of the wallpaper must be warm. Warm colors include yellow, golden, coffee or cocoa.
  • If the living room windows face south, the color of the wallpaper should be cool. Cold colors include blue, gray, and all their shades.

Note! For each of us, the visual perception of the interior plays a fundamental role. That is why the choice of wallpaper color must be taken very seriously.

In a room with light walls, finding it much more pleasant, the color should be commensurate with the psychotype of the owners of the apartment. And that's why. In the living room yellow color Sanguine people will not be able to concentrate. A melancholic person in a room with blue walls will quickly become depressed.

Types of trellises

It’s not for nothing that decorating walls with wallpaper can be called the most accessible view repair. Now there are a huge number of types of trellises that have beautiful designs and patterns, the colors of which are provided in a huge palette, and you can always look at the manufacturer for pictures that will show fashionable design options for their wallpaper.

But first, let's take a closer look at the wallpaper and find out what types of wallpaper there are for the living room:

  • Paper canvases are one of the most popular and widespread. They are publicly available, it is possible to choose the color and pattern for the walls of any interior. In addition, it can be beautifully combined not only with other trellises, but even with other finishing materials. Wallpapering is very simple, but you need to know that it is only suitable for rooms with moderate humidity levels. Pasting combined wallpaper into the living room will not be difficult.
  • Vinyl - options using such canvases are more suitable for kitchen walls and corridors. Wallpaper is not breathable and therefore the option of gluing it in the hall is eliminated. Thanks to vinyl materials it is possible to realize different ideas and make the interior attractive and cozy. By the way, if you use two types of wallpaper in the hall, then there may be a place for vinyl there too. Following fashion, many designers have found options for how to beautifully combine breathable and non-breathable types of trellises and thereby allow them to be glued to the wall in the hall
  • On a non-woven basis - fashionable and probably the most popular in our time. The design of walls covered with such trellises can be changed due to the possibility of painting. They can be glued together with vinyl ones. Combined ideas for walls they look very attractive, besides, the color can be matched to any furniture or painted in any shade.
  • Acrylic is an excellent alternative to paper canvases. They are much stronger and not so afraid of moisture
  • Textile - two-word trellises, where the base is paper or non-woven fabric, and the top is silk, linen or cotton. Fashionable wallpaper can simply be hung on the wall; a combination of two types is possible. The interior with them becomes rich and majestic

  • Photo wallpapers can add individuality to the design of any room. When choosing this option for walls, combined trellises are almost always used. When choosing wallpaper for a room, you can always settle on a combination of two elements, one of which will always be photo wallpaper
  • Metallized - to be honest, this was the first time I encountered such canvases. It turns out that they protect against equipment radiation. The top layer of such trellises is finished with foil, but this does not mean that their color is uniform. With the help of such wallpaper, you can realize various ideas for walls that will look fashionable, thanks to the various embossings and textures of the material.
  • Liquid - making repairs with such trellises is very simple; even a beginner can complete the entire process. The interior with them will look very modern, and the combination of two finishing options will hide some of the flaws in the walls. You can make such wallpaper even at home, just follow all the instructions correctly and follow the kneading technology. You can choose the color yourself by adding various dyes and pigments when mixing.

Choosing wallpaper for the living room, taking into account the furniture standing there

Selecting wallpaper for the living room in an apartment or house

Since my wife and I only carried out wallpapering the walls, and not a complete transformation of the interior in our hall, the choice of wallpaper for the hall was in harmony with the furniture that was already there. In this case, it was necessary to adapt to the color of the furniture in the hall. Let's look at the example of a small table on how to correctly select wallpaper for the walls of a hall:

Furniture color Ideas
Light In this case, the design can be chosen to suit your taste. A combination of two materials is suitable, the color in this case is not important. Canvases with large drawings will look great
Dark The material for the walls should be a calm color, it should not “scream”. Do not choose large patterns in the design of a room with dark furniture. You can make an accent that will match the furniture
Bright and rich In this case, the wallpaper should mute the design in the room. But if you like bright shades and interior contrasts, then use trellises that will fit well into the overall contrast
If the furniture is two colors Choose a neutral color for the trellises that will fit harmoniously into the overall interior and at the same time emphasize the design of all elements in the room
More than two colors In this case, the furniture takes all the attention in the interior and therefore the wallpaper should be grayish in shades and with small patterns. Sometimes in design it is better to have them absent altogether. Do not use trellises of two shades, otherwise you will bring chaos to the interior of the hall

Let's look at the style of our hall

Interior of the hall in the apartment

As you understand, sometimes it is difficult to choose wallpaper for a room based only on the furniture. Therefore, I decided to dig a little more and found out how to choose wallpaper, taking into account interior features:

  1. Classic style of the hall - buy trellises with floral ornaments and unusual patterns. This will bring the hall as close as possible to classicism. Choose even two types of wall decoration
  2. Modern – warm and pastel shades are perfect. If there are drawings, it is better to focus on plants, waves or even birds
  3. Provence - for those who are not yet familiar with this word, I will say that it came to us from France. This simplicity and harmony fascinates at first sight. Floral motifs are suitable; two types of trellises can be used in the design
  4. Loft - attic style, loves the effect of stripped walls. Therefore, you can use wallpaper with brickwork and even leave part of the wall unpasted
  5. Country - check, strip, square - this is all that will emphasize the simplicity of rustic motifs. There is no need to choose some flashy trellises. A selection of wildflowers on the trim would be suitable.
  6. Japanese style - choose everything that belongs to the east. Dragons, cherry blossom patterns. You can choose a finish with silk or photo wallpaper. The color contrast should be calm and peaceful

Wallpaper in the house

Let's use the example table to see what color combination do not agree with each other:

We combine wallpapers to the maximum with this table:

Plain wallpaper of the same color, but with different shades They add a twist for connoisseurs of plain surfaces and the absence of decor.
Plain trellises with patterns Used if you want to decorate a hall or room with a panel or large picture. Not worth doing in small rooms
With different patterns The most difficult type of combination. Usually, two types of trellises are taken with different patterns, but compatible background colors. Geometry and abstraction will look great together; a floral pattern with a stripe will do
Wallpapers with different colors Be sure to choose a neutral type
Horizontal division At the bottom there are striped trellises, at the top there are small patterns;

Below - plain or with a small pattern, at the top - stripes, large pattern;

Bottom – large pattern, top – plain

What wallpaper to choose for the hall

The hall room is an important part in every home. It is in this room that guests are met, feasts are held and evening gatherings with family are held. The hall is a place where you can relax after a hard day at work, read an interesting book or have fun with your loved ones. A lot in the atmosphere of this room depends on the decoration. Properly selected finishing materials can make spending time in the hall as comfortable and cozy as possible. Therefore, when choosing wallpaper, which is the most common material, you should take into account a lot of points related to its color and structure.

Before purchasing wallpaper, you should decide what color wallpaper to choose for the room. When choosing a color, it is necessary, first of all, to rely on how well the room is lit, what advantages and disadvantages the room has. Also, be aware that some colors can be irritating or motivating. At the same time, other colors can calm and relax.

If the room is well lit, then bright colors will look more organic. In this case, they will not be too flashy and will be able to fill the room with energy and positivity. These colors include green, purple and orange. In a darker room, it is recommended to use muted light shades, however, then you need to emphasize the interior items. In addition, you should take a separate approach to choosing wallpaper for small rooms.

What wallpaper to choose for a small room

When choosing a design for a small room, you should take into account the features of such a room. For a small room, you should choose wallpaper in light and bed colors, as they visually increase the space. It is preferable to choose sand, beige, light gray and white. These colors and their various shades will make even a small room very light and spacious.

An important point: when choosing wallpaper for a room, you should remember that if the room is small in size, then you should not choose wallpaper for it that has a large pattern or too small an ornament. A large pattern on the wallpaper will only emphasize the modest parameters of the room, and a pattern that is too small will make it visually even smaller.

The hall which has small area, can also be decorated in a combination of bright colors and calm shades by choosing wallpaper different types. This solution is very popular today and this design looks quite modern. It is important to use materials made from natural fabrics. Below you can see the options for which wallpaper to choose for a room with a photo in a small area.

A traditional choice or a choice in favor of originality and creativity?

The modern market for finishing materials includes a wide variety of all kinds of finishing materials. In this regard, it is sometimes quite difficult to decide which wallpaper is best suited for the room, which design style and color to choose. In general, all types of wallpaper can be divided into two main types - these are traditional materials and the materials are more original and unusual.

Wallpaper made from plant fibers, reed or bamboo looks the most unusual and creative in the room. As a rule, such material also has a corresponding pattern. The advantage of this type of wallpaper is the environmental friendliness of the material.

In addition, there are foil wallpapers that are used only for decorating the room, since they do not create the desired effect in other rooms. This type of wallpaper is suitable for decorating a room designed in classic and modern style. In addition to the fact that such a finish will look very original, thanks to this material the sound insulation in the room also improves.

For those who prefer traditional finishing materials, you should take a closer look at vinyl, non-woven or paper wallpaper. This also includes wallpaper based on fabric, for example, silk, linen or velvet. Such wallpaper looks very elegant and helps make the room a cozy and family room. Traditional wallpapers have wide choice color design, so there shouldn’t be any problems with choosing shades. The main thing is to adhere to the following recommendations when choosing wallpaper for the room:

  • Wallpaper should be selected based on the future design. The wallpaper style should correspond to the overall theme of the room;
  • It should be remembered that for small areas it is best to use light shades of wallpaper to visually increase the space of the room;
  • you should not experiment too much and combine colors and patterns on wallpaper that are radically different from each other;
  • you need to remember that the hall is a place for receiving guests, and therefore this room is an indicator of the taste and preferences of the owners.

Below you can see what wallpaper color to choose for the hall with photos of various options.

Combinations of room design style and wallpaper color

When choosing wallpaper for this room, of course, you need to take into account the style in which you plan to decorate the room. Below are some recommendations that will help you choose the right wallpaper color for a specific design style:

Video: what wallpaper to choose for the living room