Toilet      04/12/2019

We plant roses in the fall. Planting roses in spring and autumn - when is it best and how to do it correctly

Determining the optimal time for planting roses is a question that remains open for many gardeners. The unpredictability of the climate forces us to approach this process creatively: focus on the type of planting material, the specifics of the variety, the characteristics of the site and many other factors.

When to plant roses: in autumn or spring?

There is an unspoken rule among flower growers: beginners plant roses in the spring, professionals - in the fall. The first are guided by the fact that in the spring it is easier for the plant to provide sufficient watering and care than in winter time.

Experienced gardeners, in turn, are convinced that autumn humidity, stable soil temperatures and cool nights - best conditions for plant survival. Specimens planted before frost take root well and begin to grow actively in the spring.

Another advantage of planting in the fall is that nurseries at this time offer many grafted seedlings of any variety. After winter storage Imported and domestic samples are greatly weakened, which makes it somewhat more difficult to select suitable specimens in the spring.

Selection of planting material

The first thing you need to do is select planting material. These can be plants with an open or closed root system, from local nurseries or foreign ones.

Roses with closed roots are planted both in spring and autumn, since they are sold during the active growing season and during good care take root easily.

It is better to buy domestic specimens in the fall, and from trusted breeders. Imported seedlings need to be carefully examined: if the buds have already begun to grow, it is better to postpone planting to spring. In general, planting material brought from abroad is less frost-resistant, so it is planted in the spring to acclimatize.

When choosing seedlings, you need to pay attention to the flowering time of the variety. Roses that bloom in spring tolerate planting better in early autumn. If specimens are selected for a harsh climate, you need to pay attention to the frost resistance indicator, which determines in which zone the flowers can winter without shelter.

In reality, this information is not always confirmed, however experienced gardeners are confident that with the correct autumn planting And good shelter even slightly winter-hardy varieties take root well.

Thus, beginners who are not sure about choosing a variety need to pay attention to preparing seedlings for winter.

Planting roses in autumn: growing conditions

When choosing a location for a flower garden, you need to consider the following:

In dark places, roses grow weakly;

In the sun, the color of the petals fades, flowering ends quickly;

Roses do not tolerate high humidity and strong winds, and dry air quickly affects the bushes spider mite;

It is better not to plant roses near trees with spreading crowns - after rainfall, dampness lingers there for a long time.

It is better to choose a landing site with a deviation to the southeast or west. You need to plant roses where a light shadow will fall on them during the afternoon, and moisture will not be retained in the soil. Groundwater should be no higher than a meter from the surface.

Roses root best at soil temperatures between 12 and 17 degrees. This process continues for three to four weeks, after which, with the onset of frost, the roses go dormant.

Rooting time can be reduced by soaking the root system in a growth stimulant solution for 24 hours before planting.

Planting roses in autumn: soil preparation

The soil should be neutral, fertile and drained. Peat is added to alkaline soil, and lime is added to acidic soil. Loamy soil is improved with sand and manure. Dry sandy loam soil is enriched with stone flour and mineral fertilizers.

The quickly drying and freezing soil is weighed down with clay (10 kg per bush). It is placed at the bottom of the pit (layer up to 7 cm).

In any case, when planting in autumn, phosphorus-potassium fertilizer (potassium sulfate, bone meal, superphosphate, etc.) should be added to the soil. This will speed up the preparation of the plant for the cold.

The soil from the hole must be thoroughly mixed with additives, humus must be poured into the bottom of the hole and dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet. Next, fill the hole halfway with the prepared mixture and water it so that it has time to settle before planting.

Planting roses in autumn: planting method

The hole should be of such a size that the roots can enter it freely and do not break or bend. The size of the pit depends on the selected variety: 40x40x40 cm for low growing roses, 50x50x50 cm - for parks and bushes, the depth of the hole for climbing plants is about 70 cm. In an area with clay soil, the dimension increases by 12-15 cm. The distance between holes is on average 80 cm, between rows - 1-2 m.

The hole can be prepared in advance so that the soil has time to compact, or it can be dug right away. In the latter case, it needs to be undermined a little and brought to the required level.

Planting is placed in groups, taking into account winter insulation. Near climbing varieties you need to leave room for laying for the winter. Bushy and hybrid tea roses are placed so that a common shelter can be organized for them.

The location should take into account the size of mature bushes: at least 1 m between park and climbing varieties, 55 cm between hybrid tea roses and Floribunda, up to 45 cm between low-growing and small specimens.

In areas with a harsh climate, flowers are planted sparsely. Thanks to this, the soil warms up better. If roses are grown for cutting, it is better to place the bushes closer to each other (about 25 cm), the distance between the rows is up to 50 cm. This way the plants stretch out more and develop long peduncles.

Rose planting scheme in autumn:

Loosen the bottom of the hole with a pitchfork, pour in a mixture of soil and compost, and sprinkle with regular soil on top;

Trim the roots a little with pruning shears until fresh cuts are formed;

When planting in autumn, cut off the ends of the shoots;

Place the seedling in the center of the hole, straighten the roots, pour a little earth on top so that the root collar is 5 cm deep from the surface of the earth;

Water the seedling generously;

Compact the earth;

Spud the bush with loose soil, make a roller about 15 cm in height (when the rose starts to grow, it can be leveled);

In autumn, the ground around the bush should be mulched with compost or mowed grass.

Further care

Subsequent care for roses planted in the fall involves controlling the air temperature, since there is no need for abundant watering. At a temperature of 5-7 degrees, it is recommended to cover the bushes with spruce branches and install semicircular wire frames under them. The structure is covered with roofing felt and polyethylene.

Optimal height structures - 40-50 cm. Its dimensions vary depending on how many seedlings there will be under it. It is important to remember that the more air there is under the shelter, the easier the winter will pass.

At a temperature of -10 degrees, the edges of the film need to be slightly pressed to the ground. In spring, the shelter is not removed immediately: first, light ventilation is provided to prevent sunburn.

All experienced gardeners believe that planting roses in the fall is the most suitable option for the best rooting of these luxurious flowers and creation favorable conditions for growth. In autumn, there are no temperature changes, humidity is stabilized, and there is no need to provide plants with constant watering. Another significant advantage of autumn planting is the opportunity to purchase healthy seedlings, rather than weakened and exhausted specimens after winter. To grow a “queen of flowers”, you need to decide on optimal timing for planting, choose seedlings that can adapt to any weather, follow simple rules for caring for roses.

The period from early autumn to mid-October is the right time to plant roses. You should not plant too early - shoots and buds will begin to sprout, and the plant will not survive the winter cold. Planting dates depend on the climate characteristics of the region. In order for the plant to have time to strengthen the root system and successfully overwinter, it is recommended to plant roses 2 - 3 weeks before the onset of frost.

Features of planting seedlings in autumn

Simple rules for planting roses will help you grow beautiful flowers even for inexperienced gardeners:

  1. The most important thing when planting roses is to provide an acceptable distance for the flowers to develop.
  2. Choose a place that is lit, but protected from the scorching rays of the sun at midday. If planted in shaded areas of the garden, the rose may die, and direct midday Sun rays leaves will burn. It is recommended to root the seedlings in the south-eastern or western side of the garden, so that at noon the shadow covers the roses, and in the morning the sun caresses the flowers with its warm rays.
  3. You need to plant it on a slope at an elevation of 30–40 cm. In this case, the plant will overwinter even in severe winter frosts, and in the spring melt water will bypass these beautiful flowers.
  4. Humidity should be taken into account when planting. Excessive moisture levels will negatively affect roses. The most optimal soil acidity is 6.0 – 6.5 pH.
  5. It is not recommended to select land for planting on which cherry, hawthorn, apricot and other rosaceous plants grew.
  6. Planting roses in the ground in the fall is done in warm, windless weather.
  7. Seedlings need to be selected with a developed root system, a number of shoots of at least 3 pieces and a diameter of the upper root of 8 - 10 cm. Gently scratch the root with your fingernail - it should have an elastic structure and a white tint.

Preparation of seedlings

Before planting, seedlings need to be soaked in water for 10 hours. After soaking, the roots are cut to 20 cm, and damaged ones are removed. All dry branches should also be eliminated, and the rest should be trimmed to healthy shoots. For better rooting, you can dip the plants in a solution of clay and mullein with one tablet of heteroauxin.

Video “Late planting of roses”

Planting process

If you follow a simple algorithm for planting roses in the fall, even the most fastidious specimens will be pleased with the blooming buds in the spring:

  1. Clear the area of ​​weeds.
  2. Dig up the soil half a meter, adding fertilizer (1.5 kg of rotted manure or compost for each seedling). Apply ash and mineral fertilizers.
  3. The planting hole should be wide and deep - 60 by 50 cm. It is recommended to prepare it in the spring, or at least 2 - 3 weeks in advance. 10 days before planting, the holes are filled with water and humus is added.
  4. Place the seedling so that the thickening between the rhizome and branches is 2 - 3 cm below ground level. Compact the soil so that the roots are firmly in contact with the ground.
  5. Water the rose generously. If the soil has settled after absorbing water, add soil mixture on top.
  6. Do not plant flowers too densely - this can provoke diseases in the plants and they will not gain color well. It is also not recommended to form them too rarely - the soil around the bushes will dry out.

How to care for a rose after planting?

After the first night frosts, it is worth taking care of covering material to make the planted rose more comfortable to survive the long winter. Below are recommendations on how to cover plants for the winter:

  1. Cover the soil with fir branches.
  2. Sprinkle dry leaves, shavings, sawdust on top in a layer of 15–20 cm.
  3. Press down the insulating layer with the remaining spruce branches.
  4. Install arcs made of metal or plastic up to half a meter high.
  5. Cover the frames with wrapping paper or agrofibre.
  6. Until the temperature outside reaches -11 degrees, there should be a gap between the covering material and the arches for ventilation. If there is a threat of severe frost, the structure is tightly closed until spring.

Video “Learning to plant a rose”

The most winter-resistant varieties of roses

Ground cover rose variety Scarlet

Ground cover roses are easy to care for and look great in any corner of the garden. One of the most reliable and winter-hardy varieties this species: Scarlet; The Fairy; Swany. They grow horizontally, creating a chic carpet of colorful, fancy bushes, and have a wonderful aroma.

Hybrid tea rose variety Black Magik

Shrub roses can be grown in small groups and subsequently created into beautiful bouquets. Among the varieties grown for unique flower arrangements are the low-maintenance Black Magik; Rugelda; Golden Celebration New Dawn.

Climbing rose Golden Showers

Many gardeners prefer climbing plants– they take root well in any weather conditions, do not take much time to care for and make you happy abundant flowering throughout the summer. Climbing roses are distinguished by longer flexible shoots, with their help you can create flowering arch, decorate the facade of the house, make a stunning gazebo fragrant with inflorescences. Cold resistant and unpretentious varieties climbing roses: Sympathie; Golden Showers; Heidelberg.

If you put in a little effort in the fall to grow one of the most wonderful and mesmerizing plants, your garden will smell like roses in the spring and take on a truly luxurious look. Breathing life into the queen of flowers is not so difficult; the most important thing is the care and patience of the gardener, following simple recommendations, and, of course, the desire to find a beautiful, delightful plot.

Roses decorate the garden from May to October. That's why this flower is so loved by most gardeners. Moreover, it not only looks beautiful, but also has a wonderful aroma. Growing this beauty and caring for it is not at all difficult. You just need to know some points.

This article will help you figure out when it is better to plant roses: in spring or autumn. What are the differences between such plantings and what an inexperienced gardener needs to know in order to properly arrange his rose garden.

Choosing a place for roses and preparing seedlings

Before we start figuring out when is the best time to plant roses, spring or fall, let's find out how to prepare for this planting. First, let's select a site and prepare seedlings.

Roses do not tolerate well if the air around them is stagnant or there are drafts. A high location can also be detrimental for them. groundwater. Therefore, you should not plant roses in lowlands. Choose an elevated location where your flowers can be slightly shaded from the midday sun. Bushes should not be planted densely. This contributes to the development of various diseases.

Before planting, seedlings must be inspected with special care. Any branches that are too weak or damaged in some way, as well as those areas of the root system that are not entirely healthy, must be removed. All roots are shortened by thirty centimeters. If they have already been shortened, then you just need to update the slices.

Before planting, the roots are immersed in water with the addition of root formation regulators, as well as growth-stimulating substances. The seedlings should be kept in this solution for about two hours.

Features of planting in spring

To decide for yourself what time of year is best to plant roses, let's consider both options. First let's talk about spring planting. Seedlings can be found on sale at the very beginning of March. If you have already purchased roses, but it is still too early to plant them, do not despair. You can store them in the basement or refrigerator for a whole month, wrapped in a special cloth. If after this period the weather is still unsuitable, you can bury the roses completely in the ground and leave them until it warms up. The hole for the rose should be prepared fourteen days before planting. If the soil does not settle properly before planting, the seedling will simply go underground. The depth of the hole should be about sixty centimeters - for the future volume of roots.

It is necessary to fill the finished hole based on the properties of the soil in your garden. If the soil is heavy, dilute the soil with sand and added organic matter. And if the soil has a sandy structure, then it’s worth adding a little more clay.

If the humidity in your area is high enough, then the rose is planted in a dry hole, covered with soil and then watered from above. Another planting method - wet - is suitable for dry areas. Water mixed with soil is poured into the hole and the seedling is lowered. Only then are the roots covered with soil. If after watering the soil becomes compacted and a hole forms, it must be filled in immediately, otherwise the root system may rot.

When planting is completed, hilling should be done with compost or black soil. If the seedling is small, it is better to completely cover it for two weeks. This way you can protect the shoots and buds. After two weeks it must be dug up, otherwise roots will appear on the shoots and the rose will grow much worse. The tops of the cuts need to be slightly refreshed to stimulate plant growth.

Is it possible to plant roses in the fall?

In the previous section we looked at all the intricacies of spring planting. We figured out how to prepare the hole and seedlings. But many gardeners wonder whether it is possible to plant roses in the fall. The answer to this question is quite affirmative. The plant tolerates autumn planting normally. It grows and develops well in the future. But late boarding has its own characteristics. And the question immediately arises about when is the best time to plant roses in the fall. It is best to complete all planting work before the end of September.

How to choose a seedling for autumn planting?

When buying seedlings in the autumn, it is important not to miss some details. The roots should be healthy and moisturized. To check, living plant or not, cut the root using pruning shears. If the cut turns out to be white, then the seedling is quite viable and you can safely buy and plant it. If the color of the root cut is brown, then such a root must be cut off until a white color appears.

The shoots must be intact. There should be no damage to them. If the seedling has leaves, then you need to carefully inspect them to make sure they are free of pests.

Features of late landing

If the question of when is it better to plant roses, in spring or autumn, is no longer relevant for you and you have chosen autumn period To plant seedlings on your site, you need to pay attention to some features.

We prepare the pit in the same way as described earlier. When planting a rose, deepen the root collar into the soil two centimeters. This way you will better protect your plant from winter frosts. Watering should be done with special care. Pour half a bucket at once and wait until all the moisture is absorbed. Now you need to water again. This way, all the voids in the soil will be filled, and the roots will take the position they need. Continue watering regularly until cold weather sets in.

What time to plant climbing roses?

Speaking about when is the best time to plant, it should be noted that both spring and autumn are suitable, but in spring period landing is more secure. Especially it concerns middle zone Russia.

True, spring planting leads to the fact that flowers are delayed in development for fifteen days. And this plant will require more careful care. But gardeners have found the most convenient way. They purchase seedlings growing in containers and simply place them on their property in late spring.

When is the best time to plant ground cover roses?

Ground cover roses are considered long-term flowering varieties, which not only survive the winter well, but also grow quite quickly and strongly to the sides.

So, what is the best time to plant roses of this type? If you live in regions with warm winters, then it is best to plant these roses in the fall.

For areas where winters are cold and frosty, choose spring planting.

If you plant in the fall, then the shoots only need to be shortened a little. In the spring, they are pruned so that only two or three buds remain.

So, having considered the question of when is it better to plant roses, in spring or autumn, we can conclude that, in principle, both options are quite viable.

It's a matter of your preferences. Many experts tend to believe that more correct landing for roses it is late, but many amateur gardeners claim that bushes planted in the spring grow in no way inferior to last year’s.

Roses can be planted in spring, summer and autumn. However, planting in any of these periods has its own characteristics. This must be taken into account. Now we will talk about the rules of autumn planting.

Planting roses in autumn

In autumn, roses are planted from mid-September to mid-October. If you plant a little earlier, the bush will take root and the above-ground part will begin to actively grow, but the root system will noticeably lag behind in growth. This can even lead to the death of the plant in winter.

Where is the best place to plant? A place in the sun - perfect option, is also suitable for semi-shade (a place where the sun shines for several hours a day). Roses planted in the shade do not bloom well and will suffer endlessly.

After planting, the plants need to be watered.

Do not plant in low areas where water accumulates in the spring. The plants will certainly survive the summer, but will most likely die out in the winter. If there is simply no other place, then make a high bed.

Preparing seedlings for planting. Carefully examine the roots; if they are long, it is better to shorten them. But even short roots still need to be trimmed slightly. Just refresh the cut, then callus will form faster. The cut must be white If it's brown, it means the roots have started to die. You need to trim until the cut turns white.

The root collar of purchased seedlings is often wrapped in electrical tape - it must be removed.

Planting pits. Planting holes are prepared based on the size of the roots. If the soil is not particularly fertile, then pour a nutrient mixture consisting of sand, peat and turf soil in equal proportions into the hole. After this, there should be enough space left in the planting hole to accommodate the root system. The roots should be positioned freely and under no circumstances should they curl up.

At what depth to plant? The seedlings must be planted so that the root collar (grafting site) is in the ground at a depth of about 5 cm. With such planting, the cultivated variety will put out its additional roots, and the rosehip shoots will most likely not break through the layer of soil. You will then have fewer problems with wild growth.

Landing. Place the seedling in the hole, straighten the roots and carefully cover it with soil mixture. Form a watering hole and water well. It is necessary to water even if the soil is damp. After watering, the soil in the planting hole will be compacted and there will be no air voids around the roots, and this is very important.

When the water is absorbed, add soil if it has settled too much and cover the hole with some mulch.

Pruning the seedling after planting. This important point! When planting in spring, the seedlings are pruned, leaving only a few buds. When planting roses in the fall, the seedlings should not be pruned under any circumstances. After pruning, the plants begin to produce young shoots, and there is no time for them to ripen. With the onset of cold weather they will certainly die. Therefore, when planting in autumn, it is better to postpone pruning until spring.

The shoots of young seedlings are elastic, flexible, and when covered for the winter they are simply bent to the ground.

At what distance to plant roses?

Leave between the bushes:

  • Tea - hybrid and floribunda roses 50 - 60 cm.
  • English roses 70 - 80 cm.
  • Climbing roses and large scrubs 1 - 1.5 m.

Autumn rose care

Autumn care for roses is preparing plants for the upcoming winter. Only healthy bushes with well-ripened shoots will successfully survive the winter. In order for the shoots to ripen well, it is necessary to exclude all factors that provoke the growth of young shoots. This is first of all: nitrogen fertilizing in the second half of summer and even more so in autumn, abundant watering, pruning shoots in early autumn.

Autumn pruning

Feeding. There is no need to feed roses in the fall. Apply the last feeding in August. It should only be phosphorus-potassium (without nitrogen). Phosphorus fertilizers promote root growth, and potassium fertilizers enhance the winter hardiness of plants, this is exactly what we need. In the store you can pick up special autumn fertilizers for roses, or you can use old, proven ones: superphosphate, potassium salt, potassium chloride.

How to water. If autumn is rainy, you don’t have to water at all. In dry weather it is necessary to water, but moderately. In winter, plants should receive moisture recharge, especially if the shelter is “dry” in winter.

Transplanting bushes in autumn

The rose plant is quite unpretentious and easily tolerates transplantation, but you need to know the basic rules.

When is the best time to replant? Roses should be planted and replanted in the fall in September - October. Choose a cloudy day for this or start working in the late afternoon when it gets cooler.

The most important thing in replanting roses is to carefully dig up the bush, being careful not to damage the roots. Although, if the plant is already quite mature, this will be difficult to do. But even if some of the roots are damaged, this is not fatal for the rose; it will restore them quickly enough.

Start digging out the bush from all sides, gradually going deeper. Sooner or later you will reach a taproot that goes deep into the ground. You won’t be able to dig it up anyway; you’ll just have to chop it off.

After this, try to get the bush out of the hole without collapsing the earthen ball. To transport the plant to a new place, you can use a large bag or piece of film or tarpaulin, which is prepared in advance.

We transplant the rose to a new place. landing pit let's cook a little larger size root system with an earthen lump. If the soil is poor, then dig a hole a little larger and add fertile soil there.

Transplanting roses.

When replanting, do not forget to deepen the root collar into the soil by 5 - 6 cm. If it was already deepened during the initial planting or you are replanting your own rooted rose, then plant the plants at the same level at which they grew.

The transplanted rose must be thoroughly watered and the hole mulched. Tie tall bushes to a driven stake, otherwise the wind may tilt the plant and then it will be difficult to level it. Postpone pruning until spring.

Autumn pruning of roses

For inexperienced gardeners, pruning roses is a real headache. They will approach the bush with pruning shears and spend a long, long time trying on what to cut.

In fact, this procedure is quite simple. You just need to understand what, why and when you need to trim. Not to remember, but to understand. Today we will talk about autumn pruning of roses.

So: roses generally don’t need autumn pruning. Roses are pruned in the fall only to make it easier to cover them for the winter. If it is possible to bend the bush to the ground, bend it and cover it. The main pruning will be done in the spring.

The only thing that must be done is to remove all young, unripe shoots. They cannot be left. Not only do they have no chance of surviving the winter, but they can also become a source of infection for the entire bush.

The situation is similar with leaves; they are also recommended to be cut, collected and burned. Of course, removing leaves from a hybrid tea rose is not a difficult task, but from a large climbing rose bush... I have never cut leaves from climbing roses, I was always a pity for time and never had any problems. What you do is up to you.

The basic rule of autumn pruning: You can start pruning roses in the fall when at least the night temperature is below 0º.

Make the cuts oblique (so that water drains from them faster) and cover them with garden varnish.

Autumn pruning of hybrid tea and floribunda roses

This is what a trimmed tea bush should look like - hybrid roses before sheltering for the winter.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to bend adult bushes of such roses to the ground, so they are usually pruned in the fall. This is done very simply, all shoots are shortened to 25 - 30 cm. According to the rules, the cut should be made obliquely and 0.5 cm above the bud located on the outside of the shoot (the young shoot growing from this bud should grow not inside the bush, but to the side ).

In the fall, you can forget about this rule and cut as you please. Over the winter, the tops of the shoots will freeze and dry out, and they will still have to be cut off again in the spring. Then everything must be done according to the rules.

In the photo you see what a pruned bush of hybrid tea roses should look like before covering it for the winter.

Pruning ground cover roses

These roses are the easiest to bend to the ground, so they do not need any pruning. Remove only faded flowers.

Park roses

This group of roses also does not require autumn pruning. Remove only old flowers and fruits.

Pruning climbing roses

Climbing roses bloom on the previous year's growth and therefore should not be heavily pruned. The bushes grow very large, with powerful shoots. For winter shelter They must first be bent to the ground, and this is almost always very difficult to do. To make this task easier, in the fall you can cut out old, broken shoots and shoots growing “in the wrong direction” and interfering with the shelter.

Scrubs, English and standard roses

For all these roses in the fall, only unripe shoots, dry branches and old flowers are removed.

Cuttings of roses in autumn

An interesting video about autumn cuttings of roses:

Most rose lovers start cuttings in early summer. Someone is trying good results, someone not so much. Very often, failures are associated with increased summer temperatures. For rooting, 24 - 27 degrees Celsius is most suitable. And if it’s +35 outside, then what’s under the can or under the film in the greenhouse? It is quite difficult for a young plant to take root and survive in such conditions.

I want to talk about a method of cutting roses in the fall, which is devoid of this and many other disadvantages. Of course, the method is not new, but not everyone knows about it. Some people know, but do not use it, not particularly believing in its effectiveness, and the method is not only simple, but also effective.

Preparing the site for cuttings. If you have a greenhouse buried in the ground, then it is ideal for autumn cuttings of roses. You can dig a trench as deep as a shovel bayonet or a little deeper. If clay appears at the bottom of this trench, then dig a little more and fill it with earth mixed with sand.

One important condition: this trench or greenhouse should not be filled with water either in winter or in spring.

Preparation of cuttings. When you prune roses in the fall, cut cuttings about 20 cm long with 4 - 5 buds. The leaves are not needed, remove them immediately.

Planting cuttings. Stick the cuttings into the ground to a depth of 5 - 6 cm, so that two buds are in the ground and the rest are on the surface. Fill the greenhouse tightly with fallen leaves and cover with lutrasil. There is no need to do anything else until spring.

In the spring, make a film cover over the greenhouse, water it, ventilate it, and when you realize that the cuttings have taken root, gradually remove the film.

The second part of the video, what happened to the cuttings in the spring:

As you can see, autumn cuttings of roses are simpler than summer ones; endless spraying is not required, and in general, care is much easier.

At the end of the article I would like to say a few words about garden tools. First of all, about the pruning shears. When working with roses, we use this tool very often. First of all, it must be well sharpened and in good condition. A dull, loose pruner injures the plants and tests the gardener's nerves.

Nowadays, both in regular stores and in online stores, there is a huge selection of a wide variety of pruners for every taste. Women flower growers should pay attention to pruners with ratchet mechanism. With its help, you can trim thick, dry branches with minimal effort and, just as importantly, the cut is even and smooth.

Secateurs with ratchet mechanism GRINDA 8-423033_z01

While you look at a photo of such a pruner, it’s simple Nice picture and only when you pick it up do you realize how convenient this tool is.

To avoid injuring your hands, work with gloves. Just not ordinary ones, but special ones for working with thorny plants.

LISTOK gloves for working with roses made of artificial leather.

In these gloves you will work calmly without fear of injuring your hands.

Almost every garden plot you can find several roses. One has two or three copies, another has a couple of dozen, but a rose is always a win-win option for decorating a garden. Every gardener's dream is a rose garden. But not everyone has the opportunity and skill to raise this whimsical and luxurious queen. But it's still worth a try. You just need to follow a few simple tips, and success will be guaranteed!

There is no clear time frame for planting roses. Roses can be planted both in spring and autumn, depending on the weather conditions inherent in a particular region.

Planting roses in autumn begins in September-October. When planting roses in the fall, the main thing is not to rush into planting. If the plant quickly takes root and young shoots begin to grow, it will quickly weaken and will not tolerate frost well. If planting is delayed, the plant runs the risk of not taking root before winter. In spring, this problem disappears, so planting roses during this period is most optimal. Roses are planted in the spring, when the air temperature warms up to +10 o C, which usually happens in April.

Preparation of seedlings and soil

First, rose seedlings are soaked in water for a day. When starting planting, choose a sunny area that is sufficiently protected from drafts. Next, dig a hole measuring 50x50x50 cm and fill it with water.

It may seem like the hole is too big, but it is not. Gardeners often make the mistake of digging a hole the same size as the root of the plant. And then, after planting, the rose will feel cramped in space, the roots will have nowhere to grow.

And if you follow these recommendations, the roots will begin to form a mass of thin roots that absorb moisture, which will contribute to the development of a powerful bush. Having worked once to prepare a place for her pet, she will thank you a hundredfold with her abundant flowering in the future. So, after the water has been absorbed, 2-3 shovels of humus are placed in the hole and mixed with soil. It is also recommended to add a handful of wood ash.

Now you need to carefully examine the seedlings. All damaged areas of the plant are cut out. The roots of the bush are shortened, leaving a length of no more than 30 cm. 3-4 of the most powerful stems are left on the bush, the rest are cut out. The remaining shoots are pruned so that 3 formed buds remain on the stem. This action contributes to the development of a powerful, healthy bush.

Planting rose seedlings

The seedling is lowered into a previously prepared hole and the roots are laid. Slowly fill the hole with earth, supporting the seedling and slightly pulling it up.

Then the soil around the seedling is compacted. You should pay attention to the budding site, which is embedded in the soil to a depth of 3-5 centimeters. If the grafting site is too deep, the plant will not take root well and the seedling will have to be raised. And vice versa, if the rootstock is not covered with soil, then wild shoots will begin to grow. The shoots are cut out all at the base.

The soil around the seedling is filled with a bucket of water. This must be done, otherwise after the first heavy rain the bush may become deeply buried in the soil.

Hilling a rose

After planting the rose bush, they begin to hill it.

This action stimulates the rooting of the seedling, and during autumn planting, it largely protects it from frost. The plant remains hillocked until spring.

In spring, there is also no need to rush to open the plant, but this should be done in rainy or cloudy weather, or in the evening. If the plant was planted in the spring and hilled up, then after the young shoots grow, it is necessary to unhill it so that the earth warms up well enough.

Step-by-step instructions for planting roses:

  • the seedling is soaked in water for 24 hours;
  • dig a hole 50x50x50;
  • add compost or humus;
  • mix humus with soil;
  • add wood ash;
  • cut off roots and excess stems;
  • the seedling is held and covered with earth;
  • compact the earth around the bush;
  • trim the stems;
  • the soil around the seedling is filled with water;
  • Spud up.