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YouTube treatment of garden and vegetable garden with ammonia. Ammonia in the garden for use against pests. Fighting carrot and onion flies with ammonia

Ammonium nitrate or ammonia contains a high concentration of nitrogen, so it is often used by summer residents as a fertilizer for plant nutrition. In addition, ammonia has a pungent odor that repels pests. Such useful qualities the drug is very much appreciated by gardeners and gardeners, using ammonia to feed plants and to treat the garden and garden from pests.

To increase green mass, development and growth, plants need nitrogen. You can fill the lack of this element in the soil with the help of ready-made fertilizers or ammonia that is safe for plants.

That vegetable crops If shrubs or flowers lack nitrogen, the following signs will tell you:

  • thin stems and shoots;
  • underdeveloped leaves;
  • withering, shedding of flowers;
  • the foliage below the plant is pale and yellow;
  • trees and shrubs lose resistance to frost;
  • the plant stops growing or develops very slowly.

In these cases, garden and garden plants need nitrogen-containing fertilizers, which can be used as ammonia.

Ammonia is folk remedy two in one, since it is not only a source of nitrogen, but also with its smell it can scare away many pests:

  • carrot and onion flies;
  • mole cricket;
  • wireworm;
  • ants that carry aphids;
  • secretive proboscis;
  • midges in home flowers.

Features of using ammonia in the garden

When preparing a solution and using ammonia for spraying and watering, it is recommended to wear rubber gloves, an apron, a mask and protect your eyes.

Attention! Exposure to ammonia can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes, and if inhaled in high concentrations, it can even stop breathing. Therefore, be very careful and careful:

  1. Spray plants in calm weather.
  2. If the product will be used for indoor plants, it is better to process them on open balcony or with open windows.
  3. In greenhouses, ammonia is used in warm weather, after opening all doors and vents.
  4. If during processing drops of ammonia get on the fruits, they should be washed well several times before use.

What can be poured with ammonia

Nitrogen is necessary for all plants, but some cultures need it to a greater extent, others to a lesser extent:

  1. Eggplant, zucchini, cabbage, rhubarb, peppers and pumpkin– these crops are fed with a medium concentration of ammonia solution.
  2. Fruit and berry bushes - cherries, blackberries, plums and raspberries water the roots with a low concentration ammonia solution.
  3. Zinnias, dahlias, violets, peonies, nasturtiums, roses, clematis They love nitrogen, so high concentration solutions are prepared for them.
  4. Tomatoes and cucumbers, corn, carrots, garlic, beets, apple trees, gooseberries, currants and annual flowers feed ammonia, diluted in medium or low concentration.
  5. Radishes, onions, bulbous flowers, juniper and pear nitrogen-containing fertilizers are needed to a moderate extent, so solutions with a low concentration are used for them.

Dosage of ammonia for plant nutrition

Most often used for feeding various crops. medium solution concentrations. It is prepared from 20 ml of 10% ammonia, which dissolves in 10 liters. bucket of water.

Minimum concentration ammonia for feeding is prepared from 10 ml of the drug diluted in that volume of water.

To prepare a solution with high concentration you will need 10 liters of water and 25 ml of ammonia.

A solution is prepared from 10 liters of water and 50 ml of ammonia for emergency feeding of plants that have the above symptoms of starvation.

Before watering with ammonia, the plants must be watered with plain water.

Since ammonia has the ability to erode, sprayers are not used for spraying, but a watering can with a shower attachment.

Attention! If you use ammonia to feed or treat plants against pests, other nitrogen-containing fertilizers cannot be used. Excess nitrogen can cause great harm culture and harvest.

Do not use ammonia fertilizers more than once a week and start feeding plants with the lowest concentration.

Ammonia for cucumbers

To form green mass and develop bushes, cucumbers need nitrogen. Before the ovaries appear, you can use a solution of ammonia of minimal concentration. The first feeding is carried out when the shoot length is about 15 cm. The plants are fed every week.

As soon as buds and flowers begin to form on the cucumbers, the bushes begin to be fed with a solution of 10 ml of ammonia and a bucket of water.

If the leaves on the cucumbers begin to turn yellow and there are no signs of plant damage by pests or diseases, feed the plants once with a mixture of 25 ml of ammonia and 10 liters of water.

Ammonia for tomatoes, peppers, eggplants

Tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants are watered with a weak ammonia solution (10 ml of 10% preparation per 10 liters of water). Fertilizing of nightshade crops is carried out after the seedlings planted in the ground take root and begin to grow. Tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants are fed several times with a break of one week. One liter of this solution is poured under each bush.

Attention! If foliage begins to grow rapidly on tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, it is better to stop fertilizing with ammonia. Otherwise, all the forces of plants will be spent on the formation of greenery, and not on the formation of buds.

Ammonia for cabbage

Cabbage at the beginning of the growing season needs nitrogen and protection from pests (caterpillars, slugs, cruciferous flea, cabbage fly).

Plants are watered over the leaves with a solution of 20 ml of ammonia and a bucket of water. To make the solution stay on the leaves, you can add a little liquid soap.

Ammonia for garlic and onions

Feeding onions and garlic is carried out as follows:

  1. First feeding ammonia is carried out upon disembarkation. For this, a solution of medium concentration is used, pouring it into each well for half a liter.
  2. Second feeding carried out after the arrows appear (approximately 7-10 days after the first). Use a weak spray solution (10 ml per 10 liters of water).

If onions and garlic are grown for greens, spray them with ammonia every week. To obtain large heads, spraying is carried out twice with a break of 7 days.

Treatment with ammonia for onions and garlic will help prevent yellowing of the arrows and protect the plants from the onion fly.

Ammonia in the garden for strawberries

Strawberries absorb ammonia nitrogen poorly, so ammonia is used for it only as a protection against pests and diseases. During the season, three treatments of strawberries with ammonia are carried out:

  1. First treatment carried out in the spring, when young leaves appear on the plants. A solution for watering strawberries is prepared from 10 liters of water, a bottle (40 ml) of ammonia and a bar of laundry soap. Water the bushes from above so that the liquid gets into the soil, onto the leaves and stems. This procedure will destroy pests and infections that have overwintered in the soil. Some time after watering with ammonia, the plants are watered with plain water.
  2. Second treatment Strawberries need it after flowering. This time a solution is being prepared for spraying the bushes. You will need 3 tbsp. spoons of ammonia and 10 liters of water. On treated plants, the ovaries will not be affected by pests.
  3. Third treatment will prepare strawberries for winter. Prepare a solution of ammonia (40 ml) and iodine (5 drops), which are diluted in 10 liters of water. The product is used for watering bushes.

Ammonia can be used to feed both garden and home flowers:

  1. For watering garden flowers You can also use an ammonia solution. The leaves are sprayed with a solution of one liter of water and a teaspoon of ammonia. Fertilizing is carried out after the leaves appear and during the formation of buds. Perennial garden flowers are prepared for winter by fertilizing with ammonia. The procedure is carried out after flowering.
  2. Indoor flowers are sprayed and watered with a weak ammonia solution. Flowering plants feed only before flowering, and decorative foliage can be treated throughout the growing season from spring to autumn.

Attention! Geranium and lemon should be fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers regularly, so ammonia solution is used throughout the growing season of the plants.

Ammonia for pests

The pungent smell of ammonia can repel many pests:

  1. From onion flies, midges and aphids A solution is prepared from 7 liters of water and 50 ml of ammonia. They spray the leaves of plants twice with a break a week.
  2. From mole crickets, wireworms, caterpillars, slugs and ants You should make an ammonia solution with soap so that it lingers on the leaves of the plants. To prepare a pest repellent you will need to grate or crumble and dissolve in a liter warm water about 150 grams of laundry soap. Then the soap mixture is added to a ten-liter bucket of water and mixed with one hundred milliliters of ammonia.

The use of ammonia for feeding and treating plants against pests and diseases has big advantage before chemicals. You can use ammonia solutions without harm to health both during the formation of ovaries and during the formation of fruits.

Recipes have been passed down among housewives for more than one generation, thanks to which they can clean windows to a shine, refresh carpets and remove any stains. And in most cases, ammonia plays a key role. But not everyone knows that it can also be used for effective solutions problems in the garden. Nitrogen for plants is the most basic element in the diet. In order for any plants - indoors, gardening, even cereals in the fields - to actively grow, flutter, increase their green mass, actively bloom and bear fruit - they need nitrogen. The most accessible form for nitrogen absorption is ammonia or ammonium nitrate NH4CL. We will talk further about the use of ammonia in the garden against pests. If you are interested in an inexpensive source of fertilizer for your garden, then this material will be very useful for you. Stock up on ammonia, also known as ammonia.

Benefits of using ammonia

Ammonia, the use of which in the garden has proven effective, is useful mainly due to the content of nitrogen compounds. This is the element that plants need so much. Properly prepared fertilizer based on it can bring crops back to life and help get rid of the pale color of leaves.

Some would argue that there is a lot of free nitrogen in the air. However, plants are only able to absorb its chemical compounds from the soil. In addition, ammonia has a pungent odor that can repel some pests.

Pest control with ammonia

The pungent smell of ammonia affects many pests, even in concentrations that are imperceptible to humans. It is successfully used against insects such as:

  • ants;
  • mole cricket;
  • wireworm;
  • aphids, midges on indoor plants;
  • onion and carrot flies.

For this they prepare soap solution: 100-200 g of laundry soap, grated on a fine grater, dissolved in 1 liter hot water, and then gradually, stirring thoroughly, add 50 ml of 25% ammonia to 10 liters of ordinary water. The resulting solution is immediately sprayed on tree fruits, leaves, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers - in a word, all crops that need treatment. This will not only repel pests, wasps and beetles, but will also be a good foliar fertilizer for plants.

Soap is added to the solution so that the solution sticks to the leaves better, and before eating, you just need to wash the fruit thoroughly with running water.

Fighting ants with ammonia

One of the most common pests in the garden and vegetable garden are black ants, which set up anthills in the middle of the beds and create their own “farms” for growing aphids directly on plants: bushes, trees and garden crops. As a result of active reproduction, ants cause significant harm to plants: they spoil the root system, “make holes” in leaves and shoots, eat up the ovaries of flowers and vegetables, etc.

The use of ammonia against pests and ants has been practiced by owners of summer cottages and gardens for many years, helping to effectively control pests without the use of insecticides. The principle of operation is based on a strong unpleasant “aroma” that repels insects.

Fighting with ammonia against a secretive proboscis

The secretive proboscis is a harmful weevil that causes serious damage to onion and garlic plantings. To scare away this pest and prevent the crop from turning yellow and dying, in the first half of summer it is necessary to water the beds with garlic or onions with a solution of ammonia (25 ml per bucket of water). This procedure should be carried out once every 7-8 days. This includes feeding plants with nitrogen compounds and a high-quality insect repellent.

Fighting aphids with ammonia

Ammonia for aphids - affordable and effective remedy. In order to defeat the pest, you will need to dissolve fifty milliliters of ammonia in ten liters of water. Add the grated mixture to this solution. laundry soap and treat the plants with the resulting solution. The effect is simply amazing; aphids leave your garden instantly.

The destruction of aphids using ammonia on currants is somewhat different from other crops. Instead of soap, a pinch of washing powder is used in the recipe, the frequency of spraying is 1 time in 10 days.

Fighting mole cricket with ammonia

Reliable method There is no destruction of the pest. All events are repeated annually. The pest does not like strong odors. As a preventative measure, it is recommended to dilute 10 ml of alcohol in a bucket of water. 0.5 liters of solution is added to the hole planned for planting seedlings, for example cabbage.

Fighting wireworms with ammonia

The pest attacks root crops. It is not always possible to use them in food. The larva of the click beetle, which eats all types of plants, is neutralized with a solution of 10 ml of 25% ammonia in 10 liters of water. The process is carried out during planting of a tuberous, nightshade plant.

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Fighting carrot and onion flies with ammonia

The easiest way is to treat the beds with a weak ammonia solution (maximum ammonia concentration 0.1%). You can use ammonia - 1 ml. for 5 liters of water.

Fighting midges with ammonia on indoor plants

In order to get rid of annoying midge in home flowers they can also be watered with ammonia water. You need to prepare a very weak solution and water the plants.

This is how ammonia is used against plant pests, but ammonia water can also be used to protect yourself. To do this, prepare a weak solution, which then needs to be sprayed around you using a spray bottle. This will repel many flying insects.

Treatment of the garden with ammonia against a complex of pests

You will need:

  • 1 teaspoon fir oil;
  • 1 teaspoon iodine;
  • 1/2 teaspoon boric acid, diluted in 1/2 cup boiling water;
  • 2 tablespoons of birch tar;
  • 2 tablespoons of ammonia.

Dilute the ingredients in a bucket of water to create a working solution. To spray, add a glass of working solution to a bucket of water, pour it into the sprayer and treat all plants in the garden at any time, except during flowering. The waiting period after processing is a week.

Using ammonia in the garden as a top dressing

Dried and pale leaves small flowers, lack of fruits are the most characteristic signs of nitrogen deficiency in the soil. To eliminate them, plants are fed with a concentrated solution. To prepare the fertilizer, dilute 6 tablespoons of ammonia in a 10-liter bucket of warm water and mix. Fertilizer is applied to the roots of plants after watering, once a week.

If the soil of the site is not very fertile and contains little nitrogen, carry out preventive root feeding once every 2 weeks. To do this, dissolve 50 ml of ammonia in a bucket of water. Apply the prepared solution after abundant watering. This type of feeding has a particularly fruitful effect on lilies, onions, cucumbers and carrots.

Storing ammonia

Ammonia should be stored in safe places that small children cannot reach. If they take a deep breath of ammonia vapor, they may experience a severe attack of suffocation, respiratory arrest, or heart failure. If the solution enters the stomach undiluted, there is a high risk of burns to the mucous membranes of the mouth, esophagus and larynx. Ammonia is freely available in any pharmacy or specialty store. This substance is packaged in plastic or glass bottles. The main advantage of ammonia is its deep penetration into the plant tissues of fruit and vegetable crops.

Ammonia salt has been known since ancient times. It was mined near the Temple of Amun in ancient Libya. Ammonia gas was produced for the first time in 1774 and was called “alkali air.” In 1785 they brought out chemical formula and was officially named ammonia. There are two versions of the origin of the name:

  1. In honor of the god Amun. The Egyptians worshiped him and sniffed ammonia during ritual activities.
  2. With the name of an oasis in North Africa - Ammona. The oasis was located on the route where camel caravans passed. There the pack animals rested and left a large number of excrement of vital activity. From high temperature this waste quickly decomposed, releasing a pungent odor of gas called ammonia.

In this article we will talk about the use of ammonia in the garden; the material will be useful to all summer residents and gardeners.

Article outline

Ammonia, its composition, application

Ammonia is a diluted 10% ammonia solution. It should not be confused with ammonium chloride - ammonia, which is used extremely rarely in agricultural technology on large farms, and is not used at all by private owners. What are the benefits of using ammonia in the garden?

Plants need to actively grow green mass in order to produce sufficient chlorophyll. And also bloom profusely in order to set buds and form fruits in the future. Plants need nitrogen to survive. To achieve a quick effect, use fertilizers such as and, as well as liquid ammonia.

In ammonia, the mass of nitrogen reaches 82%. After applying fertilizer of organic origin (animal manure), a lot of time passes for it to rot and decompose, and for nitrogen to be absorbed by plants. Considering that ammonia is very concentrated, the dose of its single use is small, and an aqueous solution of ammonia has a low price in the pharmacy, then the benefits are obvious.

The use of ammonia as a fertilizer

Ammonia is used in the garden and garden to restore the deficiency of the element nitrogen and as a preventive measure for diseases of plants, trees, shrubs and berry gardens. Carefully monitor how your pets develop. Plants may have noticeable signs:

  • yellowing and pale color lower leaves;
  • the leaves are very small in size;
  • thinned, easily broken stem;
  • growth retardation or arrest;
  • lack of flowering, falling flowers, barren flower.

So, it's time to feed them. Ammonia is used as a fertilizer in the garden and garden for plants and flowers that consume large amounts of nitrogen:

  • cabbage,
  • pumpkin and zucchini,
  • potatoes, peppers,
  • eggplant, rhubarb.

Flowers will bloom abundantly: dahlias, peonies, lilies, roses, clematis.

Shrubs and trees will respond with a good harvest: cherries, plums, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries. They are fed to increase growth during the period of budding and flowering. Crops that consume nitrogen in moderation: tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, tomato, garlic. Corn, annual flowers, currant bushes, gooseberries, apple trees.

The following crops need very moderate consumption: onions, radishes, cabbage, pears.

When preparing a solution for watering, the dosage is important, otherwise the opposite effect may occur: vigorous growth of leaves, as people say - the plant “fattens”; delayed color development; accumulation of excess nitrates in plants in the edible lower parts (tubers); infection by fungal diseases.

How to increase strawberry yields with ammonia

How to use ammonia in the garden?

Different cultures need individual approach. There are a number of plants for which a nutrient mixture is prepared.

Onion and garlic

Bulb onions. To get a good green and juicy feather, you need to take ½ tablespoon of ammonia per 1 liter of water, so that the feather does not turn yellow longer, water it every week. Closer to the harvest time, from mid-July, start watering onions for large heads with a weak solution of 1 tablespoon per ten-liter bucket once every 7 days. If, nevertheless, the leaves turn yellow, you can use foliar feeding by spraying 3 tablespoons of the mixture into a bucket of warm water.

Garlic responds well to the addition of ammonia with increased yield and large cloves. Use a mixture of 1 tablespoon per large bucket of water, apply twice per season.


Fertilizer for cucumbers. Getting early, crisp cucumbers is the dream of every gardener. For this purpose, it is advisable to use ammonia in the garden. In order for the shoots to actively develop, use a weakly concentrated composition of ammonia, 3 tablespoons per large watering can once every 10 days is enough.

If the cucumbers feel good, green and strong, continue watering. If the shoot growth is weak, there are a lot of barren flowers, make the composition stronger by adding half a tablespoon per 1 liter of water and a little phosphorus fertilizer, for quick and friendly ovaries.


Tomatoes. A bountiful harvest involves many fruits that grow on strong, strong bushes. The use of ammonia in the garden is inevitable, as an effective fertilizer for the vigor of the bush. Here, too, like with cucumbers, you need to start watering with the composition from a weak concentration to 3 tablespoons per ten-liter watering can.

If necessary, increase the concentration, but not more than half a tablespoon per 1 liter. It is better to water more often with a weak composition than with a strong one - and destroy it.

The use of ammonia against pests

Using ammonia as useful substances and fertilizers for growth are not all of its beneficial qualities. Ammonia is successfully used in the garden against pests of plants and flowers. Here its sharp, specific smell plays an important role, which scares off malicious harvest lovers, however, it quickly dissipates.

An ammonia aqueous solution is effective against pests and is also effective in other cases:

Aphid protection

Pour half a pharmaceutical bottle of liquid ammonia into a bucket of water, mix with 100 g of laundry or baby soap, grated for better adhesion to the leaves. Let sit for a little while until the soap becomes soft. It is better to spray early in the morning in calm and cloudy weather.

Fighting ants

Ants, as carriers of aphids, harm the future harvest; moreover, they build their anthills right on the beds, thereby preventing the plants from developing. For a liter of water, take a full bottle of pharmaceutical ammonia and stir it. It is advisable to remove a 5 cm thick layer of soil from the top of the anthill and then pour it, trying to capture the surface where the ant eggs and insect queens are located.

Ants in country house in the kitchen they bring a lot of trouble and inconvenience. You need to take a little alcohol and mix it in 1 liter of water. Use this solution to wet clean all furniture, kitchen utensils, dishes and floors. Ants will leave your garden house for a long time.

Protection from other various pests

  1. Carrot and onion fly. Take only 5 ml of alcohol per ten-liter bucket of water, water damaged and healthy plants for prevention.
  2. Medvedka. One of the most insidious and difficult to remove pests. It is necessary to stir 10 ml of alcohol in a large bucket of water. Pour half a liter of solution into the hole when planting cabbage seedlings in a permanent place.
  3. The wireworm breeds in acidic soils and new, undeveloped lands. He especially likes potatoes. Mix 10 ml in a container with water. During the planting of seedlings of peppers, tomatoes in a greenhouse or on the beds, pour 0.5 liters of the composition into each well.
  4. The pest is a secretive proboscis, usually spoiling onion and garlic crops. Dilute 25 ml of ammonia in a large watering can. Water every 7-10 days, starting in summer, all beds.
  5. Various types of midges. Water with a weak solution.
  6. Weevil. Quite a frequent visitor to strawberry beds. Dilute 25 ml of alcohol with 5 liters of water and water with a solution every 7 days until it disappears.
  7. Slugs, cabbage white caterpillars. Water the heads of cabbage generously from a watering can so as to get into hard to reach places. The solution consists of a mixture of 100 ml of ammonia in an aqueous solution and 10 liters of water. For caterpillars, spray or water several times a day.
  8. Scaring birds away from berries. Spray immediately after a good rain fruit trees, shrubs and strawberries with a mixture of ammonia, baby shampoo, one tablespoon per 4 liters of water.
  9. To accelerate the ripening of the crop, before the expected frosts, unripe fruits are processed by abundant spraying. The solution is prepared from 250 ml apple cider vinegar, 100 ml of baby shampoo, one bottle of alcohol and 90 liters of water.

How to use ammonia in the garden

Precautionary measures

When using ammonia against pests in the garden, as a fertilizer and foliar feeding, you must be careful and use personal protective equipment. In particular:

  • It is impossible to dilute pharmaceutical and industrial ammonia, work with the compositions for people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia, this can worsen their well-being and cause a hypertensive crisis;
  • You cannot mix ammonia with other active substances, for example, chlorine bleach - the concentration of toxic substances in the form of released vapors increases;
  • when working with alcohol and solutions, it is necessary to protect your breathing organs with a mask, and the skin of your hands with rubber gloves; work in long sleeves and trousers;
  • Avoid contact of ammonia with eyes and facial skin;
  • dilute the composition should be in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area;
  • store in closed places out of reach for children and animals. A deep breath of ammonia vapor can cause an asthma attack, respiratory arrest and heart failure. If an undiluted solution is accidentally ingested, it can result in a burn of the mucous membrane of the mouth, larynx and esophagus.

Ammonia, if carefully and carefully used, can be successfully used in gardening. Store the drug in a cool, dark place. The shelf life of ammonia in a vial is 2 years, in sealed ampoules - 5 years.

Among the bright bags of seeds and fertilizers that have been purchased since winter, there is always a place for small bottles bought with pharmacy names ammonia, ammonia. Ammonia gas, first produced in 1774 under the name "alkaline air" near the ancient Libyan temple of Amun, has long taken over irreplaceable assistant from curious summer residents. What are the secrets, possibilities and applications of ammonia for plants as a top dressing, which has become a common element in the care of vegetables, trees, flowers?

Important! The substance is a solution of ammonia in water. In terms of chemical terminology, the names ammonia, "ammonia" refer to another type of inorganic compound from ammonium nitrate NH4Cl. On summer cottages it is not used.

The bottles bought at the pharmacy are filled with a 10% solution called "Ammonia", "Ammonia".

The beneficial qualities of ammonia are determined not only by the high percentage of nitrogen (82%), which is vital for the development of any plants. The fact is that they absorb the main amount of nitrogen not from the air, where the content of the element reaches 78%, but in a bound form, from the soil.

The drug is beneficial in the following cases:

  • Soil reclamation. In poor areas useful action soil microorganisms weakened. Their activities are intensifying organic fertilizers. The process of their decomposition continues for several years. Financial and labor investments are required. The period of soil restoration is faster, does not affect the decrease in yield, product quality when using ammonia.
  • Fertilizing plants with ammonia. The use of ammonia as a fertilizer for plants makes their development process quick and simple.
  • Prevention of soil acidification. The solution is a medium strength alkali. The need for frequent liming of the soil disappears. It is done when an acid reaction has been confirmed. After fertilizing, nitrogen compounds do not accumulate in parts of the plant.
  • Pest control.

The advantage of the substance is that it does not penetrate plant tissues, accumulating in them, requiring time to decompose. Remembering to wash vegetables and fruits before eating is required for many reasons.

The following deviations in plant development serve as a signal for the use of ammonia:

  • Thin, easily damaged stems with small leaves.
  • Appearance yellow tint leaves on the bottom row.
  • Slow growth, lack of flowers, falling ovaries.
  • Negative reaction to frost in trees and berry fields.

What plants can be fertilized with ammonia?

The life cycle of any plant is associated with the process of growing green mass, flowering, and fruit formation. Nitrogen types of fertilizers help it make development efficient. The nitrogen needs of all plants are different.

Among them there are big lovers of nitrogen; fertilizing with ammonia is most useful for them:

  • Cabbage.
  • Eggplant.
  • Pumpkins, zucchini.
  • Rhubarb.
  • Pepper, potatoes.
  • Perennial bulbous flowers.
  • Peonies, dahlias, clematis.
  • Raspberry, cherry, plum, strawberry, blackberry.

It is useful to feed any seedlings with an alcohol solution while growing at home, when transplanting to a permanent place.

Which plants are not suitable for ammonia fertilizer?

Weak solutions are suitable for any plants, performing the functions of fertilizer, for the purpose of prevention in the war against pests. For example, strawberries. The plant absorbs nitrogen from ammonia poorly. The use of ammonia during specific periods of growth is done taking into account the need for nitrogen for optimal development.

The average amount of it required by plants is:

  1. Cucumbers.
  2. Tomatoes.
  3. Beet.
  4. Garlic.
  5. Annual flowers.
  6. Corn.
  7. Gooseberry and currant bushes.
  8. Apple trees.

Methods of working with ammonia

The solution is delivered to the plant by watering and spraying.

Important! The correct dosage will help prevent excess green mass, lack of flowers, accumulation of nitrates in tubers, and prevent the development of fungal diseases.

Due to the high volatility of the drug, it is recommended to spray in bad weather using a watering can that produces noticeable splashes. The flow, similar to a drizzle, loses the main part of the active substance in the air. It is recommended to treat seedlings and indoor flowers with a weak stream directed at the roots of the plants. It is recommended to treat seedlings and indoor flowers with a weak stream directed at the root.

The toxic drug is effectively used for spraying against garden pests.

  1. Onion, carrot fly. A single watering of row spacing with a solution of 5 ml of 25% ammonia in 10 liters of water is used.
  2. Medvedka. There is no reliable method of exterminating the pest. All events are repeated annually. The pest does not like strong odors. As a preventative measure, it is recommended to dilute 10 ml of alcohol in a bucket of water. 0.5 liters of solution is added to the hole planned for planting seedlings, for example cabbage.
  3. Wireworm. The pest attacks root crops. It is not always possible to use them in food. The larva of the click beetle, which eats all types of plants, is neutralized with a solution of 10 ml of 25% ammonia in 10 liters of water. The process is carried out during planting of a tuberous, nightshade plant.
  4. Aphids, ants. A solution of 50 ml of alcohol, 25 ml of liquid soap in a bucket of water is considered an effective preventive measure. You can spray plants in greenhouses weekly with a solution of 15 ml of alcohol in a bucket of water.

Weevils, Drosophila, and onion muskellunge die after preventive treatment with ammonia.

Ammonia as a fertilizer

  1. Emergency watering is done with a solution of 1 large spoon of 25% ammonia per liter of water. This is the maximum permissible dose of the drug, which does not have a harmful effect on the plant.
  2. It is recommended to water flower and bulbous plants by dissolving 25 ml of alcohol in 10 liters of water.
  3. Watering at the roots of vegetables is done with a solution of three tablespoons of 25% alcohol in 10 liters of water.
  4. Spraying of most garden crops is carried out with a solution of 50 ml of the drug in 10 liters of water.
  5. It is recommended to treat seedlings and foliar feeding of flowers with a solution of a teaspoon of ammonia in a liter of water.

Fertilizing plants with ammonia

The soil in small summer cottages often becomes depleted and becomes less fertile. The effect of using ammonia to fertilize plants is immediately visible.

It is beneficial to do it for vegetables and berry gardens, which are especially popular among plot owners:

  • Benefits for onions and garlic. A signal of nitrogen deficiency in plants is the appearance of yellow, drying feathers. Feeding onions with a solution of 60 ml of alcohol in 10 liters of water will help restore the growth of onion and garlic bushes. It is done in 6 days. To obtain a high-quality harvest of large onions, experts recommend starting watering in July with a mild ammonia solution, consisting, for example, of a tablespoon of the drug per 10 liters of water.
  • Fertilizing cucumbers with alcohol. It is carried out several times before the fruit appears with a solution of low concentration of the drug. The solution is prepared using three large spoons of alcohol in a bucket of water. Water at the root, spray the cucumber vines once a week if necessary.
  • Ammonia for tomatoes. Good harvest provided by a large number of strong fruits ripening on strong bushes. Feeding with a solution of low concentration, carried out once every 10 days, helps to grow a powerful bush. The solution is poured onto the soil under the tomato bush that is damp after watering.

Important! It is better to water more often, using a weak composition, than to quickly destroy the plant with a strong one.

Using ammonia in the garden

To increase the growth of shrubs, trees, berries, for example, cherries, plums, raspberries, it is recommended to use solutions of various concentrations. This is determined by the strength of the plant appearance. The effective feeding time is the period of the appearance of buds, flowers, the formation of fruit ovaries.

Flower beds respond well to the use of ammonia solutions.

The great benefit for the garden is explained by the increased sensitivity of wasps, caterpillars, and ants to the smell of low concentrations of ammonia used. To fix the solutions on the treated tree branches, fatty acids that are part of the soap are used. Dissolve 30 ml of liquid soap and a spoonful of sugar in 10 liters of water. Spray the garden in calm, non-rainy weather.

Precautions for use

It's easy to get poisoned by toxic ammonia. The poison enters the body through the respiratory tract. It works suddenly. Poisoning occurs quickly and severely. All work with ammonia is carried out wearing a respirator, gloves, an apron, and a plastic cap. Signs of poisoning are nausea, vomiting, burning sensation. Before the urgent arrival of the doctor, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm milk. The likelihood of ammonia poisoning increases while working in greenhouses. You can avoid poisoning by opening windows, doors, and lifting the film to allow air to enter.

The use of ammonia in the garden plot is a common technique among summer residents to increase soil fertility and protect plants from possible diseases and pest attacks. Let's learn how to use ammonia for seedlings various plants, whether adult specimens need it, how to use it correctly.

The terms “ammonia”, “ammonia” and “ammonia” used should be understood in single meaning- ammonia.

What are the benefits of ammonia in the garden?

Physically, ammonia is a colorless gas, but with a strong characteristic odor. Dissolving in water, it forms a substance - ammonia, which is used in medicine, everyday life, and technology.

Medical ammonia has a concentration of 10%, technical ammonia - 25%. This is important to consider when preparing working solutions.

The main value of ammonia is its nitrogen component, which, unlike atmospheric nitrogen, is easily absorbed by plants, regardless of how it is used - spraying the plants or watering them at the roots.

Another quality of a medical-technical drug is sharp bad smell- used to repel many insect pests - aphids, mole crickets, ants, onion and carrot flies, wireworms.

Methods of application and timing

Depending on the intended purpose, solutions of ammonia are taken in various concentrations and quantities. They are used by spraying plants or watering the soil.

Against pests

To scare away a bear that gnaws on the stems of young plants (cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers), before planting seedlings, 0.5 liters of 1% ammonia solution are poured into each well (made from 10 ml of medical ammonia and 10 liters of water).

To prevent the appearance of onion and carrot flies, secretive hobonik and other pests in June, the beds are watered weekly with a 2.5% solution (25 ml is dissolved in 10 liters of water).

If aphids appeared on the plants, various midges hover around the plantings, massively spray the plants with a composition of the following components:

  • 50 ml of ammonia;
  • 50 g laundry soap;
  • 10 liters of water.

Plants are usually treated 2-3 times every other day until the pests completely disappear. once every 10 days.

To protect against wireworms, use a 1% solution - half a liter is poured under each root, tuberous, nightshade plant.

A 1% solution is used as preventative measure against the appearance of pests. It is used to water cultural plantings at the roots.

You can comprehensively treat an orchard with ammonia against most harmful insects with an effective solution:

  • 5 ml fir essential oil;
  • 5 ml pharmaceutical iodine;
  • a solution of boric acid from half a teaspoon of powder and 100 ml of hot water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. birch tar;
  • 30 ml of ammonia;
  • 10 liters of water.

The resulting composition is diluted with water (1 glass of product per bucket of water) and sprayed onto trees and bushes. If necessary, spraying is repeated after a week. The main advantage of this spraying is that all plants can be treated with ammonia during any growing season, except flowering.

Using ammonia to spray plants against insects does not have negative consequences even during fruiting. Whatever fruits or vegetables have been treated, the product is easily washed off with plain water.

Fertilizing with ammonia

Ammonia is used as a quickly digestible fertilizer if:

  • buds fade, crumble, and do not form in due time;
  • underdevelopment of leaves is expressed;
  • lower leaves are pale or yellow;
  • the stem is fragile, thin;
  • plant growth has slowed or stopped.

In such cases, ammonia acts as “ ambulance": the effect becomes obvious on the 3rd–5th day after spraying.

To replenish nitrogen deficiency, first of all, make up a base solution of 50 ml of ammonia and 4 liters of water. Working solutions are prepared based on the degree of nitrogen deficiency.

  • Small deficit – 1 tbsp. l. working fluid per 10 liters of water. Usually used for feeding indoor plants and seedlings.
  • Medium – 3 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of water. Most often used.
  • Strong – 1 tsp. for 1 l. It is used extremely rarely when nitrogen deficiency threatens plant development.

The described solutions are applied at the root no more than once a week. At the same time, they carefully monitor the condition of the fertilized plants: lush growth of greenery, a small number of buds and flowers indicate an excess of nitrogen, fertilizing should be stopped immediately.

Regular treatment of plantings with ammonia prevents soil acidification.

Features of feeding various crops

Each plant has its own nitrogen requirement. For some vegetable and horticultural crops, ammonia solutions are prepared according to individual methods.

  • Tomatoes and other nightshades

Feed immediately after landing in open ground. Top dressing is prepared from 2 tbsp. l. ammonia and 10 liters of water. The plants are watered first, then fertilizer is applied at the rate of 1 liter per 1 bush. Repeat after a week.

  • cucumbers

Standard root dressing is prepared from 3 tbsp. l. ammonia diluted in 10 liters of water. Water once every 10-15 days. During fruit set, use a stronger solution of 1 tsp. and 1.5 liters of water, added to the root every 4 days.

It is not advisable to fertilize greenhouse crops with ammonia, since in enclosed spaces this can lead to poisoning even when working with respirators.

  • Garlic

If there are signs of acute nitrogen deficiency, the feeding solution consists of 1 tbsp. l. 25% ammonia and a liter of water. Contribute once.

Preventive feeding is prepared from 20 ml of pharmaceutical ammonia and a bucket of water. So feed the garlic every 7-10 days 3 or 4 times.

A typical strong solution is poured over moist soil on onions grown for plumage. To make the turnip juicy and large, use a standard weak solution. The frequency of feeding is weekly for a month.

  • Strawberry

At least 2 times per season in two approaches. The first couple of feedings are applied in the spring, 15-20 days before the buds open. Autumn fertilization is carried out from the second half of September, when the plants are preparing for winter.

The solution is prepared at the rate of 4 ml of ammonia per liter of water, consumption - half a liter for each bush. Repeated feeding - after 7-10 days.

It is not advisable to water strawberries with ammonia during the fruiting period. If circumstances force this, wash the berries more thoroughly before consumption.

Other plants also need an additional portion of nitrogen, which ammonia easily provides:

  • hydrangea;
  • clematis;
  • lily and other bulbous flowers;
  • geranium;
  • peonies;
  • dahlias;
  • pumpkin;
  • zucchini;
  • beet;
  • berries - raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, currants;
  • apple tree, cherry, sweet cherry, plum.

Under normal conditions, use solutions of medium concentration, pouring them under the root after watering.

Flower beds respond gratefully to foliar fertilizing with ammonia. Dissolve 15 ml of ammonia in 1 liter of water to spray the flower beds.

Ammonia is a godsend for summer residents. Due to its versatility (it is both a fertilizer and an insecticide), it can be used to treat all plants in the garden or garden, flower beds, flower beds, and lawns without the risk of causing damage. environment. Its absorption does not require the participation of bacteria, so the result is achieved quickly. If the concentration of working solutions and the timing of their use are observed, summer residents receive excellent returns - a rich harvest, not overloaded with nitrates.