Toilet      06/12/2019

Chicory root collection time. History of the use of chicory in medicine. Methods for storing dry chicory

You can buy ready-made soluble chicory powder in the store, or you can prepare it yourself from the root of this plant. Try this too.


Common chicory is a perennial herbaceous plant from the aster family. Distributed throughout most of Eurasia, grows in India and northern Africa, and is found in Australia, New Zealand, South and North America.

In our area, chicory grows near populated areas, along roads, in forest clearings and meadows, in wastelands and fields.

Among other plants, it stands out for its tall, straight, hairy stem, on which there are branches with leaves that are slightly thicker towards the top.

Chicory flowers have a pronounced blue color, but they also come in pink and white.

The main “treasure” of chicory is its thick root, the length of which can reach one and a half meters.

It is he who contains the mass useful substances(inulin, pectin, carotene and others), thanks to which the chicory drink gained its popularity.

Procurement of plant raw materials

Harvesting chicory roots should be done in late autumn, after the above-ground part of the plant dies.

It is at this time that its rhizome contains maximum amount useful substances.

It is best to do this after rain - it is much easier to dig up roots from soaked soil.

To “harvest” chicory, choose environmentally friendly places, avoiding areas located in close proximity to automobile and railways, manufacturing enterprises, chemical warehouses, cemeteries, landfills and cattle burial grounds.

After digging around the root with a long knife or rod, grab the top of the root and slowly pull it up.

Avoid sudden movements, otherwise the root will burst and most of it will remain in the ground.

After clearing the rhizome of adhering soil, rinse it in cold running water.

Remove small rotten roots from the roots and cut crosswise into small pieces. If the root is large enough, it can be cut lengthwise.

You can dry chicory roots either outdoors in the shade or in the oven or dryer. Make sure that the air temperature in them does not exceed 40 0 ​​C.

Properly dried roots become brittle, pale yellow at the break and light brown on the outside.

Preparation of the powder

Fry the dried chicory root pieces in a clean frying pan without adding oil.

When the root fragments darken and acquire a dirty brown color, and the unique aroma of essential oils released during the heat treatment of chicory spreads throughout the kitchen, remove the pan from the heat.

After allowing the roasted roots to cool, grind them in a blender or coffee grinder to a powder. You can use prepared chicory powder to enjoy its taste and aroma.

Enjoy your meal!

When we talk about chicory, we immediately remember that it is a well-known coffee substitute. However, the herb has beneficial components in large quantities. Many people do not even suspect that this plant is quite often found in desert meadows or along off-road areas, like an ordinary weed. Summer residents who know the beneficial properties of this grass try to care for it in their plots. Read more about how to properly collect, dry and store chicory for the winter.

Chicory is in the active flowering phase for 3 months, from July to the end of September. The green part of this plant is harvested during this period. Cut off the top with flowers 30 centimeters long, without touching the hard stems.

As for the part of the plant that grows underground, its collection begins during the rainy season. During periods of high soil moisture, removing chicory roots is not difficult. The very beginning of spring or deep autumn– after the grass stems wither.

Anyone who wants to get the maximum amount of benefit from consuming chicory collects the rhizomes in autumn period.

To carefully remove the roots, you must first dig up the soil around the stem, then pull out the root. The most useful part of the plant is deep in the ground, so the use of a shovel is not required, as there is a risk of tearing off only the top part of the grass. When growing grass at home, it is easy to follow the phases of its growth and flowering.

Harvesting chicory for the winter

To keep chicory well in winter, the upper and lower parts of the plant are dried. Before harvesting the grass, it needs to be prepared.

After collecting the upper part of the plant, the raw materials must be sorted out, removing yellowed damaged branches, particles of dirt and leaves damaged by pests. There is no need to wash the collected chicory stems. The branches can be dried whole or cut into several parts. For ease of storage, many chop the grass into strips only 3 centimeters long.

Chicory roots should be removed from the soil and washed thoroughly in water. Small lateral roots are torn off from the main rhizome, since they are not suitable for drying; most of the useful vitamins are contained in the main root.

Very long rhizomes can be cut crosswise into several parts, thick rhizomes can be cut lengthwise.

How to dry grass

Outdoor places are considered suitable for drying chicory; many people choose a balcony, veranda or canopy. The main thing is that the air circulates well and the grass is protected from direct contact sun rays. The room is chosen without high humidity, as this contributes to the molding of raw materials. Cut chicory branches are laid out on thick paper or fabric.

To prevent caking of the grass, the plants are periodically stirred during the drying process. Some craftsmen dry the grass in a dryer, using temperatures up to 45 degrees Celsius. After two to three weeks, the green part of the plant will be dried out.

How to dry rhizomes

The roots of the beneficial herb are also dried in two ways. This can be done by laying it out on canvas or paper, leaving it on outdoors in a dark place. Or using a dryer or oven preheated to no more than 40 degrees Celsius.

If you choose a natural method of drying the roots, the readiness time for chicory will be no more than 2 weeks. Before the procedure, the rhizome is cleaned of dirt and small damaged lateral shoots. If necessary, cut lengthwise or crosswise.

How to determine product readiness

Distinctive features that the chicory has dried well enough are that when squeezed between the fingers, the dried leaves turn into powder, and the stems make a distinct cracking sound when they break. If the top of the plant is dried in compliance with all conditions, it will not change its natural shade during the drying process.

The roots, dried to the required stage, acquire a light brown color, and inside have a yellowish tint.

Storage methods

Thick paper bags, fabric bags or cardboard boxes are great for storing green grass tops. Choose a dry place where there is no sunlight. The beneficial herb retains its healing components for 12 months.

Dried roots medicinal plant or ground chicory drink is recommended to be stored in a glass container in a dark, dry place. Jars with preparations must be placed away from products that have a pungent or specific aroma. Taking into account all the above recommendations, chicory coffee, as well as dried roots of the plant, preserve useful qualities within 24 months.

Application of chicory preparations

Chicory root is the most popular coffee substitute. As is known, natural coffe contains a substance such as caffeine. This component is contraindicated for people suffering from certain diseases.

As for the chicory drink, there is no caffeine in it at all, but other beneficial substances are contained in large quantities.

To make coffee from chicory roots, you need to chop the fresh roots into several pieces no more than 10 millimeters thick. And then subjected to heat treatment at a temperature of about 100 degrees Celsius for 12 hours.

Already dry pieces of roots need to be fried in a frying pan without the use of oil. When the chicory acquires the color of a coffee drink, the product is considered ready.

Chicory coffee gives a specific aroma essential oil, which is released during frying of the roots. The fried raw material must be cooled, then crushed using a blender or coffee grinder.

Chicory drink is brewed both without adding grain components and with them. The supplements usually chosen are soy, barley, rowan, oats, dried carrots or roasted almonds. The proportion of these components is always different, depending on taste preferences.

Tea is also prepared from the powder of this medicinal herb. To do this, one teaspoon of the powder mixture should be boiled in water, the amount of which is approximately equal to one glass of water. After which the drink is allowed to brew. After 10 minutes the drink is ready. By adding sugar, cream or milk, you can enjoy aromatic tea with bitterness.

Drinks made from ground chicory have a positive effect on the nervous system, provide a calming effect and, moreover, do not contain caffeine at all.

Chicory is a common plant with blue flowers, which can be found in the vast expanses of European Russia, Western Siberia and the Caucasus. It is grown as a seed crop in the USA and Western European countries. For all its inconspicuousness, buttonwood (another name for chicory) brings undeniable benefits to the human body. The use of chicory root, its benefits and methods of preparation is the topic of our article.

Benefits and preparation of chicory root

Composition of chicory root

Button roots consist of 60% inulin, a polysaccharide that is a powerful bifidostimulant, that is, a substance that catalyzes metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body as a whole. The grass contains up to 15% of various sugars, as well as tannins, B vitamins, resins, microelements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and others). The composition includes intibin, a substance used in pharmaceuticals. Chicory root has an average calorie content of 380 kcal.

How to properly prepare chicory?

A ready-made solution or powder from button roots can be found on the shelves of pharmacies or in the grocery store, but it is not difficult to prepare it yourself. It is worth collecting the medicinal plant away from busy roads and highways, in environmentally friendly areas. Roots are pulled out of the ground late autumn, they must be carefully rinsed and dried in the sun or in the oven. Next, chop and fry in a frying pan. No need to worry, all the beneficial substances will be preserved during heat treatment, and the mixture will acquire a beautiful color and characteristic aroma. The roots are then ground into powder.

Chicory root: medicinal product, on the basis of which tasty and healthy drinks are prepared

How to use chicory root?

The uses of chicory root are quite varied. It became widespread due to its rich and complex composition, as well as a small list of contraindications.

Benefits of chicory root

Button root is a truly unique medicinal product, there are recipes based on it in folk medicine a lot.

Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract

Brewed chicory root powder has long been used to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, increase appetite, and improve digestion.

Improving microflora and the condition of the pancreas

Thanks to high content inulin, button grass can improve intestinal microflora, reduce inflammatory processes, and normalize the functioning of the pancreas.

Reduced excitability and improved cardiac activity

The benefits for the nervous system are obvious - B vitamins contained in chicory ensure healthy, sound sleep, eliminate insomnia and apathy. Chicory, unlike coffee, has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, as it does not provoke an accelerated heartbeat or tachycardia. Potassium, contained in large quantities in this medicinal plant, normalizes the heart rate.

Normalization of sugar levels and weight loss

The root of this plant is also effective in complex therapy for the treatment and prevention of diseases such as diabetes and obesity. Inulin normalizes blood sugar and supports metabolic processes.

Treatment of dermatological diseases

Button grass helps cope with dermatological diseases; products based on the roots of this herb have wound-healing properties.

Chicory root in cooking

Chicory roots are also used for food purposes; it is included in confectionery products, cakes and pastries as a flavoring additive that gives baked goods a delicate nutty taste, pleasant color and aroma. Buttonberry is the safest alternative to coffee, close to the latter in taste qualities, but not causing harm to the body. Unlike coffee, this medicinal plant does not contain a dangerous alkaloid - caffeine, which has a detrimental effect on humans when taken in large doses. The alcohol obtained from the roots of this medicinal plant is superior in quality and output volume to potato alcohol. Edibles have been successfully selected leaf varieties chicory, such as witloof, escarole. Young shoots and leaves, rich ascorbic acid, good fresh in salads and soups. When fried, the product is served as a side dish for fish. Chicory is indicated for dietary nutrition.

What can be prepared from chicory root?

Chicory root is good both on its own and as part of phytotherapeutic preparations. It is compatible with yarrow, corn silk, oregano, and milk thistle. You can make a decoction, infusion, coffee and tea from chicory root.


You will need:

  1. a teaspoon of chicory powder;
  2. water - 200 ml.

Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Cool and strain. This decoction should be taken one glass per day, divided into 4 doses.

Chicory root tea


  1. a teaspoon of chicory powder;
  2. water - 250 ml;
  3. sugar or honey - 1 teaspoon.

Mix the powder with water and cook over moderate heat for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and strain. Sweeten warm tea with sugar or honey.

Imitation coffee


  1. a teaspoon of chicory powder;
  2. water - 200 ml;
  3. milk - 50 ml.

The cooking method is similar to the previous one. Add milk to the finished coffee if desired. This will have a positive effect on its taste.

Contraindications to the use of chicory

In some cases, the use of button root is contraindicated. It should be avoided in case of ulcerative pathology, heart disease, varicose veins, hemorrhoids.

Now you know about the uses of chicory root and what unique properties it has. This product will help you get rid of all kinds of ailments, provide a good mood and healthy sleep, and you can purchase it at an affordable price. If you have a serious medical condition, consult a specialist before drinking, if possible.

  • 1 Useful, medicinal properties chicory and its composition
  • 2 Where does chicory grow?
  • 3 How and when to harvest flowers
  • 4 How to dry chicory herb
  • 5 How and when to harvest chicory roots
  • 6 How to make chicory coffee

Despite the fact that chicory has been known since ancient times, in our time the attitude towards it is twofold. Some see it only as a weed, albeit a delicately blooming one, while others treat it as a coffee surrogate. And people who are well versed in medicinal plants, “hats off to him.”

Useful, medicinal properties of chicory and its composition

  • Chicory roots contain inulin, which can be called a natural substitute for starch and sugar in diabetes.
  • Chicory also contains the glycoside intibin, choline, gum, resin, tannins, chicorine, essential oil, lactucin and lactucopyrin.
  • Chicory roots are used to improve digestion, increase appetite, and for dyspepsia.
  • The roots have a choleretic effect and are used for liver diseases and gallbladder, for cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, inflammation of the pancreas. It’s not for nothing that chicory is popularly called “liver grass.”
  • Chicory is used for gout, joint diseases, osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, obesity, and metabolic disorders.
  • Chicory has a positive effect on neuroses, asthenia and hysteria.
  • Externally, chicory is used for insect bites, as well as in the treatment of skin diseases. It helps well with diathesis in children.
  • Chicory juice, together with the juice of carrots, parsley and celery, restores vision.

Contraindications: vascular diseases, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, as well as individual intolerance.

Where does chicory grow?

Chicory grows almost everywhere where there is a lot of sun: in clearings, wastelands, hills, along roads and fields, in vegetable gardens.

There are wild varieties of chicory and those that are cultivated.

The flowering parts of the plant and roots have medicinal properties.

The peculiarity of chicory is that it begins to bloom after a few years, and at first - in the first year - only a basal rosette of leaves develops. Over time, the root becomes so long that it sometimes goes one and a half meters deep into the soil.

How and when to harvest flowers

  • Chicory flowers are collected at the time of mass flowering from June to September.
  • Chicory grass is harvested away from roadways, factories, and garbage dumps.
  • Dry, settled weather is chosen for collection.
  • Flowers are harvested when the dew has dried on the plants.
  • For drying, only the apical flowering parts of the plant without rough stems are cut off.

How to dry chicory herb

The cut stems are dried in the shade, under a canopy or in attics under an iron roof, spread in a thin layer on a cloth.

The raw materials are stirred periodically so that they dry evenly. Drying is considered complete if the stems break well.

Store raw materials in canvas bags or paper bags in a dry, dark, cool place. Shelf life is one year.

How and when to harvest chicory roots

Chicory roots are harvested or in early spring, or late autumn when the above-ground part of the plant begins to die. It is at this time that the maximum amount of nutrients accumulates in the roots, because the plant is preparing for winter.

Since the roots of chicory are long, they are not pulled out, but dig up. Then the roots are cleared of soil and quickly washed in cold water, remove the thin side roots and lay them out on the grass for initial drying.

Then the roots are cut crosswise into small pieces, and thick roots are also cut lengthwise before this.

The roots are laid out on cloth and dried in a ventilated area or under a canopy.

But it is still better to dry the roots in a dryer or oven at a temperature not exceeding 60°. The oven door must be kept half open to prevent the raw materials from steaming. When the roots break with a bang, stop drying.

Store the roots V cardboard boxes, boxes or paper bags in a dry place for three years.

Dried chicory roots are an excellent coffee substitute. The fact is that regular coffee is contraindicated for many due to the presence of caffeine in it. There is no caffeine in the chicory drink, but there are a lot of other useful substances, the properties of which were mentioned above. In addition, the chicory drink does not irritate the stomach, does not have a stimulating effect on the heart and nervous system, but stimulates the appetite.

To obtain a chicory drink, prepared fresh chicory roots are cut into pieces 1 cm thick and dried at a temperature of 100° for about 12 hours.

The dried roots are then roasted in a dry frying pan until they become coffee-colored. When chicory roots are fried, the essential oil chicoreol is formed, which gives the drink a unique aroma.

After cooling, the roots are ground in a coffee grinder, blender or ground in a mortar.

Chicory coffee can be prepared both without additives and with grain components, adding barley, soy, rowan, oats, rye, dried carrots, fried almond kernels, fried acorn kernels to chicory. The percentage of additives and their quantity may vary.

How to make chicory coffee

Ground chicory or the prepared mixture is poured into hot water and brought to a boil. The drink is allowed to brew and poured into cups, adding milk and sugar to taste. For one glass of water, take 1 teaspoon of the prepared mixture.

Few people know that the inconspicuous roadside blue flower is the famous chicory used to produce coffee substitute. And many scientists and healers of antiquity knew about the magnificent healing properties of this plant.

Description of the species and distribution

Common chicory is a herbaceous plant. perennial plants. The chicory root is spindle-shaped and very fleshy and large (up to one and a half meters), releasing a milky juice when cut.

The erect stem of chicory has a ribbed surface, sometimes reaches a height of 120 centimeters, and is very branched.
Chicory leaves are collected in rosettes, the basal leaves have a notched, pinnately divided or weakly lobed structure, tapering towards the base. The mid-stem leaves are sessile, lanceolate, alternate with sharply toothed edges and a wide base, and the upper leaves are more entire and lanceolate in shape.

Bisexual chicory flowers are located in baskets, always singly at the tops of the plant and in the axils of the upper leaves. Chicory flowers have a blue tint, although there are white and pinkish varieties, the petals are reed-shaped with 5 teeth. Period abundant flowering falls in June-September. After flowering, a fruit is formed - an achene, usually triangular or pentagonal. Its length is small, only two to three millimeters, slightly oblong and has a brown or lighter shade.

Common chicory is an excellent honey plant. He also reacts very strongly to the presence sunlight, so after five in the evening it is very difficult to find open chicory flowers. Common chicory grows almost everywhere: it can be found in the European and Asian parts of the Eurasian continent, in Africa, New Zealand, and Australia. Very often, chicory is found in meadows, along roads, ditches, and sometimes forms quite abundant thickets.

Collection and preparation

For medicinal purposes, chicory roots are mainly used; herbs, namely the flowers and tops of the plant, are less commonly used. Harvesting of roots is carried out in the autumn. They are dug up and washed cold water, get wet from excess moisture. Afterwards, the roots are cut into pieces, including lengthwise, and laid to dry. Drying of roots can be done both in the open air and using drying equipment.

Ready dried roots can be stored for up to two years.
Chicory grass is harvested during the flowering period of the plant. To do this, cut off the upper parts of the stems (about 30 cm in size). Chicory herb can also be dried outdoors or in dryers. The shelf life of chicory grass is less than the roots, only one year.

Medicinal properties

Traditional medicine has found quite a large number of areas of application of chicory. Thus, the herb, roots and seeds are used to treat the stomach, liver, intestines, bladder, spleen, and preparations based on chicory are used as a sedative for hysteria and epilepsy, and also treat hemoptysis and anemia.

A decoction of chicory seeds has an antipyretic, diaphoretic and even analgesic effect. Chicory flowers in the form of an infusion have a calming effect in case of increased excitability and reduce pain in the heart area. Fresh chicory juice was used to treat malaria and anemia. Chicory herb in the form of a decoction is added to baths to treat eczema and diathesis, as well as to treat joints. The same chicory herb is used as a poultice to treat abscesses, and in the form of ash in combination with sour cream is used for various kinds skin lesions, including psoriasis and eczema.

In general, chicory has been known to traditional healers since ancient times. There is evidence that in many scientific works of ancient healing scientists there is a mention of chicory.

Chicory is an excellent substitute for coffee and, unlike the latter, it is much healthier. Using chicory instead of coffee helps cleanse the body, remove accumulated waste and toxins, radioactive substances, improve digestion and even speed up metabolism.

Chicory has a positive effect on gastric motility and the digestive process in general. Thus, common chicory helps improve the functioning of the stomach when digesting difficult-to-digest food.
The removal of toxins is due to the fact that chicory has a beneficial effect on the liver, enhancing its functions.

Medicinal recipes

Chicory has incredible beneficial properties, for example, with daily consumption of chicory, the condition of the skin improves and general condition person.
The most in a simple way The use of chicory is to make a decoction.

  • Root decoction: Thoroughly chop one tablespoon of chicory roots, pour half a liter of boiling water and boil for about half an hour. After cooling, the resulting decoction should be filtered and taken before meals, a tablespoon three times a day. This decoction helps improve appetite and the digestive process in general, and is also an excellent choleretic and diuretic.
  • An infusion of chicory roots is used to treat the gastrointestinal tract, inflammatory processes of the bladder, skin diseases. Infusion: pour a full tablespoon of crushed root with half a liter of boiling water and leave in a closed container for several hours. After the infusion is filtered, the remains of the steamed root are squeezed out and consumed half a glass half an hour before meals three times a day. The infusion is also recommended for the treatment of cholelithiasis or an enlarged spleen.
  • Chicory juice also has a mass useful properties, since it treats anemia and skin diseases (acne, diathesis, eczema, pustular skin diseases), and also serves as a sedative. Chicory juice: to prepare the juice, only young shoots at the budding stage are used, which are thoroughly washed, scalded with boiling water and passed through a meat grinder. The resulting pulp is squeezed out through a rag or several layers of gauze and boiled for a couple of minutes. Afterwards, add honey to the boiled juice and take one teaspoon up to four times a day.
  • Lotions made from chicory roots help cure diathesis, including in children over two years of age. Lotion: prepare a mixture of roots and aerial parts of chicory, taken in equal parts. Boil four tablespoons of the resulting mixture in a glass of water for thirty minutes. Afterwards, as usual, cool and squeeze. Take baths or douches at night. The treatment period is at least three days.
  • To improve or even restore vision, use a mixture of chicory, parsley, carrot and celery juices. A glass of this juice mixture per day, with constant use for several days (or weeks for serious vision problems), gives excellent results in various defects vision.

To treat anemia, use the following recipe:
Add a teaspoon of chicory juice to half a glass of milk. This mixture must be taken at least three times a day for a month and a half. Afterwards take a week break and repeat the course.

For arrhythmia, you can try this method:
Grind the chicory root thoroughly and take one teaspoon, add half a liter of water and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, close the container with a lid and leave to steep for a couple of hours. Then strain and add honey. Take half a glass three times a day before meals.

For gastritis:
Chop the chicory flowers and stems thoroughly and take a couple of tablespoons. Pour the indicated amount of the mixture into a liter of boiling water and boil for a quarter of an hour. Cool, strain and drink half a glass three times a day.

For the prevention of laryngitis, bronchitis and treatment of lung diseases:
Grind the chicory root in advance and add motherwort herb in a 1:1 ratio. Pour a mixture of motherwort and chicory in the volume of three tablespoons (tablespoons) into two glasses hot water and set aside to infuse for fifteen minutes. Drink as regular tea throughout the day.


Chicory roots have no special side effects and are not toxic.
Long-term use of chicory preparations can cause increased secretion of gastric juice, as well as diuresis. The use of herbal preparations, including chicory, should not be used when treating children under two years of age. Individual intolerance may be present.