Toilet      07/02/2020

How the fetus develops at 4 weeks of pregnancy. Fourth week of pregnancy: what happens to the fetus. Is it possible to do this at this time?

At 4 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother already clearly feels the signs of her new position. This stage of fetal formation is extremely important, because right now the active development of all organs and systems of the unborn child begins. Now a woman needs to take care of her health. The exclusion of external and internal negative factors during this period is the key to happy motherhood.

Signs of pregnancy in the fourth week

On at this stage the woman already understands that she will soon become a mother, because her periods are most likely absent. Other early symptoms include:

  • Emotional swing. Due to fluctuations in the level of progesterone in the blood, a pregnant woman experiences frequent mood swings. This manifests itself in tearfulness, irritability, and sleep disturbances.
  • Increased frequency of trips to the toilet. At 4 weeks the uterus increases slightly in size. In this regard, pressure on the bladder increases. Even when it is not completely filled, the woman feels the urge to urinate.
  • Basal temperature, which should decrease slightly 14 days after ovulation, remains elevated.
  • Pulling sensations in the lower abdomen and lumbar region. This sign is not always a harbinger of pregnancy. The stomach often feels tight even at the beginning of menstruation. If conception has occurred, such manifestations may indicate the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall and the growth of the embryo itself. reproductive organ.
  • Changes in the chest. The mammary glands become dense, sometimes the sensitivity of the nipples increases.
  • Scanty spotting. This sign indicates the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine wall.

The physiological state of a woman changes noticeably. Drowsiness and fatigue appear. Fatigue is felt even in the first half of the day in the absence of significant physical activity.

Often, the expectant mother notices an increase in sense of smell and a change in taste preferences. Dishes that she liked before may be disgusting. At 4 weeks of pregnancy, toxicosis and weight loss often occur. In the morning, nausea and vomiting appear. Sometimes sweating and increased salivation are observed. This does not happen to everyone; many women do not encounter this unpleasant condition.

Embryo development at this stage

4 weeks of pregnancy is an important period characterized by the transformation of a fertilized egg into an embryo. Now the embryo is a tiny body that looks very much like a disk of three layers. What happens during this period? The changes are as follows:

  1. Formation of extraembryonic organs from the outer leaf. The embryo develops an amniotic membrane or amnion, a yolk sac and a chorion. Thanks to them, the respiratory, protective and nutritional functions are performed.
  2. The outer shell is presented in the form of a chorion. It will later become the placenta. The conversion process will take up to 12 weeks. The placenta is very important for the normal development of the embryo. It provides it with oxygen and other vital nutrients. An important role is also played by the vascular network, which appears in the area of ​​​​contact between the fetus and the uterine wall.
  3. The amnion or amniotic membrane is the cavity in which the embryo will be located in the future. Later it transforms into a fetal sac. In this space the child is protected from negative influence external and internal environment.
  4. The yolk sac is responsible for the function of hematopoiesis. It performs its role for up to 7-8 weeks.
  5. The ectoderm forms an unequal fetal system, skin covering, organs of vision and tooth enamel.
  6. The mesoderm is transformed into bone, muscle, and connective tissue. Forms the reproductive, excretory, circulatory system.
  7. The endoderm is the rudiment of the organs of the respiratory and digestive systems.

The end of the 4th week of pregnancy is called blastogenesis. The head of the embryo at this stage is already marked and resembles a tiny droplet. The initial stage of embryo formation is completed.

What's happening to the baby

At the end of the first month of development, the fertilized egg enters the embryonic stage. It is now growing rapidly and going through a number of changes. Externally, it strongly resembles a disc-shaped body with three layers. At 4 weeks of pregnancy, the neural plate forms in the small organism. This is the rudiment of the spinal cord and brain of the fetus. On the tiny head you can see the rudiments of the eyes. The diameter of the embryo does not exceed five millimeters.

Starting from the end of the first month from conception and ending with the tenth week, the active formation of all organs and systems occurs. Some organs are even starting their work. At this stage, there remains a fairly high risk of miscarriage and abnormal development of the embryo. In this regard, a woman should take care of her health, eliminate bad habits, emotional turmoil and eat right.

The risk of spontaneous abortion remains high until the 12th week. The young mother must take all necessary efforts to preserve the life of the fetus.

Changes in the body at 4 weeks of embryo development

After fertilization of the egg and its attachment to the wall of the uterus, changes begin in the woman’s body, which are still barely noticeable. The production of progesterone provokes a slight enlargement and swelling of the mammary glands, and increased sensitivity of the nipples.

A pregnant woman gets tired quickly and becomes drowsy. Girls experience toxicosis, expressed in dyspeptic disorders such as nausea, vomiting, flatulence, and belching. Mood changes are common. Many people gain weight, which becomes a reason to suspect their interesting situation.

6-7 days after conception, human chorionic gonadotropin is produced, known to many as hCG. Against this background, a decrease in immunity occurs. This is necessary for the adoption of the embryo. Without hCG, the body will perceive the fetus as a foreign body and simply reject it.

Human chorionic gonadotropin is sometimes detected in girls in the absence of pregnancy. Normally, its numbers do not exceed 5 mU/ml. When conception occurs, the amount of hCG increases rapidly. In case of twins or triplets, which often develops as a result of IVF, the amount of gonadotropin doubles or triples.

Woman's feelings

It is impossible to say exactly what a pregnant woman will feel at 4 weeks of fetal development. All women are different, and therefore their feelings are different. We will name the symptoms that are most common in expectant mothers at this stage.


At the 4th week of pregnancy, the mammary glands increase slightly in size, their sensitivity increases, and many girls notice the appearance of veins. This is a completely normal phenomenon, indicating that the body is preparing for upcoming motherhood. If your breasts were very sensitive at this stage and then stopped hurting, don’t worry. During the period of bearing a baby, the female body undergoes many changes.

During this period, you need to think about a comfortable bra. Under no circumstances should you wear too tight or synthetic underwear. In the future, this may negatively affect lactation and the health of the mammary glands.


At the end of the first month after conception, a woman’s belly does not increase in size. Although the uterus is beginning to grow, it is not yet visible from the outside. Shapes can become rounded only if appetite increases and speed dial body weight.

Often, at the 4th week of pregnancy, a woman feels that her stomach is pulling and discomfort has appeared in the lumbar region. This is explained by hormonal changes and rapid growth of the uterus. Typically, such pain is transitory in nature and does not require medical treatment.


Under the influence of progesterone, the reproductive organ swells and acquires a soft structure. This is necessary for the development of the embryo and the creation of comfortable conditions for tiny life. The size of the uterus increases slightly.

In addition, this stage is characterized by the formation of a special mucus plug. This is necessary to protect the embryo from infections throughout its development.


A healthy pregnancy is characterized by the absence of menstrual bleeding. In rare cases, the so-called ablution of the fetus is observed when early stages menstruation occurs as usual or more sparingly.

The only normal condition that causes bleeding is implantation bleeding. During the attachment of the embryo to the uterus, a woman experiences a small amount of blood, but this sign is not always observed.

Normally, discharge during pregnancy should be transparent in color and have a mucous consistency. The mucous base also has a plug that closes the entrance to the uterus. It performs a protective function and prevents infection of the fetus. This plug comes off just before childbirth.

You should worry if the nature of the secretion is as follows:

  • presence unpleasant odor, reminiscent of fish or sour milk;
  • the presence of itching, burning or other unpleasant sensations;
  • the discharge has a cheesy base (speaks of thrush);
  • brown, yellow, reddish discharge;
  • the volume of secretion is large and brings discomfort;
  • discharge is accompanied by pain and cutting.

If one or more of the above symptoms are present, a woman is advised to immediately seek medical attention. medical care.

HCG and progesterone at 4 weeks

After conception in female body many changes are taking place. First of all, the hormonal background changes. This is expressed in the increased production of certain substances, namely progesterone and human chorionic gonadotropin. Each of these hormones performs its own function.

The role of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG):

  • supports the function of the corpus luteum for up to 7 weeks;
  • takes part in the development of the fetus;
  • helps suppress the immune system, which is necessary for the body to accept the embryo.

6-7 days after conception, the amount of hCG in the blood of a pregnant woman increases several times daily. Around week 10, the amount of the hormone begins to gradually decrease.

If we talk about the fourth obstetric week, then the amount of hCG here should be approximately 101 - 4870 mU/ml. In the fourth embryonic week, its amount is approximately 1110 - 31500 mU/ml.

In addition to human chorionic gonadotropin, when conception occurs, there is an increase in the production of the hormone progesterone. Its function is as follows:

  • participation in the formation of certain fetal tissues;
  • stimulation of growth of the reproductive organ;
  • decreased immune system function to prevent embryo rejection;
  • stimulation of mammary gland growth;
  • an increase in subcutaneous fat in a woman to provide nutrition to the embryo.

What is visible on an ultrasound during this period? Ultrasound examination is carried out using a transvaginal sensor. The method helps confirm the onset of pregnancy, identify ectopic implantation of the ovum and other possible pathologies. At week 4, an ultrasound shows the embryo in the form of a small dot, the diameter of which is no more than two millimeters. The fetus at this stage is already visualized quite well.

It is not yet possible to see the tissues of the embryo, but after 7-10 days it will be possible to see a small embryo. During this period, the corpus luteum continues to actively produce progesterone. In the ultrasound photo, the fetus looks like a small dot.

By the way, if you want to see the entire calendar intrauterine development fetus by week, you can do it by.

Diagnosis using a test

On the shelves of pharmacies you can find many pregnancy tests that can easily determine the onset of conception from the first days of the delay. All of them are based on the indication of hCG in the female body. 7-10 days after fertilization of the egg, the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin in the body is sufficient for the test to detect it. If the result is negative, this may indicate an incorrect determination of the due date or absence of pregnancy. In such a situation, it is recommended to repeat the test after some time.

Such diagnostics are carried out at home. To do this, you need to carefully read the instructions for use from the manufacturer. The procedure should be done in the morning. During this period, the concentration of hCG is highest.

Why does the stomach sag and hurt in the early stages of pregnancy? During this period, discomfort is considered normal if the woman feels normal and there is no bleeding or other negative signs.

Painful sensations in the abdomen and back may indicate the following problems:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • diseases of the urinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis);
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • pathologies of the digestive system (ulcers, gastritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis);
  • inflammation of the ovaries;
  • frozen pregnancy.

If the pain is frequent and intense, you should not risk your health and the health of your tiny body.

Pain in the lumbar region

In the lumbar region, pulling and discomfort in the 4th week can occur due to various reasons. It is normal if these pains are moderate and there is passing coughing. Usually this indicates an increase in the size of the uterus and preparation of the osseous-ligamentous apparatus for bearing a baby.

Causes of pathological pain include:

  • excess body weight and increased load on the spine;
  • diseases of the spinal column that occurred before pregnancy;
  • kidney pathologies.

If you notice such pain and its dynamics increase, you should definitely consult a doctor. Timely diagnosis of certain problems will help eliminate many complications in the future.

Bloody or brown discharge

As already mentioned, normally, spotting in the early stages of pregnancy can only be observed in the case of implantation bleeding and during the ablution of the fetus, when menstruation occurs after conception. In other cases, brown, pink and bloody discharge may indicate the following problems:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • embryo freezing;
  • cervical erosion;
  • beginning miscarriage.

A scanty light brown smudge may appear after a gynecological examination or sexual intercourse. Do not hesitate to inform your gynecologist about the appearance of such a sign. If the problem is identified in a timely manner, this significantly increases the chances of saving the baby.

Causes of elevated body temperature

4 weeks is the first trimester of pregnancy. This period is very exciting for expectant mother, because she had not yet had time to get used to her new position. In this regard, she has many questions. One of them is why body temperature may increase?

First, let's figure out what the basal temperature should be. This indicator varies depending on the woman's cycle. It is known that during the period of ovulation, BT increases by 1-2 degrees. After 12-14 days it decreases. When pregnancy occurs, due to the production of progesterone, the levels remain elevated. Therefore, if at week 4 the temperature remains within 37 - 37.3 ° C, then this is an absolutely normal condition.

The situation is different if the thermometer readings are quite high and amount to 38-39°C. Such marks may indicate serious problems. These include:

  • inflammatory diseases internal organs;
  • ectopic or frozen pregnancy;
  • influenza, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.

If the fever is caused by a common cold, the woman is advised to drink plenty of fluids and eat fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C. Drug treatment should only be carried out as prescribed by a doctor. A specialist will help you choose pills that will not harm the fetus at 4 weeks.

You cannot neglect your health while carrying a baby. During this period, the expectant mother is responsible not only for her own life.

An ectopic pregnancy is a rather dangerous condition. If it is not diagnosed in a timely manner, the consequences will be extremely negative. In order to promptly suspect a pathology, you should know its symptoms. These include:

  • absence of menstruation;
  • toxicosis;
  • breast swelling and enlargement;
  • pulling sensations in the back and abdomen;
  • maintaining basal body temperature within 37-37.3°C;
  • change in emotional state.

With the further development of the pathology, the woman is often diagnosed with severe pain and bleeding. Treatment is carried out with medication or surgery.

The following factors can provoke an ectopic pregnancy:

  • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • congenital diseases of the fallopian tubes;
  • hormonal disorders in the female body;
  • bad habits (alcohol, smoking);
  • previous abortions;
  • the presence of an intrauterine device.

The most dangerous is the attachment of the fertilized egg in the ovary. The growth of the embryo provokes organ rupture, which is accompanied by acute pain, bleeding, nausea, vomiting and other dangerous signs. In the absence of timely assistance, death is possible.

Carrying a child is a complex and lengthy process, during which things often don’t go according to plan. Fading pregnancy can occur due to the following reasons:

  • genetic disorders of the fetus;
  • hormonal imbalance in the mother’s body;
  • the presence of sexually transmitted infections (syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia);
  • as a result of serious illnesses (flu, rubella, meningitis);
  • in case of Rh conflict;
  • due to abuse of cigarettes or alcohol;
  • if a woman has a history of two or more abortions.

Freezing of the embryo can also occur as a result of severe physical and psychological stress.

Signs of fetal freezing include bloody spotting, a sharp cessation of toxicosis, and intense pain in the lower abdomen.

If you notice such symptoms, you should immediately make an appointment with your doctor.

Up to 12 weeks, the threat of involuntary miscarriage remains quite high. At week 4, a woman should be very attentive to her health, adhere to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Symptoms of an incipient miscarriage:

  • bloody or pink discharge, often containing elements of germinal tissue;
  • painful sensations in the lower abdomen and back;
  • dizziness and headache;
  • Sometimes nausea and irritability are observed.

A miscarriage can last from several hours to several days.

Is it possible to have sex

Sex is not a contraindication during the 4th week of pregnancy. If doctors have not diagnosed a threat of miscarriage and the woman feels great, sexual intimacy with a partner is not prohibited.

Sexual intercourse is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • the presence of a threat of miscarriage;
  • the woman has a history of miscarriages or fetal death;
  • sexually transmitted infections in a partner;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • congenital pathologies of the reproductive organs.

In such situations, it is better to abstain from sex in the fourth week.

Nutritional features for the expectant mother

It cannot be said that a girl in an interesting position in the early stages of bearing a baby should strictly limit herself in some way. The main thing is that the menu is varied and balanced. There should be on the table a large number of vegetables, fruits, cereals, fermented milk products.

Is it possible to fly on an airplane?

Flying during the 4th week of pregnancy is often contraindicated. This is associated with the following conditions:

  • severe toxicosis, accompanied by frequent vomiting;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • exacerbation chronic diseases;
  • anemia.

During this period, the body already endures a colossal load and many changes. It is better for a woman to be at home in a familiar environment.


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What does the baby look like (weight and size of the fetus)

Despite the fact that your future baby already visible on the monitor screen of an ultrasound machine (even if only in the form of a bold dot), for a doctor it is not yet a fruit. He is an embryo. Remember last week this baby was like a ball. Nowadays, the outlines of her body are becoming more elongated. In a week, your unborn baby will lengthen by 0.3-1 millimeter. The weight of the fruit, which is not yet a fruit at all, is only half a gram. I can’t even believe that after a few months this point will turn into a rosy-cheeked boy or a golden-haired princess weighing more than three kilograms.

The embryo now resembles a grain. However, despite its miniature size, it has a multilayer structure. Petals - this is what doctors and other figures in medical science call these layers. They perform a special function: in the near future they will begin to develop from the petals internal systems baby and his organs. There are three petals in total, and they are as follows:

  • the ectoderm is the outermost layer of the embryo, from which hair, eyes, tooth enamel, skin and, most importantly, the brain will subsequently be formed;
  • Mesoderm - the middle embryonic petal - will eventually turn into kidneys, muscles and the cardiovascular system;
  • the liver, digestive system, part of the respiratory system and the pancreas will form from a layered lobe called endoderm; it is now located below the others.
On the sixth or seventh day of the fourth week of pregnancy, your embryo’s head will already be visible: it will acquire characteristic outlines, by which it will be possible to understand that it is the head and not another part of the body. In order to future fetus had the opportunity to move comfortably, amniotic fluid begins to accumulate around him, in which he will swim until birth, like a fish in an aquarium.

Now let's consolidate the main and most important thing. We are talking about two main events in the fourth week of pregnancy for mother and baby:

  • the embryo is securely attached to the uterine cavity, settling in the walls of the uterus for the next eight months;
  • division of the blastocyst into several layers, from which after a short period of time the baby itself will be formed and its place - the placenta.


This week of pregnancy, your unborn baby is already producing in full swing - a hormone thanks to which the corpus luteum develops and grows. Do you know why this yellow body even exists? Until the placenta has formed, it is it that is responsible for the production required quantity the hormone progesterone. With the onset of the third month of pregnancy, the embryo’s need for the corpus luteum will no longer exist, because the baton for the production of progesterone will be transferred to the placenta.

Signs of pregnancy

Immediately after the embryo implants in the uterine lining, it begins to produce hCG. We remind you that hCG is the hormone that appears on the test as two pink stripes. In the last days of the current week, the amount of this hormone in your body will reach a level of 50 to 100 mU/ml. You can check the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood using a blood test. But if you don’t want to go to the clinic, you can try to take your first pregnancy test. Now you can start testing your body at home. Previously, doing this was completely useless. Ideally, you should take a pregnancy test by the end of the fourth week.

Pregnancy test

In order to determine pregnancy at this stage, you need to purchase the most sensitive test at the pharmacy. Ask your pharmacist which manufacturer you should give preference to. Tests that have average sensitivity may not respond to the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood, perceiving it as insufficient for the appearance of two stripes.

But even if the pregnancy test tells you “no, you are not pregnant,” do not despair. It’s quite possible that the test just doesn’t know what’s inside you yet. full swing a new life is developing. To make sure that an “interesting” situation has occurred, you need to take a blood test. Such an analysis for the detection of hCG will definitely not lie: if conception has occurred, the result will certainly be positive - without options. By the way, not only chorionic gonadotropin begins to be produced in large volumes after conception, but also another hormone that is classified as “pregnant”.


The fourth week of pregnancy is borderline: from this moment on, an ultrasound machine will be able to confirm the birth of a new life in your body. The first thing that will be visible on the monitor is the yellow body. You probably remember that, being responsible for the nutrition of the embryo, it constantly and non-stop increases. The corpus luteum is responsible for progesterone, without which pregnancy would be impossible. In other words, it is what helps you save your baby, who is still really tiny. But it’s interesting, isn’t it? Does the embryo recognize? Yes, this can happen too. At this stage, the embryo has already attached to the lining of the uterus, and a specialist “armed” with an ultrasound machine can easily detect it. Another question is that ultrasounds are performed extremely rarely on expectant mothers during this period. Some representatives of the fair sex in the fourth week of pregnancy do not even know about their “interesting” situation. Another part is completely afraid of ultrasound in the early stages, like fire. And doctors most often consider conducting an ultrasound examination during this period absolutely inappropriate. By the way, in, which is devoted to the topic of examinations during this period, you can learn in more detail about the tests and diagnostic methods used by obstetricians-gynecologists.

But what you definitely shouldn’t be afraid of is checking your weight norm at 4 weeks of pregnancy. To do this, use . It will determine whether you are normal, underweight or overweight.

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What is happening to your body - sensations

In the fourth week, you turn from “a little pregnant” into a real, full-fledged expectant mother. From now on, you officially bear this status. You have probably noticed that for some time now your basal temperature has been consistently high and fluctuates around 37.0-37.2 degrees Celsius. Your health may have already swayed a little towards toxicosis. And if not, that's just great. You may not show any signs of toxicity at all. The only feeling that should really overwhelm you at this moment is the feeling of endless happiness. This picturesque picture is slightly overshadowed by the hormones that affect the body (your breasts may swell, you may develop total weakness and drowsiness). However, even the most powerful progesterone cannot erase the peaceful smile from your face, and this is wonderful.

Stomach ache

Remember, we talked about the fact that in the fourth week the embryo is finally fixed in the mucous membrane. This action may cause minor nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Not strong, not unbearable, but barely felt. They are similar to menstrual cramps, but tend to be less sensitive. If the lower abdomen pulls very strongly - much stronger than during menstruation, if this pain causes discomfort, you should call your obstetrician-gynecologist and tell him about it. The doctor will probably quickly figure it out and give you practical recommendations.

Back pain

Understanding very well that nutrition in the initial stages of pregnancy means a lot, we have specially written for you a rich useful information article on this topic. It will help the expectant mother figure out what she can eat in the fourth week of pregnancy and what she cannot eat. You will have to resolutely refuse some foods now and until the end of the gestation period. Even if some of these products are your favorite:
  • smoked,
  • spicy,
  • It is too salty,
  • flour.

If you really want it (and pregnant women, as you know, if you want something, then only really want it), you can allow yourself a little forbidden food. It will be better than restraining yourself with all your might. But the main diet should be rich in dairy products, vegetables and fruits that are rich in fiber, grains and cereals, pasta made from durum flour, fish and white lean meat. And don't even think about going on a diet. This is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. A little more - and your figure with a rounded tummy will become truly ideal.


According to obstetricians and gynecologists, many expectant mothers, having learned about their “interesting” situation, immediately run to the pharmacy for vitamin complexes. You shouldn't step on these common mistakes. The answer to the question of what vitamins to take in the fourth week is known only to your doctor monitoring the pregnancy. He may have already assigned you folic acid. Perhaps he will appoint one soon. Or maybe he won’t prescribe it at all. In any case, this decision is made only by the doctor. And if you want to try on his responsibilities, assign yourself more fruits and vegetables. This will be the best recipe for the expectant mother.

The four-week pregnancy period is characterized by very important event: transformation of a embryo into an embryo. And this can already be safely called a real miracle. These days, the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, a connection is established between it and the female body, although not as strong (both physiological and spiritual), and the mother may already show the first signs of pregnancy. Although, they are very weak, and in most cases are not heard, because the next menstruation has not yet arrived, and the woman is not yet aware of the miracles that are happening in her body.

The embryo at the 4th week of pregnancy grows, and from 0.36 mm in size it already reaches 1 mm. This is a very important stage in his life. Its mass during this period already reaches 0.5 g.

Externally, the embryo is small round disk. Its body consists of three types of cells. These cells are called “germ layers” in medicine:

  • the first type of embryonic cell is the ectoderm (the outer layer from which hair, tooth enamel, skin, eye lenses, the brain and the nervous system will later be formed);
  • the second type of embryonic cell is the endoderm (the inner layer from which the digestive system and internal organs such as the thyroid and pancreas will later be formed);
  • the third type of embryonic cell is the mesoderm (the middle layer that will begin the formation of the baby’s skeleton, its connective tissues, its muscle tissues, systems such as the circulatory and excretory systems, as well as its genital organs). All these systems and organs will begin their formation a little later, and at the 4th week of pregnancy the development and formation of the baby’s head and all its organs (brain, eyes, and so on) begins.

Additional information: at the site of the rupture of the follicle, the so-called corpus luteum has now formed, which is a small vial of liquid, the size of which is 1-3 cm in diameter. This corpus luteum is responsible for the production of progesterone, a hormone that is responsible in a woman’s body for maintaining a healthy pregnancy in its initial stages.

Woman's feelings and toxicosis

Since a woman's entire hormonal profile undergoes major changes at four weeks of pregnancy, her general condition may experience some symptoms. These will include:

  • an increase in the size of the mammary glands, their swelling, an increase in their weight to the touch;
  • drowsy state;
  • excessive irritability, sudden mood swings, changes in characteristic features;
  • in rare cases, nausea may occur.

All these symptoms are no different from the signs of premenstrual syndrome, and since the next period has not yet arrived, they cannot be recognized as one hundred percent symptoms of pregnancy. One can only suspect this if the pregnancy was planned.

From the gynecological observations, the doctor can see slight changes in the structure and color of the cervix, but still no one can give an unambiguous conclusion.

The pregnancy test will not show two lines yet either. For a positive response, at least one day of delayed menstrual bleeding must pass. But in the last days of the fourth week you can already take a blood test for hCG, and its result will be correct with 98% accuracy.

Toxicosis, of course, does not yet occur at four weeks. And all symptoms similar to it are not diagnosed until pregnancy is established.

What does the tummy look like?

At this stage of pregnancy, since the uterus has not yet enlarged, the expectant mother’s belly does not change at all in size. The abdomen will increase gradually as the fetus develops and the uterus enlarges. But it will become noticeable to the naked eye much later.

Analyzes and examinations

At the 4th obstetric week of pregnancy, you should not conduct any further tests or examinations. In addition, it is important to avoid X-ray examinations, as this may disrupt the normal course of pregnancy. But, visiting the dentist is completely permitted at this stage, provided that you do not have to take an x-ray.

The only test that can be done at 4 weeks of pregnancy is to donate blood to determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone that should already be in an elevated state, since pregnancy has occurred and the development of the embryo has begun.

An ultrasound examination can only show the presence of a corpus luteum; in rare cases, an embryo in the uterus can also be distinguished. But still, an ultrasound at 4 weeks is almost never prescribed, only if there are serious problems and it is important to diagnose pregnancy as soon as possible

Possible dangers and problems

More than 70% of pregnancies end early. And very often, such a breakdown occurs without even being noticed by the woman herself, since bleeding begins, similar to menstrual bleeding, and with almost the same symptoms that a woman experiences during premenstrual syndrome.

In cases of planned pregnancy, as a rule, future parents at the end of the 4th week have already become the owners of the results of the hCG analysis, and already know that pregnancy has occurred. Therefore, in cases of bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen, back and pelvic area, you should immediately consult a doctor. All these symptoms may be the first signs of an incipient miscarriage or missed pregnancy.

In this case, you can try to save pregnancy with the help of strong progesterone support. But, as a rule, doctors do not try to interfere with this process, since it can be caused by various genetic abnormalities in the embryo, which subsequently cannot be compatible with life.

Also, the causes of missed abortion may include pathologies in the female body such as:

  • acute phase infectious disease;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • heavy smoking or drinking alcohol;
  • pathological changes in the endometrium of the uterus due to frequent abortions and other surgical interventions.

In addition, at four weeks there is a high risk of developing such anomalies as conjoined twins. This can occur when the embryo is not completely divided.

Sirenomelia also develops after the stage has already passed. It leads to poor circulation in the lower part of the fetus, and the child may be born with underdeveloped fused limbs, underdeveloped genitals and kidneys.

That is why it is so important during this period, if the pregnancy is planned, to create as much comfortable conditions for fetal development and pregnancy.

At this stage of pregnancy, a woman should take her diet very seriously. To do this, you should limit the consumption of so-called heavy foods (flour products, pies, animal fats, preserves, etc.), but be sure to include fresh vegetables, fruits, and protein products in your daily diet.

Sports and physical activity

You cannot engage in professional heavy sports, but small physical activities will only be beneficial, for example, jogging in the fresh air, morning exercises, swimming in a free, easy style.

Baths and saunas

There is no ban on taking a bath or sauna at this stage of pregnancy. But, it is important to remember the dangers too high temperatures water and air for the health of the expectant mother. Therefore, you should not make the water in the bathroom higher than 37 degrees, and stay in the sauna for longer than 5-7 minutes.

Medicinal and medical procedures

Since the four-week pregnancy period is critical for the future health of your baby, it is strictly forbidden to take any pharmaceutical drugs during this period, you must be very careful with herbal teas and infusions, and it is prohibited to undergo any procedures associated with x-ray exposure, including fluorography.

Bad habits

There should be no memories left of bad habits at this time. Smoking, alcohol, drugs - all this should remain a thing of the past, especially if the pregnancy is planned.


If you didn’t have pets in your house before, now is not the time to get them. By the 4th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother’s immunity is significantly weakened, and therefore you should not tempt fate and “provoke” various allergic reactions, which will certainly have a negative impact on the development of the fetus and on the woman’s well-being.


Intimate relationships during this period are allowed, but only with mutual consent, and without aggressiveness.

From all this we can summarize the following:

The following are prohibited: consumption of alcohol, drugs, nicotine, medicines(except for vitamin complexes prescribed by a doctor), heavy physical activity, especially heavy lifting, negative emotions, stress, any kind of anesthesia, even during dental operations.

In order to avoid or reduce the level of intensity of psycho-emotional disorders (sharp changes in mood, increased excitability and irritability, etc.), it is important during this period for a woman to adhere to a certain day and night routine that is comfortable for her. That is, get up and go to bed at the same time, sleep at night for at least eight hours, eat healthy meals at least three times a day, and preferably more often, but in small portions, avoid staying in crowded places so as not to become infected with infectious diseases. or viral diseases.

4th week of pregnancy with IVF

Since in vitro fertilization is characterized by late implantation, it does not take place at the beginning of this period, but closer to its end, approximately on days 5-7 of 4 weeks.

If two or more fetuses develop in the uterus at once, this pregnancy is called multiple. If during the fertilization period two or more eggs were fertilized at once, then already in the fourth week of pregnancy each of them is independently attached to the wall of the uterus in its cavity and begins its own, separate development.

For each embryo, its own chorion and amniotic sac are formed. The babies in this case will be called dizygotic. They can be of different sexes, and necessarily with a different genetic makeup.

If twins are obtained from one fertilized egg, which is divided into two (three or more parts), then these babies will be called identical. Depending on the location of cell division, the formation of the placenta and amniotic sac will depend: if the division occurred at the free blastocyst stage, they will have a common placenta and an individual amniotic sac. And if the division of the egg was at the zygote stage (in the fallopian tube), then each baby will have a separate placenta and bladder.

The same sex and the same gene set occur only in babies who develop in the water bladder with one common placenta.

Video about 4 weeks of pregnancy

So, congratulations, new life is developing in your tummy!

During this period, human chorionic gonadotropin begins to be actively produced, so you can safely go to the pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test. But if it turns out to be negative, this does not mean that pregnancy has not occurred, it’s just that its content in the urine is not particularly high yet, you can take the test in a few days, or donate blood.

At week 4, the first signs of pregnancy appear, such as morning sickness, increased drooling, drowsiness, fatigue, sensitivity to smells, irritability, frequent urination, and so on.

Your baby is the size of...

0.5 grams
0.36–1 mm

Fetal development

The 4th week of pregnancy is an important stage in fetal development, as the fertilized egg turns into a real embryo. Now it looks like a disk, which consists of three layers (germ layers). Each of them plays an important role in the development of the baby.

The outer layer (ectoderm) is the basis for skin, hair, nervous system, eye lenses, tooth enamel. The middle layer (mesoderm) will become the skeleton, connective tissue and muscles, as well as the excretory and circulatory systems, and will give rise to the development of the genital organs. The inner layer (endoderm) will give rise to the development of the digestive system, thyroid and pancreas, and liver.

This is what a fetus looks like at 4 weeks

The heart and blood vessels begin to form first, and at 4 weeks the first heartbeats can be detected. True, the heart still looks like a simple tube through which blood flows in an undivided stream. By the end of the week, it will already have different main departments. At week 4, the fetal head also forms, which looks like a small droplet, but it already has three brain bladders, even if they are primary.

The process of placentation is also actively underway, which will only be fully completed by the 12th week of pregnancy.

During the placentation period, the yolk sac, which is a derivative of the embryoblast, is formed from the endoblastic vesicle. It is an extraembryonic organ located near the umbilical region of a growing and developing embryo. The yolk sac plays an important role in the respiration and nutrition of the embryo. It will function as a hematopoietic organ until the 7th week of pregnancy. Primary germ cells are formed in the walls of the yolk sac, which, together with the blood, enter the rudiments of the gonads.

Ultrasound at 4 weeks of pregnancy

Ultrasound examination reveals the corpus luteum of pregnancy, which is constantly increasing. At week 4, the yolk sac is also registered - this is a ring with a diameter of 2-3 mm. By the end of the fourth week of pregnancy, an ultrasound can detect the embryo itself, which has already settled in the uterine cavity, but for now it looks like a small black dot.

At this stage of pregnancy, ultrasound is not performed often, because the expectant mother is just beginning to think about possible pregnancy and decides only on a rapid test to determine the latter. Ultrasound is performed transvaginally.

What happens in your body at 4 weeks?

During this period, your body has almost completely rebuilt itself, but the uterus has not yet increased in size. However, changes in the body of the expectant mother will occur throughout pregnancy. During a gynecological examination, changes in the structure and color of the cervix may be observed. A slight weight gain is possible. But at the same time, pregnancy still doesn’t have any effect on your figure.

Yellow body in its own way appearance resembles a small bubble on the wall of the ovary. It performs an important function, namely it produces progesterone, which is necessary to maintain pregnancy. initial stage. At about 12 weeks, the placenta will take over this function.

The pituitary gland increases in size, the production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones decreases, which contributes to a temporary cessation of egg maturation and ovulation is interrupted. In turn, the production of prolactin increases; this hormone is responsible for preparing the mammary glands for feeding a newborn.

How you feel at 4 weeks

There is a feeling of hardening and swelling of the mammary glands. You may experience nagging pain in the lower abdomen, irritability, and fatigue, which in turn is very often regarded as a premenstrual symptom. But many women feel the onset of pregnancy from the first days, if this is not an obsession, which is very common in women who really want to get pregnant.

There is a slight increase in body temperature. Expectant mothers may confuse day and night, a phenomenon called sleep inversion.

Discharge from the genital tract

In most cases, the discharge is standard; it should be light or milky in color and of uniform consistency.

If you observe other discharge that differs from the norm, you should immediately visit a doctor, as they may indicate the presence of infections in the female genital tract. In this case, it is necessary to undergo an examination and fully follow the doctor’s recommendations.

The appearance of bloody or brownish discharge is also a reason to visit a doctor, since this period is one of the most critical periods of pregnancy.

Photos of bellies at 4 weeks

Despite the fact that the most optimal period for conducting a test to detect pregnancy is considered to be the 5th week, by the end of the fourth week it is also possible to establish the fact of pregnancy. By this time, the hCG level will vary between 101 - 4870 mU/ml, of course the gap is considerable, but the hormone level is increasing every day.

There are several types of pregnancy tests:

  • test strips. This is an inexpensive option. To determine pregnancy, you need to dip a test strip into the urine; when two strips appear, the test is considered positive. However, the test strip is not completely saturated, resulting in a false negative result.
  • tablet tests. They are equipped with two windows; urine enters the first window, and the result is displayed in the second. This test version is of higher quality.
  • Inkjet tests are the most effective. It contains blue particles that reliably attach to hCG, unless of course it is contained in the urine. After a minute, the test results are evaluated.

Important things for week 4

Remember that the laying of organs has just begun, so you need to avoid all negative factors as much as possible. Give up bad habits, because you carry a new life within you!

It is also worth abstaining from sex for a while. It is imperative to visit a doctor who will give necessary recommendations and tips, and will also tell you about the vitamins and minerals you should take. Dental treatment should be postponed until the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, which lasts from 14 to 26 weeks, since anesthesia is used quite often here. Take all medications only as recommended by your doctor, forget about self-medication!

Nutrition at 4 weeks

You should forget about your favorite fast foods, carbonated drinks, canned food, products with dyes and harmful additives. Your diet should be balanced. It is worth reducing the intake of strong tea and coffee, as well as fatty, smoked and fried foods. The expectant mother should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, fish, and lean meat. However, you shouldn't overeat either. In nutrition you need to find a middle ground. If you have constipation, include prunes, beets, dried apricots in your diet, that is, those foods that are natural laxatives.


Try to sleep in the afternoon, walk in the fresh air more often, you can visit the pool.

Your little man has a whole life ahead of him! In the meantime, you have just reached the 4th week, the time of your special parental responsibility and the time when the baby begins to get used to life outside the mother’s womb.

Physical development and growth of a four-week-old baby

This week plays a big role in the formation of the body. Right now the baby begins adapt to the environment , and your task is to help him with this, laying a reliable foundation of health for the future.

Physical development of the baby

  • The baby's movements are not yet coordinated , fists are clenched, arms and legs are bent.
  • The baby expresses dissatisfaction by crying and with sudden movements, with colic he twists his legs, and with pain in the ears he turns his head.
  • If you touch a baby's cheek , he begins to search for the breast with his mouth.
  • The eyes are still blue color (as in all newborns due to the lack of melanin in the iris). When you secrete “your” pigment as you grow older, the color will, of course, change.
  • Vision still lacks fullness , visibility is unclear, it is difficult to concentrate your gaze.
  • The first tears appear.

How much weight and height does the child gain in the 4th week?

How long does the baby sleep? Is a pacifier and rocking motion necessary?

Baby sleeps at 4 weeks about 17-19 hours a day. Of these, about 8 hours fall on night sleep (at least 4) and 3-4 during the day.

What is most important for the baby now is the process of sucking, with which he gets up and lies down. Many mothers are interested in Is a pacifier necessary at all? ? And is it worth rocking the baby to sleep?

Certainly, baby's pacifier soothes . He must constantly suck either a finger, or a breast, or a pacifier, that is, at least something. This is both a reflex and a whole world for the baby.

A pacifier in this situation certainly helps to calm the child. But if the baby does not require it, or it falls out during sleep, then there is no point in it.

You should not teach your child to sleep with a pacifier all the time; then it will be very difficult to wean him off it. The pacifier is rather help mother, but not the baby. True, it will be even more difficult to wean off thumb sucking.

Concerning motion sickness , then there is no point in discussing whether the baby will not get used to hands at this age. From birth to 3 months, he, more than ever, needs maternal attention and the feeling of your warmth.

There will be no harm from motion sickness , but there will be one benefit. But after 3 months, you can gradually accustom yourself to “independence.”

Rocking becomes a basic need for a newborn. It allows children to strengthen their nervous system, synchronize brain biorhythms and the functioning of internal organs, and also helps train spatial coordination and develop the vestibular apparatus.

How much does a 4 week old baby eat? What to do, if breast milk lacks?

At the 4th week the baby eats (on average) 100-130 ml per dose with 6-7 feedings a day. A baby needs about 750-800 g of milk per day (1/5 of a baby’s weight is the norm of milk per day for a baby up to 2 months old). If there is a shortage of milk, the pediatrician recommends supplementing with formula.

What should a mother do if there is a milk deficiency to increase lactation?

  • Increase the number of times your baby is put to the breast (most effective method). Even if you have to apply it every hour (and every 2 hours at night). This regime should be set for a week and a half. As soon as the baby begins to pee more often and is calmer after feedings, you can return to the previous regime.
  • Take lactogenic agents (after consultation with a doctor) in the form of lacto-teas, milk tea, milk tea.
  • Don't forget to alternate feeding that is, with one breast, and in next feeding give another.
  • Remember that milk that is not sucked from the breast “burns out” . The more the baby eats, the more milk will arrive.

How many times a day should a four-week-old newborn poop: stool norms

Newborn stool this week does not have any daily norm. A 1-month-old baby may soil diapers 7-10 times a day (according to the number of feedings, plus/minus).

Moreover, artificial babies recover less often than babies who are breastfed. If the mixture is chosen incorrectly, stool retention can occur for up to 2 days.

Baby's daily routine at 1 month of birth

By the end of the 4th week, most babies have already decided on their sleeping and feeding patterns. Although some of them can raise their mother for several months up to 4-5 times per night , in general, requiring milk 10-12 times per day.

A 4 week old baby usually survives 2-3 hours between feedings , falling asleep/waking up at approximately the same time.

As for wakefulness, this time (after feeding) increases for 15-20 minutes.

What can a four-week-old newborn do and how does he learn the world?

By the end of 4 weeks, your baby can...

Peculiarities of communication between a child and his mother and father

  • Four week old baby reacts to people, objects and sounds. He responds with a smile and gurgles in response to the affectionate voices of mom and dad.
  • Listens carefully to the voices of adults , he is less and less afraid of extraneous sounds.
  • The baby, of course, is not yet reaching out to his mother, but enjoys her mother's proximity with her whole body , knocking arms/legs, making sounds, smiling.
  • Parents are already distinguished from strangers , whom he greets with caution.
  • If the mother bends over to the baby at a distance of about 30 cm from his face and clearly, in a chant, reads poems and nursery rhymes, then The baby will respond with the sounds “gee” and “kh” .

Rules for caring for a newborn 4 weeks of life: what should a mother know?

How long should you bathe a baby, and what’s new in bathing a newborn at 4 weeks of age?

  • The baby should be in the 4th week bathe every day for 3-5 minutes. Moreover, use soap and foam a maximum of 2 times a week.
  • You can wash your hair 1-2 times a week(using baby soap or special shampoo).
  • You can already bathe not in boiled water, but in running water.

You should not bathe with herbs every day, because any herbal mixture will dry the skin . It is also advisable to remember that for a newborn, herbs (even when bathing) can be a very strong medicine.

To avoid allergic reactions do not overuse phyto-baths. Do this only when necessary (for sweat rashes, diaper rash). Do not forget that, for example, chamomile is a potential allergen, and the series dries out the skin excessively. For little ones with allergies, a bath of nettles or birch leaves is suitable.

Buy only “tear-free” shampoo (pH is neutral), and liquid foam is more convenient for washing (it does not dry out the skin like soap).

Miliaria and diaper rash: treatment and prevention

The skin of a 4-week-old baby is still too tender, and the baby himself is quite weak, so no frivolity, always be on the alert and remember the rules of hygiene in time.

What you need to know about diaper rash and heat rash

  • Do not leave your baby in wet diapers for a long time, but change them immediately.
  • Do not wait until the diaper becomes too heavy to lift, and change it every 2 hours, unless the baby has soiled it “the color of mustard,” and also immediately after the stool itself.
  • If diaper rash and heat rash are not treated, then in addition to redness, your baby will also get blisters, so be careful.
  • In hot weather, try not to use diapers.
  • Rinse baby clothes thoroughly and wash only with powders approved for newborns.
  • When swaddling, treat diaper rash and heat rash with rich baby cream, powder or other product prescribed by your doctor.
  • Take air baths more often.
  • Don’t be overzealous with clothes, because the “cabbage” principle will not do any good. When a baby overheats, prickly heat is inevitable.
  • Bathe your child every day (in summer it would be good to do this twice) and be sure to wash it with running water every time you change the diaper.
  • Wear only cotton clothes for your baby.

This is a feature of the 1st month of life, scaly, flaky yellowish-brown crusts on the scalp. It is quite difficult to remove such scabs, and many parents suffer with them for almost a year, or even more.

Never rip off or pick out these crusts. The risk of injuring the skin and giving the baby an infection is too high!

How to remove these crusts?

  • After bathing, remove carefully with a cotton swab soaked in sterilized oil (vegetable oil).
  • Soak a gauze pad (sterile) with boiled and cooled vegetable oil(let the size of the napkin correspond to the area of ​​the skin with crusts), squeeze it out, apply it to the skin, secure it with a cap and leave for 3-4 hours. Remove while bathing and wash your head with soap. Remove the remaining crusts for the next bath.
  • Lubricate the scalp with sterile vegetable oil and gently massage it with a soft brush. Afterwards, you need to bathe and wash your baby’s hair. Treat pink areas of skin under the removed scabs with cream/ointment (D-Pantinol, for example).

Flat spot and bald spot on the back of the head: how to avoid and what to do if a spot appears?

If you notice a bald spot on the back of your baby’s head, remember that there is there is no reason to panic. This phenomenon is quite normal for 90 percent of babies under 6 months of age.

  • Firstly, a baby at this age spends most of the time with the back of his head on the pillow and turns his head, and the hairs are simply wiped off.
  • Secondly, these hairs are still too thin and soft, and the hair follicles are weak. This fluff will be replaced by new hairs, thicker and tougher, by the year.

The only reason for concern is the risk of developing rickets.

But, in addition to a receding hairline, there are other signs of rickets

  • Heavy sweating.
  • Large area and distinctness of the receding hairline.
  • Insomnia.
  • Unjustified anxiety of the baby.

If your bald spot and your baby's condition worries you, contact your pediatrician.

Let's play and develop: games and activities for the development of a newborn 4 weeks from birth

Now certain activities are most relevant for the baby.

New educational games for a newborn baby

Thanks to the baby’s contact with toys (visual, tactile, auditory), his comprehensive development occurs. Therefore, do not miss this extra opportunity to play with him, and we will tell you which toys will come in handy in week 4.

Tempering and gymnastics for a child: what new things can you do?

New ones are being added to the previous exercises (which are worth continuing) and hardening methods.

  • We take a crumb of armpits, “put” feet on the surface (not in the literal sense! It’s too early to stand on your feet), tilt it forward. The baby should automatically move his legs and walk.
  • Increasing the time your baby spends on his tummy (while awake, of course), thus training the muscles of the neck and back.
  • Fitball exercise. We place the ball on the baby's tummy on top of the diaper, hold it by the legs, and roll the baby back and forth. We perform the same movements on the back.
    Fitball classes are conducted only with an instructor!
  • Many people start at 4 weeks classes in the pool. Swimming is a general strengthening procedure for the prevention of colds and for the development of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. The duration of classes, which are carried out no more than 2-3 times a week, should be no longer than 15 minutes.