In a private house      06/16/2019

Rose "Fairy": characteristics, tips for growing. Fairy rose: fabulous beauty without the hassle Appearance and biological features

Fairy Dance is a variety of polyanthus roses of English selection. Bred by Jack Harkness in 1979. Harmoniously combines the beautiful shape of miniature flowers and the properties of ground cover roses. Another name for this rose is HARward.

The plant is compact, re-flowering, with small shiny dark green foliage. The height of the bush is 50 - 60 cm (it can grow much higher in warm climates), the width is 40 - 60 cm.

The flowers are semi-double, 3-4 cm in diameter, contain about 20 petals. The shape of roses changes during flowering from a conical bud to a flat-cupped bud. The flowers are dark pink to crimson with a burgundy hue and yellow stamens. They are collected in large inflorescences, consisting of 9 - 15 buds.

Flowering is luxurious and plentiful, with short breaks. In warm regions, the first flowers bloom in early June, and the last ones in late autumn (the southern coast of Crimea and the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory).

Medium resistance to black spot and powdery mildew. As a precautionary measure, it is recommended to plant these plants in open areas where air circulation quickly dries the leaves from moisture, reducing the risk of disease.

Fairy Dance is recommended to be planted in sunny areas where there are no cold winds. This variety prefers fertile, well-drained soils, slightly acidic to neutral. As a plant care, sanitary spring pruning old shoots, top dressing and preventive spraying. Roses are not self-cleaning, so wilted buds must be removed in time.

USDA hardiness zone: 4 (minus 28 - 34 ° C). For Russia, these are the territories of the Middle Strip of our Motherland and Far East. This rose winters well, but despite this, the first 1-3 years it is necessary to cover it for the winter (for example, with spruce branches).

Advantages of the variety: unpretentiousness, compactness, multi-flowering, resistance to diseases and bad weather conditions.

The disadvantages include a weak aroma of flowers.

Fairy Dance is good for creating flower beds and flower beds, for planting at the curb and along the fence, for decoration open terraces and verandas. It can also be grown on a trunk or in a container. It blends perfectly with low shrubs, perennials and climbing plants.

Fairy Dance is luxurious when paired with ' ", 'Belvedere", 'Pink Fairy', 'Aspirin Rose', ' ', 'Pearl Mirato', 'Sorrento', 'Blue Parfum' and 'Austriana'. you can add subtle hints of pink shades with companions such as 'Magic Meillandecor', 'Amulett', '

Ground cover rose Fairy Dance is a bright representative of its class. The flowers of this plant are collected in brushes of 5-15 pieces, and due to small size heads, these clusters look very miniature.

Each flower has a wide calyx, semi-double petals and a golden center. The color of the petals ranges from dark red to very rich pink, and changes with the light. Gardeners are very fond of this rose for its abundant and constant flowering during warm season, and are used in the design of gardens, parks and even balconies.

Buy it is also worth decorating lawns, alpine slides and other horizontal objects, since the lashes of the bush lie very beautifully on the ground and grow quickly in suitable conditions. But the rose is also good in creating vertical compositions, it grows well up and is fixed on a support.

Bushes in warm climates grow very large, scatter long shoots in a wide circle, and in the north they form neatly, rise low, but look harmonious. The small, dark green leaves glisten in the light and give a dense crown that is an excellent base for charming red bud clusters.

Agrotechnics plants

Fairy Dance bushes are quite frost-resistant, in the middle lane and in the South rose seedlings take root and grow without much effort on the part of gardeners, and in the North they are often grown in boxes. It can also be said that the variety has a high resistance to various diseases. However, an indispensable condition for rich flowering is as much sun as possible.

The soil for these roses must also be properly prepared. Enriched with fertilizers, it should "breathe" and be light, nutritious, with good drainage. It is better to plant these plants in early spring, although when landing at another time at competent work they are accepted easily and begin to grow actively.

Before you buy wholesale seedlings in our store, it is worth considering the place of their planting and the direction of growth. If the bushes are given a vertical or horizontal direction, they will give whips up to three meters long. And the distance between the landing sites should be at least one and a half meters.

Fairy Dance in our store

Our online store offers Fairy Dance seedlings at a very favorable prices, and is ready to provide excellent conditions for the purchase. For example, delivery The order is made at any time and in the specified point of the city. It is carried out by experienced couriers, punctual and accurate.

The company works with the best manufacturers, thanks to which our customers receive planting material of the best quality, vitality and perfectly prepared for planting. Seedlings of this variety will give maximum growth in the first year, and will delight with friendly shoots of new shoots.

Any questions related to making a purchase and paying for it, as well as choosing a variety, are answered by friendly managers, professional and able to quickly collect information. Our online store help transform your garden.

Rose Fairy Dance is a ground cover flower. How to plant a flower, the rules for caring for this variety of growth are not complicated, but it is better to carefully familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of the plant. We will tell you more about the Fairy Dance rose in our article.

Description of roses Fairy Dance (Fairy Dance)

For the first time the flower appeared about 40 years in England. He was brought out by Jack Harkness, while the rose of this variety has a second name - HARvard.

Fairy Dance is a rose that has been at the peak of popularity for a long time and never ceases to enchant with its beauty. A distinctive feature of the variety is unpretentiousness and minimal care. When inflorescences appear on a flower, even the stem is practically invisible, because the bush is covered with many bright red flowers. Fairy Dance is classified as a stunted species, as a rose grows no more than 50 centimeters in height. At the same time, it grows perfectly, about 1.2 meters wide. Foliage is glossy, deep green.

The plant re-blooms, after the first wave of flowering, the rose rests for a short period of time, after which this process is repeated. The flowers are small, no larger than 4 centimeters, semi-double to the touch. Each bud contains about 20 petals. The color of the rose is dark crimson with a burgundy hue, in the middle of the bud is a yellow stamen. The inflorescences are collected in small bunches, which hold about 20 cupped buds.

In regions with a warm climate, the miniature Fairy Dance rose begins to bloom in early June. And in countries with cold climatic conditions, it blooms only at the end of June. Miniature Fairy Dance is a variety of The Fairy rose. The variety is not very resistant to powdery mildew and black spot, sometimes subject to other diseases, but it tolerates bad weather conditions in the form of rain and strong winds.

To prevent the development of black spot and powdery mildew, the plant is recommended to be planted in well-lit places with good air circulation.

The ground cover rosette needs abundant watering, especially in hot and dry weather, however, excessive watering can lead to rotting of the root system and death of the seedling. Each bush requires 10-15 liters, it is recommended to water once a week, before the onset of autumn.

Pruning should be done not only for thinning or forming a bush, but also for removing damaged shoots during wintering. With the onset of frost, the shrub should be spudded at the base with soil, and with a strong drop in temperature, cover with spruce branches.

If the soil is not fertile, then this is fixable, it is enough just to stock up on mineral and organic fertilizers in the form of sand, clay, humus, compost or cow dung.

In order for the plant to please with its beauty, it is enough just to have information on care and take timely measures to prevent diseases. In this case, breeding a variety such as Fairy Dance will be a pleasure not only for a beginner, but also experienced gardener.

Planting and caring for a ground cover rose:

The ground cover rose is usually referred to as a separate group of shrub plants, which stands out against the background of a huge number of different varieties of this culture. As for the most best qualities Fairy roses, they were borrowed from wild varieties of wild rose - the plant is characterized by abundant flowering, unpretentiousness in cultivation, as well as high rates of frost resistance.

Fairy ground cover rose is unpretentious in care, it does not need to be cut and fed regularly. It is for this reason that this plant variety is popular, especially in countries where weather conditions change dramatically. With the help of this type of rose bushes, you can decorate the backyard in an original way, as well as transform the terrace of the orchard, without making any effort.

General information and description of the ground cover rose Fairy

The Rugosa rubra culture is the main progenitor of the groundcover rose, it is represented by a wrinkled or Japanese rose, better known as a wild rose. East Asia is considered to be the homeland of the plant: Japan, northeast China and Korea, and coastal zones and open areas with sandy soil.

Fairy Rose

In the second half of the 90s, breeders obtained a whole subspecies of creeping roses that can cover huge tracts of land. In the selection process, scientists used another variety of roses, Wichurana, which is used by landscape designers to decorate a flower carpet. At the beginning of the 20th century, several more varieties of culture were bred, the best of which was the Fairy Dance rose and Queen of Sweden.

In 2001, in the process of crossing a miniature and ground cover species of the plant, the White Fairy rose was obtained, which was distinguished by beauty, short stature, vitality and compactness. The Fairy ground cover rose has a number of advantages compared to other varieties, the main advantages include the following:

  • unpretentiousness in cultivation and care;
  • easy propagation by cuttings or layering;
  • there is no need to prune rose bushes every year;
  • the plant is not afraid of frost, diseases and pests.

Note! Rose The Fairy Tale at the age of 2 years begins to suppress weeds. Due to the strong vegetation and rapid rooting of seedlings, it is possible to grow a dense flower cover on your site in a fairly short time.

Characteristics of popular varieties of Fairy roses

A lot of time has passed since the breeders bred the first ground cover roses. Today, there are countless representatives of this plant, which can be classified by bud color, beauty and flowering performance. If we consider the most popular varieties, then they include:

  • Rose Fairy Dance, which is distinguished by flowers of a dark pink hue, which have a rounded shape. Inflorescences tend to fade gradually, while they do not become less attractive. During heavy rains, Fairy Dance rose flowers can become spotted, and a barely noticeable golden stamen appears in the middle of the inflorescence.

Rose Fairy Dance

  • Ground cover rose Red Fairy - the main decoration of the variety are beautiful bright red miniature buds. Against the background of dark green foliage, the Red Fairy rose and its flowers look very beautiful.
  • Rose polyanthus Ze Fairy. Color palette inflorescences of this variety is represented by all shades of orange and Pink colour. The plant has not very large, but strong buds that are resistant to rain, and also have excellent immunity to diseases.
  • Rosa White Fairy, which most flower growers consider the best representative of the ground cover variety. This plant took part in numerous exhibitions and was awarded honorary awards. The White Fairy shrub is decorated with small semi-double buds that have a pleasant and light aroma.
  • Rose Lovely Fairy, the virtues of which are represented by dense doubleness, dark red hue, moderate aroma, and medium-sized flowers.
  • Rose Yellow Fairy - this variety is relatively young for the reason that it was created in 2006. But in such a short time, the plant has already managed to become a hardy "fighter", for the growth of which almost any conditions are suitable. The yellow rose bush is decorated with lush, pale yellow inflorescences, with a pleasant aroma.
  • Rose Pink Fairy, which has charming cupped buds that have a crimson red color. Due to the rapid growth of the bushes, this variety is very popular, its height, in some cases, can reach 4 m. Another advantage of the rose is its high frost resistance.

Rose Pink Fairy

Note! Each variety of ground cover rose has its own advantages and disadvantages. When buying one or the other planting material it is necessary to proceed not only from personal preferences, but also from the main characteristics of the subspecies.

Basic principles of agricultural cultivation and plant care

Rose Fairy is a ground cover crop, long lasting and abundant flowering which can be achieved with the right and step landing. Before planting seedlings in open ground, top dressing should be done by scattering mature compost over the top layer of soil and mineral fertilizers. In the area where the plant will be planted, the earth needs to be dug up and weed roots, stones and large breasts should be removed.

Important! The distance between the planting holes should be at least 0.5 m. Seedlings should be planted exclusively in individual holes, the depth of which depends on how long the root system of the plant is (in addition, you need to make a “reserve” of 10-20 cm).

If the cuttings have a long root system, it should be shortened, and the seedlings themselves should be cut to no more than 10-15 cm. As for watering the soil, it should be layered throughout the entire planting, since using this method, voids can be prevented. After the seedlings have been planted in open ground, the earth must be carefully tamped, watered and spud abundantly.

As soon as the young shoots on rose bushes reach 5 cm in length, the entire plantation with flowers must be mulched using a layer of tree bark or shavings (3-5 cm). It is strictly forbidden to neglect this procedure, because after the rose has grown, it will not be so easy to deal with weeds. If the soil is properly prepared and mulched, after 2-3 years, rose bushes will grow densely and will be able to displace weeds.

As noted above, the Ze Fairy rose is unpretentious culture, which is able to quickly adapt to colds and severe frosts, and with its flowering pleases not only households, but also neighbors. The plant tolerates the molding procedure well, it is for this shrub that you can easily give a neat shape. If necessary, in order to provide sufficient light and ventilation, the culture can be thinned out periodically.

Ze Fae is an unpretentious culture

After one year after planting, the seedlings are shortened in order to activate tillering, after which sanitary pruning is carried out every year in the spring. This procedure includes the removal of old shoots, as well as those that have dried up and been affected by diseases.

As for watering, it should be plentiful, especially during dry weather conditions, at the time the buds are formed, as well as on initial stage flowering. Depending on the size of the plant, at least 10-15 liters of water may be needed for one rose bush. The watering procedure is best done in the early morning, use exclusively warm water and pour it only under the bush.

Growing a groundcover Fairy Red rose is a fun and hassle-free experience for both beginners and gardeners. experienced florist. Such indicators as unpretentiousness in care, frost resistance and resistance to diseases make it more and more popular every year. Thanks to the many different varieties, this plant can act as worthy decoration personal plot, as well as optimally fit into the landscape design.

A rose is the dream of many flower growers, but the difficulties in agricultural technology and the capricious nature of the plant limit its distribution throughout personal plots. The best option- planting an unpretentious, but eye-catching fairy rose. What features of growing a ground cover perennial should you know?


Rose Fairy (in the original - The Fairy) of English selection, refers to polyanthus (abundantly flowering). Its multiple inflorescences are located in the brush, on each shoot they grow 15-40 pieces. Terry buds, 3-5 cm in diameter, have yellow stamens. The flowering period begins in the first half of July, continues until October.

The most popular varieties of roses:

  • White Fairy (white);

  • Fairy Tail (pale pink);
  • Fairy Queen (crimson);
  • Fairy Changeling (purple pink);

Fairy Changeling

  • Red Fairy (red);
  • Fairy Isles (yellow);
  • Fairy Dance (dark pink).

They are united by the height of the bush up to 55-60 cm, spreading up to 1.2 m. The leaves are glossy, small, green. Roses respond positively to pruning, you can shape:

  • bole;
  • groundcover;
  • bush (including undersized).

Among the shortcomings of The Fairy flowers:

  • burnout (lightening of the petals) in the absence of a midday shadow;
  • untidy appearance in wet weather (brown inflorescences should be removed by hand).

Perennial is used in rose gardens, on supporting walls and Alpine rollercoaster, in and borders. Looks great in containers, in a single planting, in combination with other plants. Suitable neighbors are crops with blue, white and purple buds, with silver or blue leaves. Planting close to plants with flowers or leaves of a yellow or orange hue is undesirable.

Among companions:

  • other varieties of roses;
  • , wormwood, cereals;
  • lobularia, ;
  • silver cineraria.

Planting and propagation of a plant

The polyanthus prefers sunny places with midday shade, protected from the winds. Soils: nutritious, loose, light, without stagnant moisture. Shady places for planting are not suitable, in such conditions the culture is prone to stretching shoots and reducing the abundance of flowering.

Optimal timing for planting roses:

  1. In spring - in April-May.
  2. In autumn - in September-October.

The process of planting a perennial includes the following steps:

  • Dig up landing pit volume of at least 10-15 liters.
  • Drainage (gravel, crushed stone, expanded clay) is laid at the bottom, which is sprinkled with a sandy “cushion”.
  • Fertile soil is poured in a hill (it is better to use a mixture of humus, compost, garden soil).
  • The roots of the plant are straightened, set it on the resulting mound.
  • Holding the seedling, cover it in a circle with soil. Periodically slightly compact the earth, fixing the plant.
  • For ease of watering, leave a small recess to avoid spreading water.
  • A planted rose (when grown by the standard method) should be tied to a peg.

Attention! Do not compact the soil around the bush with your feet, this will lead to injury to the root system.

Even a beginner can propagate a plant already on the site. Main ways:

  • cuttings - green cuttings are used for rooting in the middle of summer;
  • layering - the required number of shoots is fixed in a horizontal position on the soil and sprinkled with soil. The resulting seedlings are ready for transplanting in the spring.


Fairy is considered one of the most undemanding species, requires only basic knowledge of agricultural technology.

Watering perennials is carried out as the earth dries. It is recommended to mulch the soil around the bush to avoid the formation of a crust on the soil surface, reduce the number of weeds and reduce the frequency of watering.

Rose pruning is done 2-3 times per season:

  1. In the spring, diseased, weak and non-overwintered shoots are removed.
  2. In summer - faded buds to stimulate the formation of new flowers, as well as to increase the decorativeness of the bush.
  3. In the fall, formative pruning is carried out, inflorescences are removed.

Winter hardiness of The Fairy is high (-29…-34ºС), in middle lane Russian shelter is required only for the first 2 years after landing. Shelter for the winter is made with spruce branches or spunbond (non-woven covering material). Prevent freezing and hilling the base of the bush.

Attention! It is impossible to protect a rose with a film because of the high risk of its aging.

Fertilization and pest control

An important event in the care of a rose is fertilization. It is carried out in 5 stages:

  1. After removing the shelter, a mineral complex is introduced.
  2. A month later, organic top dressing is added under the root.
  3. During the period of bud formation, phosphorus and potassium are needed.
  4. During the season, foliar top dressing is recommended (by leaf).
  5. In autumn, a complex or phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is again introduced.
  6. In the absence of top dressing, flowering and growth will be weak.

Fairies are susceptible to attack by pests and fungi in a similar way to other types of roses. She is attacked:

  • scab;
  • thrips;
  • nematodes;
  • spider mite.

The Fairy is highly resistant to diseases, but is sometimes affected by:

  • gray rot;
  • black spotting;
  • powdery mildew.

For the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases, spraying is carried out. Bordeaux mixture or other fungicides; insecticides are used to control pests.

Attention! Damaged parts of the rose are removed and burned.