Toilet      04.03.2020

How to lay out a fireplace with your own hands. Aerated concrete fireplace portal (master class) Do-it-yourself aerated concrete fireplace

Aerated concrete is a suitable masonry material for a fireplace, but with some restrictions: for example, it cannot be laid out as a firebox. Aerated concrete is used as a bearing and finishing material, as well as thermal insulation of the side walls of the furnace. The advantage of aerated concrete over brick is the low price and high speed of work. However, in the case of doing the work with your own hands, you need to know the features that will save you money, but not lose quality.

What is this article about

Is it possible to use aerated concrete for the construction of a fireplace

The basic requirements for a fireplace come from its purpose: heating and interior decoration. Since fuel is burning in the firebox, and it is placed in a visually open space, the material for the fireplace must have:

  • fire resistance;
  • aesthetics.

Aerated concrete is a non-combustible material, but it is not fireproof!

Therefore, the choice of aerated concrete as a heat-resistant base for a fireplace - a firebox, is impossible. But it is great for creating a place under the fireplace. Aerated concrete blocks are not used for laying an open fireplace, since with this design the heat goes far beyond the firebox and the gas blocks will heat up.

A decorative fireplace or a closed finished fireplace insert can be overlaid with aerated concrete blocks.

Since aerated concrete is easy to process, the block is easy to saw, grind, and make complex rounded shapes. Therefore, it is most suitable for expressing complex design decorative solutions.


Aerated concrete masonry will be attractive if, at a minimum, its surface is smooth and the seams are even. Further surface finishing or cladding will provide aesthetic appeal.

Since aerated concrete is used as a maximum material for lining a metal firebox, that is, it is not exposed to high temperatures, the surface finish need not be of refractory materials. Enough high-quality plastering or cladding.

To give the surface an attractive look, the following materials are used:

  • Plaster followed by painting. Surface plastering - a budget option, the advantage of which is a low price.
  • Cladding with tiles or bricks. The cost of facing material is compensated by a representative appearance beautiful fireplace.

Thus, you can both save on masonry finishing and turn the fireplace into the central item of a chic interior.

Protection against external influences

Since aerated concrete has a high water absorption, for its use on outdoors protective measures are required. A canopy or gazebo will protect the outdoor fireplace from direct exposure to snow or rain. However high humidity still exists on the street. There are three common ways to protect aerated concrete surfaces:

  • Facing;
  • Hydrophobization;
  • Waterproofing.

Facing can serve as a tile or brick. In the first case additional protection is not required, in the second, hydrophobic impregnation can also be applied to the brick.

Hydrophobization involves the use of a special water-repellent composition (impregnation), which does not form a surface film, but penetrates several millimeters into the protected surface.

Waterproofing is not suitable for decorative elements design, which is a fireplace.

An important rule for the use of aerated concrete blocks in the construction of outdoor fireplaces is the construction of a high foundation 10–20 cm above ground level. Such that the earth and puddles in no case come into contact with the blocks.

So, subject to the technology of erection and finishing, the use of aerated concrete blocks saves money on bricks and speeds up the laying process.

How to turn an ordinary house into a cozy, comfortable, simply pleasing to the eye, with an atmosphere of warmth, lightness, into a house where all its residents want to return. What can be the center of the home and a place for family and friends to socialize? A fireplace is one of the solutions, and if you lay out a fireplace with your own hands, then the value increases a hundred times.

And therefore, this matter must be approached with great responsibility, calculate each stage of work, take into account numerous requirements and small nuances, do not forget about fire safety and, of course, to attach great love to everything. Only then will the fireplace bring benefit and true pleasure.

Which fireplace to choose?

Each era is characterized by its own design of fireplaces, they never go out of fashion, but the outlines, shapes, lines, material from which it is complex change. If earlier wood and marble were chosen for exterior decoration, today it is a huge choice of finishing materials. The themes of classics, minimalism, empire, royal tiles, hi-tech, urban, country, original and amazing are relevant. Which to choose? On solid fuel electric or maybe gas? Built-in or wall-mounted, or maybe corner? Open or closed type?

And so, where to start to lay out the fireplace? We need to determine what kind of fireplace we need, how it should look. Here are the requirements we put forward:

  1. The fireplace must be functional, i.e. workers.
  2. With good heat dissipation (COP).
  3. With a closed firebox under glass (safety).
  4. Corner fireplace (space saving).
  5. On solid fuel.

We make a list of what we need in further work:

  • cast iron firebox 590/515 cm;
  • tile facing for a fireplace;
  • decorative facing tiles;
  • refractory brick;
  • tile cutter;
  • a set of spatulas;
  • rubber spatulas;
  • comb, for "combing" the solution;
  • aerated concrete blocks 250/600 mm;
  • heat-resistant glue “reinforced”;
  • pipe according to the diameter of the furnace outlet;
  • sheet iron 1.5-2 mm (various trimmings);
  • grout for facing tiles heat-resistant Ceresit;
  • hacksaw;
  • angle grinder (turbine);
  • welding machine;
  • level 2m.

Today the market is represented by a large number of manufacturers offering ready-made.

A firebox made in France Rubis with a size of 590/515 cm is quite suitable.

Preparing a place for a fireplace

We clean and level the surface. We prepare a base from refractory bricks with a size equal to the diagonal of the corner and a width equal to the width of the cast-iron firebox, leave it to dry completely.

The next stage of work is the installation of the firebox on the base, and the installation of the chimney

For greater heat transfer, pieces of sheet iron are welded to the chimney pipe connecting the firebox with the chimney in the wall. We turn Special attention for tight connections.

We lay out the entire fireplace wall from aerated concrete blocks to the very ceiling. Why did we choose aerated concrete blocks, because this material has a porous structure with high thermal insulation properties and pretty good durability.

The process of laying a fireplace is not fast, and you have to lay out one level in order for everything to dry well. Be sure to monitor the evenness of the surface, and do not forget to leave pre-planned niches for air circulation behind the fireplace wall. Approaching the ceiling, we gradually make an inclination at a slight degree forward, and, not reaching 5 cm to the ceiling, we finish the work.

Thus, we leave a gap between the ceiling and the fireplace wall for air circulation.

Fireplace cladding is done with stone tiles.

Once at the top of the wall, glue another row of tiles onto the ceiling itself, giving the fireplace wall a slightly curved look. It creates the impression of a single wall passing into the ceiling. We also cover niches. Three of them will be designed in the form of shelves and another one will be a niche for storing firewood. A chimney will be visible in one of the niches.

Then we will put some object in front of her (a vase, a figurine or any other decorative thing).


This is jewelry work that requires great care, since the grout from the facing stone is difficult to remove due to its roughness. Before work, we clean all the seams from glue, dilute the mixture in small portions, since the mixture sets quickly, apply rubber spatula. After drying, be sure to rinse the tile until it is completely clean.

Having laid out the fireplace, we lay out in front of it a step 15 cm high and 30 cm wide, also from aerated concrete blocks. We veneer with ordinary decorative tiles.

For what? Burning firewood that accidentally fell out of the firebox will not fall on the floor surface - this is one and two - it gives a finished shape.

Fireplace, which we laid out with our own hands.

It is not easy to lay out a real brick fireplace, but everyone can install a finished firebox in the house and decorate it beautifully if desired. It is very important to choose the right place, prepare a solid reliable foundation, close the adjacent walls with non-combustible materials. It is also necessary to think over the fastening of the chimney pipe and ensure its fire safety. Subject to the technology, installing a fireplace insert with your own hands will not cause any trouble.

The weight of the firebox and the fireplace body is very large, so the base under it must be as strong and reliable as possible. It is especially important that this base does not have differences in height, otherwise the structure will settle unevenly and cracks will appear. In addition, the walls adjacent to the firebox should be lined with non-combustible materials or sheathed with refractory insulation and galvanized sheets.

On preparatory stage required:

  • cement-sand mortar;
  • brick;
  • metal mesh for reinforcement;
  • building level;
  • trowel;
  • insulation;
  • waterproofing material;
  • roulette.

Video - Installation of a fireplace step by step

Step 1. Marking under the fireplace

The area where the fireplace will be mounted must be free and clean. Measure the width and length of the fireplace with a tape measure, draw markings on the floor with chalk. If bearing wall from wood, it is recommended to either cut out its section and replace it with brickwork, or lay out an additional brick partition butt.

If the second option is chosen, the partition should be installed on the same foundation as the firebox. This must be taken into account when marking the base in the floor and add the thickness of the masonry around the perimeter. Lines are also drawn on the wall indicating the width of the fireplace.

Step 2. Foundation pouring

The area of ​​​​the foundation should be larger than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fireplace, so 30-40 cm are added on each side. The depth of the foundation is approximately 50 cm, a thinner base will not withstand the load. If the floor in the house is made of boards, a fragment of the coating is cut out according to the marking along with the lags. The cement mortar is kneaded, then a small amount is poured onto the prepared area. It is leveled, a reinforcing mesh is laid on top and again poured with a solution.

You can make a brick foundation: red brick is laid out in several rows with mandatory dressing until the base rises to the level of the finished floor. The surface of the foundation is checked with a level, if necessary, leveling with a solution. When the solution dries well, the base is covered with a waterproofing material.

Step 3. Building a partition

Masonry is made of brick, aerated concrete or tongue-and-groove slabs - refractory materials. Between the masonry and the firebox, there must be free space for exit warm air. It is impossible to lay bricks or blocks close to the pedestal and the walls of the furnace. For bonding refractory masonry with bearing wall metal rods are used, which are laid between bricks and driven into the wall.

Ready brickwork plaster cement mortar or pave mineral wool, and from above they are covered with foil material with the foil out. You can upholster the masonry with galvanized sheets. If the fireplace is mounted in a corner, the seam between the walls is sealed with a special sealant.

Step 3. Making a pedestal for a firebox

A U-shaped pedestal is laid out on the red brick floor. It consists of 3-4 rows, depending on the desired height of the fireplace. A mixture of clay and sand is taken as a binder solution. To reduce the load on the floors, instead of bricks, you can take aerated concrete blocks, and then plaster them with a cement mortar. Each row must be checked by level, bricks are corrected with rubber mallet. Excess solution is immediately removed with a trowel.

Steel corners are laid on the bricks of the fourth row so that they connect opposite walls. The corners are placed at a distance of 15-15 cm with a protrusion upwards. The bricks are placed on the edge and the grooves are sawn through, then they are laid so that the protrusions of the corners fit tightly into the cuts. Only 2/3 of the top of the pedestal is laid with bricks, leaving the space near the wall free. Strengthen all this with a solution and level. The surface must be perfectly horizontal.

Furnace and chimney installation

When the solution is strengthened, you can proceed to the main part - the installation of a fireplace insert. Accuracy is very important here, because it is unlikely that it will be possible to correct errors without dismantling the structure.

Step 1. Installing the firebox

A ready-made U-shaped porcelain stoneware slab is installed on the masonry using mastic or heat-resistant glue, leaving an open space against the wall. The side sections of the slab are deepened into the walls by several centimeters. After leveling, a firebox is placed on the stove. There must be a distance of 4-5 cm between the rear surface of the firebox and the wall. It is impossible to move the firebox close.

Step 2. Furnace lining

Around the firebox, it is necessary to lay out the walls of the fireplace and decorate the facade itself beautifully. The side masonry should not touch the surface of the firebox, but it should be very tightly joined to the load-bearing wall. Joints should be processed gypsum plaster or sealant. When the height of the masonry exceeds the height of the firebox by 2 rows, the finished heat-resistant plate is again laid on top U-shaped. Check its horizontal position and fix it with glue.

Step 3. Installing the chimney

A hole 70x50 cm is cut out in the ceiling and a metal profile is fixed around the perimeter. The cutout in the ceiling must be above the cutout in the slab and match it perfectly. Between the ceiling and the slab, 4 vertical metal profiles or duralumin corners are installed, fixing them with self-tapping screws at the corners of the holes. These 4 posts are the frame of the chimney.

A pipe is inserted into the opening of the firebox and its other end is led out through the cutout in the ceiling to the attic. Clamps are used to keep the pipe vertical. The frame of the chimney is sheathed from the inside with heat-insulating mats, and then the entire surface is covered with foil.

You can use foil-coated insulation. The ceiling of the box is also covered with this material, making a cutout for the pipe. A gap of 2 mm should be left between the insulation and the pipe. Outside, the frame is covered with plasterboard plates, wood paneling or asbestos cement and sheets. Under the ceiling in the casing, a cutout is made for the ventilation grill.

Step 4. Conclusion of the pipe from the attic to the roof

In the attic, the assembly of the chimney continues. Hot glue is applied to the cut of the pipe around the circumference and inserted into the pipe coming from the fireplace. Then they mount a box around the pipe, insulate it and sheathe it with drywall. A ventilation grill is inserted near the floor.

A seal is put on the third part of the pipe, a protective cap is attached on top, the lower cut is smeared bituminous mastic. Having connected the parts of the pipe, coat the surface with mastic roofing and press the seal against it. They are screwed along the edges with self-tapping screws, the joints are sealed.

Finishing and checking the operation of the firebox

Once the chimney is in place, you can start finishing the base of the fireplace. The surface at the foot of the firebox is lined with tiles or decorative stone. It is impossible to lay a wooden floor or laminate at a distance of 50 cm from the fireplace, since the coating may catch fire from fallen coal or sparks from the firebox.

It is also recommended to put an openwork metal grate in front of the fireplace for safety. Fireplace tongs, a poker, a beautiful firewood stand and other accessories complete the decor. Forged elements painted black look the most elegant.

After finishing the finish, you need to check how the fireplace works. For the first time, it is advisable to open the windows, as the paint on the firebox will burn and emit bad smell. If, during the combustion of fuel, smoke enters the room, this means that the installation technology has been violated. To eliminate the causes, check the air supply to the furnace and the tightness of the chimney joints.

It is very important not to make a strong fire when checking, it is better to start with a small temperature load.

Video - Do-it-yourself installation of a fireplace insert

What could be more pleasant than a moment in the cold season when family or friends gather in front of a cozy fireplace. Having a fireplace in the house is no longer a luxury, but only additional element decor.

Today, in new buildings, a fireplace is often developed at the planning stage. Last but not least, this is due to rising energy prices. Aerated concrete is easy to process and therefore can be used to create all the structural elements of a stove or fireplace in your home. Autoclaved cellular concrete is as light as wood but as strong as stone. He belongs to the incombustible building materials and, therefore, an aerated concrete fireplace will be completely fireproof.

Step 1: choose a location.

Determination of the construction site is an important part of the whole process, since decision then it will be impossible to change. You need to make sure that the fireplace visually matches your interior and is safe in the space allotted to it. Try to answer the following questions for yourself: will the fireplace be too close to the furniture? Is there a possibility in the appropriate place for the chimney outlet? Preliminary planning will help to avoid blunders in the next steps.

Step 2: Marking the floor for the construction of a fireplace.

If you have already decided on the project and materials, then the surface marking is carried out. Using a pencil, outline the plan of the fireplace.

Step 3: Processing the material.

As for the processing of aerated concrete, with the help you can give it almost any shape. The corners of the blocks are cut off, polished to the required size. This is done using a gas block saw and a grater to process its surface. In principle, it is possible to build a fireplace or stove yourself, but this will require significant technical skills, knowledge and high level service to ensure safe operation.

Step 5: Fireplace Insert

A fireplace insert is called a plinth (elevation) for a cast-iron firebox, which can be laid out of aerated concrete and plastered upon completion of work. Before mounting the cast-iron firebox, a stainless and asbestos cardboard sheet is laid on the horizontal surface of the fireplace insert.

Step 7: Exterior finish fireplace.

When choosing facing materials, you need to make sure that they are fireproof and fireproof. There are many options for decorating a fireplace. Suitable for example, refractory brick or artificial stones industrial production, which will give the fireplace a unique look.

Since ancient times, fireplaces have been used as a device for heating a home. Portals gained wide popularity in Western Europe, after which they began to appear in Russia. The fireplace is not only a source of heat in the house, but also an elegant detail for the interior of the premises, which you can constantly admire. For those who live in city apartments, there are decorative fireplaces that perform only an aesthetic function without heating the room.

Features and Benefits

Residents first of all pay attention to the decorative type of fireplace apartment buildings, since they do not have the opportunity to install a traditional portal. Artificial corner portals will the best option For small rooms, since the angular location does not create an overload for the situation, and the structure itself is not large.

If we talk about the advantages of this type of fireplace, we can note the following:

  • a false fireplace does not need a chimney, an exhaust hood, if you do not plan to install a gas firebox. In the latter case, you will need to organize good ventilation and get approval from the gas company;
  • often an electric firebox is installed in artificial portals. This detail is a screen on which fire is demonstrated during operation. For this option only a socket is needed;
  • false fireplaces are easy to install;
  • you can easily make such designs yourself from any materials: drywall, polyurethane, wood, brick and even plywood;
  • fire safety refers to the main advantage of an artificial portal, since there is no fire in it;
  • you can create a fireplace of any size, they are lightweight and portable.


Decorative fireplaces can be made from different materials. The most widely used portal made of drywall. Some owners of houses and apartments choose brick, polyurethane, cardboard and even plywood. It all depends on your imagination and available improvised means.

In order for such a fireplace to blend harmoniously with the interior of your room, you need to decide on the design style:

  • classic. This style is characterized by a square shape. You can decorate it with bas-relief or stucco. Also suitable are artificial stones that serve as an imitation of precious ones. Facing work should be done using tiles with imitation of brick or marble;
  • country. Choose materials of a rough type. You need to imitate a home "hearth" in a simple form without decorative elements;
  • modern. If your room supports modern style, design fireplaces with reflective material;
  • modern style high tech implies unusual forms with sharp corners and mirror elements.

Step-by-step instruction

If you want to create a fireplace yourself in your home, you should consider a few rules using the example of a drywall portal:

  1. Before you make a fireplace yourself, you will need to draw drawings for a future design. After the sketch is ready, decide which wall the portal will be located next to in the room and make the calculations, marking the place for the base of the portal.
  2. If you want your fireplace to be in a corner, you will need to first assemble the base and then mount the structure into the wall. Other types of fireplaces involve assembling the frame part directly onto the wall.
  3. Cut the metal profile, taking into account the markings on the wall. Then you can already collect the back of the portal. The base is fastened with self-tapping screws, dowel-nails are useful for attaching the frame to the wall.
  4. Assemble the base gradually and constantly check the drawing. Otherwise, you may get confused in the calculations, and in the end you will end up with a crooked design. To give the portal stability, place spacers every 30 centimeters. If your fireplace has an arch, cuts should be made on the sides of the profile, after which you can start giving an arc shape.
  5. Now you can cut drywall. As a tool, a hacksaw or ordinary jigsaw. If you do not have these tools, then take an ordinary knife. Measure each side before cutting. The parts are screwed to the base with a 25 mm self-tapping screw.
  6. Now you have the base for the decorative portal ready and you can start facing the structure.
  7. Many apartment owners install their fireplace in the wall of the headset. Above the "hearth" is a TV, which looks very impressive. To equip your project with lighting, you will need a power connection or ordinary candles.

Out of the boxes

The portal from the boxes is easy to make yourself. For these purposes, you will need cardboard, a knife, a ruler, a simple pencil, scissors, a stapler and adhesive tape for construction. To create a sustainable design, it is better to choose a box from under household appliances.

Draw a sketch of the future portal, and transfer the image to the box. Trim excess elements from the box and secure the fireplace with a stapler. All joints of the box are sealed with construction tape. The fireplace insert is cut with a knife. You can only cut out the top and side of the firebox. Bend the material deep into the box, creating a shelf. It should also be secured with construction tape.

Now you can attach the structure to the wall. You will need double-sided adhesive tape for the construction. Use wallpaper for cladding, which should be pasted over the portal. If you do not want to spend a lot of time, you can simply purchase a film on a self-adhesive basis with a brick pattern. The top of the fireplace is decorated with a cardboard shelf or foam parts.

From plywood

Such a fireplace is easy to assemble, and it can also be moved around the house. You can buy an ordinary sheet of plywood and decorate it with wallpaper or purchase sheets with three-dimensional drawings.

What is needed for work:

  • screwdriver and screws;
  • roulette;
  • tool for cutting plywood;
  • wooden boards for the base of the portal;
  • furniture legs.

After you have everything at hand necessary materials, you can get to work. Start with a drawing, noting the size and frame of the product. Bars of wood should be sawn to the required length and signed.

The bars should be connected with self-tapping screws. Furniture legs are screwed to the base board, after which the finished frame is attached to the base. Then the fireplace mantel is installed. At each stage of work, check with the drawing.

The portal itself is cut out of plywood. Glue the cut with masking tape or adhesive tape. The material should be cut with a hacksaw for wood or electric jigsaw. Grinding must be done in a circle.

If you use ordinary plywood in your work, which you will later paste over with wallpaper, then make special threaded screws or wire nails. If decorative plywood is used, use special glue for wooden products.

Apply a special impregnation to the wood so that the fireplace will serve you for a long time.


There are many options for creating a fake foam fireplace. The most common is a foam portal on a cardboard base.

What is required for work:

  • box;
  • foam board;
  • decorative plinth;
  • scissors or knife;
  • construction tape;
  • glue;
  • tassel;
  • water-based paint;
  • putty.

The creation of this type of fireplace, like any other, should begin with the development of a drawing, which is subsequently transferred to cardboard. Then cut out the cardboard base. In the place where the “hearth” will be located, you need to make slots and bend their edges deep into the box, sealing with tape.

The next step is pasting the structure with foam. You will need to create a countertop, which is made from foam or plywood. Next, use decorative plinths to decorate the portal. Apply a thin layer of putty to the fireplace and cover the surface with water-based paint.

Your decorative fireplace is ready. Install a screen that will simulate fire, or use LED backlighting, a garland, or battery-powered candles.

From chipboard

Best to use laminated chipboard, as it will simplify the process of creating as much as possible decorative fireplace. The only difficulty in working with this material is cutting the material. You can cut the plates with your own hands or turn to specialists.

Specify the correct sequence of sizes: the first digit is the size along the fiber (along the picture), the second digit is responsible for the dimensions across the fibers. Do not forget about the selection of the edge as finishing material. It is glued with a heated iron. If you decide to make a fireplace from chipboard, then it is enough to cut the sheets to size, because the box itself will be decorated.

Always refer to the drawing when assembling. The first step is to mount the frame. It is made from rails, which are made of metal or wood. Use the outline to be drawn on the wall or floor in full size. You can assemble the frame separately and make the back wall out of chipboard. A similar box can be placed near the wall as furniture.

If you have chosen chipboard as the material, then the fireplace is ready for you; when working with chipboard, you will need to think about finishing. Can be used various options starting from decorative stones, natural wood ending with fabric. It all depends on your desire and financial capabilities.

From foam blocks

For work, you will need foam blocks, glue, putty, trowel, wood plate, spatula with a hacksaw. Before starting work, decide on the dimensions, select a place for the future portal and draw a sketch.

A foam concrete slab, the base height of which is not more than 10 cm, should be laid on the floor using a special adhesive. For sidewalls, use vertical blocks; for wide structures, lay horizontally.

Blocks are easy to saw, so you can cut them into bricks. In this way, brickwork is imitated, and the fastening of the elements occurs with the help of glue or a mortar of cement and sand. Once the side walls are in place, glue the block slab over the top. It will act as the top shelf.

If you have too much space left for the firebox, then the front part can be cut out of plywood. The arch can be made in the form of an arch or be simply flat surface. On the front panel, you can use a corrugation, which should be well coated with glue and putty. Using a spatula, lay the composition on the trowel, and apply the solution from the bottom up.

The first layer should be left to dry completely, after which the procedure should be repeated. The surface is processed with sandpaper. Do not forget about the facing of the decorative fireplace. You can use any materials, depending on the interior of your room.


Gypsum has special properties, so you can make a portal of any shape out of it. You should know that this design will not be able to heat the room, but if desired, you can install a small source of fire.

Get ready for work:

  • grinder;
  • ruler;
  • impact drill;
  • building level;
  • jigsaw;
  • drywall;
  • screws and dowels.

Preparation for work begins with the selection of a place and determination of the dimensions. Don't forget that any construction works start with drawing. A concrete pad can be used as the basis for the portal. In accordance with the installation rules, the base must protrude at least 30 cm beyond the edges of the entire structure. The height of the pillow cannot be less than 20 cm.

Thoroughly clean the wall near which the fireplace will be located. The device must be installed using metal profiles, which will be the basis of the design. Use dowels if the fireplace will be near concrete wall. After the profile has been created, the structure should be sheathed with drywall.

The plasterboard slab should be reinforced with a profile. When choosing a material, consider that it is combined with the interior of the room. Excess parts are cut off, the material is fastened with self-tapping screws, and the seams are covered with putty.

Before you start working with putty, process each edge of the sheet so that it is even. The abrasive will help you in this work. Do not forget about the installation of fireproof lining. You can use ordinary foil for these purposes.

simulated flame

Anyone can manage to create a decorative fireplace, but creating a fire is a difficult task. Special electrical appliances are characterized by high cost, but they will imitate burning wood, accompanying the process with a crackling sound.

Some people depict flames like in Pinocchio. This method is a simple decorative pattern, which depicts burning firewood. Choose pictures small size and place them on the back of the firebox.

Can be used as an imitation of a light bulb flame or Christmas garland. A plasterboard fireplace looks great, in which a garland is wound on real logs. A mirror firebox with candles will help create a beautiful and cozy atmosphere.

Installation in a small fireplace niche table lamp is also original idea. Tape the firebox with a yellow translucent film and you will achieve a great effect. For this option, you should consider the option of masking the wire, because the light bulb must be turned on and off.

If your fireplace doesn't have a place to set items, you can place processed logs with beautiful candlesticks right in front of the portal.

You will be able to produce Finishing work in numerous ways, depending on their abilities, wishes and taste preferences. by the most simple option is a polyurethane finish that many stores sell. Such material has high strength and ease of installation, therefore it has won a leading position among the owners of decorative portals.

You can decorate the fireplace with ceramic tiles or use natural fireplaces. Any material for facing should be chosen, taking into account the interior of the room and your idea.

If we talk about unusual decorations for a decorative fireplace, then first of all, this design plays an aesthetic role and should please the eye of its owner and his guests. It is not at all necessary to use firewood and a poker as decoration. Today designers offer wide choose options:

  • Clocks are always placed near traditional portals. They are either located above the firebox or located on the fireplace shelf. If your house has a decorative portal, designers advise putting the clock in a niche, or in the firebox itself. This fireplace is guaranteed to grab the attention of your guests.

  • original look you can give a fireplace by installing several shelves in a niche. Put small figurines, candles or boxes with unusual contents on them.

  • Many people enjoy spending time by the fireplace reading books. For this reason, experts recommend decorating square fireboxes with books.