Mixer      06/23/2020

Plasterboard ceilings in the hallway: a great option. Hallway drywall ceiling design - corridor photo Samples of drywall ceilings in the hallway

The corridor in the apartment is one of the most important premises, as it is what guests see when they first enter your home. But given the small dimensions of the room, making it beautiful and attractive is very problematic. Plasterboard ceilings in the hallway will great solution this problem.

Drywall today is used to finish any room, including the corridor. Such popularity came to the material due to its special properties, as well as the fact that any design from it can be easily made with your own hands.

Ceiling in the hallway drywall sheets can be of the following types:

  • single-level. Most simple design. It should be used when the dimensions of the room are small;
  • two-level. They are used in a large room, when lowering the ceiling will not lead to a visual narrowing of the space.

Note! You should not use multi-level ceiling structures for finishing the corridor, as in this case it will lead to a distortion of the perception of the room.

Since very often there is a shortage of natural light in the corridor, dropped ceilings often equipped with additional lighting. As lighting fixtures you can use LED strips and spotlights. At the same time, the use of multi-color LED strips will allow you to original way decorate the room.
Additional lighting is very easy to install with your own hands and as a result your corridor play with new colors.

Necessary calculations

Plasterboard ceilings in the corridor before their installation require calculations and the creation of a work plan. To make a design drawing, you need to do the following:

Device drawing

  • select device type;
  • measure the corridor and calculate its perimeter. Here you should measure the length and height of the walls and multiply them;

Note! If the room has irregular shape, in the drawing, all its bends should be indicated so that the diagram is true.

  • indicate the levels of construction on the drawing.

If you plan to make additional lighting, then we put the laying places on the drawing electrical wires and location of lighting fixtures.
In addition to the fact that according to the drawing you can easily make a plasterboard ceiling structure with your own hands, you will also quickly calculate the amount of materials needed.

Materials and tools for work

The ceilings in the plasterboard corridor are mounted from the same materials as in other rooms. To create them you will need:

  • sheets of standard ceiling plasterboard;
  • profile guides;
  • fasteners;
  • putty and primer.

Also for quick installation you need the following tools:

  • drill and perforator;
  • building level, pencil and tape measure with a ruler;
  • drywall knife;
  • spatula.

With the above materials and tools, making a ceiling structure will be very simple.

Preparation for work

Before starting the assembly of the structure, work surface needs to be prepared. To do this, perform the following operations:

Ceiling primer

  • remove all lighting fixtures;
  • remove the old finish from the ceiling;
  • cover up all cracks and chips, as plaster may fall out of them in the future;
  • prime the surface to prevent shedding of the material.

final preparatory work will be applied to concrete surface marking lines for the first level of construction.

main stage

At the main stage, it is necessary to completely remove the ceiling device. To do this, you need to do two different things:

  • assemble and fix the frame;
  • sheathe it with plasterboard sheets.

For greater clarity, we will consider each of the stages in more detail.
Before starting the assembly of the structure, it is worth deciding how much it will be lowered. The minimum drop is 5 cm, which is the thickness of the profile. With small dimensions of the room, this will be more than enough. But if the dimensions of the corridor allow, then the ceiling level can be lowered somewhat lower to create, for example, a niche for lighting.
The assembly of the frame involves the following operations:

Finished frame

  • we apply a starting profile to the marking lines;
  • using a perforator, we make holes in it and in concrete;
  • fasten the profile to the screws;
  • then we do the same procedure around the entire perimeter of the ceiling;
  • after fixing the structure around the perimeter, we insert transverse partitions from the same profiles.

If no load is planned on the ceiling, and its dimensions are insignificant, you can do without transverse jumpers. When installing a heavy chandelier or a second level in this place, the structure should be strengthened with additional jumpers and a crossbar.
After completing the assembly of the frame, we carry out wires and wiring in it. Then we proceed to the second stage - sheathing the frame with plasterboard boards.
Sheeting involves the following steps;

  • First, we fasten solid sheets to the screws. If the dimensions of the ceiling are insignificant, then we apply markings on the sheets and, using a drywall knife, cut it into right size pieces;
  • then we apply the resulting pieces to the frame and fix with self-tapping screws.

Structural sheathing

Note! Sheets should fall into the middle with their edges profile.
If there is a built-in backlight in the sheets, you must first make holes for it. Now it only remains to go to final stage finishing works.

The final stage

After sheathing the structure with sheets, we process all joints with a sickle. Then we apply a layer of putty on top of the tape and screws. We erase all the irregularities sandpaper and prime the surface.
Now you can give the ceiling the final appearance. It can be wallpapered, painted or decorated with decorative stucco. Plasterboard ceilings in the corridor can have the most diverse appearance and fit into any interior.
As you can see, you can equip the ceiling in the corridor with your own hands with the help of drywall, subject to the above instructions, with the utmost ease.

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Upon entering the apartment, a person enters the hallway. The plasterboard ceiling in the hallway will create the first impression of the interior of the living space, and of what kind of owners live there. Creating a ceiling is not difficult, but it requires precision and clarity. In the design work, there are options for the beauty of the ceiling for the hallway of a small size, large dimensions.
An example of the design of a plasterboard ceiling in the hallway Advantages of a plasterboard ceiling:

  1. It is safe for the health of households.
  2. , built into the ceiling, do not take much energy when working.
  3. With such a ceiling, it is not so audible as the neighbors walk from above.
  4. If there is moisture penetration, then correct installation, properly selected materials, this will be reflected minimally.
  5. Drywall perfectly levels the surface.

There are downsides:

  1. GKL ceiling is fragile. It is easily damaged by a sharp object.
  2. The height of the hallway will decrease by at least 5 cm.

For the hallway depends on its size. There are features that should be remembered when drawing up a drawing of the future ceiling:

GKL ceiling design option in the hallway

  1. Background. When drawing up a sketch, it is worth looking at what color the future ceiling will be, choosing shades of a suitable color in advance.
  2. Design. Based on the size of the hallway, you should consider what the design of the ceiling will be so that it is not cumbersome.
  3. Drawing. When planning, you should carefully consider whether the selected pattern is suitable for the ceiling in the hallway.

small hallway

If the hallway is small, narrow and dark, the pattern should be simple. But, for such ceilings, you should carefully consider the backlight, which will visually make the room larger and brighter, and so that the lighting fixtures do not shine on the eyes. will look great, fitting into the overall picture of the living space. Fine design works in small hallways are shown in the photo.

In addition to simple illuminated rectangles, craftsmen make small triangles arranged in a chaotic manner along the ceiling. In designer versions, each triangle is highlighted with a separate light (for example, 1 figure is a soft green light, the 2nd figure is blue).
Making a plasterboard ceiling in a small hallway Shades for lighting should be chosen suitable friend to a friend: green - blue, pink - beige. It is also necessary to select a general color scheme. The tones on the wall and ceiling may differ, but the ceiling should be made light. With a dark tone of the ceiling, even if there is a good range of light, the room will seem small and dark.

large hallway

IN large hallway designers offer a version of the transition of the ceiling from the hallway to the living room, because often there is no door there. Ceilings look good smooth transitions drawings that begin in the hallway and continue into the hall. Inserts of glass surfaces in ceiling covering. With such a design, proper lighting, a clear idea of ​​​​the transition from one room to another is lost.

An example of the design of the ceiling in a large hallway

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Forms and types of plasterboard ceilings for the hallway

Ceilings in the hallway can be different in plasterboard versions in their design:

  1. Single-level design is considered a classic option. The first level for the ceiling sometimes serves as the basis for the second level.
  2. Multi-level plasterboard ceilings, which are rarely done by hand in a room with high walls.

In both versions, the backlight and the main light play a big role in the design. A video selection of photos will show a classic ceiling with basic lighting and multi-level structures with a play of light.

We select the lighting for the ceiling: design options

For different options ceiling constructions from gypsum boards, there are different lighting.

Lighting devices used in the corridor:

  1. Spotlights are the main lighting in the corridor.
  2. LED spotlights. They also play the role of the main lighting of the hallway. But for greater convenience, additional lamps are installed near the mirrors or closet.
  3. Halogen. Create a different light composition.
  4. LED strips. Go to the main lighting, additional lighting.
  5. Light panels. Basic lighting.

When choosing lighting fixtures, you should look at their dimensions, compatible with the size of the room. It will be ridiculous with crystal pendants in a small hallway.

The option of mounting lighting fixtures on the ceiling And it will also be ugly to put a small lamp in the center of a large ceiling in the hallway. If the fixtures are chosen in the right way, then a small living space can be visually enlarged.

For example, spotlights located perpendicular to the walls will make the hallway wider, and if spotlights are made along the walls, the length of the corridor will increase. In large hallways, little light will give discomfort and gloom. A lot of built-in lights will give too bright light, which "hit" in the eyes.

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How to mount a ceiling frame under drywall

How and how to paint the ceiling in the hallway

For use in the hallway.
Paint has properties that must be considered when choosing:

  • this is the appearance that the ceiling receives after painting;
  • paint may vary in gloss. That is, glossy paint with a brilliant effect, glossy, giving freshness to the ceiling, semi-matte, matte.

Glossy paint is very convenient in wet cleaning - it is practically not washed off, does not lend itself chemical compounds detergent. But, if there are any flaws on the ceiling, the paint will definitely show them.
This paint is budget option. Matte paint is ideal for the ceiling. Hides all imperfections, visually softens sharp corners.

The ceiling painted with matte paint in the hallway The ceiling looks beautiful with this painting. But, with wet cleaning, the paint does not show itself with better side. It is difficult to remove stains from such a surface. The paint is washed off with the dust. With a high concentration of detergent, it may become covered with air bubbles.

Paint is different in texture: smooth, uneven. On plasterboard, on the ceiling, a more even texture is used, emphasizing the ideal smoothness of the surface. But in some cases, relief paint is used to create an individual decor.

The number of layers is determined by the quality of the paint. But at least twice. If you paint the ceiling once, spots will appear on the tinted surface, which result from a putty error.

Option to paint the plasterboard ceiling in the hallway If the paint is not white, with the addition of a dye, you should look at how many layers you need to apply to achieve the desired color. To do this, it is better to experiment on a separate . Thixotropic types of paint, in the "rest" position, the paint becomes thick, and if it is stirred and worked with, it becomes thinner. There are practically no streaks from this type of coating.

Oil paint. It is based on drying oil or vegetable oil. When dried, the paint creates a film that protects the ceiling from external irritants (small temperature changes, temporarily high humidity). But its service life is short, after 2 years the paint begins to peel off. In order to repaint the ceiling, the surface must be completely cleaned.

An example of painting the ceiling in the hallway oil paint Alkyd paint. The solvent is turpentine, gasoline. Looks great on the ceiling, after drying creates protective film. But, after 2-3 years, it loses its color even with spot lighting. The flammability of such paint is very high. When using dyes, you need to be very careful. If you pour 1 more drop of dye into white paint, it will immediately become brighter and more saturated. When reaching a light shade, you should experiment on a separate section of drywall.

The design of the plasterboard ceiling in the hallway is a new trend in finishing work and is very popular. The installation of such a structure is fascinating process which requires imagination and creativity. Thanks to the unique properties of drywall, huge opportunities have opened up for designers. original design ceiling, and a chic choice of textures and colors of the material allows everyone to turn a simple entrance hall into a “dream room”.

Advantages and disadvantages

As you know, the ceiling is considered the finishing touch in the interior of the rooms, and the corridor is no exception. Modern drywall compositions will help decorate its upper space with an unusual look.

Such suspended structures not only famous for their attractiveness, but also widely used in housing design, as they have the following advantages:

  • Ability to create perfect surface for works. Smooth sheets of drywall hide well all the roughness and unevenness of the bases, which is important when repairing a panel house;
  • Don't need preliminary preparation ceiling. Installation work can be performed on old whitewash. This reduces time and simplifies the installation process itself;
  • They hide all communications well, so if there is electrical wiring, climate systems and a ventilation duct in the corridor, they will become invisible;

  • Allows you to choose any type of lighting. As a rule, point, multi-level and open lamps look beautiful in the hallways;
  • Plastic. Thanks to this characteristic, drywall ceilings acquire unusual shapes. The two-level view of the structure with backlighting looks especially special. It visually enlarges the space;
  • Quick installation and withdrawal;
  • Affordable cost.

Like any other material, drywall also has its drawbacks:

  • Not suitable for rooms with high humidity;
  • Reduces the height of rooms by 10-15 cm, so it is not recommended for low hallways;
  • Newly constructed buildings may crack or warp as they shrink;
  • During operation, sometimes changes color.

All suspended ceilings are mounted on special frame, which by its design can be closed or open. If the design uses open method installation, then drywall sheets become an excellent basis for additional decor. Various patterns are applied to their surface or a partition is made with a film, which ultimately looks original. The combination of such elements allows you to apply unusual textures and colors, so the design of the hallway is unique and spectacular.

Ceiling options

Individuality should be in everything, especially in the design of housing. For each person, the house represents a unique world where you can enjoy comfort and warmth, so you need to choose a special style for its design.

The hallway is considered the face of any house - the room that first catches the eye of the guests. From proper organization its space and layout will depend not only on the general impression of the owners of the "family nest", but also an idea of ​​their tastes for beauty.

Arrangement of furniture, wall decoration and flooring in the hallway will serve as only the beginning for the decor. To complete the image of this room, it is also important to consider options for installing the ceiling.

The installation of a drywall construction begins with a preliminary design choice, which should harmoniously emphasize the entire interior of the room.

Often the main problem in the design of the hallway is considered to be its small size; in these situations, designers recommend using a single-level type of ceiling. Thanks to modern methods finishes, from such a simple and even composition you can make an unusual surface.

Of course, decorative ceiling plasterboard can be installed in hallways of any size, but its shape and method of finishing will depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthese rooms, so for small corridors it is best to choose light-colored ceilings.

Applying design secrets and craftsmanship, the space of the room can really be changed and expanded.

If the owners of the house got a miniature entrance hall, do not be upset, just follow the following tips:

  • Apply installation of multi-level systems with clear graphic lines. This is a great option for narrow spaces. For example, squares or rectangles “recessed” in the overall composition will visually enlarge the room. This is especially suitable for elongated corridors;
  • In the design of the design, give preference to light colors in warm, pastel colors;
  • give Special attention arrangement of lighting. On the ceiling surface should be used maximum amount lamps. Thus, the room creates a feeling of lightness and airiness.

It is considered a great success to have a huge entrance hall in the layout of the house. With such chic sizes, you can turn into reality both original fantasies and extraordinary solutions. Volume large rooms allows you to mount single-level and multi-level systems, their choice depends on personal tastes and design style.

Stepped plasterboard decorations may seem heavy at first glance, but thanks to the right colors, they will harmoniously fit into the look of the hallway and become almost weightless.

For spacious rooms, as a rule, choose ceilings with smooth transitions and lines. Thanks to them, strict boundaries are smoothed out on the canvases and an impression of unusual freedom is created. In addition, in such hallways you can use different colors. The scenery in this case is done as a tone general style, and contrasting, highlighting individual zones.

As for the texture of the ceiling, it can be either matte, glossy, or combined in an unusual combination of materials. For example, glossy compositions with matte edging look spectacular. If there is a desire to give the hallway a touch of modernity, then you should use more original methods of decoration and decorate the surface with painting or photo printing.

It is also important to take into account one important point: more than three shades cannot be used on the ceiling.

To highlight the corridor in a special way in the design of the house, it is recommended to decorate its ceiling with a mirror surface. It is also worth noting that when correct selection lighting and colors, any hallway can be transformed into a cozy and modern room.

How to change the size of the hallway

The traditional entrance hall is a narrow and long room. In this regard, when arranging this room, it is not possible to place many pieces of furniture, and in order to increase it a little, they use the game of lighting and paint the ceiling in light colors or paste over it with wallpaper in pastel shades.

In addition to all the design tricks, important point counts correct design overhead structures.

If the multi-level system is painted white, then the decoration of the upper surface will turn into a weightless space, and all at first glance its heavy massive details will smoothly smooth out, making the room visually high.

An excellent option in the design of ceilings is also the use of smooth lines that have no boundaries. In order for such ceilings to fill the hallway with harmony, it is also important to take care of the choice of sophisticated furniture models that will be reflected in the mirror canvas and beautifully complement the overall interior.

great idea For visual magnification space is considered a combination in the decoration of the ceiling of black and white flowers, while light tones should prevail, and dark shades will only help create a contrasting accent.

Ceiling and lighting

Lighting plays a huge role in the hallway. As you know, ordinary chandeliers have long gone out of fashion, in addition, modern designs from drywall with them "do not look". Therefore, in most cases, when decorating the ceiling in the hallway, beautiful spotlights are preferred. If you choose the right model and quantity, then the arrangement of the premises can be considered complete.

These lighting fixtures help create stunning lighting effects while increasing the height of the room, making it original and aesthetically appealing.

Often, due to the fact that the room was built a long time ago, the ceilings in the hallway are uneven and low. In order to both level and decorate the ceiling without losing at a height, drywall is used. And in combination with unusual lighting he will successfully emphasize all the winning sides of the hallway.

Hallway in drywall

The corridor is a unique space. On the one hand, this is a walk-through room where the owners spend little time, and on the other hand, it is from this room that guests get the impression of the whole house. But the first impression is almost impossible to change. That's why do not neglect the decoration of the corridor. By paying due attention to the design of the ceiling, combined with unusual lighting, you can turn an uncomfortable room into an original small room.

A continuous sheet of drywall on the ceiling does not allow dust to accumulate in the space between the ceilings

Drywall is one of the best building materials , which will fully cope with this goal. Moreover, the possibilities to decorate any room in an unusual way great amount. You can talk a lot about the advantages of drywall, but some points are worth mentioning separately.

Advantages and disadvantages of plasterboard ceiling

It is worth paying attention to the following advantages:

  • behind the suspended structure, you can perfectly hide all the defects of the main ceiling;
  • you can install a plasterboard ceiling of any complexity with your own hands, even without rich experience in the construction industry;
  • at a cost, a plasterboard ceiling is undoubtedly cheaper than a well-leveled concrete one, and even more so a stretch one;
  • it provides an excellent opportunity in a short time to decorate the ceiling in an original way without much effort.

Other, not so important advantages can be kept silent. It's better to stick to the cons.

There are not so many main disadvantages of plasterboard ceilings in the hallway:

  • compared to cassette and rack structures, the installation of drywall panels will take more time and effort;
  • experts recommend using drywall only in old houses. The walls of new buildings will immediately shrink;
  • despite the abundance of other finishing methods, the range of plasterboard ceiling textures is somewhat limited.

Looking closely, we can make a general conclusion that the total number of minuses is so insignificant that you should not pay much attention to them.

Features of the design of plasterboard ceilings in the hallway

There are a huge number of attractive hallway design options, each of which can easily become the basis for creating an individual exclusive style. Of course, this may require revisiting everything possible options but the end result is worth the time and effort.

The most common and simplified version, familiar to many, is classic style no extra finishing touches. This style direction is characterized by straight and strict lines. This style is easiest to combine with other details on the wall and wallpaper.

Most people try to stick to just such a finish, because in such an unpretentious way, without inventing anything new, you can win-win design a hallway of any size. But today there are other more interesting options which are worth taking a closer look at.

Of course, most often install single-level structures that slightly reduce the height of the room. But, nevertheless, there are small tricks that allow you to install multi-tiered plasterboard ceilings in a small hallway. The main thing is to correctly distribute the radii and steps of the ceiling structure.

Two-level plasterboard ceilings are only acceptable for high and wide hallways

Design options for small corridors

The basic rule known to everyone is that light colors visually expand the space. And if the corridor is small in size and also with an uncomfortable layout, then the plasterboard ceiling in the hallway white color is the ideal solution.

For more effect experts recommend using the following tips:

  • if the room is narrow, you can try to install a multi-tiered ceiling with clear graphic lines;
  • rectangles or squares in the central part of the ceiling covering will visually expand its boundaries;
  • if the corridor is elongated, several such figures can be used.

Lighting is of great importance. After all, with the help of well-chosen lighting, you can give the room airiness and space that is not enough for it.

Plasterboard ceiling design options for large hallways

In this case, the possibilities are virtually endless. In such a corridor, both a single-level and a multi-level ceiling will look great.

At the same time, designers use original finishes:

  • a stepped ceiling can become a kind of finishing method. They do not make the ceiling heavier, as it might seem at first glance, but in combination with well-chosen and correctly located spotlights of different brightness, they give the ceiling lightness;
  • designs with smooth curves are a good choice. The lines level the boundaries of the ceiling, and the room will look noticeably more spacious and brighter;
  • in a large corridor, you can safely use any color shades. In addition, the ceiling covering can be designed in accordance with the color of the floor and wall. But contrasting shades can also be used, but it is not recommended to combine more than three colors;
  • texture matters a lot. Plasterboard boards can be used in a large corridor different texture- matte, glossy, combined. An interesting combination is a glossy texture with a matte edging;
  • Drawing on panels of a list, a photo printing, drawings is possible.
  • mirror surface - original way, creating the effect of infinity of space. This option is also suitable for small hallways.

Thanks to the openwork, but strong suspension system, plasterboard ceilings. in general, load-bearing structures are little loaded

If you choose the right color, texture and extraordinary design options - all this, in general, cannot but decorate even the most dull hallway. But in order for the plasterboard ceilings in the hallway to look more elegant, you need to choose the right lighting for them.

Selection of fixtures

It is worth considering that, depending on the interior design, the total power of the lamps differs (W):

The table below does not take into account the derating factor for power.

More lights means more energy savings- automatically, a person thinks about what to include better. But this does not mean that it is necessary to duplicate the room with similar groups of lamps that perform the same tasks. The best choice is combined lighting.

Yes, simple classic version plasterboard ceiling decoration in the hallway -traditional chandelier giving bright illumination. Chandelier combination or wall sconce with spotlights on a plasterboard ceiling, it is not in vain considered as one of the best options.

A spots create soft uniform lighting look equally good and attractive as on single-level ceilings, and multilevel. Another significant spot advantage - variety color design . Depending on the interior design of the hallway, you can choose the backlight in the color of the walls or floor.

Installation of spotlights on a plasterboard ceiling can be done without problems with your own hands. But, if you do not have the necessary knowledge and experience, in order to avoid a fire or a short circuit, it is better to seek help from an electrician.

For hallways it is recommended to use led strip . Usually it is installed throughout the lower level or in a special niche. This lighting method is suitable for both spacious hallways and small ones. Peculiar niches in the plasterboard ceiling will create a deceptive volume, adding bottomless depth to the room.

When designing lighting in the corridor, do not get carried away too much versatile lamps. After all, the main thing is a sense of proportion.

There is simply nothing to burn in the plasterboard ceiling system, therefore, even in the event of a short circuit, the fire will not work: the insulation of the electrical wiring will burn out to the maximum

In such cases, it is better to use not so much lamps as other generally accepted methods of expanding space. For example, mirrors. Mirrors will simultaneously perform two functions: add volume to the room and evenly distribute light throughout the hallway. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about the power of the lamps.

Another option is a built-in wardrobe with a mirror. In addition to performing its functions, it will significantly affect the lighting of the entire room. The interior glass door can also contribute to the achievement of the same goal.

Despite the fact that suspended structures reduce the already small volume of the room, drywall is still one of the best ways to decorate the ceiling in the corridor.

About the design of plasterboard ceilings in narrow corridor You can see photos and videos for more details:

In the apartment, the first place where they enter is the entrance hall. It should make a good impression, and not only furniture and accessories are important here, but also the interior as a whole. It has always been believed that ceilings should be white and perfectly even, but more and more often their design deviates from the classic look.

The main advantage of suspended systems is that there is no need to level the existing ceiling.

Drywall has many positive characteristics:

  • Eco-friendly;
  • energy saving;
  • Soundproof;
  • Flexible (with proper handling);
  • Breathable;
  • Moisture resistant.

Apart from the above, it is easy to operate. Anyone can install a drywall ceiling, even without experience with it. And also with such panels uneven walls are easily hidden.

The negative sides are fragility, room reduction and, unlike concrete slab do not hang heavy objects.

The height of the room is reduced to 5 cm, so the owners of apartments in houses of the old layout need to carefully consider the design.

Suspended ceilings are of two types:

  • single level;
  • Multilevel.

A single-level ceiling is the simplest version of a suspension system, and it can also serve as the basis for a multi-level one. Such a ceiling looks like a perfectly flat ceiling. Multi-level ceiling - allows you to create absolutely any pattern. The lighting of such a ceiling can be spot when small light bulbs with LEDs are installed, or you can add lighting between levels, which looks very impressive.

Wires and cables are easily hidden under suspended ceilings.

Plasterboard ceiling design in the hallway

Depending on the size of the hallway, you need to select the design of the ceiling.

In the hallway, the ceiling decor must be thought out based on the features of the hallway:

  • Color spectrum;
  • Complexity;
  • Type of drawing.

In small hallways, you need to think through the design in detail, which will not burden. When the room is narrow and long, the complexity of the pattern should be simple. You can make a two-level ceiling with lighting between the levels, such decor will visually increase the space.

drowned geometric figures also suitable, for example, one large or several small illuminated rectangles will look spectacular.

The color scheme for such rooms should be chosen in light colors. Lighting in the hallway is equally important, as there is usually no natural light in the hallways. Therefore, well-placed spotlights will create a feeling of lightness in the room. In spacious hallways, it is better to combine the ceiling with other rooms, for example, if the pattern smoothly flows into the room. the best way to single them out is multi-level ceilings from drywall. There can be a variety of shapes, for example, waves, ovals and others. The color scheme can be varied, the main thing is to fit the overall interior. The style and type of ceilings are different: matte, glossy and with glass inserts. Combination different types look great. Sometimes they even use mirror surface ceiling, which creates a feeling of boundlessness.

We make the ceiling in the hallway from plasterboard with our own hands

The use of drywall is easy to handle, so building a ceiling with your own hands is quite realistic. But due to the fact that drywall sheets will still need an assistant.

For work you will need:

  • Drywall;
  • Wall profile;
  • guide profile;
  • Direct suspension;
  • Dowel-nails;
  • "Bug";
  • self-tapping screws;
  • Gypsum putty.

Of the tools you will need:

  • Perforator;
  • Scissors for metal;
  • Planers (edging and peeling);
  • Cutter;
  • needle roller;
  • Hacksaw for drywall;
  • Building level.

Before installation, it is necessary to carefully prepare the ceiling, that is, clean it from the old finishing material and make markup, the rest of the work will depend on it. If the ceiling is not even, then find the lowest point, from it you will need to draw a horizon line along the rest of the walls.

Then it is necessary to install the profiles at a distance of 60 cm, while the first and last suspension are attached 30 cm from the wall. The length of the rail should be equal to the width of the room.

And their number is calculated by dividing the width of the room by the distance between the slats. The calculation of the number of suspensions is made according to the formula: the width of the room is divided by the distance between the rails and their number is multiplied, which was obtained in the previous calculation.

Sometimes suspended ceilings are insulated, this is done by laying insulation in the frame. 4. After installing the frame, drywall sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws. The distance between the screws is 25cm. When all drywall sheets are installed, the seams are sealed with a primer and you need to wait until it dries. Then putty is applied to the screws and the seams between the sheets, and after complete drying they are glued with a seam tape, which is also treated with putty.

After complete drying of the draft layer, the final coating (paint, plaster) is applied. The last step lighting fixtures are installed.

Beautiful plasterboard ceiling: hallway design

The overall interior of the hallway is important and the design of the ceiling, furniture and accessories should be in harmony.

Ceiling decoration can be varied:

  • Matte;
  • Reflective, mirror;
  • Painted with paint;
  • Smooth
  • Corrugated.

If the hallway small sizes, then you should not overload the ceiling with multicolor, it is better to make it white, and dilute the overall interior, for example, with various accessories or furniture in darker colors, or beautiful lamps. If the hall smoothly turns into living room, then an excellent solution would be to divide the room into zones with the help of a ceiling or make a drawing that smoothly passes into the next room, which will be a continuation of the interior.

To separate, you can make columns on the walls, which will be a continuation of the ceiling, they will help divide the room, visually increase the height of the ceilings.

Installation of a plasterboard ceiling in the hallway (video)

In conclusion, we add that the lighting in the hallway is very important, it is necessary that the room be light and comfortable. beautiful lamps on the walls or spotlights, or maybe the lighting between the ceiling levels will add grace to the interior.