In a private house      08/01/2020

Ege in the year according to passport data. USE results. Where to find them? Who can see the results

On March 14, in many Russian regions, a trial USE in mathematics at the profile level was held. This exam was conducted in accordance with all the rules of the state exam, according to which exams will be taken in the summer and an early wave of the Unified State Examination will be held these days. The purpose of the trial USE was, among other things, to check the readiness of the regions for the beginning of the responsible period for passing the unified state exams, first by graduates of previous years, and then by graduates of the current year. Eleventh-graders who took the practice exam are interested in how to find out the results of the test exam in mathematics in 2018 by passport, what opportunities exist on the Internet.

Why is there no trial exam in mathematics at the profile level in the official USE schedule

Indeed, if we turn to the official schedule of the unified state exams on the special USE portal, which is supported by Rosobrnadzor, we will not find the concept of a training or trial exam there. Despite the fact that many eleventh graders wrote this exam on March 14, 2018, there is no mention of it in the official timetable.

The thing is that the training exams were held not at the federal level, but at the level of individual Russian regions.

So, if we turn to the news feed on the USE portal, then in the section with regional news we will find press releases that the trial USE in mathematics at the profile level in 2018 was held, among other things, in the following regions:

  • Murmansk region - here such an exam was written by 2059 graduates,
  • Altai Republic,
  • Volgograd region - more than 3500 graduates,
  • Arkhangelsk region - more than 150 graduates,
  • Penza region,
  • Chechen Republic - more than 500 graduates.

One of the goals of the early exam in mathematics is to check the organizational, technological and informational readiness for conducting the exam in “combat” conditions. A week later, on March 21, an early wave of passing the Unified State Examination by graduates of past years and some graduates of the current year started.

How was the practice exam

Let us pay attention to the fact that the participants of the training exam wrote exactly that version of the USE in mathematics, which is profile, that is, more complex. This version of the USE in mathematics has recently become an elective exam in Russia. The mandatory USE in Mathematics is a basic level exam, a simpler exam that tests necessary minimum knowledge that all eleventh graders should have when they leave school. The profile version is necessary for those who will enter the physical and mathematical disciplines, programming, instrument making, etc.

The exam was conducted in the same way as the USE will be held in the summer. Its duration was 3 hours 55 minutes. To enter the exam, it was necessary to present a passport.

A novelty of the Unified State Exam of 2018 was tested at the exam - forms with questions were printed out in the presence of eleventh graders. The tasks themselves were at that moment a surprise even for the members of the commission. In order for the secrecy to be fully respected, the jobs were received in encrypted form, the key was used immediately before the printing of the work began.

How to get acquainted with the results of the trial exam

Since trial exams were not held centrally, but at the regional level, information about the results will not necessarily be available on the USE portal. However, you should go there first.

To get acquainted with the results of the USE in 2018, you need to go to a special page of the USE portal or to the page of the corresponding service on the State Services portal. To enter, you need to enter your passport data, select the region of residence and agree to the processing of personal data.

If there are no training USE results in the centralized database, you can refer to the list of regional portals where exam results are published. Such a list is officially provided on a special page of the Russian Education portal. By clicking on the appropriate link to the website of your regional USE data processing center, you can see both the points scored and a scan of your work, where all the marks of the inspector will be visible.

How the results of the exam are evaluated

The results of the Unified State Examination are evaluated on a 100-point scale and put up in a special "Certificate of the results of the unified state exam."

When evaluating the results of the USE, a minimum number of test scores for each educational subject is established, confirming that the graduate has mastered the basic general education programs of secondary (complete) education in accordance with the requirements of the federal educational standard of secondary (complete) general education. If the student scored less than the established minimum number of points (did not overcome the minimum threshold), then the exam is considered not passed.

The value of the minimum threshold is announced within 6-8 days after the USE in the subject in the main terms and 2-3 days after the USE in additional terms in July.

USE assessment scale

When you complete assignments for the exam, for each correct solution 1 or more points are awarded, depending on the difficulty. At the same time, a correctly completed task of part A or B is estimated at 1 point, part C - up to 4 points. The sum of these scores is called the Primary Score (PB). In fact, this is the number of correctly completed tasks.

    The number of minimum PBs for different subjects may vary, for example:
  • mathematics: 36 PB,
  • biology: 36 PB,
  • foreign languages: 22 PB.

But these are not the points that will be useful to you, for example, for entering a university. They need to be translated on a 100-point scale. This is the so-called "test score" (TB).

TB assesses the level of preparedness of the student. It depends on the level of difficulty of the completed tasks on the exam. This score is used to determine the final grade. The maximum test score for the exam in any subject: 100 points.

The primary score is converted into a test score using a special formula.

Table for converting USE-2020 scores into grades (according to a five-point system)


Russian language

Mathematics profile

Mathematics basic



Social science


Informatics and ICT

English language




    Minimum USE scores for obtaining a certificate in 2020:
  • Russian language - 24 points;
  • basic level mathematics - 3 points (assessment);
  • physics - 36 points;
  • chemistry - 36 points;
  • biology - 36 points;
  • history - 32 points;
  • geography - 37 points;
  • social science - 42 points;
  • literature - 32 points;
  • Chinese- 17 points.
    Minimum USE scores for admission to a university:
  • Russian language - 36 points;
  • profile level mathematics - 27 points;
  • physics - 36 points;
  • chemistry - 36 points;
  • computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - 40 points;
  • biology - 36 points;
  • history - 32 points;
  • geography - 37 points;
  • social science - 42 points;
  • literature - 32 points;
  • foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) - 22 points.

How the exam affects the receipt of a certificate

The basis for issuing a certificate of secondary education to a graduate is the satisfactory results of the Unified State Examination, i.e., the number of points is not lower than the minimum threshold in compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics). In this case, the graduate receives 2 documents: a school certificate and a certificate of USE results.

The final grades are set in the certificate according to the traditional 5-point system, which are defined as the arithmetic mean of the graduate's annual grades for grades 10-11 (12).

The results of the USE do not affect the final grades given in the certificate.

If a graduate has not overcome the minimum threshold in one of the subjects - Russian language or mathematics - at the Unified State Examination in the main terms and during the retake, then a certificate is not issued to him.

How and when you can find out the results of the exam

The results of the exam must be known to the participants no later than 3 working days after Rosobrnadzor announces the minimum thresholds for each of the subjects. Thus, no more than 12 days pass from the date of the exam. Most regions inform their USE participants at an earlier date.

For USE participants - graduates of the current year, certificates of USE results are issued at an educational institution. The rest of the USE participants will find out their results where they received a pass for the USE: this is either the PES in which they passed the exam, or the education authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, local education authorities.

According to the current regulations, each subject of the Russian Federation is independently responsible for informing USE participants about the results. In some regions, this information can be accessed online for free. You can find out your results by having an individual code (passport number, etc.).

  • Moscow and Moscow region:
  • St. Petersburg and Leningrad region:

Lists of USE participants with their exam results are posted on information stands (at school, PES, education authority, etc.).

Validity of the certificate of the results of the exam

On November 20, 2013, letter No. DL-345/17 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “On the effect of the USE results” was published.

"The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the issue of the validity of the results of the unified state exam obtained before entry into force on September 1, 2013. federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law), informs.

According to Part 2 of Article 70 of the Federal Law, the results of the unified state examination for admission to study in undergraduate and specialist programs valid for four years following the year in which such results were obtained.

Therefore, admission to organizations that carry out educational activities for bachelor's and specialist's programs, is allowed based on the results of the unified state exam, confirmed by certificates of the Unified State Examination issued in 2015 and 2016, and valid until the end of 2019 and 2020, respectively

The USE certificate after September 1, 2020 is valid for four years following the year the exam was taken. That is, the certificate of 2018 expires in December 2022 and can be used for admission to universities in the period from 2018 to 2022. Therefore, certificates issued in 2019 and 2020 are valid until 2023 and 2024, respectively.

Published on 17.06.16 21:09

You can check the results of the USE 2016 according to passport data for a number of subjects today.

USE, results of 2016 according to passport data: in 2016 the number of those who failed the exam decreased

Deputy head of Rosobrnadzor Anzor Muzaev said that in 2016, compared to 2015, the number of school graduates who would be left without a certificate was halved.

He noted that already today there is a significant decrease in those removed from exams in the North Caucasus Federal District.

"The North Caucasus District is fully under our online surveillance. We are targeting, and targeting intcbatch regions, work targeted on each subject where they have a low score," TASS quoted him as saying.

Recently, the preliminary results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language 2016 and mathematics became known. Recall that these two subjects are mandatory for graduates.

According to the results of the Unified State Examination in mathematics of the basic level in 2016, there was a significant improvement in performance and a decrease in the proportion of graduates who did not pass the exam. At the same time, the average score was 4.14 against 3.95 in 2015. The number of graduates who wrote the exam with an unsatisfactory result decreased from 7.4% to 4.7%. The number of those who received "five" rose from 31.2% to 39.4%.

In turn, according to the results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language in 2016, we can conclude that the proportion of those who wrote a paper with a high score was 25.5% against 20% last year. About 1% of participants could not overcome the minimum barrier, and last year there were 1.5% of such graduates.

USE results 2016 according to passport data: official website 2016

You can find out the results of the USE 2016 according to passport data on the Internet about two weeks after passing the exam itself. To find out the number of well-deserved points, you must go to the official website of the Unified State Examination 2016 and enter the following data: the graduate's last name, his first name, patronymic, as well as the registration code or passport number.

Usually, from the moment the exam is written to the announcement of the results, it takes up to two weeks(from 8 to 14 days).

How many days are the results of the exam checked

  • The processing of data in the RCOI in compulsory subjects should not exceed 6 calendar days after the exam.
  • The processing of data in the RCOI in subjects of choice should not exceed 4 calendar days after the exam.
  • Centralized verification at the Federal Testing Center should not exceed 5 business days.
  • The approval of the results of the USE in the State Examination Commission is carried out within 1 business day.
  • Within 1-3 days the results become known to the PES, and hence to the participants of the exam.

Who checks the exam

After the Unified State Examination, the forms with the work of graduates are sealed and sent to the regional information processing centers (RTsOI). During this period, your papers are scanned by specialists and sent for machine verification of the tasks of the first part, and subject committees are engaged in checking the tasks of the second part of the exam (with a detailed answer).

Each work is checked by two experts independently of each other and scores are given. The results are entered into the verification protocol and transferred for further processing.

If the given score of two experts is the same, then this result is final. If the scores diverge, then the final result will be the arithmetic mean of the scores of the two experts rounded up. If the discrepancy is significant, then a third expert is assigned to check.

After checking at the RTSOI, the work of graduates is sent for a centralized check to the Federal Testing Center (FTC) to verify the answers of the exam participants with the correct answers and determine the primary and test scores of the Unified State Examination.

Then the FTC transmits the results of the USE to the State Examination Commissions, which, after approval, distribute the results to the examination points (PET).

When will the exam results be announced?

After doing the calculations, you can preliminarily determine the approximate date of the announcement of the results of the exam:

  • : June 4-8
  • Literature: June 4-8
  • : June 7-11
  • : June 28 - July 2
  • : June 22-26
  • German: June 22-26
  • French: June 22-26
  • Spanish: June 22-26
  • Mathematics (basic level): June 10-14
  • Mathematics (profile level): June 12-18
  • : June 16-20
  • : June 28 - July 2

In the section "" posted detailed information for the 2019 admission campaign. Here you can also find out about the passing scores, the competition, the conditions for providing a hostel, the number of free places, as well as the minimum scores that were required to score to receive it. The database of universities is constantly growing!

- new service from the site. Now it will be easier to pass the exam. The project was created with the participation of specialists from a number of state universities and experts in the field of the Unified State Examination.

In the section "Reception 2020" using the service "", you can learn about the most important dates associated with university admissions.

" ". Now, you have the opportunity to communicate directly with the admission committees of universities and ask them questions that interest you. The answers will be posted not only on the site, but will also be sent to you personally to the mail that you indicated during registration. And, quite quickly.

Olympiads in detail - a new version of the "" section indicating the list of Olympiads for the current academic year, their levels, links to the sites of the organizers.

In the section, a new service "Remind about an event" has been launched, with the help of which applicants can automatically receive reminders of the most important dates for them.

A new service has been launched - "