In a private house      06/12/2019

How to plant an orchid stalk at home. Problems after separation from mother plant. Always in the water

The orchid is a beautiful and delicate flower that has enjoyed well-deserved popularity over the past ten years. Many people loved him beautiful flowers that have an unusual color. But for such delicate flower meticulous care is required. Often flower growers are interested in how an orchid reproduces, and how difficult it is to do so. This article is devoted to this issue.

When to propagate an orchid?

Indeed, the orchid needs special care and supervision. But, this flower is not as capricious as many people think about it. You just need to accept a few rules and strictly adhere to them. And the result will not be long in coming.

Orchids can be propagated in several ways: dividing an adult flower into several parts, propagating with the help of side shoots, seeds, or with the help of children.

Best time for flower propagation - spring. It was during this period, even in those flowers that live near the apartment, the juice begins to actively circulate. The plant has enough strength to recover, and the young plant has enough energy to recover and begin to actively develop.

There is such a feature - you need to be especially careful with the root system, since it is especially fragile. If scrap is still formed, then it should immediately be treated with charcoal. Only healthy orchids can be propagated, so you get two beautiful flower. But trying to propagate a diseased plant, you will not get one.

Variant with side shoots

The essence of reproduction using this method is the ability of an orchid to form its own root system from individual shoots, and give rise to a new flower. The sequence of actions is simple:

  • As soon as the flower has a side shoot, keep a close eye on it.
  • Periodically moisten it with a spray bottle so that small roots develop faster.
  • As soon as the roots become clearly visible, carefully break off the shoot and transplant it into a separate pot.

It is very important to choose correct pot. It should not be large so that the root system can completely cover it over time. Otherwise, the outer part of the plant will not grow, and all the energy will be directed to the growth of the roots.

At the same time, it is better to treat the place from where you separated the shoot with ash in order to avoid infection of the flower.

The disadvantage of this method is that you cannot propagate the orchid when you feel like it, only when an escape appears suitable for further planting.

Propagation by cuttings

The method of propagating orchids by cuttings is quite popular. It is not only one of the most practical, but also understandable even for beginner flower lovers.

It is important to follow this sequence:

  1. First you need to wait until the orchid finishes flowering.
  2. Take a small pruner, and carefully treat it with alcohol. The disinfection process is very important, because the flower is susceptible to various diseases, easily infected by them.
  3. Cut the peduncle to the very root.
  4. Divide it with the same secateurs into several parts, so that each of them is about 3-4 cm in size.
  5. It is important that approximately in the center of each cutting is a dormant bud.
  6. The cut points on each cutting must be treated with coal powder or ash.
  7. Place all cuttings in a small greenhouse that will encourage them to germinate quickly.
  8. As a planting mixture, it is better to use wet sphagnum.
  9. In the greenhouse, the temperature should be constantly kept at 26-28 degrees, with a sufficiently high humidity. Under such conditions, small orchid cuttings will germinate quickly enough.

This method is suitable if you want to get several sprouts, and are most often used for germinating orchids in industrial purposes. If you, personally for yourself, want to get another flower, you can do it much easier:

  1. Trim the peduncle at its base.
  2. Put it in fertilized water
  3. The peduncle must maximum amount time to be in the sun
  4. On the buds that are on the stem, very soon you will notice activity. And after a few weeks, new babies will form on it.
  5. All that remains for you is to wait until they are fully formed, and you can plant them in pots.

This method is great for home breeding. Even those housewives who do not want to mess with flowers will like it.

Division of an adult plant

If your orchid consists of several bulbs, then it can be easily divided into several individual flowers. In fact, each juicy thickening is the germ of a future flower rosette.

In order to prepare for orchid propagation in this way, prepare:

  • Several new pots in which new individual flowers will be planted
  • A small amount of fresh substrate, which can be purchased at a specialty store, or prepared by yourself
  • Charcoal. If this is not the case, then you can knead a few tablets of activated charcoal.
  • A sharp knife that has been previously disinfected with alcohol
  1. Remove the flower very carefully from the pot so as not to damage the roots.
  2. Divide it into several parts, so that each of them has part of its own root system, and at least 3 pseudobulbs with a supply of nutrients.
  3. Separation is carried out with a sharp knife and in one motion. The cut must be even.
  4. Leave the separated parts to dry out a little.
  5. Plant your plants in your own pots
  6. In some cases, when dividing, one or more parts receive slightly fewer roots than the rest. To help such flowers adapt faster in the soil, experts recommend placing them in bags with slightly damp sphagnum, and tightly close. Yes, under the conditions high humidity and nutrient medium, they will quickly gain strength, and the roots will strengthen.
  7. Once the roots are strong enough, they can be transplanted into adult substrate.

An exotic plant from a peduncle

There is another way to get an orchid from a peduncle. For this we need moss.

  • Wait until the peduncle has completed its main function, and carefully cut it off at the base with a disinfected knife.
  • Cut it into cuttings, so that each has a dormant bud.
  • Planting material must be treated with a fungicide and spread over the surface of the moss so that the bud is not immersed in the substrate.
  • Provide greenhouse conditions: a temperature of at least 26 degrees, and constantly high humidity.
  • Very soon, a socket with an independent root system will appear from each node.
  • Parts of the peduncle should be sprayed frequently, but rotting and mold should not be allowed.

Using this method, you can propagate an exotic orchid, getting several flowers at once.

Reproduction by layering

Air layers are not suitable for propagation of all types of flowers, since they are formed only in some species. For the procedure, you will need small greenhouse, and sphagnum moss.

So that the shoot, on which there are no leaves yet, can form correctly and grow healthy, it must be placed in a horizontal position on the moss and placed in a greenhouse.

With constant heat and high level humidity, in a month you will receive new formed plants.

Once the roots are clearly visible, carefully separate the cutting from the mother plant and plant it in a separate pot. On a large flower, treat the place of the cut with ash so that bacteria and microbes do not get there.

Now mature plant can be removed, and leave the young sprout for some time in the greenhouse, so that it can gain strength, grow enough to continue life in natural conditions.

As you can see, propagating an orchid at home is not at all difficult. Enough basic knowledge and skills. And if you strictly follow the instructions described in the article, then even an amateur will cope with the matter. Just determine for yourself a method of reproduction, prepare, and boldly get down to business.

Propagate the plant at home, and after a while, you will notice that you are completely surrounded by beautiful and fragrant flowers.

In contact with

Orchid breeding is associated with the complexity of reproduction. Its varieties, such as phalaenopsis or dendrobium, can be propagated by separating the children on the peduncle, cuttings, dividing the bush, germinating and planting seeds.

You can propagate an orchid by picking up only a healthy plant without fungal diseases. Growing at home is carried out in conditions with maximum lighting, so that the daylight hours are at least 14 hours. It is not recommended to use a newly acquired flower as a material. It is necessary that he adapt at home and go to growth.

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    Dropping off the kids

    Such reproduction by children is carried out in the spring. After flowering, after 1.5-2 months, their separation from the mother plant begins.

    Bud formation occurs in the axils of orchid leaves at the age of 2 years.

    The order of work is as follows:

    1. 1. The children are separated from the plant and dried. Sections are being processed.
    2. 2. Finely chopped mixture consisting of fern rhizome and pine bark is added to the cups. Drainage holes are made at the bottom of the container.
    3. 3. The substrate is moistened, and the plants are placed in a greenhouse or mini-greenhouse. Provides a temperature of 25 degrees and good lighting.
    4. 4. As the soil dries out, watering is carried out with "Kornevin" or "Zircon". The room is ventilated daily for 7 minutes.
    5. 5. The yellowed 2 bottom sheets are not cut off, they are needed to nourish the root system.
    6. 6. Plants with root shoots up to 5 cm are planted in open ground.

    Propagation of orchids by planting children


    The method of propagation by cuttings is applied to orchids that have faded 2-3 months ago.

    The following actions are carried out step by step:

    1. 1. Cut the peduncle at the very base. The cut point is being processed.
    2. 2. With a scalpel, the stalk is cut into pieces of 7 cm. Each of them contains a dormant kidney. Its location should be as close to the base as possible.
    3. 3. The shoots are placed in containers that are filled with sphagnum moss. The substrate is sprayed with a biostimulator.
    4. 4. From above, the seedlings are covered with a film. Maintained temperature - 28 degrees, humidity level - 70%. As the substrate dries, it is sprayed with growth stimulants.
    5. 5. Transplantation is carried out after the roots reach a length of 5 cm and the appearance of 2 leaves. The dried part of the peduncle is not removed at first.
    6. 6. On last step you need to plant a culture in black soil for adult orchids.

    Cuttings can occur in ordinary water. In this case, the container should be covered with a bag to ensure the necessary temperature conditions.

    Reproduction of orchids by cuttings

    The division of the bush

    Dividing a bush is considered a risky way, because rot is possible. The selected flower should be healthy and large. The age is at least 5 years, and the number of leaves is more than 8 pieces.

    Operating procedure:

    1. 1. Using a sharp knife, you need to divide the plant into 2 parts, separating the top from it. They should have aerial roots and leaves. Sections are being processed.
    2. 2. The separated top is planted in a soil consisting of moss and pine bark. The soil is not watered, but sprayed as it dries. After the appearance of 2 leaves, the flower is transplanted into the main soil.
    3. 3. In the lower part of the plant, new buds will appear at the cut site. A side shoot will grow from each. After 3 years, an adult plant is formed.

    Propagation of an orchid by dividing a bush

    Reproduction by seeds

    The difficulty of propagation by seeds lies in the fact that they are small and visible only under a microscope. They are difficult to collect. In addition, the seeds lack endosperm. The lack of tissue surrounding the embryo makes the seeds very vulnerable in the soil. They do not contain nutrients such as starch, vegetable oils, amino acids.

    Germination of seeds is possible only in a special substrate, subject to sterility. The formation of green balls will occur after 6 months, and the orchid will bloom after 5 years.

    Stages of seed germination:

    1. 1. The basis of the nutrient substrate is a mixture of agar-agar, consisting of polysaccharides and ocean algae, which will require 10-15 grams.
    2. 2. Agar-agar is poured with 200 ml of distilled water until it swells. Jelly and 10 grams of glucose with fructose are added. Stir until completely dissolved. To ensure the necessary acidity, a solution of calcium carbonate and phosphoric acid is poured.
    3. 3. Flasks or tubes with stoppers are prepared. The glass container is sterilized.
    4. 4. 40 ml of solution is poured into each and they are placed in a water bath.
    5. 5. Waiting time 5 days. The jelly will harden and mold should not appear on it.
    6. 6. 1% bleach is added to the seeds for a quarter of an hour.
    7. 7. A mesh is placed in a pan with boiling water and a flask is inserted into each cell.
    8. 8. Using a syringe, the seeds are removed from the solution and placed in test tubes. All glass containers are then kept in a greenhouse or greenhouse.
    9. 9. After 6 months, the contents of the flask are poured into a bowl of warm water. A few drops of "Fundazol" are added. Aged for 15 minutes.
    10. 10. With a brush, the seeds are removed and placed in a substrate of moss and pine bark.
    11. 11. After 6 months, you can plant the seeds in the ground.

Flower growers who are indifferent to orchids are very difficult to find. These plants are highly valued for their profusion, duration, spectacular flowering and amazing beauty of the color of the petals. Phalaenopsis is one of the most “non-capricious” and undemanding varieties in care, so even a novice orchidist can grow it. However, with the reproduction of a plant, difficulties often arise. To avoid them, you need to study the process and the corresponding technology in advance.

What does a Phalaenopsis orchid look like?

Phalaenopsis is one of the many genera in the Orchidaceae family. On this moment about 70 of its representatives are known, not counting hybrids bred by selection (there are more than five hundred of them). Most of the "natural" varieties can be found in Southeast Asia, as well as on the islands that form the border between the Indian and Pacific oceans - Indonesia, Kalimantan, the Philippines, the Sunda and Malay archipelago.

In the literal translation from Greek, "phalaenopsis" means "like a moth" (phalaina - "night butterfly" and opsis - "similar"). The name of the plant is due to a small incident. A researcher of tropical flora from the Netherlands, Karl Blume, having discovered the first phalaenopsis on one of the islands of the Malay Archipelago, mistook its inflorescence for a flock of night butterflies at dusk. He had to come very close to the plant to realize his mistake.

Phalaenopsis differs from other orchids in the absence of tuberidia or pseudobulbs - characteristic ovoid thickenings on the stems. An adult plant looks like a rosette of leaves arranged in two rows. The stem is very short, so it seems that it lies on the ground.

The average height of phalaenopsis is 50–70 cm. An adult plant is a rosette of 4–6 leaves. A maximum of two new leaves can grow per year. They are very dense, fleshy, rich dark green hue.

Peduncles of the plant are long (70–80 cm), slightly curved, branching. Flowers with a diameter of 2–12 cm (depending on the species) are collected in brushes or panicles. The buds do not bloom immediately, so the flowering period is quite long (2–6 months). There can be more than a hundred of them in one inflorescence. Most often, the petals are painted in delicate pastel shades - pink, lilac, pale lemon, salad, snow-white. A scarlet, inky purple, olive green or chocolate lip effectively contrasts with them. Often this tone is also present on the petals in the form of strokes or specks. The flowers of most natural varieties spread an unobtrusive pleasant aroma.

The plant does not have a pronounced dormant period. It usually blooms at home twice a year - in spring and autumn. If you create an orchid close to ideal conditions, you can achieve a third flowering.

Video: an amazing variety of phalaenopsis

Propagation of a plant at home

Phalaenopsis belongs to the so-called monopodial orchids. This means that the only point of growth is at the top of the shoot. It is more difficult to propagate them, since in sympodial orchids, growing not up, but to the side, there are much more such "buds".

Before you start propagating a flower at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules:

  • Before the procedure, any tool must be thoroughly disinfected, knives and secateurs must be sharpened, hands must be washed with soap and water.
  • All damage caused to the plant during the damage process is immediately processed. "Wounds" can be sprinkled with crushed chalk, activated carbon, colloidal sulfur, sifted wood ash, cinnamon. Iodine and greenery suitable for others indoor plants, for processing slices of orchids is not recommended.
  • Roots should be handled with the utmost care. They are thick but brittle and break very easily.
  • Rooted young orchids are placed in a substrate suitable for them, previously well moistened with soft water, heated to a temperature slightly above room temperature. After transplantation, the phalaenopsis is provided with a constant temperature of 25-28ºС and diffused light (light partial shade is also suitable). For a month, keep it out of direct sunlight and do not water (limit yourself to spraying).

Only perfectly healthy plants are suitable for reproduction, without the slightest signs of damage by pathogenic fungi, plants, insects. The conditions for keeping an orchid should be as close to ideal as possible. Especially important proper lighting. The minimum daylight hours are 12–14 hours.

Do not take propagation material from newly acquired orchids. Store plants are often treated with artificial flowering stimulants and other harmful chemicals. Let the flower adapt to normal conditions, at least for a year.

The substrate for young plants is prepared mainly from small (0.5–1 cm) pieces of pine bark. It is better to take it from a pot with an adult orchid. The remaining additives (sphagnum moss, coconut fiber, fern rhizomes, peat chips, charcoal) together make up no more than half of the total volume of the mixture.

Step by step instructions

Most often at home, phalaenopsis reproduces vegetatively. The plant has only one growth point, but you can slightly “correct” nature.

Planting "children" formed on the peduncle

Planting "babies" is the most common way to propagate phalaenopsis. The "offspring" is separated from the mother plant 1.5–2 months after flowering. The procedure most often occurs in the spring. Growth buds are formed in the axils of the leaves or on the flower stalks of orchids aged two years, having at least 4 healthy leaves. Sometimes they are formed on faded peduncles no older than one and a half years.

The appearance of "children" can be stimulated in several ways:

  • The difference between daytime (28–30ºС) and nighttime (18–20ºС) temperatures. At the same time, high humidity of the air (70% or more) and daylight hours lasting at least 12 hours are necessarily ensured.
  • "Sunbathing". Orchid in early spring leave straight sunbeams for an hour a day. When a light purple "tan" appears on the leaves, this is not a problem, but if it changes color to inky purple, and there are still no "babies", stop the procedure.
  • Artificial "drought". The plant is not watered for 12-14 days, protecting the orchid from direct sunlight. Moisturizing the substrate is resumed, 2-3 days after the roots become silver-gray. Thus, the flower is made to believe that its death has come, in the face of which the instinct of procreation is activated in it.
  • Use of fertilizers with a high nitrogen content. The method is quite risky. Orchids do not like this macro element too much, so there is a real risk of ruining the mother specimen. Even if he gives a “baby”, he definitely won’t have to wait for his flowering this year.

Regarding when exactly it is necessary to separate the "baby" from the mother plant, there is no consensus among flower growers. Most people think that you need to wait until at least one root appears. Others are of the opinion that this greatly depletes the "parent", so they cut off the "offspring" when the first pair of leaves appears.

  1. Separate the "baby" from the mother plant. Process the cuts. Dry outdoors during the day.
  2. Fill transparent cups with a mixture of finely chopped sphagnum moss with pine bark and fern rhizomes (1:3:1). The more uniform the soil, the better. In the containers you need to make 3-4 drainage holes.
  3. Moisten the substrate. Plant young orchids in the ground and place the containers in a home mini-greenhouse, florarium or homemade greenhouse. Provide a constant temperature of 23-25ºС and bright diffused light.
  4. As it dries, moisten the substrate with a solution of a root formation stimulator - Kornevin, Heteroauxin, Zircon, Epin (3–5 ml per liter of water). Ventilate plantings daily for 5-7 minutes.
  5. If the bottom pair of leaves turns yellow, this is normal. You can’t cut them off - the emerging roots get food from them. When the time comes, they will dry up and fall off on their own.
  6. Wait until the roots are 4-5 cm long, then transplant the phalaenopsis into adult soil. The process is not quick, usually taking about a year.

Alternative way:

  1. Pour water into a glass, heated to a temperature slightly above room temperature. You can add a tablet of succinic acid to it.
  2. In the morning, place the cut and dried "baby" so that the bottom is located at a distance of 1-2 mm from the water. You can, for example, take a piece of foam, cut a hole of the appropriate diameter and put it on a glass.
  3. After 6 hours, remove the "baby" from the water. The rest of the time, dry it outdoors.
  4. Continue manipulation daily until roots appear. Water should be fresh every day. Then proceed as described above.

Video: is it worth cutting and rooting offspring

Video: stimulating root growth in an orchid offspring

Reproduction by cuttings

The method is considered the simplest and least labor-intensive. It is used to propagate orchids that have bloomed 2-3 months ago. Orchid cuttings - pieces of peduncle. If the plant has faded more than a year ago, use it as a planting material will not work.

  1. Cut the peduncle as close to the base as possible. Treat the "wounds" on it and on the mother plant.
  2. With a sharply sharpened scalpel or razor blade, cut it into pieces 5–7 cm long at a slight angle. Each of them should have at least one "sleeping" kidney, preferably approximately in the middle of the cutting. It is believed that the lower the growth point is, the stronger the kidney. Accordingly, it is more likely that a viable plant will develop from it in a short time.
  3. Fill shallow wide containers with finely chopped sphagnum moss. Spray it with a biostimulant solution. Spread the parts of the peduncle horizontally on a moistened substrate.
  4. Cover plantings with glass or polyethylene film. Provide a constant temperature of 25-28ºС, bright diffused light, humidity not less than 70%. Ventilate the plantings, spray the dried substrate with a solution of a root formation stimulator.
  5. Wait for roots 3–5 cm long and two pairs of leaves to appear. In fact, the same “children” are formed on the cuttings. If part of the peduncle dries up - this is normal, it nourishes the young plant. Before transplantation, separate dead tissues from the “offspring”, trying to injure it as little as possible.
  6. Transplant the phalaenopsis into adult orchid soil.

There is another option:

  1. Place the cut, faded peduncle in soft, warm water. Add activated charcoal (one tablet per 0.2 l) or potassium permanganate crystals (until a pale pink color) to it and succinic acid(tablet per 0.5 l) or biostimulant (3-5 drops per liter).
  2. Place the container in direct sunlight, covered with a plastic bag or glass jar. Spray daily with a solution of any biostimulant (Epin, Zircon, Kornevin, Heteroauxin) or specialized fertilizer for orchids. Reduce the concentration compared to that recommended by the manufacturer by 2–2.5 times. Change the water every 3-4 days.
  3. Under the influence of drugs, high humidity, heat and light, the growth buds on the peduncle “wake up”, forming “children”. They are cut from the cutting and rooted as described above.

Video: orchid cuttings

plant division

This method is used by amateur flower growers infrequently. There is a high chance of developing rot. Accordingly, you can lose the plant. The selected phalaenopsis should be large and perfectly healthy. Other requirements are age (at least 4-5 years old) and the number of leaves (6-8 pieces or more).

  1. With a sharp, disinfected knife or pruner, cut off the top of the plant, dividing it roughly in half. Leaves and aerial roots must be present on both parts. Finish both cuts.
  2. Plant the separated shoot in a mixture of finely chopped sphagnum moss and pine bark (1: 2). The substrate must be dry. Provide the conditions that phalaenopsis require for normal growth and development (temperature, lighting, air humidity). Do not water the soil as it dries, but spray it with a biostimulant solution. As soon as two pairs of new leaves appear, transplant the flower into soil suitable for adult orchids.
  3. Provide the old plant with a long daylight hours, warmth and regular feeding with special preparations for orchids. After 2-3 months, lateral buds will appear at the cut site, which will develop into "offspring" or new shoots. The orchid will acquire a normal appearance in about 1.5–2 years.

Video: phalaenopsis reproduction by dividing the outlet

seed germination

Growing orchids from seeds at home is a complex procedure that requires the grower to strictly follow all the instructions, care, accuracy and patience. Until recently, it was thought that this was impossible in principle.

The specificity of the procedure is due to the structure of the seeds. Firstly, they are very small (you can only see them with a microscope). Therefore, it is very problematic to collect them yourself. Secondly, they lack endosperm - the tissue surrounding the embryo, where amino acids, vegetable oils, starch and other substances necessary for its nutrition are stored. The future orchid cannot feed on its own, sucking them out of the soil. In addition, due to the lack of the same endosperm, the seeds are very vulnerable. Any interaction with pathogenic fungi, bacteria, negative environmental factors leads to their death.

You can germinate seeds at home if you prepare a special nutrient substrate and observe complete and absolute sterility throughout the process. Green "balls" in the container will appear in 5-6 months. Orchid flowering will have to wait at least 4-5 years.

  1. Prepare a nutrient substrate based on agar-agar. It is a mixture of polysaccharides produced from certain types of oceanic brown and red algae. For 10–15 g, you will need 200 ml of distilled water, 10 g of glucose and fructose (can be replaced with sugar), calcium carbonate solution and phosphoric acid.
  2. Pour agar-agar with water and let it swell. Pour jelly into boiling water, add glucose and fructose. Stir until all the crystals are dissolved, the mass becomes homogeneous. Acid and alkali are used to provide the necessary acidity (pH - 4.8–5.2). The indicator is easy to determine using litmus papers.
  3. Sterilize clear glass test tubes or chemical reagent flasks. Vessels must have tight-fitting stoppers. In the absence of an alternative, small jars with twist-on lids are also suitable.
  4. Pour 30–40 ml of nutrient mixture into each container. Sterilize them in a water bath for 20 minutes.
  5. Let the "jelly" harden and wait 4-5 days. If during this time mold does not appear in the flasks, the disinfection was successful.
  6. For a quarter of an hour, fill the seeds with a 1% solution of bleach. During this time, periodically shake the container vigorously.
  7. Cover the pot with boiling water with a wire rack or net. The cells must be such that it is possible to fix the flask with the "substrate". The lid should lie right there so that the steam gets on it.
  8. With a sterile syringe, gradually draw out the seeds from the disinfectant solution and transfer them to the vessel without touching the "jelly". Close the containers tightly and place them in a greenhouse or florarium. Conditions are similar to those created for cuttings.
  9. After six months, remove the seedlings from the vessel. To do this, pour about 50 ml of warm water into it and shake the contents in a circular motion. Then the mass is poured into a wide bowl, a few drops of a 1% solution of Fundazol are added and left for 10-15 minutes.
  10. After this time, with a soft thin brush, take out the plants one at a time and plant them in a substrate of moss, pine bark and fern rhizomes (equally) with the addition of 2-3 tablets of activated charcoal, crushed into powder.
  11. After another 5-6 months, phalaenopsis can be transplanted into a substrate for adult plants.

Video: propagating orchids with seeds at home

Cytokinin paste: what is it and how to use it

A phytohormonal preparation that helps, among other things, stimulate the formation of growth buds in orchids. It stimulates cell division at the site of application. The tool can be used only if there is a peduncle on the plant. Orchid lovers with experience are advised to apply the drug to the uppermost or lowermost "sleeping" kidney. The best time for the procedure is the end of February or March.

  1. With a sterile razor blade, scalpel, needle, remove the integumentary scale from it. Remove loose tissue with tweezers. Under them should be a small dot of salad color.
  2. Very gently and shallowly scratch it 2-3 times with a clean needle.
  3. Type cytokinin paste on a toothpick (a ball with a diameter of about 2.5 mm is enough). If possible, evenly distribute the drug over the kidney, lubricating it entirely. It is important to follow the rules. If there was little paste (a ball with a diameter of 1.5-2 mm), most likely a peduncle will form. If you overdo it, several deformed non-viable "children" will develop.
  4. In a week or a week and a half, it should hatch and begin to develop. Phalaenopsis with emerging "offspring" place in a warm and bright place, fertilize regularly. At this time, the orchid needs more nitrogen than usual.

Cytokinin paste is used very moderately (at the same time, a maximum of three buds “wake up” on an orchid) and pointwise (the drug should not fall on leaves, flowers, roots). The plant must be mature (the young may shed its leaves).

Video: using cytokinin paste for propagating orchids

Possible problems with the reproduction of phalaenopsis

Young plants need especially careful care. To make it easier to control the condition of the roots, phalaenopsis that have grown roots are planted in transparent pots. This method can also be practiced for adult plants, since aerial roots are involved in the process of photosynthesis.

It is important to choose the right substrate. All components are pre-sterilized by treating them with steam, heat or cold. Pine bark must be soaked for two days in warm water or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. Fundazol or any other fungicide (0.5% solution) is also suitable.

The main danger threatening a young orchid is rot. Often the grower himself contributes to its development, regularly flooding the plant. If the process has gone far, it will no longer be possible to save the phalaenopsis. This is evidenced by vague black spots on the leaves, a substrate covered with mold, and an unpleasant putrefactive odor. You need to start acting when individual brown “specks” appear on the roots.

  1. Remove the orchid from the pot. Preliminarily, about half an hour, you need to water the plant abundantly.
  2. Clean the roots of the substrate, cut off all infected tissues with a sharply sharpened disinfected knife. Do the same with the leaves affected by the fungus.
  3. Soak the roots for 25-30 minutes in a solution of any fungicide (Kuprozan, Abiga-Peak, Horus, Skor). Sprinkle “wounds” on the leaves with crushed activated carbon, chalk, cinnamon.
  4. Transplant phalaenopsis by sterilizing the pot and completely changing the substrate. Add granules of Trichodermin, Glyocladin to the soil.
  5. Within 2-3 months, replace the water for irrigation with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate or 0.5% - Baikal-EM, Bayleton, Previkur.

Phalaenopsis is relatively undemanding in care and this compares favorably with most orchids, not inferior to them in the beauty of flowering. In principle, there is nothing difficult in getting a new plant at home. It is only necessary to study in advance all the nuances of the procedure and follow the recommendations exactly.

They seemed to us an overseas curiosity that could never be seen beyond the tropics.

It's been a while and most varieties This plant filled the window sills of apartments and offices.

Growing orchids is not difficult, but some rules must be followed. With at home, things are a little more complicated, it is especially difficult to do this with, but it is possible.

This variety in our region can be propagated only by cuttings, from which children are formed. Sowing seeds will not bring the desired result and the process can take several years to complete.

Phalaenopsis orchid propagation


Propagation of phalaenopsis by cuttings is considered by many flower growers for phalaenopsis to be the most optimal.

This is how you can get several adult bushes ready for flowering in a relatively short period of time from one variety you like.

Exists several ways how to propagate phalaenopsis with cuttings that will differ:

  • Length of cut shoots;
  • The number of dormant buds on it.

An important point in this process will be correct cut.

You can do this in two ways:

  1. The stalk is cut off after the peduncle has completely faded. The length should be about 4cm;
  2. You can cut it even longer, then you can get more kids from one. This method provides for an almost complete cut of the arrow-peduncle, cut into two or three parts. Each must be at least 10 cm long.

Important! Remember, the strongest buds to germinate will be those closest to the leaves.

So that the plant and cuttings do not get sick and do not begin to rot, must be processed.

For this use:

  • Charcoal;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Cinnamon powder.

All of these tools are equally good for carrying out disinfection of fresh sections on phalaenopsis.

Disinfection of the cut with activated carbon.

Treat them like this:

  • The cut part is dipped with all the cuts in the product and allowed to dry slightly;
  • The same is done with a cut place in an adult plant.

Advice! Before processing, activated and charcoal must be crushed into flour.


Propagating the Phalaenopsis orchid from cuttings is not easy. In order for the children to develop well and be able to put down roots as quickly as possible, it is necessary to create certain conditions:

  1. On each of them need to check for a dormant kidney from which a new plant will subsequently develop. Usually it is tightly closed with an integumentary scale, which protects it from external influences. After cutting and processing, it is necessary to carefully remove it too, so the baby will hatch much earlier;
  2. The second stage is room in mini-greenhouses, usually made from plastic bottles or transparent containers. The top is covered with a bag or just put glass;

Advice! good option to create a greenhouse effect, it will become a regular zip package.

  1. Optimal temperature regime is +25°C during the day and not lower than 18°C ​​at night. If you lower the temperature, the kidney may not wake up at all.

It will also be important humidity inside the greenhouse, 70% as impossible better fit for quick germination of buds from a cutting.

Germination in a mini greenhouse

in the greenhouse wake up a sleeping kidney and the easiest way to activate it. The conditions created there remind the cut material of its natural conditions and stimulate the growth and development of children with which the plant can be propagated.

Germination in a mini-greenhouse.

In order to start this process:

  • Place the treated cuttings in the prepared substrate;
  • Ventilate the greenhouse regularly;
  • Spray the substrate daily to maintain moisture;
  • Provide 14-hour daily greenhouse lighting;
  • Maintain temperature 25°-27°C.

After 2-3 weeks proper, the first sprouts will appear from the kidneys, from which phalaenopsis babies will develop.

Using sphagnum

For breeding instead of substrate you can use moistened sphagnum moss, which will be a great helper for germination. He is excellent replicate natural conditions the growth of this type of orchid will help the kidneys wake up faster and give strong shoots.

In water

There is another way to make a phalaenopsis orchid stalk sprout:

  • Processed piece of peduncle with one dormant bud placed in a flask with water
  • Covered on top to create a greenhouse effect,
  • As the water evaporates, water is added, and the flask is ventilated daily.

Advice! To speed up the process, special nutrients for orchids are added to the water.

With hormonal paste

You can help the sleeping kidney develop and wake up as soon as possible hormone paste. Processing with such a tool will significantly speed up the process of awakening and active development of phalaenopsis cuttings.

Help the kidney with hormonal paste.

Advice! It is not necessary to buy pasta in a specialized store, it can be prepared in. To do this, you need 10 g of kinetin mixed with 1 ml of water and 1 g of lanolin.

Useful video

Watch a video about propagating phalaenopsis with cuttings:

And here it is shown how to grow a baby on a cut peduncle:

And here is the result of reproduction of phalaenopsis with a cutting from a peduncle:

Watch the video on how to make a greenhouse for an orchid without a substrate:


Propagation by cuttings of the Phalaenopsis orchid is recognized among flower growers quite effective. Also, phalaenopsis can be propagated if, after flowering, the baby itself appears on the peduncle.

Since the orchid belongs to tropical cultures and is considered exotic for our country, many believe that the reproduction of this flower is available only to specialists with certain skills. In fact, this opinion is erroneous and even a beginner can propagate the plant. Naturally, before that, it is necessary to study certain features of the culture and methods of its reproduction in order to choose the method that is most suitable for you.

This article will describe in detail the main ways of propagating orchids at home, and photos and videos will help you learn the necessary skills to carry out this undertaking.

Is it possible to propagate an orchid

It is really possible to propagate an orchid at home, especially since the features of this culture suggest several ways to get a new plant at once. So, you can simply divide an adult bush into several young plants, or use children or cuttings for this purpose.

In addition, a crop can be grown from seeds, but this method is much more complicated and is only suitable for those who want to master all the stages of growing a crop.

When is the best time to propagate an orchid?

It is best to start the breeding procedure one to two months after flowering is completed. The same time is also suitable for transplanting a flower, since at this time the culture enters a period of vegetative dormancy and you can safely divide the bush or cut required amount cuttings.

Unlike transplantation, which, if necessary, can also be carried out with a flowering crop (for example, if pests have settled on the plant), it is better to postpone reproduction until spring so that an adult plant does not experience stress from the procedure.

How to propagate an orchid at home

Propagating an orchid at home is not only possible, but even necessary, because over time, an adult flower will grow so much that it will have to be transplanted into a larger pot. In the process, you will definitely have cuttings or parts of the bush that can be transplanted into separate containers.

There are several ways to get a young culture. Each of them has its own characteristics, so let's look at the details of each method in more detail.

Vegetative propagation

This method is considered the simplest, and is used for almost all indoor plants, including orchids.

Note: For vegetative propagation false bulbs are used, however, it should be borne in mind that only large specimens should be collected from healthy adult plants.

A pot with a plant that is used as a source of planting material needs to be watered. So it will be easier for you to remove the flower from the ground. Carefully remove the plant from the container so as not to accidentally damage its roots. Next, we clean the root system from the remnants of the soil and cut it into pieces (Figure 1).

Each of them should have at least three false bulbs. All cuts must be treated with crushed coal (preferably charcoal) and the resulting seedlings should be planted in separate pots. It is not recommended to use seedlings with a smaller number of pseudobulbs, since in this case there will be a risk of too long rooting of seedlings.

Figure 1. Method for dividing a bush

This method is great for those who are going to transplant an orchid or for flowers whose pseudobulbs have begun to crawl out of the substrate.


The cutting method is more complex and is only suitable for certain varieties (Vanda, Epidendrum).

To get a new plant, you need to cut the cuttings, 10-15 cm long, using side shoots, faded flower branches or elongated stems (Figure 2). Sections are made with a disinfected knife, and the edges of the cuttings must be treated with crushed coal, not only on the cuttings, but also on the mother plant.

Figure 2. Growing a plant from cuttings

The cuttings are immersed in a pot with a nutrient substrate and are further looked after in the same way as an adult plant.


The varieties described above can also be propagated by wilted flower stalks. But you should wait until the buds are completely withered so that the breeding of a new plant does not become stressful for the mother culture (Figure 3).

Reproduction by peduncles is carried out as follows:

  1. A cut is made at the base of the shoot and divided into several cuttings so that each growth has one node with a kidney.
  2. All prepared sprouts are treated with a fungicide and laid out on the surface of wet moss, immersing the kidney in it.
  3. Cover the pots with cuttings with a film and leave them under cover until a rosette is formed.

Figure 3. Growing an orchid from a peduncle

During the exposure of the cuttings under the film, they must be regularly sprayed, avoiding waterlogging, in order to prevent root rot. If you do not have moss, you can root the cuttings simply in water, but in any case, the container should be covered with a film so that a stable temperature and humidity regime is maintained under the shelter.


Some varieties throw out side shoots (kids). These are already full-fledged small plants that can be used for seating in separate containers (Figure 4).

Note: This method of reproduction is only suitable for Phalaenopsis and Dendrobium varieties, on the stems of which babies are formed.

Young shoots are formed only if the room heat, and the soil contains enough nitrogen fertilizers. If you notice such an escape on your orchid, just spray the flower and wait until roots appear on the baby. After that, it can be separated, cut with charcoal and planted in a separate pot with a nutrient substrate.


This method of reproduction takes a lot of time and is rare at home. The unpopularity of the method is also explained by the fact that it is difficult to achieve seed germination at home. The fact is that they do not have their own nutritional tissue, and useful material they get from the root sponge, so you need to create the necessary nutrient medium yourself.

Figure 4. Reproduction of a flower by "kids"

Germination of seeds will take about 9 months, and small sprouts will turn into full-fledged plants only after three years, and the first flowering will come at least another 4 years, although sometimes this process takes about 10 years.

If you do decide to germinate the seeds yourself, you should fill the pots with crushed moss mixed with leafy soil and thoroughly moisten the mixture. Then the seeds are laid out on the surface and sterile conditions are set for them, while maintaining high humidity and temperature at the level of + 22 + 25 degrees. When the sprouts are released on the first leaf, they dive, and when 4 full-fledged leaves grow, they are transplanted into pots.

Nutrient medium for sowing seeds

In order for the seeds to germinate, they need a special nutrient substrate. Its consistency is a jelly-like mass with high content vitamins and sugars.

Figure 5. Substrate for an adult plant

The basis of the nutrient substrate is agar-agar (a special powder from red and brown algae). It is dissolved in boiling water (heated distilled water). Cooling down, agar-agra becomes like jelly. It is worth noting that seeds can only be planted in such a mass, since in a solid they will not be able to grow a root system, but in a liquid they will simply drown. If you plan to germinate seeds, it is better to buy a nutrient medium in special stores, and not prepare it yourself, since it is difficult to create the necessary sterile conditions at home. Mature plants require a different substrate, an example of which you can see in Figure 5.

Further care

If you have successfully propagated an orchid and received enough planting material, it is important to provide seedlings with optimal care. Fortunately, young plants require the same care as older plants, with the exception of top dressing. It does not make sense to fertilize additionally before the first flowering, since all the necessary nutrients are contained in the substrate.

Proper watering

Irrigation plays a key role in the care of seedlings. It is important not to overmoisten the soil, as this can cause root rot. Immediately after planting the sprouts in the ground, the seedlings are carefully sprayed, and further watering it will be required not earlier than in a few days, when the substrate becomes dry and the pot is light. Watering containers with seedlings is carried out in the same way as with adult plants, that is, by immersing the pots in water.

The video shows the main steps simple reproduction orchid cuttings.