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Anthurium flower care at home. Anthurium (80 photos): cultivation and care. Layering or side shoots

Choose a houseplant that will fill the interior of the house in the autumn-winter season bright colors? Stop at Anthurium. Home care for this flower is not easy, but if you do everything right, it blooms for almost a whole year.

I will consider in detail the intricacies of caring for this decorative exotic, I will tell you in detail in what conditions to keep a flower, how to water, replant and propagate. Separately, I will dwell on the problems that may arise when growing anthurium, and I will give effective ways their decisions. First, let's take a closer look at this flower.

Anthurium - amazing beauty houseplant, characterized by incomparable flowering. It grows naturally in Central and South America. Anthurium's calling card is considered unusual shape flowers. On a long stem there is a coverlet of white, pink or red color, above which rises a straight or arc-shaped cob, resembling a girl's braid. Leaves are smooth and large.

Anthurium usually blooms in the summer, except for species that, under favorable conditions, throw flowers all year round. Flowering is long, often reaches one quarter.

Video description and helpful tips

Home care

Let's imagine that you returned home from a flower shop with a "new tenant" in your hands. Naturally, you are interested in how to care for anthurium.

I’ll warn you right away, anthurium is rather capricious and poisonous. Improper handling can cause diarrhea, vomiting, contact dermatitis and irritation of the mucous membranes. Therefore, keep the plant away from children and pets.

  • Lighting. Anthurium does not like direct sunlight. Make sure that diffused light falls on the plant. Alternatively, keep in a shaded area. In winter, for the sake of flowering, highlight. The plant is shade-tolerant, but does not bloom in low light conditions.
  • Temperature . Ideal temperature regime for anthurium ranges from 20-25 degrees. IN winter time It is recommended to keep in a room with a temperature of 18 degrees. Remember, sudden changes in temperature and drafts adversely affect the anthurium.
  • Watering. In the warm season, water the anthurium twice a week. warm water. In winter, the intensity of watering is halved. The flower is incredibly demanding on watering. He does not like stagnant water or dry land. Watering is not recommended with cold or lime water.
  • Air humidity . In the tropics, the humidity is always high. To ensure similar conditions in the apartment, spray the leaves regularly. The main thing is that moisture does not get on the inflorescences, otherwise they will become covered with spots and quickly fall off. At the base of the stem, put a piece of sphagnum, which will deliver moisture to the aerial roots and take care of their normal growth.
  • top dressing. At the time of growth and during flowering, anthurium, like dracaena, should be fed a little. Carry out the procedure twice a month using high quality organic fertilizers or mineral solutions.
  • Transfer. Experts recommend repotting young plants annually in early spring. Adults are transplanted every two years. Wide and shallow pots with good drainage are ideal for Anthurium.
  • Priming. The composition of the soil mixture should include humus, not sifted leafy soil, peat and sand. The ideal ratio is 4:2:2:1 respectively. Pieces must be present in the substrate broken brick with cones, moss and charcoal. The share of the coarse fraction should be at least 15 percent of the volume of the soil mixture. Thanks to these components, the soil can easily pass water and air.

Anthurium types

The considered houseplant is ideal for decorating the interior. The flower will emphasize the harmony of decoration and conciseness of the office or living space. I will review the types of anthurium that are best suited for growing at home.

  1. Scherzer. The most elegant look. It is characterized by a thin and sinuous cob, which is often folded into a ring. Varied color inflorescence. The color scheme starts with a yellow tint and ends with a red one. In the list of distinctive features: unpretentiousness, massive, wide, oblong leaves with sharp tips.
  2. Andre. A variety of Anthurium Andre is larger than the previous species and grows to a meter height. The plant has heart-shaped leaves, erect and slightly curved cob yellow color. The bedspread is large, white, red, two-colored and even multi-colored. Usually varieties with a red veil are sold.
  3. Hybrid. Created by crossing species of André and Scherzer. The list of popular varieties of hybrid anthurium includes "Alabama" (red bedspread and yellow cob), "Midori" (emerald bedspread and yellowish cob), "Monet" (fancy color with green and pink strokes), "Angel" (snow-white bedspread and yellowish cob).
  4. Crystal . Incredibly decorative leaves - wide and heart-shaped, at the base one part of the leaf plate slightly overlaps the second. Dark green leaves are covered with light green veins, forming a mesh pattern. Inflorescence with an ear of a greenish-yellow hue, a drooping peduncle and a narrow greenish veil. flower effect small size ideal for breeding in apartments and offices.
  5. Majestic . According to the pattern and texture of the leaves, it strongly resembles crystal anthurium, but in optimal conditions characterized by greater height and larger green leaves and a reticulate pattern of light veins. The inflorescence resembles the previous species. Suitable for a greenhouse than for a living room.
  6. climbing. Oblong pointed leaves. Rarely found in flower shops. There is a variety with purple leaves. Adapts well enough to living conditions. In winter, rest is needed, providing for a decrease in temperature and a reduction in watering.
  7. Elegant. This powerful plant has large dissected leaves with wavy tips. Due to the large inflorescence, represented by a cherry cob and a yellowish veil, the view is considered the most beautiful. It is extremely problematic to purchase, but if possible, it is easy to adapt to home conditions.
  8. Hooker. Another decorative leafy variety differs from the previous species by the absence of stems. The flower has wide emerald leaves collected in a rosette. Rarely blooms indoors. Thanks to the leaves and decent size, it looks spectacular.

The considered types of anthurium are most suitable for home growing. They look great and are perfect as a gift to your best friend. Keep this in mind.

Reproduction of anthurium

Anthurium, thanks to its unusual flowering, is an object of admiration for flower growers. The plant is often referred to as "male happiness." I will tell you 5 ways to propagate anthurium.

Method one - propagation by apical cuttings

The most successful method of propagation of anthurium involves the use of apical cuttings. It is better to carry out the procedure in late spring. During this period, the blanks take root much faster. This method is used to propagate dieffenbachia.

  1. Cut off the top of the shoot with a knife. The length of the cutting is about 15 cm, with several leaves.
  2. IN plastic cup make a drainage hole, fill with vermiculite, deepen the cutting by five centimeters, water and moisten the leaves.

Method two - reproduction by dividing the bush

This method of home propagation of anthurium rejuvenates the plant. Execute a procedure better in spring, at the time of transplantation.

  1. Remove the anthurium from the pot, carefully release the root system from the soil, separate a couple of young shoots with roots and leaves with a knife.
  2. Plant the resulting blanks in separate pots to the same depth, and return the main plant back.

Take care of an updated plant like a full-fledged flower.

Method three - propagation by lateral shoots

This breeding technology resembles the previous method.

  1. Disconnect lateral shoots with roots and leaves from an adult flower.
  2. Plant them in a pot with a pre-prepared substrate.

Water regularly, spray, periodically feed.

Method four - leaf propagation

In some cases, anthurium is propagated by rooting a leaf with a stem fragment. Place the leaf in boiled water and wait until the roots appear. Next, plant a young plant in a pot with suitable soil.

Method five - propagation by seeds

Flower growers rarely use seed material for propagating anthurium, as this is a complex and time-consuming process. To obtain new flower, you need to plant the seeds in the ground and wait at least three months.

Video transplant secrets

You got acquainted with the technology of reproduction of anthurium. I recommend the first four ways. The fifth technique is mainly used by breeders in the process of breeding new varieties.

Breeding problems

Usually, the flower rarely gets sick and tolerates the threat of insect damage without problems. However, for certain reasons, there are times when pests attack it or a disease overtakes it.

Common problems in breeding anthurium are represented by the absence of flowers, twisting, yellowing or wilting of the leaves, the appearance of spots on the trunk.


Anthurium has health problems when the owner violates the growing conditions or does not carry out insect prevention. Diseases and pests are the worst enemies of anthurium.

  • Rolled up leaves - a protective reaction to exposure to excessively bright lighting. To solve the problem, move the flower pot away from sun rays. After that, the plant will quickly unfold the leaves.
  • The appearance of black spots on flowers is the result of water intrusion. To spray anthurium, use a good sprayer, follow the procedure as carefully as possible.
  • If the stems rot - excessive watering. It is recommended to remove the affected stems with putrefactive bacteria and stop moistening the soil and spraying until the moment of recovery.
  • Grayish coating on leaves - fungal disease Gray rot". Place a flowerpot with a flower in a ventilated room, eliminate damaged areas and treat with Topsin.


  • Aphid. Aphids can be seen even with the naked eye. It usually affects the delicate parts of the flower. To eliminate the problem, treat the anthurium with a special preparation.
  • Shchitovka. Dark spots on the leaves are a sign of the appearance of a scale insect. When examining a leaf, a brown tubercle can be found on the reverse side. The flower will be cured by spraying with insecticides and wiping with a solution laundry soap.
  • Spider mite. If the leaves turn yellow, curl and become stained, and the young leaves are degenerative, the anthurium is in sight spider mite. To eliminate the pest, treat the plant with an acaricide.
  • Nematodes. A sign of nematodes is the appearance of thickenings and tubercles on the roots. It is impossible to get rid of the disease. Usually the plant is destroyed along with the pot. If the anthurium grew in a ceramic container, it can be sterilized in the oven.

I have listed the most common diseases and pests that a flower is susceptible to. We will consider other problems in detail.

Why do spots appear on the leaves and trunk

Considered ornamental plant not easy to grow. Wrong care often causes disease. Let's figure out why spots appear on the leaves and trunk.

  1. Soil waterlogging. The main reason for the appearance of spots. Be sure to follow the rules of watering, otherwise it is problematic to restore the original appearance of the leaves and trunk after waterlogging.
  2. Incorrectly selected substrate during transplantation. When transplanting, you need to act carefully, trying not to damage the roots, and after the procedure, place the plant in a warm and bright place.
  3. Water. Spots appear when watering with cold or hard water.
  4. Aphid. Causes spots on the surface of the leaves. To fix the problem, use the method described in the previous part or the tobacco solution. In case of severe infection, Actellik or Karbofos will come to the rescue, as in the case of croton.
  5. Septoria disease. In this disease, the affected leaves are subject to immediate removal, and to prevent the spread of the disease, the plant is treated with copper sulphate.

Try to properly care for the flower, and such problems simply will not appear.

Why do the leaves dry and turn yellow

A healthy plant blooms for up to 3 months and constantly grows foliage.

  • Wrong lighting. The most common cause of drying and yellowing of the leaves is improper lighting. To fix the problem, move the flower to a well-lit place. The main thing is that the direct rays of the sun do not fall.
  • Low temperature. Usually the problem with the drying of the leaves occurs in the winter. At a temperature of 12 degrees, anthurium leaves turn yellow and become covered with brown spots. Fixing the problem comes down to moving the flower to a warmer place.
  • Excessive humidity. Root problems caused by excessive moisture lead to wilting and yellowing of the foliage. Remove the plant from the pot and carefully inspect the roots. After removing the rotten elements, place the flower in fresh soil.
  • Wrong feeding. Too much or too little fertilizer. If after feeding the leaves turn yellow, pause the procedure. If a uniform yellow spot appears, fertilize the flower.

The possible causes of yellowing and leaf fall in anthurium are now well known. If you experience any of these symptoms, act as directed.

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)

Anthurium is a herbaceous, evergreen epiphytic liana with aerial roots, growing on tropical trees. The genus of the plant includes about 900 varieties that differ in leaf shape and color. Anthurium home care requires knowledge so that the plant pleases the owner with a bright color. Anthurium what does this flower mean? Admirers gave him the name - "male flower". It is believed that Anthurium Andre gives men courage, helps to cope with depressive states. In addition, according to signs, even a photo of a plant helps to maintain male fidelity.

Features of growing anthurium

Caring for a plant in normal home conditions is not an easy task: a flower is considered capricious. This is due to the fact that in nature, anthurium grows in a humid, hot tropical environment, which is very problematic to recreate at home. But you shouldn't despair either. If desired, and with certain knowledge about the features of care, the plant can feel great for many years on the windowsill of an ordinary city apartment.

How to properly care for anthurium at home

Growing anthurium care at home comes down to providing similar conditions with places where it grows in nature. First of all, this is a certain temperature regime and lighting for the plant. Soil is equally important. This is explained by the fact that the plant is by nature an epiphyte, like the same orchids. In addition, the flower is very demanding on the moisture content in the air and watering. Let's look at each category individually.

Temperature and lighting

To provide anthurium care at home, you need to take care of a suitable, constant temperature. In summer, the following indicators are optimal for it - 20-25 ° C, in winter - 16-18 ° C. Anthurium should be protected from sudden temperature changes and drafts. As for lighting, here it is necessary to choose a place where the plant will receive a large amount of light and at the same time not be influenced by direct sunlight.

Anthurium experiences the greatest comfort in soft, diffused light. Similar lighting is characteristic of windows located on the east and west sides. In winter, anthurium requires lighting, although it is a shade-tolerant plant. Lack of light will not kill the exotic, but it will be impossible to achieve the appearance of bright, red, white, pink waxy flowers. The northern windows are not suitable for the plant, just like the southern ones. It is recommended to install the anthurium on stands located near the window opening.

Humidity and watering

Indoor anthurium loves rare but plentiful watering, the frequency of which depends on the seasonality of the seasons. In summer, the plant needs a significant amount of water, watering is done every 3-4 days. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the water does not stagnate in the lower part of the pot. If you miss this moment, then even such a lover of moisture as anthurium will begin to rot the roots. In winter, to provide anthurium care at home, you should halve the number of waterings, while making sure that the soil does not dry out.

During this period, it is of particular importance to ensure the level of humidity necessary for the plant, which should not fall below 60%. The best option for anthurium is an indicator of 70-85 percent. However, this is difficult to achieve. Heating devices, hermetically sealed plastic windows, help reduce humidity. To create conditions comfortable for the anthurium, it is necessary to spray the plant daily and take a shower once a week, avoiding water on the flowers.

If the drops still get, you need to remove them with a cotton swab. Otherwise, ugly spots may appear on waxy, shiny flowers. When watering and spraying anthurium, attention should be paid to the quality of the water used, which should be at room temperature and settled.

Fertilizer and top dressing

Of great importance in maintaining a healthy, flowering species plants have timely top dressing with fertilizers. In months active growth- from March to September, anthurium should be fed with fertilizers. The mode of their introduction depends on the type of substances used. According to the standard recommendations, top dressing is applied once every two weeks, while the following schedule must be followed:

  • At the beginning of the growing season (March-April), they use products for decorative and deciduous plants.
  • From May to September, they switch to preparations for decorative flowering - agricola, fertik-lux, uniflor-bud. Fertilizers take half as much as indicated on the package.

Soil selection and flower transplant

One of the main conditions for the rapid growth and flowering of anthurium is the choice of soil. It is purchased in ready-made or do it yourself by mixing the necessary components. The plant needs a slightly acidic soil, which can be prepared from unsifted leafy soil, humus, sand and peat in a ratio of 2: 1: 0.5: 1. In addition, cones, charcoal, pieces of broken brick must be added to the mixture. The total share of this coarse fraction should be 10-15%. The presence of these components will improve the air and water permeability of the substrate.

The plant requires a transplant: a young bush every two years, an adult every three years. When placing a flower in a new pot, it is necessary to plant a little deeper than the anthurium was in the ground before. If this rule is violated, then the roots of the plant will soon appear on the surface and subsequently dry out, which will affect the health of the plant. Moss, which is covered with young roots, will help to correct the situation. When transplanting, you should pay attention to one more thing - the choice of a pot. Suitable for flat, wide containers. It is not recommended to take pots that are too loose.

Reproduction of antirium

The plant reproduces in four ways. The simplest is stem division. From the mother bush, a small plant is carefully disconnected, which has already acquired its own root system, and planted in a separate pot. With the right substrate and following the rules for caring for anthurium, a young flower will quickly grow. Anthurium is also propagated by cuttings. To do this, cut off the upper part of the stem with overgrown roots and plant it in greenhouses or pots for jars or polyethylene film. The plant also propagates with the help of aerial roots.

To do this, a piece of root protruding from the ground is cut off and placed in a greenhouse. A few months later, a young anthurium will grow. The longest-running and the hard way propagation is the cultivation from seed, which is yet to be obtained. This will require artificial pollination. In a year, the anthurium will have fruits containing a seed. After ripening, the seeds are washed with water and planted. The seed will germinate in just a few months. Small flowers will need to be planted in small pots, and the seedling will give the first seedlings after 4 years.

Diseases and pests

Anthurium, referred to as the “flower of male happiness,” is a strong plant that rarely gets sick and is little susceptible to pest damage. But there are moments when this trouble overtakes him. Attack on Anthurium mealybug, thrips, scale insects, aphids. Rarely the flower is affected by ticks. Special equipment will help save the plant from pests: from ticks - acaricide preparations: nissoran, apollo, vermitek; from worms and scale insects - systemic insecticides: confidor, aktara.


According to the reviews of flower growers who first bought an exotic anthurium, its cultivation raises a number of questions, among which the most common is why their pet is not pleased with its bright beauty. At the same time, the absence of flowering and the change in the color of the leaves, the appearance of yellow spots on them, are of particular concern. There can be a huge number of reasons. Let's look at the most common questions related to the care of anthurium:

Why anthurium does not bloom - reasons

Anthurium is a big fussy. To achieve its location, you will have to provide care at home, especially if you want to enjoy the bright unusual flowers of the plant. Among the most common mistakes that lead to the lack of development of inflorescences in indoor anthurium, the following stand out:

  • Lack of light. Additional artificial lighting will solve this problem. In addition, once a week the plant needs sunbathing: take the anthurium to the south side for 30 minutes. Remember that excess light is also harmful to it.
  • Lack of heat. To achieve flowering, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of at least 20%. This is due to the fact that the flower buds of the plant are laid only if such indicators are available.
  • Too much heat in winter. In order to stimulate the laying of buds in spring with the help of heat, in winter it is necessary to ensure a low temperature regime of no higher than 15-16%.

  • Wrong watering. Anthurium loves the "golden mean". Both excess water and drying out of the soil are harmful to him. The quality of watering a flower largely depends on the condition of the soil. If the substrate has a high density or there is not enough drainage in the pot, then the plant will not be able to absorb moisture as it needs.
  • Lack of moisture. Anthurium is a resident of the tropics, so it needs a setting high humidity. Its deficiency will hinder the development of flower buds. Spraying the plant will help solve this problem. In addition, a container with clean water. Evaporation of the liquid will increase the humidity level.
  • The presence of faded inflorescences. In this case, seed formation occurs, which weakens the anthurium and stops the development of flower buds.
  • Incorrectly selected soil. An excessively dense substrate does not allow oxygen to penetrate to the roots, which disrupts the normal functioning of plant systems.

Why leaves turn yellow

One of the most common problems in growing this exotic beauty is the yellowing of the leaves. This can happen for two main reasons: a violation of the rules for caring for a plant and the presence of diseases. In the first case, the leaves may turn yellow due to:

  • Not enough substrate.
  • Soil waterlogging.
  • Skvoznyakov.
  • Unsuccessful transplant.
  • Poor quality water for irrigation.
  • Insufficient lighting.
  • Temperature irregularities.
  • The presence of heavy metal oxides in the soil.

The second cause of yellowing leaves are diseases: chlorosis, gray rot, rust, fusarium, septoria and anthracnose. Their presence is indicated by additional symptoms. With chlorosis, yellowing is accompanied by the presence of green veins. Feeding with iron chelates will help get rid of this problem. Gray rot is accompanied by plaque on the leaves and other parts of the plant. Excessive humidity contributes to its appearance.

Regular ventilation of the room and a reduction in spraying will help get rid of the problem. With rust, light spots appear on the upper side of the leaf plates, and pustules with spores accumulate on the lower side. The use of drugs such as Ordan or Topaz will help to cope with the disease. Septoria and anthracnose are fungal diseases that systemic fungicides will help to cure. In any case, in the presence of diseases, it is necessary to remove the affected parts of the anthurium before processing. For the purpose of prevention, the plant is sprayed with a fungicide again after 1-2 weeks.

Anthurium is native to the humid tropical mountain forests of South and Central America. It usually occupies the lowest and darkest tier. Anthurium, like all Aroids, is poisonous. Its juice contains toxins that irritate the skin and mucous membranes.

There are many varieties of anthurium. Mostly these are herbaceous forms or shrubs. There are also climbing epiphytes, the roots of which hang from tree trunks, reaching a length of several meters. Among the anthuriums there are also original specimens: some grow only on rocks in the middle of mountain rivers, while others can only survive in the immediate vicinity of a colony of wood ants.


Anthuriums love for bright inflorescence, consisting of an ear and a bedspread. The latter is considered by many to be a flower. However, this is just a modified bract. It is dense, often glossy and painted in various colors. Effective cover plays important role- thanks to bright look it attracts pollinators to the cob, on which are small nondescript flowers.

Anthurium cobs and coverlet are painted in different colors. Sometimes they are two-tone: the bottom is white and the tip is green. In wild-growing anthuriums, the spathe and cob are pale green, orange, white, pink, yellow, red. Thanks to breeders, indoor varieties have even more shades.

Anthurium fruits are juicy berries with one or more seeds. They usually also have decorative look: tight-fitting, shiny, a wide variety of shades.

Anthurium leaves are heart-shaped, oblong or rounded. They are located on fairly long and strong petioles. The size of the leaves varies depending on the variety, sometimes reaching a meter in length.


There are about 900 types of anthuriums. Indoor varieties can be divided into three main groups:

  • Beautiful flowering species. They are used not only in pot culture, but also for cutting. Prominent representatives are Anthurium Andre, Sierra, Turenza and Scherzer.
  • Species with colored patterns on the leaves and a short climbing trunk. Some of the representatives are Anthurium Crystal, Varoka and Majestic.
  • Decorative leafy species. They have long stems and green leaves. Representatives - Anthurium Baker and Climbing.

Each variety has its own characteristics. So, Amalia Anthurium has a subtle aroma, Otazu has a fetid smell, which makes this species not so popular.

Features of care


Anthurium needs good lighting but does not tolerate direct sun. From its rays, the leaves quickly get burned, losing their decorative appearance. On the north window, the anthurium stretches, on the south it burns. The optimal location of the plant in the house is the east or west window. On the south side, it is permissible to keep anthurium only if one of the conditions is met:

  • he will stand a meter from the windowsill;
  • there are blinds on the windows;
  • a sprawling tree grows nearby, which will scatter the sun's rays;
  • autumn or winter has come.

In winter, it needs to be illuminated with lamps.


Anthurium loves warmth and is afraid of drafts. Suitable temperature in summer is 20-25oC, in winter - 16-18oC. Anthurium tolerates heat well. However, lowering the temperature stops its growth.

Do not place the plant in close proximity to radiators or other heating devices. They dry out the soil inside the pot, dehydrating the anthurium.


Anthurium comes from the humid tropics, so it needs sufficient watering. In summer and spring period- once every three days, and in autumn and winter - once a week. For irrigation, use slightly warm water so as not to chill the delicate roots of anthurium, and always soft. With an excess of lime in it, the leaves of the plant turn yellow. Soften water by settling for two to three days, boiling, filtering or adding neutralizers, which are sold in flower shops.

It is important not to flood the plant! After watering, excess water is removed from the pan.

Given that the anthurium comes from the tropics, at home it needs high humidity. Anthurium leaves love regular spraying, but the flowers do not tolerate water. From this inflorescence covered with spots, and then die.

To increase humidity, sphagnum moss is placed on top of the soil and periodically sprayed. This provides sufficient moisture for the aerial roots of the anthurium. A similar result will bring the use of pebbles or expanded clay in a pallet or bowls placed near the plant.

Once every 14-20 days it is useful for anthurium to arrange hygienic shower. It serves as a pest control.

earth mixture

For good growth Anthurium needs:

  • subacid;
  • air;
  • light;
  • moisture-intensive;
  • nutrient soil.

Flower shops offer both universal and special earthen compositions for anthurium. Some growers prefer to grow "flamingo flower" in orchid soil. Anthurium roots in such a substrate receive enough oxygen. However, there are catastrophically few nutrients in the bark, which is why the plant weakens and withers over time.

You can prepare the optimal earthen mixture for anthurium with your own hands. Enough to mix:

  • 2 parts of humus;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part of leaf land;
  • 0.5 parts of sand.

For breathability, sphagnum moss, pieces of cones and bricks, charcoal, and pine bark are added to the mixture. The solid fraction should account for at least 15% of the total soil volume.

Anthurium is great for growing hydroponically. For this, expanded clay or sphagnum is used. At in a similar way growing temperature in the room should not fall below + 18 ° C.

top dressing

During the period of active vegetation and flowering, anthurium requires top dressing. Both organic and mineral fertilizers are suitable. With the advent of spring, the anthurium usually comes to life and begins to build up a green mass. In this case, he needs fertilizer with high content nitrogen. From May to the end of September, fertilizers are used, in which phosphorus predominates.

Anthurium is fed under the root. After or before that, it is important to shed the soil with plain water so that the beneficial substances are better absorbed by the plant and do not burn its delicate roots.


Young specimens are transplanted annually, from the age of five - once every two to three years. The best time for the event is early spring. Before retiring, the plant will have time to get stronger over the summer and grow the leaves necessary for photosynthesis and, accordingly, good nutrition.

Anthurium does not have too long roots, so a low but wide pot is suitable for it. Be sure to have drainage holes.

When planting, the soil cannot be strongly tamped, otherwise it will be problematic for the anthurium to gain a foothold in it. Dense earth does not pass oxygen well, which is needed by the roots of the plant.


Anthurium can be propagated in three ways:

  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush;
  • seeds.

The simplest are the first two. It is in these ways that anthurium is propagated at home. Seed requires more time, knowledge and conditions close to greenhouse ones. A suitable time for breeding anthurium is early spring.

Diseases and pests of anthurium

  • Shchitovki. Clear signs- formed on the outer side of the leaves dark spots, and on the reverse - tubercles.
  • Spider mite. This pest covers the leaves with spots and twists with its activity.
  • Nematodes. A sure sign of infection is seals in the form of tubercles on the roots.

If there is salvation from the first two pests in the form of insecticides, then with nematodes, anthurium expects only one way out - isolation and destruction.

The appearance of diseases is immediately reflected in the appearance of the plant. By the nature of the changes, you can find out the cause and eliminate it.

  • Dark dots on anthurium leaves indicate that the plant is cold or sunburned.
  • Spots on the leaves may indicate watering with hard water, drafts and low temperatures in winter.
  • Pale or yellow leaf edges indicate insufficient lighting.
  • The pallor of the entire leaf plate, weak growth are sure signs of a lack of nutrition.
  • Mold on aerial roots signals the bay of the plant.

If you take care of the anthurium correctly, the plant will bloom from early spring to autumn. good care assumes a favorable and constant temperature regime. Anthurium is quite a heat-loving plant. For the summer period, it is best to provide a warm temperate climate, and in winter, climatic conditions should be at least + 18ºС. It is necessary to protect the flower from drafts, without restricting the access of fresh air.

Anthurium needs moist air, so the humidity in the room must be maintained at least 60 percent. To create a favorable development environment, anthurium leaves should be sprayed in the morning and evening. Avoid getting water on the inflorescences - the leaves will become stained and quickly wither. As a rule, watering is carried out once every four days at a temperature of more than + 20 ° C.

Flower shops for growing in apartments and houses offer two types of flower " Male happiness": Anthurium Andre and Scherzer. For their successful cultivation, you need to know a few rules:

  • Lighting and temperature conditions . The flower does not tolerate direct rays, but loves the light. It is better to place it on the northwest side. In summer, the temperature in the room should be + 20-25 ° С, in winter - at least + 17 ° С.

  • Watering and humidity. Only soft water is used for irrigation room temperature. It is important to prevent it from stagnation and make sure that it does not accumulate in the pan. Water the anthurium abundantly, as soon as it is slightly dry. upper layer soil. The stems and leaves are carefully sprayed, expanded clay can be put in the pan and constantly moistened. During flowering, it is impossible for water to enter the inflorescences.

  • Substrate selection . The soil for anthurium should be loose, air and moisture permeable, slightly acidic. The substrate is chosen large, as it is able to retain nutrients and maintain the required level of moisture.

The flower is fed only in spring and summer, and 1 time in 3 weeks. Plant loves organic fertilizers: cow or horse manure, leaf humus.

Diseases of the flower "Male happiness"

Anthurium has high immunity, this plant rarely gets sick. However, with excessive soil moisture, stem or root rot, it must be controlled with systemic fungicides. Anthurium often signals problems by changing the color of the leaves:

  • the tips turned black - there is an excess amount of calcium salts in the soil;

  • the leaves turned yellow and began to curl - in summer this means that the plant is exposed to direct rays, and in winter it warns of a lack of lighting;

  • black spots and dots - the temperature in the room is low, the plant needs warmth;

  • uniform yellow spots - anthurium is not properly fertilized. If the spots are small and translucent, then the flower was attacked by a spider mite.

Growing anthurium at home is a difficult and painstaking task. In order for the flower not only to grow, but also to please with flowering, you need to choose the right place for it, provide the necessary level of humidity and select a balanced complex of fertilizers.

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Anthurium, which is also called the flamingo flower, is an extensive genus (already has up to 1 thousand species, and unknown species of this genus are discovered every year!), Belonging to the aroid family ( Araceae). Name translated from Greek as tail flower. The originality of the anthurium is given by its inflorescence-cob and a bright, spectacular flower cover. The inflorescence and veil of an anthurium flower together look like one large flower. Many anthuriums come from the tropical rainforests of central and south America. Later, some anthuriums were naturalized in the rainforests of southeast Asia.

Anthurium Andre and Anthurium Scherzer

The easiest to grow and therefore popular types of anthurium: Scherzer Anthurium ( Anthurium scherzerianum) and anthurium andre ( Anthurium andreanum). It is they who are most often grown as indoor, at home.

The heart-shaped leaves of Anthurium andre reach 30 cm or more, the color of the flowers: white, red, pink, green, bicolor and speckled. Anthurium andre flowers have straight inflorescences, in contrast to the curved, twisted inflorescences of Anthurium Scherzer flowers, whose bedspreads are orange. Anthurium Scherzer leaves narrower and pointed towards the ends in the form of an arrow. Based on these two species, many hybrid varieties of anthurium have been bred.

Anthurium: home care

Growing anthurium at home presents some difficulties. First of all, this is due to the natural love of anthurium for heat and humidity. The conditions of most urban apartments are very far from tropical rainforests.

Beautiful flowering anthuriums need bright but rarefied light. Due to the lack of light, the flowering of anthurium worsens, and the leaves are deformed. Anthuriums with ornamental leaves are less sensitive to light.

Anthurium soil should be rich in humus and structural in order to hold water well. It is recommended to use peat as the main component of the soil for anthurium. Crushed bark, wood chips, moss, coconut fiber, perlite can be added to peat. The substrate in which the anthurium is grown should be moist, drying out quite a bit between waterings, but it is important to provide the plant with good drainage. With stagnation of water at the roots of anthurium, fungal diseases develop.

Home anthurium regular top dressing is required (I use slow-acting fertilizer granules that I add to the soil with anthurium during transplantation). If you prefer liquid fertilizer then use a weak fertilizer for indoor plants once a month

The air temperature, comfortable for anthurium, is + 15ºС and higher, varieties of anthurium with large decorative leaves are especially fond of warmth. When the temperature drops to + 10ºС, the growth of anthurium slows down, and the lower leaves turn yellow. However, when the temperature rises to 32ºС and above, the anthurium suffers from leaf burn, the color of its flowers becomes paler, and the flowers themselves fade faster. Anthurium leaves turn yellow also from excessive moisture of an earthen coma.

It is recommended to periodically rinse the anthurium from the shower. This not only moisturizes the leaves and aerial roots of the plant, but also washes away pests from the leaves and inflorescences. Water the leaves of anthurium with a strong stream from the shower should be on both sides.

In European conditions in winter, when the anthurium lacks light, you can reduce watering and let the plant rest for a month or two at a temperature of approx. +15ºС. An earth lump during the rest period of anthurium should still not dry out completely!

Anthurium with large decorative leaves supports may be required to support heavy stems.

Anthurium aerial roots, which cover the stem of the plant, need spraying to create high humidity around them. Anthurium aerial roots, unlike orchids, you can carefully dig into the ground.

With perfect care, anthurium blooms at any time of the year, and sometimes for a whole year without stopping. How to properly care for anthurium? Here's how they contain anthurium in the greenhouse of the Kew Botanical Gardens in London. Anthuriums are attached to supports made of bark and moss, which keeps aerial roots moist. Soil for anthurium contains in large numbers organic matter (humus). The temperature of the content of anthurium in the greenhouse is about 25 ° C, the relative humidity of the air is 85%. Anthuriums are watered and sprayed every day in winter and twice a day in summer. Top dressing is carried out every week. In summer, anthuriums protect from direct sunlight.

Based on these conditions, one can imagine that at home anthurium it will be best to feel in the bathroom or in the kitchen with a window to the west or east (in winter - to the south). In these rooms, usually a little more heat air and higher humidity compared to other rooms. So, my anthurium lives in the bathroom with a window to the south in winter, and in the summer it moves to the garden, on the patio, where it enjoys rain and humidity.

Anthurium: transplant and reproduction

Anthurium transplant carried out every year or every other year (when the root system has filled old pot). soil around the roots anthurium transplant compacted properly. During transplantation, they produce and reproduction of anthurium. propagate anthurium can be done in 3 ways: division, cuttings and roots. For reproduction of anthurium by division from mother plant carefully separate several stems with roots and transplant into a separate pot. For propagation of anthurium by cuttings cut off the top of the stem, which is then rooted in a separate pot of peat. Deciduous forms of anthurium can be divided using aerial roots, which are cut off and planted in separate pots with peat. Soon young leaves will appear from them.

Attention! All parts of anthurium are poisonous. When ingested, anthurium juice causes eating disorders, and when it comes into contact with the skin, it causes irritation.

This inflorescence-cob provided with more or less wide coverlet a wide variety of colors and shades - red, white, green, orange, purple.

Smells, exuded by flowering anthuriums, are no less changeable: from subtle to very strong, from fragrant to fetid - it all depends on which pollinating insects are more common where a particular type of anthurium grows.

in the greenhouse and room culture most often grown beautifully blooming in white-pink-red tones Anthurium Andre And Anthurium Scherzer(including their numerous hybrid forms), as well as decorative leafy crystal anthurium with inconspicuous flowers that have a delicate pleasant aroma.

Anthurium juice is poisonous and should be handled with care.

How to make Anthurium bloom?

Indoor anthuriums potentially able to bloom from February to November, that is, almost all year round, stopping only in the coldest and darkest winter months; in addition, their flowers are unusually long-lived in the cut and remain unchanged for up to four weeks.

For such a fabulous flowering, these plants need appropriate conditions, the observance of which requires considerable experience and knowledge.

The main problem is to find such balance of light, temperature, soil and humidity, which will remind the anthuriums of their native alpine rainforests and they, perhaps, will agree to live in your apartment.

Creating an appropriate microclimate includes provision illumination - bright, but diffused; quite long throughout the year.

Temperature regime

summer temperature must be maintained 20-25 degrees, winter- in the interval 16-18 degrees.

The soil temperature should not be lower than the air temperature, so anthuriums are planted in plastic containers. These containers should not be deep - but not too wide, otherwise the cultivation of roots and children will go, not flowers.

Air and soil

Air saturated with water vapor should be fresh - but without drafts.

The soil is wet- but not wet.

top dressing needed - but fertilizer solutions should not be too concentrated.

Compliance with all these “ifs” and “buts” is the main condition for the constantly blooming “male happiness”.

And finally, your anthurium has blossomed - but it's too early to calm down. After a while, bright red bedspreads turn green, or a rich pink variety turns white, losing color. This is normal, this is how these plants bloom - and obsolete flowers must be removed.

It also happens that you have acquired a luxurious variety with numerous large flowers - and at home it somehow thinned out, crushed and reluctantly forms new inflorescences.

This situation may arise due to the fact that in the commercial cultivation of anthuriums in greenhouses, gibberellins are used to improve the presentation - phytohormones that accelerate the growth and overall development of all parts of the plant.

How to care for a flower to bloom Male happiness?

Deprived of constant stimulation, the specimen gradually returns to its natural state and, if it is provided with the proper one, will bloom again - albeit not so brightly and plentifully.
Can Anthurium be transplanted during flowering?

During flowering, transplantation of anthuriums is excluded

During this period you need feed plants: once every two weeks, complex mineral fertilizer. You can alternate organic and mineral top dressing, but in any case, the concentration of solutions should be weaker than the standard.

Anthuriums belong to the species, enough difficult in room culture. Sometimes this plant is given a separate "apartment" - a terrarium, in which, behind glass, a real tropical atmosphere is created for it, lighting up, regulating the temperature, saturating the air with water vapor. Anthuriums are also grown hydroponically.

However, these "Tropicans" may well grow without special shelters and tricks.

True, there are interruptions with flowering: the red bedspreads have turned green, you have removed the faded ones - and new flowers do not form, although winter is still far from the rest, judging by appearance the plant is doing well.

Sometimes a young specimen does not bloom or a transplanted anthurium grows, but does not bloom.

All these problems have their causes, which can be eliminated.

If you are waiting - do not wait for the flowering of a specimen grown from seeds, remember:

Anthurium blooms no earlier than a year and ten months, sometimes two years.

If you, as expected, in the interval between flowering, and not during it, transplanted the anthurium into a new, expanded container, it may turn out to be too wide and flowering will not begin until the container is filled with roots and children. Needs a small pot to bloom. You will find more information about planting and transplanting anthurium.

Why does Anthurium not bloom at home?
Check if everything proper care conditions respected:

  • The soil- should be suitable for epiphytes - plants with aerial roots: loose, fibrous, moisture and breathable, well drained, ideally - a special soil for orchids.
  • Watering- provides a constantly wet, but not stagnant-damp state of the soil. The water is soft, its excess immediately drains from the pan.
  • Air humidity– significantly increased: wet sphagnum on a pallet can be added to frequent spraying. Aerial roots are also covered with this moss.
  • top dressing- twice a month, with a diluted solution of complex fertilizers.
  • Temperature- in the flowering season, not lower than 22 degrees (stimulates the development of buds), in winter - from 16 to 18 degrees (stimulates the laying of buds).
  • Lighting- bright and at the same time diffused: a western or eastern window, additional illumination with a short daylight hours.

If all these conditions are present, the anthurium is not too young, not busy growing roots and forming children - and still does not bloom, you can try it further stimulate.

To do this, in the spring water the plant with soft water with a temperature of 40-50 degrees.

Some once a week pour water heated to 60 degrees into the pan and leave it there until it cools, after which it is drained. The atmosphere of a warm steam room helps the anthurium finally awaken to a full-blooded life.

Abundant, regular, exotic flowering of anthurium can be considered a successfully passed exam for the title of a diligent and skillful florist, and the happiness that should cover all domestic men, apparently, is beyond description.


Next you will see a photo of how Anthurium fades: