In a private house      03/05/2020

How to properly plant watermelons in the garden. Juicy and sweet watermelons: the subtleties of planting and growing. Sowing watermelon seeds for seedlings and growing them

It's no secret that watermelon is very tasty, and most importantly healthy berry. Many unscrupulous entrepreneurs who grow watermelons for sale add a lot of pesticides to them in order to obtain good harvest, as a result of which lovers of this berry can become poisoned. To avoid a similar fate, it is better to find out how you can grow a watermelon yourself. If you have your own land, a good mood, but no knowledge of how to grow watermelons in your dacha open ground, then this article will definitely be useful.

How to grow watermelon in a particular region

Watermelon comes from the south, so it loves the sun very much. The more light that falls on the berry, the faster it will grow, so you need to carefully monitor it, pulling out weeds growing next to it in time, as well as carrying out a number of other measures.

Agricultural technology includes many elements, each of which is key in the process of growing and caring for fruits. Before planting watermelons, you need to familiarize yourself with what caring for them means. We're talking about correct processing soil, selection of seeds of the highest quality, proper watering and supervision of the sprouts for the first time. It is necessary to take into account and monitor the completeness of absorption of nutrients and fertilizers by plants. Experienced agronomists know how to properly grow watermelons in accordance with high agricultural technology.

How to grow a watermelon

Note! The amount of fertilizer used is a key factor that will influence the quality of the crop.

Growing watermelons is quite possible even in Siberia, Transbaikalia, the Moscow region and the Krasnodar Territory, if you follow all the rules. Even in the Nizhny Novgorod region, which is characterized by long cold winters and fairly short cool summers, climatic conditions do not prevent gardeners in this region from growing high-quality products. In conditions created according to the rules of high agricultural technology, the Nizhny Novgorod region increased the volume of watermelon harvest by an incredible 18 times in 10 years.

This region is characterized by gray forest and podzolic soils, as well as chernozems. Relatively high humidity levels also tend to create special conditions growing fruits. In this area, it is highly not recommended to plant seeds in open ground. According to the advice of experienced gardeners, watermelons in central Russia should be grown only in greenhouse conditions.

Important! When cultivating this crop in the climatic conditions of the Nizhny Novgorod region, it is worth choosing early-ripening varieties, since the fruits simply may not have time to ripen by the end of the warm season.

Preference should be given to the following varieties:

  • Gift to the North;
  • Light;
  • Skorospelka;
  • Donskoy;
  • Dessert-83.

Watermelons are quite light-loving plants, however, if we consider newly planted seedlings, they tolerate bright straight lines extremely poorly. Sun rays. Therefore, in the first 4 days you need to create additional shade, build a screen, or cover it with a cloth or thick film.

As for Primorye, the climate here is characterized as monsoon. There are quite often strong gusty winds here, the soil freezes deeply, and precipitation is unevenly distributed over the area. In addition to all this, high humidity levels can have an impact Negative influence for seed germination. The soils of the Primorsky Territory are highly acidic, the pH level is 4.7–5.5. Based on this feature, the soil before planting watermelons must be enriched with limestone or slaked lime. Such actions to strengthen the soil layers will increase their fertility.

Dry weather often occurs in Kuban, which also does not make the task easier for gardeners who want to cultivate melons. But there is a way out of this situation. Here, as in other regions, you need to strictly follow all agrotechnical rules and prepare for sowing in advance, namely in the fall, as recommended experienced gardeners. In terms of soil, preference should be given to sandy loam chernozem, virgin soil. In such soil, striped berries will ripen best.

In addition, the warm Kuban climate provides an excellent opportunity to sow seeds directly into open ground. The harvest should be harvested before the first cold snap at night, since during drought, Kuban watermelons can be significantly damaged. spider mite. If summer residents are lucky enough to find pests in the beds, then the outbreaks need to be treated with acaricides 2 times a week.

Unlike the Kuban conditions, in Bashkiria it is hardly possible to grow melons and melons in open ground. In this region, it is worth giving preference to greenhouse methods of growing fruits. Some of the best varieties for these climatic conditions, taking into account cultivation in greenhouses, are Ogonyok and Vesenniy. Particular attention is paid to soil temperature. It should be between 22°C and 30°C.


Watermelons: growing in open ground

In addition to the fact that seedlings should be selected especially carefully, we must not forget about preparing the seedling material before planting it in the ground. Seeds are sown on the 20th of April (you can plant them in containers). At the very beginning, an enriching mixture is prepared; it can be made at home. It is suitable for sowing watermelons and for cultivating another representative of melons - melons.

Beginners in gardening may have questions about the method of preparing soil: what elements and how much should be added, in what proportions. The soil mixture should include humus, peat and wood soil with a small addition of superphosphate and wood ash. In the first days, you need to keep the temperature between 20°C and 23°C, but later it needs to be reduced to 18°C ​​and at least 15°C, since the seedlings may simply bloom. Also, seedlings require light, so it is worth placing pots on windowsills on the sunny side.

Note! Seedlings should be watered with lukewarm water, do this in moderation, not too often. At the moment when the first leaves appear, it is worth feeding the sprouts with a solution mineral fertilizers or a mixture bird droppings with superphosphate.

It is also worth emphasizing the importance of preparing the site itself where the future berries will be planted. From the northeast, the territory needs to be strengthened in order to block cold air flows. The land needs to be well plowed and all weeds removed.

How to grow watermelons from seeds

Before starting the sowing process, the seeds themselves are prepared. To do this they are subjected to:

  • disinfection;
  • scarification;
  • warming up;
  • calibration

Disinfection is carried out to disinfect grains. More often experienced agronomists in this matter, they give preference to a solution of potassium permanganate, and a weak one at that. Soak the seeds in this liquid for 20 minutes. The procedure is performed immediately before landing.

Scarification is a mandatory measure before planting watermelons in the climatic conditions of Central Russia. Its essence is to “damage” the outer shell of the seeds so that they can germinate more actively. You can rub the seeds on sandpaper.


Warming up should always be carried out, regardless of the area in which the grains will be planted. During a short stay in warm atmosphere Biochemical processes in seeds increase. This mechanism, launched using external factors, is also aimed at accelerating seed germination in the soil.

Calibration - selection and sorting of grains according to their size. This procedure is carried out in order to distribute the fruit evenly. Thus, larger fruits will not interfere with those that have smaller parameters.

For your information! Many agronomists and summer residents carry out additional germination procedures. To do this, the seeds are placed in a damp cloth, after which the bundle is sent to a warm place and the seeds are allowed to germinate. The fabric should not dry completely.

For planting, air and soil thermometers are installed in greenhouses. In addition, it is important to consider the following measures for caring for watermelons:

  • Adding humus (sawdust, chopped straw, river sand, wood ash, peat, superphosphate, potassium salt, ammonium sulfate). Per 1 m² from 8 to 10 kg.
  • In conditions of two-line planting, the distance between the beds should be at least 1 m.
  • When planting in two lines, the distance between the fruits should be from 50 to 60 cm.
  • On initial stages small, fragile sprouts are covered with film at night; they need to be opened during the day.
  • The soil temperature should be between 22°C and 25°C.
  • Plants form into one stem.
  • Each stem is tied with a sliding loose loop and this structure is tied to a trellis (lattice).
  • At the stage when the stems begin to reach the wire, they need to be moved to the opposite side.
  • The lower shoots should be removed from the ground at a distance of 50 cm.
  • You should leave 2 or 3 fruits on one plant, no more.
  • You should alternate feeding with nitrophos and mullein.

Important! Pollination is more effective if done manually. You should not carry out pollination work at unstable temperatures.

Well, when the watermelons are the size of an orange, they are placed in nets and hung on a wire rack, where they reach the required condition, are filled with juice and absorb heat.

Planting seedlings

Most the best option For planting seedlings, a greenhouse constructed of polycarbonate will serve. It’s also worth taking into account the fact that the sprouts will need space, so Special attention given to the height of the greenhouse space. It should be about 2 m. Approximately a week before planting, prepared seedlings should be removed upper layer land.

Instead, a mixture of humus and hay is poured, after which nitrogen fertilizers are added. Everything is watered with warm water. Next, fill in the soil that was removed at the very beginning and cover the entire area with a thick film. This way the earth warms up, and in a week the seedlings can be planted. The beds are created with a length of 1 m each. The depth at which the seed is planted is 10 cm.

Note! It is advisable to plant the seedlings in the prepared holes along with the soil in which they were grown in the first days of preparation. This way the sprouts quickly adapt to new conditions.

How to care for watermelons

Watermelons are watered weekly 2-3 times before flowering begins in the evening. When watering, do not direct the stream of water directly at the shoots and leaves. You also need to monitor whether there is condensation on the walls of the greenhouse. Humidity should not be too high, as this can lead to the development of diseases in the sprouts. Pay attention to this fact, it is advisable to ventilate the greenhouse from time to time, especially on hot days.

It is also necessary to take into account that after the start of flowering, plants are watered less often, and this should be done after applying fertilizers. It is very important to follow this sequence, because this is the only way that future fruits will not lose their sweetness and will not crack. Immediately before the final stage of fruit ripening, watering should be stopped altogether.

Particular care is taken when feeding and caring for fruits. For the first time, fertilizers are applied to open ground one and a half to 2 weeks after planting. The second feeding is carried out in the bud formation phase.

We must not forget about general preventive measures aimed at caring for ripening fruits. Here is their list:

  • checking for the presence of weeds and their timely elimination;
  • removal of those shoots that could not develop.

Sudden temperature changes, both during the day and at night, should not be allowed. As for the soil, experienced gardeners strongly recommend disinfecting and disinfecting it. Frames and all frames, nets, lashes and trellises are also processed.


In the process of growing fruits, there is a risk of infection with certain diseases. Melons, and especially watermelons, are subject to diseases such as:

  • anthracnose;
  • bacteriosis

How to fight? Spray with an infusion (ready within 3 days, no less) of mullein and water every 2–3 days at the beginning of the disease, then every 10 days.

Anthracnose is especially common among fruits grown in greenhouses. Large brown spots cover the leaves, and pale pink sores attack the petioles, fruits and stems. Occurs when too high level humidity.

How to treat? Processing with crushed coal, chalk and limestone.

Bacteriosis - the appearance of brown spots on the leaves, ulcers with liquid inside.


How to save plants? Spray with copper oxychloride or a solution (1%) of Bordeaux mixture.


The most pleasant final part is collecting the long-awaited fruits. In ripe watermelons, the stem, tendrils and leaves of the berry are already dry. And the larger the fruit, the more ripe it is. Watermelons are harvested in dry, sunny weather at the end of August (the month may vary depending on the variety, for example, early-ripening species are harvested at the end of July). The rind of a ripe fruit is moderately shiny and smooth. A dull sound when tapped also indicates full ripening. Collect berries using scissors or a knife, not with your hands.

Not everyone succeeds in growing a large and high-quality harvest the first time. Any new gardener in this business will learn from the article necessary information about how to plant watermelons correctly and how to care for them. If you follow the rules above, everything will work out!

I think that many gardeners want to know about growing watermelons on their land plots as much as possible. Because many people try to grow watermelons in the hope that they will grow a huge, juicy, sweet watermelon, but in practice the fruits they get are small and not sweet.

After such an unsuccessful experience, someone abandons this matter, but others do not give up and begin to look for information about how in their area, for example in the Moscow region, in Siberia, in the Urals, in middle lane grow watermelons.

They also search on the Internet about growing watermelons in a greenhouse, in open ground, seedlings and much more and enter them into a search engine, looking for the necessary information. Therefore, I have collected in this article all the basic recommendations about growing watermelons from start to finish and I hope that this information will be very useful to you.

Well, the introduction is over, let's get down to business.

What is the first thing you need to know in agricultural technology for growing watermelon?

Watermelons love heat and dry summers. If it rains constantly in the summer, then good watermelon you won't succeed. There’s nothing you can do about it, it’s such a sunny berry. Of course, you can plant special hybrids that do well even during the rains, but their taste will still be far from real steppe watermelons.

Why do watermelons absorb so much juicy moisture in their fruit?

The fact is that watermelons form powerful roots, which feed the plant itself. So, in order for these roots to develop well and penetrate deeply, light, sandy loam soils are needed. In dense soils, the roots are not able to develop well and the plant grows poorly.

One more thing important condition for growing watermelons, regardless of whether you grow them in the Moscow region, in the Urals or in Siberia, watermelons suffer terribly from weeds. Especially when they are just starting to grow. You can lose your harvest several times due to these weeds, so it is necessary to weed your garden at the dacha in a timely and efficient manner.

If you follow these three rules, then you will definitely have a harvest. Maybe these won’t be 20-25 kg watermelons, but they will still be big, juicy and sweet.

What else do you need to know about the technology of growing watermelons in open ground?

Good watermelons cannot be obtained from bad seeds, so you should purchase watermelon seeds from trusted suppliers. If the soil is not light enough, then you need to loosen it deeply.

When to sow watermelon seeds? It depends on the weather. Perhaps it will be the last week of April or the beginning of May. In general, you can sow some varieties before June 20, then you will get a late harvest, but also of good quality.

Watermelons are not grown after watermelons, but rather after alfalfa or winter crops.

In order for the crops to sprout together, sow them at the same depth - 7-8 cm. Seed consumption is 6-10 pieces per linear meter. It is better to sow thickly to begin with, but then you will not have to re-sow the seeds in those places where they have not sprouted. Many people believe that it is necessary to sow old seeds rather than fresh ones. But the fact is that old seeds simply produce more female flowers, which means they will produce more fruits, but these will not be watermelons, but watermelons. Why do we need this? We want big watermelons!

How to prepare seeds for sowing?

First, we heat the dry seeds in the bag in the sun until it reaches 55 degrees. If the seeds are wet, then it should not be more than 30 degrees. Then they fill it with water for half an hour and throw away everything that comes up. Then they pour hot water 50-60 degrees. Cool, drain the water. Then they are soaked until pecked for manual planting. If you can’t warm the seeds in the sun, then store the seeds near the radiator from February. Seeds can be treated with a dark solution of potassium permanganate (15-10 minutes and rinse), and then treated with an ash solution (overnight).

Growing watermelons in a greenhouse

Some people grow watermelons in a greenhouse. Interesting experiments on grafting watermelon seedlings to a pumpkin, thus producing very early watermelons. The yield also increases 4 times. True, growing such seedlings is problematic, but in a greenhouse you can harvest a decent harvest from a smaller area.

What varieties to choose for growing watermelons?

If you want to get a harvest at the beginning of July, then sow early hybrids Helen, Trophy, Dolby on film. Varieties such as Producer and Crimson give a harvest by mid-July, but this is only if sown under film. Growing these varieties of watermelons in open ground will give you a harvest by the first ten days of August. By mid-August, the Nice and Unusual varieties will ripen. And the Kholodok watermelon variety will ripen by the end of August. More good varieties for growing in open ground these are Lada, Lesya, Slavia.

Watermelon seed sowing scheme

Row spacing is 2 meters. 5-10 seeds per meter are sown in a row. Subsequently, the strongest shoots are left 1 meter apart between plants. So, I repeat, we make a hole 8 cm deep. Pour 1-2 liters of water into it. We wait until the water is completely absorbed, lay the seeds flat and fill the hole with earth and trample the hole a little. Under no circumstances should you water the hole after this, because a crust will form and all the moisture will evaporate.

How to water watermelons?

Not really. Watering is needed only at the very beginning for the friendly germination of seeds, and in the future, if you water, the root system will not develop and go deeper, which means that in extreme heat it will not sufficiently nourish the bush. On the other hand, you can pour three buckets per square meter every two weeks. Then the yield will be much greater, but the taste of the watermelon is worse, and it may crack due to watering.

When the fruits bear fruit, you should protect them from crows. If you gape, the crows will instantly ruin the harvest.

How to check watermelon for ripeness?

Usually in the garden, the ripeness of a watermelon is indicated by the drying of the fruit tendril and the leaf opposite it, the so-called spatulas. For some varieties, drying of the next mustache is necessary. But it happens that such an indication of the ripeness of a watermelon is not suitable. It may be that the mustache is still green, but the watermelon is already ripe. Therefore, for some varieties of watermelon, ripeness is determined by a bright spot on the belly. When buying a watermelon, it is believed that a ripe watermelon is the one with a dry tail, but in fact, watermelons are harvested when the stalk is still green, and dry means that the watermelon has been lying and drying for some time. The watermelon will also be sweeter if it is a little crooked, depressed or square.

Now let's separately highlight how to grow watermelons if you are in the Moscow region, Siberia, the Urals or in the middle zone, i.e. in an area where there may be a lack of light, heat, it rains and the soil is not quite suitable:

We select special watermelon hybrids suitable for your area.
We grow watermelon seedlings, preferably grafting them onto a pumpkin.
We loosen the soil very deeply.
We plant it under film, protecting it from cold weather.
We destroy all weeds.
We are waiting for the harvest.
That’s actually the whole technology for growing watermelons. Have a great harvest and sweet watermelons!

Hello, dear friends. The winter holidays are already behind us and all gardening lovers are looking forward to warm days to start their favorite pastime. What do you associate watermelon with? For me, for example, with summer and sun. And now I would like to tell you how to grow a watermelon on your own plot.

Did you know that this berry came to us from southern Africa, from such distant countries as Namibia, Lesotho and Botswana. The seeds of the large berry were even found in the tomb of Tutankhamun, and the ancient Romans ate watermelon in any form, and also made honey from it.

Watermelons feel excellent in climates with hot summers and mild winters. Today we will talk about what varieties to use to grow melons, as well as how to grow watermelons in open ground or in a greenhouse. And what kind of care is needed?

Many people are interested in who grows watermelons; this profession is called a melon grower or melon grower. It is considered difficult, since it is possible to obtain a rich harvest of watermelons only if all technologies are followed. In addition, it is important to choose the right variety.

Let's go through the popular varieties. First of all, I would like to pay attention to early ripening varieties. They have a short ripening period - only 2-2.5 months. But at the same time they are small in size and weigh only 2-3 kg.

Ogonyok belongs to this variety. It ripens well in 75-80 days, and if the fruits are not collected on time, they will not overripe. These are thin-skinned watermelons that contain a lot of sugar.

By the way, this is rare for early varieties. The light has a round shape and dark color crusts. This variety is successfully used in the Urals and Siberia, as it does not require heat.

There is a known hybrid of the Lady variety, which, with the proper approach, can produce large-sized fruits. This is a very early ripening hybrid. Already in 65-68 watermelons ripen up to 12 kg.

This berry has an excellent taste and is a success. To grow this variety, abundant organic feeding is required during the vegetative stage of development.

At the same time, the yield will be high. The watermelon is oblong and oval in shape. At the same time, the crust is striped.

Early varieties include Crimson Sweet. It is considered the best in many respects. The fruit ripens in 80 days and during this time becomes sweet.

The crust has dark stripes on a light background. Based on this American variety, it was bred a large number of hybrids with different combinations useful qualities.

One of these hybrids is called Romanza. It has excellent keeping quality, which is not typical for early varieties. Popular with gardeners.

Read about the best varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse.

Video - the best varieties of watermelon, seed germination

How to grow in open ground

Do you know: is it possible to grow watermelon without seedlings, directly in open ground? Let's try to find out.

This method is feasible if there are no more cold weather in the forecast. When warm days arrive, the seeds should be placed in warm water and wait until they hatch. After small sprouts appear, you can plant the seeds directly into the ground. For example, that’s what I do.

Place the seeds in two holes with an interval of 22-26 cm. The seeds can be sprinkled with humus on top. This will prevent the formation of a crust, since watermelon prefers loose soil and will not break through the thin crust.

After planting in the garden, special care is also required:

  • Until the sprouts get stronger, cover them with a special covering material. This will make them stronger and they will be able to bear fruit a couple of weeks earlier;
  • This culture does not tolerate heavy flooding. Watermelon has a strong root system that is able to take water from the lower soil layers. Normally, watering is 1-2 times a week;
  • Watermelon requires loose soil, so do not compact the soil around the holes;
  • The shape of the plant matters. Beat down long lashes with earth, otherwise they may be damaged by the wind;
  • When ovaries the size of plums form, they need to be plucked, that is, leave a few pieces on the vine (no more than 5-6).

When watermelons begin to ripen, they should be moved from one side to the other every 8-10 days. This will help the fruits ripen faster. If the soil under the berry is damp, then you can put a board under the watermelon, which will reduce its contact with the ground.

Planting watermelons for seedlings

In regions where summers are short, it is better to grow seedlings at home. The best period to move to permanent place– this is 20 days.

At the same time, the seedling takes root well. Since watermelon has an extremely negative attitude towards transplanting, it is better to immediately plant the seeds in large containers and slides. For seedlings designed for 20 days, containers with dimensions of 8 * 8 * 8 are suitable, and for 30 days, containers with dimensions of 10 * 10 * 10 cm are selected.

You can prepare a nutritious soil composition from peat, turf and humus. In this case, the ratio is 1 to 1 and to 2. Also add 1% ash. This means from the total mass. A few days before planting, containers filled with soil mixture should be watered.

By the time of planting in the ground, the plants should have 4-5 leaves. In the northern regions, it is better to sow seeds for seedlings at the end of April, and in the southern regions - at the end of March.

One seed is planted in a container.

Caring for watermelon seedlings

The first few days after planting, the soil temperature should be 22-25 degrees. To do this, containers can be placed under film. After sprouts form, the temperature can be lowered to 16-18 degrees.

Seedlings will need lighting most per day, so additional illumination with lamps is used. This method will protect the seedlings from being pulled out.

Top dressing

When three full leaves appear, the seedlings need to be fertilized with mullein and mineral supplements. Then you need to fertilize during the flowering period and when the ovaries appear.

If the seedlings grow slowly, they can be fertilized with slurry. The mixture is diluted in water (1 liter of mullein per 10 liters of water) and watered only once a week.

Only in this case you need to remember that excess moisture can provoke the appearance of gray rot. It spreads to the buds and then to the leaves.


Watering is done in several stages, allow the liquid to be absorbed, and also make sure that it does not get on the leaves.

Water only with warm water, even at home. A little moisture promotes the formation of stocky and strong seedlings.

Picking watermelon seedlings into the ground

Watermelon is sensitive to heat, so transplantation is done when the likelihood of cold snaps is excluded. Water the seedlings well the day before. Loosen the soil where the plants will move.

The planting scheme is carried out as follows: the rows are located at a distance of 60-70 cm, and the seedlings at a distance of 35-45 cm. It turns out that square meter 2-3 seedlings will fit. Be careful not to deepen the root collar too much, as this can cause fungal diseases.

On sunny days, it is better to transplant in the late afternoon. Before planting, the holes should be watered. Planted plants must be watered every other day for a week.

In this case, one plant will need half a liter of water. If the weather is hot, then the seedlings in the garden should be watered more often.

Video - planting watermelons in the ground, preparing the soil

Growing and care after picking

Regardless of where the seedlings are grown, they require a constant temperature of about 25 degrees Celsius. If cold weather is suddenly expected, the melon plant is covered with polyethylene or covering material.

  1. The seed should be no more than three years old, but even very fresh seeds have difficulty breaking through and germinating.
  2. Get good germination It is possible if the seed is soaked briefly in hot water.
  3. The sprouted sprouts are transplanted into the greenhouse. Only this is done in early May.
  4. To get large fruits, vines without ovaries should be pruned. Be sure to shape the crown of the plant, leave 2-3 fruits on the vine, cut or pinch the rest.
  5. A good way to germinate wet sand. To do this, the seeds are heated in warm water and then germinated in wet sand at a temperature of 25 degrees.

How to grow in a greenhouse

Any type of greenhouse is suitable for watermelons. It is important that the structure is higher, about 1.7 meters. It’s good if there are no other crops inside besides watermelons.

In the greenhouse, the humidity level should not exceed 60%. Otherwise, fungi will appear on the berries.

The temperature inside should be about 25-30 degrees. It is good to plant such a crop in hot and dry weather.

The soil must be fertile. Neutral soil of medium fat content is suitable. Planting is carried out only in heated soil.

Remember that even in the greenhouse you need to bring special material that will protect the seedlings during a sudden cold snap. In this case, film or paper material, as well as rags.

Planting in a greenhouse begins with soaking the seeds.

There is one secret for the seeds to appear earlier: they need to be laid on their side and at a distance of 2 cm. After planting the seeds, they need to be covered with film.

When growing in greenhouses, the following tips will be relevant:

  • control temperature regime. If the threshold of 30 degrees is exceeded, the structure must be ventilated;
  • After the plants reach a height of 35-55 cm, fertilize. For this, a composition made from mullein is used. The second feeding is done when the buds appear, and then when the ovaries form;
  • Irrigation is carried out after fertilizing. Pour water on the ground and do not splash it on the leaves;
  • Pinch the lash when five leaves appear above the fruit;
  • To tie the plant along the bed, stretch the wire.

When collecting ripe fruits, do not pick them, but carefully cut them.

How to grow a square watermelon?

The round shape of a watermelon will not surprise anyone, but have you ever encountered square fruits? This berry can also be grown. To do this you will need a seed, soil mixture and a plastic square mold.

The form should have dimensions of 20*20 and allow air and light to pass through. Alternatively, you can use a transparent container with holes punched at the very top. A hole is made in the upper part for the tail of the watermelon, which connects the fruit to the vine of the plant.

It all starts with seedlings, which at the five-leaf stage are transplanted into the garden bed. This should be a well-lit place. The soil should be fertilized with manure and humus.

When the ovaries reach the size of apples, the fruit is placed in a plastic box. It is necessary to monitor watering. In 90 days the fruit will grow and take the shape of the container.

The container can be easily disassembled and the square fruit can be taken out. A similar shape can be given to various vegetables. For example, pumpkin, cucumbers and zucchini.

The website has interesting articles about watermelon, read:

Growing watermelons in open ground is not particularly difficult. You just need to follow certain steps and be prepared to overcome difficulties that may appear on the path of gardeners. In this case, growing watermelons in open ground will not present much difficulty.

Choosing a watermelon variety

When asking the question “How to grow a watermelon?”, you should start with selecting the seed fund. It is recommended to choose seeds that belong to hybrid varieties. This is due to the fact that they are more resistant to illnesses and calmly survive changing weather conditions. And the fruits ripen in a shorter period of time.

Such seeds allow you to grow watermelons of the required size and a certain sugar content, even if the summer does not indulge in warm days.

Preparing seeds for sowing

Direct preparation for planting watermelons and caring for them in open ground occurs at the time of seed selection. In order for the seeds to germinate quietly and for the seedlings to remain strong and disease-resistant in the future, it is necessary to carry out a certain set of measures before sowing. It is necessary to calibrate the seeds, warm them thoroughly and disinfect them.

Calibration is selection seed material according to their dimensions. It is done in order to match the size of the seeds when planted in one container. Otherwise, the larger seeds will simply crush the smaller ones and they will not be able to germinate fully.

Warming up is a mandatory procedure that allows you to speed up the process of seed germination. This is due to the fact that when high temperature Biochemical reactions in seeds increase. To carry out this operation, it is necessary to immerse the seeds in warm water, the temperature of which reaches 50 degrees Celsius, and keep them for half an hour.

Disinfection is also easy. You just need to soak the seeds in a manganese solution for a third of an hour.

After completing all seed preparation procedures, it is necessary to dry them under natural conditions and then sow them into the soil.

Selecting container and soil

Due to the fact that watermelon seedlings do not tolerate the transplantation process very well, it is necessary to immediately grow each seedling in a separate container. In order for the seedling to grow in the most comfortable conditions for itself, you need to choose a container of at least 100 millimeters in diameter and 120 millimeters in height.

This container must be filled with soil so that there is a gap of 30 millimeters to the top border of the pot. In the future it will be possible to add soil.

Sow watermelon seeds

At the end of May, it is necessary to plant seedlings of this species in open ground. If you know how watermelon grows, then you must remember that it is necessary to plant watermelons in open ground with 4 leaves.

It is necessary to sow the seeds at the end of the second spring month. The container with seeds is best stored on a windowsill that is oriented to the south.

30 degrees Celsius is the ideal temperature for melon seeds. Then they will emerge on the 6th day. In the future, it is recommended to lower the temperature to 18 degrees.

After the seedlings adapt, you can increase the temperature to 22 degrees. This temperature regime must be maintained for three weeks.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Before planting a representative of the melon crop in open ground, it is necessary to harden them. This process consists in gradually decreasing the temperature in which the seedlings are kept and reducing watering of the plants.

Planting watermelons in open ground will go without problems if you carry out these steps in the morning. It is necessary to extract the seedlings with a clod of earth, which contains the roots of a representative of melons.

A distance of 1000 millimeters is maintained between plants. After the seedlings are planted, they must be watered and covered with covering material.

Taking care of watermelons

Caring for and watering watermelons in open ground is the basis for excellent yields. In order for plants in open ground to grow well, they must be watered abundantly. Only after the fruits have formed can the watering process be stopped.

So how to grow watermelons? It is best to prepare the seeds, select the desired container, observe the temperature regime and then plant them in open ground at a distance from each other, watering the seedlings from time to time. In this case, a stunning harvest of ripe and fragrant watermelons awaits you.

Photos of growing watermelons

Watermelon is a favorite delicacy of many, not only children, but also adults. While devouring the sweet juicy pulp of a watermelon fruit by both cheeks, few people think about where this culture even came from and what it actually is: a vegetable, fruit or berry.

Depending on the variety, large spherical fruits can be painted in various shades of white, yellow and green with patterns in the form of spots, stripes and mesh. The thick, tough skin contains juicy pulp with an intense sweet flavor, surrounding many seeds in the center of the fruit.

This delicious berry (namely a berry) has an incredible taste, quickly quenches thirst and saturates the body. useful substances. It contains calcium, vitamins A, C, D, and also has a delicious aroma.

To grow tasty and healthy watermelon, the obligatory conditions are compliance with the rules of cultivation and provision of conditions conducive to this. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

The content of the article:

Site selection and soil preparation

The place chosen for planting watermelon must be protected from the prevailing winds. Sandy or sandy loam soil with a pH of 6.5-7 units is more preferable for planting watermelon. We begin to prepare the site with autumn period: for digging we add 4-5 kg ​​of rotted manure (for every 1 sq.m.), as well as 40-45 g of superphosphate, 15-25 g of potassium salt and 24-35 g of ammonium sulfate for the same unit of area.

In heavy soils, add one or two buckets of sand (per 1 sq.m.). Fresh manure is not used to fertilize the soil.

Growing watermelons from seeds

You can grow watermelons in open ground using seed, seedlings and non-seedling methods. In regions with warm climates, seeds can be sown immediately in soil that has been prepared in advance and warmed up to 12-14 degrees.

  1. Before sowing, keep the seeds in a thermos with water at a temperature of 50 degrees until the sprouts hatch.
  2. In holes about 8 cm deep, located at a distance of 1 meter from each other, place a tablespoon of ash, a teaspoon of ammophosphate, a kilogram of humus and thoroughly mix the additives with the soil.
  3. Next, pour 2 liters of water into the hole, wait until it is absorbed, place 2-3 seeds flat in the hole at a distance from each other, cover them with soil and trample it down. After sowing, do not water the bed.

The first shoots can be seen in 7-10 days.

If seeds are sown in cold soil, the emergence of seedlings will have to wait longer or they may even die. Therefore, it is recommended to sow seeds in the ground no earlier than the third ten days of May. We thin out the emerging shoots in the development phase of 3-4 true leaves, that is, we remove weak shoots by cutting them off just above the surface of the bed.

How to grow watermelon seedlings?

In areas with a short summer period, watermelons are best grown in seedlings. We begin growing watermelon seedlings in May by sowing seeds in separate containers of at least 0.3 liters. In this case, it will be possible to avoid intermediate transplantation or picking, which pumpkin plants tolerate so poorly.

We plant watermelons for seedlings in soil consisting of peat, turf soil and sand (in equal parts). For five liters of soil mixture, add 50 g of potassium sulfate, ammonium nitrate and dolomite flour, as well as 100 g of double superphosphate.

A few days before planting, we heat the seeds for 30 minutes in water at a temperature of 55 degrees, and then germinate them in wet sand at a temperature of 25 degrees. After the seeds have tiny shoots, we sow them (2-3 pieces each) in separate pots on the surface of the soil mixture described earlier, sprinkle sand on top, cover them with film or glass and transfer them to a warm place with a temperature of at least 30 degrees.

After the shoots appear (about a week), remove the film and lower the temperature to 16-18 degrees for 9 days.

Caring for seedlings. Caring for watermelon seedlings will consist of fertilizing, watering, and, if necessary, additional artificial lighting, since watermelon needs a twelve-hour day of light.

Watering the seedlings is done in several stages, allowing the water to be absorbed, but it is also necessary to ensure that the water does not get on the leaves of the seedlings.

In the development phase of 3 true leaves, we feed the seedlings with a solution of complex mineral fertilizers or liquid mullein.

About 10 days before planting the seedlings in the garden, we begin hardening the plants: we take them out onto the balcony or terrace for an hour or two, daily increasing the time spent in the fresh air until we bring it to 24 hours.

Picking seedlings. Pumpkin seedlings are not picked for fear of damaging their root system. They don't even pinch them.

Scheme for planting watermelon in open ground

In the garden bed we make holes at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from each other in a checkerboard pattern, leaving row spacing 2 meters wide. Pour 1.5 - 2 liters of water into each well. We bury the seedlings up to the cotyledon leaves, compact the soil after planting, and then sprinkle the surface of the area around the seedlings with sand within a radius of 10 m (in order to prevent root rot).

How to care for a watermelon?

Watermelons in open ground do not require intrusive care, however, there are agrotechnical measures that should not be neglected. These include thinning seedlings, watering, weeding, loosening the soil, and pinching out the vines.

In the development phase of 3-4 true leaves, we thin out the seedlings, leave one or two in the hole, and cut the rest just above the surface of the soil. With the appearance of the ovaries, we leave no more than 6 fruits on the bush, and under those of them that lie on the ground, we put some kind of non-rotting material - roofing felt, a piece of plastic or foil.

Watering . We water at the rate of once a week, but abundantly (3 buckets of water per 1 square meter of area). When the heat comes or it’s time for flowering, we carry out 2 such abundant waterings a week, moistening not only the soil around the bushes, but also the aisles - the entire area of ​​the site.

After fruit formation, watering is gradually reduced until it stops completely 2 weeks before harvesting. In total, during the summer period we water 3-4 times: when 5-7 leaves develop, during the flowering period and at the beginning of fruit formation.

A day or two after watering at the beginning of the growing season, we loosen the soil in the area to a depth of 6 cm and at the same time remove weeds from it. When the watermelons close in rows, the weeds will no longer harm them, so loosening and weeding can be stopped, especially since the plant’s root system, which extends in different directions, is very easy to damage with a hoe.

Feeding watermelon . Two weeks after planting the seedlings, we fertilize. The first time, it is best to do this using ammonium nitrate (20 g of fertilizer in a bucket of water, using 2 liters of solution for each bush). Saltpeter can also be replaced with a solution of mullein (1:10) or chicken manure (1:20), adding 30 g of superphosphate and 15 g of calcium chloride to a bucket of solution.

We apply the following fertilizing during the budding period (4 g of calcium chloride, 4 g of ammonium nitrate and 6 g of superphosphate per plant). In cases of applying fertilizers in dry form, we water the area before and after applying them.

How to grow watermelons (video)

Collection and storage

Harvesting . Watermelons themselves begin to ripen only in August. Depending on the variety that was planted in mid-August, you can enjoy the juicy and sweet fruit.

The harvest is harvested in several stages as it ripens. You can harvest from one plant in three stages, but this is only if you plan to leave the watermelon in order to later collect seeds from it for planting next year.

You need to pick a watermelon using scissors or a knife, otherwise, if you do not use the tool, the fruit may begin to rot due to damage to the tissue. Early varieties Watermelon can be stored for no more than 10 days.

Harvest storage . We remove watermelons intended for storage in the first removable stage, since the shelf life of ripened fruits is quite low (their tissues soften during storage). Unripe watermelons for long-term storage They are also not suitable for long-term storage, since they do not have the ability to ripen after harvesting.

You can determine the sufficient degree of ripeness of watermelons by pink color pulp and seed color characteristic of a particular variety. During storage, such fruits gradually turn red and accumulate required amount sugars

Late-ripening varieties of watermelons, which have a thick rind that is resistant to damage and dense pulp with a coarse structure, are best stored. As noted above, we cut it with a knife or pruning shears, leaving a stalk approximately 5 cm long.

Ripe watermelons without damage or dents can be stored quite long time, but always separately from vegetables and potatoes. Choose a dry, well-ventilated room. Temperature at 2-5 degrees. To increase shelf life, the collected fruits are subjected to “exfusion”, leaving them on the site in small heaps under straw for a day or two. As a result, the bark of watermelons is dehydrated, and they do not spoil longer.

Pest and disease control


Sclerotinia (white rot). Signs are the appearance of light putrefactive spots on the plant. A fungal disease can affect the entire plant.

Control measures . Destruction of infected parts of the plant. We thin out heavily thickened watermelon plantings by treating them with a paste of water, chalk and potassium permanganate. Rotten fabrics must be sprinkled with ash or lime. We spray the plantings with a 0.5% solution copper sulfate. Before winter we dig the soil deeply.

Black rot. Whitish spots appear on the tissues, on which black sclerotia are visible. Over time, they rot and die.

Control measures . Regular weed removal. All diseased parts of the plant should be cut out and destroyed. We treat with a 0.5% copper chloride solution.

Bacteriosis. The foliage becomes covered with whitish spots, subsequently forming holes on the leaves. The berries are softening.

Control measures . We remove diseased watermelons and burn them. We regularly weed the beds and hill up the plants. We disinfect the seeds with a 65% fentiuram solution.

Anthracnose. Brownish spots appear on the leaves. In damp weather, a pinkish coating appears on them, and ulcers develop on the stems. With rapid progression they die.

Control measures . At the first signs of illness, we treat with an 80% solution of cuprosan, 50% benplan or 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Olive spot. The disease affects terrestrial organs. Spots appear on the leaves, which eventually become corrugated. Ulcers appear on the petioles of leaves and shoots, covered with an olive coating. The ovaries dry out and fall off, and the fruits of watermelons become covered with ulcers.

Control measures . Removing weeds and plant debris. Compliance with crop rotation rules. Treating the beds with a suspension of 50% benplan, 80% cuprosan, 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Gray mold (botrytis). The ovaries acquire a watery consistency. The berries of diseased plants become moldy. Cool weather may contribute to progression.

Control measures . Removing weeds and cutting out diseased tissue. We spray watermelon plantings with a solution of a mixture of 10 grams of urea, 2 grams of copper sulfate, 1 gram of zinc sulfate, diluted in 10 liters of water. We treat the affected tissues with a mixture of powdered chalk and 1% copper sulfate (2:1).


Wireworms. These pests are the larvae of click beetles and eat away young tissues of the root system.

Fighting methods . Timely destruction of weeds and plant debris on which wireworms like to accumulate. Annual spring deoxidation of the soil.

Spider mite. Watermelon plantings are often attacked. Active reproduction occurs in dry and hot weather. It accumulates en masse at the bottom of the leaf. Weightless cobwebs are visible in their habitats. Over time, light spots will appear on the leaves (at the site of tissue punctures). The leaves will become discolored and dry out.

Control measures . Regular inspection of the plant. Burning diseased leaves. Timely removal of weeds. In dry and hot weather, spray watermelon plantings with an infusion of onion-garlic peels (200 g/10 l).

melon aphid. Pests gather in large colonies on the stems and lower leaves of watermelon. Insects reproduce quite quickly and therefore complete damage to the plant can occur within a few days. These sucking pests damage foliage, fruit ovaries, flowers.

Control measures . Regular removal of weeds and plant debris, compliance with crop rotation rules. During the pollination period, regularly spray watermelons with water.

How to grow square watermelons?

Unlike a regular watermelon, the square representative is grown by force. To grow berries like this original form you will need:

  • seeds;
  • form.

First of all, we need to carefully consider the shape, for which we will need the following materials:

  1. Polycarbonate (any color). The main thing is that its width is less than 8 mm.
  2. Gate hinges ( small sizes). For careful fastening of all sides of our future form.
  3. Screws. They must be no less than 25 mm and no more than 40 mm in size.
  4. Steel or aluminum corner. 90 cm is enough.
  5. Nuts, washers, flat head screws.

The tools we need are:

  • drill;
  • jigsaw (if you don’t have such a tool, you can replace it with a hacksaw);
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • ruler;
  • hole saw.

How to make a mold for watermelons?

  1. We cut the entire polycarbonate into pieces equal to each other.
  2. We take the first sheet and cut a hole in it measuring 25 mm. For convenience, you can use hole saw. With help hand hacksaw or a jigsaw, we make two parallel cuts from a round hole.
  3. We take the second piece of polycarbonate and connect it to the first part. In this case, it is necessary that the end overlaps. We connect using gate hinges.
  4. Based on the sizes of the two connected parts, we prepare another pair of sides that will serve as inserts.
  5. We insert them into the inside of the box and adjust them to size.
  6. We fasten with screws. For more reliable fixation, screw two screws into each end.
  7. Next, we install the bottom of our structure and fasten it, also using hinges.

The shape for square watermelons is ready.

Landing . On average, it takes 2.5 months to grow a square watermelon. In open ground conditions, this can be done only after there is no longer any threat of frost. But at home you can do this throughout the year. Just remember one condition - the temperature must be maintained at about 27-28 degrees.

Before planting, watermelon seeds must be germinated in peat or flower soil. After this, we transfer the seedlings into the holes and wait.

Looking for ripe watermelons?

Square watermelons have the same ripeness characteristics as round ones:

  • the stalk becomes dry;
  • the crust begins to fade and is difficult to pierce with a finger;
  • the part of the skin that lies on the ground begins to turn white.

Popular varieties of watermelons

Early and ultra-early varieties

Sugar Baby. Ultra early variety. From cotyledon leaves to the first watermelon – 1.5 months. The berry is spherical in shape, weighing from 2 to 6.4 kg. The pulp of watermelon is carmine-ruby, palpably coarse, with a mild odor and an excellent sweet taste. The fruits themselves are dark green in color, with barely distinct dark stripes. Resistant to fruit anthracnose and fungal diseases. Easy to care for.

Crimson suite. The shape of watermelons is spherical with chic colors. Berry weight is 9-11.5 kg. The pulp has a dark rich red color, which has a pleasant crunch when eaten. Resistant to fusarium.

Skorik. The fruits are large with stripes. The pulp inside is dense, bright scarlet in color and has a good taste. Before harvesting the first fruits - from 65 to 90 days. The pulp is red, fibrous, but tender, with good juiciness. Productivity is consistently high, early harvest returns are favorable.

Krasen. The fruits are round and smooth. Ripening period is 66-83 days. Watermelon bark is thin. Fruit weight is up to 6-8 kg. The flesh of watermelon is purple-crimson or red. The fruits are able to retain all their qualities for a month. Resistant to fusarium wilt and anthracnose of fruits.

Mid-season varieties

Astrakhan. The shape of the watermelon is round or elongated-round, with a smooth and shiny rind. Ripening period is 71-81 days. Average weight fetus - 5.6 kilograms. Productivity is good.

Black Prince. Ripening period is 72-103 days. The fruits are narrowly cylindrical, the background is dark greenish to impenetrably dark green. The shell is of typical thickness. Weight – up to 10 kg. Tolerant to high and low temperatures. After removal, it can be stored for up to 53 days.

Lunar. The fruit is smooth and shaped like a wide ellipse. The weight of the fetus can reach up to 3 kilograms. Retains its taste for a month.

Volzhanin. The shape of the fruit is elongated, round, smooth. The weight of the fetus is up to 6 kilograms. The pulp is dark red-raspberry, tender, of good juiciness, with a “watermelon”, pleasant aroma. Drought resistant. Taste qualities can be preserved for one month after harvesting.

Late varieties

Chill. It is the most famous late-ripening variety of watermelon. Watermelons grow large, weighing up to 25 kg, in the shape of an ellipse. The taste is excellent. The shelf life can be more than three months. Susceptible to Fusarium wilt and anthracnose of fruits.

Spring. Ripening time is about 100 days. The weight of the fruit is up to 3 kg, elongated - spherical in shape with a smooth skin. The pulp is deep red, sweet, and has good juiciness. The fruits of this variety can also be pickled.

Icarus. Ripening time is about 100 days. The fruit has the shape of a wide ellipse. The weight of a watermelon can be from 3 to 15 kg. The pulp is reddish-crimson in color, very sweet and tender. This variety can also be used for pickling or candied fruits.


As you can see, growing watermelons is quite accessible to everyone. If you wish, you can grow excellent berries in open ground. The main thing is to take advantage simple tips that you found in this article.