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What is the best wallpaper paint? Wallpaper paint - tips on the right selection and technique for applying different types of paint (100 photos). Latex paint for paintable wallpaper

Wallpapers are designed to decorate the interior of the room, more specifically - the walls. Their diversity is able to bring a unique style to the room of the house.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to paint the wallpaper. Most often this is due to the fact that the old color is boring, and there is no possibility or desire to re-glue the new ones.

However, there are other reasons as well. For example, they are dirty or faded. Painting will update appearance wallpaper, transforming the interior of the room. It is important to approach this process correctly. And its key elements is the choice of paint for wallpaper for painting. And already from it should be repelled.

Painting wallpaper will help you quickly change the interior

Paintable wallpapers are those varieties to which the buyer can independently give the desired color. They are mostly white, with a relief over the entire surface. Ordinary wallpaper, not paintable, it is undesirable to paint.

Painting tools

The most suitable tool for painting wallpaper is paint roller. It has a large contact area and is easy to work with. There are several types of roller: velor, fur and foam rubber. All of them differ in material of manufacture and length. working surface. Therefore, they are suitable for different situations.

Roller - most suitable tool for painting wallpaper

For example, a roller with a long nap will be able to deeply color the glass fiber material. And with a short one, just go through the texture.

Roller with long pile

The foam rubber type of the roller provides the smallest area of ​​​​contact with the surface. When stained with it, small bubbles without color will appear on the wallpaper, since the surface is porous.

Foam roller with handle

For each situation, each type of paint for wallpaper and their material, a specific roller should be selected. With this approach, coloring can be done as quickly as possible, and most importantly - with high quality.

Paint brushes are less effective. However, they can paint over hard-to-reach places where the roller cannot reach. Basically, these are corners or joints.

Paint brushes will help paint hard-to-reach places

Types of paint

In total, there are several suitable colors for wallpaper for painting. The main ones are acrylic, alkyd and water-dispersion varieties. All of them differ in price category, operating conditions and other characteristics. For this reason, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with them before choosing a paint directly.

Alkyd paints for wallpaper for painting

This type of paint is intended primarily for use in non-residential or utility rooms dwellings. This area of ​​application is associated with possible harm for health from them. The fact is that alkyd paints contain various oils and resins that negatively affect the body. People who are in a room with such painted wallpaper may become ill over time. Plus, it can lead to serious respiratory diseases.

Alkyd paint for wallpaper for painting

However, despite their harm in alkyd paints, there are a number of undeniable advantages. They are more saturated in color, such coloring for wallpaper will look nice in utility rooms. It is also worth noting their high durability. These paints tolerate high humidity well, and also do not lose their color under prolonged exposure to lighting. They also contain antifungal additives. Thanks to this, wallpapers painted with alkyd paints will not start to rot.

Due to its water-repellent properties, alkyd paint is suitable for painting the bathroom.

Their service life averages about five years. Over time, their appearance deteriorates. It is also worth adding the fact that alkyd paints belong to the class of fire hazardous. This reduces the scope of their application.

To summarize, alkyd paints are absolutely not suitable for wallpapering in residential areas of the house. Because they are harmful to the human body. But they will fit perfectly in the back rooms. At a price per liter, they are quite low.

Water-dispersion paints

This type of paint for painting is currently the most popular and used. Unlike acrylic, the water-dispersion variety does not contain any harmful components, oils and resins. For this reason, it is perfect for painting wallpaper in the living areas of the house. Plus, there are countless color variations. So water-dispersion paint for wallpaper will perfectly fit into any interior of the room, adding beauty and uniqueness to it.

Water-dispersion paints have a rich color range

She herself is divided into several key subspecies. The first of these is latex paint on a water-dispersion acrylic basis. It is intended primarily for painting non-woven wallpaper with a relief texture. Also suitable for fiberglass. Latex paint dries quickly, has a slight smell. It is barely noticeable and not repulsive. Therefore, it is possible to paint it with the kitchen, and the bedroom, and the living room, as well as other living quarters of the dwelling. But it is not suitable for the bathroom, where the humidity is high.

Painting wallpaper with latex paint

There is also just latex paint on a water-dispersion basis, not acrylic. It is characterized by its durability. The composition of the paint includes acrylic latex, as well as butadiene-styrene. Thanks to this, its elasticity is achieved. In stores, this kind of paint is most often sold white. Colors can be added to it using tinting. Basically, only soft shades are obtained, sharp ones are almost unattainable.

You can give latex paint the desired color using color

Acrylic paint for wallpaper for painting

Acrylic variety is very popular in all varieties painting work. Including in the living quarters of the apartment. Even for children's rooms, due to its complete harmlessness. Therefore, this paint for wallpaper is very suitable. It does not contain any harmful ingredients or chemicals. It is completely safe for human health. But due to the extensive list of benefits acrylic paint considered one of the most expensive.

Acrylic paint is completely safe, so it is ideal for painting children's rooms.

Water-based acrylic paint designed for non-woven materials. However, some of its varieties are also suitable for paper wallpaper and fiberglass. Including for preliminary priming. Water-based acrylic paint differs from latex water-dispersion paints in its saturation. Wallpaper painted by her can look very bright. Another plus is the fact that over time the color is not lost. Water-based acrylic paint on wallpaper will last a very long time, there will be no reason for re-painting during the entire period of operation.

Acrylic paint is fade resistant

This variety is completely devoid of any odors. This is one of the positive differences from water-dispersion paint, which smells specific. The film is not formed during staining. For this reason, the wallpaper under the paint can breathe, which prevents the steam from accumulating in the room. And the final advantage is its drying time. It takes only one day. After that, you can touch the wallpaper without fear of getting dirty or ruining the paint.

Acrylic paint dries quickly and is odorless

Water based paint

Water-based paint is a combination of latex (acrylate), antiseptic, filler and bonding chemical components. As well as acrylic and water-dispersion, it is environmentally friendly. Therefore, it is suitable for painting work in residential areas.

Water-based paint is characterized by moisture resistance. Wallpaper that has been painted with her can be washed with a damp cloth. It won't do any damage to them. It also has absolutely no smell. In view of this, it can be used in a children's room, without fear of an allergic reaction in a child.

Water-based paint is highly moisture resistant

This type of paint dries quickly, one day is enough. The film formed on the wallpaper "breathes". The paint has a high vapor permeability, it will not accumulate condensation.

Water-based paint dries within one day

Due to its performance characteristics, water-based paint on silicone is suitable for painting wallpaper in the kitchen and even in the bathroom. This is due to the increased resistance to moisture.

Water-based paint suitable for painting wallpaper in the kitchen

Competent choice of paint for wallpaper

The choice of paint should be based on two main factors: the material of the wallpaper and the place of their gluing. But besides them, there are many other, less important elements that need to be considered.

Most often you can find four materials for wallpaper:

  • Paper. The simplest and most common variety, has a low price.

Paper wallpaper for painting

  • Non-woven. This type of wallpaper is made from cellulose fiber and various additives. They differ in their texture and relief.

Textured non-woven wallpaper

  • Glass fiber. This variety is characterized by its durability. But to change the color requires a large number paints.

Durable glass wallpaper for painting

  • Vinyl. This is a very reliable material for wallpaper, but their gluing will be very expensive.

Vinyl wallpaper for pokarski

For classic paper wallpapers, water-based paint is suitable. For non-woven - water-dispersion. Fiberglass is best painted with acrylic or latex paint.

It is important to note that in rooms with high humidity it is best to use paint that tolerates this mode. She is acrylic and latex. These species tolerate a small amount of liquid, they can even be wiped with a damp cloth. This is due to the thin film that forms on the wallpaper as a result of painting.

Wallpapers painted with latex paint easily tolerate wet cleaning

All paints have a certain light reflectance: matte and semi-gloss, satin and glossy. All of them apply to different rooms Houses.

Glossy paint for wallpaper for painting

Matte and semi-gloss paint is more suitable for rooms with excessive lighting. For example, the living room. Glossy, on the contrary, reflects light well, therefore it is applicable in rooms with its lack. Satin paint has average performance, suitable for kitchen and bedroom.

Wallpaper painted with matte paint

The most suitable wallpaper for painting are non-woven and glass. They have high performance and wear resistance. But it is very important to choose the right paint for each wallpaper. This will only increase their durability. It also enhances the look of the product. As a result, a room with non-woven or glass wallpaper will sparkle with new colors.

Non-woven wallpaper - the best option for painting

Painting features

After the choice of paint in which the wallpaper will be painted is made, it remains to familiarize yourself with the specifics of the process. This is done in order to avoid unnecessary mistakes, and the result in the end was pleasing to the eye, and did not require rework. Painting features differ for each wallpaper and type of paint, so they should be considered in more detail.

For paper wallpapers

Paper wallpapers for painting are made in multilayer. Usually there are two or three. This ensures the reusability of painting. Manufacturers recommend changing the color of paper wallpaper no more than five times. After their structure collapses, and they decay.

Paper materials for wallpaper are very cheap, so their quality is not high enough. For quality painting one coat is sufficient. The wallpaper should not be heavily impregnated with paint. It is enough to apply a layer superficially. If after that some stains or color defects remain on the wallpaper, then it can be supplemented with a second one.

Water-based paint suitable for paper wallpaper for painting

For paper wallpaper, water-based paint is most suitable. The product will serve in this form for several years, without losing its appearance.

For non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper is the best option for painting. The material itself is quite high quality and reliable. The texture of the wallpaper is embossed, and this is not lost as a result of coloring. For non-woven wallpaper, latex or water-dispersion paints are more suitable. In total, the material tolerates up to 15 repainting cycles.

Wallpaper for painting as a way to decorate a room is characterized by decorative and practical properties. And the range of modern materials allows you to choose a new wall color at least every year. What types of paint for wallpaper for painting are on the market today, and which option should you choose?

Observing the painting technology and choosing quality materials, you can regularly change the interior. Properly selected paint for wallpaper for painting will ensure the resistance of the material to moisture and exposure to sunlight. Modern options paintwork material are considered environmentally friendly and do not contain harmful impurities.

Paint for wallpaper for painting: colors

When choosing paint for wallpaper, it is worth considering the type of base on which it will be applied. The surface of the wallpaper can be smooth, textured or patterned.

Initially, wallpaper for painting are colorless and light-colored canvases with different textures.

Coloring materials according to their ability to reflect light are divided into the following types:

  1. Glossy paint provides extra light reflection and shine. It is used for rooms with a deficit of sunlight.
  2. The semi-gloss composition is characterized best indicator reflective and applied to many residential areas.
  3. Matte surface is recommended for spacious rooms, it absorbs light.
  4. Semi matte finish has a slight glare. Suitable for living room or bedroom.
  5. The composition with a satin effect is suitable for a bathroom or kitchen.

If the texture has a certain pattern, then the selected shade must match the base. The surface with wood imitation is painted in light brown tones.

At home, you can independently achieve the desired shade. To do this, the base color is mixed with pigments.

The resulting solution is pre-tested on a piece of wallpaper, as the color of the mixture in the bucket and the shade on the wall can be very different.

When choosing a paint color for wallpaper for painting, you must consider the following recommendations:

  1. In rooms facing south, the surface of the walls is painted with cold shades: green, blue, purple.
  2. For rooms that are located on the north side, warm and bright hues: beige, yellow, pink, sand.
  3. If there is a lack of daylight in the room, then it is recommended to choose a light color palette for painting.

Choice colors affects functional purpose rooms. The living room is considered the main place for relaxation and gathering of the whole family. Here it is permissible to use red shades, which act excitingly on nervous system. For a calm environment, blue or green color. Soft shades of yellow uplift and energize.

If the walls in a spacious room are painted in warm colors, then the room will visually decrease and become more comfortable. Dark and bright shades also contribute to the visual reduction of space.

Painting the ceiling depends on the height of the walls. If the height is up to three meters, then the shade of the ceiling is selected two tones lighter than the surface of the walls. If the height of the walls is more than three meters, then dark colors can also be used for the ceiling.
It should be borne in mind that no paint for painting wallpaper will mask texture defects.

Paint for wallpaper for painting, which is better?

When choosing paint for wallpaper, you need to consider all the options. paintwork materials and explore their pros and cons.

Alkyd paint

Alkyd solutions are not used for painting wallpaper in residential areas. The composition of such paints contains oils and resins that adversely affect human health.

At the same time, alkyd paints have the following features:

  1. Resistance to sunbeams and humidity.
  2. Saturation of colors.
  3. The composition contains various additives that protect against fungi.

Alkyd paint and varnish solutions have a short service life.

Water-dispersion paints

Most often, water-dispersion solutions are used for painting wallpaper. They are harmless to the human body and have an extensive color palette.

Acrylic-based water-dispersion latex paints are designed for painting non-woven fabrics and glass wallpapers. This type of material is used for the walls of living rooms, bedrooms and kitchens. The solution practically does not smell and dries up in the shortest possible time.

latex blend

It is characterized by elasticity and durability. Mixes available at the store white color, and the desired shade is created using tinting. This option allows you to create beautiful pastel shades. Recommended for rooms with high humidity. Painted walls can be wet cleaned.

Water-based formulations are produced with a neutral white base color. To get the desired shade, you will need to apply coloring pigments, which are added in certain proportions and allow you to get a rich color palette.

Water based paint

PVA-based paints are known for their good viscosity and adhesion to a variety of surfaces.
Water-based dyes are not recommended for rooms with high humidity. The paint is suitable for liquid and paper types of wallpaper.

acrylic paint

Acrylic paints are popular because they are safe for health, dry quickly and have little to no smell. A similar composition is suitable for any premises, including rooms for children.

The water-based mixture is suitable for painting non-woven wallpaper, glass and paper sheets. Such paints have greater color saturation than latex solutions. They practically do not fade in the sun.

Acrylic paint has the following advantages:

  1. The material under painting breathes freely.
  2. Resistance to mechanical damage and humidity.
  3. The composition contains antifungal additives.
  4. The painted surface dries quickly.

Wallpaper options for painting

In the bedroom, the wallpaper is less polluted and changed less often, so paper canvases are used indoors. In the living room and hallway, the walls get dirty more often, so materials for painting on non-woven base are recommended.

The fastest wallpaper gets dirty in the nursery or in the kitchen. For such premises, textured non-woven fabrics or fiberglass wallpapers are used.

The following wallpaper options are used for painting:

  1. Non-woven wallpaper consists of two layers, they contain viscose fibers. The non-woven layer lies flat on the wall surface, and upper layer is different decorative pattern from foamed vinyl or pressed interlining. Such materials are elastic and are not afraid of moisture and cracks. Latex and acrylic paints are used for painting.
  2. Paper wallpaper for painting is coated with a special compound that allows you to repel excess moisture. They are used not only for walls, but also for the ceiling. Latex paint is suitable for coloring.
  3. Glass fiber is made of mineral-based fiberglass. The canvases do not lose their decorative characteristics and relief even after numerous dyeings. Suitable for rooms with high humidity. Acrylic and latex types of paints are used for painting.
  4. For vinyl wallpaper acrylic paint is recommended.

Wallpaper for painting can be repainted more than once, but it should be borne in mind that with a frequent change in color, the paint fills the pores of the picture.
Do not buy paint in large quantities. First, it is recommended to take a little to sample. To apply paint to the surface, a paint roller, spray gun or a wide brush is used.

Depending on the design idea, wallpaper painting may not be used for the entire wall surface. To do this, a separate section, a wall, a strip or a section in a frame for a picture is painted. Painting is done bright colors: golden, acid, black or silver.

Modern materials include liquid wallpaper. They create a paper-cellulose layer on the wall surface. Liquid wallpaper must be painted to protect the surface from damage.

The latest paint options for wallpaper provide the widest possibilities to create original and stylish interiors. For each design, you can choose the necessary shades that will allow you to implement projects in a variety of architectural styles.

With the help of paint for wallpaper for painting, you can update your familiar interior in a short time and with minimal material costs. This is especially true if it is not possible to carry out large-scale repairs due to any circumstances. The best solution in this case, the walls will be repainted in a different color.

The modern market of paints and varnishes provides the widest range of paints for wallpaper. It is only necessary to find out what kind this material exist, and for what type of wallpaper they are suitable.

Types of paints for painting wallpaper

Modern materials for painting wallpaper fabrics differ not only in cost, but also in certain properties. All of them can be divided into three types: latex, water-based and acrylic.

water emulsion

Made on the basis of PVA glue, it initially has a white color, however, by coloring, you can easily give the desired shade. As a rule, water-based compositions are used for finishing ceiling wallpapers, but they are often used on walls as well.

They are the most affordable among those listed. And thanks environmental safety can be used to decorate children's rooms.

The disadvantages of this coating include instability to moisture and the ability to fade when exposed to bright sunlight.


Maximum resistance to moisture, acrylic paint for painting wallpapers is not afraid of abrasion and mechanical damage. It has a matte texture, but this does not make it less popular and in demand. Thanks to the widest range of colors, you can easily turn any design ideas into reality.

Acrylic paint has a number of advantages:

  • easy to apply;
  • does not spread;
  • dries quickly;
  • does not fade under the action of sunlight;
  • refers to breathable coatings.

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Due to its excellent performance, it is ideal for finishing rooms with high humidity.

The disadvantages of acrylic paints for wallpaper include their high cost. However, it is largely justified by the listed advantages.


Its main distinguishing features are the highest quality and unique beauty. It forms a luxurious silky texture and truly impresses with its smoothness and chic gloss. Latex paint for wallpaper for painting is more expensive than others, but the costs pay off with ideal properties and a long service life.

It is worth noting that latex-based wallpaper coatings are usually divided into several types, differing in the degree of gloss and resistance to moisture, which is certainly indicated on the packaging.

Choosing the right wallpaper paint

  1. For coloring paper-based wallpaper, any of the listed paints is suitable. The best option– choose latex products. They can be applied in very thin layers. At the same time, the canvases themselves will not be weighted, and their operational properties will become much better. Usage water-based compositions will allow you to save significantly.
  2. Non-woven wallpaper can be painted with acrylic or latex types of paints. Not everyone knows that this type of wallpaper can be painted not only from the outside, but also from the back. To do this, apply paint to the back of the canvas and, after complete drying, stick on the walls. The paint will come through front side only in those places where the polymer is absent. In this case, the tone will become somewhat different, and the surface will acquire an interesting texture.
  3. Only acrylic paint is suitable for painting vinyl wallpaper. You can also paint them on both sides. In this case, the texture will be preserved, but the shade will become somewhat different.
  4. If you decide to paint fiberglass wallpaper options, you can emphasize their beauty and originality. In this case, it is worth using latex and acrylic products. They will help to show and maximize the texture of these wallpapers.

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Color spectrum

Paint for wallpaper for painting is presented in the widest range, which makes it easy to choose the desired shade. Not only classical, but also extravagant tastes will be easily satisfied.

If you want to create a romantic atmosphere in the room, you should give preference to pastel colors. When creating stylish interiors, you can choose cold light colors. Bright shades will give the room a certain zest and originality.

If you want to paint the walls in one color or another, most likely you will need tinting, which involves mixing several colors using a computer or on your own.

At home, you can create the desired color by adding a coloring pigment to the base color. This is easy enough to do if you have some practice. However, it is worth remembering that the paint for wallpaper for painting on the wall will have a slightly different shade after drying. Based on this, after adding the pigment and obtaining the desired result, you need to apply it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wallpaper and wait until it dries completely.

Computer tinting allows you to immediately determine how much pigment is needed in order to create a certain shade after it dries. If the purchased amount of paint is not enough, subsequent tinting will allow you to get the exact same shade, which is extremely difficult to achieve in the case of self-coloring.

To determine if the chosen shade suits you, you need to test it. To do this, you need to buy a small can of paint and apply it on square meter wallpaper. After it dries completely, it will become clear whether you are satisfied with the result.


The type of wallpaper affects the paint consumption, since they all differ in absorbency. At the same time, you will determine the quantity only approximately, since even the same type of canvas from different manufacturers may differ in characteristics.

If the wallpaper is not absorbent, 1 liter of paint is needed per 10 square meters. If they absorb well, 1 liter is only enough for 8 square meters. After that, it remains to calculate the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and find out required amount paints. Of course, it is better to buy it with a small margin.

Sometimes indoor repairs are not just a whim, but also a need, for example, in the case when the room is exposed to high humidity, which primarily affects the walls. Paintable wallpaper paint is a great help in solving this and other problems. Also, this finishing option perfectly dilutes the appearance of the room and is simply comfortable. Walls after correct staining can be washed, easily restored or repainted again.

At first glance, the process of painting seems complicated and difficult for those who first encounter this procedure. But of course, paint for wallpaper for painting requires a painstaking and serious attitude. The owner of the room needs to determine several points:

Having decided on these issues and having purchased all necessary materials, you can start self-decoration premises.

What wallpaper can be painted?

It should be noted that not all types of wallpaper can be painted. What are possible? Some types of wall coverings may simply not withstand increased moisture or may not lend themselves to uniform coloring. Also, inexpensive paper wallpapers simply break apart, bubble and peel off - it is better to remove them first and stick others instead.

To make the walls look more than presentable, it is better not to save on buying wallpaper and stop at quality coating. Ideal Options for painting are non-woven and vinyl wallpaper. Their relief coating is suitable for coloring as well as possible.

Important: If you purchased wallpaper for painting, regardless of colors and tones, they must be covered with paint. What is the use of this, if the color palette of such wallpapers is so large that you can choose something that will fit into the interior without painting? Everything is simple. Staining canvases will significantly increase the operational life wall covering, and the room itself will look even more colorful.

Another option for wallpaper for coloring is glass. This material harmoniously looks in any color palette, it is easy to color. The choice of this material on the modern market is quite wide, the buyer can find for himself an option with a pattern that is better suited to complement the design of the room. It is worth noting that the price of this type of wallpaper is not too high and affordable.

Thus, which type of wallpaper to choose for painting is not too difficult, the main thing is not to get hung up on the cost of one or another type of coating and it can serve the owner for more than one year.

What paint to choose?

What paint is best for coloring? In the question of which paint to choose, you should rely only on the opinions of experts who know a lot about repairs. For do-it-yourself painting, experts absolutely do not recommend using oil-type paints. If the composition of the paint also includes any type of solvent, then its use for painting wallpaper is completely prohibited. Such a composition can destroy the wallpaper structure and completely ruin the appearance, making the canvases unsuitable for long service.

It is recommended to use slightly aggressive latex paints for glass wall papers. They will not affect the structure of the coating in any way and will gently sit on its surface. But for the paper version, it is recommended to use a water-based composition.

If the selected wallpaper is non-woven, not only more expensive latex paints will suit them. An excellent and more affordable option is acrylic paints. And if you want to save the wallpaper to the maximum long term- it is recommended to cover the painted, dried canvases with varnish.

Important: When applying varnish to the wallpaper, the owner will no longer be able to repaint them. To repaint in a different color, the coating will need to be torn off and replaced with a new one.

Acrylic paints are also a recommended option for vinyl wallpapers. But the structure can be completely arbitrary. The owner can choose both matte and glossy paints, this aspect depends on the individual preferences and taste of the owner of the premises.

It is worth noting that matte paints are great for hiding defects when the walls are uneven and clearly curved.

Brush or roller?

High-quality painting of the surface of the wallpaper can be done using a roller. But instead of it, masters do not recommend using a brush. Even a brush with expensive, high-quality bristles has several drawbacks when painting wallpaper:

  • Quite a large time investment.
  • Non-uniform coloring.
  • The need for building paint in several layers.
  • Increase in paint costs.
  • Difficulties in painting areas near the ceiling.

But the choice of roller must also be painstaking. He must have good properties absorbing paint and at the same time, the roller should not spatter the paint or allow it to flow freely. To paint the walls, it is better to buy a new, previously unused nozzle.

It is worth stopping by choosing one of two options for rollers:

  1. With a small nozzle (within 10 cm).
  2. With a large nozzle (within 25 cm).

For perfect coloring, you can alternately apply both options. So, a small nozzle is great for hard-to-reach areas. A wider nozzle will help make the walls uniform in tone and shade, the transitions will be invisible, and the process of applying the paint will be several times faster. Rollers with large nozzles are especially convenient when painting in one layer.

How to choose the right tone?

Paint for wallpaper for painting does not always have the necessary tone, many manufacturers do not focus on a variety of colors, so their palette is rather boring. It often happens that the paint depicted on the can differs from the indicated shade or, lying on the walls, looks completely different. It is due to these factors that it is better to create the necessary tone yourself. To do this, you need to buy ordinary white paint and a pigment of the desired shade. By mixing them in certain proportions, you can almost always get the desired shade.

There are two procedures, with the help of which you can get the desired color, which is not in the already finished palette. You can mix the paint with the pigment yourself, or you can use special equipment for tinting. The second option is always more reliable and is able to give a shade that is optimally close to the owner's idea.

The choice of colors for the room, among other things, has some features of individual tones that cannot be ignored.

  • Dark blue, black, gray are colors that absorb light and make rooms look dark and dull. Also, a dark blue tint makes the room feel colder. So, these shades are not recommended for decoration. living rooms and especially the bedrooms.
  • Light colors such as beige and white flowers can expand the space of the room visually. To obtain the same effect, it is recommended to use mother-of-pearl tones and glossy paints.
  • You can put some accent in the room by using red and orange flowers. They should be used locally.
  • If there is a desire to make the room as natural as possible and bring the design closer to the natural interior, it is better to use shades of green, brown and blue.
  • But warm among which are shades of pink and yellow flowers will create a feeling of special comfort and warmth in the room. These colors are perfect for bedrooms and kitchens.

Painting wallpaper is a procedure that can be applied to any style of interior. Coloring is not able to spoil any style, if you choose the right tone from the color palette. The very way of decorating a room in this way has great authority and is becoming increasingly popular due to several factors:

  • Ease of design.
  • Low cost.
  • Stylish appearance.
  • The ability to create the desired tone of paint yourself.
  • Low wear, durability and reliability.

How to paint yourself?

Important: Any paint materials must be applied to a dry surface. In addition, you can not paint wallpapers that have been glued to the wall recently and have not had time to dry properly. It is better to wait a couple of days and only after the canvases stick to the wall, start the paint application procedure.

Often, wallpapers intended for painting are pure white. This greatly simplifies the choice of paint tone for coloring. Thus, you can let your imagination run wild and choose any of the possible shades, knowing that the painting will be successful and the tone uniform.

Important: In the case when there is a desire to repaint the wallpaper of a dark color into a lighter one, you first need to paint it in a neutral color and only then apply the desired tone.

Self-painting has several stages:

  1. Preparation of material for staining. The coloring composition is brought to the desired tone, thoroughly mixed and, if necessary, diluted.
  2. Masking tape closes all elements that can accidentally be painted. These include the joints of the floor and walls, as well as plinths, parts of the ceiling and others at the discretion of the owner.
  3. The painting process is underway. It must necessarily pass in one go, otherwise the tone will turn out to be heterogeneous and bright joints and stains of paint will be traced. Therefore, the room must be painted in one stage during the day.
  4. After the first layer of paint has dried, proceed to apply the second layer. Two coats are sufficient in almost all cases to obtain the desired staining result.

Thus, painting is not so difficult, and it takes only 2-3 hours to apply paint in one layer in a classic living room. There are some details that you need to observe and know in detail, for example, the features of the preparatory work.

Foundation preparation

If the base of the wall is burdened with old wallpaper or uneven walls, all this must be carefully removed. Only after that you can break the wall with new canvases. Wallpaper for painting is very easy to use and pliable when glued. So, everyone who first decided to stick wallpaper for painting can cope with it without problems and unnecessary hassle.

Important: Vinyl wallpaper can be heavy after applying adhesive. To reduce the mass, it is enough to let the glue applied to the wallpaper dry.

Paint preparation

The white base paint is poured into a bucket or suitable container. After the paint must be brought to a working state, making its structure similar to the consistency of fatty milk. Water is often used for this, and the volume required is usually indicated on the can. After you need to add color.

Important: The shade must be constantly checked on the section of the wall, which is the most inconspicuous. So you can protect yourself and correct the situation in time if the tone turned out to be inappropriate.

Compliance with all rules self painting will make this process as simple and easy as possible, and the resulting result will be pleasant and expected, one that will justify all the hopes of the owners.

The ability to paint the wallpaper in the color you prefer opens up wide design possibilities and allows you to enliven the interior, give it a twist and novelty. Paint for painting wallpaper - which one to choose? How to choose the material for painting in accordance with the wallpaper? What color do you prefer?

How to paint wallpaper?

As you know, you can paint only three types of wallpaper:

  • non-woven;
  • cullet;
  • paper.

Liquid wallpaper often does not paint, the color is achieved by adding pigments of various shades to the mixture. If you hear the phrase "paint liquid wallpaper", then, most likely, we are talking about painting the wall, on which these same wallpapers will subsequently be applied.

Painting process

For non-woven coating, acrylic and latex are used (this mixture is also called water-dispersion). Latex is applicable only for painting from the outside, but acrylic is more versatile - using this option, you can paint walls with inside the color you need, and it will definitely show through as it dries to the outside. Thus, you will get a rather unusual, muted shade of the walls.

Paper wallpaper paint various types paints, but in this case it is better to choose latex, which is distinguished by a thin layer of application. If you want to save money, you can also use PVA-based mixtures.

Which option to choose for vinyl type wall covering? Paint for vinyl wallpaper should be acrylic, but if they are non-woven, then feel free to use latex.

Now consider the characteristics of paints in more detail.

Paints based on PVA, water-borne

The main advantage is low price, the main disadvantage is instability to moisture. Therefore, such mixtures can only be used in dry rooms, avoiding kitchens and bathrooms. Such mixtures for coloring based on PVA are not subject to computer tinting - you have to select the color manually, resulting in predominantly light shades.


Sufficiently resistant to wet rubbing. With their help, the surface can turn out to be matte (matte ones are produced by Innenlatex, Ultra, Tikkurila), which looks very nice in the interior. Latex paints dry quickly after application - certain varieties dry so quickly that their application requires extreme speed from the painter.

Distinguish between water-dispersion latex paint and acrylic-latex water-dispersion paint. Latex gives the surface a matte finish.


This is paint for non-woven wallpaper. Acrylics are water-based paints, which are the most popular of mixtures that are applied over wallpaper, but only on the condition that they are diluted with water before use. They have a number of advantages:

1) do not fade in the sun,

2) are elastic,

3) have long term operation.

Acrylic is perfectly tinted - you can achieve up to 15,000 different shades. Acrylic paints can be repainted from 5 to 15 times, while saving on changing the wall covering, but successfully updating the interior of the room. In addition, acrylic mixtures can create excellent painting.

When applying latex paints, the surface of the wall is glossy. Similar options can be seen in the photo.


As a rule, they are used for painting glass wall papers. They are able to create on the surface of a wall or ceiling protective film, which protects it from the effects of various chemical factors. Wallpaper on which alkyd paint is applied can be safely washed with all kinds of detergents without worrying about losing their quality. However, it also has its drawbacks - in particular, it does not let air through and contains toxic substances, so you should not paint wallpaper with it in children's rooms and kitchens. In general, it is better not to use alkyd paint in residential premises.

What paint for wallpaper for painting is better?

Experts advise choosing water-based paints, which are actively used both for internal and for exterior finish premises. Water-based mixtures include:

  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • silicate;
  • mineral.

Among the undoubted advantages of water emulsions are the following:

  1. Fast drying, already within a few hours.
  2. Harmlessness. During work, you do not need to leave the premises.
  3. No specific odor.
  4. Large selection of pigments that give the mixture a wide variety of shades.
  5. Easy application.
  6. Quick cleaning of tools after the completion of painting work.

But at the same time, it is worth considering that it is possible to paint walls with this substance only at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees.

When buying such a mixture, be sure to pay attention to the following technical characteristics:

  • viscosity;
  • consumption;
  • storage conditions;
  • specific gravity;
  • best before date;
  • compound.

The most popular paint for wallpaper for painting is acrylic. In its composition, the main component is acrylic resins. Sometimes latex is added to acrylic options, which makes them resistant to water. You can also separate them according to the appearance of the wall covering.

By external type coatings distinguish the following types of coloring mixtures:

  1. Matte is most often used for halls and large rooms.
  2. Semi-matt allow you to get a slight shine, they are used for bedrooms.
  3. Glossy ones are great for darkened rooms (they look very impressive in the photo), but when used for lighter rooms, discomfort may occur. In general, in residential premises you should not use this option.

Color solution

The color may vary according to your desire, but it should be noted that it is very difficult to achieve the desired shade on your own, so it is recommended to use a computer. Color tinting is carried out directly in the store where the paint was purchased.

Colors and color palette for paintable background

If you decide to fill the background with a drawing background image, you just need to choose a color. It is necessary that the color be of high quality, power and reasonable price, and tests have confirmed this.

orange walls in the bedroom

Choose a background color

The color palette for wallpaper today is the most diverse.

You will find the most interesting colors and shades. The color palette for coloring the background does not leave users disappointed. Wide spectrum helps solve the problem optimal choice. In addition, you can contact the warehouse manager of the building or consult the reviews of the products you need. In the picture you can see all types of flowers.

Color palette

Consumer comments about the best options choosing a background color for drawing

The greatest demand and popularity is the possibility of acrylic painting background paint.

Give priority because it has great results. Acrylic background color is wear-resistant and durable. In addition, it can be washed.

If you have not made such a painting part, first ask to buy a small amount of flowers, such as 1 liter.

Do not remove manufacturer's name and color labels. At home, you can only paint a section that does not exceed 1 m. After drying, you can review the result of your work and decide how much you like. If you get the desired effect, it's time to go back to the store and buy a color.

Color consumption is difficult to predict.

For painting walls, from 200 to 250 g per square meter is used. Calculate color consumption more accurately, you will recommend the manufacturer's instructions. Using the information in the guide, you can specify the color flow for each room in your house or apartment. And for professional tinting, we advise you to choose colors more easily than the one you chose from the catalog.

acrylic color

Acrylic color will be a good choice if the background:

  • vinyl;
  • non-woven fleece;
  • paper.

It is also suitable for fiberglass wallpaper.

The principle of painting is very simple: apply a smooth coat of paint with a spray or roller on the prepared surface (leveled and dry) as shown in the picture.

Such paint can be painted, with the exception of wallpaper, other substrates: gypsum cement or cement lime, wood, concrete, brick.

This color has its own advantages and possibilities. It is easy to clean, highlights the structure of the surface for painting. The eyeshadow palette will amaze you with its variety. Doesn't work when applied to walls.

To completely dry the color, just wait 1 day. It is worth noting that this base is ideal for rooms with high humidity.

Water based color

background coloring water paint will help maintain an optimal microclimate in the room. An excellent opportunity to paint surfaces made of concrete, plaster, brick, as well as sticky wallpaper.

Although it is white, the colored pigments give the desired hue.

That's why he has a rich palette. The color is safe and safe for environment. It dries quickly - it takes about 2-3 days to dry completely. This mixture is great for painting products:

  • paper;
  • glass fabric;
  • fiberglass.

Performance characteristics of Tikkurila

The background color of Tikkurila is very different from the rest of the latex paint with a soft silky sheen.

Its indisputable advantage is an impressive emphasis on the relief of building products. It is an ideal choice for walls and ceilings. In the picture you can see the color palette of this latex paint.

This backdrop is perfect for background coloring. Products do not irrigate, they do not lag behind later wall surfaces.

So, by itself, you don't need to stick to the background. It is best that the color is suitable for products on non-woven surfaces. For application to the surface of the walls, a special roller is used.

Modern materials allow you to create unique design for homeowners.

Using a background for visualization is a great feature for those who like change, make a difference.

Choose a color for the background color

The main thing is that the color is chosen correctly.

Different surfaces require the use of different colors. This is necessary because the products are different chemical composition. For this purpose, a color containing ingredients of chemically active solvents is considered completely unsuitable: it simply dissolves surface layer outside.

If you want to choose a color, you can try adding pigment and try it on reverse side wallpaper.

Wallpaper for painting as a way to decorate a room is characterized by decorative and practical properties. And the range of modern materials allows you to choose a new wall color at least every year. What types of paint for wallpaper for painting are on the market today, and which option should you choose?

By following the painting technology and choosing high-quality materials, you can regularly change the interior.

Properly selected paint for wallpaper for painting will ensure the resistance of the material to moisture and exposure to sunlight. Modern versions of paint and varnish material are considered environmentally friendly and do not contain harmful impurities.

Paint for wallpaper for painting: colors

When choosing paint for wallpaper, it is worth considering the type of base on which it will be applied.

The surface of the wallpaper can be smooth, textured or patterned.

Initially, wallpaper for painting are colorless and light-colored canvases with different textures.

Variety of wallpaper colors.

Coloring materials according to their ability to reflect light are divided into the following types:

  1. Glossy paint provides extra light reflection and shine.

    It is used for rooms with a deficit of sunlight.

  2. The semi-gloss composition is characterized by an optimal indicator of light reflection and is used for many residential premises.
  3. Matte surface is recommended for spacious rooms, it absorbs light.
  4. The semi-matte finish has a slight sheen.

    Suitable for living room or bedroom.

  5. The composition with a satin effect is suitable for a bathroom or kitchen.

If the texture has a certain pattern, then the selected shade must match the base. The surface with wood imitation is painted in light brown tones.

At home, you can independently achieve the desired shade.

To do this, the base color is mixed with pigments.

Choice of shade.

The resulting solution is pre-tested on a piece of wallpaper, as the color of the mixture in the bucket and the shade on the wall can be very different.

When choosing a paint color for wallpaper for painting, you must consider the following recommendations:

  1. In rooms facing south, the surface of the walls is painted with cold shades: green, blue, purple.
  2. For rooms that are located on the north side, warm and light colors are selected: beige, yellow, pink, sand.
  3. If there is a lack of daylight in the room, then it is recommended to choose a light color palette for painting.

The choice of colors is influenced by the functional purpose of the room.

The living room is considered the main place for relaxation and gathering of the whole family. Here it is permissible to use red shades, which act excitingly on the nervous system. For a calm environment, blue or green is suitable.

Choosing paint for wallpaper for painting

Soft shades of yellow uplift and energize.

Cold shades of paint for wallpaper.

If the walls in a spacious room are painted in warm colors, then the room will visually decrease and become more comfortable.

Dark and bright shades also contribute to the visual reduction of space.

Painting the ceiling depends on the height of the walls.

If the height is up to three meters, then the shade of the ceiling is selected two tones lighter than the surface of the walls. If the height of the walls is more than three meters, then dark colors can also be used for the ceiling.
It should be borne in mind that no paint for painting wallpaper will mask texture defects.

Paint for wallpaper for painting, which is better?

When choosing paint for wallpaper, you need to consider all the options for paints and varnishes and study their pros and cons.

Alkyd paint

Alkyd solutions are not used for painting wallpaper in residential areas.

The composition of such paints contains oils and resins that adversely affect human health.

At the same time, alkyd paints have the following features:

  1. Resistant to sunlight and humidity.
  2. Saturation of colors.
  3. The composition contains various additives that protect against fungi.

Bright shades.

Alkyd paint and varnish solutions have a short service life.

Water-dispersion paints

Most often, water-dispersion solutions are used for painting wallpaper.

They are harmless to the human body and have an extensive color palette.

Acrylic-based water-dispersion latex paints are designed for painting non-woven fabrics and glass wallpapers.

This type of material is used for the walls of living rooms, bedrooms and kitchens. The solution practically does not smell and dries up in the shortest possible time.

latex blend

It is characterized by elasticity and durability.

In the store you can buy mixtures of white, and the desired shade is created using tinting. This option allows you to create beautiful pastel shades. Recommended for rooms with high humidity. Painted walls can be wet cleaned.

Water-based formulations are produced with a neutral white base color. To get the desired shade, you will need to apply coloring pigments, which are added in certain proportions and allow you to get a rich color palette.

Selection of colors.

Water based paint

PVA-based paints are known for their good viscosity and adhesion to a variety of surfaces.
Water-based dyes are not recommended for rooms with high humidity.

The paint is suitable for liquid and paper types of wallpaper.

acrylic paint

Acrylic paints are popular because they are safe for health, dry quickly and have little to no smell. A similar composition is suitable for any premises, including rooms for children.

The water-based mixture is suitable for painting non-woven wallpaper, glass and paper sheets.

Such paints have greater color saturation than latex solutions. They practically do not fade in the sun.

Acrylic paint has the following advantages:

  1. The material under painting breathes freely.
  2. Resistance to mechanical damage and humidity.
  3. The composition contains antifungal additives.
  4. The painted surface dries quickly.

Wallpaper coloring.

Wallpaper options for painting

In the bedroom, the wallpaper is less polluted and changed less often, so paper canvases are used indoors.

In the living room and hallway, the walls get dirty more often, so materials for painting on non-woven base are recommended.

The fastest wallpaper gets dirty in the nursery or in the kitchen.

For such premises, textured non-woven fabrics or fiberglass wallpapers are used.

The following wallpaper options are used for painting:

  1. Non-woven wallpaper consists of two layers, they contain viscose fibers. The non-woven layer lays evenly on the wall surface, and the top layer is distinguished by a decorative pattern made of foamed vinyl or pressed interlining. Such materials are elastic and are not afraid of moisture and cracks. Latex and acrylic paints are used for painting.
  2. Paper wallpapers for painting are covered with a special composition that allows you to repel excess moisture.

    They are used not only for walls, but also for the ceiling. Latex paint is suitable for coloring.

  3. Glass fiber is made of mineral-based fiberglass. The canvases do not lose their decorative characteristics and relief even after numerous dyeings. Suitable for rooms with high humidity. Acrylic and latex types of paints are used for painting.
  4. Acrylic paint is recommended for vinyl wallpaper.

Painting wallpaper with a roller.

Wallpaper for painting can be repainted more than once, but it should be borne in mind that with a frequent change in color, the paint fills the pores of the picture.
Do not buy paint in large quantities.

Depending on the design idea, wallpaper painting may not be used for the entire wall surface.

To do this, a separate section, a wall, a strip or a section in a frame for a picture is painted. Painting is done in bright shades: golden, acid, black or silver.

Modern materials include liquid wallpaper. They create a paper-cellulose layer on the wall surface.

Liquid wallpaper must be painted to protect the surface from damage.

The latest color options for wallpapers provide the widest possibilities for creating original and stylish interiors. For each design, you can choose the necessary shades that will allow you to implement projects in a variety of architectural styles.

There are many options for wall decoration, but wallpaper is still the leader in the arrangement of apartments and houses. The undoubted advantage of using this material is the ability to create an excellent visual effect with minimal effort. People who are practical and prefer harmony even in small things tend to cover the walls and ceiling with wallpaper for painting.

The ability to paint coatings is appreciated by those who like to periodically change the situation or start to get bored surrounded by a monotonous color.

It is allowed to apply paint on the wallpaper several times, while the surface texture will practically not change. Gluing and painting coatings is easy: if you have time, you can do everything yourself. The main thing that needs to be foreseen for this is to purchase a paint that is suitable for the wallpaper material and not to make a mistake with the color.

The choice of paint depending on the composition

Wallpaper is treated with water-based paints.

The advantage of such compounds lies in their complete harmlessness to the health of others. There are 3 types of material for decorating wallpaper.

Water based paint. Contains PVA glue, more often in demand when painting wallpaper on the ceiling in rooms with low humidity. The disadvantages include low resistance to water ingress. In the humid microclimate of the bathroom or kitchen, the water emulsion gradually exfoliates, and when exposed to ultraviolet light, its color changes.

Waterborne paint.

It is made on the basis of acrylic, resistant to moisture. Environmentally friendly product to be used in kitchens, children's rooms, places with high humidity. Acrylic paint is not washed off with water, but removed with a solvent. The water-dispersion layer is also prone to fading in bright sunlight.

latex paint. A more expensive option compared to the previous ones.

But the costs pay off: latex paint more effectively resists the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation and moisture. Another plus - allows you to create a glossy shine on the wallpaper for painting, which is beautiful and practical.

Such a coating reflects light, retains water, which means it will last longer. Great for rooms on the south side of the house with direct sunlight on the walls.

When painting wallpaper in dark, cramped rooms, it is better to choose the option with a glossy finish. Matte paint is good for large areas. Versatile satin surfaces.

What is suitable for wallpapers of different types

To ensure that the paint lays evenly, the walls and ceiling look neat, do not have streaks, it is advisable to follow the following recommendations for choosing a paint.

Paper wallpapers are covered with any paint.

Latex is preferable, as it is lighter in weight and does not weigh down the wallpaper. By the way, when choosing a paper cover, you can’t go wrong by buying ordinary wallpaper. Only those to be painted are suitable, and it is advisable to glue them only in rooms with normal humidity.

Non-woven wallpaper is combined with acrylic or latex paint. The first is preferable when staining from the inside. It means interesting way when the wallpaper for painting is covered with color from the inside.

Then the color appears on the front surface, and, depending on the structure of the canvas, an original pattern is formed.

Vinyl wallpapers are decorated with acrylic, latex and rarely water-based paint.

Glass fiber is also subject to processing by all types of coloring compositions.

This is the most durable, durable finish that can be repainted up to 10 times.

The color palette of ready-made coloring mixtures is very diverse.

But the essence of using paintable wallpaper often lies in the desire to surround yourself with a special tone, combined with your favorite interior items. Therefore, it happens that the desired shade is rarely found in the assortment or it is not at all. Therefore, the natural solution is the selection of the desired color - tinting.

At self-cooking composition in the container, the main tone and the coloring pigment are mixed until a suitable shade is obtained.

Paint for wallpaper for painting: which is better?

But there is a risk that the color of the mixture will change after applying to the wall and drying. To avoid this, it is advisable to first test the paint on an unnecessary fragment of the wallpaper and, depending on the result, proceed further.

Another significant point - the prepared material may not be enough to paint the entire area. Then it will be difficult to achieve the original shade.

Computer tinting will help to avoid such problems. A special program calculates the proportions of paint and pigment to form a given color and calculates the amount of material.

As needed, tinting is repeated, the desired tone is accurately reproduced.

How to paint wallpaper

Painting is done after the wallpaper has completely dried in a draft-free room.

On the walls there should be no traces of glue, oil stains, electrified debris must be removed. The sequence of work is as follows:

Masking tape is glued around the perimeter of the room on the baseboards and the ceiling;
the paint is stirred and poured into the paint tray;
the roller is placed in a tray to absorb the mixture. After rolling and absorbing the paint, the tool is freed from its excess with the help of the ribbed surface of the container;
staining is carried out in the direction from top to bottom with uniform pressure in all areas;
in places near the windowsill, doors, baseboards, in the corners and in other difficult areas are brushed.

To apply a thin layer of paint and color only the upper part of the wallpaper relief, a short-haired roller is used.

In the process of processing, it is necessary to look so that the pile does not remain on the coating from painting devices. But it's easier to buy good tool: it costs more, but things move faster and easier.
May your home always be beautiful and comfortable!

Wallpaper paint, wallpaper paint, for painting non-woven, vinyl and paper wallpapers

Which paint is best for vinyl, non-woven And paper wallpaper for painting and what is the price of such paint, now we will figure it out.

What paint is better to choose for wallpaper for painting?

On the market and in stores, you can buy three types of paint for wallpaper, these are acrylic, latex and PVA-based (water-dispersion and water-based).

Water-based paints for wallpaper for painting

Each of these types of paints has its own purpose.

Water-soluble paints are suitable for painting wallpapers only on ceiling. If you need to paint paper wallpaper for painting on the ceiling and at the same time save as much as possible, water-dispersion paint is your choice. But remember, such paint is easily erased and does not tolerate moisture, the only advantage is the price.

Although manufacturers claim that the paint stable moisture and resistant to abrasion, but such statements should be treated with great caution.
Price Dulux Easy water-dispersion paint for wallpaper for painting for 10 liters ranges from 500 to 700 rubles.

Acrylic paint for wallpaper for painting

The next paint for painting wallpaper - acrylic, the full name of this paint according to Tikkuril sounds like this, matt water-dispersion acrylate paint.

This is the most popular option when painting wallpaper. acrylic paint price less than latex, and the quality is high, which allows you to get a high-quality surface and at the same time not spend a lot.

Acrylic paint is only matte but huge palette colors will satisfy even the most sophisticated customer.

She really persistent to moisture and less susceptible erasing, which allows you to fully, without fear, use it in any room, even in the kitchen.

For example, price acrylic paint from Tikkurila Euro7 - 3000 r. for 10 liters.

Latex paint for paintable wallpaper

most Expensive and most quality paint for wallpaper for painting is - latex dye.

It has maximum performance, which ensures long-term operation without any problems.

Latex paint is the only paint that can be used to get glossy surface on the wallpaper for painting.

Gloss degree indicated on the bank in numbers or in the name itself.

Price such paint, of course, bites, but you can choose a manufacturer that offers the best value for money. For example Parade offers latex paint for 3000 - 3200 rubles for 9 liters.

Colors and palettes of paints for wallpaper for painting

For all paintable wallpaper paints (water-based, acrylic and latex) colors are selected individually.

What is paint for wallpaper for painting and how to use it correctly?

This can be done by manual selection of paint or machine. When manual selection, a pigment of the required color is bought and gradually added to the base, white paint, constantly mixing. But there is a drawback here, if there is not enough paint, it is almost impossible to repeat the previously prepared shade.

An alternative to manual selection of color and shade of paint is machine selection, in this case, the machine does everything for you, and you just order the desired shade.

The advantage here is that you can repeat the shade when there is a shortage of paint and you will know exactly what color your walls will have.

Paint for wallpaper for painting, how to determine paint consumption

The consumption of paints for wallpaper for painting depends on the type of wallpaper and absorbency.

But on average, in order to have at least an approximate idea, the consumption for non-absorbent wallpaper is: 1 liter of paint per 10-12 m2 of area; for absorbent wallpapers: per 1 liter 7-8 m2.

Modern materials for dyeing are environmentally friendly, easy to apply, and last a very long time without losing their properties. But in order for the appearance of the walls not to deteriorate over time, it is necessary to choose the right paint for the wallpaper. And in order to do this, you need to understand the varieties of materials for painting walls.

Paint for wallpaper for painting is produced in several types:

  • Water-dispersed based on PVA;
  • acrylic;
  • Latex.

Each type of material has its own advantages and disadvantages.

It should be remembered that all paints have a water-dispersed base, that is, polymers and a coloring pigment are dissolved in water, which dries after applying the material to the wall. The difference between the mixtures is only in the characteristics of the polymer elements themselves.

In addition, the paint can be glossy, matte or semi-gloss. For living rooms, it is best to choose a matte finish, and apply gloss only to those walls that need to be highlighted. Diagonal stripes of glossy and matte paint look very interesting in the interior.

A semi-gloss finish is usually chosen for interiors in bathrooms, kitchens and areas where walls get dirty easily. Semi-gloss paint does not have too noticeable shine, but it washes much better.

Water-dispersed paint based on PVA

Water-dispersed paint is the cheapest of those sold in stores.

When water-based paint dries after painting, a dense, bright film forms on the surface. This film is poorly washed off, does not burn and does not fade from the sun, and in addition, the substance does not have a specific pungent odor characteristic of all coloring materials.

Water-based paint dries very quickly, just two to three hours are enough for the film to polymerize and become stable.

Water-based paint cannot be used in areas with high humidity such as kitchens and bathrooms. In addition, it should be remembered that not all types of wallpaper and wallpaper glue are suitable for painting, and if the materials are not selected correctly, the coating will not last long.

Water-dispersed emulsion is not suitable for unheated rooms or freezing walls.

The mixture loses its properties from exposure to low temperatures.

acrylic paint

A popular type of wallpaper paint. Its peculiarity is that getting on the surface, acrylic paint spreads, hides small wall irregularities and marks from brushes and rollers. It is best used for painting rooms, the walls of which will be plain and smooth.

Acrylic paint for wallpaper painting is highly resistant to light and temperature and almost does not smell. Non-woven wallpaper is best suited for painting, but it also paints other types of surfaces without any problems.

Acrylic paint contains no harmful components, and the coating is breathable and absolutely harmless, so you can use it even in children's rooms.

Another advantage of acrylic paint is its high wear resistance.

How to choose wallpaper paint

After painting with this material, the walls are not afraid of water, temperature changes, or direct sunlight. In addition, the coating is extremely durable. Experts say that it will be necessary to repaint the surface only after 20-25 years, since the color of the walls does not fade. You can safely wash the wallpaper: acrylic can only be damaged with special chemicals, and household cleaners are not afraid of him.

The only drawback of the acrylic mixture is its high cost.

But the price pays off handsomely due to the characteristics and durability of the coating.

Latex based paint

This mixture is considered one of the most versatile. It is suitable not only for paper, but also for any other surface, including wood, stone, and even concrete.

Latex paint dries faster than all other mixtures, it takes only about 20 minutes for the initial polymerization, and several hours for complete drying.

Another distinctive feature of the mixture is that it does not impregnate the wallpaper, like other types of coatings, but seizes with a film on their surface. The rubber polymers that make up the substance do not allow water, steam, dust and mold spores to pass through.

Walls after painting can be washed fearlessly. Latex reinforces the structure of the wallpaper or the wall itself so firmly that sometimes even the walls of pools are covered with it.

This type of emulsion is ideal for bathrooms and wet areas such as hallways and kitchens. [

Unlike acrylic, latex lays down in a thin layer and emphasizes the pattern of the wallpaper.

It will not mask the unevenness of the walls and the flaws of the primer, and after drying, brush marks will be noticeable. You need to apply it as carefully as possible, and it is better to choose a non-contact method.

Latex paint allows you to achieve a glossy finish, which is often used for floors and ceilings. For painting wallpaper, it is better to choose semi-matte or matte options, or to highlight one area in the interior with gloss.

Latex keeps on the walls for at least 20 years, does not lose its shade and does not crack, and this is precisely what explains its high cost.

Paint for wallpaper for painting: which is better and which is worse - each owner must choose, based on the purpose of the room and financial capabilities. Each option has its strengths and weak sides, and each option can be found a worthy application.



Types of wall coverings

The choice of wallpaper paint is as important as the choice of wallpaper.

It affects the reliability and durability of the structure, and the beauty of the coating itself, and the texture of the walls.

Wallpaper for coloring can be of three types:

  • Paper wallpapers, thin and cheap, but not strong enough. This coating is suitable for painting rooms for a short time.

    For paper wallpapers, a latex coating is best, as it is lighter than the others, and strengthens thin paper;

  • Non-woven wallpaper, vinyl and combined, related to the middle price category. The wallpapers of this material are very durable, do not let water and dust through and perfectly hold the paint. Usually, it is these wallpapers that have an unusual texture or pattern that shows through from under the paint.

    Non-woven wallpaper is covered with acrylic or latex paints;

  • Glass fiber is the most expensive of all, but also the most durable, environmentally friendly and resistant to chemical and mechanical damage. Due to its unique structure, cullet can be painted with any compositions.

It is advisable to choose a mixture and wallpaper for it together.

For example, after painting paper wallpaper with water-dispersed paint, the paper will be saturated with water and, if the material is of poor quality or pasted in violation of technology, then the wallpaper will bubble or fall behind the walls.

How to paint wallpaper?

After the pasted wallpaper has dried, you can start painting.

Paints are usually only sold in white and require pigment to be added before application. Tinting is carried out in a store, where the required amount of coloring pigment is calculated on a computer in a special program.

If you have experience and skills, you can mix the desired shade at home, on your own. To do this, you need to purchase a color scheme of the desired color in the store and mix it with paint. The advantage of computer mixing is that the paint is homogeneous, of one shade, and if there is not enough mixture for any part of the mixture, you can come to the store with calculations and get exactly the same color.

At home, the color may vary slightly after each coloring.

After drying, the paint may slightly change the shade, become lighter. Therefore, it is recommended that you first paint a small piece of wallpaper and see if the resulting color matches the interior, or if the shade needs to be changed a little.

The method of staining depends on the selected materials. To give relief to the pattern, non-woven wallpaper is often painted from the inside from the side of the wall, and then a little color should be added to the outside. Painting vinyl and paper wallpapers is done in the traditional way.

In order for the color to lie evenly and the interior to look perfect, before painting it is necessary:

  • Paste the floor and ceiling next to the walls with masking tape so as not to stain these areas;
  • Dilute the paint in the proportion indicated on the package or recommended by specialists;
  • Pour the mixed solution into a tray and soak a roller of a suitable material in it;
  • Slightly squeeze the roller so that the mixture does not drip, and apply the color to the wall, starting from the top.

    To process difficult areas in the corners of the room and near the floor and ceiling, it is better to use a brush, with which all operations can be performed more accurately;

  • Let the first layer dry and apply another one. As a rule, paper wallpapers are painted in one layer;
  • If the interior design involves a drawing, then after the design of the main zone, the elaboration of details begins. If the design provides for stripes of a contrasting shade on the walls, then these areas are pasted over with adhesive tape and painted in one layer.

Non-woven wallpaper is painted from the inside. With this method of tinting, the non-woven base will be saturated with paint, and the pattern will retain its original color.

You don't need a lot of paint to paint paper wallpapers. This coating absorbs water very well, and therefore, after getting wet, it may deform a little.

The margin of safety of paper wallpaper is 3-5 stains.

For quick painting wallpaper is great spray gun. With this device, you can easily apply a shade to any type of surface, both pasted over with wallpaper and simply primed. To paint the walls in this way, it is enough to pour paint of the desired shade into the device, select the spray mode and paint the room.

A roller or brush can leave hairs or fibers on the surface, or just marks, while using a sprayer, the surface remains perfectly smooth and clean. This method of application is ideal for glossy mixtures, and latex or acrylic paint, slightly diluted with water, is best suited for a spray gun.

The choice of colors for wallpaper in stores is extremely wide. You can choose a mixture for paper wallpaper, and for vinyl, and for non-woven fabric.

If you choose the right paint for wallpaper, then the coating will be perfectly even, and the interior will look its best, since it will be possible to embody the most bold ideas. Right choice mixtures and tools for coloring will make repairs easy and fast, and the result will be exactly as planned.