In a private house      06/14/2019

Wormwood officinalis - dill tree - "God's tree. Tree-like wormwood God's tree: description and planting, medicinal properties Fragrant wormwood

Artemisia arborescens, which is also called God's tree or Chernobyl, is known for its medicinal properties. Even the ancient Greeks discovered that wormwood is very effective in the treatment of cuts and wounds. Noticing this, they began to add this medicinal plant to the ointment. Wormwood has about four hundred varieties, two hundred of which can be found in Russia. Only wormwood grows everywhere, which is the most popular type of God's tree.

Description and application

god tree is a perennial herb with small white or yellow color. The plant belongs to the Compositae family. The bush has a thick root, and reaches a height of one and a half meters. The smell of the plant is tart, and the leaves are shaped like dill. These leaves contain many different essential oils. Wormwood has a bitter taste due to its high concentration of lactones. Medicinal wormwood has found wide application in folk medicine and culinary.

Harvesting the grass of God's tree should be done in the summer. It is advisable to collect and harvest the plant from July to September. The collected leaves should be laid out on a newspaper or burlap and placed in a dark, dry place, inaccessible to drafts.

Used as a remedy silver look bitter wormwood. Application of this medicinal plant most versatile.

For various injuries (dislocations or bruises), it is recommended to apply compresses with a decoction of wormwood to the affected areas. Alcohol tincture of this plant is effective in the treatment of inflammation of the periosteum. Tea and decoction of wormwood is useful for overwork and insomnia, and also helps relieve tension, fatigue and migraines. Thanks to his medicinal composition Wormwood is an excellent remedy for hypertension. Artemisia arborescens contributes to the normalization of the menstrual cycle in women. Its role in the prevention and treatment of cancer is great. Healing properties This medicinal plant helps to improve the functioning of the digestive tract and get rid of heartburn. The plant serves as a strong anthelmintic. But in this case, the remedy must be properly prepared (more on this later).

Harm and contraindications

When using wormwood, care should be taken not to overdose, which can cause serious harm to the body. Before you start taking products based on this plant, you must always consult with your doctor about the methods of administration and dosage. It is impossible to take funds based on God's tree in the following cases:

  1. 1. Pregnancy and lactation. The use of wormwood decoctions is strictly prohibited for women during pregnancy, as this can adversely affect the health and development of the unborn child.
  2. 2. Anemia, gastric and intestinal ulcers.
  3. 3. Appearance of nausea and vomiting.
  4. 4. Individual intolerance and allergic reactions.

Treatment with wormwood should last no more than a month, prolonged use or overdose can lead to convulsions and hallucinations.

Recipes for various diseases

1. Colds.

For the treatment of colds, an oil infusion of wormwood is used. Earthenware must be filled with leaves and flowers of the plant and poured olive oil. Place the dishes with the composition in a dark, cool place for ten days, then strain. The readiness of the product is determined by its color: it should turn dark green. Take the resulting oil should be one teaspoon. Indications for use are flu, tonsillitis, SARS.

2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Wormwood tea is useful for the treatment of such diseases. To prepare it, you need to take one tablespoon of a dry mixture of leaves and flowers and pour it with a glass of boiling water. Tea is brewed for fifteen minutes and should be drunk four times a day. Such tea serves as an excellent immunostimulant and is useful in winter time. To restore appetite, tea from wormwood and yarrow is useful. To prepare it, you need to take half a tablespoon of both components and pour a glass of boiling water. You need to drink tea half a cup three times a day on an empty stomach for a week.

3. Worms.

To prepare anthelmintic tea, you need to mix dry wormwood and cloves in equal amounts. You need to take in the morning and evening for 1 tsp. carrot juice powder. Wormwood removes the worms themselves, and the clove destroys their larvae. The course of treatment is ten days.

4. Skin diseases.

It is necessary to take a dark-colored plastic container, pour dry flowers of the god's tree into it and pour olive oil over it. Dark color utensils is necessary in order to prevent light from reaching the oil. The container must be tightly closed and left in a dark place for two weeks. The resulting remedy should be taken one teaspoon three times a day on an empty stomach.

5. Oncology.

Godwood tincture is effective in the treatment of oncology on early stages. The root of the plant is used to make medicine. Dry finely chopped root should be poured with water and boiled for ten minutes in a closed saucepan. After that, the infusion must be removed from the heat and allowed to cool without removing the lid. Tightness must be observed necessarily in order to prevent the essential smell and oils from evaporating. Take this infusion should be two tablespoons before meals. The course of treatment is two weeks, after which it is necessary to take a month break.

6. Violation of the menstrual cycle.

Fresh leaves must be poured with boiling water and insisted for thirty minutes. As soon as menstruation begins, it is necessary to take an infusion of two tablespoons three times a day. Within three months, the pain is significantly reduced, and the cycle becomes more regular.

Use in cosmetology and hair strengthening

Wormwood well disinfects the skin of the face, makes it smooth, helps to remove blackheads, acne, blackheads, demodex. A steam bath is very useful for the face. To do this, take one tablespoon of finely chopped wormwood and pour a liter of boiling water. It is necessary to cover your head with a terry towel and put your face under the steam. The duration of the procedure depends on the type of skin. Three minutes is enough for dry skin, five minutes for normal skin, and ten minutes for oily skin. At the end of the procedure, the face must be rinsed with cool water.

Common parsnip, or Field parsnip, or Sowing parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) in the wild is widely distributed in regions with a temperate climate (central Russia, the North Caucasus, Crimea, the Urals, Altai, etc.), but so far rarely found in garden plots. True, today the popularity of parsnips is growing quite actively. In animal husbandry and beekeeping, it is used as a fodder plant and honey plant, and in cooking - as a tasty and healthy vegetable.

The universal favorite among the decorative and deciduous perennials of the host conquers not only the beauty of the leaves. It is durable and relatively undemanding, in right place grows for many years, but it can hardly be called fast-growing. The hosta propagates easily, although you will have to be patient to get spectacular, highly decorative bushes. To independently increase the host collection, first of all, you need to remember the features of this culture.

Dill spreads well by self-sowing, so many summer residents do not consider it necessary to sow this crop every year on the site. But at the same time, everyone understands that dill and dill are different. And the greens of carefully grown dill in the garden in their own way palatability and flavor tends to be superior to dill, which grows on its own. In this article, we will tell you how to have green dill in the beds in sufficient quantities from early spring to late autumn.

Stir fry with beef, soy noodles, vegetables and Iceberg lettuce - a recipe for a quick dinner or lunch for busy person. It takes no more than 15 minutes to prepare it, and you can feed it to a couple of hungry mouths, which cannot bear to wait for a sophisticated dinner. Stir fry is a way of quickly frying vegetables and meat, which came to us from the east. Do not be upset if the wok is not among yours kitchen utensils. Regular frying pan with a thick bottom non-stick coating will fit too.

Among plants that can boast of variegated foliage, alpinia claims to be not only the rarest, but also the most original culture. It simultaneously reminds of bamboos and arrowroot calatheas, and sometimes even vriesias. True, it looks like the latter only with its inflorescences. Luxurious leaves, most often covered with variegated contrasting stripes, look so modern that the beauty of their flawless patterns and brilliance is impossible not to admire.

Vegetarian cabbage rolls from savoy cabbage with mushrooms - steamed cabbage rolls for diet, vegetarian and lean menus. Cabbage rolls are unusually tasty, very appetizing, and, if applicable to food, beautiful, unlike their counterparts from white cabbage, stewed in a brazier or fried in a pan. Savoy cabbage is tastier than white cabbage, the head is loose, it is easier to disassemble into individual leaves. The color of the leaves is from pale green to emerald green.

In winter, every summer resident is looking forward to spring and is happy to open the season with the first crops of flower and vegetable crops for seedlings. But, unfortunately, the place on the windowsill is limited, and it is not always possible to place the required number of seedlings in cups in the apartment. In addition, some of the crops may simply not sprout, something will die ... And for us, summer residents, no matter how much you plant, it’s not enough! Therefore, at least some seedlings, but almost every gardener buys.

Growing annuals in the garden has at least two advantages over growing perennials. First, most popular annuals bloom profusely throughout their growing season. Secondly, many letniki are freely sown and appear in the garden year after year with minimal participation from the grower. Which letniki can be planted only once, and then, following simple tricks, meet them in the garden every season?

You can cook jelly and meat salad with onions from pork knuckle. The knuckle, especially the back knuckle, is a very tasty and affordable part of the pork carcass, which you can feed a small company. From a 2-kilogram shank you get a bowl of meat salad and a large plate of jellied meat. There will still be meat broth, on which I advise you to cook cabbage soup or borscht. For this dish, we take the back knuckle weighing from 1.7 to 2 kilograms, I advise you to beg the meatiest one from the butcher.

Eggplants require sunny but short days, medium-warm temperatures without sweltering heat, sufficient moisture, but without flooding the root system. It is quite difficult to provide such conditions in the open ground of most regions of Russia. Therefore, earlier eggplants were grown only in protected ground conditions. With the development of breeding, it became possible to grow eggplants in open ground not only in the southern regions, but also in middle lane.

Among predator plants, sundew rightly claims to be the brightest and most expressive beauty. This plant attracts, first of all, with unusual textures and a play of colors. But the nutritional mechanism of this marsh and quite hardy miracle is so exotic that it is very easy to forget about sundews as plants, primarily ornamental ones. Sundews are quite demanding on humidity, but they are not so difficult to grow in ordinary living quarters.

A chocolate cake with custard made from simple and affordable ingredients turns out to be so tasty that rarely anyone is limited to one piece. Biscuit cakes are moist, it seems that they are made of real dark chocolate, although the recipe contains only cocoa powder. Creamy custard is delicate and light, goes well with chocolate biscuit. All this splendor of tastes complements coconut flakes, the ingredient is simple, but in this recipe, like a cherry on a cake, it comes in handy.

Although calendar spring begins in March, it is very difficult to call this month spring. But May is already a real long-awaited spring, filled with aromas and multicolors of awakened nature. Fresh young leaves on trees and shrubs attract the eye yearning for greenery during the long months of winter. In May, the parade of primroses continues in the garden, ornamental shrubs, perennials delight with variegated foliage and flowering, conifers are renewed.

In the middle lane, the formation of grapes suggests the possibility of shelter for the winter period, which means that the guideline should be to maintain the head of the bush at soil level. Further north to big harvest you can’t count, but for such areas there are their own pruning principles. The article considers a sleeve-fan scheme for the formation of a grape bush, often used in the middle lane, and a cordon one that has shown itself well in regions with a more severe climate.

Beef with eggplant with vegetable sauce in the oven is a simple, very tasty and not very high-calorie dish, which is quite important in our time. Sauce only from vegetables, no flour, sugar, milk or cream. Meat without fat, and, nevertheless, it turns out juicy and tender. Can be replaced with chicken fillet or veal. Eggplants do not need to be fried first, just a little salt to make them soft. TO ready meal I advise you to prepare a light yogurt sauce.

God's or dill tree, perhaps, can be included in the list of the most rare perennials in the garden. The botanical name (Artemisia abrotanum) is medicinal wormwood or abrotan. You can see what the God tree looks like in the photo - it is a shrub up to 1.2 m high with silvery, pinnately dissected leaves. The culture is unpretentious, proper fit and care hibernates in open ground. IN decorative purposes slight pruning required.

God's tree: origin and description

Medicinal wormwood, high or lemon, grows in the wild in the south of Europe, in Asia Minor, in North America. It is found in the south-west of Russia and in the Altai Territory. Prefers damp places, forest edges. Often forms dense clumps along roadsides and abandoned dwellings.

The shoots of the plant are directed strictly upwards, do not branch. Flowering in the middle latitudes occurs in mid-summer (July, early August). Abrotan inflorescences are formed by small baskets, in place of which seed pods are tied in autumn. The fruits fully ripen only in the southern regions. Therefore, most often, the dill tree is propagated vegetatively.

God tree - medicinal plant

The first mention of the plant dates back to the 5th century AD. In his botanical writings, this type of wormwood was described by the ancient physician P. Dioscorides. According to scientists, since that time began active use Artemisia medicinal in cooking, medicine and for decoration. There are also records of the holy tree in the Ipatiev Chronicle dating back to 1201.

Young shoots of abrotan have a bright dill aroma with an admixture of needles and citrus, older ones acquire bitter wormwood notes.

Planting abrotan and care in the open field

For successful growth, the dill tree needs a place with a good portion sunlight. The southern plant does not tolerate drafts well and needs protection from the wind; it is better to plant it along a building or hedge. In such a plot, the shrub will quickly grow a green top and overwinter more easily.
The soil is prepared nutritious, loose, well-drained.

Attention! God's tree does not grow in acidic soil.

The bed is dug up, rotted compost and manure are introduced. For 1 sq. m will need 6 kg of organic matter. From minerals:

  • 25 g of superphosphate;
  • 15 g of ammonium nitrate;
  • 15 g of potassium chloride.

Holes are formed at a distance of at least 1 m from each other. After planting, young plants are watered, in the first days they monitor the condition of the soil, do not allow drying out or waterlogging. During the season, three more top dressings will be required. The last one is done late autumn introducing organic matter into the area.
For ten years, medicinal wormwood does not need to be transplanted. In addition to watering, the plant requires weeding, loosening the soil, pruning damaged branches.

Wormwood cuttings are carried out at the beginning or at the end of summer. Cuttings rooted in June are planted in open ground no later than August. This is necessary so that the plants can get used to the new conditions and get stronger. In the first winter, dill tree seedlings are covered with a film or agrofabric. The next year, the wormwood will overwinter on its own.

Protect your plant from drafts

If the branches are cut off at the end of summer, then it is better to leave them in the house for the winter. A cool veranda or glazed loggia is well suited for this. It is possible that the wormwood will shed its leaves, this is not scary, in the spring new shoots will grow from the buds.

Attention! Winter watering of wormwood medicinal is minimized.

Dill tree in folk medicine and cooking

The leaves and stems of abrotan contain:

  1. Essential oil.
  2. Bitterness.
  3. Abrotanine alkaloid.

Due to this composition, the plant is widely used for medicinal purposes. Homeopathic doctors prepare essences that relieve certain skin diseases, anemia. Proven antiseptic, hemostatic and analgesic effects.

Dry powder from the aerial part of the God tree is applied to abscesses, bruises, dislocations. With inflammation of the oral cavity and toothache - use a tincture for rinsing. Based on the rhizome, they make powders against epileptic seizures, tuberculous meningitis.

Sprigs of God's tree are used in cooking

Wormwood medicinal is used not only in medicine. It is also a natural air freshener. Cut branches are dried and hung indoors. In addition, the green young growth of abrotan is an original spice for meat and fish dishes. Cooks used it to flavor sauces, broths, vinegar, added to pastries and liquors.

Advice. Dill tree branches are used as part of bath brooms.

For medicinal purposes, harvesting is carried out before the flowering of wormwood. Soft branches are cut, which are dried in a dry and dark place. Store in tightly closed containers.

Abrotan in landscape design

God's tree is not only useful, but also an incredibly decorative culture. In the garden, lush bushes of medicinal wormwood are planted in flower beds. A fast-growing culture is used as a live fencing of the site and as a border along paths, alleys. The tart smell will scare off insect pests, and the silvery foliage will “dilute” flower plantings.

Abrotane is combined with other perennials. Tall plants will protect the heat-loving wormwood from the wind, the main thing is that there is no excessive shading of the dill tree. Spherical bushes of wormwood medicinal will look worthy next to the flowering ones:

  • hydrangea and roses.

God tree in landscape design

Nearby you can arrange several species of different flowering times. Thus, the composition will always attract attention.

Quite often, gardeners form a god tree in the form of a cypress, a cone-shaped crown and carved foliage further adds to the plant's resemblance to southern conifers.

Abrotane is also used for landscaping terraces, open verandas, balconies. Wormwood is planted in wide flowerpots or containers.

There are plants that are little known to a wide range of gardeners. It even happens that having a beautiful representative of the flora on the site, not many people know its name. One of these is the God tree. This is one of the many types of wormwood. In another way, among botanists, it is called medicinal wormwood or abrotan. What properties does this plant have and why gardeners value it? Let's talk about this in the article and talk about the care and features of growing a god tree.

What is wormwood

Wormwood belongs to the genus perennials and shrubs. Its homeland is considered to be temperate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. Wormwood is often found in dry areas. Grow it because of the beautiful decorative leaves and aroma that can repel insects.

Some varieties, for example, wormwood - God's tree, are used in medicinal purposes. This plant looks great in garden compositions, in the design of borders. unusual shape leaves will decorate the garden throughout the year. In nature, both evergreen and deciduous wormwood are found.

Types of wormwood

There are many varieties of wormwood and almost all of them are hardy. Medicinal wormwood, God's tree is very common in many parts of Europe. Wormwood is one of the commonly found varieties, especially in the wild. But at home it is bred quite often. The tree-like variety is found in the Mediterranean and is often used for border decoration. Caucasian wormwood is found in the mountains of Southern Europe. He is not tall, up to 30 centimeters. Tarragon or tarragon has a pleasant aroma.

This plant can reach a height of 1 meter. Cold wormwood is undersized variety, prevailing in the south-east of Russia. A resident of China - a milky-colored variety has small light inflorescences and grows up to 1.5 meters tall. Wormwood Louisa grows in Mexico and North America. There are many more varieties of this plant that can be found in various parts of the world.

Almost throughout Europe, you can find a God tree. This is a type of wormwood that has a very strong aroma. The homeland of this plant is unknown, since the information has been lost due to the prescription of time. God's tree, the photo of which you will find in this article, reaches a height of 1-1.5 meters. It is valued for the beauty of the leaves and medicinal properties.

Wormwood has very fragile stems, so it must be protected from unnecessary contact and located in less busy places. The leaves are grey-green in color and strongly indented. Although this plant is called a tree, it can be attributed rather to shrubs. Small, light yellow inflorescences appear in wormwood in late summer. There are varieties of God's tree that shed their leaves in autumn, and there are evergreens.

Beneficial features

The Godwood shrub has been known for centuries. Even in antiquity they knew about useful properties this plant. The monks cultivated it in their gardens, as medicine. Hence the name of this plant: church grass or God's tree. IN Ancient Greece healing balms for healing wounds and an insect repellent were prepared from this wormwood.

The composition of the divine tree includes 0.3 percent essential oil, including citral, which gives the aroma of lemon. An infusion of the herb is used as a remedy for sore throats. A tea made from the leaves is an excellent appetite stimulant. In cosmetology, infusion of leaves is used as a means for hair growth. Lotions from steamed grass are effective for bruises and dislocations.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

A distinctive feature of the godwood is that it has almost no bitterness, and it completely disappears after drying. Healing raw materials are harvested from July to September. At the beginning of the flowering period, the green shoots are cut off from the wormwood before they become stiff. Dry them in the shade. The finished raw material has a light lemon flavor. Store the workpiece in a dry place. In a tightly closed container. But the raw material must be thoroughly dried.

The use of wormwood

Artemisia arborescens, God's tree has a spicy aroma. Therefore, it is successfully used for the preparation of marinades, sauces, tinctures and as an addition to meat dishes. For this, young leaves with buds, dried and crushed, are excellent. IN meat dishes put wormwood powder.

You can also stand the meat in a decoction of a god's tree. An infusion of the herb is used to treat toothache by rinsing. Grass juice treats wounds and abscesses. Godwood tincture is excellent for intestinal pain. It is an excellent hemostatic agent. But you need to use wormwood with caution. A daily serving can be no more than 10 grams of leaves in any form.

Place to land

God's tree, the photo of which is very beautiful, like living plant, it is a thermophilic representative of nature. Therefore, for planting, it is better to choose sunny areas that are not shaded by other, larger neighbors. The soil should be light and nutritious. In poor soil should be applied organic fertilizers. Wormwood does not tolerate acidic soils. If this cannot be avoided, then dolomite flour should be added before planting. God's tree can grow in one place for more than 10 years. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately choose a suitable site for its breeding.


God's tree, the care of which will not great work, will delight with its beauty practically all year round. It cannot be called whimsical and capricious. In the summer, it is necessary to loosen the soil from time to time to ensure good access of oxygen and moisture to the roots of the plant.

But at the same time, it is impossible to open the root system, therefore, a small hilling is carried out. It will also trap moisture. During the hot season, systematic watering is required. It is not necessary to overmoisten and allow waterlogging of the soil. Water the wormwood as needed, not allowing the soil to dry out.

Pruning and shaping the bush

God's tree, the cultivation of which even a novice gardener can grow, can be a wonderful decoration of the garden. The bush is very stable and does not require special pruning. But if you want your site to have beautiful plant compact form, then it is necessary to constantly form a crown. To do this, the shoots are cut off, preventing them from growing more than 60 centimeters in height. Thus, an original, spherical bush is obtained. After the first pruning, the shoots begin to grow evenly and it is only sometimes necessary to adjust their height. Beautiful gray leaves stand out perfectly against the background of green plants in the garden or any land plot.

winter hardiness

This plant has good winter hardiness. It does not require shelter in the winter. God's tree can tolerate frosts up to 25 degrees. At the same time, some shoots freeze slightly, but with the onset of warm days, the wormwood is perfectly restored. By winter, you can prune the plant a little so that it survives the cold more easily. You don't need to cover it. But if you want to keep it in its original form, then you can protect it from the effects of frost. To do this, the god tree is transplanted into a container or a large pot and cleaned in a cool room. Storage temperature should not exceed 8 degrees. When the frosts end and the soil warms up, you can plant the wormwood back into the garden.


God's tree, the description of which will surely prompt you to plant it on your site, multiplies in two ways. The first is seeds. They ripen and are tied only in the southern regions. Therefore, it is not easy to get high-quality seed material. To begin with, they are planted in suitable containers for seedlings. After that, young plants can be planted in open ground. It's better to do it in spring period when the ground is warm enough. So, the process of adaptation of the plant will go better, and in the future it will grow and develop well. The second way, vegetative. That is, wormwood is propagated by dividing the bush or cuttings.

In the summer, when the plant has the greatest activity and grows well, green cuttings are cut from it. Wet river sand is poured into the pot and shoots are planted there. Then they are covered glass jar and put in the shade of the garden. Spray the plant regularly by opening the jar. After a month, the cuttings should take root. After that, they are planted on permanent place. Two years later at proper care And favorable conditions, the plant will represent an already adult, beautiful bush. Another way, simpler, but less effective, is cuttings. in early spring. Cut the shoots before the leaves appear and put them in the water. After some time, when the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in the ground. You can immediately plant them in a permanent place, without waiting for the roots to appear, but this reduces the chances of a good result.

Multiple Recipes

A decoction of wormwood is prepared as follows. A glass of raw materials is poured with the same amount of boiling water. Then this mixture is boiled for one minute and infused for 30 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and taken a quarter cup three times a day before meals. For tincture, take 1-2 large spoons of raw materials and pour them with a glass of boiling water. Infuse the mixture for about an hour, and then take half a glass before meals. Before using these drugs, you should always remember about the characteristics of the body and be treated with caution. Better consult with your doctor.

(lemon wormwood, decorative wormwood, dill tree, oak-grass, abrotan, kudravits, bezdrev, holy tree, etc.) have long been grown on the territory of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus; it was widely used by our healers for various purposes. In addition, grass oak is a beautiful plant.

God's tree: plant description

(in southern countries) perennial up to 1.2 meters high. The leaves of wormwood are pinnately dissected. The stems are semi-lignified, and the root is woody. The homeland of this plant is considered to be the Eastern Mediterranean (Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, etc.) and Asia Minor (Turkey).

Important! Medicinal wormwood is a species of the genus Wormwood of the Asteraceae family.

The holy tree loves moist soil, grows well near the shores of lakes and rivers. It is also found in birch forests and on roadsides. It grows well at home: in the garden, in the garden,.

Decorative wormwood, or God's tree has upright woody shoots. The leaves of the abrotan are light gray in color. The leaves of the middle and lower tiers of the stem grow with petioles. The flowers are spherical in shape, resembling small baskets. They form loose paniculate inflorescences. In our climate zone the lady tree blooms in July-August.

Some gardeners confuse wormwood (God's tree) and wormwood paniculata. Paniculata wormwood in the common people is also called God's tree, but there are some differences in these plants:

  • Panicled wormwood is a biennial plant, and medicinal wormwood is;
  • Medicinal wormwood has a more pleasant smell;
  • Panicled wormwood reproduces by seeds, and the seeds of medicinal wormwood in our area do not fully ripen.
Given the above information, we can conclude that medicinal wormwood in our area reproduces only vegetatively - by layering, dividing the rhizome, cuttings.

Growing features

God's tree does not require special planting and care if the bush is not grown for decorative purposes. Oak-grass grows well in almost any soil, except sand. This plant tolerates our frosts and snowless winters well. However, you still need to know some conditions for choosing a landing site. This will help the abrotan grow better.

Lighting and wind protection

Bezdrev loves a lot of sunlight, so the best place for landing will be the south side. This is not surprising, because bezdrev is a southern plant. In addition, it does not tolerate cold north winds.

Did you know? In some Asian countries, baked goods are made with the addition of abrotan.

Abrotan will grow best between trees and other herbs. So it will get less cold winds. Consider the fact that trees can block sunlight.

Soil for planting

Wormwood grows on any moist. Before planting, the soil must be fertilized with organic and. It can grow in one place for 10-12 years, after which it requires a transplant. Grows well among other annuals and perennial herbs. Poorly tolerates soil with high acidity.

Technology of planting seedlings

The best way to propagate a dill tree is by dividing a bush or cuttings. Cuttings for planting choose two-year-old, fully matured. The plant should be planted immediately in moist soil (before planting the hole should be watered warm water). The best time for landing will be mid-late April. At this time, the soil is moist, so the seedling will take root better, even if it is not watered.

Abrotan seedlings can be placed in water for 7-10 days, and then planted in the soil. In water, the cuttings form a young root system. After that, they grow faster in the soil.

Important! God's tree seeds are able to germinate even 70 years after harvest.ania.

The length of the cuttings to be planted should be 10-15 cm. There should be one and a half meters of free space between the seedlings so that the bushes can grow quietly. When planting, seedlings can be fertilized with humus and watered regularly for the first 10-14 days.
In some flower shops sell abrotan seeds. They are intended for growing seedlings. Since this plant loves a lot of heat, it is best to plant medicinal wormwood in small pots and put it on a windowsill with constant sunlight. After the plant reaches 15-20 cm in height, it can be planted in the garden or.


Many amateur gardeners report that Abrotan grows without special care. Some even forget about the plant, but it does not die and grows without special requirements. However, in order to form a beautiful ornamental bush plant care is still necessary.

How often to water wormwood

Decorative wormwood is a drought-resistant plant, so it does not need frequent watering. It is enough to water the plant in the first days after planting. To maintain decorative beauty, you can water it on hot summer days once every two weeks. Under each bush, it is recommended to pour 3-4 liters of water at room temperature.

Soil care and plant nutrition

Wormwood tree after planting requires special care. Caring for an abrotan will not take you much time. Sometimes it may appear on the leaves of the plant. In this case, the bush needs to be sprayed. For a dill tree, you can use a household solution. For 10 liters of water, take 250-300 g of soap. It is necessary to spray 2-3 times with an interval of 5-7 days.

Did you know? Abrotan roots were once used in the treatment of tuberculosis.

They can also grow around the bush, so regular weeding of the soil is necessary. After weeding, more organic and mineral substances will enter the abrotan root.

It is advisable to feed wormwood bushes with complex ones. You can also pour a few handfuls under the bush. Before the start of winter, abrotan is needed. If desired, sprinkle the soil near the bush.

Dill tree pruning rules

To form a beautiful decorative bush, lemon wormwood should be cut regularly. The best time for pruning will be early spring, when severe frosts have already passed.

shoots annual plant should be cut at a height of 3-5 cm. It is recommended to pinch the tops of the sagebrush to stimulate the growth of the bush. On the formed bushes, you need to regularly cut off last year's growths, and in order to rejuvenate the plant, cut off all the shoots strongly.

Reproduction methods

In our climatic zone, abrotan reproduces only vegetatively. That is why the best seedlings for planting will be: cuttings, layering and separated parts of the rhizome.

The division of the bush

This breeding method is best done in April. For this, a bush of wormwood is dug up. Then the whole earth is gently shaken from the root. Next, the plant is divided into several parts. Each plant should be more or less large, as bushes with small roots may not take root and die.

Important! The essential oil of wormwood is used in perfumery.

After separation, each plant is planted in separate holes. Before planting, it is advisable to pour the pits with warm water and fertilize with humus. For 10-15 days, all separated Abrotan bushes should be watered regularly. can be stopped only after strengthening the root system of seedlings.

Reproduction by layering

Best time for reproduction in this way - mid-end of May. For reproduction, a shoot 20-30 cm long is selected, from which all leaves are removed.