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Silver spotted begonia. Begonia: description of species and secrets of care at home. What does a begonia flower look like: characteristics of the plant

The plant received its name in honor of Michel Begon, who was well versed in flowers and was a big fan of them.

Total exists about 2000 species begonia. All of them are distinguished by fleshy leaves and long beautiful flowering.

Grows in tropical climates: Africa, Brazil, America.

View Begonia Spotted or Begonia maculata Raddi belongs to the Begoniev family. This is a flowering subshrub, belongs to the type of decorative deciduous begonias.

Characteristics and description

Begonia spotted- This is a fairly tall spreading bush. The leaves are smooth and shiny, dark green in color with white or gray specks on top, have an uneven shape: oblong, round, heart-shaped with an oblique center.
The underside of the leaves is reddish in color.
The flowers are white and light pink, with a beautiful unusual shape. They are located on a drooping peduncle hanging down and are collected in small inflorescences.

Home care


They are planted in the spring, at the beginning of March, as the best growth occurs during this period.


The soil is mixed from different parts of peat, sand, turf, and leaf soil. The substrate should be loose and light.

Styrofoam or pumice is placed at the bottom of the pot to absorb excess moisture.

Choosing a pot

The pot should be spacious and medium in size.


She loves soft, humid indoor air. But you should not spray the leaves and flowers to avoid darkening or rotting of the leaves.

Light mode

Spotted prefers bright light. Direct sunlight should be avoided, the light should be diffused. If there is not enough natural light in the room, then you can turn on fluorescent lamps.


To make the bush lush and beautiful, the top of the plant must be pinched. In order for the leaves to be large, the buds can be torn off. Old plants are rejuvenated by pruning every 3 or 4 years.

Dead leaves and flowers are removed in a timely manner to prevent rotting of the roots.

Thermal mode

The optimal indoor air temperature corresponds to the interval from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius in summer and not lower than 16 degrees Celsius in winter.

The plant is grown indoors or in a greenhouse; it is not suitable for planting outside. Also, the roots should not be allowed to overcool, so they need to be insulated. Polystyrene foam and synthetic winterizer are good for insulation.


They reproduce using leaf and stem cuttings, as well as by dividing the bush. Leaf cuttings are dug into moist soil, then transplanted into a pot. Stem cuttings placed in water, which is periodically replaced with fresh water until roots appear.


Fertilize with a special fertilizer for ornamental flowering plants, which is applied 1-2 times a month from the beginning of March to the end of October.


Replant every year, less than once every two years.

Features of winter care

in winter there is no rest period. It is watered moderately. In the spring they are transplanted into a new substrate.

Pests and diseases

Begonia may be affected gray rot. Often occurs when strong humidity and low indoor lighting.

May often appear on leaves fungal mold and powdery mildew.

Common pests: spider mites and aphids.

Control methods and treatment

Affected pests or diseased leaves removed, and the cut areas are treated with a fungicide.

From powdery mildew solution helps colloidal sulfur, with which the plant is sprayed.
With the help of insecticides they fight against aphids and spider mites.

Begonia is an unpretentious plant to care for. It can bloom all year round under optimal conditions. At home, the plant restores a calm atmosphere and is also used for medicinal purposes. for the treatment of headaches, conjunctivitis, stomach ulcers.



Hello, dear readers!

Today we'll talk about begonia. This is an amazing plant, unique, very decorative and versatile.

Begonia looks impressive everywhere, both in the apartment and in the garden in flower beds.

Admiring its magnificent and varied rose flowers, I never cease to be amazed at how perfect and unique the creations of our nature are.

The capricious, luxurious sissy begonia is loved on all continents. The plant has its own family - begoniaceae.

This family is native to the tropics and subtropical zone. Wild pristine species grow there.

They are not cultivated, but breeders have done good work based on these materials.

The beautiful begonia is now represented in more than one and a half thousand species.

The most common:

  • Tuberous begonia is used in gardens. This species was successfully tamed and adapted to our natural conditions.
  • Ever-blooming is another type of garden purpose. Low, branching, blooming long and abundantly, it perfectly decorates the garden.
  • Flower growers also grow ampelous begonia, but it is more applicable as a balcony or terrace view. You can grow an ampel plant in a room.

Selection has succeeded in working with this plant. The flowers are double, similar to peonies, and their colors are varied.

Flowering tracts captivate the eye and leave no one indifferent.

And simple, non-double varieties are attractive - begonia is tender and blooms profusely.

Difficulties do not frighten flower growers (and flowers are not easy), they master the science of growing a plant. Compositions even from one begonia different varieties- magnificent.

Begonia is good, care for which is different stages sometimes simple, sometimes not simple, and in combination with other types of flowers.

Morphology and biology

Initially, begonia is a succulent that can tolerate long-term drought without much damage.

Simple indoor views they are proving this even now. A flower exposed to the heat in the yard will not only tolerate this, but will also grow safely.

Content with rare waterings or intermittent rains, it will become lush - the envy of those left on the windowsill.

But varietal tuberous begonia will require care. In the sun it may not show itself fully; in partial shade it is better.

There the buds are larger and the color is richer. It will not tolerate waterlogging, but it also does not tolerate drought well.

Or it may not be able to tolerate fluctuations in humidity if they are frequent and long-lasting.

Begonia leaves have different shapes and colors, they are asymmetrical. Sometimes green, sometimes red, even purple or brownish.

It depends on the type, on the chosen variety. Color may also vary within the leaf: the veins are darker, especially below.

It is difficult to determine the plant by the edge of the leaf - it can be dissected or smooth in begonias.

There are species characterized by serrated leaves, or even palmate-lobed ones. They often have colored hairs, often they are spotted.

The spots also vary in color, sometimes looking like a silvery coating.

The veins of the lower plate of some varieties are covered with fluffy hairs of different shades. From deep red to almost inconspicuous green.

Flowers on individual plants are of both sexes. But the flowering dates of flowers of different sexes are shifted in time. The male ones bloom first, the female ones later.

This is how nature protects itself from inbreeding - related cross-pollination and degeneration.

A flowering female specimen may receive pollen exclusively from another plant.

Their male flowers have already faded, providing pollen to the flowers of other begonias. Nature is wise and reasonable.

Breeders use this feature of begonia to create varieties.

Wild ones have simple flowers with 4–5 petals. Varietal varieties are often double, so you don’t always recognize a distant tropical relative next to them.

The stem varies in height and thickness - according to varieties and types. One thing is constant: the stem of a begonia is fragile.

The fruit is a cracking capsule. The seeds are very small, and the wind sometimes “sows” them far from the mother plant.

In nature, the seeds of this plant are spread by frequent rainfalls in the tropics. Water flows in streams, carrying seeds to another place.

Tuberous begonia does not tolerate stagnant air, therefore it is a garden plant.

Open ground begonia

Three species beloved by gardeners can withstand “free life”:

  • Tuberous - grown using a special technology from tubers.
  • Deciduous - Deciduous begonias do not have a central stem. Many equal leafy stems branch upward from the rhizome. They are usually pubescent and topped with beautiful, spectacular carved large leaves of different colors and shapes. These begonias also bloom, but the decorative effect of the plant is provided to a greater extent by the leaves. The flowers are delicate and small.
  • Bush. Ever-flowering – forming rhizomes.

Tuberous. Gardeners often prefer tuberous, very showy begonia.

The beginning of her growing season takes place in the house, and there are subtleties of care here. Our flower growers have found an approach to the plant, developed a technique for storing tubers and awakening them at the time of planting.

But then it smells fragrant and pleases with its beauty - in the flowerbed.

Even with seed cultivation, which is also practiced, this species eventually forms tubers.

The color of the petals is a palette of colors. Ranging from pale pink, almost white, to rich red, purple.

Double flowers are in favor, but simple four-petal begonias are also good.

Everblooming. This species is also good for landscaping. The underground part is similar to a tuber, but morphologically it is a rhizome.

It can bloom continuously, without rest, all year round, but in the tropics.

In the gardens of our country, evergreen grows as an annual; this begonia is grown from seeds. You can collect the seeds yourself, it will be an interesting experiment.

Some specimens will repeat externally the parental characteristics, while others will produce splitting - a completely unexpected result.

The color may change, disappear, or even appear for the first time - terry.

Deciduous. Deciduous begonias do not have a central stem. Many equal leafy stems branch upward from the rhizome.

They are usually pubescent and topped with beautiful, spectacular carved large leaves of different colors and shapes.

These begonias also bloom, but the decorative effect of the plant is provided to a greater extent by the leaves. The flowers are delicate and small.

Choose a variety to your liking

Begonia has a wide variety of varieties. There are many varieties of luxurious flowers - there is room for your eyes and imagination to run wild.

Of course, every gardener chooses what will harmoniously fit into the landscape of his garden. Or it will fit perfectly into the design of the yard and will reign in the flower beds.

Popular deciduous varieties:

Hybrid royal(aka Rex begonia) fascinates with its kaleidoscope of leaf colors. Its leaves have the most unexpected shades, patterns, carved along the edges or even.

The unusual leaf patterns are so decorative that you can create any desired composition.

In addition to the fancy patterns, the leaves of this variety have a border. By arranging only species related to the royal one, the gardener can recreate the original flowerbed.

Begonia Mason. Also a leaf form. The plant is not tall, rarely 35, more often 20 cm.

The pattern of the leaf is unusual: on a rough, terry-like, light green background there are brown triangles converging at the center with sharp tips.

A leaf of this color resembles symbolism: the Maltese cross. The flowers are small, modest, beige in color.

The main value is the decorativeness of the sheet.

Metallica. The name contains the peculiarity of the color. The leaf itself (this is also a deciduous species) is green, plain, carved.

Prized for its silvery-metallic hue, similar to a coating or pollen of metal.

Red-leaved. In fact, the leaf blade is green and gives off a shine - glossy.

The name is given by the underside: it is a rich red hue. Flowers, like all deciduous begonias, are in the background.

They are discreet, small, pale pink.

Bush begonia is “bolder” than deciduous.

It grows with powerful dense, intensively branched side shoots stems.

It has a well-defined powerful rhizome. It is not divided into parts.

This species can bloom all year round. For which it is also called ever-blooming. IN open ground It blooms seasonally, in the winter garden or at home it lives up to its name.

Bush begonia varieties:

Coral. This is exactly the color of the delicate, medium-sized, but numerous flowers in the inflorescence.

It grows as a bush, it’s not for nothing that it’s bushy. It grows up to a meter in height. The leaf is a dark green background that favorably shows the main thing: the inflorescences.

The leaves themselves are not variegated, they are monochromatic. The lower plate is reddish.

Fuchsia. A very spectacular, meter tall, growing “wall” of begonia, abundantly strewn with inflorescences of different shades of red, starting from pale pink, ending with dark red.

Small flowers hang in a garland on long legs, also painted to match the flower.

It looks great against the smooth green of the large leaves. Stems may be red.

Tuberous begonia is a worthy fruit of the labor of breeders.

So many species participated in its creation that now varieties are not always determined by the untrained eye, like begonia.

It is both herbaceous and can grow as a bush and produce long shoots (ampeloid).

Its flowers vary from small and medium to large. The leaf does not have one standard: its shape is different, the more interesting the plant is for the gardener.

You can arrange it according to your preferences, relying on taste and imagination.

The flower is simple or (more often) double, its edges are wavy, carved or smooth - depending on the variety.

Begonia is in no way inferior in decorativeness to rose or peony. It looks like them and can even compete in beauty.

Odorossa. Long-blooming, replete with shades of pink of different intensities - in one petal. Very beautiful.

Plants of this variety are not necessarily pink, they can have different colors.

If desired, flower growers purchase Odorossa mixtures. A flowerbed of blooming mixture looks like a luxurious carpet.

The flowers are large, double, diameter – 15 cm.

Kelblutrot. Large-flowered variety. Scarlet flowers. There are pink and other shades.

Picoti Harlequin. The exotic names of begonia also emphasize its beauty. This variety is terry.

The bush itself is not tall - about twenty centimeters, but the flowers are luxurious. The flower is large (12 cm), yellow-orange.

The shades change: the center has an almost red middle, the petal itself is almost yellow, and along the edges there is a clearly defined red border.

The subspecies "Pikoti" includes many varieties, most are characterized by a border along the edge, but there are also white ones.

Champagne. It is not for nothing that this species is named so: when Champagne blooms, abundant double flowers of a delicate creamy yellow color hang like fireworks, like splashes of champagne.

The flower size is average, 9 cm, but it itself is charming. Along the edges the color gradually turns darker.

There are so many varieties that only the gardener himself can choose the right ones among more than two thousand of them.

Not a single variety will disappoint an amateur.

Disembarkation time and place

Begonia settles in open ground when the time of return frosts has already passed.

But in order for it to have time to decorate the entire garden summer with flowering, the tuber needs to be “awakened” earlier.

Therefore, the plant begins its growing season at home. You should start doing it at the border of the seasons: winter and spring.

Tubers are brought from storage to the house in February. Inspect the condition.

Having discovered dormant buds, you can send the tubers until March - to the refrigerator, to the vegetables. Right in the package.

If the buds have already sensed the approaching spring and woke up and hatched, the refrigerator is not an option.

We need to plant it. Of course, not in the garden - in pots. The sprouts begin to feed and take this nutrition from the tuber.

It is necessary to help the plant form both sprouts and roots before moving it into the garden. Therefore, the first planting place is indoor conditions, an ordinary flower pot.

Begonia purchased for the first time is also examined. The option chosen is a refrigerator until March or planting a tuber at home, a kind of “kindergarten”.

This is determined by the condition of the purchased tuber, just as when inspecting a tuber that was stored at home, in the basement or in the refrigerator.

Planting begonias

This garden favorite is grown either from a tuber or by sowing seeds. Both methods will produce a tuberous plant by autumn.

But how to plant begonia is a whole science.

Planting in a pot

This housing is temporary and does not require a large size. Begonia roots grow superficially and do not go deep.

  • If there are several tubers, you can adapt a shallow plastic container for the first phase of their cultivation and plant these tubers nearby.
  • There should be a space around each tuber with a radius of 5 cm, i.e. from the edge of the container 5 cm, between tubers - 10.
  • For proper development, begonias are planted in good soil. There is no need to spend money on a ready-made soil mixture - it’s more interesting to prepare it yourself. And at the same time - savings.
  • Do not take garden soil, especially greenhouse soil. This is waste material and is considered the worst option. Leafy podzolic soil is good (you can get it from the nearest forest or shelterbelt). But what needs to be done is a mixture. Half the volume of sand, peat and humus is added to the total volume of the sheet. You can vary what you eat, but this composition is ideal for a good start for begonia.

Preparing a tuber before planting has its own subtleties:

  • After inspecting the planting material and removing dried, lifeless roots, the begonia tubers are disinfected. This is the prevention of fungal diseases; a fungicide solution is taken.
  • Disinfect by placing the tubers in a container where the solution covers only the lower two-thirds.
  • Be sure to make sure that the upper, sprout, part of the tubers does not get wet. Otherwise, the tuber may become sick, rot, or fail to germinate. This feature of a plant native to the humid tropics is surprising, almost paradoxical. But this rule must be followed.
  • Soak the tubers in the fungicidal solution for 30 minutes.

Begonia is sensitive to stagnant water, so drainage is required. Available means are suitable - crushed stone, pottery shards, pebbles.

Brick fragments, small concrete chips from construction work, expanded clay - everything is suitable for laying on the bottom of a planting container.

Excess water will drain through the non-water-retaining layer to the bottom of the pot. Then it will go into the pan through the holes in the bottom.

The tuber is shaped like a hemisphere. Planting is carried out with the convex side down. In the recess at the top, sprouts are forming (or have already formed).

This recess should not get wet during watering. Therefore, watering is only at the edges, and that’s why they left a five-centimeter distance.

You should not overfill, only when upper layer the soil dries out. And watering in moderation.

Do not pamper the planted tuber or cover it. Place in a cool, moderately bright room.

Harden it by periodically exposing it to the yard or balcony.

The hardening area must be protected from drafts. This is how seedlings are grown.

Sowing seeds

A method for the most patient gardeners who preserve the purity of the variety. The seeds, of course, are not “our own production” if this purity is needed. They must be purchased annually.

Begonia is sown early, even in winter, at the end of it. January or February sowing will provide the plant with the opportunity to “catch up” with specimens grown from tubers.

Then you will enjoy flowering from the beginning of summer until frost. An important fact: the tuber will have time to ripen.

With late sowing, the tubers are weak and do not overwinter well. And the flowering period is short. In the south, begonia is also sown in December.

The earth mixture is prepared as for tubers, and drainage is also provided.

The seeds are not buried; they are sown superficially - on a moistened substrate.

Humidity is kept constant - swollen seeds are vulnerable and will not tolerate dryness.

In order for moisture to flow to them, you just need to cover the seeds with film. Maybe glass.

Plastic containers are convenient. By covering the container with the sown seeds with a lid, the gardener can make his task easier. The humidity inside the closed container will remain.

Growing begonia seedlings

  • If watering is needed, spray water or pour it into a tray. Otherwise, the small seeds that are not buried will not stay in place and will be washed away. Do not leave water in the pan for a long time - the begonia will perceive this as drowning or waterlogging and may get sick.
  • Germination requires the usual temperatures for all crops: 20 or more (up to 25) degrees.
  • The shoots of thin stems immediately stretch out in the warmth. Especially when there is a lack of light. Therefore, the temperature is reduced, light is added. This slows down the elongation and thinning of seedlings.
  • For three whole weeks, the begonia will accumulate strength to expel the first leaves, called real ones. The time has come for picking - planting plants separately.
  • It is better to place them in cups, but you can also put them in another box. It is enough to leave a distance of 2 cm between the picked seedlings.
  • This is an intermediate pick, after which there will be two more. The second and third are held at intervals of about a month. More precisely, they are determined visually: by the thickening of the plants. The distance with each such pick is increased by 2 or 3 centimeters. You can get by with two pickings if the plant in the region is ready for planting during such cultivation, and the climate allows it to be planted earlier.
  • After waiting a month from the last picking, they compare the phase of the plants and the weather. If the frost has already passed, seedlings are planted.

Landing in the ground

Seedlings grown from tubers and seedlings obtained from seeds love the same soil. There is only one plant.

And begonias love loose, “breathing” soil, fertile, but not overfed.

It’s good if the composition is close to the one in which the young plant grew. But it will also tolerate changes, as long as there is no stagnation of water or dense soil.

A place for a beautiful begonia is chosen with several conditions:

  • Protection from wind;
  • Penumbra;
  • Suitability of soils;
  • Floodability of the area;
  • Favorable placement for decorative presentation - hiding such beauty far away is almost a crime.

There are no standards regarding the distance in the rows - the gardener is guided by the needs of the variety.

Small plants tolerate close proximity, tall ones require space. Growing begonias is a creative process.

Seedlings of the first year rarely show growth characteristic of the variety (they will show it the next year).

But the tubers turn out well, and then you won’t have to buy them in the spring.

The depth of planting a seedling is a maximum of 3 cm. It is good if the soil is filled with organic matter (humus).

When this is not the case, when planting, add flower complete (NPK) fertilizer in low concentrations.

After carefully watering the planted seedlings, the holes are mulched (if there is no mole cricket) or sprinkled with soil to reduce evaporation.

Planting seedlings is not much different from planting seedlings. If the sprouts have already outgrown the size of a matchbox, the tuber can be safely sprinkled with soil and placed on top in a permanent place.

Now this plant cannot harm, both shoots and roots are already developed.

The distance is also adjusted according to the variety: “kids” live calmly at a distance of 15 cm, tall ones need more lighting and feeding area - approximately twice (distance - 30 cm).

Begonia care

Begonia is not so capricious, it is in vain that it is considered so. Care includes operations:

  • Periodic watering - usually every two or three days, depending on the soil and weather. The leaves are not moistened, watered carefully. If drops fall on the sheet, spots form.
  • Loosening – destruction of crust and weeds, plus it retains moisture while improving aeration.
  • Feeding. There is a little more attention and work here. Approximately two-week intervals, if you want to admire the luxury of a living carpet all season long. And the water should not be hard. In regions where the water is not soft, slightly acidify the feeding solution with vinegar. A tablespoon of vinegar is enough for 15 liters of water. Then there will be “feed for the horse”, the fertilizers will be absorbed.
  • Picking faded and small male flowers will enhance the decorative effect.
  • If necessary – destruction of pathogenic microflora that causes diseases, protection from pests.

Otherwise, begonia does not require special care.

Begonia propagation

In addition to the already mentioned seed (seedlings) and tuber (seedlings from tubers), begonia is also propagated by other methods.

You can choose from the following:

  • By seeds - through seedlings;
  • Tubers - according to the described method;
  • By cuttings;
  • Rooting the leaf;
  • By dividing the tuber.


Let's take a closer look at how to propagate begonia by cuttings.

The method is simple and accessible to any gardener. Allows you to quickly obtain high-quality material.

Rooted cuttings retain all the characteristics of the variety.

There are three types of cuttings:

  • Apical;
    Stem media;

Stem (apical and middle)

Root by first cutting the stem into fragments with two or three leaves/buds.

The easiest way is to put the cuttings in water. You can directly into the soil substrate. They do this in the spring.

If rooting is carried out in water, it is convenient to place the cuttings in a transparent container. This will help observe the formation of roots.

The resulting roots are a signal to transplant the cutting into a pot.

  • Watering around the edges;
  • Feeding;
  • Cool room;
  • Dim lighting.

This is how begonia is grown before being planted in the ground.

The cuttings planted in the substrate are watered, covered with a jar, film - any transparent material underneath that retains moisture.

The first new leaf that appears will indicate that the cutting has taken root. The cover can be removed.

Cuttings are also taken in the fall. Then it is possible to shed the leaves for the winter. This is the norm, the cutting is alive.

The cuttings can be unscrewed from the tuber, carefully, without damaging them. And root using the same methods.

Rooting a leaf

If you only managed to get a leaf of a scarce variety, you need to root it in water so that the cut just touches the surface of the water.

Monitor the level and do not leave it without moisture. Gradually, roots will stretch out from the cut towards the water.

The new begonia can be planted.

Another method of propagating begonias with leaves is shown in the video.

Tuber division

Only healthy tubers, no younger than two years old, are selected. Large tubers with several buds are suitable.

The division is carried out as follows:

  • In spring, it is important to catch the moment the buds awaken. This is the time of division. Tubers are not shared with shoots, they are more vulnerable, manipulation harms growth. It may even destroy the tuber.
  • The knife is treated (peroxide, potassium permanganate solution) and the tuber is cut. It’s clear that each fragment should end up with a kidney.
  • Tuber sections are dipped in ash (also disinfection).
  • Parts of the tubers are planted in a pre-prepared soil mixture. It has the usual composition for begonias. Do not bury the buds.
  • Cover the pot with transparent material (you can cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle) to maintain moisture.
  • You can remove the cover when the begonia begins to grow, which means it has taken root.
  • Plant in the ground and sprinkle the top of the tuber when the sprouts are Matchbox. And the weather will allow landing. But you can leave it in the pot longer.

Diseases and pests

Begonia is resistant to diseases with proper agricultural practices. May be affected by fungal (tuber rotting) diseases in rainy years.

Then fungicides can come in handy; their solutions are destructive to the fungus.

But if the soil is suitable for this flower, and the begonia grows in a flowerbed with subsoil drainage, it will be healthy.

Anyone who is not too lazy to create ideal conditions for his favorite plant will not regret the effort. All summer and a significant part of autumn, admiring the luxury of the flower of paradise is a reward for these efforts.

In open ground, begonia does not suffer from pests. Amazingly hardy plant.

In damp, rainy years, nematodes or thrips sometimes try to get close to it, but these are more greenhouse pests.

In the garden, begonia is an unapproachable queen.


Description of the appearance of begonia

The flower grows in the form of a bush, has large (larger than the palm of your hand) leaves of a rich green color with splashes - hence the name begonia. Young leaves are light green, but as they mature, the color darkens. The shape of the leaf is uneven, rounded and elongated, a bit like a heart. The reverse side is red. If you touch the sheet, it seems that it is wet or painted with oil paint.

This type of begonia blooms almost all year round. Large inflorescences hang in clusters (like grapes), and the flowers themselves are small - white or pale pink.

Growing spotted begonia

Begonias planted in early spring take root best. You need to choose a medium flowerpot that is spacious enough. The plant loves light soil, so use mixed soil:

  • leaf soil;
  • peat;
  • turf;
  • sand.

When planting begonias, be sure to place pieces of polystyrene foam or expanded clay at the bottom of the flowerpot to create a drainage layer.

The plant is a light-loving plant, however, under the influence of direct sunlight, burn spots appear on the leaves. Therefore, it is better to choose a place with diffused lighting for it. If it is not possible to provide natural lighting (for example, the apartment is located on the north side of the house), the begonia needs to be additionally illuminated. With a lack of sun, the plant may stop blooming, and the leaves will lose their rich color.
Spotted begonia loves water very much, so it needs to be watered well and often. At the same time, make sure that water does not stagnate in the pan. With the onset of winter, watering is reduced - it is enough to simply maintain moderate humidity, preventing the soil from completely drying out.

You cannot spray spotted begonia, otherwise the leaves will darken and the process of rotting may begin.

Since spotted begonia is afraid of low temperatures and drafts, it is grown only indoors. A comfortable temperature for keeping it in the summer is 25 degrees Celsius, and in winter – no less than 17 degrees.
To stimulate development, the shrub is fed with special fertilizers for ornamental plants that bloom. It is better to fertilize starting from spring and ending in autumn no more than once (maximum two) times a month.

Pruning and propagation of begonia

To stimulate the growth of side shoots and the formation of a beautiful bush, you need to cut off the top of the plant. Since begonia blooms on young shoots, it is rejuvenated every 3-4 years - maximum pruning is carried out.

If the fact of flowering is not so important, but you want to get large leaves, you can tear off the buds to redirect the force of the begonia to leaf growth.

The cuttings and leaves remaining after rejuvenating the begonia can be planted to produce new plants. Begonia also reproduces by dividing the bush.


Homeland of the begonia houseplant

The flower is unique in that it has a variety of shapes: from herbaceous to subshrub and shrubby. The color of the inflorescences of this unpretentious plant varies depending on the species. After flowering, a fruit is formed - a capsule containing small seeds.

A common feature of the plant is the presence of unisexual flowers and asymmetrical broad-oval leaves located on succulent, fleshy stems. Depending on the variety, the color of the leaf blades may be green, with a brown or purple admixture.

Thanks to its luxurious flowering and decorative foliage, begonia has gained popularity among gardeners. Depending on the structure of the underground part, The plant is conventionally divided into 3 groups:

  • leafy;
  • tuberous;
  • bush.

The perennial is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asian countries, Africa and America.

Types, varieties and hybrid varieties of begonia

There are many varieties of this colorful plant growing all over the world. Scientists know more than 900 of its species and have bred more than 2,000 hybrids. In home cultivation, 2 groups are used:

  • leafy;
  • blooming.

The difference between decorative deciduous trees lies in the original color and shape of the foliage.

Begonia tiger paws. low plant(less than 30 cm). White or soft pink flowers bloom most often in winter. The leaf blades are bright green in color with light specks. small size and a brown jagged border. Since small inflorescences are not of aesthetic value, they can be removed.

Begonia Bauer

Begonia bowerae. A low, neat bush, reaching 15–20 cm, has decorative pubescence along the perimeter. The rhizome of the plant is creeping. On cold winter days, single flowers are formed. The Tiger variety is considered the most popular with bronze-green spotted foliage.

Begonia speckled

Begonia guttata. The bush can grow up to 2 m. Thanks to proper formation, you can get a lush crown. Large burgundy leaves with silver specks add attractiveness to the bush plant. The pink inflorescences are large in size.

Begonia corallina. Luxurious subshrub almost 2 m high. The rich leaves are decorated on the front side with light spots and have an oblong-ovate shape. The underside of the leaf blade becomes reddish by the beginning of summer. If you carefully care for the plant, it can delight you with pink flowers all year round.

When crossing coral begonia and Richards, they obtained alfalfa begonia, which has 20 centimeter leaves.

Begonia royal

Begonia rex. A perennial with a powerful creeping rhizome and a low thick stem covered with red bristles. Thanks to large leaves on long petioles, a lush bush is formed. At the same time, the top of the leaf blades is velvety, and the bottom has prominent veins. The pattern and coloring of the leaves depends on the variety. The flowers, collected in inflorescences, are inconspicuous in appearance, located on high peduncles.

(Begonia manicata). The name comes from the structure of the leaves, which at the top of the petiole form a rosette resembling a collar, and on the underside they have slight pubescence around the perimeter and bright red outgrowths along the veins. The stem is creeping and thick.

Bright pink flowers represent a voluminous but loose inflorescence. An adult bush individual forms up to 5 such decorative brushes. Blooms in winter.

Begonia hogweed

Begonia herac-leifolia. The stem of this large specimen is recumbent. The rich green foliage has a palmate dissected structure and is up to 20 cm in diameter. The underparts are reddish and pubescent. Pinkish flowers form on a long peduncle, forming multi-flowered racemes.

Begonia cuff

Begonia manicata. On the thickened stem there are petioles, generously covered with red hairs. This type of begonia gets its name from the fact that at the base of the leaf blade the petiole forms a so-called cuff. The top of the non-hairy leaf blades has a bright green color, and along the edges there are small teeth and hairs. Above the large foliage rise no less beautiful flowers, forming pinkish spreading clusters.

Begonia argenteo. The silvery leaves with clearly visible veins are quite rugged along the edges. The plant is bushy with drooping branches. The flowers are white or cream with a pinkish tint.

Begonia yellow

Begonia xanthina Hook. A large-flowered shrub with densely double camellia-shaped flowers and a recumbent, densely pubescent stem. The leaves have an oval shape with a pointed tip. The top is smooth and shiny, and the bottom is slightly pubescent along the veins. Flowers are yellowish to orange.

Red leaf begonia

Begonia erythrophylla. The beautiful, hairless foliage has an intense green color and an unevenly rounded shape. Due to the deep red back of the leaf, this species received this name. A thick stem spreads along the ground. In summer, a pink palette of colors appears on the bush.

Begonia limmingheana. A subshrub with a woody stem at the base and ovate leaves. The edges of the leaf blades are wavy and the color is dark green. Flowers range from light red to coral red tones.

Begonia striped

Begonia listada. The shoots of this bush-like species are heavily leafy. The leaves are elongated and have a sharp core at the base. The top is velvety with a bluish tint and a light silver central vein, and the bottom is dark red. Soft pink tiny flowers bloom on short stalks.

Begonia metallica. Strongly branching flowering shrub with slightly reddish pubescent branches it grows over a meter. The large foliage has a metallic sheen and red veins. The reverse side is purple. The inflorescences are pink.

Begonia tuberous multiflorum

Begonia x tuberhybrida multiflora. Characterized by rich carved leaves and semi-double and double flowers, which appear in the summer.

Begonia mix

Begonia mix. A rich mixture of herbaceous begonias with fragrant flowers of various colors. Compact bushes grow 35 cm. The foliage is green, heart-shaped, with jagged edges.

Black Velvet. low plant(20 – 25 cm). It is characterized by a creeping stem and heart-shaped leaves with protruding white hairs along the edges, which darken when the flower is located in a lighted place.

Begonia Evening glow

Fast growing bushy species. The medium-sized leaves have a metallic color, a red center and green veins. There is a crimson border around the perimeter.

Begonia fista

Begonia feastii. The glossy, fleshy leaves are bronze in color on the outside and red on the back and are valued more than the small pink flowers arranged in inflorescences.

Begonia propagation methods

There are several methods for dividing a flower, but novice gardeners should know some rules. In indoor cultivation, division using cuttings or leaves is most often used.

Propagation of begonias by cuttings

Propagation of begonias using stem and leaf cuttings is one of the simplest and most convenient methods for indoor floriculture. The easiest way to propagate bush begonias using stem cuttings is. Step by step recipe such reproduction is as follows:

  • cuttings selected for rooting must have two or more buds;
  • the lower cut must be made directly under the lowest bud;
  • on cuttings with a missing tip, the top cut must be made at a distance of approximately 0.5 cm from the bud;
  • all large leaves present on the cuttings should be cut in half;
  • in the soil nutrient substrate prepared in advance, you need to make holes and carefully place the cuttings;
  • for the fastest possible rooting, a nutrient substrate based on equal parts of peat and sand is best suited;
  • The temperature in the germination room should not be lower than 20-22°C.

To create optimal conditions for rooting, all planted cuttings should be covered with polyethylene or plastic. It is necessary to ventilate the cuttings daily, preventing the soil from drying out.

Almost all begonia cuttings planted in this way form a root system in about a month, after which the plants can be transplanted into individual flower pots. You can use a ready-made substrate for begonias or prepare your own planting mixture from equal proportions of peat, leaf or turf soil, humus and plant compost with the addition of a small amount of coarse river sand. We should not forget about high-quality drainage and the presence of drainage holes in the planting container.

Cuttings (video)

Seed propagation

This propagation option is used mainly in breeding work and consists of carrying out the following simple activities:

  • in early February, fill small planting boxes with nutritious and disinfected soil;
  • thoroughly moisten the surface of the nutrient soil with settled water from a spray bottle and sow the seeds;
  • to make it easier to sow too small seeds of this ornamental crop, you should mix them with sand;
  • The box with crops must be covered with glass or film and placed in a bright place.

It should be taken into account that direct sunlight should not fall on the crops. After the first shoots appear, it is necessary to remove the cover and monitor the temperature and soil moisture levels. Stronger and older plants can be plucked with caution.

Tuberous propagation of begonia

Begonia tubers are divided into several parts. Each such fragment suitable for reproduction should be no more than 50-80 mm in length and have a well-developed bud. All sections of the cuts must be sprinkled with crushed activated carbon, and then the planting material should be placed in previously prepared moistened and nutritious soil.

Plantings should be covered with plastic film or transparent glass, and then placed in a bright place until they are fully rooted. After several new leaves appear on the planting material, the shelter must be removed, and the young plant must be transplanted into an individual flower pot with drainage, filled with special soil for cultivating begonias in indoor floriculture.

Reproduction by children

  • carefully cut off the apical part of the rhizome with a clean and sharp knife;
  • to get high-quality rooting, you need to lower the cut part into a root formation stimulator;
  • place the baby begonia prepared for planting in a flower pot filled with a nutritious soil mixture of equal parts of peat and clean coarse sand, which can be replaced with perlite;
  • Cover the flower pot with polyethylene and place it in a warm room with diffused lighting.

About a month passes before young shoots appear on the plant, after which you can remove the cover and carry out standard begonia care.

Leaf propagation

If there is a need to obtain a significant amount of planting material, then it is advisable to resort to the leaf method of begonia propagation. The cut leaves must be cut into three parts. Each part must have a piece of the central vein, which is necessary for the development of a vegetative clone.

Leaf blades prepared in this way must be planted in a vertical position in a previously prepared nutrient substrate. The depth should not exceed 10 mm. Planting soil suitable for rooting is prepared on the basis of peat. The substrate should be very thoroughly disinfected, which will reduce the risk of damage developing plants mold fungi.

Successful rooting of the leaf blade is possible only in conditions of high humidity, which requires the mandatory use of cover in the form of translucent plastic or plastic film. You can also root the leaf blade in water, without using a nutritious soil substrate.

Further care

Growing indoor begonia is not difficult even for novice amateur gardeners. The ornamental crop is quite unpretentious, and to obtain abundant and long-lasting flowering you need to pay attention to the following care recommendations:

  • the basis for proper cultivation of begonias is abundant and frequent watering of the plant with soft and settled water throughout the summer;
  • it is advisable to place the flower pot on a layer of expanded clay with water, which will maintain optimal humidity;
  • in winter, the volume and number of irrigation activities should be reduced to a minimum;
  • complex mineral fertilizers must be applied at the stage of active growth and development of ornamental crops in the spring-summer period, as well as in the phase of laying flower buds;
  • it is recommended to place flower pots with begonia on windowsills in the northern and eastern directions;
  • the plant should not be allowed to overcool in winter or the soil to dry out in flower pot in summer.

Caring for begonia at home

Flowers differ not only in appearance, but also in their requirements for growing conditions. Some varieties are more capricious than others. But in order to grow healthy and beautiful plant, you should definitely take care of it.

How to plant begonia (video)

Lighting, humidity and temperature

At midday, it is advisable to cover the bush from hot rays. In the summer, it is better to move the flower with the pot away from the window, and in winter, on the contrary, move it closer to the light to ensure uniform annual lighting.

In the room where begonias grow, it is necessary to ensure high air humidity, while taking into account that drops falling on the pubescent leaves have a negative effect on them. Due to this feature, a flower pot can be placed on a tray with wet pebbles or moss.

The air temperature should be moderate: 20-26°C during the daytime and not drop below 15-16°C at night. In winter, the plant does not need rest, so there is no need to change the temperature regime.

Soil and flower pot

The plant prefers loose, moisture-permeable and nutritious soil with a slightly acidic reaction. For adult bushes, the following composition is suitable: peat, sand, deciduous soil (1: 1: 3). The bottom of the pot must contain drainage.

Since the root system is superficial, the planting container should be wide, but not too wide, and shallow. If the plant is a tuberous plant, then when planting the distance from the edge of the pot to the tuber should be 3–4 cm.

Watering the plant

Water intended for irrigation should be pre-prepared. To get rid of chlorine, the water must be left for at least a day, and to soften it, boil or use a filter.

Experts recommend watering the plant in the morning, preferably at the same time. The frequency of watering is determined depending on the conditions and drying out of the soil. In summer, the amount of water should be greater. To maintain a sufficient level of moisture, the top layer of soil should be loosened to a depth of 1 cm.

Watering can be done by immersing a pot with a flower in a container larger than the size of the pot. Water entering through the drainage holes will saturate the ground.

Feeding begonias in a pot

Once every 10 days, the flower needs feeding, and it is advisable to fertilize it in the evening. Before starting complementary feeding, the soil needs to be watered. To avoid toxicosis and death of the plant, it is important to ensure that there is no excess fertilizer.

Suitable as a top dressing "Bona Forte", "Begonia", "Good Power" purchased from a specialty store.

Terms and rules of pruning

It is necessary to prune the plant both to get rid of old elements and to form a bush. Trimming rules:

  1. In a young specimen (6–7 cm in height), the top should be cut off.
  2. Reduce the frequency of watering until the plant begins to grow vigorously.
  3. When the shoots reach 10 centimeters in length, you need to cut off their tops.
  4. To preserve the crown, elongated branches should be removed.

Tuberous varieties must be pruned for the winter. But not all species need pruning. After the onset of autumn, begonia leaves begin to dry out. The above-ground part must be cut off, leaving only 1 - 2 cm, and place the pot in a dark, cool place (not higher than +15 ° C).

How to care for begonia in winter

Each type of flower needs certain conditions in winter. The most demanding is the tuberous variety. Even after pruning, the soil should be moistened periodically to prevent it from drying out. Bushy and decorative deciduous plants do not require special conditions.

Diseases and pests of begonia

Usually the plant gets sick if the growing conditions are not met..

  • Powdery mildew.
  • Black root rot.
  • Gray rot.
  • Bacterial spotting.
  • Ring spot.

To combat the disease, soapy liquid is used, and the plant is also sprayed with a solution of foundationazole and colloidal sulfur. In case of severe damage, it is recommended to destroy the flower.

  • The false shield is soft.
  • Greenhouse aphid.
  • Greenhouse whitefly.
  • Red spider mite;
  • Greenhouse thrips.
  • Nematode.

How to propagate begonia (video)

The most dangerous ones include mites and aphids. Insects should be removed manually, sprayed with chlorophos, a solution laundry soap, onion infusion, celandine and tobacco.

Begonia is considered one of the most beautiful flowers cultivated indoors. In addition, indoor plants should be safe for children, so it is perfect for landscaping a children's room.

Home » Houseplants, Reproduction, Plants in the house from A to Z, Care » Spotted begonia - Begonia maculata


Homeland - tropics America, Asia, Africa.
Family Begoniaceae.
- This is a species that includes subspecies with leaves of different shapes. Some are round, others are oblong, curled like a shell or obliquely heart-shaped. The leaves always contain either a pattern in the form of variegated multi-colored spots, or brightly contrasting patterns.
Begonia spotted inflorescences are produced in a loose cluster with flowers on a drooping peduncle. If you do not want the leaves to become smaller due to flowering, which takes a lot of energy from the plant, then you can tear off the buds, this way you can preserve all the beauty of Begonia.
Features of care.
Location – loves a bright, but not sunny place.
avoid sudden changes in lighting. In summer, place it a little further from the window, and in winter, on the contrary, closer to the glass. One can say about Begonia that it is almost a greenhouse plant; it is not taken outside even in summer.
Temperature – for Begonia should also be stable 19-24 °C, and in winter 16 °C. In winter, to avoid hypothermia of the roots, the pot is placed on polystyrene foam and insulated with synthetic padding.
Watering - in the warm season, regular and plentiful, without waterlogging the soil. When watering, keep the leaves away from water to avoid the appearance of brown spots. Winter watering is moderate.
Feeding – once a month, from March to October, apply complex fertilizers for ornamental plants
Air humidity – needs high humidity, but does not tolerate spraying. In this case, you can use a humidifier. In winter, protect heating radiators from dry air.
Soil and replanting - so that Begonia pleases you with its decorative leaves longer, choose a container that is not too cramped and replant it after two years.
Reproduction - Spotted begonia reproduces: by dividing the bush or by leaf. In the first case, take a strong bush with leaves of 3-5 centimeters. In the second case, either part of the cut sheet, laying it on wet sand and pressing it. Or a leaf with a cutting in water that covers the cutting by 1 centimeter, while the water is constantly changed. When leaves appear on the cuttings, they are planted in the ground.

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Description, distribution area, natural habitat

The genus Begoniaceae is a herbaceous plant, although in some bushy varieties the stem becomes woody. It is distinguished by a variety of external appearance - in nature there are species ranging in size from 4–5 cm to 4 m.

As a greenhouse and garden flower, begonia is distributed throughout the world, although the plants are native to three centers with tropical and subtropical climates:

  • Brazilian (Amazon basin);
  • Southeast Asian (Indonesia, Malaysia, Indochina);
  • Central African.

The natural habitat predetermines the requirements for environmental conditions. These are shade-loving, moisture-loving plants that prefer diffused light, slightly acidic, light, loose soils. They tolerate it without problems high temperatures air, but do not like excess moisture.

This is interesting! Begonia came to Russia during the Petrine era. Several specimens are included in the list of tropical plants that arrived from Holland in 1717. Nowadays, the largest collections grow in the Botanical Gardens of Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Novosibirsk.


It is not easy for a novice gardener to understand the complex “family” relationships of the Begoniaceae family, especially since there is no single, generally accepted classification of plants. Based on the appearance of begonia and the features of its use in floriculture, the following types are distinguished.

  • decorative foliage indoors;
  • decorative flowering indoors;
  • decorative flowering garden plants.

The European classification is based on the method of reproduction and general biological characteristics. There are 9 groups of plants, the most famous of which are:

  • Cane begonias and scrubs are reedy or bush-like, with an erect stem, beautiful leaves, and fragrant flowers. They can grow up to 2 m in height. Vivid representatives of the species are spotted and coral begonias.
  • Royal and rhizome (rhizomic) are herbaceous species with a thick fleshy stem, openwork multi-colored leaves, and a creeping rhizome - the main organ of vegetative propagation.
  • Everblooming - small bushes with “waxy” leaves and bright flowers in all warm shades of the rainbow. Cultivated as an annual garden plant.
  • Tuberose or tuberose is an unpretentious, beautifully flowering form with large double flowers. There are ampelous varieties.

Popular decorative deciduous begonias

Indoor deciduous begonia is represented by a group of plants, the main decoration of which is leaves of the most varied shapes and incredible colors. There are rounded, carved, heart-shaped, snail-shaped outlines. The texture is smooth, velvety, pimply, covered with “cilia”. The color range ranges from silver to almost black tones with all sorts of inclusions, veins, and spots.

We bring to your attention a description of popular decorative deciduous varieties of begonias and their names with photos.

Note! Decorating the interior, the flower also brings benefits. It has phytoncidal properties: it suppresses pathogenic microorganisms, mold spores cleans the air of dust, toxins, and chemical contaminants.

Begonia Mason

One of the most recognizable species is the compact Begonia masoniana with large, pimply green leaves decorated with a burgundy blotch resembling a stylized Maltese cross. The shape of the leaf blade is asymmetrical, heart-shaped, pointed at the apex. The rhizome is thickened, creeping, drooping with many hairs. Leaves on elongated cuttings form a lush bush and hang beautifully along the walls of the pots. The usual size of Mason's begonia is 20–30 cm; in good conditions it grows up to half a meter in height. Small cream flowers on a long panicle are rather inconspicuous. Often the peduncle is removed, since it has no decorative value, but only enhances the outflow of nutrients from the soil.

The plant loves cool temperatures, moist air, and diffused light. In the sun, the leaves lighten, losing their rich palette and contrast effect. Propagated vegetatively - using stem and leaf cuttings.

Begonia Bauer

A miniature indoor plant up to 10 cm high, it is attractive with its unusual tiger-colored leaves. The leaf plate has a velvety texture, heart-shaped with rounded edges, located at the cuttings overlapping each other. The color is unusual and spectacular - green spots with a bronze tint and clearly traced veins stand out against a dark background; the edge is framed by short whitish “cilia”. The fleshy rhizome and leaf cuttings have a reddish tint and are covered with spots. In spring, cream or light pink clusters of flowers on elongated peduncles appear directly from the rhizome.

Begonia Bauer is the collective name of a whole group of decorative leaf varieties and hybrids obtained from the Mexican ancestor. The names of cultivators from Begonia bowerae are well-known: Tiger, Nigramarga, Cleopatra. Plants differ in the degree of leaf delicacy, the saturation of its background, color, and shape of strokes. Propagated by dividing the rhizome (rhizome) and leaf cuttings.

Begonia collarata

Another representative of the Mexican subtropics is collar begonia (cuff). Unpretentious plant medium size with large light green burdock leaves up to 30 cm in diameter on long cuttings. Forms a gorgeous spreading bush. The edge of the leaf blade is slightly indented, pubescent with villi, smooth and uniform above, hairy below. The name of the species was given by a thick fringe of reddish hairs that encircles the stalk at the junction with the leaf in the form of a cuff (collar). In spring, 2–3 long peduncles (up to 60 cm) with small openwork inflorescences of pink shades grow from a thick lodging rhizome.

From this species came the decorative hybrid Crispa with a glossy leaf and a spectacular curly edge.

Begonia Cleopatra

A well-known hybrid of the rhizomatous species Begonia bowerae. A characteristic feature is decorative leaves, reminiscent of maple, from dark green to olive on top, burgundy below. The leaf cuttings are long, fleshy, abundantly pubescent, grow from a basal rosette and form a bush up to 30 cm high. In winter (January - February), Cleopatra begonia throws out fragile peduncles with delicate clusters of flowers - white with a pink tint.

The plant is heat-loving, prefers diffused light, moderate watering, and is easy to care for. As the bush grows, it ages and loses its attractiveness. Therefore, an obligatory element of cultivation is rejuvenation by dividing the rhizome or rooting leaf cuttings.

Red leaf begonia

The second name of the decorative-deciduous hybrid is Fista. It has a shortened creeping stem with thin long cuttings and neat leaves of a round, slightly beveled shape. The surface of the plate is dense, glossy, dark green, the reverse side is red with clearly outlined light veins. Red-leaved begonia blooms from December to summer. The flowers are rare, soft pink in color, with a velvety texture, collected in loose openwork inflorescences.

At proper care produces a lush, dense bush with succulent, bright leaves, looks good in flower pots and flowerpots, and is used for vertical gardening.

Begonia hogweed

A traditional, widespread species in home floriculture. Large, palmately dissected leaves with a jagged edge and an arrow-shaped base are located on long, pubescent cuttings. The leaf blade is uniformly colored with silver-green veins, but the color saturation depends on the degree of illumination. When in bloom, the leaves are reddish in color and turn green as they grow. The thick creeping rhizome resembles a ball of intricately writhing snakes. Due to the drooping stem, begonia hogweed takes on a semi-ampeloid shape. The inflorescences are quite large, but do not cause decorative interest.

The plant is unpretentious in care, shade-loving, tolerates both high temperatures and coolness, prefers moderate watering. Reproduction methods are vegetative.

The plant belongs to the bush or reed begonias. The main difference from rhizomatous varieties is the erect stem, which can grow up to several meters. The leaves are very showy, elongated, on short stalks. The asymmetrical oval shape with a pointed apex resembles an “angel’s wing,” an outdated name for the species. The dense glossy surface of the leaf is saturated green in color, dotted with round silvery spots, and the reverse side is reddish.

Begonia spotted is interesting during flowering, which lasts all year round. Large pink and white buds are collected in panicle inflorescences and smell pleasant. As an ornamental flowering plant, begonia is photophilous and needs warmth and moderate humidity.


Homeland of begonia

The genus Begonia is part of the family of the same name. Its homeland is the tropical zone, so almost all species love wet, warm conditions growth. The greatest species diversity is found in Africa south of the equator.

The distribution area is very wide - Latin America, Haiti, India, Sri Lanka and many other equatorial regions.


The word “begonia” itself appeared in honor of the surname of the well-known governor of the island of Haiti, Begon, who lived at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries.

Botanical features of the flower

Begonia grows in almost any form:

  • herbaceous plant;
  • shrub and subshrub;
  • ampelous (creeping) plant.

Stems and foliage are dark green and fleshy. Leaves grow 2-3 from one axil. Begonia has a variety of flowers. The fruit forms a capsule in which a huge number of seeds ripen.

Depending on the characteristics of the underground part of the plant, begonias are divided:

  • leafy;
  • bush;
  • tuberous.

The flower has taken root well in our latitudes and is grown as a houseplant almost everywhere.

How to grow begonia (video)

Description of species, varieties and hybrid varieties of begonia

Begonia is distinguished by its extraordinary diversity of natural species (more than 1600), as well as artificially bred varieties and their hybrids. Each of them has decorative value and can add its own touch to the overall interior of the apartment.

Striped begonia (Begonia listada)

The variety got its name due to the beautiful color of the foliage.– against a dark green background, a yellow stripe running in the middle stands out in contrast. The shoots droop, and the main beauty is the leaves - the flowers are pale pink, small in size and do not rise too high above the plant.

Begonia silver

A plant with noticeable, prominent silver foliage. The leaves are quite large, ovoid in shape with a peculiar relief texture. The edges are often trimmed with burgundy piping. They can be either pale green or pure silver in color. which gives this species a special decorative value.

Begonia Yellow

The species got its name due to its bright yellow flowers. contrasts well against the background of dark green foliage. The plant has very short stems and peduncles, making it look neat and attractive. Under good care conditions it can reach up to half a meter in height.

Limming's Begonia (Begonia limmingheiana E.Morr.)

This variety with characteristic rich pink and light red flowers, which look great against the soft green background of the leaves. The plant is hanging, the stems grow up to 60 cm and hang beautifully from the pot.

Red leaf begonia (Begonia Erythrophylla)

Despite the name, The leaves of this variety are burgundy in color only on the bottom. On top they are dark green in color, covered with a dense leathery shell, thanks to which they resemble gloss. The contrasting combination along with the brilliant effect provide great decorative value to this plant.

Coral begonia (Begonia corallina)

The variety got its name thanks to its elegant flowers of a delicate coral tone. They have not only beautiful shades, but also an original blade shape, thanks to which they enliven the space well. The variety is very unpretentious, therefore it is one of the most popular among gardeners.

Begonia cuff (Begonia manicata)

This is real home palm, which produces large, lobed leaves on large, fleshy stems. In size it is a real giant, it can grow up to one and a half meters. It is very important to prune on time, so that the bush turns out spreading and beautiful.

Bauer's begonia resembles a tiger in color. Varieties of this variety have both small and large ovate leaves. They look very original and fit well into any type of design.

Begonia tiger

A variety with a very unusual striped leaf color - dark and light green stripes create a good contrast, often combined with splashes of yellow. The flowers are milky white.

Begonia tuberosa (Begonia tuberosa)

A plant with a stunning variety of flower colors. Red, yellow, pink, coral - they all have in common the fact that they are very bright, so such plants are appropriate to use in northern rooms where there is a lack of light.

Begonia hogweed (Begonia Нeracleifolia)

The leaves of this variety resemble a palm tree– dark green or black with bright veins and distinct lobes. The color is very diverse - there are also bright and pale green tones. Brings a real tropical touch to the room.

Royal Begonia (Begonia Rex)

The species has a stunning variety of foliage in both color and texture. The leaves are colored pink, burgundy, light and dark green. They have different patterns and decorate the room perfectly.

Begonia Feastii

Variety with glossy greens. Tones from marsh to bright green. The leaf shape is round. The back side is often painted red, which creates a unique decorative effect. Fista creates a rich, beautiful look to a room.

Begonia Black Velvet

Recognizable variety due to its unique dark green and even black foliage color. The leaves are charcoal-shaped and velvety in texture, making them look very rich. The peduncles rise high above the plant, so the flowers can be clearly seen.

Speckled Begonia (Begonia Maculata)

The variety has extremely beautiful leaves with a peculiar speckled color: dark green veins on a silver or light green background. The flowers are pink, rich colors. The petioles are often red, which creates an additional beautiful contrast.

Begonia Mix

The variety has a wide variety of flowers– bright red, soft pink, yellow, snow-white. He loves light very much, so it is preferable to choose south windows. At the same time, the mix prefers warm places where drafts will be excluded. Otherwise it may begin to fade.

Begonia Evening glow

This variety has a unique leaf color - silver, white tones with a bright red core. The edges are covered with an elegant, thin edging, jagged in shape. The plant blooms with pink or crimson flowers, which also contrast well against the general background. Makes an unusual impression, enlivening the room.

Alfalfa Begonia (Begonia Medicago)

Begonia alfalfa has beautiful, large leaves. Color ranges from light green to dark tones. On the reverse side they have a pinkish tint, making them highly decorative. Characteristic feature: long flowering(throughout the summer until September).

Begonia propagation

Begonia can be propagated by almost all known methods, and the technologies for each of them have been worked out quite well.

How to propagate a flower from cuttings

Any type and variety of plant can be propagated by cuttings. This method is the most convenient and fastest. The technique is as follows:

  1. Using a fairly sharp knife, you need to cut the green stalk no more than 10-15 cm. The main requirement is that it has at least 4 fresh leaves.
  2. Leave it for several hours to allow the cut to dry a little.
  3. Plant it in soil chosen specifically for begonias (it is better to mix it with sand in equal mass quantities).
  4. It is necessary to pour a little earth on top so that the soil is not dense.
  5. Next, the surface is covered with polyethylene or any other impermeable material.
  6. The first leaves will appear in 3-4 weeks. Further cultivation is carried out without additional layers.

How to plant tuberous begonia (video)

Begonia propagation by seeds

Unlike cuttings, propagating a flower with seeds is not suitable for all begonias, but only for flowering ones.


Begonia seeds are so small that there can be several tens of thousands of them in 1 gram.

To grow seeds, you need to take a mixture of the same composition, while ensuring constant watering - the soil literally should not dry out. It must be done very carefully - literally in small drops. Along with this condition, it is important to ensure:

  • sufficient air circulation - the house should not be stuffy;
  • It is better to keep the temperature slightly below room temperature;
  • the lighting should be constantly bright - if necessary, illuminate with a diode lamp that does not produce strong heat.

Shoots appear within 1-2 weeks. The picking should be done after the 3rd leaf begins to open, and young flowers should be planted after 2-3 months. Flowering can be expected in 4-5 months.

Features of plant propagation by leaf

All types of flowers can be propagated by leaves, but this is especially true for those plants that do not have a pronounced stem (winter begonia and Mason begonia). The technology is as follows:

  1. The leaf needs to be chosen large and healthy - it is cut with a knife.
  2. Triangular cuts are made from the center to the edges of the sheet.
  3. All parts are laid on clean, damp sand.
  4. Next, you need to take care of it regularly, ensuring constant humidity (using a spray).

Plants can be replanted as soon as their root system is sufficiently strong - usually this happens after 6-8 leaves appear.

Reproduction of bush begonia by dividing the rhizome and bush

The method is good for bushy begonias, but it is better to use it in early spring. The technology is as follows:

  1. The plant is carefully removed from the container.
  2. The roots are placed under a weak stream of water at room temperature.
  3. The bush is cut along with the roots so that all children have a sprout left.
  4. The cut should be allowed to dry - you can speed up the process and pour charcoal on it.
  5. Next, the root is treated with a growth accelerator, and the bush is planted in a new pot. It is important to ensure adequate watering during the first weeks.

How to plant indoor begonia in a flower pot

A special soil has been developed and sold for begonias, but you can make a soil mixture yourself - you just need to know a few tricks.

Soil requirements

There are several options for preparing soil:

  • leaf soil and peat in equal mass ratios;
  • sand taken half as much as these components.

In another case, the composition is more diverse:

  • peat, humus and sand in equal quantities;
  • deciduous soil taken in three times the amount.

And another option:

  • equal parts of leaf, coniferous soil and sand;
  • charcoal - 2-3 pinches.

Important! When making your own mixture, you always need to disinfect the soil - you can simply treat it in the oven for an hour or boil it for half an hour.

Landing technology

The flower is grown from tubers (bulbs). They should be purchased in winter, since planting takes place at the very beginning of spring - then you can have time to grow begonia, which will bloom in the summer.

The landing technology is as follows:

  1. Tubers must be carefully cleaned of foreign bodies and wilted rhizomes.
  2. Soak in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a special disinfectant for half an hour.
  3. Plant in soil prepared as described above. The soil should be well loosened.

As for the pot, it is chosen to be small in size so that the boundaries from the tuber to the edges of the pot are no more than 5 cm.

Important! Soil drainage is a prerequisite for any variety of begonia. You can use small pebbles or expanded clay, which are poured to a third of the depth of the dish.

Secrets of caring for decorative begonia at home

Begonia is famous not only for its extreme diversity and decorative value, but also for its undemanding conditions of care. In order for the plant to grow well, it is important to follow a few simple rules.

Choosing a place in the house

Begonias love fairly bright light, but additional shading should be done on south-facing windows. The best option is west or east, where the sun stays for half a day. It is also important to consider the following points:

  • begonia does not like drafts and temperature changes;
  • the flower responds very poorly to dry air.

Accordingly, placing the pot under the window or above the radiator is the worst option. Normal room temperature in the range from 18 to 26°C is quite suitable for the plant.

How to water begonia

The optimal time for watering is early in the morning, when you leave for work. If this is not possible, you can do it in the evening. In any case, it is better to water at the same hours.

The watering mode is as follows:

  • in summer – 3-4 times a week;
  • in winter – 1-2 times a week.

The main criterion is the condition of the soil. It should always remain slightly damp.


Water for begonias should always be left to stand for 24 hours. It will be very good if you put a kilogram of peat in an ordinary bucket (10 liters) - the water will become more acidic, and the flower will respond with great gratitude to such watering.

Plant nutrition

There are special fertilizers designed for begonias.. If they are absent, the flower can be fed with superphosphates or complex mineral fertilizers. Application rate: 2 times a month in spring and summer. In winter, once a month is enough.

Pruning begonias in a pot

Since a flower tends to grow very rapidly, even at the stage of its youth you need to think about what shape should be given to it. If you want to create a lush bush, then it is better to trim the top immediately when it reaches literally 8-10 cm.

Side shoots are pruned using approximately the same criteria. Further care consists of timely removal of dead or semi-dry shoots, as well as pinching of strongly growing branches. For decorative foliage flowers, the peduncles must also be removed after flowering has ended.

How to propagate begonia (video)

Begonia is a southern guest that has long been registered in our latitudes. It complements the design of the room well, enlivening it with its own beautiful flowers. And if you consider that care will not take much time, we can safely recommend growing this plant to any gardeners.


Characteristics and description

- This is a fairly tall spreading bush. The leaves are smooth and shiny, dark green in color with white or gray specks on top, have an uneven shape: oblong, round, heart-shaped with an oblique center.
The underside of the leaves is reddish in color.
The flowers are white and light pink, with a beautiful unusual shape. They are located on a drooping peduncle hanging down and are collected in small inflorescences.

Home care


They are planted in the spring, at the beginning of March, as the best growth occurs during this period.


The soil is mixed from different parts of peat, sand, turf, and leaf soil. The substrate should be loose and light.

Styrofoam or pumice is placed at the bottom of the pot to absorb excess moisture.

Choosing a pot

The pot should be spacious and medium in size.


She loves soft, humid indoor air. But you should not spray the leaves and flowers to avoid darkening or rotting of the leaves.

Light mode

Spotted prefers bright light. Direct sunlight should be avoided, the light should be diffused. If there is not enough natural light in the room, then you can turn on fluorescent lamps.


To make the bush lush and beautiful, the top of the plant must be pinched. In order for the leaves to be large, the buds can be torn off. Old plants are rejuvenated by pruning every 3 or 4 years.

Dead leaves and flowers are removed in a timely manner to prevent rotting of the roots.

Thermal mode

The optimal indoor air temperature corresponds to the interval from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius in summer and not lower than 16 degrees Celsius in winter.

The plant is grown indoors or in a greenhouse; it is not suitable for planting outside. Also, the roots should not be allowed to overcool, so they need to be insulated. Polystyrene foam and synthetic winterizer are good for insulation.


They reproduce using leaf and stem cuttings, as well as by dividing the bush. Leaf cuttings are dug into moist soil, then transplanted into a pot. Stem cuttings are placed in water, which is periodically replaced with fresh water until roots appear.


Fertilize with a special fertilizer for ornamental flowering plants, which is applied 1-2 times a month from the beginning of March to the end of October.


Replant every year, less than once every two years.

Features of winter care

in winter there is no rest period. It is watered moderately. In the spring they are transplanted into a new substrate.

Pests and diseases

Begonia may be affected gray rot. Often occurs in high humidity and low light indoors.

May often appear on leaves fungal mold and powdery mildew.

Common pests: spider mites and aphids.

Control methods and treatment

Affected pests or diseased leaves removed, and the cut areas are treated with a fungicide.

Solution helps against powdery mildew colloidal sulfur, with which the plant is sprayed.
With the help of insecticides they fight against aphids and spider mites.

Begonia is an unpretentious plant to care for. It can bloom all year round under optimal conditions. At home, the plant restores a calm atmosphere and is also used for medicinal purposes. for the treatment of headaches, conjunctivitis, stomach ulcers.



Prim variety of noble colors

Begonias are one of the most diverse genera of houseplants. Tuberous and bushy, ampelous and rhizomatous, beautifully flowering and decorative foliage - there is plenty to choose from. But if flowering begonias are considered modern and fashionable plants, deciduous begonias have long been given the status of “golden classics”. And this is fair: these plants have been used in interiors for a long time, won the hearts of fans, and managed to survive several periods of unpopularity.

But today “grandmother’s” begonias are back in fashion. After all, no one can compare with them in the beauty of textures and colors with metallic effects. And even the fact that most begonias are poisonous plants (substances contained in the leaves cause irritation of mucous membranes and skin), does not in the least prevent them from remaining very popular crops.

Decorative deciduous representatives of the genus Begonia (Begonia) are herbaceous perennials, the bushes of which are limited in height to 20-40 cm. But there are exceptions to this rule. Miniature and medium-sized varieties of begonias are considered more popular than gigantic ones, the height of which is not limited to even 1 m. In begonias developing from rhizomes (see materials on rhizome begonias), thick, fleshy, shortened and most often pubescent shoots form inimitable leaves with a diameter of from 5 to 25 cm.

They can be either relatively simple lanceolate or round, arrow- and heart-shaped and even lobed, like maple leaves. The pointed tip of some begonias is elongated, while in others it is almost invisible. It is not easy to discern the shape of the leaves: the contours of the leaf blades are “hidden” by luxurious large and sharp teeth along the edge, ruffles and edges.

The carved edge was once the reason that begonias were classified as “aggressive” plants, but this reputation has now disappeared like a haze. But the jagged edges of the leaves really add primness and nobility. Thanks to them, begonias look both elegant and like a real proud indoor “aristocrat”. Whatever the shape of the leaves, they are asymmetrical in begonias: a thick vein in the middle divides the leaf blades into two unequal halves. And this imperfection only emphasizes the features of color and texture.

And they are inimitable in begonias: the magnificent velvet or satin of pubescent, matte or glossy leaves surprises with the play of not only color, but also texture. It is in begonias that allusions to luxurious metals are most pronounced: gray patterns seem to be silver, and red patterns appear to be copper or gold.

The color palette of begonias is completely unique: dark brown, green and red colors seem to be real black, and the most diverse noble variations of green, red, purple, white, silver, chocolate, and pink captivate with their unusualness.

The fact that begonias are deciduous does not mean that the plants are unable to bloom. Discreet and modest, incomparable to beautifully flowering species and varieties, cream flowers on plants are most often removed without being admired. Tall deciduous begonias have more beautiful and brighter flowers than low bushy ones.

Types of decorative deciduous begonias

Today it is believed that the number open views begonias exceed 1,500 plants, and the number of hybrid forms and varieties has long exceeded the two thousand mark. And a little less than half of the begonias are decorative deciduous. Deciduous begonias are native to South America and Mexico, but some species were first discovered in Asia. In nature, begonias are considered typical inhabitants of tropical forests.

Today, the number of varieties and hybrids of begonias is so large that among the magnificent deciduous queens you can find crops with any colors, leaf shapes, effects and textures. Lovers of the classics will like begonias with color transitions along the contour of the plate; for a modern interior there will be begonias with variegated ripples or strict patterns, and those looking for originality will be surprised by begonias with spirals and stars on the leaves...

And if you remember about the most diverse color combinations, then you can really talk about the variety of begonias endlessly. In a word, there is plenty to choose from.

If we owe such an enviable diversity to any species of begonia, then this is Begonia royal (Begonia rex), which we also often call by the botanical name Rex. This is the most diverse begonia in leaf colors, which has inspired breeders to endless experiments. Their appearance has become the standard for all leafy beauties.

Sometimes in the classifications of begonias, all decorative foliage varieties are divided into two groups - varieties and hybrids of royal begonia and begonia of the diadem group. The latter trace their origins to the begonia species of the same name, which has caused a lot of controversy - Begonia diadema (Begonia diadema). This plant remains controversial today.

Some scientists consider this begonia to be a separate species, while others consider it just a form of royal begonia. Tiaras are easy to distinguish by the similarity of the leaf shape to maple greens: the leaf plates are cut into 7 (or more) pointed lobes.

Begonia diadema ‘Silver Star’. © Kor!An

But don’t forget about other types of begonias.

Begonia Bauer (Begonia bowerae) - the most spotted of all begonias. The pattern on the leaves is always variegated, disordered, cheerful; contrasting spots appear on the leaf plates, evoking associations with the skins of wild cats.

Begonia Mason (Begonia masoniana) - a species with unique black-green colors, the beauty of the veins on the leaves of which can be admired endlessly.

Begonia ringata (Begonia annulata), also known as Griffith's begonia (Begonia griffithi) is memorable both for its velvety dense leaves and clearly defined striped zones of color. Its dark center is combined with the silvery color of the middle part of the leaf and a darker border, and all the “spots” follow the contour of the heart-shaped leaf plate itself with a slightly twisted spiral base.

Mason's begonia (Begonia masoniana). © shadeplants Begonia bowerae. © Jan Richtr Ringed begonia (Begonia annulata). © Martin Ogden

Begonia flesh-colored (Begonia incarnata), today we have included in the view the once considered separately Begonia metallic (Begonia metallica) - a species with prominent veins, metallic reflections of the surface and powerful bushes from half a meter to 80 cm in height.

Begonia goeg (Begonia goegoensis) - more rare view, whose velvety leaves are often flat, rounded with a pointed tip, resemble precious stones thanks to luminous light veins and cobwebs against a dark background.

One of the tallest begonias - ( Begonia maculata), which forms impressive bushes with strong shoots. The leaves are most often heart-shaped, sometimes with a snail-shaped base. Begonia got its name because of the variegated spots on the dark base background of the leaf blades and the contrasting ripple patterns. Unlike lower begonias, it can also boast pretty pink flowers.

Spotted begonia (Begonia maculata). © outlawgarden Begonia incarnata. © Gloria Utzig Begonia goegoensis. © MT

But on sale today, species begonias are replaced by hybrids and varieties, each of which has its own memorable features.

Fashionable varieties of incomparable deciduous aristocrats:

  • Variety “Snail” (Escargot) - a variety with dark gray-green leaves of an almost solid heart-shaped shape, in which the base of the leaf blades seems to twist inward, creating a coil, and the gray-silver light wide stripe along the contour of the plate only emphasizes the snail-spiral;
  • Variety ‘Rohceart’ - round-leaved begonia with spirally twisted leaves, a unique color and a transition from silver to silver-green to the finest black edge;
  • Variety ‘Namur’ - a silver-green “snail” variety with the thinnest border and veins in the center;
  • Variety ‘Lospe-Tu’ - with a snail-like base of bright green leaves, along the edges of which dark veins resemble sewn stitches;
  • Variety ‘Benitochiba’ is a densely bushy begonia with maple-shaped leaves of silver color, against which purple and green veins glow brightly, emphasized by the pearlescent and pink tint of the carved edges of the leaves;
  • Variety ‘Maid Marion’ - silver-leaved “snail” variety of medium height with a very rich crimson-green border;
  • Variety ‘November Frost’ - a silvery variety with a fine network of dark green veins;
  • Variety ‘Charlotte Chiffon’ is a delicate multi-colored variety in which the leaf blade in the center is pearlescent pink, the edge is silvery pearlescent, and the border, veins and wavy edge are dark green;
  • Variety “Tiger” is a variety of Bauer begonia with bright lime green, dazzling round spots along the edges of kidney-shaped, almost black leaves;
  • Variety ‘Pearl de Paris’ - pearlescent silver variety with heart-shaped leaves and a thin dark network along a corrugated surface;
  • ‘Nordic Glacier’ is a highly jagged, pearlescent variety with a dark center and black, radiating veins leading to a thin dark border;
  • Variety ‘Meisterstuck’ - pearlescent pink striped variety with black veins;
  • Variety ‘Dewdrops’ - satin begonia with a pearl-gray color, the foliage twisted into a snail at the base flaunts a dark border and cobweb-like dark veins;
  • Variety ‘Chocolate Cream’ is a classic hybrid with round leaves twisted into a spiral at the base with an elongated tip, a carved edge, decorated with a dark brown border and veins, memorable with a dark center and silver-pink stripes in the middle;
  • Variety ‘Baby Dress’ is a large-leaved but low begonia with a bright, rich green tone of large leaves with a red-brown “quilted” ruffled edge, leaf bases twisted into a double snail;
  • Variety ‘Green Gold’ is a round-leaved variety with a wavy surface, bases twisted into a very steep spiral, silver color, unique dark green veins diverging in the center of the leaf and echoing the thinnest border along the edge;
  • Variety ‘Fireworks’ is a touching variety with heart-shaped leaves, in which the black core of the leaf along the veins diverges into a dark green color with silver spots and a purple border;
  • Variety ‘Black Fang’ is a miniature velvety black begonia with a carved, pubescent edge, luminous malachite veins in the center and a double snail at the base of the leaf;
  • Variety ‘Charm’ is an incomparable, austere variety with a spirally twisted base and a pointed tip of a heart-shaped leaf, on which a black ruffle is combined with small silver spots on a dark green background;
  • Variety ‘Helen Lewis’ is a velvety-leaved begonia with a heart-shaped leaf, which has an almost black border and center of the leaves combined with silver and green stripes between them;
  • Variety ‘Lillian’ - similar to the previous variety, but with a corrugated edge and a double snail at the base;
  • Variety ‘Silver Jewel’ - striped begonia with velvety dark leaves and silvery “zebra” veins;
  • Variety ‘Little Brother Montgomery’ - a maple-leaved variety that plays on the contrast of silver-light green with a dark green center and border;
  • Variety ‘Hallelujah’ is a very compact variety that curls into a snail with a dark purple color, which is literally made to sparkle by a silver stripe in the center of the leaf blades (visually dividing the leaf into a border and a center);
  • Variety ‘Dollar Down’ - a unique variety with an almost black border and scarlet leaf color;
  • Variety ‘Five and Dime’ - pearlescent pink variety with green and black ruffle;
  • Variety ‘Gryphon’ - a variety with maple-shaped leaves, large, with a glossy metallic sheen of dark leaves with silver streaks between the veins;
  • Variety ‘Merry Christmas’ - very beautiful variety, in which the stripes are almost strict and brightly separated from one another - from a black center and a pink base to a silver spot in the middle, turning into a rich green edge and a dark thin border;
Begonia ‘Benitochiba’ Begonia ‘Tiger’. © Mokkie Begonia ‘Fireworks’. © Cliff

Caring for decorative deciduous begonias at home

Deciduous begonias are unpretentious and hardy plants. They can react to mistakes in care and various problems by losing leaves and becoming depressed, but as soon as you correct your mistakes, they quickly recover. But still, it is better not to go to extremes in growing deciduous begonias.

If you provide them with regular and attentive care, begonias will reveal all their unprecedented beauty and become a true decoration of the collection. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to adhere to the “norm”: deciduous begonia does not require either a cool winter or measures to humidify the air.

Lighting for deciduous begonias

Due to their undemanding requirements for lighting, begonias allow the use of luxurious variegated leaves to decorate not only window sills, but also the interior (and not only in living rooms, but also in bathrooms). Strong shading will affect the beauty of the patterns, the density of the bushes, and the size of the leaves. But in any light or semi-shaded place, begonia will only delight.

The only thing that needs to be given special attention is protection from direct sunlight. Begonia needs diffused light; even the morning sun can leave spots on the leaves and spoil their attractiveness.

Comfortable temperature conditions

Begonias, which have beautiful leaves, thrive in room temperatures. They do not like either cold or heat. The most comfortable environment is limited to 15-20 degrees. The temperature should not fall below 15 degrees even for a short time in winter. Heat negatively affects the beauty of foliage, plants may suffer from drying out tips, but if it is not possible to ensure more restrained indicators, then you can normalize the environment for begonias by simple measures to humidify the air.

Some difficulties in growing decorative deciduous begonias are caused by the plants’ dislike of drafts. But it is enough to place the bushes in a protected place and additionally protect the begonias during ventilation - and no problems will arise. You need to ventilate the room with begonias more often: access to fresh air is necessary for the formation of very beautiful leaves.

Begonias should not be taken out open air, place it on balconies in the summer, and even more so in the garden.

Begonia " Troubled waters"(Begonia 'Muddy Waters'). © gwenniesworld

Watering and air humidity

These magnificent beauties require a simple approach to watering: for deciduous begonias, do not allow stagnation of water, but maintain uniform light moisture without allowing the soil to completely dry out. Winter mode Watering is adjusted in accordance with changes in the rate of drying of the substrate, slightly reducing the frequency of procedures and always checking how dry the soil is before the next watering.

Some varieties of begonias require a dormant period, and watering for them needs to be adjusted more significantly (when purchasing, you should check the winter care regime). But most leafy beauties do not need such measures. Plants are watered with water at the same temperature as the air.

When watering deciduous begonias, you need to act very carefully: the plants cannot tolerate water getting on the leaves and stems, even small drops leave behind stains (this is why begonias should not be sprayed).

Begonias with decorative leaves, despite their origin, cannot be called typical moisture-loving tropics, which vitally require high levels of air humidity. But their endurance has its limits: too dry air affects the beauty of the leaves, and extreme dryness during operation of heating devices must be avoided by taking measures to compensate for it. Also additional measures measures will have to be taken to increase air humidity if the begonias are at a temperature of 21 degrees Celsius.

For begonias, spraying is not an option. You can increase air humidity by simple measures - installing bowls, trays with wet moss, pebbles, expanded clay, decorative soils (playing with textures can be used to emphasize the beauty of begonia leaves).

The function of a humidifier for begonias can be played by both moisture-loving neighbors (Russia, Cyperus, and other species that require damp conditions), and indoor fountains, and paludariums, or aquariums. If you only need temporary measures and want to increase the humidity with a simple spray, then spray it from a considerable distance above the plant, using as fine a sprayer as possible.

Feeding for deciduous begonias

Fertilizers for these plants are applied exclusively from March to October. It is advisable to use special mixtures of fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants. But if you manage to find special fertilizers for begonias, then choose them (usually such products are found in the product lines of manufacturers who have fertilizers not only of basic types, but also for certain varieties of indoor plants - palm trees, orchids, etc.) .

Begonia ‘Revelation Maroon’

Transplantation and substrate

Begonias of decorative deciduous type are replanted only as needed, when the plants become too crowded in old containers. Transplantation is carried out by increasing the pots by 2-3 cm compared to the previous one. A wide, flat shape of pots (height less than diameter) is preferred. Optimal timing- February or March.

For begonias, it is necessary to select nutritious, loose substrates. Optimal pH values ​​are 5.8-6.5. You can use ready-made universal soil mixtures. When making your own mixture, use:

  • a mixture of equal parts of sand, leaf and humus soil with a double part of turf soil;
  • a mixture of equal parts of leaf, turf, humus soil, peat and sand.

When replanting, the depth level of begonias is kept the same. The plant should be provided with a shaded location for several days after the procedure.

Diseases and pests

Deciduous begonias, unfortunately, cannot be classified as the most resilient indoor plants. They are affected not only by aphids, spider mites or thrips, but also by powdery mildew and gray rot. This is one of the most sensitive indoor crops to soil nematodes. On these plants, the fight should begin with the use of insecticides or fungicides, since treatment in the form of mechanical washing of insects is unacceptable for deciduous begonias.

Common growing problems:

  • dropping leaves in dry air or when the substrate dries out;
  • blanching of leaves with brown tips in dry air and with scanty watering;
  • pulling and shredding leaves under heavy shade.

Propagation of deciduous begonias

Begonias of the non-flowering type allow you to choose different propagation methods to obtain new specimens, and, as a rule, rooting takes place quickly and without problems. But you need to start propagating deciduous begonias during the spring. The best methods for propagating deciduous begonias include:

  1. Dividing rhizomes when transplanting into large parts (you can separate large begonias either by hand or by cutting the trunk, but you must ensure that there is a powerful bunch of roots and one or more buds and shoots in each division).
  2. rooting of cuttings “with a heel” or parts of a leaf (in begonias, you can cut the leaf plates along the main veins, placing the cut site with the bottom side on wet sand and pinning or pressing with pebbles; rooting is carried out with low watering, light humidity and in a bright place).
  3. Separation of apical cuttings with 3-5 leaves (after processing the cuts, they are placed in water or planted in a substrate usual for begonias and, with light soil moisture, they are rooted in a bright place at room temperature).
  4. Rooting leaf parts.

Any cutting method requires one month of rooting. When propagating by parts of a leaf, you need to wait not only for the formation of roots along the cut of the vein, but also for the appearance of strong plants, which, after growing, can be separated from the leaf.


Description of the appearance of begonia

The flower grows in the form of a bush, has large (larger than the palm of your hand) leaves of a rich green color with splashes - hence the name begonia. Young leaves are light green, but as they mature, the color darkens. The shape of the leaf is uneven, rounded and elongated, a bit like a heart. The reverse side is red. If you touch the sheet, it seems that it is wet or painted with oil paint.

This type of begonia blooms almost all year round. Large inflorescences hang in clusters (like grapes), and the flowers themselves are small - white or pale pink.

Growing spotted begonia

Begonias planted in early spring take root best. You need to choose a medium flowerpot that is spacious enough. The plant loves light soil, so use mixed soil:

  • leaf soil;
  • peat;
  • turf;
  • sand.

When planting begonias, be sure to place pieces of polystyrene foam or expanded clay at the bottom of the flowerpot to create a drainage layer.

The plant is a light-loving plant, however, under the influence of direct sunlight, burn spots appear on the leaves. Therefore, it is better to choose a place with diffused lighting for it. If it is not possible to provide natural lighting (for example, the apartment is located on the north side of the house), the begonia needs to be additionally illuminated. With a lack of sun, the plant may stop blooming, and the leaves will lose their rich color.
Spotted begonia loves water very much, so it needs to be watered well and often. At the same time, make sure that water does not stagnate in the pan. With the onset of winter, watering is reduced - it is enough to simply maintain moderate humidity, preventing the soil from completely drying out.

You cannot spray spotted begonia, otherwise the leaves will darken and the process of rotting may begin.

Since spotted begonia is afraid of low temperatures and drafts, it is grown only indoors. A comfortable temperature for keeping it in the summer is 25 degrees Celsius, and in winter – no less than 17 degrees.
To stimulate development, the shrub is fed with special fertilizers for ornamental plants that bloom. It is better to fertilize starting from spring and ending in autumn no more than once (maximum two) times a month.

Pruning and propagation of begonia

To stimulate the growth of side shoots and the formation of a beautiful bush, you need to cut off the top of the plant. Since begonia blooms on young shoots, it is rejuvenated every 3-4 years - maximum pruning is carried out.

If the fact of flowering is not so important, but you want to get large leaves, you can tear off the buds to redirect the force of the begonia to leaf growth.

The cuttings and leaves remaining after rejuvenating the begonia can be planted to produce new plants. Begonia also reproduces by dividing the bush.


For many years, begonia was one of the most popular plants in indoor floriculture - its unusual carved leaves decorated the windows of the houses of many of our compatriots. Unfortunately, at the beginning of our century, begonia was undeservedly forgotten.


Household begonias belong to the genus Begoniaceae and are herbaceous plants, although there are some species whose stems are woody. As an outdoor and greenhouse crop, begonia has become widespread in many countries of the world, but the birthplace of the flower is considered to be a territory with a tropical and subtropical climate - the Amazon basin in Brazil, the central part of the African continent, as well as the countries of Southeast Asia.

Under natural conditions, begonia prefers shady areas with diffused lighting, high humidity and loose, slightly acidic soils. Begonia easily withstands rising temperatures, but does not tolerate excessive soil moisture. Begonia came to us during the reign of Emperor Peter the Great, when several dozen plants were brought to the country from Holland. Today, huge collections of this beautiful plant adorn the largest botanical gardens in Moscow, as well as in St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk.

The genus of begonias includes many of the most interesting species: there are bush and tuberous, amperous, as well as decorative foliage and flowering- any gardener will always find the variety that he likes and will become a real highlight of the interior. Today, “grandmother’s” begonias are experiencing a new surge in popularity, this is not surprising, because they personify unshakable classics and beauty. And even the fact that most of these plants are poisonous does not prevent them from remaining a spectacular interior decoration.

Most begonias are limited in length to 20-40 cm, but this rule has rare exceptions– science knows very tiny varieties, as well as gigantic ones that grow more than 1 meter. Leaf blades grow on pubescent shoots; they can be round, lanceolate, heart-shaped, as well as maple-shaped and lobed. The contours of the leaves are hidden by pointed teeth along the edges.

By the way, this carved edge At one time, it became the reason that some begonias were listed on a par with other dangerous indoor plants, but this bad reputation quickly dissipated. The jagged edges give the plant a rather prim and aristocratic appearance.

All begonias have a pronounced thick vein in the center, it divides the surface into 2 unequal parts, this asymmetry only emphasizes the originality of texture and shade. The leaves can be matte or waxy, velvety or satin, and the shades can be very diverse - often with pronounced silver, bronze and gold notes.

Most begonias bloom at home, however, not all varieties are distinguished by beautiful flowering - in leaf varieties the flowers are rather small, inconspicuous, and therefore do not serve any decorative function.

Popular types and varieties

There are more than 1,000 varieties of begonias, both outdoor and indoor. The most popular include the following.

  • Cane begonias- These are bushy or reed-like plants, distinguished by an erect stem, rather beautiful leaves and flowers with a delicate fragrant aroma. Such flowers reach a height of 2 m, so they are most often grown in greenhouses and winter gardens.
  • Royal begonias- herbaceous plants with lacy multi-colored leaves, thick stems and creeping fleshy roots.
  • Everblooming– are fairly compact bushes, waxy leaves, can be painted in a variety of shades, in conditions middle zone Russians are cultivated as garden annuals.
  • Tuberose- a rather unpretentious variety with beautiful large flowers.

Many varieties and varieties of begonia are adapted for living at home. Among the most popular begonias in indoor floriculture The following varieties should be noted.

  • "Mason"- a fairly compact begonia, the peculiarity of which is pimply green leaves with a purple spot, which visually resembles a Maltese cross– this color makes the flower very decorative and effective. The leaf plate is asymmetrical, heart-shaped. The roots are of a creeping type, thickened and covered with numerous hairs.

The leaves form a lush bush about 20-30 cm high, although if comfortable living conditions are maintained, the plant can grow up to 50 cm. The flowers are small and inexpressive.

  • Begonia "Bauer"- a very small indoor plant, only 10 cm high, the leaves are heart-shaped, velvety, the edges are rounded, their color looks very unusual: light green ones stand out sharply against a dark, almost black background, bronze-colored spots, the edge is framed with milky white eyelashes, and the veins are very clearly drawn. Leaf cuttings are red in color. In spring, flower stalks appear from the rhizome.

  • Begonia collarata- another rather interesting home begonia. This is a very unpretentious variety, the peculiarity of which is large light green leaves, the diameter of which reaches 30 cm. The foliage forms a rather lush and spreading bush, the plates along the edges are cut and covered with small villi, the upper part is glossy, and the lower part is covered with “cilia”. At the point where the cuttings are attached to the leaves, a kind of “cuff” is formed from red hairs., which is why the plant got its name.

  • Red leaf begonia- this plant is known to many gardeners under the name “Fiesta”; it has a slightly shortened stem, long cuttings and round, slightly colored leaves. The surface of the leaf plate is smooth, dense, almost glossy. Front side leaves are green, the back is colored red, with well-drawn white veins. Flowering is observed from December until spring.

  • Begonia hogweed- one of the most popular plants in home gardening. It is characterized by large palmately dissected leaf blades with sharp serrated edges and a heart-shaped base. The leaves are colored relatively evenly, silver-gray veins distributed over the entire surface, while the saturation of the shade depends on the level of lighting. The inflorescences are enlarged, but inconspicuous.

  • Begonia spotted– bush begonia, characterized by an erect stem, in favorable conditions it can reach several meters, therefore it is grown, as a rule, in greenhouses. The leaves are elongated, asymmetrical, the apex is pointed. The leaves visually resemble angel wings in shape., this is exactly what the plant was called in the time of our grandmothers. The surface of the leaf plate is glossy, very dense, the color (deep green) is literally dotted with white veins. The back side is reddish-red.

Rules of care

Begonia – pretty unpretentious indoor plant, but in order for it to continue to delight its owners with its decorative appearance for many years, the flower should be created with comfortable living conditions.


Planting and replanting work with begonia should be carried out at the very beginning of spring., when the plant is just awakening from the winter period and begins active growth. The fact is that placing it in new soil stops the development of the flower for some time, since the plant experiences severe stress from the changed living conditions. This must also be taken into account when buying a new flower - store-bought begonias have been growing for a long time in greenhouse conditions in compliance with all the rules of agricultural technology and optimal living conditions, but at home the plants are forced to adapt to the new environment.

The soil for planting should be slightly acidic, almost neutral, fertile, with high parameters of water and air permeability. You can purchase ready-made soil mixture, or you can assemble it yourself. To do this, in equal shares humus and leaf soil are mixed, disinfected, and then river sand and perlite are added.

The container for indoor begonia should be shallow but wide. The root system of this flower is superficial, so if the container is too large, then waterlogging will begin in the layers of the earth where there are no roots, which is very detrimental to the plant.

The pot material can be anything, it is very important to ensure effective drainage system, which will remove all excess water.


Begonias should be watered with soft water. Watering should be regular, but moderate, It is best to navigate by the state of the earthen coma - as soon as the upper part of the soil dries to a depth of 1 cm, you can safely take up the watering can. Unlike many other plants, begonia does not like spraying.

In order to provide her with a comfortable living environment, it is better to place a container of water next to the pot or line the bottom of the tray with sphagnum moss.

Microclimate and feeding

The air temperature in the room should be moderate - from 18 to 24 degrees; the plant does not tolerate being in a draft, and also withers near radiators and other heating devices. Begonias love light very much, but it must be diffused, direct rays of the sun can cause burns to leaf blades. In the phase of active growth and development, begonia requires fertilizers; they must be applied every 2 weeks, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers. During the dormant period, fertilization is not required.

Reproduction methods

Flowering and decorative foliage varieties can be propagated in several ways. The most effective include the following.

  1. Division of rhizomes when replanting several large parts - this can even be done by hand, carefully cutting the trunk, but it is important to ensure that roots and at least one bud with a shoot remain in each division.
  2. Rooting cuttings– this procedure is one of the simplest; in this case, the apical shoot with 3-4 leaves is separated and placed in a container with water for rooting. As soon as the first roots appear, the cuttings are moved to a permanent place in the pot.
  3. Rooting with leaves– to propagate begonia by leaf cuttings, you need to cut the leaf plates exactly along the veins, after which the cut site is laid on moistened river sand and pressed with small pebbles. When begonia is propagated by pieces of a leaf at the cut site, roots appear within 1.5 months, after which a strong and powerful plant begins to grow from them, which after some time should be separated from the mother leaf.

Begonia (lat. Begonia) belongs to the Begoniaceae family, the genus Begonia, and is used for decorating garden plots, squares and parks. The plant is either annual or perennial.

Botanical description and homeland of begonia

The flower is unique in that it has a variety of shapes: from herbaceous to subshrub and shrubby. The color of the inflorescences of this unpretentious plant varies depending on the species. After flowering, a fruit is formed - a capsule containing small seeds.

A common feature of the plant is the presence of unisexual flowers and asymmetrical broad-oval leaves located on succulent, fleshy stems. Depending on the variety, the color of the leaf blades may be green, with a brown or purple admixture.

Thanks to its luxurious flowering and decorative foliage, begonia has gained popularity among gardeners. Depending on the structure of the underground part, The plant is conventionally divided into 3 groups:

  • leafy;
  • tuberous;
  • bush.

The perennial is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asian countries, Africa and America.

Types, varieties and hybrid varieties of begonia

There are many varieties of this colorful plant growing all over the world. Scientists know more than 900 of its species and have bred more than 2,000 hybrids. In home cultivation, 2 groups are used:

  • leafy;
  • blooming.

The difference between decorative deciduous trees lies in the original color and shape of the foliage.

Begonia tiger paws. low plant(less than 30 cm). White or soft pink flowers bloom most often in winter. The leaf blades are bright green in color with light speckles, have a small size and a brown edge with jagged edges. Since small inflorescences are not of aesthetic value, they can be removed.

Begonia Bauer

Begonia bowerae. A low, neat bush, reaching 15–20 cm, has decorative pubescence along the perimeter. The rhizome of the plant is creeping. On cold winter days, single flowers are formed. The Tiger variety is considered the most popular with bronze-green spotted foliage.

Begonia speckled

Begonia guttata. The bush can grow up to 2 m. Thanks to proper formation, you can get a lush crown. Large burgundy leaves with silver specks add attractiveness to the bush plant. The pink inflorescences are large in size.

Begonia corallina. Luxurious subshrub almost 2 m high. The rich leaves are decorated on the front side with light spots and have an oblong-ovate shape. The underside of the leaf blade becomes reddish by the beginning of summer. If you carefully care for the plant, it can delight you with pink flowers all year round.

When crossing coral begonia and Richards, they obtained alfalfa begonia, which has 20 centimeter leaves.

Begonia royal

Begonia rex. A perennial with a powerful creeping rhizome and a low thick stem covered with red bristles. Thanks to large leaves on long petioles, a lush bush is formed. At the same time, the top of the leaf blades is velvety, and the bottom has prominent veins. The pattern and coloring of the leaves depends on the variety. The flowers, collected in inflorescences, are inconspicuous in appearance, located on high peduncles.

(Begonia manicata). The name comes from the structure of the leaves, which at the top of the petiole form a rosette resembling a collar, and on the underside they have slight pubescence around the perimeter and bright red outgrowths along the veins. The stem is creeping and thick.

Bright pink flowers represent a voluminous but loose inflorescence. An adult bush individual forms up to 5 such decorative brushes. Blooms in winter.

Begonia hogweed

Begonia herac-leifolia. The stem of this large specimen is recumbent. The rich green foliage has a palmate dissected structure and is up to 20 cm in diameter. The underparts are reddish and pubescent. Pinkish flowers form on a long peduncle, forming multi-flowered racemes.

Begonia cuff

Begonia manicata. On the thickened stem there are petioles, generously covered with red hairs. This type of begonia gets its name from the fact that at the base of the leaf blade the petiole forms a so-called cuff. The top of the non-hairy leaf blades has a bright green color, and along the edges there are small teeth and hairs. Above the large foliage rise no less beautiful flowers, forming pinkish spreading clusters.

Begonia argenteo. The silvery leaves with clearly visible veins are quite rugged along the edges. The plant is bushy with drooping branches. The flowers are white or cream with a pinkish tint.

Begonia yellow

Begonia xanthina Hook. A large-flowered shrub with densely double camellia-shaped flowers and a recumbent, densely pubescent stem. The leaves have an oval shape with a pointed tip. The top is smooth and shiny, and the bottom is slightly pubescent along the veins. Flowers are yellowish to orange.

Red leaf begonia

Begonia erythrophylla. The beautiful, hairless foliage has an intense green color and an unevenly rounded shape. Due to the deep red back of the leaf, this species received this name. A thick stem spreads along the ground. In summer, a pink palette of colors appears on the bush.

Begonia limmingheana. A subshrub with a woody stem at the base and ovate leaves. The edges of the leaf blades are wavy and the color is dark green. Flowers range from light red to coral red tones.

Begonia striped

Begonia listada. The shoots of this bush-like species are heavily leafy. The leaves are elongated and have a sharp core at the base. The top is velvety with a bluish tint and a light silver central vein, and the bottom is dark red. Soft pink tiny flowers bloom on short stalks.

Begonia metallica. Strongly branching flowering shrub with slightly reddish pubescent branches it grows over a meter. The large foliage has a metallic sheen and red veins. The reverse side is purple. The inflorescences are pink.

Begonia tuberous multiflorum

Begonia x tuberhybrida multiflora. Characterized by rich carved leaves and semi-double and double flowers, which appear in the summer.

Begonia mix

Begonia mix. A rich mixture of herbaceous begonias with fragrant flowers of various colors. Compact bushes grow 35 cm. The foliage is green, heart-shaped, with jagged edges.

Black Velvet. low plant(20 – 25 cm). It is characterized by a creeping stem and heart-shaped leaves with protruding white hairs along the edges, which darken when the flower is located in a lighted place.

Begonia Evening glow

Fast growing bushy species. The medium-sized leaves have a metallic color, a red center and green veins. There is a crimson border around the perimeter.

Begonia fista

Begonia feastii. The glossy, fleshy leaves are bronze in color on the outside and red on the back and are valued more than the small pink flowers arranged in inflorescences.

Begonia propagation methods

There are several methods for dividing a flower, but novice gardeners should know some rules. In indoor cultivation, division using cuttings or leaves is most often used.

Propagation of indoor begonia by leaf

In this method, the planting material is a fragment of a leaf plate with veins. It is necessary to select a large and healthy leaf and perform the following manipulations:

  • the leaf plate must be divided into sectors, and it is important to take into account that each segment must contain a fragment of the main vein that transports nutritional elements;
  • the edges of the cuts must be very neat;
  • place each part of the leaf in a bowl with a substrate (peat and sand in equal proportions);
  • the vein of the leaf cutting should touch the substrate;
  • create greenhouse conditions (cover with film or a cut bottle);
  • after 3 weeks shoots should appear;
  • the soil should be moist, but not very wet, otherwise the leaf will rot.

After rooting, the leaf fragment must be moved to a well-lit place.

How to propagate begonia from cuttings

To replant the plant, you can use cuttings. If you plan to grow begonia in open ground, it should be propagated in the summer. When cultivating at home, it is recommended to take cuttings in early spring.

  • with a sharp object (knife, scalpel) it is necessary to cut the stalk (10 cm), on which 2 – 3 pairs of leaves are located;
  • the sections need to be dried;
  • after preparing the soil, make a small depression, insert the cutting and sprinkle with soil;
  • cover with a cut plastic bottle;
  • After the young leaves appear (after 30 days), remove the bottle.

After 3 - 4 months, the first flowers will appear on the plant.

Growing begonia from seeds

Propagation of flowers by seed method is suitable only for decorative flowering and ever-flowering varieties. In order for small seeds to germinate, comfortable conditions should be created:

  • low temperature;
  • sufficient humidity;
  • constant air exchange;
  • bright lighting.

Time to plant seeds: end of winter - beginning of spring. For convenience, it is recommended to mix small seeds with sand. In this case, they will be distributed evenly. Before planting, the soil and seed material must be treated with a manganese solution.

The substrate is prepared as follows: earth, wet sand and peat are combined, and you need to take 2 times more earth. To avoid deepening when watering, you should water with droplets, not a stream. The container must be covered with glass. After emergence (after 3 weeks), you need to create a temperature of 20 - 22 °C.

Dividing the bush and rhizome

To propagate a bush plant by division, you need to do the following steps:

  • remove the bush from the container;
  • trim large leaves and long shoots;
  • wash the root system and divide it into segments, each part containing a bud;
  • the sections need to be treated with root and slightly dried;
  • plant the flower in a specially prepared substrate;
  • after rooting (after 3 months), the seedlings need to be transferred to a separate container.

Caring for begonia at home

Flowers differ not only in appearance, but also in their requirements for growing conditions. Some varieties are more capricious than others. But in order to grow a healthy and beautiful plant, it must be looked after.

Lighting, humidity and temperature

At midday, it is advisable to cover the bush from hot rays. In the summer, it is better to move the flower with the pot away from the window, and in winter, on the contrary, move it closer to the light to ensure uniform annual lighting.

In the room where begonias grow, it is necessary to ensure high air humidity, while taking into account that drops falling on the pubescent leaves have a negative effect on them. Due to this feature, a flower pot can be placed on a tray with wet pebbles or moss.

The air temperature should be moderate: 20-26°C during the daytime and not drop below 15-16°C at night. In winter, the plant does not need rest, so there is no need to change the temperature regime.

Soil and flower pot

The plant prefers loose, moisture-permeable and nutritious soil with a slightly acidic reaction. For adult bushes, the following composition is suitable: peat, sand, deciduous soil (1: 1: 3). The bottom of the pot must contain drainage.

Since the root system is superficial, the planting container should be wide, but not too wide, and shallow. If the plant is a tuberous plant, then when planting the distance from the edge of the pot to the tuber should be 3–4 cm.

Watering the plant

Water intended for irrigation should be pre-prepared. To get rid of chlorine, the water must be left for at least a day, and to soften it, boil or use a filter.

Experts recommend watering the plant in the morning, preferably at the same time. The frequency of watering is determined depending on the conditions and drying out of the soil. In summer, the amount of water should be greater. To maintain a sufficient level of moisture, the top layer of soil should be loosened to a depth of 1 cm.

Watering can be done by immersing a pot with a flower in a container larger than the size of the pot. Water entering through the drainage holes will saturate the ground.

Terms and rules of pruning

It is necessary to prune the plant both to get rid of old elements and to form a bush. Trimming rules:

  1. In a young specimen (6–7 cm in height), the top should be cut off.
  2. Reduce the frequency of watering until the plant begins to grow vigorously.
  3. When the shoots reach 10 centimeters in length, you need to cut off their tops.
  4. To preserve the crown, elongated branches should be removed.

Tuberous varieties must be pruned for the winter. But not all species need pruning. After the onset of autumn, begonia leaves begin to dry out. The above-ground part must be cut off, leaving only 1 - 2 cm, and place the pot in a dark, cool place (not higher than +15 ° C).

How to care for begonia in winter

Each type of flower needs certain conditions in winter. The most demanding is the tuberous variety. Even after pruning, the soil should be moistened periodically to prevent it from drying out. Bushy and decorative deciduous plants do not require special conditions.

Diseases and pests of begonia

Usually the plant gets sick if the growing conditions are not met..

  • Powdery mildew.
  • Black root rot.
  • Gray rot.
  • Bacterial spotting.
  • Ring spot.

To combat the disease, soapy liquid is used, and the plant is also sprayed with a solution of foundationazole and colloidal sulfur. In case of severe damage, it is recommended to destroy the flower.

  • The false shield is soft.
  • Greenhouse aphid.
  • Greenhouse whitefly.
  • Red spider mite;
  • Greenhouse thrips.
  • Nematode.

The most dangerous ones include mites and aphids. Insects should be removed manually, sprayed with chlorophos, a solution of laundry soap, onion infusion, celandine and tobacco.

Begonia is considered one of the most beautiful flowers cultivated indoors. In addition, indoor plants should be safe for children, so it is perfect for landscaping a children's room.

Homeland of begonia

The genus Begonia is part of the family of the same name. Its homeland is the tropical zone, so almost all species love moist, warm growing conditions. The greatest species diversity is found in Africa south of the equator.

The distribution area is very wide - Latin America, Haiti, India, Sri Lanka and many other equatorial regions.


The word “begonia” itself appeared in honor of the surname of the well-known governor of the island of Haiti, Begon, who lived at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries.

Botanical features of the flower

Begonia grows in almost any form:

  • herbaceous plant;
  • shrub and subshrub;
  • ampelous (creeping) plant.

Stems and foliage are dark green and fleshy. Leaves grow 2-3 from one axil. Begonia has a variety of flowers. The fruit forms a capsule in which a huge number of seeds ripen.

Depending on the characteristics of the underground part of the plant, begonias are divided:

  • leafy;
  • bush;
  • tuberous.

The flower has taken root well in our latitudes and is grown as a houseplant almost everywhere.

How to grow begonia (video)

Description of species, varieties and hybrid varieties of begonia

Begonia is distinguished by its extraordinary diversity of natural species (more than 1600), as well as artificially bred varieties and their hybrids. Each of them has decorative value and can add its own touch to the overall interior of the apartment.

Striped begonia (Begonia listada)

The variety got its name due to the beautiful color of the foliage.– against a dark green background, a yellow stripe running in the middle stands out in contrast. The shoots droop, and the main beauty is the leaves - the flowers are pale pink, small in size and do not rise too high above the plant.

Begonia silver

A plant with noticeable, prominent silver foliage. The leaves are quite large, ovoid in shape with a peculiar relief texture. The edges are often trimmed with burgundy piping. They can be either pale green or pure silver in color. which gives this species a special decorative value.

Begonia Yellow

The species got its name due to its bright yellow flowers. contrasts well against the background of dark green foliage. The plant has very short stems and peduncles, making it look neat and attractive. Under good care conditions it can reach up to half a meter in height.

Limming's Begonia (Begonia limmingheiana E.Morr.)

This variety with characteristic rich pink and light red flowers, which look great against the soft green background of the leaves. The plant is hanging, the stems grow up to 60 cm and hang beautifully from the pot.

Red leaf begonia (Begonia Erythrophylla)

Despite the name, The leaves of this variety are burgundy in color only on the bottom. On top they are dark green in color, covered with a dense leathery shell, thanks to which they resemble gloss. The contrasting combination along with the brilliant effect provide great decorative value to this plant.

Coral begonia (Begonia corallina)

The variety got its name thanks to its elegant flowers of a delicate coral tone. They have not only beautiful shades, but also an original blade shape, thanks to which they enliven the space well. The variety is very unpretentious, therefore it is one of the most popular among gardeners.

Begonia cuff (Begonia manicata)

It is a true domestic palm that produces large, lobed leaves on large, fleshy stems. In size it is a real giant, it can grow up to one and a half meters. It is very important to prune on time, so that the bush turns out spreading and beautiful.

Begonia Bowerae

Bauer's begonia resembles a tiger in color. Varieties of this variety have both small and large ovate leaves. They look very original and fit well into any type of design.

Begonia tiger

A variety with a very unusual striped leaf color - dark and light green stripes create a good contrast, often combined with splashes of yellow. The flowers are milky white.

Begonia tuberosa (Begonia tuberosa)

A plant with a stunning variety of flower colors. Red, yellow, pink, coral - they all have in common the fact that they are very bright, so such plants are appropriate to use in northern rooms where there is a lack of light.

Begonia hogweed (Begonia Нeracleifolia)

The leaves of this variety resemble a palm tree– dark green or black with bright veins and distinct lobes. The color is very diverse - there are also bright and pale green tones. Brings a real tropical touch to the room.

The species has a stunning variety of foliage in both color and texture. The leaves are colored pink, burgundy, light and dark green. They have different patterns and decorate the room perfectly.

Begonia Feastii

Variety with glossy greens. Tones from marsh to bright green. The leaf shape is round. The back side is often painted red, which creates a unique decorative effect. Fista creates a rich, beautiful look to a room.

Begonia Black Velvet

Recognizable variety due to its unique dark green and even black foliage color. The leaves are charcoal-shaped and velvety in texture, making them look very rich. The peduncles rise high above the plant, so the flowers can be clearly seen.

Speckled Begonia (Begonia Maculata)

The variety has extremely beautiful leaves with a peculiar speckled color: dark green veins on a silver or light green background. The flowers are pink, rich colors. The petioles are often red, which creates an additional beautiful contrast.

Begonia Mix

The variety has a wide variety of flowers– bright red, soft pink, yellow, snow-white. He loves light very much, so it is preferable to choose south windows. At the same time, the mix prefers warm places where drafts will be excluded. Otherwise it may begin to fade.

Begonia Evening glow

This variety has a unique leaf color - silver, white tones with a bright red core. The edges are covered with an elegant, thin edging, jagged in shape. The plant blooms with pink or crimson flowers, which also contrast well against the general background. Makes an unusual impression, enlivening the room.

Alfalfa Begonia (Begonia Medicago)

Begonia alfalfa has beautiful, large leaves. Color ranges from light green to dark tones. On the reverse side they have a pinkish tint, making them highly decorative. Characteristic feature: long flowering(throughout the summer until September).

Begonia propagation

Begonia can be propagated by almost all known methods, and the technologies for each of them have been worked out quite well.

How to propagate a flower from cuttings

Any type and variety of plant can be propagated by cuttings. This method is the most convenient and fastest. The technique is as follows:

  1. Using a fairly sharp knife, you need to cut the green stalk no more than 10-15 cm. The main requirement is that it has at least 4 fresh leaves.
  2. Leave it for several hours to allow the cut to dry a little.
  3. Plant it in soil chosen specifically for begonias (it is better to mix it with sand in equal mass quantities).
  4. It is necessary to pour a little earth on top so that the soil is not dense.
  5. Next, the surface is covered with polyethylene or any other impermeable material.
  6. The first leaves will appear in 3-4 weeks. Further cultivation is carried out without additional layers.

How to plant tuberous begonia (video)

Begonia propagation by seeds

Unlike cuttings, propagating a flower with seeds is not suitable for all begonias, but only for flowering ones.


Begonia seeds are so small that there can be several tens of thousands of them in 1 gram.

To grow seeds, you need to take a mixture of the same composition, while ensuring constant watering - the soil literally should not dry out. It must be done very carefully - literally in small drops. Along with this condition, it is important to ensure:

  • sufficient air circulation - the house should not be stuffy;
  • It is better to keep the temperature slightly below room temperature;
  • the lighting should be constantly bright - if necessary, illuminate with a diode lamp that does not produce strong heat.

Shoots appear within 1-2 weeks. The picking should be done after the 3rd leaf begins to open, and young flowers should be planted after 2-3 months. Flowering can be expected in 4-5 months.

Features of plant propagation by leaf

All types of flowers can be propagated by leaves, but this is especially true for those plants that do not have a pronounced stem (winter begonia and Mason begonia). The technology is as follows:

  1. The leaf needs to be chosen large and healthy - it is cut with a knife.
  2. Triangular cuts are made from the center to the edges of the sheet.
  3. All parts are laid on clean, damp sand.
  4. Next, you need to take care of it regularly, ensuring constant humidity (using a spray).

Plants can be replanted as soon as their root system is sufficiently strong - usually this happens after 6-8 leaves appear.

Reproduction of bush begonia by dividing the rhizome and bush

The method is good for bushy begonias, but it is best to use it in early spring. The technology is as follows:

  1. The plant is carefully removed from the container.
  2. The roots are placed under a weak stream of water at room temperature.
  3. The bush is cut along with the roots so that all children have a sprout left.
  4. The cut should be allowed to dry - you can speed up the process and pour charcoal on it.
  5. Next, the root is treated with a growth accelerator, and the bush is planted in a new pot. It is important to ensure adequate watering during the first weeks.

How to plant indoor begonia in a flower pot

A special soil has been developed and sold for begonias, but you can make a soil mixture yourself - you just need to know a few tricks.

Soil requirements

There are several options for preparing soil:

  • leaf soil and peat in equal mass ratios;
  • sand taken half as much as these components.

In another case, the composition is more diverse:

  • peat, humus and sand in equal quantities;
  • deciduous soil taken in three times the amount.

And another option:

  • equal parts of leaf, coniferous soil and sand;
  • charcoal - 2-3 pinches.

Important! When making your own mixture, you always need to disinfect the soil - you can simply treat it in the oven for an hour or boil it for half an hour.

Landing technology

The flower is grown from tubers (bulbs). They should be purchased in winter, since planting takes place at the very beginning of spring - then you can have time to grow begonia, which will bloom in the summer.

The landing technology is as follows:

  1. Tubers must be carefully cleaned of foreign bodies and wilted rhizomes.
  2. Soak in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a special disinfectant for half an hour.
  3. Plant in soil prepared as described above. The soil should be well loosened.

As for the pot, it is chosen to be small in size so that the boundaries from the tuber to the edges of the pot are no more than 5 cm.

Important! Soil drainage is a prerequisite for any variety of begonia. You can use small pebbles or expanded clay, which are poured to a third of the depth of the dish.

Secrets of caring for decorative begonia at home

Begonia is famous not only for its extreme diversity and decorative value, but also for its undemanding conditions of care. In order for the plant to grow well, it is important to follow a few simple rules.

Choosing a place in the house

Begonias love fairly bright light, but additional shading should be done on south-facing windows. The best option is west or east, where the sun stays for half a day. It is also important to consider the following points:

  • begonia does not like drafts and temperature changes;
  • the flower responds very poorly to dry air.

Accordingly, placing the pot under the window or above the radiator is the worst option. Normal room temperature in the range from 18 to 26°C is quite suitable for the plant.

How to water begonia

The optimal time for watering is early in the morning, when you leave for work. If this is not possible, you can do it in the evening. In any case, it is better to water at the same hours.

The watering mode is as follows:

  • in summer – 3-4 times a week;
  • in winter – 1-2 times a week.

The main criterion is the condition of the soil. It should always remain slightly damp.


Water for begonias should always be left to stand for 24 hours. It will be very good if you put a kilogram of peat in an ordinary bucket (10 liters) - the water will become more acidic, and the flower will respond with great gratitude to such watering.

Plant nutrition

There are special fertilizers designed for begonias.. If they are absent, the flower can be fed with superphosphates or complex mineral fertilizers. Application rate: 2 times a month in spring and summer. In winter, once a month is enough.

Pruning begonias in a pot

Since a flower tends to grow very rapidly, even at the stage of its youth you need to think about what shape should be given to it. If you want to create a lush bush, then it is better to trim the top immediately when it reaches literally 8-10 cm.

Side shoots are pruned using approximately the same criteria. Further care consists of timely removal of dead or semi-dry shoots, as well as pinching of strongly growing branches. For decorative foliage flowers, the peduncles must also be removed after flowering has ended.

How to propagate begonia (video)

Begonia is a southern guest that has long been registered in our latitudes. It complements the design of the room well, enlivening it with its beautiful flowers. And if you consider that care will not take much time, we can safely recommend growing this plant to any gardeners.


In addition to the approximately 1 thousand species existing in nature, there are also about 2 thousand hybrids of this plant. In this regard, there is simply no average description of this plant. In addition, such plants in various classifications are divided into decorative flowering and decorative deciduous, deciduous and evergreen, perennials and annuals, creeping and tall, rhizomatous and tuberous. Flower growers grow a huge variety of begonia species at home, and all of them need to be cared for in approximately the same way when cultivated at home.

Caring for begonia at home

Begonia grown at home needs consistency. In this regard, she needs to choose 1 specific place in the room where the flower will stand all the time. This place should be well lit, but the plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Decorative flowering species are particularly light-loving; therefore, for their placement it is recommended to choose a window sill with a western or eastern orientation. The plant feels best at an air temperature of 18 degrees at any time of the year. However, in summer it can withstand a slight increase in temperature.

Since this plant is tropical, it needs high air humidity. However, it is not recommended to moisten the foliage of the flower with a spray bottle, because after this procedure, brown spots will form on its surface. In order to increase air humidity (especially in winter, when the air is dried by heating devices), you need to turn the pan over and insert it into the pan bigger size, then a container with a flower is placed on top of it. You need to pour expanded clay around the inserted pallet and wet it, making sure that it is constantly moistened.

Begonia needs space; therefore, when choosing a place for it on a windowsill where other plants already stand, this fact must be taken into account. This flower also requires systematic ventilation, and it must be protected from drafts and excessively high or low air temperatures. If these conditions are not met, the flower will begin to wither and will also shed its leaf blades and flowers.

Before you start planting begonias, you need to choose the most suitable pot for it. For such a plant, it is recommended to choose a small pot, which should be made of ceramic. So, the diameter of the container should exceed the size of the flower’s root system by only 3–4 centimeters. If you plant it in a larger pot, the plant may suffer from waterlogging of the soil, and in this case it will bloom a little later. You can buy ready-made soil mixture for planting at a specialty store, but if you wish, you can prepare it with your own hands. To do this, combine leaf soil, sand, high peat, turf soil (can be replaced with humus), taken in a ratio of 2:1:1:1. The acidity of the soil should be approximately pH 5.5 to 6.5.

The container intended for planting begonias is filled 1/3 with drainage material. Then a two to three centimeter layer of charcoal must be laid on it, which is necessary to prevent the development of rot. After this, you need to place the flower itself in the container along with a lump of earth and all that remains is to fill all the existing voids with the earth mixture. When the plant is planted, it needs to be watered. It is recommended to plant begonia in the spring, from the second half of March, after the level of illumination and daylight hours become suitable for its growth. If the plant is tuberous, then it needs preliminary germination. To do this, the tubers are placed on top of the substrate in a box (not buried), and placed in a normally lit, cool (16 to 18 degrees) place with an air humidity level of 60 to 70 percent.

If begonia is grown indoors, then it simply needs to be watered correctly. This plant loves moisture, but does not need frequent watering. It is much more important that the air humidity is high enough, otherwise the tips of the leaf blades will begin to dry out. However, in the heat of summer, begonia needs to be watered more abundantly, but stagnation of liquid in the root system must be avoided. It is necessary to water with water at room temperature, which should be left for at least 24 hours. It is recommended to water only after the top layer of soil has dried to a depth of one and a half centimeters. In winter, plants should be watered less frequently and moderately, but if you have tuberous species, then at this time of year they should not be watered at all.

Top dressing

In order for begonia to grow and develop normally, it needs to be fed in a timely manner. You need to start fertilizing decorative flowering species after the budding period begins. Fertilizing is carried out once every 2 weeks and a liquid complex fertilizer for flowering plants is used for this. When the formation of ovaries begins, the plant will need to be fertilized with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers (Ovary, Bud, Pollen). Fertilizers containing nitrogen should be fed only to decorative deciduous species, otherwise the flowering of decorative flowering species may not begin at all.

In order for the plant to develop normally, it must be systematically replanted. Transplantation is carried out at the beginning spring period, before the growing season begins. The fact that the plant needs replanting is indicated by its roots, which begin to appear from the drainage holes. The plant should be removed from the container and the remaining substrate should be carefully removed from it. Then the roots should be dipped in a solution of potassium manganese, the color of which should be light pink. After this, the roots need to be carefully washed, removing any remaining soil, using well-settled water. Then the root system is inspected and those areas where there is rot are removed. After the root system dries, the plant must be planted in a larger container. How to do this correctly is described above. After transplantation, the begonia needs to be placed in its usual place. At first it will need frequent watering.

It is quite easy to transplant young specimens, and they respond normally to this procedure. However, adult specimens are somewhat more difficult to transplant because they have many overgrown, fragile leaf plates. In this regard, after the flower turns 3 years old, it is recommended to divide it into several parts.

Evergreen species have a weak dormant period. Tuberous species require a fairly long dormant period. Features of caring for begonia winter time when the dormant period is observed directly depends on the species. At this time, bush and decorative species are placed in a place where the air temperature should be from 15 to 22 degrees and there should be high humidity (to do this, you can hang moistened rags on hot heating pipes or purchase an air humidifier).

From the middle autumn period The tuberous appearance of this plant begins to prepare for the dormant period. Their leaf blades dry out and die; therefore, such flowers need to be watered less. After the above-ground part of the container with plants has completely died, it is necessary to move it to a dark, cool (from 10 to 15 degrees) place for the whole winter. It happens that tuberous plants “do not want” to prepare for a period of dormancy, in this case they must be forced to do so, otherwise you will not see them next year lush flowering. So, watering must be significantly reduced, and the part of the plant located above the soil surface must be trimmed.

Methods for propagating indoor begonia

How to propagate

Such a plant can be propagated by seed or vegetative methods (stems, leaf cuttings, dividing a bush or tuber or rhizome). The simplest and fastest way is vegetative.

You can grow begonia from seeds quite easily and quickly. Sowing is carried out in the last days of February or the first of March. To do this, small seeds must be distributed over the surface of the substrate (not embedded). Then the container should be moved to a well-lit, warm place, after covering it with film or glass. Crops should be watered through a tray or using a sprayer. After the first seedlings appear, the cover should be removed for good. Picking is done after the plants have formed 3 or 4 true leaf blades. After 8 weeks, young plants can be transplanted into individual pots. Such begonias can begin to bloom in the first year, but in order for this to happen, they often need additional lighting.

To propagate deciduous species, rhizome division is used. This procedure is carried out in spring. To do this, you need to pull the flower out of the soil and use a very sharp knife to divide the rhizome into several parts, with each division having roots and at least 1 shoot or buds. The cut areas should be sprinkled with crushed charcoal. After this, the divisions are planted in individual containers.

The tuber of an adult plant can also be divided into several parts. After this, you need to wait until the cut areas dry slightly and dust them with crushed charcoal. Then the divisions are planted in individual containers.

The simplest of all vegetative propagation methods is cuttings. From the bush you need to cut cuttings that have 3 or 4 leaf blades. To prevent rot from appearing on the cuts, they should be treated with charcoal. Then the cuttings must be planted in a mixture of leaf and peat soil and sand (1:1:1). The container is placed in a well-lit, warm place where there is no access to direct sunlight. The cutting requires moderate watering, so the soil should be moistened only after the soil has dried to a depth of 1 to 2 centimeters. You can root cuttings by immersing them in a glass of water. The roots will grow in about 4 weeks.

Since most species have fairly large and dense leaf plates, they can be propagated by leaf cuttings. In this case, both the entire leaf plate and part of it are suitable for propagation. If begonias are propagated by a whole leaf, then the main veins must be cut on its underside. Then the sheet plate is laid with the notched side on the surface of moistened sand, which must be calcined in advance. After this, it is fixed in this position. Watering is carried out through a tray. After about 8 weeks, roots will appear from the places that were cut, and after some time young plants will begin to grow. Strong, grown young begonias should be separated and planted in an earth mixture consisting of deciduous soil, sand and peat (1: 1: 1).

Aphids, red spider mites and nematodes can settle on indoor begonias. Mites and aphids suck the juice out of the plant, as a result of which it loses its decorative effect and its growth and development slows down. To combat aphids, Karbofos or Actellik is used, which requires 2 or 3 treatments with a break of 1–1.5 weeks. And to combat ticks they use a product such as Derris, Decis or other insectoacaricides. If infected with nematodes, the plant will have to be thrown out, since it is impossible to get rid of them. You can find out that begonia is infected with nematodes by discolored leaf blades and swellings on the root system.

Begonia is susceptible to diseases such as: gray rot, black root rot, botrytis, true or downy mildew. Fundazol, Quadris, Bordeaux mixture, Skor or another remedy with a similar effect will help cure the plant. Also, this plant is susceptible to infection by incurable viral or bacterial diseases eg: bacterial wilt, cucumber mosaic, tomato spot. The infected copy must be destroyed.

Sometimes it happens that the leaf plates begin to dry out. The reason for this is that the air in the room is too warm and dry, as well as excessively poor watering. In this case, the begonia should be watered and placed in a cool place, with the pot placed on an inverted tray (more on this is discussed above).

Begonia turns yellow

It happens that rings or yellow spots form on the surface of the leaf blades - this is a sign that the plant is infected with tomato spot or cucumber mosaic. Infected specimens should be destroyed. If the leaves turn yellow and droop, the reason for this is that the plant is too cold and the soil contains too much water. Wait until the substrate in the pot dries thoroughly, and then move the flower to a warm place.

Main types and varieties of begonia with photos

There is currently no single classification of begonias. However, in the specialized literature one can find conventional options for dividing the species of a given plant, for example: into decorative flowering and decorative deciduous; also divided according to the type of parts of the plant located underground into tuberous, rhizomatous and with a superficial root system; There are those who divide these species into the following groups - bushy, decorative deciduous and tuberous. However, today experts are increasingly resorting to the following classification:

  • bushy with erect bamboo-like stems;
  • with flexible and thin drooping or creeping stems;
  • with rhizomatous rather thick lying or lodging stems;
  • species that are the ancestors of flowering hybrid begonias.

However, for home floriculture, the following classification is more convenient:

  • decorative flowering indoor plants;
  • decorative foliage indoor plants;
  • decorative flowering potted plants.

Below will be presented the names of the species of such plants that are most popular in home floriculture, with their descriptions, as well as common varieties.

Leafy (deciduous) begonia

The birthplace of this flower is Eastern India. It is considered one of the most beautiful. Breeders have used this species to create many decorative deciduous varieties, as well as hybrid forms. The plant has a rhizome that is thickened, and its spectacular large leaf plates are bare or with slight pubescence, reaching 20 centimeters in width and 30 centimeters in length. Their heart-shaped shape is asymmetrical, their edges are unevenly jagged or wavy. The color of the leaves can be brown-bronze, raspberry-velvety or violet-red; sometimes specks of silver or violet-red color can be seen on their surface. There are hybrid forms, the leaf blades of which are almost black, and there are crimson spots on their surface. During flowering, pink flowers appear, which are of no particular decorative value.

Popular varieties:

  1. Cartagena― oval leaf plates, which are wrapped in a shell, painted dark green. The central part of the leaf is dark brown, but with age it changes its color to plum. On the green part of the leaf plate there are specks of silver color with a light pink glow.
  2. Silver Greenheart― leaf plates of silver color have an oblique heart-shaped shape, they also have a green-emerald border with small dots of silver color.
  3. Chocolit Cream― the leaf plate is spiral-twisted and its central part is painted in a rich plum color. The rest of the leaf is silver in color with a pinkish tint.
  4. Evening Glow― the leaf plates are of medium size, and their central part is painted in a rich crimson color. Brownish-green veins radiate from the center along part of the crimson-colored leaf. The leaves have a crimson edge.
  5. Hallelujah- has large leaves that spirally twist at the petioles. They are painted light purple with a silver tint. The central part and edge of the leaves are cherry in color, while between them there is a fairly wide strip of rich green color, on the surface of which there is a huge number of small silvery spots.

In addition to the varieties mentioned above, flower growers grow others. For example, the following varieties and hybrid forms are very popular: Pearl de Paris, Regal Minuet, Silver Corkscrew, Black Fang, November Frost, Lilian, Red Tengo, Titica, Benitochiba, Deudrop, Charm, etc.

This plant is native to Mexico. The bush is low (no more than 25 centimeters), has creeping shoots and leaf plates of a pale green color, on the edge of which there are brown or black spots. There is pubescence on the underside of the leaves. Unremarkable pale pink flowers are part of loose, drooping inflorescences. This species is rarely seen in the wild. Thanks to specialists, it was born a large number of very beautiful varieties.

The most popular are:

  1. Tiger- creeping shoots can have a height of no more than 10 centimeters. There is a bronze pattern on the surface of the velvety leaves; a brown stripe runs along the veins. There are spots on the surface of the light red petioles.
  2. Cleopatra- on the surface of these leaf plates there are light-colored hairs, and they are able to change their color when the lighting changes. The reverse side of the leaves is burgundy or red.

This begonia is a semi-shrub, and its homeland is the tropical forests of Brazil. At home, the plant can grow up to 100 centimeters in height. It has bamboo-like, erect and bare shoots. The oblong, egg-shaped leaf blades have a jagged edge. They can reach 20 centimeters in length and 7 centimeters in width. On the surface of the dark green front side of the leaves there are small spots of silver color, while the underside is pale green. Peduncles have a coral color. They bear flowers, which are part of the inflorescences in the form of a brush. Popular varieties:

  1. Alfalfa― large green leaf plates have a jagged edge, on their front side there are spots of silver color, and the back side is red in color.
  2. President Carnot- shield-shaped leaf plates at the base are dissected, and their edge is slightly toothed. The leaves reach 30 centimeters in length and 15 centimeters in width. They are colored green and have whitish spots on the surface.

This begonia is one of the oldest domestic flowers. Her homeland is Mexico. The thickness of the creeping shoot is about 4 centimeters. Large palmately dissected leaf plates are placed on greenish-yellow petioles. The leaves do not exceed 35 centimeters in length and have clearly visible veining. The pinkish-green flowers are part of loose, brush-shaped inflorescences. Flowering begins in February.

In addition to these species, the following are popular among gardeners: striped, metallic, Bovera, yellow, shiny, Mason, hogweed, white-spotted, red-leaved, Limminga, imperial, etc.

Decorative flowering begonia

The height of the compact bush-like bush does not exceed 60 centimeters. A young plant has erect stems, but over time they take on an ampelous or semi-ampeloid shape. The rounded leaf plates have slight pubescence along the edge, and they reach a length of 6 centimeters. They can be colored dark or pale green, and can also have a reddish tint. Small (diameter about 25 mm) flowers, double or single, can be colored pink, white or red. They are part of inflorescences, which are short-lived. Opened flowers do not delight with their beauty for long and soon fade, but they are very quickly replaced by new ones. With proper care, good lighting and regular feeding, this begonia can bloom in winter. Popular varieties:

  1. Gustav in Knaak- the height of a spreading bush can reach about 30 centimeters. Green leaf blades have a red border. The diameter of carmine flowers is about 3 centimeters, and they are part of the inflorescences.
  2. Carmen- on a medium-sized bush there are brown leaf plates with anthocyanin. There are also many pink flowers.
  3. Ambergris- the height of the bush does not exceed 15 centimeters, the leaf plates are brown, and the diameter of the pink flowers is no more than 3 centimeters.
  4. Bicola- the height of the bush reaches 14 centimeters. The leaves are green and the white flowers have a light pink border.
  5. Orania- a small bush, the height of which is about 16 centimeters. Green leaf blades have a red border. The flowers are reddish-orange.

And flower growers also prefer to grow such varieties of this species as: Bella, Rozanova, Linda, Othello, Teicher, Leila, Lucifer, Scarletta, Albert Martin, Ball Red, Kate Teicher, etc.

This hybrid form is considered the most effective and has the most abundant flowering. Among domestic begonias, this plant is a favorite. The height of the bush does not exceed 40 centimeters. The shoots are thick, fleshy, the shape of the alternately arranged leaf plates is heart-shaped. The leaflets are about 8 centimeters long, and their edges are jagged. The front side of the leaves is shiny, rich green, and the back side is matte and light green. The flowers are part of the inflorescences and have long peduncles. Popular varieties:

  1. Schwabenland- on a tall, profusely flowering bush there are many small, rich red flowers.
  2. Renaissance- on a tall bush there are double flowers, the red petals of which are corrugated.
  3. Louise― the flowers are painted in a pale cream color, with a light pink tint.
  4. Piccora- on a low bush there are deep pink flowers, which are double.
  5. Rose- double flowers have a dark pink color.

Also popular among flower growers are varieties such as: Kyoto, Goldfinger, Azotus, Berlin, Sharlach, Cleo, Annebel, Bellona, ​​etc.

Often this species is grown as a garden flower or used to decorate balconies and terraces. Such a flower has drooping stems that cascade down, and there are a large number of flowers on them. To grow such plants, baskets, flowerpots or pots are used. The flowers can be densely double, double, semi-double, or single, and they are painted in red, yellow, white, pink, orange, and also in various combinations of these color shades. Flowers can be large, medium and small. Popular varieties:

  1. Gail- the spreading bush has hanging long (about 30 centimeters) stems, in the upper part of which there are pointed green leaf plates with a jagged edge. Light pink semi-double flowers can reach 3 centimeters in diameter.
  2. Christie- a spreading bush consists of rather fragile hanging stems that do not exceed 40 centimeters in length. The diameter of the double flowers is 4 centimeters, and they are painted white.
  3. Roxana- a small bush consists of hanging stems, the length of which does not exceed 40 centimeters. Four-centimeter diameter double flowers are painted orange.
  4. Kati- a spreading bush consists of relatively fragile stems, the length of which is about 30 centimeters. The diameter of the yellow semi-double flowers is 3.5 centimeters.

The most popular hybrid varieties of decorative flowering begonias

  1. Harlequin- the height of the spreading bush is up to 25 centimeters, the leaf blades are green, and the large (diameter 12 centimeters) double flowers are colored yellow and have red edges.
  2. Gold Dress- the height of the semi-spreading bush is about 25 centimeters. The leaf blades are pale green. The densely double pink flowers are quite large (20 centimeters in diameter) and yellow in color.
  3. Duck Red- the spreading bush reaches no more than 16 centimeters in height. The leaves are rich green, and the peony-shaped double flowers are dark red. The diameter of the flowers is about 10 centimeters, while the petals are quite wide.
  4. Camellia Flora- a small bush has a height of about 25 centimeters. The leaf blades are green. Large (diameter about 12 centimeters) camellia flowers are colored pink color, and their petals, which have whitish edges, are imbricated.
  5. Crispa Marghinata- the height of the bush is about 15 centimeters. The folded leaf plates are colored green and have thin purple ropes. Large (diameter about 12 centimeters) wide-oval flowers are painted white and have a rich red border. The side petals are wavy and strongly corrugated.
  6. Amy Jean Bard- bush height no more than 12 centimeters. Green leaf blades are small in size. The inflorescence consists of 5 small (diameter about 3 centimeters) double flowers with an orange color.
  7. Diana Vinyard- the height of a small bush is about 20 centimeters. The leaves are pale green. Large (diameter about 20 centimeters) densely double flowers are white in color, as well as wavy folded petals.
  8. Marmorata- the height of a semi-spreading bush is about 20 centimeters. The large double flowers (about 12 centimeters in diameter) are painted in a scarlet color, and there are whitish streaks on their surface.
  9. Feuerflamme- the height of the bush does not exceed 20 centimeters. The leaf blades are green and the veins are crimson. Small (diameter about 3 centimeters) semi-double flowers have a pinkish-orange color.


Characteristics and description

- This is a fairly tall spreading bush. The leaves are smooth and shiny, dark green in color with white or gray specks on top, have an uneven shape: oblong, round, heart-shaped with an oblique center.
The underside of the leaves is reddish in color.
The flowers are white and light pink, with a beautiful unusual shape. They are located on a drooping peduncle hanging down and are collected in small inflorescences.

Home care


They are planted in the spring, at the beginning of March, as the best growth occurs during this period.


The soil is mixed from different parts of peat, sand, turf, and leaf soil. The substrate should be loose and light.

Styrofoam or pumice is placed at the bottom of the pot to absorb excess moisture.

Choosing a pot

The pot should be spacious and medium in size.


She loves soft, humid indoor air. But you should not spray the leaves and flowers to avoid darkening or rotting of the leaves.

Light mode

Spotted prefers bright light. Direct sunlight should be avoided, the light should be diffused. If there is not enough natural light in the room, then you can turn on fluorescent lamps.


To make the bush lush and beautiful, the top of the plant must be pinched. In order for the leaves to be large, the buds can be torn off. Old plants are rejuvenated by pruning every 3 or 4 years.

Dead leaves and flowers are removed in a timely manner to prevent rotting of the roots.

Thermal mode

The optimal indoor air temperature corresponds to the interval from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius in summer and not lower than 16 degrees Celsius in winter.

The plant is grown indoors or in a greenhouse; it is not suitable for planting outside. Also, the roots should not be allowed to overcool, so they need to be insulated. Polystyrene foam and synthetic winterizer are good for insulation.


They reproduce using leaf and stem cuttings, as well as by dividing the bush. Leaf cuttings are dug into moist soil, then transplanted into a pot. Stem cuttings are placed in water, which is periodically replaced with fresh water until roots appear.


Fertilize with a special fertilizer for ornamental flowering plants, which is applied 1-2 times a month from the beginning of March to the end of October.


Replant every year, less than once every two years.

Features of winter care

in winter there is no rest period. It is watered moderately. In the spring they are transplanted into a new substrate.

Pests and diseases

Begonia may be affected gray rot. Often occurs in high humidity and low light indoors.

May often appear on leaves fungal mold and powdery mildew.

Common pests: spider mites and aphids.

Control methods and treatment

Affected pests or diseased leaves removed, and the cut areas are treated with a fungicide.

Solution helps against powdery mildew colloidal sulfur, with which the plant is sprayed.
With the help of insecticides they fight against aphids and spider mites.

Begonia is an unpretentious plant to care for. It can bloom all year round under optimal conditions. At home, the plant restores a calm atmosphere and is also used for medicinal purposes. for the treatment of headaches, conjunctivitis, stomach ulcers.



Description, distribution area, natural habitat

The genus Begoniaceae is a herbaceous plant, although in some bushy varieties the stem becomes woody. It is distinguished by a variety of external appearance - in nature there are species ranging in size from 4–5 cm to 4 m.

As a greenhouse and garden flower, begonia is distributed throughout the world, although the plants are native to three centers with tropical and subtropical climates:

  • Brazilian (Amazon basin);
  • Southeast Asian (Indonesia, Malaysia, Indochina);
  • Central African.

The natural habitat predetermines the requirements for environmental conditions. These are shade-loving, moisture-loving plants that prefer diffused light, slightly acidic, light, loose soils. They tolerate high air temperatures without problems, but do not like excess moisture.

This is interesting! Begonia came to Russia during the Petrine era. Several specimens are included in the list of tropical plants that arrived from Holland in 1717. Nowadays, the largest collections grow in the Botanical Gardens of Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Novosibirsk.


It is not easy for a novice gardener to understand the complex “family” relationships of the Begoniaceae family, especially since there is no single, generally accepted classification of plants. Based on the appearance of begonia and the features of its use in floriculture, the following types are distinguished.

  • decorative foliage indoors;
  • decorative flowering indoors;
  • decorative flowering garden plants.

The European classification is based on the method of reproduction and general biological characteristics. There are 9 groups of plants, the most famous of which are:

  • Cane begonias and scrubs are reedy or bush-like, with an erect stem, beautiful leaves, and fragrant flowers. They can grow up to 2 m in height. Vivid representatives of the species are spotted and coral begonias.
  • Royal and rhizome (rhizomic) are herbaceous species with a thick fleshy stem, openwork multi-colored leaves, and a creeping rhizome - the main organ of vegetative propagation.
  • Everblooming - small bushes with “waxy” leaves and bright flowers in all warm shades of the rainbow. Cultivated as an annual garden plant.
  • Tuberose or tuberose is an unpretentious, beautifully flowering form with large double flowers. There are ampelous varieties.

Popular decorative deciduous begonias

Indoor deciduous begonia is represented by a group of plants, the main decoration of which is leaves of the most varied shapes and incredible colors. There are rounded, carved, heart-shaped, snail-shaped outlines. The texture is smooth, velvety, pimply, covered with “cilia”. The color range ranges from silver to almost black tones with all sorts of inclusions, veins, and spots.

We bring to your attention a description of popular decorative deciduous varieties of begonias and their names with photos.

Note! Decorating the interior, the flower also brings benefits. It has phytoncidal properties: it suppresses pathogenic microorganisms, mold spores cleans the air of dust, toxins, and chemical contaminants.

One of the most recognizable species is the compact Begonia masoniana with large, pimply green leaves decorated with a burgundy blotch resembling a stylized Maltese cross. The shape of the leaf blade is asymmetrical, heart-shaped, pointed at the apex. The rhizome is thickened, creeping, drooping with many hairs. Leaves on elongated cuttings form a lush bush and hang beautifully along the walls of the pots. The usual size of Mason's begonia is 20–30 cm; in good conditions it grows up to half a meter in height. Small cream flowers on a long panicle are rather inconspicuous. Often the peduncle is removed, since it has no decorative value, but only enhances the outflow of nutrients from the soil.

The plant loves cool temperatures, moist air, and diffused light. In the sun, the leaves lighten, losing their rich palette and contrast effect. Propagated vegetatively - using stem and leaf cuttings.

A miniature indoor plant up to 10 cm high, it is attractive with its unusual tiger-colored leaves. The leaf plate has a velvety texture, heart-shaped with rounded edges, located at the cuttings overlapping each other. The color is unusual and spectacular - green spots with a bronze tint and clearly traced veins stand out against a dark background; the edge is framed by short whitish “cilia”. The fleshy rhizome and leaf cuttings have a reddish tint and are covered with spots. In spring, cream or light pink clusters of flowers on elongated peduncles appear directly from the rhizome.

Begonia Bauer is the collective name of a whole group of decorative leaf varieties and hybrids obtained from the Mexican ancestor. The names of cultivators from Begonia bowerae are well-known: Tiger, Nigramarga, Cleopatra. Plants differ in the degree of leaf delicacy, the saturation of its background, color, and shape of strokes. Propagated by dividing the rhizome (rhizome) and leaf cuttings.

Begonia collarata

Another representative of the Mexican subtropics is collar begonia (cuff). An unpretentious plant of medium size with large light green burdock leaves up to 30 cm in diameter on long cuttings. Forms a gorgeous spreading bush. The edge of the leaf blade is slightly indented, pubescent with villi, smooth and uniform above, hairy below. The name of the species was given by a thick fringe of reddish hairs that encircles the stalk at the junction with the leaf in the form of a cuff (collar). In spring, 2–3 long peduncles (up to 60 cm) with small openwork inflorescences of pink shades grow from a thick lodging rhizome.

From this species came the decorative hybrid Crispa with a glossy leaf and a spectacular curly edge.

A well-known hybrid of the rhizomatous species Begonia bowerae. A characteristic feature is decorative leaves, reminiscent of maple, from dark green to olive on top, burgundy below. The leaf cuttings are long, fleshy, abundantly pubescent, grow from a basal rosette and form a bush up to 30 cm high. In winter (January - February), Cleopatra begonia throws out fragile peduncles with delicate clusters of flowers - white with a pink tint.

The plant is heat-loving, prefers diffused light, moderate watering, and is easy to care for. As the bush grows, it ages and loses its attractiveness. Therefore, an obligatory element of cultivation is rejuvenation by dividing the rhizome or rooting leaf cuttings.

The second name of the decorative-deciduous hybrid is Fista. It has a shortened creeping stem with thin long cuttings and neat leaves of a round, slightly beveled shape. The surface of the plate is dense, glossy, dark green, the reverse side is red with clearly outlined light veins. Red-leaved begonia blooms from December to summer. The flowers are rare, soft pink in color, with a velvety texture, collected in loose openwork inflorescences.

With proper care, it produces a lush, dense bush with succulent, bright leaves, looks good in flowerpots and flowerpots, and is used for vertical gardening.

A traditional, widespread species in home floriculture. Large, palmately dissected leaves with a jagged edge and an arrow-shaped base are located on long, pubescent cuttings. The leaf blade is uniformly colored with silver-green veins, but the color saturation depends on the degree of illumination. When in bloom, the leaves are reddish in color and turn green as they grow. The thick creeping rhizome resembles a ball of intricately writhing snakes. Due to the drooping stem, begonia hogweed takes on a semi-ampeloid shape. The inflorescences are quite large, but do not cause decorative interest.

The plant is unpretentious in care, shade-loving, tolerates both high temperatures and coolness, prefers moderate watering. Reproduction methods are vegetative.

The plant belongs to the bush or reed begonias. The main difference from rhizomatous varieties is the erect stem, which can grow up to several meters. The leaves are very showy, elongated, on short stalks. The asymmetrical oval shape with a pointed apex resembles an “angel’s wing,” an outdated name for the species. The dense glossy surface of the leaf is saturated green in color, dotted with round silvery spots, and the reverse side is reddish.

Begonia spotted is interesting during flowering, which lasts all year round. Large pink and white buds are collected in panicle inflorescences and smell pleasant. As an ornamental flowering plant, begonia is photophilous and needs warmth and moderate humidity.

Another representative of decorative flowering begonias with erect (reed) stems, forming a bush up to 2 m high. The leaves are large, oval, slightly asymmetrical in shape with a wavy edge, a pointed apex, and a rounded wedge-shaped base. The outer side of the leaf blade is green with light spots and textured veins, the reverse side is red.

In January - February, the Lucerne begonia throws out many flower stalks, on which large pink buds open. The hybrid was obtained through selection with coral begonia and is similar to it, especially during the flowering period, which lasts until June. The plant lends itself well to shaping by pruning. Propagated by seeds and leaf cuttings.

Flower growers enjoy collecting begonias. Most species are easy to care for and grow and reproduce quickly. And the choice is such that you can collect a collection for the rest of your life!