In a private house      03/05/2020

Carved shop. How to make beautiful benches photos and instructions. Bench Warranty

If you are thinking of building a bench in the country and want to go beyond the ordinary and create something truly unique, then you are in the right place. We have compiled for you a selection of the most original and unusual designs benches and benches that you can make with your own hands. Moreover, we will show you how the benches are made in the photo.

The most common benches are wooden. And this is not surprising! The tree is the most available material for building a bench. The variety of designs here is truly huge! We will give you some examples.

To create such benches, you can use the remains of the cut garden trees. both trunks and thick branches will go into business.

Left in small pieces scaffolding? Having made benches out of it, you will get a beautiful and reliable option.

Even short cuts wooden beam can become in skillful hands unique garden bench.

Easy to make from quality material, even if it is a little. But even from improvised materials, such as, good garden benches are also obtained, as in this photo.

It looks like a bench can be made from any wooden structure. These are made from wooden spools of cable.

It is hard to imagine that you have unnecessary items in your household. wooden barrels in a good condition. If yes, then here is the garden bench option for you.

Funny garden bench from one log.

If you do not buy a ready-made bench, but make a bench with your own hands, then you have a chance to give it a unique look with very little effort.

Your bench does not have to be completely wooden. Here is a popular simple bench design made from building blocks and wooden blocks.

Probably, most of us would simply throw out the old unnecessary boat, but there are people among us with the ability to see beauty literally in the trash. The bench from the boat in the photo is just wonderful. It may not be very comfortable to sit in it, but you can sit in Turkish. But even looking at such a bench is nice.

Bench for the most daring.

Often beautiful benches do not differ complex design. In this case, individuality and your personal attitude to the garden are more important.

We offer you four basic bench designs, based on which you can create your own amazing and unique benches, which are not yet in any photo.

Small wooden bench: photos and instructions.

This simple bench The photo is made from just a few boards. These used to be often made in villages for everyday use. It is stable, and most importantly - it is easy to carry from place to place. Such a bench will serve both in the house, and in the kitchen, and in the yard. At the same time, it does not require large expenditures of materials, and it is very easy to manufacture. The most difficult thing is to make neat cuts in the boards at an angle to get the legs.

It may seem that the front and back bumpers are purely decorative, but they are not! It is they who give this bench rigidity and stability.

Therefore, in one form or another, they are present in the design of each such bench.

Sometimes, however, only one such stiffener is left. Then it passes in the middle under the seat.

Large wooden bench with your own hands

If you need a large bench, and you do not plan to move it from place to place often, then this option is for you. This spacious bench is perfect for both indoor and outdoor use. It is made of thick timber, so it can easily support three or four adult riders.

It's not hard to build either. First you need to make these legs.

Then the legs are fastened with longitudinal bars (two at the top and one at the bottom), and a solid massive frame is obtained.

Using such a device, you can drill holes and hide fasteners on internal surfaces bench details so that the caps of the screws do not spoil the look of the product. But if you don’t have one, then you can still make such a shop by attaching the parts in the usual way.

It remains only to assemble the top and attach it to the frame.

Wooden bench without a single nail

And here is an example of a very beautiful and original bench in which there is not a single nail or self-tapping screw.

It is made very simply, although it requires some special tools. First, all elements are cut.

And then, with the help of clamps and templates, the parts are glued in a checkerboard pattern.

You will need a lot of clamps, including several large ones, so this project is only suitable for those who have an impressive set of carpentry tools.

- the oldest piece of furniture that has become available to man. A wooden snag, just a little hewn with a stone ax and brought into a cave - this is the great-great-ancestor of all modern furniture, closer to which wooden benches, which have not lost their relevance and relevance - neither in the house, nor, especially, in landscape design.

Garden benches made of wood: choose a style

It only at first glance may seem that the bench is far from the most important element in landscape design, but real professionals say that it starts from the bench and ends on it. garden design. Otherwise, why then all these efforts and labors, if no one can enjoy and appreciate them?

That is why it is important to place the bench correctly, choosing a place from where the most beautiful and attractive view opens, and the bench itself can become an elegant accent that complements the beauty of the garden.

A comfortable bench in the garden will become the place where you can hide from the hustle and bustle, admire nature, read a book or listen to music, dream, just relax. At the same time, wooden benches for summer cottages are a powerful and effective “weapon” landscape design, they can be used for zoning the site, marking the boundaries, etc.

At the same time, garden benches differ in their functional purpose:

  • front doors - they are installed at porch, at the entrance of the house. These are wooden decorative benches, richly decorated with carvings, they become a favorite place for photo shoots.
  • dining - they are usually placed at B-B-Q, on the terraces, in those places where the family likes to dine in nature
  • garden - small benches, next to flowerbeds, flower garden or plot, they are good to sit down and relax while working in the garden. Usually it is of a very simple form, without decorations and aesthetic frills.
  • relaxation - usually they are "hidden" in the most secluded corner of the site, away from strangers, and even their own eyes, where the whole situation is conducive to relaxation. The main criterion is comfort, and you can not be modest with the size - you can climb on such a bench with your feet and even lie down

To make the bench comfortable, you should adhere to the following dimensions:

  • optimal height- about 40-50 cm, while the legs will comfortably rest on the ground and rest
  • seat width - about 50-55 cm. The seat is made with a slight inclination inward - 5-12 cm, so it is more convenient to lean
  • back height - 35-50 cm
  • back tilt - within 15-45 degrees
  • if armrests (handrests) are installed, then the optimal height for them is 15-20 cm, counting from the seat

Advice! When choosing material for a bench, preference should be given to wood that is especially resistant to moisture and decay - oak, larch, hazel, cherry. But teak is considered to be the "champion" in terms of strength, its wood contains natural resins protecting it from rot and insects (bark beetles, termites).

The choice of the shape and type of bench depends both on your preferences and the style in which the garden is decorated.

For country style, the most simple bench in shape is suitable, natural color or painted in a brown discreet shade. For the Provence style - a little semi-antique shop, rather modest in terms of decoration, painted in blue , white , violet or blue.

  • the bench must be periodically painted (opened with varnish). It is best to do this at the beginning of the season, before carefully cleaning the tree from the remnants of old paint.
  • in hot weather, the bench should be placed in the shade - it will be comfortable not only for you, but also for the tree - ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the quality of wood
  • regularly check the fasteners (bolts, screws, nails), if necessary, fasten them to the stop, do not loosen the structure
  • if you notice traces of rot on one board, replace it immediately, do not let it spread further

Landscaping and landscaping personal plot, it's not a matter of one day. You will have to spend a lot of effort, time, connect your imagination, be patient, and only then the result will be “on the face”. But even after the painstaking work carried out, the site will require attention: cleaning up fallen leaves, applied dust, somewhere something needs to be tinted or corrected.

And so that the site does not seem ordinary, it can be periodically supplemented with various decorative elements: , fashionable in last years- in addition, you can install beautiful benches in the garden ... That's right, this review will be devoted to benches and benches.

Do you need a bench on the site at all?

The question immediately arises, do you need a bench in the garden at all? The answer is unequivocal - of course you need it! We argue that at each site, there must be a place where you can take a break from work, hide from the hustle and bustle, just sit, listen to the birds singing, enjoy the fresh air, read a book, and dream, after all.

How to make a shop with your own hands (video)

Any person needs all this, thus, he gains strength, strengthens his nerves, discovers the hidden potential in himself, because it is not for nothing that the Eastern sages spend so much time in their gardens, meditating. In addition, we all have known for a long time that many creative people are looking for inspiration in such calm, beautiful corners at any time of the year.

Where to put a bench

When choosing a place for a future shop, it is better to give preference to the part of the site where trees grow, flower beds are thought out, fruit bushes and a babbling brook runs nearby. After all, it is in such places that unity with nature is most clearly felt, here a person will rest in peace, and his nervous system will quickly recover from the stresses of everyday life and other negative factors. Also, the place for the shop will be in the work areas, next to the flower beds or beds. After weeding or watering the plants, you can immediately sit down on a bench and gain strength for further work.

Do-it-yourself pallet bench (video)

Bench selection

As for the choice of benches, the assortment in stores is really wide, you can buy a metal bench, wooden, plastic, stone (marble, granite, quartzite), combined. Models with carved wood elements or forged metal additions are in great demand. If you want something more exclusive, you can make a sketch of the future product yourself, and visit a carpenter with him, he will gladly make your dreams come true. When choosing this product, we recommend that you look at benches with a back, as well as handles, it is comfortable to sit on them in a completely relaxed position. But benches without a back are not intended for long gatherings, since sitting on them will need to constantly keep your back in good shape.

Unusual shop with three XXX do-it-yourself (video)

Bench to the style of the plot

First of all, you need to build on the style direction of the site, if the garden is made in Japanese style, a red-painted bamboo bench will fit in wonderfully here, which should be placed near a pond.

IN Chinese garden, a bench with a trellised back entwined with climbing plants. And a gravel, winding path should lead to the bench.

Country style implies the presence of the most simple, but comfortable wooden bench, traditional natural color or painted in a discreet brown shade.

Of course, one cannot fail to mention the Provence style, borrowed from the inhabitants of the provinces - France. The bench should be quite modest, a little antique, in a vintage direction, in white, blue, purple or blue shades.

Garden in Art Nouveau style can be supplemented with benches of strict forms, possibly with wrought iron elements, or stone benches in the form of animals, insects, etc. By the way, stone benches will look great near impromptu Alpine slides.

Plot in Italian style beautiful benches with stucco elements are successfully emphasized. Such a bench can be placed near a small pond, with sculptures on its shore.

An English restrained, but well-organized garden, it is better to complement it with stone benches with wooden or metal inserts, golden hues may be present in the color.

natural style, which is otherwise called forest, can be emphasized with a bench made of tree cuts, on a stump-like base (legs).

The colonial style, which originated in early America, is best complemented by wicker benches, but you can also install a regular one. wooden bench V metal frame.

Garden benches - photo

Benches and benches in the garden suburban area is a popular holiday destination. Sometimes putting an ordinary bench is not interesting and trite.

After all, it is possible to build a whole corner for relaxation and comfort, so as not just to sit on a bench, but already enjoy nature, from your garden, from fruits planted with your own hands. There are many different ideas here.

Bench structures are usually lightweight and do not require special skills. Anyone can create a seating area with a bench if they wish.

Idea options

Everyone saw a photo of an ordinary bench. But I don’t want the simplest bench for my garden, I want something more original and beautiful.

If everything in your garden is already decorated and the whole area is in order, then the bench will never become superfluous. And, if you are just starting to equip your site, then it's time to start with bench equipment.

wooden bench

A do-it-yourself bench made of wood will harmonize well in the garden with all sorts of flower beds of beautiful flowers.

The easiest option for building a garden bench is two wooden boxes in which inflorescences grow, and between them a couple of sanded boards. If necessary, this bench can be placed near the wall, if possible.

Many people do not like such material as wood, because it gets wet quickly and is very difficult to care for. Instead of wooden material stone and concrete come to the rescue.

In order to make a bench with a back, you need to try a little. For the back, most often they buy already processed wood. The seat is easiest to fix with metal corners.

TO concrete material they can be attached thanks to dowels, and to wooden material using self-tapping screws from the bottom or bolts through.

Many summer residents are wondering how to make a bench on their own for home and garden. And every year this question is gaining popularity.

Many give preference to ready-made store benches, but by doing the work yourself, you can completely surrender to the process and turn on your imagination completely.

metal bench

Metal benches are installed by a minority, since, of course, they are aesthetic and original products, but in the summer it is material that heats up to crazy temperatures, and if it gets even a little cold, the material becomes icy and it is impossible to sit on it.

If you really want to use metal in the process of creating a bench, then you should combine two materials in your work: metal and wood. At the same time, the seats and backs are made of wooden material, and the structures of the legs and additional elements are made from metal.

There are many different original variants benches in this style.


Great popularity in Lately received benches from a pipe. From profile pipe with the help of cooking, rectangles are made, and jumpers are attached to the side walls, on which the bench seats will rest. This is a very reliable and safe option for creating a bench with your own hands.

If this option is slightly improved, then armrests are used for greater convenience and comfort. A bench in the garden with a wide seat, like a sofa, will also look elegant and original. This is comfort, convenience and luxury!

For complete comfort, you can put decorated pillows on such benches so that you can not only sit, but also take a nap in nature.

Board benches

A simple bench made of boards will also look aesthetically pleasing, the main thing is to be able to do it. There are the most simple designs, like ordinary benches, but there are more complicated ones in the form of a sofa or an elongated chair.

IN modern style it is easy to assemble such a bench, you only need to connect rectangles with partitions made of thin boards to each other.

The main thing is to turn on the fantasy. Even the most uncomplicated work can become the source of a masterpiece.


Based on thin boards, you can make various forms benches. For example, in the form of the letter P. The main thing here is to fix the seats and legs well and securely. Such a bench is easy to manufacture, but will last a long time.

DIY bench photo


Carved furniture: dining set of a table and two benches with a bear

You can clarify the details and order carved figures of animals directly from our master.
Vyacheslav Morozov by phone: +7 921-387-18-47

We decided to dedicate an entire page to describe this dining set. Firstly, because it is really beautiful, both in general and in individual details. And, secondly, because we can show you the elements of the process of its creation. A beautiful chopped house, and any Vacation home, not only wooden is the pride of its owner. We want to decorate it with various nice "trinkets".

It is often possible to combine business with pleasure - to create some kind of home decoration, which also carries some useful functionality. This composition, which includes a carved table with inlay and two benches, one of which is also decorated with a carved voluminous bear, has become such a decoration of the house. In the first two photos, we show how this composition looks already in the country residence of the Customer.

A little distraction - if you want to know another almost magical story of the creation of another Mikhail Potapovich (see photo above) - we recommend reading the article.

And now let's see each of the carved elements of the composition close up and at various stages of creation. At the end of the page, we will additionally provide photographs of congenial structures for wooden furniture. This is how the bench with our bear looks like in close-up. If you are unable to deal with the paws of a clubfoot - do not worry, especially for you we will give a photo below, where everything falls into place.

It's time to take a closer look at the table. The unique interweaving of roots - after all, such a tree still needed to be found, the carved lower bridge connecting the table supports, the tabletop inlaid with stone - everything attracts the attention of true connoisseurs of wooden art and does not allow you to look away.

What does it look like internal organization table with the top removed is shown in the next two photos. The master did a lot of work on the internal dressing of our "stumps" to get such a practically aerial structure. Consider each table support in more detail.

Well, for those who, like your humble servant, did not immediately figure out the number of paws of the bear cub, we present one more photo, which clearly shows the master's intention. Of course, it should be borne in mind that the carver does not use plaster, which can sculpt any contours and figures, here the master uses a fragment of a pine log, into which the intended figure must be entered, so the work of a wood carver is much more complicated than that of an ordinary sculptor.

To understand how this furniture looked in its original state, without toning and varnish, we will give examples of similar furniture made by Vyacheslav a year earlier. The subtlety of the details and the strict mathematical calculation of the strength of the back of the bench cannot but arouse admiration.

The furniture set also included benches without a back - look at the following photo. From this angle, the carving of the bench supports is clearly visible.

In this kit garden furniture table supports were made by analogy with bench supports - this is also beautiful and original.

Benches - benches, but the owners of the house would probably like to have personal "royal chairs" - no problem. These cute chairs can be made from a single log. If you like to sit on something softer and warmer, don't worry, you can order special cushions that can be placed on top of such chairs.

Well, for "sweet" - close-up we give an example through thread woodwork - this is a very laborious work, but you must admit - it looks very beautiful.