Mixer      06/13/2019

Landscape garden: natural style in landscape design. Landscape style in landscape design

The owner began creating this garden when she retired.

“I didn’t expect this from myself,” she admits.

I have never had anything to do with the land. In her youth she was involved in motorsports and rode a motorcycle. The education she received was also very far from agriculture - she graduated from a construction institute. But in this garden, oddly enough, I managed to find myself.” Large-sized trees were the first to be planted here. “My friend, who teaches a course on floriculture at the Timiryazev Academy, came to my dacha and said: “If you want your garden to have a special microclimate, plant spruce, pine and birch trees.”

Then as undergrowth for tall trees and coniferous plants bushes of Japanese spirea, common elderberry, bladderwort and hazel appeared.

Flowers and decorative foliage perennials took their rightful place in the garden. And the picture was completed by ground cover - saxifrage, tenacious, which created beautiful living carpets. The plant species community characteristic of the area gave the garden a natural appearance and the necessary stylistic orientation, conceived by the owner as a landscape garden.

Elderberry in the garden...

Elderberry bushes thrive under the canopy of deciduous trees.


After gardening, red elderberries can be used instead of soap. To do this, simply rub the berries in your palms. The released juice does not produce foam, but washes well dirty hands, removes stubborn dirt, dissolves plant resins and softens the skin.

This well-known shrub can be found in city parks and on the edges of forests, but elderberry only at first glance seems boring. In fact, it has a spreading, landscape-like crown shape, elegant foliage, and spectacular, although not always edible, fruits. The elderberry reaches its greatest decorative value during fruiting, when the tree is completely covered with thick clusters of shiny scarlet or black drupes.

Elderberry is also good during the flowering period, when it is strewn with white flowers collected in brushes. In addition, she is very unpretentious - both bright sun and light shade are suitable for her. White acacia or black acacia is also distinguished by its beautiful crown shape. “More or less, I managed to form its multi-tiered crown with an umbrella,” says the owner of the garden. – For a long time and persistently, I cut off all the branches that do not create this dome. And now there is practically no rain under it, drops fall from leaf to leaf.”

Water element in a garden in landscape style

A natural landscape is not complete without a body of water. But in our garden it’s not even a pond, but a whole hydraulic structure, consisting of a stream, a small pond, a small water cascade flowing over stones, a landscape pond with natural contours, which was designed by the owner herself. The temptation to admire the quiet surface of the water and enjoy the beauty aquatic plants pushed into the background all the difficulties associated with the technical side of the issue. However, there were no particular difficulties, because the owner is a civil engineer by profession.

This hydraulic miracle originates from a garden well. The arrangement of the coastal zone of reservoirs with rock fragments made it possible to diversify the outlines of the boundaries and effectively camouflage the artificially created edges of structures.

“The pond is 7 years old,” says the owner of the garden, “but it has never been cleaned.


Pond in the garden - perfect place for relax. The beauty and attractiveness of water, its shine, murmur, movement or mirror stillness help you relax and forget about the hustle and bustle. Cozy carved benches on the shore you can be alone and watch the surface of the water.

I feel that the sapropel (bottom sediments of rotted plant remains - ed.) is beautiful there. There is sand at the bottom of the pond, which is very nice, and the water from the well is clean. And when we mow the grass around the pond, it seems that the water absorbs the aroma of all the coastal herbs.”

Water lilies

On the calm surface of the pond, fabulous water lilies or nymphs bask in the sun. Their large white cup-shaped flowers follow the movement of the sun from morning to evening, turning their floating heads towards its rays. At noon they open all their petals, then they begin to gradually close them, and by evening they look like a bud that has not yet blossomed.

And in the underwater world there is a turbulent life: here and there timid schools of small crucian carp flash by. Like their ordinary relatives, they winter well, easily take root, are unpretentious in maintenance and reproduce quickly.

There is also a goldfish that lives in the pond, although it is red. This is a decorative Japanese crucian carp with shiny bright scales that shimmer beautifully in the sun. Big pond It is made without any covering, so its banks are decorated with moisture-loving plants: silver willow, hostas, and common calamus. In shallow water there are thickets of forest reeds. Reeds not only fit perfectly into the style of a natural garden, but also reduce water pollution.

And against the background of the water and stones of the stream, the thick-leaved bergenia looks impressive - an evergreen perennial with bright pink inflorescences of small goblet-shaped flowers, collected in a thick panicle, and shiny leathery leaves.

Garden accessories

A light wrought-iron gazebo under a metal roof, located near a rocky shore, and an elegant wrought-iron bridge thrown across a stream give this vacation spot a special charm. Various accessories add elegance to the garden, including garden figurines. Here a bird sat on a stone - it looked just like it was alive. Next to her, also on a pebble, but already in a stream, a green frog settled down to bask in the sun... They sit quietly so as not to wake up the sleeping angel nearby.

Bright accents in green interior Elegant white gypsum flowerpots of various shapes are also included - large and round or tall on legs, placed throughout the garden. Such decorative elements serve as mobile flower beds for a wide variety of garden flowers: zinnias, geraniums, dahlias.

Paths made of long granite tiles, intricately meandering, run throughout the entire garden: they go around the house, encircle ponds, lead to a gazebo, cross small lawns, beckon to protected corners and disappear somewhere in the distance...

The place for planting grapes should be sunny and protected from the wind, near the southern wall of the house or near a fence, with well-drained soil. If you plant grapes next to a wall, then seat should be 1 m or more away from it so that the foundation does not destroy the roots of the grape bush.

Fireworks flower and others...

Flowers are used as group plantings against the background of a lawn and in tree and shrub compositions.

On the shore of an artificial reservoir, a cheerful helenium bush perched next to a bench. The orange shades of this decorative perennial, like the bright pompoms of the graceful zinnia, can lift your spirits even on the gloomiest day.

There is also such a curiosity in this garden as prickly cleome. Its soft pink inflorescences resemble sparkling champagne that has broken free; it is no coincidence that cleome is also popularly called “champagne splashes,” or a fireworks flower. These beautiful annuals, planted in a large group among the lawn, not only allow the housewife to enjoy their amazing view all summer long, but also attract bees from all over the area.

Grapes in the Moscow region

Along the red brick wall country house a grapevine curls, there is a sea of ​​tassels on it. But this should not be surprising. Grapes, which have long been considered a southern crop, have long ceased to be exotic in dachas near Moscow. The emergence of new super-early varieties has made it possible to grow it even in the changeable and cold climate of the middle zone.

The main condition for success is the right varieties. “The Kishmish grapes have enough time to ripen over the summer,” says the owner.

But from that bush of the “Isabella” variety, I actually collected 6 buckets.” Planting a decorative red-leaved apple tree is also considered a special chic in a garden near Moscow. This plant allows you to form bright accents and decorate shady corners of the garden.

And at the entrance to the dacha there grows a low tree strewn with small apples - this is the Chinese plum-leaved apple tree, or china, which serves both as a decorative decoration for the garden and fruit tree.

It differs from other varieties in its resistance to harsh winters and dry summer periods, bears fruit every year and gives bountiful harvest. From this variety of apples, which have a wonderful aroma, the housewife makes jam, as it should be, from whole fruits and with tails. The apples become transparent, as if glowing from within, and have an incomparable taste.


To plant cleome, choose a sunny place with fertile neutral soil. Water usually, without fanaticism: this flower does not like waterlogging. Feeding complex fertilizers produced only 2 times a season. Periodically loosen the soil after watering and remove weeds.


No matter how different these or those gardens are, the design of flower beds always comes down to two opposing styles - regular (with clear geometry) or landscape (with the charm of naturalness). We will show you how to successfully implement the preferred option on your site.

Straight contours or curved ones? This is the question most often puzzled by garden owners when they start planting new flower beds. Nowadays there are variations in their design: a wagon and a small cart. However, they all originate from two antagonistic styles - landscape, in which nature became an example to follow, and regular, where geometry and symmetry, opposite to naturalness, “rule the show”. Which one should you choose? The decision depends not only on personal preferences, because the plantings must be in harmony with all the buildings located on the site. So the type of design of the main decoration of the garden - flower beds - is not an idle question.

Flower beds in landscape style, that is, with winding and smooth contours, allow you to present a relief area to the maximum advantage.

A garden designed in this spirit displays a corner of nature, at first glance only slightly ennobled. This is the place for “hills and ravines,” design elements with arbitrary outlines. As for plantings, mixborders with herbaceous perennials and free-growing shrubs are welcome, as well as individual trees scattered throughout the territory with a naturally picturesque “appearance”.

By the way, flower beds can be created not only along the border of the site - it is worth laying additional islands on the “green canvas” of the lawn. It wouldn’t hurt to make a pond with a wide coastal line occupied by vegetation. The result is an open-plan landscape with paths winding between the plants. Pleasant bonuses of the style - the absence of trimmed flora and the need to keep the garden in perfect shape - make caring for it much easier.

Flower beds in a regular style are the exact opposite of landscape ones, since geometry is the standard of harmony and beauty in them.

The style is not as common as landscape, as it requires more attention, but the result is worth the effort. Such plantings always take the form of clear geometric shapes and, as a rule, are located symmetrically to each other. Most often, low trimmed hedges serve as borders for flower beds, but strips paved with paving stones are also suitable.

The mission of such a garden is to radiate balance, solemnity and emphasize the beauty of order and symmetry, which is achieved thanks to the visual axes coinciding with smooth straight paths between the flower beds. Among trees and shrubs, trimmed plants are most appropriate. Tip: To prevent geometric flower beds from looking too strict, the clarity of the lines can be balanced with an abundance of floral herbaceous perennials.

Regular style garden

A symmetrical division of the site with rectangular flower beds in the center and with a visual axis abutting the building - this is how one can simply describe a garden in the French Baroque style (below is a plan of the park near the Vaux-le-Vicomte Palace). This is the name that stuck to the regular style. However, it did not arise at all in the 17th century.

The beauty of geometry in landscape design sung back in Ancient Egypt and Babylon (the Hanging Gardens of Babylon). The current was further supported and developed in ancient times by the Greeks and Romans. The style was polished to perfection during the Renaissance. As a result, such pearls of landscape art as Versailles and Peterhof later emerged. However, in the 18th century. Naturalness came into fashion, and the style gave way to the leading position to landscape, or English (see page 46).

By the way, in the gardens of the world famous landscape designer Gertrude Jekyll of the late 19th – early 20th centuries. Geometric plantings also predominate, although they are distinguished by a variety of herbaceous perennials. Today, many landscape designers still take the regular style of plot design as a basis.

Garden in landscape style

When you take a walk through such a park, you get the feeling that you are surrounded by an 18th-century landscape.

At that time in England, green properties were everywhere decorated in a style close to nature. Moreover, geometric forms fell out of favor not so much because of fashion trends, but for political reasons: Baroque gardens were considered the personification of absolutist power in France.

In contrast to the regular style, English landscape designers, and in particular the legendary Lancelot Brown (1716-1783), laid the foundation for a new direction - an idealized natural landscape (left: plan of the garden of Blaenheim Palace), as a result of which the landscape style is also called English.

The above-mentioned designer modeled low hills with smooth outlines, planted picturesque trees, and also created streams and paths that wind through the vast lawns. What is noteworthy is that initially there were almost no plantings with flower plants in the landscape park. Only thanks to the idea of ​​the “wild garden”, which was put forward by the Englishman William Robinson (1838-1935), flower beds with a variety of herbaceous perennials became an important component of the landscape style.


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  • Since the 18th century, Voltairianism began to flourish in Europe. This movement supported religious free-thinking in general. At the same time, people were interested in naturalness in various details, including in gardens and parks. Creativity, in particular fine arts, was actively developing. Artists created amazing landscapes, inspired by the landscape of that time. Landscape style in landscape design is also called English design. But it originated in Holland and Germany, and then in England it gained high speed. Today, even in a small English courtyard you can see a wonderful natural landscape.

    At the time when this style originated, the philosophy stated that there were many benefits in unity with nature. The rich tried to learn as much as possible about the cultures, traditions and history of other countries. They drew interesting ideas from one country and implemented them in their homeland. Wealthy nobles tried to arrange their estates in an original and attractive way. It was fashionable to have a natural pond in the yard, with sheep grazing against its background. Such landscapes inspired art, encouraged romanticism, and promoted creative impulses.

    The landscape style is actively used today in our areas, so if you are interested in the features of its creation, read on in this review of “Dream House” and enjoy the magnificent photos of landscape landscapes.

    Characteristic differences of landscape style

    At first glance, the landscape style is simple and natural, but in reality it takes a lot of effort to create such a neat landscape design. A soft transition from the lawn to bright shrubs and trees. No geometric shapes, smooth lines and no patterns. But there are a number of specific details that they are trying to implement on land plots to recreate an amazing landscape design:

    • Uneven terrain. There may be plains, hills, ravines, natural slopes - and all this alternates with smooth transitions.
    • Lack of symmetry. No straight lines, geometric shapes, complete freedom in the layout.
    • Architectural structures on the site. Various gazebos and the like can be present and neatly blend into the entire landscape.
    • Winding paths created from wild stones or tree trunk cuts, lawns and the like. They play not only the role of decoration, but also serve to connect individual garden objects.
    • Path system. It is necessary in order to be able to admire the garden from different points and at the same time see various picturesque landscapes.
    • The absence of a point from which a view of the entire garden could open.
    • Garden compositions from completely different shrubs and trees. They should not be repeated among themselves. You can use forest, garden and field plants.
    • Natural or artificial reservoirs with an uneven coastline.

    After urban high-rise buildings, smooth roads, strict and monotonous courtyards, landscape gardening style is the most relevant and popular for decorating your own courtyards. And although it is suitable for large areas, even a summer cottage with an area of ​​only 4-6 acres can be arranged in this style.

    Advantages of a landscape garden

    1. First of all, it is worth noting the picturesque and impressive views. The landscaped gardens look very beautiful. It seems as if they were created by nature itself, as if this is a wild park that has not been touched by human hands.
    2. The landscape style plot is practical. For it, you can use those flowers that grow wonderfully in specific latitudes. No need to search exotic plants, it is enough to grow the most popular trees for each specific area. The big plus is that such plantings take root well and do not require much care. In landscape style, plants are usually planted in a specific order: tall tree, shrub, flowers, etc.
    3. This style is suitable for decorating a walking area or areas for recreation and sports games.

    Creating a landscape style

    Are planning

    To design a site in a landscape style, you first need to draw a plan. It must indicate the location of the house and the location of all elements that will be required for comfort on the site.

    Branching paths

    When planning landscape design, you should consider the presence and placement of paths. As mentioned above, they do not have to be smooth and clear. Turns should be made curved. The paths can be arbitrary, but they should be located so that it is convenient to get to one point or another. For example, in the garden there are amenities such as a toilet. The path to them should be short so that you don’t have to go around the entire garden.

    Landscape design summer cottage landscape style

    More space

    In the case of arranging a site in the English landscape style, you should abandon the habit of using the territory to the maximum. In this situation, every corner cannot be occupied with something useful; on the contrary, freedom and more space must be created. There is no need to order some luxurious ones, build water cascades and the like. You can use what is already on the site. If the area is uneven, then this is only to your advantage. It is necessary to use all the “disadvantages” of the territory so that they turn into its advantages.

    Garden style house

    If the house has not yet been built, then its design should adhere to the Victorian or British style. But in a situation where the house has been built a long time ago and its style does not suit landscape gardening, you can:

    • change some parts of the house, but this may require a lot of money;
    • plant a green hedge, thereby separating local area from the entrance to the garden;
    • finished buildings, in particular a house, can be given the necessary style using branched plants that will cover its facade.

    Colors and shades

    Colors are important in garden landscape design. Correctly selected color and shade can visually enlarge or reduce, bring closer or move away this or that object. Thanks to color, you can focus on one detail and “hide” another. Also, do not forget that small simple compositions look wonderful in contrast to bulky and elaborate combinations.

    There are many different secrets to improving your landscape design. For example, to make the far corner of the garden no less remarkable, you should plant brighter trees there, for example coniferous plantings in blue shades.

    Bright flower beds

    Despite the fact that a garden in a landscape style should be as natural as possible, this does not mean that it does not need to be done. It is necessary to create groups of shrubs and flowers, plant bright colored ones, provide shade to garden alleys thanks to branched plants, and so on.

    English landscape style in landscape design photo

    Green lawns

    You can organize a green lawn yourself. The depth of fertile sowing in the area where the lawn is planned should be at least 15 cm. Before, about a month in advance, it is necessary to dig up the soil, then remove all the weeds, and fertilize the area with fertilizer. The surface must be smooth and dense, for which they are used plywood sheets or skating rinks. If there is any other obstacle to work, the grass should be sown a meter away from it.

    Lawn grass can be different. On average, seed consumption is about 15 g/m², but more details can be found directly when purchasing a specific grass. The seeds are not sown too deep, but they need to be sprinkled with soil and then provided with drip irrigation, like light rain. And this is done every day for the first week after sowing, if it is sunny and hot outside. This is not to say that the lawn grows slowly, but at the same time, this process can be accelerated by purchasing ready-made rolls of grass. They just need to be unwrapped, spread out and watered.

    Most of those who purchase suburban areas, dream of silence, peace and harmony. And what could be more beautiful and harmonious than nature itself? We tell you how to arrange your site in a landscape or English style, closest to natural landscapes. Here's what a landscape design for a private house's yard might look like and how to do it. This will help you understand


    The fundamental feature of this style is clear from its name. Landscape style implies maximum unity with nature and imitation of natural landscapes in the site.

    One option for landscape style in landscape design

    What exactly does this mean?

    • Planting vegetation typical for the area.
    • Smooth lines of paths imitating winding paths.
    • A maximum of natural and, again, materials familiar to the region in the decor. Preference is given to stone and wood; among hand-made products, clay figurines and forged fences and lamps are acceptable.
    • Minimal symmetry, because it cannot be found in natural landscapes.
    • Calm and soft colors, no riot of colors and a combination of many different colored decorative elements.
    • Slight negligence - you should forget about curly and perfectly even trimming of bushes and a lawn “under a ruler”.
    • Plants are planted freely.

    You may also be interested in information about what it might be like

    In the video - what a landscape style in landscape design can look like:

    Such deliberate visual carelessness in the entire design of the territory in no way means that there is no need to monitor the site at all. It is a must, everything should be kept clean, the plants should be healthy, well-groomed and actively growing. But the fact that a person had a hand in all this beauty should be as little noticeable as possible. But what the landscape design of a pond can be and how to choose it specifically for your site is outlined

    How to create

    A real English garden requires a large area, preferably at least 10-12 acres. On a smaller plot, of course, you can also apply this style, but it will not look so natural, that is, it will lose some of its attractiveness.

    Site layout

    The basis of the layout of the site in the English style is the paths. The recommendation, widespread in landscape design, to lay them as the shortest distances between the components of a site (entrance, buildings, reservoir, recreation areas, etc.) does not work here.

    The paths are covered with crushed stone and laid out natural stone or tiles of dim gray-beige shades.

    This is what landscape-style paths might look like

    The English style in landscape design does not accept clear zoning - flowers here, trees there, a pond here, and a recreation area there. All design components should be in slight chaos and smoothly replace one another. If it is visually necessary to separate one part of the territory from another, this should be done with a winding path, a thick hedge, a plant or arch entwined with greenery.

    You might also be interested in information about what it might look like

    Decoration of the reservoir

    In Chinese and Japanese gardens without a reservoir. On a site decorated in English style, water is not a necessary element, but will certainly decorate it. To build a small pond, a spacious lake or lay a stream through part of the territory - the choice is only up to the owners; the landscape style allows all these options. The main thing is that the reservoir has an irregular geometric shape and does not have a clearly defined coastline.

    A pond can be decorative

    You can decorate the surface of the water with water lilies, duckweed, and reeds. A weeping willow, for example, would look great nearby. The bank should be lined with stones or large pebbles, with a lawn or low-growing herbaceous flowering plants close to them. And here’s what the landscape design looks like in the photo: Japanese style, can see

    Color combination

    The dominant landscape style is green in all its variety of shades from light green to dark emerald. A significant part of the territory is covered with lawn, and there are many other green spaces - grasses and trees.

    This is what a floral combination in a landscape style might look like

    Bright accents of red, yellow, white, purple, orange and so on are acceptable and even necessary. But they must be present pointwise on a green background. Paths, benches, gazebos, figurines and other details should be done in a calm color scheme- shades of beige, brown, white

    Rest zone

    To relax on a landscape-style site, set up a gazebo made of wood, stone, or a combination of these two materials. Place it in the shade of trees on the lawn and next to a pond, if one is provided on the territory. Low shrubs, ornamental green or flowering plants are planted around the gazebo. And the frame of the building itself is worth decorating climbing plantings- roses, ivy. The lighting is done in the form of forged lanterns. In addition to the gazebo, wooden or wrought iron benches in soft colors are periodically placed along the paths throughout the area.

    A relaxation area in a landscape style can be made up of a table and benches

    The site may need something that cannot be found in the wild - space for sports, for example, an area with exercise equipment, a tennis table or a field for ball games. It is advisable to separate such a section of the territory with a high living or wrought-iron fence entwined with greenery or hide it, for example, behind the house.

    What plants to plant

    1. Typical trees for landscape style are spruce, pine, fir, oak, holly, , silver willow. Fruits (apple, pear, cherry) can also be used, but not in predominant quantities.

      Spruce, pine, fir in landscape style

    2. From flowering bushes In the English garden, roses dominate - double and non-double, delicate white and pink shades and bright red and burgundy, small and lush. Roses can be planted in any quantity and combination without fear of overdoing it.

      Can be used a large number of roses combined with other flowers

      Fences can be made of wood

    3. A living fence is created from thuja, rosemary and boxwood.
    4. The greenery of the lawn can be slightly diluted with low flowers - clover, daisies, marigolds.

      You should choose a lawn only with a high-quality coating

    5. Flower beds are made lush, dense and tiered, planted there in different combinations pansies, delphinium, crocuses, daffodils, daisies, violets, asters, nasturtium, mallow, geranium, begonias of any variety.

    If you want maximum closeness to nature on your own plot, then the English or landscape style will be the most optimal solution. Its main feature is the most accurate imitation of natural landscapes.

    A garden for decorative purposes, in which there are many attractive landscape views, interesting plant compositions, and plastic solutions, is usually considered landscape. This type of garden traditionally has another name, English, because it was in England that the foundations were laid and the principles of the Landscape Garden were developed.

    The British loved their gardens, appreciated the beauty of plants and tried to surround themselves beautiful views. The craftsmen tried to preserve as much as possible the charm and naturalness of living nature, carefully adapting it to the conditions of a particular garden. A tradition has developed of organizing living side-by-side plantings in a free or clipped form, creating mixed flower beds of continuous flowering, in which shrubs and even trees were often present. This is how the concept of mixborder was born. Later, countless options and modifications appeared, but the main principles of the Landscape Garden remained the same - a combination of bright expressiveness and naturalness.

    In a landscape garden, all plants are planted in loose groups. They complement each other and echo either texture, color, or shape. New colors flash and fade, but the decorative effect remains. Here, hostas are planted along the edges of the paths. On the right they are supported by pink chelone, on the left by park roses. A winding path, densely overgrown on both sides with plants that bloom at the end of summer, invites you to walk along it to the house. Its roof is barely visible because of the tree branches and overgrown bushes. In a landscape garden there is usually a lot of different plants, both trees and shrubs, they are mixed with branches and intertwined with crowns, and flowers replace each other in bloom from spring to autumn.

    Relaxation area with comfortable garden furniture located on a paved area, surrounded on all sides by a green, trimmed lawn. Along its edges, a variety of herbaceous perennials, including cereals, are planted in lush groups. The color scheme is decided in warm colors. The furniture is painted in White color. All these simple techniques bring a feeling of light and joy even on a cloudy day.

    Some elements from formal gardens are quite appropriate in a landscape garden. Like, for example, here a low trimmed border that organizes the garden space in a special way. A wide variety of flowers are mixed in the flower beds, unexpected combinations appear, but overall the picture seems orderly and picturesque.

    This flower border mixes a variety of plants: perennials, annuals and tuberous plants. All possible colors are presented without taking into account any rules. This mixed flower border is full of volume and shape, rich in color and, together with the spreading tree on the left, creates a picturesque picture of a raging summer.

    Interior space of a shady garden. Here the tone is set by a spreading old tree with a powerful embossed trunk and gnarled branches. It is artistic and significant. Beneath it lies a large, trimmed lawn with a bright green grass carpet, and all the plants are scattered around the periphery of the garden, in groups clinging to the walls of the house. There are no bright or flashy colors here. A peaceful feeling of peace is created. At the same time, the entire composition appears to be a complete landscape painting.

    A flower bed of perennials along the bend of the path. At the end of summer, many flowers have already faded, remaining in the composition only as leafy clumps. Others are still in full glory. The grasses turn golden, the red cones of the burnet on long, thin peduncles play in the wind. Roses and catnips are still in full bloom. Merlin and purple monarda bushes enhance the lilac note. A little further in the group, golden-yellow notes can be discerned. All plants in the composition are carefully selected, but their free, mixed volumes convince the viewer of the naturalness of the flower garden. The whole picture looks picturesque from spring to autumn.

    A spectacular white garden is arranged on both sides of a winding path. Aquilegias are blooming wildly, supported only by blooming astrantias and already fully grown miscanthuses. In the distance to the left, mock orange "Aurea" flowers are blooming. Their yellow leaves create a soft contrast to both white flowers and green foliage. In the right group, yellow echoes in the leaves of the hosta.

    Classic mixborder from herbaceous plants designed according to the principle of a department. Low plants are collected in the foreground, and the middle and background intertwine in places, which creates a special feeling of depth and volume. The color palette is in the classical tradition - a combination of lilac and bright yellow tones, but the color is spaced out in space, and an intermediate group in whitish tones softens the direct contrast. Thanks to all these tricks, the entire composition looks very natural and picturesque. The plants are planted in large clumps, contrasting with the shape of the inflorescences and the density of the flowering layers. Grasses give the group a special mood of lightness and dynamics: reed grass, miscanthus and pinnately bristle.

    Fragment of a flower garden with roses and lavender. Flowers are arranged in clusters, accented by low trimmed borders, behind which bloom roses, lavender, sweet peas, delphiniums and salvia. The composition is decorated with a forged openwork arcade, painted blue, inspired by flower beds. In the background are lush clumps of shrubs, including a huge, magnificent bush of Hydrangea paniculata “Grandiflora”.

    Calm composition of sedums. Some of them have already faded, others have not yet fully bloomed, but, supported by other perennials, they form an interesting decorative group, contrasting in shape, color, and volume. At the periphery, taller plants are collected in wing plantings. The whole composition looks natural and at the same time very picturesque.

    A fragment of a lush mixborder with a purple accent. Herbaceous perennials, annuals, and shrubs are collected here. They are planted in large picturesque clumps and are combined in volume and color, gently contrasting with the shape of the inflorescences and texture. The composition is classic - a one-sided mixborder, but the whole picture pleases with a pleasant combination of complementary color tones and the ability to examine the features of the texture.

    The white garden follows the profile of a path and is bordered by trimmed hedges. The group includes plants that bloom white and those with white leaves. Both sides are built on the principle of a pulpit and are limited along the lower edge by borders: on the right of flowering Iberis, on the left of evergreen trimmed bushes. Hybrid nightshade bushes set a rhythm, without which filling the flower garden would look like just a mass of flowers. It should be added that this white garden is not in a very advantageous position. In bright sunshine, white loses its depth and texture. White compositions are best placed in light shade.

    Trees have grown in the old garden. The multi-stemmed thuja on the right is crowned and looks completely unusual. Its crown hangs over the roof of the house, over the lawn and path, creating a certain lyrical mood. The paths are lost among the lawn, but the plants are grouped into small compositions and there is a feeling of spaciousness and peace. On a cloudy day, even, slightly blurred lighting reigns here, and in sunny weather, the sun’s glare penetrating through the treetops comes into play.

    A landscape garden is, of course, not a park, with its enormous size, but the principles of organization are still the same. Picturesque views, the ratio of open and closed spaces, backstage, the play of forward and backward perspective, free groups of plants, expressive combinations, the spirituality of nature in all its manifestations, be it plant forms, water or stone. When these principles are followed, a landscape garden can be created in a very small space.

    In a landscape garden, relief areas and plastic solutions supported by plantings, ponds, paved and trodden paths, and “random” objects in the form of picturesquely laid out stone blocks, tree cuts and stumps always look advantageous. It is in the landscape garden important role seasonal changes play color accents, the presence of special qualities such as thorns and thorns, berries and fruits, curved trunks and textured bark. All this brings a special mood to the landscape garden. A landscape garden is always a garden of mood.

    Mixed crowns, large, loose curtains, contrasting textures, seasonal color metamorphoses, dried branches and snags - all these are indispensable components of a landscape garden, which are included in the overall game and, together with dew and fog, sunrise and sunset, create the right mood.

    A body of water in a landscape garden, be it a pond or a stream, meets the same principles of a pictorial painting. It should seem absolutely natural, although it is made from artificial materials and is decorated mainly with varietal plant forms. When creating a water garden in a landscape style, combining garden plants in its design, you need to try to achieve the convincingness of the natural landscape, its special poetic mood.

    Continuing the theme of a pond in a landscape garden, it is worth mentioning that some exaggerations and recognizable historical features may well be present. Such as a formal pond or channel in a landscape garden. It is clear that this is a man-made element, but it does not contradict the principles. The garden as a whole looks natural and picturesque, and it should not exactly copy the natural landscape, but only evoke associations and create a mood. It is important not to overdo it with decoration, not to introduce contradictory elements and flashy combinations of both colors and materials. The photo shows a landscape pond with freely growing frog grass and a clump of miscanthus, and the shore line is deliberately accentuated by a linear fill of stone and reinforced by slabs in the second line.

    Plant compositions in a landscape garden should look natural, but they usually consist of selected garden forms, with accented decorative effect. Often in a landscape style it is necessary to place an exhibition of a collection of certain plants. These conventions are quite acceptable as long as the basic principles are not violated. Thus, there may be plants nearby, albeit from different regions and even from different continents, but growing in nature under similar conditions. Such plants have clearly defined main recognizable features: fleshy or needle-like leaves, tall stems or an appressed, creeping growth form, etc. In a landscape garden, plants should appear to be taken from similar conditions, then some convention is quite forgivable.

    Everyone's favorite hostas come from the forested areas of the Japanese islands and the Far Eastern region. For all their self-sufficiency and variety of garden forms, hostas still look more spectacular and natural in compositions with other plants. According to the law of landscape style, established combinations have developed that enhance the decorativeness of the hosta and at the same time look natural. The best companions for them are considered to be astilbes, astrantia, mantle, columbine, meadowsweet and buzulniki, cereals and in particular miscanthus, mantle and many more garden plants, which do not contradict the hosts in their appearance and in nature grow in similar conditions.

    In a landscape garden, such liberties as in the photo - a garden lattice made of trimmed tree branches - are quite acceptable. Willow twigs are often used for the same purpose; they easily take root and begin to grow leaves. All kinds of devices and decorative elements are traditionally made from unprocessed pieces of wood, with fragments of bark and lichens on the surface, from dry reed stalks: stands, trellises, pergolas, arches, wicker mats and roof elements and many more recognizable and typical useful things for the garden .

    A garden made in the landscape tradition may well be combined with modern buildings. With skillful spatial solutions, the use of natural plant forms, soft plastic lines and calm color combinations, it is quite possible to achieve good result, combining seemingly incompatible things. Main principle landscape garden - naturalness - remains in priority positions, which means in this case: do not overuse contrasts, do not pile up alien and contradictory decoration elements, do not use flashy color combinations, do not mince details.

    Landscape style in landscape design imitates the natural landscape. Therefore, at first it may seem that when creating such a park there will not be any special difficulties, but in fact, here you need to take into account and know a lot: the local flora, landscape features, have a sense of proportion and artistic taste. All elements placed in a landscape garden should look natural, the lines of the natural park should be soft and smooth. The English style in landscape design is in many ways the opposite of the regular one. If in a regular park symmetry, regularity and clarity of lines and geometric shapes predominate, in a landscape park the compositions are asymmetrical, straight lines are replaced by winding ones, and you won’t find geometric shapes in a park of this type either. We invite you to understand these intricacies in more detail.

    The romantic style in art and the landscape style of landscape design developed in parallel, because The natural world has served as a source of inspiration for artists and writers.

    Typical english garden- a perfectly manicured lawn, flowers and trees planted in such a way as to create the most natural impression

    The English-style landscape allows you to be in the lap of nature right outside your home. The landscape garden will help recreate the atmosphere of ancient landowners' estates, noble nests of the romantic 19th century. A natural park has always been a source of inspiration and harmony for people, where you can listen to birdsong, the quiet murmur of a stream, fall in love and write poetry.

    Main features of landscape style

    The reproduction of the natural landscape should be natural - the paths have a winding shape; if there is a pond with a bridge on the site, it should form a single whole with the natural landscape of the site.

    Of course, an English-style garden requires the same care as any other, but traces of care should be invisible. This has nothing to do with lawns, since the tradition of mowing lawns and constantly maintaining their neat appearance in England has been observed for more than one century; people from Foggy Albion also brought it with them to America and Canada.

    Well-groomed lawn, bench, natural composition - a typical English landscape

    Plants for an English garden must be chosen carefully; it should be based on plants from your region that are well adapted to the given climate. They will look good in the garden at any time of the year - both in summer in the bright sun and in winter under a blanket of snow, they will delight bright colors in autumn and fresh greens in spring.

    Advice. If you want to create an English garden in your country house, start with a lawn. Various compositions should be located around it - lawns, groups of bushes and trees, flower beds.

    A full-fledged English landscape garden can only be created on a large plot. If the area of ​​your site is small, you can recreate the natural landscape in one of its corners.

    In both English and Russian estates of the 19th century, the park always had a pond in which water lilies grew, duckweed floated, and thin picturesque willow branches bent over its surface. If your pond is small, plant one or more dwarf weeping willows near the edge.

    If there is a natural pond on the site, you only need to clear its banks a little, you can plant plants according to your taste and care for the grass carpet

    A small pond in the English style - the banks are lined with gray stone, there are no clear outlines, the plants near the shore look like a natural composition

    Various areas of the garden are combined with the help of winding paths, which are created using natural materials– sandstone, saw cuts, cobblestones.

    English houses are surrounded by greenery and flowers. Therefore, in order to recreate the English style in landscape design, you can plant many unpretentious flowers in the garden and directly near the house. In our conditions, hollyhocks, roses, pansies, and delphinium are well suited for a landscape garden. In spring - crocuses, tulips, daffodils.

    This is how you can create an English flower garden - the flowers are planted in dense groups, the flower garden smoothly extends onto the porch of the house

    Flowers in flower beds are planted in groups and very densely, so that areas of flowers on high and low stems are beautifully combined. In English flower beds the plants are lush, as the climate in England is humid.

    Selection of decorative elements

    The landscape garden will be perfectly complemented by arbors entwined with ivy and grapes, trellises and arches for flowers and climbing plants, benches installed in recreation areas.

    Materials that will help create an English-style garden are wood, natural gray stone and various forged items. Forging elements can be widely used everywhere - benches, a gazebo, a bridge over a pond, a fence made of graceful curls forged metal in combination with wood they form a complete ensemble in the English style.

    At the entrance to the house and directly in the garden, you can place tubs and ceramic pots with small trees and ornamental shrubs.

    The original composition near the house looks quite English; the British love bicycles. On old bicycles there are flower boxes from which climbing plants grow

    Today there are a wide variety of hanging flower pots, with which you can decorate the English garden and courtyard of the house. Pots are hung from the porch, eaves, and gazebos. And you can plant hanging petunia, geranium, and pelargonium in them.

    This variety of petunias in a hanging pot will turn any place in the garden into a beautiful corner.

    Walls English home often covered with ivy. Exist different types ivy - with pure green and variegated leaves, a combination of a couple of species on the wall of the house will add English flavor to your garden.

    When creating a landscape garden, try to ensure that each of its elements is part of nature, does not catch the eye, but forms a single harmonious whole with the overall composition.