In a private house      06/07/2019

Do-it-yourself vacuum wood dryer. Homemade vacuum wood dryer: pros, cons and features. Vacuum drying chambers

For various wood products (furniture, musical instruments, parquet, etc.), their own drying temperature is used and a certain humidity is maintained.

Wood, despite the development of modern technologies, is still an indispensable material in many sectors of the economy. It surrounds us everywhere, it is used in the manufacture of furniture, in the construction industry, even in aviation, it still finds its application. Of course, various polymers, synthetic resins, steels and alloys of various metals actively replace wood even in its traditional niches. But a complete rejection is not possible. Therefore, there will always be a need to prepare wood for use in various branches of human activity, in its drying. We will try to give answers to questions related to such necessary equipment as a lumber dryer, made and debugged with our own hands.

Why dry wood?

Drying for lumber is extremely required process, without which wood simply cannot be used.

The quality of wood depends on proper drying.

If you have your own business related to the production of wood products, then you can not do without your own drying chamber. But first, let's try to understand why this dryer is needed, why lumber needs to be dried. It's all about natural humidity any tree. If you make a product from undried wood, then it will dry out over time, crack, and all that remains is to throw it away. In addition, a properly dried wood improves its working qualities, becomes stronger, more resistant to environmental influences and less susceptible to destructive mold. In the old days, to prepare the forest for use, it was dried not even for years, but for decades. Often, logs prepared for grandchildren were laid under a special canopy. Imagine, not even for children, but for grandchildren.

To our happiness modern technologies allow us to significantly speed up this process. And although this process is still quite long and complicated, it still cannot be compared with traditional technologies, and the result is even better.

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Moisture content of lumber

It is important to understand that a tree is a living organism and its cells contain moisture while it is alive. In general, freshly cut wood has a moisture content of 30 percent or more. If we want to use wood, then we need to get rid of excess moisture. What kind of moisture is superfluous? It depends on what we are going to use the board or log prepared for production for. If the tree is used for the manufacture of products where the highest assembly accuracy is required (for example, for the production musical instruments, sports equipment, parquet and some types of furniture), then its humidity should be reduced to 6-8 percent. If you are just preparing lumber for long-distance transportation, for example, for export, then it is enough to reduce the humidity to 20 percent.

The same wood is also suitable for some types of buildings, for the production of containers and other goods. Other products require wood moisture between these two extremes. Floor boards, cashing, sheathing boards can have a moisture content in the range of 15 percent. A window frames, doors, stair elements or decorative items will require wood from 8 to 15 percent moisture.

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Making a dryer with your own hands

Consider, finally, the construction of the drying chamber itself. To begin with, in addition to the basic building materials for the manufacture of the camera room, you need to purchase a heating device, a fan and a good insulation.

The scheme of the drying chamber.

You can use a ready-made room for the construction of drying, or you can build it specially. It is desirable that the ceiling and one wall be made of reinforced concrete, while the rest of the walls are made of wood, which later need to be covered. thermal insulation materials: first we cover them with foam plates, sheathe them with clapboard and then cover everything with sheets of foil. The next step is to install some kind of heating device, for example, a heating radiator, in which the water should be heated to 65-90 degrees. Since continuous heating is necessary, it is better to immediately make the heating system autonomous, with its own furnace and pump for constant circulation of the coolant. A fan is absolutely necessary in the drying chamber, which, dispersing the air around the room, should ensure uniform heating of the entire drying space and the laid wood.

You need to think about the issue of styling in advance wood material for drying, how the wood will be brought into it, whether it will lie in the middle of the chamber or on special shelves, etc. good options for loading wood is a trolley on rails or a forklift. Take care of the availability of devices for recording humidity and temperature in the drying chamber, without which effective control over its operation is impossible.

Scheme of air temperature and wood humidity in the drying chamber.

When building, consider some more nuances. The temperature in the drying chamber should not fluctuate sharply, make sure that it changes smoothly. Otherwise, you run the risk of destroying all the stocks of wood laid in the drying. It can crack and warp. It is also worth remembering fire safety, because you are dealing with heating appliances and large stocks of dry wood. To do this, keep a fire extinguisher nearby. Of course, some of the above can be replaced with analogues available in the house, in particular, a water heating radiator can be replaced with electric heaters, up to an electric stove with a pair of burners on. Only again we remind you of fire safety, be careful. The walls of the dryer can be insulated not only with polystyrene, but also with others. suitable materials, up to the same wood shavings, and penofol can replace the foil, which is well able to reflect thermal radiation back into the camera.

The main thing during construction is to achieve the creation of suitable conditions inside the chamber, and what material or technology you used is not critical. In such home drying, lumber will dry for about 1-2 weeks.

Vacuum drying is a treatment various materials, which is on this moment has become very popular in many areas. This type of processing is used in food, industrial and similar industries that need equipment to carry out such processes.


If we talk about the industry where vacuum drying has become an integral part, then, of course, this is the furniture industry, where without such a process, the creation of quality furniture. This type of processing is used in the furniture industry during the primary processing of wood. After passing through the process of vacuum drying, the tree acquires its characteristic properties. Firstly, it becomes better, secondly, more practical, and most importantly, furniture made from such wood looks simply incredibly beautiful. In other industries, vacuum drying has a completely different working principle. In addition to the furniture industry, this process is also very popular in Food Industry, but there the principle of operation is completely different. Vacuum drying is a labor-intensive process that has a huge number of nuances that you should never forget about:

  1. The first point is the presence of a large number quality equipment which is an integral part of such a process.
  2. The second point is the high performance of the equipment, without which it will be quite problematic to achieve high efficiency results.
  3. The third point is the place where the vacuum drying process will take place. In order for everything to happen qualitatively, it is necessary to have a place that will meet the standards of humidity, air, light, and similar criteria that play a huge role in this matter.

The cost of vacuum drying is a rather controversial issue, and it is very problematic to give an exact answer to it. The price of such a process directly depends on many factors, ranging from the material to be processed and ending with vacuum equipment where this process will take place. Not less than important aspect also is the time for which you need to do the vacuum drying process. All this plays a certain role, because of which, the price of such a process can be completely different. All these aspects play a big role, which means that they must be taken into account in any case if you want to get a specific answer to what the result of vacuum drying will be.

Vacuum Drying Technology

Vacuum drying technology also boasts a lot of interesting points. Now we will try to analyze the principle of vacuum drying, taking as an example the processing of wood, since this is the material most often amenable to vacuum drying.

Earlier, we have already said that before creating furniture, the wood must necessarily undergo a vacuum drying process, which will allow all excess liquid to be extracted from it and the wood to be significantly reduced in size. The main processes of vacuum drying:

  • Removal of excess liquid from wood by evaporation method
  • Water circulation through wood

First, circulation takes place in the system, since this process takes much longer. The speed of wood processing by vacuum drying directly depends on the rate of water circulation in the wood. The main part of the vacuum drying process is the complete drying of wood, and this is done so that the wood loses its extra dimensions and has only its own mass, which will later be used to create furniture. It's no secret that in this industry there is a rule that says that before creating wood products, its surface must be completely free of wood. Since only in this case, it will be possible to extract moisture from the core of the tree, which will come out by circulation. But it is worth noting that in addition to vacuum drying of wood, this technology is also actively used in other areas, which we will now tell you about:

  • Vacuum drying of meat
  • Vacuum drying of cheese
  • Vacuum drying of powders
  • Vacuum drying of liquid-viscous products
  • Vacuum drying of milk

This is only part of the list of areas where the vacuum drying process is actively used. This technology has already managed to gain immense popularity, which is only growing every day. This technology is really unique, which is why it began to be used in many enterprises, which now simply cannot fully function without this process. This means that there is a possibility further dissemination vacuum drying. Perhaps soon this process will be applied in all areas without exception, giving the opportunity to increase the productivity of many enterprises.

Vacuum drying chambers

Vacuum drying chambers are mechanisms that are designed to carry out a huge number of labor-intensive tasks. We have previously talked about how useful the vacuum drying process is. As for the chambers for vacuum drying, this is something without which such a process simply cannot be carried out. Vacuum drying chambers in this regard simply play a huge role, and without them, you can completely forget about some performance indicators.

The price segment of vacuum chambers for drying is currently far from the lowest. If you wish, you can find already supported installations, which will be quite average in terms of price. But it is best to buy new units, as only they can provide you with all possible quality guarantees. On the modern market, you can see a huge number of types of vacuum drying chambers, which can have completely different purposes. All these cameras have their own functional features, as they are applied in a certain industry. Now we will consider the main types of drying chambers:

  • Vacuum oven
  • Vacuum chamber for drying fruits
  • Drying chamber for drying food products
  • Drying chamber for wood

The principle of operation of each camera is individual, as it is designed to work in a particular industry. But in any case, we can say that such equipment at the moment is really very effective.

Vacuum freeze drying

Freeze drying is a process based on the constant sublimation of ice crystals from frozen products. Such a process, in a short period of time, produces high-quality dehydration of products, and it does it really well.

The important point is that dehydration does not in any way affect Chemical properties products that will continue to be just as useful. In addition, vitamin activity remains in the same form, chemical composition and anatomical structure. Vacuum freeze drying consists of three key steps:

  • Primary freezing of the product
  • Sublimation of ice without heat inside the system
  • Final dosushka in spec. heated chamber

Based on this, we can conclude that the efficiency of freeze drying is at high level and this process is really worth the money invested.

Vacuum drying of wood

In the previous sections, we took this type of drying as an example. As a result, we came to the conclusion that this type of processing is very effective, but also has a certain number of nuances that you should also pay attention to.

The process of vacuum drying can be effective only if the environment in which it takes place fully complies with all standards of humidity, temperature, light and similar aspects. The cost of vacuum drying currently fluctuates within the average price segment. If you wish, you can find a place where such a process will cost you a few pennies, but in this case, you will not receive any guarantees of quality. It is best to overpay a little, but in the end to get a high-quality result of work, which can be used in the future in the production of reliable and beautiful furniture.

The vacuum drying technology itself is interesting in that it makes it possible to actually reduce the drying time of lumber, while the surface of the wood does not crack, and its quality is preserved. The method of vacuum drying wood was invented and patented by Dr. Ernesto Pianozzi in 1964.


The vacuum press-dryer consists of a hermetically sealed steel chamber, the walls of which are predominantly made of of stainless steel which is completely sealed. The ceiling of the vacuum drying chamber itself is covered with an elastic rubber cover, which is framed by a steel frame. Boards are loaded into the chamber with the application of each row of boards with aluminum shadows. The water circulating in the heating elements is heated by a boiler, which is mounted on the outside of the chamber. Water circulation occurs with the help of a liquid vacuum pump located inside the chamber.

After loading the wood into the chamber, the operator who controls the chamber sets the required vacuum level on the working panel, and also sets the temperature of the aluminum heating plates.

Vacuum drying of wood takes place in 3 stages:

1. Heating wood at normal atmospheric pressure;

2. Then follows the drying process with heating in a vacuum environment;

3. The last, final stage consists of conditioning and cooling.

Immediately after laying the wood in the drying chamber, and laying heating plates between the boards, the process of heating the wood begins. This stage involves the heating of the boards without the use of a vacuum pump. Heating does not reach 100 degrees, and, therefore, the moisture inside the boards does not boil. Thus, the surface of the wood does not crack.

When the temperature level required for drying is reached, a vacuum pump is immediately connected, which pumps out the remaining air. At the same time, the surface of the wood also does not deform, since the moisture remaining in the boards comes out to the surface, thereby moistening it, which in turn allows the boards to retain their original shape. When heated, a rubber coating stretched over a stack of boards in the chamber presses it to the floor. Thanks to this mechanical effect of the vacuum, the dryer is simultaneously converted into a press that has a pressure of 1 kg/cm2, which is essentially equal to 10,000 kg/sq.m. This pressing process makes the boards absolutely even. Further in the drying process, under the influence of a vacuum pump and temperature, moisture evaporates from the surface of the wood, and the excess is then drawn out by the pump. When the required humidity is reached, the drying process turns into conditioning.

The conditioning process involves turning off the heating aluminum plates while maintaining a vacuum in the chamber. Thus, the wood cools down under the pressure created by the press, which allows the wood to maintain a given, even shape. After the final cooling of the boards, the drying is turned off. Buying a good, reliable vacuum dryer will not be a problem, the price of a chamber is calculated for each chamber individually, and depends on several factors:

Drying speed

It largely depends on the structure and thickness of the boards. The softer and thinner the wood, the faster the drying process will take place. Accordingly, the price of the camera depends, among other things, on the configuration of the camera, since a moisture condenser is mounted on each camera different power, which converts the evaporating moisture into a liquid and drains it outside the chamber.

Complete set of vacuum drying plant

Here it all depends on whether a vacuum plate lifter is installed, it also depends on the additional equipment with additional aluminum plates, and also depends on whether it is possible to connect control devices to a computer.

There is also a newly developed freeze-drying technology. This technology is used, for example, for high-quality drying medicinal herbs, dehydration of vegetables, foods, fruits, meat and dairy products, chemical products, pharmaceutical intermediates, and many other materials.

Vacuum freeze drying is new method dehydration of products that have succumbed to deep freezing in a sublimating vacuum chamber, when the ice immediately passes into a vapor state and is removed from the chamber through honing with a condenser, bypassing the formation of a liquid.

The structure of such a vacuum drying for fruits usually includes the dryer itself, a steam condenser, a cooling system, and, if necessary, a programmable logic control system is mounted.

The advantages of freeze-drying vacuum drying is that all products retain up to 95% of all useful substances. This method makes it possible to store processed products not only at a stable sub-zero temperature, which naturally increases the shelf life of processed products, but also in ordinary rooms with positive temperatures, which does not affect the quality of dried products.

IN Lately vacuum freeze drying is becoming more and more common in the production of berries and fruits.

Vacuum freeze drying occurs in several stages:

1). At the first stage, the products are completely frozen to the state of ice, while the pressure should be below 4.58 mm Hg, at a temperature of 0 C;

2). The next stage includes the process of sublimation of ice formations. In this case, the pressure in the chamber is much lower than the pressure of ice evaporation due to the fact that vacuum is maintained in the chamber. The product placed in the drying chamber is heated, and then water vapor is removed through the condenser outside the chamber.

3). The stage of secondary drying involves the removal of moisture residues from the product placed in the chamber by increasing the temperature in the sublimation vacuum chamber and at the same time reducing the pressure in the chamber itself.

IN last years Vacuum freeze drying of products is used more and more actively. According to some experts, over time, vacuum drying of products will eventually replace current food preparation technologies, in which coagulation of the proteins contained in the product occurs, which in turn leads to the inevitable loss of nutrients. At the same time, vacuum drying of products preserves most of the nutrients, also preserves taste qualities, nutritional value, vitamins. Products processed in this way are "raw" in terms of product freshness. Previous studies have shown that strawberries after processing have a 100% vitamin C retention rate, while the loss of "total oxidative capacity" was only 8%. For comparison, in strawberries that were simply refrigerated according to the old method, after a week of storage, the loss of the above vitamin C was more than 20%, in addition, the researchers noted a significant loss of phenolic components, which is about 85%.

The advantages of freeze-dried products include:

— Very long, long-term storage;

— Relatively small weight of products;

- The original form is completely preserved.

Today, such drying is an almost ideal method of preserving food. This method allows you to store products for up to five years at different temperatures, from - 50 degrees Celsius to + 40 degrees above zero.

Let's talk a little more about vacuum drying wood

vacuum drying chambers can be, among other things, a cylindrical body with a diameter of 2000 mm - 2700 mm, m in length can be 7800 mm - 12000 mm, with a built-in working vestibule. The thermal insulation of the body is made of mineral wool 200 mm thick. The length of the stack of boards loaded into the chamber can reach a total of 10 meters. As in standard vacuum chambers, vacuum drying of wood here occurs by reducing the pressure in the chamber, and due to the constant decrease in the boiling point of moisture in the wood, the moisture contained in the boards evaporates quickly.

Today, the process of vacuum drying of wood is the most practical way, and is gaining all more adherents of this method among the producers of dried, industrial wood.

The need to make a mini vacuum wood dryer arises when it is necessary to save both money and time. Since the purchase of a vacuum dryer at a factory is a rather expensive undertaking, and high-quality wood processing, in particular drying, is mandatory for further use wood and its conservation mechanical properties and proper appearance.

Is being done homemade dryer for wood in a large room where there is a heat source and where you can install a fan that will distribute heat within the structure itself. Ideally, a railway conveyor is suitable as a dryer; a used one will be quite cheap. You can also weld the conveyor yourself.

Wood drying methods

Exist different kinds drying wood, each of which has its own characteristics. Some of the species are obsolete and are now practically not used.

  1. The natural method of drying wood is the longest and at the same time does not require financial costs. With this method of drying, the bark is not removed from the tree, air is provided by cutting across the trunk. Drying natural method must be done in a dry room that is well ventilated, otherwise the wood inside will remain damp, which will subsequently lead to warping. Depending on the moisture content of the wood, drying in a natural way sometimes takes 2-3 years, which makes this method completely unclaimed in modern realities.
  2. Waxing is also a type of drying that has been used for a long time. Wooden blanks in this case should be lowered into paraffin heated to 40 ° C. After a few hours, the wood is extracted and dried for 1-2 days. After this procedure, the wood acquires a pronounced texture pattern and an original tinted shade, does not crack, warp and rot.
  3. Evaporation - here, in addition to wood, water and sawdust are needed. The workpiece is placed in water heated to 70 ° C and covered with sawdust so that the material is thoroughly steamed. Also known is such a drying method as steaming in linseed oil. Here the technology is somewhat different: the workpiece is placed in a special container, poured linseed oil and steam for the right amount of time. This method was often used in the past - dishes made from steamed wood did not crack or deform for a very long time.
  4. The process of drying wood in a specialized drying chamber takes place at a temperature of 40 to 90 ° C, in some cases the temperature in the dryer reaches 115 ° C. The dryer is a stationary structure equipped with a fan, a device that directs air flow and controls the humidity in the container. Steam, hot water or electricity act as a heat source in such a chamber.

At the moment, we are considering with you how to create a vacuum drying chamber, which allows you to make the wood drying process not only economical, but also significantly reduce its time.

Drying wood at home

Drying wood at home, as noted earlier, can be arranged with a special conveyor. You will also need a fan, a heater and a heating device. To keep warm, your chamber must be insulated, for this foam plastic or mineral wool can be used. You will also need to lay a special material to reflect heat - for this purpose, as a rule, foil or penofol is used.

The heating element can be installed in the form of a battery, which will be supplied with water from the stove, heated to 60-95 °C. The system for loading wood into the chamber also deserves special attention. Rail carts or a forklift can be used for this. You will definitely need to control the drying process - for this you need to install specialized sensors.

When answering the question of how to dry a board at home, it is worth mentioning that when building your own drying chamber, you must adhere to all fire safety rules. If you do everything right, you will be able to receive later quality wood having a good presentation.

Video drying wood at home

Freshly cut wood is not used in production and construction, as it contains a large number of moisture. Such a tree is called wet. To improve its mechanical and physical performance, a lumber drying chamber is used. In the process, biological stability increases, the strength index increases, and other qualities of wood improve.

The concept of wood moisture

The percentage ratio of the weight of the contained liquid to the mass of completely dry wood of a certain volume is called absolute humidity. The percentage of the mass of water removed (determined by two weighings) to the original weight of the wood is called relative humidity.

The degree of suitability for use is determined taking into account the indicator relative humidity. The value indicates the readiness of the material for gluing, shrinkage, with a value of more than 30%, there is a danger of developing a fungal infection.

Depending on the indicator, wood is divided into categories:

  • wet - at a relative humidity of more than 23%;
  • semi-dry - within the range from 18 to 23%;
  • dry - with a humidity value of 6 to 18%.

Drying wood in natural conditions

With this method of removing moisture, a drying chamber for lumber is not used, the liquid evaporates under the influence of atmospheric air. Dry the material under a canopy located in a draft. Sun rays the outer and inner layers of the tree are heated unevenly, which leads to the appearance of deformations and cracks.

If a drying chamber for lumber is not equipped on the site, an attic room, a ventilated shed, and an equipped shed are well suited for drying. The material is stored in a pile, the first layer must be placed on stands with a height of at least 50 cm from any durable material. Rows of lumber are shifted with dried slats, all subsequent boards and logs are placed above the previous blanks so that vertical air wells appear.

Logs sawn along and finished boards are laid inside up to reduce the size of the warp. For the same purpose, a stack of wood is pressed from above with a heavy load. Due to the formation of cracking at the ends of the workpiece during drying of the material, the length of the workpiece is selected 20-25 cm longer than the intended part.

The ends of the lumber are carefully treated with paint on oil based, drying oil or hot bitumen to prevent cracks. Before stacking, the trunks of logs are cleaned of bark to reduce the likelihood of reproduction of wood bugs. Removing moisture from wood in a natural way is considered an economical method.

Solar Wood Dryer

The second way, the cost of which quickly pays off, is drying kilns for lumber. The drawings for manufacturing are quite simple, you just need to understand the principle of operation of such a device. The chamber is an assembled plywood or metal container, the roof of which is made of transparent materials.

The calculation of the size of the glazed surface of the roof is done depending on the total horizontal area of ​​\u200b\u200ball the lumber laid for drying. The area of ​​the transparent coating should be one tenth of the total surface of the boards. The roof of the building is made pitched, the amount of slope depends on geographical location terrain. In the northern cold regions, where the sun does not rise high above the horizon, the slope of the roof is made steep. The southern sun heats gently sloping surfaces well.

How to make a drying chamber for lumber?

The frame of the building is made of metal or timber treated with an antiseptic under pressure. The lining of the walls and floor of the chamber is made of moisture-resistant materials, the fences are insulated with mineral wool or hard foam slabs. Internal surfaces walls are treated with water-repellent compounds, aluminum powder is applied to them, then painted black.

Fresh air blowers should not contain blades made of ductile fusible materials. If the lumber drying chamber is not constantly used, then the room is used for drying herbs, vegetables, berries or a seasonal greenhouse. After laying all the wooden blanks for drying, a distance of about 30-40 cm should remain between the stack and the wall on all sides.

Drying wood in artificially created conditions

When moisture is removed naturally, relative humidity values ​​of about 18% are obtained. To improve the value, drying of lumber in drying chambers is used, where the temperature, the speed of forced air supply and its humidity are controlled.

Basic equipment for dryers

Whatever type of wood forced drying chamber is used, standard equipment groups are allocated for all.

The transport equipment is designed for loading and unloading logs or boards into the drying room. Includes machines and mechanical devices for storing blanks in a stack or package, raising and lowering lumber.

The thermal equipment of the chamber serves to raise the temperature of the internal air in the chamber and consists of many systems that determine the interconnected work on the production and transfer of heat. These include heat exchange tanks, heaters, pipes for the passage of steam or hot water, condensate removers, stopcocks and control devices.

The fuel is gas, liquid fuel. For small volumes of work, a drying chamber for wood-fired lumber is equipped. The heat carrier is saturated steam, water, gas obtained from combustion of the furnace, organic fillers of the system, having high temperature boiling. Electric heaters are widely used, where the current energy is converted into a thermal component.

Circulation equipment is designed for the organized movement of air masses in the drying chamber. The elements of the system are fans, injectors and joint installations of these elements. To increase the efficiency of wood drying, automation of drying chambers for lumber is used.

Drying chamber guard

To isolate wood from action environment install the enclosure of the chamber, which consists of the floor, ceiling, walls and intermediate partitions. Partition requirements:

  • should not skip steam;
  • fences should have low thermal conductivity;
  • must have long term operation.

Fences are made separately from various building materials or there are prefabricated with a set of standard metal elements.

The first type of cameras has a longer life, but differs more long time commissioning, which is not always justified. prefabricated metal frames are mounted quickly, they are equipped with control and thermal devices, but the steel is subjected to the destructive action of wet and thermal conditions.

Working principle of vacuum drying

After stacking the wood in a stack, the door of the chamber is hermetically closed and the drying process begins. By using automatic devices part of the air is removed from the chamber until a pressure of 8-10 bar is created inside. Thanks to this scientific approach, the moisture released from the wood moves faster from the center to the outer enclosures of the chamber, thereby ensuring uniform and high-quality drying. This is how vacuum kilns for lumber work.

Making a drying chamber yourself

Private developers dry the wood in the courtyard; for this, a do-it-yourself drying chamber for lumber is equipped. Its device will require a large room, a heat source and a device for distributing air between drying packages of wooden blanks.

You can, of course, purchase used drying chambers for lumber, but the degree of wear is not always possible to determine correctly, it is much more profitable to arrange the room for drying wood yourself. This is an opportunity to get great results at a low cost.

Construction stages

You will need material for the frame, usually these are metal racks from a corner or channel, used wooden beam after careful treatment with an antiseptic. As wall covering apply metal sheets, moisture-resistant plywood panels, profiled steel. Thermal insulation is carried out using mineral moisture-resistant wool, polystyrene foam.

Before construction begins, the location of one or more dryers is determined, which serves as a plan for the concrete foundation. The base is made for the stability of the structure and uniform distribution of the load on the ground. If a ready-made railway container is taken for the chamber, then four columnar foundations are made under the corners of the car.

The metal frame is assembled by welding or bolting. When the device is checked for vertical and horizontal building level trying to strictly observe the geometric dimensions. After fixing the frame in the installation position, they begin to sheath the outer walls, simultaneously inserting doors and ventilation windows.

The heat-insulating layer of the floor, walls and ceiling must be at least 12-15 cm, the base is insulated from moisture roll material. After that, the camera is checked for tightness. For laying the first layer, stationary supports made of metal or wood are installed. A heat source is installed, usually a powerful fan heater, positioned so that the direction of hot air is parallel to the lying boards.

Drying wood is necessary condition to obtain quality raw materials. Building a house or making fillings for openings from wet lumber is fraught with distortions and a violation of integrity. To work with wood without problems, you need to take seriously the removal of excess moisture from the material.