In a private house      08.03.2020

Arch finishing options: materials and technological nuances. Photo examples. Step-by-step instructions on how to wallpaper an arch

Many people are wondering how to wallpaper the arch or how to decorate it yourself at home. After all, in an apartment or a private house, it gives the doorway a finished look and a special style.

When properly pasted wallpaper looks decorative element very worthy and interesting, riveting attention to itself.

Currently, the choice of finishes is very diverse: from the most budget option(puttying), painting, wallpapering, up to cladding decorative brick. All types of work to improve the interior can be done with your own hands.

Wallpaper selection

Pasting the arched opening will require extreme accuracy

The most common way is to still wallpaper the arch, since it is one of the simplest and most budgetary. The advantage of this method is the quick replacement and change of wallpaper style at minimal financial cost.

Often people encounter this problem during the next repair, but not everyone knows how to glue wallpaper on an arch so that the result is decent.

Still, with seeming ease, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules and sequence of work in order for the end result to be successful.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of wallpaper. They are playing important role when decorating a room, so do not rush, it is better to spend a little more time and weigh the pros and cons .

The following modern wallpapers are suitable:

In addition, more and more manufacturers offer companion wallpapers. The canvases differ in several ways, but have the same design features. They are ideal for pasting rooms with a transition to the arch. This solution is suitable if the wallpaper in the main room is selected with a pattern, and the opening is made from the same collection by a companion.

Work order

Check if the screws are recessed into the drywall

To wallpaper the arch, you will need tools and materials: wallpaper paste, brush, clean rag, pencil, stationery knife, scissors, wallpaper, tape measure, drill, spatula.

If your arch design is made of drywall, then you should first check the quality of its assembly. It is important to check whether it is securely attached to the wall and ceiling, whether all self-tapping screws are evenly recessed into the gypsum, and that there are no kinks or cracks in the gypsum.

After the inspection, it is necessary to plaster the surface of the opening. After the layer has dried, it is necessary to putty the arch at least once. In this case, the surface will be perfectly smooth, fully suitable for wallpapering.

Add less water to the adhesive mixture than usual to make the solution more concentrated and sticky

The first step is to prepare the glue. In this case, less water should be added when stirring than stated on the package. This will result in a longer drying of the glue (you can easily move the canvas along the plane of the arch) and get a more reliable gluing of the canvas.

It is better to stir the glue with a drill with a mixer, in this case the mass will turn out to be homogeneous and without lumps. Further, the glue needs to settle for 5 minutes after the first batch to obtain adhesive properties. After repeated stirring, it is completely ready for use.

It is strictly forbidden to add components of dry glue to the finished adhesive solution, otherwise you will get lumps. In the event of a shortage of composition, it is advisable to perform a full-fledged breeding operation separately in a smaller container.

Execution features

First of all, paste the wallpaper on the wall opposite the window.

First, the wallpaper is glued to the main wall from the window of the room, so that the edge of the last canvas is approximately 30 cm from the corner of the arch. Glue should be applied with a brush only on wallpaper. The last piece and the wall should be well smeared. The whole piece should be glued.

Stepping back a distance of 2-3 cm from the edge, you should carefully cut the canvas parallel to the bends of the arch. The protruding strip must be cut perpendicular to the opening through distances of 3-4 cm and glued. On the other side of the opening, repeat the same steps.

Next, measure the length of the arch and the width. A piece for pasting the opening must be taken with a margin of 5-10 cm. The wall and wallpaper are smeared and glued. Next, you need to let the glue dry for 10-15 minutes. After drying, carefully cut off the wallpaper protruding beyond the edge of the arch with a clerical knife. For a complete tutorial on wallpapering, including on arches, see this video:

The joints of the edges of the canvas should be re-lubricated with glue and remove its excess so that after drying no white spots form. Optionally, you can process the arch with a decorative corner, which is better to match the tone of the wallpaper. It is better to glue plastic products on PVA glue.

As can be seen from the above, the process of self-pasting the arch with wallpaper is simple. For best result should choose nice wallpaper and, most importantly, adhere to certain methods and instructions.

Everyone wants to create comfort and coziness in their home. There are many ways to do this. If you decide to redecorate your apartment and completely update its style, one of the options might be to create an arch in interior openings. The arch visually divides the room into functional areas, it will look beautiful in the openings of rooms adjacent to the kitchen, corridor, living room.

Finishing the arch will help decorate the interior of the apartment

What are the arches

You can buy an arch ready-made, and then simply mount it at the planned location. In this case, the difficulty will be in the selection of the arch, as it needs to match the planned design. In this case, work on repairing an apartment should begin with the choice of an arch.

Another option for making an arch is to make and install it yourself. For the manufacture of arches, drywall is used. It's modern construction material, flexible, practical, easy to cut and install. It should also be noted that when moistened given material can take a curved shape. Drywall installation cannot be the final step. After construction works the arch is decorated to your liking: wallpapered, painted with acrylic paints, tiled or decorative stone to give your apartment a unique look and personality. Before making an arch, you need to decide on its shape. The most common and most commonly used arches:

  1. classical
  2. Modern
  3. Elliptical
  4. Romantic.

After installation work on the establishment of the arches are completed, you can proceed to finishing work. The decoration of the arch must be chosen according to the style in which the rooms are made. One of the most common ways is considered - wallpaper decoration. This method is the simplest, least expensive, because wallpaper can be changed more often than other types of finishes.

Drywall arch

Wallpaper selection

Before you start pasting the arch with wallpaper, you need to make the appropriate measurements, calculate the right amount of wallpaper, and also purchase glue and brushes. After that, the main task is to choose the right wallpaper.

Considering that the arches are placed in the openings of the passages from one room to another and there the most movement of the members of the apartment takes place, the wallpaper in this place will be more often contaminated, the walls of the arch will be more susceptible to mechanical stress.

Therefore, it is better to choose wallpapers of higher quality, non-woven or vinyl, so that they can be cleaned with a damp cloth.

Care should be taken when choosing wallpaper with a pattern. If you want to paste over both the wall of the arch and the inner opening with the same wallpaper, then they should be chosen without a pattern or with a small pattern that does not need to be joined. Can also be pasted inside arches with wallpaper without a pattern to match the main wallpaper or paint acrylic paint. Modern wallpaper manufacturers offer an innovation: wallpapers are companions that have different patterns with a common background. When choosing a wallpaper color, consider color scheme room interior.

Decorating the arch with wallpaper - a simple but stylish option


To properly wallpaper the arch, you need to get acquainted with some rules and try to use them in your work.

Putty should be applied to the drywall surface before wallpapering. For puttying drywall, special dry mixes are used: cement, gypsum, polymer. Before applying the putty, the surface is coated with a primer. For this, water-soluble mixtures are suitable that impregnate only upper layer plasters, but do not penetrate inside. It is not recommended to use alkyd primers, as they cause deformation of drywall. If you ignore this step, the putty may crumble, respectively, the wallpaper will peel off. After the primer dries, close up all the cracks and corners. Then, plaster and putty are alternately applied to the surface with interruptions to dry each applied layer. Using putty, the surface is leveled. Then, when all the applied layers of primer and putty have already dried, the surface is rubbed with sandpaper, removing all irregularities, after which the last layer of putty is applied. Only after the last layer of putty has dried, you can proceed to wallpapering.

Now you know what kind of wallpaper you can paste over the arch and how to do it. We really hope that you will be able to cope with the task and during the pasting of the arch there will be no difficulties.

An arched opening in any apartment attracts the attention of guests. Therefore, it is better that it looks appropriate and does not stand out from the general interior. In this article, we will look at how to properly wallpaper the arch and give tips that will help you do everything quickly and efficiently.

What wallpaper to choose

The choice of wallpaper for the arch should be taken very seriously, because due to the shape, joining the pattern on the front and side sides will be difficult or even impossible. That's why the best option there will be a choice of plain wallpaper or with a small abstract pattern. You can also use companion wallpapers. They have a common background, but their pattern is different. For example, on outer wall you can glue wallpaper with patterns, and the arch - striped or plain. Thanks to this, the arched opening will look harmonious with overall design rooms.

It is not forbidden to glue and wallpaper. But in this case, the repair will be quite expensive, since they will have to be ordered taking into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arch. Pasting the arch with photo wallpaper will also be quite difficult. But in return you get excellent quality and unique design your apartment.

When shopping, the main thing is not to forget about quality. The arch is a rather difficult area for wallpapering, so the material must be good. It is desirable that they can be washed and are resistant to mechanical stress. According to these criteria, paper wallpapers will not the best choice. Although it will be less difficult to paste over the arch with them than with denser wallpaper. Great option there will be vinyl or non-woven wallpaper. They can be washed from time to time, which avoids unnecessary pollution.

Tools for the job

Before pasting, you will first need to prepare necessary tools. You will need:

  • pencil and ruler for marking;
  • construction knife or scissors to cut the rolls;
  • special glue for wallpaper;
  • brush, roller or spatula;
  • dry rags to wipe the glue from the front of the wallpaper if necessary.

The first step is to prepare the glue. It needs to be made thicker than the consistency when wallpapering directly on the wall. This is done so that it does not dry out so quickly and does not take the form of drops.

Wallpapering on the arch

Surface preparation

In order for the arch to be pasted over correctly, you must first prepare the surface. To do this, use leveling or decorative corners. The first are installed under the plaster and fastened with self-tapping screws or with glue. And decorative corners, in turn, are placed after finishing the arch.

Before pasting, you will need to clean the arch from dust and cover it with base plaster. Until the plaster has dried, it will be necessary to fix the corner, having previously smeared its inside with glue. In case it is used steel decor, it is installed on self-tapping screws, since it has much more weight. After the surface is treated with a second layer of putty. When the solution dries, you can continue.

Pasting the opening

To glue the arch in the apartment you will need 2-3 strips on standard size. Pasting starts from the window. The number of sheets should be calculated in such a way that an unpasted space of 25 centimeters in size remains in front of the arch. Next, you need to process the area and a piece of wallpaper with glue, let them soak for about 15 minutes. Do not forget that you do not need to immediately cut an opening from the wallpaper, as you risk not guessing the size and simply ruining the wallpaper.

Next, you need to stick the canvas and cut out the outline of the arch from it with a decrease of about 2.5 centimeters. The edges will also need to be cut according to the angle of the surface in increments of three centimeters and fixed to the inside. To ensure a better fastening, the vault will need to be smeared with glue. After using your fingers, try to form the edges and even out the shifts if they are formed. We glue the second side in the same way and leave the opening to dry.

If you glued paper wallpaper, then after drying, they may begin to wrinkle. Do not be upset, this is quite normal and over time they will smooth out. Do not forget that non-woven wallpaper cannot be rubbed, so for better fastening, gently roll it over with a roller. To avoid mistakes when pasting the arch, watch a special video:

How to paste over the arch arch

The last step it is necessary to glue the vault. To do this, you first need to process with glue inner surface and the wallpaper itself. We wait 10-15 minutes so that he has time to soak. Next, you will need to carefully fix the canvas at the bottom and hold it to the end. If the length of the wallpaper is large, it is better to cut it into two parts and paste over the arch in several stages. The joint should be in the central part of the arch. At skirting boards, the coating will need to be glued to the very floor, after which the excess is cut off using a construction knife.

This will complete the work. After the glue dries, you can continue to decorate the arch to your taste. If something went wrong the first time, the process can be repeated. Before work, we recommend watching a training video that will help you understand in more detail how to properly glue wallpaper on an arch:

As you can see, pasting the arch with your own hands is not so difficult. The main thing in the work is to carefully follow all the instructions and rules.

How to glue the arch in the apartment correctly, photo

The opening for the arch and recesses in the walls, decorated with wallpaper, always make the interior of the home cozy and spectacular. But how to choose the right wallpaper and carefully paste them? Read the answers to these questions below.

Exist different types arched structures (see). Arches trimmed with wood, acrylic mirrors look spectacular, decorative plaster. But it's cheaper to cover them with wallpaper. It is no coincidence that this finish option is most common. After all, wallpaper can be re-pasted as much as you like. They are much easier to change and easier than other types of finishes.

At first glance, when choosing wallpaper for the arch, there should not be any particular difficulties. It seemed, what does the pattern, color, texture matter? But we must not forget that if the wallpaper for the arch and the walls of the rooms adjacent to it are different, then problems may arise when pasting. The fact is that, due to the shape of the arch, it is almost impossible to match the patterns on its front and side sides. And in general, it is not easy to dock curved borders on the walls. When it is still necessary to try to combine the patterns on the wallpaper, the task becomes much more difficult.

The easiest way is to paste over the arch with the same wallpaper, choosing plain rolls without a pattern. Or with a small image that does not require alignment. Another option is suitable for creative people: we choose wallpaper with an abstract pattern, and when pasting we combine it with different pictures.

It will be easier to choose wallpaper when the surface inside the arch is pasted over with other colors that are compatible or painted. Then the patterns on the main wall can be any, however inner part it is better to make the opening monophonic.

How to paste with wallpaper

Perfect for pasting openings inside the arch, the so-called companion wallpapers, that is, panels with a common background and different patterns. Moreover, when you paste wallpaper with a pattern on the outer wall, then plain or striped ones are well suited for the arch itself.

It is important to mention the quality of the rolls. It is better to refuse paper wallpapers. After all, they have low wear resistance, and when pasted over by them, the surface can be deformed at bends. As a result, paper wallpaper in the arch will look ugly. In addition, paper wallpapers are difficult to clean. That's why best option rolls that are easily wiped with a damp sponge. For example, non-woven, bamboo, vinyl wallpaper.

So, to summarize: it is best to purchase durable and washable wallpapers such as:

  • vinyl;
  • non-woven;
  • bamboo;
  • glass wall papers.

What tools will be needed


On the Internet there is an instruction for pasting the arch with wallpaper everywhere you will meet the same instruction. It can be used to understand the technology of this process. However, it is applicable to a greater extent for gluing arches. paper wallpaper. After all, there it is proposed to stick on a paste.

How to glue the facade of the arch

We will also briefly present it. Watch the video if you have any problems.


  1. Before pasting the wall where it is located, calculate so that the edge of the last canvas in front of the arch is not too close to the opening. Since the wider the wallpaper strip, the easier it is to work with.
  2. Glue the next canvas as usual, without cutting it along the arch. Once glued, cut off with sharp scissors that part of the canvas that went beyond the opening, but not exactly along its contour, but with an indent of 2–2.5 cm.
  3. Cut this free strip of roll every 2-3 cm perpendicular to the line of the arched opening, then wrap the resulting tongues inward and glue.
  4. Glue the top and the other side of the opening in the same way.
  5. Measure the depth of the opening and the total length of the arch from one bottom point to the other. Cut out a strip of the required length from the wallpaper, moreover, make its width 2 millimeters less. When the length of the arch is too long, make the strip slightly wider and cut it in half.
  6. Glue the strip into the arched opening from the bottom up.

But, of course, if you bend modern thick or textured wallpapers inside the opening, you won’t be able to stick another layer on top of them.

In this regard, experienced finishers answer the question of how to wallpaper the arch:

  • First of all, paint the edges of the arch with paint to match the wallpaper.
  • When it dries, glue the facade, as described in the first two paragraphs of the instructions. In this case, it is important not to glue the wallpaper inside the opening, but you must wait for the glue to dry. Then you should carefully cut off the excess with a sharp knife, pressing it to the edge.
  • Cutting a strip for interior decoration , make it a little wider than you need. Glue, matching the factory edge of the wallpaper with one of the edges. And after drying, also carefully cut off the excess paper.

". After all, repair is a complex emotional event, which many people “stretch out” for several years. IN Lately more and more families are inserting an arch into the doorways. This makes the room more modern and the interior more spacious. How to paste over the arch with wallpaper in a house or apartment? Let's analyze such an important question “by the bones”.


Arched structures are homemade and "factory". At the same time, it is pointless to list their advantages and disadvantages, since each specific owner of a dwelling chooses an arch according to his desire and capabilities.

Decorate a similar design element with:

For example, in classic design the design, pasted over with wallpaper or lined with mirror tiles. In the "loft" it would be most appropriate to look at an arch decorated with stucco or wood-like finishing material.

And the Art Nouveau style will complement the arched element, painted with paint or decorated with wallpaper with a geometric print.

It is better to start gluing wallpaper from the side of the window. If there is no such opening in the room or it is located far away, then the finishing materials are glued to the arch from left to right.

What finishing materials to choose to glue into the apartment?

IN construction stores There are several types of moisture resistant and non-moisture resistant wallpaper materials:

  1. paper;
  2. vinyl (?);
  3. non-woven (?);
  4. textile;
  5. liquid (and care for them?);
  6. exclusive (metallized, cork, etc.).

To choose the right wallpaper for the arch, you should not pay attention only to the price of such rolls. After all, color, texture and specifications finishing material is more important (how to distinguish different types wall covering and determine which is better, read ).

  • The first landmark is color and texture. Wallpaper for the arched structure must completely match the shade and pattern with previously glued materials. The texture of the new coatings should also match the texture of the old ones.

    If you do not fit the arch into the existing interior, and the goal is to make it an independent design element, then it is better to choose materials that differ markedly in color and texture from previously pasted paintings.

  • The second landmark is the “ability” of the wallpaper to resist moisture.. If the arch is next to the bathroom or kitchen, then this feature is very useful.
  • Last but not least is durability.. If an arched structure that is subjected to physical stress is pasted over with canvases, then it is still better to choose more “strong” finishing materials.

Tools for the job

In order for the selected building and finishing materials to beautifully frame the arched structure, you need to carefully choose them, but still use the right tool when gluing.

To work with paper, vinyl, textile and exclusive canvases, you need:

  1. wallpaper glue for gluing a specific type of material (read how to weld, use, where to store the paste);
  2. several brushes different sizes;
  3. roller for (read about why bubbles appear and how to glue wallpaper without swollen areas);
  4. scissors;
  5. pencil;
  6. tape measure or long ruler.

If the arched structure will be made out liquid wallpaper, then you will need:

In advance, you will need to worry about the "container" in which silk plaster will be bred.

Instructions for beginners: how to properly finish the arched structure?

The arched structure is most often made of drywall, but there are wooden models on sale.

But since wood products usually do not require additional clearance, then we take plasterboard design elements as a basis.

Why putty drywall under the wallpaper and how to do it with our own hands, we told in.

This is done not so much for aesthetics, but for leveling the walls, preparing a good “base” for further work.

In addition, if the arch is pasted over with dense, poorly shaped canvases, then it is recommended to pre-paint the corners of the structure with paint, the tone of which completely matches the color of the base material. This will help to hide minor "flaws" pasting, and make the picture more coherent.

How to glue:

  1. the first wallpaper sheet, measured along the length, is glued next to the material previously pasted on the wall - end-to-end or overlap (?);
  2. the second canvas, cut along the arch with a margin of 5-10 cm, is glued next to the first;
  3. the third and subsequent strips of wallpaper are pasted in the same way.

Apply to freshly glued building and finishing materials desired shape it is difficult, because the canvases impregnated with glue are torn when interacting with scissors. That's why first, the glue is allowed to dry, and only then the excess is cut off from the wallpaper.

Then, the excess is cut off from each wallpaper sheet, but a margin of 2-3 centimeters remains. This allowance is incised along the entire length with short, vertical lines, which are separated by a distance of 4-5 cm.

This is done so that any wallpaper sheets can be easily glued to the inside of the arch.

The next stage is the design of the inside of the arched structure.. For this:

  1. a strip of wallpaper is cut along the width of the structure;
  2. the material is pasted onto the design element.

Such a strip can be cut into two parts, then joined at the highest part of the arch.


If the corners are pre-painted with paint, then you can cut the wallpaper fragment exactly to the size of the structure, already without a margin.

There are a few important rules, which help to quickly and beautifully decorate the arch, even for those who first took up gluing.

  • Rule number 1: give up paper canvases.

    Paper wallpaper is the cheapest option for finishing materials. But behind the low price, which is logical, low quality is hidden.

    It is difficult to work with such a building and finishing material, because it does not stick to “bare” drywall. And several times pasting the surface first with white paper or newspapers, and then with paper strips is not particularly rational.

    Make an arched structure in doorway, paper wallpaper is worth it if all adjacent walls are pasted over with the same coating.

  • Rule number 2: do not choose a complex wallpaper pattern.
  • Rule number 3: paste the inside archway companion materials.

    In this case, everything is simple: the brighter and more original the print on the canvas that is pasted on the walls, the calmer the so-called interior wallpaper should be. This will help visually give depth to the arched structure, create a beautiful color transition.

    Companion wallpapers are usually covered, the shade of which is in the same color spectrum as the main wallpaper.

  • Rule number 4: distribute tasks among all family members.

    In order for such a difficult matter related to the design of the arched opening to end peacefully, you need to immediately, even “on the shore”, distribute responsibilities. For example, who sticks, who cuts the roll, who removes excess glue, etc.

    If each of the relatives is responsible only for his own scope of work, then things will go faster, and the family atmosphere will remain positive.

An arch installed in a house or apartment transforms the interior, making it more noble and stylish. However, so that this feeling does not disappear immediately after pasting the structure, all recommendations must be taken into account.

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