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Production of mirror tiles at home. Business idea: Production of mirror tiles. Sheet material production

Mirror tiles

Mirror tiles are really pieces of a mirror of a certain shape. The edges of the mirror tiles are treated to make them look nicer and safer.

To order, you can make a mirror tile with decorative beveled edges. However, the lining made of such tiles is not very successful. The reflection in it becomes fragmented, which causes a feeling of discomfort.

Mirror tiles have a number of advantages.

First of all, it is, of course, its original appearance. On sale there is a tile of various shapes, colors and sizes. Classic variant- square silver tiles. However, lovers of experiments can choose any other shades and shapes. The surface of a mirror tile can be perfectly smooth or non-uniform, for example, embossed, with inserts in the form of stripes or geometric shapes.

From multi-colored mirror tiles, you can lay out a panel or even a whole picture. As for the size of the mirror tiles, there is also plenty to choose from. Minimum size tiles - 292 ? 295 mm, maximum - 1195? 1995 mm.

Mirror tiles allow you to visually adjust the size of the room. small room will appear more spacious due to the reflection effect. It is no coincidence that mirror tiles are often tiled on the walls of small bathrooms.

The mirror surface of this type of tile reflects and scatters light. The reflectivity of the mirror is about 92%. Thanks to this, the room looks not only more spacious, but also brighter. A room with a mirrored ceiling seems higher than it really is. To enhance this effect, the lower part of the wall is lined with longer tiles, and closer to the ceiling they switch to shorter ones.

If the room is very small and low, you can clad the walls and ceiling with the same mirror tiles. The border between them will visually disappear and the desired effect will be achieved. Mirror tile is very flexible, so it can be used not only on flat surfaces, but also on columns, niches and other protrusions and depressions.

With the help of mirror tiles, you can hide the flaws of the room, for example, clad an ugly protruding part of the wall or a niche.

Of course, all the listed visual effects can be obtained with the help of a regular mirror. However, mirror tile cladding is much more practical than a solid mirror. If the mirror cracks or breaks, it will have to be replaced entirely. With tiled cladding, it will be enough to change only the damaged fragment.

Mirror tiles are suitable for decorating a bathroom, bathroom, hallway, corridor, living room.

I must say that mirror tiles usually do not cover the entire room as a whole, but are limited to any part of it. The reason is that the "mirror" rooms seem uncomfortable, cold. To achieve the same visual effects mentioned earlier, it is enough to make a small mirror panel in the middle of the wall. So, in the bathroom, mirror tiles are most often fixed in the form of vertical strips stretching from floor to ceiling. The pipes in the bathroom are first sheathed with drywall, on which mirror tiles are already attached.

In the corridors, mirror panels are made on the side walls. It is strongly not recommended to make a mirror lining directly opposite the entrance: it will seem to the incoming person that there is someone there, a feeling of anxiety will arise.

It is permissible to tile the “apron” of the kitchen with mirror tiles, but only if it is rarely used. At the same time, it is recommended to fix the tiles in diagonal rows in order to visually expand the room. Another option is to tile the part of the wall between the hanging and floor kitchen cabinets with mirror tiles, where shelves with kitchen utensils are usually attached.

It is more rational to veneer a kitchen where work is constantly in full swing with less easily soiled materials, since splashes of grease and other stains are too noticeable on the mirror surface.

Mirror tiles are impact resistant chemical substances contained in detergents and cosmetics. This is another reason why this type of tile is loved to be used in the design of the interiors of the bathroom and the bathroom. As for high humidity, it is important that the room is well ventilated. Then moisture will not damage the mirror tiles. In rooms where moist air stagnates for a long time, the tiles may darken.

In order for the mirror tile to retain its original beauty for a long time, it must be looked after. The mirror surface is regularly wiped with a soft, damp cloth or cleaned with special means for washing glasses.

Features of mounting mirror tiles

Mirror tiles are laid only on perfectly flat surface. Therefore, if the house is old, the wall is cleaned of plaster. Moreover, not only the upper layer darkened with time is scraped off, but the entire plaster as a whole. If the wall is concrete, it is cleaned to concrete, if it is brick - to brick.

After that, the wall is re-leveled: plastered, puttied and primed.

Errors in the location of the mirror tiles are unacceptable. Any irregularities and distortions of such a cladding will be too conspicuous. Therefore, it is not worth fixing tiles just like that, by inspiration. First, the wall is marked out: the boundaries of the location of the rows of the future cladding are drawn with a pencil. Moreover, the distance is calculated based on the actual size of the tile. What does it mean? A certain size is indicated on the packaging of the tile. Suppose 292 ? 295 mm. However, in the package, the tiles may differ by 1–2 mm. This allowable error must be taken into account when developing a project for future cladding. Therefore, first each tile is measured. Then they are sorted by size and, selecting the tiles of the desired size, lay out the panels on the floor. At the same time, they think over the composition of the cladding and determine the place of each tile. Only after that the panel of mirror tiles is transferred to the wall.

Start with a horizontal row. The first tile is taken, smeared with adhesive, applied to the intended section of the wall and pressed well for several seconds. Then a plastic cross is installed along the edge of the tile, corresponding to the thickness of the intended seam. On sale are crosses for tiles ranging in size from 1 mm to 1 cm. The thickness of the joints is selected as desired. However, it must be remembered that due to too thick seams, the picture of the mirror panel will appear “broken”. But too narrow seams cause problems: if the wall is not very even, it will be difficult to maintain the same size of thin seams.

Focusing on the cross, similarly to the first, glue the second tile. Thus, work is carried out until the entire planned piece of the wall is lined.

Haste in this matter only hurts. Therefore, it is better to take a few days for the cladding device.

After the mirror panel is finished, it is left for 2-3 days to adhesive composition dry.

Then proceed to grouting the seams. The space between the ends of the mirror tiles is filled with transparent neutral silicone. It is poured into a special gun, and then squeezed into the seam. Excess silicone that has fallen on the tile is immediately removed with a damp soft cloth.

After the silicone has dried, mirror surface tiles are washed.

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Mankind learned how to make mirrors hundreds of years ago. Mirrors and products from them are indispensable and in demand in our time. There is no doubt that such production will be relevant for more than one hundred years. And firmly takes its rightful place in modern design interiors, where it is increasingly used. It is very beautiful, modern, fashionable and even effective. And in general, the mirror has always been very popular and has always been a sign of respectability and fashionability, since mirrors have long been used not only as an object of reflection. In turn, mirror tiles are widely used from simple bathroom decoration to mosaic elements in nightclubs, cafes, restaurants, shopping and sports complexes. Wherein production and manufacture of mirror tiles is by no means an expensive undertaking, as one might initially think.

I invite you to analyze and consider the idea of ​​a home business with minimal investment for the production and manufacture of mirror tiles. No special skills are required. You can set up the production of mirror tiles yourself with your own hands in your garage, workshop or even at home.

We offer technology for the production and manufacture of mirror tiles, as one of the most effective and successful methods of interior design for various premises. Perhaps you decide to create your own home business in this area of ​​production. Everything is available, absolutely no large investments are required to organize your business for the production of mirror tiles. All you need is to learn the technology and apply the knowledge gained in practice.

Mirror tiles can be made with various patterns and images, which will give your products a unique look. Drawings can be varied and even if someone else in your area sells mirror tiles, you can always stand out with your original and unique design in any market.

One of the most important points making mirror tiles, this is a high profitability of production. This production, despite the costs, including staff salaries (even quite high), is very cost-effective and brings excellent income every month - up to $ 10,000 or more.

The quick payback of the business for the production of mirror tiles and the further receipt of net income can be seen on the example of a series of numbers. For example, purchase prices for mirrors are 2 or more times lower compared to the price of finished mirror tiles. Your income, when the business is already up and running and working with 100% efficiency, as mentioned a little earlier, will range from $3,500 to $10,000 or more monthly. It all depends on demand and directly on the region where your business is gaining momentum. But do not worry, it should be noted that despite the considerable cost of your finished products there will always be a buyer for it.

An important stage is the sale of mirror tiles. You need to think about who is able to show interest in your products.
Of course, in the very first place, these are construction markets. You can simply rent out your mirror tiles to the points of those who have been working in the construction business for more than a year, have developed quite well and have their own regular customers. In addition, designer salons and specialized construction stores, of course, if you offer tiles at a reasonable price. All this will help you initial stage quickly and competently determine the volume of production, in what quantities and where exactly is required as far as she is in motion. You can rent a place on the construction market, but these are additional costs. But you will do without an intermediary who would take a considerable share of the profit for himself. Or you can just advertise or advertise in local newspapers or place an advertisement on the Internet that you produce and sell mirror tiles of any size, pattern, in almost any quantity, make it to order. All this will certainly help to attract the attention of your future customers. And as is well known, one satisfied customer will bring 10 more people with him.

We offer you a technology for the production and manufacture of ceiling mirror tiles, mirror tiles for the bathroom, kitchen and interior of any premises. You will be able to establish and organize your profitable business for the production of mirror tiles, study the installation and completely all the simple technological process, instructions for the design of premises and much more. You can see several photos of mirror tiles made using our technology on this page of our website.

It remains only to wish you confidence in your abilities and good luck.
In order for something to work, you always need to achieve what you are striving for. But for this you still need not to dream, but to start doing something.

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You can add an unusual mood to the design of the apartment with the help of mirror tiles. We are talking about tiles that are laid out in a bathroom or kitchen, but made of a mirror.

The idea, of course, is not mine - as a child, I lived in an apartment where half a meter of mirror tiles was laid out on the wall in the bathroom (maybe this influenced it).

But in modern version, which takes into account modern possibilities good tools, mirrors, machine tools that can work on desk and so on, I created everything myself by lengthy trial and error.

I have already implemented this project, and it is he who feeds me my family and a few other guys who help me fulfill orders. The essence of this business is simple - you buy a mirror, or mirror production waste, cut them to the size of tiles, on order or "in series".
Then you need to grind the edge of the mirror and chamfer.

For amplification decorative effect tiles can be sandblasted or chemically etched to apply matte images. There are also many ways to decorate the mirror in other ways - from well-known to those that you will later come up with yourself.

After packaging, the tile is ready for sale. Naturally, as in any business, it is the last point - the sale - that presents the greatest difficulties. One person is able to produce products worth two thousand dollars or more in a month in a completely calm mode with a working day of 4-5 hours. But the amount of production needed will be measured by the sales you can achieve.

I have been working on a mirror tile project since March 2004 and today understood and verified in practice the truth of some things. I combined my conclusions in articles on the website www.zerkalnoe.ru, in the Handbook and here. On the site www.zerkalplitka.ru you can see my biggest work - a nightclub.
For those who want to start such production, I have developed a free course, a fairly detailed guide.

Later it turned out that in many cities people did not even see a good glass cutter. I have developed a set of tools that I use myself and can send anywhere in the country. For polishing the mirror edge, I picked up an imported machine, and also the heads for it, which are necessary for this case. For those who are familiar with metalworking, I suggest assembling the machine yourself with the help of another manual (I developed such a machine even before I found a proprietary one).
Naturally, all this equipment allows you to produce not only tiles, but also some other goods:

small mirrors (my experience is up to 60x80 cm);

Glasses, mirrors, shelves and doors for cabinet furniture (in sideboards, cabinets and TV cabinets) - to order or for small production;

Glass shelves for bathroom and kitchen;

Glass processing for the repair of slot machines;

Rear-view mirrors for cars external and in the cabin (this, by the way, is a separate small and interesting market);

For laying, I developed my own technology, which combines durability and elegant appearance, and uses two materials that I also offer to beginner entrepreneurs - with them a quick build is possible. full cycle production, sales and additional services.

Putting this business on its feet means, taking into account the local characteristics of the market, learning how to sell a product of its own production, and then finding those who will directly, as I say, “cut orders”, and the entrepreneur himself will need to deal with the marketing system and inventing new ways of registration and new products that are in demand in the local market.

To estimate the profitability, I will say that square meter mirror waste should be obtained no more than 350 rubles. I rent tiles to stores for 750 rubles, I myself sell retail for 1000.

In order to earn $ 1,000 or more on mirror tiles, you need to establish a sales system for your products in several dozen points. This is quite a big job, which also takes time. Some extra money can be obtained by laying mirror tiles. Then you will find a tiler who will carry out your orders.
The same tools already allow you to open the glass cutter.

If you want to give the room a modern stylish look, while making it lighter and visually more spacious, turn your attention to the bevelled mirror tiles. It is attached to a prepared base like ceramic products using adhesives. Therefore, there will be no problems with its laying. But the material itself is aesthetically attractive and contributes to the creation of an unusual spatial effect.

Mirror tiles with facet are successfully used in the design of shopping and office centers, bars, restaurants, sports complexes and hotel halls. IN living conditions finishing of this type is able to give brightness to the bathroom, hallway or kitchen.

What is beveled tile?

Facet is called a chamfer on front side glass, made by mechanical processing methods. The cut angle is usually selected between 0 and 45 degrees. Facet has a dual purpose:

  • smoothing for safety sharp edges of glass products;
  • achieving a visual effect caused by the refraction of light.

Facet has long been widely used in the manufacture of glass elements furniture. Its use as the main decorative element of mirror tiles gave impetus to the development of a whole direction of design thought.

Facet types

Facet has several varieties:

  • rectilinear;
  • double, when the side edge is cut at different angles;
  • bilateral, affecting the front and back sides;
  • combined for glasses superimposed one on another;
  • curvilinear, used for curly products.

Types of decorative tiles with facet

In the manufacture of beveled tiles, great attention is paid to the accuracy of the manufacture of parts, uniformity color shades and the degree of processing of the faces. Without these conditions, it is impossible to create a visually flawless surface. For the convenience of masonry, tiles of the simplest forms are used:

  • square;
  • rectangle;
  • isosceles triangle.

Along with colorless mirrors, products with metallic shades are widely used under:

  • silver;
  • gold;
  • bronze.

In this case, the surface of the tile can be perfectly smooth or have a matte structure. Combination on one wall decorative elements different type allows you to create unique mosaic patterns.

What do we offer?

LLC "Arbat Steklo" specializes in the production of a wide range of glass products. The production of mirror tiles with facet has become one of the promising and rapidly developing areas of our company. Our production facilities and the availability of qualified personnel allow us to fulfill the most complex and large orders in the shortest possible time.

By contacting our organization, you can purchase finished goods from the most popular collections or order the required batch using the catalog. The cost of the purchase will depend on the amount of source material used and the complexity of the work. You don't have to worry about the quality of the tiles. Each part is carefully checked and rejected if the smallest defects are found.

In one interview, a well-known journalist shared with readers glossy magazine a curious case what happened to him at the combined concert of domestic stars. In his words, “I went into the toilet out of need, did my job and already began to leave the booth when I ran into myself in the toilet.
Philip Kirkorov", then, as I found out, Kirkorov at concerts always goes into the toilets of the organizers of this event and appearance of this piquant place judges the entire concert venue.

A controversial opinion of course, but the stars have their own quirks. But today we are not talking about the toilet, but about the bathroom.
room. Each person spends an average of 30 minutes a day in the bathroom, as a rule, each person's day begins with the bathroom and toilet.

Everyone chooses the interior of this small room to suit their taste and wallet, of course the rooms
the bathroom should be tiled or fashionably sheathed today plastic panels. But why
tile right? And if you veneer the walls with mirror tiles? In the West, this style is very popular. Very pretty and not expensive.

Looking ahead, it should be noted that this lesson, despite all the costs, including
staff salaries (even high ones) are quite cost-effective and can bring good income - up to $15,000 monthly.

The reader may think about the lack of information on this issue and the complexity of the production of such tiles. However, not everything is so problematic.
To begin with, you can turn to the study of the work of specialized enterprises, as well as the technological cycle of manufacturing tiles.

If you know English, I advise you to visit the sites of the English-speaking Internet, there is a lot of information on this topic.
The first thing you will need is the room in which the "mini-factory" is supposed to be located.

You can either buy the equipment or assemble it yourself. The next step is to
purchase of finished mirror sheets or mirror scrap. Of course, you can this stage of production
carry out independently, having mastered and introduced methods of applying
mirror layer on glass, but we will consider a simpler case.

After purchasing the base material, the next step is cutting, which is made in the form of tiles with a size of 150x150 mm, or according to the wishes of the customer. As with any production, molds can be used for specific, commonly used sizes.

Here in such simple things and is the production of mirror tiles. Production volumes, as in any enterprise, can be increased later by purchasing additional equipment.
As for the equipment needed at the initial stage, you will need:

1) table and glass cutter - for cutting mirrors;
2) emery wheel;
3) compressor for 2-3 atm. - for stuffing a picture. The pattern is applied by sandblasting (treatment of the glass/mirror surface with sand under compressed air pressure) through a stencil. As an inexpensive option, you can use an industrial refrigerator compressor, but in this case, performance will have to be sacrificed.

A number of figures can tell about the receipt of income and payback of a business. For example, purchase prices for
mirrors are 1.5-2 times lower in comparison with the prices for finished mirror tiles. The income, in
in the case when the business has already been started and production is operating with an efficiency of up to 100%, as mentioned earlier, it will range from $3,500 to $5,000 monthly, depending on demand and, of course, the region where your business is developing.

It is also worth noting that, despite the rather high cost of products, the buyer
there will always be.