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Decorative fire. How to make artificial fire. Artificial fire for the fireplace: salt lamp

The installation of a fireplace is one of interesting solutions interior, giving interior decoration dwellings internal heat, comfort and homely appeal. But it is not always possible to fit a real fireplace into the design. As a rule, this is due to the inability to install a chimney, lack of space to store firewood and other reasons related to the use of an open fire indoors.

There is nothing difficult to create an imitation of a fireplace without heating in an apartment with your own hands. To do this you will need sheets of plasterboard, materials for exterior finishing, imagination for the project and a good mood for work. The false fireplace is ready and all that remains is to fill it with artificial flames, sit in a chair and enjoy the play of light and shadow.

The main task of the illusion of a living fire in the hearth is to create a spectacular, most realistic feeling of a burning flame. Visualization is the main element of the task, but it is far from the only one. To complete the perception of the picture, not only the visual component is necessary, but also the corresponding crackling sound and smell of burning panels, as well as the physical sensation of heat flow. To do this, there are modern techniques for creating a “cold fire” in a false fireplace.

A little history

The first experiments in creating a safe fire and turning household heaters into decorative elements for residential premises were undertaken a long time ago. The origins of this trend include an electric fireplace with a heating element and decorative panel. It was made in the form of smoldering coals with internal illumination by an ordinary incandescent lamp. Similar imitators could be found in the middle of the last century.

Somewhat later, the lighting was given more dynamism. Electrical appliances were equipped with strips of foil that rose in the streams warm air and reflected fancy reflections on the body of the device, creating the effect of a flickering flame.

The first successful illusion of live fire was cutting light fabric swaying in artificial air jets pumped by a built-in fan. This principle of simulating open flames formed the basis for the further development of the design direction and still has the right to life.

Cold fire obtained in this way “in its pure form” has a sufficient level of entertainment, the light reflections bizarrely and uniquely change their position in space. But the realism of such an imitation is low, since the picture looks hand-drawn. To add volume and “visual vitality”, a built-in system of mirrors and light filters is used, as well as electronic control lighting elements.

In addition to electronic and mechanical methods of creating the effect of live fire, digital and LCD technologies, cold steam generators, 3D holograms with a stereo effect and other achievements of modern development of science and technology are widely used in our time.

There are several ways to light a safe fire in an apartment fireplace. Let's look at them in more detail.

Method one. simplest

If there is no desire or opportunity to manufacture a complex electronic-mechanical structure, then you can use the simplest solution to the problem: paste a photographic image of burning wood into the hearth of the fireplace. To give some semblance of realism, it is necessary to install spotlights with filters of various colors.

The lowest cost, but no less effective, would be to use an old Christmas tree garland. To achieve this, the inside of the mini-shades is lined with reflective foil. The controller built into the garland will allow you to simulate the dynamics of light transmission, like from living flames. To give the picture a visual stereo volume, you can select a holographic 3D image of an open fire of a suitable size.

Method two. Theatrical

As the name suggests, this method is borrowed from theatrical props. When, according to the plot of a play, it is necessary to light a safe fire on stage, the decorators use just such a fire.

To light a theatrical fire in the fireplace, you need to stock up on the following items:

  • silent fan of medium power;
  • halogen lamps;
  • color filters of appropriate shades;
  • white silk.

The fan housing is dismantled. Its working part is rigidly mounted at the bottom of your fireplace so that the forced air flows perpendicular to the base. The electrical wiring is laid in cable channels and led outside the fireplace.

Three halogen lamps are mounted below the working plane of the fan: one along the central axis of the fan, two at an angle of 30 degrees in each direction. The direction of light on the future hearth should be from bottom to top.

As brackets for lamps, you can use the remains of a bent metal profile for gypsum boards. Light filters are attached at a distance of 1-2 cm in front of each lamp. It is additionally recommended to install a light filter on the central lamp of blue color, this will give the flame more exotic highlights.

The next stage is imitation of flames. Future flames are cut from white silk irregular shape and are attached to the fan grille in an “artistic mess”.

The open fire simulator is ready for use. All that remains is to adjust the fan power, the angle of the light filters and fill the artificial parts of the fireplace with purchased birch charcoal.

Method three. water vapor

All of these devices can be purchased at retail or dismantled from old concert equipment that creates a steam effect.

Fog generators are installed at the bottom of a sealed container for distilled water. Each generator in its design involves a membrane, which, due to high-frequency vibration, creates a local reduced pressure. In conditions, low pressure, water evaporates at a temperature close to room temperature.

The fan is rigidly mounted in the active evaporation zone and drives the resulting steam upward. LED lighting, controlled by a decoder and a controller, creates a very realistic visual sensation of the play of light and shadow of living flames.

In the lower part of the fireplace, the steam is illuminated more strongly and there is a feeling of the presence of an open flame. At the top, the illumination is less intense and creates the illusion of smoke.

To prevent the formation of excess condensation, a diaphragm is installed in the upper part of the source.

Method four. Using a salt lamp

Solyanaya electric lamp- This is a specific electric lamp. The lampshade is made of natural crystal – salt. An ordinary incandescent lamp is installed under such a lampshade. Passing through the crystal faces at different angles, the light flux is refracted and looks very realistically reminiscent of the play of living flames.

Using lampshades of different colors, a realistic imitation of live fire is created. And by using lamps with different configurations and sizes, a small fire can easily be imitated.

This method has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include the ease of creating such an illusion and its realism. In addition, when heated by an incandescent lamp, the salt lamp saturates the surrounding air with negative ions. This leads to the neutralization of positive ions, which has a positive effect on the health of its owners.

The disadvantages of this method include the very significant price of such devices and their infrequent appearance on the public market.

Method five. TV instead of live fire

Using a flat LCD TV in a fireplace is one of the simplest technical options for solving the problem. But, it should be noted, it is far from low-cost.

If the choice falls on this method of “igniting” an artificial flame in the fireplace, then first it makes sense to choose an LCD TV, and only then, based on its size, mount the fireplace body. The TV screen is installed on a 10-12 cm recess in the hearth of the fireplace. Its plastic frame is hidden by decorative elements.

Through the USB port built into the TV, a recording found on the Internet is played on the screen. Depending on your mood and surroundings, you can choose one of several recordings: the play of flames, smoldering coals or a bright fire. The selected recording will be repeated multiple times and will serve as an imitation of a live fire in the hearth.

If you place a system of mirrors and light filters along the internal planes, the picture will visually acquire volume and will look very natural.

Decorative firewood for fireplaces

To give a finished look to the fireplace underneath cold Fire it is necessary to “put” firewood and coals. On the windows of specialized stores there is a huge selection of decorative firewood made of plastic or ceramics. Such dummies accurately replicate the texture of dry or partially burnt wood. Imitation, purchased or made with your own hands, will turn the hearth into the center home warmth and comfort.

In order to obtain greater realism, lighting with red filters is installed under the wood display. More expensive versions of decorative firewood provide internal lighting with a non-repeating flicker cycle.

To give the integrity of the picture, small spaces between decorative firewood It is recommended to use natural charcoal.

Many people like to look at the fire in the fireplace. The sight of a flame calms you down, allows you to relax and immerse yourself in your own thoughts. However, it is not always possible to install a real fireplace in your home; this is especially problematic for city residents, whose stress levels are very high and who need fireplaces like no other. effective way relaxation.

Fortunately, we can build a false fireplace in our apartment, which will adequately replace a real analogue. At the same time, it can have a real fire if biological fuel is used, or an imitation of fire in a fireplace, which you can also make yourself. In this article we will talk about how to make an imitation of fire in a fireplace with your own hands, and we will analyze the most popular methods.

Raised fireplace with a skillfully filled firebox

Available options

A decorative false fireplace is created from various materials, you can use cardboard, plaster, foam plastic, drywall, plywood, chipboard and even brick. In most cases, these materials are flammable, so it is worth remembering fire safety standards and not placing real fire in the fireboxes. If you plan to build a bio-fireplace burner into the firebox, which will create a real flame, then you should take the choice of materials for construction more seriously. For example, build a brick structure and cover the firebox with sheets of metal.

We will consider options when it is necessary to make an imitation of fire that would be remotely or very similar to a real flame. And the simplest idea that immediately comes to mind is to create a suitable drawing. Anyone can draw a picture, but how this fire will look on canvas depends on the talent of the artist.

Painted hearth inside a fake fireplace

There are many other options to create an artificial fire in a fireplace so that it is more realistic than a painted one, and the most interesting of them are the following:

  • using a water vapor generator is a modern way;
  • the use of fabric and a fan is a theatrical solution;
  • the use of LCD displays and televisions is an effective option;
  • original illumination using a salt lamp is a useful technique;
  • lighting using garlands is a simple method;
  • the use of candles, a candle fireplace - a design approach.

If you want to create a high-quality imitation of fire in a fireplace, you can use any of available options, however, remember that each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. To understand which fire for the fireplace is easiest for you to make with your own hands, let's look at all these methods in order.

General description of popular methods

One of the most difficult methods is to create artificial fire using generated water vapor, so we’ll start with this method.


To create a steam unit inside your raised fireplace, you will need certain components and electrical skills. You can search ready-made solution, but it will be difficult to find.

To build a steam generator we will need the following components:

  • small quiet fan;
  • DMX controller and DMX decoder are devices that allow you to transmit digital data and balance the operation of all generator systems;
  • light-emitting diode (LED);
  • ultrasonic fog generators;
  • pure water;
  • suitable box, boxing.

Installation diagram for creating an imitation of fire from steam

The principle of operation of the steam system is very simple. Fog generators are installed in a suitable box or box. Pure, distilled water is poured into them, which, under the influence of a fan and an ultrasonic vibration generator, begins to gradually evaporate. Note that water evaporation occurs when room temperature, and the steam itself is cold. The rising steam from the evaporation of water is highlighted LED lamp, this is how you get the effect of a real flame in the fireplace.

To make the fire look more realistic, a diaphragm should be installed over the entire structure. A diaphragm with holes of different diameters will allow you to vary the speed of the air around you, and therefore create more realistic flames.

If we take a deeper look at the processes taking place, we should remember Bernoulli’s law, which tells us that the smaller the hole, the higher the speed of air flow.

The components are selected according to the main characteristics of the fireplace, while at the same time, at the assembly stage, we plan the final result. You can buy such elements in stores that sell electric steam fireplaces, or in companies that sell equipment for concerts; there are also steam engines here. The design diagram can be easily found on the Internet.

Professional steam installation

After assembling the elements together, we need to get a machine that works on the principle of cold glow discussed above. This imitation of fire will be very impressive, very similar to real flames. Pay attention to the dimensions of the system and the fireplace insert, they must match each other.

It is worth noting that professional technology Real Fire are based on this very principle. The main device in such devices is an ultrasonic steam generator, designed specifically for use in a fireplace. It is this that creates the steam that is illuminated properly. The vapor density at the bottom is greater, which means it glows brighter, reminiscent of a real flame. Higher up the color becomes duller, which allows you to create a smoke effect.


Imitation of fire through fabric is actively used in theatrical productions, so this option can be proudly called “theatrical”. For home use This method is also great, so we will consider it.

To make an imitation of fire in a false fireplace with our own hands, we will need:

  • a certain amount of white silk fabric;
  • halogen lamps with reflectors;
  • small, but powerful fan, preferably quiet;
  • several color filters with the main colors of fire - red, orange, blue;
  • container or box for assembling all the elements together.

Using fabric to create artificial fire

Assembly of the system is simple, as follows: step-by-step instruction This will help you:

  1. We select a box that is suitable in size and decorate it properly on the outside.
  2. We place a fan or cooler in the box, which can be taken from the computer.
  3. We attach halogen lamps with colored filters above the fan and point them upward. The distance from the filters to the lamps should be a couple of centimeters.
  4. When placing color filters, we adhere to the following sequence - blue in the middle, and red and orange at the edges. With this arrangement, the fireplace fire will be bright, rich and natural.
  5. We cut the silk fabric into various pieces, which we attach to the box on different sides of the fan. To ensure realism high level, cut the silk into triangles.

That's all, the homemade imitation of fire in the fireplace is ready, all that remains is to launch it by connecting the lamps and fan to the network, test it, and then modify it. Pieces of fabric imitating flames look very natural, but the main thing is that they are of the required length to fit into the firebox of a false fireplace.


One of the simplest and most popular ways to make a fire in a fireplace almost real is to use a TV, tablet, photo frame or LCD display. The only thing that immediately puts you off the method using a liquid crystal screen is the price, because such equipment costs a certain amount of money

You can save money by purchasing a display specially designed for this purpose. It is sold in the same place where decorative fireplaces with electric filling are sold. The display already contains a recording of real fire, you just have to install it and turn it on.

For greater realism, you can use optical systems made of light filters. They will help make the imitation more lively, rich in volume. It will be a pleasure to admire such fire.

Decorative system for installation in an apartment

Another option for improving the fireplace lighting with your own hands is to use mirrors. It's called Pepper's ghost, and is used by many theaters and magicians. By placing mirrors on the walls of the firebox and its bottom at different angles, you can give the artificial flame some volume. In this form, your hearth will look like a real one.

The most subtle connoisseurs of beauty use holographic systems that create full-fledged 3D copies of fire. Modern technologies allow you to turn a two-dimensional image into a three-dimensional one. Optical systems and LED lights, working together and properly configured, can create very realistic images in a small space. You can even make the image depth greater than the fireplace insert. This method is very impressive, but too expensive and unprofitable.

Salt lamp

Not only effective, but also useful method creating an imitation fire in artificial fireplaces is the use of salt lamps. Such devices have recently appeared on the market, but are already in high demand due to their excellent characteristics and beneficial effects on the human body.

A salt lamp is made from big piece salt, in which a lamp with an ordinary light bulb is placed. During operation, the light bulb heats up and heats up the salt lamp, which begins to emit environment negative ions. By connecting with positive ions, which are abundant inside our homes, because... they come from working home appliances, they neutralize them. This creates an environment that is comfortable for human life, which you will certainly feel when you install a similar lamp in your home.

A good option for a salt lamp for a fireplace

Installing a salt lamp in a fireplace is not difficult, but you will need some budget to purchase it. Choose fireplace lamps with matching colors, or purchase several lamps at once to place them together to form a fire pit.

Fairy lights

An interesting way to illuminate the fireplace insert is based on the use of garlands, ordinary New Year's garlands that every family has. Of course, you will have to modify the garlands a little to make them look more realistic, but there are no particular difficulties here.

Garland in the form of a fire for the fireplace insert

To assemble a suitable structure you will need the following materials:

  • several small tree branches;
  • food grade aluminum foil;
  • a small piece of lace or soft fabric white;
  • several real stones;
  • glue;
  • the garland itself, capable of flickering and having a suitable color background, for example yellow or red.

Creating an imitation fire from a garland looks like this:

  • Tree branches are completely wrapped in foil. The lace is glued onto the resulting silver sticks. The glue takes about a day to dry, so we wait until everything is securely connected. Now carefully cut the resulting lace case and take out the branches from it. The imitation firewood is ready.
  • We place stones in a circle in the firebox of the false fireplace. We place the selected garland in the resulting circle, and on top of it we install improvised firewood made of lace. The result is a small fire.

All that remains is to plug in the garland and enjoy the pleasant flickering of the fire.

By the way, you can always use garlands with LEDs to illuminate the interior of the fireplace. Very original, cheap and simple.

This method will make it very easy to get a decent picture of the fire inside a dummy fireplace, but you can do it even easier by placing candles in the firebox.


It is not recommended to use real candles in an artificial fireplace, much less light them, so it is better to purchase small lamps in a similar shape and install them in the fireplace. If your dummy is made of brick, then you can also use the classic version.

Using candles to decorate a fireplace insert

The use of real candles when lit is not so popular, since they smoke when burned. If you don’t light them, then there will be no flickering or light from the fireplace. At the same time, from a design point of view, such a design for a false fireplace is acceptable, since such a design creates an atmosphere of coziness and comfort.

If you decide to use candles to decorate the fireplace, place other suitable decorative accessories around it, such as candelabra.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that it is not difficult to make an imitation of fire in your home fireplace, and besides, there is whole line methods from which you can choose the one that suits you. At the same time, the achieved result will certainly please you when you feel all the warmth, sincerity and beauty emanating from your fireplace.

Fire, its raging tongues, as if dancing a dance known only to them, from time immemorial have carried their message to every living person. A living flame gives a person warmth, which means life. And at the same time, it is capable of destroying everything around it. It has long been believed that fire is a symbol home comfort. But if in past times the hearth was a mandatory functional structure that warmed the home, today it is rather a decorative detail, an imitation. The photos presented to your attention will give some idea of ​​what an artificial symbol should look like. hearth and home. Not in every country house there is an opportunity to install a real fireplace, oh modern apartments and it’s not worth saying at all. But this does not mean that you need to completely abandon such a tempting idea.

Artificial fireplaces - dream or reality?

A hearth with living, dancing flames is the dream of many modern people. But what to do when it is not possible to build it on the existing living space? An excellent option would be to imitate a fireplace.

Remember the fairy tale about Pinocchio with fire painted on a piece of canvas? Of course, we don’t suggest you paint the walls, but anyone can build a fireplace with their own hands.

An imitation of a country house is possible even with a minimum of funds, skills and abilities. There are quite a few varieties of decorative designs for the hearth. A variety of techniques and materials are used to build them.

Types of decorative fireplaces

False fireplaces can be divided into two types - interior and electric. The former serve as decoration for the room, and thanks to their smokeless design, based on the combustion of ethyl alcohol and the release of a certain amount of steam during this process, they humidify the air. One of the undeniable advantages in the construction of such models is that it is not necessary to use wood or drywall. An imitation of fire in a fireplace is created by laying it around gas burner artificial firewood made from heat-resistant ceramics. This entire structure is quite lightweight, easy to operate, does not overload the space of the room in which it is installed, and, importantly, does not require chimneys.

Electric fireplaces are not only an interior decoration item, they are also an additional source of heat. Very powerful and at the same time economical in energy consumption modern models do not require any special difficulties in operation and maintenance. The artificial fire in them looks more than natural.

Materials suitable for creating a fireplace

Let's take a closer look at how and what to make an artificial stove from. The first thing that comes to mind is an imitation fireplace made of brick or plasterboard, but they are by no means the only ones. A short overview of possible materials for construction will help you make your choice. So:

  • Metal. Ideal for high-tech interiors. Having the skills to work with steel, you can build a false hearth that will decorate any home.
  • Imitation of a fireplace in an apartment made of plywood, medium-density fiberboard (MDF) or chipboard (chipboard) is possible in any interior, be it modern, country style or any other. All these materials are coated with a special protective film, can be found without much difficulty in all construction markets.
  • Perfect for portal construction wooden boards. In order to highlight the beauty of wood, it can be coated with a special stain that matches the color of the main interior of your apartment, or with acrylic varnish.
  • One of the most popular materials for creating an artificial fireplace is undoubtedly brick. The only disadvantage is that it is quite difficult to avoid the heaviness of the structure, and this, in turn, creates some difficulties in integrating it into the overall interior.
  • Drywall is a lightweight material that is easy to work with. An imitation fireplace made of GPC is ideal for small rooms. Using metal profiles, you can build a fake fireplace structure of any shape and height.
  • Artificial stone is a non-toxic, non-flammable material, great for creating a portal.

General principles for building a false fireplace made of brick

  1. Before starting the main work, it is necessary to calculate the height and width of the future product, and also determine the place where this entire rather heavy structure will be located.
  2. In order for the imitation of a fireplace with your own hands to be of high quality, you must draw up a detailed diagram of what you want to get in the end.
  3. In principle, any brick is suitable for building a false portal: silicate, facing or decorative. Before starting laying, moisten it generously with water to remove excess air. Properly made brick has an even, smooth structure.
  4. Start laying from the corner, level. Try to make seams of equal width.
  5. After the mortar holding the rows of bricks together has dried well, the inner sides and bottom of the portal must be laid with special heat-resistant tiles.
  6. Now you can begin installing the electric heater. Do not forget about safety precautions when working with electricity; strictly follow the instructions included with the device.
  7. Decorating the fireplace or leaving it as is depends entirely on your desire. For cladding, you can use stone or any interior ceramic tiles.

Materials and tools

You will need:

  • brick;
  • masonry mortar;
  • building level;
  • for interior decoration;
  • electric, bio- or eco-heater;
  • Building tools;
  • items for decoration.

A brick imitation fireplace will become a real decoration of the room and will help create a warm, cozy atmosphere. All this will undoubtedly delight you and your loved ones. Unfortunately, such a heavy design is not suitable for decorating small rooms, but it is ideal for a living room or hall of a country house.

General principles for constructing a false fireplace from plasterboard

The lightweight, easy-to-work structure of plasterboard is ideal for creating fireplace portal any shape, width and height. Using profiles and guides, you can make any part of it not only straight, but also smoothly curved. In addition, any lighting can be easily integrated into a structure made of this material, which gives it additional capabilities and functionality. An imitation fireplace made of plasterboard will fit equally well into any interior of both large and small living spaces, be it country house or city apartment.

Preliminary preparation

The construction of such a fireplace model is a rather expensive and labor-intensive process that requires preliminary preparation.

The first thing that needs to be done before starting the main work is to determine the location and type of structure. What it will be like is up to you to decide. A do-it-yourself imitation fireplace made of plasterboard can look like a niche built into the wall, be a wall-mounted model (that is, mobile) or a corner one. There are a great many options for frame designs, it all depends on your personal preferences and the overall interior of your apartment or house.

So, the location has been chosen, the type has been determined, it’s time to start building the drawing diagram. This is necessary so that you clearly understand the result, as well as the order of work. The existing sketch will definitely help with the calculation of the required materials.

Having prepared everything you need and freed up a sufficient amount of space, you can begin installing the structure.

from plasterboard

The process of constructing an artificial hearth from plasterboard can be divided into several stages:

  • frame construction;
  • lining the skeleton with plasterboard;
  • making the fireplace fireproof;
  • installation of a heating element;
  • decoration of the entire structure.

Fabrication and cladding of the frame

The skeleton of the fireplace is made according to the selected parameters from metal profiles, which, in turn, are attached to the wall or form a free-standing structure in the case where a mobile, that is, portable version of the structure is planned. An important point in the construction of a metal profile frame is that the more different jumper parts it has, the more stable and durable the product itself will be in the end. The distance between the guides should not exceed 35-40 cm. Difficulties usually arise when installing the so-called arched part of the structure. To give it a smooth bend along the top of the profile, at regular intervals, cuts are made. Then it is bent into an arc and attached to the desired location. In this way, you can give the entire structure several smooth bends. The plasterboard imitation of a fireplace, the photo of which is presented in our article, is made in exactly this way. After installation of the base is completed, the fire-resistant tiles internal parties laid, you can start covering. How to decorate a false fireplace, whether to decorate it with lighting, depends only on you.

Materials and tools

You will need:

  • sheets or scraps of drywall;
  • self-tapping screws, dowels and screws;
  • guides metal profiles(you can use corners or wooden slats);
  • devices for cutting metal and drywall;
  • a tool for precise surface marking (building level, tape measure);
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • putty for sealing seams;
  • decorative finishing (ceramic tile, tree, fake diamond And so on);
  • fireproof tiles;
  • a heating element;
  • backlight

Decorative false fireplaces are an excellent substitute for a traditional hearth with an open fire. They are safe, energy-efficient, beautiful and functional. Imitating a live fire in such a fireplace allows you to create a truly cozy atmosphere around you.

The desire for comfort and coziness is inherent in each of us. The warmth of a home is not an empty word. What could be better than spending evenings by the fireplace watching the flames? Owners of private houses can afford a real fireplace, but for residents of city apartments this, unfortunately, is an unaffordable luxury. But for real masters nothing is impossible, and today we will tell you how to make a false fireplace in an apartment.

What is a false fireplace and why is it needed?

In a city apartment, conditions will not allow you to install a regular fireplace. The lack of chimneys and floors not designed for such loads are the main obstacles to obtaining permission to build such a structure. False fireplaces come to the rescue, which you can easily assemble yourself without having any special skills in construction work.

Of course, you can buy an electric fireplace - such devices are now common, and their installation will not take much time and effort. But the creation of a fireplace with my own hands- Very exciting activity, it gives free rein to imagination, allows you to create an exclusive thing. In addition, an open fire in an apartment is not necessary (and you are unlikely to be allowed to do so), and a false fireplace will serve as a multifunctional decoration.

Note! Although you won't light a fire in a false fireplace, still don't put flammable things underneath. Especially if the structure covers heating radiators or you plan to place electrical appliances in the firebox.

False fireplace looks like a real one

U artificial fireplaces there are such advantages:

  • cheap - you only need money for materials;
  • availability of materials necessary for the manufacture of the structure;
  • the ability to change the decor at any time according to your mood;
  • use of inexpensive, but original and beautiful materials in decoration.

False fireplaces are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Reliable artificial fireplaces completely imitate real ones, respecting both dimensions and design principles. Inside the firebox you can install a bio-fireplace burner, which will provide an almost exact effect of a burning hearth. Quite an expensive option, but it looks the most plausible.
  2. Conventional false fireplaces have a portal protruding from the wall. They can be decorated according to your taste and desire. The combustion hole is usually filled with firewood or candles are placed there.
  3. Symbolic ones can be made from any materials. Their peculiarity is that they are not at all like an ordinary fireplace. It could even be a drawing made on the wall with some decorative elements.

Manufacturing options

For the manufacture of artificial fireplaces, the most simple materials, which can always be found not only in the store, but also at home:

  • drywall;
  • plywood;
  • Styrofoam;
  • cardboard;
  • tree;
  • brick;
  • polyurethane.

You can make such a structure even from old furniture, which has already served its purpose, but it’s a pity to throw it away.

This is the simplest and quick way. You only need to buy a polyurethane portal for the fireplace. The most difficult thing in this task will be choosing the style and size suitable for the room, and everything else will take you a minimum of time and effort.

If you want to install an electric fireplace, take into account its installation and dimensions, method of connection to the electrical network and quality of ventilation.

The lightweight body of the false fireplace made of polyurethane will save you from many installation hassles

You will need:

  • polyurethane portal for the fireplace;
  • contact glue;
  • putty;
  • materials for finishing the firebox (for example, decorative brick).

Now we’ll tell you step by step how to install such a fireplace.

  1. The best place to install such a fireplace is one of the side walls of the room. The structure should not clutter the room or interfere with passage.
  2. If you decide to place an electric fireplace or decorative electric lighting inside the portal, take care of the wiring and socket first.
  3. Make the firebox frame from profiles or wooden blocks, and the walls from plywood or plasterboard.
  4. Install the portal, carefully secure it with contact glue. Carefully fill the gaps between the portal and the firebox with finishing putty.
  5. Finish the firebox in the style you choose, or install an electric fireplace. If desired, you can install a mantel made of artificial stone or wood.

Such portals are made not only from polyurethane, but also from wood. They are much more expensive, but among them you can find real masterpieces, additionally equipped, for example, with a built-in bar.

Plywood construction

This idea is useful if you need to hide some defect in the room, for example, an old heating radiator, the replacement of which will not be cheap. A false fireplace will come in handy here.

The need to cover up an old heating radiator is an excellent opportunity to install a false fireplace

Carry out calculations and make a drawing of the future structure. This will help you avoid wasting extra money and time.

Drawing of a standard fireplace

Note! When you develop a drawing, refer to ready-made options stone fireplaces. Based on them, you can easily design your false fireplace.

First of all, install the frame directly in place. Wooden blocks are suitable for it.

Frame made of bars for a false fireplace

Next, cover the frame with plywood. Fireplace design and appearance can be adjusted during operation. For example, you can add a podium to the portal. There is a heating battery inside the structure, so it is better to assemble the frame with screws: nails in conditions high temperature do not guarantee a tight fit of plywood to the bars in the future.

Frame covered with plasterboard

By back wall attach a firebox that imitates a fireplace to the block. Cover all surfaces visible from the outside with self-adhesive film.

Install the firebox and cover it with film

Cover the corners of the portal with a wooden layout, and cover it with film of the same color.

The corners of the portal need to be closed and also covered with film.

This design is easily removable (it is not attached to the wall at this stage), and you can easily access the radiator. The firebox needs to be decorated with something, so you can put a metal mesh tray on the radiator.

A metal mesh tray that will become the bottom of the firebox

You will fill it with pebbles, firewood or other decorative elements.

Fill the metal mesh with pebbles or other filler.

You can order a fireplace grate or make it yourself. For this you will need a copper profile. If this is not available, aluminum wire inserted into a vinyl chloride tube and painted with gold paint will do. This grille is attached to the fireplace body copper wire in 4 places.

Metal grating diagram

The pipes that go to the battery can be covered with an extension of the podium.

Cover the heating pipes with a podium

So that useful space does not go to waste, create a bar under the fireplace mantel.

Using extra space

As a result, you will get a fireplace like this, almost indistinguishable from the real thing.

Ready-made false fireplace

New life for old furniture

This is the most budget option. You probably have old wardrobe or sideboard. Don’t rush to throw away this piece of furniture: on its basis you can easily make an excellent imitation of a fireplace with lighting.

you will need:

  • plywood sheets;
  • wood sander;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • acrylic paint;
  • putty;
  • LED Strip Light;
  • stucco, decorative elements, gypsum finishing stone;
  • surfaces.
  1. Remove the doors from the old sideboard and remove the lower cabinet. The top section will remain, place it on its side.

    Preparing an old sideboard for use

  2. Screw two beams in front.

    Screw 2 beams

  3. Attach two sheets of plywood to the bars at the top and bottom. This will give the fireplace the required thickness.

    Secure the plywood sheets

  4. Cut a hole in the door of the side cabinet (which is now located at the bottom) for the “blower”. Here you can store firewood, just like in a real fireplace.

    Cut out a hole for the “blower”

  5. Your raised fireplace will need a pedestal and mantel. They can be used as two headboards from an old bed. Don't forget to unscrew their legs.

    The headboards of the bed will serve as a pedestal and mantelpiece.

  6. The design is ready, now we need to start finishing works. Sand the polished surfaces to roughen them. Prime the walls; after they dry, putty and level the surface. Dry the putty and sand down any uneven surfaces. Paint the body acrylic paint, trim the corners with brick or artificial stone. Glue on decorative elements and install a mantelpiece.

    Finishing a false fireplace from old furniture

  7. Decorate the firebox. Glue LED strip around the perimeter. Red or yellow will do - they will perfectly imitate a smoldering fire. Place shells, pebbles or sand at the bottom.

    Decorate the firebox: glue in an LED strip, add pebbles, shells or sand to the bottom

As a result, you will have this gorgeous vintage-style fireplace.

Ready-made false fireplace from an old sideboard

Imitation of a fireplace made of plasterboard

This time we will consider the option of a corner false fireplace made of plasterboard. This task will be more difficult than the previous ones. Why exactly corner fireplace? Because in a small apartment, the corner is the freest place, which is ideal for installing such a structure.

Corner false fireplace made of plasterboard

So, you will need the following materials:

  • metal profile - 13 pcs;
  • moisture-resistant plasterboard 9.5 mm - 3 sheets;
  • tiles - 5 m;
  • self-tapping screws - 200 pcs;
  • tile grout;
  • LED Strip Light;
  • decorative lattice.
  1. Calculate the dimensions. Please note: if you need to close the battery, you need to do it in such a way that it can be easily reached. For possible emergency situations It is better to run the battery through the lower opening.

    Approximate diagram of a corner fireplace

  2. After the calculations have been made and the fireplace diagram has been drawn up, begin installing the frame. A ceiling profile is suitable for it, and it is also cheaper.
  3. Immediately make electrical wiring for the lighting. As you can see in the first photo, in our case there are three output points: two on the facade and one above the shelf. LED strip is used as backlight.
  4. The combustion hole can be made with double walls. Non-flammable insulation will be laid between them.

    Finishing a false fireplace with decorative tiles

  5. For decorative finishing, you can use stone-like tiles. It is made of plaster, so it is not suitable for work surfaces.

This fireplace takes up approximately 1.6 square meters. You can place a small electric fireplace or a small alcohol burner inside the firebox.


It is very important that the fireplace fits harmoniously into the interior of the room. You should carefully choose the style and color. But in addition, decorative finishing should please the eye and create comfort.

How to simulate fire in a fireplace? Above we offered options with LED strip, which provides lighting with a burning effect. But progress does not stand still, and an electronic photo frame can serve you well. It is a liquid crystal display that is designed to display pictures. You need a model that can play animated files, such as GIFs. Upload an image of a burning fire to your photo frame and enjoy!

  • Many owners of false fireplaces love to decorate niches with candles of different heights. It looks beautiful, stylish, and gives a real live fire.
  • An excellent choice would be to install a mirror deep in the combustion chamber, on the wall. The mirror will multiply the reflections from candles or electric lighting and add mystery to the fireplace.
  • Artificial stone will help you achieve the effect of an expensive finish. It is available in a variety of color and texture options. Tiles, bas-reliefs and decorative tiles will give expressive individuality to the structure. But don’t overdo it: excessive pomp may be out of place in your interior.
  • Doors for false fireplaces will probably be superfluous, but if you decide to install them, make them from plexiglass. They can be transparent or tinted, but they simply must allow light and glare of the “fire” to pass through.
  • It is better to decorate the firebox of an imitation fireplace with a forged metal grate. It can be bought or ordered from the workshop.

Photo gallery of artificial fireplaces

An original and laconic option - a simple niche with candles

Video: how to make a false fireplace from plasterboard with your own hands

As you can see, building a fireplace at home yourself is not at all difficult, and it’s also cheap, especially if it’s just an imitation. Accuracy, attention, the desire to do something original and creative imagination - that’s all you need to enjoy comfort, like the heroes of classic films. Share with us your experience in implementing such ideas, or ask any questions you have on this topic. Easy work for you and comfort for your home!

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A real, living fireplace is an unaffordable luxury for city residents. But don’t rush to get upset or despair, because you can make a false fireplace, and with it you can easily create an imitation of fire in a fireplace with your own hands. The main thing is to make a fireplace, for example, from old box from under the TV, using gypsum boards and other things. False fireplaces with imitation fire will give your apartment unprecedented comfort and luxury. They are created according to different principles; below you will find out which effects and types are best suited for your home.

Types of simulated fire

We remind you that a false fireplace is a fireplace made by your own hands. There are several types of creating imitation fire, we will consider them below:

  1. Artificial fire using a liquid crystal screen.
  2. Simulate fire in a fireplace with your own hands using holograms and 3D effects.
  3. Illusion effect.
  4. Cold fire using a fan.
  5. Fire with water vapor.
  6. Salt lamp.
  7. Christmas tree garland.
  8. Electric motor.

Let's look at each type of fire simulation in more detail.

LCD screen:

  1. Select the LCD screen so that it fits into the fireplace connector.
  2. Find a video or GIF picture and record it on your TV.

The TV must have a USB input.

Important! Of course, such an imitation of fire will not be the worst, but it will definitely not be the best.

Let's learn about the following method.

Holograms and 3D effects

Here you will need a hologram with fire elements - choose it according to your taste and color.

The basic operating principle and important points to create an imitation fire in the fireplace:

  • A flat picture with a flame of your choice appears in three-dimensional format. Holograms of this type are created using special technologies.
  • Place the hologram in such a way that its edges are not visible at a distance from the fireplace.
  • LED, halogen lamps will help you so that you can give special lighting. Place them on opposite sides of the hologram.

Important! As a result, you get a believable, three-dimensional image, which, in turn, looks much better and more original than simple movement on the screen.

LED backlight serves as an optical illusion. The fire will seem real, and the comfort will remain.


The meaning of this method is as follows:

  1. You take several glasses, place them at different distances from each other, the angles between them should be different - this is important.
  2. Now you take a virtual image of a flame, place it in the fireplace.
  3. Here they are used again LED bulbs, in order to give you the lighting you need.

Important! What happens: the glass reflects the virtual image from different angles, creating a three-dimensional appearance of what you have chosen.

Chilling Fire

Here is another good way on how you can make an imitation of fire in a fireplace with your own hands.

Get the following list of things you will need:

  • Cardboard or tin box.
  • Patchwork fabric.
  • Fan.
  • Three LED lights: red, yellow, blue.
  • Three small mirrors.
  • Optical filters in three colors: red, yellow, blue.

Repeat the following steps:

  1. Place the fan on the cardboard box so that it blows air upward.
  2. Then place three LED lamps in the corners of the box.
  3. In accordance with point 2, do the same with optical filters, that is, next to the lamps.
  4. Install mirrors on the sides of the box.
  5. Cut out shapes in the form of triangles from the flap and glue them onto the box.

Important! It is advisable to install the filters as follows: blue in the middle, and orange and red at the edges. This placement of filters will give the imitation greater brightness and relief.

  1. The process is completed, the last steps remain. You install it in a false fireplace, connect it to the network, and admire the flames, albeit artificial ones.

The next method is using water vapor.

water vapor

To create an electric fireplace with the effect of a living fire with your own hands, you will need the following list of items:

  • Three ultrasonic fog generators;
  • Liquid container;
  • Distilled water;
  • Cardboard container;
  • Lighting from RGB lamps;
  • Fan.

Step-by-step creation process:

  1. Place three ultrasonic fog generators at the bottom of a cardboard container.
  2. Install the fan on a cardboard box.
  3. Pour distilled water into a special container and place it on the generator.

Important! If you want to use this particular method of simulating fire, you need to provide the necessary equipment parameters and mount a hearth of the required size.

The effect of the work done is as follows: the generator produces steam, RGB lamps give the effect of a burning flame.

Important! Of all the above methods, this one is the most effective and believable.

Salt lamp

A salt lamp is a special lamp whose lampshade is made of raw salt crystal. Inside it is a regular light bulb. When the lamp is plugged in, the lampshade heats up and begins to release negative ions into the space.

Important! The downside is that this salt lamp is quite expensive. The advantages include ease of installation and operation.

Christmas tree garland

Christmas tree garland can be used not only for New Year, but also all year!

You will need these items:

  • tree branches of various sizes;
  • aluminium foil;
  • lace - it can be cut off from an old dress;
  • stones - several pieces;
  • glue;
  • Christmas tree garland with a background color of red, orange or yellow.

Important! If possible, take a garland with three, periodically changing colors.

Assembly instructions:

  1. Wrap the branches with foil without gaps.
  2. Spread the lace with glue, attach it to the branches, and wait for it to dry completely.
  3. Next, you should carefully cut the lace case and remove the blanks from them.
  4. Form a circle of stones.
  5. Place the garland in the middle, keep the cord and plug outside.
  6. You place “lace” firewood in the manner of a fire.

That's all: plug the garlands into the network - and voila, your home fire is ready.