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Old door frame: methods and algorithm for dismantling. How to dismantle interior doors How to remove old doors

03.09.2016 32543

Dismantling during repair work or in a replacement situation new box. Installation features depend on the type of door structure. Work should be carried out carefully if you plan to insert an old door in order to maintain the integrity of the door leaf and frame. If the door is thrown out, it is recommended to use other methods to solve the problem.

List of tools

It is important to dismantle the door frame carefully; it was not planned in the room. This is necessary to maintain the integrity of the wall decoration in case of replacement with a new one. The use of dismantling tools depends on the method of removing the canvas and box. leave for further installation, it is important to preserve the canvas, trim, door handle, and frame. In such a situation, small tools are selected, which allow the work to be carried out without unnecessary destruction.

Dismantling the door is not so easy, so it is recommended to follow working technologies to avoid destruction and damage. First, it is important to prepare the tools:

  • hammer;
  • axe;
  • screwdriver;
  • crowbar with nail puller;
  • hacksaw;
  • screwdriver.

Door dismantling methods

Exist different variants implementation of work, which depends on many factors. You can do the dismantling yourself or seek help from specialists. We offer instructions on two methods of sequential execution of work.

Careful dismantling

The work technology is established for careful removal of the canvas and has the following order:

  1. First, we carry out repairs by removing the door leaf. If difficulties arise, it is recommended to use a pry bar that is inserted into the door. It is important that the doors are completely open and do not rest against the upper area of ​​the frame, otherwise there will be a problem with dismantling.
  2. . Using a hammer, we insert an ax between the product and the box. A careful method of removing the casing ensures the integrity of the structure, which is pressed out until the fastening nail appears. After this, the ax is pushed further and completely presses out the casing. It is important to remove further nails using the same method. The platbands are also removed from the reverse side.
  3. The next step is to dismantle the door frame. Here it is important to find the area where the object is attached to the opening. The fasteners are located in the hinge area or in the false lock area. Elements can be hidden under decorative plugs.
  4. We carefully remove the fasteners with a screwdriver at low speeds, otherwise you will face the problem of damaging the box. A similar tool can be replaced with a screwdriver.
  5. in the form of a beam, then between it and the wall it is important to cut out the mounting foam using a sharp knife. If the installation is attached to plaster, it should be carefully tapped with a hammer.
  6. Next, we remove the entire frame from the door and disassemble it in a horizontal position.

Removing the door leaf and frame requires attention to detail. However, there are situations where an extension is screwed to the box. It is recommended to remove it separately so that the product does not damage the entire structure.

It is important to know! The door frame is not always installed and secured with foam or plaster. In other situations, dismantling the doorway is carried out using a nail puller. However, this method is intended for full analysis design, which is not used for further use.

Dismantling old doors: “the sloppy method”

A similar option for carrying out work is carried out if door design will be thrown away. It is not necessary to keep the parts intact here. The process uses tools such as a hacksaw, an ax, a hammer, and a nail puller. The work technology has the following sequence:

  1. At the beginning, it is recommended to proceed with further actions.
  2. It is much easier to break and remove the box if you cut a vertical strip using a hacksaw. It is recommended to make cuts at an angle of 45 degrees to simplify the work.
  3. If there are thresholds in the box, they should also be cut. In a situation where the threshold is attached to the opening on top of the floor covering, it is recommended to remove the parts using a small crowbar.
  4. The cash can be easily removed with an ax and hammer. This process involves squeezing the product from the base. When the distance between the beam and the casing has become large enough, it is recommended to use a crowbar and a nail puller.

Removing the door handle

During the process of dismantling the doorway, you can separately disassemble the handle and lock, especially if the installation and mechanism are new. Professional disassembly includes the use the right tools and following step by step process. So, the list of devices:

  • a screwdriver, the type of which is determined by the type of lock mechanism, and can be used Phillips or flat;
  • a key that is intended for disassembling such parts, which can be replaced with a standard awl;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • pliers.

Removal technology door handle from canvas:

  1. Using a screwdriver, remove the screws on both sides of the hand lever.
  2. Next, the lever is unscrewed using a wrench. The product is removed from the handle along with rotating mechanism. If all parts are intact, place them in a separate place for further installation.
  3. The decorative cover of the mechanism can be removed using a flat-head screwdriver on the side where there is no key.
  4. It is important to press the stopper that appears and at the same time pull the handle to remove it from the door leaf.
  5. Lastly, all fasteners from the mechanism are unscrewed and removed from the door.

Such work should be done if it is necessary to replace the handle in the door structure, as well as in the situation of using the mechanism in the future.

Ordering work from a master

If you are not sure that you can dismantle an iron entrance or interior door, then it is recommended to contact specialized companies that work in this area. Professional workers focus on dismantling different models door structures. As a rule, the duration of dismantling is from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

If you plan to leave the doors intact, the price can range from 3,000 rubles. In case of using a sloppy method, the cost is set at 1800 rubles. The work process involves removing old dismantling depends on neat or different working method. Experienced workers should have tools with them, and upon completion of work, remove all debris and remove parts.

Dismantling the door frame and leaf can be done using “clean” and “sloppy” methods. The work process requires care to properly remove all parts and fasteners.

Installation required interior doors usually occurs during major or cosmetic repairs, but there are other cases when you just need to do similar work. This is a rather complicated process, but if you know the sequence of actions, you will have necessary tools and basic skills, then you can do everything yourself. By following the developed technology and performing all work carefully and scrupulously, you will be able to install interior doors without the help of specialists.

The main stages of replacing an interior door with a step-by-step description

An interior door can be installed only after all “wet” work has been completed in the room, that is, the walls, ceiling have been plastered, and the floor has been leveled. If you do this earlier, then because high humidity the door leaf can change its size. The subfloor must also be laid so that the height of the door can be determined.

The stores have a large selection of interior doors. They all have an attractive appearance, but the geometry of the canvas is not always good. It happens that with poorly made doors, the discrepancy in the lengths of the parallel sides can be several millimeters. This can significantly complicate the installation process, so before purchasing it is worth measuring the canvases; to do this, just take a tape measure with you.

When purchasing a door, do not be lazy and make sure that the product you have chosen is packaged and sent to you.

Interior doors are made of fiberboard, MDF, natural wood, plastic, glass

Often only the door leaf is sold without the door frame. They buy it when they want to replace old doors or have the opportunity to make the frame themselves. It is a frame U-shaped. For its manufacture, two vertical and one transverse posts are used, which are made from timber. The material can only be used dry, smooth and without black knots. The thickness of the timber used must correspond to the thickness of the purchased door leaf.

To complete the work you will need the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • screwdrivers;
  • measuring instruments;
  • perforator;
  • miter box;
  • hacksaw or circular saw;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver

To install an interior door you need a carpenter's tool

You also need to have wooden wedges, self-tapping screws and finishing nails, door hardware and foam. Interior doors on the modern construction market are presented in a wide range; they differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in the material from which they are made. Most often they are made from fiberboard, MDF or natural wood. The installation method does not depend on the material.

Wooden doors have a beautiful appearance, but they are heavy and expensive

An interior door consists not only of a leaf, but also of a frame. The material used for its manufacture determines how long such a structure will last and how reliable and durable it will be.

A box made of laminated wood will last a long time and look beautiful, but only if high-quality lamination is used

For final design, you also need to have additional elements and trims, the purchase of which is recommended after the door has been installed and you have decided on the required dimensions of such elements.

Removing an old interior door

If you dismantle the door incorrectly, you can destroy part of the wall.

Before you begin such work, you need to decide whether you will continue to use removed door and box If you install it again, dismantling must be done carefully so as not to damage the canvas and the box. In another case, the process will be faster, but the door will be damaged.

The door frame consists of two vertical posts and an upper horizontal post; in some cases there may be a threshold. To fix these parts in old houses, nails 120–150 mm long were used, the heads of which are hidden under several layers of paint, which significantly complicates the dismantling process.

The work sequence is as follows:

  1. Removing the door leaf. The door is opened, a crowbar is inserted under it, acting as a lever, the panel is lifted and removed from the hinges. The work is easier to do with an assistant. Before dismantling, it is recommended to lubricate the hinges with anti-corrosion lubricant to remove rust that prevents easy removal of the blade.

    To remove the door leaf, you need to lift it slightly

  2. Removal of platbands. Most often they are not reused, so there is no need to worry about their safety during installation. An ax blade is placed between the box and the platband, then hammered in, and then the platband is removed. The ax must be inserted in those places where the nails securing the casing are located.

    An ax or spatula will help you remove the casing.

  3. Removing the door frame. Carefully inspect the racks. Try to find locations fastening elements. Stepping back about 20 cm from the bottom nail, and if it is not visible, then saw the stand at a distance of 70–80 cm from the floor. An ax blade is inserted under it above the cut point and the stand is moved away, after which it is removed. The same actions are performed with other parts.

    If the box is secured with long nails, then in order to dismantle it, you will have to cut the posts

If you saw that door frame secured not with nails, but with screws that can be unscrewed, the dismantling process is greatly simplified. It is enough to tighten all the screws and disassemble the box without damaging it.

Video: DIY dismantling of an interior door

Preparing a doorway for installing an interior door

The next step is preparation doorway to install a new door. It must match the dimensions of the structure being installed. Standard height maybe 190–200 cm, width 60–80 cm. In order to install the door correctly, the width of the opening should be 5–8 cm larger and the height by 3–4 cm.

The doorway should be slightly wider and higher than the frame of the door being installed

When preparing a doorway, you must adhere to the following rules:

During runtime preparatory work A lot of dust is generated, and if the door is installed in a living room, then all things and furniture must be well covered.

Sometimes situations arise when in order to install a new interior door it is necessary to narrow or widen the opening. In most old houses, the thickness of the doorway is 75 mm; this parameter should be taken into account when choosing new design. If the thickness of the box does not match the thickness of the doorway, you will have to use extensions.

If the door frame is smaller than the width of the wall, then it is necessary to install extensions

We must remember that expanding or reducing the size of a doorway requires not only additional time and effort, but also money. Before purchasing a new door, you need to correctly determine the size of the opening in the wall. This is done in at least three places to select the correct box parameters.

When dismantling the box, even if you carried out all the work carefully, the finishing may still fall off in some places. Identified defects are eliminated before installing the box gypsum plaster. It is easy to work with, and it hardens very quickly.

To level the doorway, it is plastered

The opening is enlarged using a hammer drill and a grinder. When reducing it, the order of work will depend on the size to which it needs to be done. If it is 10 cm, then you can do brickwork. For smaller sizes, it is recommended to make a box from a metal corner, after which the remaining space is filled with mortar. You can also reduce the opening using a structure made of metal profiles or wooden beams, which is covered with plasterboard.

To decrease doorway, are used wooden beams or frame from metal profiles which are covered with plasterboard

Installing a new interior door

If you decide to install an interior door yourself, then you need to start work by attaching the hinges. They can be universal, left- or right-handed. There are standards for installing these parts, according to which there should be 20 cm from the hinge to the lower and upper edges of the leaf. Usually the manufacturer already makes recesses in the doors.

The hinges are securely fixed to the frame and door leaf

If they are not there, then you need to mark the places for installing the hinges, and then using a chisel or milling cutter you need to make indentations of 2.2–2.7 mm. After this, the parts are installed in their places. Holding them with your hand, make holes for the screws and fix the hinges. The parts are installed on the door frame in the same way.

After purchase standard door still measure its width and height, as there may be deviations of up to 2–4 mm, and this affects the correct installation.

The box is assembled in the following sequence:

  1. Preparing a flat surface. It could be a floor or two tables. After laying the canvas, side posts are applied to it, and then the top bar is fixed with self-tapping screws. You must first drill holes whose diameter is 25% smaller than the diameter of the self-tapping screw. For fixation top bar two screws are used on each side.

    The doors are placed on flat surface, after which the elements of the door frame are attached to them and the frame is connected

  2. Sawing vertical racks. They are made with a small factory stock, so after fitting you need to make an adjustment to the size of the door. To do the job accurately, it is better to use a hand saw.

    The excess part of the vertical posts is sawed off along the length of the blade

  3. Installing the box in the opening. The U-shaped door frame is installed in place and leveled using a level. Remove the end decorative strip on the left and right posts and make holes every 25–30 cm. Dowels are inserted into them, and then the box is fixed. In order not to deform it, wooden wedges are installed between it and the wall and the correct installation is checked again.

    After connecting the door frame parts, it is installed in the opening and fixed using self-tapping screws

  4. Installing the door on hinges. To do this, check how easily the doors open and close; this should happen easily. There should be a gap of about 3 mm between the canvas and the box.

    After installing the frame and checking the correctness of its installation, you can hang the door leaf on the hinges

  5. Filling seams. The gap that remains between the wall and the box is sealed polyurethane foam. It is important that there is not too much of it, since during expansion it can damage the box, so fill the gap by about a third. Sealing the vertical seam starts from the bottom.

    The gap needs to be filled only two-thirds with foam.

Video: installation of an interior door

Finishing the doorway after installation

There are several ways to finish a doorway.

The use of platbands is the most simple option, it is convenient when the width of the wall and the door frame are the same. In this case, it is enough to nail or glue platbands of the appropriate sizes to the box. With their help you will hide the gap between the wall and the box. The sequence of installation of platbands will be as follows:

  1. Measure the required length of the casing. After determining the parameters, this part is cut off. Please note that it must be secured at a distance of 1 cm from the hinge, otherwise a creaking noise will be heard when using the door.

    The edges of the platbands are cut at an angle of 45°; it is easier to do this using a miter box

  2. Fastening platbands. All that remains is to attach them to the door frame and secure them with glue, self-tapping screws or finishing nails.

If the width of the doorway larger size doors, then you can finish it with plaster and paint. To simplify the application of the composition, it is recommended to install beacons. After leveling the plaster, it can be painted. There is a simpler method - after plastering, a sheet of drywall of the required size is fixed, which will allow you to obtain a flat surface.

After plastering and leveling the doorway, it can be painted

Usage decorative stone It is suitable for openings without doors, but can also be used if there are doors.

The doorway can be finished with decorative stone

Plastic or MDF panels are also popular. For their installation, a frame is created from a metal profile. After that, it is sheathed with MDF or plastic panels. This material has good heat and sound insulation characteristics, it is durable and easy to paint. Plastic panels They are light in weight, not afraid of moisture and are inexpensive.

MDF panels are often used to finish the doorway

Video: installation of interior door trims

By installing interior doors with your own hands, you can completely transform your apartment and at the same time save money on paying for the work of specialists. If you have everything necessary elements and skills, then following the rules and following the recommendations of professionals, you will be able to correctly install the frame and door leaf. If a door made of fiberboard is installed, then you can handle it yourself, since its weight is light. When installing products made from MDF or solid wood, you will have to invite helpers, since you won’t be able to cope with the large weight of the structure yourself.

When performing renovations in an apartment, quite often the question arises of how to dismantle old doors. The technology for carrying out the work directly depends on the type of doors that will be dismantled. We will consider further how to dismantle old doors and install new ones.

Door classification: description, characteristics

Doors not only protect the room from outside intrusion, but also perform an aesthetic function. Entrance doors greet guests and create the overall impression of the apartment. Interior doors divide space into separate rooms.

Exists a large number of doors, which are divided into groups based on certain principles. In relation to the material from which the doors are made, they are:

1. Wooden - the most popular option. These doors come in a variety of patterns and textures. Doors made of wood are environmentally friendly, lightweight, but at the same time durable. In pricing policy wooden doors suitable for almost everyone, since there are cheaper types of wood, such as pine, larch, and more expensive ones - oak, beech. Wood is easy to process, so doors of various shapes can be made from it. By painting them in the desired color, you can make doors that suit any interior style.

2. Aluminum - they are distinguished primarily by their resistance to aggressive environments and long term operation. Among the main characteristics aluminum door We also note fire resistance, good soundproofing and thermal insulation characteristics.

Also, doors made of aluminum are resistant to corrosion, are lightweight compared to metal ones, they resist burglary well, which is why they are most often used as an entrance door.

Among the disadvantages of such doors, we note their high cost and tendency to corrosion if the aluminum comes into contact with other types of metals and moisture.

3. Metal - the most reliable. There are a large number of steel doors available, varying in color and design. To treat doors, special compounds are used that prevent the development of corrosion. Among the positive properties of such doors we note:

  • soundproofing characteristics;
  • high level of protection;
  • protection from cold and frost.

4. Glass - used if it is necessary to visually increase the space in the room. They are not susceptible to moisture or temperature changes. By using special processing they create very beautiful patterns on the glass that make the doors unique. Their glass doors have high sound permeability, are quite heavy and are expensive.

5. Veneered - cheaper than wood. However, such doors are more susceptible to moisture and are easily deformed under its influence. Therefore, installing them in the kitchen or bathroom is impossible.

6. Laminated - such doors are more resistant to moisture, as they have laminated protection on their surface. It is possible to decorate such doors to match any type of wood or any color. Another type of laminated doors is laminated doors. They are more wear-resistant than laminated ones and cheaper.

7. Mesonite-type doors - fine-grained wood is used for their manufacture. This door They are characterized by relative strength and durability. For their finishing, laminated or veneer coating is used.

8. Doors made of plastic - inexpensive, easy to maintain, imitate different textures and colors well, and can have unique design. However, such doors are very light and unstable to mechanical damage.

9. A combined door contains several materials from which it is made. The most popular option is a combination of wood and glass. Metal and glass, veneer and glass, wood and metal, etc. can also be joined together.

Depending on the method of opening the door, they are:

  • swing - opening in one or two directions;
  • sliding - installed to save space in the room;
  • folding - consist of several sections, installed exclusively indoors;
  • swinging - open in both directions, especially relevant in a house with pets.

In relation to the number of panels that make up the door, they are:

  • one-;
  • two-;
  • one and a half;
  • three-field.

In relation to the filling of the door panels, doors are divided into solid and non-blind. Glazed doors are often installed on balconies and indoors. They transmit light from one room to another.

In relation to the internal filling, doors are:

  • massive - exclusively a solid piece of wood is used for their manufacture, this option the doors are impressively heavy and have high strength;
  • panel - such a door has a honeycomb filling; to fill the door panels in such a door, for example, slats, veneer, plywood, and shavings are used;
  • paneled - characterized by the presence of rectangular, round, rectangular recesses;
  • smooth - characterized by an absolutely smooth surface.

Technology and features of door dismantling

There are two ways to dismantle door frames in an apartment. The first of them involves careful execution of the work followed by the use of the dismantled door. The second method involves accelerated dismantling of the door without further use.

Compliance with door dismantling technology to ensure ease of implementation installation work for installing a new door. In the process of work you will need the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • hacksaw for working with wood;
  • devices in the form of a crowbar and a nail puller.

If the door is to be used again, you will also need a wide chisel, pliers, a sharp utility knife, a screwdriver and a screwdriver.

Initially, the order of work looks like this:

  • tool preparation;
  • removing the door leaf;
  • dismantling of platbands;
  • removing the door frame.

Dismantling interior doors should be carried out with extreme care, especially if the room is residential. To perform dismantling old door, follow the instructions below:

1. Initially, remove the door leaf. If there are detachable or card loops, this process goes very quickly. If the door is fixed using universal hinges, then you must first unscrew the screws.

2. Next, you should get rid of cash. To do this, you need to remove the decorative plugs and unscrew the screws. If the casher is fixed using nails, then you need to tap it with a hammer so that the nails come out.

3. The next stage is dismantling the door frame. Initially, find a place to fix the box in the wall. Quite often they are located near the loop or lock connection. Using a screwdriver, unscrew the fasteners that secure the door frame. If you don't have a screwdriver, you can use a Phillips screwdriver.

Advice: if, during the process of dismantling the old door, difficulties arise with pulling out the fasteners, then it is enough to saw them off using a grinder, but in this case, you need to wear glasses and gloves.

If there is foam between the opening and the door frame, it is cut out with a utility knife. This will make the dismantling process easier. To remove plaster from a doorway, use a hammer.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the second method of dismantling the door. To complete it you will need:

  • hammer;
  • ax;
  • hacksaws;
  • crowbar and nail puller.

To remove the door frame, just cut it down the center. To do this, use a hacksaw. To make removing the frame easier, saw it at a forty-five degree angle.

Installing and dismantling doors is a very complex process, which must be carried out strictly following the technology, otherwise problems may arise with the destruction of the doorway.

Dismantling and installation of interior doors is carried out according to this principle. If there is a doorway made of steel profile, to strengthen it, wooden beams are used, which are installed inside the profile before fixing the box.

Before installing a new door, it is necessary to complete the floor finishing work. Because in the end you can make a mistake with the height of the threshold and it will be inconvenient. Optimal value The gap between the box and the wall is 20 mm. When assembling the door frame, try to connect all the parts together while maintaining an angle of forty-five degrees.

How to dismantle a metal door

All dismantling work iron door start with removing the door panels. To do this, you should inspect the door hinges and disassemble them in relation to their type. If the hinges are removable, then just open the door wide and lift it.

If the door is equipped with non-demountable hinges, then it is enough to unscrew the screws with which they are screwed to the frame. If the door frame is made of metal, then its dismantling becomes more difficult compared to ordinary wooden doors.

Initially, you should pull out and unscrew all the fasteners on the door. Next comes the process of dismantling the canvases and the box. For these purposes, a grinder is useful, which is used to saw the racks and remove the fasteners.

After dismantling the front door, it is installed. Entrance door installed in the opening so that it is on the same level with outer wall. Fastening elements are fixed in the wall using specially installed plates having small holes.

Anchor bolts with a length of about 12-15 mm are used as fasteners. It is possible to replace them with steel rods, scraps of reinforcement or other metal elements. They are riveted or welded onto steel box by using welding machine. To perform welding, there must be an installation gap of 1.5-2 cm.

Second installation option metal door implies its installation deep into the doorway. To do this, the minimum thickness of the wall into which the door is installed should be about 15 cm. In this case, the frame is fixed using metal wire or anchor bolts. With absence mounting holes on the surface of the door frame, build them yourself using the door and nozzles for working with metal. In this case, the technological gap is from 0.5 to 1.5 cm. After determining the best way fixing the door frame, the process of its installation follows. For these purposes, you will need plastic or wooden wedges 2-3 mm thicker than the technological gap. They allow you to install the box correctly and evenly.

Next, a stand is installed on which the hinges are mounted. Make sure it is installed evenly. The stand is fixed using self-tapping screws, the holes for which are also made independently. After lubricating the hinges, the door leaf is installed. Metal balls are installed inside the hinge, on which the door leaf is hung. Next, the fittings are installed. After this, the lock post is aligned and the door is closed so that there is a gap of no more than two millimeters between it and the door leaf. The lock post is secured with bolts or pins. The box is covered with masking tape, and the opening is moistened with a spray bottle.

Install a container containing mounting foam into the container and treat the surface of the doorway in such a way as to get rid of technological gaps. After the foam has completely dried, get rid of excess and protruding parts. Next, the trim is installed and the door is checked for functionality.

Door dismantling video:

During repairs, when replacing doors, the frame is dismantled. The actions depend on the installed structure. If you need to keep the block intact, all work is done carefully. When the old door and frame are thrown away, completely different methods are used. Dismantling is not considered a simple job. To get a smooth opening for the new door frame, the old structure must be removed correctly.

Removing door frames

List of tools

If you need to change door block without carrying out repairs, dismantling is carried out while maintaining the integrity of the wall finishing. The set of tools for the job depends on the method of removing the box and canvas. If you only need to replace the box, but plan to leave the panel with fittings and trim, then select devices that will allow you to perform all the actions without destruction.

To remove the box without damage, you must follow a certain technology. The first step is to prepare the following tools:

  • axe;
  • nail puller;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw

Features of dismantling the door block

Many people think that they should delete old box the door is simple - just pick out the jamb from the wall, although in practice everything is more complicated. If dismantling is carried out incorrectly, there is a risk of damaging the frame or wall.

Quick method removing box

This situation often arises in Soviet-built premises, where gypsum slabs were used in the construction of walls. Old canvases have gone through many paintings over the course of their use and have become heavier and thicker. The paint has long hidden the places of the nails; we can only guess where they are. So, often a block of wood was placed between the wall and the frame, which was selected so that the racks were perpendicular to the floor. Large nails were driven in: two in the posts and in top bar. If the door block has not been changed for 30 years, then the fasteners have time to rust, and the structure cannot be easily removed. Use a pry bar, a nail puller, or a hacksaw.

Methods for dismantling a wooden box

Any door structure consists of pillars, a crossbar, a threshold at the bottom and a leaf. Apartment owners are wondering how to dismantle the box so that they can later use it, for example, at the dacha. To maintain integrity, they approach work creatively. For a box that goes to a landfill, a quick dismantling option is chosen. For those products that are still supposed to be used - neat, gentle. Regardless of the chosen method, replacing the door frame is carried out carefully, otherwise you will have to spend money on puttying and plastering.

Important! The door frame is optionally installed using foam and plaster. Therefore, in other cases, a nail puller is used if the structure will not be used after disassembly.

Technology for dismantling an old door block, where large nails were used for fastening

Using a crowbar to remove the sash
  • Doors are dismantled by sliding a crowbar under the door to make a lever. By pressing on the crowbar, the door leaf is slightly opened and closed when the structure is lifted.

It is better to do this work together, as the doors can be heavy. If the awnings are not responding, they may be rusty. Then an anti-corrosion lubricant is applied to them, removing rust instantly. After waiting five minutes, they again carry out manipulations to remove the canvas. Movements are made when the sash is fully open, or when it rests against the crossbar on top, located horizontally.

  • After removing the door leaf, they begin to remove the trim. If they are in poor condition, with a lot of layers paint and varnish materials, then you don’t need to worry about their safety. For dismantling, the tip of the ax is placed between the frame and the casing.

If no traces of nails are visible, then the ax is applied at any point. It is held in one hand, and in the second they take a hammer and hammer in an ax, disconnecting the platband from the box. In the resulting gap you can see nails; an ax is brought to them one by one and the casing is pushed away. As a result, the entire part will separate from the box. The integrity of the casing is guaranteed by a careful method in which it is pressed until the fasteners appear. The ax is pushed further, squeezing out the casing.

  • Similar actions are performed with the platband on the other side. Most often, they break when removed, but purchasing new, aesthetic ones is not a problem, because the old ones are usually already damaged by many years of layers of paint.
  • After removing the trim, the door frame opens. Before tearing it out of the wall, you need to see if there are leveling beams there, to which the box is nailed with 150 mm nails. If the lower point of the fasteners is visible, then 200 mm are retreated upward from this point, and if the fasteners are not visible, about 800 mm, and the rack is sawed off.

Box after removing the casing
  • Above the cut, insert the tip of an ax between the opening and the stand, moving the latter away from the wall with a sharp movement. Pull the nail out of the wall and remove the stud. The same is done with the second part and the crossbar at the top. After removing the first rack, it is easier to dismantle the remaining ones.

Dismantling a box held together with screws

Removing the box, which is held together with screws, is not difficult.

  1. The platbands are removed: the tip of an ax is inserted between the platband and the box, and the ax is hammered in with a hammer until a gap appears. It is hammered deeper until each platband fastener comes away from the box.
  2. Having freed the product from the platbands on all sides, you need to find the places where the product is attached to the opening. They look for fasteners in the hinges and pretend lock. They may be under plugs.
  3. The fasteners are carefully unscrewed with a screwdriver at low speed. A screwdriver will also work. If you can’t unscrew it, cut it off with a grinder.
  4. To carefully remove the box, use a sharp knife to cut out the foam between it and the wall. If the structure is attached to the plaster coating, then it is carefully tapped with a hammer.
  5. The whole box is removed from the opening and disassembled horizontally.
The box is removed from the opening

Quick, messy removal method

Attention! Dismantling activities are carried out carefully, even if the dismantled structure is thrown away, because an entire wall is needed to install a new door.

If the design will not be used in the future, then use quick way door replacement:

  1. Remove the door leaf using a crowbar, placing it under the door and using it as a lever.
  2. Since the box does not need to be disassembled, it is easier to break it. To do this, make a cut in the central part of the rack.
  3. Next, use a hacksaw to make a cut at an angle of 45 degrees.
  4. If there is a threshold, then it is also sawn through the center.
  5. The box threshold, fixed above the floor surface, is removed using a crowbar.
  6. The platband is quickly dismantled: the edge of an ax is inserted between it and the frame, the handle is pulled back until gaps appear in order to work as a nail puller.

Removing the door frame is easy. The main thing is to carry out the actions measuredly and carefully, so as not to spoil the opening in the wall - it will be useful for installing a new door. The new door block will delight you with its appearance for many years.

Removing the door frame:

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Any major renovation An apartment or house often involves replacing old, worn-out interior doors with new ones. This stage of repair, first of all, involves dismantling the old door, which can be done independently. Such a procedure can save some money that would have to be paid to specialists. However, dismantling the old interior door must be done very carefully so as not to damage the doorway in the wall and it would be possible to install new doors without much difficulty.

Many people mistakenly believe that dismantling an interior door is a simple matter and will not be difficult, however, this is not entirely true. In the process of dismantling an old door, you can make a lot of mistakes that will only come to light at the stage of installing a new door. When removing an old door, it is very easy to damage the doorway, which is why a new door, the dimensions of which were taken using the old doorway, simply may not fit. In such a situation, the doorway will have to be adjusted to fit the new doors. If you remove the old doors correctly, you won’t have to adjust anything. Small flaws and mistakes can be easily corrected with polyurethane foam and platbands.

What determines the difficulty of dismantling a door?
The complexity of dismantling work mainly depends on the materials from which the door is made. If you need to remove plastic or wooden doors, you may need to have some tools, and during the work you will need to adhere to special technologies for carrying out such work. To remove wooden doors from a doorway you will need at least a chisel and an ax, and to remove plastic door- a set of screwdrivers and pliers. One way or another, one condition is inherent in both cases: the door must be dismantled in such a way that the installation of a new door frame would require minimal amount modifications and adjustments. Therefore, it is necessary to dismantle the doors carefully and carefully.

In what cases may it be necessary to dismantle the door?
Of course, interior doors have their own resource, which does not always coincide with the general renovation of the apartment. Interior doors may fail before major repairs are required. In these cases, dismantling the interior door can be completely carried out separately from the repair. Moreover, careful work after installing a new door will be practically unnoticeable. In such cases, it is best to entrust the dismantling and installation of a new door to specialists. They have the necessary knowledge, experience and tools that will allow them to carry out all the work quickly, accurately and efficiently.

Do-it-yourself dismantling of an interior door
If you decide to remove the old doors yourself, you will need to take into account some nuances. First of all, you need to remove the door leaf. To do this: open the doors completely and lift the door leaf, which is removed from the hinges. If the doors are too heavy, you can use a pry bar. It will need to be placed under open door and press to lift the door leaf. If with door leaf everything is easy and simple, then dismantling the door frame will force you to get dirty and work more seriously.

First, you will need to do some preparatory work:

  • Clear the space around the door frame from furniture and other objects that may interfere with the work process
  • To avoid dust on furniture, especially soft ones, cover it with polyethylene.
  • So as not to damage flooring(parquet, laminate, etc.) it is advisable to cover the floors with the same polyethylene or fabric
  • Wear work clothes or clothes that you don't mind getting dirty

Next, using a hammer and chisel, you need to remove the platbands. After this step we will understand how the frame is installed in the doorway. In older houses, the door frame is usually pressed tightly against the sides of the doorway, and vertical bars the boxes are nailed to the bars installed in the masonry of the wall.

If the door frame is made in the form of a solid structure with a threshold, dismantling will need to begin with cutting the threshold. Pay attention to the fastening elements of the door - if self-tapping screws were used, use a screwdriver to carefully unscrew them, which will make it easy and effortless to pull the door frame out of the opening. If the box is nailed down, try to remove them with a nail puller.

However, if you do not need to save the old door frame, you can simply cut it in several places and remove it in parts. In many cases, this approach allows you to quickly and easily dismantle the door frame, and the doorway is practically not damaged.

Please note that before you try to remove the door frame from the opening, make sure that you have completely freed it from fasteners - nails, screws, etc. Only then can the box be removed.

These instructions are given as an example for a general understanding of the door dismantling process. Experienced craftsmen they know: in each case, dismantling a door contains some nuances that are completely different from others, which are simply impossible to take into account in advance. That is why, if you have the desire and opportunity, this work It's best to leave it to the experts.