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How to save a peach falling green leaves. Treatment of diseases and pest control of peach. Chemical methods of protection

Peach diseases can cause significant damage to the crop, and in some especially unfavorable years, completely destroy it and even cause the death of plants.

In this article, we will look at the most dangerous and common peach diseases and how to prevent and treat them.

So, main peach diseases: clasterosporiosis, powdery mildew, leaf curl, fruit rot, stone fruit moniliosis.

Clasterosporiasis (perforated spotting) - a fungal disease of peach, one of the most common.

Pathogen: fungus imperfect Cacterosporium sagpophilum (Lev) Lind, which forms a mycelium in plant tissues, causing their death. Dispersion of spores is most active in rainy and windy weather.

Signs of the disease:
All terrestrial organs of the plant are affected by klesterosporiosis: shoots, leaves, flowers, fruits. The main signs are light brown spots on the leaves with a reddish-brown border. The tissues affected by the disease die off, dry up and fall out, and holes form in their place (hence the second name of the disease - perforated spotting). On shoots, perforated spotting appears as rounded orange spots, which eventually elongate, after which cracks and wounds form, and yellow gum is released from them. Affected shoots and branches die off and dry out. . Peach fruits develop spots of reddish or orange color, which increase over time and take the form of swellings Brown. Fruits can be covered with a continuous crust with numerous cracks. Affected generative buds of the plant die.

Klyasterosporioz peach photo

Protection methods:

Growing resistant varieties. Carrying out pruning of all diseased shoots before flowering. All pruned shoots must be burned, and the cut points must be disinfected with a Bordeaux mixture solution.

the first treatment is carried out during the swelling of the kidneys with copper chloride. Subsequent treatments are carried out before flowering and at the end of flowering with Horus, 75% WG or Topsin M 70%.

powdery mildew - one of the most dangerous and widespread fungal diseases of stone fruits, including peach.

Pathogen: marsupial fungus Sphaerothecapannosa (Wallr.) Lev, which hibernates on affected shoots. A vein on the overwintered shoots forms conidia, which cause infection of young shoots.

Signs of illness:

The formation of white plaque on the fruits, leaves and shoots of the current year of vegetation. It affects mainly the lower part of the leaves. Affected shoots are deformed and stunted. The most favorable conditions for the development of the disease: dry and hot weather after precipitation.

Powdery mildew peach photo

Protection methods:

autumn or early spring pruning of affected shoots and their destruction. Collection and burning of old leaves. Processing chemicals Topaz or Topsin M is carried out at the end of flowering. At the same time, it is possible to carry out treatment from various pests (aphids, weevils, etc.), if the preparations are compatible.

leaf curl - a very harmful and widespread fungal disease of peach.

Pathogen: marsupial fungus Taphrinadeformans (Berk.) Tui. Optimal conditions for the development of the disease - a protracted and damp spring with an air temperature of 8-10 degrees.

Signs of the disease:

Leaves and shoots are affected in the growing season itself: young leaves already have signs: reddish or amber color and uneven surface. In the future, on the lower part of the sheet is formed white coating, such leaves turn brown and fall off. The fruits that develop on the affected shoots fall off.

Peach leaf curl photo

Protection methods:

Grow curl-resistant varieties. Leaves and shoots affected by curl should be removed and burned before sporulation.

Chemical Methods protection:

in autumn, after leaf fall, spray with copper-containing preparations. In the spring, carry out two sprayings: the first spraying is carried out in the "spreading of the scales" phase with copper-containing preparations, and the second - in the "single appearance of a pink cone" phase in flower buds with Horus, Skor preparations with the addition of Delan.

Stone fruit moniliosis - fungal stone disease.

Pathogen: marsupial stage of the fungus Moniliacinerea Bonord. The main carriers: geese, bukarki, weevils, codling moths.

Signs of the disease:

In the spring course of the disease, drying and browning of leaves, flowers, and young shoots is characteristic. Infection of the fetus can occur from a sick person to a healthy one. Therefore, it is advisable to thin out the ovaries. The lesion on the fruit begins with the appearance of a dark spot, which grows and affects the entire fruit. The flesh of such a fruit acquires a brown tint. Then the fruits shrivel and dry out.

Protection methods:

Timely pruning of trees, removal of damaged fruits and shoots.

Chemical methods of protection:

The first treatment of plants is carried out in the "pink bud" phase with the Chorus preparation, the second - after flowering with the Topaz preparation, the third - when the eastern codling moth is damaged by the Topsin preparation.

General conclusions:

So, to prevent infection with fungal diseases, resistant varieties should be grown, timely pruning and removal of affected plants should be carried out. Also, it is recommended to spray twice a year with copper-containing preparations (Bordeaux mixture, etc.): in the fall after the foliage has fallen and in the spring, when the buds have not yet blossomed. The following fungicides have proven themselves well: Skor (which has both preventive and therapeutic effect), Horus, from biological products - Trichodermin and Phytodoctor.

The peach is a delicacy fruit, but first you need to work hard to get it. good harvest. Peach diseases and pests keep the gardener in suspense throughout the growing season. Peaches grown far from their native countries with a warm climate are prone to many diseases. Let's talk about the most common tree ailments and about protection measures.

What diseases affect peach

All fruit crops are affected by one complex of diseases, but each species is predisposed to some of them. And just like the plum with moniliosis, the peach is affected by curliness, more often than other diseases.

Other expected peach diseases:

  • fruit rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • clasterosporiosis;
  • moniliosis.

The complex of year-round is aimed at the prevention of diseases, the destruction of pests and the increase in tree productivity. If you maintain the agronomic calendar, you can prevent an outbreak of the disease even in an unfavorable summer. Look at the photo: peach diseases and their treatment, requires strong drugs and protective clothing for the worker.

Klyasterosporiosis or leaf perforation refers to fungal diseases. At the moment of the beginning of development, as if punctures are formed on the leaves, then purple spots appear, the tissue in the circle disappears and a perforated leaf is obtained. At the same time, spores spread to the entire ground part of the plant. Sometimes the same signs on the leaves give an overdose of copper-containing fungicides. If it is peach fungus disease, it will progress rapidly.

When the disease appeared folk remedies she can't be defeated. It is necessary to apply fungicides, such as Skor, Crystalon or Delan, in a double dose, if guided by the instructions.

can spoil the development of peach on the coast of the Black and Azov Seas. For the middle lane, this disease is typical for melons and berries. At first, the leaves of the tree stand as if sprinkled with flour. Later, the leaf is deformed, the shoots become thinner. The taste of the fruit changes. Fighting powdery mildew goes with the help of Topaz, fresh mullein mash, cutting of infected shoots. Colloidal sulfur is effective against powdery mildew.

Compliance with growing technology, prevention of peach diseases and the fight against them, as in the photo, will keep the garden healthy.

Leaf curl disease is the most dangerous

Overwintered spores of the fungus germinate into shoots and leaves. in early spring, having overwintered on the plant remains of the previous year. The causative agent of leaf curl disease is introduced into the leaf. The first sign is the formation of red bubbles on the leaf blade. But if the leaves have already hung on the tree for 2 weeks, the disease is powerless.

The fungus is introduced into the plate 5-8 days old. The leaves are destroyed, and together with mature spores fall to the ground. Young branches of fresh or annual growth and their wood are damaged. The buds of this year are deformed, there will be no harvest next season.

How to treat peach leaf curl disease? Immediately! As soon as they saw the first signs - young leaves, still green, began to swell, it is immediately necessary to apply copper-containing fungicides at the recommended dose. In this case, it is necessary to immediately begin sanitary pruning, scrapping, pinching sheets, until the disease has captured the entire crown.

Experts and practitioners say that among peach varieties, some are more resistant to leaf curl:

  • Redhaveng;
  • In memory of Rodionov;
  • Bagrinovsky;
  • Morettini;
  • Simferopol early.

How can you deal with peach leaf curl with folk remedies? In the eradication of the disease, the main thing is speed. There are not many effective drugs. If the disease was detected at the beginning, you need to manually remove the leaves, cut off the branches on which they were attached, and be sure to burn.

Pollinate the tree with a mixture of sulfur powder and fluffy lime, spray with 1% colloidal sulfur, but only on a hot day so that the temperature is above 25 degrees. You can use Biostat. For the second treatment, prepare a 3-day infusion of tobacco dust. Can be sprayed with a mixture of slaked lime and clay slurry, applying it to the leaves after each rain wash or shedding. Practitioners warn that if fresh galls appear, you need to switch to fungicides.

Preventive methods of dealing with peach curl begin in the fall. It is during this period that it is necessary to clean the garden from winter tenants. As soon as the air temperature has dropped to 10-5 degrees, it is time for prevention:

  1. Inspection and sanitization trunk, broken branches.
  2. Free the trunk circle from all residues, burn leaves and branches, loosen the soil or lay fresh manure over the entire area, without digging, let there be a crust. This is a 3 year feed.
  3. In the spring, treat the buds with a copper fungicide, and then prune. After treatment with Topsin M, but before the leaves appear.

Spray young leaves with Champion. In the future, if swelling appears, 10% mullein infusion will cope with them. A neglected garden will be free from diseases within 2-3 years.

This is the answer to the question of how to treat a peach from leaf curl. The scheme is applied in private gardens in Ukraine. Systemic treatments allow you to get rid of the main fungal diseases even in warm rainy years.

The basic principles of disease control are the ability to grow a healthy strong tree. Then it itself will resist diseases and pests. To do this, you need to find a light slope, with a barrier from the northern faith. Peach does not tolerate any shading. He loves fertile soil, regular watering and deep standing. ground water. If there is growth in winter, the tree will wake up. The roots will withstand the winter cold of +25 degrees for 3-4 days, and 35-38 degrees for several hours. Whitewashing trunks and manure in trunk circle help reduce the risk of frostbite.

Selection of drugs against peach curl - video


To avoid peach disease, constantly inspect the tree, use preventive methods to combat major fungal pathogens and pests. If everything is done on time and correctly, then you can save the peach from death and enjoy a juicy harvest. You should be attentive to all parts of the tree, especially to the trunk.

If brown blotches with a dark red or raspberry border appear on peach leaves, which eventually fall out and form holes, then your tree has been attacked by a fungal disease - clasterosporiasis. In the case of growth, the inclusions merge and form one large spot, which also falls out, leaving behind a vast hole. In addition to the leaves, the fungus affects the buds, flowers and ovaries. The process of their defeat is the same. Infected tissues gradually die, dry up and fall out.

Holes in peach leaves

The fungus feels especially comfortable in damp rainy weather, perfectly hibernates on healthy organs of the tree, forming sporulation. To protect the trees from this peach disease, in the spring, even before the first buds begin to bloom, we carry out. We treat the places of cuts with a thick solution of lime and 1% solution of copper sulphate. When the first signs of the disease are found, we spray the leaves with 3% Bordeaux liquid before bud break and after flowering. If kleasterosporiosis struck a peach during flowering, then we reduce the concentration of the drug to 1% so as not to burn the leaves and flowers.

After the leaves bloom in the spring, you can notice their deformation. Some leaf plates are not sufficiently formed, others have not yet had time to acquire a saturated green tint, and some even twisted, became wavy, brittle, lost elasticity. If the last leaf variant is present on your peach tree, this is fungal disease known as curlyness. Leaf plates affected by the fungus acquire a yellowish-red or light green tint. They soon dry out and fall off. As a result, the tree can completely shed its foliage and be left with bare branches. It ceases to fully produce nutrients and discards fruits that have not yet had time to form.

Signs of leaf curl

In addition to the lack of harvest, peach trees affected by curly lag behind in development from other horticultural crops, becoming less resistant to winter frosts. good condition for reproduction of the causative agent of this stone disease is rainy damp weather. The fungus is activated during the spring growing season, appearing first as a purple bloom with a border, and after a week forming growths with reverse side sheet plate in the form of a gray plaque. We treat trees for leaf curl as follows. First, we remove and burn the affected leaves and shoots, and then we treat them with copper-containing preparations, such as Skor, Horus, copper oxychloride, Hom, Oksikh.

During the flowering period, brown flowers may appear on the tree, which darken and dry completely. This alarming sign can signal the infection of trees with moniliosis, as a result of which the ovaries are not able to develop, and the already formed fruits are deformed and rot. The fungus is carried by pests of stone fruit crops, such as oriental codling moths, weevils, geese, as well as during pollination by bees from a diseased tree to a healthy one.

Fetus affected by moniliosis

The rapid spread of the fungus is facilitated by wet, cool weather. In a short time, both young annuals and those that have formed mature shoots die. As a prevention of infection, the tree is regularly rejuvenated by pruning dry and damaged branches, as well as removing rotten and unset fruits. And to cure peach trees, spray them with fungicides. The first time before flowering with the preparation Horus, the second - after the start of flowering Topaz and third after harvest Topsin-M, not forgetting to also use insecticides if pests have become the cause of the infection.

Why is the tree “crying” - how to prevent gum disease?

On the trunk of almost every stone fruit tree, you can see sticky protrusions that look like hardened resin. This is a gum that was formed as a result of the destruction of cells, their membranes and sugary secretions. This phenomenon is called gum disease. It can be caused by various external factors ranging from improper agricultural practices to unfavorable environmental conditions.

Peach gum disease

Among the most common causes, there is an excess of moisture, a sharp temperature drop, a glut of nitrogenous fertilizers, mechanical damage tree bark, infections against the background of other fungal and bacterial diseases (clasterosporiasis, moniliosis, bacterial cancer). As a result, cracks and burns appear on the peach trunk in the form of open wounds filled with gum. It is impossible to leave such a tree without care. Gum treatment reduces peach immunity, quality indicators of the crop, and in advanced cases can lead to death. a large number branches and complete death of the tree.

Wound treatment is carried out as follows. Sharply remove the gum and clean the affected area, capturing 1-2 cm of living tissue. Disinfection is done with a solution of copper or iron sulphate at the rate of 3 g of the substance per 10 liters of water. Next, let the wounds dry slightly and cover them with a thin layer of garden pitch on top. To consolidate the therapeutic effect, before applying the garden pitch, wipe the cleaned places from the gum with fresh sorrel leaves, performing the procedure 2-3 times with an interval of 5-10 minutes.

There are a huge number of peach pests. A special place among them is occupied by the eastern codling moth. It is a small butterfly that likes to use this plant for food and as a favorable place for wintering. The larvae of this pest especially like to eat young shoots of a tree, and adults - unripe fruits. In the cracks of the damaged bark, they lay cocoons, continuing to eat shoots and ovaries. To cope with the invasion of the eastern codling moth, we recommend setting traps from corrugated cardboard or burlap soaked in 1% solution Chlorophos.

Eastern codling moth inside the fetus

Among insecticides, spraying with 10% Karbofos, Benzophosphate, Trichlormetafos, 25% Rovikurt has a detrimental effect on pests and their larvae.

fruity or food moth- Another dangerous enemy of the peach harvest. It is a narrow-winged butterfly of a dark gray hue. Like the eastern codling moth, it also hibernates in the cracks of the tree bark, and in the spring it crawls out of its shelter and eats young shoots along with the core. As a result, not having time to form, the branches wither and die. The larvae of these pests eat peach buds and flowers. As a preventive measure, cut and burn damaged and dry shoots, fallen fruits and leaves. As for the main methods of struggle, they are the same as in the case of the eastern codling moth.

Insect Invasion - How to deal with it?

This familiar enemy cultivated plants often affects peach trees. It's about the ashes. Colonies of these small insects damage shoots and leaves, as a result, the leaf plates are folded and deformed, and reddish spots appear at the damage sites. The greatest aphid activity is observed in July. To combat these insects, spray the tree with a solution during the growing season. Karbofos or use the verified folk method, for which dissolve the piece laundry soap in 10 liters of water. For achievement maximum effect when using the second option, leave the peach tree in soapy water for 3-4 days. During this period, the aphid colonies and their larvae should completely leave the tree, and the remaining pests can be easily collected by hand.

Significant damage to peach bark is caused by scale insects, which are easily recognizable by their hard shields, thanks to which they protect laid eggs from enemies. A mass accumulation of these pests is observed in May, when the larvae pupate and spread throughout the peach tree. By the end of July, they become adults, and the second breeding season begins. To control pests and as a preventive measure before bud break, we spray the tree with an emulsion of mineral oils, and during the growing season with a solution of Karbofos.

Especially dangerous enemies peach - weevils-flower beetles. Adults of these insects eat buds, flowers and buds, as well as young leaves from the inside. As a result, the tree loses its ability to reproduce and stops growing. In addition, they are the main carriers of fungal diseases. If insects attack the tree after the fruits have ripened, they leave numerous narrow passages in them, where they lay their eggs. Such peaches become inedible, the productivity and quality of the crop is sharply reduced. Good performance in the fight against flower beetles is given by the installation of trapping belts, whitewashing the trunk lime mortar, cleaning wounds to living tissue, disinfection and treatment of dead areas of the bark with garden pitch, pruning of darkened buds.

It has now become fashionable to have on your site exotic plants such as peach. This is quite problematic in our climatic conditions and therefore you need to know the features of growing such crops and harvest from them. In addition, for a tree to be healthy, you need to know what troubles threaten it. This will prevent disease and pest damage and get a good harvest.


To combat pests and diseases, proven drugs are used:

  • Fungicides are designed to prevent disease or stop it at an early stage.
  • Insecticides kill pests by getting inside the plant.

The use of these poisons requires certain knowledge, since non-compliance with safety precautions can cause human poisoning and death plantations. In addition, you can cause irreparable harm to the environment.

Major diseases and pests

To save peach trees and get a harvest from them, gardeners must properly care for the plantations, process them in time, and also protect them from possible diseases and pests. In addition, you need to choose varieties that are adapted to the climatic conditions of this region.

Types of diseases and their causes

All peach diseases faced by gardeners are divided into groups:

  • leaf damage;
  • trunk diseases;
  • fruit diseases.

Moreover, the disease can affect all parts of the tree, but it is more pronounced on one of its parts.

Leaf damage

Considering the diseases of the deciduous part of the peach, the following can be distinguished:

After some time, the lesions completely fall out and therefore the disease is sometimes called perforated spotting. Further, the causative agent of the disease penetrates deep into the stem and forms a mycelium there. The spores of the fungus infect the cells of the plant, which leads to its death. The disease is very stable, it withstands low temperatures and begins to progress rapidly with the advent of spring.

In addition, peach clasterosporiasis is very difficult to detect at the initial stage, as it hides in the buds of flowers and branches. It is necessary to periodically examine the plantings in order to detect alarming symptoms in time. In addition, pruning should be carried out in early spring in order to prevent and treat the disease. In this case, the slices are processed blue vitriol or lime. Treatment is carried out three times with special drugs, such as Hom.

Such a tree will not bear fruit, or they will be severely damaged. That is why shoots with such damage must be removed immediately. For prevention in the fall special treatment preparations Hom or Skor.

To prevent the spread of the disease, it is necessary to remove parts of the plant with a characteristic coating, not sparing even the fruits. Can be used for treatment drugs such as Topaz. But they can only be used after the tree has faded.

trunk diseases

Such ailments include:

Fetal diseases

These infections include the following:

The main pests and their destruction

In addition to diseases, pests can destroy peach trees, among them the most dangerous are:

General preventive measures

To prevent the occurrence of diseases and the spread of pests, it is necessary to carry out all the preventive measures prescribed in agricultural technology. So, the number of spraying trees should take place at least four times.

They are carried out according to the following schedule:

  • the first treatment should be carried out in early spring with fungicides;
  • then after the trees have faded you need to water them Bordeaux mixture;
  • during fruit set, a third treatment is carried out;
  • the last time spraying is performed after harvesting the fruits.

If you stick to the schedule, you can prevent the disease of peach trees and get excellent harvest delicious fruits. To destroy pests, in addition to chemicals, you need to clean the root soil from carrion and fallen leaves, burn cut branches and loosen the soil around the tree. This is the only way to preserve the health of peach trees and have fragrant fruits on your table.

Peaches and nectarines are rare guests in Russian gardens. These trees have gained great popularity in the southern regions, because it is there that the most suitable conditions for them reign. However, at present, varieties of peaches and nectarines have appeared, successfully growing and fruiting in the Non-Black Earth Region and middle lane. Regardless of where these stone fruits grow, both nectarine and peach are attacked by pests and diseases. If the tree does not bloom, spots appear on its leaves and fruits, or the skeleton of the plant is completely bare, it makes sense to think that it is seriously ill. With any type of infection, it is important to react in time - to determine the type of disease or pest and start fighting them with suitable methods and means.

Pests of peaches and nectarines

Peaches, along with nectarines, are affected by several types of pests. They like to eat various parts of this culture, leaf-eating, sucking and other types of insects, but record for distribution in peach orchards killed the following pests:

  • peach aphid;
  • scale insects;
  • mining moth;
  • plum codling moth;
  • oriental codling moth.

Each of these pests can cause serious damage to trees, slowing down their growth and development, as well as weakening the tree's immunity. Often, with a high density of infection by them, it is difficult to save trees from frost and disease. This is why it is important to find these insects in the crown in time and carry out regular pest control in the spring and throughout the growing season.

Peach leaf curl: control methods (video)

Signs of the presence of pests

It will be very easy to detect pests even for an inexperienced gardener. Firstly, even with their microscopic size, traces of their activity are clearly visible: the leaves curl or become covered with holes, plaque appears on the branches, the ovaries dry or grow severely deformed. In a word, each pest leaves unique traces, which can be found in the table.

Pest names Appearance Signs of its appearance on peaches and nectarines
Eastern codling moth A small (up to 15 mm long) lepidoptera insect (butterfly) with gray-brown wings and a dark body. Young individuals feed on the growth of this year, and adults feed on the seeds of unripe fruits. Pupated insects hibernate in bark cracks and under leaf litter. Young shoots begin to exude gum, crack along, wither and then die off completely. The fruits in which the oriental codling moths feed look healthy, but wormholes can be found on their surface.
peach aphid The insect is of the sucking type. Colonies of pests populate young shoots and suck out all the juices from them. The size of aphids rarely exceeds 1.5 mm. The body of the pest is painted light green At the ends of the shoots, pest colonies are visible. The leaves wrinkle, sometimes curl and dry out. Shoots completely stop growing
Shchitovka A small insect with a body length of not more than 3 mm. It looks like an aphid, but its back is covered with a hard brown or dark gray shell. The larvae of the pest feed on the juices of the plant. Wintering place - bark, or rather its folds The tops of young and last year's shoots gradually wither, become wrinkled or curled. The bark in the habitats of scale insects becomes loose and porous, which is why it is easily destroyed. The plant lags behind in growth, practically does not bear fruit on shoots inhabited by scale insects
mining moth Butterfly no larger than 4 mm. It lays eggs on the back side of the leaves, after which microscopic caterpillars emerge from them, gnawing winding passages inside the leaf plates - mines. They overwinter in cocoons under leaf litter or in cracks in the bark. The leaves are covered with a light pattern of passages gnawed by the larvae of the mining moth, lag behind in growth, turn yellow and fall off early.
plum codling moth Outwardly, it is very similar to the eastern codling moth, but has a larger size - up to 2 cm. The danger is its larvae - pink caterpillars up to 1.5 cm long. The pest hibernates in the folds of the bark, entangled in cobwebs The fruits, remaining green, begin to fall off en masse. Upon closer inspection, wormholes can be found on their surface, clogged with a brown substance.

How to deal with pests on peach and nectarine

Pest detection is the first step to saving your garden. It is important to start fighting them in a short time after that. Most effective methods at the same time, agrotechnical measures and tree processing are considered by special means. The first group of protective measures includes:

  • digging the soil in the garden in spring and autumn - helps to get rid of wintering in top layer soils of mining moths and aphids;
  • removal of leaf litter in the fall - helps to eliminate codling moths and mining moths that have settled down for the winter;
  • cleaning the bark in the fall - helps to eliminate pupated codling moths, scale insects and other pests that have chosen a trunk for wintering;
  • pruning shoots and branches in spring and summer - helps to reduce the number of all pests with too much damage to plants;
  • spraying the trunk and skeletal branches in autumn with milk of lime, which, by the way, helps save the trunk from frost;
  • installation of trapping belts on the trunk for the destruction of codling moth caterpillars in the summer.

There are many options for pest control with chemicals, however, for each type of insect, it is recommended to use insecticides appropriate for their family affiliation:

  • DNOC 40% - from peach aphids, scale insects and mites;
  • Bi-58 (48%) - from scale insects, aphids and mites after flowering;
  • Decis (2.5%) - from codling moths during the growing season;
  • Mitak (20%) - from aphids and scale insects during the growing season;
  • Zolon (35%) - from codling moths, double treatment with an interval of 1 week after flowering.

Also, to protect the garden from pests, you can settle their natural enemies in it, and when trees are infected with codling moths, use pheromone traps.

Diseases of peaches and nectarines

Peaches and nectarines are not among the hardy or disease-resistant crops, however, some diseases can significantly affect yield and general state trees. They can be affected by the same diseases as other fruit crops, however The most common infections are:

  • Moniliosis;
  • Powdery mildew;
  • Clasterosporiosis;
  • Curly virus.

These peach diseases have well-defined symptoms. If the gardener regularly cares for peaches and nectarines, it will not be difficult for him to detect signs of tree damage. It is very important immediately after the “diagnosis” to start treating your garden, because many stone fruit infections can easily pass to healthy specimens.

Disease name Signs of infection Fighting methods
Moniliosis Fungal disease that affects the leaves and fruits of peach. On plant organs first appear dark spots, which grow until they cover the entire fruit or shoot. Moniliosis can provoke the death of an entire branch or destroy the entire crown of a tree in a couple of months. First spring processing- during the opening of buds with Horus, the second - after flowering with Topaz, the third - with the formation of seeds in the fruits with Topsin
Clusterosporiasis Fungal infection that affects shoots and leaves. Reddish-brown spots with a crimson border appear on them. Then the spots dry out and fall out. On young shoots, the bark cracks, gum flows from wounds, and galls form on old branches. Treatment of trees with copper oxychloride or Meteor preparation for blooming buds. After flowering, treatment is carried out with Horus or Topsin.
leaf curl Infection that affects the shoots of the first year of growth and leaves. It manifests itself at the beginning of the growing season by a strong deformation of the shoots and leaf plates. The reason why a peach does not bear fruit may be curly, because the ovaries formed on diseased shoots fall off. Treatment of wood after leaf fall with copper chloride or Bordeaux mixture. They are treated with the same means in the spring: at the time of leaf blooming and during the period of inflorescence advancement. You can also treat peaches on a rose bud with Horus or Skor.
powdery mildew A fungal disease that affects all parts of the plant, except for the trunk and large branches (more precisely, their bark). A white coating appears on infected organs, which leads to deformation and drying of leaves and fruits. Treatment of trees with Topaz at the time of awakening of the kidneys and the advancement of inflorescences. It is also recommended to prune branches showing signs of powdery mildew in early spring to prevent an outbreak.

It is also important to pay attention to agrotechnical measures: timely pruning of damaged shoots and thinning of ovaries. You also need to fight insect pests, which are often carriers of infections.