Well      04/23/2019

Corrugated cardboard houses. How to make a beautiful cardboard house

You can build a cardboard house with your own hands, without making much effort. Designs can be different - this and Dollhouse ik, and garage or parking for toy cars. Children will be delighted to participate in joint creativity. After all, the process of making crafts in the form of a hut is fascinating.

At the same time, you can create a cozy cardboard nest that will fit a small fidget.

How to make a craft with your own hands

By taking a little time to work with children and letting your imagination run wild, you can build a lot of original designs. And how to do this, we will tell further.

New Year's hut

When making crafts, you need to focus on the schemes and patterns of cardboard houses. After you choose the most suitable option, you should transfer the markup to the workpiece. Well, then there is nothing complicated:

Cut out the details from a white sheet of paper according to the template and stick them in the prescribed sequence on cardboard. You can use glue or double-sided tape.

All cardboard parts are carefully cut out. For the arrangement of windows and doors, you should use a clerical knife.

Adhering to the traced folds, bend the workpiece and glue the structure. For strength, a primer can be applied to the house.

The hut should be painted and decorated, for example, the roof is often sprinkled with sparkles. Having attached a rope to the structure, the hut is used as a Christmas tree decoration.

Cardboard and foam house

This option is more labor intensive. But our instructions on how to make a house out of cardboard will help you quickly cope with the design.

Take a regular cardboard box. The size is selected individually. A house is being built from it - it needs to be cut the right details and glue them. After window and door openings are drawn on the structure, they should be cut out with a clerical knife.

The hut can be decorated or pasted over with colored paper. But the decoration will look more original mounting foam. It is applied in strips, leaving 3-4 mm gaps between them for swelling. The foam will dry in 30-40 minutes.

In the meantime, you can build a stand:

  • cut a piece of cardboard in the form of a rectangle with an area slightly larger than the base of the house;
  • glue the stand to the frame of the building;
  • imitate snow with foam or cotton wool glued with PVA to the stand.

Excess foam from the craft is cut off with a knife, and then the structural elements are painted in the selected color scheme.

Home for gnomes

The task can be simplified if you use existing blanks, for example, cylinders from rolls toilet paper. In order for the composition to be original and attractive, as in the photo of a cardboard house, you need to be patient. You can take 2-3 cylinders and cut into two parts so that you get parts of different lengths.

Then cut out paper strips. Their length will be about 150 mm, and the width is 15-30 mm more than the height of the cylinder used as a house. Windows and doors are cut out of colored paper and glued to a white strip.

The cardboard cylinder should be wrapped with paper with windows, having previously applied an adhesive mass to the surface. The edges of the paper that go beyond the cardboard are wrapped inside. From colored paper, you need to make cones that will serve as a roof. They are glued to the cylinders. The village for the gnomes is ready.

House in the hands of a child

Many are interested in how to make a house out of cardboard with their own hands. Even your kid will cope with the proposed technology. Mark your home on white cardboard or print a template from the Internet. The kid himself will be able to cut the entire structure along clear lines.

For the manufacture of the roof, you should take a rectangle of cardboard suitable for slopes of length and width. This sheet is folded in half and attached to the assembled frame of the house.

Dollhouse made of cardboard

If your child asked to make a home for dolls, then you should not immediately run to the garage and start sawing boards.

Everything can be done much easier - just use our instructions on step by step manufacturing houses for beginners:

Take a cardboard box right size. For example, it can be packaging for parcels or from household appliances. Open it up and down.

The two small side pieces on top are cut off so that triangles are obtained on both sides, pointing upwards. The triangles on top are aligned vertically, and the longitudinal long elements of the cover are attached to them with glue or tape, forming the lower part of the roof slope.

It is not always possible to completely form the roof - its top (horse) will remain open. You can solve this problem by cutting off the lids from the bottom of the box. The longitudinal elements are attached to each other in the form of a hut and are fixed to the already constructed part of the roof. As a result, the roof ridge will be built. The main thing here is to make all measurements and fasten, observing the joints.

Windows and a door appear on the walls of the house, which are then cut through with a knife. The roof can be painted in the form of tiles, and the walls can be painted in the preferred color.

Cozy house for children

It is possible to make a structure in which a child can fit from an ordinary cardboard box from under large-sized household appliances.

It is desirable that the height of the walls be at least 1-1.5 m for a comfortable stay of the child. If this option is difficult for you to choose, then a cardboard house for children can be made from two boxes interconnected with tape.

The top cover must be tightly closed and the joints secured with adhesive tape. A sheet of thick boxboard is placed on top to strengthen the structure. The roof can be made in several ways:

By fastening two rectangles of cardboard - this is how the roof slopes are obtained. If you make them with a slight launch beyond the walls of the house, you get a stronger mount.

Rafters are mounted on top. They are made from two intersecting plastic pipes small diameter. They are attached to the house at the corners of the structure. A piece of a wide pipe should be placed in the middle so that the rafters do not bend. A light blanket or blanket is laid over the rafters.

Building a house for dolls, decorating a Christmas tree or having fun for a child is quite simple. This requires the use available material. The participation of the child in the design will help you show your imagination to the maximum together and keep the baby busy with exciting work.

Photo of cardboard houses

What could be more interesting and exciting than making some crafts to decorate your home with your own hands? After all, what you can think of and do yourself, you can not buy in any store!

Such products serve not only as decorative elements in any apartment, creating a cozy atmosphere and mood, but also are the reason for the most exciting pastime during their creation. After all, children so love to cut and glue toys from multi-colored paper - houses, animals, rockets and ships! In this entertaining business, they are often helped by adults and * a paper house for children * will universal decor for a children's room or a subject for games. At the same time quite simple and very original craft- a house made of paper with your own hands, which you can easily make with your child, will serve as a bright decoration for the holiday and bring many pleasant moments when creating it.

It can be a snow-covered hut with a Christmas tree for the New Year or a mystical haunted castle and bats for a fun Halloween, a colorful house for dolls with bows and ruffles or an impregnable fortress for knights, or maybe a rural house with a fence and flowers, nestled comfortably on the windowsill of your kitchen. After all, creating * a paper house with your own hands * you are completely immersed in the world of fantasy and become the creator of the most unthinkable ideas! Well, * how to make a paper house * so that it is unusual, bright and pleasing to the eye, we will tell you in our article.

How to make a paper house

Materials and tools:

  • scheme
  • cardboard (white and color)
  • colored paper
  • gift paper
  • paints
  • scissors
  • pencil

Decorative elements:

  • ribbons
  • beads
  • artificial flowers
  • cones
  • berries
  • twigs
  • moss, etc.

1. First, let's choose a scheme for the future house

The template you like can be printed on a printer or simply gently, without pressure, transferred through the monitor screen onto thin paper, after enlarging the image to the desired size. The template obtained in this way is cut out, superimposed on cardboard for the future house and completely outlined with a pencil. After the diagram is drawn, it should be carefully cut out and prepared for gluing. To do this, you need to draw the blunt side of the scissors along the fold line of the walls so that the cardboard can be easily bent and cut out doors and windows. If you have never made a paper house before, then we advise you not to be smart with complex schemes And small details and choose the easier option. Your paper house scheme to which is simple and understandable has every chance to turn out beautiful and original the first time. Some types of schemes for paper houses are presented below. Click to enlarge:

2. Cut out doors and windows

Doors can be opened if the opening is not completely cut or fully arched. It is the same with windows: the shutters in them can open or the window will be, according to the plan, without shutters. The finished window made of colored cardboard can also be glued separately to the wall of the house without cutting an opening. Everything here will depend on the scheme that you have chosen or made amendments to the design of the house at your own discretion. After everything necessary details cut out, you can glue the house, giving it a square shape.

3. We make a roof

The roof is glued separately. It is cut out of white or colored cardboard, folded in half and attached to the walls of the house. You can decorate it beforehand: draw a tile or make it from separate strips of colored paper, cover it with velvet paper. If a pipe is provided in the scheme, then it is also cut out, folded at the bend and glued to the roof. Smoke can be attached to the pipe. To do this, a wavy smoke is drawn on cardboard, cut out and glued at the base to the inside of the pipe.

4. We make a stand

The finished house can be glued to any stand made of cardboard, wood or plastic, pre-cut to the size of the house and decorated with a fence made of strips of colored cardboard, green paper grass, dry flowers, berries, leaves, moss. You can attach a twig to the stand with plasticine, and hang beads on it and glue flowers. It will turn out a very elegant version of the summer house.

5. Decorate the house

We bring the house, already ready and fixed on the stand, to the final. To do this, we decorate and decorate the walls, windows, roof and base of the house. If this is a New Year's option, then the roof with a chimney can be strewn with snow - with foam crumbs, having previously smeared the places with glue, cover with cotton wool, paint with white paint, depict snowflakes, make snow-covered windows. Decorate the house itself with colored tinsel and beads, attach a paper silhouette of a snowman and a Christmas tree next to it. You can use ready-made pictures for decoration or cut out figures from gift paper.

The Halloween house is made of dark cardboard, with the addition of silhouettes of ghosts and bats. Windows can be made from bright yellow or orange paper, creating the effect of light in the house. Nearby, on a stand, you can glue trees and a cardboard fence, put a black cat on the fence. You can be sure that your child with great interest and enthusiasm will help you cut out creepy characters of a fun holiday from paper!

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We are convinced that only home-made can be better than a purchased dollhouse. After all, it is very interesting to “build” and decorate it to your liking for both parents and children. Moreover, everyone can make a house for dolls with their own hands, this will require only a few tools, simple materials and creative inspiration.

Master class 1. How to build a house in half an hour from a cardboard box

Cardboard Dollhouse good because it is done quickly and from improvised materials. It can be very beautifully designed and periodically completed - add new rooms, floors and entire buildings.

Materials and tools:

  1. A large cardboard box that will hold one to three floors for dolls 25-30 cm tall (Barbie, Monster High, Bratz, Winx, etc.).
  2. Scissors and cutter.
  3. Scotch tape in a contrasting color (does not include painting) or masking tape (if you want to paint the house later). In this master class, bright green tape is used, and the house itself is not painted.
  4. White paint.
  5. Decorating materials (optional): scraps of wallpaper, wrapping paper, paint, brushes, etc.

Step 1. First, cut the box in half and cut off the top flaps from both halves.

Step 2. We put the resulting pieces of cardboard into action: cut out the triangular gable of the roof from one part, and make a small hole in the other - this will be the second floor with access to the stairs. Next, glue the parts into place with tape and / or glue.

Step 3. From the unnecessary part of the box, cut out the slopes for the roof and another floor for the attic, and then glue the parts onto the adhesive tape. Do not forget to cut a hole for the stairs in the attic floor.

Step 4. Now we cut out the windows with a clerical knife and front door on the first floor, having previously drawn the markup. Then we cut out stairs from the remnants of cardboard and glue them to the floors.

Step 5. Hooray! The frame of the house is ready, now you can proceed to the "finishing". In this master class, all the details from the tiles on the roof to the steps of the stairs were drawn with a white marker.

As soon as the "repair" in the house is over, you can start creating furniture.

You can come up with your own house design - paint the house and the roof from the outside, draw window frames, paste over the walls with “wallpaper” made of fabric or scrapbooking paper, and finish the floor with linoleum or laminate. In the next selection of photos, you can get ideas for decorating a doll house miniature and cardboard furniture.

And here is an example of a cardboard house for dolls, upholstered in fabric, or rather, scraps of old dresses and pillowcases.

And finally, we offer you to watch a video review of a dollhouse for Monster High dolls, made by hand from several large boxes.

Master class 2. How to make a doll house from a bookshelf or rack

Do you want to make a stronger house without fiddling with blueprints and a jigsaw? Then use a small shelving unit or, say, an old bookcase as a base. With the help of the simplest steps, you can turn an ordinary piece of furniture into a wonderful house for dolls.

  • Best for "construction" is a cabinet with a depth (25-30 cm), which has a back wall. So, for example, in this master class, Ikea's Billy shelving unit is 30 cm deep and 106 cm high (pictured right). In such a house, you can equip three floors, quite suitable for 25-centimeter Barbies or Monster High. The price of Billy's rack is 2000 rubles.

Materials and tools for reworking the frame:

  1. Cabinet, chest of drawers or shelving;
  2. Plywood, MDF or boards 25mm thick, 30cm wide and at least 120cm long (these are measurements for Billy's closet, but you can take shorter or longer/wider boards depending on your closet dimensions);
  3. hardboard sheet, wall panel PVC or MDF (for making/replacing rear wall and the manufacture of partitions in the rooms);
  4. Bar 5x5x20cm (a pipe will be made from it);
  5. Several small photo frames that will become trim for windows;
  6. Decorative molding of small width (polyurethane can be used);
  7. Screws and screwdriver;
  8. Carpentry glue or liquid nails;
  9. Drill and drill.

Decoration materials:

  1. Wood putty (optional, but desirable for masking fasteners and joints);
  2. Primer (optional, but desirable for better paint durability);
  3. Acrylic paints of desired colors;
  4. masking tape;
  5. Brushes and / or spray gun;
  6. Scissors;
  7. Materials for lining the walls of rooms (paper for scrapbooking is best);
  8. Popsicle sticks to create a lattice fence;
  9. Roof tiles material.

Step 1. Painting the rack

This step is optional if you are satisfied with the color of the selected shelving or cabinet. For example, white or plain colored furniture will look great even without painting.

  • If the cabinet is old or has a too “furniture” look, then it definitely needs to be repainted. To do this, we act according to the following scheme: sanding and grinding - primer (until dry) - a layer of paint (until dry) - a second layer of paint (until dry) - a layer of matte varnish.

In this master class, the dollhouse will not only be painted, but also decorated with brickwork. If you like this decor idea, then prepare the following accessories:

  • Cellulose sponge;
  • Gray paint;
  • Acrylic paint (our instructions use a mixture of two paints - the colors of red brick and chocolate).

So, first we paint the entire rack with gray paint. As soon as the last coat of paint dries, we begin to create brickwork. To do this, we cut out a rectangle about 3.5 × 8 cm in size from a sponge, which will become a template for painting.

Pour the paint into the container, soak the sponge in it and, starting from the bottom of the cabinet, print the bricks - first one row, then the second row in a checkerboard pattern. Do not forget to maintain indents between bricks of about 5 mm. Paint about 1/3 of the house this way.

Step 2. Making windows

This step is also optional, but if you want to create a realistic miniature of the house, then it's better not to skip it. In order to cut windows, you first need to measure the window "frames" (if any) and draw markings on the cabinet walls from the outside.

Once the markings of all windows are ready, you can start cutting. To do this, use a drill to make holes in the corners of the markup inside the border to create a starting point for the jigsaw blade. To make window edges look neater from the inside, inside cabinet along the marking contour, you need to glue the masking tape. In the photo below you can see the process of work.

To give the windows a more finished look, putty and paint the "window niches", remove the tape, and glue the frames on the outside of the house.

Step 3. Mounting and decorating the roof

In order to make a roof, you need to cut 2 boards from plywood (or other lumber) 30 cm wide, but of different lengths - 61 cm and 59 cm.

Now we join the end of the shorter board at a right angle with the edge of the 61-cm board and again drill holes, but only at the end of the short board, passing the drill through the three holes made earlier on the edge of the long board. This stage is clearly shown in the next photo.

Glue two boards together, then fix with screws. If desired, the joint can be sealed with putty.

Next, we move on to finishing the roof. It can either be painted in 2 layers, or pasted over with “tiles” from improvised materials, for example, from cardboard or cork sheets. And finally, on the ends with front side roof glue 2 parts of the molding.

Step 4. Creating and installing a pipe, installing a roof

It's time to turn wooden block size 5x5x20 cm into the chimney. To do this, simply saw off one of its corners (45 degrees) and paint according to the principle described in Step # 1. When the paint is dry, we fix the chimney to the roof with screws.

Well, that's all, the roof is ready, it remains only to fasten it to the cabinet in inside corners as shown in the photo.

Step 5. Replacing or installing the back wall

The next step involves equipping the rack with a wall, if it is not there, replacing the existing wall with a prettier one (for example, under white lining) or simply installing the missing wall for attic floor. We perform the following actions: do necessary measurements, cut out a blank from the hardboard / wall panel and fasten it with reverse side on nails/screws/glue.

Step 6 Install Partitions to Create Rooms

Cut from any material (hardboard, wood, MDF, plywood) interior partitions, then cut doorways into them and install with glue or screws. Woo-ala! The doll house is built, you can proceed to the most exciting part of the work - the decor and filling the rooms with furniture.

If you add a rack with wheels, the house will turn out to be mobile

And here is an example of equipping a dollhouse with lighting, which can not only create comfort in it, but also play the role of a night light.

Master class 3. How to make a plywood dollhouse

Making a dollhouse out of plywood or wood is somewhat more difficult, but it will look better and last so long that in the future it can even be inherited. To create such a house does not need to have special skills. It is enough to have the tools, clearly follow the drawing and the following video instruction, from which you will learn how to make a do-it-yourself dollhouse for 25 cm Barbies and other dolls 25-26 cm tall.

Do you throw out the cardboard because it takes up a lot of space? But it can become a material for your creativity. For example, you can build a cardboard house for children or for a pet. Look for ideas for such crafts below.

Little house for dolls

Do you have a little daughter? Then make a do-it-yourself doll house for her out of cardboard. Any girl will be delighted with such a present. If you have a lot of free time, then collect a home for Barbie, and if time is running out, then make a small haven for miniature toys. How to assemble a house? First of all, you need to draw a pattern. It should consist of three walls, one gable, floor, roof and partition between floors. Let's start creating. Cut out the details. There are two ways to attach blanks to each other. One is to glue the cardboard with a hot gun, and the other is to create grooves in the parts. You can combine two mounting methods for reliability. First connect the walls together, then attach the floor to them. After that, insert the partition between the floors, and the last action is to attach the roof. You can decorate the front of the house with cardboard, which will act as a pediment.

Big dollhouse

Do you want to make a stable structure and at the same time not spend a lot of time on creating crafts? Build a large open cardboard house. Before starting work, you need to draw a pattern. It will consist of two side walls combined with gables, a rectangle connecting the two parts of the future building, and three partitions between floors. We transfer the pattern to cardboard and cut out the details. In accordance with the photo attached above, cuts must be made in the blanks. They will play the role of grooves. Thanks to this fastening, the structure will stand stably, and if necessary, it will be easy to assemble it. When the grooves are made, you can start cutting windows. They can be of any shape and located in any part of the building. To make the house prettier, encircle each window with a curly frame. Use multi-colored gouache mixed with PVA glue for this purpose.

New Year's house

Children like to make such crafts for the New Year holidays. A cardboard house can play the role of a candlestick or become one of the decorative details of the room. How to assemble such a craft? You need to start with a sketch. Draw the house you want to design. If you rarely do layout work, then you need to start by making a one-story building of a simple design. The drawing is ready, now you should draw its scan. Contrary to popular belief, this is easy to do. If spatial thinking does not work well for you, first mold your project from plasticine. When the pattern is ready, transfer it to cardboard, and then cut it out. Glue the pieces together with a hot gun. Color the craft with gouache or immediately make a white cardboard layout. Complete the project with Christmas trees and a fence, and then powder the craft artificial snow or small foam.

tea house

It is always a pleasure to make not only beautiful, but also utilitarian products. One of them is a cardboard tea house. A master class on the manufacture of such a product is given above. The roof of this craft is removed and the base is filled with tea bags. Such a house can be put on the table or decorate one of the shelves in the kitchen with it. How to make a tea house with your own hands from cardboard? Above is a pattern, you need to print it or redraw it. Let's assemble the base first. It consists of four long rectangles and one small square. We first fasten the walls of the structure together, and then glue the floor. The cutout for the door must be done immediately. At this stage, you need to check whether the bags are removed from the hole; if necessary, the hole can be enlarged. We glue the base beautiful paper with a suitable print or paint the house by hand. Now you can assemble the roof. We glue together two rectangles, and insert a bar between them. We make gables and make a floor at the roof. You can decorate the part with rectangles bent on both sides. Cover the roof with colored paper or paint the detail.

House for children

Do you want to please your child? Make your own cardboard house for the kids. For toddlers, the best entertainment is to hide in a shelter. cardboard house will become permanent place child's games. How to make such a gift to your child? Make a pattern. You can draw it on the wallpaper that remained after the repair. You need to design the building with a margin so that your child can enjoy his shelter not for one season, but for several years. Two side walls must be combined with gables. long walls are rectangles. And for the stability of the structure, the roof must be made of rectangles folded with the letter "P". Such large "paper clips" will cling to the ledges that need to be created in the gable. Cut windows in the long walls of the house, and cut a door in one of the side parts. You can attach it using springs or an old door mechanism.

House for a cat

Do you have pets? Make a cat house out of cardboard. Such a construction would be very primitive, but your pet be able to appreciate the work. What should an animal house look like? Take 8 old cardboard boxes. The first row of the structure will consist of four boxes. Attach them together with tape or glue. Randomly cut through through holes. But don't touch the floor of the house. The second row will consist of three boxes. Arrange them in the form of a corner on the first tier. Make cuts in each wall, and be sure to make several holes that will lead to the lower tier. Glue the remaining box with a third layer. Cut holes in it. The house is ready. You can decorate it in any way to make it look good in your interior.


Holidays are coming and you decided to give your friends sweet gifts? Then make a house out of cardboard. Such packaging can be filled with purchased sweets or sweets prepared by oneself. How to make a house? Attached is a template. You need to print the pattern and then cut out the stencil. Take colored cardboard and transfer the drawing to it. Now cut out the blank and glue it. It remains to decorate the craft. You can paint your creation or make an application from colored paper. If you're filling the box with homemade sweets, don't forget to wrap them in foil or cellophane. This is necessary so that the product is not soaked with oil and does not lose its presentable appearance. appearance.

Cardboard tower

It will be easy to create such a craft for those who have extra boxes from the refrigerator and TV. Cut the big box into two pieces. The base of the house is ready. Cut windows and a door into the blank. Build two thin rectangles of cardboard - these will be the pillars at the entrance. Now from another rectangle, but bigger size you need to make an arch. We will make the roof of the tower from a TV box. We cut it in half, and then we make out the cut edge with a rectangular zigzag. We create a visor decorated with the same snake as the roof. You need to place it above the arch. You can decorate the tower with cardboard overlays. Decorate windows with them. From small rectangles you can create

Paper is the simplest and most suitable material for a variety of creativity. From the age of three, the child has been paying attention to the rustling leaves and has been engaged in them for a long time and with enthusiasm. As they get older, children do not lose interest in paper and love to make different objects out of it. They are madly happy when adults make crafts with them.

And if you ask a child what he wants to do, most often it turns out that this is a house. Moreover, both boys and girls love to create houses with their own hands. Apparently, children, albeit unconsciously, already perceive the house as the main attribute of life. How to quickly and easily make a house out of paper?

Tools and materials for creating a paper house

When you decide to brighten up a family evening or a child at school is given the task of making such a craft, you will need a little imagination, paper, glue and just a few tools. Paper can be any: thin from color sets, sheets of notebooks or albums, drawing paper (which, by the way, sticks together perfectly) or pieces of wallpaper. You will need scissors, a ruler and a pencil, and sometimes a glue brush.

If you have a clerical knife, it will help you quickly and accurately cut through the windows and doors. Glue will suit the most different: in tubes, PVA glue, wallpaper, glue stick, home-made paste or paper in bottles, adhesive tape. The selection of items to decorate the future house depends on the scope of your imagination with your child. Suitable paints, gouache, colored pencils, beads, cotton wool, lace and other items for applique.

You can engage in magical action at a table, on wide window sill or lying on the floor. As long as the surface is smooth and resistant to glue and scratches (you can put a plank or plywood).

Preparing a sketch of a paper house

When designing a house, small or voluminous, simple or complex, a sketch is first created. Work begins with a drawing. If there are only small sheets for making a larger house, you can cut the drawing along the dotted line and perform each part separately.

When cutting the drawing, remember that the right side will remain without a bend for applying glue and it needs to be drawn. You can add a floor to the sketch of the house. But is it necessary? Without it, it is more convenient for a child to place toys: dishes, furniture, "tenants" of various sizes, and not everything can fit through the door.

Connecting parts, decorating and assembling a paper house

  • Having marked the places of windows and doors, cuts are made (conveniently with a clerical knife) and paper is removed from them. One side of the door is left uncut, and it will remain slightly ajar for now.
  • Now it is better to start decorating the product, after gluing it will be more difficult to do. The child will be happy to paint the house or paste over with suitable colored paper. You can help him attach a latch to the door. To do this, glue a cardboard rectangle to the edge of the door, and provide a jamb with a slot - the house will immediately look more comfortable and reliable. The roof can be decorated with tiles by cutting "tiles" from suitable paper.
  • Then parts of the house are cut out and “construction” begins, smearing and gluing special bends.
    The product will take some time to dry.
    The new building lacks stability - it is better to install and glue it on a cardboard frame.

    The design of the house can be complicated by adding an extension, a porch, an attic, a second floor, a balcony and other elements. The stages of work remain the same: creating a sketch - cutting out details - decor - gluing - drying.

    Other options for paper houses

    Round houses are made of paper very interesting.
    When creating a sketch, the body of this design looks like a solid long rectangle. The craft is glued in one fold. And the roof is often drawn separately in the form of a circle, then it is trimmed and connected to the body with glue.

    But it is also possible to build a drawing in unity with the roof. Then many cuts are made for the roof, which can then be glued together with an overlap, creating a conical shape.

    With great enthusiasm, children make fabulous "log" huts.
    The materials for work are the same, but the technology for building such a house is completely different. Here they are first prepared construction material. Tubes - “logs” are made from identical long paper rectangles with a pencil.

    Whether it will be a small house or a voluminous house depends on the size and number of rolled tubes. Usually the guys compete with adults or among themselves, who will roll or glue more.

    Then from finished material walls fold neatly. There are options here: the walls are glued with gaps, where there are two logs in a row, or a continuous masonry of four tubes is glued with their displacement to the edges in the next row. The roof of the house can be "log" or smooth.

    Patterns and layouts of houses

    Save the diagram to your computer and print it out.

    How to make an origami paper house

    The creation of origami figures, including houses, according to ready-made schemes, serves to develop the child’s logical and spatial thinking, to activate his thought processes. You can do origami anywhere, for example, in line to the doctor.

    Having created the first simple houses from paper, you can come up with many other unusual interesting crafts and often make them together with your beloved child.