Toilet      21.02.2019

Inhabited sandblasting chamber. Sanding the machine in a special chamber

Making a camera blasting Not big parts do it yourself.

Often in the process of making another homemade brain-designer it is necessary to clean parts of complex shape from rust, make frosted glass, prepare the surfaces of parts for welding. All these tasks are superbly performed sandblasting machine , but its use requires special premises, protective suit and powerful compressor.

All these shortcomings are devoid of technology blasting. It does not treat surfaces sand, and special abrasives based corundum with a smaller particle diameter and at a lower pressure.

To apply this technology in a normal room, you need special cameras, one of the options is cameras from things bought in the usual hardware store we are implementing.

Step 1: Materials and Tools

We will need:

Transparent container for storage from 3 0 liters, with tight-fitting lid;
- piece plexiglass 3 mm thick according to the size of the lid of our container;
- thick latex gloves long to the elbow;
cuffs diameter 150 mm;
- plastic plumbing fitting diameter 100 mm;
- air filter- can be used insert from an industrial respirator;
- spiral hose high pressure from the compressor;
- sandblasting tip;
- fitin g with a ball valve for use in pneumatic systems;
- silicone, liquid nails, seals, hardware, etc;
- electric jigsaw, drill, drills for wood and metal.

Step 2: Assembling the Camera

We fasten gloves

We mark on the side surface of the container hand holes. To do this, we apply plastic rings to it and circle them with a marker. contours. We cut out the internal holes with a jigsaw and carefully remove the resulting burrs. Drilling holes for screws fastening gloves. If necessary cut the rings to give them a round shape. Wrapping a bell gloves ring fix it in the hole with bolts And nuts. We seal the resulting connection silicone.

We install the air supply and removal system

Mark and drill holes for pneumatic fitting and air outlet. We screw in the fitting. Glue a piece of plastic plumbing into the exhaust hole with superglue. fitting. From the inside of the container we install on it air filter fix it with a rubber band.

Making a viewing window

We cut a hole in the lid of the container and glue it into it. plexiglass.

After testing, it turned out that for the convenience of using this homemade some improvements needed:

- capacity for the manufacture of the camera should be as much as possible deep;
- diameter holes for hands should be larger than the volume forearms;
- length gloves should be such that they do not occur harmonic;
-pneumatic hose should be as short as possible and as long as possible flexible;
- at the bottom of the container you need a small plastic ladder- abrasive particles will accumulate under it and will not interfere with work;
- plexiglass viewing window needs to be painted on the inside protective film- the abrasive spoils it.

ATTENTION! Always work only in a respirator!

Seal all connections carefully.

Remember, abrasive particles penetrating the lungs cause incurable silicosis!

Step 4: Before and after blasting

- special equipment that is used to clean car body parts. Often, a sandblasting chamber is also called an abrasive chamber, because the abrasive material is supplied under pressure to the car body.

Sandblasting machine

Among the people, I call it easier - sandblasting, and this name really suits. The main material that is used in this kind of chambers is sand. But in addition to it, the following materials are also used:

  • Iron pellets;
  • Glass balls;
  • Electric corundum.

The sandblasting chamber is extremely useful when it is required to remove corrosion, dirt and deposits of tar or tar from the surface of the body before painting and refinishing. For the normal passage of the process, a special apparatus is used, which, with directed pressure, supplies abrasive material to the car body through a guide gun. In this case, the area that one pass can be regulated through the nozzle, or rather, through the diameter of this device. Please note that not only sand is used as an abrasive material, depending on the material, the quality of the steel and other elements, other special materials are also used, which improve the process and do not harm the iron. You must also clearly understand that each action is subject to great pressure and sand flying at such a speed is a great danger, so you need to follow safety precautions throughout every moment of repairing the machine.

Such treatment is considered effective when it is necessary to achieve cleaning of the car body from corrosion in each hard-to-reach area of ​​the car body. Therefore, if you decide to repaint the car, then the work should be carried out by skilled people. It is impossible to do it yourself so that the car is cleaned adequately.

Features of sandblasting

So, the first thing to know about what functions a sandblaster has is that it is used both indoors and outdoors. Accordingly, in the first case, the compressor stands in an open space, and in the second, a chamber is required that closes hermetically and does not release the abrasive outside the room. At the same time, the camera sandblasting greatly limits the size of the part that can be machined. This unpleasant minus is compensated by the fact that not every car repair shop makes repairs to the car as a whole and such a small camera is convenient for them.

To camera for sandblasting worked well and worked long time, it is advisable to purchase a high quality device. The market offers a lot of devices of a similar nature and each person can choose the one that suits his strength. However, automatic sandblasting chambers are selected only under the guidance of a person who understands these matters. Otherwise, an inexperienced consumer will get lost and is unlikely to be able to adequately choose a device suitable for him.

Sandblasting chamber

Understand that metal sandblasting equipment is an important unit and only an additional waste for the cleaning process in machines, and this is highly undesirable for a normal business. An alternative to buying is to make a sandblasting chamber with your own hands, but this requires skills and knowledge that you may not have. Therefore, try not to make a bad choice at the purchase stage, this is the main problem. Try to decide in advance how it can, how often the machine can be prepared for painting work. It is important to understand that those blast chambers and features that meet the demands and needs in terms of economic feasibility will pay off.

Residential chambers

inhabited sandblasting chamber differs from the rest in that the cleaning process is fully controlled by the camera operator. When the power of the device is installed outdoors, so as not to interfere with the work of the master. Inside there is a nozzle and a control panel so that the work of the sandblaster still remains comfortable. Remember that abrasive sand is fed inside under high pressure, and the chamber is equipped in such a way that the sandblaster not only feels comfortable, but also safe inside this building. Therefore, when working, it is important that each person consciously puts on protective elements clothing before the glass is sandblasted. There is even a set of clothes thought out in advance:

  1. Tight jumpsuit that protects the body;
  2. face with a respirator;
  3. Gloves for sandblasting chambers;

Please note that the ongoing work in the sandblasting room is considered dangerous, and in order for the masters to be allowed to work, you need to conduct a preliminary briefing with him. He is obliged to follow every rule and remember that the pressure created by the compressor is life-threatening and it is impossible to substitute limbs or body under the jet - there remains the option of injury.

Sandblasting chambers for glass are on the market in different sizes - from a small garage a little more than a car to a huge workshop, which in principle is convenient for use in various designs and purposes depending on the needs of the business. On a large scale, the presence of several masters at once indoors is allowed to speed up and optimize the process. Accordingly, this will increase the coefficient useful action from the camera, which will positively affect profits.

There are such advantages that a do-it-yourself sandblasting chamber has:

  • Cleanable parts of floating size and perimeter;
  • Visually and fully monitor the course of cleaning the body from debris;
  • The design of the chamber involves the processing of non-standard structures of complex shape;

Therefore, if you want to make processing better and more profitable, then you need to think about buying additional equipment.

A common acquisition is a stand for the workpiece, because in order for the work to be done efficiently, you need to take care of the conveniences for the master. Also, a do-it-yourself sand washer is often made, which helps to prepare the part in advance. If we add here also that there is ventilation of sandblasting chambers inside, then we get a universal device that can satisfy the needs of the majority.

Self built

So, if you have come to the conclusion that you need this kind of device, but there are no extra funds, then why not make a sandblasting chamber with your own hands. In addition, you need to know that many works are usually performed not indoors, but on the street. This is convenient and beneficial for the master, but it pollutes quite a lot. the world. Although sometimes there is no choice and you have to resort to such methods. The main thing is that the master himself dressed in accordance with safety precautions, since there is no hood for the sandblasting chamber and the abrasive can be accidentally inhaled.

Therefore, the filter for the sandblasting chamber is the main thing, and from this you need to start building, pay enough attention to the selection and installation. Do not forget that ventilation should not be installed excessively, so before buying, you need to make a project and calculate the required number of devices using the appropriate formulas. In addition, it is important to choose the right sandblaster, it must be equipped with remote control so that the operator can focus on one thing and trust the automation to another. It is important that the device itself can be turned off if the painter's health deteriorates sharply or he loses consciousness. Availability remote control prevents dangerous consequences for the body and reduces the likelihood of injury. Remember that if you do not foresee large details for processing, then you do not need a huge room.

This is important not only in terms of economic feasibility, but also in terms of security. The shot for sandblasting ricochets off the walls and it must be borne in mind that the larger the room, the stronger the impact from the wall will be. To prevent ricochet, consider hanging the walls inside with special rubber platforms, they significantly dampen the speed of sand movement. Make the floor out of a grid so that the used material goes into the receiver from the room. Then you can pump out the used abrasive from there to free the tank.

Remember, indoor installation is also endangered by flying abrasive material. It is better to put the device outside, and leave only the sandblasting nozzle inside to control the process. Safety precautions in each case must be observed, this is mandatory.

The choice of the purchased device

If you have a small garage in which you repair cars with friends, then it is better to make a small device yourself, and then only buy Consumables– cheaper and more expedient in terms of spending money. If the scale exceeds those indicated, then think about a larger scale room.

Before making a purchase, think about how often you need to use such a device.

First of all, pay attention to the spray gun - it looks like a small handle with nozzles through which air pressure and the desired abrasive are supplied. If to be active use apparatus, then a self-made spray gun will not live long, but simply fall apart into pieces due to the fact that it is worn off from the inside with sand. In addition, you need to select the nozzle diameter in advance, taking into account the predicted loads.

Therefore, we recommend considering nozzles made of strong and resistant alloys, the service life of which is approximately equal to that of the rest of the equipment. Ordinary steel and especially ceramic nozzles will wear out quickly and will not be able to perform their assigned functions. long term. Also pay attention to the body. It must be made of durable material, and the pipe that goes to the container with the abrasive must be flexible. Pay attention to the compressor. The developed capacity is obliged to cover the needs and long work it must not overheat. Availability required automatic system shutdowns.


Before starting operation, remember the above operating rules, they must be remembered and followed constantly and without exception. The sandblasting room is multifunctional and will help not only prepare the car body for painting, but also perform a lot of other tasks in each area.

For processing various surfaces sand, there is special equipment - a sandblasting chamber. Sometimes it is called an abrasive blasting machine, and since ordinary sand is often used for processing, the unit has another name - sandblasting.

Additional materials that are used in sandblasting:

  1. Fraction.
  2. Lead or glass balls.
  3. Electrocorundum.

Sandblasting a car is carried out in cases where it is necessary to clean the surface of existing contaminants before applying the paintwork to the body. A sandblaster is an apparatus that delivers abrasive material through a nozzle specially designed for this purpose.

Everything happens under high pressure, so the sand has a high kinetic energy, with which it falls on the treated surface.

This method of processing is considered especially effective if it is necessary to remove pockets of corrosion from the body and you can carry it out both with your own hands and with the help of specialists who will perform the work with the highest quality and in the shortest possible time.

Sandblasting - features

Processing can be carried out in two ways: open (can be done using sandblasting) and closed (carried out in a sandblasting chamber specially equipped for this). The advantage of using a sandblaster is its portability.

Work can be performed at the site of product design or production, cleaning can also be carried out in enclosed space. The only disadvantage is that the surface area that can be treated is severely limited by the size of the machine itself.

To perform work in the modern market, you can purchase a lot of various equipment. Sometimes an inexperienced buyer may simply be confused at the time of purchase, so it is necessary to first conduct some research, familiarize yourself with the main features of sandblasting chambers and devices, and only then make a purchase.

It must be understood that an incorrectly selected unit can cause increased costs in the production process, which is very undesirable. The main mistake that can be made at the time of purchase is the wrong type of camera.

It is necessary to determine the frequency of operation and the scale of use of the device, and only after that purchase a sandblasting chamber that fully meets the stated requirements.

Inhabited sandblasting chamber

Her distinctive feature is that the whole process is managed by a specialist. The sandblaster itself is usually located outside it, only a nozzle is located inside, through which sand mixed with air is supplied.

The whole process takes place under high pressure. Manufacturers are trying to equip habitable sandblasting chambers to the maximum so that the operator's stay in it becomes as safe as possible. However, the use of personal protective equipment remains mandatory. Mandatory set:

  • Protective overalls.
  • A mask with which you can protect the face of the master.
  • Gloves and closed shoes.

The main condition for employment is the passage of instructions, the master must follow all the rules that will make work safer. It must be understood that the pressure in the sandblasting chamber is very high and if it is used incorrectly, the risk of injury is high.

The sandblasting chamber may have different sizes: both a small garage and a large hangar, which is very convenient. In some chambers, several specialists can work at once, this allows you to speed up the process of grinding surfaces, which means you can get much more profit. Benefits of using sandblasting chambers:

  1. It is possible to treat surfaces of different area and size.
  2. The work process can be monitored visually and fully controlled.
  3. Even products of an unusual size can be processed.

Sandblasting cars and other products will be much more convenient if you purchase additional items.

They can be used as a support for the workpiece, as this is very important for the quality of work (under high pressure, the workpiece may move slightly, which will invariably affect the quality of its grinding). Therefore, a habitable sandblasting chamber can rightly be called a universal device.

Sandblasting chamber - do it yourself

Why buy a sandblasting chamber or try to make one yourself? All work is usually very dirty, but if you try to do it not indoors, but in the fresh air, it can be harmful not only for the master, but also greatly pollute the environment.

Therefore, the ventilation of sandblasting chambers - this is the first thing to pay attention to during the manufacturing process of the sandblasting chamber. You can calculate the power using formulas, since ventilation should not be excessive - this greatly burdens the camera operator.

It is necessary to purchase a sandblaster with a remote control in advance. Since the operator will control the device, various circumstances must be taken into account - a person may become ill, etc.

Remote control will help to avoid health hazards and injuries at work. The room, which will soon be converted into a sandblasting chamber, should not be large.

This is important for a simple reason - sand (or other abrasive material) tends to ricochet off walls, and in large chambers, the ricochet force will only increase. For additional protection you can hang the walls with special rubber plates, so the impact force will decrease significantly.

It is better to make the floors in the form of a grid through which the abrasive material will slip and collect in a compartment specially designed for this. You can get it from there through the technological hole, then the sand is cleaned and it can be reused.

It is not recommended to install sandblasting indoors, as it may be damaged by abrasive material. It is better to install it outside, but the space should not be open.

The master must necessarily work in protective overalls, a respirator and goggles, since very a large number of dust.

How to choose a sandblaster?

First you need to decide on the level at which you need to operate the device. For your own needs, you can try to make or purchase an inexpensive Chinese device. If only high-quality materials are used in the process, then such a unit may well work on an industrial scale.

A sandblasting gun is a small handle with several fittings (air is supplied through one, and sand through the other) and a nozzle. Making it yourself is quite problematic, especially if you need to actively use the device.

For homemade pistol you need to pre-order a nozzle of the required diameter, trying to carve it yourself is difficult.

It is advisable to pay attention to nozzles made of carbide and other durable materials, since their service life will be much longer. Ceramic nozzles will begin to collapse very quickly under the influence of strong pressure during sandblasting.

Then, under the diameter of the nozzle, it is necessary to machine the body, to which the fittings will subsequently be attached. Then, abrasive material is poured into a small container (bottle), and the gun is connected to a compressor that will pump compressed air.

You can buy a compressor or try to make it yourself. For frequent use of the sandblasting chamber, the first option will be preferable.

Now you can start operating the installation, but at the same time you need to remember the safety rules and strictly follow them. A sandblasting booth can be useful not only if you need to carefully prepare the car for painting, but also for rust removal or glass cleaning.

Sandblasting is a versatile device that is used in industrial and living conditions. With it, you can clean the surface of the layer of the old coating, dirt, traces of corrosion.

There are several ways to become the owner of such a useful device in the household. First - buy already ready-made version in the shop. This is the easiest way. Its only disadvantage is its high cost. The second way is to assemble sandblasting with your own hands. This will require the investment of some effort, but in terms of material costs, this method is much more economical.

The principle of operation of the device

To understand with your own hands, you need to know the principle of its work. It is similar to the operation of the spray gun used for (and other paintwork).

The main element of the installation is the compressor. It pumps air, creating the right pressure in all highways. Passing through the installation, the air creates a vacuum. Due to this (sand) is mixed with air and enters the main line. From there, the flow passes to the nozzle, through which it exits. At the outlet, a stream of air with sand is created, which moves under high pressure. It is he who is sent to the treated surface.

The scheme of the sandblaster is shown in the figure.

Basic installation elements

Homemade sandblasting consists of the following parts:

  • compressor;
  • electrical cable for connection to the electrical network;
  • hoses of a certain diameter;
  • fitting for connecting elements;
  • cranes;
  • dispensers.


Another important element is the nozzle, without which the device will not be able to perform its functions. The nozzle for the sandblasting machine at the enterprise is made of steel and coated with boron or tungsten compounds. This gives the part durability. Less often, ordinary steel, ceramics or cast iron are used for production. But such elements are quickly destroyed under the influence of a stream with abrasive material.

At home, the sandblaster nozzle can be machined to lathe steel, using old spark plugs as a material. To do this, they take out a metal electrode, which is located inside the candle. True, such a mechanism is characterized by a short service life, because it wears out quickly. But its cost is also very low.

Types of devices

The device described above is typical for suction sandblasting equipment. But this is not the only version of the device. There are only 3 types of sandblasters:

  • Suction. This option is easiest to make at home. It is suitable for cleaning surfaces at a light stage. This option differs in that air takes sand from the container and delivers it in the form of a stream.
  • Vacuum. This type of equipment operates in a cyclic mode. This means that the abrasive material is ejected to the surface through the nozzle, after which it is sucked back into the chamber for reuse.
  • Pneumatic. This type of equipment is used to work on large areas or in hard-to-clean places. Homemade sandblasting of this type is a dangerous device in terms of safety. Therefore, it is not recommended to collect. This is due to the high pressure in the system and high power.

Air or water can enter the abrasive material supply. The first option is more common, since its design is simpler.

Supply of abrasive material

The abrasive can be fed in two different ways, depending on which sandblasters are divided into injection and pressure.

Pressure vessels are characterized high performance and work intensity. In them, air enters simultaneously into the apparatus itself and into the container with sand.

The injection method of supplying sand is characterized by low pressure, so it is used when sandblasting is done by hand. In this case, air and abrasive material move along different lines.

What can you collect yourself

Making devices at home involves using materials that can be easily found in your garage. In addition, apply simple designs that work effectively. Given this, you can be guided by a simple diagram, without any drawings.

As a container for abrasive material (receiver), where sand should be poured, you can use gas bottle. The hole for filling the balloon is located on top. Air under pressure will enter the receiver through a pipe mounted in the upper part of the cylinder, and, together with sand, will exit through the outlet hose located below.

Materials for the manufacture of the device

The drawings of the sandblaster make it clear what parts are needed for its manufacture and in what sequence they need to be connected. One of these drawings is shown in the figure below.

The need to purchase a compressor, which is the main element of the device, was discussed above. Its capacity should be at least 800 liters. It will require an oil separator so that the sand does not get wet.

In addition to the compressor, you will need a container to accommodate the abrasive material. Very often, a gas cylinder is used for this, the capacity of which is 50 liters. Its design allows it to withstand high pressure inside and mechanical damage outside.

Useful filter for running water, in which it is possible to replace the filler. Instead of a filter element, silica gel in balls will be poured into the flask (you can buy it at a pet store). The filter is necessary to dry the air before it enters the receiver.

The duration of continuous operation largely depends on the selected nozzle. Inexpensive options (made of cast iron or ceramics) are designed for several hours of operation. In some cases, they only last a few tens of minutes. Therefore, it is better to give preference to parts made of boron carbide or tungsten carbide and capable of withstanding hundreds of hours of intensive work.

In addition, the following parts will be needed to assemble the device:

  • oxygen hose for air supply (length 5 m and inner diameter 10 mm);
  • reinforced hose (length 2 m and inner diameter 2 m);
  • fittings to hoses for connecting individual parts of the device with a rubber hose into a single system;
  • Collet clamp;
  • ball valve made of brass (2 pcs.).
  • a pipe with a thread and a plug (the neck will be made from it);
  • a piece of pipe with the same diameter and three barrels;
  • sealant for joints (fumlenta).

When all the parts are assembled, you can begin to assemble the sandblaster.

Assembly steps

Homemade sandblasting is assembled in the following sequence:

  • Balloon preparation. If a used cylinder was purchased, it must be emptied of gas. To do this, the valve is twisted completely. The entire container is filled with water, which will displace the remaining gas. After that, work with the cylinder will be safe. Instead of a neck, we fasten a branch pipe with a ball valve. A tee is screwed into it from above, into which two fittings are inserted.

  • Supports are welded from 3-4 pieces of reinforcement from the top side of the cylinder. Their length must be sufficient so that the crane does not touch the ground.
  • A hole is made in the middle of the bottom of the cylinder, where the tee is welded. One tap is required for the cork. The second is for the air supply hose (a tubular extension is welded). All connections are recommended to be welded to ensure tightness. It can be threaded, but then a sealant must be used.
  • A flow filter is attached to the tubular extension using a tee. To the tee - a hose, which at the second end will be connected to the fitting at the bottom of the cylinder (near the supports). Connections are fixed with clamps. At the inlet of the filter, a fitting is fixed to it, through which the hose coming from the compressor will be connected.
  • The gun is assembled from a nozzle, which is connected through a piece of hose to a ball valve. The second end of the tap is connected to a metal tube (approximately 30 cm).

At this stage, the homemade sandblaster is ready. Handles can be welded on the sides of the receiver. This will make it easier to carry.