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Generally accepted norms and rules of conduct. Norms and rules of decency for men and women are the basis of small talk and behavior in society. As was customary with our grandparents

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In fact, the basics of etiquette are quite simple. This is a culture of speech, basic politeness, neat appearance and the ability to manage your emotions.

website presents to you a selection of current rules that every person who respects himself and others should know.

  • If you say the phrase: “I invite you,” this means you pay. Another formulation: “Let’s go to a restaurant,” - in this case, everyone pays for themselves, and only if the man himself offers to pay for the woman, can she agree.
  • Never come to visit without calling. If you are visited without warning, you can afford to wear a robe and curlers. One British lady said that when uninvited guests appear, she always puts on shoes, a hat and takes an umbrella. If a person is pleasant to her, she will exclaim: “Oh, how lucky, I just came!” If it’s unpleasant: “Oh, what a pity, I have to leave.”
  • Do not place your smartphone on the table in public places. By doing this you show how important role a communication device plays a role in your life and how much you are uninterested in the annoying chatter going on nearby. At any moment you are ready to leave useless conversations and once again check your Instagram feed, answer an important call, or take a break to find out what fifteen new levels have been released in Angry Birds.
  • You should not invite a girl on a date and communicate with her via SMS messages.
  • A man never carries a woman's bag. And he takes a woman’s coat only to carry it to the locker room.
  • If you are walking with someone and your companion says hello to a stranger, you should say hello too.
  • Many people believe that sushi can only be eaten with chopsticks. However, this is not entirely correct. Men, unlike women, can eat sushi with their hands.
  • Shoes should ALWAYS be clean.
  • Don't make idle chatter on the phone. If you need an intimate conversation, it is better to meet with a friend face to face.
  • If you are insulted, you should not respond with similar rudeness, and, moreover, raise your voice at the person who insulted you. Don't stoop to his level. Smile and politely move away from the ill-mannered interlocutor.
  • On the street, a man should walk to the left of a lady. Only military personnel can walk on the right and must be ready to perform a military salute.
  • Drivers should remember that spraying mud at passers-by in cold blood is blatant incivility.
  • A woman may wear her hat and gloves indoors, but not her cap and mittens.
  • Nine things should be kept secret: age, wealth, a gap in the house, prayer, the composition of a medicine, a love affair, a gift, honor and dishonor.
  • When you come to the cinema, theater, or concert, you should go to your seats only facing those sitting. The man goes first.
  • A man is always the first to enter a restaurant. main reason- on this basis, the head waiter has the right to draw conclusions about who is the initiator of coming to the establishment and who will pay. If a large company arrives, the person who invited you to the restaurant enters first and pays. But if a doorman meets visitors at the entrance, the man must let the woman through first. After which the gentleman finds empty seats.
  • You should never touch a woman without her desire, take her by the hand, touch her during a conversation, push her or take her by the arm above the elbow, except when you are helping her get on or off a vehicle, or cross the street. .
  • If someone calls you impolitely (for example: “Hey, you!”), you should not respond to this call. However, there is no need to lecture or educate others during a short meeting. It is better to teach a lesson in etiquette by example.
  • The golden rule when using perfume is moderation. If in the evening you smell your perfume, know that everyone else has already suffocated.
  • A well-mannered man will NEVER ALLOW himself to fail to show due respect to a woman.
  • In the presence of a woman, men smoke only with her permission.
  • Whoever you are - director, academician, elderly woman or a schoolboy - when entering the room, say hello first.
  • Maintain confidentiality of correspondence. Parents should not read letters intended for their children. Spouses should do the same towards each other. Anyone who rummages through the pockets of loved ones in search of notes or letters is acting extremely rudely.
  • Don't try to keep up with fashion. It's better to look unfashionable but good than fashionable and bad.

And finally, here are the words of the legendary American actor Jack Nicholson:

“I am very sensitive to the rules of good manners. How to pass a plate. Don't shout from one room to another. Do not open closed door without knocking. Let the lady go first. The purpose of all these countless simple rules is to make life better. We cannot live in a state of chronic war with our parents - this is stupid. I take great care of my manners. This is not some kind of abstraction. This is for everyone clear language mutual respect."

“Nothing comes cheap or is valued as much as politeness.”


It is a well-known fact that a person is not capable long time to be alone. Therefore, in order to once and for all forget about what lies behind the word “loneliness”, people simply must learn to communicate correctly with each other.

Not every person is lucky enough to receive a good upbringing in childhood and learn the rules of behavior that are instilled in the family and continue to be supplemented and improved in the future. kindergarten, at school, and throughout life. The rules of behavior accepted in society will help you communicate with people at ease and be a pleasant conversationalist.

Men and women have different vital functions and, therefore, different rules behavior in society. It is generally accepted that a man should be a breadwinner and protector, that is, resourceful and courageous. Women are physically weaker, they are guardians hearth and home, need protection. Based on this, the rules of conduct for men and women are appropriate.

However, there are rules that are equally fair for both men and women, so we will look at them today. So what should a polite person be like?


In order to learn to be a polite person, it will take a lot of effort, perseverance and a lot of work on yourself, and the first thing you need to do is give an objective assessment of your behavior on this moment. An outside perspective is very helpful in such a situation. This will help you understand and analyze all your mistakes, existing bad habits, wrong actions committed and your behavior in general. After which you can safely start “working on mistakes.”

Etiquette is universal human moral standards, a set of rules of behavior in society: addresses, greetings, manners, clothing. Manners are forms of human behavior. The essence of etiquette is respect for other people.

Once upon a time, the rules of good manners in communication or the rules of etiquette were one of the subjects of the educational program at school. Children were taught this science and strictly controlled how well they learned it; tutors were responsible for raising children. Currently, there are no tutors or corresponding subjects in the school curriculum, and the need for teaching basic politeness is still high.

Let's try to figure out what the rules of good manners are and let's strictly follow them.


One of the basic rules of good manners in everyday life, Everyday life is courtesy in relationships, the ability to greet people without unnecessary demonstrations, the ability to congratulate you on a holiday, express sympathy or wish you good health, as well as the ability to thank you for the service provided to you.

In addition, the concept of courtesy presupposes that the person entering lets the person leaving, who, in turn, holds the door if necessary; the man walking next to the girl always lets her go ahead, with the exception of going down the stairs, exiting the elevator and public transport.

Despite the fact that some prim manners have long since become obsolete, for example, closing the car door behind a girl before getting behind the wheel, it still doesn’t hurt to help ladies get out of the car.


Correctly addressing another person, whether familiar or not, is an important part of the rules of conduct. Thus, the rules of behavior accepted in society state that you can only address children under 18 years of age, close friends and relatives. All other strangers, even if they are younger than you or your peers, should only be addressed as “you.”

In addition, it is customary to switch to “you” when strangers appear and call a relative or friend by name and patronymic, including when it is inappropriate to demonstrate familiar or family relationships in society. The transition from “you” to “you” should be appropriate and tactful; as a rule, it is initiated by a woman, a person senior in age or position.

If absent people are mentioned in a conversation, you cannot talk about them in the third person - “they” or “she”, even if they are close relatives, you must call them by name or by name and patronymic.

There are three types of address that are used in different situations:

  • official - citizen, sir, madam, and the titles and titles of the represented people are also used;
  • informal - by name, using “you”, brother, dear friend, girlfriend;
  • impersonal - used in cases where you need to address a stranger. In these cases, the phrases “sorry”, “excuse me”, “excuse me”, “tell me”, and so on are used.

It is unacceptable to address a person by gender, occupation or age: woman, man, plumber, salesman, child, etc.


The rules of human behavior in society presuppose compliance correct distance between interlocutors. There are the following generally accepted distances in communication:

  • public distance - when communicating with in large groups people is more than 3.5 meters;
  • social distance – when communicating between strangers, between people with different social statuses, at receptions, banquets, etc. from 3.6 to 1.2 meters;
  • personal or personal distance – for everyday communication between familiar people, ranges from 1.2 to 0.5 meters;
  • intimate or sensory distance – for communication between very close people, entry into this zone is allowed only to a select few, it is less than 0.5 meters.

At the same time, it is important that each of the interlocutors always has the opportunity to freely exit the conversation; holding a person’s hand or the lapel of a jacket, or blocking the passage during a conversation is considered unacceptable.

In addition, it is important to choose suitable topics for conversation; they should be interesting and pleasant to both interlocutors and should not affect personal matters. It is considered unacceptable to interrupt the interlocutor, correct his speech or make comments. It is also indecent to watch and stare at your interlocutor for a long time, especially if he is eating.

I bring to your attention a video about the rules of human behavior in society:


Once upon a time, etiquette, that is, the rules of behavior in society, was taught as a subject in schools. The children were taught this by meticulous tutors. Today this word has lost popularity, however, it does not bother anyone to learn at least the basic rules of behavior at the table, in the theater, in society. In the end, this will greatly ease the situation for you.

Some rules of good manners

Let's look at some situations that will help you feel at ease.

1. Table etiquette

Inviting a lady to a restaurant (or other similar place), the gentleman takes care of her outerwear, helps her take off her coat, puts it in the wardrobe, keeps the number for himself, and does not give it to the lady. (By the way, the same applies to a ticket in a theater, cinema, or in transport. Having bought a ticket for a lady, for example, on a bus, a gentleman keeps it until the end of the trip and gives it to the lady only if he does not see her off to the end, but gets off earlier.)

If the table is not booked in advance, then all negotiations with the head waiter are conducted by a man. Having escorted the girl to the table, the man moves a chair for her, after which he takes his place. If the glasses are not filled by the waiter, then a man does it, having first asked permission. When pouring wine, turn the bottle so that drops do not fall on the tablecloth.

If there are several people at the table, then the eldest woman is poured first. If they drink champagne, then the man pouring it starts with himself, pouring a few drops into his glass, then the eldest lady, then you can simply go in a circle, finishing with your glass.

If you are in a very fancy restaurant where they serve a lot of utensils, for example, there are several forks and knives near the plate, then you start with those that are further from the plate. If the purpose of some devices is not clear to you, then there is nothing wrong with asking the waiter.

If there are unfamiliar people at the table, then it is better to conduct conversations on general topics and not discuss mutual friends. It is not necessary to finish everything that is on the plate, just as it is not necessary to leave pieces. To show the waiter that the plate can be taken away, place the cutlery on the plate “at five o’clock,” that is, approximately where the small hand on the dial is at five o’clock.

2. Etiquette in communication

When introducing yourself to a company, state your name clearly and clearly if no one has introduced you. It is not necessary to shake hands if there are a lot of people, however, if you have done one handshake, you will have to go around everyone present.

Only a woman can give a gloved hand, and only if the glove is thin and not, for example, a knitted mitten.

It happens that a person’s hand is busy or, for example, dirty if he is caught at work, and he holds it out to be shaken on the wrist. This is actually unacceptable.

When greeting, the one who is younger says the greeting first. If we are talking about a man and a woman, then the man greets first. If you are greeted with the words “good afternoon,” then it is rude to respond with the word “good,” you should respond with the full phrase “good afternoon.”

Now let's imagine the following picture: a group of men is standing, a familiar (or unfamiliar) lady approaches them or (passes by). Who should greet first, men or women? The first word of greeting is said by the one who approaches, regardless of whether it is one person or a group, a man or a woman. The one or those who are on site respond to the greeting.

"Hush!" James Tissot, 1875

3. Basics of good manners for every day

The rules of good manners in everyday life include the usual courtesy in communication, the absence of grumbling, endless complaints, the ability to say hello without unnecessary demonstrations, express sympathy, congratulate on the holiday, wish good health, thank and respond to gratitude.

Such rules require that those entering and exiting hold the door, regardless of whether he is walking alone or with someone. If a man follows a girl, then he always lets her go ahead, with the exception of exiting the elevator, going down the stairs from a ship, exiting an airplane or public transport.

L. Afremov

Some prim manners have become obsolete today. For example, it used to be considered correct that a man, having put a woman in a car, closes the car door behind her, and only after that goes to his place. Having arrived at the place, the driver gets up, walks around the car, opens the door, and helps the lady get out. In our time, filled with cars and saturated with haste, it is difficult to imagine people who would be willing and able to fulfill these requirements.

4. How do etiquette rules apply to children?

Just a few years ago, books on education taught young parents that children should not enter into conversations with adults without permission, should not interrupt, and should not speak to guests until they are asked. Today, many teachers believe that this interferes with the development of the child as an individual, that he has the same rights in conversation as an adult. This can be accepted if a child, even a small one, communicates as an adult. But if he whines, cries, tries to manipulate, then this is very annoying. Therefore, parents should limit - not so much the child’s freedom, but their own - by taking care of their own child so that it does not become a burden to others.

All this also applies to those moments when parents and their baby visit restaurants, cafes, museums, and use public transport. The ability to occupy your child so that he feels good and at the same time does not bother others is good manners, as opposed to trying to explain: “This is a child, what can I do with him.”

Should you make comments to someone else's child? No! If you are completely unbearable, then you can make a remark in a very polite form to the child’s parents. But at the same time, you must remember that making a remark is not good manners.

And most importantly, do not forget that the child first of all sees and repeats the behavior of his parents. Don't forget the golden words "Thank you", "Please" and be polite!

Aggressionmotivated behavior that contradicts the norms and rules of coexistence of people in society, harms the objects of attack (animate and inanimate), causes physical harm to people or causes them psychological discomfort (negative experiences, a state of tension, fear, depression, etc.)(Chernova G.R., 2005).

Recipient of influence — the partner to whom the attempt to influence is directed.

Altruism –a motive for helping someone that is not consciously related to one’s own selfish interests(Myers D., 1997).

Anomie This is a state of disorganization of the individual that arises as a result of his disorientation

Attraction -a special form of perception and cognition of another person, based on the formation of a stable positive feeling towards him.

Autism- this is a complex, sometimes painful state of a person, expressed in his excessive self-absorption, in avoidance of contacts with others, in alienation, in immersion in the world of his own experiences.

Autism -a personality trait that manifests itself normally and is not related to the sphere of psychopathology.

Relationship barriers occur when negative feelings and emotions interfere with interactions. We can distinguish barriers of fear, disgust, disgust, etc.

Verbal communicationdetermines the content of a verbal action and uses human speech as a sign system: natural sound language and written speech.

Extra-situational-personal form (4-6.7 years) – communication unfolding against the background of the child’s theoretical and practical knowledge of the social world.

Extra-situational-cognitive form (3-4 years) – communication that unfolds against the backdrop of the child’s joint activities with adults and independent activities to familiarize himself with the physical world.

In-group favoritism is the tendency to favor in social perception members of one's own group as opposed to, and sometimes to the detriment of, members of another.

Suggestion - conscious or unconscious unreasoned influence on another person or group of people, with the goal of changing their state, attitude towards something and predisposition to certain actions.

Denotation- the meaning of a word recognized by the majority of people of a given linguistic community, the so-called lexical meaning words.

Destructive criticism - expressing disparaging or insulting judgments about a person’s personality and/or rude aggressive judgment, defamation or ridicule of his affairs and actions.

Decentration – the ability and ability of a person to step away from his position and look at the partner and at the interaction situation as if from the outside, through the eyes of an outside observer.

Since this mechanism frees one from emotional bias, it is one of the most effective in the process of getting to know another person.

Friendship, implies deep individually selective interpersonal relationships, characterized by mutual affection based on a feeling of sympathy and unconditional acceptance of the other.

Jargon – technical terminology or characteristic idioms used in specialized activities or narrow groups.

Shyness –this is a personality trait that arises in a person who constantly experiences difficulties in certain situations of interpersonal informal communication and manifests itself in a state of neuropsychic tension, is distinguished by various disorders of autonomics, psychomotor skills, speech activity, emotional, volitional, thought processes and a number of specific changes in self-awareness.

Infection - transferring one’s state or attitude to another person or group of people who in some way (not yet explained) adopt this state or attitude.

Ignoringactions indicating that the addressee deliberately does not notice or does not take into account the words, actions or feelings expressed by the addressee.

Identification - This is a way of understanding another person through consciously or unconsciously assimilating him to himself. This is the simplest way to understand another person (Bodalev A.A., 1982).

Identification – This is a person’s ability and ability to move away from his position, “come out of his shell” and look at the situation through the eyes of an interaction partner(Rean A.A., 2004).

AvoidanceThis is a strategy of behavior that is characterized by both the lack of desire to satisfy the interests of another person and the lack of a tendency to achieve one’s own goals.

Personal imageperceived and transmitted image of a person, an emotionally charged stereotype of perception by the mass everyday consciousness of someone or something, for example, the image of a political figure

Initiator of influence - the partner who is the first to attempt to influence in any of the known (or unknown) ways.

Interaction – interaction.

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Are social norms of behavior necessary?

Home / Essays on the Unified State Examination 2017-2018 (“Man and Society”) / Are social norms of behavior necessary?

I believe that social norms of behavior are not just necessary, but necessary. After all, they control the population of our huge country. The norms may be different. These are also ethical standards, which, when you come to a restaurant, will help you arrange your cutlery correctly and beautifully, have dinner, and thereby show the height of your upbringing and knowledge of ethical standards. There are also legal norms that no one has the right to violate. Such violations are equivalent to crimes for which punishment already follows. Thanks to social norms, order reigns in our country, and people know how to behave appropriately.

Literary works describe situations in which characters go beyond the norm and the consequences of such actions. Or, on the contrary, living according to the unspoken laws of society, they step over their own opinion and desire, and act as society tells them.

The theme of the relationship between society and man is raised in Turgenev’s story “Mumu”. This is the story of how Gerasim, against his will, drowned a dog that was his only friend. He committed such an act because he could not go against the will of the landowner.

This example confirms precisely that previously peasants had to unquestioningly follow all the instructions of their masters. These were the social norms, and they held on with all their might to the work they were given. Even in this example, we can conclude that the norms were needed so that the peasants felt the power of their owners, and they did not have any thoughts about a free life. But, if Gerasim had violated the landowner’s order, he would have violated the already established norms of society. The peasants had neither freedom of speech nor their own opinion. Servants were even more respected in the master's house. The sacrifice of his act is a sign of recognition of these cruel norms of that time.

Thus, norms are needed to maintain order, a kind of control over citizens.

The absence of these norms can lead to chaos, complete disorder in the country. It is not for nothing that there are legislative and legal documents in which the norms are spelled out.

There are also unspoken rules of a certain society, breaking which can lead to exclusion from it. When a person follows the norms and approaches this respectfully and consciously, then he has nothing to worry about or worry about. Society will share his interests and will not leave him aside from public affairs. Law-abiding citizens can sleep peacefully and be proud of their country!

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  • Norms of behavior in society

    Since man is a social being, his full life outside the life of society is simply impossible. A person must take into account the norms and forms of behavior that are established in society as a whole and in specific situations or in a particular society. Often what is unacceptable in one society can be tolerated in another situation. But still, each person must form for himself fundamental principles of behavior that will determine his life norm and line of behavior and thus shape his relationships with other people, and hence his success in life.

    Norms of human behavior in society and in dealing with other people have been formed over the centuries. But these norms were not always the same. The social system, social and class division of the population changed, the customs in the society of the aristocracy, townspeople, clergy, workers, peasants, intelligentsia, and military were different. At the same time, the behavior of young people and adults differed, and the national and social traditions on which these norms of behavior were based were different. For representatives of the highest status, the aristocracy, there were established firm rules of behavior, ignorance or violation of which was considered a lack of education.

    Also, often the norms of behavior of the corresponding state of society at different times were assessed differently: at the time of their formation they were appropriate, but in another period of the development of society they were already considered inappropriate, indicating a person’s low culture.

    When communicating, people tend to gather together. Either in a smaller or in a larger society, these meetings of more people are mainly caused by something. The reason may be some personal or family event (birthday, angel's day, weddings, anniversaries) or public (state and local holidays, celebrations of some historical event, etc.). The participants in such meetings are, as a rule, people who know each other well. But when stranger first enters such a society, he must first introduce himself so that those present know about this person. Therefore, most often such a person is accompanied and recommended to the society by the owner of the house or a person who knows the society well. If there is no such person, then the stranger introduces himself: Dear ones, allow me to introduce myself. My name is (you should give your first name, patronymic or last name), my specialty is... (here you can indicate either a profession, or a position, etc.).

    Before entering the room, they usually take pictures in the dressing room outerwear and hats, and women may not remove their hats. It is not considered necessary to kick off your shoes; instead, you should dry them well on the mat.

    Return to Society Norms

    Human behavior, i.e. the way of life and actions, depends not only on the character of a person, his habits, but also on how he follows certain rules and norms established by society. Since childhood, we become familiar with the rules of behavior, customs, traditions, and values. Knowledge of norms and rules allows us to manage and control our behavior.

    Norms indicate where and how we should behave. For men and women, for children and adults, their own rules of behavior have been developed.

    The assimilation of norms and rules begins with children's games. Here everything happens as if in make-believe. However, when playing seriously, the child adheres to certain rules.

    By joining the world of adults in a play situation, rules of behavior and social norms are mastered.

    Play is a way of learning the norms and rules of adult society. Games of “mother-daughter” and “doctor and patient” simulate the world of adults. Essentially, the child is not holding a mother doll or a doctor doll in his hands. They control adult beings, arranging them in the order they, the children, consider correct, forcing them to say what they consider necessary to say. Girls, playing “hospital”, need to play the roles of a patient and a doctor, ask about health, prescribe medicine, look after the patient and try to cure him.

    When playing school, the game participants play the roles of a teacher, school principal, student, and parent. They require students to follow certain rules of conduct in class, at recess, in the cafeteria, etc.

    Through play, a teenager enters the world of adults, where the main role is played by prohibitions and permissions, requirements, rules of conduct, customs and traditions, in a word - social norms. There are many types of social norms in society.

    The word “custom” comes from everyday life. These are habitual forms of behavior of people in everyday life. Habits are established patterns of behavior in certain situations. Lifestyle is created by our habits. Habits develop from skills and are reinforced through repeated repetition. These are the habits of brushing your teeth in the mornings and evenings, saying hello, closing the door behind you, etc. Most habits do not meet with either approval or condemnation from others. But there are so-called bad habits: talking loudly, reading at lunch, biting your nails. They indicate a person's bad manners. Manners are the external forms of human behavior. They are based on habits and receive positive or negative evaluation from others. Manners distinguish well-mannered people from ill-mannered ones. Good manners needs to be taught. Dressing neatly, listening carefully to your interlocutor, knowing how to behave at the table - all these are the everyday manners of a well-mannered person. Separately, manners constitute elements, or traits, of culture, and together they constitute etiquette. Etiquette is a system of rules of behavior adopted in special social circles that form a single whole. Special etiquette existed at royal courts, in secular salons, and in diplomatic circles. Etiquette includes specific manners, norms, ceremonies and rituals.

    Social norms are rules established in society that govern human behavior.

    Customs are of great importance in the life of society. Custom is a traditionally established order of behavior. Customs are common to the broad masses of people. The customs of hospitality, celebrating Christmas and New Year, respect for elders and many others are cherished by the people as a collective heritage, as values. Customs are mass patterns of actions approved by society that are recommended to be performed. The behavior of a person who violates customs causes disapproval and censure.

    If habits and customs are passed on from one generation to another, they become traditions. Tradition is everything that is inherited from predecessors.

    Originally this word meant “tradition.” Tradition also includes values, norms, patterns of behavior, ideas, tastes, and views. Meetings of former classmates, fellow soldiers, and the raising of the national or ship’s flag can become traditional. Some traditions are performed in everyday life, while others are performed in a festive, upbeat atmosphere. They belong to the cultural heritage, are surrounded by honor and respect, and serve as a unifying principle.

    Customs and traditions are accompanied by rituals. A ritual is a set of actions established by custom. They express some religious ideas or everyday traditions. Rituals are not limited to one social group, but apply to all segments of the population.

    Rituals accompany important points human life. They can be associated with the birth of a person, baptism, wedding, engagement. Rituals accompany a person’s entry into a new field of activity: the military oath, initiation as a student. Rituals such as burial, funeral service, and commemoration are associated with the death of a person.

    Morals are especially protected, highly respected mass patterns of action by society. They reflect the moral values ​​of society, and their violation is punished more severely than violation of traditions. From the word “mores” comes “morality” - ethical standards, spiritual principles that determine the most important aspects of the life of society. The Latin word moralis means “moral.” Morals are customs that have moral significance, forms of behavior of people that exist in a given society and can be subjected to moral assessment.

    In all societies, it is considered immoral to insult elders, offend the weak, humiliate a disabled person, or use obscene language. A special form of morality is taboo. Taboo is a system of prohibitions on any actions, words, or objects. In ancient societies, a system of such prohibitions determined the rules of people's lives. In modern society, a taboo is imposed on the desecration of national shrines, graves, monuments, insulting the sense of patriotism, etc.

    Morality is based on a value system.

    Values ​​are socially approved and shared by most people ideas about what goodness, justice, patriotism, and citizenship are. They serve as a standard and ideal for all people. For believers in society, there are religious norms - rules of behavior contained in the texts of holy books or established by the church.

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    Culture of behavior

    The attitude towards a person largely depends on his behavior among others. It is no coincidence that the overwhelming majority have a negative attitude towards boors, or arrogant individuals. Cultured people, on the contrary, are desirable in any society.

    There are generally accepted standards of decency and rules of conduct, compliance with which is the key to successful communication. All these norms and rules can be combined under one term - the culture of human behavior.

    Culture of behavior and personality

    The concept of cultural behavior and ethics has existed for many centuries, and in our time has not lost its relevance. This concept includes rules of behavior in society, actions and forms of communication of people, which are based on morality, as well as the internal and external culture of a person. Norms of behavior are a determining factor in the correctness or incorrectness of a person’s actions in society. First of all, the main factor of cultural behavior is good manners, i.e. a person’s willingness to comply with norms of behavior, his goodwill and tactfulness towards others. Ethics and culture of behavior are a kind of standard, a system of rules accepted in society. Etiquette is intended to serve people for everyday communication, representing a set of polite intonations of colloquial speech.

    The culture of communication and behavior is an ambiguous concept. Etiquette can always be realized in communication, but not all communication can be recognized as etiquette. Communication is much broader than etiquette. In any cultural communication, partners may differ in gender, age, nationality, social status, as well as the degree of acquaintance and relationship. The culture of behavior is built according to these criteria. For example, a younger person is obliged to listen to an older one and not interrupt him, and a man in the presence of a woman has no right to speak rudely. To some extent, ethics is a system of cultural restraint to ensure positive communication between unequal partners. The culture of behavior is almost always designed for two recipients - the partner and the public. Thus, its rules and regulations extend in two directions at once.

    Rules of culture of behavior

    The rules and norms of cultural behavior begin long before two people have the opportunity to meet. In most cases, people who enter into communication remain unfamiliar with each other. But this does not prevent them from being polite and tactful.

    The basic rules and norms of a culture of behavior are instilled in a person from childhood. However, if for some reason you were not instilled with them, or you have forgotten some of them, follow the simplified and basic version of how to become a cultured person:

    These simple rules not only will they facilitate relationships with people, but will also help you become a cultured person in the face of those around you, which is very rare today.

    Every day we are among people, performing some actions in accordance with this or that situation. We have to communicate with each other using generally accepted norms. Collectively, all this is our behavior. Let's try to understand deeper,

    Behavior as a moral category

    Behavior is a set of human actions that an individual performs over a long period of time under given conditions. These are all actions, not individual ones. Regardless of whether actions are performed consciously or unintentionally, they are subject to moral evaluation. It is worth noting that behavior can reflect both the actions of one person and an entire team. In this case, both personal characteristics and the specifics of interpersonal relationships influence. Through his behavior, a person reflects his attitude towards society, towards specific people, and towards the objects around him.

    The concept of a line of conduct

    Behavior concept includes the determination of a line of behavior, which implies the presence of a certain systematicity and consistency in the repeated actions of an individual or the characteristics of the actions of a group of individuals over a long period of time. Behavior is perhaps the only indicator that objectively characterizes the moral qualities and driving motives of an individual.

    The concept of rules of behavior, etiquette

    Etiquette is a set of norms and rules that regulate a person’s relationships with others. This is an integral part of public culture (culture of behavior). It is expressed in complex system relationships between people. This includes concepts such as:

    • polite, courteous and protective treatment of the fair sex;
    • a sense of respect and deep respect for the older generation;
    • correct forms of everyday communication with others;
    • norms and rules of dialogue;
    • being at the dinner table;
    • dealing with guests;
    • fulfillment of the requirements for a person’s clothing (dress code).

    All these laws of decency embody general ideas about human dignity, simple requirements of convenience and ease in human relationships. In general they coincide with general requirements politeness. However, there are also strictly established ethical standards that are immutable.

    • Respectful treatment of students to teachers.
      • Maintaining subordination in relation of subordinates to their management.
      • Standards of conduct in public places, during seminars and conferences.

    Psychology as the science of behavior

    Psychology is a science that studies the characteristics of human behavior and motivations. This area of ​​knowledge studies how mental and behavioral processes proceed, specific personality traits, mechanisms that exist in a person’s mind and explain the deep subjective reasons for certain of his actions. She also considers the distinctive character traits of a person, taking into account the essential factors that determine them (stereotypes, habits, inclinations, feelings, needs), which can be partly innate and partly acquired, brought up in appropriate social conditions. Thus, the science of psychology helps us understand, since it reveals its mental nature and the moral conditions of its formation.

    Behavior as a reflection of a person’s actions

    Depending on the nature of a person’s actions, different ones can be defined.

    • A person may try to attract the attention of others through his actions. This behavior is called demonstrative.
    • If a person undertakes any obligations and fulfills them in good faith, then his behavior is called responsible.
    • Behavior that determines the actions of a person aimed at the benefit of others, and for which he does not require any reward, is called helping.
    • There is also internal behavior, which is characterized by the fact that a person decides for himself what to believe in and what to value.

    There are others, more complex ones.

    • Deviant behavior. It represents a negative deviation from norms and patterns of behavior. As a rule, it entails the application of various types punishments.
    • If a person demonstrates complete indifference to his surroundings, a reluctance to make decisions on his own, and mindlessly follows those around him in his actions, then his behavior is considered conformist.

    Characteristics of behavior

    An individual's behavior can be characterized by various categories.

    • Innate behavior is usually instincts.
    • Acquired behavior is the actions a person performs in accordance with his upbringing.
    • Intentional behavior is actions carried out by a person consciously.
    • Unintentional behavior is actions performed spontaneously.
    • Behavior can also be conscious or unconscious.

    Code of Conduct

    Close attention is paid to the norms of human behavior in society. A norm is a primitive form of a requirement regarding morality. On the one hand, this is a form of relationship, and on the other, a specific form of consciousness and thinking of the individual. The norm of behavior is constantly reproduced similar actions of many people, obligatory for each person individually. Society needs people to act in given situations according to a certain scenario, which is designed to maintain social balance. The binding force of norms of behavior for each individual person is based on examples from society, mentors and the immediate environment. In addition, habit plays an important role, as does collective or individual coercion. At the same time, norms of behavior must be based on general, abstract ideas about morality (the definition of good, evil, and so on). One of the tasks of properly educating a person in society is to ensure that the simplest norms of behavior become an internal need of a person, take the form of a habit and are carried out without external and internal coercion.

    Raising the younger generation

    One of the most important moments in raising the younger generation is. The purpose of such conversations should be to expand the knowledge of schoolchildren about the culture of behavior, to explain to them the moral meaning of this concept, as well as to develop in them the skills of correct behavior in society. First of all, the teacher must explain to students that it is inextricably linked with the people around them, that how the teenager behaves depends on how easy and pleasant it will be for these people to live next to him. Teachers should also cultivate positive character traits in children using the examples of books by various writers and poets. The following rules also need to be explained to students:

    • how to behave at school;
    • how to behave on the street;
    • how to behave in a company;
    • how to behave in city transport;
    • how to behave when visiting.

    It is important to pay special attention, especially in high school, to this issue, both in the company of classmates, as well as in the company of boys outside of school.

    Public opinion as a reaction to human behavior

    Public opinion is a mechanism through which society regulates the behavior of each individual. Any form of social discipline, including traditions and customs, falls under this category, because for society it is something like legal norms of behavior that the vast majority of people follow. Moreover, such traditions form public opinion, which acts as a powerful mechanism for regulating behavior and human relationships in various spheres of life. From an ethical point of view, the determining point in regulating an individual’s behavior is not his personal discretion, but public opinion, which is based on certain generally accepted moral principles and criteria. It must be recognized that an individual has the right to independently decide how to behave in a given situation, despite the fact that the formation of self-awareness is greatly influenced by the norms accepted in society, as well as collective opinion. Under the influence of approval or censure, a person’s character can change dramatically.

    Human behavior assessment

    When considering the issue, we must not forget about such a concept as assessing the behavior of an individual. This assessment consists of society’s approval or condemnation of a specific act, as well as the behavior of the individual as a whole. People can express their positive or negative attitude towards the subject being evaluated in the form of praise or blame, agreement or criticism, manifestations of sympathy or hostility, that is, through various external actions and emotions. In contrast to requirements expressed in the form of norms, which in the form general rules prescribe how a person should act in a given situation, the assessment compares these requirements with those specific phenomena and events that already take place in reality, establishing their compliance or non-compliance existing standards behavior.

    Golden rule of behavior

    In addition to what we all know generally accepted, there is Golden Rule. It originated in ancient times, when the first essential requirements for human morality were formed. Its essence is to treat others in the way you would like to see this attitude towards yourself. Similar ideas were found in such ancient works as the teachings of Confucius, the Bible, Homer's Iliad, and so on. It is worth noting that this is one of the few beliefs that has survived to this day almost unchanged and has not lost its relevance. The positive moral significance of the golden rule is determined by the fact that it practically orients the individual towards the development of an important element in the mechanism of moral behavior - the ability to put oneself in the place of others and emotionally experience their condition. In modern morality, the golden rule of behavior is an elementary universal prerequisite for relationships between people, expressing a continuity with the moral experience of the past.