Water pipes      06/12/2019

Radon baths after a heart attack. Video about the benefits of radon baths. The benefits of radon baths for men

This method of treatment is a beneficial effect on the health and well-being of the patient with water enriched with special radon. To do this, a person is immersed in a special bath filled with mineral water for a certain period of time. Radon baths are effective in the treatment of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, namely arthritis, arthrosis, inflammatory diseases of the spine, sciatica, and neuralgia. Radon therapy is also indispensable for respiratory diseases.


With the help of such baths in modern medicine, specialists are struggling with a variety of diseases. When the patient is in water, radon gas penetrates first into the skin, then into the subcutaneous layers and then into the fatty tissues and various organs. Under his influence internal tissues recover from damage faster and more efficiently, inflammation is reduced, and the condition of the skin is noticeably improved.

It is worth noting separately the beneficial effect of the described procedure on the vessels, both on the smallest and largest:

  • their walls become more elastic and strong;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • the work of the heart muscle is regulated, due to which the frequency of the remote control is normalized.

"Friends" radon and nervous system person. This gas has the effect of a very effective and safe sedative. It is excellent for relaxing the body, and as a result, it can be used to reduce pain or even sleep problems for the patient.

IN Lately Increasingly, this method of treatment is prescribed to people suffering from articular and pulmonary diseases. Its main feature in this case is that after the first procedure, pain decreases, and the patient begins to feel much better.

But the fair sex especially fell in love with radon for its "ability" to influence the body's metabolism and promote weight loss. Few of the fighters for an ideal figure can withstand constant physical exertion and the strictest diets. And such a procedure is painless and even somewhat pleasant. Therefore, many modern centers for weight loss began to actively use it in their work.

The main thing is that the procedure is carried out correctly, in compliance with all the recommendations of the doctor. And, of course, one such bath will not be enough to achieve a noticeable effect. To do this, most likely, you will need a whole range of procedures.

Another nice feature is the result of the described baths, improving well-being, health and appearance The patient after taking them is able to persist ah up to six months.

Treatment with radon baths

We can say that recently such baths are increasingly used as a beauty procedure, not health. Especially after it was found that they improve the condition of the skin and promote weight loss.

In fact, do not forget about their healing effect. All the numerous diseases that were mentioned above can be cured much faster than with the usual pills and ointments alone. True, very rarely radon baths are prescribed as the main method of treatment. As a rule, they become an additional, but extremely effective and efficient procedure. Especially if you are not too lazy and go through the entire prescribed course without missing a single bath.

Most often, it consists of ten procedures, which are required to attend daily. In the process, a person is immersed in warm water and is in it for about 10-12 minutes. After the bath, he may feel a sharp aggravation of pain and discomfort in the problem area, which pass very quickly. Some patients feel drowsy after this or they may have a strong feeling of hunger.

Today, there are even many separate comfortable resorts of different price categories around the world that offer treatment in this way.

Radon baths for myoma

As you know, any physiotherapy for this disease is prohibited. This greatly complicates and prolongs the period of its treatment. The only thing that can be used is baths, the water in which is enriched with radon.

It is believed that conservative treatment will be more effective if, for example, several methods are combined at once - all together. Surgical intervention in parallel with hormone therapy, acupuncture, a special diet, taking vitamins and healing baths.

The specialist prescribes them to each patient individually, taking into account the characteristics of his body and the course of the disease.

What are the contraindications

Despite the many advantages of this procedure, it also has some contraindications that every patient needs to be aware of.

Care should be taken with any physiotherapy during pregnancy and lactation. Only a specialist can decide whether radon baths will be harmful to the expectant mother and fetus. It is not necessary to sign up for such a procedure on your own.

In addition, they are prohibited for patients who have heart problems such as angina pectoris, coronary artery disease, or atrial fibrillation). The list of contraindications can include various acute inflammatory processes occurring in the body.

Sometimes the patient may experience individual intolerance to radon water. In this case, when in contact with it, a person develops dizziness, shortness of breath and other similar symptoms.

Video: About the healing properties of radon baths

Radon baths, the indications and contraindications of which every experienced spa visitor knows, have been confidently at the peak of spa fashion for several decades. Contacts of the best radon health resorts are searched for by reviews on the Web and recommendations from friends, and they brag about the healing effect to relatives and colleagues. Radon treatment is pleasant, prestigious, effective, and also ... very scary. After a series of radiation disasters in Russia and the world, which showed that a peaceful atom is not so peaceful, medical procedures with radon automatically fell out of favor. So what is more in gas baths - good or bad?

Radon treatment: from time immemorial

The use of radioactive water to treat people is one of the most ancient methods that was popular in Europe along with the innocent brewing of roots and flowers. So, on the site of the legendary resort of Baden-Baden in ancient rome Healing springs beat, where Roman legionnaires improved their health.

And when radiation was discovered at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, the famous European resorts literally gained a second life. Having first experimented with Mendeleev's elements, in 1904, the discoverers of radiation, the Curie spouses, began to study future radon waters.

And off we go: first, the German water resort of Baden-Baden was recognized as healing and radiation, then Bad Kreuznach, and soon the Austrian Bad Gastein. And in 1911, the world's first official resort with radon waters (at that time gas was also called niton) appeared in the Czech Jachymov.

The name of Marie Curie as the greatest figure in medicine (and not just chemistry and physics) is revered not only in Europe. Radon baths, whose benefits are so valued in the West, are the pride of the small Japanese town of Misasa. Two monuments stand on its resort streets: the samurai Okudo Samanosuke, who discovered the healing springs, and the great chemist Mari, who discovered their value to the world...

From barracks to the main health resort of Siberia

The benefits of radon baths are best known to the inhabitants of Altai. The main city-sanatorium of Siberia - the Altai Belokurikha - is the first domestic radon resort.

The history of Belokurikha began when the world did not even know about radon and its super-properties. In the 1860s, locals discovered that the area's strange hot springs were very beneficial. And already in 1867, the first resort flaunted on this place - a dubious-looking barracks with 16 wooden bathtubs. Today, Belokurikha is the most famous health resort, the tourist pride of Russia, which is famous throughout the country for its medical procedures, excellent service and, to be honest, exorbitant prices.

Sanatoriums with radon baths in Russia are divided into 2 types: with artificial and natural. Everything is clear with natural ones: these are health resorts that are built on natural sources or use water from underground wells (as in Altai). For artificial baths, an inert gas is simply diluted in the required concentration, although in this case it is unrealistic to completely recreate the composition of natural mineral water.

If you are looking for where there are radon baths in Russia, be sure to pay attention to whether they are natural or artificial. natural water procedures with noble gas can be taken:

  • in the Crimea (the center "Chernye Vody");
  • in the Altai Territory (the city of Belokurikha);
  • in the Voronezh region (sanatorium "Radon");
  • on the Caucasian mineral waters (Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk, etc.);
  • in North Ossetia in the Karmadon Gorge;
  • in Buryatia (Nilova Pustyn) and some other regions.

How does radon work?

The most important argument for all opponents of such therapeutic baths is the radioactivity of the noble gas radon. And if it is sometimes difficult to prove the imaginary harm from vaccination, supposedly untested drugs or nutritional supplements, then you can’t argue here. The consequences of the radiation Chernobyl disaster, which have been dragging on for 30 years, speak for themselves.

But radon baths, the benefits and harms of which have been studied up and down for 100 years, act very gently. All baths of this type are divided into weak (gas concentration from 1 to 10 nCi/l) and strong radon (120-200 nCi/l). Medicinal waters are just weak. If you lie in the bath for 20 minutes, the radiation dose will be 0.006 millisieverts, which is 1000 times less than the minimum allowable radiation dose.

During the procedure, 0.3-6.4% of radon from the water enters the body of a spa visitor. More than 90% of this remains in the skin, about 3% settles in cells and tissues, rendering healing effect. The gas triggers the ionization of tissue fluid in the body, due to which biochemical processes change, the work of the adrenal glands intensifies, and the disturbed functions of many organs are restored.

And after 2-2.5 hours, the noble gas is completely removed from all cells of the body, after another 3 hours, the daughter decay products also come out.

What are the benefits of water procedures with radon?

Radon baths are a unique opportunity to take a break from city stress and heal a tired body. They have a complex effect on a vacationer exhausted by chronic sores: they increase immunity, improve blood quality, heal joints, restore metabolism, and also rejuvenate the skin cleaner than the most expensive salon spa.

Water procedures with radon are useful for all human systems and organs:

  • They normalize the heart rhythm, dilate blood vessels, so that high blood pressure quickly returns to normal.
  • Strengthen the walls of capillaries, improve blood composition and reduce clotting, preventing the appearance of spider veins and the development of varicose veins.
  • Normalize the work of the adrenal glands and the production of glucocorticoids, which allows you to maintain the energy balance in the body.
  • They regulate carbohydrate-lipid metabolism, reduce the concentration of free fats in the blood, which means they lower cholesterol and protect us from atherosclerosis.
  • Soothe, reduce excitability and restore sleep.
  • Relieve inflammation, accelerate tissue regeneration in bones and muscles.
  • Accelerate skin healing, relieve burns, old scars, heal acne. And also restore skin elasticity, smooth wrinkles and wrinkles.

The healing power of radon baths for women

At any self-respecting gas resort, they will definitely tell you in detail how radon baths are useful specifically for women.

Both water procedures and all kinds of douching-irrigation with radon have long been successfully used in the treatment of gynecological problems. Usually unofficially - only as an adjuvant therapy to prolong remission or restore an organism weakened by drugs. (Interestingly, the first department of radon therapy for women's diseases in the Soviet Union appeared in the same unforgettable Belokurikha).

It is important to know: not all female doctors unequivocally recommend radon baths. Indications and contraindications in gynecology of such procedures are clearly marked. You can be treated with radon if the patient is diagnosed with:

  • fibroids;
  • polycystic ovaries;
  • endometriosis;
  • fibromatosis of the uterus and some other diseases.

Radon therapy is strictly prohibited for ovarian hypofunction, malignant neoplasms, polyps in the uterus. In this case, the stimulating effect of the gas can only worsen the situation and accelerate the growth of neoplasms. The same applies to women with mastopathy - with the growth of breast tissue, radon resorts are not worth even dreaming of.

Radon secret of men's health

One of the main nightmares of any man over 25 years old (what to do, all diseases are now rapidly getting younger) is prostatitis. And here natural sources with radon come to the rescue: baths and microclysters.

Radon spa treatments relieve inflammation in the prostate gland, improve blood circulation, improve potency and significantly increase sexual desire.

The soothing and relaxing effect of gas baths is also important for men's health. After all, there are a lot of stresses in the life of an ordinary city dweller, and men are much more subject to their destructive influence than women - any psychologist will confirm this to you. And a calm, rested, disconnected from daily problems man is a guarantee that everything will be in perfect order with an intimate life in the family.

Indications for radon baths

Like any spa procedures, radon baths are allowed only during the period of remission of chronic ailments. With an exacerbation of any illness, you are unlikely to be allowed into the health resort, and even more so to the radon source. But even if the patient feels quite well, the decision on whether the radon spa will help, only the attending physician should make.

Have you already chosen a resort with radon baths? Indications for use (solely recommended, not mandatory) will be as follows:

  • cardiovascular diseases: angina pectoris, cardio- and atherosclerosis, varicose veins, hypertension, etc.;
  • neurological problems: neuralgia and sciatica, sleep disturbances, various consequences of injuries, etc.;
  • bronchopulmonary diseases: asthma, chronic pulmonary diseases, rhinitis, etc.;
  • endocrine disorders: hyperthyroidism, obesity, early stage diabetes;
  • diseases of bones and joints: arthritis and polyarthritis, poorly healing fractures, etc.;
  • skin problems: keloid scars, non-healing scars and ulcers, psoriasis, some types of lichen, etc.

Also, radon therapy saves in diseases of the digestive system, disorders of the sexual sphere, kidney ailments and other diseases.

And when is it impossible?

Even if a colleague, returning from a resort, enthusiastically talks about radon baths, and the miraculous properties of gas-enriched water are touted on the sites of Pyatigorsk and Belokurikha, do not rush. Consult with your doctor (or better, several), assess the risks, view other spa services.

And first of all, study the contraindications of radon baths:

  • pregnancy;
  • radiation sickness (all stages);
  • decreased thyroid function (hypothyroidism);
  • low estrogen levels;
  • some gynecological diseases;
  • acute inflammation;
  • a period of less than 1 year after a heart attack or stroke, etc.

Rules for taking radon baths

We found out what radon baths treat. But the healing effect of noble gas largely depends on whether you took this bath correctly. For decades active use radon therapy in Europe and Russia, clear standards for this therapeutic spa have been developed.

  1. You can not go to the bath with radon on an empty stomach and immediately after eating. It is optimal to withstand after breakfast and lunch for about 30 minutes - and for procedures.
  2. You only need to spend 5-20 minutes in the bath. It is recommended to start with 5 minutes and gradually increase the time.
  3. You need to dive into the water up to the chest (up to the level of the nipples). If there are heart disorders, then the bath becomes almost sitz - the water should reach the navel.
  4. After the procedure, you can not wipe yourself, just gently blot the skin with a towel. Then just rest for 1.5-2 hours and do not wash, so as not to wash off the healing ions.
  5. The standard course of radon baths is 10-15 procedures in 1-2 days. The therapeutic effect of radon therapy lasts about six months, so courses are usually prescribed every six months or a year.

What do the reviews say?

If you still doubt whether radon procedures are harmful or beneficial for women, just go to the women's forums. The most regular visitors to Russian health resorts are beautiful ladies, and they have long appreciated the complex effect of healing gas.

“I was treated with radon baths in Pyatigorsk, I have endometriosis. It helped very well, for almost a year no relapses. What pleased me is that the bath also heals varicose veins - the legs after the procedures practically do not hurt and swell much less.

“I was very afraid of radon - after all, a radioactive gas. But the doctor convinced me that baths would be very useful for my osteochondrosis. The feeling after these procedures is amazing - very calm, relaxed, and what a skin! Elastic, velvety, as in youth.

With all its calming and relaxing effect, radon baths are very unpredictable: reviews warn that an exacerbation may begin after treatment. There is no need to be afraid: this is just a response of the body, which will pass in 2-3 days.

“I have arthritis and osteochondrosis, radon baths were prescribed in the sanatorium - a course of 10 procedures. After three baths, the joints began to ache unbearably, even worse than before the treatment. After 3 days, the pain went away without any pills, and after treatment, both the back and the joints are like new. But the doctors warned - after 8-10 months it is necessary to repeat the baths.

Radon baths are one of the most famous sanatorium services; it is not for nothing that many health resorts were built specifically around radon sources. But before you plunge into the gas, be sure to find out if this procedure will be useful for you. And if there are at least minimal risks, it is better to refuse and look for another resort - and there are enough of them in Russia.

Almost every year, international medicine offers innovative methods of treating a variety of diseases, and this applies not only to the release of new pharmaceuticals, but also to the latest physiotherapy.

Physiotherapeutic methods still do not lose their relevance and are in demand, because they are very effective (especially with complex treatment). One of the latest developments are radon baths. Since the procedure is carried out with the help of radioactive exposure, before signing up for a session, it is necessary to figure out what indications and contraindications radon baths have, and whether they are suitable for all patients.

Not every person can answer the question - what are radon baths. This is a special type of physiotherapy treatment based on the effect of mineral waters saturated with radon. This inert gas is odorless and colorless and produces radioactive alpha particles.

Radon waters have a powerful healing effect, but since they are accompanied by radioactive radiation, they will only be useful at minimal dosages.

Many patients refuse such physiotherapy because they consider radon baths to be unsafe.

But in the course of clinical studies and experiments, it was proved that the minimum doses of radiation are harmless to the human body and are not capable of provoking complications.

To date, such physiotherapeutic procedures are actively used in various fields of medicine, but they have proven themselves especially well in the treatment of "female" diseases and.

Advantages and disadvantages

Currently, radon therapy is prescribed in the complex treatment of a variety of pathologies. As a separate method of therapy, it is practically not used. Patients should take into account that such a method of treatment can have not only benefits, but also harm, therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting therapy.

The main advantage of radon sources is that they heal the body as a whole and help achieve the following effects:

  • reduce pain;
  • and capillaries;
  • normalize blood flow;
  • fight the inflammatory process;
  • accelerate metabolic processes and;
  • activate the defenses of the immune system.

As for the harmful effects on the body, such therapy rarely causes side effects and most often their occurrence is associated with the lack of prior consultation or ignoring contraindications. The most common negative reactions from the body are:

  • the occurrence of severe headache after the procedure. Some patients headache may not go away for several days;
  • slight dizziness;
  • acceleration of breathing, the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • increase in blood pressure.

If any of these symptoms occur, you should immediately notify your doctor, who will tell you what measures to take next. In most cases, such a reaction of the body is the reason for refusing further procedures.

When appointed

Before prescribing such therapy, the doctor should tell the patient that radon baths are being treated. Based on the information received, the patient will be able to understand when they are most often prescribed.

Today, radon treatment is prescribed for a variety of diseases. Such therapy has proven itself especially well in such disorders:

  1. Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Radon baths can be used for arthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis, as well as for recovery after fractures,.
  2. Dysfunction of the nervous system (insomnia, the appearance of neuralgia).
  3. Diseases of the respiratory system (pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma).
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers) and gallbladder.
  5. Thyroid dysfunction.
  6. Diabetes.
  7. Severe forms of dermatological pathologies (, psoriasis).
  8. Myocardial diseases.

Today, radon sources are prescribed even for the restoration of the reproductive system in men and women. Doctors claim that this type of therapy helps to cope with prostatitis and infertility.


Despite the fact that this method of treatment is well tolerated in most cases and rarely causes complications, it has certain contraindications, which are primarily associated with the specific effect of radon.

Who is contraindicated in radon baths? It is necessary to refuse such procedures in the following cases:

  • childbearing and lactation;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • the presence of tumors of benign or malignant origin;
  • tuberculosis;
  • leukemia;
  • low estrogen content;
  • a cold accompanied by fever;
  • atrial fibrillation.

Also, radon therapy is not performed for patients whose age is less than 18 years.

Reference! Most contraindications are due to the fact that alpha rays activate all processes in the body, which can adversely affect the course of certain diseases.

Preparatory stage

What radon treats, and how to properly prepare for the procedure, the patient should be told by the specialist who prescribed this method of treatment.

To achieve the maximum effect and minimize the risk of complications, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • during the course of treatment, the patient must exclude alcohol and stop smoking;
  • immediately before the session, it is necessary to empty the bladder and cleanse the intestines;
  • baths are taken no earlier than one hour after eating;
  • It is very important that during the procedure the patient is not nervous or worried.

Conducting a session

How exactly the session will be conducted depends on what type of procedure is assigned to the patient. Currently, there are several types of radon treatment, which are selected according to the type and stage of the disease, as well as individual characteristics organism. Before the first session, the doctor conducting the procedure will tell you how to take radon baths correctly.

Typically, the patient should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Enter the bath slowly, without sudden movements.
  2. It is necessary to lie down in the water so that the level does not reach the heart.
  3. During the session, you need to relax.
  4. You also need to get out of the water slowly and smoothly.
  5. After the session, the patient does not need to dry himself with a towel, the skin should dry naturally.

A session usually lasts no more than 15 minutes. After the procedure, the patient needs to rest and only then return to their usual activities. The standard course of treatment includes 10-12 sessions, which are carried out every 2 days.

Radon irrigation

This type of therapy is one of the most common and most often prescribed for the treatment of the genitourinary system. Procedures are carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  • session duration 15-20 minutes;
  • water temperature should vary between 35-38 degrees;
  • the course of treatment consists of 18-22 procedures.

This type of treatment is very effective, especially in the early stages of the disease.

Air-radon baths

A distinctive feature of this type of physiotherapy is that they practically do not exert a load on the myocardium, due to which they are prescribed even to patients who have recently suffered a heart attack.

During the procedure, the patient will be in a special box. The therapeutic effect is carried out with the help of air enriched with radon.

Other types

Radon treatment can also be carried out using the following methods:

  • inhalation (inhalation of air saturated with radon);
  • oral administration (drinking radon water);
  • compresses based on radon waters;
  • administration of solutions by injection.

Each of these methods has its own advantages, but the method is chosen only by the attending physician, taking into account the type of disease and the individual characteristics of the organism.

Possible Complications

When conducting a preliminary diagnosis and following the rules for taking radon baths, the risk of side effects will be minimal. Most often, complications arise only with improper preparation of the bath and an increased dosage of radon. High doses of radon can lead to weakened immunity, lung cancer and leukemia.

Reference! Since, if carried out incorrectly, such therapy can cause extremely serious complications, it should be carried out only under medical supervision.


After the end of the session, the patient will not have to engage in recovery activities. The only thing that doctors advise is to rest for an hour after the procedure and not to engage in mental and physical activity during this time. Also, the patient needs to remember that after taking a radon bath, it is not necessary to wipe the skin with a towel, since the active substance will remain on the epidermis and continue to act.

approximate cost

The price of such therapy depends on where exactly it will be carried out, as well as on the duration of the course. The approximate cost of a course based on natural sources, consisting of 10 sessions, is 13,500-15,000 rubles.

Taking artificial baths will cost much less, for 1 session you will have to pay from 200 to 780 rubles.

Today, they are becoming more and more famous unconventional methods fixing medical problems. In addition, many adherents healthy lifestyle life is also trying to apply various ways maintaining the tone of the whole organism. One of these procedures was radon baths.

What is technology

The essence of such therapy is to saturate all skin cells with an inert gas, which is a decay product of the radioactive substance radium. Of course, this chemical element in its pure form cannot be useful, since it emits the strongest alpha radiation. However, people have long learned to benefit from dangerous natural phenomena. Considering that the impact on the body of radiation during the session is minimal, the patient's risks of receiving a critical dose of radiation are reduced to zero. However, nevertheless, you should not neglect the minimum precautions. Remember, all such procedures should be carried out only with the permission of a medical specialist.

The mechanism of action of the technology is as follows. The patient is placed in a filled warm bath per 200 liters, to which 100 ml of radon diluted to a safe concentration is added. It must be said that due to the increased degree of radiation, the substance is in a special container made of lead. In addition, its preparation is carried out by experienced specialists who are familiar with the safety precautions for working with such elements. Usually therapy includes 10 to 15 sessions of 30-60 minutes each.

During the procedure, an inert gas gradually penetrates into the upper layers of the skin. Then it moves deep into the body and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs.

The effect of such therapy is obvious. Radon baths, reviews of which are mostly positive, speed up the body's metabolism and improve skin condition. In addition, sessions can save you from some diseases. However, this does not apply to all categories of patients.

It is also worth remembering that in specific cases a different dosage of gas concentration in water will be required. A high degree of fluid saturation is most effective, but this therapy is far from being indicated for everyone. Most often, a slightly diluted bath is used. At the same time, the level of radiation received by the patient is about 15 times less than the lower permissible threshold, which indicates the radioactive safety of the procedure.

Treatment Options

Today there are two methods of conducting this kind of sessions. There are natural radon sources and baths made artificial way. Among the most popular domestic natural fonts, radon baths in Pyatigorsk are widely known. In addition, health resorts such as Molokovka and Ust-Kut are popular. Among the countries of near and far abroad, the baths of Tskaltubo, Khmilnik, Ischia and Badgastein are known. Many healing springs are located in Germany. Among them are Bad Brambach and Bad Nauheim.

You can conduct a course of treatment in an artificially created font in any sanatorium with radon baths. Moreover, today many of them offer such a complex of therapy. It all depends on your personal preferences and financial capabilities.

The mechanism of action and the result of the procedure

First of all, you need to find out how these sessions affect the body. After all, radon baths, the benefits and harms of which can be equivalent, in some cases require a mandatory consultation with a doctor before proceeding with such therapy.

As mentioned above, the substance enters the body through the skin. Then it moves into the deep layers of the skin and affects the internal organs. The excretion of the element occurs within a few hours with breathing. It must be said that such treatment is usually not conservative. Rather, it is a general strengthening effect, which is carried out in combination with other procedures.

Baths with radon gas relieve inflammation, improve general state body, increase immune defenses and promote tissue healing. In addition, sessions will help normalize blood clotting and stabilize blood pressure. It is also known to have a beneficial effect on the central and peripheral nervous system and metabolic processes.

Recently, this therapy has become especially popular due to the ability to quickly and effortlessly lose weight. Today, many cosmetic clinics conduct a similar course of treatment. Here it should be noted that the effect of taking baths is noticeable after a short time. After all, not every person has enough willpower to conduct daily workouts and steadily follow a strict diet. The same method allows you to achieve a similar result without any effort on your part.

Another quality that should be emphasized will be the calming effect of an inert gas on the patient's nervous system. In some cases, the procedures are indicated for patients suffering from sleep disorders and anxiety. Such therapy can easily relieve anxiety and alleviate pain. Among people who have undergone this course of treatment, doctors note a high percentage of positive results of this technique.

Despite such impressive list beneficial effects, you should be very careful about procedures such as radon baths, indications and contraindications for which are very wide. Of course, you should not self-medicate. All therapy should take place with the permission and under the supervision of a specialist. Of course, there is a group of patients who need such a course. It is in these cases that the technique will be truly effective. These categories include the following list of patients:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Treatment is usually indicated for varicose veins, atherosclerosis and angina pectoris. Sessions will ease the consequences of a heart attack and cardiosclerosis. An excellent effect is also noted in the treatment of coronary heart disease.
  2. Disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system. In this case, sessions are appropriate for people suffering from neuralgia, neuritis and neurasthenia. In addition, baths have excellent results for patients who have suffered closed injuries of the brain or spinal cord.
  3. Problems associated with disruption of the musculoskeletal system. This category includes both chronic patients with arthritis, osteoporosis and osteomyelitis, as well as patients who have received mechanical injuries.
  4. Skin diseases. Here the range of indications is very wide. The therapy can help people suffering from superficial rashes and acne, as well as patients with more serious problems, such as psoriasis. In addition, the procedures contribute to the speedy healing of integrity violations. skin and scars.
  5. Chronic inflammation of the urinary organs. Baths cope with benign hormonal neoplasms in women and prostatitis in men. However, in the case of the appearance of tumors, one must be extremely careful, since sessions can provoke their growth.

In addition to the above properties, this treatment is indicated for people suffering from diabetes and various chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, lungs and kidneys. In addition, an excellent effect can be achieved by patients in the fight against excess weight.

In a word, there are a lot of positive aspects of taking radon baths. However, even for less harmless procedures, a full examination and consultation with a doctor is usually required, and such therapy has an extensive list of contraindications to its use. Therefore, in order to determine whether this treatment is right for you, you need to be aware of the possible negative consequences.

Risk of getting complications

Of course, every person who wants to improve his health in this way must also know about negative side question. After all, radon baths, contraindications for the use of which are fully known today, can cause irreparable harm to the body. The list of such precautions looks like this:

  1. The acute phase of any of the chronic diseases. Here, they include all the same categories that are recommended for treatment. This is especially important for patients with impaired cardiac rhythm function. Of course, having passed the peak of exacerbation, you can continue the course after consulting with your doctor.
  2. Active inflammatory phenomena in tissues or organs. In this case, not radon gases, but immersing the patient in warm water, which can increase the focus of inflammation, may have a greater negative effect. Although, in these cases, the decision is made by the attending physician based on the individual characteristics of the disease.
  3. Poor tolerability of the procedure. As a rule, it is not possible to determine this in advance. If you experience breathing problems, heavy sweating or dizziness while taking a bath, be sure to notify a specialist about this. Perhaps you should refrain from this method of treatment.
  4. Low white blood cell count. A decrease in white blood cells indicates poor body resistance. In this case, even a small dose of radiation can have fatal consequences. Of course, such a procedure is strictly prohibited for patients with radiation sickness.
  5. Increased dosage of radiation due to professional activities. It is better for people who are constantly in contact with such substances to refrain from the course of these procedures.

This list only outlines the main contraindications for radon treatment. Of course, there are also other features and diseases in which such a course is not recommended. However, this should only be determined by a qualified person. Therefore, before deciding to start such sessions, be sure to undergo a complete medical examination and, if necessary, pass the necessary tests to avoid harmful consequences for the body.

Obviously, baths saturated with inert gas during the half-life of radon have a high healing effect and can alleviate the course of most chronic ailments. However, do not forget that any technique has its negative sides. Remember that in this case it is optimal to trust the doctors, and not your own intuition.

To exclude the possibility of complications, do not self-medicate, but trust qualified specialists

Pyatigorsk is the most popular domestic health resort with radon baths

In addition to the general strengthening effect, radon baths have many healing properties.

The best solution would be to take a course of such therapy in a sanatorium

The best solution would be a consultation with a specialist before the procedures and constant medical monitoring during the course.

Therapy can help you get rid of excess weight and strengthen the nervous system

Natural bath with healing effect

Many supporters of a healthy lifestyle speak enthusiastically about radon baths.

Despite the fact that the main component of therapy has become a radioactive element, the benefits of it are enormous.

What are radon baths? You will learn about the benefits and harms of the procedure, as well as indications and contraindications from our article. Read patient reviews, they confirm the effectiveness of radon treatment.

People who understand chemistry know what radon is. A brief description of the fact that it is an inert gas that is colorless and odorless is easy to find in encyclopedias. However, it is also used in medicinal purposes. In fact, this is a radioactive substance, but getting into the water in the right amount, the negative impact is neutralized, the main thing is to calculate the correct proportions.

Radon baths are a mixture of mineral water with the addition of radon. The water may be initially saturated with gas, or the solution may be added later. There is no difference in the two cases, the concentration and therapeutic effect is the same.

This therapy is gaining popularity. Radon is an expensive gas, but the procedure has its advantages. Radon baths are the most convenient and most best way.

Indications for the use of radon baths

An appointment for radon treatment can only be made by a doctor after a detailed examination, since radon baths have a number of indications and contraindications.

And what do radon baths treat? Practice shows that they can be used to treat cardiovascular diseases, ailments associated with the nervous system. Also, radon baths have indications and contraindications when used in gynecology. They are shown to women during menopause, as well as during inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. Radon has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system and the body's immune system.

It is believed that the procedure promotes weight loss, so it is especially popular with women. During the session, the metabolism is accelerated. People suffering from digestive and intestinal problems will definitely appreciate the effect of radon baths.

The benefits of radon

Ordinary inhabitants will be interested in the question of how radon baths are useful. The substance was discovered at the beginning of the 20th century, research began much later. But thanks to the study of radon, it was possible to find out that its healing effect is obvious. With the help of radon baths, you can achieve complex effect on the body:

  • Relaxation;
  • analgesic effect;
  • wound healing;
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes.

Radon baths are beneficial only in the case of a full course of procedures. Usually, 10-12 sessions are required to achieve the effect. This figure may vary depending on the diagnosis and condition of the patient.

Radon baths cannot be called a cure and a “universal medicine”, rather, it is a procedure that supports and complements the treatment.

The benefits of radon are also recognized by cosmetologists. That is why women prefer radon baths. It is believed that they have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, tighten it and rejuvenate. During menopause, baths will improve the general condition, which worsens due to hormonal changes in the body.

Harm of radon baths

How radon baths are taken and their benefits and harms are the two main aspects that patients are interested in. The doctor before prescribing the procedure should carefully study the medical history. People suffering from cancerous tumors and bleeding should refrain from radon baths. Also, they can not be used for epilepsy and angina pectoris.

The bans apply to the elderly and young children, as well as pregnant women. The impact of radon on this category of patients has not been fully investigated.

Radon baths, like any procedure, have indications and contraindications, there are undoubtedly more benefits. However, do not forget that radon is a radioactive substance. If the procedure is abused, then side effects may occur. It is believed that the frequent use of radon can lead to the formation of cancerous tumors, which is why treatment should be carried out in close contact and under the supervision of doctors.

Fears also apply to women who, in the pursuit of beauty, resort to radon too often, it is better to reduce the number of procedures to a minimum. Otherwise, along with beautiful and well-groomed skin, you can get backfire. In order for radon baths to bring only benefits to the body, and not harm, you need to listen to your own body and respond to all changes and report them to doctors.

How are radon baths taken?

Speaking about the procedure, it is customary to discuss several important points:

  • Indications and contraindications for taking radon baths;
  • Reviews of radon baths.

These are the first questions that come to mind, the doctor will answer them, and also prescribe a specific bath treatment regimen. As mentioned above, about 12 sessions are usually required, but this figure may vary depending on the disease.

The duration of the session is approximately 20 minutes. After the bath, the skin is not wiped with a towel, but rather blotted so that the decay substances remain on the skin. After the patient should rest for at least half an hour.

This is a basic pre-bath and post-bath wish list. Of course, you can not lie down in the water if you have bad feeling. Smoking and intake alcoholic beverages are the reason for the ban on such procedures. Radon baths can be of great benefit to the body or harm if you do not follow the rules and instructions of doctors.

Dry radon baths

What can radon baths with mineral water be useful for? various diseases we found out, however, that this is not the only method of taking them.

Unfortunately, not all patients can immerse themselves in water. This may be due to the peculiarity of the disease or the complexion of the person. Especially for these cases, was invented dry radon enrichment method. Such baths are called air baths. So, how are dry radon baths taken, and what are the indications and contraindications for their use?

The person is in a capsule, where the body is blown with air, which includes radon. The head, as in a bath of water, is outside. Not everyone is comfortable in the water; air radon therapy is more convenient.

The effect of dry baths is the same as that of water baths. The method of supplying radon is changing, but this does not affect the course of the disease and the effect achieved.

Which resorts offer radon baths?

Location Name of the sanatorium The method of taking baths
Sanatoriums in Russia with radon baths
Sochi Sanatorium "October" Artificial radon baths
Pyatigorsk Sanatorium "Narzan" Well with radon
Sanatoriums with radon baths in Belarus
Belarus Grodno regionDyatlovsky district, Boroviki village, 40A/2 Sanatorium "Radon" Own spring with mineral water, which contains radon.
Belarus, Vitebsk region, Lepel district, village of Borovka Sanatorium "Lepel Military"
Sanatoriums with radon baths in Crimea
CrimeaYalta region Sanatorium "Mountain" Artificial radon baths.
Crimea Bakhchisarai district Sanatorium "Chernye Vody" Baths with mineral water enriched with radon

Video about the benefits of radon baths: