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Screwdriver corded or cordless which is better reviews. What is the best cordless screwdriver for home use? What are the rules for using a corded screwdriver?

The power tool market offers a large selection of different models of screwdrivers from many well-known companies, as well as little-known manufacturers. Almost all tools are identical in design, and the difference in their performance can only be determined during their operation.

To choose from the mass of instruments offered by the market, the most quality screwdriver, you need to familiarize yourself with their technical characteristics. Cordless screwdrivers, in some circumstances, have more productivity than cordless screwdrivers, since no time is wasted on recharging them.

The device and properties of corded screwdrivers

These tools are equipped with an electric motor direct current powered by a 220 V mains supply. They have a reverse button, with which the motor polarity is changed, so that it can rotate in reverse side. That is, due to a change in the direction of the engine torque, the tool can screw in the screws or, conversely, unscrew them.

When installing a two-speed reducer, the networker acquires some additional functions. For example, a corded two-speed screwdriver, whose speed is 450 rpm, does a good job of tightening / unscrewing screws and self-tapping screws. And at speeds within 1400 rpm. quickly drills holes in metal and other materials.

Tool Benefits

Corded screwdrivers, compared to cordless tools, have smaller dimensions and light weight, since they do not have a bulky battery.

At long work the networker does not lose its power, while the cordless screwdriver gradually loses it in the process of discharging the battery. Sometimes, due to the characteristics of some battery models, the entire workflow may stop during charging. And with a drill-driver powered by a 220 V network, such a situation is not even expected.

The cost of a networker is much lower than his fellow cordless screwdriver.

Overview of chucks

Drills-screwdrivers may differ in the mechanisms for holding nozzles (bits), of which there are three types:

  1. Toothed chuck (key). A fairly reliable holding mechanism in which the bit is clamped using a special gear key.
  2. Keyless chuck. Very handy when changing bits or drill bits quickly. The cartridge can be single-case - one rotating clamping ring, or double-case - with two clamping rings.
  3. Chuck exclusively for bits. This holding mechanism, compared to the cartridges described, which can also be used on conventional drills, designed for screwdrivers only.

Cartridges, in addition to clamping mechanisms, also differ in the diameter of the nozzles inserted into them. For household tools cartridges are usually used, the diameter of the nozzles of which does not exceed 20 mm.

Criteria for choosing a drill driver

The main function of a drill driver is to drill holes in various materials. But it also has an additional function that allows you to tighten / loosen screws, screws and other threaded connections. That is, this tool is almost universal with a wide range of specific features.

If we analyze these devices by their performance, we can identify the leading manufacturers of drill drivers for both professional use and domestic use.

Among the reliable drilling tools such household models domestic production such as: Interskol, Enkor DE-450ER / 10, Zubr, as well as Gardenlux CD14−22 and FIT-80014. All of them differ from ordinary models in the presence of two speeds:

  • For tightening fasteners (screws, etc.), the speed is up to 400 rpm.
  • For drilling, a range of 400-1300 rpm is used.

The difference is also possible in the design of the electric motor, which may or may not have graphite brushes. The advantage of a motor without graphite brushes is the operation without unnecessary noise and special maintenance for their replacement.


When choosing a drilling power tool, you should first of all pay attention to such points as:

Additional functions

  1. Cartridge brake. To increase the safety of a person working with a screwdriver, the tool is equipped with a brake, which, when the start button is released, instantly stops the rotation of the chuck.
  2. Backlight. Some models for the convenience of working in a poorly lit room are equipped with light bulbs that illuminate the work area.
  3. Design and ergonomics. Modern models screwdrivers are made in such a way that during operation it is convenient to hold them in the hand, and all controls are within the reach of the hand that holds it. For example, forefinger is always on the start button, and you can easily switch reverse or speed with your thumb.

On some models, there are special sockets for spare bits right on the tool body, which is quite convenient, especially when working on a roof. Many professional tools have special mounts, allowing you to fix them on the mounting belt.

Rating of cordless screwdrivers

It is unlikely that for home needs you should purchase a professional model of a screwdriver. Firstly, they are quite expensive, and secondly, it may not be needed so often in everyday life, and it is completely irrational to throw a large amount of money on a tool that will simply lie on a shelf most of the time. For domestic purposes, it is better to purchase a tool of small or medium power. For example, the following reliable and quite popular models:

Security measures

When working with power tools, the following safety precautions must be observed:

  1. Before turning on the power tool, you need to visually check the tool for any defects in the body, power cable and rotating parts of the drill.
  2. Changing the nozzle, if it is a toothed chuck, should be done only with a key intended for this. When doing this, make sure that the nozzle is firmly fixed.
  3. Near working area there should be no foreign objects.
  4. During operation, it is forbidden to touch the rotating elements of the drill.
  5. Do not try to stop the chuck with your hands.
  6. Keep an eye on clothing, do not start working with loosely hanging clothing or long flowing hair. All this can be wound on a rotating drill chuck.
  7. Do not leave the power tool switched on unattended, unplug it immediately after finishing work.

When choosing a screwdriver, the consumer immediately faces the question - which is better: mains or cordless? Consider the option of purchasing a network tool and its advantages over its standalone counterpart.

What is the difference between a cordless and cordless screwdriver

The main advantage of a cordless screwdriver is the presence of an independent power source, which provides mobility and maneuverability to the operator. You can work in remote places, in areas where there is no connection to the mains.

But these tools have their drawbacks.

Autonomous power supplies in them are quite heavy, especially nickel-cadmium ones. Due to their presence, the dimensions and weight of the device are significantly increased, which makes volumetric work with the device at a height not very convenient.

Batteries need to be changed and recharged periodically. This takes time and requires an electrical connection. So long-term operation at a distance from a constant source of electricity is limited by the capacity of the battery.

The most powerful ones, which are not cheap, are designed for continuous operation only up to 2-3 hours. Batteries often take longer to recharge.

Batteries have a limited lifespan and long-term storage reduces their charge. After a certain time, you will have to spend money on new power sources.

The price of stand-alone screwdrivers, especially those with higher power batteries, is higher than corded tools.

Nickel-cadmium sources, the most powerful in terms of the number of charges (up to 1000) and therefore used more actively than others, emit harmful substances.

The mains supply for the screwdriver provides more high performance and greater continuity of work. And at home, the autonomy of a screwdriver is sometimes not decisive.

Uninterrupted power means that the device will not lose power during continuous operation throughout the day.

Lightweight design allows you to perform significant amounts of work, including at height.

A corded screwdriver will work without problems in the cold.

And finally, the price. A good corded screwdriver is significantly cheaper than a cordless counterpart.

Main technical characteristics of corded screwdrivers

The technical characteristics of a screwdriver determine its functionality. How long and reliably it will work, what operations it can perform, how convenient it will be in operation, etc.


This is the main indicator that affects the performance of the tool, as well as other tool parameters, such as speed and torque. To carry out long-term and varied in complexity work, you need a more powerful device. For home conditions, a 400-watt engine is enough.

If you also need a drilling function, then you need a tool with a power of 550-600 watts. Devices with higher power are larger and consume more electricity.


It is measured in newton meters (Nm). Indicates the force with which the device will act on the screws being screwed in. This indicator determines what diameter and length of screws the screwdriver will handle.

So, with a value of up to 30 Nm, they can screw a screw into a tree to a depth of up to 70 mm. For longer fasteners, the torque must be 40 Nm or a hole must be drilled first.

For screwdrivers, this characteristic is the main one and is always indicated. In addition, reliable manufacturers in the descriptions indicate the maximum allowable diameter of fasteners for specific materials.

Turnover speed

In household tools, this figure is 400 rpm. To perform the functions of a drill, higher revolutions (1300-1700 rpm) will be required. High speed is especially needed when working with iron.

Speed ​​change is carried out on different models either by pressing the power button, or by adjusting the wheel located on the button. In drills, screwdrivers, a toggle switch for changing the speed mode is installed.


Must be present on all screwdrivers. Provides a change in the direction of rotation of the spindle and, accordingly, the function of unscrewing the screws. Switching modes of rotation is performed by a button, which is often located next to the start key. A less reliable option is the plastic lever at the top above the key, which can easily break off.

Locking the start button

It can be useful only in drills-screwdrivers.

Hull shape

The body can be made in the form of:

Pistol. Typical for budget models. With such a body it is convenient to press on the self-tapping screw while screwing in, which has to be done due to the weak engine power.

T-shaped. In this case, the handle is offset to the center of the body. According to manufacturers, this configuration does not strain the hand during operation.

Traditional drill. This indicates the presence of a gearbox and other metal parts in the apparatus, which is inherent in powerful professional tools and drills-drivers. Such devices often have to be supported with the second hand, since their weight approaches 3 kg.

Types of network screwdrivers

As we have already found out, corded screwdrivers are divided into devices only with the function of screwing in and out of screws and devices endowed with a drill function. On the second, you can set the drill mode at a higher speed - up to 1500 rpm.

These devices also differ in the type of cartridge in which nozzles and bits are attached. According to their design, chuck clamps are divided into the following types:

A toothed or keyed chuck in which the shank of the bit is fixed and finally fixed with a special key. Such a mount is considered more reliable;

Keyless chuck (BZP), in which the attachment of the nozzle is carried out by manually rotating the clamping sleeve. The change of nozzle is carried out in a matter of seconds.

Magnetic hexagon chuck. The bit is simply inserted into it, nothing needs to be twisted. As a result, the disadvantage of this fastening is a slight backlash of the bit.

Among the main characteristics of cartridges is their diameter. The larger one allows you to use more powerful attachments. For household tools, a maximum Ø of up to 20 mm is sufficient.

If the screwdriver chuck is not suitable for specific operations You can use adapters. Their cost is low, there is always a sufficient assortment on sale.

To decide which screwdriver to choose, decide on the range of tasks to be performed. For fixing self-tapping screws wooden structures a low power network device with a keyless chuck is suitable. A drill driver is useful for drilling in small volumes. For more serious drilling work, especially metal, it is better to purchase a separate drill.

Photo of a network screwdriver

An electric screwdriver is one of the popular tools that everyone has probably heard of. This tool must be at the disposal of any owner, because you can use it to perform various works at home. Using a power screwdriver, you can tighten a variety of bolts or screws in a matter of seconds, very often self-tapping screws.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to assemble new furniture. Use for this different kind screwdrivers are very inconvenient, and such an assembly will take a lot of time. In such a situation, the screwdriver will simply indispensable tool. Many modern network models of screwdrivers can be called quite cheap, while they have good specifications and you can use them for many years (if, of course, they are properly operated and cared for properly).


Despite the fact that the choice of electric screwdrivers is very large, it can sometimes be difficult to determine which one is best for you, especially if you do not understand this tool at all. During the purchase, you need to take into account many nuances, ranging from how often you plan to use the tool and for what purpose.

Which corded screwdriver is better to buy for the home - this is very actual question and if you can't do it yourself right choice then the advice of our experts will help you with the solution of this problem.

Advantages and disadvantages of corded screwdrivers

If the question is what are the differences between the battery and mains type of power tools, then the most important thing is, of course, the way the tool is powered. Today, most are trying to buy. After all, they allow you to work anywhere without any restrictions. And this means that before starting work, you do not need to look for sockets in the room or use several extension cords to perform this or that manipulation.

At the same time, the power supply of the screwdriver may also differ due to the fact that different types of batteries are installed in the tool. To date, there are three different types batteries, that is:

  1. lithium-ion (Li-Ion);
  2. nickel metal hydride (Ni-MH);
  3. nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd).

Experts say that the lithium-ion type of battery can be called the most environmentally friendly. At the same time, tools with such a battery do not tolerate fairly low temperatures very well.

How to choose the right screwdriver video

The nickel-metal hydride type can withstand no more than 500 charges, and the nickel-cadmium type, in turn, can withstand a little more than 1000. Thus, the second option is quite popular among users, both among professionals and those who take a tool for home use. At the same time, it is very important to remember one negative point: cadmium is very harmful to the human body, and therefore prolonged use of a screwdriver with such a battery can cause health problems.

To date, on sale you can find tools that are quite capable of supporting several different types batteries and fully work on them.

Which cordless screwdriver is better to choose professional or household?

Most people are sure that if you buy any equipment, then you should stop your choice exclusively on a professional one. Of course, such a decision can be called logical, but such a technique will not always work well enough at home. Professional screwdrivers have a lot of positive aspects, which include the following:

  1. such tools are more reliable, and their service life is longer;
  2. they have several times better technical characteristics;
  3. a much more powerful special “charger” is sold with a screwdriver, with which you can quickly charge the battery of a power tool.

At the same time, it was not without drawbacks:

  • Tool cost. Even if we take into account the very strong competition, the price of professional tools will still be much higher than that of a conventional household model.
  • The weight of a professional device is also, as a rule, more than that of a household one, which often makes working with the tool quite heavy and inconvenient.
  • Most of the technical characteristics of a professional screwdriver may be unnecessary or superfluous when using the tool at home.
  • As a rule, if you plan to use the tool exclusively at home, then a household appliance will be more than enough, because a professional tool is nothing more than an unnecessary overpayment of money, which may not justify itself in the future.

It is customary to attribute the power of the tool, torque, reverse, rotation speed, speed control, ergonomics, as well as the type and size of the cartridge to the main technical indicators of any power tool.

The higher the power of the tool, the more high level performance it can boast. At the same time, it must be remembered that sufficiently powerful screwdrivers are heavy and it will not always be convenient to work with them.

In addition, it is worth mentioning the torque or the force that acts on the tool and makes it rotate. Depending on this indicator, you need to choose the size of the bolts and screws with which the tool can work. At the same time, this also affects the quality of materials that can be processed with an electric screwdriver.

Each of the characteristics plays an important role and must be taken into account when choosing a tool for home use. Do not forget that you still need to examine those that will be used when working with a corded screwdriver. Experts recommend buying a ready-made kit, which will make the job easier and the right nozzle will always be at your fingertips. Choose more expensive and high-quality products, because this will allow you to use nozzles several times longer. As practice shows, cheaper analogues are only enough for a few applications and then you need to buy new ones.

To date, the choice of power tools in any hardware store so big that it is very easy to get confused. But at the same time, there are certain manufacturers who have already earned trust and their products can be called one of the best. The most popular manufacturers of power tools in the modern world are considered to be: Makita, Bosch and Hitachi. The tools of these companies are distinguished by their reliability, they serve for a long time, although their cost is a bit high.

For home use, cheaper manufacturers of corded screwdrivers are also suitable. For example, such a German manufacturer as DeWalt and a company from America - Black & Decker have proven themselves well.

Expert advice on choosing a screwdriver video

Which cordless screwdriver is better to take for the home can only be said after considering all the technical characteristics of the tools. In addition, it is desirable to compare several models. If you do not understand this issue at all, then consult with the seller, who will tell you about all the positive and negative aspects of a particular screwdriver model.

A screwdriver is a tool that every owner should have. Which screwdriver is better buy for housework - consider the rating of the best and the rules for selecting this indispensable household helper.

First of all, you don’t have to chase the cheapest one, even if you only need the tool at a time. The manufacturer and model must be selected depending on the following technical characteristics of the tool: speed, power, operating mode and other parameters. Next, we will present in more detail all the information about the choice of screwdrivers and consider the most popular of them.

Modern screwdriver

A screwdriver is a universal device that is actively used in everyday life. The purpose of such a power tool is to tighten and loosen screws, self-tapping screws.

There are dozens of models of such tools in stores, which are divided into several categories. Before choosing a screwdriver, you should determine the criteria and conditions under which it will be used.

The price range of the described category of power tools is wide, so everyone can choose a model for themselves according to the estimated budget.

The choice is highly dependent on the operating conditions. For home use only technical parameters are relevant. Professional use will require more expensive and powerful versions with a removable battery.

Choosing a tool for home and work

To make the right choice and buy a suitable screwdriver, you need to decide on the selection criteria. There are not so many of them, and the process itself seems simple, but in order not to regret the purchase later, it is better to clarify the nuances that may not be known to everyone.

The most important thing is to determine for yourself with what frequency and intensity the tool will be used. If you need it to screw in a few screws once or twice a month, the most budget model is enough. However, for more frequent use, you should choose more carefully and thoroughly.

A common mistake is to choose the cheapest model to use the tool for only a couple of days, but under heavy loads. For example, to assemble a metal structure (like a garage), or install fences in a country house, the first cheap model that comes across is not very suitable.

The first question that buyers of such a device ask themselves is the type of power supply. Today, models are offered with a power cord (the tool only works from a 220 V outlet), as well as with a replaceable battery.

Before choosing the right cordless screwdriver, it is necessary to determine in what conditions and for what purposes it will be used. The fact is that battery power is limited, so a quality screwdriver model with a power cord can be more powerful.

On average, one battery charge is enough for 100-250 screwed self-tapping screws or screws. With an increase in battery life, the power of the device decreases, which increases the twisting time and increases the load on the motor.

The capacity of the battery itself is also limited. The manufacturer indicates that it is enough for several hundred charge and discharge cycles, after which it will be necessary to purchase a separate component for a specific model.

Difficulty may arise if the owner has had a screwdriver for a long time, and this version is no longer available. Therefore, you will have to spend some time to find the right battery, identical in power and mount.

They have cordless screwdrivers and their advantages, which are the autonomy of work. Network models usually have a cord up to one meter long. This is not enough even to connect the device to the nearest outlet, so you always have to use an extension cord.

If work is carried out outside the garage or at home, additional expenses will be required. It is also difficult to work with a network tool at height (for example, if you are assembling frames, tall furniture, structures, awnings, arbors, garages, and the like).

Therefore, before choosing a cordless screwdriver, you must determine how important autonomy is to you. After all, corded power tools in this category can cost several times cheaper than options with a removable battery.

Corded screwdrivers are more affordable. They differ in the same level of torque, regardless of the operating time. The minimum rotation speed is 250-300 rpm. This is enough to drill holes in boards up to two centimeters thick and screw self-tapping screws into them.

To work with thicker material, a more powerful model should be selected. The average value for heavy duty work is 750-1300 rpm.


To know which screwdriver to choose, you also need to have knowledge technical parameters each category of power tool. Before choosing a cordless screwdriver, you need to pay attention to the type of battery. This will affect the duration of the device from a single charge and the overall battery life.

The following types are distinguished: Ni-Mh (nickel-metal hydride), Ni-Cd (nickel-cadmium), as well as Li-Ion and lithium-polymer (Li-Pol). In the first case, it can supply a large current, but the service life of the device is less than that of other batteries. Devices with a Ni-Cd battery have a large energy capacity.

Nickel batteries are less commonly used because physical properties they are prone to discharge if left unused for several weeks. Lithium batteries more practical, but they are not without drawbacks. For example, in extreme cold, battery life is reduced by 30-50%. Optimal parameter in terms of capacity - this is 2 A * h.

Pay attention to this indicator when choosing to ensure stable operation of the device for several hours.

In the description, the indication of the operating mode is most often found, as “unstressed and reverse”. This means that the screwdriver can only be used in the standard mode of rotation of the nozzle in one or the opposite direction. The minimum power indicator is 400-800 watts.

For professional use, 1000W or more will be required to ensure stable and smooth operation even under high loads. Low values ​​are relevant for cordless screwdrivers, which are designed for simple tasks.

Criterias of choice

Corded screwdrivers are selected by power, by the type of cartridge and by the speed of rotation of the nozzle. In the first case, it is necessary to select models with a minimum power of 600 W, as indicated above.

It is also necessary to take into account the parameter of the rotation speed of the nozzle. The higher it is, the smoother and more stable the drill or screwdriver will enter wood, metal. At a low rotation speed, work on metal is difficult, and the risk of overheating of the motor also increases. The cartridge diameter in most models is 10 millimeters, which is the standard.

In the list of characteristics there is an item about the type of cartridge. Today, keyless or hex chucks are isolated. The first option is more practical in everyday use, since changing the nozzle does not require the use of a separate hex wrench.

Single sleeve or double sleeve chuck is tightened by hand. The first option requires less effort - this design is often installed on expensive screwdrivers.

The hex chuck requires bit clamping with a separate wrench, which is included with the device. Additionally, such screwdrivers are always equipped with bits with different tips, which can be changed with one hand, and then tighten the connector with a small wrench.

When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the total weight of the tool. Models with a battery weigh 0.5-1 kilograms more than the mains versions, which can lead to inconvenience during prolonged use.

If the screwdriver weighs up to two kilograms, this will reduce the accuracy of its use and accelerate the onset of physical fatigue of the operator.

Few notice such a detail as the location of the handle. Some models of power tools have a standard "pistol" shape, while others have a handle shifted to the center to stabilize the center of gravity. The second option is more convenient for frequent use– the load is distributed and centered in the handle itself, which requires less effort.

In today's market there are a large number of models of screwdrivers for every taste and budget. In order to accurately select a tool for your purposes, you need to familiarize yourself with the main advantages and disadvantages of specific options and the characteristics by which the division into types is carried out.

First of all, when choosing a power tool, it is necessary to clearly define the scope of its use. Often, the household segment of power tools has a much lower cost, unlike the professional one.

Second distinctive feature home appliances are their characteristics: such a tool may not have all the features of high-end models, it may not have increased power, performance and a hardened case, nevertheless, it is brilliant for everyday work in the home or in the workshop.

An amateur mini screwdriver most often works with batteries, which makes it mobile and practical.

Professional models are designed for long-term work in conditions of increased loads. Such large and heavy tools are usually mains powered, which ensures uninterrupted and long-term operation, provided there is stable access to the mains.

Additional functions of screwdrivers

Manufacturers may add additional features to the power tool. They do not affect the power or efficiency of work, however, if they are present, the use of a screwdriver becomes more comfortable.

Among these functions, one can single out the presence of a backlight near the handle to illuminate the working area (simplifies the use of power tools in a dark place). Also noteworthy is the pulsed mode of operation, in which it is easier to work with soured screws, self-tapping screws.

Mains or battery

As mentioned above, electric screwdrivers are divided into two large groups: mains powered and those that operate with batteries.

    In order to dwell on one of the options, it is necessary to clarify the difference between them:
  1. Batteries make devices larger and heavier, while “networkers” are characterized by lightness, but binding to the place of use;
  2. network models are more often used for professional works, and rechargeable for short-term use;
  3. if there is a stable connection, corded screwdrivers work for a long time without overloads and excessive heating, and battery-powered ones will have to be changed or recharged;
  4. the cord tends to get tangled when working with a network device; with a standalone model, you can forget about such problems.

The popularity of cordless professional and household screwdrivers is due to ergonomic design, quality and independence in work. Due to the high demand, it is worth stopping at these models and considering the types of batteries used.

Before you choose a screwdriver for your home, garage and cottage, you should decide on the source of its power. Network models use a regular household network for this, and battery-powered devices are equipped with a removable battery. Each type has its pros and cons.

Cordless screwdriver is good for its autonomy. It is conditionally independent of the outlet and can be used even in an open field. This expands the scope of such a tool. However, the battery also imposes limitations.

The first of these is limited time. Usually the charge is enough for a hundred or two screws, but in difficult conditions, autonomy is reduced. The second disadvantage is limited power (torque).

It may not be sufficient for working with hard and durable materials. There are positive exceptions, like the professional Makita DTD146Z, but they are not cheap.

A corded cordless screwdriver is a tool with higher power and rotational speed. It copes well with tightening screws and self-tapping screws, can be used in drilling mode, and due to the absence of a heavy battery, it weighs less. A constant power supply allows you not to think about saving battery.

However, far from the outlet, it will be possible to work with such a screwdriver only if there is a long carrying or a generator. Here, too, there are exceptions, but unpleasant ones: the cheapest Chinese models are not more powerful than their battery counterparts, but they are also not autonomous. The minimum acceptable choice is something like the Dnepr DE-850.

Which screwdriver to choose - corded or cordless - depends on the needs and expected operating conditions. If the tool will not be used outside the house, apartment, garage and other premises, network is better. It's cheaper for equal power, lighter, and ready to go anywhere, anytime.

Cordless screwdriver is optimal for outdoor use, including outside settlements. At the same time, it is advisable to choose models with a capacious battery, at least 2 Ah.

Which type of battery to choose

  • Nickel-cadmium batteries

The undeniable advantage of this type of battery is its low cost. Ni-Cd batteries are most often used by manufacturers in creating budget lines of power tools. Another advantage is the five-year warranty period, which exceeds the standard by 2 years.

  • Nickel metal hydrate batteries

They are characterized by a high level of environmental friendliness and are increasingly being used in the production of high-end cordless tools. The dimensions and low weight of the batteries make the tool itself much lighter and more convenient. Perhaps the only drawback of Ni-Mn batteries is their high cost.

  • Li-ion batteries

These batteries are considered the best for mobile power tools. They hold a charge for a long time, charge very quickly, and they also have no charge memory effect. The only drawback of Li-Ion batteries is the high cost.

    When choosing an efficient cordless screwdriver, you need to carefully consider its characteristics, because the cost of the battery is half the cost of the entire tool:
  1. the total voltage in different batteries is from 10 to 24 V, the power of the device depends on it and affects the duration of operation;
  2. the material of manufacture of the battery affects the capacity of the batteries;
  3. loss of battery capacity due to charge memory effect.

A cordless screwdriver, the price of which depends on the type of battery and other characteristics that are important for high-quality work of any complexity, is a popular tool in every home.

Power and torque

The second thing to consider before choosing a screwdriver is its power and torque. Very often, sellers indicate the power, but do not indicate the torque of the model and hush up the power of cordless tools.

With power, everything is quite simple: 600-800 W is more than enough for non-professional (home) use, if you do not also need to drill a lot. But the torque - it is worth considering in more detail.

The torque (measured in Newton meters - N * m) of a screwdriver determines how much force it can apply when tightening a screw. The higher this value, the harder and stronger materials the screw will go into. With a lack of torque, the transmission mechanism of the tool will stall, and the screw will get stuck halfway.

In order to screw small self-tapping screws (up to 50 mm) into a not very hard tree, any screwdriver is enough. However, for working with hard wood, the torque must be at least about 15 Nm. For longer screws and self-tapping screws, 20-30 N * m are needed, and models with 40 N * m and more will cope with twisting "hundredths" into a solid beam.

Rotational speed

For a household screwdriver, the speed of rotation is not a fundamentally important parameter. The tools are equipped with a reduction gear that converts the high RPM on the motor shaft to the low RPM on the chuck.

A couple of hundred revolutions per minute is enough for screwing in, and a high rotation speed is fraught with a bit jumping off. This leads to both premature wear of the nozzles and licking of the slot of the screw head.

Before choosing a screwdriver with drill functions, you still need to pay attention to speed. When working with hard materials they are not few. 1000 rpm is the minimum suitable for materials with similar hardness, and 3000 rpm will not interfere.

Cartridge type

Another point to consider when deciding which screwdriver to choose is the type of chuck. One-Stop Solution is a keyless chuck in which the bit is fixed by rotating the clamping ring.

It allows you to use not only bits, but also drills, heads for tightening nuts. You can also insert a mixer nozzle for mixing the solution, a grinding brush "umbrella" into a similar cartridge.

The hex bit chuck is good in that it reduces the weight of the tool, and also allows you to quickly change bits. They are held in it with a special latch or magnet and removed with a little effort. However, the drill cannot be inserted into such a cartridge.

There are exceptions - these are models that are also equipped with a removable keyless chuck. They are the most versatile, since it is easier to turn the screws with them, and can be used for other purposes.

Review of popular brands

How to choose a cordless screwdriver, which company is better? To simplify the final choice of model, it is necessary to indicate the most popular brands under whose logos modern power tools are produced. Durability and cost partially depend on this, so the choice of a particular manufacturer should not be neglected.

    Overview of popular models:
  • Makita is a Japanese company that manufactures high-quality power tools (founded in 1915);
  • Dnipro-M is a Ukrainian manufacturer that develops and manufactures power tools in an affordable price segment (most of the models are made in China);
  • Bosch is a German company that does not require a separate introduction;
  • Vertex is a Taiwanese power tool company;
  • Forte is a certified Ukrainian manufacturer of power tools.

Top 10 Cordless Drill Drivers

Bosch GSR 180-LI

The leader of the rating is the model of a popular brand all over the world. Differs in excellent durability and wear resistance of knots and details. Ideal for those who are looking for the best reliable screwdrivers for professional use.

At affordable price(in terms of cost it is in 5th place among the presented samples, if you arrange them in ascending order of price) is equipped with an excellent set of functions.

  1. high power (battery voltage 18V);
  2. large battery capacity (1.5 Ah);
  3. the presence of a protection system for the tool and battery;
  4. replaceable carbon brushes;
  5. easy and inexpensive maintenance.
Cons: the case does not have an internal shock-absorbing plastic layer.

Metabo PowerMaxx BS

In second place is also "German", but of a different brand. A tool with small dimensions and impressive torque, worthy of leading any rating of screwdrivers for the home. Equipped with a removable drill chuck.

  1. light weight (0.8 kg);
  2. unique control and monitoring system Metabo Ultra-M;
  3. solid power with compact dimensions.
Cons: sensitivity to prolonged and severe stress

Metabo BS 18

An excellent choice for work in tight spaces with difficult access. The screwdriver comes with a belt clip that can be mounted on both sides. There is LED lighting.

  1. shortened design;
  2. battery protection technology during operation and during charging;
  3. 3 years battery warranty.
Cons: Poor motor overload protection.

Bosch GSB 120-LI

New in 2017. It is an excellent choice of budget impact screwdrivers. Long battery life is provided by the mechanism of protection against overload, deep discharge and overheating. The handle has a soft grip.

  1. good functionality (electronic speed control, reverse, run-out brake);
  2. compact size.
Cons: requires constant checking of the fixation of the drill or bit. Bosch GSR 12V-15FC

Powered by two high-capacity lithium-ion batteries. The weight of the tool is only 800 g. The ergonomic body contributes to the ease of use. There is a built-in magnetic bit holder.

  1. compact body;
  2. adjustable eccentric;
  3. advanced equipment (bit holder and drill chuck adapters, angle nozzle and angle adapter, quick-discharge device, 2 batteries, charger, case, case inserts).
Cons: no backlight, low power (battery voltage - 12 V).

Bosch GSR 12V-20 (L-Boxx)

A complete tool ready to go. Differs in an optimum ratio of power and weight. Equipped with brushless motor, built-in LED backlight. There is a battery indicator.

  1. full drill chuck 10 mm;
  2. light weight (900 g).
Cons: rather weak torque (20 Nm).

Makita DF457DWE

Screwdriver with a powerful, dust-proof gearbox and adjustable speed. Equipped with powerful clamping chuck and overload protection function. Automatically turns off to restore battery performance after prolonged continuous operation.

  1. keyless chuck;
  2. rugged gearbox protected from dust;
  3. speed regulation.
Cons: some buyers have noted the backlash of the cartridge.

Makita DF331DWAE

Compact drill/driver with 18 torque settings. It is equipped with a reducer with two speeds of work. Productive and convenient work with the tool is provided by the engine stop system. Features include backlight and reverse.

  1. two-speed gearbox;
  2. comfortable handle with non-slip rubber insert.
Cons: there is a small gap between the gearbox housing and the tool itself.

Metabo BS 18 LTX Impulse

Powerful and reliable, lightweight and compact screwdriver. Has the "Impulse" mode for drilling on smooth surfaces and loosening stuck screws. Equipped with a metal (aluminum) gearbox and gears, battery packs with a capacity indicator, an additional handle.

  1. overload protection;
  2. 4-pole motor for fast screwing and drilling;
  3. a spindle with a hexagon for nozzles makes it possible to do without a cartridge.
Cons: auto-illumination of the drilling zone does not turn off for a long time, consuming electricity.

Metabo PowerMaxx BS Quick Pro

Screwdriver has ergonomic design. Mechanical transmission eliminates frictional wear. Thanks to a simple system for replacing the cartridge and other components, the tool is convenient to use. Illuminated work area.

  1. updated engine and gearbox;
  2. Convenient battery indicator.
Cons: Insufficiently secure fastening of the Quick keyless chuck.


In order to immediately know which screwdriver to buy for home or work, you need to study the working conditions described above, as well as the factors for choosing a tool. The following is an objective list of the advantages and disadvantages of each type of device.

    Advantages of mains powered power tool models:
  • Preservation of rated power, regardless of the operating time;
  • Ability to work unlimited time without interruption for recharging;
  • Lower cost of power tools compared to battery versions.
    Disadvantages of a cordless screwdriver:
  1. Difficulty working at height (it is difficult to keep the tool straight along with a long wire and extension cord);
  2. It is impossible to work without an extension cord and a 220 V socket (the working area is limited to a few tens of meters from the socket).

Based on the list of advantages and disadvantages, it is relevant to say that a corded screwdriver is the best solution for an apartment or a private house. At the same time, it is necessary to stock up on an extension cord of 5-20 meters in order to ensure freedom of movement with a power tool in your hands.

The average resource of such devices is not limited. According to users, on average, one model can withstand 2-4 years of active operation.

    Advantages of cordless screwdrivers:
  • Ability to work remotely, regardless of the proximity of the outlet;
  • Possibility of development of high turns of a nozzle.

Among the shortcomings, one can single out a limited operating time, limited battery capacity and poor power of cheap models.

If for work or at home you need a device without a mains cable, it is more relevant to take high-quality, expensive options for a cordless screwdriver. This will shorten the time required for charging and provide stable power even when working with hard materials.