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Types of circuit breakers for current. Automatic switches - design and principle of operation. Main criteria for choosing a circuit breaker

Topic: what types of electric machines are divided into, their types and classification.

The circuit breaker is an electrical device, the main purpose of which is to switch its operating state when a certain situation occurs. Electric automata combine two devices, this is a conventional switch and a magnetic (or thermal) release, the task of which is to timely break the electrical circuit in case the threshold value of the current strength is exceeded. Circuit breakers, like all electrical devices, also have different varieties, which divides them into certain types. Let's get acquainted with the main classifications of circuit breakers.

1 "Classification of machines by the number of poles:

A) single-pole machines

b) single-pole machines with neutral

c) bipolar machines

d) three-pole machines

e) three-pole circuit breakers with neutral

e) four-pole machines

2» Classification of automata according to the type of releases.

into construction various kinds circuit breakers, usually, there are 2 main types of releases (breakers) - electromagnetic and thermal. Magnetic circuit breakers are used for electrical protection against short circuits, and thermal circuit breakers are mainly designed to protect electrical circuits for a certain overload current.

3 "Classification of automata by tripping current: B, C, D, (A, K, Z)

GOST R 50345-99, according to the instantaneous tripping current, the automata are divided into the following types:

A) type "B" - over 3 In to 5 In inclusive (In is the rated current)

b) type "C" - over 5 In to 10 In inclusive

C) type "D" - over 10 In to 20 In inclusive

Machine manufacturers in Europe have a slightly different classification. For example, they have an additional type "A" (over 2 In to 3 In). Some manufacturers of circuit breakers also have additional tripping curves (ABB has circuit breakers with K and Z curves).

4 "Classification of automata according to the type of current in the circuit: constant, variable, both.

Rated electric currents for the main circuits of the release, they are selected from: 6.3; 10; 16; 20; 25; 32; 40; 63; 100; 160; 250; 400; 630; 1000; 1600; 2500; 4000; 6300 A. Also, automatic machines for the rated currents of the main electrical circuits of automatic machines are also produced: 1500; 3000; 3200 A.

5 "Classification by the presence of current limitation:

a) current limiting

b) non-limiting

6 "Classification of machines by types of releases:

A) with overcurrent release

b) with independent release

c) with minimum or zero voltage release

7 "Classification of machines according to the time delay characteristic:

A) no time delay

b) with a time delay independent of the current

c) with a time delay inversely dependent on current

d) with a combination of these characteristics

8" Classification by the presence of free contacts: with contacts and without contacts.

9 "Classification of machines according to the method of connecting external wires:

A) with rear connection

b) with front connection

c) with combined connection

d) with universal connection (both front and rear).

10" Classification by type of drive:
with manual, with motor and with spring.

P.S. Everything has its varieties. After all, if there were only one thing in its single copy, it would be at least just boring and too limited! The diversity is good because you can choose exactly what best suits your needs.

Definition and types of releases, their advantages and disadvantages; examples of circuit breakers with thermal, electromagnetic, semiconductor and electronic tripping device; processes occurring at overcurrents

Release definition

Releasers divide by two conditional groups:

  • main releases for circuit protection;
  • auxiliary releases to expand functionality.

Main release (first group), in relation to a circuit breaker, a device is called that is capable of recognizing a critical situation (the appearance of overcurrent) and preventing its development in advance (causing a divergence of the main contacts).

Auxiliary releases- additional devices (they do not complete the basic versions of machines, but only supply custom-made special versions):

  • independent release (remote shutdown of the circuit breaker by a signal from the auxiliary circuit);
  • undervoltage release (turns off the machine when the voltage drops below the permissible level);
  • zero voltage release (causes tripping of contacts with a significant voltage drop).

Definitions of terms

Under overcurrent understand the current strength exceeding the rated (working) current. This definition includes short-circuit current and overload current.

Overload current- overcurrent acting in the functional network (prolonged exposure to overloads can cause damage to the circuit).
Short circuit current (short circuit)- overcurrent, which is caused by the shorting of two elements with a very low impedance between them, while in normal operation these elements are endowed with different potential (short circuit can be caused by incorrect connection or damage). For example, mechanical stress or aging of insulation causes contact of conductive wires and a short circuit.
The high value of the short circuit current is recognized from the formula:
I \u003d U / R (current strength is equal to the ratio of voltage to resistance).
Therefore, as soon as R→ to 0, then I→ to infinity.

The rated current flows through the main contacts in the circuit breaker during normal use. The free tripping mechanism of the switching device has sensitive elements (eg rotary tripping bar). The impact of the release on these elements contributes to the instantaneous automatic operation, that is, the disengagement of the contact system.

Overcurrent release (MRT)- a release that causes the opening of the main contacts with or without maintaining a certain period of time, as soon as the effective value of the current exceeds a given threshold.
MRT with inverse time delay - the maximum current release that initiates the opening of contacts after the specified time has elapsed, which is inversely dependent on the current strength.
MRT of direct action - the maximum current release, initiating operation directly from the operating overcurrent.

The definitions of the maximum current release, short circuit current and overload are taken (rephrased without loss of meaning) from the GOST 50345 standard.

Types of releases used in circuit breakers

In circuit breakers install one or a combination of the following releases:

  • provide basic overcurrent protection, factory settings do not change during operation:
    • thermal release or overload release;
    • electromagnetic release or short circuit release;
  • one of the proposed below replaces the first two, adjustment is allowed during operation (hold time at overcurrent to ensure selectivity, which current is considered an overload, which short circuit):
    • semiconductor release;
    • electronic release;
  • additional trip units for extending the functionality:
    • independent release;
    • undervoltage release;
    • zero voltage release.

It should be taken into account that electromagnetic and thermal releases are cheap devices. Circuit breakers equipped with a semiconductor or electronic release (they functionally replace the combination of a thermal and electromagnetic release) cost from $ 1200 and more, so they are used as input devices for rated currents from 630 A (there are rare exceptions of lower amperage).

Briefly in the video about the design of the circuit breaker, in particular about thermal and electromagnetic releases:

Thermal release

The thermal release is a bimetallic plate, which, when heated, bends and acts on the mechanism of free disengagement.
A bimetallic plate is made by mechanically connecting two metal strips. Two materials with different coefficients of thermal expansion are selected and interconnected by soldering, riveting or welding.
Suppose the lower material in a bimetallic plate, when heated, elongates less than the upper metal, then the bend will occur downward.

The thermal release protects against overload currents and is configured for certain operating modes.

For example, for a product of the BA 51-35 series, overload releases are calibrated at a temperature of +30 ° C to:

  • conditional non-trip current 1.05 In (time 1 hour for In ≤ 63 A and 2 hours for In ≥ 80 A);
  • conditional tripping current 1.3 In for alternating current and 1.35 In for direct current.

The designation 1.05 In - means a multiple of the rated current. For example, with a rated current In = 100 A, the conventional non-trip current is 105 A.
On the time-current characteristics (graphs are always available in the factory catalogs), they clearly show the dependence of the response time of the thermal and electromagnetic releases on the value of the flowing overcurrent.


  • no rubbing surfaces;
  • have good vibration resistance;
  • easily tolerate pollution;
  • simplicity of design → low price.


  • constantly consume electrical energy;
  • sensitive to temperature changes environment;
  • when heated from third-party sources, they can cause false alarms.

Electromagnetic release

The electromagnetic (abbreviation EM) release is a snap action device. It is a solenoid, the core of which acts on the free trip mechanism. When an overcurrent flows through the solenoid winding, a magnetic field is generated that moves the core, overcoming the resistance of the return spring.

The EM release is set to operate at short-circuit currents with values ​​from 2 to 20 In. The setting error varies within ±20% of the set value.

For power circuit breakers the short-circuit pickup setting (the value of the current at which the trip is initiated) can be indicated both as a value in amperes and as a multiple of the rated current. There are settings:

  • 3.5 In;
  • 7 In;
  • 10 In;
  • 12 In;
  • and others.

For example, at the rated current of the machine In = 200 A, at a setting of 7 In, the trip will occur when the overcurrent reaches the value 7 200 = 1400 A.

  • B(3-5);
  • C(5-10);
  • D(10-50).

In parentheses are the limit values ​​from the rated current In, at which the contacts will diverge.


  • simplicity of design;


  • creates a magnetic field;
  • works instantly, without time delay.

Time delay is understood as providing selectivity. Selectivity or selectivity is achieved when the incoming circuit breaker recognizes a short circuit and skips it for a predetermined time. This time is sufficient for triggering the downstream protective device. In this case, not the entire object is disabled, but only the damaged branch.

Time-delayed or selective devices - utilization category B (all devices with electronic or solid-state releases).
Instantaneous or non-selective devices - utilization category A (virtually all circuit breakers with electromagnetic tripping device).

Thermal magnetic or combined release

Often a series connection of a thermal and electromagnetic release is used. Depending on the manufacturer, this pairing of two devices is called combined or thermomagnetic release. The phrase "thermomagnetic release" is often used in foreign catalogs and literature.

Phenomena caused by overcurrents

When a short circuit current occurs, the following phenomena occur:

  • electrodynamic forces;
  • a magnetic field;
  • thermal stress (overheating).

In the event of an overload, the overheating of the conductive parts remains the determining factor.

Electrodynamic forces

Electrodynamic forces act on a conductor with a current flowing through it, which is in a magnetic field with induction B.
When the rated current flows, the electrodynamic forces are insignificant, but when a short-circuit current appears, these forces can lead not only to deformation and breakage of individual parts of the switching device, but also to the destruction of the machine itself.
Special calculations are made for electrodynamic resistance, which are especially relevant when there is a tendency to reduce overall characteristics (distances between the conductive parts of the poles are reduced).

A magnetic field

The magnetic field is one of the factors generating electrodynamic forces.
Magnetic fields negatively affect the operation of electrical equipment, especially measuring instruments and computers.

Thermal stress (overheating)

When any current with a force I flows through the conductor, its core heats up, which can lead to fires or damage to the insulation.
In the event of overcurrents, overheating is of current importance, if you do not block the short circuit, allowing you to reach maximum values.

Everyone knows in general terms what a circuit breaker installed in an electrical panel is. Most of the population at the genetic level knows when the light went out in the apartment, gently go and check if the machine in the floor board has turned off, and turn it on if necessary. However, not everyone has an idea about the technical characteristics of these devices, and by what criteria they need to be selected in order to maintain the high performance of the switchboard.

Greetings to all friends on the Electrician in the House website. Today we will analyze a very important, in my opinion, topic that directly affects normal working conditions. automatic devices protection, namely . Not everyone knows what the symbols and designations on the machine case mean, so let's decipher the markings and analyze in detail what each inscription on the circuit breaker case means.

Marking of electric machines - designations on the case

All circuit breakers have certain technical characteristics. To get acquainted with them, when choosing a machine, a marking is applied to the case, which includes a set of diagrams, letters, numbers and other symbols. Friends agree that appearance the machine will not be able to say anything about itself and all its characteristics can only be recognized by the markings applied.

The marking is applied on the front (front) side of the body of the machine with resistant indelible paint, thanks to which you can familiarize yourself with the parameters even when the machine is in operation, that is, it is installed in a switchboard on a DIN rail and wires are connected to it (no need to disconnect the wires and pull out it from the shield to read the markings).

In the picture below you can see some examples, how to mark electric machines different manufacturers. Each of them is clearly visible markings made in different letters and numbers. In this article, we will not analyze industrial devices protection, and we will only touch on ordinary household modular machines. But in any case, the article will be of interest not only to beginners, but also to professionals, "bison" who encounter this on a daily basis, it will also be interesting to remember the basics of their profession.

Deciphering the marking of the machine

In order to choose the right circuit breaker when buying, you should pay attention not only to the appearance and brand of the device, but also to its characteristics. Let's take a look at what characteristics the manufacturer displays on the case of the circuit breaker for its right choice. Marking on the machine presents the following information about itself.

1. Manufacturer (brand) of the circuit breaker

The marking of circuit breakers begins with the logo or name of the manufacturer. The pictures show the machines of the most popular brands hager, IEK, ABB, Schneider Electric.

These brands have been presented to the world public for a long time and during their existence have proven themselves to be the release of quality products. On the case, the name of the manufacturer is applied at the very top and it is hard not to notice it.

2. Linear series of automata (model)

The circuit breaker model usually reflects the device series in the manufacturer's line and is an alphanumeric designation, for example, the SH200 and S200 series circuit breakers belong to the manufacturer ABB, while Schneider Electric has Acti9, Nulti9, Brownie.

An example of how the marking of circuit breakers from Schneider Electric, hager and IEK is indicated.

Often a series is assigned to the machine to distinguish models by technical specifications or price category, for example, SH200 are short-circuit rated up to 4.5 kA, less expensive to manufacture and cheaper than S200, rated at 6 kA.

3. Time-current characteristic of the machine

This characteristic is indicated by a Latin letter. In total, there are 5 types of time-current characteristics: "B", "C", "D", "K", "Z". But the most common of them are the first three: "B", "C" and "D".

Automatic machines with characteristics of the type "K" and "Z" are used to protect consumers, where an actively inductive load and electronics are used, respectively.

The most versatile, which is suitable for everyday use - characteristic type "C". Most electricians use it to protect electrical wiring. Narrow-profile machines with BTX "B" or "D" can only be found in specialized stores and, often, by order.

Friends on the topic of the time of the current characteristics of automata, I have a separate article, please come in, read, familiarize yourself.

4. Rated current of the machine

After the letter value comes a number that determines the rating of the circuit breaker. The rating determines the maximum value of current that can continuously pass without tripping the circuit breaker. Moreover, the value of the rated current is indicated for a certain ambient temperature + 30 degrees.

For example, if rated current of the machine equal to 16A, then the machine will keep this load and not turn off at an ambient temperature not higher than +30 degrees. If the temperature is above +30, then the machine can work at a current of less than 16 A.

If overloads occur in the network, that is, a situation when the load current exceeds the rated current reacts to this thermal release automatic switch. Depending on the multiplicity of the overload, the time during which the machine will turn off will be from several minutes to seconds. The current at which the thermal release will operate must exceed the nominal value of the machine by 13% - 55%.

When a short circuit occurs in the network, an overcurrent occurs, to which it reacts electromagnetic release automatic switch. A serviceable machine in the event of a short circuit must operate within 0.01 - 0.02 seconds, otherwise the insulation of the electrical wiring will begin to melt with the risk of further ignition.

5. Rated voltage

Right under marking on the machine time-current characteristics there is a designation of the rated voltage for which this machine is designed. The rated voltage is displayed in Volts (V/V), and can be either constant (“-”) or variable (“~”).

The value of the rated voltage determines for which networks the device is intended. Voltage marking provides two values ​​for single-phase and three-phase networks. For example, marking 230/400V~ means that 230 Volt voltage single-phase network, 400 Volts three-phase network voltage. The "~" sign means AC voltage networks.

6. Breaking current limit

The next parameter is the tripping current limit, or as it is also called breaking capacity of the machine. This parameter characterizes the short-circuit current that the machine is able to pass through itself and turn off without losing its performance (without the risk of failure).

Electrical network a complex system, in which overcurrents often occur due to a short circuit. Overcurrents are short-term, but are characterized by a large value. Each circuit breaker has a limiting switching capacity, which determines the ability to withstand overcurrents and operate at the same time.

For modular circuit breakers, the breaking current limit is 4500, 6000 or 10000. The values ​​are indicated in Amperes.

7. Current limiting class

Immediately below the value of the limiting tripping current, the so-called current limiting class. The occurrence of overcurrents is dangerous because, when they appear, thermal energy. As a result, the insulation of the electrical wiring begins to melt.

The circuit breaker will trip when the short circuit current reaches its maximum value. And in order for the short-circuit current to reach its maximum, it takes some time and the longer this time is, the greater the damage to the equipment and insulation of the electrical wiring.

The current limiter contributes to the accelerated shutdown of the circuit breaker, thereby preventing the short circuit current from reaching its maximum value. Essentially, this setting limits the short circuit time.

There are three classes of current limiter, which are marked in a black square. The higher the class, the faster the machine will turn off.

  1. - class - 1 there is no marking, or in other words, machines, on the case of which there is no current limiting class, belong to the first class. The limit time is more than 10ms;
  2. - class - 2 limits the short-circuit current passage time within 6-10 ms;
  3. - class - 3 limits the short-circuit current passage time within 2.5-6 ms (the fastest).

8. Wiring diagram and terminal designation

Some manufacturers apply a circuit diagram for connecting the machine to the case to inform the consumer. The connection diagram is electrical circuit with the designation of thermal and electromagnetic releases. The diagram also marks the contacts indicating the place of connection of the wires.

On single pole machines contacts are marked as "1" - top and "2" - bottom. As a rule, the power wire is connected to the upper contact, and the load is connected to the lower one. By the way, there is a separate article on this topic, how to properly connect the machine. On bipolar machines, the contacts are marked "1", "3" - top; "2", "4" - lower.

And this is how the designation of the circuit and contacts for connection on a two-pole circuit breaker looks like

Also, on two- and four-pole machines near the connection diagram, you can find a designation in the form of the Latin letter "N", indicating the terminal for connecting the zero working conductor. This is important, since not all poles of multi-pole circuit breakers have releases (thermal and electromagnetic).

9. Article

On any side of the machine body, information about the product (article number, QR code) is also applied, provided by the manufacturer, which helps to easily find specific model in the store directory.

After reading the above information, it will not be a problem for you, and you can easily choose a protection device with the characteristics that suit you.

Friends, if this article was interesting for you, I would be grateful if you share it in in social networks. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to ask them in the comments, I will try to answer everyone.

Circuit breakers are devices that provide wiring protection under short circuit conditions, when a load is connected with indicators exceeding the set values. They should be chosen from special attention. It is important to consider the types of circuit breakers, their parameters.

Automatic machines of different types

Characteristics of machines

When choosing a circuit breaker, it makes sense to focus on the characteristics of the device. This is an indicator by which you can determine the sensitivity of the device to a possible excess of current values. Different types circuit breakers have their own marking - it is easy to understand how quickly the equipment will respond to excess current values ​​​​to the network. Some switches respond instantly, while others are activated over a period of time.

  • A - marking, which is affixed to the most sensitive models of equipment. Automatic machines of this type immediately register the fact of overload and quickly respond to it. They are used to protect equipment characterized by high accuracy, but in everyday life they are almost impossible to meet.
  • B - characteristic, which have switches that operate with an insignificant delay. In everyday life, switches with the appropriate characteristics are used together with computers, modern LCD TVs and other expensive household appliances.
  • C - a characteristic of automata, which are most widely used in everyday life. The equipment begins to function with a slight delay, which is enough for a delayed response to registered network congestion. The network is turned off by the device only if it has a fault that really matters
  • D is a characteristic of switches that have a minimum sensitivity to exceeding current indicators. Mostly, similar devices are used as part of the supply of electricity to the building. They are installed in shields, almost all networks are under their control. Such devices are selected as a fallback option, since they are activated only if the machine does not turn on in time.

All parameters of circuit breakers are written on the front

Important! Experts believe that the ideal performance of circuit breakers should vary within certain limits. Maximum - 4.5 kA. Only in this case, the contacts will be under reliable protection, and current discharges will be discharged under any conditions, even if the set values ​​are exceeded.

Types of machines

The classification of circuit breakers is based on their types and features. As for the types, we can distinguish the following:

  • Breaking capacity ratings - we are talking about the resistance of the contacts of the switch to the effects of currents with high rates, as well as to the conditions in which the circuit is deformed. Under such conditions, the risk of burning increases, which is neutralized by the appearance of an arc and an increase in temperature. The higher the quality and durability of the equipment material, the higher are its corresponding abilities. Such switches are more expensive, but their characteristics fully justify the price. Switches have a long service life, do not require regular replacement
  • Rating calibration - we are talking about the parameters in which the equipment operates in normal mode. They are installed at the stage of equipment production, and are not regulated already in the process of its use. This characteristic allows you to understand how strong overloads the device can withstand, the period of time of its operation in such conditions
  • Setpoint - usually this indicator is displayed as a marking on the equipment case. We are talking about the maximum current values ​​in non-standard conditions, which, even with frequent shutdowns, will not have any effect on the functioning of the device. The setting is expressed in current units, marked with Latin letters, digital values. The numbers, in this case, display the face value. Latin letters can be seen in the marking of only those machines that are made in accordance with DIN standards

The circuit breaker (automatic) release is an electrical device that disconnects the network if a large electric current occurs in it. Such a device is used so that when the wires overheat, there is no fire in the house, and expensive Appliances did not fail.

Varieties of switches

All machines are divided according to the type of releases. They are divided into 6 types:

  • thermal;
  • electronic;
  • electromagnetic;
  • independent;
  • combined;
  • semiconductor.

They recognize very quickly emergencies, such as:

  • the occurrence of overcurrents - an increase in the current strength in the electrical network that exceeds the rated current of the circuit breaker;
  • voltage overload - short circuit in the circuit;
  • voltage fluctuations.

At these moments, in the automatic releases, the contacts open, which prevents serious consequences in the form of damage to wiring, electrical equipment, which very often leads to fires.

Thermal switch

It consists of a bimetallic strip, one of the ends of which is located next to the release device of the automatic release. The plate is heated by the current passing through it, hence the name. When the current strength begins to increase, it bends and touches the trigger bar, which opens the contacts in the "machine".

The operation of the mechanism occurs even with slight excesses of the rated current and an increased operating time. If the load increase is short-term, the circuit breaker does not work, so it is convenient to install it in networks with frequent but short overloads.

Advantages of a thermal release:

  • lack of contacting and rubbing surfaces;
  • vibration resistance;
  • budget price;
  • simple design.

The disadvantages include the fact that its work largely depends on temperature regime. It is better to place such machines away from heat sources, otherwise there will be numerous false alarms.

Electronic switch

Its components include:

  • measuring devices (current sensors);
  • Control block;
  • electromagnetic coil (transformer).

Each pole of the electronic automatic release has a transformer that measures the current passing through it. The electronic module that controls the trip processes this information by comparing the received result with the specified one. In the case when the received indicator is more than the programmed one, the "machine" will open.

There are three trigger zones:

  1. Long delay. Here, the electronic release serves as a thermal release, protecting the circuits from overloads.
  2. Short delay. Provides protection against minor short circuits, which usually occur at the end of the protected circuit.
  3. The work area "instantaneously" provides protection against high-intensity short circuits.

Pluses - a large selection of settings, the maximum accuracy of the device to a given plan, the presence of indicators. Cons - sensitivity to an electromagnetic field, high price.


This is a solenoid (a coil with a wound wire), inside of which there is a core with a spring that acts on the release mechanism. This is an instant device. During the flow through the overcurrent winding, a magnetic field is generated. It moves the core and, exceeding the force of the spring, acts on the mechanism, turning off the "automatic".

Pros - resistance to vibration and shock, simple design. Cons - forms a magnetic field, instantly works.

This is an additional device to automatic releases. With it, you can turn off both a single-phase and a three-phase machine located at a certain distance. To activate the shunt release, the coil must be energized. To return the machine to its original position, you must manually press the "return" button.

Important! The phase conductor must be connected from one phase from under the lower terminals of the switch. If it is connected incorrectly, the independent switch will fail.

Basically, independent machines are used in automation panels in highly branched power supply devices of many large facilities, where control is displayed on the operator's console.

Combination switch

It has both thermal and electromagnetic elements and protects the generator from overloads and short circuits. For the operation of the combined automatic release, the current of the thermal "automatic device" is indicated and selected: the electromagnet is designed for 7-10 times the current, which corresponds to the operation of heating networks.

Electromagnetic elements in the combination switch serve as instantaneous protection against short circuits, and thermal protection against overloads with a time delay. The combined machine turns off when any of the elements is triggered. With short-term overcurrents, none of the types of protection works.

Semiconductor switch

It consists of AC transformers, magnetic amplifiers for DC, control unit and electromagnet, which performs the functions of an independent automatic release. The control unit helps to set the selected contact release program.

Its settings include:

  • regulation of the rated current in the device;
  • time setting;
  • operation at the moment of occurrence of a short circuit;
  • protective switches against overcurrents and single-phase short circuit.

Pros - a large selection of regulation under different schemes power supply, ensuring selectivity to series-connected machines with fewer amperes.

Cons - high cost, fragile control components.


Many homegrown electricians find that installing an automatic machine is not difficult. This is fair, but certain rules must be followed. The circuit breaker releases, as well as plug fuses, must be connected to the network so that when the plug of the machine is turned out, its screw sleeve is without voltage. The connection of the supply conductor with one-sided power supply to the machine must be made to fixed contacts.

Installation of an electric single-phase two-pole machine in an apartment consists of several stages:

  • fixing the switched off device in the electrical panel;
  • connecting wires without voltage to the meter;
  • connection to the machine from above the voltage wires;
  • turning on the machine.


In the electrical panel we mount a din rail. cut off right size and fasten it with screws to the electrical panel. We snap the automatic circuit breaker onto the DIN rail using a special lock, which is located on the back of the machine. Make sure the device is in shutdown mode.

Connection to the electricity meter

We take a piece of wire, the length of which corresponds to the distance from the counter to the machine. We connect one end to the electric meter, the other to the release terminals, observing the polarity. We connect the supply phase to the first contact, and the neutral supply wire to the third. The cross section of the wire is 2.5 mm.

Connecting voltage wires

From the central distribution electrical panel, the supply wires go to the apartment panel. We connect them to the terminals of the machine, which should be in the “off” position, observing the polarity. The cross section of the wire is calculated depending on the energy consumed.

Switching on the machine

Only after all wires have been correctly installed can the automatic current release be put into operation.

It happens that the constant shutdown of the machine becomes big problem. Do not try to solve it by installing a release with a higher rated current. Such devices are installed taking into account the cross-section of wires in the house, and, perhaps, a large current in the network is unacceptable. The problem can be solved only by examining the electrical supply system of the apartment by professional electricians.