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How coffee affects the female body. Does coffee affect people the same? Rules for drinking coffee

Nowadays, coffee is considered one of the popular drinks. In order to determine its effect on the human body, scientists have conducted many scientific studies. The experiments helped to identify the positive and negative aspects of the influence of coffee on female body.

Benefits of coffee for women's health

The benefits of coffee for the female body are as follows:

  • Speeds up metabolism.
  • Reduces appetite.
  • Reduces the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, cancer and Alzheimer's disease.
  • Removes from the body harmful substances.
  • Increases attention.
  • Relieves fatigue and nervous tension.
  • Improves lung function.
  • Strengthens the immune system.

In addition, coffee has diuretic properties, which reduce the likelihood of swelling.

  1. weight loss,
  2. improving performance,
  3. improving brain activity.

Interesting! Coffee tastes well with almost all foods.

  • Scientists have proven that women should drink coffee to prevent the development of breast cancer and liver cirrhosis.
  • The drink also has a beneficial effect on migraines.
  • Not instant coffee, but natural coffee, brings more benefits to the body. This has been proven by more than one scientific study.

During weight loss, the effects of coffee on the body may depend on:

  • from its calorie content,
  • with or without additives,
  • amount drunk per day,
  • the presence of any physical activity or diets,
  • woman's health status.

First, you need to know that when losing weight you should drink natural black coffee without any additives. The calorie content of this drink is 2 kcal per 100 ml. If you add sugar, milk or cream to coffee, its calorie content will increase significantly.

Let's consider the effect of coffee on the body when losing weight in the form of benefits or possible harm.

Drinking coffee for weight loss has the following benefits:

  • Caffeine speeds up metabolism.
  • Increases the body's endurance during physical activity.
  • At 100 natural coffee contains proteins (0.2 g), carbohydrates (0.2 g), fats (0.5 g), vitamins and microelements. There is so much in instant coffee and with additives useful substances will not be.
  • Coffee contains antioxidants that prevent toxins from accumulating in the body.
  • The serotonin in its composition helps improve mood and relieve depression, which is very important when dieting.

Many women are accustomed to drinking strong coffee in the morning on an empty stomach. Experts do not recommend drinking coffee on an empty stomach. . This may lead to:

  • heartburn,
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers.

Important! Excessive coffee consumption can increase stress on the heart. In addition, if you drink this drink at night, you will not be able to fall asleep quickly.

Coffee is also harmful to women who have problems :

  • with kidneys
  • cardiovascular system,
  • with gastrointestinal diseases,
  • hypertension.

Scientists say that coffee brings more benefits to facial skin than harm when used externally as masks. For this, it is better to use ground or whole coffee beans. They retain all the beneficial substances in their composition, unlike instant coffee.

Beneficial features coffee masks for skin:

  1. Caffeine saturates the epidermis with moisture, fights dry skin, and relieves puffiness.
  2. Linoleic acid makes the skin elastic and toned, stopping the aging process.
  3. Antioxidants have a rejuvenating effect.
  4. Chlorogenic acid protects the skin from external harmful influences.
  5. Carotenes help improve skin color.
  6. Coffee grounds can clear blackheads from your skin.

Important! Women are prohibited from making a mask from coffee:

  • with inflammation on the face,
  • open wounds,
  • herpes,
  • rosacea,
  • hypersensitive skin,
  • skin infection.

If you are allergic to this product, it should also not be used.

Can pregnant women drink coffee? possible harm more benefit? Scientists still cannot get a definite answer to this question. However, there are contraindications and some recommendations for drinking coffee during pregnancy that must be followed.

Benefits of coffee for pregnant women:

  • Gives strength and energy.
  • Increases low blood pressure in pregnant women.
  • Increases reaction speed, improves memory.
  • Speeds up metabolism.

What harm can coffee cause to women in the following position:

  • Increases blood pressure, which is bad for mothers with hypertension.
  • Has a diuretic effect. This can cause dehydration of the woman and fetus.
  • Leach calcium from bones. This can negatively affect the formation of the child's skeleton in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.
  • Reduces appetite. As a result, the mother may skip meals and the child will not receive the nutrients he needs.
  • Often causes heartburn.
  • Reduces hemoglobin levels.
  • Consumption in large quantities can lead to increased contractility of the uterus.

Coffee is contraindicated for pregnant women:

  1. Hypertensive patients.
  2. With anemia.
  3. With calcium deficiency in the body.
  4. Having problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. During toxicosis.

In the absence of contraindications, coffee can be drunk during pregnancy. The only thing you need to know is that pregnant women can drink no more than 1 cup of natural coffee with milk per day.

Ultimately, if a pregnant woman has no contraindications for coffee, then she can safely drink 1 cup a day without harming the baby. The main thing to remember is that drinking this drink in large quantities can lead to complications during pregnancy.

Thus, when drinking coffee, both benefits and harm are possible for women in ordinary life, when losing weight or during pregnancy. In any case, you must adhere to measures so as not to harm your body. Happy coffee drinking everyone)).

Coffee - this drink, over hundreds of years of its history, is surrounded by myths and speculation, but nowadays we can use scientific research and facts. Scientists are trying to check whether the world's favorite drink really affects the heart, causes insomnia, they also studied how coffee affects the size of women's breasts, weight loss, potency, as well as its effect on such common diseases as stroke, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. diseases.

Coffee is a drink made from coffee beans. Ethiopia is considered the birthplace of coffee, and when coffee came to Europe, sellers of other drinks tried to destroy competition at the very beginning and spread the most bizarre information about it. Newspapers reported that coffee was a decoction of overseas plants, and even such absurdities as, for example, that it was “syrup from soot” or “a disgusting decoction from old shoes.” The Church condemned drinking coffee and declared it a sinful pleasure.

Research on the effects of coffee and tea on the body was carried out a long time ago. King Gustav III of Sweden decided to personally check whether this tasty, invigorating drink is harmful to humans, but not on his own health.

Two condemned twins were sentenced to life imprisonment on the condition that each of them drink several cups of drinks every day - one coffee and the other tea. In addition to these drinks, they were provided with quite comfortable conditions life in prison. The purpose of the experiment was to check which of them would live longer and in what pain he would die.

Years passed, and the prisoners lived on their own and did not complain about their health. The doctor supervising the prisoners died, then another, and finally Gustav III also appeared before the Almighty. The twins were still alive. The first of them died at the age of 83 - it was the one who drank tea. So we don't have to worry that coffee doesn't kill or contribute to premature death.

What is the connection between coffee and weight loss, male potency and even female breast size, its effect on... various diseases? You will find out everything in this article!

Coffee and cardiovascular disease

Coffee is neither good nor bad. Today we know that people's individual reactions to coffee vary enormously, if only because each of us is different. In 1968-1988, English researchers studied about 2 thousand people, men, employees of one company. It found that men who drank more than six cups of coffee a day accounted for 71 percent of those who were more likely to suffer from heart disease than their counterparts who drank just a couple cups a day.

In 1987, American scientists observed the effects of coffee in 6,000 people. They did not notice a significant effect of the drink on cardiovascular disease. Many studies have been conducted around the world and the conclusion is that those who drink and love coffee are unlikely to be affected by it, and conversely, people who feel worse after drinking coffee should limit their consumption or avoid it altogether. replacing with other drinks.

Coffee and potency

In Brazil, researchers concluded that excessive coffee consumption can negatively affect a person's potency. This is due to the fact that one of the chemical compounds present in coffee is a special plant hormone similar to estrogen - female sex hormones. Constantly drinking 3-4 cups of coffee causes a slow but still decrease in potency in men. An excess of this hormone in the male body promotes more intensive growth of the abdominal cavity and chest.

But Brazilians, not without reason, emphasize that one coffee drunk by a young man before a date can have a very positive effect on male potency. For some gentlemen, the smell of coffee is enough to get them ready for seduction and feel energized. The sperm of a person who drinks only one cup of coffee has greater mobility, meaning the chances of conception increase.

Coffee and weight loss

Caffeine does affect the burning of fat stored in the body, but it will only be beneficial for weight loss under certain conditions. Just 10 minutes after drinking a cup of natural coffee, the body begins to burn 13 percent. more calories. But for this to happen, you need to move. Staying quiet and drinking even a few dozen cups of coffee will not do us any good.

Only energetic people with a stable, strong nervous system will achieve a positive effect. Those who are calm, with a weak nervous system, calm down after drinking coffee, even fall asleep. For these people, caffeine will not speed up fat burning. Coffee consumed during meals does not increase fat burning; on the contrary, it slows down the digestion of fat.

Effect of coffee during pregnancy

Irish scientific research shows that pregnant women do not need to give up drinking coffee, but they should reduce their consumption to 100 mg of caffeine per day. Exceeding this dose may lead to complications. On early stages pregnancy this can lead to miscarriage (15% increased risk) and in later months to premature or at-risk labor, with caesarean section and low birth weight. Because in the case of coffee, it is caffeine that has its effect, pregnant women should also limit other drinks containing it.

Coffee and women's breasts

Swedish researchers are convinced that drinking coffee affects the size of women's breasts. The more you drink coffee, the less likely you are to get in good shape and bigger size. The reducing effect begins after regularly drinking three cups of coffee per day. In 60 percent of women's breasts examined, breast size decreased by an average of 17%, while other body parameters remained unchanged.

It turns out that many women have a special caffeine-sensitive gene, the increase of which to a certain level activates the “reducing” effect. But don't worry, because the same gene also works to block cancer cells.

The effect of coffee on sleep

Coffee, or more accurately caffeine, has a direct effect on sleep, causing insomnia, but for those with low blood pressure, it has a calming effect, making it easier to fall asleep. If someone suffers from insomnia, they should avoid drinking any drinks containing caffeine and theine (such as tea) for six hours before going to bed.

Caffeine is an alkaloid that in small doses has an enhancing, stimulating effect, but in large doses it releases unpleasant feelings and can even be depressing. To have a positive effect on the body, do not take more than 250 mg at a time. This dose will be contained in approximately two teaspoons of ground coffee brewed in a glass of water. Since coffee is a complex combination of many organic chemical substances, it works differently than pure caffeine.

Coffee and digestion

Organic acids contained in coffee affect certain organs of the digestive system. About half an hour after drinking coffee, the acidity of gastric juice reaches its maximum. Coffee also increases bile secretion. This speeds up the digestion process and speeds up the absorption of food. This is why coffee is often served after meals.

But such high acidity can increase heartburn, cause pain in people with high acidity, stomach ulcers or duodenum. Coffee also increases intestinal motility, which is why so many people run to the toilet after their morning coffee.

Coffee and medicine

Medicines should not be taken with coffee, drinks containing caffeine, and definitely not grapefruit juice. Coffee enhances the effect of some drugs while inhibiting the effect of others. Research shows that a dozen or so drugs (eg, antidepressants, estrogen pills, osteoporosis medications, thyroid medications) change their effects when influenced by coffee. Their effect is reduced by up to 60% when coffee is consumed shortly before or after taking the drug.

There are also prescription medications that can increase the effects of coffee and caffeinated drinks. These include some antibiotics, oral contraceptives, and antidepressants that block the cytochrome P450 1A2 enzyme in the CYP1A2 gene. Caffeine is broken down by this enzyme. As a result of these drugs, it can remain in the body longer than usual (up to four hours) and, for example, cause problems sleeping.

Coffee for stroke and diabetes

UK researchers said all coffee drinkers are more vulnerable and at risk of stroke. It turns out that the amount of coffee you drink or the type of coffee you drink doesn't matter. The researchers reviewed the study's results over 12 years. After taking into account such important parameters of the body as, for example: excess weight, tea drinking, smoking, pregnancy, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc., researchers noticed that 70% of lovers of aromatic, invigorating coffee are at risk of stroke.

As a consolation, it is worth noting that coffee protects against the development of type II diabetes, but it exhibits the strongest protective properties due to the content and effect of caffeine.

According to recent data from the US Food and Drug Administration, 90% of the world's population drinks coffee at one time or another. In the United States itself, 80% of adults enjoy this drink and other drinks every day. caffeinated products.

The effect of coffee on the human body has been extensively studied for decades. Recent studies have shown that the beloved cup of Starbucks is very expensive for women - especially those who drink it every morning.

PMS and cyst

A study from Duke University (Durham, USA) showed that caffeine dilates blood vessels, which causes women's mammary glands to swell and cause painful sensations associated with this phenomenon. Ladies experience this condition during PMS. If you get too carried away with coffee, unpleasant symptoms will appear much more often than once a month.

Conversely, breast pain and heaviness decrease significantly as soon as a woman gives up caffeine. This reaction of the body was demonstrated by 61% of participants in an experiment conducted at the University of Oregon. In addition, large doses of coffee cause disturbances in the synthesis of hormones, which leads to the appearance of cysts in the ovaries and breasts.

According to womenshealth.gov, love for caffeinated Drinks aggravate PMS symptoms. Sensitivity and soreness of the breasts are observed already 1.5-2 weeks before menstruation. In order not to experience such severe stress every month and not to jeopardize their health, women should give up heavy doses of coffee and chocolate (it also contains caffeine).

"Bad" cholesterol

The Harvard School of Public Health focused on the other side of coffee drinking. Nowadays, coffee drinks with cream, syrup, and a lot of sugar are very popular. One cup of this delicacy contains 500 calories, which is ¼ of the daily requirement.

In addition, coffee contains cafestol. This substance promotes the accumulation of “bad” cholesterol. Research regarding this problem was carried out by scientists at the University of South Carolina. In female test subjects who drank a cup or two of coffee every day for several months, their blood cholesterol increased by 10%.

This factor provokes such serious diseases as angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, etc. The most dangerous ingredient is in strong, unfiltered drinks (Turkish coffee, etc.). Experts advise using filters similar to those used in coffee machines. They help clear the drink of cafestol.


The final argument for reducing caffeine intake concerns age-related changes. After menopause, women begin to lose calcium from their bodies. This is due to a drop in estrogen production. As a result, many older women suffer from osteoporosis, which leads to brittle bones and frequent fractures.

Coffee, beloved by many, not only flushes a significant part of calcium from the body, but also prevents the absorption of what remains. Women who drink more than three cups of this drink per day risk facing a very painful and unpleasant old age.

People have loved coffee since ancient times. This drink has many fans, but there are also many who are convinced that coffee is extremely harmful to the body. The truth, as usual, is somewhere nearby. What actually is the effect of coffee on the body? Let's find out!

Exist different kinds raw materials. The classic one is made from roasted grains. The effect on the body is somewhat different, because this drink has a different composition. Another variety is green grains, about which there are many myths.

Composition of the product

The main component is caffeine. It has a stimulating effect, which results in increased activity. Synthetic analogs of caffeine activate the vasomotor and respiratory centers of the brain, increase the activity of the cortex, and accelerate the transmission of nerve impulses.

The effect of coffee on the body is also due to other substances, an important place among them is occupied by the alkaloids caffeine and theophylline.

Roasted coffee beans also contain:

  • tannins - give a bitter taste;
  • kafeol (this component increases blood circulation and reduces cholesterol levels);
  • necessary for the walls of blood vessels;
  • chlorogenic acid (important for protein metabolism);
  • essential oils that provide a unique aroma and taste.

Scientists have discovered in coffee beans more than a thousand biologically active substances that affect metabolism. Among them are amino acids, alkaloids, and organic acids. The effect of drinking coffee on the human body is determined totality all ingredients.

Many people have heard about theobromine in coffee. The effect on the body of this component is similar to that of caffeine: it stimulates the functioning of the heart, nervous and respiratory systems. This component is indispensable in a stressful situation: it helps to cope with nervous tension, muffles pain, makes it possible to concentrate and find the right solution. But if you want to improve your health with theobromine, look for it in cocoa or chocolate: most types of coffee actually contain little to no of this substance.

Effect on the heart and blood vessels

Drinking the drink briefly increases blood pressure. The pulse immediately quickens. But there is a nuance.

Coffee lovers who regularly drink their favorite drink do not experience a similar effect. But for those who drink it very rarely, even a caffeine-free drink increases blood pressure. Doctors also noticed that coffee increases low blood pressure, but normal blood pressure does not. Clinical studies have confirmed that people who drink about 5 cups a day have virtually no problems with high or low blood pressure. But if you increase the amount to 6 cups, persistent hypertension is guaranteed.

People with coronary disease Drinking coffee is not recommended. This is due not only to the effect on blood vessels, but also to the effect of coffee on the body as a whole. Studies have not established a connection between the amount of coffee consumed and susceptibility to heart disease. But modern medicine is absolutely clear: exceeding the recommended amounts leads to arrhythmia.

The effect of caffeine on blood vessels is rather positive. Drinking the drink in reasonable doses improves blood microcirculation in tissues and strengthens the walls. Many European medical centers for the treatment of heart disease recommend drinking several cups daily in addition to a low-cholesterol diet for atherosclerosis.

It should be understood that moderate consumption of coffee does not harm the heart in any way. In any case, there is no clinical or laboratory evidence of its harm. Drink a couple of cups a day and don’t worry about your cardiovascular health.

Effect on the nervous system

Caffeine also stimulates nervous activity: efficiency increases, fatigue decreases, a feeling of vigor comes, and the thought process is activated.

Drinking 4 cups daily significantly reduces the risk of developing Parkinson's disease.

We must not forget about the negative effects of coffee on the body, in particular on nervous system. Its excessive stimulation is fraught with exhaustion. This pattern was studied by I.P. Pavlov at the beginning of the 20th century. Exceeding recommended doses of coffee may have the following consequences:

  • lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • prostration;
  • lethargy;
  • depressive states.

Effect on the genitourinary system

This drink has a pronounced diuretic effect. It is necessary to monitor the amount of liquid consumed. Regularly replenish fluid loss, especially in hot weather. The diuretic property can be used: it is recommended to drink the drink during colds and ailments.

It should be remembered that with increased urination, the body actively loses calcium.

Effects on the digestive system

It is not advisable to drink on an empty stomach. Patients with gastritis and pancreatitis should treat this drink with caution. Remember: coffee drink irritates the gastric mucosa and increases the production of gastric juice.

There is also a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract - peristalsis is activated.

Effects on the liver

Currently, scientists have no data on the negative effects of coffee on this organ. But coffee is good for gallstones. Just a few cups a day help cleanse the ducts, which serves as an excellent prevention of gallstone disease.

Coffee and Metabolism

Biologically active substances that brewed coffee beans are rich in are involved in metabolism. The drink improves antioxidant protection and indirectly affects the reduction of the risk of diabetes.

It is generally accepted that coffee is addictive, but scientists claim that it can only be a psychological addiction. Stop drinking coffee and you may find yourself longing for the pleasant moments it gave you in the morning or during your break. But you won't feel any withdrawal.

Carcinogenicity is also a big question. Coffee is classified in the third group (substances for which there is insufficient data to refute or confirm the effect on the development of tumors). By the way, talc and mobile phones also fall into this category. A number of scientists believe that coffee does not increase, but rather reduces the risk of developing tumors. This issue is currently being actively researched.

It is worth mentioning the effect on cholesterol. The drink indirectly affects the metabolism of fatty acids and reduces cholesterol levels.

Instant drink

An instant drink has a stronger effect on pressure and the secretion of gastric juice. This pleasure is not only not recommended, but is categorically contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal diseases, pregnant women, and teenagers.

We must not forget that many manufacturers use the cheapest raw materials to produce instant coffee. The quality of natural grain is much higher.

Green coffee

You can prepare a tasty and healthy drink from unroasted grains. This product is popular among those who want to lose excess weight. Its taste and smell are not as expressive and pleasant as those of the usual classics cooked in a Turk. But there are more useful substances in beans that have not been roasted.

The components of green coffee really speed up the metabolism, which promotes weight loss. In addition, the drink helps restore strength for a new workout. But don’t hope that the result will come by itself: green coffee only promotes weight loss, and does not magically cause it. The kilograms will go away, but for this you need to try, combining proper nutrition with reasonable physical activity.

The effect of coffee on the female body

There is an opinion that regular consumption of a natural drink reduces the risk of becoming pregnant. This drink cannot be considered a contraceptive, but for ladies trying to conceive, it is better to keep consumption to a minimum.

While studying the effect of coffee on the body, they found a connection with the formation of mammary gland tumors. Benign formations can resolve on their own, you just need to reduce your caffeine intake.

During menopause, the harm of coffee is associated with calcium leaching. During lactation, the drink is even more undesirable for the same reason.

If there is any benefit of this drink specifically for a woman’s body, it is currently unknown. However, scientists have long ago confirmed that natural coffee varieties contribute to weight loss.

The effect of coffee on the male body

But this drink is useful for men. Coffee can be classified as natural aphrodisiacs: it prolongs and enhances potency, stimulates the functioning of the sex glands. However, this statement is only true for healthy men. Studies have not revealed any positive or negative influence coffee for impotence.

But you shouldn’t get carried away with this drink. Excessive consumption can lead to increased levels of estrogen (female sex hormones). In this regard, instant coffee is also more dangerous than natural coffee.

There is an opinion that coffee can provoke the progression of prostatitis.

What to do and what not to do

In reasonable quantities the drink is harmless. The number of cups depends on many factors. The effect of coffee on the body is also determined by individual reaction. The average dose should not exceed 3-4 cups per day. Be sure to grab a couple of sandwiches, sweets, and gingerbread cookies for your morning cup of tea. During your lunch break, enjoy a drink after your meal.

To increase the benefits of coffee, combine it with other products: milk, cream, ice cream, honey, cinnamon, lemon.

Do not forget that it is strictly forbidden to abuse this drink. An overdose can even lead to death. 15 or more cups of coffee per day will invariably cause a number of negative consequences. These include the following:

  • hallucinations;
  • neurotic phenomena;
  • vomiting;
  • tachycardia;
  • stomach pain;
  • convulsions;
  • temperature increase;
  • shortness of breath.

Use caution at the end of the day. The effect of coffee on the body, as we already know, is stimulating. A couple of evening cups can lead to insomnia.

As you can see, coffee cannot cause much harm if you drink this drink within reasonable limits.

An invigorating morning drink is an integral part of life modern man. Without it, many cannot gather, concentrate, or even wake up. But is coffee really safe? There are many myths about the use of this drink: they say that it can cause heart attack and stroke, cause cancer, affect the appearance of excess weight. What scientific basis is there for these statements? What harm is there from coffee? can our body get? Let's try to figure it out.

A cup of coffee in the morning: cheerfulness that gives way to depression

How did a person get the idea to start drinking coffee? Legend has it that one shepherd noticed that when his goats chewed berries and leaves from one bush, they then ran vigorously around the meadow and could not sleep at night, although there seemed to be no reason for this. This is how the tonic properties of coffee were discovered. But initially, it was not a drink that was made from it, but food: the ground grains were fried with cheese or cottage cheese, and then rolled into balls and eaten.

Its tonic properties are associated with high content caffeine Caffeine is a psychostimulant. It has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, but only for a while. Half an hour of vigor can be replaced by lethargy, apathy and irritability.

And if you practice “coffee ceremonies” in the morning too often, you can end up with chronic fatigue syndrome and even depression. With regular and uncontrolled use of this drink, a person can fall into a state akin to addiction. The absence of a morning “dose” can bring real discomfort to a person. And since the body gets used to caffeine and stops reacting to it, a person, trying to achieve the same effect, drinks the drink more and more often.

The secret is that caffeine does not bring energy from outside. It forces the body to use up reserves that it puts aside “for emergencies.” After 3-6 hours, vigor and concentration are replaced by apathy and lethargy. If an employee drank a lot of coffee in the office early in the morning, then by lunchtime he becomes completely unable to work. Therefore, the extraordinary productivity of a caffeinated person is nothing more than an illusion.

The harm from drinking coffee is that it reduces overall performance. Yes, it can unnaturally increase energy for a short time. But overall performance will be less. Therefore, it cannot be used uncontrollably and unlimitedly.

So, the harm of black coffee, proven by scientists, may cause you to give up this drink, because:

  • a short-term burst of strength from drinking a cup of coffee entails a general decrease in performance,
  • under the influence of caffeine, the body enters a state of stress, which impairs digestion,
  • coffee can cause addiction and withdrawal symptoms (something like “withdrawal”).

Moreover, the consequences of drinking coffee can include cardiovascular system disorders, oncology and fluid imbalance in the body.

Coffee causes uncontrolled contraction of the walls of blood vessels. For a weak cardiovascular system, this can cause serious health problems. A single drink of the drink can increase blood pressure by 10 mmHg. There are ages and conditions in which this figure can have a decisive effect.

International organizations involved in oncology research caffeine was classified as a third group carcinogen . This means that theoretically the substance can provoke the development of tumor cells. When the beans are roasted, the chemical compound acrylamide is formed. This is a carcinogenic substance. The stronger the degree of roasting, the more acrylamide is produced in the resulting product. Therefore, in the USA, where the population is much more addicted to coffee than in our country, this drink is considered the most destructive source of acrylamide.

The harm of coffee in the processes of maintaining water balance in the body is a scientifically proven fact.

Because it is a fairly strong diuretic, a substance that helps remove fluid from the body. Of course, in some situations such drugs are prescribed specifically in order to activate fluid circulation in the body. But in summer heat or in a hot room, this effect of caffeine becomes harmful. Its diuretic effect is worth considering. After all, such a drink will not replenish the fluid balance. Quenching your thirst with a cup of invigorating drink is just an illusion. Coffee can cause dehydration. And a lack of fluid in the body provokes serious disorders. This phenomenon provokes drying out of the mucous membranes, and as a result, a decline in local immunity. That is, the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes and mouth cease to retain germs. The most striking manifestation of this is the increase in the incidence of viral infections. The risk of catching a cold, conjunctivitis or stomatitis increases significantly. Drying of the mucous membranes can provoke bad smell from the mouth, dry eyes, discomfort when swallowing.

The diuretic effect of coffee can critically affect the health of older people. But the effect of coffee on musculoskeletal system. The drink helps flush calcium from bones. And in old age the skeleton is very fragile. For the same reason, the drink is not recommended for children and adolescents during the period of active bone formation. Pregnant women who actively consume calcium to build the baby’s skeleton should also abstain from it.

The invigorating drink also affects the digestive processes. It provokes the release of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. It is designed to digest food. If it is produced uncontrollably and at the wrong time, a person may experience digestive problems: bloating, flatulence, gastritis, ulcers and heartburn.

Also coffee can act as a laxative . More precisely, it speeds up the process of moving food from the stomach to the intestines, even if it is not completely digested. This interferes with the absorption of nutrients.

So, what harm does coffee do to the human body as a whole? Here are the facts to make you think:

  • coffee can raise blood pressure and cause heart problems,
  • a person who often includes it in their diet is at risk of high cholesterol in the blood,
  • coffee is included in the list of substances that may have a carcinogenic effect,
  • has a diuretic effect, which can cause an imbalance in the water balance in the body,
  • lack of fluid can lead to a decline in local immunity, cause frequent colds, and lead to problems with the mucous membranes,
  • coffee leaches calcium from bones and can cause osteoporosis,
  • Coffee negatively affects digestion processes.

Instant and decaffeinated coffee: harmful to health

So, the main active ingredient of the invigorating drink is caffeine. And connected with him most of negative effects. Therefore, among coffee lovers who decided to do away with bad habit, this is how the decaffeinated variety of coffee is common.

The history of the discovery of this species is also associated with legend. One of the traders was transporting coffee beans on a ship for later sale. During the voyage, sea water flooded the cargo. After the wet bags were dried, the grains were crushed and brewed, it turned out that the pleasant taste of the drink was preserved, but its invigorating properties had disappeared.

Now it is specially decaffeinated. But it is worth considering that caffeine does not disappear from the drink completely. It's just that its content becomes much smaller.

A typical example: a person drinks 5 cups a day and is worried that this may harm him. So he switches to a decaffeinated drink. As a result, he now drinks 15 cups a day and still gets the same amount of caffeine. Therefore, decaffeinated coffee is not a panacea. It is capable of producing all the same negative effects, only in a reduced form.

Another type of drink is instant coffee. The method for obtaining it is as follows. Regular grains are brewed into a highly concentrated drink, which is then dried to form a powder or granules. These granules are easier to transport, cheaper and can retain their flavor longer. But the preparation of the instant variety usually involves grains of low grade or poor quality. Therefore, the raw materials for it are usually of much lower quality.

In addition, the invigorating effect of instant coffee is much weaker, if not lost altogether.

The top layer of the grain contains caffeine, and the inner layer contains theobromine, says Dr. Alexey Kovalkovsky. - They act differently. Caffeine constricts blood vessels in the body and dilates blood vessels in the kidneys, that is, it tones and has a diuretic effect. Theobromine does the opposite. Instant coffee always contains more theobromine, because part of the caffeine is sent to the pharmaceutical industry. Truckers often drink instant coffee before a trip, but 30 km from the city they start having accidents. There is a sleepy effect.

It would seem that if there is no invigorating effect, then the harm of coffee should disappear? This is wrong. Theobromine has almost all of the negative effects of caffeine, except those associated with the tonic effect.

Harm of coffee for women

A separate story is the effect of a tonic drug on the female body. This is especially true during pregnancy. As already mentioned, during this difficult period for the female body, coffee can greatly deplete calcium reserves in the body. But this substance is extremely necessary for the construction of a child’s skeleton!

The tonic substance is able to penetrate the placenta. So, what other negative effects do doctors observe if future mom abuses caffeine-containing drinks?

  1. Leaching calcium from the mother's body.
  2. Increased heart rate in a child.
  3. Reduced blood circulation in the placenta. The consequence of this may be the development of the risk of anemia. As a result, the child does not receive enough oxygen, which is needed for the formation of all vital important systems body, and especially the brain. Anemia can cause premature birth. And after them the likelihood of infection increases.
  4. Slowing down of the physical development of the fetus. The risk of having a child with underweight.
  5. Increased risk of having a child with heart disease.

In addition, it is worth remembering that all the negative effects of coffee on the cardiovascular and urinary systems remain in effect. But for a pregnant woman, the slightest increase in pressure or lack of fluid in the body can have a fatal effect!

Harm of coffee for men

Since ancient times, coffee has been considered a powerful aphrodisiac. It tones and excites, and this is reflected in its positive effect on male potency. But you shouldn’t abuse this means of increasing potency either.

Harm of coffee for men is that it contains substances plant origin, which are similar to female sex hormones - estrogens. Those, in turn, are able to suppress testosterone production.

By the way, in this regard, a natural drink is less harmful than a decaffeinated one. Plant hormones from the drink will not be removed during decaffeination, and processed coffee, deprived of its invigorating properties, provokes a man to drink more. Therefore, by receiving less caffeine, a man receives much more estrogen-related substances.

As men age, they become more susceptible to cardiovascular disease. Therefore, the tonic effect of coffee can have a fatal effect on their body. The fragile walls of blood vessels may not withstand the tonic effect.

How to give up coffee?

People who have decided to overcome their addiction to a tonic drink admit: coffee is not cigarettes. You can quit this habit gradually. You can start small, but don't forget about the main goal.

  1. Stop cheering yourself up with a hot drink, at least on weekends. After all, these days you do not need increased performance and active energy. Unhealthy alertness after a cup of coffee can interfere with healthy rest or proper sleep.
  2. Replace coffee with tea. Tea also contains caffeine, and it can also have an invigorating effect. But here there is much less tonic substance. Gradually you need to switch to mineral water, juices and compotes. After all, tea is not a panacea either. And it contains harmful substances, and it can also have a diuretic effect.
  3. Create a new awakening ritual for yourself. If you are an experienced coffee lover, then you most likely noticed that you have become accustomed to caffeine, and it is no longer able to have its invigorating effect on you. Perhaps you just wake up from drinking a mug of something hot. Let it be heated compote, broth or just water.
  4. Try to get enough sleep. Often the reason feeling unwell– not in giving up coffee, but in chronic lack of sleep. Make it a habit to go to bed early. And in the morning, try to take time to exercise or jog. It wakes you up better than an artificial psychostimulant.

So, there are many myths floating around “coffee lovers”. Most of them turn out to be true. It has an ambiguous effect on the nervous system and can cause abnormalities in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Coffee is contraindicated for pregnant women and elderly people. It can cause gastrointestinal disorders. Scientists place it among the carcinogenic substances. This drink can cause an imbalance in the water balance in the body, and, as a result, lead to frequent colds, problems with mucous membranes and a general decrease in local immunity. But most importantly, with regular abuse of this drink, it completely loses its invigorating properties. All that a person can get from its uncontrolled consumption is forms of addiction and withdrawal syndrome (“withdrawal”). Therefore, it is better to replace this artificial source of energy with healthier alternatives: good sleep, morning exercises or jogging and healthy drinks, such as mineral water.