Water pipes      04/03/2019

Project of a one-story house with a garage and a flat roof. Flat roof for a private house: is it worth it or not?

Projects of houses with a flat roof

In our country, a flat roof is a rather atypical solution. Therefore, such a house will stand out among other buildings. Flat roof serves in its own way as an indicator of the status of the owner, the breadth of his views and the absence of conventions.

But the house with flat roof- this is not just a tribute to fashion and a desire to stand out. If previously only elite apartment buildings, then today it is increasingly becoming an attribute country houses. The flat roof allows you to realize the fantasies that owners pitched roofs and never dreamed of it. This is a luxurious flower garden and a pond with a beach area. Material benefits also play an important role when choosing such a roof. After all, it eliminates the need to design and build a rafter system. True, a flat roof also has significant disadvantages. For example, the lack of under-roof space, and therefore the thermal insulation that it provides.

A house with a flat roof needs an attic with high-quality hydro- and thermal insulation. To do this you will need expensive materials. No matter how flat the roof is, a minimum slope is still necessary. Usually it is 5-15 degrees. This angle of inclination is enough to prevent the roof from collecting rain and melt water. Moreover, on a perfectly flat roof you will have to make a slope, that is, give it some slope. For this purpose, special materials are used - plates with a certain angle. It is possible to use bulk materials. If you are worried about clearing snow in winter, calm down, you don’t have to pick up a shovel. A warm cable will help solve the problem, thanks to which the snow will constantly melt and flow off the roof on its own. However, even what is essentially a disadvantage can also be an advantage. It is not necessary to remove all the snow from the roof. By leaving it there in an amount safe for the roof, you get natural thermal insulation, which means you can save on heating.

If you decide to order a house project with a flat roof, you should remember that such construction may be associated with certain difficulties. For example, during the installation of a roof, all requirements for waterproofing must be met. Otherwise, you will end up with leaks and water pooling on your roof in the future. You can order individual project or buy standard project houses with a flat roof. In any case, you will be asked to choose one of two types of roofing. This can be a lightweight or exploitable flat roof. Lightweight roofing does not require operation. In this case, the beams are laid on top load-bearing walls and are fixed in place. The next step is to install the sheathing, then lay the waterproofing in several layers.

The next stage is laying thermal insulation and installing ventilation vents so that condensation does not accumulate in the insulation. Finally, you need to waterproof the roof using roofing membranes. If you choose ready-made house project with a flat roof and would like to arrange a recreation area at the top, then you need to choose a structure with a solid roof designed for significant loads. There are several ways to arrange such a roof. Floors can serve as concrete plates. It will not be possible to lay such a roof without the use of heavy equipment; in addition, it needs to be insulated. Also the basis roofing You can put metal support beams. Most modern way– ceramic roofing blocks. This material will give the roof strength, keep heat inside and keep out sounds from outside. Such blocks are resistant to moisture.

Not as popular as pitched ones.

Most often, their rarity is associated with the climate in middle lane: accumulation of snow on the roof, formation of puddles during rains.

But the simplicity of constructing such structures and ensuring the decorative appearance of the building can serve as a good help when deciding on the choice of roofing structure.

Moreover, on such a roof it is possible to arrange additional areas, which, especially in the summer, will good place for relaxation and pastime.

Like any constructive solution to building elements, direct structures can have advantages and disadvantages. If there are roof features, it is important to identify those aspects that will influence the decision to design just such a roof.

The advantages of a flat roof are:

  • First of all, such a roof performs quite effectively functions of protecting the building from external influences;
  • does not require much effort or expense(material, physical) for its construction;
  • long service life. The flat system does not require expensive maintenance when correct installation all major and additional elements roofs;
  • possibility of installation on the roof additional amenities, right up to the swimming pool and garden area and sauna;
  • good thermal insulation properties.

Negative factors for arranging a house with a flat roof include:

  • Accumulation of snow or rain puddles on the surface;
  • there is a risk of freezing or clogging of the internal drain;
  • required mechanical cleaning outer layer from snow and leaves;
  • inability to use sheet or piece types;
  • there is no way to check the condition of the roofing pie (in particular insulation) However, drainage and ventilation duct systems are much easier to check.

Lack of attic floor if available flat design roofing can be an advantage or disadvantage depending on preference.

Southern house with flat roof

Types of flat roofing

Despite the fact that the design of a flat roof is quite simple and does not require special skills to design it, these roofs have variations. They are classified depending on their additional purpose and technical features.

To the varieties flat systems include:

  • Exploited. The main requirement for this option is the rigidity of the base at which an important condition is to maintain the integrity of the waterproofing layer. The base can be made of concrete screed or . The requirements include the strength of the material and its resistance to static and dynamic loads. The most common exterior covering for flat construction is paving slabs , which is installed on additional stands or sand cushions;
  • unexploited. Considering that a roof of this type is designed to perform exclusively the functions of protecting the building from external factors, then there are no special requirements for the rigidity of the insulating layer or the strength of the base. The installation of such a roof is much simpler than the structure in use.;
  • classic. When arranging the classic type, a vapor barrier layer is laid on the base in order to protect the insulation (mineral wool or polystyrene foam) from moisture. Waterproofing is provided with bituminous materials;
  • inversion. Structure roofing provides for the location of the waterproofing layer below under the insulation, which prevents the accumulation of moisture in the insulation. At the same time, temperature changes that destroy waterproofing under the insulation are minimal.

In order to design a house with a flat roof, you need to think about the covering option in advance.

Photos of projects of modern one-story country houses with a flat roof are below:

Frame house with an exploitable roof

High-tech style house

Two-story unused house

Modular house with unused roof

Inversion roof

Country house with an inversion roof

Where to start designing

The purpose of designing any roof is making the right choice and quantity calculation necessary materials , as well as in a clear expression of what load all elements involved in the structure will bear.

A project is a plan. The project plan should reflect each stage of work.

It is most convenient to carry out the project in a special program, which will help not only to display the future structure, but also to help calculate the dimensions of materials and their load.

Design is carried out step by step:

  • A sketch of the roof is being made. On at this stage The color and geometric shape of the future roof are approved, and the load of materials is calculated with indicators of the roof dimensions, taking into account regional atmospheric influences. It should be remembered that snow loads on a flat roof are more significant than on pitched structures;
  • calculations are made of the cross-section of beams and lengths of boards rafter system . It is very important to correctly determine the pitch of the sheathing, since it is truss structure withstands the entire load;
  • a schematic drawing of the roof is being made. At this stage, the location of all additional elements of the roof structure is taken into account.

After completing the roof drawing, we begin to draw up an estimate.- costs for materials, structural elements and tools (if necessary) that are required to complete the work on arranging a flat roof.

Don't get carried away decorative features of these elements, the most important thing is to pay attention to them functional features.

Roof project

Two-story project

Lightweight flat roof

The flat, lightweight design system is installed in regions with minimum quantity atmospheric precipitation.

The construction of a lightweight roof is very similar to the construction of a classic flat roof structure.

However, there is some features of its construction:

  • At the installation stage of the support beams, it should be taken into account that they will support the entire structure. They must be secured with through anchors. The cross-section must be calculated taking into account the maximum snow load;
  • the sheathing laid on the beams must be continuous, without gaps, thickness more than 2.5 cm;
  • waterproofing laid on the sheathing is overlapped, which is hot-fastened. The edges of the film should extend beyond the roof line;
  • Solid insulation without gaps is laid on the waterproofing layer. The joints are sealed with polyurethane foam;
  • Further lay down OSB boards or waterproof plywood board.

This is what a lightweight system pie looks like. All layers are fastened with anchors and covered with an outer layer of waterproofing.

Lightweight roof

Operable flat roof

Flat roof that performs additional functions, in addition to protecting the building from cold, wind, snow and rain.

The main advantage of such a roof is the ability to arrange free space at your discretion: install a recreation area, terrace, court, bathhouse and even a swimming pool.

Such roofs are ideal for both a summer house and a cottage.

To ensure that the necessary buildings on the roof are securely equipped, it is necessary to take care, first of all, about the strength of the foundation.

  • thermal insulation;
  • Flat usable roof

    Flat roof terrace

    Green roof


    So there are several options. When constructing a direct structure, special attention should be paid to providing ventilation and creating conditions in the structure to prevent moisture from entering.

    The originality of a straight roof may lie in the arrangement of additional areas for recreation on it, and this option should be considered during the process of creating the project. If everything is calculated and used correctly quality materials, such a design will be in no way inferior to pitched options.

    Useful video

    In this video you will see one of the projects of a house with a flat roof:

    In contact with

    “was perceived extremely negatively - the legacy of Soviet construction had an impact, when, due to violations of technology, poor quality of materials and poor performance of work, flat roofs of high-rise buildings began to leak within a couple of years.

    Therefore, in private housing construction, preference was given to pitched or hipped roofs. The situation changed with the advent modern technologies and roofing materials, which made it possible to ensure durable and reliable waterproofing roofs of a house with a flat roof.

    Flat roofs: advantages and disadvantages

    The main reason for the growing popularity of flat roofing was the popularity of modern design trends - project high-tech houses with a flat roof allows you to match the exterior and interior of the building with the style features. Flat roofing is also often used in modernism and minimalism.

    However, in addition to its spectacular appearance and visual appeal, it has a number of other advantages:

    • speed of roof construction - installation of a flat roof takes less time than a pitched (hipped) roof, including due to the convenience of carrying out work on a horizontal surface
    • availability of maintenance - there is no need to install ladders or involve steeplejacks, all work (cleaning drains, monitoring ventilation ducts, cleaning leaves, etc.) can be done independently
    • obtaining additional space by arranging a usable roof
    • flat roof is ideal for installation and further operation/maintenance of various technological equipment – solar panels, wind generators, heaters, air conditioners, antennas, water collection systems.

    A rather controversial issue is the cost of installing a flat roof. On the one hand, the area of ​​such a roof is much smaller than that of a pitched roof, which means that less roofing materials will be required. And the roofing materials themselves used to construct a flat roof are cheaper.

    But, on the other hand, the use reinforced concrete floors(in most cases, especially when creating an exploitable roof) creates a significant load, requiring reinforcement of the foundation and load-bearing walls, especially if these are projects two-story houses with a flat roof. Which, while saving money on roof installation, leads to an overall increase in construction costs.

    The issue of snow accumulating on a flat roof during the winter also remains ambiguous. Some experts tend to consider this a positive point - snow acts as an additional layer of heat insulation, thereby reducing heat loss. Others argue that snow increases the stress on load-bearing elements(and, therefore, this must be provided for in the project), and its subsequent melting can provoke a violation of the tightness and leakage of the roof.

    Types of flat roof

    Projects of houses and cottages with a flat roof can have different kinds roofs:

    • operated - involves the regular presence of people on the roof or the installation of heavy objects. Such a roof requires a rigid base (most often reinforced concrete), and thermal insulation material must withstand severe static and dynamic loads, be strong in compression
    • unused - does not provide for a large load, so the rigid (concrete) base can be replaced wooden joists with lathing. To service such roofs, special ladders or bridges are used to reduce the pressure and distribute it evenly over the entire roof area
    • inversion - the insulation layer is located above the waterproofing layer, thereby providing it additional protection from temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation and mechanical influences, the number of freezing/thawing cycles increases. Together, this leads to a significant increase in the service life of the roof. Most often, inversion roofs are used as functional roofs - you can put furniture on such a roof, walk on it, or break it flower beds.

    Operable roof: every square centimeter is in use

    The ever-increasing cost of modern housing forces us to make the most efficient use of all available space, and house designs with a flat usable roof will help with this. In fact, if we consider projects one-story houses with a flat roof, the owners have at their disposal an additional “seasonal” floor, which makes it possible, for example, to refuse verandas, thereby freeing up additional space on the site.

    Decorative garden on a flat roof

    In Ukraine, house designs with a flat roof are quite in demand. Our brother is more accustomed to ordinary classic roofs, and there is a simple explanation for this. “A roof, that’s what a roof is for, to protect it from snow and rain, which means everything should drain from it and nothing should linger. If we make it flat, then where will the natural precipitation go?” - Many people think so. In Ukraine, such houses are also rare. They are exclusive here. So, let's try to figure out what is true and what we should really be afraid of.

    Flat roof house project - pros and cons

    1. Cleaning. A flat roof can actually trap snow and water. If it is done incorrectly and of poor quality, then all this will gradually seep into the house, and may even significantly wet the ceiling of the upper floor. Therefore, the design stage at which the slope is calculated is very important. Yes, yes, no need to be surprised, it’s the slope. Even the smoothest roof should have at least a slight slope, which will not be visible visually, but which will be sufficient for water drainage. It is more difficult in winter when there is snow on the roof. After all, it can linger even on the steepest roof, not to mention a flat one. It will melt during a thaw, then freeze again, resulting in a continuous ice crust forming on the roof. And this is a high probability of leaks, especially in the spring. Therefore, the roof must be regularly cleaned of snow. But for those who don’t want to swing a shovel, you can install an “Anti-Ice” system, which will melt snow and ice right on the roof.
    2. Thermal insulation. Classic roofs, thanks to the attic space, create an air gap that significantly insulates the house. A flat roof, since it does not form an attic, does not have such a layer and therefore it must be properly insulated. She also needs good thermal insulation. Projects for houses with a flat roof must initially contain complete information about roofing materials and their quantity.
    3. Easy to install. On the one hand, a flat roof is easier to make than a hip, semi-hip, hip or gable roof. There is no need for rafters, purlins, or skates here. Everything is extremely simple. But, on the other hand, the roof requires high-quality installation of the roof, so that it does not leak or ooze anywhere. In this regard, such a roof is much more complex.
    4. Application. The good thing about a house design with a flat roof is that you can come up with a use for such a roof. But, again, this must be done at the design stage. A flat roof can make a wonderful terrace. It is enough to make sides for safety. You can make a small canopy and put sun loungers. They won't hurt either. You can even make a tennis court on such a roof, if the dimensions, of course, allow it. Modern materials and developments make it possible to make a grass lawn and plant plants. This application is especially good in urban environments, where every bush is worth its weight in gold.

    It turns out that house designs with a flat roof have a lot of advantages, and their lack of demand in the vastness of Ukraine is due to the fact that we have new developments in the construction industry and new materials later than in the West. And it takes time to train people to work with such innovations. But, it's time to change stereotypes and keep up with the times.

    Projects of houses with a flat roof from the company DOM4M

    A house project with a flat roof can be purchased on the Dom4M company website. The price for such projects will not be more expensive than for projects of other houses, for example. It depends more on the size of the house and its complexity rather than on the type of roof. Of course, the more “bells and whistles” a home has, and the more difficult it is to translate them into reality, the more expensive the cost will be. Therefore, flat roof houses can fit into different budgets. As they say, to each according to his needs and according to his ability.

    How different is a house with a flat roof from traditional pitched roofs? External differences are not the main priority when choosing a project of this kind. The future owner is interested in the functional features and the actual increase in the usable area of ​​the house.

    Distinctive features

    Opponents of these projects argue that in conditions of snowy winters and heavy precipitation, the load on the entire building increases sharply. But a well-executed project modern house with a flat roof provides for these factors.

    In fact, the roof surface has a slight slope of 2-3°. In conjunction with installed system Point drainage is enough for timely removal of water. The snow cap will need to be removed yourself. This is compensated by the possibility of organizing a recreation area or garden.

    Additional advantages that a house with a flat exploitable roof has are:

    • Reduced load on the foundation, since the roof structure has less weight than a gable or gable roof.
    • Reducing construction costs and the overall time to build a house.
    • Increased thermal insulation and protection from moisture due to the installation of a roofing pie made from modern materials.

    Best to build a private house based on a completed project. It may be slightly changed due to special reasons: soil characteristics, climate zone or additional customer requirements.

    One-story building

    Despite all positive factors, it is still too early to talk about the great popularity of houses with flat roofs in our country. This is due to the usual idea of ​​a building - it must have an attic space. But if you analyze the finished project of a one-story country cottage, you can find a number of advantages.

    This building has a total area of ​​88.1 m², the walls of which are made of cellular concrete. Given the light weight of the roof, less stringent requirements for the foundation are initially imposed. It can be made shallow (see), but the composition of the soil and the groundwater level must be taken into account.

    • The standard documentation should include wiring of communications, power lines and sewerage.
    • The roof covering is made of reinforced concrete blocks. If desired, you can replace it with a log system, but then the maximum possible load on the surface will decrease.
    • The average cost of the project is 38 thousand rubles.

    The one-story house with a flat roof has 3 bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen and a living room. This will be enough for a comfortable stay for a family of 4 people.

    According to the finished project, the wall thickness is 375 mm, which may not be enough for normal thermal insulation. Therefore, additional insulation may be required. The estimated cost of construction is from 1.5 million rubles.

    Two-storey house

    If preference is given to cottages with large areas, it is recommended to order a project two-story house. Unlike the above, in it the roof slope is 3°, and the slope is made on two sides from the center.

    The total area of ​​the building is 139 m², of which 63 m² is residential. Interesting solution is the organization of a recreation area directly on the roof of the attached garage. To protect from external weather factors, the project provides a canopy. It can be made of polycarbonate. Thus, two-storey house fully complies with modern requirements: minimum land plot under construction (about 145 m²), maximum comfort from living.

    The layout of the house includes one bedroom on the first floor and 3 on the second. The kitchen, living room and boiler room are on the ground floor. Each one has a bathroom, but only the second one has a bathroom. As an alternative, you can install a small shower stall on the first one.

    The average cost of building such a cottage, taking into account all materials, is 2.5 million rubles. But you need to take into account the large area of ​​​​the flat roof on which you can organize summer garden, or a recreation area. But for this it is necessary Special attention pay attention to waterproofing and the possibility of carrying out preventive and repair work.