Well      03/08/2020

Which is better, a bath or a shower? Shower cabin, bathtub or corner: which is better to install? Which shower cabins are best to choose?

Which is better – a shower or a bath? When arranging a bathroom, you will definitely have to deal with a huge number of different small and large household concerns. In addition, you will immediately be faced with the question of which plumbing equipment to choose. Bath or shower - which is better, so that it is optimally suited for all household members?

To decide and resolve this issue, you will need to study these plumbing fixtures.

Occupied space

Small bathrooms, unfortunately, still remain one of the most common problems in our homes. But this room We use it not only for taking a bath or shower, since we want to place both a washing machine and a basket in which all the dirty laundry will be stored, as well as various cabinets and floors so that all the essentials can be stored on them. Will you really need to give up any of this? You can give up the bath and buy a shower - in this case, there will be room in the room for everything described above.

In addition, for a bathtub in which you could lie down and soak yourself, stretching your legs, there is often simply not enough footage - the owners of such miniature apartments, as a rule, are content with only medium-sized bowls, in which it is simply not possible to lie down. If the architects who were involved in the creation and planning of housing thought about everything, but not about the comfortable existence of future residents, then as a result the room turned out to be narrow, long, and therefore the shower remains the only normal option.

Typically, a walk-in shower is offered to those who want a great space-saving option, and that is what it is. However, before making the final decision, we strongly recommend that you go to all the plumbing stores and take a close look at the various models of shower cabins. It will be great if, with the consent of the seller, you can stand in the cabin that you are planning to buy. So, you may very likely find that a modestly sized cabin is not very comfortable for you, but a spacious one is so large that the very desire to save space begins to seem like something unreal and illusory.

Moreover, do not forget that shower cabins are at least two meters high, and if they are placed in the sanitary unit of a typical apartment, where in themselves there is enough low ceilings, it will create a feeling of crampedness, even if it itself occupies a small area. Think about another wealth in the form of shower gels, shampoos, creams, scrubs and masks. Still, I want (and it’s more convenient) to have everything at hand. Above the bathtub it is possible to hang a floor, and sometimes more than one, and you can install many tubes and jars on the sides of the bathtub. It is also possible to hang shelves in the shower stall, but firstly, they will “eat up” a lot of usable space in a narrow cabin, and secondly, get ready for the fact that due to the tightness when bathing you will constantly drop something and hurt. As you can see, there is a lot to think about.

Water consumption

Widespread installation individual devices to account for water consumption has finally made people think about what they need to save, and a new argument has appeared in the debate between which is better - a shower or a bathtub. The volume of a medium-sized bath is approximately 200 liters. This is exactly the amount of water that will be spent on one bath. Repeating this procedure every evening can become an expensive pleasure in every sense.

Those who prefer to simply accept spend at least 3-4 times less water, and it follows that installing a shower cabin will lead to a reduction in payments for public utilities(water), and this will be extremely beneficial for the family budget. And again, there is a “BUT” here... The fact is that someone prefers to take a quick swim, i.e. wash off the dirt and sweat, but some people like the opposite, take their time, sing, rub themselves with all the masks and scrubs like it’s the last time in their lives. In this case, the water consumption will be the same as when drawing a bath every evening, which means there can be no talk of any savings.


What is a bath for? Of course, to carry out water hygiene procedures. The answer is correct, but not complete. Russian people tend to constantly look for alternative ways for the use of objects and things that seem to have very specific functions, and in this case the bath is no exception. So let's do the math.

  1. The bathtub can be used for washing. E naturally, that on this moment every home has washing machines, but sometimes there is a need to wash heavy and bulky items, such as curtains, winter clothes and bedspreads. In this case, it is the bathroom with its large bowl that will come to the rescue. It can also be used to place things in a basin that require delicate washing, and many housewives try to do this with their own hands, not trusting the machine.
  2. If necessary, you can wash dishes in the bathroom. Naturally, for such purposes it is usually used kitchen sink, but how to wash, for example, a baking tray in it, which while you wash it, a lot of water will spill onto the floor? Or wash a 10-liter pot that simply doesn’t fit in the sink?
  3. A bath is essential for dog owners. Beloved furry pets should definitely have several bathing days a month, and they should wash their paws after every walk. If a Pekingese, Chihuahua or Toy Terrier can be bathed in a basin, then what should those with large dogs do?
  4. You can store a supply of water in the bathroom. In our country, to see an announcement on the entrance door that there will be an emergency or planned shutdown water is standard. Sometimes it happens that cold water They turn it off for a day or more. And there is no way to live without this. What to do? Before the upcoming “drought,” you will have the opportunity to draw a full bath of water.
  5. A bath helps prolong the life of flowers. Sometimes they still give you bouquets - for a holiday, for no reason, or at least for an anniversary (as well as for a romantic holiday). And how much I want this beautiful splendor to be preserved for as long as possible! And for this, flowers, which usually stand in a vase somewhere in the kitchen or living room during the day, are best left in cool water at night.

But how to use a shower stall, in addition to standard bathing? In which of the situations listed above can she help you out? Alas, shower cabins cannot boast of such versatility. If it comes to comparing which is better (bathtub or shower), then it is worth mentioning the last feature of the bathroom - it can also play the role of an ordinary shower. If you don't have the mood or time to lie down and take a bath, then you can just take a shower. All that may be needed is a curtain that will prevent the water that will flow from the watering can from getting on. The ability to replace your competitor is one-sided - if you can take a shower in the bathroom, then you won’t be able to swim in the shower stall.

Which option is better if you have children?

In a family with small children, the question of choosing a plumbing fixture - a bathtub or a shower stall - does not even arise. For parents, the conclusion is clear - a bath is many times better. After all, it is difficult to imagine how to bathe newborn babies in the shower, who require very careful skin care. Simply swimming under running water will not allow you to do this fully. Moreover, if you abandon the bathtub in favor of a shower stall, then you will thereby deprive your baby of his first swimming pool in his life, and swimming is extremely useful for strengthening the muscle corset.

What to do next when the child is 1 year old, 3 and 5 years old? The baby will need the help of his parents when bathing for a long time - soaping his back, rinsing his hair, washing his knees, which are blackened from crawling on the ground, as well as his arms and stomach, painted with felt-tip pens. The shower will need to do this with one hand, since the other hand will need to hold the shower head so as not to get wet and flood the bathroom floor. We want to warn those who are just planning to have children - some preschoolers manage to get dirty while walking on the street, then the only way to save the situation is to put the child in a soak for further cleansing.

Now look at the situation through the eyes of a child. What do you think he will like more? Naturally, a child will enjoy playing in the bathroom much more than taking a shower. The fact is that a bathtub is not just a vessel filled with heated water, but a small sea that will become a source of joy and childish delight. Be sure that the child will not want to exchange the bathroom for anything else.

Availability of options if they have a disability

When the issue with the children is resolved, it is worth remembering the parents. Most older people will, of course, prefer a shower stall. The problem is that over the years, joint mobility decreases, muscle strength also decreases, so it becomes more and more difficult for an elderly person to overcome obstacles such as the sides of a bathtub. A similar problem is faced by those who have various injuries, as well as diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Getting into the bath can be an overwhelming task for them, and to some extent even dangerous.

But getting into the shower stall is much easier. If necessary, it is possible to refuse even low pallets and arrange a drain directly at floor level. If your family member has a hard time standing while bathing in the shower, then you can purchase a shower that has a seat. Moreover, such a sitting will make it possible not to worry that an elderly person may have water procedures Your head may start to feel dizzy. We would also like to remind you that with some illnesses, a bath can even become taboo. First of all, we are talking about people who have high blood pressure or diseases of the cardiovascular system. Immersion in hot water sometimes leads to the fact that their health deteriorates greatly, but they are not prohibited from being in the shower.


Nothing will help you relax and unwind after a hard day at work like a full bath of water. A shower cabin can easily give you the opportunity to relax both body and soul. All you have to do is expose tired and tense muscles under the warm streams of water, which beat under pressure from the nozzles on the wall, and after a few minutes you will feel great, just like after a professional massage session. By the way, the nozzles can be made at different levels, which will allow every family member, even the smallest ones, to regularly enjoy hydromassage. The water pressure is soft if the ceiling shower is also flowing, and it will create the effect of rain, which will make it possible to calm overexcited nerves. Some models of shower cabins even have steam generators, which will make it possible to simulate the same microclimate inside the shower cabins as in a bathhouse.

As you can see, even in the shower you can completely relax and unwind. But does this compare to what is available in the bathroom? Only in this place can you lie quietly, close your eyes and stretch your legs. Only here you can bask in deliciously smelling foam and enjoy the aroma essential oil. Only in the bathroom will the skin be well steamed, which will guarantee the preservation of its elasticity, beautiful view, and give you a feeling of lightness + great mood. And finally, only in the bathroom you can retire with your favorite book and a glass of red wine - in this place you will definitely not be distracted by anyone.

In addition, to answer the question of which is better - a bathtub or a shower stall, think about where, if not in the bathroom, you can spend moments alone with your partner. Is it possible to enjoy the flickering of candles in the shower, drink champagne, sprinkle a lot of rose petals, and also have intimate conversations? It is unlikely that you will make a choice in favor of a shower stall if the romantic in you has not yet died.

Equipped with additional functions

But in terms of richness in terms of functionality, it was not even close to modern models shower cabins. If the bathtub is just a snow-white bowl without any frills, then the shower stall will somehow resemble spaceship. Using the buttons on the control panel in the cabin, you can adjust the temperature and water pressure, as well as the delivery method. Using smart sensors you will receive a portion of shower gel or liquid soap as soon as you place your hand under the dispenser. Manufacturers have thought of everything, and even for those who like to sing in the shower, they have prepared a gift - speakers that do not get wet will help fill the shower stall with your favorite music. Some showers can be turned into a real sauna - they have special heat-insulating materials, are also equipped with steam generators and have special control systems. Naturally, the more additional functions in a shower stall, the more it will cost. But what lengths are people willing to go to in order to provide themselves with the greatest possible comfort?

Cleaning and care

Every housewife wants the place where all water and hygiene procedures will be carried out to always be clean, but alas, not every one of them has a free minute to clean it up. Which is easier to clean? smooth surface bathtubs or the many projections of various technical elements that the shower cabin is equipped with, moreover, having high walls? The answer is obvious. Drops of water on a transparent wall in a shower stall, if not wiped off in time, become not the most beautiful stains. However, even wiping the doors and walls of the stall after every shower will not solve all problems. Each time, the booths will need to be thoroughly ventilated so that they dry - if the level of ventilation is insufficient, microscopic organisms will quickly begin to develop in a closed space, and as a result, this will lead to the appearance unpleasant odor, as well as mold and mildew.


So, if you weigh the pros and cons, then you can definitely decide which is better for you - a shower or a bath. There is no clear answer to this question. The final decision will need to be made only by you. Each option has approximately the same number of advantages and disadvantages, so you will need to focus not only on the pros and cons of each type of plumbing equipment, but also understand what you like best. If you are an adherent of a calm lifestyle, a measured rhythm, and believe that The best way to relieve stress, lie down in warm water, then in this case a traditional font, which seems to be created so that you can pamper yourself, is your choice.

If you are constantly in the frantic rhythm of modern life, consider yourself practical person, and are constantly in a hurry somewhere, then water procedures are a hygienic norm for you. In this case, you should give preference to stylish shower cabins, which are a symbol modern solution dynamic life.

When starting out, every owner thinks about this question. If you follow fashion, then the shower stall certainly comes out ahead. But those who like to soak in the bath remain at all times. And what is better – a shower or a bathtub, is up to each person to decide individually.

To ensure a cheerful and fruitful day, personal energy experts advise starting it with a contrast shower. Those who like to sing in the shower and wake up under elastic streams of water cannot do without a modern shower stall with hydromassage functions!

To decide what to choose: a shower cabin or a bathtub, let's study what types of cabins there are and what functions they are equipped with.

Functions of shower cabins

When choosing a stall, you need to be guided not only by the size of the bathroom, but also by the size of your body, so that you do not experience inconvenience during further use.

Let's take a brief look at the pros and cons of shower cabins.

What do we buy with a shower cabin?


  • speed - no need to waste time collecting water;
  • maximum convenience - no need to climb over high sides, non-slip surface of the pallet;
  • no splashes outside the cabin or flooding from the neighbors below;
  • especially suitable for sick or dizzy people, as they are equipped with a seat;
  • the option with a high tray is suitable for bathing children without spending large quantity water;
  • shower jet provides good rinsing of hair after shampooing;
  • function: hydromassage of the back, neck, special nozzle for foot massage;
  • tropical and contrast shower;
  • a radio receiver that is not drowned out by the noise of water;
  • opportunity to respond to phone calls using a speakerphone by pressing a button and without interrupting the shower procedure.


  • bath lovers will miss the opportunity to relax in a horizontal position;
  • To wash off heavy dirt, additional effort is required;
  • low water pressure in the pipes of some high-rise buildings (less than 2-3 bar) will not allow the use of a hydromassage or bath function, which will significantly narrow the choice of cabin.

Before choosing a multifunctional cabin, check with your plumber about the water pressure in the house, on the floor and by time of day.

If the pressure is small, it is better to buy a cabin with one and a half bars. At this pressure, the massage function only works in some Jacuz-zi and Nudro-Box models.

Having examined in detail the topic of shower cabin - pros and cons, let's move on to the review of bathrooms.

Advantages and disadvantages of a bathroom

To understand which is better – a bathtub or a shower stall, let’s now consider the pros and cons of a bathtub.


  • you can always relax and unwind in it by lying in aromatic soap foam with a few drops of essential oil or adding sea salt;
  • you can take the necessary procedures with medicinal herbs or soak in mustard for a cold;
  • sweat and dirt are washed away better and faster after hard work or training;
  • indispensable for bathing and hardening children of the first year of life.


  • requires a larger area;
  • significant water consumption is required.

Possible compromises

When answering the question: which is better - a bathtub or a shower stall, you need to take into account many factors, and most importantly, what is your state of health and the size of the bathroom.

Taking into account our apartments, you can install a small bathroom model, for example, having a narrowing towards the feet. If you do this, it will save space for washing machine or a locker.

If you are the happy owner of a spacious bathroom where you can easily accommodate both a bathtub and a stall, do not hesitate!

IN different time and under different circumstances, every thing will be useful!

We wish you a good choice!

Before remodeling a bathroom, the question immediately arises: what is better - a bathtub or a shower cabin, what to choose? In the age of modern innovative technologies, humanity prefers to buy newfangled plumbing equipment. Therefore, a shower cabin is a more fashionable option, which provides hydromassage, alternating cold and hot water, LED installation, telephone communications. And the bathroom, in turn, is a long-familiar model in which you can not only lie down and pamper yourself. In the century modern technologies, the bathroom model is more modernized and is also equipped with various functions, thanks to which you can relieve fatigue after a busy day and wake up absolutely rested in the morning.

Which model is better to choose? To do this, it is necessary to study all the positive and negative aspects of both models and determine the appropriate option.

Before you buy necessary design, you should carefully consider the principle of its operation:

  • alternate supply of cold and hot water– this is a contrast shower mode that will harden the body and also allow you to feel cheerful in the morning;
  • tropical rain mode will allow you to feel yourself under the splashes of summer rain. A nozzle mounted at the top of the cabin sprays water into a fine spray;
  • relaxation function– these are soft streams of water that relax the body after a busy day;
  • chromotherapy mode has a positive effect on the body. LEDs installed in the upper part of the equipment color the water streams with multi-colored jets, relaxing all parts of the body;
  • a function through which a microclimate can be created in the cabin Turkish bath , that is, at a temperature from 40 to 60 degrees, 100% humidity is felt;
  • hot steam option has a beneficial effect on the body, namely: promotes the expansion of pores and the removal of toxins;
  • the cabin will allow you to improve your body health at any time of the day, while saving the family budget;
  • aromatherapy function will allow you to fill shower device the aroma of a pine forest or other pleasant smell. Thanks to the installed container with aromatic oils, the water flows passing through it fill the cabin with beneficial vapors. This method can be carried out with the Turkish bath mode;
  • uniform distribution in the air aromatic oils carried out thanks to the device - ventilation;
  • vertical massage device– this is a win-win option for preventing cellulite and getting rid of subcutaneous fat. The nozzles can be used to regulate the flow of water to any part of the body for a massage effect;
  • if a question arises When deciding whether to choose a bathtub or a shower cabin, you need to compare the underwater hydromassage with the horizontal hydromassage in the cabin. If you are immersed in water, the body massage is carried out by pressing water currents from the nozzles through the layer of water. There are shower boxes in which bathtubs and showers are built together. Such models are huge in size and have high prices.

Installing a shower in the bathroom

If you decide to purchase a cabin with a multi-level hydromassage, you will give yourself a royal gift. It is equipped not only with a hydromassage function on several levels, but is also equipped with multi-color lighting at the top. During the shower, the water jets are colored into multi-colored streams, and have a positive effect on the well-being and condition of the body.

The modern market offers the most popular pallet sizes: 80:80 cm, 90:90 cm, 100:100 cm, 120:80 cm.

Must remember! When choosing a shower stall, we advise you to take into account not only the area of ​​the bathroom, but also the size of your body, as you can get into trouble.

Follow these tips.

  1. Pay attention to the depth of the tray, which comes in different parameters: flat, shallow, deep. The flat tray is designed for people with physical problems and is now in demand among buyers.
  2. If a mirror is installed inside the model, this is an indispensable element for carrying out morning hygiene procedures. In order to protect the mirror from fogging, it must be treated with a special product.
  3. The presence of dispensers, shelves and cups on the walls of the cabin, which will protect the necessary cosmetics from falling.
  4. Choose a cabin that is at least the size of your body to avoid unexpected discomfort.

Pros and cons of shower cabins

When purchasing equipment, you need to highlight the positive aspects:

  • saving time;
  • it is convenient to stand on the pallet, especially for older people;
  • non-slip base of the tray;
  • equipping with a seat for the elderly and sick;
  • always dry floor outside the cabin;
  • a strong flow of water ensures reliable rinsing of shampoo;
  • hydromassage of hard-to-reach parts of the body;
  • “tropical rain” and contrast shower mode;
  • musical equipment that is not drowned out by the flow of water;
  • telephone connection, allowing you not to interrupt water procedures.

Shower in the bathroom

Negative aspects of the shower device:

  • lack of relaxation in a horizontal position, which can be done in the bath;
  • additional efforts to eliminate impurities on the body;
  • insufficient water pressure in the pipeline to use the hydromassage or Turkish bath mode.

Important to remember! Before purchasing multifunctional bathroom equipment, you need to consult with an experienced plumber and the possibility of full operation of the cabin on your floor or home. Due to insufficient water pressure, you will not get the desired result.

If the water pressure in your home is insufficient, we advise you to purchase a shower installation for one and a half bars Nudro-Box or Jaсuz-zi.

After we have considered all the advantages of shower stalls, let's talk about bathtub models, all their advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of a bath

Before you conclude that there is nothing better than a shower stall, because it is modern style, saving time, comfort, pleasure from hydromassage and so on. But, nevertheless, let's consider all the advantages and disadvantages of a bath.

Installing a bathtub in the bathroom

Positive sides:

  • lying in the bath, you can truly relax to the fullest;
  • medical procedures with herbal infusions in the bath contribute to the rapid healing of the body;
  • lying in a bath with plenty of foam makes it easier to wash your body;
  • Excellent equipment for bathing and conditioning young children.

Negative sides:

  • a large area is required;
  • high water consumption.

Compromise solutions

When asking the question, which is better - a shower cabin or a bathtub, you should take into account several significant circumstances. Since standard apartments have small area bathroom, therefore, it is better to install a bathtub small size and narrowed. If you want to save useful bathroom space, then install shower equipment with your own hands, you can fit a washing machine or a small cabinet.

If the bathroom has a large area, you can install a bathtub as well as a shower. This option will please not only you, but also everyone at home. If such an option exists in your home, we advise you to leave reviews of shower cabins with bathtubs after the article on our website.

Characteristic features of shower cabins with bathtubs

The modern market offers a large selection of shower cabins, the models of which are improved every year.

The Miracle Cabin is an innovation that has become a top-priority product for many buyers. By purchasing such an installation, you will not only constantly please yourself, but also your entire family. The main advantage of such models is that they are very convenient, easy to use, and multifunctional.

Combination bath + shower

But there is one, but very significant drawback. If your bathroom is small, then the bathtub should be removed. This means that by installing a shower installation, you automatically deprive yourself of a pleasant time in a hot bath, especially in winter, when you want to warm up and also relax. Therefore, a shower cabin is just a pleasant shower that cannot replace a bath.

In order to cater to the needs of buyers, the modern market offers combined bathtubs with showers. By installing such equipment in your bathroom, you will combine two integral functions that are indispensable for a normal life in modern society. The main difference between such equipment is that instead of a low tray, a full-fledged bathroom is installed. This combination, that is, two in one, will perfectly suit your desires.

Pros and cons of miracle cabins

  • shower boxes are much more convenient than a regular shower or bath. Firstly, you can simultaneously receive horizontal or vertical hydromassage. Secondly, instead of a shallow tray, a full-fledged bathtub with hydromassage functions is installed in the box. Through the operation of the nozzles located on the bottom and sides of the bath, you can regulate water flows, which have a beneficial effect on your well-being, as well as the blood circulation in the body;
  • if you do not always use a washing machine, then the bathroom is the ideal equipment for washing small laundry;
  • If your family is large, then by installing a shower box, you will please the whole family. For example, you can indulge in a hot tub, but your grandmother will only use the shower;
  • The modern market offers multifunctional shower boxes that are of high quality and whose reliability is guaranteed.
  • if you want to purchase such a shower box, the bathroom area should be quite spacious;
  • since the equipment is large in size, its installation should only be carried out by professionals;
  • The cost of miracle cabins is quite high.

If you've decided to remodel your bathroom and can't decide what to do? better bath or a shower cabin, read the reviews at the end of the article on our website. Separately, a shower cabin is convenient in small bathrooms, especially for older people, and a bathtub is for those who like to relax or lie in plenty of foam, with candles.

Bath in the bathroom

Imagine the state of a person who has finally received the keys to a new, large and bright apartment in a modern high-rise! This is some kind of endless euphoria! After many years of wandering around private corners, my head is simply buzzing with ideas for arranging my own home, buying new furniture, equipment and other little things that I absolutely cannot do without. Exactly 9 years ago we moved into a new apartment and almost immediately had to resolve the issue of installing such an important but missing element of the bathroom as a bathtub. Taking advantage of the opportunity to maneuver, my wife and I, after consulting, decided buy and install a shower cabin. Now, with the passage of time, it is already clear that the shower stall is not such a wonderful thing as we are shown in advertising. There are many pitfalls that sellers don’t talk about. If you too are faced with a dilemma - bath or shower cabin, we invite you to read our largely instructive story. I think after reading this your choice will be wiser.

How did it even occur to us to buy a shower cabin?

The story of my first acquaintance with shower cabins as a class of devices began in Moscow, where I once arrived to participate in an event. At the hotel, I was mistakenly checked into a luxury room, where this miracle of technology was installed. Just a couple of hours later I was asked to move from the suite to a regular room, but this was enough time to enjoy the opportunity to splash around while taking a shower without fear of water on the floor!

What about an ordinary bathroom? You climb into it and draw the plastic curtain. As long as you sit, everything is fine. But when you start rinsing in the shower, you have to constantly make sure that this cold, nasty curtain doesn’t stick to your body. Moreover, it’s as if she’s deliberately just waiting for you to be distracted in order to wrap you in her vile, slippery embrace. Brrr!

And the shower stall is simply beautiful! He stepped inside, closed the doors and splashed around as much as he wanted. Delight! And different hydromassage jets! And a steam generator with a set of aroma oils! And a receiver that allows you not to waste time, but, for example, listen to “News from the collective farm fields”!!! I don’t even mention the backlight. I specially turned off the main lighting to see how it worked. In a word, the test drive was a complete one. That was 2003.

It was then that I first thought that when I change apartments, I will definitely buy myself such a miracle of technology, no matter how much it costs. And now, just two years later, this opportunity presented itself to me. Together with new apartment I found the opportunity to realize my long-standing idea about a shower stall.

How we chose a shower cabin

Of course, there were several criteria, but there were two main limiting conditions.

Firstly, the cabin had to fit into the size of our bathroom, leaving room for a washing machine, sink... well, and for ourselves to have a place to stand :). We immediately rejected the very space-efficient cabins with a radius of 60x60 cm, since it is more or less comfortable to wash in them only while standing. This is especially true for my wife and I - we are both above average height. Another ambush in a small cabin is the accidental fall of soap into the tray. To lift it you have to resort to balancing act. In a word, we immediately put small shower cabins aside.

Things were a little better with the 60x80 cm option. However, I wanted some space, and not my elbows touching the glass doors at the most inopportune moment.

Next came proposals for corner shower cabins with a radius of 90 cm. This was already closer to the truth. You can take a shower there without standing upright and without the fear of knocking a bottle of shampoo or, in fact, the shelf itself off the shelf with your elbow.

Some shower cabins measuring 90x90 are equipped with a so-called high tray. It's like a miniature bathtub. Of course, you won’t lie down in it yourself, but you never know if you’ll have to rinse something, bathe a child, or, for example, collect an emergency supply of water in case it goes out.

Of course, at that time cabins were sold and larger sizes, but they would no longer fit into our modest square meters bathroom

The second selection criterion was cost. We immediately discarded the cheapest and smallest options. There were models for 50-70 thousand rubles. They were more than good, but we decided to go with something less extravagant.

As a result, the Nofer NS-28B model was chosen. Now they don't sell these anymore. But at that time it was quite reasonably equipped: a steam generator, hydromassage nozzles, a high tray, size 90x90, a receiver, a fan and others pleasant trifles. Looking ahead, I can say that we never used some of the gadgets.

Is it possible to assemble a shower cabin yourself?

On that day, several large boxes were delivered to our home. Not boxes, but boxes with wooden frames. All this was unloaded and left in the middle of the room. At first we decided to unpack everything and try to assemble the shower cabin ourselves, but then, after looking at the instructions and the assembly diagram, we decided not to tempt fate and invite specialists.

Looking ahead a little, I must say that it was quite possible to assemble the cabin yourself. We were just slightly misled by the picture from the instructions, from which it followed that we would have to mount all these nozzles ourselves, connect them with hoses in the required sequence, etc. If I knew that back wall, which scared me so much, comes already assembled that you just need to pull it out of the box and screw it into place, I would of course try to do it on my own.

The steam generator also scared me a little. The instructions stated that if assembled incorrectly, it could either fail or become dangerous. To be honest, I didn’t really want to be scalded; this was another pebble in the balance in favor of calling specialist assemblers.

But, as they say, after a fight you don’t wave your fists. Watching how two men dashingly assembled my miracle of technology as if from a Lego constructor, I felt annoyed and ashamed. Why did I invite them and give them 4 thousand rubles. For what?! Literally an hour and a half later they reported that the cabin itself was ready, but reported that it was no longer possible to turn it on today. The reason was simple. The kit did not include hoses connecting the device to the cold and hot water pipes.

Having complained that it was already late and all the shops were closed, the men left. The next day I bought two hoses, screwed them into place myself and the job was finished.

If you suddenly decide to buy a shower stall, keep in mind: any person, even without special training, who has the simplest tool: a screwdriver and an adjustable wrench - he can easily handle assembling the booth on his own. The main thing is to take your time and follow the instructions. A tube of transparent would also be a good idea. silicone sealant to insulate the seams from the inside. And finally, it will be great if you have someone to help you. It won't be hard work. It’s just that from time to time you will need to support something, insure something. After all, the cabin parts are partly glass. If you knock the door, then... in a word, it’s better not to do it. Just ask your wife to help. I hope she doesn't refuse.

How to properly install a shower stall. Two subtle points

Moreover, there are two of them in the photo. The top one was just intended for the cabin. When we installed the cabin simply on its standard legs, we were horrified to discover that the level of the bottom of the cabin was lower than the level of the hole in sewer pipe. Accordingly, the water from the full pan first flowed out quite quickly, then more and more slowly, and towards the end it stopped flowing where it should, remaining on the bottom of the cabin in a dirty layer several centimeters thick.

The natural solution to install the cabin on some kind of base in order to raise it above the floor almost failed, since the cabin’s roof rested on the ventilation pipe:

We managed to find a level so that the water would somehow flow into the drain hole, and there were a few millimeters left to the upper ventilation duct.

Our next problem was connecting the shower stall to electricity. Since the steam generator consumed 4 kilowatts per hour, we were very afraid that the ordinary wiring would start to heat up and short out somewhere in the wall. We had to incur additional costs and connect a branch from the route feeding the electric stove to the shower stall. If we knew in advance that we would use this steam generator only a few times, then we would not have to suffer.

But finally all the ordeals are over. We got the opportunity to enjoy a shower, hydromassage with music, we could splash ourselves as hard as we could and the floor in the bathroom still remained dry. Isn't this happiness?

However, we very soon discovered that pleasure comes at a price. Moreover, the further the price went, the more exorbitant it seemed.

Disadvantages of a shower cabin

Now looking at these beautiful pictures I can’t even believe that our shower stall was so beautiful and shiny. Just don’t think that we didn’t wash it or buy it special means and all that stuff. Of course, we did our best to maintain it in normal working order, but forces intervened, the insidiousness of which we did not even suspect.

Now I will show you what our shower stall has become after 8 years of use. By the way, when I bought it, the seller said that the service life of the booth was approximately 7 years. Then I thought it was a joke. However, now I understand that the life of a shower stall is much shorter than that of a regular one. cast iron bath. So - photos:

(wsview src= width= title=[Nofer shower stall after 8 years of operation] thumb= order=)

How did she become like this? Why? Didn't we wash it, didn't we clean it?

The answer is very simple. In the area where we live, there are a lot of impurities in the water. Plaque on glass forms literally after one shower. If you don’t clean the booth for several days in a row, it gradually begins to “overgrow.”

I remember that literally after a week of using the shower stall, I noticed that the jets from the overhead shower, which previously gushed each at its own angle, forming a beautiful regular sheaf, began to flow not in the right direction, but wherever they wanted. Some nozzles still sprayed in the correct direction, but many others sprayed at random, or even to the side.

I had to slightly crush the faulty injectors with my fingers. The lumps of plaque were crushed and all the jets began to flow in the right direction again.

Since then, every time I took a shower, I spent some time cleaning the nozzles. But then there came times when more important matters did not allow me to spend an extra 10 minutes in the shower. And from then on, the injectors began to become “overgrown” with limescale. Over time, many of them became completely clogged. Under the pressure of water, which simply had no place to go out, the round part of the overhead shower, on which the nozzles were located, cracked. Now most of The water comes out through this gap.

Over time, the plug lifting system broke down. Previously, it was raised by a graceful turn of the lever on the top edge of the bathtub, but the cable rusted and broke and the system failed. It was not possible to find spare parts for this model of shower cabins, which have long been discontinued. Now you have to pick out the plug by hand. This, of course, is not such a problem, but still.

Further more. Due to the impossibility of tightening the plastic fastening screws (they were tightly overgrown with limescale), the glass shelf above the seat had to be dismantled. Otherwise, she could have fallen and hurt one of us.

Just a couple of days ago, the hand shower head broke off from the hose.

Over the entire period of use, we more than once bought a special substance against limescale, spent enough time to bring the shower stall back to normal, but the results of our efforts were only enough for a few days. Then we had to start all over again.

Among side effects It can be noted that when you open the shower door it is wet warm air breaks out of it and comes into contact with the ceiling. Initially, we had ordinary whitewash there. After just a couple of months of such exposure, the whitewash began to swell and fly around. I had to glue foam tiles to the ceiling.

Once again, the drain pipe came off and the entire contents of the bathtub ended up on the floor. Moreover, this was not discovered immediately, since through the glass doors of the cabin, covered with limescale, it is not very clear what is happening outside. As a result, the lower neighbors were flooded. It's good that we're in good relations and everything was agreed upon without shouting. But it could have been completely different.

Conclusions. Bath or shower?

If you want to buy a shower cabin, first check in the most meticulous way what is flowing from your tap. It's very easy to check. Take an ordinary glass, pour hot water from the tap into it and leave it somewhere in a secluded place. When the water from the glass has completely evaporated, look at what remains on the walls. If they remain transparent, repeat the procedure two or three more times. Do not wash the glass, just add water. If even then you do not see any noticeable deposits, then you can safely buy a shower stall and enjoy all its capabilities.

But if after the first time you see white on the walls of the glass limescale- this is a warning sign. You should think twice before throwing away a considerable amount of money for the dubious pleasure of scrubbing your future booth after almost every use. And don’t think that “well, big deal, we quickly blotted it with a rag and that’s it.” We, too, naively, thought so at first. Nothing like this. Either you will become a slave to your shower stall, scrubbing it, wasting precious time, or very soon it will turn into what you saw in the photo above.

If you unknowingly purchased a shower stall with grooved glass, your problems will triple. Even from smooth glass it is quite difficult to wipe off limescale deposits, but when it gets clogged in the unevenness of the glass!!!

We also tried to fight at first. But then they decided that they didn’t buy the cabin to do nothing but clean it. You saw the result.

If we ever move to an area with more clean water, then we will definitely return to the question shower cabin installation in our flat. But for now our plans are to dismantle the existing copy and install a conventional one in its place cast iron bath. It is somehow simpler and more convenient to use.

Many people, when arranging their bathroom, are faced with a choice: shower or bath? Now we will try to find out the positive and negative aspects of both solutions.

Shower or bath?

The first thing you need to understand is what you yourself are used to, and what kind of pastime is more enjoyable for you. The bath has a relaxing effect and allows you to relax after a hard day at work. A shower will help you wake up and give you energy for the day.

Let's look at the bath and shower as a means of cleansing. Staying in the bath allows you to gently open the skin pores and thus cleanse them. It should be remembered that it is better to use for the bathroom various varieties soaps, not shower gels, since the latter create a special film on the skin that can only be washed off under a strong stream. In this regard, the shower provides the function of hydromassage and deeper cleansing.

We must not forget about the medical aspect. Doctors advise people with vascular and venous problems (hypotension, hypertension, varicose veins) to refrain from bathing. People with problem skin will also have to carefully select the temperature and time spent in water, since it is too hot water may harm sensitive skin. The shower has practically no contraindications, except for one of its varieties - a contrast shower. Again, such a shower should not be taken by people with problematic blood vessels, since a sharp change in water temperature is not beneficial in such cases. And, of course, if you have a runny nose or a cold, it is better not to experiment with cold water.

Which is more economical?

From an economical point of view, the shower is the clear winner. Since the showers occupy themselves less space than a bathtub, they are better suited for bathrooms with small square footage, which will save useful space.

The shower also wins in terms of the amount of water consumed. On average, taking water procedures in the shower will require 1.5–2 times less water than in the bath. This is due to the fact that in the shower, dirt is immediately washed away from the skin with new streams of water, while while lying in the bath, you will have to rinse several more times.

But lying in the bath, you can relax and forget about the problems of a hard day, and steam your skin. Therefore, if the bathroom space allows, then you should not deny yourself this pleasure.

You need to understand what specific style you want to decorate your bathroom in. For modern and aggressive styles, such as “high-tech” and “minimalism”, a shower cabin will be the absolute choice. Here you will need cabins made of transparent glass with metal inserts.

If you adhere to more classic interior, for example, in the Provence style, then you cannot do without a beautiful white bathtub and walls decorated with pastel-colored tiles.

The shape of the bathroom can be different, as well as the material from which it is made: from iron to wood hard rocks. Many design solutions they look very stylish, but again are suitable for large rooms.

The editors of the site advise you to make a choice in favor of what you need, because the bathroom is a very personal space and a place for privacy.
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