Well      06/15/2019

How to deal with grape diseases using folk remedies. How to protect grapes from diseases and pests: a guide to spring treatments. Treatment and spraying of grapes in spring against diseases and pests

Mildew or downy mildew is the most dangerous and widespread fungal disease of grapes, which became known at the end of the 19th century. It was then that it was brought to France from North America, and it was then that there was a sharp decline in viticulture in all areas of Europe. From here it becomes quite clear that if you do not wage a persistent and thorough fight against it, then it will cause considerable damage to the harvest and the grape bushes themselves on your summer cottage. You can read about the causes of the disease, prevention and treatment measures, as well as the types of drugs used in the fight against mildew in our article.

Description and causes of the disease: how dangerous is mildew on grapes and how does it manifest itself?

Video: soda, iodine and manganese for mildew

Rotten hay

A full bucket of rotted hay is filled, filled with water and infused for about 4-6 days in a warm place. During this time, hay bacillus appears in the mixture, which, when sprayed, should “eat up” the mildew fungus, but first the infusion must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3.


According to some reports, if planted next to the grapes (along the perimeter), this will partly help protect the bushes from the grapes in question. fungal disease, but again you shouldn’t rely heavily on such folk tricks.

Even the most pessimistic summer resident will be able to cure his grapes from mildew if he uses the entire arsenal of folk, chemical and biological means of combating a serious and dangerous disease.

Video: grape mildew - description and development of the disease, methods of control ( fungicidal preparations and folk remedies)

In contact with

Generations of hardworking winegrowers have developed folk remedies to combat diseases and pests that threaten the well-being of plantings. Such methods of treating diseases are still used today. They are used together with modern chemicals.

Aphids are one of the grape pests


Malicious arthropods are frequent guests on the leaves of protected plants, this is clearly signaled by spots and drying leaves. For prevention and treatment, winegrowers treat bushes with both chemicals and natural solutions. The following is a list of the most common small monsters and ways to deal with them or prevent their appearance without resorting to industrial chemicals:

Aphid. Small pests a couple of centimeters in size. From their proboscis, plants become frail, leaves curl and die, growth stops, and sweet secretions appear on the leaves. Pests reach the plant on the scruff of their “ants”, this is another external sign appearance of pests. Because of insects, bushes become defenseless against viral diseases. Aphids bring particular trouble to grape seedlings. The insects begin their feast from the tender and young parts of the plant.

Chemicals not only destroy aphids, but also thin out the ranks of their natural enemies. It is better to use folk remedies.

  • The first stage of aphid control is washing with water. If it doesn’t work out, you can use a soap or ash solution (300 g of soap or ash per 10 liters of water).
  • A decoction of wormwood or tobacco, dandelion, citrus peels, celandine, hot pepper and yarrow works effectively. An infusion of onion peels, chopped garlic or tomato and potato tops works. They take a large number of tops or husks, poured hot water and leave to infuse for several days.

Onion peel infusion is effective against aphids

Phylloxera is a notorious species of aphid and also the scourge of vineyards. The problem of summer residents on a global scale. Once this pest devastated at least 6 million hectares of plantations: the owners could not find effective control methods. The grape aphid is incredibly fertile. There are two types: the green variety prefers leaves, and the brown variety prefers roots. If you don’t fight their gluttony, you can forget about a bountiful harvest, and soon the bushes will die. Phylloxera spreads along with seedlings and stems, wind and water.

  • Prevention of phylloxera consists of inspecting seedlings and destroying planting material at the slightest hint of the presence of an unexpected guest. The insect loves loose soil and, to avoid disaster, grapes are planted on sandy, clayey soil.
  • Parsley acts on phylloxera like garlic on vampires if planted under bushes.
  • The best way to combat this is to cause a flood in the vineyard.

Phylloxera does not like parsley

Leaf roller. A butterfly, which, like people, positively evaluates taste qualities grapes and considers them good food for their caterpillars. Leaf rollers lay eggs on the leaves and shoots of grapes. Having hatched, the pest's cubs crawl throughout the bush and gnaw out buds and leaves.

  • Leaf rollers are attracted by baited traps. The bottles are hung between the bushes and filled with wine, sugar and vinegar. Fascinated by the smells, the winged creatures voluntarily drown themselves and reduce the harm from their invasion.
  • Another way to save the crop is tobacco dust, which is used in dry form, as a decoction or by fumigating bushes with it. Traditional treatment: tobacco waste is infused in warm water, dilute with water and add laundry soap to the solution in the ratio (100x10x40).
  • Spraying with wormwood infusions helps prevent caterpillars that feed on leaves - the herb is boiled in water, filtered and the affected plant is treated for a week until not a trace of insects remains.

Spider mite. It weaves a web around its place of residence, which is why it got its name. Leaves bitten by this insect turn yellow or red, depending on the variety, gradually dry out and end their life with sad falling. As a result of the activity of this harmful creature, the taste of the fruit deteriorates.

  • The mite is capable of causing enormous damage to the plant, but it cannot do anything against heavy rain. He also doesn’t like spraying with natural compounds made from dandelion, garlic or onion peels. Take 100 g of husks (500 g of dandelions or heels of garlic heads), dilute in 5 liters of water and leave to infuse. After which the anti-mite spray can be used.

Caterpillars gnawing on grape leaves do not like the taste of wormwood

Treatment of diseases

Sap-sucking arthropods are not the only threat to growth and yield. An neglected disease and failure to treat on time are the causes of catastrophic losses not only of fruits, but also of bushes. The methods by which winegrowers cope with diseases are associated with the use of modern medicinal drugs. But this is far from the only way to improve the health of grapes.

Mildew. The most destructive of all fungal diseases . First discovered in North America, from where it spread throughout Europe and the vineyards of the CIS.

Mildew develops in humid environments with frequent rain and warm weather. When choosing seedlings, it is worth taking note of this fact.

The first symptom of the disease is oily spots on the leaves with a white coating. The disease becomes more complicated with the appearance of necrosis: the affected organs turn yellow, dry out and fall off. Inflorescences, ridges, including flowers and berries are affected. They can be saved by using the following traditional methods of prevention and treatment.

  • Mushrooms originate in fallen leaves and move from them to nearby growing poor fellows. To prevent infection, fallen leaves should be removed;
  • Bushes need access to fresh air and ventilation; the only way to make this wish come true is to remember to regularly thin out the shoots;
  • Wet surfaces are the natural habitat of malicious organisms, and the wet foliage of a plant unwittingly contributes to their dirty deeds. Only the roots should be watered, protecting the upper part of the bushes from water. Drainage grooves will help in this matter;
  • A decoction of garlic (75 g per 10 liters of water) or horsetail can be used to treat bushes instead of chemical solutions;
  • Dill will repel infection if the latter is planted as a guard around the protected treasure.

Dill plantings will protect the vineyard from mildew

Oidium, also known as powdery mildew. Another one of the most common misfortunes that can become fatal for grapes. Just like the previous problem, it comes from America.

The symptom of the disease is strange behavior and appearance shoots. They begin to grow slowly, are covered with ashen dust, and the foliage looks “unkempt” and curly.

The berries dry out or burst. If measures are not taken, the entire crop may die. The fungus develops within a week, especially quickly in high humidity and hot weather.

  • Like mildew, oidium loves dense growth. Pruning is the main prevention of the disease.
  • Tinctures will help against the disease: milk mixed with water (in a ratio of 1 to 10). Soda ash mixed with liquid soap and water (40 grams per 10 liters). Potassium permanganate solution (take 5 grams per 10 liters). Spray the plant with the resulting substance.

Milk and water - a remedy for oidium

Gray rot affects all green organs of the bush. This guest is stubborn and does not intend to leave even with the onset of winter. His favorite weather is cold and wet. At this time, it climbs onto young shoots, especially those that lack air, and covers the plant with a gray dusty coating. The fungus especially likes clusters, which after a short time turn into a lump of indefinite shape and color. Dry weather gray mold does not approve, so during this period she is forced to satisfy herself with berries. The inflorescences affected by it die off and the fruits rot.

  • Remove old and dead leaves, both those that have already fallen off and those that still spoil the appearance of the grapes. Fallen leaves are a source of infection, do not forget about it;
  • Mulching is a helping hand against various problems. Protects against fungus.
  • The first organs at risk are parts of the plant damaged by grafting. The second are peduncles bent to the ground. In one case, careful observation will help, in another - supports made of wire or other material.
  • Damaged leaves and berries are the “problem area” of the plant, which should be removed immediately to avoid a fatal infection.
  • Instead of pesticides, treatment can be carried out with a solution of iodine (up to 1 ml) and water (1 liter). Directions for use: generous spraying during berry growth and ripening.

Traditional means of treating diseases have both disadvantages (not as deadly effective as special drugs) and advantages. Among the latter: the absence of toxic components (after all, the hero is a fruit-bearing plant and its berries must be safe for internal use). And relative cheapness: ingredients for solutions are easy to find, and cooking does not require special culinary knowledge.

We create wine, not grape juice, and what is left in the wine is just as important as what is added to it

Jacques Boissenot

My article about healing properties grapes Treatment with grapes a shorter version was published in April 2011 in the magazine Gardener's Collection No. 7 on the topic of Grapes and then reprinted several times. This article is reproduced here without abbreviations.

Treatment with grapes.

Almost everything in grapes is beneficial. But in moderation. In this article I will talk about the healing properties of grapes and its derivatives.

Let me start with the fact that in nature there are no fruits like grapes. Of course, its amazing taste, the beauty of the vine, and the fact that grapes are the initial component in winemaking speak in its favor. But the main thing is the unique composition of the grapes. It corresponds to human nature itself, therefore it can be useful for both the healthy and the sick.

Ripe grapes contain over 150 biologically active substances. The skin of the berries contains wax, phytosterol substances - vitamins, essential oil, tannins, glycosides in the pulp of berries. Grape juice, depending on the variety, contains up to 20% sugars in the form of glucose and fructose, protein, fats, fiber, hemicellulose, pectin, pentosan, organic acids - tartaric, citric, oxalic, malic, vitamins: B1, B2, B6, B12, C, P, PP, folic acid. Grape leaves and twigs contain up to 2% sugars and a large amount of organic acids. Grape seeds contain up to 20% fatty oil; tannins - flabofen; lecithin; vanillin and acetic acid, and, in addition, substances with antioxidant activity - picgenols.. The roots of the grape plant contain many glycosides and tannins. vitamin C. All parts of the plant contain large amounts of salts Si, Na, P, Fe, Cu. The founder of medicine, Hippocrates, equated grapes in their healing properties to honey and breast milk. IN ancient China grapes were supplied to all corners of the empire: for the table and certainly to pharmacies. Ancient Roman scientists - Pliny the Elder and Galon, the medieval thinker and physician Avicenna considered all parts and derivatives of this plant useful. Modern medicine agrees with him.

The founder of grape therapy (ampelotherapy) in domestic medicine was the Yalta doctor V. Dmitriev. He proved that grapes, especially their dark-colored varieties, are extremely beneficial due to the large amount of antioxidants-polyphenols-bioflavonoids they contain. It normalizes: heart rate, blood pressure, normalizes liver function, helps cleanse the body of toxins, increases the overall tone of the body and helps recover from stress and physical activity.

Ampelotherapy also produces amazing results when there is a low level of hemoglobin in the blood (anemia). In treatment, grapes were used in two ways. The first included the consumption of berries, and the berries were not bitten with the teeth, but were crushed by the tongue on the palate, this made it possible to swallow the pulp with juice, and spit out the skin and seeds. For people with weak intestines or children who have difficulty separating the grains and shells, a second method of treatment was prescribed - drinking grape juice. Grape juice is prescribed as a diaphoretic, diuretic, hypotensive, tonic, laxative, and tonic. Due to its high content of glucose and fructose, it is recommended for debilitated people and for those recovering from infectious diseases, for patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver, gastrointestinal tract. The juice has a beneficial effect on diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract, is useful for gout, and helps eliminate uric acid. Grapes and grape juice help increase water-salt metabolism, which cleanses the body of uric acid and prevents the formation of stones and sand in the urinary tract. The pectin contained in berries has a hemostatic property; in combination with fiber, it stimulates intestinal motility. After ampelotherapy, symptoms associated with cardiovascular diseases, such as shortness of breath, go away, sleep normalizes, appetite increases, vitality is restored, and general metabolic processes in the body are normalized. Juice and decoction of grape leaves alkalize urine, and therefore are prescribed in the presence of urate stones in the kidneys.
IMPORTANT— in ampelotherapy, mainly red grape varieties are used, since beneficial features white grapes are also known, but are significantly inferior to red ones.
Grapes are an effective antitoxic agent. It is used for poisoning with arsenic, drugs, and nitrates. Ampelotherapy leads to cleansing and restoration of the mineral balance of the body, strengthening the immune system, vision and nervous system. Grapes also help with liver and kidney diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, gout, gastritis and peptic ulcers. According to US scientists, a new medicine (based on dark grapes and its components) is currently in development.
IMPORTANT. Grapes can also be used to treat other diseases - but you need to know how to choose varieties. For example, Chasselas and Madeleine grape varieties help with metabolic disorders of fats, proteins and minerals. And it is recommended to eat Chaush and Catalon berries with low stomach acidity (this condition, as is known, can lead to stomach cancer). Chronic bronchitis is best treated with varieties such as Isabella, Muscat and other aromatic berries of the same series. The variety "Isabella" is also recommended for the treatment of catarrh of the respiratory tract, "Muscat of Alexandria" is used to treat inflammation of the throat. Many other muscat grape varieties have phytoncidal properties that inhibit the growth of putrefactive intestinal flora and destroy E. coli. The popular variety, which grows well in the northern viticulture zone, has a high content of folic acid, so it is especially useful for children. Many other varieties are not inferior to the above in their healing power. But Cabernet is recognized as the “king” of grapes. It is Cabernet and the Saperavi variety, which is similar in properties, that contain all the beneficial properties of grapes, as they contain the largest amount of grape antioxidants-polyphenols-bioflavonoids: anthocyanins, resveratrol, dihydroquercetin, tannins and catechins. .
IMPORTANT. In order for grape treatment to give exactly the result you expect, remember a few rules:
Grapes should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. Divide the daily dose into three doses: 40 minutes before breakfast; 1 hour before lunch; 1.5 hours before dinner.
Fully ripened grapes, freshly prepared or pasteurized juice are suitable for treatment. It is best to choose grapes that are as dark (black) in color as possible with a matte bluish tint. Preferably varieties with thin skin and low acidity.
Place grapes in your mouth (and chew thoroughly) one at a time. The peel and grains should not be eaten.
Eat berries only 2-3 days after picking.
Before ampelotherapy, you must visit a therapist and do a urine test - general and for sugar content. If the tests are in order, you can begin treatment with grapes - you will need about one and a half to two months for the course. Remember that you start taking grapes with small doses (about 500g per day). - 2 kg (or juice -). . The daily norm should not exceed 2 kg of berries or 1.2 liters of freshly squeezed juice. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. For the first three days, eat 100 g of fruit 5 times a day, on the 4th day - up to 1 kg, adding little by little daily, on the 7th - up to 2 kg. in 3-4 doses. After this, the dose of grapes is gradually reduced for another 2 weeks.
When treatment with grapes is carried out, you should not consume fatty foods, milk and dairy products, kvass, beer, alcoholic drinks, mineral waters, raw vegetables. Do not combine grapes with fatty and salty dishes, kefir, milk, fresh vegetables and fruits, alcoholic beverages, beer, and sparkling water.
After each appointment, be sure to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with tooth elixir.
WITH therapeutic purpose Dried grapes - raisins - are also used. Raisins are especially useful for patients suffering from arrhythmia and cardiac weakness, as they contain a lot of potassium and easily digestible sugars necessary for the heart muscle. Its effect on the body is diverse - restorative, laxative, choleretic, diuretic, hematopoietic. Raisins are more effective than fresh grapes in strengthening nervous system and heart, suppresses anger, “cleanses” lymph, blood, lungs, liver and intestines. Special mention should be made of the healing properties of picgenol, a substance with antioxidant properties contained in grape seeds. It has pronounced antiallergic properties. If there is cardiovascular failure with a persistent increase in blood pressure and edema, then grape berries cannot be treated. However, an infusion of grape leaves is used specifically for hypertension. Grape leaves are also used as part of preparations for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Sugar-lowering properties have also been identified and successfully used in diabetes treatment clinics in grape leaves. Powder of dry grape leaves is used externally in the treatment of purulent wounds, as an antiseptic. Baths from grape leaves are recommended for skin diseases.

Grape seeds- a storehouse of bioflavonoids and microelements

Grape seeds are a storehouse of bioflavoids and microelements.

By regularly eating grapes with seeds, the human body will be protected from stress. In addition, grape seeds act as a natural antioxidant. Researchers believe that grape seeds have a beneficial effect on the human body and also slow down the aging process. They are installed high content vitamin E, as well as biologically active compounds such as calcium and potassium. They are the basis

This or that type of grape seed will stand out for its unique vitamin and mineral composition, and this directly depends on the grape variety. In addition, the calorie content of grape seeds depends on the type.

However, it is worth noting that the average caloric content of grape seeds is 63 kcal, which is contained in 100 grams of the product. Grape seeds are used to obtain valuable vegetable oil, as well as flour or grape powder, which is actively used in confectionery production, medicine and pharmacology. However, you should not use bones if you have gastrointestinal diseases or have not yet had appendicitis removed.

Already proven healing grape sap.

* Contraindications. Ampelotherapy is unacceptable for those who suffer from acute and chronic enterocolitis, ulcerative inflammatory diseases in the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach and intestines, with acute forms of pulmonary tuberculosis, hypertension, uremia, purulent processes in the body. liver cirrhosis; chronic diseases kidney; complications after gastric surgery; empyema of the gallbladder; acute caries and stomatitis. Treatment with grapes is also contraindicated for overweight people. For those who are sick diabetes mellitus- only slightly sweet grape varieties are permissible, for example, Agat Donskoy, and grape leaves are very useful. During pregnancy, breastfeeding and in some other cases, treatment with grapes should be strictly controlled by doctors. Health to you!

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Sincerely, Olena Nepomnyashchaya.


Diseases of grapes (photo) and their treatment in private farming

How to identify grape diseases from photos and how to treat them is a difficult task for beginning gardeners. But the process of growing grapevines is not as simple as it seems at first glance. And the main problem that arises is diseases that can seriously damage the vines. Let's find out what diseases these bushes are susceptible to, and how to deal with them in private farming.

Grape diseases (with photos) and how to treat infections

Often gardeners are faced with the fact that spots appear on the foliage of grapes, as well as on the shoots, the leaves turn yellow, curl, and fall off. All these symptoms indicate that the grape bush is “sick.” Why is this happening? Most often, the cause of the disease lies in improper care behind the vines of this plant. Gardeners do not prune excess shoots in a timely manner, watering is too frequent and abundant, and preventive treatment of grapevines against possible diseases is not carried out. Sometimes the weather “helps” the emergence and development of certain diseases - too rainy and cold summers, frequent temperature fluctuations are a factor that helps the development of many fungal diseases.

What types of diseases are most common on grapevines?

All diseases of these perennials are conventionally divided into two categories:

  • for fungal;
  • into viral and bacterial.

The first diseases are quite well known to winegrowers, as they appear on the bushes too often. Various fungicides are usually effective in controlling them. But this is usually a rather “harsh” chemistry, and for an effective “fight” it is necessary to maintain not only the dosage, but also the timing of repeated treatments. In addition, for subsequent sprayings it is necessary to change the group of the drug. In private households this is almost impossible. Therefore, in the project “ECOgarden for everyone” we only briefly mention pesticides, focusing more on traditional methods and biological products.

But viral and bacterial diseases are even more serious. Most often, infected vines have to be removed. In places where diseased bushes grew, sometimes plants cannot be planted for several years, and other quarantine measures also have to be carried out.

Fungal diseases of the vineyard


This disease is most common on grapevines. Downy mildew is very dangerous for these perennials and almost always requires constant application. chemicals. In wet rainy seasons, because of it, a significant part of the crop on the bushes dies, and if the fight against this type of powdery mildew is carried out incorrectly, then it is possible not to harvest the crop from diseased bushes at all.

The disease came to Europe from the United States along with new grape varieties. Mildew was first discovered in vineyards in France in 1878. In our country, this disease was first discovered in Bessarabia vineyards in 1885. Then the disease spread to grape bushes growing in the Caucasus, Crimea and Krasnodar Territory. Subsequently, mildew spread to other regions of Russia and the CIS. Previously, this disease was practically never encountered in Central Asia, since it is too hot and dry there, which did not contribute to the development of fungal diseases. But the fungus has mutated and now this region is quite susceptible to the aggression of the phytopathogen.

The causative agent of mildew is Plasmopara viticola Berl. et de Toni are microscopic fungi that infect all above-ground parts of grape bushes. Small yellow spots appear on the foliage, which can be visible in the light. They look like traces of oil. WITH reverse side foliage simultaneously appears plaque white, which is easy to erase with your finger. But soon it appears again - fungal spores are maturing. Over time, the spots change color from yellow to brown, then begin to dry.

If the disease has severely affected the shoots and foliage, then the diseased bush may be left completely without foliage in the middle of the season. Moreover, the fungus penetrates inside the shoots and leaves, in this case it is no longer possible to cope with it and you have to uproot the diseased plant.

  • At the onset of the disease, it is customary to use strong chemicals(Zineb, Kuproxat, Polychom, Khomecin), pick off diseased leaves and trim diseased shoots - in this case, you can try to save the vine. It is preferable to burn all diseased parts of the plant immediately.
  • To prevent moisture from entering the bush, polycarbonate canopies are built, and the plant almost always survives until harvest, and the vine ripens well for wintering.
  • A folk remedy is iodine with milk. For 10 liters of water take 1 liter of skim milk and 20 drops of iodine. Spray regularly with an interval of 10 days.


Powdery mildew (Uncinula necator Burril), in its anamorphic stage known as Tucker's mildew (Oidium tuckeri berk.), affects the vineyard almost as often as mildew. The fungus also came to our continent from America in the 19th century. Any above-ground parts of the plant can be affected. If plaque appears on the foliage gray- this is oidium. Moreover, this attack appears at any time of the season.

Favorable conditions for the development of fungi – hot time (up to +25 degrees Celsius). But heavy torrential rains are able to wash away the plaque from the foliage and shoots, thereby stopping the further development of the disease.

If ripening fruits are affected, then their skin (even quite dense) cracks; clusters with such fruits cannot be eaten. The fight against this disease should be started in a timely manner, otherwise you may lose the harvest this season, and in the future you may be left without grape bushes at all.

  • From biological products good results gives spraying of bushes with Stimix, 3-4 treatments per season.
  • A folk remedy for oidium is food or biosoda. For 4 liters of water take 3 tbsp. spoons of powder and 1 tbsp. spoon liquid soap. The grapes are sprayed immediately. Well, don’t forget to prepare and use an infusion of rotted hay for powdery mildew - this is the safest folk remedy that helps not only treat, but also feed grapes.

Gray rot

Gray plaque is the main symptom of this disease, and it appears on all parts of the vine. Caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea. First, brown spots form on the berries, then the skin cracks and the bunch becomes covered with a gray fluffy coating.

Berries affected by gray rot are not suitable for food. Moreover, if one berry in a bunch is affected, then after a while the disease affects all the berries.

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to carry out green operations on the bushes in a timely manner (cutting off and tying up shoots, thinning), as well as spraying with a tank mixture of biological products Fitosporin-M + Alirin-B + Gamair, or Stimix.

Black rot

With this form of fungal disease, which is caused by the fungus Guingnardia bidwellii, small depressed spots appear on the foliage and fruit. violet shade, which gradually increase. Affected leaves and fruits dry out and fall off.

To avoid infection, regular spraying is carried out with a tank mixture of biological products Fitosporin-M + Alirin-B + Gamair, or Stimix.

Alternaria blight

The main symptom of this disease is spots (silver or brown) that appear on any above-ground parts of plants. Favorable conditions for the development of this disease, caused by the fungus Alternaria vitis Cavara, are too long a spring.

For treatment during the period when the air temperature rises above +15°, Trichodermin is used. Carry out 5-6 treatments with an interval of 3 weeks.


This disease is characterized by rapid wilting of the stems. If the disease occurs in an acute form, the foliage quickly turns yellow and falls off. This is a wound infection - the fungus enters the shoots through broken twigs or from the soil.

Wilt clogs the vessels of the plant, so we see its signs when the plant is already dying, it is too late to treat it. In the soil, the fungus Verticillium dahliae can remain viable for up to 5 years, so new seedlings should not be planted in an infected area after removing the vine earlier than after this period of time.


The main symptom of the disease, the causative agent of which is Armillariella mellea, is wilting of foliage and damage to the root system. The roots change their color to brown and begin to rot. This disease manifests itself in spring period, and after summer, inedible mushrooms begin to grow on the vine. The toxins of the fungus are extremely poisonous and cause the death of the plant.

When a disease is detected, it is usually too late to carry out treatment; they resort to uprooting the bushes.

Bacterial cancer (grape bacteriosis)

The multiple appearance of tuberous protrusions on the vines indicates that it is too late to treat the grapes. Until now, drugs have not yet been invented that could defeat this disease. Therefore, the only way to combat bacterial cancer is to dig up and destroy the entire bush. Such a crop cannot be grown in this place for 3–4 seasons.

However, many summer residents cut out the tumor down to living tissue and use the following drugs for antibacterial therapy:

  • Fitolavin. A preparation containing a complex of soil antibiotics;
  • Gamair. This is a bacterium that has a positive effect on root development;
  • Phytoplasmin. Combination different types natural antibiotics.

Apoplexy (Esca)

This disease affects grape bushes, leading to their rapid death. Together with the tinder fungus, pathogenic cultures (a complex of fungi including Fomitiporia punctata, Fomitiporia mediterranea, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, Phellinus igniarius, Phaeoacremonium aleophilum, Phellinus punctatus, Stereum hirsutum) penetrate into the plant, which release toxic substances. As a result, the conducting system of the grapevine is destroyed, and perennial wood dies. Apoplexy most often affects weakened plants.

It is, of course, too late to treat apoplexy. But in order to prevent the appearance of Eski, it is necessary to achieve good growth vines So to speak, so that even in the presence of tinder fungus, new tissues have time to grow well. This will be helped by good nutrition without excess nitrogen: compost, constant mulching with organic residues and regular fertilizing with wood ash. Treatments with Stimix also give excellent results.

Viral diseases of grapevine

These grape diseases have not yet been fully studied. These diseases are known to be caused by a group of viruses that are spread by soil nematodes. The main viral diseases of grape bushes:

  • infectious chlorosis or yellow mosaic;
  • rezuha mosaic, etc.

The main symptoms of these diseases:

  • the vines are not developing fast enough;
  • the ovaries die;
  • foliage is deformed;
  • leaves acquire an uncharacteristic color;
  • the wood of the shoots begins to crack.

There are no drugs that could save grapes from these diseases. Therefore, damaged plants must be dug up and destroyed. Ash after burning diseased plants is unsuitable as fertilizer. In the place where diseased bushes grew, new grape seedlings should not be grown for at least 5 seasons.

Finally, a short video where our colleague shows signs of diseases on grape bushes:

For today, this is all I wanted to tell you about grape diseases (with photos) and how to treat the main diseases that affect the vineyard. Each of them is serious, and should be dealt with immediately when signs of infection are detected. Otherwise, one diseased bush can become a source of infection for the entire vineyard.

Grapes are grown in many garden plots - their tasty and healthy fruits are very good. But in order to reap a good harvest, winegrowers have to work hard. Numerous diseases of this berry crop take up a lot of effort and time.

Unfortunately, grape varieties that are disease-free have not yet been developed. All kinds of fungi and bacteria cause diseases of leaves and shoots, spoil the appearance of the vine and, of course, affect the harvest, sometimes destroying it completely.

First, diseases appear on the green parts of the plant - leaves and shoots, and only then they invade the berries. At the first signs, you need to take immediate measures, because without treatment the entire bush may die.

Today on the “Popular about Health” website we will talk about leaf diseases in grapes and the treatment used in each case. Here are photos of leaves for illustration.

Common grape diseases

Black spot

The causative agent is a fungus that lives in places with high humidity. It affects the entire plant. On the leaves, the disease (photo) appears in the form of black dots located along the veins. Then they increase to the size of spots, around which a light border is visible. The plate loses its elasticity, tears form on it, and curliness develops. The grape leaves turn yellow and fall off.

Treatment of leaves: In the spring, they are treated with fungicides: Kuproxat, Ridomil and Horus. You can use Thiovit or Jet.

Folk remedy for treatment: Unfortunately, the disease is difficult to cure, so affected vines are easier to prune. To prevent the spread of the fungus, the bush is treated with Euparen solution. After harvesting, the bush and soil are sprayed with copper-containing solutions.

Leaf rubella

It is also a fungal infection. Usually occurs in summer when there is not enough moisture. Or the reason is a lack mineral fertilizers. The lower leaves are affected first, and gradually the fungus spreads to the upper ones.

Yellowish-brown spots appear on the leaf blades of white grape varieties. On dark ones - burgundy.

What should be the treatment for this disease? To prevent further infection, diseased parts of the plant are removed. After which the bush is treated with Rovral or Mikal. Spraying with a solution of copper oxychloride (0.3%), cuprosan (0.4%) or Bordeaux mixture (1%) is also effective.

Treatment of leaves with a folk remedy: To combat this disease, gardeners often use a solution of water (10), ash (1) and dark laundry soap(5). Treat the bush every 10 days throughout the season.

Alternaria blight

This disease is caused by a fungus that becomes active in warm weather with high humidity. The entire plant is affected, but the leaves are the first to suffer. Spots form on them, in the center of which necrotic changes are observed.

Treatment of the disease: In the spring, the plant is treated with products containing copper, for example, Ridomil. When clusters begin to form, Kvardis is used. Affected leaves are removed.

A folk remedy for the disease: the leaves on both sides are well sprayed with an infusion of pure mullein - 3 kg per bucket of water. The shoots and fruits are also carefully processed.

Downy mildew (mildew)

A very common disease. It begins with the appearance of light oily spots on the leaves. After a short time, a white fluff grows on the underside, where the mycelium is located.

What should be the treatment for the leaves? To fight with powdery mildew pretty hard. However, if this is done regularly and quick measures are taken at the earliest stage of the lesion, the result is usually positive.

First of all, you should tear off and burn the damaged leaves, and spray the bush with Ridomil, Antrakol, or use the preparations Horus or Strobi. In autumn, all fallen leaves should be removed and burned.

Traditional treatment grapes: A decoction of garlic heads has a good effect: 100 g per 10 liters of water. Many people plant dill around grapes, which prevents fungus from developing.

Oidium (powdery mildew)

Characterized by the occurrence white plaque on the leaves, which soon darkens, forming dark brown spots. As the disease progresses, the leaf blades dry out and die. Next, shoots and fruits are affected.

Use the following leaf products: Topaz, Skor or Bayeleton. They treat the entire bush completely.

Use a folk remedy for the disease: You need to prepare a solution of a liter of milk in a bucket of water, which is used to spray the plant. A solution of soda ash(40g) per 10 liters of water. Instead of soda, you can take potassium permanganate - 5 g.

Disease Prevention

If you regularly carry out disease prevention and follow the rules for growing vines, the likelihood of grapes being affected by some kind of infection is significantly reduced, since dangerous foci are promptly destroyed, even before they develop. Here are the basic care recommendations:

Periodic watering, without overflow and drought;

Regular feeding mineral compositions, organic fertilizers;

Mandatory, timely sanitary pruning of vines and shoots, removal of damaged branches and leaves.

Preventive treatment with weak solutions of fungicides, which is carried out in early spring;

Basic preventive spraying all summer and autumn processing after pruning the vine.

Caring care, regular prevention and timely treatment will help keep plants healthy, promote their development and abundant fruiting.