Well      06/12/2019

How often should you clean your apartment and clean your Persian rugs?

In any room, the cleanliness of each room and its fullness of light depend on the cleanliness of the windows. Despite the fact that windows made of plastic do not require any labor-intensive maintenance, there are still some simple rules, which you should know when washing such windows.

The old methods that many are accustomed to will not work in this case. Window cleaning soap solution and rubbing with newspapers will take a lot of time and it is unlikely that they will bring exactly the result that one would like to achieve.

When and how often should you wash your windows?

The frequency of window cleaning largely depends on climatic conditions. It is mandatory to clean windows with the onset of spring. After all, over the entire winter period quite a lot of dirt accumulates on them. It is believed that it is no less important to prepare windows for winter, that is, to put the profile and glass in order. Many housewives start at home general cleaning before the onset of major holidays or any significant events,...

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A window in an apartment or office is that element of the interior that is invisible at first glance, which can spoil the entire impression of the room if it is not clean. Even if all the furniture and floors shine and sparkle, a dirty window will ruin all this cleanliness.

In addition, a dirty window is a source of trouble for your health. Dust and dirt particles slowly but surely destroy our body and cause severe chronic diseases.

Fortunately, all these problems can be quickly resolved by contacting a cleaning company for help. Its employees will help you rid your windows of dirt and give them an attractive look.

To ensure that the window is always in excellent condition and has great view, it needs to be washed on average 2 times every six months. If the area in which your office, apartment or house is located is in a relatively clean, not heavily polluted area, then calling a cleaning company to clean the windows will only be enough once every six months.

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Regular cleaning of the house not only creates comfort, but also a necessary condition for the health of all family members

Everyone has their own opinion about the frequency of house cleaning. Many women, due to their heavy workload or tight work schedule, devote time to cleaning when they have free time and energy, and not when it is necessary.

The frequency of cleaning your apartment is very individual, because some people go crazy if they see a speck on the carpet, while others think that their apartment is clean until clogs of dust start rolling around in the corners. When determining for yourself the frequency of cleaning your home, remember that cleanliness is a condition for the good health of your family.

The frequency of cleaning depends on the characteristics of the room

How often should you clean your apartment? It is difficult to establish a definite cleaning schedule, because it will depend on a variety of factors: the number of people living in the apartment, the season, the presence of animals. In some apartments it is enough to wipe off the dust and...

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Every housewife has to wash her windows several times a year. The process is not pleasant, but, unfortunately, necessary, even if modern double-glazed windows are installed in your apartment. Dirty glass can block up to 30% of the light flux! And it is extremely important for us that the house is not only warm, but also light. We will skillfully cut off excess light beautiful curtains or blinds, but when it is chronically lacking, the mood for some reason deteriorates - and this is a fact! Let's talk about how to properly wash plastic windows with minimal damage to the nervous system.

In this article:

What time of day and in what weather is it better to wash a window?

Our windows, it turns out, don’t care at all when they are washed. And not only the washing process itself, but also its result depends on this.

Do not forget that it is best to wash plastic windows in cloudy or at least cool weather. If at the moment when the thought came to you that “the windows seem to be somehow dirty,” the sun sets directly on these very windows,...

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How to properly care for a PVC profile window

To make plastic windows from PVC profiles could last a long time and all this time delighted with their attractive appearance, they must be properly and regularly cared for. What are the basic rules for caring for modern PVC windows, which are sometimes simply called double-glazed windows?

Environmental requirements

First of all, the room where new PVC structures are installed should not have high air humidity. Otherwise, excess moisture will settle on the double-glazed windows and slopes.

Relative humidity of 40-50% is also favorable for the normal functioning of the human body. To maintain a normal microclimate, it is enough to ventilate the apartment two or three times a day for 5-10 minutes. It is better when this process is carried out regularly, and in winter time year too. Regular ventilation will protect your windows from condensation.

How often should you wash...

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The modern world has almost completely switched to plastic windows or double-glazed windows. They last longer and are easier to care for. Wooden windows require constant painting, as well wooden windows get dirty more and faster than plastic windows.

So, let's figure out how to take care of your windows, how to properly wash plastic windows, and what means are best to do this.

After installing a plastic window, you need to immediately remove protective film, because the glue works better when exposed to the sun and the film will then be difficult to peel off. Also make sure that there is no lime, pieces of cement or construction foam. Over time, all this is much more difficult to wash off, so take care of it in the first hours.

Typically, housewives may not wash their plastic windows for six months; of course, this depends on the season. If it is autumn, then heavy rains will stain your window, and there is no point in washing it often.

There are several common mistakes...

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Until recently, cleaning windows in an apartment required almost a feat from housewives. With the arrival into our lives plastic double glazed windows, the task has become indecently simplified, and the washing process has turned from endless ripping out frames and scraping glass into an easy procedure for wiping surfaces.

Of course, you need to start cleaning windows in a good mood, on a dry sunny day. A little cloudiness is even more preferable, since if the sun is too bright, you may not have time to remove the detergent in time, and then rainbow tints will remain on the glass.

At the same time, despite the obvious simplicity and ease of caring for plastic windows, it is still necessary to adhere to some rules that will help keep all the window parts safe, sound and perfectly clean.

How to properly wash a plastic window profile?

When planning to wash the windows in an apartment, the housewife should know that first, dirt and dust should be...

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Wanting to keep it in the house perfect cleanliness, you don’t need to polish furniture and floors every day without letting go of the rag. To optimize cleaning time and maintain order, you should listen to the recommendations of cleaning company specialists.

How often should you wash walls or vacuum mattresses? Professionals who specialize in cleaning have put together a simple calendar.

Every day:
- Put things in their places.
- Wash dishes, dry work surface table in the kitchen, stove.
– Dry the shower stall and bathtub to prevent mold and limescale.
- Wipe down the sink.
- To make the bed.

Twice a week:
- Vacuuming. The Samsung Aqua Cyclone SD9480 vacuum cleaner will help you with this. It is very easy to maintain cleanliness with such a vacuum cleaner: you just need to pour water into the dust collection container and you can start working. In that...

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If even a little dust has collected on the window structure, it can block about 30% of the light, and in case of heavy pollution - up to 70%. Bad light affects the health and general well-being of residents.

Why does dirt appear?

Knowing the reasons why structures become dirty, you can quickly solve the problem and correctly carry out the entire cleaning process. Here are the main factors of pollution.

  • Precipitation. Snow, hail, and rain quickly pollute the outside. In addition to stains, spots appear.
  • Dust . It appears not only outside, but also inside the room. We wipe it regularly, especially in the warm season. We do not leave dust on the windowsill, between the frames.
  • Temperature changes. Lead to condensation accumulation. There can be especially a lot of it in the kitchen, where food is constantly being prepared. Streaks form.
  • Smoking. A nicotine film appears on the glass.

During the repair process, glass and frames may get paints and varnishes, which are quite difficult to remove. In order not to damage the surface, we protect them during work by covering them with film, newspapers, and cloth.

Preparation for the "general"

Before washing plastic windows at home, first of all we clean the window sill. We remove foreign objects from it. We take the flower pots to the bathroom for “bathing.” Curtains on which dust has accumulated are sent to washing machine. If there are blinds, then you also need to worry about their cleanliness. We carefully wipe them. To prevent dust accumulation, we spray with a special antistatic agent.

We pay attention to mosquito nets Special attention. Dirt accumulates on them quite quickly, regardless of the time of year. Therefore they need regular care. The easiest way is to treat it in the shower. The nets are installed only when completely dry.

Many owners hang foil on the windows, especially in those rooms where it is very hot and where direct Sun rays. Remove it before cleaning. Throw away or reuse. Hang after the surfaces are completely dry.

Mold may appear on wooden frames, especially on the balcony, where it is damp. Before washing, remove it with a special store-bought solution or bleach. At the same time, we clean the frames and glass from insects, cobwebs, and dust.

What you will need

The cleaning process will be faster and easier if you take care of the tools in advance. There is a basic set, without which wet cleaning cannot be carried out.

  • Water container. A plastic bucket or basin will do. There is no need to fill them completely with water, as it will spill.
  • Sponge. It is good to wash windows without streaks if one of its sides has a hard base. This surface is effective in removing heavily soiled areas, especially dried stains.
  • Detergents . We take both store-bought and folk remedies.
  • Clean rag. Non-woven, cotton fabric is best. As an alternative, we use natural suede or velvet. The main thing is that the material has high water-absorbing properties. Instead of a rag, special microfiber cloths are suitable.
  • Wiper. Available in stores wide choose such devices, differing in cost, material of manufacture, functions. If the windows are high or you work on upper floors, then it is better to choose a model where the handle extends. There are products with a sponge on one side and a screed on the other.
  • Scraper. Should only be used in extreme cases and be very careful not to damage the coating. Suitable for removing heavily soiled areas.

As for additional tools, this category includes various equipment that may be in the house.

  • Steam generator. It not only removes dirt, but also disinfects the surface and helps maintain a favorable microclimate in the room. Universal equipment can be equipped with attachments for treating hard-to-reach areas.
  • Washing vacuum cleaner . Used in outdoor and internal works. It functions in such a way that dirty drips do not fall on the windowsill or floor.
  • Magnetic brush. It is easy to use. Glass is treated with a solution of soap. The brush is fixed in one of the corners of the structure, then it needs to be moved evenly to the other corner. After removing it, wipe the glass with a dry cloth.

Don't forget about safety equipment. Before you wash the windows without streaks, we select suitable clothes that you don’t mind ruining. Be sure to wear gloves to avoid the negative effects of cleaning products.

How to properly clean windows in an apartment using folk remedies

It is better to clean new or old wooden windows with liquid products. This way we won't be able to damage the paintwork. “Grandmother’s” remedies are effective and time-tested: corn flour, onions, table salt, linseed oil and much more. Our predecessors were inventive and tried a lot of options.

Vinegar and salt

Peculiarities . Vinegar-salt solution for cleaning windows without streaks - perfect solution for those who do not want to use store-bought products and are concerned about the health of others. Effective in use, provides glass with shine and shine. In addition, it repels insects.


  1. Dissolve a couple of tablespoons of vinegar and salt in warm water.
  2. Soak a sponge or rag in the solution.
  3. We wipe the glass. After this, use a piece of dry material or napkin.

It should be remembered that vinegar has a specific smell. Therefore, during the cleaning process or after it, be sure to ventilate the room.

Starch and blue

Peculiarities . Ingredients make it easy to clean big windows no divorces. Safe, environmentally friendly product. We first stock up on a spray bottle.


  1. One teaspoon of starch and a pinch of blue is provided for one liter of warm water. You can add a few drops of table vinegar to the solution.
  2. Pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle and apply it to the window structures. Wipe with a sponge.
  3. We remove the remaining solution with a piece of dry material or newspaper.

Instead of blue, ammonia is also used. For 4 liters of water you need 50 ml of vinegar and alcohol, two tablespoons of starch.


Peculiarities . To prepare the solution, you need to get powdered chalk. An effective option that allows you to wash stained glass windows without detergent. Suitable for use on wooden and metal-plastic structures.


  1. For one glass of warm water, take two or three tablespoons of powder. Prepare a thick mixture.
  2. Apply to the windows and leave until it dries.
  3. Rinse thoroughly with water.
  4. Wipe with a dry cloth or newspaper.

You can prepare a mixture to which you add vodka instead of water. It should be thick, like sour cream. The product will provide shine to the glass. In addition, alcohol removes fat well.


Peculiarities . The 100th method without chemicals. The vegetable can clean even the dirtiest areas. Take raw potatoes and wash them well before using. The effect of potatoes is similar to the effect of starch with blue.


  1. Rub half a raw potato onto the glass.
  2. Wash off with water.
  3. Wipe dry with a microfiber towel, cotton cloth or newspaper.

Potassium permangantsovka

Peculiarities . It is not used in insoluble form. The solution can be used for wet cleaning regularly, as it is safe for window structures.


  1. Dissolve potassium permanganate in water until it turns light pink.
  2. Apply to glass and wash off.
  3. We remove the remains with dry material.

The folk remedy is safe and does not emit fumes harmful to the body. It is not necessary to ventilate the room during the cleaning process.

Soap solution

Peculiarities . One of the most affordable and simple ways. We give preference to laundry soap.


  1. Dilute the grated soap in warm water.
  2. We apply it with a washcloth.
  3. Wash off with cold water.
  4. We don’t leave streaks, so we wipe with a dry cloth or newspaper.

If the structures are heavily contaminated, then select the appropriate concentration. To completely dissolve the dirt, the solution can be left for a while and only then washed off.


Peculiarities. The product can be found in your home pharmacy. Otherwise, it is sold at your nearest pharmacy. Based on reviews from housewives, the specific smell of alcohol remains in the room after cleaning. Therefore, be sure to ventilate your home well.


  1. First of all, you need to dilute ammonia to clean windows. Take one tablespoon and dilute it in a liter of warm water.
  2. For greater convenience, we use a spray bottle. Pour the solution into it and apply it to the windows. Leave for a couple of minutes.
  3. Wipe well with a dry cloth.


Peculiarities . In addition to glycerin (liquid), you will need a little ammonia. Effective solution for those who have installed new windows and want to preserve their properties longer.


  1. Dissolve three tablespoons of glycerin in 50 ml of water and add a few drops of ammonia.
  2. Apply the solution.
  3. Wipe with a dry cloth.

A special feature of the product is that it forms a protective film on treated surfaces. It protects from dust, dirt and even minor mechanical damage.

Store products

Folk remedies have a lot of advantages, but you don’t always have the time and desire to prepare them. Goods from the store come to the rescue. Both inside and outside windows are treated with liquid agents. Wooden and metal-plastic structures can be damaged by abrasives. The method of use mainly depends on the form in which the product is released. Before using any product, be sure to read the instructions from the manufacturer. The product can be applied pure or diluted. It is presented in the following categories.

  • Sprays. Apply to the surface and simply wipe with a dry cloth. Very convenient for windows with bars. You can adjust the intensity and scale of spraying.
  • Solutions. Diluted in water. They can be used to wash safely sliding windows no leaks. The main thing is to wear protective gloves.
  • Gels and pastes. Apply in pure form. Wash off with plenty of cold water.

Cleaning steps

Sliding, stained glass, blind, skylights and other types of structures. A common feature of the work being carried out is its clear sequence. By following a certain order, you can achieve 100% success. First of all, cleaning is carried out inside the room, and then outside.

  1. Frames come first. Remove dust with a dry cloth. We do not use abrasives, as they damage the primer and paintwork. Wooden frames, in addition to the above folk and store supplies, can be treated with cold tea brewing. After winter, you can find insects in them, so we use special products from animals.
  2. First glass cleaning. We remove the dust. At this stage, apply detergents. Choose the appropriate direction - top to bottom or horizontal. If there are strong stains, pre-soak them with the selected product and gently wipe with the hard side of the sponge. There may be tape or glue left on the glass. We remove them with our hands, prying them up with a fingernail or a pointed object, without scratching the surface. Raw onions work well on stains left by flies. We clean the corners and joints well, as this is where dust accumulates the most.
  3. Second glass cleaning. This stage involves rinsing and removing product residues with dry cloths. We use cold or warm water. Generally, copious rinsing is required. With some methods it is not necessary, since it is enough to wipe the surface dry.

During the cleaning process, you can simultaneously lubricate metal fittings machine oil or special product. To maintain the elasticity of the sealing rubber, we use silicone grease.

We work at heights

On the first floors, wet cleaning will not be difficult. The stage of work is the same as when washing inside. But what should those housewives who live on high floors do? The main thing is to choose the right tools and follow safety precautions.

Suitable Tools

In addition to the basic devices that were listed above, you will need special tools here. One of the main elements is a screed or mop with a long handle. They can be used to thoroughly clean a blind window from the outside. Which mop should you choose? It could be wooden product, on which we hang a rag. A metal mop designed for cleaning floors is not suitable as it will leave streaks.

There is a wide variety of zip ties on the market, from which you can choose a model with different attachments and handle lengths. A product where the last parameter is adjustable is best suited. Sponge and fiber attachment - for removing simple dirt. If you have a rubber water goon (scraper), then we use it to remove dried stains, for example, drops of cement. After water procedures surfaces are wiped with a dry cloth.

Heavy contamination, including dried pieces of plaster and bird waste products, can be removed with a regular soap solution. We simply apply it before using other detergents or stick to a high concentration of soap.

Security measures

Cleaning often begins in the spring. In this case, you should wait until all the snow melts and the frosts stop. We choose strong and reliable, stable stairs, tables or chairs. When cleaning the upper floors, we do not stand on the edge of the window sill or stick our bodies out.

If there is no practice of cleaning at height, necessary tools, then it is better to take the help of professionals. We choose a cleaning company and order the service.

Good housewives try to wash their windows on time and quickly without streaks. The right time for the first “general” of each new year - Maundy Thursday before Easter. It is interesting that our ancestors paid special attention to washing windows, believing that the clean “eyes” of a home are the key to the well-being of the family. According to signs, when processing glass, you need to put coins in the water to increase the well-being of the family.

I once lived in a small family in another city. Small families, if anyone doesn’t know, are apartments that have a common corridor, kitchen, bathroom, bath (shower). There were no problems with cleaning there - we took turns washing the corridor, bathroom and kitchen. I remember that my room was always clean.

There are different categories of people, namely women: some constantly keep the house perfectly clean, and do not give anyone peace from this whim; others start cleaning when places of pollution and dust accumulation are already visible in different places. To be honest, and unfortunately, I am closer to the second category of women.

But there is a golden mean. You just need to know exactly how often you need to clean the apartment, wash the windows, vacuum the carpets. And knowledge will already help you tune in to the desired wave of cleaning.

The most contaminated places in the apartment: bathroom, sinks, stove. E When it comes to floor carpets, the dirtiest floor mats are the hallway rugs. It is these places that are recommended to be cleaned and wiped every day. That's where it accumulates greatest number dirt, germs, harmful bacteria. That is, in the evening, after the final washing of the dishes, you should wipe the sink with an appropriate detergent and wash the stove. Then vacuum or brush the rugs in the hallway. And after all this, clean the toilet with a brush.

You need to use a broom to sweep away all floor dust and debris every day. It is recommended to wash the floor only once a week, so that it lasts longer, and also so that the furniture, which often has to be touched with a wet rag when washing the floor, does not deteriorate. Of course, if there are animals in the house, then it will be necessary to wash the floors 2-3 times a week. This also needs to be done when there are small children in the apartment. Their body has not yet adapted to the environment, and they may have an allergic reaction to dust.

Cleaning information

The cleaning of bathrooms, the dining room, corridors, halls, and work areas in Minsk offices will be carried out by the cleaning company Cleaning By. Find out about all office cleaning services, prices, company address, contacts. Contact Cleaning-By and your office will be clean!

How often should you wash windows?

It is recommended to wash windows 2 times a year: in early spring and in autumn, before winter. Don’t be upset if you didn’t have time to wash and insulate your windows (if necessary) before the cold weather in the fall. Modern windshield wipers allow you to wash windows down to -10 o C.

But in particularly unfavorable places to live, where there is a lot of soot and emissions of exhaust gases into the atmosphere, it is recommended to wash windows more often, depending on their contamination.

For plastic windows There are different washing requirements. Profiles must be wiped with a soft sponge or soft cloth to avoid causing scratches. Coat the rubber seal with silicone oil.

In any case, the profiles and frames of the windows are first washed with a simple solution and soap, then the joints, and only then do they begin to wash the glass.

Everyone should know exactly what products and tools they need to prepare to clean their windows. Required list:

  • Basin with warm water
  • Soft sponges for cleaning windows
  • Soft cloths for wiping dry
  • Laundry or other soap for cleaning profiles, frames
  • Wiper
  • Latex gloves

You can use a solution of potassium permanganate, liquid dishwashing detergent, etc. to wash glass. laundry soap and of course, special means- windscreen wipers. If stains remain, be sure to use a product containing alcohol for cleaning.

There are some other tricks when cleaning glass:

For tarnished glass, add a small amount of vinegar to the water; By the way, this will repel flies from the windows;

To make glass shiny, wash it with water and starch.

How often should carpets be cleaned?

The cleaners vacuum the floor carpets every day. And this is not prohibited if the carpets are lint-free. Otherwise, the pile will quickly become damaged. In addition, you need to know that this is not always effective. If you just quickly move back and forth across the carpet, the carpet will not be cleaned well. Dust usually lies between the fibers of the carpet. Therefore, you need to vacuum vacuum slowly, lingering in each area for at least a few seconds. But this does not need to be done often. Be especially careful with new carpets. It is recommended to vacuum them from the inside out at first.

Wet cleaning of carpets should be carried out once every 3 months. Moisture doesn't help for a long time carpet services. It is especially dangerous if something spills or gets wet on the carpet. In this case, if it is not dried well, the base and fibers of the carpet may become moldy, and mold will appear. bad smell. Perhaps such a carpet will already exist unsuitable for use and it will have to be thrown away. To prevent this from happening, you need to try to dry the carpet as quickly as possible, but not with hot products or objects (iron, hairdryer), but with a fan or expose it to a draft.

If pile piles form on the carpet, it is recommended to hold this place for 5-10 minutes over a pan of boiling water, then beat this place from the inside with a twig beater, comb the pile with a metal sparse comb and iron from the inside with a moderately warm iron until dry.

For wet cleaning of carpets, you can use a solution of ammonia (2 tbsp per liter of water), a solution of salt with citric acid (1 tbsp salt + 2 tsp. citric acid per liter of water). Using a brush soaked in the solution, clean the carpet over the entire surface and dry thoroughly.

Don’t forget to take the carpet out into the snow in winter and beat it in the snow, and in summer beat it by hanging it on a crossbar (preferably on two parallel ones, with the pile down, and then turn it over and clean it with a brush). Also, on the crossbars, you can dry the carpet in the sun, pile side down.

Greasy and any stains are removed before wet treatment of the carpet.

But carpet cleaners are usually only suitable for synthetic-based carpets. There are carpets (jute-based, hemp, even synthetic) that cannot be washed; wet treatment is contraindicated due to the possibility of shedding.

What about a wool carpet?

Unfortunately, there are very few recommendations for cleaning wool carpets. It is believed that they need to be dry cleaned. I also came across a recommendation for cleaning such a carpet folk remedy- brine sauerkraut homemade without salt and spices.

Recommendations for washing and cleaning wool carpets from " Useful tips"Soviet times are as follows: wash the carpet in salt water with the addition of ammonia, or simply in a solution with a small addition of ammonia, then wipe with warm water and then with water with vinegar essence (1 tsp per 5 liters of water).

So our Persian carpets, carpets self made, you can also clean it, but carefully. Do not overuse vacuum cleaner front side so as not to damage the pile. Occasionally perform wet treatment, or take it to dry cleaning.

Someone makes beautiful Persian carpets for us?! This is what wonderful women workers do. We just need to preserve their work for a long time.

Windows are the calling card of a house, or rather its owner. Even if the inside of your home sparkles with cleanliness, cloudy windows, windows with streaks, and dusty frames will ruin the whole impression.

There is no clear answer to the question about the frequency of window cleaning. You need to focus on the following factors:

  • climatic conditions in your area of ​​residence,
  • apartment floor,
  • degree of gas pollution in the area,
  • is there any nearby industrial enterprises, objects under construction, highways, railways.

Window cleaning in large cities should be done 2 times within 6 months. If you live near a transport intersection, then dust will constantly settle on your windows. Therefore, they will have to be washed every month. If the house is located on the outskirts and in a non-gas-free area, then 1 wash within 6 months is sufficient.

The lower the floor on which the apartment is located, the more dust there will be on the windows, since cars and wind actively raise it.

Cleaning windows in winter

In winter, due to low temperatures, window cleaning is impractical. Firstly, due to the detergent, the glass is covered with a thin layer of ice, which does not look aesthetically pleasing. When this ice layer begins to melt in March, streaks remain on the glass.

Secondly, in winter, due to windows wide open, your family members may catch a cold and get sick.

Washing windows in autumn

Therefore, it is extremely important to prepare your windows for the winter season before the cold weather sets in. If you order window cleaning in September, then by the time it gets colder they will be clean and dry, the effect of the procedure will last until spring.

It usually rains in October and November. If by this time you have not yet washed the windows, then they will be “decorated” with stains from dried drops and traces of smudges.

Cleaning windows in spring

With the onset of spring, the windows should be put in order again. Dirty window glass they miss badly sunlight(by 15-30%), but the bright spring sun lifts our spirits so much after a long cold winter!

In addition, a lack of light contributes to a slower metabolism, a sluggish and sedentary lifestyle, and vision problems. Scientists have proven that dim lighting is one of the factors in the appearance of excess weight, skin problems and can even cause depression.

Cleaning windows in summer

You should wash windows in the summer if the factors listed at the very beginning of the article are present, as well as if a family holiday or any other celebration is planned.

As a rule, in the summer a lot of dirt also settles on glass and window fittings. If your apartment is stuffy and you often ventilate the rooms, then all the dust will settle on furniture, lamps, household appliances. Therefore, it is much easier to periodically remove dust and dirt from the glass.

Advantages of ordering window cleaning from a cleaning company.

By ordering window cleaning on the website https://spb.domovenok.su/mite_okon of the Domovenok cleaning company, you get the following benefits:

  • saving time on cleaning,
  • the best cleaning agents are used that do not leave marks on the glass, as well as special equipment,
  • The service can be ordered at a time convenient for you.