Well      06/15/2019

What is the best mosquito repellent. Folk remedies for mosquitoes - fighting at home. Quality family outdoor shield

I immediately received several emails asking for advice. the best remedy against mosquitoes for children, and after bites to relieve pain. Mosquitoes do not sleep - they spoil our holiday every summer and until late autumn!

Today I was also bitten by a midge in broad daylight - up to the numbness of the leg, which continues to this day. I relieved the swelling with improvised means, but seriously thought about life hack on natural repellents.

Danger of mosquitoes and ticks

Two years ago I wrote about replacing products with toxic DEET. They are still relevant, but this season there are many new products and data regarding the Zika virus, carried by Aedes mosquitoes.

Every year, the number of diseases that mosquitoes, ticks and other insects can transmit through bites is growing. They not only spoil our vacation, but also threaten our health!

The spread of the Zika virus and Crimean fever has once again shown the need to use insect repellents using repellents.

Mosquito repellent candles

The most popular mosquito repellents on the street, beach or summer cottage - mosquito repellent candles with citronella. One study found that being near a burning citronella candle reduced the number of stings by 42%.

Burning candles are generally good at repelling mosquitoes and other insects. Easily turn them into mosquito repellents by adding a few drops essential oil citronella.

⇒ Citronella essential oil Aura Cacia, 100% Pure Essential Oil Citronella(small bottle)
⇒ Organic oil Now Foods, Organic Essential Oils, Citronella Oil(large bottle)

As studies have shown, clothing in light colors and no sweat odor makes us invisible to mosquitoes, therefore unscented deodorant can also be considered one of the means of protection. But scented lotions and perfumes, on the contrary, attract mosquitoes and insects.

Natural remedies

Research shows that natural remedies mosquito repellents made with essential oils, work just as effectively, but for a shorter time.

Essential oils that protect against insects: lemon eucalyptus, citronella, cedarwood, geranium, mint, lavender, pine, cajuput, cinnamon, rosemary, basil, thyme, allspice and garlic.

Neem oil, although not considered a recognized repellent in the US, has long history repellent and can repel insects, and its oil is safe when applied to the skin in its pure form.

Patented mixture of soybean oil and essential oils, part of Buzz Away, has shown in tests to be as effective against several species of mosquitoes as chemical formula with 7% DEET.

When purchasing a protective product, please note that not all products protect against mosquitoes and ticks equally effectively. There are universal products like Dr. Mercola, but more often there are separate products for mosquitoes and ticks

Zika, West Nile fever, and Zenge virus are most often transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. And some repellents, such as the Buzz Away brand, claim to target this particular mosquito, which typically bites during the day and lives in tropical and subtropical climates.

If you are traveling to an area where there is a high risk of getting the Zika virus, the CDC recommends using repellents with one of the following ingredients: DEET, picaridin, IR3535, lemon eucalyptus essential oil or its synthesized version PMD.

Like sunscreen, mosquito and tick repellents must be reapplied to maintain their effectiveness. If the label does not indicate the frequency of use, use these numbers as a guide: a maximum of every 4 hours, renew protection against mosquitoes and every 6 hours against ticks.

Mosquito bracelets

Another new product for protection is mosquito repellent bracelets. They recently appeared on iHerb and I liked their ease of use.

But, as independent testing in Australia has shown, where there is a high risk of getting the virus from a bite - mosquito repellent bracelets only work for a few centimeters in both directions from the bracelet itself.

The number of mosquitoes near the bracelet is reduced, but the upper arm and other areas of the body are not protected. Mosquito repellent bracelets do not protect the entire surface of the body from bites and are not an effective alternative repellents.

The best mosquito and tick repellent

Dr. Mercola, Healthy Skin, Bug Spra y, natural spray, safe for children and animals. Specially designed to protect against mosquitoes, fleas, ticks and other blood-sucking insects. An effective alternative to chemical repellents.

Quantum Health, Buzz Away, Insect Repellent, Citronella Spray, designed to protect against mosquitoes, midges and midges; as well as mosquitoes that carry the West Nile virus.

Quantum Health, Buzz Away Extreme, Natural Insect Repellent, spray for protection against mosquitoes, black flies and ticks. Clinical studies have shown that the product protects against mosquitoes for up to 4 hours, and protection against ticks for up to 2.5 hours. Can be used for children.

Badger Company, Organic Anti-Bug, Shake & Spray, the spray is tested for protection against mosquitoes, safe for skin, suitable for children.

All Terrain, Kids Herbal Armor, Natural Insect Repellent, Deet-Free Pump Spray, a children's mosquito repellent spray, tested for effective protection, water and sweat resistant, awarded several awards for the best natural repellent. Safe for children over 6 months, for application to skin and fabrics.

All Terrain, Herbal Armor, Natural Insect Repellent Deet-Free Pump Spray, mosquito repellent spray for adults, apply every 2-3 hours for effective protection. For exposed skin and fabric.

Orange Guard, Home Pest Control Another interesting tool based on orange peel extract, to protect against ants and cockroaches, which is important in the country and garden plots in summer.

To summarize, the best mosquito repellent is natural mosquito repellent sprays. They work as effectively as DEET protection, but require more frequent use. If you are traveling to countries where there is a risk of getting the Zika virus, choose chemical means of protection.

If you are a tasty morsel for mosquitoes, but do not want to use various chemicals, these natural mosquito repellents are especially for you! Read on for the most interesting...

Why are natural mosquito repellents better?

Natural mosquito repellents are considered the most harmless to the human body. Of course, modern industry offers a lot effective means to combat mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects. But I don’t really want to spray them in the bedroom and breathe them all night.

This is especially unsafe for children and those who suffer from allergies.

Therefore, the best and safest protection against bloodsuckers are still proven grandparents' methods.

  • One hundred grams of camphor, evaporated over a burner, will rid even very large rooms of flies and mosquitoes.
  • In the old days, a decoction of wheatgrass roots, one of the most common weeds, was used to repel mosquitoes and other bloodsucking insects.
  • You can use finely chopped fresh leaves and flowers of bird cherry or basil.
  • The smell of cloves, basil, anise and eucalyptus also repels mosquitoes. Any of the oils of these plants can be used for protection - just lubricate open areas skin, or drop oil into cologne (5-10 drops), as well as onto a fire source - in a fireplace, fire, on a candle or a heated frying pan. Moisten a cotton pad with the oil of these plants and place it on the windowsill.
  • Tea tree oil can also be used as a repellent¹ and can also help with bites.
  • Plant under your windows country house elderberry or a bed of tomatoes. Bring fresh elderberry branches into rooms, they repel mosquitoes in the same way as the smell of tomato leaves.
  • If you decide to sit in nature, boil a samovar on pine or spruce cones, or throw lightly dried juniper needles into the fire.
  • An old folk remedy against mosquitoes is Persian, Dalmatian or Caucasian chamomile (aka pyrethrum). Dried inflorescences, stems and leaves of these types of chamomile, crushed into powder, affect the nerve cells of insects. It is enough to place a few bouquets of chamomile around your apartment or house, and you will be free from mosquitoes for a week.
  • The smell of cedar oil repels not only mosquitoes, but also flies and cockroaches.
  • Not a single insect will touch your face if you wash your face with a decoction of. It’s easy to prepare a decoction: a handful of chopped roots are poured with one and a half liters of water, brought to a boil and left to infuse.

No squeak

Last squeak

And behind him are mosquitoes on a balloon

Peaceful dreams without mosquitoes

What mosquito repellent can effectively protect you at home and in the country?

With the onset of summer, some of the most annoying insects- mosquitoes. They can ruin the most wonderful evening at the dacha, and in apartments there is no peace from them at night. Not only do they squeak unpleasantly above the ear, but mosquito bites are painful, their consequences are very unpleasant - severe itching, redness and swelling.

Every summer season, new products appear on sale that should help us protect ourselves from mosquitoes.

The range of self-defense against biting insects is very wide - these include creams and sprays for application to skin and clothing, anti-mosquito bracelets, fumigators for apartments, complex ultrasonic, ultraviolet, and carbon dioxide repellers and traps that are designed to combat insects over a large area on outdoors.

Let's figure out how these tools and devices work? How safe are they? Which ones are really effective? And how much do modern mosquito repellents cost?

Mosquitoes are ubiquitous creatures. This arthropod insects order of Diptera, living almost everywhere. Literally - wherever there is water, which they need for reproduction.

Today there are about 3,000 species of these insects; representatives of 100 species live in Russia.

The most widespread mosquito in Russia is the common mosquito (Culex pipiens), which lives everywhere where humans meet.

In cities, there are two main types of common mosquitoes that pester us on the street and in apartments. The first is forest mosquitoes. They fly to us from parks and fields. They are larger, and blisters from their bites go away quite quickly. The second ones are urban or basement, they are smaller, but the bites cause severe itching.

Forest mosquitoes “hunt” seasonally, from mid-May to August. Lifespan is about a month. And basement mosquitoes spend the winter well in warm, flooded basements, huddling in “balls.”

Terrible beast

Many people know that only female mosquitoes drink blood, and males feed on the nectar of flowers. This is not entirely true. Females, to maintain life, also feed on nectar and plant juice. But after fertilization, in order to produce and lay eggs, she needs nutrients from the blood of the victim. It gets protein from the blood, construction material for egg production. Another thing is that mosquitoes have such a mechanism as autogeny: the female is capable of laying the first clutch of eggs, without a single sip of blood, for example, in a tightly closed basement.

Males are exceptional vegetarians.

The life cycle of mosquitoes includes four stages of development: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. One female mosquito lays 100 to 200 eggs every 2-3 days; development from egg to adult, at a temperature of about +20+25 degrees, takes 1-1.5 weeks. Future mosquitoes spend the cycle from egg to pupa in bodies of water - ponds, rivers, lakes, large puddles. They feel great in damp, dark basements.

Mosquitoes love dampness and warmth. St. Petersburg, with its rainy weather, was unlucky in this sense. Mosquitoes do not like light and sun. They stop attacking us at temperatures above +28-°C. Dry weather also hinders them - they cannot stay in the air because they lose a lot of water. “Bloodsuckers” also do not like high-altitude flights - only the wind carries them to floors above 7.

Don't breathe or sweat

Mosquitoes see poorly (at a distance of up to 1.5 meters) and do not “hear” very well; they search for their prey by the concentration of carbon dioxide exhaled by warm-blooded animals and humans, thermal radiation and the smell of lactic acid contained in sweat.

As a rule, mosquitoes do not migrate over long distances, but live in the same place, they do not fly in search of prey from place to place. Roughly speaking, if they smell, they fly to hunt, if they don’t smell, they circle in one place until they smell their prey.

But mosquitoes can overcome, with the help of the wind, distances up to 3 km if they smell their prey.

Mosquitoes do not have poison, but when they bite, a special substance remains in the wound that prevents blood from clotting - an anticoagulant, it is due to this substance that the mosquito can drink blood. But this substance, in addition to the main effect, also has a lot of side effects - it causes swelling and redness of the skin, which are accompanied by a pronounced feeling of itching and burning. Pinpoint hemorrhages may also form at the bite sites. Of course, for the most part, such bites are not life-threatening, but they cause a lot of suffering. We constantly scratch the bitten areas, which damages the skin and disrupts normal sleep.

Mosquitoes are very persistent in their hunting and are extremely selective in choosing where to bite. They try to choose the area with the thinnest skin, closest to the blood vessels. That is why at night they can itch above the ear for hours, choosing a place to bite.

It is not known what drives you more crazy - the squeak of a mosquito or the itching at the site of the bite. And finally, a mosquito can swallow four times its own weight in blood.

Spread and sprinkle

As many people exist, so many people try to invent effective ways defense against mosquito attacks. Today, the buyer faces a difficult choice - which product to prefer: we are offered both familiar creams and fumigators, and such new products as wrist bracelets and pocket repellent devices. There are both complex and quite expensive devices for dachas.

But in essence, all modern means can be divided into individual, home (for use in an apartment, room) and outdoor (work in the country, in the forest, in the park).

Personal protective equipment

Personal mosquito repellents are applied either to the skin or to clothing.

Products that are applied directly to the skin are available in the form of creams, gels, lotions, and hard pencils.

Those that can be applied to clothing are, as a rule, sprays and aerosols.

All these mosquito repellents belong to the class of repellents - that is, scarers (from the Latin repello - I push away, I drive away).

How do they work?

Repellents may contain various substances of both chemical and natural origin (essential oils with strong odors, alcohols, which insects also do not like). The chemical filling includes pyrethroids, diethyl phthalate (DEET) and others.

The mechanism of action of chemical repellers is that they make a person “invisible” to mosquitoes, drowning out the pheromones of the human body, which insects are guided by. And essential oils make the surface of human skin smell “unpalatable” to mosquitoes. Some products work precisely to prevent the mosquito from landing on the skin, some act when the mosquito comes into contact with the applied substance.

Of the repellent substances, diethyl phthalate (DEET) is considered the most common; repellents based on it occupy 60% of the world market. Many manufacturers replace the well-known abbreviation DEET with the lesser known full name “diethyltoluamide”. This substance itself is quite toxic, so if it is the basis of a repellent, it is important to ensure that it does not get into the eyes, mouth, or damaged areas of the skin

Pyrethroids are newer generation repellents and are safer. But there are relatively few such products on the market, and they are more expensive.

A separate area is mixed-action repellents. For example, designed to protect against mosquitoes and ticks. They may contain alphacypermethrin - in its action, it is a nerve poison. An insect that comes into contact with clothing treated with it becomes paralyzed and falls to the ground. Such products should not be applied to the skin.

In general, bug sprays are intended to be applied to clothing for one simple reason - they typically contain higher levels of DEET than other forms of repellent.

How to choose?

The concentration of a toxic substance is an important indicator; you must pay attention to it when choosing a means of protection.

The toxicity of the product and the duration of action of the repellent depend on the concentration. The higher the concentration, the more toxic the product and the longer it works.

Preparations with an active substance content of 30-40% last the longest - up to five hours. Strictly not recommended for allergy sufferers, as well as pregnant women and children.

The shortest duration of action is for those that contain 5-10% repellent substances (effective for no more than 2 hours). But even pregnant women and small children can use them (and the label must indicate the age at which the product can be used).

Most mosquito repellents can be used for children as young as 3 years old, but there are also special means, which can be used to protect very young children. They are made on the basis of natural raw materials - essential oils (citronella oil, eucalyptus, anise, cedar, clove).

All repellents should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. If temperature regime is not observed, the drug will at best lose its effectiveness. Pay attention to the expiration date.

It is better to choose products from well-known brands.

Pay attention to which insects the product works on. Most mosquito repellents also protect against mosquitoes, the painfully biting midge. But they have no effect on flies, horseflies, and horseflies.


Chemistry is chemistry. The toxic substances contained in repellents are not harmless to humans. Of course, they contain a small amount of repellents. However, they often cause allergic reactions.

It is important to follow the rules for their use: apply a thin layer to the skin, do not rub and apply this cream to damaged skin, wounds, abrasions, scratches. After a walk in nature, the product must be washed off.

And before use, be sure to check your skin for an allergic reaction - apply the product to your wrist and see if it turns red in 10-15 minutes.

In addition, the temporary effect of such funds is also a minus. They need to be reapplied. And the saddest thing is that mosquitoes are also “improving” - there is evidence that they are gradually becoming less sensitive to repellents.


From 70-100 rubles per bottle

Room killer

The next group of products are those that, unlike the previous ones, do not repel mosquitoes, but kill them. This group includes products called fumigants (from the Latin fumigo - I fumigate, smoke).

This is a group of products that, when evaporating, smoking or smoldering, release special chemical substances, destroying insects in the radius of action - mosquitoes and midges. Such substances block the respiratory system of mosquitoes. This group also includes electric insect destroyers - popularly called fumigators - the well-known Raptor, Fumitox, Raid, etc.

How does it work?

It's simple - a device connected to electricity heats a plate soaked in insecticide. Insects die within half an hour. One plate will protect you for about 8-18 hours. Liquid fumigators work on the same system, only instead of a plate there is a bottle of liquid. It is already designed for 45 nights, and this is its advantage.

How to choose?

Fumigators are substances from the group of pyrethroids - slightly toxic compounds. Two types of insecticides are used: prallethrin (aka Etok) and esbiotrin.

Esbiotrin is a substance of the previous generation, pralletrin is of the latest generation, and is a synthetic analogue of an extract from Dolmatian chamomile. It is better to choose fumigants based on pralletrin, esbiothrin requires a higher concentration than pralletrin. Another argument in favor modern drug- it is it that is used in children's fumigants, as it is safer (these are commercially available).


Fumigators today are the most effective protection in an apartment or house. But buyers often forget that fumigants have rules for safe operation. One fumigator is designed for a room area of ​​approximately 12 square meters.

It is correct to use it like this: turn it on in a room where there are no people, wait half an hour, then ventilate it, and only then you can be in this room.

Our people turn it on literally over their heads all night long.

Remember not to use volatile insecticides if there are children, pregnant or lactating women, or people with respiratory problems in the room. Do not use the fumigator indoors with closed windows. Try not to turn on the fumigator all night, but only for an hour or two, until the mosquitoes are completely destroyed.

Another thing is that sleeping with the windows closed in the summer heat is difficult. And the choice is this - either breathe fumigants all night, or wake up periodically at night to turn the fumigator on and off.


Fumigators with plates - 40-100 rubles. (depending on the manufacturer). There are also universal electric fumigators that can use both plates and bottles. Their cost is 120-250 rubles.

Street fumigators

Another type of fumigators are street candles and pyrotechnic spirals. They are convenient for use in places where there is no electricity (on a picnic, while fishing). They, like fumigators, act on the principle of smoldering insecticide.



Depending on the type, they smolder for 8-10 hours, evaporating the insecticide. Price - 25-50 rubles for a set of spirals. Candles (they are special, large) - from 50 to 200 rubles.

Personal weapon

Perhaps the most successful new product of recent times, the ThermaCELL Mosquito Repellent anti-mosquito device, works on the principle of a fumigator.

This is a personal protection device against mosquitoes and midges, intended for use in open areas (in the forest, in the country, while fishing, etc.).

How does it work

According to the principle of operation, the small ThermaCELL device resembles a familiar household fumigator, with the difference that gas (gas microburner) is used to heat the plate with the repellent substance. No batteries required.

The plates used in ThermaCELL are also different from the plates used in household fumigators. Fumigator plates, as mentioned above, kill mosquitoes. The plates included in the ThermaCELL kit contain repellents. Specifically, it is allethrin, a similar natural repellent found in chrysanthemum flowers. Allethrin is 98% effective against mosquitoes, midges and midges. The substance is very unpleasant with its smell to insects, and is practically not felt by humans, and most importantly, it is harmless to people. The plate spreads a protective cloud around a person about 4.5 meters. And what’s also important is that allethrin is more effective even at low concentrations of this substance in the air.

How to choose?

How does it work?

The principle of operation of this lamp is simple: the ultraviolet radiation of the lamp should attract insects. Flying up to the lamp, the mosquito lands on the metal grate under electrical voltage and die from electric shock. This device should also save buyers from flies and moths within a radius of 30 to 100 meters, and fight moths in the apartment.


Mosquitoes are not butterflies; they are not attracted to light. Moreover, they avoid it. Even if you try to justify the device by saying that it emits heat, which attracts mosquitoes, then the heat is not enough for them, the lamp does not smell like a person. And even if you place this lamp next to you, the mosquito will fly not to it, but to you.

But such a lamp can help against flies, butterflies, and moths.


A trap lamp costs from 1000 to 8000 rubles.

Cunning trap: complete imitation

Carbon dioxide street mosquito traps are a completely different matter. They do not repel mosquitoes, but attract them.

As already mentioned, mosquitoes fly based on three components - heat, carbon dioxide and the smell of sweat.

The operating principle of such traps is based on simulating these manifestations of human activity.

The device emits heat of 30-40 degrees, carbon dioxide (imitation of human breathing) and attractants with odors (the substance octenol, which is produced from animal fats and smells like concentrated sweat to mosquitoes).

How does it work?

The device consists of two main parts - a mosquito net with a fan and a mini propane tank.

A propane cylinder connected to the device provides energy for the autonomous operation of the mosquito killer. Also, when propane is burned, a warm and moist mixture of carbon dioxide is produced, simulating human breathing, which attracts blood-sucking insects. The carbon dioxide is distributed around the installation by the fan - and then by the wind. Near the fan, on the spout of the device, there is an octenol tablet. Its smell for humans is the smell of mushrooms, and for mosquitoes, the octenol distributed by the fan is simply an irresistible aroma of a large crowd of “tasty” people. Then everything is simple - mosquitoes fly towards the flow of CO2, and they are sucked into the net of the installation, like dust inside a vacuum cleaner. Inside the installation, isolated from the outside world, mosquitoes become dehydrated and die.

A carbon dioxide trap can rid an area of ​​10 to 40 acres of blood-sucking insects (mosquitoes and midges) (depending on how open it is - the more buildings and trees, the smaller the radius)

The device is silent, completely harmless and safe.

  • "site presents: Mosquito Magnet in operation. Mosquitoes:
  • Minuses

    This device is very effective - it catches up to 95% of mosquitoes and midges in the area. Negative user reviews about it are often based on ignorance of the operating features of the device and the life cycle of mosquitoes.

    Please note that

    Firstly, the minimum effectiveness of the trap is achieved 3-4 days after the start of work. That is, if you bought it, came to the dacha, turned it on - and mosquitoes bite - you shouldn’t be surprised. Mosquitoes flock to the trap gradually - first the closest ones, then, under the influence of the wind, more distant insects are lured from your area.

    Secondly, maximum efficiency these traps are reached after 3 weeks. That is, having caught all the adults, the trap must wait for the new generation and lure it too. After this, there is no one else to lay eggs, mosquitoes do not appear.

    Thirdly, the trap must operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, throughout the entire mosquito season - from spring to late summer. And not just on the weekend when you arrived at the dacha.

    Previous generation traps were connected to electricity. Many models did not use bait tablets. It was both inconvenient and ineffective.

    The new generation of traps operates autonomously, using propane. The units are designed for use in the sun and in the rain; gas cylinders cannot explode. Because there is no open fire, there is a system of micro-ignitions from batteries, so to speak, smoldering.


    From 25 to 50 thousand rubles. More simple models traps, for example, operating from the network, cost about 25 thousand rubles.

    New generation traps, which are completely autonomous, cost from 39 to 50 thousand rubles.

    The installation maintenance cycle is every 3 weeks. At this frequency, you need to change the propane cylinder (25-27 l) and the bait tablet.

    An octinol tablet costs 1.5 thousand rubles, refilling a gas cylinder costs 400 rubles. You also need a can of compressed air to blow out the soot cylinder burner once every 3 weeks - another 500 rubles. In total, monthly maintenance will cost approximately 3 thousand rubles. For three summer months - about 10 thousand rubles.

    Maintenance and replacement are simple, it takes 3-5 minutes. There are many videos on the Internet that show in detail how to do this.

    The most famous brands producing carbon dioxide traps: Mosquito Magnet, Electrofrog(Russian manufacturer), SkeeterVac etc.

    The editors would like to thank Konstantin Podlesnykh, the director of the online store site in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, and mosquito specialist Roman Zhakhovsky for their assistance in preparing the material.

    Gimlet rule

    Many people wonder how mosquitoes get through mosquito net, crawl into the smallest cracks. The fact is that these insects can fold their legs and literally screw themselves into the smallest hole. You can increase the effectiveness of such a mesh by applying a repellent aerosol to it.

    Bracelets for summer

    Another new product is anti-mosquito bracelets. Designed to repel mosquitoes. They work by impregnating them with aromatic oils.

    Do they help? They help. But not all of them, only branded ones. And they provide protection very locally.

    You should only buy bracelets that are sold in opaque sealed silver packaging. When exposed to light and air, they lose their properties.

    Check the expiration date. And store it in an airtight container.

    The validity period of the bracelet is 200 hours.

    I can cause allergies. They cost from 150 to 300 rubles.

    Treatment of the area

    There is another way to fight mosquitoes - treating your summer cottage with chemical and special biological solutions.

    The biological additive blocks the digestion of the larvae and prevents them from developing into mosquitoes.

    This solution forms an invisible film on water, trees, and grass. Harmless for people and animals. Efficiency - 70%. Another thing is that such a film will last until the first rain, then processing is needed again. Cost - depending on the area of ​​the site - up to 15 thousand rubles.

    A note from mosquito specialist Roman Zhakhovsky.

    Lyubov Suslova did not mention another interesting, new, and, most importantly, effective means of combating insects in the room, including mosquitoes. A wonderful remedy, from the English bug - beetle and salt - salt. Those. a gun that shoots insects with table salt.

    The principle of operation of the gun is simple: salt is poured into a special tank, by jerking the bolt, the air in a special internal chamber is compressed and the shot is activated by releasing the trigger. Salt under air pressure flies out of the Bugasalt barrel at a distance of up to 1 meter and hits the enemy’s wings. In this case, no batteries are required, less than one gram of salt escapes, the victim does not smear on the wallpaper and does not stain anything, and an accidental shot at a person will not cause any bodily harm. The Bug-a-salt was primarily designed to shoot house flies for fun. But what prevents you from shooting mosquitoes?

    The range of modern means for protecting against mosquitoes on the street is not limited to repellent ointments and protective clothing. Today, special repellers, traps, and other mosquito repellents help you to relax peacefully in nature, go fishing, work in the country, or sit in the gazebo in the evening without annoying insects.

    Blood-sucking insects are active throughout the warm period of the year - just at the time when you want to spend as much time as possible outdoors. You can protect yourself from mosquitoes and midges at home with the help of mosquito nets and fumigators. But what if we are talking about a picnic, fishing or even just relaxing on open terrace country house?

    In addition to personal protective equipment (special clothing and repellent ointments), they are used to combat mosquitoes and midges on the street. various devices to repel and destroy them.

    For protection the following are used:

    • destroyer traps (purchased and homemade);
    • ultrasonic repellers;
    • repellers based on repellents;
    • smoke bombs and spirals.

    Each of these tools has strong and weaknesses, and suitable for different cases. When choosing, the range of action, ease of use, duration and strength of the effect are important. If we are talking about an electronic device, then its ability to operate from autonomous source nutrition.

    Old "grandfather" methods or modern devices?

    The oldest means of repelling mosquitoes in nature is smoke from a fire. It is still used at rest by mushroom pickers and fishermen who neglect modern protective equipment. Acrid smoke repels mosquitoes well, especially if you throw juniper, fir and other branches into the fire coniferous trees. However, not only mosquitoes, but also all people sitting around the fire have to breathe this smoke.

    In light of the above, devices for contact automatic extermination and remote repelling of insects look even more attractive, because with them protection against mosquitoes in the open air eliminates the need to use ointments, sprays, fires and special clothing. But are these devices really effective, and how can you choose the best among them?

    The arsenal of popular folk remedies for repelling mosquitoes is not limited to campfire smoke. On summer cottages widely used homemade traps and fragrant herbs (garlic, tomato tops, geranium), which are safe for health and do not require significant financial costs.

    But they are still inferior in efficiency modern means, the development of which is based on scientific research. Chemical repellents and insecticides act quickly and surely, and electronic traps and repellers use their own instincts against mosquitoes, which insects are not able to resist.

    Ultrasonic repellers against mosquitoes and midges

    Devices for repelling mosquitoes and midges with ultrasound are either stationary or portable. Among them there are those that can:

    • Wear on a belt (repellent keychain) or wrist (an electronic device in the form of a bracelet), the range of action is 0.5 -5 meters. Used as an individual means of protection against insects in the city and beyond. The main advantage is its miniature size.

    • Carry with you or place near a tent, gazebo, overnight or fishing place - medium-sized portable and stationary devices the size of a walkie-talkie, their range of action covers up to 20-30 square meters. m.

    • Bet on local area. Lightweight, stationary, medium-sized devices that are easy to move from place to place. Range of action – up to 50-80 square meters. m, appointment: ultrasonic repeller mosquitoes for the street.

    Devices can be charged and operated:

    • from the network directly;
    • from a rechargeable battery;
    • standard batteries;
    • solar battery.

    Stationary devices, as a rule, only operate from the mains, so when using them, you need to take into account the length of the cord and the distance of the device from the nearest outlet. Other devices operate on batteries or have the ability to charge different ways. Combined options are, of course, preferable.

    Operating principle

    The operation of repellers is based on the principle of influencing mosquitoes using sound waves of a certain frequency. Some of them will emit a frightening sound - the rustling of the wings of a dragonfly that actively hunts mosquitoes. Others imitate the squeak of male mosquitoes, which fertilized females studiously avoid.

    Only female mosquitoes bite, and they begin looking for suitable prey immediately after mating. During this period, contacts with males are undesirable and even dangerous for them, so the sound imitating the squeak of a male immediately scatters the mosquitoes to the sides.

    Frequency adjustment

    Repellers are equipped with sound wave generators with a frequency range from 4.8-7 kHz. Some devices have a frequency adjustment function, and it is preferable to purchase such options. The fact is that in nature there are several types of mosquitoes, and a certain sound frequency is required to scare away each of them.

    It happens that a repeller tuned to a certain frequency does an excellent job in one region, but turns out to be practically useless in another. By turning the adjustment lever of the adjustable repeller, you can find the wave that is most unpleasant for mosquitoes in a particular area.

    Outdoor mosquito killers

    The work of street devices for the destruction of insects is based on luring and killing them in various ways. Mosquito killers mimic the warmth and odor of the human body. An insect flying up dies from an electric discharge, fire, water or air flow.

    This is an effective mosquito killer for the outdoors, it can only be used outdoors. Principle of operation: propane is gradually released from the gas cylinder and enters the gas burner, where it releases carbon dioxide and heat. Mosquitoes looking for prey to bite react to heat radiation from the body and the smell of carbon dioxide, which is released during breathing. The propane exterminator, as it were, deceives them, distracting them with itself.

    The device is easy to maintain, but you will need to regularly replace the gas cylinder. The effectiveness of its operation greatly depends on its location - it is important to install it on the site on the side from which mosquitoes fly most (for example, from the side of a forest or lake).

    One of the first places in the list of the most popular models is occupied by the Mosquito Magnet Independence, which is capable of luring mosquitoes from an area of ​​40 acres. Its cost is about 50 thousand rubles, but this price is justified by its durability. An analogue of this device is the Mosquito Magnet Patriot, it costs about 30 thousand rubles, its range of action is 25 acres.

    Shredders with CO2 cylinders

    The operating principle of this type of exterminator is based on the gradual release of carbon dioxide from a cylinder. Mosquitoes follow the smell, and when they fly close enough, they are sucked inside by a vortex flow from the built-in fan. Models of such exterminators can be additionally equipped with heat lamps, which enhance the luring effect (for example, the Smartkiller garden insect exterminator).

    In general, carbon dioxide exterminators are comparable in efficiency to propane ones; it is also important to place them correctly on the site. They are lightweight and can be powered by mains power or a solar battery.

    Models differ in configuration and radius of destruction. For example, the Mosquito Trap ANS-A6 system generates preheated CO2 gas, simulating a large group of people. Additionally, the device uses octenol as a bait.

    Thermal Destroyers

    The thermal device attracts the attention of mosquitoes using infrared radiation. Insects take him for a person, fly up close and die in a tank of water or dry out on a special grid.

    Some models of heat destroyers are additionally equipped with an attractant spray device and flashing lights. On average, thermal exterminators effectively protect against insects in areas up to 500 square meters. m, but there are much more powerful devices.

    The Mega-Catch Mosquito Trap is one example of a powerful heat destroyer. Its cost is about 20 thousand rubles. The device effectively attracts mosquitoes within a radius of up to 3 thousand square meters. m. Suitable for large land plots, farms.

    Ultraviolet destroyers

    The most inexpensive and accessible type of shredders. They are lightweight and compact devices with built-in ultraviolet lamp. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use. An insect that flies close to the grille of the device dies from an electric shock. An example of such a device is the SWI-20 exterminator, which cleans an area of ​​250 square meters from mosquitoes and midges. m. Reviews about the use of devices of this type are contradictory, in terms of efficiency they are inferior to all of the above.

    Light traps can be made in the form of garden lights (for example, the Sniper exterminator). They work on the same principle - a UV lamp and a grid under voltage, but these lamps are protected from rain and are powered by a solar battery, so they are very convenient for placement in the garden.

    Some models are equipped with an attractant spray device and a battery that allows you to install the device anywhere. For example, the Flowtron PowerVac PV-440 has a spray system for octenol (sweat odor imitation, which is very attractive to mosquitoes). The smell of octenol is elusive to the human sense of smell, but mosquitoes feel it perfectly.

    The EcoSniper GF-4WB mosquito killer is also based on ultraviolet radiation, but in addition to this, it imitates the heat of the human body and the smell of the air exhaled by a person. The device is moisture-resistant and equipped with a fan, the vortex flow from which quickly attracts flying insects.

    Outdoor repellers for mosquitoes and midges

    The operating principle of street repellers is based on fumigation. Under the influence of heat from the heated lamps, repellent microparticles spread over the nearby area, forming an invisible barrier beyond which mosquitoes and midges do not fly.

    For example, the popular Moskuto Trap MT64 device operates on an area of ​​500 sq. m. In fact, it is a combined device, that is, it can be used both as a destroyer and as a repeller. It works from the network and from a car battery. A device with a shorter range - ThermaCell mr g06 00 - is in demand among lovers of fishing, hunting and hiking. It operates on an area of ​​up to 20 square meters. m.

    Lamps in the form of garden lanterns or small portable lanterns are suitable for a tent, balcony or gazebo. The action is based on plates that, under the influence of heat, evaporate repellents.

    You can buy a Thermacell mosquito lamp with a 10% discount in the online store.

    To repel mosquitoes on the street, smoke bombs, spirals and sticks are also used. Checkers cover an area within a radius of up to 300-1000 m, permanently driving away mosquitoes, flies, midges, ticks and horse flies. Spirals and sticks do not act as globally, but while they are smoldering, you can get rid of mosquitoes and sit quietly in the gazebo or on the veranda.

    You can buy a “Quiet Evening” smoke bomb with a 10% discount in the online store.

    Purchased and homemade mechanical traps

    Traps for mosquitoes and midges can be purchased at a hardware store or made yourself. The principle of their operation is based on luring insects with various odors.

    Habitual and accessible remedy from . Most of all, they are effective against flies, but a mosquito that touches the sticky edge of the tape will no longer be able to fly.

    Velcro comes in the form of rolled strips of sticky paper. It is better to hang them near light sources ( garden lights, lamps in gazebos), since most insects are attracted to illuminated areas.

    Homemade Velcro

    You can make effective Velcro with a smell attractive to mosquitoes with your own hands. For this you need strips thick paper soak in any of these mixtures:

    • rosin, castor oil, turpentine and sugar;
    • pine or spruce resin, wax, linseed oil and honey;
    • glycerin, honey, petroleum jelly and rosin.

    The ingredients are mixed in a suitable container and melted in a water bath. Then you should soak strips of paper with the resulting liquid and place them in different parts plot.

    Commercial viscous liquid traps

    They are containers filled with a viscous sticky substance with an odor attractive to mosquitoes, midges and horse flies. Having touched the sticky liquid, the insect remains trapped forever.

    Some traps contain insecticides, others work only due to stickiness. The traps are disposable, but in one cycle of use they can drown up to 20 thousand mosquitoes.

    Homemade traps

    An example of a simple and effective trap is a yeast trap.

    Manufacturing scheme:

    1. A 1.5 liter plastic bottle is cut crosswise into two halves.
    2. Place 2 tbsp in the lower part. l. sugar, a little warm water and a small packet of yeast.
    3. The upper part is inserted into the lower part with the neck down (without a lid).

    The yeast is activated and begins to produce CO2 and lactic acid. The smells of these substances are associated by mosquitoes with the odor of the human body, and therefore effectively attract them. Mosquitoes easily get inside the trap, but cannot get out because the funnel-shaped upper part prevents this.

    Summer is coming, which means that very soon our homes will begin to be attacked by uninvited and not at all pleasant guests - mosquitoes! Store shelves are filled with a wide range of products for all kinds of ways to combat these little pests. But chemicals often harmful and even dangerous to health. Is there an alternative? Yes! There are quite a few options for how to get rid of mosquitoes using folk remedies that have been proven for centuries.

    Aroma oils

    There are several repellent oils that repel insects and keep unwanted guests out of your home. The principle of operation is simple: place a candle at the bottom of the lamp, pour 2-5 tablespoons of water on top and add the desired essential oil. How much oil to take depends on the aroma:

    • Eucalyptus oil – 4-7 drops;
    • Tea tree – 3-5 drops;
    • Juniper – 3-6 drops;
    • Melissa – 4-6 drops;
    • Basil, geranium - 3-5 drops.

    For achievement maximum effect you need to light the aroma lamp 1-2 times a day for half an hour.

    Camphor and valerian also help well. Just a few grams of the plant, heated in an aroma lamp or burner, act over fairly long distances and cleanse the room well of uninvited guests.

    Cloves, anise, basil and eucalyptus - the aromas of these plants are also strongly disliked by mosquitoes. The oils of these plants are good to add to the fire: in a frying pan, candle, fire or fireplace. If you need to clear a room of mosquitoes, the best remedy is to drop the oil on a piece of cotton wool and leave it on the windowsill.


    In half a liter of warm water, add 2 tablespoons (or 20 ml) of vodka, 1 teaspoon of salt/soda (without top) and 8-10 drops of any repellent essential oil listed above. Pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle. Spray all over the rooms Special attention focusing on windows, doors and curtains.

    In addition to harmful mosquitoes, lemon balm, eucalyptus, juniper and tea tree oils will help deal with all bacteria in the room. Pleasant aromatic oils will also give your apartment a pleasant aroma and put you in a good mood! They will also relax and relieve all tension, worries and fatigue!

    Dried plants

    Mosquitoes are known to be very sensitive to odors. There are a number of herbs and remedies with an inherent strong aroma, which these harmful insects cannot tolerate and fly around a kilometer away.

    An ancient weapon and the best remedy for mosquitoes is dried chamomile (Persian, Caucasian, Dalmatian). The inflorescences, leaves and stems of this plant, chopped to a powdery state, are destroyed nervous system insects

    Place a bouquet of daisies in each corner of your apartment and you will rid yourself of mosquitoes for at least a week.

    Bird cherry (leaves and flowers), tomato leaves, wormwood, lemon balm, thyme, lemongrass or basil, finely ground and scattered around the apartment, are also well suited for this purpose. And fresh elderberry can be placed in the house as a bouquet or planted under the windows if you live outdoors.

    The best folk remedies for mosquitoes for the street

    Here are a few ways to protect yourself and escape from harmful bloodsuckers while walking in the fresh air, so that your outdoor recreation does not turn into an endless struggle with mosquitoes and the torment of their bites.

    Aroma mixture for skin

    All you need is to prepare a special aroma mixture that will repel all unwanted insects. The composition is prepared according to the principle of 1 spoon (5-10 ml) of base oil plus a few drops of essential oil. Good base oils include apricot kernel oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, macadamia oil, avocado oil, grape seed oil - all of which do not leave greasy marks on clothes, but are well absorbed into the skin. The amount of essential oil depends on its type:

    • Eucalyptus – 7-10 drops;
    • Tea tree and lemon balm – 3-5 drops;
    • Juniper 4-7 drops.

    The quantity is indicated per spoon of carrier oil. Apply the resulting aroma mixture to exposed areas of the body. Renew and reapply every 2 hours.

    You can use natural vanilla extract, which should be applied to the pulse points: neck, wrists, elbows and knees.

    Cosmetical tools

    Essential oil can also be added to any product you use daily: body lotion or cream, shower gel, shampoo, and even bubble bath! Your body will acquire a subtle scent that mosquitoes will not like and will make them leave you alone. Add oil of your choice:

    • Eucalyptus – 3-5 drops;
    • Tea tree – 2-5 drops;
    • Melissa – 2-4 drops;
    • Juniper – 2-3 drops.

    Based on 10 g (or 1 tablespoon) of product. Mix thoroughly and use as usual.

    Water treatments

    Wash your face in the morning with a decoction of wormwood and its roots, and insects will avoid you throughout the day.

    Preparation: pour a handful of chopped plant roots with 1.5 liters of water, bring the solution to a boil and then let it brew.

    The best remedies for mosquito bites

    If, nevertheless, a mosquito catches you and leaves an unpleasant itchy bite on your body, you can also use proven folk techniques that will help you neutralize the insect's venom, relieve swelling and prevent inflammation. To thoroughly coat and disinfect the bite, the following products are suitable:

    1. Soda solution (half a teaspoon of soda mixed in a glass of water).
    2. Ammonia (half mixed with water).
    3. Potassium permanganate solution (pale pink).
    4. Kefir or yogurt.
    5. Crushed leaves of plantain, bird cherry, mint or parsley (fresh).
    6. “Zvezdochka” is a good old proven remedy. It will not only relieve itching, but will also scare away all the mosquitoes in the area.
    7. Half an onion: apply the cut side to the bite site and hold for several minutes until the juice forms).
    8. Aloe leaf, parsley, bird cherry, peppermint or plantain: apply the leaves to the bite site, tie a gauze bandage and wear for several hours.

    Choose the best and most convenient mosquito repellent and method of fighting them, and harmful insects will forget the way to your home and will no longer bother you with their annoying squeaks.

    Ekaterina Ryzhkova “The Best folk remedies from mosquitoes" especially for the Eco-life website.