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The best tricks with the legendary Zippo lighter. Basic tricks with Zippo Video training “The secret of the lighter trick”

Do you want to attract the attention of girls, but as luck would have it, not a single smart thought has crossed your mind in the last 5 minutes? Don't worry - we have one proven trick. More precisely, several! You take your Zippo out of your pocket and start playing with it.

Just the sound of opening the lid of a gasoline lighter will attract the attention of not only girls and the bartender, but will also make you one of the most interesting people in this establishment. And if, with all this, you demonstrate to your “public” a couple of cool tricks with a lighter that we are going to teach you, you will no longer be called deprived of attention.

Imagine deft movements of the fingers, the sound of the lid clicking, a bit of anticipation from the audience, a seemingly complex trick of the magician, and the whole magical performance ends with the burning wick of a lighter. Such tricks will never cease to amaze the audience, and the young ladies will be delighted with you.

Popular Zippo lighter tricks

Our lessons will start from simple to more complex. Watch the video and practice, practice, practice.

1 Conquer the bar counter

Just try not to burn the table. It's a matter of technique. The whole point of the trick is that you roll your Zippo across the bar counter, and at the end it lights up. Amazing sight!

2 Comet

And here, take care of your fingers - make sure you don’t burn them!

3 Fire Pants

Well, you guessed it yourself!

4 Magical spontaneous combustion

5 Pistol.

Make sure you don't shoot anyone!

Magicians and wizards always attract attention

Who among us did not go to the circus as a child and does not remember the wonderful moments when the curtain opens and the long-awaited artists appear on the stage. Everyone was looking forward to the performance of their favorite clowns, magicians, etc.

Exciting performances have sunk into our souls since childhood and do not leave us to this day. Everything mysterious and enigmatic attracts us like a magnet and we are unable to resist it.

To create miracles and give people joy is inherent in every person by nature itself. In the dullness and monotony of life, we face many problems; we lack a little spark to make life brighter.

With a Zippo lighter you can capture the attention of any company

At first glance, this spark may be quite ordinary thing Everyday life, Zippo lighter.

Having mastered the skills of masterfully handling a Zippo lighter, you can easily become a welcome guest in good company.

After all, no one will be left indifferent to the interesting spectacle. Such simple thing, will help you make many friends and acquaintances.

Stealing the Flame

Although almost a hundred years have passed since its first release, the lighter is still considered a very popular item among the younger generation.

Attractive body fashion design, she just begs to be held and played with. You can turn it in your hands, click it, throw it up. Any action with a lighter will attract attention to you.

Impressive Zippo lighter tricks You can learn from the video:

At night, you can juggle a lit lighter, illuminating the sky with a variety of shapes. This good way attract attention and meet a girl.

The widespread Stealing Flame trick:

  • You run your fingers over the flame, extinguishing it.
  • Then lightly shake the lighter and light it again.

The Flame Stealing Trick Is Easier Than It Looks

The Secret of Focus consists in a slight modification of the wick and the laws of physics. Refining the wick consists of bending it in a certain way, as a result of which it does not go out completely.

A small blue flame remains under the fuse. When you shake the lighter, there is an influx of fresh air and the wick flares up again.

"Stealing the Flame" can be modify. Instead of shaking, blow lightly onto the lighter. The effect is the same as when shaking a lighter. And the viewer will get the impression that it caught fire from your breath.

Other tricks

Trick "Magic spontaneous combustion" quite simple in execution. With two clicks of your fingers you can create fire from a lighter. The main thing here is hard training and accurate calculation. When done correctly it looks quite impressive.

In a company with friends you can show "Pistol" trick. You need to hold the lighter with one hand, open the lid with the other and strike a spark at the same time. This creates the effect of cocking the hammer and firing.

In the evening, when the lights go out, it would be appropriate "Fire Pants" trick. Sitting at the table, as if by chance, you need to run the lighter along your leg in one direction, opening the lid. When moving in the opposite direction, a spark is struck and a fire ignites. In this way you can light, for example, candles on the table.

Video exposing Zippo lighter tricks:


Over the years of its existence, the convenient, practical Zippo lighter, which can be lit with one hand, has found wide application in various areas of our activities.

There are many Zippo lighters that can be applied in our daily life and how many more we can think of.

There is an opinion that youth has three categories: body, heart and mind. This is easy to check at a party when a certain circle of people gathers. This is where it becomes apparent which society has which category. If all three are active, it can be considered an ideal company.

There are simply youth get-togethers that almost no one tries to organize or, much less, come up with a scenario for. Everyone is free to have fun and entertain as best they can. For such occasions, you need to be able to entertain peers or holiday guests and have some kind of “home preparation”.

For example, remember the secret of the trick with an ordinary lighter. Look carefully at the screen.

Video training “The secret of the lighter trick”

Usually there are branded stickers on the sides of the lighter. A lighter without any stickers on the sides is rare. We shake it in our hands, cover it with our palm, and suddenly the sticker disappears. We show both sides of the lighter, there is a sticker on both sides.

We shake the lighter in the air again, show it to the audience, and suddenly the stickers disappear again. Moreover, this time the lighters disappear on both sides.

We move our hand horizontally past the other hand with half-open palms. The sticker also appears and disappears. Then suddenly, it appears only on one side of the lighter.

The mystery remains unsolved.

What's the secret?

The whole secret is in sleight of hand.

Let's prepare a lighter in advance, with a sticker on one side. When we want to show the audience that there is no sticker on the lighter, like a real fakir, we shake the object in the air and first show the side of the lighter where it really is not. Then we quickly turn the lighter over so that the viewer does not have time to notice the side of the lighter with the sticker, and again show the side without the sticker.

It appears that the sticker is missing from both sides of the item.

We repeat the same trick with reverse side, where there is a sticker and we “convince” the viewer that this lighter with stickers is on both sides.

We perform the same movements with the hand with the lighter when we perform horizontal movements with our palms.

In general, it does not matter which way you move your hands, it is important to quickly turn the object over and show the audience the correct side.

In order not to one day “get into the paint” and fail the trick, remember Golden Rule magician: practice and surprise people and don't surprise them without practicing.

Watch the video to see Zippo tricks. On this moment I don't have a camera with a high enough frame rate to shoot video in a decent format. At 30 FPS (on camera), this is impossible since most of the tricks happen in a couple of frames.

Once you've mastered them, you can move on to the second set of Zippo tricks

Trick 1: Snap your fingers

It's a simple trick, and when done quickly and smoothly, it looks very smooth, but is actually quite difficult to understand what's going on...

All you have to do is simply click your finger next to your lighter and it will light up... hmm, unusual way do it.

The secret to this easy Zippo trick is simple - click your fingers on the silicon wheel, usually your middle finger clicks, when you click, your finger will turn the wheel and it will light up.

The whole point here is to simply have a well thought out script. People don't expect someone to light their lighter with the snap of their finger...

So first:

Middle finger to the silicon wheel
- Quick finger snap with wheel scrolling
- Delight and free drinks

Trick 2: Cap

This is perhaps the most famous and basic trick with Zippo, it's not complicated, but it's quite elegant and mesmerizing, and it produces a very pleasant sound when played.

The idea is that instead of closing it with your other hand, you snap it shut by making a sharp movement of your wrist to the right (if you are right-handed, if you are left-handed, then to the left accordingly) you will slam the lighter shut.

Another variation of this trick is to simply hold the lighter with the silicon wheel facing up and make a sharp downward movement with your hand.

Trick 3: Opener

If something can be closed elegantly, it can be opened just as elegantly. The next trick is a little more difficult and requires some practice. The basics are to hold the lighter between your index, middle and thumb fingers and move them around a bit so that the lighter is open and pinched on the sides by your fingers.

The silicon wheel should point towards the hand in which the lighter is located: if it is in right hand, it should point to the right and vice versa.

Try squeezing gradually to feel when the Zippo lighter begins to open.

Trick 4: Slice

This Zippo trick is very easy and just requires a little practice to spin the wheel as your hand moves back.

Hold the lighter so that it opens in the opposite direction from you.

Quickly move your hand along the top of the lid to open it, then again make a sharp movement of your hand in your direction to turn the wheel and the lighter will light.

The slice is another very easy trick, it requires only a little skill, but those who want to do it will try to do it for half an hour, usually hitting the wheel, and spinning it in both directions.

Trick 5: Black Magic

This trick is best suited for people who are easily surprised and impressed, not to mention that this surprise is easy to master in a day.

The first step for this is setup. You need to make a small arch on the wick, like in the photo.

Now try to put out the flame: fold a large one and forefinger, then simply and most importantly quickly move them over the fire, the flame should disappear, then, as if snapping your fingers, hit the flint wheel and light the lighter again.

Trick 6: Bottle trick

There's another good Zippo trick to surprise your friend: put the bottle (empty) on a lighter on the table and ask him to take the lighter out without touching or knocking the bottle.

This is easy to do by simply knocking the lighter out from under the bottle with your finger, but for us this is not cool enough...

Instead of just knocking the lighter out from under the bottle, we prepare to snap our fingers, put our middle finger on the lighter, tense our hand and quickly click, the lighter will pop out from under the bottle, the bottle will fall on the table, wobble a little and stand up.

The best surface for this trick is a steel or polished surface; others tend to slow down the movement of the lighter.

Want to learn more tricks, the following instructions are right here!

Based on materials from www.instructables.com

A lighter, at least for ordinary person is solely part of the image. You just want to twirl it in your palm, throw it from hand to hand, throw it on the table or flick the fire. But that's not all. Some people start throwing it up, trying to light it right in the air. It was precisely such unremarkable entertainment that became a real hobby, and then a separate form of art. We are talking about zippo tricks - unusual striking of lighters, attempts to separate the flame from the body, as well as other tricks.

In this article we will look at interesting tricks with lighters, as well as unusual tricks that can be done with them.

For training, in addition to regular ones, you will need lighters from the CRIKET and Zippo brands. The Zippo lighter should run on gasoline, and the CRIKET lighter should run on gas. In addition, for performances you need to acquire an ordinary candle.

Before you start learning complex tricks, you need to learn the lessons of ordinary movements: opening the lid from the hinge side, striking the wheel with any finger. Once you have mastered these techniques and you are doing them non-stop in a short time, you can begin to study the tricks themselves.

Fire Swing

To do this trick with a lighter Zippo brands, you need to insert a piece of wick into the slot near the latch. Next, wet it with a small amount of gasoline. Light the flame. Simultaneously with the main pressure of the flame, fire should appear on the wick.

Important! When inserting the wick into the slot of the retainer, the main thing is not to overdo it with the length. If you push too much wick into the slit, it will simply burn and your performance will be ruined.

This fire is visible only to you, since the body of the lighter covers it from the view of spectators, and it is not that big in size. When you close its lid, the fire on the wick will not go out. Now all that remains is to open the lid again and wave your hand over it. And show the audience the flame that appears. It will appear to the public that you have lit the flame with just one movement of your hand, without even touching the lighter itself.

Jumping Flame

The next trick must be done with a CRIKET gas lighter. First, it must be prepared for presentation. To do this, you need to solder a small copper tube to the base, and then put a plastic hose on it. The end of the hose must be placed on the outlet valve of the second lighter, which is attached to the CRIKET lighter upside down. To increase the power of the flame when performing a trick, you need to pull out the white tube from the lighter through which the gas flows. After this, the lighter needs to be assembled, filled with gas, and placed with it to the left of the audience.

Place the lighter in your left hand. Copper tube you need to direct it away from yourself and the audience. Ask someone from the audience to blow on the flame. When the viewer complies with your request, discreetly squeeze the valve of the upside down lighter. You should press it smoothly, otherwise the sharp flow will knock out the flame without even allowing it to flare up. At this moment, the audience will see how the flame spread from one part of the lighter to another, and only you know the secret of this unusual teleportation.

You can perform tricks with a Zippo gasoline lighter anywhere, as there is virtually no fire hazard. For greater safety, ask spectators to move some distance away from you. This will provide additional security and will also further conceal your movements from public view.